Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Spiritual realm. Now let's move on to making a to-do list.

Mankind is distinguished by the ability to act in its own interests, creating large-scale, comprehensive benefits. It makes our life comfortable.

Activity as a way of existence of people determines the well-being of everyone individual person and society as a whole. This behavior allows us to change the world around us. What this process is, as well as what contributes to human activity, needs to be considered in more detail.

General concept

Human activity is a form of interaction with the world that surrounds us. This process gives people the opportunity to learn about the world, and on the basis of data received from outside, they build their behavioral models. The combination of these features results in the ability of mankind to change the world.

Through activity, we can satisfy our needs for material goods (food, shelter, clothing, etc.), as well as develop spiritually. This process includes, for example, arts, sciences, etc.

Also, human activity can be aimed at self-development, improvement of one's personality. Strengthening willpower, the development of certain qualities of character or abilities bear fruit in the future.

Distinctive features

Activity is an opportunity to improve the surrounding conditions, to transform the world so that we can comfortably exist in appropriate conditions. In the interests of people, new benefits are created every year that have never existed in nature.

Human activity is characterized by a social and transformative character, as well as productivity and consciousness. This distinguishes us from the behavior of other living beings within the limits set by nature.

We consciously put forward our goals, which allows us to anticipate the end result. Our behavior leads to the receipt of products, benefits. To do this, people use various tools. The transforming nature of human labor allows you to change yourself, as well as the surrounding reality. The social nature of activity is manifested in the ability to enter into contacts and in cooperation to produce common benefits for all.

human needs

By creating the necessary conditions for existence, a person satisfies his needs. People experience and realize their need in certain conditions created to maintain life, as well as personal development.

Needs are most often combined into 3 groups. This is a natural, social and ideal need of a person to create specific conditions for his existence.

Natural needs are given to us by nature. We are born with them, so they are biological (or physiological). This includes all the needs necessary for life, reproduction: food, shelter, water, sleep, etc.

The social needs are related to labor and communication. People need achievements, recognition from others.

The highest level is cultural needs. This allows a person to develop his spiritual abilities, talents, and also to learn the world.

The relationship of needs

When studying activity as a way of human existence, attention should be paid to the interaction of needs. All three categories discussed above are interrelated. For example, when satisfying his needs for food, a person takes care of the variety of dishes, the aesthetics of the table, the beauty and cleanliness of cutlery, pleasant company, etc.

A feature of human nature is an extremely rare condition complete satisfaction their needs. If one need is satisfied, another one pops up, grabbing his attention and forcing him to direct his efforts to a specific area.

Also, needs have their own hierarchy. Until they are satisfied, the natural does not pay attention to their social and cultural needs. To develop spiritually, it is necessary to have some minimum satisfied needs for food, communication, etc.


By studying what the main ones are determined in the course of our evolutionary development, the structure of this process cannot be overlooked. All our actions are determined by a goal. To achieve it, a person uses certain means. This allows you to get the desired result.

The goal is the awareness of the consequences to which the forces of man are directed. First, mental contours of the future product or result arise. Next, a person thinks about what means will help him achieve his desired goal.

Using the necessary tools, having received certain knowledge and skills, a person gets the result. It can be both material and spiritual benefits. This person desires consciously.

Main activities

Activity as a way of existence of a person and society has several main directions. They are classified according to different features. First of all, the process of creation can be practical or spiritual. It depends on our attitude to the world that surrounds us.

When a person's consciousness changes, we are talking about spiritual activity. transforming material objects that exist in our reality, people produce practical actions.

Activities can also be progressive and reactionary. This is due to the course of history and the development of the personality of each member of society. Also, our efforts can be constructive or destructive.

Activities are legal or prohibited, acceptable and immoral. The formation of these varieties was influenced by the basic norms of morality, general cultural values.

By social sign distinguish between mass, collective or individual work. It can be creative, innovative, formulaic, monotonous or inventive, etc.


Motivation of activity is the reason why a person puts forward a particular goal, engages in certain work. It is this explanation that drives us to creation or destruction.

Motive is motivation. Sometimes various reasons lead to the same activity. For example, a group of people are reading a book. One of them does this because he has a craving for new knowledge. The other person reads to occupy his free time. The third representative of the group is engaged in this activity in order to earn the approval of other members of the group.

It happens that the same motive leads to different activities. For example, wanting to earn the recognition of society, a person can show his abilities in industrial, sports or social sphere etc. The variety of motives and goals determines the overall activity.

Activity Awareness

Activity as a way of people's existence is a conscious process. However, the degree of this knowledge may be different. Motives are formed under the influence of the interests, needs, and beliefs of a person. They give meaning to actions.

The whole process of a person's work to achieve his goals consists of a sequence of certain acts. They are called action. For example, in the process of getting an education, we read certain literature, listen to lectures of teachers, write down the material presented by them, solve problems and follow the instructions of teachers.

When a goal is set and at the same time a person presents its result, and the order of performing actions using specific means is established, this is called conscious activity.

However, in reality, this process may go beyond goals and motivations. strong feelings Emotions can influence actions. In this case, the awareness of the goal may be absent. This causes impulsive actions. Such activity is called unconscious.


In the process of a person's work in various directions, motivation and stimulation of activity arise. If the motive is the reason for which we carry out certain actions, then stimulation is a reward. This makes the activity more efficient.

Motivation and stimulation is a strategy. They complement each other. For example, an enterprise can simultaneously improve working conditions while increasing wages. Complexity gives good results.

But stimulation and motivation can also oppose each other. For example, wages increased by 5%, but inflation was 10%. For this reason, performance has decreased. The mechanism of motivation should be adequate to the process of stimulation.

Having studied what activity is as a way of people's existence, one can understand the essence of this concept, as well as delve into its features.

All people have a huge creative potential! How to awaken the creative abilities of a person? Learn 5 Easy Techniques That Will Help You Succeed!

What is human creativity?

Human evolution is possible only with the use of the creative potential of consciousness¹. It is creativity that helps people create something new.

The process of creativity is of great importance from the point of view of the work of our body, and from the point of view of esotericism, and from the point of view of everyone's life.

To better understand the “mechanics” of creating a new solution, you need to know that human thinking is based on neural interaction.

Scientists estimate that our brain consists of about 100 billion neurons; each neuron communicates with each other electrical energy, information. Together they create neural networks certain "drawings", that is, thoughts. This happens all the time, new neural networks appear every second - with the help of this we can think.

Human creativity is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain.

While left hemisphere It is logical: the processes in it move along predetermined, previously known networks, it is the right one that is able to come up with a new solution: many geniuses were distinguished precisely by the amazing activity of the right hemisphere!

It turns out that in order to attract success into your life, a person needs to activate creative abilities, that is, to activate creative thinking. This brings quite obvious benefits to everyone's life!

All people initially have the same creative potential². But over the years, the ability to think creatively fades.

Scientists have studied how the creative abilities of a person are manifested in different ages. The results of these studies confirmed that people become more conservative with age.

The following proportions of atypical responses were derived depending on age:

  • children under 5 years of age during testing gave 90% of extraordinary answers;
  • the share of new responses in children at the age of seven decreased to 20%;
  • the cumulative share of extraordinary responses in adults is about 2%. Instead of new solutions, they respond with memorized phrases.

Important tricks for developing creativity!

Although they disappear with age, there are several tricks to restore the brain's ability to generate new solutions.

1. You need to create a comfortable environment for yourself at home, at work, in the car.

People who are forced to be in uncomfortable conditions are prone to stress, apathy, which drowns out the creative abilities of a person.

It is useful to pay attention to details: for internal comfort, sometimes a new one is enough. beautiful screensaver on the computer, a pair of flowerpots with flowers or a photo of a loved one on the desk.

Most importantly, don't forget to always come up with something new! A person gets used to everything, and for this from time to time you need to make new details in your interior. Like attracts like: new positive things stimulate the brain to create new ideas and thoughts!

2. For recovery creativity communication is necessary: ​​people exchange information during contacts with each other.

Try to meet new people as often as possible. So you will get more new information. The brain is constantly analyzing data, and based on the new, it creates a new one! It is very useful at every opportunity to communicate with interesting, creative personalities.

3. Often the limits of an adult limit the creative thinking of a person. We can say that he himself forbids himself to think in a new way.

To restore creative abilities, it is recommended to take an example from children: do not be afraid to look for new solutions where everything, it would seem, has already been invented by “smart people”.

You can play like a child: set a task. find a new solution for some issue in your life: imagine, fantasize, try to think outside the usual framework. When a new thought is found and accepted by the mind as suitable, we can assume that you have achieved success. To reward yourself, you can go outside and buy yourself something delicious! Praise yourself!

4. Right hemisphere, which is responsible for the creative abilities of a person, is associated with the information field of the Universe - it is from there that it takes new solutions.

You need to learn to listen to your inner voice, intuition³. Don't Ignore Intuitive Hints!

On our site you can find many efficient technician for the development of intuition and extrasensory abilities.

5. Need to activate critical thinking, increase your awareness.

Instead of meekly accepting what is happening as a given, it is recommended to analyze, ask more “why” questions, reflect: this encourages the brain to create new neural networks.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Consciousness is a state mental life person, expressed in the subjective experience of the events of the external world and the life of the individual himself, as well as in the report on these events (

Speaking about human activity, it should be emphasized that it is this process that constantly changes the world and allows people to create something that was not originally in nature.

Activity as a way of being

Only man has this form of interaction with the outside world. Activity is such a multifaceted process that any employment of a person can be called this word.

It is activity that allows a person to create all the necessary conditions for existence, constantly learn about the world around him, satisfy spiritual needs and develop in many directions. Activities have certain characteristics.

It is productivity, consciousness, social and transformative character. It is these features that distinguish a person from an animal, and this is the difference human activity from animal behavior.

Human activity is clearly conscious character. A person is able to put forward goals and can foresee the result of his work.

Man aims to get certain result, this is what productivity.

transformative the nature of activity lies in the fact that it changes the world in which people live, it contributes to the improvement of the objects that surround us and ourselves.

Activity motivation

The motive is considered to be the reason for the activity. And the same activity can be performed for completely different motives.

But a person is often driven not by one motive, but by whole system motives and their multifaceted combination.

In the motivation of human activity, his beliefs, interests, needs and ideals are manifested. And it is motivation that gives activity semantic filling.

Variety of activities

Allocate different kinds human activity, since activity can come from completely different grounds. Therefore, there are several types of classification of the variety of activities.

Activity can be spiritual or practical, depending on the relationship of a person to the world around him. associated with a change in consciousness spiritual activity, and practical- transforms the material objects of our world.

Another classification: reactionary and progressive activity. AT this case, human activity is associated with the development of mankind and the course of history. Allocate creative or destructive activities - they also apply to social progress and history.

There are also legal and illegal human activities, immoral and moral. These species arose due to the formation of certain social norms and common cultural values.

Social forms of association of people also made their own amendments to the types of activities. There is a mass, collective and individual activity. There are many more classifications of human activities: innovative, creative, formulaic, inventive, monotonous, and so on.

The designer must have certain knowledge, skills and design skills, which should be aimed at creating a specific design. Ultimately, the created structure must meet all the requirements that were imposed on it at the beginning of the design. In addition, the designer must have qualities that contribute to the creative process.

Knowledge is a system of concepts learned by a person. The volume and quality of knowledge required by a designer are determined by his qualification characteristics and are divided into two groups.

The first group includes general knowledge that is necessary for the design of any machines. This includes the full range of polytechnical knowledge that underlies the qualification of an engineer: for example, strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, machine parts, metal science, etc.

The second group includes special knowledge associated with the specific operating conditions of the designed machine. This includes knowledge of the technological, design and operational features of the industry to which the new product belongs.

When designing machines and equipment for the food industry, for example, you need to know technique and devices for ensuring hygienic requirements for manufactured products; when designing aircraft - techniques for ensuring minimum weight and maximum reliability, etc. In addition, it is required to know the main typical designs of the industry that characterize the existing level of technology and directions for future development. This group of knowledge also includes knowledge of the specific possibilities of production that manufactures a new product.

If the general knowledge of a design engineer is universal and can be applied in any industry, then special knowledge are lost when moving to work in another industry and other design organizations. In this case, the retraining of the designer is required, corresponding to the new working conditions.

Design skills and abilities are based on knowledge and are formed in the process of practical activity. Knowledge and understanding of their work, the correct methodology for its implementation allow the designer to acquire those personality traits that lead to mastery and success. Skill is the ability, in the process of purposeful activity, to perform its constituent particular actions automatically, without specially directed attention to them. Skill is the ability of a person to perform his work productively, with due quality and at the appropriate time.

After designing certain parts of machines, mechanisms and products, when they are repeated, the designer usually copes with his tasks much faster and with less mental stress. Thus, knowledge, skills and ability contribute to the design process. However, in addition to these qualities, the designer must have certain professional abilities that are revealed in the design process and contribute to the successful creation of new machines. Professional abilities are a set of rather persistent, although, of course, changing under the influence of education of the individual psychological qualities of a person's personality. For the designer, the following professional abilities are most important.

technical thinking- the ability to use the whole complex of polytechnical knowledge to understand the essence of technical systems and quick orientation in all technical issues. Developed technical thinking allows you to quickly understand the principle of operation of previously unknown machines and its individual components and mechanisms, navigate in general scheme and in the interaction of parts of the structure. Technical thinking allows you to perceive any machine as a synthesis of functional units, determine its purpose and find the causes of malfunctions.

Spatial imagination plays an important role in the work of the designer. The ability of spatial imagination allows you to make and read drawings. The simplest case of using spatial imagination is the compilation of orthogonal projections of a real spatial product. A designer solves a similar problem when drawing up drawings of parts of operating machines for repair work and restoration of worn out and failed parts. In the process of designing new products, the designer makes drawings of parts and assemblies that do not really exist, but are imagined by him. The imagination of a complex machine, mechanism and assembly that are located in space requires constant training and some experience. The designer must imagine the coordinates of the location of these mechanisms and assemblies and their kinematic and design relationships. Often mistakes are made in the design of the machine, related

with the lack of space for the extreme positions of the mechanisms or the lack of the possibility of assembling parts and mechanisms inside cramped cases. These errors are caused by a lack of spatial imagination.

Spatial imagination is necessary for reading drawings, when from flat projections it is required to imagine a spatial body with all the features of its structure and shape. Like any ability, spatial imagination can be improved by a person through practice. This is achieved by solving problems of descriptive geometry and studying the drawings of various designs. As practice shows, not all people can develop spatial imagination to the degree necessary for a designer, therefore, checking for spatial imagination is a limiting test in determining the professional suitability of designers.

Creativity allows the designer to create new, original machines. Solving the problem, the designer can go in two ways: 1) apply the known standard solutions, generally accepted schemes; 2) solve the problem creatively, strive to perform all the elements of the structure in a new way, in a peculiar way. These areas determine the work of a designer, on the one hand, as a technical worker who performs pre-developed technical schemes, and on the other hand, as a creative worker creating new designs at an inventive level.

The predominance of creative abilities among designers is often caused not only by the amount of acquired knowledge and accumulated experience, but also by the peculiarity of the personality warehouse. Such workers are especially valuable for the development terms of reference and in the initial stages of design or in cases where the task requires an innovative, non-standard solution. However, creative individuals least of all take into account real conditions and restrictions. Appreciating the theoretical and aesthetic aspects, they do not always take into account the economic and social ones. They work with enthusiasm at the stage of creating design principles, in solving the fundamental issues of development. When these issues are basically resolved, their interest in them sharply decreases. If designers with a bright creative personality have to solve problems of design work, which are of a routine nature, they are carried out carelessly, negligently. As a result, the design may turn out to be of poor quality, inoperable, despite its originality and progressive design.

The lack of bright creative abilities does not mean at all that the designer cannot develop products. With knowledge of the typical structural elements of machines, standards and design methods, he can develop a new technique of medium complexity and work under the control of a more capable specialist. The bulk of the work of the designer can not be called creative. The development of working documentation is painstaking work, in which constructors-executors are most valued. In addition to the considered abilities, which allow assessing the business qualities and creative potential of the designer, there are a number of characteristics of a creative person that affect the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work performed.

Ingenuity is one of the types of creative abilities, it is the ability to create new technical solutions that are useful in each specific case. Ingenuity is facilitated by a sense of the new, directed work towards a fundamentally new solution to the problem. Inventiveness is especially highly effective in combination with the creative activity of the worker.

Willingness to accept the new, unusual - the ability to analyze, select and use the new in development, not be afraid to abandon old, familiar technical solutions.

there is formal and sometimes unreasonable criticism from the developer's managers.

The speed of the thought process ensures the productivity of mental activity.

Flexibility of thinking characterizes the productive switching of the thought process to other problems and at the same time does not prejudice previously resolved issues.

Ability to direct attention to solve major problems. Attention - the direction of mental activity in a certain direction, associated with the work performed. The more interest is shown in the work performed, the less effort is required to focus on it.

The ability to observe- the ability to pay attention to what is associated with the achievement of the goal. Identification of the main, essential in the object of research, evaluation of its usefulness makes it possible to develop technical solutions based on them and apply these observations in new developments.

Developed professional memory, its large capacity, allows you to quickly solve design problems. In the economical use of memory, the organization of the memorization process is important. To unload memory, it is advisable to use file cabinets of interesting solutions, make data records, sketches of layouts, design solutions, and diagrams.

Ability to conduct engineering analysis means the ability to element-by-element dismember the design into separate parts, the process - into separate operations and movements for their detailed study. Engineering analysis allows you to evaluate options and compare them.

Maturity of judgments- the ability to think logically, make sound decisions. The maturity of judgments is characterized by the ability to see the perspective and correctly use the data obtained.

Ability to make decisions- skillfully use the results of engineering analysis and choose a design with optimal performance.

Having your own point of view- developing a habit in all issues that one has to face, to create one's own version or assessment of the issue, even when the situation does not require it. The developed point of view should be based on objective data.


Significance of the feature, %

Business qualities

Professional Competence

gaping level. Obtaining general and special education. Compliance of education with the profile of the work performed. Breadth of outlook and general erudition. Experience in this specialty. The ability to think and act scientifically and creatively. The ability to logically and clearly express their thoughts. Improving qualifications and knowledge

Responsibility for the work performed

The employee does not avoid responsibility, but seeks to increase it. Responsibility is based on intuition real situation or technical calculation

Autonomy and initiative

The ability to perceive and process a variety of information. The employee independently makes decisions on various technical issues, does not need the support of authorities. Decisions are immediately made optimal for a given situation.

Ability to solve new problems and use new methods in work

The employee easily learns and masters new methods of work, new areas of engineering activity. The employee reasonably decides on the application of new methods in his work. Ability to work unconventionally and creatively. Ability to think and act scientifically and creatively. Participation in rationalization and inventive work


Ability to focus productive work for the entire period of activity. Psychological balance. perseverance

Ability to organize and plan your work

Inner composure, the ability to focus on the main thing. The ability to rationally organize your developments. Knowledge of development stages. Ability to create a clear order in the work

Ability to maintain contact with people

Psychological compatibility worker in a team. Activeness in joint work, the ability to collectively generate ideas. The employee is the initiator of the competition. Ability to maintain contact with people (employees). Personal charm, goodwill, willingness to help a friend

Table 7.1 Signs that determine the creative contribution of the designer


Significance of the feature, %

Labor results

The quality of work performed

High technical level of design solutions, scientific achievements are used in the development. High degree standardization and unification, developments are promising, economically justified. Development is flawless, accurate. Developments comply with the tasks and requirements of the rules and standards

Compliance with the task deadline

The employee performs his tasks on time and tries to complete them ahead of schedule. After completing the planned tasks, the employee willingly takes extra work

Number of works performed

The number of completed scheduled and unscheduled tasks. The creative activity of the employee, his rationalization and inventive activity, the achieved economic effect

The complexity of the functions performed

Degree of novelty and element of creativity

The employee performs all tasks creatively. The working principle of development is carried out in a peculiar way, at the level of inventions. Developments are a generalization world class, borrowed from technical information

Degree of responsibility

Quantity (mass character) of manufactured products according to the developed documentation. Functional responsibility of developed products

Degree of difficulty design developments

The degree of complexity of design documentation depending on the complexity of the designed product. Completeness of development of design documentation. Number of feasibility studies of the project

The degree of diversity of work

Designing products of varying complexity and specializations. Implementation of different stages of design development

The ability to express one's thoughts correctly and clear in both written and oral form. This is due to the ability to logical generalizations, the ability to take the necessary notes and take part in discussions, as well as report on the results of their work.

Constructor initiative speaks of the ability to force oneself to work and refuse easy ways to solve problems if this entails a deterioration in quality. The initiative is evidenced by the fact that in order to create a better design of the product, the designer solves issues that are not covered by the terms of reference.

Ready for hard work speaks of the ability of the designer to give his all to solving a certain issue. Willingness to work develops into a propensity to work, to enthusiasm. This willingness contributes to the solution of all issues to the end.

broad outlook constructor means that he has fundamental knowledge not only in his specialization, but also in many issues related to this specialization. As a rule, a wide range of interests provides a broad outlook.

Discipline characterizes the accuracy of the guidance instructions carried out by the designer, his diligence and diligence. The criteria for determining the creative contribution of designers in the development are signs (Table 7.1).

Section 1, chapter 1. Society. Topic 2. // Society as a complex dynamic system. Option 1.

Choice questions

1. The main subsystems of society include:

1) the state; 2) religion; 3) economics; 4) the class of entrepreneurs.

2. A social institution is:

3. The main political institution is

1) the institution of a multi-party system; 3) the institute of presidential plenipotentiaries

2) institute judiciary; 4) the institution of the state.

4. Are they true the following judgments about society as a system?

A. Society as a system is characterized by self-sufficiency

B. Society as a system is characterized by self-governance

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are true;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are wrong.

Short answer questions.


Her essence

Ordered Integrity

Social institutions

Kinds social institutions

1) economic institutions

B) motherhood

2) political institutions

3) the institution of family and marriage

D) money

D) party

Section 1, chapter 1. Society. Topic 2. // Society as a complex dynamic system. Option 2.

Choice questions

1. The features of society as a system do not include:

1) the presence of many levels, subsystems, elements. 3) alternative development;

2) completeness, linearity of development; 4) the presence of elements of different quality.

2. Social institution is:

1) the totality of all types transformative activities, as well as its result, including the transformation of the person himself;

2) historically established, stable form of organization joint activities people who perform certain functions in society, the main of which is satisfaction social needs;

3) the way a person relates to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the goals of a person;

4) relatively stable links between social groups, peoples, states and other associations of people that arise in different spheres of human activity.

3. In political life In our country, the institution of parliamentarism arose. What function of society as a system does given example?

1) integration; 2) adaptation; 3) goal achievement; 4) maintaining the sample.

4. Are the following judgments about the relationship of spheres correct? public life?

A. The correlation of spheres of public life is characterized by their independence from each other.

B. The relationship between the spheres of public life is characterized by their complex interrelations and mutual influence.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are true;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are wrong.

5. Are the following judgments about social institutions correct?

A. Social institutions make connections between people random and chaotic.

B. Social institutions bring together large masses of people to meet a particular need.

1) only A is true; 3) both judgments are true;

2) only B is true; 4) both judgments are wrong.

6. In country K. political system society hinders the development of the economy. This example illustrates:

1) cyclicality as the basis for the existence of society;

2) complex structure the main areas of society;

3) constant change in social life;

4) correlation of spheres of public life.

Short answer questions.

    Write down the word missing in the fragment of the table.


Her essence

Ordered Integrity

The components of the system occupy a certain position within it and are connected in a certain way with other components.

The ability of a system to create all the necessary conditions for its existence, to produce everything necessary for the collective life of people.

    Establish a correspondence between social institutions and their types:

Social institutions

Types of social institutions

1) economic institutions

B) motherhood

2) political institutions

3) the institution of family and marriage

D) money

D) party

    Find the key institutions in terms of the organization of society in the list below:

    power, 2) forensic examination; 3) property; 4) plant; 5) twinning; 6) family.

Section 1, chapter 1. Society. Topic 2. // Society as a complex dynamic system

Option 1.

Choice questions

Short answer questions.

1. self-sufficiency

Option 2.

Choice questions

Short answer questions.

1. self-sufficiency