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15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. XV International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of jurisprudence



Development emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech.


In the system of tasks for the development of children's speech preschool age vocabulary work occupies one of the leading positions. The word provides the content of communication. The extra-situational-personal type of communication that develops in the senior preschool age is characterized by a special content, motive and tasks that can be solved by various means. A significant place among them is occupied by emotional and evaluative vocabulary, denoting emotions and feelings, internal experiences of a person, moral qualities. The formation of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is important condition emotional development and moral education. For the first time, the problem of enriching the speech of children with emotional and evaluative vocabulary was posed in the research of the Department of Methodology preschool education and teaching at Moscow State University in the early 80s of the XX century in the works of M.M. Alekseeva and V.I. Yashina. In them, the mastery of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is considered as a condition for the formation of social active person older preschooler. The importance of mastering this vocabulary in unity with the moral development of the child, the intensive accumulation of experience in the moral behavior of children, and the improvement of their social contacts with others is emphasized.

Own observations of the process of development of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech (III level) indicate significant deviations from normally developing peers in their vocabulary, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Children with ONR use active speech well-known, commonly used words and phrases. Emotional vocabulary is used by children with speech disorders fragmentarily and only in stable stereotyped combinations. When identifying and naming emotional states, children experience significant difficulties.

Peculiarities of speech development of children with OHP also influence the communicative sphere - such children in rare cases are the initiators of communication, usually talk little with their peers, do not accompany game situations with detailed speech utterances. All this testifies to some problems in the socialization of children with OHP, the occurrence of which is associated with the inability to express their emotions, declare their desires, make a choice, etc. Without timely competent influence on the part of an adult, such children may acquire forms of behavior that are characteristic of socially insecure children: isolation, dependence on the behavior and choice of other children in establishing contact.

Despite the fact that the theoretical foundations for studying the lexical side of the speech of children with speech disorders have been created, the problem of the development of emotional vocabulary has not been solved to date. It can be stated that programs have now been created practical guides aimed at developing skills emotional sphere in preschool children without speech pathology. The formation of emotional vocabulary is fragmentary: the assimilation of available antonyms (good - evil) is provided; the use of words with emotional and evaluative meaning; the introduction into the speech of children of words denoting moral character people, assessment of their actions, shades of meanings.

In other words, until now, practical workers of preschool educational institutions the methods of gradual formation of emotional vocabulary in children with OHP are not used, which allows a preschool child to most accurately assess and express their experiences and feelings of other people, heroes of fairy tales, poems and stories.

Thus, the contradiction between the recognition of the need to form emotional-evaluative vocabulary for emotional- moral development children of older preschool age, on the one hand, and insufficient development of the methodological aspect of this issue with children with OHP, on the other.

In view of this contradiction, the problem research: determination of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of emotional-evaluative vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP.

All of the above determined the choice of topic for my own pedagogical research: "Formation of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech».

Object of study:the process of formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech

Subject of study:special methods of corrective work to master the emotive meaning certain group lexical units.

Purpose of the study:

give theoretical and practical justification positive impact a system of tasks for the formation of emotional vocabulary (using works of oral folk art), and as a result, an increase in the level of mastery of expressive coherent statements and speech communication in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

The tasks of their own pedagogical research is an:

1. Implement theoretical analysis problems of formation of emotional vocabulary in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

2. Determine and substantiate a set of pedagogical conditions under which the formation of emotional vocabulary will be carried out by involving in meaningful, active and developing communication in specially organized, playful and practical activities outside of classes, while organizing interaction with educators. parents of pupils.

3. Test integrated system remedial education older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Methodological foundations of the study:position on the mutual influence and unity of the emotional and cognitive development of the child by L.S. Vygotsky; concept integrated approach to the education and upbringing of children with speech disorders (R.E. Levina, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina).

Research hypothesis:

Increase the efficiency of work on the formationemotional vocabulary in childrensenior preschoolage with a general underdevelopment of speech is possible, if:

As a theoretical and methodological basis, we will take into accountgeneral patterns of development of the vocabulary of a preschool child;

The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the process of mastering the system of lexical meanings, reflecting the emotional states and assessments of children with general speech underdevelopment, will be identified;

Will be systematized corrective work and the organization of the process of forming emotional vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech of senior preschool age was carried out by introducing effective forms learning: exercise, dramatizations, communicative situations.

Research noveltyis to design pedagogical system , which will enrich the process speech communication due to the mastery of emotional vocabulary by children with OHP through organized systematic step-by-step speech therapy work in specially organized, joint and independent activities.

Practical significance of the studydetermined by the possibility of using didactic material, methodological recommendations for educators, specialized specialists, consultations for parents, in order to improve educational work with children and as a guide for creativity.

Our own study of the theory of the process of development of emotional vocabulary in children allows us to talk about 4 main stages in the comprehension of emotional vocabulary by children, which are built in inseparable unity with the development of ideas about emotions and emotional expression:

1. Junior preschool age. The word replaces the sensual image of a particular character: an angry wolf, a frightened hare.

2. Junior and middle preschool age. The word replaces the sensual image of a series of identical emotional manifestation heroes: evil not only wolves, but also bears; joyful children, birds, animals. The number of words characterizing a particular emotional state is increasing.

3. Middle and senior preschool age. The word turns into a generalized signal denoting an emotional state related to different groups phenomena of social and cultural life(surprised dad, shop assistant, Santa Claus at a matinee, etc.), the number of words denoting moods, causes of emotions is replenished.

4. Senior preschool age. It is associated with the widespread use of the signal meaning of a group of words denoting emotions, the compilation of generalized emotional characteristics(stubborn Foma, Tsarevna Nesmeyana, etc.), encouraging children to name shades of mood (not very joyful, completely saddened, a little tired), revealing the reasons for the mood; assessment of the moral side of emotional manifestations.

Each stage in the development of emotional vocabulary should correspond to adequate pedagogical influences..

1.4. Features of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Turning to the research of I.Yu. Kondratenko of the features of speech development of older preschool children with OHP, it is possible to characterize with maximum reliability the typical difficulties in mastering emotional vocabulary in children with OHP:

Replacing exact definition words with adjectives that have a very broad meaning: evil -"bad", "bad" ; cheerful, sad"good", etc.;

Replacing the names of some features of an object with others situationally related to them: sad -"weeping"; cheerful - "smiling";

Replacing the names of signs with a phrase or sentence: frightened -"he is afraid";

There are numerous errors in the establishment of synonymous and antonymic relationships;

Preschoolers with OHP cannot describe their emotional states, inner experiences with a word, they have difficulty in assessing events, emotional situations, sensory experiences of other people, as well as heroes of fairy tales, stories, poems.

In addition, children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by a low level of memory and attention development, there are some specific features their thinking.

All of the above indicates that the process of development lexical system, and in particular emotional vocabulary in children with ONR cannot occur spontaneously, this requires a systematic step-by-step speech therapy work, aimed at the formation of the emotional layer of vocabulary.

CHAPTER 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

2.1. Principles and objectives of remedial education.

Enrichment of the dictionary, clarification of the meaning of the word, the formation of a lexical system play important role in development cognitive activity child, since the word, its meaning is a means not only of speech, but also of thinking.

The system of work on the formation of the emotional vocabulary of children with OHP (level 3) was based on the following principles :

The activity approach, which determines the content and construction of training, taking into account the leading activity;

Consistency, allowing the development of speech as a complex functional system;

Development of a sense of language and language patterns;

Corrections and compensations;

General didactic - visibility, accessibility, gradual transition from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, individual approach.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks :

The study and clarification of emotional states available to age;

Development non-verbal means communication: facial expressions pantomimes
- mastering the intonation side of speech;

Formation of emotional vocabulary.

Special methods of working with a variety of tasks aimed at the formation of emotional vocabulary were included both in the work of a speech therapist on frontal exercises on the development of lexical and grammatical means and the development of coherent speech, as well as in the activities of educators, specialized specialists and parents.

2.2 . The content of correctional work on the formation of emotional and evaluative vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

In my own pedagogical practice, in order to overcome the shortcomings of the lexical side of speech, I carry out within the framework of the speech formation system according to the programs of logo-correctional work (T.B. Filicheva, G.N. Chirkina) in specialized groups for children with speech pathology. To solve the problem of mastering the emotive meaning of a certain group of lexical units by children with OHP, she systematized correctional work.

Work on the formation of emotional-evaluative vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech was carried out in stages.

Target preparatory phaseconsisted in preparing children for the correct and accurate perception of emotional states available to age, for the subsequent integration of this knowledge in the formation of lexical skills in the field of emotional vocabulary.

First block. The study and clarification of emotional states accessible to age.

The task of the first block was solved in the study and clarification of the emotional states of joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and was realized in conversations and games with children in introductory classes. During the conversation, in the classroom, in games, teachers observed the facial expressions of the children. The teacher-psychologist noted the peculiarities of facial expressions and the peculiarity of understanding the emotional states of joy, sadness, fear, etc., which made it possible to correctly build further correctional work.

Second block. Development of paralinguistic means of communication.

The goal was achieved in the process of solving the following tasks:

  1. teach children to distinguish emotions from schematic images;
  2. to form the ability to convey a given emotional state using mimic, pantomimic means and graphic techniques;
  3. develop the ability to understand one's own feelings and the feelings of other people through playing and musical techniques.

Acquaintance with various types emotions occurred with the help of games aimed at the development of facial expressions and pantomimes. (“Monkey”, “Artist”, “Look at me, tell me what has changed on the face”).

The development of the perception of facial expressions was carried out with the help of pictograms, subject pictures, photographs. Also in the work were used games with cards, which depict people and animals expressing various emotional states. For example, among the cards, children were asked to find everyone who was happy, sad, frightened, etc. people and animals and reproduce a similar state on your face or draw.

Third block. Formation of the intonational side of speech.

The formation of intonational expressiveness of speech should begin with exercises to develop the reproduction of the rhythm of speech (tapping to imitate various rhythmic patterns).

pronunciation of sounds

pronunciation of syllables

speaking phrases,

learning poems,

Dramatization of dialogues with different intonation coloring.

Playing with sketches (“Wonder Tree”, “Decorate the Christmas Tree”, “Kind Animal”) in this work was the final stage.

The development of the intonation capabilities of children in the above sequence made it possible to consolidate the existing skills in simple tasks and to transfer the already formed skill to memorization and recitation of poems and dialogues.For example, in tasks it was suggested to repeat the sound “A” in such a way as to feel pain, or draw wheels by the train and play the locomotive’s song: choo-choo-choo. This allowed children to first learn the intonation features of individual sounds, which freed them from control over the correct intonation of the whole phrase - important point on the early stages setting intonation. And the already formed skill was consolidated in more complex tasks: memorizing poems.

Held on this stage techniques and tasks aimed at forming the intonational side of speech contributed not only to the preparation articulation apparatus children with OHP to the pronunciation of figurative expressions, but also to understanding the emotional states accompanying a particular image, which means they contributed to the assimilation of figurative speech means at the next stage.

main stage was aimed at the formation of emotional vocabulary, the development of expressive coherent statements and speech communication.

First block. The formation of emotional vocabulary, consisting of words, naming the feelings experienced by the speaker himself or by another person.

The education of children was organized in such a way as to motivate the use of this vocabulary in phrases, sentences and coherent statements.

In order to increase the productivity of the assimilation of verbal material, drawings, subject pictures, plot pictures, pictograms were used. These graphic images can be used as visual supports in the formation of comparative and superlative degrees of qualitative adjectives (sad clown, and this one is even sadder, this one is the saddest one) (Appendix No. 3)

Second block. Formation of emotional vocabulary reflecting synonymous and antonymic relations.

The process of mastering synonymous relations occurs on the basis of the replacement of one lexical item another, close in meaning, while using the analogy. Previously, the children were working on the selection of words of similar meaning using game techniques: “Say it differently”, “I will start, and you continue”, “Who will come up with more words”. Then work was carried out to disseminate proposals with the help of synonyms. Further, the mastery of synonymic relations took place at the level short stories. The speech therapist tells a short interesting story, pausing in those places where you need to remember and say “friend words” that are appropriate in meaning.

Mastering antonymic relations in the field of emotional vocabulary was based on the opposition of objects according to differential feature based on visual material.

In the process of performing tasks on the selection of antonym words, methods of working with isolated words (“Say the opposite”), with words in sentences (“Tell a word”), words in coherent statements were used.

These tasks were carried out using symbol cards, based on which the children more accurately used these lexemes in independent statements (Appendix No. 4).

Third block. Formation of emotional vocabulary using comparisons, personifications, phraseological units, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

In the third block work was aimed atcreating conditions for the understanding and use of figurative vocabulary by children on models for studying comparisons, personifications and phraseological units. The work was carried out in the following sequence:

- understanding of comparisons based on the comparison of objects for different reasons using visual material;

Beforehand, children learn the model of making comparisons. The teacher names an object, designates its attribute, determines the value of this attribute, compares given value with the value of the attribute of another object (snow is white, like milk).

And then they practice making comparisons based on visual material.

Understanding comparisons based on comparison for various reasons without visual material (Like the sun, like a hedgehog, like snow, etc.).

Understanding personifications; (a person is walking, the clock is running; the child is laughing, the sun is laughing, etc.)

Differentiation of direct and figurative meaning verbs in context (The girl walks merrily through the puddles. The sunbeam merrily walks through the puddles.)

Correlation phraseological units with the situation and the selection of equivalent expressions. (like water off a duck's back; ears wither; flew into one ear - flew out into the other)

Guessing and compiling riddles using visual material and diagrams

Understanding and using proverbs and sayings. The children were offered several answers (Bread is the head of everything. There is no dinner without bread. There is no hearty lunch without bread). The final stage was the enrichment of the communication process by mastering the emotional vocabulary of children with OHP.

I paid special attention to the use by children of such expressive means as comparisons, personifications, phraseological units, riddles, proverbs and sayings, since the diagnosis of the development of lexical expressiveness of speech in older preschoolers with OHP showed a lack of understanding and use of these means of expressiveness in their own speech.

In the course of the study, a series of experiments was carried out: ascertaining, forming, control. After analyzing the results, stage-by-stage correctional work and the conditions for the formation of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP were systematized and tested. The table shows that the number of children who have reached a high level of development figurative speech- 62.8% and the average level of imagery of speech - 34%, which is significantly higher compared to the ascertaining experiment (high - 16.4%, medium - 44.%, low - 37.8%).

Thus, the ongoing systematic, phased correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech gives a positive trend. This experience can be recommended for use in working with preschoolers with OHP.

Speech is one of the main necessary conditions mental and personal development child, a full-fledged means of communication is only when all its structural components are preserved or, in the case of speech pathology, corrected.
In the study of neutral vocabulary in children with speech disorders, the following were identified:
identification of words similar in sound, but different in meaning;
replacing the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole;
replacement of the names of some objects by others, situationally related to them;
replacing the name of the subject with the names of the actions associated with them;
replacing the name of actions with other semantically close actions;
replacing words with phrases and sentences.
We offer a system of methodological techniques aimed at the formation of an emotional layer of vocabulary in children with ONR based on the development of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Stage I (preparatory).
The 5 most vivid emotional states are determined - joy, sadness,
anger, fear, surprise.

1 block: study and clarification of emotional states available
study and refinement of the five above-mentioned emotional states in
conversations with children in introductory classes.
Block 2: Development of paralinguistic means of communication:
to teach to distinguish emotions by schematic images;
teach to convey a given emotional state using
mimic and pantomimic means and graphic techniques;
learn to understand their feelings and the feelings of other people with the help of gaming and musical techniques.
We used: pictograms, subject pictures, photographs, active facial expressions, as well as receiving an emotional state message from certain color.
According to the study of Izmailov Ch. A. - an emotion expressing joy is located in blue, sadness in light green, anger in red, fear in orange, surprise in turquoise colors. In working with children, these data were used, for example:
match the photo / picture, pictogram / with the corresponding
colored cardboard and vice versa;
the same, but with 2, 3, 4 color cards;
the same, but using pictures with images of people and animals.
In case of difficulties, the teacher demonstrates the necessary emotional state on his face. In the classroom, a mirror is used so that the child can correlate the facial expressions of his face with a given emotion (games that develop facial expressions and pantomime).
Block 3: Formation of the intonational side of speech:
the use of special exercises to reproduce the rhythm of speech (isolated strokes) I, II, III; complex rhythms I-II-III; a series of accented strikes I-I-I-II);
formation general ideas about intonational expressiveness of speech;
formation of the ability to use expressive means in expressive speech.
Game: "What is the mood of the hedgehog?".
The teacher pronounces sentences or tells short stories on behalf of the hedgehog with different intonations, and the children must determine the mood of the hedgehog and select the appropriate pictogram.
Game: "Which mask says?"
There are 5 pictograms on the board, the teacher pronounces various remarks, supposedly on behalf of the masks, and the children must determine which mask is speaking.
Game "Masha came"
Children should pronounce the same phrase in different semantic situations with different emotional connotations: (Petya was delighted, Masha ..., Petya was scared ... Masha ..., Petya was surprised, Masha ......)
Intonations were worked out on the material of emotional interjections. Positive assessment of the facts of reality: (Oh! Bravo! Wow! Ai, ai, ai!). Alas! Trouble! Fu! Goryushko! Surprise: Oh! Wow! Oh! Bah! Fear: oh-oh! Wow! Whoo! Horror!).
Stage II (main). Formation of emotional vocabulary.
1block The formation of emotional vocabulary that names the feelings experienced by the speaker himself or by another person. We are working on expanding the vocabulary in the field of emotional vocabulary, which names the feelings experienced by the speaker or another person, and its use in phrases, sentences, in coherent statements.
To do this, we use drawings, photographs, subject pictures, plot pictures, pictograms; color terms, change of color saturation in color terms.
Methodological techniques:
1. On the table is a pictogram depicting the emotion of joy, and under it is a 3-tone strip of paper (light blue - blue - blue). The speech therapist offers to determine the emotional state of the pictogram, and immediately draws the child's attention to the gradual saturation of the color on a strip of paper and explains that a change in the emotional state can also occur (joyful - even happier - the most joyful). The same with other emotional states. Pictograms are also used here, where the increase in the emotional state was transmitted using graphic means or special stripes.

These images were used as visual supports in the formation of comparative and superlative degrees, qualitative adjectives, in the preparation of phrases, sentences and short stories.
2. Synonymous relations
Game techniques are used: “Say it differently” at the level of distribution of sentences. The speech therapist offers the child to pick up, as possible more words, similar in meaning to the word "sad" (sad, dull). Under the pictogram are laid out two strips of paper denoting these words. Then a plot picture is offered and preschoolers make sentences on it, if the child uses only one of the worked out words, then the speech therapist offers to distribute the sentence using “friend words”, “I will start, and you continue.” Next level short stories based on plot pictures with the image fairy tale characters. The children were asked to determine the emotional state of fairy tale characters, to select the right pictogram, and for explanatory purposes, it is proposed to use special color designations that serve as a visual support in the formation of this vocabulary. For example: paper strips of a dark tone serve to express negative value– brown, gray, black; light stripes - yellow, pink - corresponded positive value words. When transmitting gain semantic meaning tricolor stripes were used in general and particular assessment vocabulary, in which the gradual saturation of a dark (negative vocabulary) or light (positive vocabulary) tone was depicted with the help of color.

Lay out as many strips of paper as you can pick up "words - concepts"
Then, using a graphical support, they draw up short stories.
The same work is carried out with plot pictures and plot series.
3. Antonymic relations
In the process of completing assignments for the selection of antonyms, the following methods of work are used:
with isolated words "Say the opposite";
words in the sentence "Tell me a word";
words in connected statements "Make a sentence."
Pictures, photographs, pictograms are used as visual supports. Playing tricks: “The offer is broken” - deformed sentences: (A sad lioness sits near the lake). "Sad - funny story"- a story in 2 parts (according to the model, independently and working in tandem with another child). "Decipher the letter" - the postman brings the children encrypted letters with a graphic representation of 2 - 3 emotional states. Children must make up according to them short stories.
2 blocks Formation of emotional vocabulary, consisting of words-assessments.
We form an emotional vocabulary consisting of evaluation words that qualify a thing, object, phenomenon lexically with a positive or negative side.
Work methods:
1. Adding words to the phrase (good day, evening, holiday).
2. Compilation of phrases:
a) composing phrases with synonymous close words (nice, pretty) - a girl;
b) compiling phrases with words of the opposite meaning (good day - bad day);
c) formation on behalf of adjectives of a comparative and superlative degree (is the soup delicious? The cake is tastier, and the ice cream is the most delicious).
3. Drafting proposals:
a) compiling sentences with a given word;
b) distribution with the help of synonyms;
c) transformation of deformed sentences;
d) supplementing sentences with a word with the opposite meaning (the owl is smart, and the mouse is stupid);
e) compiling sentences with adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees;
f) correction of errors in the sentence (Dunno eats delicious jam).
4. Making up stories:
a) compiling short stories using words - antonyms, words - synonyms;
b) compiling stories based on a series of paintings;
c) compiling stories based on the picture;
Block 3. Formation of emotional vocabulary, consisting of words transmitting emotional attitude through morphological transformations.
At this stage, the volume of the vocabulary in the field of emotional vocabulary is refined and increased, including words in which the emotional attitude to the called is expressed word-formatively; and develop independent statements based on the use of this vocabulary. For better assimilation of vocabulary material in the work are used:
squares (small, medium, large) that serve as a support for the formation of shapes subjective assessment subject;
three-color strips for working with words in which, with the help of certain suffixes and prefixes, it constantly changes semantic meaning words; subject, plot pictures;
illustrated materials from fairy tales, stories, verses.
Methodical methods:
1. Word formation:
a) The formation of words with pet meaning(nouns, adjectives);
b) Formation of words with the meaning of magnification (nouns, adjectives);
c) The formation of the superlative degree of adjectives (stupid,
d) The formation of adjectives by pure or perfect repetition (cunning - cunning, black - black).
2. Formation of phrases:
a) adding the main word to the dependent (house - house; big - small house);
b) adding dependent words to the main one (high - tall, high house, tall house).
3. Drafting proposals:
a) Making proposals with the specified word(house - the Giant had a huge house, the most stupid - the most stupid sultan lived in Baghdad);
b) Compilation of sentences from individual words (Into the forest, live, furious, she-wolf)
c) Completion and completion of sentences (The big bear has huge
eyes, paws, mustache, teeth).
4. Making up stories:
a) Composing stories by series plot pictures based on fairy tales (listening to a fairy tale, answering descriptive questions,
laying out a series, compiling a story);
b) Drawing up a story based on illustrations of fairy tales (illustrations, ¬ listening to a fairy tale - retelling on questions - an independent story);
c) Telling a fairy tale and staging it (dramatization games, listening to a fairy tale + puppet characters, answering questions about characters, habits, distinguishing features heroes, distribution of roles, dramatization);
d) Inventing and telling your own stories, stories using the vocabulary of block III.
4 block (integration). Introduction to speech of emotional vocabulary based on plot- role playing.
Based on the methodology of Ya. T. Solovieva, the areas of work were determined:
development of a sense of empathy, sympathy, empathy based on plot-role-playing games;
enrichment of the event side of the game through analysis own feelings and emotional experiences.
The work is carried out with a gradual complication of the plot and changes in the content of the games. Initially, the teacher takes a leading role in the game, the games are held individually with each of the children, then the game is organized in a group of children. Then the teacher gives samples speech behavior and role speech. At the end, the adult fades into the background, and only children participate in the game. Additionally, you can create diverse problem situations.
As a result of the correctional training of children with general underdevelopment of speech, carried out in this way, words denoting emotions are automated, and they are introduced into expressive speech, the expansion of the range of emotional vocabulary is achieved due to nuanced lexemes, which allows children to be fluent in this vocabulary and use it in coherent speech.

1. Izmailov Ch.A. Speech and color therapy. M., 1995.
2. Solovieva Ya.T. Games and game exercises for speech development. M., 1995.
3. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Speech development of preschoolers. M., 1998.
4. Voropaeva I.P. Correction of the emotional sphere junior schoolchildren. M., 1993.

Organization: MB DOU "Kindergarten No. 84"

Locality: Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

This article systematizes games, game exercises using visual aids to enrich the speech of children with emotional vocabulary, taking into account their emotional and moral development, the formation of communication, a plan for speech therapy work on the formation of emotional vocabulary has been developed, methods for diagnosing the features of the emotional sphere of preschool children have been tested. The significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using didactic material, guidelines for teachers in order to improve educational work with children.

The problem of vocabulary formation in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech is relevant in modern speech therapy. Every year the number of children with general underdevelopment of speech increases. The indicated violation is one of the most common and therefore requires most attention and the need to study and find ways to overcome, correct this problem in preschoolers. AT scientific literature the problem of the formation of emotional vocabulary in children with speech pathology has been repeatedly raised (T.A. Altukhova, G.V. Babina, T.B. Barminkova, O.E. Gribova, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others .). These authors argued that children with speech disorders use emotional vocabulary fragmentarily and only in stable stereotyped combinations. When identifying and naming emotional states, preschoolers experience significant difficulties.

AT methodical literature developed practical advice, contributing to the formation of vocabulary in children with speech disorders (Yu.F. Garkusha, R.I. Lalaeva, T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, etc.). However, in recent times, the most relevant was the issue of the formation of emotional vocabulary in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech (I.Yu. Kondratenko, S.V. Del, S.N. Konovalova, O.N. Tverskaya, I.V. Yanchenko, etc.) . The studies highlight the features of the development of the vocabulary of children in this category.

The purpose of the study: theoretical study of the process of formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III and practical testing of a set of didactic games and game exercises for the formation of emotional vocabulary in this category of children.

Summarizing the research results, it can be concluded that vocabulary in children with OHP of level III it is very limited, in some cases an adequate choice of language material is violated, there is an imperfection in the search for normative units, often words are replaced by those close in situation and meaning. Children with OHP find it difficult to use emotional vocabulary, without special attention to their speech, these children are inactive, in rare cases they are the initiators of communication, do not communicate enough with adults and peers, rarely ask questions to adults, do not accompany game situations with a story. This causes a reduced communicative orientation of their speech.

Based on this, it followed that for the education of preschoolers with OHP, it is necessary to select a complex special methods, techniques aimed at the formation of emotional vocabulary, which would increase the level of mastery of expressive coherent speech and communication in general. Speech therapy work included three stages (preparatory, main, fixing), during which the following took place:

  1. The study and clarification of emotional states available to age.
  2. Development of paralinguistic means of communication.
  3. Formation of the intonational aspect of speech.
  4. Formation of emotional vocabulary.
  5. Development of expressiveness of coherent statements and speech communication.

A variety of techniques used in experimental learning had a beneficial effect on the activation of a wide range of verbal means, including a significant layer of emotional vocabulary. The children's speech was characterized by a sequence of presentation of thoughts, intonational expressiveness.

As a result of the speech therapy work with children with general underdevelopment of speech, words denoting emotions were automated and introduced into expressive speech. The range of emotional vocabulary has been expanded, which allowed children to freely use it in coherent speech.

Thus, systematic, specially organized speech therapy work on the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment speech III level showed its effectiveness based on the analysis of qualitative results obtained at the end of experimental training. The games and game exercises used with the use of verbal and non-verbal means for the formation of emotional vocabulary influenced the expansion of the children's vocabulary, made it possible to qualitatively change the level of their speech communication, had a positive effect on the accuracy of the expression of thoughts, correct construction phrases.


The article deals with the development and testing of a complex of didactic games, taking into account the principles of both general and correctional pedagogy. In the course of the study, the concept of emotional vocabulary and its formation in children with general underdevelopment of speech of the third level and the concept of a complex of didactic games were disclosed, a program was developed for the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the third level through a complex of didactic games using information and communication technologies. The experimental part included three stages: preparatory, main and final. As a result of the experiment, a positive trend was revealed, which is proof of the corrective capabilities of the developed complex of didactic games for children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment of the third level.

emotional vocabulary

general underdevelopment of speech

1. Alekseeva M.M. Methodology for the development of speech and learning mother tongue preschoolers / M.M. Alekseev. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 578 p.

2. Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usova. - M., 2011. - 278 p.

3. Rubinstein S.L. Principles and ways of development of psychology. - M., 2009. - 245 p.

4. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2004. - 288 p.

The formation of emotional vocabulary is an important condition for the emotional development and moral education of preschool children, since at the senior preschool age the child's attitude to moral values society and the people around them.

In psychological studies, it has been noted that it is at preschool age that emotions and feelings develop especially intensively (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygodsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, Ya.Z. Neverovich, etc.) , there is also a development of the child's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves and others (T.A. Alekseykova, E.A. Panko, T.A. Repina, E.O. Smirnova). Speech, verbal designations of emotions are necessary for a person to understand their own emotional experiences (L.S. Vygodsky, A.N. Luk, S.L. Rubinshtein, J. Reikovsky, P.M. Yakobson, etc.).

Researchers of children's speech, A.N. Gvozdev, V.K. Kharchenko, M.A. Yashchenko, neuropsychology, V.D. Eremeeva, T.P. Khrizman, psychologists, I. Bretherton, D. Brigley, M.I. Lisin, note the early occurrence emotional words in children's speech.

For the first time, the problem of enriching the speech of children with emotional vocabulary was posed in the research of the Department of Methods of Preschool Education and Training of the Moscow State Pedagogical University in the early 80s of the twentieth century by M.M. Alekseva and V.I. Yashina, where the mastery of emotional vocabulary is considered as a condition for the formation of a socially active personality of an older preschooler.

Emotional vocabulary expresses feelings, moods, experiences of a person, it is characterized by ambiguity in understanding the place and role of the emotional component in the meaning of the word, which predetermines the variety of classifications of this vocabulary. Traditionally, it is customary to refer to emotional vocabulary: words that name feelings experienced by the speaker himself or by another person; words - assessments that qualify a thing, object, phenomenon from a positive or negative side with their entire composition, i.e. lexically; words in which the emotional attitude to the called is expressed grammatically, i.e. special suffixes.

AT modern research The lexicon is also considered from psycholinguistic positions, which complement the ideas in linguistics about the diversity of its meaning, revealing different aspects of one reality, and its role in speech organization is also studied.

The study and development of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers is of great importance, since emotions and feelings develop intensively at preschool age (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev), the child’s ideas develop about oneself and others (E.A. Panko, T.A. Repina, E.O. Smirnova, V.G. Shchur, S.G. Yakobson). It is at the senior preschool age that the child's attitude to the moral values ​​of society, to the people around him is formed. The verbal designation of emotions is emotional vocabulary, which contributes to a person's awareness of his own emotional experiences (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Luk, S.L. Rubinshtein).

F. Sokhina and O.S. Ushakov reveal the features of the development of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary of preschoolers, the methods and techniques of its formation. Mastering emotional-evaluative vocabulary is considered by scientists as a condition for the formation of a socially active personality of an older preschooler. The development of emotional vocabulary allows you to improve the social contacts of preschoolers with others.

Emotions and feelings, according to psychologists, develop most actively in preschool age (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, L.I. Bozhovich). It is at this age that a person begins to form an emotional vocabulary necessary to designate emotions and feelings, inner experiences, moral qualities of a person. Preschool children often face problems in understanding and expressing their emotional state, and for children with speech defects, in particular general underdevelopment of speech, this is a serious problem.

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a variety of complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disrupted, that is, the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (vocabulary, grammar) with normal hearing and intelligence (R.E. Levina, N (A. Nikashina, G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, G. I. Zharenkova).

J.V. Zigangirova, O.N. Tverskaya notes that emotional development child is not an easy task, especially if the child has a defect. Children with OHP face great challenges. Often cannot be found the right words for utterance. L.M. Iskhakova believes that the development of the communicative sphere in children with OHP is greatly influenced by their speech development features, children with a speech defect are rarely the initiators of the beginning of communication, as a rule, they talk little with peers and adults, rarely or at all do not accompany game situations with bright verbal comments and utterances. All this testifies to some problems in the socialization of children with OHP, the occurrence of which is associated with the inability to express their emotions, declare their desires, make a choice, etc. According to the results scientific research S.V. Del, D.V. Non-teaching preschoolers with OHP mainly use commonly used stylistically neutral words in their speech, and the use of emotional vocabulary is fragmentary and selective. L. Ionova found that when describing emotions, the speaker deals with their cause, object, inner experiences, their expression in behavior and speech. The appearance of emotion evaluation is accompanied by the formation of "emotional" vocabulary, which is distributed among antonymic pairs without a neutral state: bad-good, good-evil, happy-angry.

We will understand in our work under the emotional vocabulary words expressing feelings, moods and experiences of a person. Under the complex of didactic games we mean games that are united together, have a common purpose, and meet a certain common purpose. For children with OHP play activity retains its value.

After analyzing the literature on the topic, we believe that the formation of the skills of using emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3 will be most effective if information and communication technologies are used.

Presentation of educational and developmental material in the form of a multimedia presentation as a system of memorable reference images filled with structured information, built in an algorithmic order, which allows you to lay down information not only in a factographic and associative order.

The use of a multimedia presentation in the learning process reduces the time for the presentation of the material and its consolidation, and therefore has health-saving functions. The basis of the presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images.

Thus, the application computer technology in the learning process allows you to optimize the correctional and pedagogical process, individualize the training and development of children with speech defects and significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

Based on the analysis of psychological literature in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, a study of the level of formation of emotional vocabulary was developed based on the methods of V.M. Minaeva, works by A.M. Shchetinina and research on the study of emotional vocabulary by I.Yu. Kondratenko, taking into account the age and characteristics of the speech development of children.

The results of the study made it possible to determine the levels of formation of the skill of using emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with normal speech development and in children with OHP level 3 and to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis the results obtained.

It has been established that the majority of preschoolers with OHP have a low level of formation of the ability to use emotional vocabulary. Children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by a differentiated idea of ​​emotional states and words expressing them, there are difficulties both in using facial expressions and in the number, understanding and variety of words in emotional vocabulary, there are errors in emotional and semantic statements, as well as numerous errors. in establishing synonymous relationships.

Given the above, we have developed a program for the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3.

The experiment involved 10 children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3, as an experimental and control group.

In the work on the formative experiment, we identified three stages in the work: preparatory, main and final.

When developing and testing a complex of didactic games, we took into account the principles of both general and correctional pedagogy: the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of accounting age features, the principle of developmental education, the principle of scientific character and accessibility, the principle of the unity of diagnosis and correction of deviations in development, the principle of taking into account the patterns of ontogenetic development, the activity principle.

At the first preparatory stage, the purpose of which is to select lexical and picture material, in accordance with age and speech features and the needs of the children of the speech group we are studying.

We have developed a set of didactic games aimed at the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3. The following areas have been identified:

Acquaintance with the means of facial expression (correct and accurate perception of the words of emotional vocabulary and the formation of the skill to use it in spontaneous speech);

We get acquainted and learn to use words (vocabulary) that reflect the emotional state;

Work on the formation of the ability to use intonation to express the semantic and emotional differences in the statement.

At this stage of the formative experiment, we have developed a program of the formative experiment, consisting of an introductory lesson and a set of didactic games, including five didactic games aimed at developing the ability of older preschool children with OHP level 3 to use emotional vocabulary in speech.

The second stage is the main one, the goal is to implement the program of the formative experiment, that is, to conduct an introductory lesson and a set of didactic games aimed at developing the ability of older preschool children with OHP level 3 to use emotional vocabulary in speech.

The introductory lesson was designed to establish contact with children and motivate them for further work (preparing children for the correct and accurate perception of the words of emotional vocabulary and for its formation). At this stage, we propose to carry out group lesson in order to get acquainted with words that convey emotions and feelings, enrich the dictionary with emotional vocabulary and use it in speech.

Approbation of the developed complex of didactic games was carried out for 2 weeks 3 times a week during direct educational activities on the development of speech and speech therapy classes. The complex of didactic games aimed at developing the skill of using emotional vocabulary consists of five didactic games (“Help Dunno”, “Make a face”, “Name and tell”, “Actor”, “What feelings?”) Each of which has its own game and didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Didactic games included in the complex solve the following didactic tasks:

Introduce emotional standards and names of emotional states;

To form skills for the given names of emotional states to select elements of emotional standards;

Exercise in naming emotional states and using words of emotional vocabulary in speech;

Work on the formation of the ability to use intonation to express the semantic and emotional differences in the statement;

Etude to recognize the emotional state of anger, surprise, sadness, fear.

The following methods and techniques will help to solve the tasks:

1. Demonstration of pictures and their manipulation (manipulation of elements of facial expression, words of emotional vocabulary);

2. Schematization (use of facial standards);

3. Game method ( fairy tale hero, visibility).

We recommend including the proposed set of didactic games in the content of speech therapy classes on the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, during directly educational activities.

The third stage is the final one. Purpose: to analyze the effectiveness of using a complex of didactic games for the formation of the skill of using emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3. To identify the ability of children to independently apply the acquired knowledge and skills. For this purpose, a control experiment was carried out.

The purpose of the control experiment: to test the effectiveness of the work done on the formation of the skill of using emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the conducted methodology was carried out on the basis of the same criteria, at three levels: high, medium, low, as in the ascertaining experiment.

A quantitative analysis of the results was carried out according to the principle of assigning children to the level of formation of emotional vocabulary, namely the ability to use the means of facial expression and to distinguish between graphics, correctly use intonation to express the semantic and emotional differences of the statement, use synonyms in the field of emotional vocabulary and evaluation words and their use when compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures and answering questions about a compiled story during a conversation.

At qualitative analysis obtained data during the control experiment, it was found that high level the formation of the skill of using emotional vocabulary in children with OHP level 3 of senior preschool age in 20% of children. Middle level the formation of the skills of the ability to use words of emotional vocabulary by children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3 in 60% of children. A low level of development of the skill of using emotional vocabulary is observed in 20% of children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3.

A control experiment aimed at identifying the level of formation of the skill of using emotional vocabulary by children of older preschool age revealed the emergence of positive dynamics.

After the corrective work, a control experiment was carried out in order to identify the effectiveness of the complex of didactic games developed by us. Based on the results obtained, we were able to conclude that the formative experiment we conducted turned out to be quite effective. This is evidenced by the positive trends that appeared among preschoolers as a result of training, both in quantitative and qualitative analysis: the number of children with low level, a high level of the skill we studied appeared, the children's answers became more confident, they quickly understood the meaning of the task, used facial expressions, selected synonymous rows and used intonation to express the semantic and emotional differences of the statement. The vocabulary has expanded due to the assimilation of words of emotional vocabulary, and the passive vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP is now characterized by understanding and the ability to form not only simple, but also various, rarely used words of emotional vocabulary.

The revealed positive dynamics is evidence of the correctional capabilities of the developed complex of didactic games aimed at developing the skill of using words of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3 and testifies to its effectiveness and is expressed in the ability to use means of facial expression, use words (vocabulary) that reflect emotional state and intonation to express the semantic and emotional differences of the statement, in emotional and semantic statements and the establishment of synonymous relationships.

Systematic, phased, specially organized correctional work on the formation of emotional vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP level 3 allows you to qualitatively and quantitatively change the level of lexical development and speech communication.

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