Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The relevance of changes in Russian education in the present period. Information and analytical materials of the State Duma

Contents of this area of ​​study: population as subject and object economic relations, kick goal and criterion social progress; interdependence of the development of economic and demographic processes; economic concepts and socio-economic criteria for the development of human resources, education, physical health and intellectual potential; patterns of reproduction and migration of the population, features of their manifestation and evolution in different historical stages social development, in various socio-economic and ethno-cultural conditions; types and structure of demographic behavior, its specificity in various socio-demographic groups.

Object of study: population, its socio-demographic groups.

7.1. Categories and persecuted population economy; functions of the population, its economic interests; population as an economic resource, its place in modern society; household as an economic entity.

7.2. Population and economic development, their relationship and interdependence; economic behavior population, its demographic differentiation; demographic factor of economic development and defense potential; demographic development, rates and proportions of social reproduction.

7.3. Demographic structures and efficiency of social production; labor potential; economic efficiency of generations.

7.4. The essence and structure of the quality of the population, its differentiation by types of settlements and socio-demographic groups; vital activity of the population, its conditions and forms.

7.5. Age structure and social development; demographic aging, longevity.

7.6. Dynamics, historical and ethnoterritorial features of population reproduction, interaction of its components, evolution of various types of population reproduction.

7.7. Fertility, its levels and modes of population reproduction, ethno-regional differentiation and its factors; marital and out-of-wedlock births.

7.8. Life expectancy of the population, factors of its level and dynamics; epidemiological transition, evolution of the structure of causes of death and life expectancy.

7.9. Health of the population, the dynamics of its morbidity and disability, their impact on the scale of loss of labor and reproductive potential; demo graphic methods physical and mental health and modern health care concepts.

7.10. Demographic problems of the family, marriage, divorce; the historical evolution of the forms of marriage and family relations and their influence on the birth rate; gender aspects of marriage and family relations.

7.11. Inter-territorial and inter-settlement migration processes, their factors, socio-economic and demographic consequences; colonization and resettlement in the domestic and foreign history, their influence on the resettlement of the population, its dynamics and changes in ethnic, genetic and demographic structures.

7.12. External migrations; emigration and their impact on changes in labor, scientific, technical and intellectual potentials; immigration, their causes, political, socio-economic and ethnic consequences.

7.13. Forced migrations - re-emigration processes, ethnic migrations, refugees and displaced persons; factors and social consequences forced relocations.

7.14. Migration and economic development; modern patterns of world migrations; internal migration and resettlement of the population; urbanization and population reproduction; demographic capacity of territories.

7.15. Demographic and migration policy, its goals, principles, directions of implementation and effectiveness.

7.16. Demographic behavior, its types (reproductive, self-preserving, matrimonial and migratory), structure and regulators; methods of studying the real and projective behavior of the population.

7.17. Methodological foundations and methods of demographic analysis and forecasting of the dynamics and structure of the population; economic and demographic approaches to the study of population migration; methods of regional analysis of migration processes.

7.18. History of demographic thought; modern domestic and foreign concepts of population, its quality, production and migration.

7.19. Problems of the information base of science (current statistics on fertility, mortality, marriage and migration; sample surveys of social, including demographic and migration, behavior in the areas of reproduction and spatial movements, socio-economic status and quality of the population); history of population censuses, their programs; household as an accounting category; assessment of the completeness and quality of census data and current population records.


Object of study: employees, labor collectives and employers; labor market, employment and unemployment; organization and regulation of labor; income and wages Russian Federation, its regions, industries and enterprises of all organizational and legal forms; progressive international norms and standards in the field of labor economics and social and labor relations.

8.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations labor economics; theory and concept of the development of social and labor relations (the theory of employment, motivation, labor market, personnel management, etc.).

8.2. Labor as a factor of economic dynamics.

8.3. Theoretical and methodological problems in the sphere of labor and social and labor relations.

8.4. The system of relations "man-production" (types, content, division, cooperation, specialization of labor, etc.); patterns and new trends in the formation, distribution, exchange and use of labor; mechanisms for increasing their effectiveness in a social market economy; ways of effective use of existing and creation of new jobs.

8.5. Human capital as social wealth, its structure and role in the modern economy; human development, its goals, conditions and methods of measurement.

8.6. Labor market, its functioning and development; employment of the population (formation of forms and types); unemployment (main types and forms, socio-economic consequences, ways to minimize).

8.7. Incentives and remuneration of employees; organization wages and ensuring its relationship with the qualifications of personnel and the effectiveness of production; reproductive and motivational function of wages.

8.8. Problems of the quality of the workforce, training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel, investment in human capital; formation of competitiveness of employees; professional orientation of the population; staff mobility.

8.9. Rationing, organization and humanization of labor, their features for various fields of activity and categories of workers.

8.10. Labor productivity and efficiency, methods of measurement, factors and reserves of improvement.

8.11. Conditions, security and safety pile.

8.12. Regulation of social and labor relations federal, regional, municipal and corporate aspects; active influence of social and labor relations on the development of the economy and its industries.

8.13. Problems of social security, social insurance and social protection population, types and forms of provision; pension system and prospects for its development.

8.14. Social policy, its strategy and priorities; the social status of workers, their socio-professional and socio-territorial groups; social development of economic systems and social security.

8.15. Social partnership as a key direction in the regulation of social and labor and socio-economic relations in a market economy.

8.16. Labor conflicts; ways to prevent and resolve them.

8.17. Personnel and human resource management as a condition for the growth of the efficiency of the labor economy - goals, functions, methods, principles, evolution of approaches, personnel policy and strategy.

8.18. Specifics and problems of development of domestic work and family economy.

8.19. The quality and standard of living of the population - questions of methodology, theory and practice, ways to improve them.

8.20. Foreign experience in the regulation of social and labor relations and the prospects for its use in the Russian Federation.

Population economics- a field of economic science that studies the patterns of influence of economic development on demographic processes.

The subject of population economics and the evolution of views on it

First of all, it should be noted that it is very often difficult to single out the most important among the interconnections of economic and demographic processes. That is why for a long time there was no clear and consistent definition subject of population economics. This is especially clear if you look at the definitions given by domestic and foreign researchers over the past 30 years.

One of the main difficulties in defining the subject of population economics was the formation demographics like independent science , as well as the formation of its separate part - economic demographics. Between demographers, statisticians, sociologists and other scientists who study population, there has been and is an active discussion on the topic of approaches to defining the subjects of these two sciences. The reasons for this are the finding of demography at the junction of various branches of knowledge and the identification of demography and demographic statistics by economists, which led to the formation of erroneous views on the economics of population and economic demography. This is especially clear if you look at the definitions given by domestic and foreign researchers over the past 30 years.

The evolution of views on the subjects of population economics and economic demography

is the study of the methodological principles of the relationship between the development of population and society, which have developed under the influence of the specifics of the development of production relations in a certain social formation. Studies of the economics of population are based on political economy, on its general methodological principles for analyzing the general laws of the development of society. That is why the first studies of the economic problems of population development began in the political economy (Population Knowledge System (1976), p. 140).

The subject of population economics is the study of the patterns of interaction between economic and demographic development as systems, as well as between individual economic and demographic processes included in these systems. Population economics includes the theory and methodology of the analysis of these regularities in unity with the quantitative expression of the corresponding processes (The system of knowledge about population (1976), p. 185).

Population economics covers a wider range of issues than economic demography, which, being an element of the system of demographic knowledge, studies the economic aspects of population reproduction and, above all, the mechanism of the relationship between economic and demographic processes based on methodological principles developed by population economics (Population Knowledge System (1976 ), p. 140). In our opinion, it would be more correct to attribute such developments (the impact of demographic processes on the economy .) to economic research, to those integrated research in which "set the tone" not demographers, but economists. The legitimacy of separating studies of the economics of the demographic process into a special branch of demographic science is determined primarily by the need for practical implementation of a broad understanding of population reproduction (Study of population reproduction, pp. 76, 80).

Economic demography studies the relationship between demographic phenomena, on the one hand, and economic factors, on the other (Multilingual demographic dictionary. Russian edition, p. 3).

Economic demographics studies the mechanism of the relationship between economic development and the population, the system of economic consequences of various types of population reproduction, the reverse influence of economic factors on demographic development (Demography, p. 116). The study of the relationship between demographic phenomena, on the one hand, and economic and social phenomena, on the other, is also a section of demography. Some authors refer to this study as “economic demography” and “social demography” (Multilingaul Demographic Dictionary. English Section)

As can be seen from the presented definitions, researchers and scientists constantly talk about studying the relationship between the economy and population. But at the same time, it is still not clear to the reader what exactly population economics is studying in these relationships. You can also notice that there is a mixture of two different directions - the economy of population and economic demography. If we try to separate these two concepts, then this will help to more clearly define subject of population economics as a science that studies the economic patterns of population development, the impact of certain economic phenomena and processes on population reproduction, demographic behavior, on the structure and distribution of the population.

While subject of economic demography is the influence of the demographic factor on economic development.

At the same time, it must be emphasized that in both cases, the study of the relationship between economic and demographic processes can be implied. But these connections will be not functional, but correlational. For example, economic growth (recession) does not always bring with it corresponding positive (negative) changes in mortality or fertility. It is possible to increase GDP indefinitely, but it is not certain that this will have positive consequences for improving the demographic situation in Russia.

Methods used by population economics

Like other sciences, population economics uses well-known research methods. First of all, these are general scientific methods economic theory, philosophy and history, like analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, methods of historicism, method, method scientific abstraction and etc.

Along with general scientific methods, there are also special methods:

  • statistical methods from which pure demography was actually born. Statistical Methods are used to calculate various coefficients, indices of indicators, etc.
  • mathematical methods, which allow researchers to conduct a deeper economic and demographic analysis.
  • mathematical modeling, which is becoming more widespread and allows the development of interesting models, for example, in the field of population migration.
  • sociological methods, which are the basis for conducting various surveys in the field of fertility, marriage, behavioral attitudes, etc. These methods allow a deeper study of the dependence of demographic processes on various social and economic changes.
  • cartographic methods, with the help of which it is possible to obtain a visual image of economic and demographic processes, to carry out their comparative characteristics.
  • demographic methods, which are developed by the actual demographic science. For example, the Lexis grid, the method of demographic tables, stationary and stable population models, etc.

Population economics in the system of economic sciences

The knowledge of all aspects of the development of the population, of all its deep essence, by any one science alone is impossible. This thesis was especially clearly manifested in the 20th century, when cardinal changes take place in the development of the world's population, which none of the modern sciences can fully explain and substantiate. From this comes the idea of ​​involving a whole range of sciences in the study of population. This idea was most fully reflected in the developments of the Center for the Study of Population Problems of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University under the guidance of Professor D.I. Valentey, who actually proposed an integrated approach to the study of population by many related sciences (including economics, demography, geography, sociology, history, biology, etc.). The idea of ​​such an approach was implemented (and this is the second important point) in the development of the so-called "system of knowledge about the population, which was first described and presented in the form of a scheme based on three such "Soviet scientific whales" as Marxist-Leninist philosophy, Marxist-Leninist political economy and scientific communism, in the monograph "Population knowledge system" edited by D.I. Valenteya (M., 1976).

In the modern version, the population knowledge system can be schematically represented as follows (Fig. 1):

fig.1, Population knowledge system

This approach has become decisive since the mid-1990s. in the world scientific community which is clearly reflected, for example, in the activities of such international scientific unions and institutions as IUSSP (International Union in the field of scientific research population - headquarters in Paris), EAPS (European Association for Population Research), UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund - New York).

It is easy to see that in the system of knowledge about the population, economic sciences are represented quite widely. At the same time, the study of population as a specific object of study is not limited to the named economic areas, their circle is much wider. Therefore, the question of the place and role of population economics among economic sciences in the field of studying population as a whole, as well as individual processes that determine it, is quite natural.

Of course, not all economic sciences, representing this system in their research, affect the relationship between economic and demographic development. First of all, apparently, we should talk about the sciences of the first block and individual sciences of the third block, which, in particular, are reflected in Fig. 2.

rice. 2, Population as a specific object of study by economic sciences

As can be seen from fig. 2, the bases in this system are the political economy and the economics of population. Political Economy, representing the economic theory of a basic nature in economic studies, essentially laid the foundation for the study of economic laws and patterns of population development. Already in the works of the classics of political economy A. Smith and D. Ricardo the main thing is the economic aspect of population growth, associated with the problem of the ratio of population fluctuations and the reproduction of the labor force. It was this problem that determined the content of the economic law of population growth formulated by A. Smith as the law of the relationship between population growth and labor force reproduction: “The demand for people, like the demand for any other product, regulates the production of people, accelerates it when it occurs too slow, delays when it happens too fast. It is this demand that regulates and determines the reproduction of the human race in all countries of the world, in North America, Europe and China; it causes rapid reproduction of people in the first, slow and gradual in the second, and keeps the population at a stationary level in China.

The traditional economic sciences that include the population (primarily its individual age groups) in the area of ​​their scientific interests are (labor resources) and the economics of the social (non-productive) sphere, which were originally included in the system of knowledge about the population.

Recognizing the importance in the study of the population of each of the presented in Fig. 2 economic sciences, we emphasize that special place among them belongs to the economics of population, directly studying the patterns of the impact of the economy on the development of the population as a whole and its demographic processes separately.

Recommended reading

Population and Economics (under the editorship of D.I. Valentey). M., 1967. Fundamentals of the theory of population (under the editorship of D.I. Valentey). M., 1986.

Population. encyclopedic Dictionary. Ch. ed. G.G. Melikyan. M., 1994.

Population economics. Textbook. (under the editorship of V.A. Iontsev). M., 2007.

Sagradov A.A. Economic demography. Textbook M., 2005.

INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 5 Chapter 1 SUBJECT AND METHOD OF POPULATION ECONOMY.......................10 1.1. SUBJECT AND CLASSIFICATION OF METHODS OF POPULATION ECONOMY. 10 1.1.1. Historical features of economic and demographic development............................................... 10 1.1.2. The subject of population economics .............................. 17 1.1.3. Methods used by population economics.... 21 1.2. USE OF ECONOMETRIC METHODS IN THE ECONOMY OF POPULATION.................................................................................. 23 1.3. ECONOMY OF POPULATION IN THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES.... 36 1.3.1. The system of economic sciences and the study of population36 1.3.2. Modern Process globalization and the relationship of economic and demographic processes .......... 42 Chapter 2 ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IN POPULATION DATA SOURCES................................................. 48 2.1 . BASIC PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR COLLECTING INFORMATION ON SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF POPULATION DEVELOPMENT..... 48 2.2. HISTORICAL OUTLINE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE POPULATION COUNT IN THE WORLD AND RUSSIA 53 2.2.1. The origin of the world population count...... 53 2.2.2. The origin of statistical accounting of the population in Russia 57 2.2.3. Population audits.............................................. 58 2.2.4. Current registration of the vital movement of the population in Russia .............................................. .. 61 2.2.5. Population registers.............................................. 63 2.2.6. A Brief History of World Censuses.......... 65 2.2.7. Population censuses in Russia and the USSR.................................. 67 2.2.8. Population Census of Russia 2002 .................................. 71 2.3. THE FAMILY AND THE HOUSEHOLD AS A OBJECT OF OBSERVATION....................... 73 2.3.1. Marriage and family in population censuses .................................. 73 2.3.2. Sources of Household Data .................................. 78 2.3.3. Accounting for households in population censuses................................... 80 2.3.4. Sample surveys household budgets ...... 82 2.3.5. Budget surveys of households in zemstvo statistics .............................................................. 83 2.3. 6. Household Budget Surveys in the USSR .......... 88 2.3.7. Sample surveys of households in Russia....... 91 2.3.8. Sample surveys of time budgets of the population. 95 2.4. OTHER SAMPLE SURVEYS OF LIVING STANDARDS ............................. 100 2.5. DATA SOURCES ON POPULATION MIGRATION ............................................. 109 2.5.1. The main types of registration of population migration .............. 109 2.5.2. Accounting for internal migration in Russia.................................. 110 2.5.3. Accounting for international migration of the population....................... 114 2.5.4. Accounting for International Migration in Russia............... 116 2.5.5. Accounting for migration in population censuses .............................. 118 2.6. SOURCES OF DATA ON LIVING STANDARDS OF THE POPULATION IN RUSSIA AND IN THE WORLD ............................................................... .............. 120 2.6.1. Sources of data in developed countries............................... 122 2.6.2. Data sources in developing countries.......... 132 2.6.3. World Bank Living Standards Surveys .......... 134 2.6.4. Features of measuring the standard of living and problems of comparability of data .............................................. 139 Chapter 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND POPULATION DYNAMICS................... 141 3.1. ECONOMIC FACTORS OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE FERTILITY............... 142 3.1.1. Demographic approach .............................. 143 3.1.2. Sociological approach .............................. 145 3.1.3. Psychological approach .............................. 147 3.1.4. Historical approach.............................. 150 3.1.5. Economic approach.............................. 152 3.1.6. Empirical approach.................................... 167 3.2. ECONOMIC FACTORS OF MORTALITY DYNAMICS 175 3.2.1. Economic factors of the demographic transition in the area of ​​mortality.................................................. 176 3.2.2. Interrelation of changes in morbidity and mortality. 184 3.2.3. Prospects for increasing life expectancy .............................................................. 188 3.2.4. Economic model health and longevity........ 192 3.2.5. Empirical Models of Mortality and Life Expectancy .............................................. 198 3.2.6. Basic approaches to the analysis of socio-economic differentiation of mortality.................................................. 209 Chapter 4 FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY............................... 212 4.1. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC CONCEPTS.................................................. 212 4.1.1. The subject of household economics and some definitions .............................................. 212 4.1.2. The theory of the "new economy of the household" .................................. 215 4.1.3. Development of the neoclassical concept, alternative theories of the household .................................................. 217 4.2. HOUSEHOLD STUDY METHODOLOGY .............................................. 222 4.2.1. The main provisions of supply theory: labor supply model, model life cycle, model of human capital .............................. 222 4.2.2. Demographic variables used in economic analysis.............................. 228 4.3. PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENT IN CHILDREN AND DYNASTIC BUDGET....... 232 4.3.1. Transfer constraint of the household. Dynastic household budget. Structure of the portfolio of investments in children .............................. 232 4.3.2. Motivation of intergenerational transfers .............................. 236 4.3.3. Desired inheritance model (the concept of pure altruism in motivating intergenerational transfers) ... 244 4.3.4. Model of investment in human capital. Function of production of human capital .............................. 255 4.4. HOUSEHOLD TIME BUDGET............................................. 268 4.4.1. The structure of time budgets. Types of measurement of time budgets .................................................. 268 4.4. 2. Distribution of time: work in the labor market, work in the household, leisure. production in the household. Household labor productivity, household technologies and demographic variables.................................................................................. 271 4.5. HOUSEHOLD FACTORS, ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOR OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS .................................. 279 4.5.1. Household Factors, Economic and Demographic Behavior .............................................. 279 4.5.2. Household Factors and Life Cycle Time Distribution Model .................................................................. 280 4.5.3. Household income and childbearing ............................. 283 4.5.4. Growth in the share of women's income in household income and the birth of children .................................................................. 288 4.5.5. Interpretation of the phenomenon of fertility fluctuations from the point of view of the Chicago School model and the Easterlin model .... 293 4.5.6. Marriage status of parents, family type and birth of a child .. 296 4.6. INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSFERS................................................. 304 Chapter 5 GENDER IN ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC RELATIONSHIPS 332 5.1. INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF GENDER ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND THE MANIFESTATION OF GENDER DIFFERENCES IN RUSSIA'S ECONOMIC LIFE 332 5.1.1. Institutionalization of Gender Economic Research............................................................... 332 5.1.2. The Manifestation of Gender Differences in the Reformed Russian Economy: Gender Gap in Access to Resources and Control over economic resources.. 338 5.1.3. Potential Opportunities reduction of gender differences, strengthening of women's positions in the Russian economy and inclusion of the gender factor in the stabilization of the Russian economy.................................................................. 365 5.2 . GENDER STATUS IN THE ERA OF POSTFORDISM AND GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY........................................................................... 369 5.2.1. Post-Fordism and gender status.................................... 369 5.2.2. Positive and Negative Impact of Globalization on Gender Status .................................................................. 371 5.2.3. The Feminization of Poverty: Causes and Measures. 374 5.3. GENDER CRITICISM OF THE NEW HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY.......... 381 5.4. INVESTING IN HUMAN CAPITAL AND GENDER .............................. 390 5.5. GENDER DIFFERENTIATION OF MORTALITY OF POPULATION 400 5.5.1. The concept of gender supermortality and factors of gender supermortality.................................................................. 400 5.5.2. Environment development factor .............................. 406 5.5.3. Biological factors.............................................. 407 5.5.4. Behavioral and discriminatory factors at an early age .............................................................. 409 5.5.5. Behavioral and discriminatory factors at working (reproductive) age .......... 411 5.5.6. Behavioral and discriminatory factors in older age.................................................................... 417 5.5.7. Complex probabilities in the estimation of gender overmortality .................................................. 418 5.6. GENDER STATUS AND DYNAMICS OF THE FERTILITY OF THE POPULATION 422 5.6.1. Determinants of Fertility .............................. 422 5.6.2. The ideology of gender equality and fertility ...... 424 Chapter 6 MIGRATION AND URBANIZATION IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT............... 432 6.1. ECONOMIC APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF POPULATION MIGRATION....... 433 6.2. GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION OF THE POPULATION........................................................... ..... 441 6.2.1. Globalization of migration processes. The scale and regional features of international migration ... 443 6.2.2. The development of international labor migration ...... 452 6.2.3. Illegal immigration................................... 464 6.2.4. Russia in World Migration Processes 466 6.3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MIGRATION OF THE POPULATION 473 6.3.1. Theoretical approaches to the problem.................. 473 6.3.2. Mutual influence of economic development and population migration .......................................................... 485 6.4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND URBANIZATION ................................. 491 6.4.1. Cities and urbanization. Heterogeneity of initial positions.................................................... 491 6.4.2 . Economic Reasons for the Emergence of Cities 498 6.4.3. The history of world urbanization.............................. 505 6.4.4. Modern trends in urbanization .................................. 509 6.4.5. Current trends in urbanization in developed countries513 Chapter 7 ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF POPULATION POLICY................ 523 7.1. POPULATION POLICY RESOURCES.............................................. 523 7.1.1. Population policy: basic concepts523 7.1.2. Economic development and population policy. 527 7.1.3. Goals and means of population policy .......... 535 7.1.4. The structure of demographic policy resources....... 538 7.1.5. Sources of resources.............................................. 542 7.1.6. Amounts of resources required for the implementation of the existing system of economic support for families with children .............................................................. ..... 546 7.2. ECONOMIC MEASURES OF DEMOGRAPHIC POLICY ............... 549 7.2.1. Excursus into the history of economic measures of population policy............................................................... 549 7.2.2. On the mechanism of influence of economic measures on demographic behavior................................................... 552 7.2.3. Main types of allowances for families with children .............................. 556 7.2.4. Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth.............................. 565 7.2.5. A one-time allowance for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy 566 7.2.6. Lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child....... 567 7.2.7. Monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years... 570 7.2.8. Monthly allowance for a child .................................... 572 7.2.9. Tax incentives.............................................. 573 7.3. THE EFFICIENCY OF POPULATION POLICY .............................................. 580 7.3.1. Statement of the problem.............................. 580 7.3.2. Clarification of concepts................................... 581 7.3.3. On the effectiveness of policies aimed at population growth .............................................................. 582 7.3.4. Some Approaches to Identifying and Evaluating the Effects of Population Policy.................................................................. 584 7.3.5. Policy effectiveness and demographic optimum.. 587 7.3.6. Trend effect and policy effect.............................. 590 7.3.7. Proposed definitions .............................................. 590 7.3.8. Methodological principles for evaluating the effectiveness of policies.................................................................... 591 7.3. nine. Systems approach to assessing the effectiveness of demographic policy............................................... 592 7.3.10. Some assessments of the effectiveness of measures to improve the demographic situation in individual countries... ... 594 7.3.11. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the new model for the payment of child benefits.................................................................. ........ 598 Annex DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF PERSONAL INSURANCE................................... 608 1. At the origins of the development of methods for the analysis of mortality and personal insurance .............................. .............................. 608 2. Use of mortality tables in life and pension insurance .............................................. 613 3. Accounting for factors affecting mortality in determining insurance rates. The concept of selection and anti-selection .............................................. 614 4. Insurance in case of disability and dependency on third parties, health insurance ........ 616 GLOSSARY ON POPULATION ECONOMY .......................... 628 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................. 648 REQUIRED LITERATURE.. ......................................... 648 RECOMMENDED READING .............................. ............................ 650

Population, along with the geographical environment, is the first condition for the life and development of society, a prerequisite and subject historical process. When they say "desert", regardless of whether it is icy, sandy or post-Chernobyl, they express the main thing - the lack of population. But the essence of the question is not only whether there is a population in a given territory or not. Accelerated or slowed down rates of social development, stagnation or flourishing of society largely depend on such demographic indicators as the total population, its density, growth rates, age and sex structure, the state of psychophysical health, migration mobility. It is to these factors that we now turn.

Population not only fills the entire social space, but is also inextricably linked with all other components of a single social organism especially with the economy.

There are two lines of interaction between demographic and economic processes and states: population -» economy and economy -» population. As for the latter, firstly, it is better reflected in literature, and secondly, it lies closer to the surface of things and therefore is more easily captured by everyday consciousness. For example, it is not difficult for any of us to answer the question concerning fertility rates: it is clear that the rates here are influenced primarily by the level of material well-being, housing, and the degree of women's involvement in social production. Although not everything is simple here, because as a result scientific analysis it turns out that the birth rate is extremely high with a low economic and cultural development societies, decline sharply in countries and regions with an average level of well-being, and then again show a tendency to increase slightly as the transition to a society of "mass consumption". And yet the problem of "population -" economy "for the reader is less known and more complex, and we will focus on it.

The acceleration or deceleration of the pace of economic development depends already on such a seemingly superficial indicator as total population. Thus, the optimal number of population for a well-integrated, single production and market space is determined today by experts at about 250 million people: with a much smaller population, further interstate specialization and co-operation of production becomes economically unprofitable, with a much larger one, the costs of transporting products increase sharply. Note that the indicated population optimum corresponds to the European Economic Community, as well as to it and Soviet Union. In light of this, it becomes clear that nostalgia for the Union, the desire to restore it, at least in terms of economics, has, along with others, demographic grounds.

significant impact on the economy and population density. In regions with a sparse population, the division of labor is difficult, and the tendency to preserve subsistence farming, it is economically unprofitable to build up the information and transport infrastructure (construction of highways and railways, laying cable communications, etc.).

Among the most actively influencing the economy of demographic factors are population growth rate, especially since this is a complex factor, determined not only by indicators of natural population growth, but also by its gender and age structure, as well as the pace and direction of migration. For normal development society and, above all, its economy, both tending to a minimum and tending to a maximum rate of population growth are equally harmful. At extremely low growth rates, the reproduction of the personal element of the productive forces occurs on a loan basis, which also affects the value of the total national product, and hence the national income. We are not talking about the phenomena of depopulation, when the death rate begins to exceed the birth rate, and the threat of extinction hangs over the nation. That is why we cannot but be concerned about the depopulation that has begun in dozens of Russian regions. With excessively high population growth rates, economic development also slows down, because an increasingly significant part of the total product and national income is torn away simply for the physical preservation of the newly born.

As already noted, the rate of population growth depends largely on what constitutes sex and age structure of the population. Any imbalance in this respect (violation of the proportions between the male and female parts of the population; aging of the population, i.e., an increase in the proportion of age groups incapable of childbearing) most directly affects the rate of population growth, and through them, the development of the economy. But there are other channels of influence. Thus, the aging of the population means an increase specific gravity the age group of pensioners, the content of which reduces the share of the total product directed to industrial consumption. Violation of the proportions between the male and female parts of the population leads in some cases to a "deficit of grooms" (this is the case in our textile centers), in others - to a "deficit of brides" (such is the demographic situation that until recently was characteristic of many rural areas Russia). The result in both cases is the same - increased migration, damaging the economy.

Of course, not all migration causes damage to the economy. Migration mobility of the population In general, there is a positive phenomenon, since such mobility makes it possible to more evenly distribute the population in the social space, its redistribution between labor-surplus and labor-deficient regions, and contributes to the equalization of people's professional production experience. What effect - positive or negative - migration has in each specific case depends on its pace, direction and structure of migration flows. We can recall why we were concerned about the migration of the rural population in the fifties and seventies: the rate of migration far exceeded the rate of growth in labor productivity in agriculture; migration devastated already labor-deficient regions, as migrants were sent to more fertile regions both economically and climatically; youth prevailed in the migration flow sch/ Gamaya able-bodied and educated part of the villagers.

And finally state of psychophysical health of the population as a factor of economic development. Finally, in order of consideration, and not in importance, because this factor among all is the most integrating and, perhaps, the most important, especially in conditions scientific and technological revolution that imposes increased demands on the health of workers. The deterioration of the psychophysical health of the population leads to a decrease in labor productivity in the national economy, requires the diversion of additional funds for health care and the maintenance of the disabled. But the worst thing is that if the psychophysical health of the population deteriorates from generation to generation, the degradation of the nation's gene pool begins, and this, along with depopulation, hangs over it like a sword of Damocles. The shortening of life expectancy we are seeing is a dire warning.

And, finally, demographic characteristics affect the image of society as a whole, facilitating its progressive development, or, on the contrary, causing its degradation. Thus, following the decline in population to a critical minimum, society becomes unable to reproduce social relations in their entirety.


1 POPULATION ECONOMY AND DEMOGRAPHY Developed by Pavlova S.A., Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof. Reviewer Mikhnevich A.V., Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1. The purpose of the discipline The study of the concepts and methodology of population economics and demography, developed by science and practice both abroad and in our country, the formation on this basis of postgraduate students of the necessary worldview, thinking, skills and abilities. 2. Tasks of the discipline The tasks of the discipline are to study and master the following aspects of the economics of population and demography: theoretical and methodological foundations of the economics of population and demography; the conceptual apparatus of the discipline; principles, functions and tools of population economics and demography; properties of the components of the population economy and demography from the standpoint of their integrity; the procedure for developing the adoption and implementation of decisions in the field of population economics and demography in market conditions; skills in organizing population management systems; skills independent work with literary sources in the field of population economics and demography, their active use in scientific and practical activities. 3. The place of the discipline in the research, pedagogical, professional activities of a postgraduate graduate This discipline is a discipline of choice in the system of postgraduate professional education and is closely related to a number of general scientific, economic and special theory", "Macroeconomics at the present stage", "Methods of teaching at the university using distance technology", " Information Technology in science and education". 4. Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline A graduate student who has studied this discipline must know: scientific foundations economics of population and demography, the main teachings and approaches in this area; basics of demographic policy management; methods of planning, control and analysis in the field of population economics and demography; master the following competencies: be able to develop and implement (suggest ways to implement) an effective mechanism that ensures the achievement of the goals of demographic policy; be able to scientifically approach the understanding of the theoretical essence of the problems, phenomena and processes of population and demography; be able to organize and analyze communication processes and managerial decision-making processes in the field of population economics and demography;

2 to be ready to acquire new knowledge in management using modern information educational technologies; have the skills to analyze the backbone elements of the economy of population and demography in the current economic situation. II. The content of the discipline 1. Topics and their summary Module 1. Theoretical foundations of population economics and demography Topic 1. Fundamentals of the study of "Population Economics" Subject and method of "Population Economics". Direct and indirect (indirect) influence of the economy on demographic processes is the object of study of the population economy. Patterns of the impact of the economy on the socio-demographic development of the population is the subject of population economics. The relationship of economic and demographic processes, the correlation of the population economy with demography in general and economic demography in particular. Classification of methods used by population economics: 1) general scientific methods of economic science, philosophy and history: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, historicism method, dialectic method, etc.; 2) special methods: statistical, mathematical, mathematical modeling, econometric, etc. Historical development population theories. The main patterns of development of the economy and population in the primitive communal, slaveholding and feudal socio-economic formations. The law of population of T. Malthus. The capitalist law of population of K. Marx. The law of growth of population mobility. Globalization of the world economy and population. Economic development and demographic transition. Topic 2. Economic and demographic information in population data sources Basic principles and requirements for collecting information on socio-demographic aspects of population development. Quality, completeness and reliability of data on socio-demographic aspects of population development. Coordination between the main sources of socio-demographic data on the population as the basis for creating a modern information system comparable to the world's information systems. The modern system of population data sources. The history of the development of socio-economic aspects of statistical accounting of the population. National accounts as a source of aggregated household data at the macro level. Sources of data on population migration: population censuses, current records, administrative registers, sample surveys. Sources of economic information on migration: the national balance of payments as a source of information on labor export earnings. Sources of data on standard of living. Basic principles for collecting data on living standards. Data source system. Statistical concept of assessing the standard of living in the Russian Federation. Household budget surveys. Sample surveys of non-governmental institutions in the Russian Federation (VTsIOM, "Taganrog surveys" of ISEP RAS, RLMS, etc.). Data sources in foreign countries. International comparisons and databases: Luxembourg Income Survey (LIS), World Bank Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS). Topic 3. Economic development and population dynamics Economic factors in the dynamics of fertility and mortality. Socio-economic development and demographic transition in the field of fertility. Eight conceptual interpretations of the reasons for the transition in the field of fertility. An economic approach to explaining the dynamics of fertility. The use of theoretical models of the "price of time" and "relative income" to explain the dynamics of fertility. The main empirical macromodels of fertility dynamics based on social

3 economic variables. Epidemiological transition as a conceptual interpretation of the causes of the transition in the field of mortality. Theoretical models of the need for longevity and health M. Grossman, I. Erlich H. Huma. Basic empirical models of mortality. Age-specific features of mortality, their modeling and economic factors. Socio-economic differentiation of mortality. An Economic Model of Mortality by Cause by J. Solomon C. Murray. Module 2. Population economics and demography in the system of socio-economic sciences Topic 4. Family and household economics Economic concepts of the household. Household study methodology. The New Economy of the Household. Development of the neoclassical concept. Institutional and gender theories. Decision-making process, household technology, household types. Marriage market and partner selection. The main microeconomic models used in the neoclassical household economy: labor supply model, life cycle model, human capital model. Intergenerational transfers, human capital formation and fertility. Transfer-limited and transfer-unlimited households. permanent income. Household income distribution (intergenerational aspect). Motivation for intergenerational transfers. Intergenerational transfers in Russia. Model of investment in human capital. Function of production of human capital. Interpretation of the phenomenon of fertility fluctuations in terms of the Easterlin model and the Chicago School model. Demand for children in countries with low and high levels income. Topic 5. Gender factor in economic and demographic relationships Gender criticism neoclassical theory households. Distribution of resources and decision-making mechanism in the household. Reproductive labor in the narrow and broad sense and its measurement. Economic growth and increase in women's employment (time distribution). Feminization of poverty: the concept of "feminization of poverty", the problem of measuring the process of feminization of poverty. Globalization of the World Economy and the Transformation of Gender Status. Topic 6. Demography and business Demographic aspects of population insurance. Population aging and prospects for the development of the supplementary pension insurance market. Actuarial tables of mortality. Fundamentals of demographic knowledge in marketing. Topic 7. Demography as an independent social science The subject of demography is the patterns of population reproduction in its socio-historical conditionality. different points view in domestic science on the subject of demography "narrow" and "broad" understanding of it. General concept about demographic processes and principles of their study. The concept of types of population movement. The study of the patterns of mass processes as a specificity of demography. The value of the demographic factor in socio-economic development. General principles analysis of socio-economic and demographic processes. Historical trends in the development of economic and demographic ties. History of demographic science. Formation scientific knowledge about population in XVI early 19th century and the emergence of prerequisites for the emergence of demographic science. Population statistics and demography. Extraction of demographics from population statistics. The main stages of the formation and development of demography in the XIX-XX centuries. Marxist-Lenin period in the study of population. Demographic science in the modern world. Development of specialization in certain areas of demographic science. Main scientific directions modern demography. Theoretical demography; demographic history; descriptive demographics; historical demographics; economic demography; regional demographics; ethnic demographics; demographics;

4 political demographics; military demographics; genetic demography; medical demographics; social demography. Topic 8. Patterns of population development Historical types population development. The development of population and the reproduction of the population, the relationship of concepts. The concept of demographic transition, its formation, modern development. Patterns of natural reproduction of the population. Historical conditionality of population reproduction. The relationship of social (economic, cultural, ethnic, etc.) factors of demographic processes and population reproduction. Factors of demographic structure. The structure of mortality factors: biological, climatic, socio-cultural, behavioral, economic, institutional. "Biological" mortality rate. Exogenous, endogenous, quasi-endogenous mortality. Health and the physical state population. Concepts of "epidemiological transition". Historical types of reproductive behavior. Institutional factors of reproductive behavior. Socio-economic and demographic conditionality of high birth rates in traditional societies. Causes and mechanism of fertility decline as a long-term historical process. The economics of fertility and the demand for children in high- and low-income countries. Types and modes of population reproduction, the relationship between fertility and mortality. Change in the age structure of the population. The concept of the system of consequences of demographic development: economic, social, ethnic, socio-hygienic. Population aging: causes, patterns and socio-economic consequences. Topic 9. Migration of the population and its resettlement. Urbanization The concept and essence of population migration. Migration as an economic and demographic process. Economic approach to the study of migration. Demographic approach to the study of migration. Classification and typology of migration processes. The concept of mobile and migratory transitions. Modeling migrations. Population migration functions: redistributive, selective, development function. Economic, social and demographic consequences of population migration. The structure of migration flows. Influence of migration on the structure and reproduction of the population in the areas of exit and places of settlement of migrants. The main types, types and forms of population migration. Economic and non-economic reasons for migration. The concept of factor and motive of migration. Structural factors. Territorial differences in living conditions and employment. Methods for studying the factors of population migration. The nature of migration processes in developed and developing countries. History of the migration movement in Russia. "Forced" migrations in the USSR and the CIS. Patterns of migration processes in Russia and regions of the country. Systems for stimulating resettlement and survival of new settlers. The concept of survival. The concept of acad. V.P. Treasurer. The concept and essence of urbanization. Urbanization in developed and developing countries; general patterns and differences. positive and negative traits urbanization. The interaction of demographic growth, the movement of the rural population to cities, international migration and social mobility. Module 3. Theoretical substantiation of the national demographic policy Topic 10. Methods of demographic analysis Statistical methods for the analysis of demographic processes. General principles of demographic analysis. Longitudinal and transverse approaches in the study of demographic processes. Demographic grid. Components of population change. Structural indicators ratio of the number of individual age groups. Indicators of population aging. Marriage and family structures of the population. Intensity coefficients of demographic processes. The system of general and private birth rates, mortality, natural increase, marriage,

5 divorces. Coefficients of arrival-departure of the population and the balance of migration. Mortality rate due to its causes. Infant mortality rate. Possible boundaries of variation of demographic coefficients. Influence of the age structure of the population on the value of demographic indicators. Standardization of coefficients as a method of eliminating the influence of structural factors. Standardization methods. Demographic index system. The method of demographic tables. Mathematical methods. The role of mathematical methods in demography, their significance and areas of application. Model curve method in mathematical modeling demographic processes. Relational methods in mathematical modeling of demographic processes. Methods for constructing and using standard tables. sociological methods. Cartographic and graphic methods. Topic 11. Demographic forecasting Demographic forecasting and its place in the system of socio-economic forecasting. Methods of demographic forecasting. Methods for developing a forecast scenario. Initial data and parameters of the predictive model. Methods for calculating the future population and its structure. Perspective estimates of trends in population reproduction. Methods for predicting birth and death rates. Methods for predicting population migration. History of demographic forecasts in Russia and abroad. United Nations population projections. The practical significance of population forecasts. Functional projections of the population. Topic 12. Population policy Demographic policy: definition, history, methods, effectiveness. Family policy. Regional demographic policy. The need for demographic expertise in the implementation of socio-economic development programs. Gender expertise of socio-demographic programs. The main directions of regulation of demographic processes in modern Russia. Population policy in the world community. Experience in carrying out demographic policy in the world, methods, efficiency. Family planning programs. Activities of the UN and others international organizations in the field of population. United Nations World Population Conferences. 20-year Program of Action in the field of population and development, adopted at the Cairo Conference of the United Nations (1994). Topic 13. Theories and doctrines of population Classification of demographic concepts and doctrines. Classics of foreign economic thought on population problems. Malthus and modern neo-Malthusianism. Problems of population in the economic theory of Marxism. The development of biological and sociological trends in foreign demography in the 19th-20th centuries. Concepts of dynamics of demographic processes. Modern varieties of the theory of demographic transition and the concept of "demographic revolution". Analysis of modern interpretations of the nature, causes and consequences of the "population explosion" in developing countries. The theory of the demographic "trap" of economic development. Assessment of the impact of fluctuations in population growth rates and the impact of changes in its structure on economic development. The theory of "zero population growth". Study of problems of demographic investments. Concepts of the state policy of population redistribution and adaptation of the economic system of developed countries to the changing regime of population reproduction. Economic theory fertility. Positions and concepts of world religions in questions of the policy of regulating the reproduction of the population. The concept of "global demographic problem» in theories of world development. The international significance of activities for the examination of the problems of the population of the modern world. 2. Indicative list of questions for independent work 1. Subject and method "Population economics and demography".

6 2. Patterns of the impact of the economy on socio-demographic processes. 3. General scientific methods of population economics. 4. Special Methods population economy. 5. The main patterns of development of the economy and population in various socio-economic formations. 6. The law of growth of population mobility. Globalization of the world economy and population. 7. The concept of information about the socio-demographic aspects of population development. 8. Quality, completeness and reliability of population data. 9. Modern system of population data sources. 10. National accounts as a source of information about households at the macro level. 11. Sources of economic information on migration. 12. Basic principles for collecting data on living standards. 13. Socio-economic development and demographic transition in the field of fertility. 14. Economic approach to explaining the dynamics of fertility. 15. Basic empirical macromodels of fertility dynamics. 16. Epidemiological transition as a conceptual interpretation of the causes of the transition in the field of mortality. 17. Basic empirical models of mortality. 18. Age-specific features of mortality, their modeling and economic factors. 19. Decision-making process, household technology, household types. 20. Marriage market and partner choice. 21. Basic microeconomic models used in neoclassical household economics. 22. Intergenerational transfers, human capital formation and fertility. 23. Model of investment in human capital. 24. The function of the production of human capital. 25. Gender criticism of the neoclassical theory of the household. 26. Distribution of resources and decision-making mechanism in the household. 27. Reproductive labor in the narrow and broad sense and its measurement. 28. Economic growth and increase in women's employment. 29. The concept of "feminization of poverty", the problem of its measurement. 30. Globalization of the world economy and the transformation of gender status. 31. Demographic aspects of population insurance. 32. The problem of population aging. 33. Prospects for the development of the insurance market for additional pensions. 34. Actuarial tables of mortality. 35. Fundamentals of demographic knowledge in marketing. 36. General concept of demographic processes and principles of their study. 37. The concept of types of population movement. 38. The value of the demographic factor in socio-economic development. 39. Historical trends in the development of economic and demographic ties. 40. History of demographic science. 41. The main scientific directions of modern demography. 42. Historical types of population development. 43. Patterns of natural reproduction of the population. 44. Structure of mortality factors. 45. Historical types of reproductive behavior.

7 46. Types and modes of population reproduction, the relationship between fertility and mortality. 47. Population aging: causes, patterns and socio-economic consequences. 48. The concept and essence of population migration. 49. Classification and typology of migration processes. 50. Functions of population migration. 51. Economic and non-economic reasons for migration. 52. The concept and essence of urbanization. 53. Methods for studying the factors of population migration. 54. Statistical methods for the analysis of demographic processes. 55. Components of population change. 56. Intensity coefficients of demographic processes. 57. Influence of the age structure of the population on the value of demographic indicators. 58. Methods for constructing and using standard tables in the analysis of demographic processes. 59. Mathematical methods for modeling demographic processes. 60. Demographic forecast in the system of socio-economic forecasting. 61. Methods of demographic forecasting. 62. Initial data and parameters of the predictive model. 63. Perspective estimates of population reproduction trends. 64. History of demographic forecasts in Russia. 65. Practical value of population forecasts. 66. Essence and content of demographic policy. 67. Basic methods of demographic policy, criteria for its effectiveness. 68. Directions of regulation of demographic processes in modern Russia. 69. Population policy in the world community. 70. Experience in conducting demographic policy in the world, methods, effectiveness. 71. Family planning programs. 72. Classification of demographic concepts and doctrines. 73. Classics of domestic and foreign economic thought on population problems. 74. Concepts of dynamics of demographic processes. 75. Study of the problems of demographic investment. 76. Positions and concepts of world religions in matters of policy of regulating the reproduction of the population. 77. The concept of "global demographic problem". 3. An indicative list of topics for essays 1. Patterns of the impact of the economy on the socio-demographic development of the population. 2. The main patterns of development of the economy and population in various historical periods. 3. Comparative analysis various concepts population economy. 4. Basic principles and requirements for collecting information on socio-demographic aspects of population development. 5. History of the development of socio-economic aspects of statistical accounting of the population. 6. Sample surveys of the standard of living of non-governmental institutions in the Russian Federation (VTsIOM, "Taganrog surveys" of ISEP RAS, RLMS, etc.).

8 7. International comparisons and databases on living standards: Luxembourg Income Survey (LIS), World Bank Living Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS). 8. Economic factors of the dynamics of fertility and mortality. 9. Epidemiological transition as a conceptual interpretation of the causes of the transition in the field of mortality. 10. Conceptual interpretations of the reasons for the transition in the field of fertility. 11. Basic microeconomic models used in neoclassical household economics. 12. Economic concepts of the household. 13. Intergenerational transfers, human capital formation and fertility. 14. Transfer-limited and transfer-unlimited households. 15. Economic growth and increase in women's employment. 16. Globalization of the world economy and the transformation of gender status. 17. Demographic aspects of population insurance. 18. Actuarial tables of mortality. 19. Fundamentals of demographic knowledge in marketing. 20. Different points of view in domestic science on the subject of demography, its “narrow” and “broad” understanding. 21. The study of the laws of mass processes as a specificity of demography. 22. Historical trends in the development of economic and demographic ties. 23. The main stages of the formation and development of demography in the XIX-XX centuries. 24. Demographic science in the modern world. 25. The concept of demographic transition. 26. The relationship of social (economic, cultural, ethnic, etc.) factors of demographic processes and population reproduction. 27. Health and physical condition of the population. 28. Causes and mechanism of fertility decline as a long-term historical process. 29. The nature of migration processes in developed and developing countries. 30. Influence of the age structure of the population on the value of demographic indicators. 31. The main directions of regulation of demographic processes in modern Russia. 32. Activities of the UN and other international organizations in the field of population. 33. Classics of foreign economic thought on population problems. 34. Modern varieties of the theory of demographic transition and the concept of "demographic revolution". 4. An indicative list of questions for preparing for the test in the entire discipline 1. The subject and method of the discipline "Population Economics". 2. Classification of methods used by population economics. 3. The law of population of T. Malthus. 4. The law of population of K. Marx. 5. Globalization of the world economy and population. 6. Coordination between the main sources of socio-demographic data on the population. 7. The history of the development of socio-economic aspects of statistical accounting of the population. 8. Basic principles for collecting data on living standards. Data source system.

9 9. Socio-economic development and demographic transition in the field of fertility. 10. Basic empirical macro models of fertility dynamics based on socio-economic variables. 11. Epidemiological transition as a conceptual interpretation of the reasons for the transition in the field of mortality. 12. Theoretical models of the need for longevity and health M. Grossman, I. Erlich H. Huma. 13. Methodology for the study of the household. 14. Institutional and gender theories. Decision-making process, household technology, household types. 15. Basic microeconomic models used in neoclassical household economics. 16. Distribution of income in the household. 17. Model of investment in human capital. 18. Demand for children in low- and high-income countries. 19. Gender criticism of the neoclassical theory of the household. 20. Distribution of resources and decision-making mechanism in the household. 21. Reproductive labor in the narrow and broad sense and its measurement. 22. Demographic aspects of population insurance. 23. Patterns of population reproduction in its socio-historical conditionality. 24. General concept of demographic processes and principles of their study. 25. The concept of types of population movement. 26. History of demographic science. 27. Development of population and reproduction of the population, correlation of concepts. 28. Historical conditionality of population reproduction. 29. Health and physical condition of the population. 30. Factors of reproductive behavior. 31. The concept of the system of consequences of demographic development. 32. Migration as an economic and demographic process. 33. Economic, social and demographic consequences of population migration. 34. The concept of factor and motive of migration. 35. Urbanization in developed and developing countries. 36. General principles of demographic analysis. 37. Components of population change. 38. Methods of demographic forecasting. 39. Main directions of regulation of demographic processes. 40. Experience in carrying out demographic policy in the world, methods, efficiency. III. Distribution teaching hours by topics and types of classes Classroom classes, h Seminars and lectures Self- Total Name of modules and topics hours Lectures other work, h types of classes Module 1. Theoretical foundations of population economics and demography Topic 1. Fundamentals of studying "Population Economics" Topic 2. Economic and demographic information in data sources about

10 Name of modules and topics Total hours Classroom hours Lectures Seminars and other types of occupations for the population Theme 3. Economic development and population dynamics Module 2. Population economics and demography in the system of social and economic sciences Theme 4. Family and household economics Theme 5. Gender factor in economic and demographic relationships Topic 6. Demography and business Topic 7. Demography as an independent social science Topic 8. Patterns of population development Topic 9. Population migration and resettlement. Urbanization Self-study, h Module 3. Theoretical substantiation of national demographic policy Theme 10. Methods of demographic analysis Theme 11. Demographic forecasting Theme 12. Population policy Theme 13. Theories and doctrines of population TOTAL: IV. Form of the final control test V. Educational and methodological support of the discipline Literature Main 1. Medkov, V.M. Demography [Text]: Textbook - 2nd ed. / V. M. Medkov. - M. : Infra-M, Simonin, P.V. Human resources management [Text]: Textbook / P. V. Simonin. - M. : Infra-M, Ganshina, G.V. Theory and practice of home science [Text]: Textbook / GV Ganshina. - M. : Infra-M, Additional 1. Bomol, W.J. Economics. Principles and Policies. Grif UMC "Professional textbook" [Text]: a textbook for university students studying in the specialties of economics and management (060000) / Bomol, W.J., A.S. Blinder. - M .: UNITY-DANA, Romanov, V. N. Research of social economic processes in modern Russia [Electronic resource]: textbook / V.N. Romanov. Ulyanovsk: UlGTU,

11 2009 (/ Administrative and management portal,) 3. M.P. Karpenko Educational geodemography of Russia [Text]: monograph / M.P. Karpenko M.: SSU Means of ensuring the development of the discipline 1. Educational and methodological (guidelines for graduate students) and lecture materials (author's courses of lectures, and slide lectures of professors of the Academy). 2. Educational and teaching-controlling computer programs to consolidate and deepen knowledge. 3. Test bases for testing and training postgraduate students on the main problems of the discipline. 4. Base of questions for intermediate attestation of graduate students.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation PROGRAM - MINIMUM candidate exam in the specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and Management of the National Economy" (Population Economics and Demography)

RECREATION AND TOURISM Developer Pavlova S.A., Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof. Reviewer Mikhnevich A.V., Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1 Aims and objectives of the discipline: The study of modern

The number of the section, topic, class Material support for classes (visual, methodological aids, etc.) Literature Forms of knowledge control lectures Practical (seminar) classes Controlled independent




State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Dubna University" Faculty of Economics and Management Department of State and Municipal Administration Annotation

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES state-financed organization science INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (IE


Belorussian State University(name of higher educational institution) APPROVED Dean of the Faculty of Economics M.M. Kovalev (signature) (date of approval) Economic demography and labor markets

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE The purpose of the course is to increase the general theoretical level of knowledge of future specialists, as well as the formation of practical skills for processing, analyzing and evaluating the demographic

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidova Faculty of Economics I APPROVE Vice-Rector for Education Development E.V. Sapir "" 2012

PRICING Developer: Pavlova S.A., Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof. Reviewer: Mikhnevich A.V., Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1. The purpose of the discipline vocational training


MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS Developer F.I. Sharkov, Doctor of Sociology. sciences, prof. Reviewer A.N. Gostev, Doctor of Sociology, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1. The purpose of the discipline The purpose of the discipline

annotation work program B2.V.OD.4 DEMOGRAPHY Annotator: Department of Personnel Policy and Personnel Management Direction and level of training 081100.62 State and municipal administration,


Autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional education "Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship" (ANO VPO "RAP") APPROVED by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Ermakova E.E. June 28, 2013


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Federal University" (FEFU)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian University of Economics named after

2 3 Contents 1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline 4 2. Place of the discipline in the structure of the undergraduate BEP 4 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline 4 4. Content and structure of the discipline

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State University of Systems

Department of Education of the city of Moscow. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Faculty of Economics

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University"

Annex to RPD B1.V.DV.4.2 Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University" MPEI "in Smolensk I APPROVE Deputy.

FUNDAMENTALS OF DEMOGRAPHY AND GEODEMOGRAPHY Appendix 1 Approximate topics and list of tasks for guided independent work in the discipline "Fundamentals of demography and geodemography" Total hours 10. 1. Introduction.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "PREU" G.V. Plekhanov Approved With a list of questions for preparing for the candidate's exam in the specialty at a meeting of the Department of Labor Economics and approved by staff Direction of preparation:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT "NINH" Department of Statistics

PSYCHOLOGY OF HIGHER SCHOOL Developer Syromyatnikov IV, Dr. of Psychology. sciences, prof. Reviewer Sysoev V.V., Dr. of Psychology. Sci., Prof., Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation I. Organizational and methodological section 1. Purpose

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Bryansk Institute of Management and Business" DEMOGRAPHY I APPROVE: Vice-Rector for Academic and innovative work Khvostenko T.M.

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Institute of Management" Faculty of Economics Department of State and Municipal Administration and Organization Management

PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY IN HIGHER SCHOOL Developed by S.I. Denisenko, dr ped. sciences, prof. Reviewer M.A. Lyamzin, Dr. ped. sciences, prof. I Organizational and methodological section 1 The purpose of the discipline Formation of


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Russian Federation St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics Magadan Institute of Economics O. N. Yaroshenko "DEMOGRAPHY" Educational and methodological complex Magadan 2006 2 CONTENTS

3 Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Samara branch

GENERAL THEORY OF STATISTICS Developer Nikolayeva N.D., Ph.D. economy Sciences, Assoc. Reviewer Pavlova S.A., Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1. The purpose of the discipline The purpose of studying this discipline

SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND PROCESSES Developer: Kozlov V.B., Doctor of Sociology. sciences, prof. Reviewer: Korobov V.B., Doctor of Sociology. sciences, prof. I. Organizational and methodological section 1. The purpose of the discipline Providing in-depth

1 RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF TRADE AND ECONOMICS Department of Sociology Approved by the EMC of the Faculty of Social Technologies

INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE FOR AUTOMATION PROCESSES (INDUSTRY) Developer Savinov V.A., Ph.D. those. sciences, prof. Reviewer Berliner E.M., Dr. of Tech. sciences, prof. I Organizational and methodological

Disciplines "Philosophical problems of science and technology" The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credits, 144 hours, the form of intermediate certification is credit. The discipline program provides for lectures

TASKS AND METHODS OF DECISION MAKING Developer Kiryushov BM, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Assoc. Reviewer Berliner E.M., Dr. of Tech. sciences, prof. I Organizational and methodological section 1 The purpose of the discipline is the formation of

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"

Test tasks: 1. Demography is a science that studies: 1. The composition and distribution of labor resources. 2. Settlement of the population. 3. Ethnic composition population. 4. Urbanization processes. 5. Patterns


MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NORTHERN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY"

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION Developers: М.А. Lyamzin, Dr. ped. sciences, prof.; EM. Berliner, Dr. tech. sciences, prof. Reviewer S.I. Denisenko, Dr. ped. sciences, prof. I Organizational and methodological


INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE FOR AUTOMATION PROCESSES (TECHNICAL SYSTEMS) Developer Artyushenko V.M., Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. Reviewer Berliner E.M., Dr. of Tech. sciences, prof. I Organizational and methodological

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" Novokuznetsk

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS liberal education First Deputy ^ Minister (^ of the Republic of Khііdfus ^ ^: (signature) W V ^ : -. - L ^ 7 l / - Pol

1. The purpose, objectives and requirements for mastering the discipline The study of the discipline "Social Statistics" involves the acquisition by students of experience in building predictive models, making decisions about the specification

1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPECIALTY OF POSTGRADUATE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 08.00.12 - ACCOUNTING, STATISTICS 1.1. A scientific degree awarded on the condition of mastering the basic educational

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION SAMARA STATE ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY Institute national economy Department of Regional Economics, State and Municipal Administration ABSTRACT

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "MOSCOW INSTITUTE OF BANKING" Specialty: "Economics" Course work In the discipline: "Statistics" on the topic:


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Faculty