Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Institute of Pedagogical Education and Social Technologies. "Rostock"

Sirotyuk A.L. Children's hyperactivity: causes, recommendations // Preschool education. 2007. No. 8. pp.44-50.

Sirotyuk Alla Leonidovna,

doctor of psychological sciences, professor,

Head of the Department of Psychology, TOIUU
Children's hyperactivity: causes, recommendations
AT recent times the problem of hyperactive children, or the so-called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is often accompanied by a delay in the processes of mental development and, consequently, specific learning difficulties, is becoming increasingly relevant. Statistics show that in the US hyperactive children - 4-20%, Great Britain - 1-3%, Italy - 3-10%, China - 1-13%, Australia - 7-10%, Russia - 4-18% . In addition, there is a steady upward trend in the number of children with ADHD.

Most researchers note three main blocks of manifestation of ADHD: hyperactivity, attention deficit and impulsivity(Shevchenko Yu.S., 1997; Zavadenko N.N., 2000 and others).

Hyperactivity manifested by excessive motor activity, restlessness and fussiness, numerous extraneous movements that the child often does not notice. Children with the syndrome are characterized by excessive talkativeness, the inability to sit in one place, and their sleep duration is always less than normal. In the motor sphere, violations of motor coordination and unformed fine motor skills are usually found (inability to tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, use scissors and a needle; unformed handwriting). Modern research has shown that the motor activity of children with ADHD is 25-30% higher than that of other children (even during sleep).

Attention disorders can be manifested in the difficulties of retaining it, in reducing selectivity and pronounced distractibility with frequent switching from one activity to another. Such children are characterized by inconsistency in behavior, forgetfulness, inability to listen and concentrate, and frequent loss of personal belongings. They try to avoid tasks that require prolonged mental effort.

Impulsiveness It is expressed in the fact that the child often acts without thinking, interrupts others, can stand up and leave the group without permission. In addition, such children do not know how to regulate their actions and obey the rules, they do not know how to wait, they often raise their voices, they are emotionally labile (the mood often changes).

External manifestations of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may change with age. If in early childhood marked immaturity of motor and mental functions, then in adolescence, violations of adaptive mechanisms are manifested, which can cause offenses and crimes. It is known that hyperactive children develop early cravings for alcohol and drugs. In this regard, this pathology is a serious social problem. However, to adolescence increased motor activity in most cases disappears, and impulsivity and attention deficit persist. According to the results of N.N. Zavadenko (2000), behavioral disorders persist in almost 70% of adolescents and 50% of adults diagnosed with ADHD in childhood.

Hyperactivity and attention deficit in children contribute to difficulties in learning to read, write, and count. In mental development, delays of 1.5 - 1.7 years are observed. In addition, hyperactive children are characterized poor development fine motor coordination; erratic, awkward movements; constant external "chatter", indicating a lack of development of internal speech, which should control social behavior; planning difficulties; weak psycho-emotional stability in case of failures; low self-esteem; stubbornness, deceit, irascibility and aggressiveness. Due to misunderstanding on the part of those around them, hyperactive children form an aggressive model of defensive behavior that is beneficial for them, and therefore difficult to correct.

A characteristic feature of the mental activity of hyperactive children is cyclicity. Children can work productively for 5-15 minutes, then the brain rests for 3-7 minutes, accumulating energy for the next cycle. At this point, the child is distracted and does not respond to the teacher. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready for work within 5-15 minutes. They have, as it were, a “flickering” consciousness, they can “fall in” and “fall out” of it, especially in the absence of motor stimulation. With insufficient development of the vestibular apparatus, they need to move, spin and constantly turn their heads in order to remain “conscious”. In order to maintain concentration of attention, children use an adaptive strategy: they activate the centers of balance with the help of physical activity.

An analysis of the age dynamics of ADHD showed two bursts of manifestation of activity: the first is observed at the age of 5-7 years and falls on the period of preparing children for school, the second - at the age of 12-15 years (puberty).

The causes of ADHD are not fully understood, despite a large number of research in this direction. However, on present stage three groups of reasons for the development of the syndrome are dominant: damage to the central nervous system during pregnancy and childbirth; genetic factors; negative impact of intrafamilial factors.

According to the results of N.N. Zavadenko (2000), the occurrence of ADHD due to early damage to the central nervous system during pregnancy and childbirth occurs in 84% of cases, genetic causes- in 57% of cases, the negative impact of family factors - in 63% of cases.

The causes of early damage to the central nervous system during pregnancy and childbirth can be maternal malnutrition, lead poisoning, intrauterine defects, drug poisoning(for example, cocaine), oxygen deficiency, prematurity of the fetus, etc. A.V. Semenovich calls the 3rd-4th months of intrauterine development a “critical point” of development, in which “the functional organization of the brain radically changes its dynamic and static characteristics” (Semenovich A.V., 2001. P. 88).

According to the results of numerous studies, one of the most common causes of deviant mental development is a birth injury of the cervical spine (Efimov O.I., 2004; Ratner A.Yu., 1985, 1990, 2005, etc.).

The high incidence of the syndrome in boys is due to the higher vulnerability of the brain of the male fetus to damaging effects during pregnancy and childbirth. In girls, the brain has a greater reserve of compensatory capabilities than in boys.

Characteristic manifestations of the genetic factor can be traced in several generations of the same family, much more often among male relatives. Influence biological factors plays a significant role at a younger age, then the role of socio-psychological factors, especially intra-family relations, increases.

Children with hyperactivity syndrome have sufficiently high compensatory mechanisms, for the inclusion of which certain conditions must be met: providing emotionally neutral education without intellectual overload; observance of the daily routine and sufficient time for sleep; appropriate medical support; development of individual assistance to the child by neurologists, psychologists, educators, parents; timely and complete neuropsychological correction.

  1. Changing the behavior of an adult and his attitude towards a child:

  • show enough firmness and consistency in education;

  • remember that the child's actions are not intentional;

  • do not give the child reactive instructions, avoid the words “no” and “no”;

  • build relationships with the child on mutual understanding and trust;

  • react to the child's actions in an unexpected way(joking, repeating the actions of the child, take a picture of him, leave him alone in the room, etc.);

  • repeat your request automatically with the same words many times;

  • do not insist that the child must apologize for the misconduct;

  • listen to what the child wants to say;

  • use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

  1. Changes in the psychological microclimate in the family:

  • give the child enough emotional attention;

  • spend leisure time with the whole family;

  • do not quarrel in the presence of the child.

  1. Organization of the daily routine and place for classes:

  • establish a solid daily routine for the child and for all family members;

  • more often show the child how best to complete the task without being distracted;

  • reduce the influence of distractions during the child's task;

  • protect hyperactive children from prolonged use of the computer and watching television;

  • avoid as much as possible large crowds of people;

  • remember that overwork contributes to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity.
4. Special Behavioral Program:

  • come up with flexible system rewards for a job well done and punishments for bad behavior. You can use a point or sign system, keep a diary of self-control;

  • don't resort to physical punishment! If there is a need to resort to punishment, then it is advisable to use quiet sitting for a certain time (5-10 minutes) in a specially designated place (chair, chair) after the act. Do not punish the child with the deprivation of a walk or food;

  • Praise your child more often. The threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so hyperactive children do not perceive reprimands and punishments, but are sensitive to rewards;

  • make a list of the child's responsibilities and hang a leaflet on the wall, sign a bilateral agreement (child-parents) for certain types of work;

  • educate children in the skills of managing anger and aggression;

  • do not try to prevent the consequences of the child's forgetfulness;

  • gradually expand the responsibilities, having previously discussed them with the child;

  • do not allow the task to be postponed for another time;

  • do not give the child assignments that do not correspond to his level of development, age and abilities;

  • help the child begin the task, as this is the most difficult stage;

  • do not give multiple directions at the same time. The task that is given to a child with impaired attention should not have a complex structure and consist of several links;

  • Tell your hyperactive child about their problems and teach them how to deal with them.
Remember , what:

Following the punishment suffered, positive emotional reinforcement, signs of "acceptance" and forgiveness are needed. In the correction of the child's behavior, the technique of the "positive model" plays an important role, which consists in the constant encouragement of the desired behavior of the child and ignoring the undesirable. A necessary condition for success is the understanding of the problems of their child by parents.

It is impossible to achieve the disappearance of ADHD in a few months and even in a few years. Moreover, signs of hyperactivity disappear as they grow older, and impulsiveness and attention deficit persist into adulthood.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and complex correction: psychological, medical, pedagogical. Successful rehabilitation is possible if it is carried out before the age of 9 years.

  1. Environment change:

  • study the psychological characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

  • work with a hyperactive child build individually. He should always be in front of the eyes of the educator;

  • change the mode of employment with the inclusion of physical education minutes;

  • give the child the opportunity to quickly contact you for help in case of difficulty;

  • direct the energy of hyperactive children in a useful direction: wash the board, water the flowers, etc.

  1. Creating positive motivation for success:

  • introduce a sign system of evaluation;

  • Praise your child more often

  • daily routine should be constant;

  • avoid over- or under-demanding a child with ADHD;

  • use elements of the game and competition in the classroom;

  • give tasks in accordance with the capabilities of the child;

  • break large tasks into successive parts, controlling each of them;

  • create situations in which a hyperactive child can show their strengths;

  • ignore negative actions and encourage positive ones;

  • build the process of education on positive emotions;

  • remember that it is necessary to negotiate with the child, and not try to break him!

  1. Correction of negative forms of behavior:

  • contribute to the elimination of aggression;

  • patiently teach the necessary social norms and communication skills;

  • professionally manage his relationships with other children.

  1. Expectation regulation:

  • explain to parents and others that positive changes will not come so quickly;

  • explain to parents and others that the improvement of the child's condition depends not only on special treatment and correction, but also on a calm and consistent attitude towards him.
Remember what:

Hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of bad parenting, but a medical and psychological diagnosis that can be made by: 1) specialists; 2) after 8 years of age of the child; 3) based on the results of special diagnostics and observation of the child for 6 months.

The problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved by strong-willed efforts, authoritarian instructions and beliefs. hyperactive child has neurophysiological problems that he cannot cope with on his own. Disciplinary measures of influence in the form of constant punishments, remarks, shouts, lectures will not lead to an improvement in the child's behavior, but rather worsen it.

Effective results of ADHD correction are achieved with an optimal combination of medication, psychological and pedagogical methods.

Exercises for the development of arbitrariness and self-control

For the formation discretion and self-control it is necessary, first of all, to develop in children an understanding of the purpose of the activity (what to do), an understanding of the activity program (how to do it), an understanding of the significant conditions of the activity (break the program into stages), the ability to correct mistakes (self-control). At first, you can use samples, standards, the child's pronunciation of all actions aloud. Optimal for the development of arbitrariness are detailed instructions, implying the gradual formation of the ability of schoolchildren to build their own program.

"Turtle". The teacher stands at one wall of the room, the children at the other. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to slowly move on all fours to the opposite wall, depicting little turtles. No one should stop and rush. After 2-3 minutes, the teacher gives a signal by which all participants stop. The one who is the last one wins. The exercise can be repeated several times. Then the teacher discusses with the group the difficulties in performing the exercise.

"Chants - whispers - silent" . To carry out the exercise from multi-colored cardboard, it is necessary to prepare three silhouettes of the palm: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When the leader raises his red palm - “chants”, then you can run, shout, make noise; yellow palm - "whisper" is a signal that you need to move quietly and whisper; blue palm - “silent” means that children should freeze in place or lie on the floor and not move. End the game should be "silent". After the children lie on the floor at the end of the game, you can turn on calm music.

"Forbidden Movement" The teacher shows different movements. Children should repeat them if the word “please” is added to the display or if the movement shown is not forbidden. Instead of a forbidden movement, it is proposed, for example, not to move, or to make a movement in the opposite direction - a step back if it was made forward, or lower your hands if the teacher raised them up.

"Speak." The teacher asks the children questions, but they can be answered only when the command is given: “Speak!”.

"Princess Nesmeyana" . One of the participants sits in the center of the circle, and the rest should try to make him laugh. The child sitting in the center can be conditionally called "Princess Nesmeyana." The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than others without laughing. In order to avoid prolonging the exercise, i.e., in order not to get stuck on one unfunny participant, you can set a limit on the time spent in the role of "Nesmeyana".

"Naughty". The teacher, on a signal (hitting a tambourine, a bell, etc.), invites the children to play pranks: run, jump, somersault. At the second signal, all pranks must stop. The exercise is repeated several times.

Exercises for the elimination (disappearance) of aggressiveness and impulsivity

"Scream in the Desert". Participants sit in a circle, cross-legged "in Turkish", and at the signal of the teacher, they begin to shout loudly. In this case, it is necessary to lean forward, reaching the floor with your hands and forehead.

"Karate". Participants form a circle, in the center of which lies a physical education hoop on the floor. One of the participants gets into the hoop and turns into a "karateka", performing sharp movements with his arms and legs. The rest of the children, together with the teacher, say in chorus: “Stronger, even stronger ...”, helping the player to throw out aggressive energy with intense movements.

"Chopping wood." Each participant must imagine that he is chopping wood from several chocks. He must pantomimically put the chock on the stump, raise the ax high above his head and lower it with force on the chock. Whenever the ax is lowered, he must shout loudly: “Ha!”. Then put the next chock in front of you and chop again. After 2 minutes, each participant says how many chocks he chopped.

Exercises for the development of concentration

"Teapot with a lid" Participants sit in a circle. Each of them sings a song, accompanying it with gestures:

"Teapot (vertical movements palm ribs)!

Lid on teapot (the left hand folds into a fist, the right hand makes circular movements over the fist with the palm),

On the lid - a knob (vertical fist movements),

In the bump - a hole (forefinger and thumb of both hands make rings),

Steam comes out of the hole (spirals are drawn with index fingers).

Steam comes from the hole

hole in the stump,

knob on the lid,

Lid on teapot.

With the subsequent repetition of the song, one word must be changed to "Gu-gu-gu", the gestures are saved:


There is a lid on the teapot, etc.”

"What's gone?" Objects are laid out in front of each child in turn. He is asked to carefully look at them and remember. Then the child closes his eyes, and the teacher removes one object. The task of the child is to name the missing object.

"Who is flying?" Children sit on the floor in a semicircle, the teacher names the objects. If the object flies, the children raise their hands; if it does not fly, the children's hands are lowered. When the teacher deliberately makes a mistake, the children need to restrain themselves in a timely manner and not raise their hand. The child who could not resist must pay the forfeit and redeem it at the end of the game by completing some task.

"Alien knees". Children are invited to sit in a tight circle. Each participant puts their hands on the knees of their neighbors. Moreover, the right hand of each is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. As a result, each participant has the hands of his neighbors in a circle on his own knees: on the left knee - the right hand of the neighbor on the left, and on the right - the left hand of the neighbor on the right. Having dealt with this, you can begin to perform the exercise. The exercise is a knockout. The one who made a mistake removes the hand with which the mistake was made. The exercise consists in clapping the hands on the knees of the neighbors in succession, without overtaking each other. At first, this is not as easy as it seems, since all hands are located on other people's knees and you need to be careful when it comes to your own hand, and not to your own knee. Exercise requires constant focus. As soon as concentration drops, the participant is mistaken.

"Santiki-wrappers-limpopo". The volunteer goes out the door. His task is to guess who is leading in the circle (who starts the movement). The participants agree on who will set the nature of the movement and move in a circle, loudly repeating: “santiki-wrappers-limpopo”. Note to the participants: it is better to repeat the movements of the person in front, and not to look at the pacemaker. "Unraveled" leader goes out the door.

"Lagging Movements". Children are invited to stand up, looking at the back of each other's head. The leader is the first. He performs simple movements, pausing between them. The child standing behind him repeats the movements behind him, but with a delay of one movement (the leader makes the second movement, and the one behind him performs the first). The child standing behind the second one is also one move late, but relative to the second player, and so on. When the leader's first move reaches the last player, the leader changes.

"Counters - mumblers." The teacher asks the children to repeat the phrase: "Goes - a bull - swings." They must say this phrase several times in a row. The first time they pronounce all three words aloud, the second time they pronounce only the words “There is a bull”, and the word “swings” is pronounced “to themselves”, while clapping their hands once. The third time they say aloud only the word “Goes”, and the words “bull - swings” are said to themselves, accompanying each word with a clap of their hands. For the fourth time, the children say all three words "to themselves", replacing them with three claps. So it looks like this:

Option 1.

  1. Goes - bull - sways.

  2. Goes - bull - (cotton).

  3. Goes - (cotton) - (cotton).

  4. (Cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).
Option 2.

  1. Greek rode across the river.

  2. I rode - a Greek - through - (cotton).

  3. Rode - Greek - (cotton) - (cotton).

  4. Rode - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).

  1. (Cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).
Option 3.

  1. Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a pair of - leather - boots.

  2. Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a couple - leather - (cotton).

  3. Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a couple - (cotton) - (cotton).

  4. Gave - duckling - hedgehog - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).

  5. Gave - duckling - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).

  6. Gave - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).

  7. (Cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton) - (cotton).
"Bonfire". Children sit on the floor around the "bonfire" and follow the appropriate commands of the teacher. At the command (verbal instruction) of the educator “it’s hot” - the children should move away from the “bonfire”, at the command “hands are frozen” - stretch their hands to the “bonfire”, at the command “oh, what a big fire” - stand up and wave their arms, on command “sparks flew” - clap your hands, at the command “the fire brought friendship and fun” - join hands and walk around the “bonfire”. The game is then played with the lead child.

"Development of the ability to arbitrarily switch attention." Children are invited to follow line by line with their eyes along the lines of the sheet and successively cross out predetermined letters, for example, “k” and “p”:

and s h k l d r k b u zh hr o a y ch b b x z r s r b u zh w s ch z e m a v h

ts b r tia s k l r y d z r t m k l u e z m k v u f n k r t ch y z e y u r

k m r e c u r b d t y x c r t v s h k and b d j z r o c t v z r n k m a s b ld j u rk a m ​​i b u j s h n k p t r a s m f e z r t m k w s a k r t y o r k m y t b l r k r a k l s h o ry c f k m y t o r n e

  1. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. restless child. M., 2001.

  2. Efimov O.I. school problems. M., St. Petersburg, 2004.

  3. Zavadenko N.N. How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. M., 2000.

  4. Ratner A.Yu. Neurology of newborns. M., 2005.

  5. Ratner A.Yu. Late complications of birth injuries of the nervous system. Kazan, 1990.

  6. Ratner A.Yu. Birth damage to the nervous system. Kazan, 1985.

  7. Semenovich A.V. Actual problems of neuropsychological qualification of deviant development / Actual problems of neuropsychology of childhood / Ed. L.S. Tsvetkova. M., 2001.

  8. Sirotyuk A.L. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. M., 2003.

  9. Shevchenko Yu.S. Correction of the behavior of children with hyperactivity and psychopathic syndrome. M., 1997.

Educational activities

Head of the PEP in the direction of "Psychological and pedagogical education": Master Program"Pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education".
Head of the PEP in the direction of "Psychological and Pedagogical Education": master's program "Psychology and Pedagogy of the Development of Preschoolers".


Sherstneva N.S., Telyatnikov G.V., Sirotyuk A.L. Actual problems of psychology: Monograph. Tver: TGU, 2001. 116 p.

Kleiberg Yu.A., Lvov V.M., Novikov V.V., Sirotyuk A.L. Modern Russian society: questions of psychology, economics and law: Monograph. Tver-Yaroslavl, 2002. 140 p.

Shikun A.F., Telyatnikov G.V., Makhnovets S.N., Sirotyuk A.L. Psychology and management: yesterday, today, tomorrow: Monograph. M.: Voen-tehinizdat, 2002. 256 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Psychological and pedagogical support of differentiated education of younger schoolchildren: Monograph. Tver: TOIUU, 2003. 89 p.

Kleiberg Yu.A., Piskarev D.P., Sirotyuk A.L. Socio-psychological problems of deviant adolescents: Monograph. Strasbourg-Moscow, 2003. 148 p.

Textbooks and study guides

Sirotyuk A.L., Kravets G.V. Brain, emotions, personality. Yosh-kar-Ola: Iskra, 1997. 87 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Education of children taking into account psychophysiology. M.: Sfera, 2000. 132 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of training and development of schoolchildren. M.: Sfera, 2001. 79 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. The development of the intellect of preschoolers. M.: Sfera, 2001. 46 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Neuropsychological and psychophysiological support of training. M.: Sfera, 2003. 284 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. M.: Sfera, 2003. 123 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Makhnovets L.A., Potapova I.Yu. Psychological help and support for children with behavioral problems. Tver: TOIUU, 2003. 18 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Psychological and pedagogical support of the neuropsychic development of younger schoolchildren. Tver: TOIUU, 2004. 86 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Nature-friendly education for younger students. Tver: TOIUU, 2005. 82 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Pikalova L.P., Duminike Yu.S., Rudnev I.E., Samsonova T.E., Sirotyuk A.S. Psychological recommendations for the successful passing of the unified state exam. Tver: TOIUU, 2006. 72 p. pp.5-23.

Sirotyuk A.L. Psychophysiological foundations of teaching schoolchildren. M.: Sfera, 2007. 221 p. (The textbook is recommended by the UMO Psychology Council for Classical University Education as study guide for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction and specialties of psychology).

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Psychological causes of school failure. Tver: Nauchnaya kniga, 2007. 59 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Correction and development program for children of the period of intensive growth (basal and cognitive levels). Tver: Nauchnaya kniga, 2007. 111 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Patterns of mental development of children. Tver: TGU, 2007. 83 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Basics of didactics. Tver: TGU, 2007. 182 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Duminike Yu.S. Formation of skills of professional and pedagogical communication. Tver: VA VKO, 2008. 202 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Exercises for the psychomotor development of preschoolers. M.: Arkti, 2008. 56 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Modern technique development of children from birth to 9 years. M.: Sfera, 2009. 254 p. (The textbook is the winner of the competition for the best scientific book in 2009. The Foundation for the Development of Domestic Education.)

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Scientific and methodological support of intellectual talent. Tver: TOIUU, 2011. 124 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Psychological basis for the formation of educational skills of schoolchildren. Tver: TOIUU, 2012. 64 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. The method of neuropsychological diagnostics of children of preschool and school age. Tver: TGU, 2012. 59 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Sensorimotor development of preschool children. Tver: TOIUU, 2012. 56 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Grabelnikova E.A. Scientific and methodological recommendations for teachers physical education on the design of health-saving and health-forming sports and recreation activities with all participants in the educational process. Tver: TOIUU, 2012. 34 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Correction-developing technology for children of the period of intensive growth (basal and cognitive levels). Tver: TGU, 2012. 110 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Patterns of mental development of children of preschool and primary school age. Bryansk: BIPCRO, 2013. 153 p.

Sirotyuk A.L. Elimination of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children of preschool and primary school age. Tver: TOIUU, 2013. 95 p.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Methodology brainstorming"Culture of Healthy Eating". Tver: TOIUU, 2013. 14 p.

Sirotyuk A.S. Individual lateral profile as the basis of a person's individuality in creativity, stress, training and professional orientation (Method of automated research of an individual lateral profile in children and adults). St. Petersburg: Amalteya, 2014. 80 p.

Sirotyuk A.S., Duminike Yu.S. Technologies of active learning in educational process university. Tver: VA VKO, 2015. 167 p.

Sirotyuk A.S. Human psychology. Electronic textbook. Tver: VA VKO, 2016. 8.45 MB Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. "Rostock". Conditions and methods of child development. M.: Sfera, 2016. 272 ​​p. ISBN 978-5-9949-1320-8

Sirotyuk A.L., Duminike Yu.S. Development of competence-oriented assignments at the university. Tver: VA VKO, 2017. 134 p.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2013-2017)

Sirotyuk A.L. The problem of developing monitoring of the formation professional competencies university graduates // Bulletin of TVGU. 2015. №2. pp.116-122.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Strategies for preventing suicidal human behavior // Bulletin of TVGU. 2015. №3. pp.59-68.

Sirotyuk A.L., Duminike Yu.S. Psychophysiological basis of a person's individuality in learning and stress // Bulletin of TVGU. 2015. No. 4. pp.59-69.

Sirotyuk A.L., Duminike Yu.S. Taxonomy of education goals as a conceptual basis for the development of competence-oriented tasks // Bulletin of TVGU. 2016. №3. 0.8 / 0.4 p.l. pp.85-90.

Sirotyuk A.L. The use of a discussion-game form of organizing training at a university // Bulletin of the VA VKO. 2017. No. 1 (4). pp.33-48.

Sirotyuk A.L., Duminike Yu.S. The use of competence-oriented tasks in the educational process of the university // Vestnik TVGU. 2017. No. 4. 0.8 / 0.4 p.l. pp.115-119.

Sirotyuk A.L., Shimansky A.E. Psychological essence and structure of competence for teamwork among pedagogical workers educational organization//Bulletin of TVGU. 2017. No. 2. pp.106-111.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Structural-visual method of presenting information in master's theses //Vestnik TVGU. 2017. №3. pp. 167-173.

Publications in conference proceedings (2013-2017)

Sirotyuk A.L. Problemy wsparcia psychologiczno-pedagogicznej uz-dolnionych dzieci i młodzieży //MATERIAŁY IX MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ NAUKOWI-PRAKTYCZNEJ ONFERENCJI "WYKSZTAŁCENIE I NAUKA BEZ GRANIC-2013". 2013. No. 33. S.5-8.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Damaging factors of mental development of children senior preschool age // International Conference on European and Technology. 2013 Manich, Germany. P.234-239.

Sirotyuk A.L. Teambuilding as educational technology and as an optimization innovation activities university in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education / Collection scientific papers VA VKO " Problematic issues status and prospects for the development of aerospace defense”. Tver: VA VKO, 2014. S.298-308.

Sirotyuk A.L. The role of psychological support for teachers in the system of advanced training and professional retraining / Collection of materials of the conference "Traditions and innovations in the professional training and activities of a teacher." Tver: TVGU, 2015. P.130-136. 0.7 p.l.

Sirotyuk A.L. Interactive learning technologies as a factor in improving the professionalism of graduates of military universities / Collection of scientific papers of the VA EKR collective security". Tver: VA VKO, 2015. P.48-54.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Psychophysiological basis of giftedness / Professional education: domestic experience and international practices // Collection of articles of the VII international readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Hero Soviet Union, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education S.Ya. Batysheva / Ed. T.Yu. Lomakina. M.: FGBNU "Institute for Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education", 2015. 394 p. pp. 130-135. 0.7 p.l.

Sirotyuk A.L., Sirotyuk A.S. Correctional and developmental work in professional activity specialist in inclusive education / Proceedings of the conference "Actual problems of inclusive education: experience and prospects". Tver: TVGU, 2016. P.43-54.

Sirotyuk A.L. Scientific and methodological basis for teaching gifted schoolchildren / Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Supporting the development of giftedness in children and youth: ideas, experience, professionalism." M.: Publisher Markhotin P.Yu., 2016. 290 p. pp.37-42.

Sirotyuk A.S. Psychoneurological problems of gifted children and talented youth / Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Supporting the development of gifted children and youth: ideas, experience, professionalism." M.: Publisher Markhotin P.Yu., 2016. 290 p. S.26-33.

Sirotyuk A.L. Competence-oriented tasks in the educational process of a military university / Materials of the International military-scientific conference "Prospects for the development of forms and methods of using air defense and missile defense forces in modern conditions." Tver: VA VKO, 2017. P. 32-45.

Sirotyuk A.L. Authentic assessment of educational achievements of students in the educational process of the university /Materials of the International Military Scientific Conference "Prospects for the development of forms and methods of using air defense and missile defense forces in modern conditions." Tver: VA VKO, 2017. P.106-112.

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

  • Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.063.01 at FSBEI HE "Tver State University".
  • Scientific supervision of graduate students/applicants - 5 dissertations of candidates of sciences were defended.

Participation in leading and peer-reviewed scientific publications

  • Member editorial board scientific and methodological electronic journal Bulletin of Experimental Education (peer-reviewed RSCI).
  • Member of the editorial board of the psychological and pedagogical journal "Department" (TOIUU).

List of patents for inventions

Sirotyuk A.L. Correction and development program for younger students. Certificate of the Upper Volga Authors' Society No. 006-02 dated November 04, 2002.

Grants, projects (name, year, form of participation)

RFBR grant No. 05-06-80087 "Theoretical and pilot study psychological characteristics people with different type individual lateral profile” (2005-2008) (supervisor).

Socially significant practice

  • Chairman of the jury of the regional All-Russian professional competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2012";
  • Chairman of the jury of the regional All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2012";
  • Chairman of the jury of the regional All-Russian professional competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2013";
  • Chairman of the jury of the regional All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2013";
  • Chairman of the jury of the regional All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2014";
  • Member of the jury of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the new generation - 2015". Tver.


State awards:

  • 2004 - certificate of honor Administration of the Tver region;
  • 2008 - certificate of honor of the Governor of the Tver region;
  • 2011 - gratitude of the Head of the city of Tver;
  • year 2013 - thank you letter Legislative Assembly of the Tver region;
  • 2016 - gratitude of the Governor of the Tver region.
  • 2017 - certificate of honor of the Governor of the Tver region.

Departmental awards (regional education):

  • 2002 - certificate of honor of the Department of Education of the Tver Region;
  • 2003 - diploma of the Administration of the Tver Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers;
  • 2003 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Administration of the Tver Region;
  • 2006 - diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of the Federal Agency for Education "National Center for the Development of Education";
  • 2008 - a letter of thanks from the Rectorate of the Academy of PC and PPRO of Rosobrazovanie;
  • 2008 - a letter of thanks from the Department of Education of the Tver Region;
  • 2008 - diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • 2013 - diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Tver region;
  • 2013 - a letter of thanks from the organizing committee of the regional stage of the All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2013";
  • 2013 - commemorative medal "Tver Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers: 75 years";
  • 2016 - honorary diploma of the rector of Tver State University.
  • 2017 - gratitude of the rector of Tver State University.

Public awards:

  • 2014 - a letter of thanks from the Tver Regional public organization parents of children with cochlear implants.

By teaching the left hemisphere, you are only teaching the left hemisphere. Teaching right hemisphere, you train the whole brain!

I. Sauniere


An active study of the phenomenon of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres (the distribution of mental functions between the hemispheres) began relatively recently and is associated primarily with the name of the American psychoneurologist R. Sperry. In the late 60s, R. Sperry performed an operation to cut the connections between the hemispheres in order to treat a severe form of epilepsy, and in the course of observing his patients, he discovered that the two hemispheres of a single brain behave like two different brains. A person whose right hemisphere was turned off, and the left hemisphere worked, retained the ability to verbal communication, reacted correctly to words, numbers and other conventional signs, but often turned out to be helpless when it was required to perform actions with objects of the material world or their images. When the left hemisphere was turned off, the patient was well versed in paintings, melodies and intonations of speech, oriented in space, but lost the ability to understand complex verbal constructions and could not speak coherently at all.

So far, little is known about the reasons that led to the specialization of the hemispheres in the process of evolution. The explanation of Doreen Kimura and her colleagues is interesting. They suggest that the specialization of the left hemisphere for speech is not so much a consequence of the asymmetric development of the symbolic functions of the brain, but a consequence of the development of motor skills that help in communication. Language appeared because the left hemisphere turned out to be adapted for certain types of motor activity. D. Kimura believes that in evolutionary terms, it was the development of the hand as an organ of sign language, its manipulative abilities that led to the development of the left hemisphere. Later, this function of the hand was transferred to the vocal muscles.

Probably, the functional asymmetry of the brain that arose in evolution made it possible to more economically use the space for processing information, avoiding duplication of functions. Thus, the dominance of one hemisphere in the speech function prevents possible competition between the hemispheres for the tongue, upper and lower lip and mouth. In the process of evolution, not only a quantitative accumulation of elements of asymmetry took place, but also a qualitative leap - the development of a deep specialization of the functions of the left and right hemispheres. At the same time, certain potential possibilities for compensating one hemisphere with the other are preserved.

The purpose of classes for the development of arm muscles is the development of interhemispheric specialization and interhemispheric interaction (synchronization of the work of the cerebral hemispheres, development of abilities, memory, attention, speech, thinking).

The proposed method includes exercises that develop fine motor skills of children's hands. different ages, breathing exercises, exercises that develop the muscles of the tongue and eyes, etc. It is known that the development of intellectual and thought processes must begin with the development of finger and body movements. The development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the formation of speech, since the hand has the largest representation in the cerebral cortex.

The book is intended for psychologists, speech therapists, kindergarten teachers and parents.


The mind of a child is

at his fingertips.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The most favorable period for the development of intellectual and creative possibilities a person - from 3 to 9 years, when the cerebral cortex is not yet fully formed. It is at this age that it is necessary to develop memory, perception, thinking, attention. Often parents and teachers replace the psychological development of the child with information, studying mathematics, languages, etc. Premature learning of a child is unacceptable, since as a result minimal brain dysfunction can be formed (one part of the brain develops faster at the expense of another). This leads in the future to failure in learning, poor memory, distracted attention, and problems in the emotional sphere.

Research by scientists from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Medical Sciences (M.M. Koltsova, E.I. Isenina, L.V. Antakova-Fomina) confirmed the relationship intellectual development and finger motility. The level of development of children's speech is also directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. To determine the level of development of speech in children of the first years of life, the following method has been developed: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and unbend only together and cannot move in isolation, then these are not talking children. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking cannot be achieved.

Successful learning and development of a child without stress depends on several components, which in this article will be schematized and simplified. First of all, they include:

Accounting for the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres,

Full development of the corpus callosum in preschool childhood,

Gender considerations,

Education and training in accordance with the dynamics of the development of the child's brain.



Sirotyuk A.L. Learning without stress: psychophysiological preparation // Preschool education. 2005. No. 1.

Sirotyuk Alla Leonidovna,

doctor of psychological sciences, professor

Stress-free learning: psychophysiological preparation

Modern education offers an undifferentiated and genderless approach to learning, which is why school is a major source of stress for children. Aizman R.I. most vividly expressed the situation with students: “Many children, especially in the first weeks and months of training, experience such changes in the body that allow us to talk about “school shock”. Children at school are in a state of chronic emotional, informational, sensorimotor, neurovegetative and psychogenic stress, which depletes the immunological system. The emergence of stress is facilitated by training that does not correspond to the age stages of brain development and does not take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the cognitive sphere of children. In addition, stress factors include the constant threat of punishment for erroneous answers and actions. K. Hannaford believes that “checks focused on simple memorization provoke the development of thinking low level- "Training for verification". Stress caused by constant control work, reduces the ability of children to see the solution to the problem in terms of a larger context.

Successful learning and development of a child without stress depends on several components, which in this article will be schematized and simplified. First of all, they include:

  1. accounting for functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres,
  2. full development of the corpus callosum in preschool childhood,
  3. consideration of gender,
  4. education and training in accordance with the dynamics of the development of the child's brain.

Let's consider each component in more detail.Functional asymmetry of the hemispheresconsists in the distribution of mental functions between the hemispheres. The right hemisphere is humanitarian, imaginative and creative. It is responsible for the body, coordination of movements, spatial, visual and kinesthetic perception. The left hemisphere is considered mathematical, sign, speech, logical and analytical. It is responsible for the perception of auditory information, setting goals and building programs of behavior. All people according to the ratio of activity of the hemispheres can be divided into three types: right hemisphere, left hemisphere and equal hemisphere. More active hemisphere determines the strategy of thinking, emotional response, perception, memory, intellectual activity, etc. When teaching and educating children, it is necessary to take into account the features of the functional asymmetry of the hemispheres. The fact is that modern education focused primarily on left-brained children. According to research, they make up only 10% of the students in the class. At present, the number of right hemispheric children in the child population is increasing every year (up to 40-50%), which makes neuropsychologists talk about the emergence of a new adaptive mechanism for mankind to changing evolutionary conditions. However, training programs are becoming more analytical, speech and algorithmic every year. In such conditions, right-brained children find themselves in a stressful situation, since the teaching methods do not correspond to the functional activity of their brain. Moreover, the time has come to raise the issue of discrimination of right-brained children in education.

corpus callosum located between the hemispheres in the parieto-occipital part and consists of 200 million. nerve fibers. Interhemispheric interaction is necessary for coordinating the work of the brain and transmitting information from one hemisphere to another.. Its main development occurs in girls up to 7 years, in boys - up to 8-8.5 years. During stress, there is a violation of interhemispheric interaction and, accordingly, a violation of the coordinated work of the two hemispheres. This is the main reason for "forgetting" information on tests and exams, which is especially often observed in the lessons of teachers of an authoritarian-suppressive type. Therefore, one of the main conditions for high stress resistance of a child is the full development of the corpus callosum at preschool age. Activities for the development of the corpus callosum must be carried out with the help of special complexes of motor and breathing exercises, stretch marks, etc. Arbitrary memorization of a huge amount of information by a child, training skills are not effective way successful development. Below is a set of exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction.

Sex differencesare primarily in the rate of maturation of the central nervous system. Girls are born more mature children than boys. By the age of 7, a girl's brain has a high degree readiness for learning, the readiness of boys for learning is determined only by the age of 8. When entering school, boys are, as it were, younger than girls in terms of their biological age by a year. However, it is generally accepted to consider the age of school readiness to be 7 years of age, regardless of gender.

In boys, the left hemisphere matures more slowly, and in girls, the right hemisphere. Therefore, girls under 10 years old remember numbers better and decide logical tasks superior to boys in a number of speech abilities. If boys have a specialization of the cerebral hemispheres in terms of spatio-temporal orientation already at the age of 6, then girls do not have it even at 13.

The brain of boys, compared with girls, is a more progressive, differentiated, selective and economical system. In boys, the forebrain and its frontal associative structures are especially selectively active. It is these parts of the brain that are responsible for the processes of meaning formation. This makes the boys' thinking creative, explains their high search activity, and contributes to more active self-realization. Girls have a completely different organization of the work of the cerebral cortex - high level the functional activity of the posterior rather than the anterior cortex (as well as the auditory regions of the left hemisphere, which play an important role in understanding the meaning of words).

In addition, in boys, the number of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres is less than in girls. That is why it is more difficult for them to compare the information processed in the left and right hemispheres. At the same time, in boys, either the left or the right hemisphere is selectively included in the thought processes. For example, when comprehending words, boys predominantly use the left hemisphere, while girls use both. In girls, the ability of the centers of the cortex of the right and left hemispheres to enter into functional interhemispheric contacts is significantly higher than in boys. Therefore, boys are characterized by a high focus on a specific problem. Girls often think about everything at once and about nothing at the same time, they can perform several activities at once. A smaller number of interhemispheric connections in boys explains the fact that their resistance to stress is much lower than that of girls. When preparing boys for school, more attention should be paid to the development of their corpus callosum.

Fatigue also has an unequal effect on the work of the brain of children of different sexes. In boys, the left hemispheric processes suffer more (associated with verbal thinking, logical operations), and in girls - right hemispheric ( creative thinking, spatial relationships, emotional well-being).

Mathematics teachers testify that girls cope more easily with algebra (counting, manipulation of numbers and formulas), and boys with geometry and physics (spatial thinking, mental manipulations with geometric shapes). Boys outperform girls in spatial ability, and girls outperform boys in verbal ability.

Traditional academic education is more suitable for girls than for boys, so girls do better in school. Left hemisphere girls are in the most favorable conditions, and right hemisphere boys are completely unsuitable. existing methodologies and programs. They are more susceptible to school maladaptation and stress.

brain developmentThe child begins in utero and actively continues after birth. Luria A.R. identified the formation of three main blocks of the brain:

  1. The 1st block - the block of regulation of tone, wakefulness and energization of the brain. The formation of the 1st block lasts up to 3 years. With an incomplete formation of this block, children quickly get tired, yawn when performing mental operations, try to curl up into the “fetal position” (pull their knees to their chest, put their legs under themselves; put their heads on the table, etc.). This is explained by the fact that the position of the embryo is the most energetically favorable. Part of the energy is released, which can be spent on the activity of the cerebral cortex. This period of child development involves solving any problems starting with the words "I want (don't want) ...". With this approach to one's own activity, it is absolutely not necessary to argue one's “wants or unwillingnesses”.
  2. 2nd block - block of reception, processing and storage of information. The formation of this block lasts up to 12 years and is characterized by the words "I can (can not) ..." when approaching the solution of the problem. This already suggests an explanation of its capabilities. If a child approaching the age of 12 still says “I want (don’t want)…”, then this is not appropriate for the age stage of development.
  3. The 3rd block of the brain is a block of programming, regulation and control. Its formation begins after 12 years and is accompanied by the words “I must (should not) ...”, which necessarily implies argumentation and compliance with social norms. An example can be given. If a 14 year old says, "I don't want to go to school," ask them to say the same according to their age. It will turn out like this: “I should not go to school,” after which he himself will understand the absurdity of his words.

The brain is always "built" from the back to the front, from right to left and from bottom to top. At the level of space, for example, when scanning text from a sheet or a picture, a person normally perceives information from top to bottom and from left to right. If the vector of brain development is disrupted, then the scanning of text from a sheet will be disrupted, which will certainly affect the quality of education at school. Let us consider the scheme of brain development, conditionally consisting of five main stages, in more detail.

At the first stage (from birth to one year), the development of nerve networks in the brain stem occurs. If development at this stage is normal, then the child begins to sit, crawl, stand, etc. in a timely manner. He has in certain time and teeth begin to grow in a certain order. It is known that the growth of teeth is a vivid illustration of ontogeny. brain. With impaired development of brain stem structures, the stage of crawling (sideways, sitting, backward) can be skipped or distorted, which will further affect the success of schooling. In addition, brain stem structures are responsible for the somatic health of a person. Deviations in their development can lead to the occurrence of psoriasis, bronchial asthma, endocrine disorders, enuresis, etc. The main causes of violations in the development of brain stem structures are birth injuries (especially of the cervical spine).

Milestones of development

  1. stage - the development of nerve networks in the stem structures of the brain,
  2. stage - the development of nerve networks in the right hemisphere,
  3. stage - the development of the nerve networks of the corpus callosum,
  4. stage - the development of nerve networks in the temporal region of the left hemisphere,
  5. stage - the development of nerve networks in the frontal region of the left hemisphere.

At the second stage of brain development, the “unfolding” of nerve networks in the right hemisphere of the brain occurs. In girls, this period lasts up to 7 years, in boys - up to 8-8.5 years. At this age, all children are, as it were, right hemisphere, since the development of nerve networks takes place precisely in the right hemisphere. There is a formation of such functions as somatognosis , fine motor skills, spatial coordination, visual and kinesthetic (sensory, muscular, olfactory, tactile) perception. Consequently, the learning and development of children given age must go in a holistic way through images and schemas. The main emphasis should be placed on the development of body coordination, musical and motor rhythm, visual and sensory perception. Neuropsychologists do not recommend teaching signs to a child before the age of five through random memorization. Moreover, the early start of teaching a child to count, read, and write can cause a violation of the development of nerve networks in the right hemisphere. The fact is that the energy of the brain is finite. If a child develops in the right hemisphere, and they begin to teach signs (a function of the frontal regions of the left hemisphere), then he will stop “building” nerve networks in the right hemisphere and begin development in the left. This is how minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) occurs. . The desire of parents to raise a child prodigy from a child, shaping his early information readiness, can turn into the formation of MMD. This is especially true for boys.

In Denmark, when learning to read and write, children are encouraged to write stories using scribbles that only they can “read”. “Reading” by a child of his story is always full of emotions, vivid images and feelings. The teacher highlights the brightest image in history and offers to write it on the board and in notebooks. This word can be inscribed among all other scribbles. So the child can learn the whole word without effort. An emotional connection is established between the word and the image. It is known that memory and emotions are connected in the limbic system. In addition, the child memorizes in a holistic way, which corresponds to the right hemispheric stage of development in ontogeny. Denmark prides itself on being 100% literate. The domestic literacy system relies on the left hemisphere, which at this age is not yet sufficiently developed. Letters are studied separately in alphabetical order, emotional connections, holistic perception, rhythmic movement are not used. All this contradicts natural development brain. Mechanical memorization is often used, which does not require deep understanding, thinking and activation of the entire brain. Thinking and teaching must be reinforced by the final meaning and necessarily by movement! To confirm this idea, let's quote Pavlov I.P.: "Any thought ends with movement." The fixing movements include speaking information aloud, writing on paper, sorting out the rosary, rhythmic tapping and swaying. Even chewing and knitting during training contributes to better memorization.An immobile child does not learn!

The third stage of brain development is associated with the "building" of nerve networks through the corpus callosum from the right to the left hemisphere. At this stage, such functions as integration in the work of the brain and body, memory, processing of information simultaneously by two hemispheres are formed. It is at this stage that the front teeth-incisors change from milk teeth to permanent teeth. At this age, children should start schooling (girls - 7 years old, boys - 8-8.5 years old). The reason for the distortion of the development of nerve networks in the corpus callosum may be hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues between the hemispheres), which will lead to a decrease in intellectual activity, memory, and attention. In such children, an individual lateral profile (leading arm, leg, ear, eye) is not established for a long time. This is how the formation of double-handedness (ambidexterity) and compensatory (pathological) left-handedness occurs.

According to the results of the study by Tsvetkova L.S. more than 80% of children with low school performance, have insufficient development at the first three stages of ontogeny. Most children with speech pathology also have developmental problems in the brainstem, right hemisphere, and corpus callosum.

The fourth main stage of brain development is associated with the passage of nerve networks through the temporal region of the left hemisphere, in which the functional "center" of speech and hearing is located. Violations in the development of nervous networks at this stage lead to speech and phonemic deviations, impaired auditory perception.

The fifth stage is the development of the frontal region of the left hemisphere (girls - 12 years old, boys - 15 years old). "Left forehead" is responsible for functions such as reflection , analysis and logic, self-control and self-regulation, goal setting and activity programming, attention and unconditional love. Distortions or deficiency in the development of nerve networks in the left frontal region leads to the immaturity of the listed functions.

A study of the brain wave activity of successful and unsuccessful children in learning showed that unsuccessful children are characterized by lower overall activity of the left hemisphere, even when performing verbal and sign operations. In addition, they have a significantly lower frequency of switching from one hemisphere to another when performing tasks that require different thinking strategies. It is possible to explain such results either by the lack of formation of the corpus callosum, which ensures switching in the work of the hemispheres, or by the stress state of the brain, which is also explained by a violation of interhemispheric interaction. Unsuccessful children in this situation can only use the sympathetic nervous system when learning. , brain stem structures and the right hemisphere. The left logical hemisphere is not involved at all or is not fully involved. Such children are doomed in advance to failure in the logical system of education.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that practically the entire traditional structure of school life is oriented towards the suppression and enslavement of that fundamental neurophysiological basis from which the entire bodily-motor and spiritual-psychological life of a child originates. Fundamental factors include:

  1. the mode of the traditionally motionless sitting posture;
  2. alienation of the senses;
  3. narrow-format and planar book technologies of cognition instead of sensory-stimulus and spatial ones;
  4. program-speed settings for writing technique against the background of immaturity of the visual-manual sense of coordination;
  5. high-speed attitudes to the reading technique against the background of the immaturity of the right hemispheric figurative sphere;
  1. authoritarian-suppressive, asexual and undifferentiated learning.

To additional factors that exacerbate the stressful state, include such school reforms as:

  1. replacement of impulse-pressure writing with a fountain pen for non-separable writing with a ballpoint pen;
  2. replacement of tall furniture with one-dimensional furniture;
  3. replacement of desks with an inclined work surface for tables with a horizontal surface;
  4. replacement of electric lamp lighting with flickering fluorescent, etc.

evolutionary significance stress(violation of interhemispheric interaction) is to physiologically prepare a person for self-defense at the level of the body and instantaneous unconscious processes (right hemisphere). The release of the left hemisphere excludes conscious and long-term decision making in a stressful situation. The right hemisphere, brain stem structures and the sympathetic nervous system activate protective reflexes aimed at survival. Sensitivity increases, blood flow increases, muscle contractions, etc. increase.

Numerous studies have shown that chronic exposure to stress drastically inhibits the development of a child's brain. During times of stress, development neural pathways occurs only in survival centers, while the development of neural structures in the cerebral cortex is limited.

The constant action of stress leads to the fact that nerve activity is concentrated mainly in the sympathetic nervous system, right hemisphere and brainstem. Other areas of the brain, especially the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere, may be partially blocked. During stress, special chemicals (enkephalins) are released that are necessary to reduce pain. They destroy brain cells, especially the limbic system, which is directly involved in learning and memory. Another example. Adrenaline, which is released during stress, activates the body to fight and flee, which manifests itself in facades in hyperactivity and restlessness in children.

In an emotionally stressful situation, it becomes impossible for the eyes to scan the page from top to bottom and from left to right. During the reflex response to stress, the gaze becomes peripheral, the field visual perception increases for maximum control over the space around. In a state of constant stress, the outer muscles of the eyes become stronger, and the inner muscles become weaker and stretched. Thisperipheral vision reflexformed in the course of evolution and serves as a protective reaction in times of danger. The movements of the child's eyes are a significant developmental factor. If eye tracking of a finger occurs in jumps and causes pain, then such a child will definitely have difficulty reading and understanding what is read. The development and correction of the eye muscles contributes to the development of the nerve networks of the central visual field and motor tracking.

In addition, information and emotional stress causeAchilles tendon defense reflex, which contribute to the contraction of the calf and soleus muscles, straightening and pulling the knees back. This shifts the body's center of gravity to the toes and strains the back and neck. The evolutionary significance of this reflex is to quickly jump up and run away at the moment of danger, without wasting time on muscle contraction. However, back strain for a long time leads to a decrease in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid into the brain and reduces its physiological activity. Chronic contraction of the calf muscles can lead to toe walking, which often occurs in children with speech problems and autism. K. Hannaford, correcting autistic children and children with speech disorders, first of all, pays Special attention relaxation and lengthening of the calf muscle with kinesiology exercises . Through remedial action, autistic children begin to talk, their attention is shifted from centers of survival to causal centers. Many corrective exercises designed to relax the leg muscles and neutralize the Achilles tendon defense reflex.

In a stressful situation, conduction through the corpus callosum is disturbed, the leading hemisphere takes on a large load, and the driven hemisphere is blocked. The two hemispheres begin to work without integration. Violated spatial orientation, adequate emotional response, coordination of visual and auditory perception with the work of the writing hand. A child in this state cannot read and write, perceiving information by ear or eyes.One of the main conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to stress learning is the development of the corpus callosum, which strengthens and unifies the brain.

Kinesiology exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum)

Exercises develop the corpus callosum, increase stress resistance, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, improve mental activity, improve memory and attention, facilitate the process of reading and writing. Exercises should be carried out daily for 6-8 weeks for 15-20 minutes a day. To gradually complicate the exercises, you can use:

  1. acceleration of the pace of execution,
  2. performing exercises with a lightly bitten tongue and closed eyes (excluding speech and visual control),
  3. connection of eye and tongue movements to hand movements,
  4. connection of breathing exercises and visualization method.
  1. "Ears". Goal: energize the brain.Gently straighten and stretch with the same hand the outer edge of each ear in an upward direction - outward from the top to the earlobe 5 times. Massage the ear.
  2. "Ring". Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum).Alternately and as quickly as possible go through the fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. into a ring with the thumb. The exercise is performed in the forward (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. At the beginning of the movement, each hand is performed separately, then together.
  1. "Fist-rib-palm". The child is shown three positions of the hand on the floor plane, successively replacing each other. The palm is on the plane, the palm is clenched into a fist, the palm is on the edge of the table, the palm is straightened on the plane of the table. The child performs movements together with the instructor, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The exercise is performed first with the right hand, then- left, then - two hands together. In case of difficulty in performing, the instructor invites the child to help himself with commands (“fist-rib-palm”), spoken aloud or to himself.
  1. "Lezginka". Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), arbitrariness and self-control.The child folds his left hand into a fist, thumb puts it aside, the fist turns its fingers towards itself. With the right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touches the little finger of the left. After that, he simultaneously changes the position of the right and left hands for 6-8 position changes. It is necessary to achieve a high speed of change of positions.
  1. "Frog. Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), arbitrariness and self-control.Put your hands on the table. One hand is clenched into a fist, the other lies on the plane of the table (palm). Simultaneously and in different directions change the position of the hands.
  2. "Lock". Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), arbitrariness and self-control.Cross your arms with your palms facing each other, interlock your fingers, turn your arms towards you. Move the finger indicated by the instructor. The finger should move accurately and clearly. It is undesirable to allow the movements of neighboring fingers. You can't touch your finger. Consistently, all fingers of both hands should participate in the exercise. In the future, children can do the exercise in pairs.
  1. "Ear-nose". Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), arbitrariness and self-control.The child is offered to hold the tip of the nose with his left hand, and the opposite ear with his right hand. Simultaneously release the ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of the hands "exactly the opposite."
  2. "Mirror Drawing"Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), arbitrariness and self-control, elimination of mirror perception.Put on a table Blank sheet paper. Take a pencil or felt-tip pen in both hands. It is necessary to draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. When doing this exercise, you will feel how your eyes and hands relax. When the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized, the efficiency of the entire brain will increase markedly.
  3. Breathing exercises.

1st option. Inhale, pause, exhale, pause. When performing breathing exercises, it is more effective to additionally use a figurative representation (visualization), i.e. connect the right hemisphere. For example, an image of a yellow or orange warm ball located in the abdomen is possible, inflating and deflating, respectively, in the rhythm of breathing. When inhaling, the lips are stretched out with a tube and “drink” the air with noise.

2nd option. Breathing only through the left, and then only through the right nostril (at the same time, the thumb of the right hand is used to close the right nostril, the remaining fingers look up, and the little finger of the right hand is used to close the left nostril). Breathing is slow, deep. Breathing only through the left nostril activates the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, promotes calm and relaxation. Breathing only through the right nostril activates the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, contributes to the solution of rational problems.

3rd option. Take a deep breath. Pause. As you exhale, pronounce sounds: pf-pf-pf-pf-pf. Pause. Inhale. Pause. On the exhale: rrrr. Pause. Inhale. Pause. On the exhale: z-z-z-z. Pause. Inhale. Pause. On the exhale: w-w-w-w. Pause. Inhale. Pause. On the exhale: mo-me-me-mu.

  1. Eye exercises.Purpose: development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum), formation of a space scanning vector.

1st option. The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. It is necessary to work out eye movements in four main (up, down, right, left) and four auxiliary directions (diagonally); bringing the eyes to the center. Each of the movements is done first at arm's length, then at the distance of the elbow and, finally, near the bridge of the nose. Movements are performed at a slow pace (from 3 to 7 seconds) with fixation in extreme positions; moreover, the retention should be equal in duration to the previous movement. When practicing oculomotor exercises, it is recommended to use any bright objects, small toys, etc. to attract the child's attention. Those areas in the child's field of vision where the "slip" of the gaze occurs should be given additional attention, "drawing" them several times until the hold becomes stable.

2nd option. The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. Practice eye movements in four main (up, down, right, left) and four auxiliary directions (diagonally); bringing the eyes to the center. Eye movements must be combined with breathing. At the phase of deep inspiration, it is necessary to make eye movements, then keep the eyes in the extreme lateral position during the breath holding phase. The return to the starting position is accompanied by a passive exhalation. Exercises can be performed with a lightly bitten tongue or tightly clenched jaws.

Anti-stress kinesiology complex of exercises for educators, parents and children

Considering that stress is a psycho-physiological condition accompanied by a violation of hemispheric interaction and neurohumoral regulation, it is possible to eliminate its consequences with the help of a complex of kinesiological exercises. The kinesiology complex is recommended to be performed daily for 6-8 weeks for 15-20 minutes a day. Exercises should be performed while sitting. Sometimesfor emergency help with stress, it is enough to perform one exercise, for example, “Front-Acceptital Correction”, “ Breathing exercise Everly" or "Tapping".

  1. "Frontal-acceptital (frontal-occipital) correction". Purpose: activation of brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction, rhythmization of the right hemisphere, energization of the brain, visualization of a positive situation.Place one hand on the back of the head, put the other on the forehead. Close your eyes and think about any negative situation. Take a deep breath-pause-exhale-pause. Mentally imagine the situation again, but only in a positive aspect. Think about and understand how you could this problem allow. After the appearance of a synchronous “pulsation” between the occipital and frontal parts, self-correction ends with a deep “inhale-pause-exhale-pause”. Perform the exercise from 30 seconds to 10 minutes until a synchronous pulsation occurs in the palms.
  2. "Achilles Tendon Stretch". Target: removal of the Achilles tendon defense reflex.

1st option. It is easy to pinch both Achilles tendons (above the heel) with the same hands, then the hamstrings. Gently stroke them several times, "dumping" to the sides and out.

2nd option. Standing, hold hands on the back of a chair. Place one leg in front of the body and the other behind. Do lunges on the knee of the leg exposed forward. The leg located behind should be straight. Keep the body straight. Repeat for the other leg too.

3rd option. In a sitting position, place your ankle on the other knee. Find with your hands tense places in the calf muscle and, holding them, bend and unbend the foot. Repeat for the other leg too.

  1. "Pendulum". Purpose: removal of the peripheral vision reflex, rhythmization of the right hemisphere, activation of brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction, energization of the brain.The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. It is necessary to practice eye movements in four main (up, down, right, left) and four auxiliary directions (diagonally); bringing the eyes to the center. Eye movements must be combined with breathing. During the deep inhalation phase, move your eyes, then hold your eyes in the extreme lateral position during the breath holding phase. Return to the starting position with a passive exhalation. Perform the exercise with the connection of unidirectional movements of the tongue (eyes and tongue to the right - inhale, pause, to the starting position - exhale, pause, eyes and tongue to the left - inhale, pause, to the starting position - exhale, pause, etc.).
  1. "Tapping". Purpose: energization of the brain, activation of neurohumoral regulation.Make a massage in the area of ​​the thymus gland (on the sternum) in the form of light tapping 10-20 times in a circular motion from left to right.
  2. Breathing exercise.Purpose: activating the work of the brain stem sections, rhythmizing the right hemisphere, energizing the brain.Clench your fingers into a fist with your thumb bent inward. Exhale calmly, slowly, clench your fist with effort. Then, weakening the force of clenching the fist, take a breath. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Doing the exercise with your eyes closed doubles the effect. Exercise also helps in accurately remembering important and complex information.
  3. Breathing exercise Everly (Everly G.S.).Purpose: activating the work of the brain stem sections, rhythmizing the right hemisphere, energizing the brain, relieving muscle tension, eliminating anxiety, reducing heart rate.Regular systematic (1-2 weeks) performance of this exercise will form a kind of anti-stress setting. Subsequent stressful situations will be experienced more calmly and less destructively for you. Close your eyes, put your left hand on the navel, and the right hand on top as you like. Imagine an inflatable rubber ball inside you (visualization). As you inhale, imagine how the air enters through the nose, goes down and inflates the balloon. As the balloon fills with air, the arms will rise up. Inflating the balloon in the abdomen should go to the middle and upper chest. The duration of the breath should be 2 seconds. As the skill improves, it can be increased to 3 seconds. Hold your breath (no more than 2 seconds). Repeat to yourself the phrase: "My body is calm." Slowly start exhaling. Keep repeating to yourself the phrase: "My body is calm." The duration of the exhalation should last at least 3-4 seconds. Repeat this four-phase exercise no more than 3-5 times. In case of dizziness, it is necessary to stop the exercise, and next time reduce the duration of inhalation, pause and exhalation. Exercise can be performed in the morning, afternoon and evening, as well as in a stressful situation.
  4. A technique for erasing stressful information from memory (visualization).Sit down and relax. Close your eyes. Imagine a clean landscape sheet paper, pencils, eraser. Mentally draw on a sheet negative situation that needs to be forgotten. It can be a real picture, a figurative association, a symbol, etc. Mentally take an eraser and begin to sequentially “erase” the created negative situation from a sheet of paper. “Erase” until the picture disappears from the sheet. Open your eyes. Check. To do this, close your eyes and imagine the same sheet of paper. If the picture does not disappear, take the eraser again and "erase" until it disappears completely. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.

As a result of performing anti-stress exercises, interhemispheric interaction is restored and the neuroendocrine mechanism is activated, which ensures adaptation to a stressful situation and a gradual psychophysiological exit from it.

Memo for educators and parents

  1. When preparing a child for school, remember that “A well-organized brain costs more than a well-filled brain” (M. Montaigne).
  2. The upbringing and education of right-brained and left-brained children, boys and girls, must be carried out according to various methods.
  3. Early start of sign learning is unacceptable. It contributes to the formation of minimal brain dysfunctions.
  4. Children under 7 years oldage shouldeducate and train as right-brained, as it corresponds to their age stage of development.
  5. An immobile child does not learn. Any new information should be fixed by movement.
  6. With any asymmetry of the hemispheres, a necessary condition for the high intellectual activity of the child, his successful learning and high stress resistance isfull development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum).
  7. In preparing boys for school, more attention should be paid to the development of their corpus callosum than in preparing girls.
  8. Girls can be naughty because of fatigue(exhaustion of the right "emotional" hemisphere).Boys in this case are depleted of information(decreased activity of the left "rational-logical" hemisphere). Scolding them for this is useless and immoral.
  9. The laziness of the child is a signal of the unfavorability of your pedagogical activity, the incorrectly chosen method of working with this child.
  10. Make it your main commandment- "do no harm"!


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The corpus callosum (commissures, interhemispheric connections) - a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres, ensures the integrity of the brain.