Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Oral literary speech. Units of speech communication

Conversational speech is a special functional variety literary language. If the language of fiction and functional styles have a single codified basis, then colloquial speech is opposed to them as an uncodified sphere of communication. Codification is fixation in different kind dictionaries and grammar, those norms and rules that must be observed when creating texts of codified functional varieties. Norms and rules conversational communication are not fixed.

Speech in an official setting scientific conference, at a business meeting, at a meeting of parliamentarians, lecturing, a lesson at school) differs from that used in an informal setting (talk at the festive table, friendly conversation, dialogue at lunch, dinner at home).

Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication, there is a selection of various language means. As a result, varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles.

The term functional style emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case. The following functional styles are usually distinguished: 1) scientific, 2) official business, 3) journalistic; 4) colloquial-everyday Vvedenskaya, L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. allowance / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. - Ed. 11th. - Rostov-n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - P. 145. .

The styles of the literary language are, first of all, compared on the basis of an analysis of their vocabulary, since it is in the vocabulary that the difference between them is most noticeable. The attachment of words to a certain style of speech is explained by the fact that, in addition to the subject-logical content, the lexical meaning of many words also includes emotional and stylistic coloring: mother, mother, mother, mother, mother; father, daddy, daddy, daddy, pa. The words of each row have the same meaning, but differ stylistically, so they are used in different styles.

There are two groups of emotionally expressive vocabulary: words with positive and negative assessment. Depending on what kind of emotional-expressive assessment is expressed in a word, it is used in various styles of speech.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in colloquial and everyday speech, which is distinguished by liveliness and accuracy of presentation. Expressively colored words are also typical for journalistic style. However, in scientific, technical and official business styles of speech, emotionally colored words are usually inappropriate.

The words conversational style are distinguished by a large semantic capacity and colorfulness, give speech liveliness and expressiveness. Spoken words are opposed to book vocabulary. It includes the words of scientific, technical, newspaper-journalistic and official-business styles, usually presented in writing. Lexical meaning book words, their grammatical arrangement and pronunciation are subject to the established norms of the literary language, deviation from which is unacceptable.

The sphere of distribution of book words is not the same. Along with words that are common to scientific, technical, newspaper-journalistic and official-business styles, in the book vocabulary there are also those that are assigned only to any one style and constitute their specificity.

Unlike colloquial vocabulary, which is characterized by the specificity of meaning, book vocabulary is predominantly abstract. The terms book and colloquial vocabulary are conditional, since they are not necessarily associated with the idea of ​​only one form of speech. Book words typical of written speech can also be used in oral speeches (scientific reports, public performance etc.), and colloquial - in writing (in diaries, everyday correspondence, etc.).

Colloquial vocabulary is adjacent to the colloquial vocabulary, which is outside the styles of the literary language. colloquial words are usually used for the purpose of a reduced, rough characterization of phenomena and objects of reality. In official business communication, these words are unacceptable, but in everyday life colloquial speech they should be avoided. However, not all words are distributed between different styles speech. The Russian language has large group words used in all styles without exception and characteristic of both oral and written speech. Such words form a background against which stylistically colored vocabulary stands out. They are called stylistically neutral.

By types of communicative attitudes, by the way partners participate, their role relationships, the nature of the remarks, the ratio of dialogic and monologue speech, the following genres are distinguished: conversation, conversation, story, story, proposal, confession, request, dispute, remark, advice, letter, note, pager message, diary.

Conversation. It's a genre speech communication(dialogue or polylogue), in which, with a cooperative strategy, there is: a) an exchange of views on any issues; b) exchange of information about the personal interests of each of the participants - to establish the type of relationship; c) aimless exchange of opinions, news, information (phatic communication). Different types conversations are characterized by corresponding types of dialogical modality.

Talk. In this genre, both cooperative and non-cooperative strategies can be implemented. According to the goals of communication, they differ: a) informative conversation; b) prescriptive conversation; c) conversations aimed at clarifying interpersonal relationships. Purposefulness - characteristic conversation, as opposed to conversation, which can be an idle speech genre.

An argument is an exchange of opinions with the aim of making a decision or finding out the truth. Various points views on a particular issue, however, have a common phase, not explicitly expressed in linguistic forms - an interest in communication. This causes positive start in a dialogue or polylogue, a kind of code of trust, truthfulness and sincerity, expressed in etiquette forms of address, politeness, truthfulness of arguments.

Story. This is a genre of colloquial speech, in which the monologue form of speech predominates within a dialogue or polylogue. The main strategic line of verbal communication is solidarity, consent, cooperation, “permission” for one of the participants to carry out their communicative intention, which basically comes down to information. The topic of the story can be any event, fact that happened to the narrator or anyone else. The course of the story may be interrupted by remarks-questions or remarks-evaluations, to which the narrator answers with varying degrees of completeness.

Story. This genre of colloquial speech, like the story, is par excellence monologue, which takes into account all the components of the pragmatic situation. In addition, important pragmatic factor speech when telling a "story" - memory. This factor determines the structure of the narrative and the content of speech. Characteristically, the stories do not include the addressee himself as actor. The communicative goal of history is not only the transmission of information about events that occurred earlier (at an unspecified moment), but also a summing up of semantic results, a summary, a comparison with an assessment of modern events and facts.

Thus, colloquial speech is an uncodified sphere of communication. Varieties of the literary language are called functional styles. The styles of the literary language are compared based on the analysis of their lexical composition. Genres differ: conversation, conversation, story, story, proposal, confession, request, dispute, remark, advice, letter, note, pager message, diary.

LITERARY LANGUAGE, supra-dialect subsystem (form of existence) national language which is characterized by such features as normativity, codification, multifunctionality, stylistic differentiation, high social prestige among native speakers of a given national language.

The literary language is the main means of serving the communicative needs of society; it is opposed to non-codified subsystems of the national language - territorial dialects, urban koine (urban vernacular), professional and social jargon.

The concept of a literary language can be defined both on the basis of the linguistic properties inherent in a given subsystem of the national language, and by delimiting the totality of carriers of this subsystem, separating it from general composition people who speak this language. The first way of definition is linguistic, the second is sociological.

V.V. Vinogradov. Literary language (
Literary language - mutual language writing of one or another people, and sometimes several peoples - language of official business documents, schooling, written and everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form usually written, but sometimes oral. That is why the written and bookish and oral and colloquial forms of the literary language differ, the emergence, correlation and interaction of which are subject to certain historical patterns.

Difficult to say otherwise linguistic phenomenon, which would be understood as differently as a literary language. Some are convinced that the literary language is the same public language, only "polished" language masters, i.e. writers, artists of the word; supporters of this view primarily have in mind the literary language of modern times and, moreover, among peoples with a rich artistic literature.

Others believe that the literary language is written language, bookish language opposing living speech, spoken language. The basis of this understanding is the literary languages ​​with ancient writing (cf. the recent term "newly written languages").

Still others believe that the literary language is a language that is generally significant for a given people, in contrast to the dialect and jargon, which do not have signs of such general significance. Supporters of this view sometimes argue that the literary language can exist in the pre-literate period as the language of folk verbal and poetic creativity or customary law.

Kolesov VV Old Russian literary language.- L .: Publishing house Leningrad. un-ta, 1989.
Long disputes as to whether the modern Russian literary language is based on Church Slavonic or Russian, with scientific point views are pointless both in essence, and in content, and in terms of references to authorities.

Obnorsky's hypothesis is a continuation and development of Shakhmatov's theory in new historical conditions when based on in-depth study Russian dialects (started by Shakhmatov) and historical development of the Russian language, the real significance of church texts in the formation of the Russian literary language became clear. The object of study also expanded: for Shakhmatov it was mainly phonetics and grammatical forms, while for Obnorsky - grammatical categories, semantics, style. AT last years this point of view is thoroughly argued (Filin, 1981; Gorshkov, 1984) and does not need to be defended. There is no alternative.

The term "literary language" in its origin turns out to be associated with the concept of "literature", and in its etymological understanding - "based on the letter", that is, on the letter, in fact, written language. Indeed, the medieval literary language is only the language of writing, a collection of texts for literary purposes. All other features of the literary language follow from this abstract definition through the term and therefore seem logical and understandable.

The diverse terms that have accumulated on the subject of study are, in fact, only an attempt to get out of vicious circle formal logic: signs of the concept are considered as signs of a non-existent object, and the object is defined through the same signs of the concept. Literary - non-literary, written - oral, folk - cultural (even cult, in last case in general, there are many synonyms), processed - raw, as well as polysemantic and therefore indefinite in meaning - system, norm, function, style. The more such definitions (which seem to clarify our idea of ​​the object), the more the concept of "literary language" is emptied: the introduction of each subsequent one increases the content of the concept so much that it reduces its scope to the limits of insignificance.

Of the many definitions that exist in science, the definition of the literary language as a function of the national language seems to be the most acceptable; therefore, the literary "language" is a literary variety of the use of the Russian language, and not independent language(Gorshkov, 1983). Such an understanding of the literary language lies in line with the Russian scientific tradition and is determined by the historical approach to the problem of the literary language. At the same time, it explains the development of various spheres of "cultural speaking", justifying the existence of the very term "literary language" - since the latter is indeed typical shape the existence of a folk (national) language, and not speech in the narrow sense of the word. Historically, there has been a displacement of colloquial forms by more and more improved "cultural" forms of the language; the selection of linguistic forms as the structure of the native language develops and constitutes the content of this historical process.

Literary language is the basis of speech culture (Rhetoric -
The literary language is higher form national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, means mass media. It serves various areas human activity: politics, science, legislation, official business communication, household communication, international communication, print, radio, television.

Among the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role.
The main features of the literary language:
- processing (a literary language is a language processed by masters of the word: writers, poets, scientists, public figures);
- sustainability (stability);
- mandatory for all native speakers;
- normalization;
- Availability functional styles.

D. A. Golovanova, E. V. Mikhailova, E. A. Shcherbaeva. Russian language and culture of speech. Crib


Literary language is the national language of writing, the language of official and business documents, school education, written communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form (written and sometimes oral), perceived by native speakers of this language as exemplary. Literary language is the language of literature in the broadest sense. The Russian literary language functions both in oral form and in written form.

Signs of literary language:

1) the presence of writing;

2) normalization is a fairly stable way of expression that expresses the historically established patterns of development of the Russian literary language. Normalization is based on the language system and is enshrined in the best samples literary works. This method expressions are preferred by the educated part of society;

3) codification, i.e., fixedness in scientific literature; it is expressed in the presence grammar dictionaries and other books containing rules for the use of the language;

4) stylistic diversity, i.e., the variety of functional styles of the literary language;

5) relative stability;

6) prevalence;

7) general usage;

8) general obligation;

9) compliance with the use, customs and capabilities of the language system.

The protection of the literary language and its norms is one of the main tasks of the culture of speech. Literary language unites the people in terms of language. The leading role in the creation of the literary language belongs to the most advanced part of society.

Each of the languages, if it is sufficiently developed, has two main functional varieties: the literary language and live colloquial speech. Each person masters live colloquial speech with early childhood. The assimilation of a literary language occurs throughout the development of a person, right up to old age.

The literary language should be generally understandable, that is, accessible to perception by all members of society. The literary language must be developed to such an extent that it can serve the main areas of human activity. In speech, it is important to observe the grammatical, lexical, orthoepic and accentological norms of the language. Based on this important task linguists is to consider everything new in the literary language from the point of view of correspondence general patterns language development and optimal conditions for its functioning.

the main objective language communication people - to understand each other and understand correctly. Note that the word "correctly" is related to the word "rule". Observing the established rules or norms of speech, we will more likely achieve the goal: we will accurately, clearly express our thoughts. Knowledge and observance of uniform and obligatory for all norms of literary speech (both oral and written) is necessary for everyone cultured person. The basic element of the language as a single sign system communication and transmission of information is the Russian literary language, which is considered the highest exemplary form of the national language. This type of language evolved gradually, and it is in a state of constant development. It is influenced by writers, poets and other masters of the word, creating new literary norms. But along with the literary language, there is a special whole layer - non-normative, not corresponding to the rules and standards, non-literary Russian language.

In the structure of a non-literary language, dialects, vernacular, jargons are distinguished. A dialect is a language system that serves as a means of communication for a small territorially closed group of people, usually residents of one or more settlements rural type. Dialects are divided into territorial and social.

Common speech is a special functional variety of the Russian language, a specific sphere of everyday, oral-colloquial, non-literary, mostly expressive and often vulgar communication. Jargon (argo, slang) is language system some more or less closed social group(employees of any sphere, any socio-demographic or sex-age group).

Sometimes slang in a narrower sense is understood as the language of the marginal strata of society (a marginal person who has left one culture, country, estate, class, group, and has not joined the values ​​and way of life of another.) We must not forget that many jargons from socially isolated people pass into the category of common language, which indicates the interpenetration and mutual influence of the layers of the national language. Therefore, the objective existence of jargon cannot be denied, since it is a part of the language that cannot be excluded from common system. But at the same time, there should not be a glut of jargon in the national language, i.e.

to. their excess leads to a violation of the communicative function of the language, to its deterioration and lack of culture, as well as the imposition of a certain morality on society. Exercise number 1 Listen to the text.

Answer the question: Why did the slang of schoolchildren from the time of Pushkin not reach our time? Highlight in the text an example of the use of literary and non-literary speech.

write down key words for retelling as you listen to the text.

Literary speech

normalized speech used by educated people

Explanatory translation dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Flinta: Science. L.L. Nelyubin. 2003 .

See what "literary speech" is in other dictionaries:

    Literary Prize - Literary Prize encouragement of achievements in the field literary creativity, which regularly and according to certain rules formulated in the charter of the award, appoints a circle of experts (also elected according to the rules or appointed by the founder ... ... Wikipedia

    Oratory speech- a kind of public speech, which is functionally and structurally opposed to colloquial, private, "everyday" communication. In contrast to colloquial speech, the exchange of more or less simple and short replicas (separate fragmentary ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Literary encyclopedia in 11 volumes.- Literary encyclopedia in 11 volumes. Literary encyclopedia: In 11 volumes (M.), 1929 1939. Vol. 1 / Kom. Acad.; Literature, Art and Language Section; Ed. board: Lebedev Polyansky P.I., Lunacharsky A.V., Nusinov I.M., Pereverzev V.F., Skrypnik I.A.; Answer… Literary Encyclopedia

    Speech (disambiguation)- Speech is an ambiguous term: Speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules. The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation ... ... Wikipedia

    book speech- Literary, as a rule, written speech, which has the following properties: 1) general literary and specific book writing language means; 2) codification; 3) functional styles of speech ... Vocabulary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Speech (newspaper)- This term has other meanings, see Speech (meanings). Speech Speech Founded February 23, 1906 Cessation of publications August 1918 Political affiliation ... Wikipedia

    Literary journalism- Literary journalism (Eng. Creative nonfiction) is a genre in which a reporter's texture is drawn up in a writer's style using traditional literary devices. Contents 1 Literary journalism in Russia ... Wikipedia

    speech- units The process of speaking, the activity of the speaker, who uses the language to interact with other members of the language community. R. autologous. Speech without paths. R. external. In theory speech communication: speech process ... ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    Literary criticism- evaluation and interpretation of a work of art, identification and approval of the creative principles of a particular literary direction; one of the types of literary creativity. L. to. proceeds from the general methodology of the science of literature (see ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Speech of the St. Petersburg newspaper- a large daily political and literary newspaper published in St. Petersburg. since February 23, 1906 with the close participation of P. N. Milyukov and I. V. Gessen. Publisher Yu. Bak; editor O. E. Buzhansky, later P. A. Khariton. Body constitutionally ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Antiquity of the Russian land. Historical and archaeological research, biography, scientific and literary correspondence, notes and diary of memoirs of Ivan Mikhailovich Snegirev. Volume I, . St. Petersburg, 1871. Printing house of F. S. Sushchinsky. Typographic cover. The safety is good. The front cover is missing. We offer you a posthumous collection ...

The history of the study of styles originates in ancient times. In Russian literature, ancient theories were transformed into the theory of "three calms" by M.V. Lomonosov. From school course it is known that high style includes "pathetic" words like creator, transform, priceless, to low - words like screw up, henchman, to the middle - all other words. However, the theory of "three calms" described only the language works of art. The language of everyday communication and vocabulary outside the literary language have not been the subject of researchers' attention, although the system of functional styles has developed a long time ago (for example, the basics of formal business style were laid down in agreements with the Greeks as early as the 10th century, and scientific and journalistic styles began to take shape in the 18th century).

The modern system of styles is schematically presented in fig. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1.

The outer circle is the border of the common language. Its core is a neutral style, which is the basis of any statement, no matter what style it belongs to. At the center of the system is a codified literary language, represented by four styles: three bookish ( official business, scientific and technical, journalistic) and colloquial.

The language of fiction (note that not all researchers consider it a separate style) can not only use all the richness of the native language, but also include elements of other languages.

Outside the literary language are such layers of Russian vocabulary as dialects, vernacular, jargon, slang, slang. There is also lunch, obscene, vocabulary (mat). However, although it arouses some interest among researchers and is even presented in various dictionaries, and in recent times increasingly common not only in live individual programs, but also fiction we'll leave it aside. We hope that neither the creators of the texts nor the editors will need this vocabulary in the near future.

To what extent is it necessary for an editor to know the layers of the language beyond the literary? Let's formulate general terms and Conditions, in which the use of non-literary vocabulary is acceptable. Dialects(a language specific to a certain area, such as northern or southern regions Russia), vernacular(the speech of people who are not familiar with the norms of the literary language), jargon/slang/slang(speech certain groups: thieves, youth, professional, etc.) can be included in articles, reports or speeches only as quotes, to create a special flavor associated with the subject of speech and (or) character language personality image object. However, vernacular and jargons, with their undoubted expressiveness, are still limited in their ability to express more or less complex thoughts and feelings, and therefore their place in the framework of literary speech is a distant periphery.

Styles of book speech

Book speech is a tool for creating texts in the areas of formal communication: official business, scientific, journalistic. Oral communication is not excluded here (direct orders to subordinates, scientific reports, public speeches, interview), but written forms are more commonly used.

Literary speech is primarily official business and scientific styles that are characterized by rigor and dispassionate presentation. Their task is information, therefore, reports must be objective, capable of verification, for example, in the course of scientific discussion or litigation on official documents: agreements, contracts, instructions. In these styles, special words are used - terms, which are strictly defined and understood unambiguously.