Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Yakovleva Maria Alexandrovna Books that shaped my inner world

It is difficult to instruct children because of their natural inattention; the true mode, of course, is to first make our modes interesting to them. - - Due to congenital inattention, children are difficult to teach; correct method Of course, this is to make our methods interesting for children.

John Locke

the basis of all my pedagogical activity became the need for constant self-improvement. What in order to lead, one must behave without stopping in this movement for a single day. I agree with the statement that you learn l b can teach children as long as he is learning. I think that the teacher new school- it's a personality , profession l, psychologist, researcher. This is a person who always learns creativity and creates - himself, a lesson, a student. To be successful, to create the future, one must be a person of a new formation, strive for human

and professional excellence.

About myself

As a child, I loved to play school. I am a teacher and I have my students. I still remember the lined magazines with my own hand, in which there are alphabetical lists of students (children I know and don't know), explanation of the lessons, commenting on grades and putting them in the magazine.

My grandmother was a teacher primary school. How I loved visiting her! She often told interesting stories about students, but most importantly, she trusted to check notebooks.

Flew years of study at school, institute. And now I am a teacher of English, Russian and literature. Only two years have passed, the institute has long been completed, now I am in a hurry to go to my school. Now I am a subject teacher, I - classroom teacher. All my hobbies smoothly flowed into work. Now my kids know what it is Parent meeting and the teachers' council, and my daughter plays at school, and to the question "What do you want to become?" the answer is "teacher". And I try to interest, captivate children with various interesting things. After all, two more hands are attached to one head, and we must teach them to work together.

Books that shaped my inner world

PhD in Philology

Graduated with honors in 2001 translation faculty Moscow State Linguistic University(MSLU), having received the qualification of a linguist-translator (English and German languages) majoring in Linguistics and intercultural communication". In October 2008, after completing postgraduate studies at Moscow State Linguistic University, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Compensation when transmitting stylistically reduced statements to different levels text” (specialty 10.02.20 – comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics).

She has been teaching at MGIMO since 2000. She supervised the socio-political translation aspect in the 3rd year (second language) (bachelor’s level), in the 5th year (first language, specialist level), in the first and second years of the master’s program in directions "Foreign Regional Studies" and " Foreign policy and Russian diplomacy. Currently, he is in charge of the “Socio-Political Translation” aspect in the first year of the Master’s program in the areas of “Foreign Policy of Russia”, “Diplomacy and diplomatic service”, “Foreign Regional Studies” (first and second language).


Undergraduate (1-2 languages):

Master (1-2 languages):

  • English language: speech practice
  • English: the language of the profession
  • English: Socio-Political Translation

Professional and scientific interests: problems of modern translation studies and methods of teaching translation.

Has a number scientific publications with a total volume of 2.8 p.l.

  1. The problem of stylistic compensation in the transfer of stylistically reduced vocabulary in translation dialogical speech in a work of art//Philological sciences at MGIMO. Collection scientific papers No. 13(28). - M .: MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, 2003. - p. 220-226.
  2. On the issue of using the compensation method as the main translation strategy to achieve adequacy in literary translation//Vestnik MSLU. Semantic and stylistic aspects of translation. Series Linguistics. Issue 506. - M .: SARMA Printing House LLC, 2005. - p. 114-123.
  3. On the issue of classification various kinds compensation//Questions of philological sciences. No. 4(33). - M.: LLC "Sputnik +", 2008. - p. 46-51.
  4. On the issue of transferring the Negro dialect in translation as an ethno-social dialect//Philological Sciences at MGIMO. Collection of scientific papers No. 36 (51). - M.: MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, 2009. - p. 100-108.
  5. Honorary surrender. (Co-authored with VK Lanchikov)//"Bridges". Journal of Translators. No. 4 (24) - M .: LLC "R. Valent", 2009. - p. 13-21.
  6. Transmission Strategies for the Negro Dialect in Translation fiction(on the basis of translations into Russian of M. Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn") // Magic of INNO: new in the study of language and methods of its teaching: materials of the Second scientific and practical conference(Moscow, April 24-25, 2015). T.2 / otv. ed. YES. Kryachkov; Moscow state inst. relations (un-t) М-va foreign. affairs Ros. Federation - M.: MGIMO-University, 2015. - p. 667-674.

She took part in the work of various translation workshops, including those organized by the Club of Translators at the R. Valent publishing house.

In 2008, among other teachers and staff of MGIMO, she took a refresher course at the Sapienza University (Rome) and the University of Florence and took part in a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic “ Innovative technologies high school Italy".

as a written and interpreter actively collaborated with State Duma Russian Federation, including from 2005 to 2011. She was an interpreter for the delegation of the State Duma in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Maria A. Yakovleva, PhD in Linguistics, is Senior Lecturer at English language department no. 1 since 2001.

She teaches a number of courses on political translation for bachelor's and master's students. In 2008, she defended her PhD thesis (Compensation in the Translation of Colloquial Phrases at Different Levels of Speech). From 2003 until 2011 Maria A. Yakovleva worked as a translator and interpreter for the International Cooperation Department of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Faculty of Sociology, Economics and Law of the Moscow Pedagogical state university(2008)
Postgraduate studies at the Department of Theory and History of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Economics and Law, Moscow State Pedagogical University (2011)

Topic of Ph.D. thesis

Local government as social institution development of self-government and initiative of the local community (2012)

Courses of the current academic year

History of Sociology (Institute of Social liberal education, 1 course, full-time and part-time)
The social foundations of the state and municipal government(Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education, 3rd and 4th year, full-time and part-time)
Sociology (Institute of History and Politics, 4th year)



  1. Yakovleva M.A. Local self-government as an institution civil society// Teacher XXI century. - No. 2. - 2011. - P. 372-376. (0.4 p.l.) (VAK)
  2. Yakovleva M.A. Local Self-Government: Contradictions and Problems of Reforming in Russia // Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture. - №2. - 2011. - S. 288-294. (0.5 p.l.)
  3. Yakovleva M.A. Practice of implementation of the principles local government in the Russian Federation // PALIMPSEST: Dialogue of Social and Humanitarian Sciences: Collection of Scientific Papers. Issue I. - M .: Prometheus Publishing House, 2011, S. 293-300.
  4. Yakovleva M.A. Background and features modern stage reforms of local self-government // Proceedings of the Russian Interuniversity Conference "Theoretical and Special Sociology". - M .: Sputnik + Publishing House, 2011, pp. 167-171. (0.4 pp)
  5. Yakovleva M.A. Participation of the population in local self-government and problems of the relationship between local self-government bodies and the population // Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference on theoretical and special sociology. - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2012, S. 268-271. (0.4 p.l.)
  6. Yakovleva M.A. Efficiency public service as a result of the realization of its social potential // Science and school. - No. 5. - 2013. - S. 165-169. (0.4 p.l.)
  7. Yakovleva M.A. The need to move away from politics state support local self-government to state and social policy in relation to municipalities// Proceedings of the IX All-Russian Scientific Conference on Theoretical and Special Sociology. - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2013, S. 126-130. (0.4 pp)
  8. Yakovleva M.A. Legal aspect of interaction between civil society and the state // Science and school. - No. 4. - 2015. - P.7-13 (VAK)
  9. Yakovleva M.A. Development of non-profit public organizations and the conditions for their functioning in Russia // All-Russian (correspondence) scientific conference on theoretical and special sociology. - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2015, S. 25-30.
  10. Yakovleva M.A. Reform of local self-government: from ideas to reality // Man. Community. Control. - No. 3. – 2011.- S. 86 -93. (0.4 p.l.)
  11. Yakovleva M.A. The specifics of civil society in Russia // Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Scientific Conference on
  12. Yakovleva M.A.Control Features social conflicts in the field government controlled// LOCUS. - No. 4. – 2016, pp.111-119.


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