Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Educational and methodological material on literature (grade 10) on the topic: Types of written work in literature lessons. H

The main types of oral and written works in literature (grades 5-9). 1. Expressive reading artistic text; 2. Various types of retelling; 3. Answers to questions revealing knowledge and understanding of the text of the work; 4. Learning by heart poetic and prose texts; 5. Analysis and interpretation of the work; 6. Drawing up plans; 7. Writing essays on literary works; 8. Purposeful search for information and the ability to work with it.

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Literature Projects

"Lesson of literary reading grade 2" - A.S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”, G.A. Skrebitsky "Autumn". Theme "Works about native nature". Korchilava Yana. IV. Material means of education: Printed aids: ? portraits of A.S. Pushkin, G.A. Skrebitsky; Interview after the initial hearing. V. Physical minute. III.

"Open Reading Lesson" - What do you do with the time you used to devote to reading? Currently works fiction reads only 40% of 14-year-old citizens of Russia. Golden calf. Now - 65th place. Until the 80s of the twentieth century, Russia ranked first in terms of the quality of education. 100 best books.

"Literary excursions" - Acquaintance with the life and work of the writer begins for students in the school museum. 3 step. 1 step. 2 step.

"Mainashevsky readings" - Kokova V.I., teacher of the MOU "Arshanovskaya secondary school", Altai region. Promote expansion of practice research activities on the work of V. Mainashev of the scientific and pedagogical community. Speeches at the plenary part: Mamysheva N.A., head of the educational and methodological office of KhRIPKiPRO. Greetings to the participants of Mainashevsky readings with songs, poems and dances.

"Project Method in Literature" - Product. The method of projects as a lesson in checking and accounting for knowledge and skills. Presentation. This lesson includes techniques and methods various forms learning. Portfolio. What gives the application of such lessons? Everyone should be active and contribute to the common cause. Project Personality activity. Command methodology.

"Extracurricular reading" - 9. More than 70 works have been published on these topics. Fairy tale poetry by S. Kozlov. Grandpa. Linguistic tale J. Moritz. Ivanovich cat. The hippos have arrived. 4. Stories about K. Dragunskaya's childhood 13. 4. "Workbooks for extracurricular reading" as a genre of teaching aid. Story by O. Preusler. Section 1. “We all come from childhood...” I. Pivovarova.

In total there are 5 presentations in the topic





cool essays

home compositions

1 - 1.5 pages

1,5-2 page 1

2 - 2.5 pages

2.5 - 3 pages

3-4 pages 1

4-5 pages

5-7 pages

Reducing / increasing the volume of the essay does not affect the assessment.

Terms of checking essays by the teacher

Grade 5-8 - 1 week Grade 9-11 - 10 days

The procedure for maintaining notebooks in literature

In 5th grade workbook in literature is conducted / not conducted at the discretion of the teacher. Notebook for essays on literature is required. Starting from grade 6, 2 notebooks in literature are required:

  • essay notebook.

Checking workbooks in literature is carried out by a teacher in grades 6-9 at least 2 times a month, and in grades 10-11 at least 1 time per month

Norms of reading technique

100-110 wpm 110-120 wpm 120-130 wpm

Students are required meaningful, expressive reading. In the 5th grade, if necessary, the reading technique is checked once a month. In the 6th grade - 1 time per quarter. Starting from the 7th grade - sporadically, selectively with individual students. The entire class is tested once a year.

    At the very beginning of the test, children should be explained why such a number of words is the norm.

This requires an example of a well-read student. When counting the words he read per minute, it turns out that this is a good reading that everyone liked and is the norm. (Meaningful, expressive reading is about 110 - 130 words per minute.)

    It is advisable not to call the children to the teacher's table, let the guys read from their seats - this will remove emotional stress student.

    For reading, it is better to choose a fascinating text (fairy tale, fantasy), which has not yet been studied in the classroom.

    The teacher himself marks the time and makes marks in his book.

    With good discipline in the classroom, the guys can read the text "in a chain."

    In case of poor discipline, it is better to call students "in a scatter".

    You can time a little more than a minute to allow the child to calm down and pick up the pace.

    At home, the teacher counts the results of each student and announces them at the next lesson.

    All words are counted, including conjunctions and prepositions.

.!! With systematic training, the reading technique grows very quickly => the teacher can and should demand intensive lessons from parents with children.

Types of written work of students


    book review

    written response to a question

    hero character plan

    summary of the original source

    abstracts (grades 8-11) with elements of independent text analysis

    reports, messages

Essay evaluation

The teacher notes the following types errors:

    actual (in the margins F)

    logical (JI)

    speech (P)

    spelling (I - wand)

    punctuation (V - tick)

    grammar (G)

Based on the total number of factual, logical and speech errors, the first mark is given for the content of the essay.

Based on the combination of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors - the second mark for literacy.

Sometimes factual and logical errors are not distinguished and are combined as content errors, denoted by the letter "C" in the margin.

Below, under the essay, the teacher takes out the number of errors in the following order:

(2-1-4) (3-4-2)


Spelling - Punctuation - Grammar

The final score in this case will be

To actual errors include the following:

    deviation from the literary source;

I errors in dates, names of historical events;

    violation of the truth of life, etc.

To logical errors include the following:

    violation of a clear order of thoughts;

    internal lack of a plan;

    inappropriate and obsessive repetition of the same thought;

    non-selection of a paragraph (in place of the desired paragraph, the teacher puts a Z sign);

    extra paragraph (Z sign is put and crossed out): I inept transition from one thought to another, etc.

Speech errors (defects) and their varieties

Varieties of speech errors

1. The use of a word in an unusual sense

11 "To be literate, you need to have a lot of jargon of words"

2. Violation of the lexical compatibility of words

2. "Brown eyes" "Cheap prices"

3. Use of extra words

3. "Feathered Birds" "Young Girl" "Patriot of the Motherland"

4. The use of words near or close to the same root

4. “The story “Mumu” ​​tells”

5. Repeating the same word

5. “Recently I read a book .. this book is called ..., in this book ...”

6. The use of a word of a different stylistic coloring

6. "The mayor sucks up to the Inspector"

7. Unsuccessful use of an expressively colored remedy

7. "The hero - the Young Guard Oleg Koshevoy had friends: Ivan Zemnukhov and Sergey Tyulenin"

8. Unjustified use of dialect words

8. “We planted cabbage, carrots, beetroots”

9. Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras

9. “The heroes were wearing chain mail, trousers and mittens”

10. Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions

10. “The man was wearing a padded jacket, the padded jacket was roughly darned, the boots were almost new, the socks were eaten by moths”

Orally: correct, fluent and expressive reading aloud artistic and educational texts including reading by heart.

Oral retelling - detailed, selective, concise (or short), from another person, artistic (using artistic features text) - a small passage, a chapter of a story, a story, a fairy tale.

A detailed answer to a question, a story about a literary hero, a characterization of the hero (including group, comparative).

Review of a self-read work, acting reading, watched film, TV show, performance, illustration.

Preparation of a message, report, essay, interview on literary theme, dialogue of literary heroes (imaginary, based on what they read). Creating your own text (epics, fairy tales, proverbs, songs, ditties, stories, tales, skits, fables, teachings, etc.).

Fluency in monologue and dialogical speech in the volume of works studied in these classes (during conversations, interviews, messages, reports, etc.).

Use of dictionaries (spelling, orthoepic, literary, encyclopedic, mythological, name dictionaries, etc.), catalogues.

in writing: a written detailed and accurate answer to a question in connection with the studied work of art, a miniature essay, an essay on a literary and free topic of a small volume in accordance with reading and studying literature in grades 5-9.

Creation of a written story-characteristic of one of the heroes or a group of heroes (group characteristic), two heroes (comparative characteristic).

Creation of a small written review of a book, painting, artistic reading, film, play.

Creation of a written plan (simple and complex) for a future essay, report.

Creation of an original work (teachings, fairy tales, epics, ditties, stories, poems).

Fluency in written speech in the volume of the literature course studied by schoolchildren in grades 5-9.

The main types of oral and written works in literature. 10 - 11 cells.

Oral retelling of all kinds - detailed, selective, short, from another person, artistic (with maximum use of the artistic features of the text under study) - a chapter, several chapters of a story, a novel, a prose poem, a play, a critical article, etc.

Preparation of characteristics of the hero or heroes (individual, group, comparative) of large works of art studied under the program of senior classes.

A story, a message, a reflection on the skill of the writer, the stylistic features of his works, an analysis of a passage, a whole work, an oral commentary on what was read.

A review of a large-scale self-read work, a writer’s work, a watched film or films by one director, a performance or an actor’s work, an exhibition of paintings or a work by one artist, actor’s reading, illustrations, etc.

Preparation of a message, report, lecture on literary and free topics related to the studied works of art.

Fluency in monologue and dialogic speech in the volume of works studied in these classes (in the process of monologue, dialogue, conversation, interview, report, message, educational lecture, reference literary evening, competition, etc.).

Using dictionaries various types(spelling, orthoepic, encyclopedic, mythological, etc.), catalogs of school, district and city libraries.

in writing: drawing up written plans, abstracts, abstracts, annotations for a book, film, performance.

Creation of essays of a problematic nature, reasoning, all types of characteristics of the heroes of the studied works.

Creation of original works (story, poem, epics, ballads, ditties, sayings, essays, essays - to choose from).

Creation of a written report, lectures for future speaking aloud.

Creation of a written review of a read book, oral report, speech, film, performance, work of an illustrator.

Sample list works of art for learning by heart.

Approximately 10-12 poems or prose passages should be memorized during each academic year.

Their choice is made by the teacher together with the students.

Fifth grade.

Proverbs, sayings, riddles.

V.A. Zhukovsky. Sleeping princess (excerpt).

I.A. Krylov. Pig under the Oak and other fables (optional).

A.S. Pushkin. "At the seashore ...".

N.A. Nekrasov. "There are women in Russian villages ...".

F.I. Tyutchev. spring waters, A.A. Fet. Spring rain.

M.Yu.Lermontov. Borodino.

On the topic "The Great Patriotic War": 2 - 3 poems at the choice of students (A.T. Tvardovsky, K.M. Simonov, etc.). From the section "About the motherland and native nature" (2 - 3 poems).

Sixth grade.

A.S. Pushkin. Prisoner. I.I. Pushchin. Winter morning. Cloud (optional).

M.Yu.Lermontov. Clouds. Leaflet. "In the wild north..." Cliff. Three palm trees (optional).

N.V. Gogol. The night before Christmas (first paragraph, before the words: "If only at this time...").

N.A. Nekrasov. Railway.

F.I. Tyutchev. “Reluctantly and timidly…”, A.A. Fet. “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve ...”, E.A. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring! how clean the air is!..”, A.A. Blok. Summer evening, A.A. Akhmatova. “Before spring there are days like this…” and others (optional).

On the topic "The Great Patriotic War": 2 - 3 poems for students to choose from (K. Simonov, N. Rylenkov, S. Orlov, D. Samoilov).

Seventh grade.

Epics: Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich, Sadko (an excerpt of your choice).

Proverbs and sayings (optional).

M.V. Lomonosov. Ode to Ascension Day All-Russian throne Her Majesty Empress Empress Elisaveta Petrovna 1747 (excerpt).

A.S. Pushkin. The Bronze Horseman (excerpt). Song of prophetic Oleg. Boris Godunov (excerpt at the choice of students).

M.Yu.Lermontov. A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and daring merchant Kalashnikov. Prayer. "When the yellowing field is agitated ...". Angel (at the choice of students).

N.V. Gogol. Taras Bulba (speech about partnership).

I.S. Turgenev. Russian language.

N.A. Nekrasov. Russian women (excerpt at the choice of students).

V.A. Zhukovsky. The arrival of spring, A.K. Tolstoy. “You are my land, my dear land…” or Blagovest, I.A. Bunin. Motherland (optional).

V.V.Mayakovsky. An unusual adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha. Good relationship to horses (optional).

On the topic "The Great Patriotic War": 2 - 3 poems of the choice of students (K.M. Simonov. "Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region ...", E.A. Vinokurov. Muscovites).

S.A. Yesenin. "Swamps and swamps ...", N.A. Zabolotsky. “I was brought up by harsh nature…”, N.M.Rubtsov. “My quiet homeland ...” (optional).

Eighth grade.

historical songs. Yermak is preparing to march on Siberia. Pugachev in the dungeon (optional).

A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter (excerpt).

M.Yu.Lermontov. Mtsyri (excerpt at the choice of students).

N.V. Gogol. Inspector (monologue of one of the characters to choose from).

L.N. Tolstoy. After the ball (an excerpt of your choice).

A.T. Tvardovsky. Vasily Terkin (excerpt to choose from).

Ninth grade.

A word about Igor's regiment (Introduction or "Lament of Yaroslavna").

M.V. Lomonosov. Evening meditation on the majesty of God in the event of the great northern lights (excerpt of students' choice).

G.R.Derzhavin. rulers and judges. Monument (optional).

N.M. Karamzin. Autumn.

A.S. Pushkin. Burnt letter. "Keep me, my talisman ...". Anchar. Poet. Confession. Kiprensky. Flower. Madona. Prophet. "I loved you…". "In the hills of Georgia...". To Chaadaev (1918). "I remember wonderful moment... ". “I erected a monument to myself…”.

Eugene Onegin (excerpt at the choice of students). Tatiana's letter. Onegin's letter.

M.Yu.Lermontov. Death of poet. Beggar. January 1831st. Motherland. Prophet. Prediction. Prayer (at the choice of students).

F.I. Tyutchev. Summer evening. Cicero. "We can't predict..." "She was sitting on the floor..." “There is in the original autumn ...” (optional).

A.A. Fet. "At dawn, don't wake her up..." “I came to you with greetings ...”, “What a night! ..”. "This morning, this joy..." "I won't tell you anything..." “What sadness! The end of the alley ... ”(optional).

N.A. Nekrasov. "You are always good incomparably ...". "I don't like your irony..." "You and I are stupid people ...". To whom in Russia to live well (an excerpt at the choice of students).

A.A. Blok. "The wind brought from afar ...". “Gone. But the hyacinths were waiting…”. At the restaurant. "About valor, about exploits, about glory ...". Yambs (optional).

S.A. Yesenin. "You are my abandoned land ...". "Wake me up early tomorrow..." "The golden grove dissuaded ...". Letter to a woman. "Shagane you are mine, Shagane ...". "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...". “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ...” (poems at the choice of students).

V.V.Mayakovsky. Could you? Nate! Listen! I love (excerpt). Prosessed (optional).

M.I. Tsvetaeva. "Come, you look like me ...". Grandma. “I like that you are not sick with me…”. Poems about Moscow. Poems for Blok. From the cycles "Akhmatova", "Motherland" (poems at the choice of students).

N.A. Zabolotsky. “I am not looking for harmony in nature…”. "About beauty human faces. Juniper bush. Testament (at the choice of students).

A.A. Akhmatova. Grey-eyed king. Prayer. "I had a voice..." “I am not with those who abandoned the earth…”. "What are you wandering restless ...". Muse. “And the stone word fell ...” (optional).

A.T. Tvardovsky. Spring lines. "Earth! From the moisture of the snow ... ”(Country Ant). “I was killed near Rzhev ...” (excerpt).

Tenth grade.

A.S. Pushkin. 3 - 4 poems (at the choice of students).

M.Yu.Lermontov. 2 - 3 poems (at the choice of students).

A.N. Ostrovsky. Thunderstorm (monologue at the choice of students).

I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and sons (excerpts at the choice of students).

N.A. Nekrasov. "I'll die soon..." "I'm unknown..." To whom in Russia to live well (excerpts at the choice of students).

L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace (an excerpt of students' choice).

A.K. Tolstoy. "In the midst of a noisy ball ...". “If you love, then without reason ...” (optional).

F.I. Tyutchev. "Oh, how deadly we love..." "These poor villages..." "You can't understand Russia with the mind..." “What did you pray with love ...” (optional).

A.A. Fet. Good and evil. "Life flashed by without a clear trace ...". Ball. Singer. Flowers. “The bright sun in the forest is blazing ...” (optional).

Eleventh grade.

I.A. Bunin. "The day will come - I will disappear ...". Dog. Word. Evening. And others (at the choice of students).

V.Ya.Bryusov. "I love…". Phaeton. “Years go by, but with the same passion…” and others (at the choice of students).

N.S. Gumilyov. "From the lair of the serpent ...". Captains. Ring. And others (at the choice of students).

M.I. Tsvetaeva. Grandma. And others (optional).

A.A. Blok. Stranger. "Paths secret, night ...", etc. (optional).

S.A. Yesenin. “The scarlet light of dawn wove out on the lake ...”. Russia. “We are now leaving little by little…”. Be a poet. And others (optional). Anna Snegina (excerpt).

V.V.Mayakovsky. Oh rubbish. And others (optional). A cloud in pants. About it (excerpts to choose from).

M.A. Bulgakov. Days of the Turbins. The Master and Margarita (excerpts to choose from).

N.A. Zabolotsky. Poems at the choice of students.

A.T. Tvardovsky. Word about words. Morning. About Motherland. At the bottom of my life. "The path is rough..." "I know it's not my fault..." Moscow morning (optional). Terkin in the other world. By the right of memory (excerpts to choose from).

B.L. Pasternak. Definition of poetry. Definition of creativity (2 poems to choose from).

Planning the work of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the Russian language and literature at school.

the main task methodological work of teachers of the Russian language and literature - to improve the pedagogical skills of the teacher.

Work methodical association conducted in the following areas:

Improvement of pedagogical skills and common culture teachers. Study, generalization and introduction into practice of the best pedagogical experience, new technologies.

· Studying the ideas and principles of new programs and teaching materials in the Russian language.

· Analysis of knowledge quality. Knowledge control.

· Forms and methods of the teacher's work on the formation of students' creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

Organization extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities in the subject.

planning methodical work at school, you need to keep in mind that this is not only (and not even so much!) Meetings of the subject commission, but, above all, current, everyday work, which also needs to be planned.

The work plan of the methodological association should have the following sections:

I. Professional development of teachers:

Who is studying where - courses, attending lectures and consultations;

self-education (what topic the teacher is working on, what should be the practical solution: a report at a meeting of the methodological association, development of the topic, creation of a manual for the classroom, etc.), category;

[For self-education, the teacher can choose a topic of a linguistic, literary or methodological nature. The results of this work, depending on the preparedness of the teacher, are drawn up either in the form of an abstract, or in the form self-development some literary, linguistic or methodological problem. On the topic of self-education, the teacher reports to the methodological association]

· Mutual information: a report on the most interesting lectures, conferences attended by the teacher, a review of novelties in methodological literature, magazines, computer technology.

· study of methodical writing"Unified requirements for oral and written speech", a plan for its implementation.

II. Collaboration with administration.

· Load distribution. It is desirable that it takes place in the first quarter, and not in May, as is usually the case. Then continuity in teaching will be much better observed, since teachers will be able to thoroughly get acquainted with the system of work of their predecessors, get a clear idea of ​​the level of knowledge of students and make the necessary adjustments to each other's work.

The work of methodical association in each academic year begins with a detailed review of the results of exams and the work of language specialists in the past academic year. Based on the real needs of the educational institution, the main theme of the work of the method of association is determined. Work on it can be calculated for a year or for several years. Having chosen the main topic, it is very important to determine the role of each linguist in solving it. So, for example, having chosen individual work with students as the main topic, members of the MO distribute among themselves its particular aspects: “Working with strong students in the lessons of dictation analysis”, “The system of individual tasks in the learning process” captain's daughter”, “Working on individual mistakes of students when studying vocabulary in the 5th grade”, etc. You should not get carried away with theoretical reports, since every teacher should read a minimum of literature on the main topic of the MO work.


Application No. 1. Speech culture of the teacher

culture speech behavior- a manifestation of the general culture of man. The true height of the culture of speech is the ability to motivately use the means of language for the purposes of communication and transmission of information in specific conditions.

AT oral speech the teacher uses the whole arsenal means of expression:

chooses the appropriate tone for the personality-oriented learning model - calm, friendly, interested;

· uses depending on the age of the trainees, the stage of training, the complexity of the material being studied, etc. speech rate;

selects the appropriate voice strength for the situation;

Uses the right intonation, observes pauses, logical stresses(highlights the most significant words in terms of meaning);

Follows the corresponding task of the lesson facial expressions, gestures.

Speech (communicative) culture also implies:

the ability to listen to the interlocutor (student) without interrupting him;

Attentive and friendly attitude to the statements of schoolchildren;

tactful management of the discussion that arose in the lesson;

promptly-delicate reaction to students' mistakes in oral speech;

Accurate word usage, including terms.

The culture of speech also implies (or above all) its correctness, compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language. Persistent errors that violate the correctness of speech indicate a low speech culture, the language teacher should not have them. To make it easier for an expert to navigate, here is a list of words and constructions in which errors are often made, usually caused by dialect influence.

Errors in stress, pronunciation of words:

August Agency (teaching council) Alphabet, alphabetically Pamper, pamper Was, was not (in class) Decade [d'e] Hyphen [d'e] Dialogue Dispensary [se] Document Board, on the board (hang) Leisure Busy (he) , busy (she) Calling Catalog Quarter Kilometer, kilometers Context [tʻe] Of course [sn] Selfishness, selfish Coffee [fʻe] More beautiful Medications A glimpse Museum [be] Intention Began, began Began (lesson) Hatred Provision Facilitate, facilitate Parterre [te] Repeat, repeat (word) Repeated (rule) Repeated (spelling) Understood , understood P osc Benefit Reward, rewarded Percentage Developed (child) Developed (flair) Belt Loose How many, how many Boring [sn] On Wednesdays (meetings) Means Joiner, joiner (I will) Form Term [t`e] Deepen Ukrainian Porcelain Flyleaf Petition of Hosts Overcoat [n`e] Chauffeur, chauffeurs Sorrel Expert Language (personality) Language (sausage) Linguistic (phenomenon)

Typical grammatical errors.

In the formation of word forms:

Can't remember the name (not name); what time (not time); no tomatoes, no apples, no stockings, no socks, no soldiers (no tomato, apples, stockings, sock, soldiers); say more precisely or say more precisely (not more precisely); oldest or oldest (not the oldest); about one hundred and fifty eight one hundred fifty eight); more than eight hundred sixty seven (not more than eight hundred and sixty seven); on both desks, pages (not both); this applies to both boys (not both); do not ride on the railings (do not drive); go - go home (not go); put your hands on the desk (not lodges); put the book on the table lodges); their conversation (not theirs); instead (not his) and etc.

In violation of the norms of coordination or management:

Repeated that (not About); explained the rule about the rule); point out shortcomings about shortcomings); confirm readiness (not about readiness); came from school (not from school); returned from Kyiv (not from Kyiv); self-confidence (not into yourself); misses you (not by you); according to note (not notes); upon arrival in the city on arrival); at the end of work (not at the end); was my birthday (not my); strong coffee (not strong); borrow (i.e. borrow something from someone (not borrow me in the meaning of "to lend"), etc.

In violation of the rules for constructing proposals:

When the lesson is over, I will face the question of the matinee; or: Having finished the lesson, I will think about the matinee (not After finishing the lesson, I will face the question of the matinee) and etc.

In violation of lexical norms:

ü violation of the norms of lexical compatibility: play a role (not meaning); matter (not role - in a figurative sense), etc.,

Use of superfluous words (pleonasm): "my autobiography" instead of "my biography"; " open vacancy" instead of "free (work) place"; " memento" instead of "commemorative gift"; " future perspective" instead of "perspective", etc.,

obsessive use of words like: for example, so to speak, in short, in short, in general, so, so, well, well and etc.

Appendix 2 . Vocabulary and orthographic minimum of terms for students in grades 7 - 9

LITERATURE AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGE: paragraph, alphabet, almanac, analysis, analogy, abstract, anonymous, argument, library, biography, hero, bulletin, variant, hyperbole, humanism, humane, motto, declaration, hyphen, dialect, dialogue, diction, discussion , playwright, jargon, ideal, idyll, idiom, hieroglyph, illustration, imitation, improvisation, inversion, initial, dramatization, intelligence, interval, intonation, quotation mark, pun, catalogue, comedy, commentary, context, eloquence, climax, legend, organism , popular, character.

HISTORY: absolute, avant-garde, autonomy, agent, agrarian, aggressor, administration, anarchy, antagonism, appeal, aristocracy, assembly, atheist, swindle, adventure, barricade, Bolshevik, budget, currency, hegemony, state, declaration, decree, democracy, demonstration, despotism, dictatorship, architect, ideology, illusion, imperialist, intervention, international, information, bondage, casemate, campaign (campaign, activity), shackles, eve, penal servitude, coalition, code, conspiracy, congress, legal, leader, loyal , manifesto, patriot, worldview, periphery, province.

PHYSICS: automation, acoustics, antenna, atmosphere, ballast, vacuum, hermetic, hydraulic, probe, inertia, intensive, cybernetics, magnetism, etc.

Appendix 3 Control card for a teacher of the Russian language.

1. Topic, class, number of hours.

2. What do students know about this topic from previous classes?

3. What should you know?

4. What should be able to?

5. Calendar plan.

6. Forms of control.

For example: Adjective name (5th grade, 22 hours) (s.p. + 5 hours)

Know from previous classes (from the program elementary school): the meaning of the adjective, questions; adjective change by gender, number, case; spelling unstressed endings adjectives (except for adjectives with a sizzling stem and "c").

Must know:

ranks of adjectives

degree of comparisons;

· "not" with adjectives;

Spelling of vowels and consonants in the suffixes -an-, -yan-, -enn-, -onn-, -n- in words with a base on –n;

spelling of complex adjectives;

Spelling "O", "E" after hissing.

Should be able to:

Analyze the adjective as a part of speech;

Distinguish adjectives from other parts of speech;

form degrees of comparison of adjectives;

Distinguish the meaning of suffixes;

Use in speech adjectives in a figurative sense.

Appendix 4 Typology of speech and grammatical errors

The current “Standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language” indicate that with the help of essays and presentations, “... 2) the ability to use language means in accordance with the style, theme and task of the statement is checked; 3) observance of language norms and spelling rules”. Therefore, checking creative work accompanied by underlining and placing on the margins with the signs "R" and "G" (as well as some others) speech errors and shortcomings, grammatical errors.

Grammar the correctness of speech is evaluated according to special criteria . The correctness of speech is the observance of the basic grammatical norms in it, formulated in the form of grammar rules (in morphology - the norms of declension and conjugation of parts of speech; in syntax - the norms of agreement, control of words, construction of a sentence of a particular structure ...).

Violation of grammatical norms leads to grammatical errors (i.e. deviations from word-formation, morphological, syntactic norms). Grammar errors can be seen and heard. Among the most common of them are the following:



erroneous formation of words:

He showed nobility ness(nobility). My son is such a fidget to a (fidget). He had once thoughtful (thoughtful) look. Stump flinched(became rotten). You are just crying un(crybaby). I'll go behind place (instead of) you. Dala by d cheek (slap).


errors in cases of nouns, numerals (formation of word forms);

There are no empty seats left in the hall ov(places). Harnessed two bear (two). I don't have free time(time).

Errors in the formation of the number form;

village s(village), doctor s(the doctors)

errors in the use of indeclinable nouns in the form indirect cases;

The boy was in winter coat(coat).

errors in the use of words in a different kind;

dog loud barked(barked). Ate a pie with jam(jam).

errors in the formation of degrees of comparison of the adjective;

The evening was more interesting(more interesting or more interesting). Growing up near our house the highest(highest or tallest) oak tree in the area.

errors in the formation of pronouns;

theirs(them), egonic(his), her(her), sat around him(beside him).

Mistakes in the formation of verb forms, participles and participles;

lays down(puts down) become(put) go(go, go) lie down(lie down) rides(drives) rushes about(thrashing about) researched(explored), waiting(waiting).




Young people are called underage, bad educated parents (ill-bred parents). With faces living(living) in foreign territory. Boy - round(round) orphan.

Errors in management

Done according to plan(plan), thirst to glory(glory), came co(from) school, pay behind travel (no preposition), dream to(about) freedom, we present About(that), it indicates then(to) that ... we will remember (him) and be proud them, according to schedules(schedule), at the end(at the end of) school, one must proceed from(of) these decisions….

Author of the Word sympathizes and glorifies Igor (sympathizes with him and glorifies him - the use of one form of control after two verbs with different controls). The son decided to become a doctor in defiance desires(desire). The father understands the son and rejoices for his success(his success). All these complaints, as it turned out during the check, on nothing(nothing) substantiated. Prometheus dedicated his life in the fight(no preposition) with a tyrant.


Violation of agreement between the predicate and the subject;

Pain subsided(calmed down). triumph of happiness overwhelmed(swallowed) him. The youth, people gathered. Part of the trees old(old). Newspaper "AiF" increased its circulation (consistent with the subject, not with the application). Ivanova - good(good) doctor. Watch - bracelet lay(lying) on ​​the windowsill. twenty one students accepted(took) part in the expedition. Recently built(built) and these seven houses. Open(open) all five windows. Most of the bureaucrats dishonest(dishonest).

Errors in the construction of sentences with dee participle turnovers;

Driving up to the stationmy hat fell off. Passing the bath the steam enveloped us in thick clouds. Proletev several thousand kilometers, rocket was flooded in pacific ocean. (Two subjects of action). Having passed first steps, my heart starts beating.(Two subjects of action and mismatch of the form of the verb and gerunds).

errors in the construction of sentences with participial phrases;

Nekrasov depicted the life of the peasants, the road from St. Petersburg to Moscow built(built). The mountain range stretches from east to west, composed of many ridges(place of turnover).

errors in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members;

This book taught me honesty, courage and respect for your friends(respect).

wanted to show the meaning of sport and why I love it(and the reasons for my love for him). Speakers as artists, as well as and children (double union both .. and ...).

The hero was tall and thin(tall and thin, or tall and thin). He loves read a book and clean(reading books and cleanliness, or reading books and cleanliness).

building errors complex sentences;

Dogwalked with aunt Valya, who was wearing a muzzle(on whom?). I envy those which fishing (who?).

Mixing direct and indirect speech;

Prince Igor said that " want(wants) to put his head down or get drunk with a helmet from the Don.

pass necessary words;

Vlad somehow nailed the board and ran(play) volleyball.

violation of the boundaries of the proposal;

The hunter put down his gun and tied the dog. And went to the beast. We didn't go on the tour. Because it snowed heavily.

The grammatical correctness of speech, just like spelling and punctuation literacy, affects the logic, expressiveness and accuracy of thought, the content of the statement.

When evaluating written works of a creative nature, in addition to literacy, it is also taken into account speech registration. Speech errors and shortcomings, together with inaccuracies in the content, are taken into account when deriving the first (upper) mark. Grammatical errors, along with spelling and punctuation, - when deriving the second (lower).

Accurate, rich, expressive language is one of the main indicators of the quality of presentations and essays. The accuracy of speech depends on the student's ability to select the words and expressions that are most relevant to the content being conveyed.

To achieve the correctness (accuracy) of word usage, it is important to be able to choose from a number of synonyms one that is most suitable for this case, choose a word that is adequate to this concept.

Stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text is created by selection language tools in accordance with the task statements . Speech errors are allowed in word usage (semantic and stylistic) and in the structure of the text. Errors in word usage - stylistic flaws - are associated with a violation of the requirement of the communicative expediency of speech (that is, with the concept of good speech). Speech defect - a violation of good speech (estimated from the positions: worse - it is better ). A speech error is a violation of the correctness of speech. Although a speech error can also occur in a sentence, it is more often found in the context.

One of the frequently cited criteria for distinguishing errors: grammatical - it is impossible to say so, and speech - it is possible, but unsuccessfully, ugly, inaccurate.

When evaluating student work The following main speech errors and shortcomings are taken into account:

The use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it (mistake).

To be literate and with great jargon words, you need to read a lot. We saw in the Hermitage scarecrow Petra 1. Boy made feat. The food was running low and we had to open untouchables reserves ( paronyms).

Violation of lexical compatibility (defect).

Came young boy. blowing piercing winds. Brown eyes. I love bananas, Saturday and grandmother. surprised her eyes and modesty. Little wind. At first, Masha was considered filled with cowards.

The use of an extra word (pleonasm) (defect).

Arrived feathered birds. My autobiography. Wet rain. raced fast. Then they told me that it very rare rarity. Well, in the most extreme cases call the rescue service.

The use of near (or close) words with the same root (tautology) (defect).

AT story"Mu Mu" tells ... The image depicts ... A bunch of barriers block...

Repetition of the same word (oversight).

Heroes of the novel Fadeeva"Rout" portrayed by Fadeev without embellishment; Fadeev portrays not only their actions, but also inner world. Was autumn, It was cold. To provide security the city has taken unprecedented measures security.

The use of a word or expression style coloring(defect).

Trustee of charitable institutions suck up to the auditor. Alyosha as a result of beating spent the whole month in bed.

Unsuccessful use of an expressive, emotionally colored word (defect).

Yesenin was big slob.

Unsuccessful use of colloquial and dialectal words and expressions (defect).

At the school site, we sowed carrots and beetroot.

Mixing vocabulary of different historical eras(defect).

During strikes Pushkin was in Mikhailovsky. Khlestakov's low salary.

Unsuccessful use of personal and demonstrative pronouns(mistake).

I took the book out of my bag and put it in her on the table(book or bag? Nikitich was sitting on a horse, mane his fluttered (horse or Nikitich?).This time set such tasks (what?).

The use of words, their combinations and syntactic constructions that do not correspond to the stylistic characteristics of the text (stylistic errors).

Violation of the visual - temporal correlation verb forms(mistake). Some sources classify these errors as grammatical.

When spilled rivers, roads in the lowlands become impassable. When Pugachev went out from the hut and sat down into the carriage, Grinev looked after him for a long time. The student, writing presentation without a single mistake, will receive high rating. When the writer works, Yu-yu jumped up, sat down around the hand and watched behind the pen.

· Wrong word order.

There are many works that tell about the author's childhood, in world literature.

· Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions, stylistic inexpressiveness, clichés (defect).

Winter came. The trees are covered with snow like white caps. The nights have become longer and the days shorter. It became cold.

Appendix No. 5. Work plan of the regional methodological association of teachers of the Russian language and literature (from the experience of the work of the Tosnensky district).

Introduction Contents References Excerpt from the work

Written works on literature.

Chapter I
1.1. Types and functions of written works in literature
1.2. Different approaches to the classification of written works in literature

2.1. Features of compositions of various genres
2.2. Organization of work on an essay on literature
List of used literature

1. Belova A.V. Stages of work on an essay-reasoning on a literary theme (on the material of N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"). M., 1999.
2. Bogdanova O.Yu., Leonova S.A., Chertova V.F. Methods of teaching literature. Uch-to for stud. ped. universities / Ed. O.Yu. Bogdanova. M., 1999.
3. Bogdanova O.Yu., Ovchinnikova L.V., Romanicheva E.S. Literature exam: from graduation to introductory. M., 1997.
4. Bulokhov V.Ya. Pupils' writing competence: monograph. Krasnoyarsk, 2007.
5. Vorozheykina T.E. How to write good essay. Web: http:
6. Gorbunov A.V. A methodology for teaching essay-explanation and essay-argumentation based on a holistic approach. Abstract … cand. ped. Sciences. Ulan-Ude, 1999. 204 with.
7.Guts E.N., Leontieva O.A. Genre and compositional features USE essays as a subject of orthological research//Genres of speech. Saratov, 2011. S. 210-217.
8. Kolokoltsev N.V. On the basics of the content and system of classes for the development of students' speech in connection with the study of literature at school // Development of students' speech in literature lessons. M., 1980.
9. Ladyzhenskaya T.A. An essay on a literary theme as a speech work//Development of speech students IV-X classes in the process of studying literature at school. M., 1985. S. 102-103.
10. Leonov S.A. The development of students' speech in literature lessons. M., 1988.
11. Nikolaeva T.I. Teaching essays based on personal observations using local history material in the 8th grade. Abstract … cand. ped. Sciences. M., 1999.
12.Neshcheret N.V. A lesson in teaching essay based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Literature at school, 2009. No. 1. P.34.
13. Ozerov Yu.A. Exam essay on a literary theme. M., 1995.
14. The development of speech of students in grades IV-X in the process of teaching literature at school. M., 1985.
15. Rybnikova M.A. Essays on methodology literary reading. M., 1985

The subject of the research is written works on literature.
Theoretical significance this study lies in the fact that it summarizes scientific information about the specifics of the development of students' written speech in literature lessons and expands the understanding of the methods of organizing written work in literature lessons.
The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the study materials can be used in the practice of teaching literature.
The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.
The introduction defines the relevance of the goal, object, subject and objectives of the study, and also describes the structure of the course work.
In chapter I - "The specifics of written work in literature in the aspect of the development of students' written speech" are described in types of written works in literature, as well as different approaches to the classification of essays as the main type of written work in literature.
In chapter II - " Methodological foundations Teaching Schoolchildren Essays in Literature” presents a description of the features of essays of various genres, as well as the technology of teaching essays in literature.
In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized.
The list of references contains the works of leading experts in the designated field of science.
In conclusion, we draw the following conclusions.
There are various types of written works in literature: presentation, essay, review, abstract, abstract, essay, story. Most Interest among them are the types of written work that involve the development of students' creative abilities. The main type of written work in literature is traditionally considered an essay.
The technique offers various approaches to the classification of works in literature. According to various classifications, there are essays on literary topics (essays related to the course of literature) and essays based on personal impressions, life observations and experiences of students; essays-characteristics and writings literary-critical; there is a classification of works by genre principle. In general, the presented classifications of works on a literary theme are quite close to each other and differ only in names and some nuances. Genre classification of works in recent times is being revised. The traditional types of writing are description, narration, reasoning.

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Literature lessons use various forms of written and oral work. They can be divided into final tests, intermediate tests, creative works, etc. These are not only well-known essays, but also text analyzes, reports, abstracts, seminars and tests.
Recently a very popular view verification work testing has become, which in a form convenient for verification makes it possible to reveal knowledge of facts from the biography and work of writers, and knowledge of texts, and the ability to analyze. In addition, the test provides an opportunity to show intelligence and literary flair.
Testing can also be carried out as a final work on the entire material of the topic being studied, on two or more topics, as well as a small test work on some problem. Testing- is the choice of the correct answer from a number of proposed. This type of work has its positive and negative sides. On the positive side, it is possible to carry out work covering a wide range of problems in a relatively short time and quickly evaluate the results of this work. The negative side can be recognized that this work does not always objectively reflect the level of knowledge. A person with logical thinking can sometimes just calculate the answer. In addition, testing in no way affects the development of the student's speech. Painstaking work on the preparation of the test and the organization of its implementation falls on the shoulders of the teacher. But this type of work is certainly promising and arouses great interest among students.

Reviews and testimonials about the works read, which are quite often used in school practice, and recently at the final exams of eleventh graders, require additional explanation.
Students must understand that review and feedback is not an ordinary school essay-reasoning on a given topic, but a completely different type of work.
Firstly, the student quite often suggests the name of the review or review himself, and the further course of his work depends on this.
Secondly, it is necessary to understand how a review and a review differ from an essay-reasoning (the most common type in high school practice) and how they differ from each other.
The easiest way to explain the difference between these types of written work is to change the personality of the author (although everywhere it will be a student trying on different masks).
The author of the essay-reasoning is the student himself, revealing the problem posed by the teacher in the essay. Using the knowledge gained during the study of the work (biography of the author; creative way; text analysis carried out during the lessons; criticism), the student proves the thesis of the essay, as a rule, agreeing with the generally accepted point of view. Works of this type can be called testing, final, and not purely creative. They reveal students' knowledge on a given topic; knowledge of factual, textual and critical material; their ability to think logically, to separate the main from the secondary, to select facts, to express their thoughts in writing, confirming them with text. Purely creative moments in this kind of work are introductions and conclusions.

More creative are reasoning essays that deny, disagree with the main thesis, but this happens quite rarely.
The author of the review is a student who reincarnated as a literary critic, writer, editor. These persons can be contemporaries of the author, or they can be our contemporaries, and the review can be both positive and negative (all these conditions are additionally specified by the teacher). Sometimes these reincarnations need to be shown (if there is such a task), and sometimes hidden (just imagine that you are a critic), if your personal opinion is required.
An essay can analyze the whole work, its heroes, ideological and artistic features, any problem, it can compare or generalize two or more works or literary heroes, etc.
The review does not consider individual topics, questions, problems, details, heroes. She argues and personally speaks about the work as a whole, accepting or not accepting it, or she speaks about a number of works that are united by something.

Approximate plan of the review:

I. Introduction.
1. The originality of the problem, the relevance of the topic.
2. The place of a given work in a series of similar ones or its special position.
II. Main part. Arguments proving the necessity or uselessness of this work, determining its positive or negative qualities, or both.
1. Ideological content, emotional pathos.
2. The plot and features of the conflict.
3. Composition.
4. System of images.
5. Language and style.
6. Genre originality.
III. Conclusion. What is your opinion on the need for such a work.
As can be seen from the above, the review is very complex view creative work, requiring special training, literary flair, freehold writing, imagination and taste.
In one of the schools in Moscow, a lesson on the study of the work of A. N. Ostrovsky was carried out to review the play “Our people - we will settle down”. Students (by choice) had to write reviews of the play from the point of view of a critic of the 19th century (positive or negative), from the point of view of a critic of the 20th century (positive or negative). best job was recognized as a negative review by a nineteenth-century critic. The critic most of all resented the ideological content of the comedy, spoke of the lifelessness similar situation and moral decline. In a witty, caustic manner, he criticizes the thoughtlessness of the intrigue and the lifelessness of the characters, including in the text of his review words and expressions common in the 19th century.
The reviewer is a student-reader who cannot possess special knowledge about the system of images, about the features of the conflict, composition. But this, of course, is a well-read person who knows how to reflect, analyze, compare and deeply feel literature. Review - more free, not related to the task of reasoned critical appraisal Job. The author is required to express general impression from the work, talk about what you liked or disliked, give advice regarding the language, themes, characters. The author must introduce the work and express his attitude towards it.
One of the types of oral creative work can be a theatrical debate on any problem of the work being studied or on the entire work as a whole. Moreover, such a debate presentation can be held both in the classroom and outside of them.
It is necessary to select students who write the script for such a performance, and students who portray literary characters. Depending on the problem, the script may include the author of the work, a literary critic, a modern reader, and a modern student.
The hardest part is writing the script. You can work in such a way that the authors of the script are, as it were, understudies of student actors. Such understudy scriptwriters, as well as actors, read the work selectively (by roles), and also, with the help of the teacher, select additional material for their hero.
The script can be a literary composition-montage with author's or reader's comments; free composition, using only characteristic expressions and "key" words in the characters' speech. The text of the author, literary critic cannot be invented independently. Here, additional literature is needed to help restore the realities of the time, biographies, work on a work, and literary disputes. But the text of a reader contemporary to the author and a contemporary student (and there may be two of them - expressing opposite positions) makes it possible to show creative fantasy.
The greatest scope for this type of work can be given by works endowed with acute problems - socio-psychological or philosophical and moral (A. S. Griboedov, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy).
Such work requires careful preparation of both the teacher and the students. In the course of the work, consultations and the search for additional literature are necessary. Such works are prepared in advance, long before the completion of the study of the topic.
Topics and scenarios for such lessons are the subject of another book, but we can suggest some topics for creating a scenario for a theatrical debate: “Is Chatsky smart?” (A. S. Griboyedov), “Love or duty?”, “My friend Onegin” (A. S. Pushkin), “And if he were a hero of our time? ..” (M. Yu. Lermontov), ​​“ Does man need principles? (I. S. Turgenev), "The Secret of Raskolnikov", "Good" and "Evil" Raskolnikov" (F. M. Dostoevsky), "The Truth of Natasha Rostova", "My Favorite Hero Andrei Bolkonsky" (L. N. Tolstoy ).
An equally difficult final lesson that requires special preparation is a seminar lesson. On the lessons this type two tasks are solved: organization independent work students and evaluation of the results of this work. This work requires independence and reveals Creative skills students. In this lesson, reports and abstracts of students are also used as an integral part of it. It is advisable to conduct them on topics that have a problematic sound, relevant to our time. If there is no interest, then what will the students argue about, what problems to solve? Such a lesson is doomed to fail.
All students are involved in the workshop. Their role is determined by the task they received. Tasks can be individual, group and frontal, and each student is responsible for some certain kind work, without which the seminar would not take place. This imposes a greater responsibility on the seminar participant than in a regular lesson. Seminars can be of several varieties depending on the nature of the activities of the teacher and students: seminar-conversation, seminar-debate, seminar-workshop, seminar-conference (See: Panteleeva L. T. Types of seminars in high school // Literature at school. - No. 4. - 1988.)
When preparing the seminar, the class is divided into three groups: a group of speakers, a group of opponents, a group of arbitrators.
Speakers either individually or collectively prepare presentations on pre-set issues.
Opponents, having familiarized themselves with the reports in advance, think over questions to the speakers that require clarification. The arbitrators study the topic, evaluate the reports and questions to them, and decide contentious issues.
How can it be easier and more accurate for the arbiters to evaluate the answers of the speakers, the questions of the opponents? Work, as usual, is evaluated on a five-point system, and the number of points is scored from positive or negative ratings performances in the following areas:

Evaluation of the speaker's work:

1. Disclosure of the topic.
3. Consistency and accessibility of presentation.
4. Originality of the solution of the topic. Own opinion.
5. Possession of the audience, emotionality.

Evaluation of the work of the opponent:

1. Possession of the topic material.
2. Use of actual material.
3. Clarity and clarity in the wording of questions.
4. Originality of questions, unusual turn of the topic.
5. Possession of the audience, emotionality.
The main arbiter, the person who directs the course of the seminar, is always the teacher. He opens and closes the workshop. In introductory remarks the problems of the seminar are posed; in the final conclusions are drawn, the most difficult questions, the truth is revealed. During the preparation of the seminar, the teacher conducts consultations on the chosen topic, helps to select literature. The class is warned about the seminar during the first lesson on the monographic topic. This not only gives time to prepare for the seminar, but also organizes students, helps to approach the study of the topic more deeply, meaningfully, and with interest.
Another group of students can be involved in the seminar - those who will work on the stand “Getting ready for the seminar”. This booth will feature the following material:
1. Organizational issues.
2. Artistic and graphic materials (illustrations, photographs, student drawings, etc.).
3. List of additional literature.
4. Questions on the topic (both students and the teacher prepare).
Seminars help in an accessible emotional form to deepen the knowledge of students, master the skills of research work, teach the ability to discuss problem solutions, and prove their point of view.
Since the seminars require a lot of preparatory work, it is more expedient to conduct them on topics that affect the global problems of the writer's work. The topics of the seminars should not only be problematic, but also, by their sound, arouse interest in students, a desire to argue, but these disputes should not lead to a dead end.

Possible seminar topics:

1. A. S. Griboyedov. "Chatsky - winner or vanquished?", "Molchalin and "silence"", "Famus Moscow".
2. A. S. Pushkin. “I awakened good feelings with a lyre ...”, “Blessed is he who was young from his youth ...”, “Onegin, my good friend ...”, “Tatyana, Russian in soul ...”.
3. M. Yu. Lermontov. I love the Fatherland, but strange love...”, “I look sadly at our generation ...”, “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of a whole people ...”.
4. N. V. Gogol. "In search of a living soul", "Manilov and Nozdrev among us."
5. I. S. Turgenev. "Eternal" problems in the novel "Fathers and Sons".
6. A. N. Ostrovsky. "The Theme of Judgment in the Drama 'Thunderstorm'".
7. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Raskolnikov and his doubles", "The originality of Dostoevsky's humanism".
8. L. N. Tolstoy. "In Search of Truth", "Natasha Rostova's Happiness".
9. A. P. Chekhov. “Vulgarity was his enemy”, “Ordinary Russian people... What are they like?”.
The workshop should be interesting for everyone. In the center of it are reports and abstracts. It is they who deserve serious preparation - not only in terms of the correct concealment of the topic, but also in terms of its correct presentation. What is acceptable in written language is completely unacceptable in oral speech. Many students believe that multi-component book constructions speak of the seriousness of their work, although it is precisely from these phrases that one can conclude that the student is not well versed in the problem. Speaking with reports and abstracts, the student should speak in simple, in plain language- "Push".
Reports and abstracts can, as already mentioned, be part of seminars, or they can be independent annual or intermediate work.
Abstracts are always a large final work, which can be proposed based on the materials of one monographic topic, two or three monographic topics, based on the materials of the year. Only by the 11th grade are students able to write an essay on cross-cutting topics in Russian literature: “The Little Man”, “Russian Women”, “Russia”, “The Theme of the Duel”, “The Theme of the Way”, “The Theme of Love”, “The Theme of Duty, honor and fidelity”, “Moscow”, “Petersburg”, etc. There are quite a lot of such topics, but someone who knows the text of several works well, knows how to think independently, and has the skills to work with a book can cope with them.
The abstract is structured as follows:
1. Introduction. Various points point of view on the problem, what point of view do you share.
2. The main part. How is the theme, problems revealed, solved in critical literature? Your opinion about the refereed works.
3. Conclusion. Summing up. Has the problem been resolved? Relevance.
4. List of used literature.
Reports can be both final and intermediate. Short reports of students during the study of a monographic topic diversify the course of the lesson-lecture, reveal students' knowledge of the text, their orientation in the problems of the author's work and his works, help to more fully consider the topic, paying attention to how key issues as well as details. Reports of a final nature, as well as abstracts, should touch on global, broad problems. The structure of the report differs from the structure of the abstract, as they have different goals and objectives. An abstract is a scientific, research work, a presentation of sources and their assessment. And the report is oral composition, a detailed disclosure of the topic with links to the source. If in the abstract the student must convey the main provisions of the source and comment on them, then the report expresses their own judgments, and the thoughts of the source reinforce these judgments or, conversely, their own judgments refute the thoughts of the source.
The report, like a written essay, consists of three parts. It is similar to a composition, differing only in the use colloquial vocabulary and emotionality. The introduction to the report should interest the audience; in the main part of the report, it is necessary to reveal the topic and express a personal attitude to the problem; in the final part, it is necessary to sum up the results and outline the prospects for further development of the problem.
Quite popular in literature lessons, the method of final test work is tests that can be carried out both orally and in writing or combine both of these forms in one offset. It is advisable to carry out tests where a large monographic topic is being studied. Together with the essay, they help to most fully test the knowledge of students. It is also advisable to carry out tests where, according to the program, an essay is not expected after studying the topic. Offsets can be carried out on one, two or more small topics straightaway. For example, you can conduct an essay on the work of N. A. Nekrasov and a test on the work of poets of the 2nd half of the 19th century, which will include N. A. Nekrasov, A. A. Fet, and F. I. Tyutchev.
The written record reminds test on questions. Students do not know the questions in advance, and each answers two or three questions (the student receives them in tickets). The class is warned only that the questions will relate to the facts of biography, creativity, analysis, tickets can be given and practical question. So, the ticket consists of: 1) the theoretical part (biographical facts, facts of creativity, facts relating to the ideological and artistic originality of the work); 2) the practical part (determining whether the text belongs to a certain character, work).
Questions for the oral test are given in advance and require a more extensive answer (they are also included in the tickets). After answering according to the theory, the student receives a fragment of the text, according to which he must immediately determine where this text comes from or to whom it belongs.
The work of a creative nature is home and class analyzes of a lyrical work, story or episode.
Miniature essays, in contrast to large final essays, which are most often written as reasoning, are useful in three types of speech: description, narration and reasoning. These small-scale works of a creative nature require attention to detail, fiction, fantasy, and stylistic skill. The topics of these essays, concerning small details, strokes, characteristics, portraits, will help prepare for a large essay or allow the teacher to assess students' knowledge when working with small or overview topics. Miniature essays can be done both in the classroom and at home - either as an intermediate work in the lessons on a major monographic topic, or as one of the types final works on topics where a major essay is not planned. The miniature essay does not repeat themes great writings. A miniature is not a summary of a large work, but an independent creative work of a small genre. In the sections devoted to monographic topics, we include some miniature essays, and here we present only some versions of miniature essays:
I. Description: “My impression of Chatsky”, “How I see Raskolnikov”, “Onegin’s office”, “The home of an old pawnbroker”, “The smile and eyes of Dostoevsky’s heroes”, “Korobochka’s House”, etc.
II. Narration: “Around Moscow with Griboedov”, “Watching Raskolnikov”, “A page from the diary of Natasha Rostova”, “My meeting with Andrei Bolkonsky”, “At a ball at Famusov”, “Onegin’s Morning”, etc.
III. Reasoning: “Why did Vulich die?”, “Why do I love (dislike) Pechorin?”, “Why does Oblomov have a dressing gown?”, “Why is the beginning of War and Peace written in French?”, “Is it possible to love Bazarov?” .
In literature lessons, such a method of creative testing can be used as writing various small notes, articles, reviews and reviews for newspapers, magazines, encyclopedic dictionaries. The first condition for such work is that the student must have a good idea of ​​the genre in which he writes, and the publication for which such a work is being created.
Reviews and reviews of this type in terms of tasks and structure repeat the large final reviews and reviews, but the student is warned about the limitation of the volume; in addition, in this work it is assumed that not all famous work, but a new one, almost never read by anyone. If students have watched a film or performance based on the analyzed work, then they may be offered work on evaluating the film or performance, which, in addition to the usual analysis and evaluation, should include consideration of the director's version of the work and the performing skills of the actors.
interesting view creative work is an article about the work of a writer or a work intended for encyclopedic dictionary, high school or school textbook, popular science publication for children.
Such work can be given as class and homework. If the work is carried out in the classroom, then the students are warned in advance and stock up additional literature. They know about the topic, but they don't know about the genre. In the lesson, students are divided into groups, each of which writes an article of a different nature. For example, on the topic “Biography and creative path of A.P. Chekhov”, you can offer the following types of work: writing an article for an adult encyclopedia, for a children's encyclopedia, an article for a literary newspaper (magazine) caused by anniversary celebrations, an obituary article, etc. It will be very interesting to compare these articles in the next lessons.
Use in literature lessons various kinds written and oral work helps to achieve a variety of goals: to draw students' attention to thoughtful reading of the text, to teach them to reason and prove their opinion on their own, to awaken their imagination and creative imagination, to give skills in working with books different type, develop oral and written skills, deepen knowledge on the topic being studied and effectively test all this knowledge, skills and abilities.