Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the word form in Russian? grammatical form.

If the word changes, then it has several forms. For example: a book is about a book. The ending has changed, which means the form of the word has changed. Changing the same word is called the form of the word.

Formative morphemes

Formative morphemes, first of all, are endings. Suffixes can also form not only new words, but also word forms. For example: interesting - more interesting. Read - read. It should be noted that the past tense suffixes in verbs form a new form, and do not form new words.

Auxiliary words

Example: read - would read. Thanks to the word would, a new form is formed.

Word form and root words

When changing the form of a word, only the ending changes, while the change in the stem does not occur. Suffixes and prefixes (with the exception of formative suffixes) should not change. When changes occur within the base, single-root words are formed. Table, table, table, table - forms of the word. A table and a table are the same root words.

Initial word form

Each inflected part of speech has an initial word form. As a rule, this word is in the nominative case and singular. Dictionaries list words in their original form.

Quite often, in Russian language lessons, schoolchildren experience difficulty in distinguishing single-root words from forms of the same word. By changing the form of one or another part of speech, you will only change the grammatical signs, and not the lexical meaning.

Before everyone, it is significant to realize that every word has one form or another, i.e. a certain common character. According to these signs, which can be reflected, say, in the ending (inflection), it is possible to determine the part of speech without special efforts. Let's say that only verbs have the endings "et", "it", "at", "yat", and only participles have the suffixes "ush", "yush", "ash", "yash". grammatical signs of certain parts of speech. Let's say you can determine the aspect, tense, person, number, conjugation, transitivity of a verb. But in the grammatical form of a noun there are signs of number, case, declension, gender. So, in the sentence “Guys, love and take care of our language”, the word “language” is used in the form of an accusative case, an exceptional number. The form of the word can be changed. For example, in the sentence “Prepare a report on the meaning of our language”, the word “language” is already used in the form of the genitive case, an exceptional number. However, in Russian there are words in which the form of the word remains unchanged. They are called invariable parts of speech. It is impossible for them to determine any categories of person, number, case, etc. These words include adverbs (swiftly, far away, all the time, etc.), gerunds (seeing, looking, touching, etc.). They have no ending, not even zero, because the ending is part of the word being changed. Unfortunately, there are often errors in detecting words with the same form and words with the same root. Apparently, this can be explained by the fact that in both cases the words will have the same root. However, by changing the form of a word, you will change only its ending, but all the remaining morphemes (prefixes, suffixes) that make up the stem will remain unshakable. For example, in the chain of the word form "aviator - aviators - aviator" every word includes the root "years" and the suffix "chik". Therefore, these are forms of the same word. If we compare the words "water - underwater - submariner", then it is possible to find some differences in the composition of words. Despite the fact that all words have the same root “waters”, the composition of the stem is not the same for them. In the word "water", in addition to the root "waters", the stem contains the suffix "n", in the word "underwater" - the prefix "under" and the suffix "n", and the noun "submariner" - the prefix "under" and the suffix " Nick". Consequently, they are not forms of one word. These words are familiar.

School analyzes of the word by composition have now been replaced by morphemic analysis. What is a morpheme, and how can we now positively name the “prefix”, “suffix” and “ending”? It is also excellent that the graphic designations of these parts of the word have remained unshakable so far.

A morpheme (from the Greek ???????) is the smallest linguistic unit that has a semantic content. Morphemes are not indivisible. However, their parts - phonemes - no longer have a semantic meaning. The term "morpheme" was given to this unit by L. Bloomfield, an overseas structural linguist, in 1933. However, not all researchers recognize the independent meaning of morphemes. According to them, a morpheme can have semantics only during a certain realization - in a word. In this case, the morpheme is usually called a morph. Nevertheless, there is another conjecture that refutes the purely abstract nature of morphemes and recognizes their semantic content. The systematization of morphemes differs from the usual school one. However, the root of the word, an exclusive morpheme, the meaning of which in any case does not cause controversy, remains the root and is an indispensable part of the word in virtually any language of the world. True, it is permissible that the day is not far off when in schools instead of the word “root” they will say “fix” (“indispensable”). All other morphemes are affixal (“optional”). The most common in Russian are prefixes (in the school custom, “prefixes”), and postfixes: suffixes and inflections (boldly speaking, “endings”). Inflections indicate the connection of the word with the rest of the sentence. In addition, there are several morphemes that can hardly be called postfixes as such, and therefore it is customary to call them "reflexive". There are a few reflexive morphemes: 2 verbal -sya / -s and -te (take-s / take-te, etc.) and 3 pronominal -something, -someone, -or (someone, anyone, someone- or). Sometimes in the Russian language there are also interfixes (according to the old school custom - “connecting vowels”) - o and e (say, par-o-voz). In other languages ​​​​of the world there are: confixes, infixes, transfixes, circumfixes.

At the lessons of the Russian language, schoolchildren get acquainted with the declension of nouns. The unmistakable spelling of noun endings depends on how well students learn the skill of determining the declension in words.


1. Remember that only nouns are inflected. This quality is expressed in a change in the form of the word as a result of the metamorphosis of the noun case and number.

2. Nouns can belong to one of 3 declensions: first, second or third. In order to determine the declension, you need to find out what gender the word belongs to. It is worth paying attention to the end of the word in the form of the nominative case of the exceptional number. The first declension should include a word that has the endings "a" or "I", in the masculine or feminine gender. The noun "night" is feminine, has the ending "a", which means it belongs to the first declension.

3. If the noun is of the middle gender and has the ending "o" or "e", and also in the masculine gender it has a zero ending (not pronounced sounds), it must be attributed to the second declension. The noun "table" is of the second declension, because it is masculine, with a null ending.

4. Refer to the third declension nouns of the feminine gender, which have a soft sign at the end of the word - night, steppe, game, etc.

5. Do not be mistaken in determining the declensions of such words: daughter (third declension) and daughter (first), thread and thread, branch and branch.

6. In Russian, there are words that are called heterogeneous. These include several neuter nouns that end in "me": time, stirrup, name, burden, seed, time, and so on. In addition, the masculine noun “way” must also be attributed to them. These words cannot be attributed to any particular declension, because. they change form: now as nouns of the second declension, now as the third. In the instrumental form, the word "seed" ends in "eat" (seed), as in the second declension. However, using this noun in the genitive, dative or prepositional cases (seed), you will find the ending "and", as in the third declension.

7. Pay attention to the fact that indeclinable nouns can also occur. They cannot be attributed to any of the declensions. They do not change form when used in any case, number. Indeclinable nouns include such words: coat, coffee, cinema, etc.

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The term "report" comes from the Latin word refero - "I inform, notify". It means a short summary in writing or in the form of an oral report of the table of contents of one or more sources. Also, the report may represent the results of comprehension of the scientific task.


1. Depending on what kind of work was carried out by the author, two types of reports are distinguished: productive and reproductive. In a fruitful report, a person must creatively rework and skeptically comprehend the text of one or more primary sources. In this case, the finished product can be presented in one of 2 types: report-review or report-report.

2. In the review, the author should give several points of view, which express several sources (quite influential for this type of work). It is necessary to identify the main differences between the presented theories and, perhaps, their points of contact. Confirming this or that principle with quotations from primary sources, the author must ensure that the arguments for all the positions presented are sufficient. In the report-report, the author's skeptical assessment and a review of the task are added to the table of contents described. Moreover, in the course of the research and the report, the author should gravitate towards objectivity.

3. Reproductive reports are also divided into two types: report-copy and report-summary. The summary turns out to be more broad in terms of content: it lists the main principles from the source of information, data on the methods and results of the survey, illustrative material and recommendations for using each of this information. In the summary report, the author only lists the main principles of the source used.

4. When evaluating the report, both its table of contents and design are taken into account. The title page, core text, references and references must be drawn up in accordance with GOSTs. Each volume of text is divided into several parts. In the introduction, the author talks about the reasons for choosing the topic, about its relevance and novelty. Briefly points out ways of working and names the main sources of information. The main part of the report is a statement of principles, their arguments and (depending on the type of report) an unbiased review. In conclusion, the author sums up the conclusions of the work, formulates the results and points out the actual importance of the research. The list of applied literature must include all books, articles, dissertations studied during the preparation of the report.

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The noun is a separate part of the speech of the Russian language. It has the forms of number and case, which systematize the categories of gender, as well as animateness and inanimateness, depending on the designated objects.


1. Imagine several variants of the same noun: "house", "house", "house". How to determine its original form(or dictionary form)? The original form of the noun is the form of the nominative case. This case denotes the representation expressed by the word. Especially often nouns in this case play the role of the subject in the sentence, less often - the predicate. The nominative case answers the questions: "who?", "what?" Let's say "what?" - "house", "who?" - "bird". Ask related questions to determine form noun.

2. Recall from the school curriculum that the noun in its original form is in most cases in the exceptional number. Consequently, in order to determine the vocabulary form of this part of speech, put it in an exceptional number: “many houses” - “one house”.

3. Note that some nouns only have form plural, and to modify them, leading to the exclusive, is unthinkable. They can include, for example, the names of time periods, paired objects, the mass of matter: “day”, “glasses”, “trousers”, “weekdays”, “pasta”, “vacations”, “ink”, “scissors”. The original form of similar nouns is the nominative plural form.

4. Pay attention to the need to distinguish homonyms (words that are identical in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) from each other. Let's say: "A clock hangs on the wall" (here the noun "clock" will have the original form only in the plural). Or: “At these hours, the sky is traditionally so clear” (the original form of the noun “clock” will look like “hour”).

5. Please note that invariable nouns of foreign origin: “coat”, “madame”, “chimpanzee”, “cinema”, etc. - in all their forms they sound identical.

Wrong words in the wrong place - this is how it is allowed to briefly define what a lexical oversight is. It would seem that everyone for whom Russian is native knows how to choose the right word. But it turns out that lexical errors are not such a rarity, not only in school essays, but even in the speech of specialists.

The vocabulary of the language, the variety of meanings of words, their origin, the probability of use and compatibility with each other comprehends such a section of linguistics as lexicology. In lexicology, the norms for the use of words are established depending on the context, speech environment, and other factors, which are called lexical norms. Violation of these norms will be a lexical oversight. It is customary to distinguish several types of lexical errors.

Violation of the compatibility of words

Some words of the Russian language are part of stable combinations or idioms. Violation of their integrity, the use of a different word instead of the usual one will be a lexical oversight: "Reading famous scientific literature enriches the horizons." In this sentence, the idiomatic expression "broaden one's horizons" is replaced by another, which is false. Sometimes the speaker or writer uses words that are opposite in their evaluative coloring, or incompatible in meaning: "terribly beautiful." Such a combination looks meaningless and would be considered a lexical oversight. But there is also a literary device founded on a combination of incompatible words - an oxymoron, for example, "the living dead", and one should be distinguished from the other.

Word skip

Sometimes in speech, more often than anyone in oral speech, a word is omitted in a sentence, as a result of which the meaning of the phrase is distorted: “Her speech, like her mother, was characterized by a certain melodiousness and slowness.” In this phrase, the word “speech” is missing before the noun “mother”, from which the general meaning of the phrase becomes not very clear.


Verbosity can manifest itself in a senseless, annoying repetition of the same word in any further phrase: “I love summer. The weather is hot in summer. Summer days seem to be made for relaxation. The best place for a summer holiday is the bank of a river or a lake. Errors of this kind are more common in the speech of people with a poor vocabulary. Another form of verbosity is tautology. A typical example of this kind is the phrase "butter oil", but there are also phrases in which only a rather erudite person can recognize a tautology. So the phrase "price list" occurs quite often. Nevertheless, it is false from a lexical point of view, because the word "price list" itself means "price list", which means that the word "price" in this phrase is a repetition.

Misuse of words due to misunderstanding of their meaning

Such an oversight occurs quite often when using borrowed words if people do not know their exact meaning: “A whole group of scammers was identified” - an incorrect use of the word “group”, denoting a number of prominent personalities. Phraseological cycles can also be used incorrectly if their meaning is is not perceived or interpreted incorrectly: "Gripping his heart, he agreed" - the expression "gripping his heart" is falsely used instead of the stable phrase "reluctantly". The same type of lexical errors can be attributed to the incorrect use of paronyms - words that have a similar sound and spelling, but different in meaning: "Alexandrian pillar" - the word "pillar" should be replaced by the noun "pillar".

All verbs in the Russian language are characterized in terms of such a lexical and grammatical category as transitivity. Transitivity/intransitivity characterizes the verbal action in relation to the object.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verbs in Russian can be divided into 2 major semantic types:

1) denoting an action that passes to an object and changes it;

2) denoting an action that is closed in itself and does not transfer to an object.

The first type includes the verbs of creation, destruction, many verbs of speech and thought, for example: to build, grow, educate; break, break, destroy; say, think, feel.

The second type combines verbs expressing a certain state. Examples: lie, sit, sleep, feel.

Such semantics of verbs is formed in the field of form with the help of the category of transitivity.

Verbs denoting an action that passes to an object and harmonizing with the form of the accusative case without a preposition are called transitive.

Verbs that are not capable of denoting an action that passes to an object, and that do not harmonize with the accusative case without a preposition, are intransitive.

Examples: Tatyana wrote a letter to Onegin. The verb "wrote" is transitive.

He writes and translates well. The verbs “writes”, “translates”, denoting the ability to do something, are intransitive.

Transitivity is a lexical and grammatical category, consequently the category is determined strictly by formal signs, and not by context.

The central part of transitive verbs includes verbs with negation, in harmony with the genitive case, for example: do not like literature.

Indirect transitive verbs

Also, implicit transitive verbs are given, which can harmonize with the object not in the genitive or accusative cases, for example: to lead the state.

The criterion for distinguishing transitive verbs is their ability to transform into passive participles. Examples: build a house - a built house, drink water - drunk water.

Or a word form, consider a small example using the same word "window" in different sentences. There was a large window on the veranda of the house. There was no window to be seen through the trees. I went to the window. He sees this window every day. Someone's silhouette was visible outside the window. I realized that it was about a small window in the attic. In all six sentences "window" is revealed in different case forms. The word is used in the singular. By changing the singular to plural in the same sentences, we get six more word forms: windows (I.p.), windows (R.p.), windows (D.p.), windows (V.p.) windows (T .p.) windows (P.p.). As a result, we have an example of 12 grammatical changes of a lexical unit, representing the system of its word forms. Thus, the form of a word is its modification during or declension (as in the example with the noun window). The totality of all word forms is a paradigm.

Word form and meaning of the word

To determine what the form of a word is in terms of correlation with the significance of the word, we single out a number of word forms: greenish, greenish, greenish. All the above words have a common significant part: greenish The value is quite specific and indicates the incompleteness of the qualitative characteristic, that is, a slightly green color. Other significant parts include suffixes -ovate-(feature characteristic value), ending th(indicates masculine gender), endings -and I(feminine gender), - s e (plural ending). It is impossible to divide further into meaningful parts, since the main meaning is lost. Hence, the minimum significant component of this word is greenish-, which is a morph of this lexeme. A word form can consist of one morph, for example: here, on, all of a sudden.

Word form as a two-sided unit

To consider the internal form of a word, let's define what a word form is as a two-sided unit. The external side is what determines the word form by external formal features. For example, the phenomenon of homonymy: paper (documentation) and paper(R.p.). With a similar sound, the internal form of the word is different. Such a variation of the word is also possible, where, with internal unity, there is an external difference, as, for example, in the word: me/me; sometimes / sometimes etc.

Keyword Trends

Today, the question of what is the form of a word is very relevant in terms of trends in working with keywords when writing seo texts. Indeed, in website promotion, a search is used that takes into account the word forms of keywords. Recently, there has been a tendency to use, in addition to direct occurrences (that is, keywords without changes) and modified keywords, that is, word forms. We are talking, as you might guess, about anchors that lead to external or internal links. Some customers require any word to be included in the anchor (of course, in a semantic context). In addition, there has been a trend of "migration" of keywords from a simple indication of which keywords are needed, to a specific explanation of how to prescribe them. The emerging trends increase the plasticity, naturalness, and hence the quality of the text.

Students quite often make mistakes in tasks that involve the selection of words with the same root or the formation of the initial form. The reason is a lack of understanding of the differences between these linguistic terms.

The concept of the term

The form of a word is what allows you to determine the morphological features and belonging to a particular part of speech. The latter can be classified into two groups depending on the possibility or impossibility of change. It is customary to call mutable a noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral, verb, participle. Adverb, gerund, conjunction, preposition, particle are invariable.

The formation of a word form is impossible in words belonging to the second group. For example, adverbs slow, distant, fun, as well as gerunds running, grabbing, having fun have only one word form.

Ways of forming word forms

The formation of the word form occurs in different ways:

1. With the help of the ending: forest - forests - forest; quiet - quiet - quiet.

2. With the help of an ending and a preposition: behind the mountain, in front of the mountain, by the mountain.

3. With the help of auxiliary words: I will speak - I would speak - let him speak.

The concept of the initial form and the single-root word, their difference from word forms

The word form is a concept that should not be confused with the initial form. Under the initial it is customary to understand the form in which the word occurs in dictionaries. Therefore, it is sometimes called a dictionary. For each changeable part of speech, it is unique.

Here are some examples:

1. Nouns are used in dictionaries in the nominative singular: anchor, spring, loudspeaker, laziness, sailor, tunnel.

2. Adjectives are placed at the beginning of the dictionary entry in the form of the nominative singular masculine: formidable, spiritual, new, faceless, wooden.

3. The initial form of a word - a verb - is an infinitive, which is sometimes also called an indefinite form. For example, grab, pore, uplift, touch, ask.

There are some difficulties in determining the initial form of participles. Some scientists call it independent, others - only a form of the verb. If the participle is recognized as an independent part of speech, then in dictionaries it will be used in the same form as an adjective. For example, speaking, unthinkable, stored, cooked, dressed.

Words with the same root

The form of a word is a concept that is not equivalent to the term "single-root words". The main difference between these terms is that the lexical meaning does not change when the word form is formed. Words with the same root have a common root, but a different interpretation. They are formed by adding morphemes: prefixes, suffixes, postfixes.

For example, in phrases blue ocean and sit by the sea nouns are word forms because their meaning is not changed.

In phrases seashore, seaside town, seasoned sailor there are cognate words with the root -mor-. Word nautical formed by adding the suffix -sk-, seaside- by adding the prefix pre- and suffix -sk-, sailor- by adding the suffix -yak-. They have different interpretations.

Thus, in the course of word formation, new words with different lexical meanings arise. When shaping, the interpretation of the word does not change. The form of a word is a change in a word while maintaining its basic meaning.

Let's take an example

The morphological features of words should be determined at the end. As an example, consider the sentence: (1) Wind (2) is blowing (3) in (4) westerly (5) direction. To begin with, you need to number the words. Next, you need to specify the parts of speech and their non-permanent signs.

(1) - a noun that has zero inflection as an indicator of the second declension and is used in the nominative case, singular, masculine;

(2) - verb, inflection -et indicates belonging to the first conjugation, singular, third person;

(3) - a preposition that does not have word forms;

(4) - an adjective with an inflection -om indicating a prepositional case, singular, neuter;

(5) - a noun that has inflection -and as an indicator of the prepositional case, singular, neuter.

Now we need to deal with the forms of these words.

Word groups wind - wind - wind, blowing - blowing - blowing, west - west - west, direction - direction - direction can be classified as words. Groups wind - windy - windless, blowing - blowing out - blowing, western - west - pro-western, direction - direct - redirect are single-root words belonging to different parts of speech and formed in a prefixed, suffixal or prefixed-suffixal way.

If you need to specify the form of the word, you should pay attention to the ending. It is by inflection that one can judge what grammatical categories a lexeme has. At the same time, do not forget that words with the same root will have different forms.

In order for the words in a sentence to be consistent with each other, oral or written speech was understandable and meaningful, the same word takes on different forms. Grade 2 students should understand what word forms are, how they differ, and what varieties they have. This will help them not only to speak and write correctly, but also to understand other people.

What is a word form?

The form of a word in Russian is variants of the same word that differ in grammatical meanings. For example, a noun has this number and case, a verb has tense, number and person, and so on.

Most often, the word changes its form with the help of an ending. For example, if we take the noun house and add to it

  • house- singular nominative;
  • Houses- plural nominative case.
  • In Russian, there are words that do not change their form - they are called immutable. These are all service parts of speech and interjections, as well as some words that belong to independent parts of speech - these are mainly adverbs, but this category may also include adjectives and pronouns.

    Each modified word has its initial form, with which these changes begin. So, for the name of the noun, which was discussed above, it will be the singular form of the nominative case, for the adjective, the masculine gender is also added to these two parameters, and so on. The initial form of the word is fixed in the dictionary, with the help of which it is easy to find and check it.

    Let's look at different examples:

    • golden- this is an adjective, which means that its nasal form will be the word golden,
    • run around is a verb, its initial form is to run.

    Two types of word forms

    Words in Russian are mainly changed with the help of endings, which allows us to say that basically word forms mean their morphological variety. But there are situations when a word takes on a different form due to the substitution of other words - this is how the syntactic forms of the word are obtained. So, if you need to use a verb in the form of the future tense, then one more verb is added to its initial form - I will: I will walk + I will = I will walk.

    Regardless of how the form of the word is formed - morphological or syntactic - it retains its lexical meaning. That is, the words mom, mom, with mom mean the same thing. If the meaning changes, we are talking about a completely different word.

    What have we learned?

    That the forms of a word are essentially the same word, only in different grammatical variants. Each word has an initial form. When a word is changed by forms, its lexical meaning remains the same. It can change with the help of an ending - this is a morphological method, the main one for the Russian language. But there is another one, syntactic, when certain words are added to the initial form of the word and change it. But such cases are few. There are also immutable words, that is, they do not change their form.