Biographies Characteristics Analysis

"Wild landowner" main characters. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Wild landowner"

Everyone knows that children read fairy tales with pleasure, but the fairy tale genre exists not only for children. Covering various social problems, Saltykov-Shchedrin resorted to the fairy tale genre. Let's get acquainted with the fairy tale for adults The Wild Landowner, which is useful for our reader's diary.

The summary of the tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin introduces the reader to the prince, who was rich, but too stupid. Every now and then he leafed through the daily newspaper Vesti and laid out his solitaire games, thinking about how useless the peasant was. Often he asked God to rid the estate of the peasant, but the Almighty did not heed his request, realizing how stupid the landowner was. To achieve his goal, he begins to crush the men with fines and taxes. They asked God not to have a single peasant on the estate. And this time the Lord granted the request.

The landowner lives, he does not get enough of clean air. True, everyone called him a fool because of such a desire. Now there was no one to cook and clean. I thought of inviting the theater to my place, but there was no one to even lift the curtain. The actors left. I decided to invite guests who came hungry, but apart from gingerbread and candy, the prince had nothing. Dissatisfied guests fled, calling the landowner a stupid fool.

The prince stands his ground, constantly thinking about English cars. Dreaming of a garden that will grow near the house, and of cows that he will breed on his estate. Sometimes the landowner forgets, calls the servant, but no one comes. Somehow a police officer came to the landowner, complaining that now there was no one to pay taxes to, there was no peasant. The market is empty, the estate is falling into decay. And he also calls the landowner stupid. He himself, the landowner, began to think, is he really stupid, but he still sticks to his own.

Meanwhile, the estate was overgrown, deserted, even a bear appeared. The landowner himself became wild, overgrown with hair that even in the cold he was not cold. Even human speech began to be forgotten. He began to hunt a hare, and, like a savage, eat prey right with the skin. He became strong and even made friends with the bear.

At this time, the police officer raised the issue of the disappearance of the peasants and at the council they decide to catch the peasant and return him back. The prince should be set on the right path, so that he does not create obstacles in the future and does not create obstacles regarding the receipt of taxes to the treasury. And so it was done. The peasant is now at the estate, the owner has been put in order. The estate immediately became profitable. Products appeared on the market. The owner was entrusted under the supervision of the servant Senka, while taking away his favorite newspaper from the prince. The landowner lives to this day, occasionally washing himself under compulsion and at times mumbling and regretting the wild stage of his life.

This concludes our summary of the fairy tale Wild Landowner.

Wild landowner: main characters

With the help of the main characters, Saltykov-Shchedrin showed the class relations and the dependence of the upper classes on the common people, without whom the former could not live at all.

A brief analysis of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "The Wild Landowner": idea, problems, themes, image of the people

The fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” was published by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1869. This work is a satire on the Russian landowner and the common Russian people. In order to circumvent censorship, the writer chose a specific genre of "fairy tale", within which a notorious fable is described. In the work, the author does not give his heroes names, as if hinting that the landowner is a collective image of all landowners in Russia in the 19th century. And Senka and the rest of the men are typical representatives of the peasant class. The theme of the work is simple: the superiority of a hardworking and patient people over mediocre and stupid nobles, expressed in an allegorical manner.

Problems, features and meaning of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"

Fairy tales by Saltykov-Shchedrin are always distinguished by simplicity, irony and artistic details, using which the author can absolutely accurately convey the character of the character “And that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper Vest and his body was soft, white and crumbly”, “he lived and looked at the light rejoiced."

The main problem in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is the problem of the difficult fate of the people. The landowner in the work appears as a cruel and ruthless tyrant who intends to take away the last from his peasants. But having heard the prayers of the peasants for a better life and the desire of the landowner to get rid of them forever, God fulfills their prayers. The landowner ceases to be disturbed, and the "muzhiks" get rid of oppression. The author shows that in the world of the landowner, the creators of all goods were the peasants. When they disappeared, he himself turned into an animal, overgrown, stopped eating normal food, since all the products disappeared from the market. With the disappearance of the peasants, a bright, rich life left, the world became uninteresting, dull, tasteless. Even the pastimes that had brought pleasure to the landowner before - playing pulca or watching a play in the theater - no longer seemed so tempting. The world is empty without the peasantry. Thus, in the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” the meaning is quite real: the upper strata of society oppress and trample the lower ones, but at the same time they cannot remain at their illusory height without them, since it is the “serfs” who provide the country, but their master is nothing but problems, unable to provide.

The image of the people in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin

The people in the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are hard-working people, in whose hands any business “argues”. Thanks to them, the landowner always lived in abundance. The people appear before us not just a weak-willed and reckless mass, but smart and insightful people: “The peasants see: although they have a stupid landowner, they have a great mind.” Peasants are also endowed with such an important quality as a sense of justice. They refused to live under the yoke of the landowner, who imposed unfair and sometimes insane restrictions on them, and asked God for help.

The author himself treats the people with respect. This can be seen in the contrast between how the landowner lived after the disappearance of the peasantry and during its return: “And suddenly again there was a smell of chaff and sheepskins in that district; but at the same time, flour, and meat, and all kinds of living creatures appeared in the market, and so many taxes were received in one day that the treasurer, seeing such a pile of money, only threw up his hands in surprise ... ”, - it can be argued that the people are the driving force of society, the foundation on which the existence of such "landlords" is based, and they, of course, owe their well-being to a simple Russian peasant. This is the meaning of the finale of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner".

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The main character of the work, which is written in the genre of a fairy tale, is the landowner, depicted by the writer as a stupid man who considers himself a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev.

The landowner is depicted as a man with a pampered, soft, crumbly and white body, which is not accustomed to work. He has a very large fortune with a huge number of peasants and land plots. The landowner is a big fan of playing solitaire cards.

The protagonist of the tale lives magnificently on his rather big estate, but feels incredible hatred for his peasants, who, in his opinion, constantly interfere with him and consume a lot of food. He dreams of getting rid of annoying men and women, considering them a slave spirit and not realizing that without them he will not be able to exist, since it is the peasants who serve the master, grow and harvest bread. Gradually, the landowner infringes on the peasants so much that it becomes unbearable that the Lord God decides to help the disadvantaged people and all the serfs disappear from the territory of the landowner's estate.

After the disappearance of the peasants, the delighted landowner begins to eke out a life in the form of a meaningless existence, since he had nothing to eat, water procedures, somehow shaving and washing, without a servant, the landowner does not have the opportunity to play and even make a game in the game of cards he has no one.

The stupidity of the landowner does not allow him to realize all the stupidity of his act, but, being a narcissist, he cannot show weakness and wants to prove to the whole world the possibility of life without serfs. The landowner invites his friends to visit his estate. However, the guests are dissatisfied with the lack of servants and, accordingly, treats, so they quickly leave the uncleaned and uncomfortable landowner's house, finally, openly speaking to the owner about his immense stupidity. Even a representative of the local authorities fails to convince the landowner, arguing that the absence of peasants affects both the collection of taxes to the state treasury and the situation in the trade markets.

As a result, living in complete solitude, the landowner becomes wild, starting to jump on the branches of trees, eat the game he caught in its raw form, and walk on all fours. The police decide to catch the feral man, bring him back to normal and send him to the estate under the supervision of Senka's servant.

Describing the image of the landowner, the writer in a satirical form depicts real events taking place in the society of that period of time.

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The book "Fairy Tales" was created during 1882-1886. The collection includes the main satirical themes that the writer worked on in different periods of his work. All works are fragments of a single whole, and they can be divided into several groups: a satire on the government and the life of the upper class (“The Bear in the Voivodship”, “The Wild Landowner”, “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals” etc.), satire on liberal intellectuals (“Selfless Hare”, “Sane Hare”, “Karas-Idealist”, etc.), fairy tales about the people (“Konyaga”, “Kissel”). The genre of the fairy tale allowed the satirist to present generalizations wider and more capacious, to enlarge the scale of the depicted and give it an epic character. Using the tradition of folk tales about animals helps M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin show the typicality of human vices without going into details. "Aesopian language" allows the satirist to appeal to the widest sections of society.

Each fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin includes both traditional devices found in oral folk art and author's findings that turn the work into a caustic socio-political satire.

The tale "The Wild Landowner" (1869) is a satire on the masters of life. The fairy tale begins with a traditional folk opening: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there once lived ...”, but already in the first paragraph it becomes clear that the reader has a very “modern” story, because the hero of the fairy tale is a landowner, moreover, "that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper" Vest "and his body was soft, white and crumbly." The hero was pleased with everything, but one concern bothered him - "a lot of peasants divorced in our kingdom!" The efforts of the landowner to "reduce" the peasant were ultimately crowned with success: "Where did the peasant go - no one noticed, but only people saw, when suddenly a chaff whirlwind rose and, like a black cloud, the peasant's trousers swept through the air." However, not only the author, but also all those around the landowner call him "stupid": the peasants, the actor Sadovsky, the generals, the police captain. This epithet becomes constant within the fairy tale and performs a leitmotif function.

Having lost peasants, the hero gradually degrades and turns into a beast. Saltykov-Shchedrin uses the grotesque in the description of the landowner, bringing him to the realized metaphor of “completely run wild”, which becomes the culmination of the plot: “And so he went wild. Although autumn had already come at that time, and the frosts were decent, he did not even feel the cold. All of him, from head to toe, was covered with hair, like the ancient Esau, and his nails became like iron. He had long ago stopped blowing his nose, but he walked more and more on all fours and was even surprised that he had not noticed before that this way of walking was the most decent and most convenient. He even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds and acquired for himself some special victorious click, an average between a whistle, hiss and bark. But the tail has not yet acquired. material from the site

The image of the people in a fairy tale. The image of the peasants in the fairy tale is accompanied by the inclusion of an allegory technique: “As luck would have it, at that time a swarm of peasants who had spawned flew through the provincial town and showered the entire market square. Now this grace has been taken away, put in a basket and sent to the county.” It is no coincidence that the writer speaks of a peasant "swarm": here there is an association with the image of a bee, traditionally considered a symbol of hard work. It is the simple peasant, according to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who is the fundamental principle of life, since with his “settlement” in the estate of a stupid landowner, the life of the latter takes on a human character again.

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Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev- a stupid landowner who asked God to save him from the peasants, and then went wild.

Police Captain

Once upon a time there was a stupid landowner, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev. He was quite rich, he liked to read the Vesti newspaper and lay out grand solitaire. Once the prince asked God to take out the "muzhik". But God knew that the landowner was stupid, so he did not heed him.

Then the landowner began to impose huge fines on the peasants. The people prayed to God, and God made it so that not a single peasant became in the prince's possessions. The satisfied landowner began to breathe air clean from the “servile spirit” and immediately invited guests. But both the actor Sadovsky and four familiar generals, having learned that the prince was left without peasants, considered him stupid.

The prince laid out the grand solitaire and made sure that he was not stupid at all. Then he began to dream about how, without a peasant, he would order cars from England, which one would plant an orchard. But at the same time he ate candy and gingerbread and did not wash his face.

The police captain, who arrived in the morning, began to scold the prince that, because of the disappearance of the peasants, now there was no one to pay taxes, and nothing could be bought at the market. Calling the landowner stupid, the police officer left. But even after that, the prince did not deviate from his principles.

Time passed, the landowner became wild - overgrown with hair, walked on all fours, lost the ability to pronounce sounds, ate hares with fur. Soon he made friends with the bear, but he also considered him stupid.

The provincial authorities were very concerned about the disappearance of the peasant, and the police captain was attacked by a man-bear, in which he suspected a stupid landowner. Just at that time, a swarm of peasants flew through the city, they were caught and sent to the county, after which everything returned to normal. The landowner was soon found, washed and entrusted to the "supervision of Senka's servant". “He is alive to this day,” “yearns for his former life in the forests, washes only under duress, and at times bellows.”


In the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" Saltykov-Shchedrin depicted the most complex social processes that began to take place in the Russian environment after the Peasant Reform of 1861. The author is ironic about the consequences of the Decree on the abolition of serfdom, shows in a satirical, exaggerated form the stupidity and real helplessness of the landlords, who at that time tried by all means to oppress the rights of ordinary people.

A brief retelling of the "Wild Landowner" conveys the plot of the tale, but for a better understanding of the work, we recommend reading it in full.

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