Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Diploma work: Features of the development of the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level. Mastering the lexical compatibility of words

The development of vocabulary of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech (III level)

When studying the characteristics of vocabulary in children with speech pathology, the psycholinguistic approach is promising and significant. modern ideas about the development of vocabulary, about various aspects of its study, about the development of vocabulary in ontogenesis, about the structure of the meaning of a word, about semantic fields.

In the studies of R.I. Lalayeva, a number of features of the vocabulary of older preschoolers are noted. The limited vocabulary, the discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate usage words, verbal paraphasias, lack of formation of semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary. Associations in children with speech pathology in more than in children with normal speech development are unmotivated. The most difficult link in the formation of semantic fields in children with speech disorders is the selection of the center (core) of the semantic field and its structural organization. A small volume of the semantic field is revealed, which is manifested in a limited number of semantic connections. So, in paradigmatic associations in children with speech pathology, analogy relations predominate, and opposition and generic relations are rare, which is not consistent with the norm. In children with normal speech development, opposition relations to 7 years old account for more than half of all paradigmatic associations, in addition, it was noted that the latent period of reaction to the stimulus word in children with speech disorders much longer than normal.

Based on the analysis of the nature of verbal associations in preschoolers aged 5-8 years, N.V. Serebryakova identified the following stages in the organization of semantic fields:

First stage - unformed semantic fields. The child relies on sensory perception of the surrounding situation. The meaning of a word is included in the meaning of phrases. A large place is occupied by syntagmatic associations (“a cat meows”).

Second phase - assimilates the semantic connections of words that differ from each other in semantics, but have a situational, figurative connection (“house - roof”, “high - tower”). The semantic field has not yet been structurally formalized.

Third stage - concepts, processes, classifications are formed. Connections are formed between words that are semantically close, which differ only in one differential semantic feature, which is manifested in the predominance of paradigmatic associations (“vegetable-tomato”, “high-low”).

N.V.Serebryakova revealed the peculiarities of vocabulary: the limited volume of the dictionary, especially the predicative one; a large number of substitutions, especially on a semantic basis, indicating the lack of formation of semantic fields, the insufficiency of highlighting the differential features of the meanings of words; ignorance or inaccurate use of many commonly used words denoting visually similar objects, parts of objects, parts of the body; replacement of semantically close words; replacement by derivational neologisms; replacement with words of the same root and words similar in articulation; a large degree of unmotivated associations.

L.V. Lopatina noted the lack of formation of most components of the functional speech system, many language processes: the poverty of the dictionary and the difficulty of updating it in expressive speech; rarely used words are replaced by others; erroneous use of generalizing words. Inadequate use of antonymic means of language is due to the lack of awareness of paradigmatic pairs, which are based on the element of negation.

The peculiarity of children with OHP lies in the fact that the quality and volume of the active vocabulary in children of this group do not correspond to the age norm. Some children replace words rarely found in speech practice with adjacent ones by association, they cannot use generalizing words. Children find it difficult to combine prepositional pictures into groups; do not cope with the task of selecting words of antonyms and epithets for objects. Multiple errors occur when performing tasks for the study of the grammatical structure of speech. Even with the help of an adult, children make a significant number of mistakes when performing tasks for changing nouns by numbers. Great difficulties are caused by assignments for agreeing adjectives with nouns and nouns with numerals in gender and number. Most children cannot complete the word formation task on their own: they need a visual model and adult help (Appendix No. 1).

In the works of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina, such lexical features with general underdevelopment of speech (level III):

discrepancy in the volume of active and passive vocabulary. Not knowing the names of the parts of the objects, the children replace them with the name of the object itself (“sleeve” - “shirt”), the name of the actions is replaced by words similar in situation and external signs (“hems” - “sews”); the name of the object is replaced by the name of the action (“aunt sells apples” instead of “seller”), the replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa (“chamomile” - “rose”, “bell” - “flower”). Often, correctly showing the named actions in the pictures, in independent speech they are mixed. From a number of proposed actions, children do not understand and cannot show how to darn, rip, pour, fly, jump, somersault. They do not know the names of the shades of colors: “orange”, “gray”, “blue”. Poorly distinguish the shape of objects: "round", "oval", "square", "triangular". There are few generalizing concepts in the dictionary of children, mainly toys, dishes, clothes, flowers. Antonyms are rarely used, there are practically no synonyms (they characterize the size of an object, they use only the concept: “big - small”, which replace the words: “long”, “short”, “high”, “low”, “thick”, “thin”, "wide narrow"). This causes frequent cases of violation of lexical compatibility. Insufficient orientation in the sound of the word negatively affects the assimilation of the morphological system of the native language. Children find it difficult to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes of some adjectives ("fur hat", "clay jug"). Many mistakes are made when using prefixed verbs.

Limited vocabulary, repeated use of the same sounding words with different meanings make children's speech poor and stereotyped. Persistent errors are revealed when agreeing an adjective with a noun in gender and case; mixing the gender of nouns; errors in agreeing the numeral with nouns of all three genders (“five hands” - five hands). Errors in the use of prepositions are typical: omission, replacement, understatement.

Children with the third level of speech development use many words in an expanded and diffuse sense. There is a clear pattern in the nature of the substitutions: the replacement words are those that are most familiar in the speech practice of children.

T.V. Tumanova in her works indicates that preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, unlike their normally developing peers, experience significant difficulties in mastering primary word-formation operations. If in normally developing children the formation of skills and abilities occurs within the framework of preschool age, then in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech they turn out to be actually unformed due to the fact that there is no spontaneous mastery of sign operations at the morpheme level.

Vocabulary violations are also manifested in violations of the syllabic structure of the word: elision (truncation of a syllable, omission of a vowel sound or letter); repetitions of a word (perseveration); likening one syllable to another (anticipation); permutations of syllables; adding a syllable, vowel or letter. In the study of the lexical side of the speech of children of this category, ignorance or incorrect use of words, the inability to change and form lexemes are revealed.

Children with OHP (level III) are able to correctly pronounce sounds in isolation, but in independent speech they do not sound clear enough or are replaced by others, as a result, words are difficult to understand. It is also necessary to note the undifferentiated pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, affricates and sonorous sounds. Errors in the use of sounds, grammatical categories and vocabulary are most clearly manifested in the monologue speech of children (retelling, compiling a story based on a series of paintings in one picture, story description). A variety of errors in syllabic composition can be due to both the state phonemic processes, and articulatory capabilities of the child. In sentences, simple prepositions (of, into, from, on, under) are used to a sufficient extent, while the use of complex prepositions difficult due to misunderstanding. They either do not apply or are replaced by simpler ones.

Insufficient vocabulary, ignorance of shades of meaning is typical for the speech of children with ONR (level III), as a result of which errors in inflection are noted, which leads to a violation of the syntactic connection of words in sentences. Errors can also include erroneous stress in words. The described shortcomings noticeably impoverish the speech of the child. They make it obscure, "faded". The situation is more favorable with the use of pronouns of various categories, however, adverbs are rarely used in the speech of children, although many of them are familiar to them.

Thus, we can conclude that preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation of the development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental education of children in the most sensitive period of development.

The totality of the above gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure of the child's speech serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the program of the kindergarten of a general type, and later on the program of the general education school.

As the studies of many authors (T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filichev, G.V. Chirkin, L.V. Lopatin, N.V. Serebryakov) have shown, the lack of formation of word-formation operations leads, on the one hand, to inferior speech communication, on the other hand, it limits the cognitive abilities of children. Therefore, the relevance of the development of all aspects of speech, including lexical ones, into speech formation systems is one of the main tasks in the preschool period. The sooner there is a corrective effect on the child's defective speech, the more successful his further development will be.

Vocabulary formation in preschoolers with OHP


speech therapist MBDOU No. 37 "Fairy Tale"

Khodus E.V.

AT last years The number of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech is rapidly increasing; they constitute the largest group of children with developmental disorders.

The increase in the percentage of speech disorders is the result of such adverse factors as environmental pollution, destabilization in the social environment, an increase in the percentage of birth injuries and postpartum complications, an increase in the number of diseases and various pathologies that affect the health and mental development of the child (Tkachenko T.A.)

In addition, under the influence of the street, neglect on the part of adults, the influx of often meaningless and illiterate information from television and the pages of new magazines, children have a poor vocabulary, grammatical speech, which in turn negatively affects schooling.

Inadequate speech activity has a negative impact on all areas of the child's personality: the development of his cognitive activity is difficult, the productivity of memorization decreases, logical and semantic memory is disturbed, children hardly master mental operations (T.A. Tkachenko, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. .Chirkina), all forms of communication are violated and interpersonal interaction, significantly hinders the development gaming activity(L. G. Solovieva, T. A. Tkachenko and others), which, as in the norm, is of leading importance in terms of overall mental development.

important place in common system speech work enrichment of the vocabulary, its consolidation and activation, which is natural, due to the fact that the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. Cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words (Shashkina G.R., Zernova L.P., Zimina I.A.)Expanding the vocabulary of children is one of the most important tasks of education. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary plays an important role in the development of logical thinking: the richer the child's vocabulary, the more accurately he thinks, the better his speech is developed. After all, logical rich speech is the key to success in many, many areas of knowledge (Arkhipova E.F.)

Vocabulary acquisition at preschool age is of great importance for successful schooling, therefore, early intervention of specialists, which can change the unfavorable course, is of particular importance. child development.

Definition of general underdevelopment of speech

For the first time, the concept of general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of research conducted by R.E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology. From their point of view, general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech is impaired. N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filichev also adhere to this point of view.

Symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech

According to Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., despite different nature defects, children with general underdevelopment of speech have typical manifestations indicating systemic violation speech activity. One of the leading signs is a later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3–4, and sometimes by 5 years. At the same time, the understanding of speech is relatively safe, although the speech itself is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed.

As a result, it becomes obscure. There is insufficient speech activity, which falls sharply with age, without special training.

Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

Also, for children with general underdevelopment of speech, a low level of development of the main properties of attention is characteristic. A number of children have insufficient stability, limited opportunities distribution.

Speech deficiency also affects the development of memory. Children often forget complex instructions (three-four-step), omit some of their elements and change the sequence of the proposed tasks. (Tkachenko T.A.)

Among other things, these children have reduced verbal memory, memory productivity suffers. In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with limited opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. As a result, children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking.

Along with general somatic weakness, they are also characterized by a certain lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in performing dosed movements, and a decrease in speed and dexterity.

According to T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, children with general underdevelopment of speech lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, and omit its components.

There is insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills. Slowness is detected, stuck in one position.

According to E. Cherkasova, due to the formation of speech with a delay, due to insufficient sound pronunciation and deviations in the lexical and grammatical systems in children with general underdevelopment of speech, full interaction with the outside world is disrupted. At the heart of these disorders is a violation of the distinction between semantic features of sounds - phonemes, which makes it difficult to form phonemic analysis, synthesis, as well as phonemic and morphological generalizations. This leads to limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of semantic meanings, grammatical categories.

Speech therapy work on the formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP

The process of education can be carried out only on the basis of good knowledge of the age and individual psychophysiological characteristics of each child.

The speech therapist should have information about the child's life, the home environment, and the attitude of others towards him. It is necessary to identify the interests of the child, his inclinations, attitude towards other children, towards his defect. These data will help the teacher to study deeper. mental features child, effectively build a correctional and educational impact, prevent the appearance of unwanted deviations in his behavior (Garkusha Yu.F.)

Speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary is closely related to the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality and the cognitive activity of the child.

The systematic expansion of the vocabulary comes at the expense of unfamiliar and complex words, along with familiarization with the outside world.


1. Work on the development of the dictionary should be carried out on the basis of active cognitive activity.

2. Close connection of the development of the vocabulary with the development mental activity, logical operations classification, seriation, analysis, synthesis, comparison.

3. All tasks are carried out in a certain sequence.

The main tasks of vocabulary work are:

Vocabulary enrichment is the accumulation of words necessary for verbal communication with others. Goes at the expense of nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.

Clarification - help in the assimilation of words and their memorization.

Vocabulary activation is the use of words that are easy to understand.

Elimination of non-literary words (Ushakova T. N.)

Among the numerous methods of vocabulary work that can be used in speech therapy classes, the following can be distinguished (Filimonova O.Yu.):

1) Showing and naming a new object (and its features) or actions. The display should be accompanied by an explanation that helps to understand the essence of the subject.

A new word must be pronounced in chorus and individually. For better understanding and memorization, the given word is included in the context familiar to the child. Further, various exercises are carried out to consolidate its correct pronunciation and use.

2) Explanation of the origin of this word (bread-bread box-dishes in which bread is stored, coffee pot-dishes in which coffee is brewed, kettle - dishes in which tea is boiled, etc.).

3) The use of an expanded meaning of an already known phrase (a huge house is a very large house, one that is higher than all other houses.).

4) The formulation of questions of various forms, which at first are prompting (“Is the fence high or low?”), And then require independent answers. Questions should be short, precise, accessible in content. Children should also be taught how to ask questions on their own.

5) Selection of names of objects for actions and names of actions for objects; adverbs to the names of various actions; epithets to the subject; single-root words.

6) Distribution of proposals by introducing the circumstances of the cause, effect, condition, purpose.

7) Comparison of sentences by key words.

The selection of these areas is largely conditional, since in a single process of vocabulary formation they often intertwine and interact. However, the selection of these areas is important for understanding the language processes that need to be developed in children.

The development of vocabulary is carried out in the following areas: vocabulary enrichment, clarification of the meaning of the word, expansion of the semantics of the word. Particularly important is the work on the assimilation of words of generalizing meaning, since the introduction of generalizing words into speech significantly enriches it.

Work on clarifying the meaning of a word is closely connected with the formation of children's ideas about surrounding objects and phenomena, with mastering the classification of objects, with work on the formation of a lexical system. The classification of objects can be carried out both in a non-verbal way (for example, decomposing pictures into two groups), and using speech (for example, select only those pictures on which vegetables are drawn, name them in one word). It is recommended to use notes, drawings that help children master various categories of objects, learn and correlate the generalized name and the names of specific objects, and master generic relationships. In speech therapy work on vocabulary enrichment, the predicative dictionary requires special attention. When forming, the sequence of appearance of nouns and adjectives, phonetic features of the formation of adjectives are taken into account.

Speech therapy work to enrich the dictionary also involves clarifying the meanings of synonymous words. An important place is given to the assimilation of the meaning of the word with a gradual transition from the specific meaning of the word to the understanding of the grammatical meaning in the phrase, sentence. (Sedykh N.A.)

The actualization of the dictionary is also facilitated by the work on the sound analysis of the word, the consolidation of its auditory and kinesthetic image.

Directions of speech therapy influence:

Each direction is carried out in two stages, first the passive vocabulary of children is enriched, then the lexicon is activated and consolidated.

The methodological recommendations use games and exercises developed byN.V. Serebryakova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva.G.S. Shvaiko, O.S. Ushakova, V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko.

Stage I: Development of a passive dictionary of synonyms.


Development of synonymy.

Development of coherent speech

Example types of tasks:

1. Game "Come up with a proposal" (Krause E.N.)

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of synonyms.


Synonym update.

Development of synonymy.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

1. The game "How to say?" (

2. The game "Competition of words - comparisons" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

How are the chosen words similar, what do they have in common, why can they be called "words - friends".

3. The game "Choose a word" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Content: The speech therapist calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball must come up with a “word - friend” to the one named, say this word and throw the ball back to the speech therapist.If the word is chosen correctly, the child takes a step forward. The winner is the one who quickly approaches the conditional line on which the speech therapist is located. This child continues the game by making up his own words.Friend - (comrade, friend); house - (building, dwelling); road - (path, highway); soldier - (fighter, warrior); labor - (work); wisdom - (mind); run - (rush, rush); look - (look); works - (work); to be sad - (to be sad); brave - (brave); scarlet - (red, crimson).

Equipment: ball.

4. The game "Sun" (Krause E.N.)

Choose a word that is close in meaning to the word "brave".

(courageous, courageous, resolute).

The hare is cowardly. How else can you say about him?

(fearful, indecisive, fearful).

Choose a word that is close in meaning to the word "talk".

(talk, speak).

Equipment: sun, rays.

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of adjectives.


Enrichment of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Development of auditory attention and memory

Example types of tasks:

1. "Name the extra word" ( Zakharova A.V.)

Sad, mournful, dull, deep.

Brave, resounding, courageous, daring.

Weak, brittle, long, fragile.

Strong, distant, durable, reliable.

Decrepit, old, worn out, small, dilapidated.

2. Guessing riddles-descriptions from pictures ( Zakharova A.V.) Contents: several pictures of animals are offered, from which you need to choose the right one.

For example:

I am tall, with a thin neck, spotted (giraffe).

I am short, fat and gray (hippo).

I am small, grey, with a long tail (mouse).

I am formidable, big, with a long mane (lion).

I am humpbacked, with a long neck and thin legs (camel).

3. Guessing the name of the subject according to the description of its differential features.

For example: This is a vegetable. It is round, red, delicious. What is it? (Tomato)

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the vocabulary of adjectives.


Updating and enriching the dictionary of adjectives

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Clarification of the syntagmatic relations of the adjective and the noun ( Zakharova A.V.) Answers to the questions “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”

For example: grass (what is it?) - green, soft, silky, tall, emerald, thick, slippery, dry, marsh...

2. Add a word to the sentence that answers the questions: “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”

The (what?) sun is shining.

The sun is bright, brilliant, red, big, cheerful, joyful, spring.

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of nouns.


Development of the nominative dictionary.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Pronunciation of the names of the subject(Ushakova O.S.)

2. Creating a situation for the child to search for a missing object.(Zakharova A.V.)

Content: An adult asks the children to close their eyes (“One, two, three, don’t look!”), hides and asks the question: “Where is the bus?” Children are looking for an object at the prompt of an adult: “It's cold. Colder. Warmer. Even warmer. Hot". A hint can be given in the notes arranged in a group (read by an adult): “Look for a bus next to a bookshelf”; “Look for a bus where there is a lot of water”; "Look for a bus under the tree"; "Look for a bus where there are a lot of cars." The game with the search for a missing object helps children remember a new word.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of nouns.


Actualization and enrichment of the dictionary of nouns.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. The game "Guess who does this?"

2. The game "Wonderful bag".

3. "Spread the pictures by similarity" ( Ushakova O.S.)

A series of pictures is displayed on the board: a sheep, a tree, a cow.

Content: children are given pictures: a sweater, a hat, mittens, a scarf (sheep to the picture); table, wooden rake, wooden gate or fence, chair (tree to the picture); a bottle of milk, butter, cheese, ice cream (to the picture a cow). Each child has 2-3 pictures. The speech therapist invites the children to put their picture to one of the three pictures on the board and explain why he put it that way.

4. The game "Pair to Pair" (pick up words by analogy based on various signs) (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Content: Children are invited to choose words so that they get similar pairs of words, and then explain how these pairs are similar. Pairs of words are proposed based on different types of semantic relationships: generic; part - whole; object and its function; the phenomenon and the means by which it is carried out; the name of the item and what it is made of; object and its location, etc.

Cucumber - a vegetable, chamomile - (earth, flower, flower bed).

Tomato - garden, apple - (fence, garden, pear).

Clock - time, thermometer - (bed, temperature, window).

Machine - motor, boat - (sail, water, deck).

5. Complementing the semantic series (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Nail - hammer, screw - ...

The house is the roof, the book is...

Square - cube, circle - ...

Bird - egg, plant - ...

Reference words: screwdriver, cover, ball, seed, slower, flood, bank (or wallet), faucet, barefoot, cure, puppy, rim, house, lace, autumn.

Stage I: Development of a passive dictionary of antonyms.


development of antonymy.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

The development of auditory attention.

Example types of tasks:

1. Choose from three words two words - "enemy"

Friend, sadness, enemy.

Tall, big, low.

Night, day, day.

Long, big, short.

Joy, laughter, sadness.

Big, low, small.

Raise, lower, take.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of antonyms.


Update of antonyms.

The development of connected speech.

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Game "Finish the sentence" ( Krause E.N.)

The elephant is big, but the mosquito...

The stone is heavy, and the fluff ...

Cinderella is kind, and stepmother ...

Sugar is sweet, but mustard...

The tree is tall, and the bush...

The grandfather is old, and the grandson...

The soup is hot and the compote...

The soot is black and the snow...

The lion is brave, but the hare...

  1. Game "Compare!" (Krause E.N.)

To taste: mustard and honey.

By color: snow and soot.

Height: tree and flower.

By thickness: rope and thread.

Width: road and path.

By age: young man and old man.

By weight: weight and fluff.

By size: house and hut.

  1. Ball game "Say the other way around" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Dress - (undress)

Raise - (lower)

Throw - (catch),

Hide - (find),

Put - (remove).

4. Words - "enemies" (Konovalenko V.V. Konovalenko S.V.)

1. Nouns: day, morning, sunrise, spring, winter, good,
friend, dirt, heat, peace, truth, joy, inhale, exhale, benefit, dirt,

2. Adjectives: sick, white, tall, cheerful,
dark, bitter, kind, healthy, new, young, sharp, fat.
3. Verbs: enter, speak, took, found, forgot, dropped, littered, lie down, dress, put up, lower, help, laugh, close, turn on.

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of verbs.


Development of a predictive vocabulary.

Development of verbal-logical thinking.

Example types of tasks:

1. Lotto "Who will bring the picture faster" (

2. Game "Find a Buddy"(Sedykh N.A)

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the vocabulary of verbs.


Actualization and enrichment of the dictionary of verbs.

Development of tactile sensitivity.

Development of visual and auditory attention.

Example types of tasks:

1. The game "Who is screaming?" (Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V.)

2. Lotto "Who moves how?" (Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V.)

3. Ball game "Say the opposite" (Sedykh N.A.)

Content: Children stand in a line facing the speech therapist. He says the word and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who catches the ball must name the antonym (“the word is the enemy”) to the given word and return it to the leader. If a double word matched correctly, the child takes a step forward. The winner is the one who quickly approaches the conditional line on which the speech therapist is located. This child continues the game by making up his own words.

Speech material: enter - ...; include -…; build -…; fall asleep - ...; praise - ...; speak - ...; start - ...; to meet -...; lift up - …

Stage I: Development of a passive vocabulary of generalizations.


- Enrichment of the dictionary of generalizing words.

- Development of visual and auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. Classification of objects by pictures ( Novotortseva N.V. )

Tomato, apple, pear, turnip, cucumber, orange.

Table, cup, sofa, plate, chair, saucer.

Fox, cat, dog, bear, hare, cow.

Titmouse, butterfly, bullfinch, sparrow, dragonfly, bee.

2. Select from a series of words (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.) Content: Children are given the task to select from a series of words:

a) Only the names of pets:

Fox, wolf, dog, hare.

Horse, calf, elk, bear.

Squirrel, cat, rooster.

b) Vehicle names only:

Truck, subway, plane, bench.

Bus, road, helicopter, passenger.

Train, compartment, steamer, anchor.

Tram, driver, trolleybus.

3. The game "Name the extra word" (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

Doll, sand, bucket, spinning top, ball.

Table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa.

Coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat.

Bottle, jar, frying pan, jug, glass.

Stage II: Activation and consolidation of the dictionary of generalizing words.


- Update of generalizations.

Enrichment of the dictionary of generalizing words.

- Development of verbal-logical thinking.

- Development of visual and auditory attention and memory.

Example types of tasks:

1. "Say one word." (Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

For example:

How to call in one word what grows in the garden in the garden, is used in food? (Vegetables)

How to call in one word what grows on trees in the garden, very tasty and sweet? (Fruits)

How to call in one word what we put on the body, on the head, on the legs? (Clothing)

2. "What's in common?" ( Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.)

For example:

Two items: cucumber, tomato (vegetables), chamomile, tulip (flowers), elephant, ant (animals), turnip, chicken (yellow), mosquito, beetle (insects), seagull, plane (fly).

Currently, the problem of vocabulary development in preschoolers with OHP is relevant. Vocabulary is the best option for the implementation of speech activity in the process of solving problems of speech communication. Inadequate speech activity has a negative impact on all areas of the child's personality: the development of his cognitive activity is hampered, the productivity of memorization is reduced, logical and semantic memory is disturbed, children have difficulty mastering mental operations, all forms of communication and interpersonal interaction are violated, the development of gaming activity that has , as in the norm, the leading value in terms of overall mental development. Cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words.Expanding the vocabulary of children is one of the most important tasks of education. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary plays an important role in the development of logical thinking: the richer the child's vocabulary, the more accurately he thinks, the better his speech is developed. Therefore, its formation is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of systemic speech underdevelopment, and for preparing children for the upcoming schooling.

Children with ONR understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, the actualization of the dictionary cause great difficulties. Preschoolers with OHP do not know many of the actions of objects, they do not know the shades of colors, they poorly distinguish the shape of objects. There are few generalizing concepts in the vocabulary of children. Antonyms are rarely used, there are practically no synonyms.

It should be noted that corrective and preventive work should take place in the conditions of an organized complex speech therapy and pedagogical influence, taking into account general didactic principles (accessibility, visibility, individual approach, concreteness, consciousness, gradual complication of tasks and speech material).

The proposed guidelines can help overcome the difficulties of forming a dictionary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. Their use is possible not only in speech therapywork, but also in the classroom of a kindergarten teacher, parents can also use them.


  1. Arkhipova E.F. Erased dysarthria in children. – M.: AST, 2006.
  2. Belyakova L.I., Garkusha Yu.F., Usanova O.N., Figueredo E.L. Comparative psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech and normal developed speech. - M., 1991.
  3. Volosovets T.V. Overcoming OHP of preschoolers. - M., 2002.
  4. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of studying children's speech. - M.: 1961.
  5. Derevyanko N.P., Lapp E.A. Vocabulary formation in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment// Practical psychology and speech therapy No. 4, 2006. S. 22-25.
  6. Zhukova N.S. Overcoming underdevelopment of speech in children. Teaching method. allowance. - M: Sots-polit. journal, 1994.
  7. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Synonyms. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2005.
  8. Lavrentieva A.I. Stages of formation of the lexico-semantic system in children // Assimilation of the native language by the child. - St. Petersburg, 1995.
  9. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of the correct colloquial speech at preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  10. Levina R.E. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. - M., 1968.
  11. Leushina A.M. The development of coherent speech in preschoolers. L., 1941.
  12. Makarova N.V. Speech of a child from birth to 5 years. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2004.
  13. Novotortseva N.V. The development of children's speech. - Yaroslavl: Gringo LLP, 1995.
  14. Sedykh N.A. Education of correct speech in children. Practical speech therapy, M., 2006.
  15. Tiheeva E.I. The development of children's speech. - M., 1981.
  16. Ushakova O.S. Come up with a word. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009.
  17. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with general underdevelopment of speech. - M., 2000.
  18. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Psychological pedagogical foundations correction of general underdevelopment of speech in children of preschool age / / Defectology No. 4, 1985. P. 12-15.
  19. Cherkasova E. Education of speech hearing in children with ONR// preschool education, 2006, No. 11, pp. 65 - 75.
  20. Shashkina G.R., Zernova L.P., Zimina I.A. Logopedic work with preschoolers. - M., 2003.

Mikhailova Angelica
Vocabulary features of preschoolers with OHP level III.

Article developed

GBOU teacher high school №296

Structural unit

branch preschool education

Frunzensky district

Mikhailova Angelica Alekseevna


Formation disorders vocabulary of children with OHP level III are manifested in the limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, numerous verbal paraphrases, unformed semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary.

In the works of many authors, it is emphasized that children with ONR of various genesis have a limited vocabulary, significant individual differences are characteristic, which are largely due to different pathogenesis. next feature the speech of children with OHP is more significant than normal in the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. preschoolers with OHP understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, updating the dictionary causes great difficulties.

One of the expressed features the speech of children with ONR is the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active dictionary: children understand the meaning of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but the use of words in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of berries, flowers, wild animals, birds, tools, professions, parts of the body and face. The verb dictionary is dominated by words denoting daily household activities. It is difficult to assimilate words that have a generalized meaning, and words denoting the assessment, state, quality and attribute of the subject. Words are both understood and used inaccurately, their meaning is unduly expanded, or, on the contrary, it is understood too narrowly. There is a delay in the formation of semantic fields.

With OHP, the formation of a grammatical structure occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary. m: the meanings of grammatical forms are more abstract, the rules for grammatical change of words are diverse.

Mastery of grammatical forms of inflection, ways of word formation, various types of sentences occur in children with OHP in the same sequence as in normal speech development; the insufficiency of the grammatical structure is manifested in a slower pace of assimilation of the laws of grammar, in the disharmony of the development of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language.

In the works of N. S. Zhukova, L. F. Spirova, T. B. Filicheva, S. N. Shakhovskaya, the following violations of the morphological system of the language in children with ONR were identified.

This is a misnomer:

Endings of nouns, pronouns, adjectives;

Case and generic endings of cardinal numbers;

Personal endings of verbs;

Endings of verbs in the past tense;

Prepositional case constructions.

Violation of the syntactic structure of the sentence is expressed in the omission of members of the sentence, wrong order words, the absence of complex structures.

Especially large differences between children with normal and impaired speech development are observed when updating the predicative dictionary. At preschoolers with OHP, difficulties are revealed in naming many adjectives used in the speech of their normally developing peers. In the verb dictionary preschoolers with OHP, words denoting actions that the child performs or observes on a daily basis predominate. It is difficult to assimilate words of a generalized meaning, words denoting evaluation, quality, signs, etc.

Violation of the formation vocabulary in these children it is also expressed in the difficulty of finding a new word, in violation of the actualization of the passive dictionary.

characteristic feature vocabulary of children with OHP is the inaccuracy of the use of words, which is expressed in verbal paraphrases. In some cases, children use words in an overly broad sense, in others, a too narrow understanding of the meaning of the word appears. Sometimes children with ONR use the word only in certain situation, the word does not enter the context when speaking other situations. Thus, the understanding and use of the word is still situational. Among the numerous verbal paraphrasies in these children, the most common are the substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field.

Substitutions of adjectives indicate that children do not distinguish essential features, do not differentiate the qualities of objects. Common are, for example, substitutions: high - long, low - small, narrow - thin, short - small, etc. Adjectives are replaced due to the undifferentiated signs of size, height, thickness, width.

Along with the mixing of words according to generic relations, there are replacements of words based on other semantic features.

Developmental Disorders vocabulary in children with OHP, it also manifests itself in a later formation lexical consistency, organization of semantic fields, qualitative originality of these processes.

As in the norm, children 7-8 years old also experience qualitative changes in the ratio of syntagmatic and paradigmatic reactions. If at the age of 5-6 the number of syntagmatic associations significantly exceeds the number of paradigmatic associations, then at the age of 7 paradigmatic associations prevail over syntagmatic ones. However, this predominance in children with OHP, according to R.I. Lalayeva, is not as significant as in children with normal speech development.

Children with OHP, in comparison with the norm, are much more in need of systematic classes.

Used Books:

1. Zhukova N. S., Mastyukova E. M., Filicheva T. B. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

2. Lalaeva R. I., Serebryakova N. V. Formation vocabulary and grammatical structure preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "SOYUZ", 2001.

3. Filicheva T. B., Soboleva A. V. Development of speech preschooler. – Yekaterinburg: Infra - M, 1996.

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University them. V.P. Astafieva

Institute of Special Pedagogy

Department of Correctional Pedagogy

Features of the development of vocabulary of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment speech III level

Final qualifying work in the specialty - 050715 - "Speech therapy"


about the final qualifying work

"The formation of vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech III level"

The theme of the qualifying work is devoted enough hot topic- timely formation and improvement of the vocabulary in preschool children, its close relationship with the formation of cognitive activity and the development of speech skills and abilities. New developments of this problem, taking into account the systematic approach, become quite significant.

The advantage of qualification work is its practical part, second chapter (experimental study), the study of bibliographic material in combination with observation, organization and collection of didactic material. The content of the ascertaining experiment meets the requirements. The author has found a fairly deep knowledge of the stated problem, showed the skills of independence in the conduct of the study.

The work as a whole is logically well-structured, the materials in the appendix are presented quite visually and didactically competent.

In the course of the study, the author proved that the specially organized speech activity of children with OHP, the use of a communicative approach, various forms and methods of learning (including games), the use of creative tasks in various types of classes, contributes to the activation of various speech manifestations in children, the development and improvement of coherent oral speech.

Along with a generally positive assessment of the work performed, a remark should be made: the work is not without technical errors in its design.

The qualifying work is a serious methodological research and is worthy of high marks.



Chapter I. Literature analysis on the research problem

1.1 The current state of the problem of the development of the vocabulary of children with OHP level III

1.2 Patterns of the development of the vocabulary of older preschoolers in ontogenesis

1.3 General underdevelopment of speech and its causes

1.4 Vocabulary development of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III

Chapter II. Ascertaining experiment and its analysis

2.1. Organization and research methodology

2.2. Analysis of the results of the study of the dictionary in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech (III level)

Chapter III. The content of correctional work aimed at developing the vocabulary of six-year-old children with OHP level III

3.1 Theoretical basis formative experiment

3.2 Formative experiment aimed at the development of vocabulary in older preschoolers with OHP level III

3.3 Control experiment and its analysis





The relevance of research

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech unites people in their activities, helps to understand, formulates views and beliefs. Speech renders a great service to man in the knowledge of the world.

However, nature gives a person very little time for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. It is during this period that favorable conditions are created for the development of oral speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech (reading and writing) and the subsequent speech and language child.

Any delay, any disturbance in the course of the development of the child's speech is reflected in his activity and behavior. Poorly speaking children, starting to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, indecisive, their communication with people is difficult.

In general, the level of speech development of modern preschool children can be described as extremely unsatisfactory. Speech neglect is clearly manifested when children enter school. Here, serious speech problems are revealed that hinder the learning process, are the causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia. According to researchers, in some first grades there are up to 85-90% of children with various speech retardations and pathologies. This state of affairs has led to the fact that many schools are forced to attract speech therapists to work with children at the primary level. However, observations of the work of speech therapists in schools, conversations with them showed that it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to correct many of the detected speech defects at this age. This is because many children's speech defects were not detected in a timely manner, finally formed and fixed at the level of communication in the cerebral cortex. In addition, the correction of "old" defects in oral speech occurs against the background of intensive teaching of children in written speech (reading and writing).

From the point of view of speech pathology, one of the most common disorders is general speech underdevelopment (OHP). Studying deviations in speech development in children with normal hearing and intelligence, Professor R.E. Levina for the first time identified and described a special category of children with manifestations of systemic unformedness of all language structures (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary), which she designated by the term "general underdevelopment of speech".

The problem of the development of vocabulary in older preschoolers is relevant in that the formation of this component of the structure of the language is necessary when entering the first grade of a mass school. Since it has already been established that writing and reading disorders in children most often appear as a result of a general underdevelopment of all components of the language. Dysgraphia and dyslexia occur, as a rule, in children with III level of speech underdevelopment.

Consideration of the topic “Peculiarities of the development of the vocabulary of older preschool children with OHP (III level)” will make it possible to more fully understand the nature of the violation of the speech development of children and outline effective ways to overcome this problem.

Research problem: the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP level III is relevant, since the number of children with this speech pathology is increasing every year and the development of the vocabulary of children will contribute to a more successful preparation for school. Object of study: vocabulary of older preschoolers with OHP (level III).

Subject of study: the formation of vocabulary in children of senior preschool age with OHP (III level).

Target: the formation of a vocabulary of older preschoolers with OHP level III, through the use of speech therapy exercises.

Research hypothesis: The effectiveness of vocabulary formation in older preschoolers with OHP (level III) will be significantly increased if a specially designed set of corrective and developmental exercises is used in speech therapy work.


1) analyze the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem;

2) to reveal the formation of the dictionary in older preschoolers with OHP (level III);

3) develop and identify the content of correctional work aimed at forming the vocabulary of older preschoolers with OHP (level III);

Research methods were determined in accordance with the goal, hypothesis and objectives. To conduct the corresponding study, both theoretical and empirical methods. The first include the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, the second - observation of children, a pedagogical experiment, the learning process according to the developed system; control over the effectiveness of ongoing corrective and developmental activities.

Practical part of the study is to develop effective ways of correctional and pedagogical work that contributes to the speech formation of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with OHP (III level). The developed methodological material can be useful for teachers in correctional practical activities.

Organization of the study. The base of the study was the Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 321" in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

The study was conducted from September to December 2009 in three stages.

The first stage is the study and analysis of literature on the research problem; formulation and clarification of goals, hypotheses, tasks; drawing up a research plan; development of the methodology of ascertaining experiment.

The second stage is the conduct and analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment, the development, refinement and testing of a complex of experimental training.

The third stage is the analysis of the effectiveness of the experimental work.

The structure of the final qualifying work. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications.

underdevelopment speech preschooler vocabulary corrective

Chapter 1-Analysis of the literature on the research problem

1.1 The current state of the problem of the development of the vocabulary of children with OND III level

The word is the basic unit of language. Speaking in isolation, it performs, first of all, a nominative function - it calls specific subjects, actions, signs, human feelings, social phenomena and abstract concepts.

Organized grammatically in sentences, the word turns out to be building material, with the help of which speech acquires the ability to play a communicative role.

L.S. Vygotsky defined the word as a unit not only of speech, but also of thinking. Substantiating this thesis, he referred to the fact that the meaning of a word is a generalization, a concept. In turn, any generalization is nothing but an act of thought. Thus, the word represents the unity of thinking and speech.

Considering the interaction of these mental processes, L.S. Vygotsky noted that “a thought is not expressed, but is accomplished in a word”, i.e. Thought develops and improves only when it is clothed in words. This gives the right to assert that the word also performs a cognitive (cognitive) function, since the development of the dictionary leads to the formation of not only thinking, but also other mental processes.

That is why work on the word is of great importance for correcting the development of the psyche of children with speech disorders, for their more successful inclusion in the sphere of communication with others.

In the psychological and pedagogical works of T.A. Altukhova, G.V. Babina, T.D. Barminkova, Yu.I. Bernadsky, V.K. R.E. Levina, N.A. Nikashina, L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others describe the features and originality of the vocabulary of children with various speech disorders.

Along with the revealed features of the development of the lexical system, these works pay great attention to the peculiarity of the development of mental processes in children with OND. Insufficient stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution are noted. With a relatively intact logical memory, the verbal memory is reduced, and the productivity of memorization suffers.

The authors also note a low activity of cognitive activity, fast fatiguability, insufficient performance in the classroom, low initiative in the play activities of children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Possessing in general full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, children lag behind in the development of verbal thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

An analysis of the development of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech (level III) indicates significant deviations from normally developing peers in their vocabulary, both quantitatively and qualitatively (N.S. Zhukova, R.E. Levina, N. V.Simonov, L.F.Spirova, T.B.Filicheva, G.V.Chirkina and others). Children use well-known, frequently used words and phrases in active speech. Vocabulary features, as a rule, are manifested in ignorance of many words and phrases, in the inability to select from the vocabulary and correctly use words in speech that most accurately express the meaning of the statement, in the imperfection of the search for nominative units. Possessing an extremely limited vocabulary, the child does not understand the meanings of some even the most simple words and therefore distorts them, passes them, replaces them, mixes them. In connection with this rises important task accumulation, enrichment, clarification of the vocabulary of older preschoolers.

In the work of N.V. Serebryakova, a psycholinguistic approach was productively used in the study of the vocabulary of children, which made it possible to identify the most clearly qualitative features of the dictionary, the main difficulties of children in differentiating the meanings of words. It has been established that the most significant and pronounced signs of underdevelopment of vocabulary in this contingent children is the insufficient formation of the structure of the meaning of the word, the level of organization of semantic fields inappropriate for the age, the imperfection of the word search process. The author has developed a system of methods of speech therapy work on the formation of children's vocabulary.

The cognitive aspect of the assimilation of lexical meanings was developed in the dissertation work of T.V. Tumanova. The features of the formation of pregrammatical generalizations of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech are revealed. On the basis of the study, the author substantiates the leading cause of the difficulties in mastering word-formation operations: the factor of unformed "nervous restructuring", which ensures the transition from an elementary iconic code, which underlies the assimilation of lexical meaning, to a discrete code, which makes it possible to isolate a morpheme from the general sound stream as a separate sign, and from it to a special code of speech movement, which ensures the normative pronunciation of the derived word. It is shown that the lack of formation of word-formation operations and the mechanisms that provide them leads, on the one hand, to inadequate speech communication, and on the other hand, limits the cognitive capabilities of children necessary for the development of "language competence" .

Based on the psycholinguistic approach, V.A. Goncharova conducted a comparative qualitative analysis of vocabulary disorders and the dynamics of its formation in preschool children aged 5-7 years with speech disorders. The general and specific features of various lexical operations in the production of speech utterances in children are revealed. The structure of vocabulary disorders in children with speech pathology of various origins was determined. So, for example, it was found that children with OHP have violations of both semantic and formal-sign operations with a predominance of violations semantic aspect vocabulary. This especially affects the organization of semantic fields, the structure of the meaning of the word, the processes of antonymy and synonymy. The author noted. That preschoolers with OHP have not developed vocabulary as a system of multidimensional connections. This contingent of children revealed a lack of mental operations, as well as a low level of organization of semantic fields. Taking into account the established features, the principles of the direction of speech therapy influence are substantiated, and differentiated methods of work on the formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with various speech disorders are developed.

The above works highlight the problem of studying the characteristics of the lexical system in children with ONR. On this basis, special techniques have been developed aimed at solving various issues that ultimately contribute to the development of coherent speech of children. The problem of vocabulary enrichment is thus solved in the context of the development of gaming activities, various forms verbal communication, phrasal speech.

Analysis of training programs for children with OHP (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina) showed that one of the main tasks of corrective action is the practical assimilation of the lexical means of the language. In preschool speech therapy institutions, the implementation of this task takes place in speech therapy frontal and individual classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech in work on lexical topics (“Autumn”, “Vegetables and Fruits”, “Animals”, “Trees”, etc. .P.).

In the correctional and pedagogical work of L.S. Volkova says that at present, children of the third level of speech underdevelopment make up the main contingent of special preschool and school institutions. With older preschoolers with OHP (level III), work is underway to develop understanding of speech. Children are taught to listen to the addressed speech, highlight the names of objects, actions, signs, understand the generalized meaning of the word, choose from two words the most suitable for this situation. (breaks - tears, smears - glues, jumps - jumps). At this time, they are taught to understand the text with a complicated, conflict situation.

The ability to isolate parts of an object is formed. Subject lexical material is associated with the study of objects surrounding children. On the basis of understanding the features of objects, they learn to group them in practical activities. The meaning of nouns with diminutive suffixes is specified.

In the process of mastering the subject dictionary, children continue to get acquainted with various ways of word formation. Initially, children are offered analytical exercises that contribute to the formation of orientation in the morphological composition of the word: choose related words from the context, compare them in length and content, isolate the same and different sounding elements of words.

Gradually, on the basis of subject-graphic schemes, there is an acquaintance with universal ways of forming words: suffixal - for nouns and adjectives, prefixal - for verbs. Children develop the skills of folding a new word from 2 parts, one of which is equal to the root, and the other to the affix: mushroom + nickname, shoe + nickname, at + walked, at + swam.

Drawing attention to the commonality of the root part among the chain of related words (forest, forestry, forester), children form an intuitive idea of ​​the system of word-formation connections of the language.

At the same time, children are taught to understand the generalized meaning of the word. Only after that it is proposed to independently form relative adjectives from nouns with meanings of correspondence with food (milk, chocolate) plants (oak, pine).

Considering that children with OHP have difficulty in recognizing the similarities and differences of words that are similar in sound and purpose, special attention is paid to this distinction. First you need to listen carefully to these words. For example, showing a pinch of tea, they ask: “What is this?” - Tea. It is explained that it is brewed in kettle, and the utensils from which they drink tea are called tea. The significant part of the word is highlighted intonationally. In the next lesson, related words are distinguished when showing other objects (salt - salt shaker, sugar - sugar bowl).

Particular attention is paid to the formation of a sign from the name of an object, action, or state. (soap-soap-soap-soap dish).

The preparatory stage of familiarizing children with antonym words is to check and clarify the words known to children - the names of signs of objects and actions. Pairs with pronounced characteristics are selected and compared in terms of taste, color, size, etc. Their qualitative opposite is emphasized intonation. (sharp - blunt pencil ) .

The system of work on the formation of the vocabulary of children with general underdevelopment of speech (III level) is based on the following principles:

An activity approach that determines the content and construction of training, taking into account the leading activity;

Consistency, which allows the development of speech as a complex functional system, structural components which are in close interaction;

The development of a sense of language, which consists in the fact that with repeated reproduction of speech and the use of similar forms in their own statements, the child forms analogies on a subconscious level, and then he also learns linguistic patterns;

Corrections and compensations that require flexible compliance with correctional and pedagogical technologies and an individually differentiated approach to the nature of speech disorders in children;

General didactic (visibility and accessibility of the material, a gradual transition from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, individual approach).

R.I. Lalaeva and N.V. Serebryakova offer their own methods for the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP.

When carrying out speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary, it is necessary to take into account modern linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, the patterns of vocabulary formation in ontogenesis, and the peculiarities of vocabulary in preschool children with speech pathology. Taking into account these factors, the formation of vocabulary is carried out in the following areas:

Expansion of the volume of the dictionary in parallel with the expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality, the formation of cognitive activity;

Clarification of the meanings of words;

Formation of the semantic structure of the word in the unity of the main

Its components;

Organization of semantic fields, lexical system;

Activation of the dictionary, improvement of word search processes, translation of a word from a passive to an active dictionary.

Taking into account the close connection between the processes of vocabulary development and word formation, this technique also includes inflection tasks, the purpose of which is to clarify the structure of the meaning of a word, master the meaning of morphemes, a system of grammatical meanings, and consolidate connections between words.

1.2 Patterns of the development of the vocabulary of older preschoolers in ontogenesis

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of all structures of the native language, unique time for the formation and development of the lexicon.

The speech of a preschooler is formed and developed from several sides: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, which act in close unity, at the same time, each of them has its own meaning that affects the development of speech utterance. When forming a vocabulary, the semantic component comes to the fore, since only a child's understanding of the meaning of a word (in the system of synonymous, antonymic, polysemantic relations) can lead to a conscious choice of words and phrases, their exact use in speech (A.A. Leontiev).

Under favorable social conditions and proper upbringing, the life experience of the child is enriched, his activities are improved, communication with the outside world and people develops. All this leads to the active growth of the lexicon, which increases very quickly (E.A. Arkin, A.N. Gvozdev, T.N. Naumova, E.Yu. Protasova, V.K. ).

The study of the features of the assimilation of vocabulary by children with normal speech development is devoted to studies that consider the development of vocabulary from the point of view, the accuracy of use (M.M. Alekseeva, V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ivanova, V.I. Loginova, Yu S. Lakhovskaya, A. A. Smaga, E. M. Strunina, E. I. Tikheeva, V. I. Yashina).

The first meaningful words appear in children by the end of the first year of life (10-12 words); at the end of the second year of life lexical composition is 300-400 words; by the age of three - 1500 words; to four - 1900; at five years - up to 2000-2500, at six-seven years - up to 3500-4000 words.

The lexicon is growing both quantitatively and qualitatively. So children at the age of three or four years, owning a sufficient number of words, correctly name objects and phenomena, designate the qualities of objects and actions, freely form words with diminutive suffixes. By the age of four, the correct sound pronunciation, the intonational side of speech, as well as the ability to express a question, request, exclamation with intonation are formed. By this time, the child has accumulated a certain vocabulary, which contains all parts of speech. The predominant place in the vocabulary used by children is occupied by verbs and nouns denoting objects and objects of the immediate environment, they begin to use adjectives and pronouns.

Many researchers note the special sensitivity of children of the fifth year of life to the sound, semantic and grammatical side of the word during this period, in their opinion, the formation of monologue speech takes place (N.A. Gvozdev, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin and others. ). A child of the fifth year of life expands the scope of his communication, he is already able to tell not only directly perceived circumstances, but also what was perceived and said earlier. At the same time, in the speech of children of the fifth year, the features of the previous stage of development are preserved: when telling, they often use demonstrative pronouns this one, there .

Children - preschoolers at the age of five or six can already form adjectives from nouns, various parts of speech from the same root (runner - run - running, singer - sing - singing, blue - blue - blue), as well as nouns from adjectives.

At five-year-old preschoolers, the elements of the sound side of the word are improved, which are necessary for the formation of an utterance: tempo, diction, voice power and intonational expressiveness. In the statements of children of this age, various words appear that express the state and experience, coherent speech begins to develop (V.V. Gerbova, G.M. Lyamina).

Analyzing the vocabulary of the colloquial speech of six-seven-year-old children, it can be noted that, in general, they are completing the formation of the core of the dictionary. At the same time, “semantic” and partially grammatical development is still far from complete (A.V. Zakharova).

Clarification of the semantic content of words by the senior preschool age is gaining momentum. In speech, along with the use of words with a general meaning, words with an abstract meaning (joy, sadness, courage) are used. At first, preschoolers do not consciously use metaphors in their speech, but at an older age, conscious cases of using metaphors are observed. They have a great interest in the word and its meaning (V.K. Kharchenko). The vocabulary of the older preschooler is actively enriched by the words invented by them. At this age, word creation is one of the important features of children's speech.

Given the above, we can conclude that the senior preschool age is the end of the period of spontaneous mastery of the native language. By this time, the child, on the one hand, already masters an extensive vocabulary, the entire complex system of grammar and coherent speech to such an extent that the acquired language becomes really native for him (A.N. Gvozdev). On the other hand, the semantic and partially grammatical development of the child's speech remains far from complete.

1.3 General underdevelopment of speech and its causes

The psychological and pedagogical approach to the analysis of speech disorders is a priority area of ​​Russian speech therapy. Within the framework of this direction, the development of language in children with speech disorders is analyzed. Conducted in the 60s. (R.E. Levina with employees) linguistic analysis speech disorders in children with different forms speech pathology, made it possible to highlight the general underdevelopment of speech and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. .

General underdevelopment of speech (OHP) is characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system in children: phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical.

In children with ONR, a pathological course of speech development is observed. The main features of OHP in preschool age are a late onset of speech development, a slow pace of speech development, a limited vocabulary that does not correspond to age, a violation of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, a violation of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. At the same time, the children noted the safety of hearing and a satisfactory understanding of the addressed speech accessible to a certain age. The speech of children with ONR may be at different levels of development. Proceeding from correctional tasks, R.E. Levina used a systematic approach to the analysis of speech disorders and conditionally designated three levels of OHP, each is characterized by specific difficulties in the development of speech.

First level - the lowest. Children do not have common means of communication. In their speech, children use babbling words and onomatopoeia, as well as a small number of nouns and verbs that are significantly distorted in sound terms (“kuka” - doll). With the same babble word or sound combination, a child can mean several different concepts, replace them with the names of actions and the names of objects (“b-b” - car, plane, go).

Children's statements can be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. In speech, sentences of one or two words predominate. Grammatical connections not included in these proposals. The speech of children can be understood only in specific situations of communication with loved ones. Children's understanding of speech is limited to a certain extent. The sound side of speech is severely impaired. The number of defective sounds exceeds the number of correctly pronounced ones. Correctly pronounced sounds are unstable and can be distorted and replaced in speech. To a greater extent, the pronunciation of consonants is violated, vowels can remain relatively preserved. Phonemic perception is severely disturbed. Children can confuse similar-sounding but different-sounding words (milk - hammer). Until the age of three, these children are practically speechless. Spontaneous development of full-fledged speech is not possible for them. Overcoming speech underdevelopment requires systematic work with a speech therapist. Children with the first level of speech development should be trained in a special preschool. Compensation for a speech defect is limited, so these children need further long-term education in the future. special schools for children with severe speech disorders.

Second level - children have the beginnings of common speech. Understanding of everyday speech is quite developed. Children communicate more actively through speech. Along with gestures, sound complexes, and babble words, they use common words that denote objects, actions, and signs, although their active vocabulary is sharply limited. Children enjoy simple sentences two of them - three words with the beginnings of grammatical construction. At the same time marked gross mistakes in the use of grammatical forms (“I play a cookie” - I play with a doll). Sound pronunciation is significantly impaired. This is manifested in substitutions, distortions and omissions of a number of consonant sounds. The syllabic structure of the word is broken. As a rule, children reduce the number of sounds and syllables, their permutations are noted (“teviki” - snowmen). During the examination, there is a violation of phonemic perception.

Children with the second level of speech development need special speech therapy long time both in preschool and school age. Compensation for speech defect is limited. However, depending on the degree of this compensation, children can be sent both to a general education school and to a school for children with severe speech impairments. When they enter a general education school, they should receive systematic speech therapy assistance, since these children have difficulty mastering writing and reading.

Children with the second and third levels of speech development make up the main contingent of special speech therapy groups.

Children with III level use extended phrasal speech, do not find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs of objects that are well known to them in everyday life. They can talk about their family, make up a short story from the picture. At the same time, they have shortcomings of all aspects of the speech system, both lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic. Their speech is characterized by inaccurate use of words. In free utterances, children rarely use adjectives and adverbs, do not use generalizing words and words with figurative meaning, hardly form new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes, mistakenly use unions and prepositions, make mistakes in agreeing a noun with an adjective in gender, number and case.

Children with general underdevelopment of the III level of speech development, subject to systematic speech therapy assistance, are ready to enter a general education school, although some experience certain difficulties in learning. These difficulties are mainly associated with the insufficiency of the dictionary, errors in the grammatical construction of coherent statements, insufficient formation of phonemic perception, and impaired pronunciation. Monologue speech develops poorly in such children. They mainly use a dialogic form of communication. In general, the readiness for schooling among such children is low. AT primary school they have considerable difficulty in mastering writing and reading, not infrequently there are specific violations of writing and reading.

In some of these children, underdevelopment of speech may be expressed unsharply. It is characterized by the fact that the violation of all levels of the language system is manifested to a small extent. Sound pronunciation may not be disturbed, but (blurred) or suffer in relation to two to five sounds.

Phonemic perception is not accurate enough. Phonemic synthesis and analysis lag behind the norm in development. AT oral statements such children allow confusion of words in terms of acoustic similarity and meaning. Contextual monologue speech is of a situational and everyday nature. Such children, as a rule, study in a general education school, although their academic performance is low. They experience certain difficulties in conveying the content of the educational material; specific writing and reading errors are often noted. These children also need systematic speech therapy help.

In addition, children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by a low level of development of attention and memory, some specific features of their thinking are observed. Subsequently, all the shortcomings of children's speech have a negative impact on mastering the processes of reading and writing.

Thus, the general underdevelopment of speech is a systemic violation of the assimilation of all levels of the language, requiring a long and systematic speech therapy impact. In order to positively influence the qualitative and timely speech development of preschoolers, provide qualified assistance, and prevent possible deviations in the development of their speech as much as possible, it is necessary to understand their causes, which sharply reduce the level of speech development of children.

The reasons can be divided into three groups: 1st - related to the health of children; 2nd - pedagogical reasons; 3rd - social reasons. Similarly, the division is very conditional, since all the reasons are closely interconnected.

Children's health. The current generation is characterized by poor health. The majority of children attending educational institutions belong to the II health group. There are very few children of health group I in kindergartens; children of III and even IV health groups are increasingly common. According to the leading neuropathologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.S. Skvortsov, at present, about 70% of newborns are diagnosed with various perinatal brain lesions. Such deviations affect the subsequent development and learning of the child at the slightest adverse environmental influences.

Speech centers are the latest formation of the human brain (in terms of brain evolution), which means that they are the “youngest”. This makes them the most vulnerable compared to other centers. And at the slightest adverse conditions body development speech centers one of the first to fail. That is why a child's speech is a kind of "litmus test", demonstrating the level of general development.

pedagogical reasons. This group of reasons is quite large and dynamic (that is, over time, some pedagogical reasons may disappear, but they are replaced by others).

Firstly, this is a late diagnosis of the speech development of children. As a rule, speech therapists carefully study the speech of a child only at the age of five. This has its own explanation. It is by the age of five that the formation of speech takes place, which means that the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language; owns vocabulary; owns the initial forms of coherent speech, allowing him to freely come into contact with people. With this approach, it turns out that specialists and teachers "sit and wait" while nature does its job in the child's speech development. And then a check is made of how well nature coped with the task assigned to it. Today it is already known that by the age of five, most children do not have a speech norm. Speech problems of older preschoolers literally fall upon speech therapists. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics much earlier.

Secondly, the feature current situation is an earlier (from about 4-5 years old) children's mastery of such a form of written speech as reading. At the same time, speech development is often replaced by direct, special teaching of reading, and the tasks of forming oral speech go beyond the control and attention of adults. Written speech in this case falls on unprepared speech ground and subsequently often leads to reading and writing disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia), to subsequent illiteracy. It is possible to prepare a child well for school, to lay a solid foundation for teaching literacy, only in the process of serious work on the development of oral speech in preschool children. The process of preparing for teaching literacy should not be considered as a separate independent technique, but as an integral part of the child's speech development system.

social reasons. Indifference to the native (Russian) language is growing in our society. many preschool teachers the situation is familiar when parents, bringing the baby to kindergarten, do not care at all about how to teach the child to speak their native language correctly and beautifully. Most parents are satisfied and happy if a foreign language is taught in kindergarten. At the same time, it is not taken into account that almost all languages ​​of the world come into conflict with each other in a number of characteristics. It can be said that admiration for foreign languages, and its no less beautiful for some reason is not appreciated. Based on the foregoing, one should take into account the reasons and pay attention to the quality and effectiveness of work on the development of the speech of preschoolers, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child as much as possible.

1.4 Vocabulary development of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech ( III level)

When studying the characteristics of vocabulary in children with speech pathology, the psycholinguistic approach, modern ideas about the development of vocabulary, about various aspects of its study, about the development of vocabulary in ontogenesis, about the structure of the meaning of a word, about semantic fields, is promising and significant.

In the studies of R.I. Lalayeva, a number of features of the vocabulary of older preschoolers are noted. The limited vocabulary, the discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, verbal paraphasias, unformed semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary were revealed. Associations in children with speech pathology, to a greater extent than in children with normal speech development, are unmotivated. The most difficult link in the formation of semantic fields in children with speech disorders is the selection of the center (core) of the semantic field and its structural organization. A small volume of the semantic field is revealed, which is manifested in a limited number of semantic connections. So, in paradigmatic associations in children with speech pathology, analogy relations predominate, and opposition and generic relations are rare, which is not consistent with the norm. In children with normal speech development, opposition relations to 7 years old account for more than half of all paradigmatic associations, in addition, it has been noted that the latent period of reaction to a stimulus word in children with speech disorders is much longer than normal.

Based on the analysis of the nature of verbal associations in preschoolers aged 5-8 years, N.V. Serebryakova identified the following stages in the organization of semantic fields:

First stage - unformed semantic fields. The child relies on sensory perception of the surrounding situation. The meaning of a word is included in the meaning of phrases. A large place is occupied by syntagmatic associations (“a cat meows”).

Second phase - assimilates the semantic connections of words that differ from each other in semantics, but have a situational, figurative connection (“house - roof”, “high - tower”). The semantic field has not yet been structurally formalized.

Third stage - concepts, processes, classifications are formed. Links are formed between words that are semantically close, which differ only in one differential semantic feature, which is manifested in the predominance of paradigmatic associations (“vegetable-tomato”, “high-low”).

N.V.Serebryakova revealed the peculiarities of vocabulary: the limited volume of the dictionary, especially the predicative one; a large number of substitutions, especially on a semantic basis, indicating the lack of formation of semantic fields, the insufficiency of highlighting the differential features of the meanings of words; ignorance or inaccurate use of many commonly used words denoting visually similar objects, parts of objects, parts of the body; replacement of semantically close words; replacement by derivational neologisms; replacement with words of the same root and words similar in articulation; a large degree of unmotivated associations.

L.V. Lopatina noted the lack of formation of most components of the functional speech system, many language processes: the poverty of the dictionary and the difficulty of updating it in expressive speech; rarely used words are replaced by others; erroneous use of generalizing words. Inadequate use of antonymic means of language is due to the lack of awareness of paradigmatic pairs, which are based on the element of negation.

The peculiarity of children with OHP lies in the fact that the quality and volume of the active vocabulary in children of this group do not correspond to the age norm. Some children replace words rarely found in speech practice with adjacent ones by association, they cannot use generalizing words. Children find it difficult to combine prepositional pictures into groups; do not cope with the task of selecting words of antonyms and epithets for objects. Multiple errors occur when performing tasks for the study of the grammatical structure of speech. Even with the help of an adult, children make a significant number of mistakes when performing tasks for changing nouns by numbers. Great difficulties are caused by assignments for agreeing adjectives with nouns and nouns with numerals in gender and number. Most children cannot complete the word formation task on their own: they need a visual model and adult help (Appendix No. 1).

In the works of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina, such lexical features are noted in the case of general underdevelopment of speech (level III):

discrepancy in the volume of active and passive vocabulary. Not knowing the names of the parts of the objects, the children replace them with the name of the object itself (“sleeve” - “shirt”), the name of the actions is replaced by words similar in situation and external signs (“hems” - “sews”); the name of the object is replaced by the name of the action (“aunt sells apples” instead of “seller”), the replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa (“chamomile” - “rose”, “bell” - “flower”). Often, correctly showing the named actions in the pictures, they are mixed in independent speech. From a number of proposed actions, children do not understand and cannot show how to darn, rip, pour, fly, jump, somersault. They do not know the names of the shades of colors: “orange”, “gray”, “blue”. Poorly distinguish the shape of objects: "round", "oval", "square", "triangular". There are few generalizing concepts in the dictionary of children, mainly toys, dishes, clothes, flowers. Antonyms are rarely used, there are practically no synonyms (they characterize the size of an object, they use only the concept: “big - small”, which replace the words: “long”, “short”, “high”, “low”, “thick”, “thin”, "wide narrow"). This causes frequent cases of violation of lexical compatibility. Insufficient orientation in the sound of the word negatively affects the assimilation of the morphological system of the native language. Children find it difficult to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes of some adjectives (“fur hat”, “clay jug”). Many mistakes are made when using prefixed verbs.

Limited vocabulary, repeated use of the same sounding words with different meanings make children's speech poor and stereotyped. Persistent errors are revealed when agreeing an adjective with a noun in gender and case; mixing the gender of nouns; errors in agreeing the numeral with nouns of all three genders (“five hands” - five hands). Errors in the use of prepositions are typical: omission, replacement, understatement.

Children with the third level of speech development use many words in an expanded and diffuse sense. There is a clear pattern in the nature of the substitutions: the replacement words are those that are most familiar in the speech practice of children.

T.V. Tumanova in her works indicates that preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, unlike their normally developing peers, experience significant difficulties in mastering primary word-formation operations. If in normally developing children the formation of skills and abilities occurs within the framework of preschool age, then in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech they turn out to be actually unformed due to the fact that there is no spontaneous mastery of sign operations at the morpheme level.

Vocabulary violations are also manifested in violations of the syllabic structure of the word: elision (truncation of a syllable, omission of a vowel sound or letter); repetitions of a word (perseveration); likening one syllable to another (anticipation); permutations of syllables; adding a syllable, vowel or letter. In the study of the lexical side of the speech of children of this category, ignorance or incorrect use of words, the inability to change and form lexemes are revealed.

Children with OHP (level III) are able to correctly pronounce sounds in isolation, but in independent speech they do not sound clear enough or are replaced by others, as a result, words are difficult to understand. It is also necessary to note the undifferentiated pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, affricates and sonorous sounds. Errors in the use of sounds, grammatical categories and vocabulary are most clearly manifested in the monologue speech of children (retelling, compiling a story based on a series of paintings in one picture, story description). A variety of errors in syllabic composition can be due to both the state of phonemic processes and the articulatory capabilities of the child. In sentences, simple prepositions (of, into, from, on, under) are used to a sufficient extent, while the use of complex prepositions is complicated due to misunderstanding. They either do not apply or are replaced by simpler ones.

Insufficient vocabulary, ignorance of shades of meaning is typical for the speech of children with ONR (level III), as a result of which errors in inflection are noted, which leads to a violation of the syntactic connection of words in sentences. Errors can also include erroneous stress in words. The described shortcomings noticeably impoverish the speech of the child. They make it obscure, "faded". The situation is more favorable with the use of pronouns of various categories, however, adverbs are rarely used in the speech of children, although many of them are familiar to them.

Thus, we can conclude that preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation of the development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental education of children in the most sensitive period of development.

The totality of the above gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure of the child's speech serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the program of the kindergarten of a general type, and later on the program of the general education school.

As the studies of many authors (T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filichev, G.V. Chirkin, L.V. Lopatin, N.V. Serebryakov) have shown, the lack of formation of word-formation operations leads, on the one hand, to inferior speech communication, on the other hand, it limits the cognitive abilities of children. Therefore, the relevance of the development of all aspects of speech, including lexical ones, into speech formation systems is one of the main tasks in the preschool period. The sooner there is a corrective effect on the child's defective speech, the more successful his further development will be.

Chapter P. Ascertaining experiment and its analysis

2.1 Organization and methodology of the study

The study of the vocabulary of children was carried out on the basis of the Municipal preschool educational institution "kindergarten of a combined type No. 321" in Krsanoyarsk. The experiment involved 20 children of senior preschool age, having the conclusion of the psychological - medical - pedagogical commission (PMPC) on the presence of general underdevelopment of speech (III level) with a different structure of speech impairment. With the aim of comparative analysis The children were divided into two groups: 10 children were included in the experimental group (EG) and 10 in the control group (CG). The average physiological age of the participants in the experiment is from 5 to 6.5 years. (Appendix No. 2).

To study the characteristics of the vocabulary of children with OHP of senior preschool age, it was necessary to establish initial contact, to get acquainted with the available documentation.

Compared with the groups where the children's speech was normal, there was certainly a sharp difference. Boys in speech groups turned out to be much more than girls. There were many defects in the children's speech. The speech itself, especially among the boys, was very loud and difficult to understand (sounds were distorted and missed in many words). Many children have been observed elevated level anxiety, self-doubt. In others, on the contrary, hyperexcitability prevailed, manifesting itself in general emotional or motor restlessness.

In the characteristics of most children, rapid fatigue, low working capacity, impaired attention and memory, inability to regulate their emotional activity, poorly developed general and fine motor skills. After analyzing the speech cards of the children of these groups, we can conclude that almost all children have impaired sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure are not formed, coherent speech is poorly developed.

In the study of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the III level, the technique of T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina was used. Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of these children, this technique was adapted for older preschoolers, the volume and content of tasks were reduced, visual material and game techniques were widely used. It allows you to solve the following tasks:

- to identify the features of the development of the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age (OHP level III);

Track the individual characteristics of the word formation of each child;

Take into account the results of diagnostics to select the direction of further corrective work.

When choosing a set of exercises, the following principles were used:

The methodology should be presented to children in a certain system and sequence;

When diagnosing, visualization and game techniques should be used.

The following were used in the study:

- survey method, mainly in the form of a conversation (this is a question-answer research method). This method was used to study the state of the word change skill of the subjects, they had to give a definite answer to the question asked for each task;

Explanation (interpretation of individual concepts, phenomena, rules, the content of visual aids and the rules for their use, as well as words and terms). This method was used to clarify tasks during the experimental work;

Visual method (the essence of this method was that the children were asked to consider reference pictures for the corresponding task);

Game method (tasks were carried out in game form to arouse interest among the subjects, for example, when choosing synonyms and antonyms - “Say it differently”, “Say it the other way around”).

The methodology for studying the vocabulary of children with general underdevelopment of speech ( III level)

I . Passive Vocabulary Research

Target: determine the volume of the passive vocabulary.

Material for research: plot and subject pictures.

Criteria for evaluation:

II . Active vocabulary exploration

Target: Determine the size of the active dictionary.

Material for research: subject, plot pictures.

Criteria for evaluation:

4 points - the whole task was completed correctly.

3 points - the task is completed within 75%.

2 points - task completed within 50%

1 point - task completed within 25%

About points - the task is not completed.

The maximum score for the task is 4 points.

III . The study of the semantic structure of the word

one). Selection of synonyms for words.

Material for research: words of various parts of speech, pictures.

2). Selection of antonyms for words.

Material for research: words of different parts of speech.

Criteria for evaluation(for all tasks):

4 points - all tasks are completed correctly.

3 points - tasks completed within 75%.

2 points - tasks completed within 50%

1 point - tasks completed within about 25%

About points - tasks are completed within 10% or not completed

The maximum score for the four sections of tasks is 8 points.

IV . The study of word formation

one). Education is a diminutive affectionate words.

Material for research: subject pictures.

2). Formation of relative, possessive, qualitative adjectives.

Relative adjectives Quality adjectives Possessive adjectives
Instruction: "If the object is made of ....., then what is it?" Instruction day, for example, is it hot? Instruction: “How to tell whose body parts animals have?”
speech material children's answer speech material children's answer speech material ear nose paw
rubber ball stuffy Cat
mushroom soup the sun shines A fox
Raspberry jam warmly Hare
Wooden table freezing a lion
paper house rain Wolf
Leather jacket hot Bear
metal spoon Mainly cloudy Dog

Material for examination: words, phrases, subject pictures of animals.

Criteria for evaluation(for all tasks):

4 points - all word-formation tasks were completed independently.

3 points - tasks on word formation were completed within 75%, the presence of self-correction.

2 points - tasks on word formation are completed within 50%, after stimulating help.

1 point - tasks are completed correctly within 25%, after stimulating assistance. Most answers are a misformed form.

О points - tasks completed within 10% or not completed, refusal to complete the task

The maximum score for the four sections of tasks is 16 points.

V . The study of inflection

Material for research: subject pictures.

Criteria for evaluation:

4 points - the whole task was completed correctly.

3 points - the task is completed within 75%.

2 points - task completed within 50%

1 point - task completed within 25%

About points - the task is not completed.

The maximum score for the four sections of tasks is 4 points.

The maximum score scored for all dictionary research tasks is 36 points.

2.2 Analysis of the results of the study of the vocabulary of six-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained during the examination of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with OHP (level III), it was found that not one of the subjects could cope correctly with all diagnostic tasks without errors.

A qualitative analysis of the passive vocabulary of preschoolers in both groups revealed a number of errors typical of children with speech underdevelopment:

Replacing the names of objects that are outwardly similar to each other: morning - evening, Spring - autumn, blue - blue;

ignorance of parts of objects: eyelashes - brows.

When examining the active dictionary, the following types of errors were made:

Replacing the names of objects that are outwardly similar to each other: goose -duck, fly - mosquito;

Replacing the name of the actions with other, semantically close actions: the horse gallops - the horse is running;

Replacing the name of the item with a broader meaning: pike -fish.

In the study of the semantic structure, a qualitative analysis of the results reveals that in children with general underdevelopment of speech (III level), a number of features were noted when selecting synonyms for words, the most common of which include:

Formation of synonyms by attaching a particle not: joyful - not sad, huge - not small;

Cases when children used words that have a very broad meaning: joyful - happy joyful - good, automobile - transport, doctor - doctors;

the use of semantic substitutions based on insufficient differentiation of situational communication or replacement of parts of speech: in a hurry - late, in a hurry - running, in a hurry - fast.

formation of neologisms: joyful - smiling.

A qualitative analysis of the results makes it possible to identify certain difficulties in the subjects in the selection of antonyms for words:

Naming the original word with negation: grief - no grief speak - don't speak fast - not fast;

Semantic substitutions based on insufficient differentiation of situational connection: to speak - scream, speak - whisper, cold - winter, cold - warm.

Naming words-synonyms: speak - speak, fast - instant.

In the study of word formation, a qualitative analysis reveals a number of errors in the formation of diminutive words:

Formation of neologisms: sheet - leaf, mushroom - mushroom, sun - sun.

Replacing the name of an object with others that are outwardly similar: a blanket - handkerchief;

The use of semantic substitutions based on the phonetic proximity of sounds: mug - circle.

In the formation of relative, possessive, qualitative adjectives in children with speech pathology, the following errors were identified:

Formation of neologisms: mushroom soup - soup mushroom, mushroom, metal spoon - metal spoon, fox ear - fox, fox ear, bear's tail bear, bear, bear's tail, cat's paw cat's, cat's, cat's paw, lion tail - lion, left tail, if it's cold during the day cold day, if the day is warm - aunt's day etc.

The use of semantic substitutions based on insufficient differentiation of situational connection: leather jacket - fur, fluffy jacket, rubber ball - soft ball, raspberry jam - berry, red jam, if the day is warm - summer day, hot, instead of "warm", if it is cloudy during the day - bad day, instead of "cloudy", etc.

In the study of inflection, most of the errors were of the following nature:

Ignorance of the parts of a whole object: a chair without a back - without a piece of wood, without a handle, without a thing, without a stick, without a leg, rooster without a comb - without this little thing, without a neck, without such a figurine, without that one;

Replacing the name of the actions with other, semantically close actions: flowers grow - flowers bloom, flowers grow, flowers bloom, flowers open, flowers bloom; boats are sailing boats are floating.

Analysis of the results of the study of the vocabulary of the experimental group

Ilya B. When examining the vocabulary of the boy, motor disinhibition and unstable attention were observed. He practically did not think about the answers, performing tasks, he started a conversation on abstract topics. When presented with plot pictures, he began to get confused in indicating autumn (showed spring), confused morning with evening, showed eyebrows instead of eyelashes, pointed to blue instead of blue. In the study of the active dictionary, Alyosha called the pike simply a fish, the goose - a bird, and the fly - midge. When listing adjectives, Alyosha needed additional help, because to the question “What kind of snow does it feel like?”, he still answered that the snow was white. In the selection of antonyms, I did not find a pair for words (enemy, night, speak), in the selection of synonyms, similarly, I experienced difficulties. In the study of word formation, word creation flourished in a boy (mushroom, blanket, sun, leaf, hornbeam), not to mention the formation of incorrect semantic connections: a leather jacket - fur jacket, raspberry jam - red jam, cat's paw cat paw, bear's ear bear. There were errors in the inflection task (a rooster without a comb - without such a figurine, blue bucket - blue, boats are sailing swim). As a result, Alyosha scored 22 points for all tasks.

Kirill.G. Many tasks completed with two or three errors. Particular difficulties were observed in the selection of synonyms (I could not find a pair for the words: huge, look, in a hurry) and antonyms (difficulty in the selection of opposite verbs - raise, speak, grief). In the study of word formation, the task with the formation of possessive adjectives caused the greatest difficulties. (squirrel's ear, wolf's tail, bear's tail, fox's ear etc.). In inflection, instead of "flowers grow" he answered - "flowers grow". Denis scored 25 points for completing all tasks.

Anton L. He performed tasks quickly, and he was sure of the answers, even if they were wrong. Minor mistakes were made in the study of the active and passive vocabulary, but the boy had serious difficulties in the selection of antonyms and synonyms. To many of them, he could not find the right answer: grief -success(joy), cold - chill(warm), light - easy(heavy), in a hurry - running(in a hurry), etc. When diminutive words were formed, the accent, ending, suffix were incorrectly placed: truck - truck, mug - mug, ring - ringlet, a fox - fox. In the formation of adjectives, the boy is not familiar with the concepts of the words "stuffy, cloudy", so he could not form words with them. Mistakes were made in the formation of possessive adjectives (hare's ear, bear's tail, dog's ear, white tail etc.). Arthur received 22 points for completed tasks.

Arseny M. He was unsure of the answers, he was waiting for a hint or the speech therapist's approval. In the study of the active and passive vocabulary, he made small mistakes. The incorrect selection of synonyms consisted in the following answers: look - peek, automobile - Technics, joyful - good etc. In the selection of antonyms, Dima often used the particle not(the enemy is not the enemy). In the study of word formation, the most difficult task was the formation of possessive adjectives. To one question, he gave several, but incorrect answers: the fox's paw - Lisitsyna, Lisichkina, lion tail - lion, left. There were fewer mistakes in inflection (blue bucket - blue, flowers are growing bloom, backless chair - without wood). The result of the completed tasks is 20 points.

Vlad N. In the study of the passive dictionary, Igor made one minor mistake: instead of depicting the morning, he pointed to the evening. The boy's active vocabulary is less developed: the horse - running around(jumps), ball - football(round), hedgehog - round(barbed). In the selection of synonyms and antonyms, Igor made many mistakes, using the particle not in words (fast - not fast), made the wrong choice of words (huge - tall, kids - boys). When word formation used words that are not available in the vocabulary (mushroom soup, blanket, jacket, rainy day, bear nose, wolf tail etc.) In the assignment for inflection, I forgot the name top part rooster's head. As a result, Igor received 23 points for all tasks.

Denis S. He performed tasks very slowly, uncertainly. In tasks on the study of active and passive vocabulary, he made several minor mistakes. The games “Say the other way around” and “Say it differently” seemed difficult to him, since he thought about each answer for a long time and, despite this, made mistakes: night - evening(day), doctor - nurse(doctor), children - kids(guys). In the study of word formation, Vlad gave many incorrect answers, especially in the formation of possessive adjectives (cat ear, lion paw, squirrel tail etc.) The study on inflection was not without errors, incorrectly changed verbs by numbers (butterfly flies - butterflies flies). And so, according to the assignments, Vlad received 21 points.

Alyosha S. In tasks for the study of the passive and active vocabulary, in the passive dictionary he made fewer mistakes. In the selection of synonyms and antonyms, he experienced difficulties, did not find the right words, made mistakes (the enemy is bad(friend), easy - difficult(heavy), talk - don't speak(to be silent), etc.). Mistakes were made in the formation of diminutive words: truck - typewriter(truck), sheet - leaflet(leaf), mug - mug(cup). In the formation of adjectives, it was more difficult to give qualitative and possessive adjectives: it's hot in the day - warm day(hot), cloudy during the day - bad day(cloudy), wolf's ear - wolf ear, squirrel paw - squirrel's paw and others. In inflection, I forgot the name of the upper part of the chair (back), made inaccuracies in the name of the color of the object. Andrey scored 21 points for completing the task.

Kostya T. During the study, she behaved stiffly, uncertainly, answered after much thought. In the examination of the passive vocabulary, instead of "blue", she indicated "blue", in the check of the active one she answered that horse running(jumping) the caterpillar is moving(crawls). The following mistakes were made in the selection of antonyms and synonyms: quick - instant(slow), raise - Don't know(lower), speak - whisper(silence), huge - thick(large), etc. In the study of word formation, Nadia had incorrect answers (truck - weight, a blanket - bed, mug - mug, mushroom soup - mushroom, rubber ball - soft, if the day is stuffy - fragrant day, squirrel ear - squirrel ear etc.) Nadya got 23 points for the answers to the assignments.

Daniel F. A timid boy with a quiet, uncertain voice. I thought about the answers for a very long time, half of them were either wrong or “I don’t know” (in the formation of quality adjectives, he didn’t know what day it was if it was hot in the day, in the formation of relative ones he didn’t know the name of mushroom soup, in the formation of possessive did not know how to name the body parts of animals.). In the study of the passive and active vocabulary, he answered hesitantly, but there were few mistakes (he could not find a square object, he confused autumn with spring, he showed morning in images of day and evening, etc.). There were mistakes in the assignment for inflection (flowers grow - bloom, backless chair - no legs). As a result, Andrei scored 21 points for all tasks.

Ivan Yu. During the study, he behaved uninhibitedly, showed hyperactivity, was distracted by extraneous matters, and laughed for no particular reason. As a result, Alyosha got more mistakes than correct answers. Most of them manifested themselves in the formation of antonyms (woe - no grief enemy - German, speak - yell) and synonyms (look - peep, automobile - jeep, huge - healthy), in word formation (mushroom soup - mushroom, wooden table - solid, glass glass - transparent, leather jacket - kozheva). There were fewer errors in the inflection task (a rooster without a comb - no neck, backless chair - without stuff). Alyosha got 21 points for correct answers. These studies are presented in Appendix No. 3.

Analysis of the results of the study of the vocabulary of the control group of children

Daniel D. Calm, modest boy with a quiet voice. In tasks for the study of the dictionary, he made many mistakes in the selection of synonyms and antonyms, in the formation of relative and possessive adjectives (woe - sadness(joy), cold - warm(hot), leather jacket - fluffy Jacket, raspberry jam - berry jam, cat's paw cat paw, lion tail - lion's tail and etc.). Made mistakes in the inflection task (flowers grow -reveal, boats are sailing swim). Dima earned 22 points for completing tasks.

Dasha I. Insecure, slow girl. With the task of studying the passive dictionary, she coped with minor errors, she began to make a little more mistakes in checking the active dictionary, especially in listing adjectives (blue, cold, square). Compared with the selection of synonyms, it turned out to be more difficult to find suitable antonyms for Polina: to say - do not shout, easy - thick, fast - not fast. In tasks for word formation and inflection, a large number of mistakes were made in the formation of possessive adjectives. (honeyed ear, Zaitsev's paw). As a result of the study, Polina earned 20 points.

Nikita I. Calm, diligent boy. The study of the passive and active vocabulary was carried out, making mistakes in temporal concepts, in the designation of color shades, in the name of the fish. In the games “Say the other way around”, “Say it differently”, he could not understand the meaning in any way, therefore he gave out ridiculous answers in the selection of antonyms (woe - resentment lift up - crane, speak - quiet) and synonyms (huge - thick). Compared to the possessive adjectives, in which the parts of the body of the fox and the wolf were correctly named (the rest are incorrect), there were fewer errors in the formation of quality adjectives. In the inflection task, he incorrectly changed verbs by numbers (instead of "butterflies fly" - butterflies fly). For completed tasks, Nikita received 21 points.

Anya M. A modest, shy boy with a quiet voice. In the study of the passive and active vocabulary, I made a few mistakes. In the selection of antonyms and synonyms, he named words with a particle not(woe - no grief) but was close to correct answers (bad - good, joyful - laughable). The most difficult task for him was the task of forming possessive adjectives, where many mistakes were made. (hare tail, hare ear, hare paw, lion ear, bear paw, squirrel ear.). There were errors in the assignment for inflection (rooster without hump(scallop), chair without handle(without back). As a result, Sasha received 20 points.

Artem M. I remember this child for his activity, his desire to play with words. Throughout the study, the girl made minor mistakes. In the most difficult possessive adjective task for most children, she could not give the correct answers, listing the body parts of a squirrel, a lion and a bear. Small difficulties arose in the selection of synonyms and antonyms: far - next to me(close), bad - best(good), fighter- soldier(warrior), in a hurry - fast(in a hurry). In tasks for the study of passive and active vocabulary, incorrect answers are mainly associated with the use of adjectives in phrases. The result of Dasha's examination is 24 points.

Igor N. The girl was observed motor disinhibition. Nastya completed the assignments for studying the active and passive vocabulary with minor errors. The selection of antonyms and synonyms turned out to be difficult for Nastya (in a hurry -mother, huge - house), therefore, additional clarifications of each word were initially needed. In the formation of diminutive - caressing words, few mistakes were made: truck- weight, a blanket - blanket, mug - cup. What cannot be said about the formation of adjectives (especially possessive ones), where such errors were made, for example, fur jacket(leather), summer day(warm), squirrel ear(belchye), etc. In the assignment for inflection, I forgot the name of the upper part of the rooster's head (comb). Nastya received 20 points for completing tasks.

Nadia P. A shy, insecure girl. Her answers were weak and hesitant. In the study of the active dictionary, Dasha made more mistakes than the passive one, she called adjectives for images in the picture very badly. The selection of synonyms and antonyms for her also turned out to be not an easy task, she had to repeatedly explain and repeat the essence of the tasks (a car - kamazik, look - book, lift up - high etc.). Things progressed a little easier in the word formation of relative and qualitative adjectives. Dasha did not cope with the task of forming high-quality adjectives, naming only one word correctly - dog paws. The result of Dasha's work is 18 points.

Alyosha P. In the study of passive and active vocabulary, most mistakes were made in the use of adjectives. In the study of the selection of synonyms and antonyms, Alyosha could not choose the correct antonyms for the words "raise", "speak", "light" and synonyms for the words "huge", "joyful", "in a hurry". In the study of word formation, difficulties arose in the formation of possessive adjectives: dog's paw, bear's ear, bunny's tail etc. In the inflection task, he incorrectly named parts of the whole subject (the boy writes with his hand(handle) chair without a thing(without backrest) Alyosha's final score is 24 points.

Sasha T. Unbalanced, arrogant, distracted by extraneous matters and topics boy. The study of the passive and active vocabulary showed that Nazar is poorly oriented in time space (parts of the day, seasons), incorrectly names adjectives. According to the games “Say the other way around”, “Say it differently”, it can be noted that he understood the meaning of the tasks. But he made mistakes due to the poverty of the vocabulary (easy - difficult, cold - not cold, lift up - throw). In the task for word formation, Nazar used neologisms: leather jacket(leather), iron spoon(metal), gloomy day(cloudy) lion's paw(lion), bear's ear(bearish), etc. When inflecting, peculiar answers were offered (a chair without something - chair without stick(backless), the girl dreams of something - girl dreaming of a prince(about the dress). The result of the completed tasks is 21 points.

Dasha I. According to the first two tasks, we can conclude that the passive vocabulary is developed more than the active one. Of the proposed games, Dasha liked the game “Say the opposite” more, since words with the opposite meaning were selected more easily than words with the same meaning. In the selection of synonyms, she made the following mistakes: doctor - Aibolit(doctor), in a hurry- makes fast(in a hurry), etc. The task for word formation caused the girl to laugh, rather because of the realization that the answers were incorrect: mushroom soup, raspberry jam, metal spoon, windy day, rainy day etc. For all completed tasks, Dasha received 23 points. These studies are presented in Appendix No. 4.

A quantitative analysis of the data obtained during the study revealed that preschoolers in both groups coped with the tasks almost equally. Children in the control group total amount scored 219 points, the children of the experimental group - 213 points.

Summing up the results of the ascertaining experiment aimed at studying the vocabulary of children with OHP (III level) of senior preschool age, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. In older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, a discrepancy was revealed in the volume of active and passive vocabulary; in some children, the active vocabulary is developed somewhat worse than the passive one. In the vocabulary of children, nouns and verbs predominate, the use of words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions is underdeveloped.

2. The study revealed numerous specific errors in the establishment of synonymous and antonymic relationships.

3. The results of the study showed that the features of mastering the lexical system by preschoolers are closely related and cause violations of the processes of analysis, synthesis and generalization of individual language units.

4. Most of the children did not cope with the task of word formation: they needed good example or help from an adult. Preschoolers with OHP (III level) experienced significant difficulties in mastering primary word-formation operations, especially in the formation of possessive adjectives. Their skills and abilities in word formation turned out to be practically unformed due to the fact that there was no spontaneous mastery of sign operations at the morpheme level.

Based on the conclusions made, it can be said that the process of forming a lexical system in older preschoolers with OHP (level III) cannot develop independently, this requires systematic phased corrective work.

Chapter III . The content of correctional work aimed at developing the vocabulary of six-year-old children with OHP III level

3.1 Theoretical foundations of the formative experiment

In the process of organizing the formative experiment, we relied on the following principles:

The principle of nurturing education. A properly organized correctional learning process has an impact on the formation of the personality as a whole. In the course of correctional work, arbitrariness of behavior is developed, mental processes develop (attention, memory, logical thinking), enrichment of the vocabulary and development of speech of preschoolers;

development principle. The principle of development requires the orientation of the developed complex to the potential capabilities of the child. With the help of the results of the ascertaining experiment, we learned the characteristics of the vocabulary of children with OHP (level III), revealed which exercises they easily manage to perform and which they do not. With the help of the formative - we tried to improve the result of the existing skills of children in the formation of a dictionary;

The principle of visibility. When using visualization, the fact was used that memorizing a number of objects presented in kind or depicted in an illustration is better, easier and faster than memorizing the same series orally. In addition, visibility facilitates the understanding of the task and increases its interest. In carrying out the formative experiment, we used plot and subject pictures, natural objects and toys;

The principle of consistency of strength. The use of this principle provided for the repeated repetition of acquired skills and knowledge on the development of the vocabulary in various forms, in activities of various nature (through exercises, games, in the classroom, on a walk, in the free activities of children);

The principle of individuality and differentiation. In correctional work, various types of joint activities of an adult and a child were used. The work aimed at developing the vocabulary of older preschool children was carried out individually, in small subgroups (triples, pairs) and frontally (with the whole group). Individual activity was carried out in a pair of "adult + child". The union "child + child" also showed effective results. Different conditions were used to create this pair: when a “stronger” child helps, instructs a weak one; when there is a competitive nature between children with equal abilities;

The principle of consciousness and activity. The practical implementation of this principle was carried out in the fact that when applying a set of corrective exercises, it was important to provide children with an understanding of the meaning of each word, phrase, sentence; to uncover lexical meaning, based on the experience of preschoolers, using a variety of comparisons, visualization. So that when performing the exercise, the child clearly understands what, why and how to do it, and not do it mechanically, without first realizing the goal. Conscious assimilation of the material is possible only under the condition of the active work of children.

Various methods were used in using the compiled set of corrective exercises aimed at developing the vocabulary of older preschool children with OHP (level III).

- Visual. As visual methods, we used observation (for example, comparative observation was used in the selection of antonyms) and demonstration of visual aids.

- Practical. The leading practical method was the exercise. In the application of the exercises, some rules were taken into account (set a learning task for the children, tell them what they have to do; show a sample of the exercise; remember that the exercise needs to be encouraged and controlled by an adult, otherwise erroneous techniques, distortions in knowledge may be fixed).

Gaming. The advantage of game methods and techniques was that they aroused increased interest in children, positive emotions, helped to focus on learning task, which became not imposed from the outside, but a desired personal goal.

Verbal. Conversation and reading of works of various genres were used as verbal methods, which were combined with visual, playful and practical ones.

Taking into account the main shortcomings of the lexical side of the speech of children with ONR (III level), the system of correctional work was based on solving the following tasks:

Vocabulary enrichment, i.e. the assimilation of new words previously unknown to children, as well as new meanings of those words that were already in the vocabulary. To successfully master the vocabulary, a child of senior preschool age must add 2-3 new words to the dictionary every day.

Dictionary activation, i.e. transfer as many words as possible from the passive dictionary to the active one.

Dictionary refinement includes:

a) mastering the lexical compatibility of words;

b) clarification of the meanings of words by inclusion in the context, comparison of words (synonyms) that are close in meaning and opposition (antonyms).

3.2 Formative experiment aimed at the development of vocabulary in older preschoolers with OHP III level

For the convenience of conducting a formative experiment with the participants of the experimental group, a long-term plan was developed:

1.Create a correctional - developing environment. Develop a set of games and exercises for the development and enrichment of children's vocabulary.

For this purpose, in addition to the existing, illustrative, graphic and game material was purchased and made:

Subject pictures depicting various features of objects (color, shape, size);

Plot pictures depicting actions;

A collection of objects for review and examination by color, shape, size, constituent parts, by texture (to the touch);

Dummies, toys, subject pictures according to lexical and thematic cycles;

Card file of games and game exercises to activate vocabulary and word formation;

Various curly classifiers: vase (flowers), basket (fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries), etc.

Technical teaching aids (children's computer, audio recordings, etc.). For example, using the Lozanov method.

The representative of one of the Bulgarian schools, G. Lozanov, believes that properly organized (suggestive) learning is accompanied by the absence of fatigue, provides for relaxed concentration, because stress is very tiring and consumes the child’s energy (Suggestive hypermnesia is increased memorability through suggestion in the waking state.) The method is of interest to speech therapists in the process of frontal classes, because suggestive learning reveals hidden memory reserves. Important condition: unconscious process of memorization at the moment of calm subject-play activity, repeated repetition; the text recorded on the tape recorder is played back for 20 minutes 2 times a day (1 month) during the free games of children. The method is simple, physiological, can be applied everywhere, it is enough to change the text and the time of memorizing the record (for example, the gradual formation of vocabulary).

2. Introduce the developed set of exercises into the classes of teachers, into individual work with children, during the regime moments of children (for example, during a walk, you can play a lot of games for the development of the vocabulary).

3. Involve teachers and parents in cooperation, as it has been proven that the success of correctional work is largely determined by an agreed purposeful work speech pathologist, educators and parents.

a) Offer teachers and parents to diversify the leisure time of children.

b) Arrange an information corner for parents.

From the book for dads, moms, grandparents L.B. Fesyukova “From three to seven” (We develop a child’s beautiful oral speech.), Articles with recommendations were offered, theoretical material, games, literary works for the development and enrichment of the child's vocabulary.

For the development of the vocabulary of senior preschoolers with OHP (III level), the correctional work that was carried out in the system for 2 months included various tasks that contribute to the development of attention to the word, to its various shades and meanings, forming their ability to select that word, which best suits the situation.

The selection of games and exercises was carried out with increasing complexity, since the game is the main activity of a preschool child, through it he learns the world, masters the native language, and a correctly and interestingly organized game contributes not only to the development and correction of speech, but also to the development of the personality as a whole.

A set of corrective and developmental exercises on the development of vocabulary in children of senior preschool age consists of several sections

1. Development of passive and active vocabulary Board games. "Lotto", "Domino", "Paired pictures", "Cubes". Purpose: expansion of the subject vocabulary, development of logical thinking.

One of effective ways enrichment of children's vocabulary are board games (bingo, dominoes, paired pictures, cubes). During the game, the rules were explained to the children. During the game (for example, with split pictures), at first whole sample pictures were considered, it was clarified: “What is drawn in the picture?”, “How can you call them in one word?”, “Where do fruits grow?”, “What can be made from fruits ? After clarification, there was an explanation: “Here are small pictures in front of you, each one shows only a part of the fruit, you must add up the whole picture, each with your own. Remember what color the plum is, what leaves it has, and select the necessary pictures. By the same principle, children collected pictures from cubes.

A game « Great bag"

Purpose: expansion of the subject dictionary, in the process of expanding the dictionary, pay attention to the correct grammatical design of words.

Placed in a bag miscellaneous items(toys, vegetables, fruits, etc.). The child put his hand into it and, without pulling out the object, determined and named what he felt by touch. Having pulled out an object, he said, for example, about a ball: “This is a ball. It is blue with a white stripe, rubber, round. They can be played with a friend or thrown on the floor.

A game "What's wrong?"

Purpose: to expand the subject vocabulary, paying special attention to words denoting generalized concepts, to develop auditory attention.

The children were given instructions: “Listen carefully, do I name domestic animals correctly: a cow, a horse, a squirrel, a dog, a chicken, a crow, a hare?” Preschoolers corrected mistakes. This game has adapted to all the topics studied.

A game "Lost and found" or "Find by description".

Purpose: to replenish the passive vocabulary of children with words-signs, to teach to notice the leading signs of objects.

Children were told, for example: "You have lost a red round object made of rubber." Preschoolers recognized the object by description, memorizing not only the name of the object, but also its features.

A game "Memorina"

Purpose: enrichment and activation of vocabulary; development of memory, auditory attention, thought processes, the communicative function of children.

Note: pictures in the game can be both subject and plot, identical or similar, differing in some elements.

The principle of the game is simple: the child had to find pairs of identical OR similar objects (or plots) from the given 8-16 cards (depending on the age and development of the child). The cards were laid out on the table, turned upside down, which just created the effect of surprise. Players take turns opening two cards one after the other. If the pictures turned out to be different, then the cards were again turned face down. If the pictures turned out to be the same (or similar), then the one who opened them received a chip. The task was set: to try to remember the images and not open the same card 2 times. At the end of the game, after counting the chips, the winner was determined. Small children took turns walking, and older children were given the right to an additional move, to the one who found a pair. This increased attention and interest in the game.

If at the beginning of the game the child was asked to find and name two identical fruits, then at the stage of consolidation he already found two similar fruits. Or they were given a task on the topic “Vegetables” to find two such halves that would make up a whole. Opening the pictures, the child said: “This is half a carrot, and this is half a cucumber. Various vegetables.

When working on the topic "Clothes", other pairs of pictures were used, on the topic of dishes the following.

Not only subject but also plot pictures were used. So, on the topic “Winter Fun”, the children, opening the cards, made sentences (The girl is skiing. The boy is babbling a snowman.) developing a verb dictionary, and then, having selected 6 different pictures, they made up a story.

A game "Confusion".

Purpose: to expand the subject vocabulary, paying special attention to words denoting generalized concepts; fix the names of parts of a whole object.

Children were given envelopes with details from different types clothes. They changed with each other and folded their clothes. The game has been adapted to other lexical topics.

An exercise "Show me where it's drawn ... ?»

Purpose: to develop a passive vocabulary.

Children are offered subject pictures and plot pictures.

ball tree

mug pyramid

handle saucer

glass pencil

book chair

An option was provided to complicate the game, when the child had to show objects that were not in sight, for example, a forehead, nose, window. He had to find them in the environment and name them.

An exercise "Choose the right word"

Purpose: to develop an active vocabulary of children, to learn to select suitable words for the named definitions.

Wet; heavy; glad.

Shines __________________; writes; hanging.

An exercise "Who's screaming"

Purpose: to clarify the names of animal actions.

cat - grasshopper meows - chirps

horse - cow neighs - lows

chicken - cackle dog - bark

rooster - dove crows - cooing

An exercise "Remember and Name"

Purpose: to develop an active vocabulary of children.

Children were shown pictures of fruits in a certain order (no more than 5). Then the pictures were removed. Children recreated what they saw in the right sequence: lemon, grapes, orange, pear, apple.

An exercise "Part - Whole"

Purpose: to expand the subject dictionary, fix the names of parts of a whole object or object.

The children were called parts of an object or an object, and they guessed what object they were talking about and named it. For example: Trunk, branches, branches - a tree.

Backrest, legs, seat - chair. Wings, beak, tail - a bird.

An exercise "What is it?"

Purpose: to expand the subject vocabulary, paying special attention to words denoting generalized concepts.

The children were asked to complete the sentence, and then, after the adult, repeat it in full.

Birch, aspen, oak are ... Chamomile, cornflower, forget-me-not are ... Mosquito, grasshopper, beetle are ... Hare, fox, wolf are ... Cuckoo, owl, eagle are ...

An exercise "Which?" Purpose: development of a vocabulary of features.

The children were asked to choose adjectives for the word forest (large, green, beautiful, dense, rich, quiet, mysterious, pine, dark, winter, dense). Whoever was the last of the children to correctly select the word (adjective) won.

An exercise "Bench right"

Purpose: development of the verb vocabulary.

car (drive) hare (jump)

plane (fly) horse (jump)

ship (sail) caterpillar (crawl)

An exercise "Fix the mistake"

Purpose: development of the verbal dictionary, logical thinking. The cook treats, and the doctor prepares. The painter paints and the painter paints. The pilot drives, and the driver flies, etc.

An exercise "Snowball"

Purpose: development of an active vocabulary, consolidation of "new" words by applying them in coherent speech.

The children were asked to compose phrases, sentences, and a story with “new” words.

2. Assimilation of the meanings of words by including in the context of comparison of words (synonyms) that are close in meaning, opposition (antonyms)

A game "Say Different" (with a magic wand).

Purpose: to introduce into the speech of children synonyms of different parts of speech.

The children stood in a circle and, answering, passed the magic wand to each other.

Fight - battle, battle.

Storm - hurricane, storm.

Doctor is a doctor.

Children - children, guys.

Cold - cold, frost.

Polite - kind.

Dense - thick, deaf.

Hot - sultry, hot.

Interesting - entertaining, captivating.

Wet - damp, damp.

Elderly - old, decrepit.

A game "Who will say otherwise?" (with a ball).

Purpose: to teach children to understand and memorize synonyms for words.

The children were offered a word, the child who found a synonym for it was given a ball. This child gave the ball to the next one who correctly chose the word. All children wanted to be with the ball in their hands, so the children tried to quickly find the right word (synonym). Run - rush, rush. Worry - Worry, Worry. Fight - fight, fight, fight. To be afraid - to be frightened, to be afraid, to be shy. To grieve - to be sad, to be sad. To gaze - to admire, to stare.

A game "Stubborn Children"

The children were told that they suddenly became stubborn and had to say the opposite. For example, if they hear the word "opened", they should say "closed".

departed - arrived departed - flew in

drove in - moved out took off - landed

left - drove off drove off - rolled

swam - swam - swam - swam

A game "Say the opposite"

Purpose: to teach to understand and select words with the opposite meaning.

The adult uttered a phrase with an epithet, the child repeated it, naming the antonym of the epithet. For example, an adult said: “I see high house". The child answered: "I see a low house." (I have a sharp knife. - I have a dull knife).

An exercise "Guess the word" The formation of antonyms.

Purpose: to teach children to select adjectives with the opposite meaning.

The children were asked to complete the sentence and then repeat it in full. The oak is large, and the rowan ...

The pine is tall, and the bush...

The bee flies and the caterpillar...

The road is wide and the path...

The honey agaric is edible, and the fly agaric ...

An exercise "Pick the right one"

Purpose: to develop a passive vocabulary of children, clarify the meanings of words with the help of synonyms; develop the ability to select the appropriate word for the phrase.

Sample: Dense fog. Dense forest.

Dense, dense (forest, fog); Old, elderly (man, couple);

Brown, hazel (suit, eyes); Swarthy, dark (face, hair);

Hot, sultry (tea, air).

3. Development of word formation

A game "Call me affectionately

Purpose: to teach children to form nouns with an affectionate meaning.

braid - bag - hat -

A game "Big small"

Purpose: to teach children to form nouns with a diminutive and affectionate meaning.

castle - ball -

chair - hare -

key - apple -

son - orange -

bell - banana -

A game "Kuzovok"

Purpose: to develop interest in the game, to teach children to form nouns with an affectionate meaning.

The children were told: "Here is the box (points to the basket), put everything that is on it - ok." Preschoolers picked up words on - ok. The one who called the most words (lump, tower, etc.) won.

An exercise « What shall we cook?"

From an apple - apple jam;

From a banana - banana jam;

From lemon - lemon juice;

From a pear - pear compote;

From raspberries - raspberry jam;

From mushrooms - mushroom soup, etc.

An exercise "Which?"

Purpose: to teach children to form high-quality adjectives. The cucumber is green, and the tomato (what?) ...

The chair is low, and the table (what?) ...

The elephant is big, and the ant (what?)...

An exercise "What of what?"

Purpose: to teach children to form relative adjectives from nouns.

from straw -

wool -

from fur -

from clay -

from glass-

from cardboard

from paper-

from the snow

from metal

from iron

An exercise "Whose tail? » (Whose paw. Whose ear.)

Purpose: to teach children to form possessive adjectives from nouns.

at the whale - at the wolf -

at the badger - at the squirrel -

at the cat - at the duck -

at the lion - at the cat -

at the goose - at the fox -

at the rooster - at the dog -

An exercise "Say the word"

Purpose: to teach children to form nouns and adjectives in different ways.

Poems were read to the children (by I. Lapukhin), and they guessed with what words similar to the word “house” they should finish every second line.

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf

He built in the forest ... (house).

Nearby lived a smaller gnome

Under the bush, he made ... (house).

The smallest gnome

Folded under the mushroom ... (house).

Old, wise dwarf - dwarf

He built a big ... (house).

He was old and he was gray

And he was big ... (homebody).

And behind the stove behind the pipe He lived with a gnome ... (brownie).

Very strict, business-like, Neat, ... (domestic).

Moss, viburnum, St. John's wort -

He carried everything from the forest ... (home).

He loved yesterday's soup

He drank only kvass ... (homemade).

Every day the neighbors are gnomes

Visited grandfather ... (at home).

Everyone was greeted cordially by a dwarf,

Everyone loved this ... (house).

The set of exercises can include literary works different genres: sayings, proverbs, poems, riddles, fairy tales.

4. Mastering the lexical combination of words

An exercise "Remember and change the word according to the model"

Purpose: to learn to change nouns by numbers.

notebook notebook notebooks

An exercise "One is Many"

Purpose: to teach children to form the plural of nouns and use them correctly in a sentence.

This is a lemon, and this is ... .. lemons.

This is a pear, and this is .... pears.

This is an apple, and this is ... .. apples.

An exercise "What colour"

Purpose: to learn to correctly coordinate the name of the subject with the name of the feature. Sample: red apple.

Apple, T-shirt, flag, ball, towel, plate.

3.3 Control experiment and its analysis

At the end of the formative experiment, a second study of the vocabulary of children in the control and experimental groups was carried out. Similar tasks described in Section 2.1 were used as a diagnostic technique. Their content has been updated like speech material, but the essence of the tasks remained the same.

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained during the control experiment, it was revealed that the children of both groups made mistakes, but the experimental group made them less than the control group.

A qualitative analysis of the passive and active vocabulary of preschoolers revealed that most of the errors are associated with the use of adjectives. Children do not know the shades of colors well (for some cherry, red and orange - it's pink). In the answers of the children "wolf" - brown, black, hungry, angry and only then "gray". Preschoolers were confused when determining the geometric shape (oval - round, square - rectangular). They experienced difficulties in recognizing a part of the whole (a shoulder is a person, a sleeve is a shirt), they were poorly oriented in time space (parts of the day, seasons). Could not be expressed in taste (what kind of jam tastes - tasty, red, cherry etc., instead of the simple answer "sweet"). A visually qualitative analysis of the passive and active vocabulary can be seen in Appendix No. 5.6. For the study of the passive and active vocabulary, the experimental group scored a total of 62 points, the control group - 58 points. Applications No. 10,11.

In the study of the semantic structure, a qualitative analysis of the results showed that in children with general underdevelopment of speech (III level), when choosing synonyms and antonyms, it is more difficult to select antonyms.

In the formation of synonyms and antonyms, such mistakes were made as the formation of words by attaching a particle not: synonyms (wet - non-wet); antonyms (give - don't give, don't give, go in - don't go in, don't go). It was very difficult for the children to find a synonym for the word "wet" (wetting, sputum, wet) and an antonym to the seemingly simple word "give". Preschoolers allowed semantic substitutions on the basis of insufficient differentiation of the situational connection, formed neologisms, instead of antonyms they selected synonyms and vice versa. Application No. 7.

As a result of the study, the experimental group in the selection of synonyms received - 34 points, antonyms - 25 points, the control group in the selection of synonyms received - 21 points, antonyms - 23 points.

In the study of word formation, qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that children in the control group made many more mistakes than the experimental group.

Days of all subjects were characterized by the following errors. In the formation of diminutive words, the children acted on the principle of analogy (pelvis - basin, ear - ear or ear - ear, tree - tree). In the formation of quality adjectives, difficulties arose with "pear jam". First, the children answered that they did not eat such jam (unlike apple juice, in the formation of which there were no mistakes), and they were not going to eat. Secondly, they composed a lot of neologisms with this phrase (pear, pear, pear, pear jam).

An analysis of the study of possessive adjectives showed that children formed possessive adjectives worse than qualitative and relative ones. The reason for the difficulties in this case can be explained, first of all, by the subtle semantic opposition of the word-building affixes of these adjectives, expressing belonging either to an individual or to a class, as well as a large number of alternations in word formation. For example, in possessive adjectives formed from animate nouns, the child more often uses the following words in everyday speech: daddy's chair, mother's table, grandmother's bed. A similar way of forming possessive adjectives preschoolers applied to the class: ear medvedino, tail belkin, paw levin etc. A large number of neologisms were also allowed (paw levshina, tail belin etc.). Annex No. 8.

According to the results of the study, the groups scored the following scores:

In the study of inflection, most of the errors were mainly due to inattention and poverty of the vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP. For example, some preschoolers thought for a long time what was missing on the clock and could not detect the absence of hands (“everything is there”). Basically, children in the control group incorrectly named the colors of objects. They found it difficult to change verbs by numbers, acted by analogy (cars are driving, which means apples hanging) or needed the help of an adult. Thus, in the study of inflection, the experimental group received 34 points, the control group - 33 points. (Appendix No. 9.) For all tasks of the control experiment, the experimental group earned 282 points in total, and the control group earned 239 points. (Appendix No. 12.) Based on the results of the control experiment, it can be concluded that the developed set of corrective exercises for the development of vocabulary in older preschoolers with OHP (III level), used in the formative experiment, increased the effectiveness speech therapy training, which confirms the correctness of the proposed hypothesis.


The study of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that the problem of vocabulary formation remains relevant and has not been studied enough. The study of vocabulary is of great theoretical and practical importance. From the point of view of theory, it is connected with the establishment of the type, etiology, and certain mistakes that children made in tasks. And from the standpoint of practice - their presence contributes to a more accurate, targeted and differentiated impact. On the basis of the studied literature, a characteristic was given of children with OHP (level III), methods for developing the vocabulary of children of older preschool age with this speech deviation were considered. We considered the most interesting vocabulary development methods proposed by T.B. Filicheva and G.V. cannot develop independently; this requires systematic phased corrective work.

A stating experiment was conducted with the children of the experimental and control groups, which showed that, having in general full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, children with OHP (level III) have some peculiarities in the development of the dictionary. The limited vocabulary was revealed (nouns and verbs predominated in the active vocabulary of children, and the use of words characterizing the quality, features, state of objects caused difficulties). There was a discrepancy between the active and passive vocabulary, ignorance or inaccurate use of many commonly used words denoting visually similar objects or parts of objects, inadequate use of synonymous and antonymic means of the language. Numerous replacements by derivational neologisms were used. As a result of the ascertaining experiment, the experimental group scored 219 points in total for completing tasks, the control group - 213.

The data obtained on the characteristics of the vocabulary determined the main directions that were taken into account when compiling a set of corrective and developmental exercises.

After the formative experiment total points for the performance of all tasks of the experimental group was 282, and the control group - 239 points.

A comparative analysis of the control and experimental groups showed a positive dynamics in the development of vocabulary in the study group. The difference in the results between the ascertaining and control experiments of the study group was 63 points, which is 2 times more than the control.

Based on the presented results, we can conclude that the proposed set of exercises is effective in working with children of older preschool age with OHP (level III), its application showed the dynamics of preschoolers in the development of the vocabulary.

The use of the complex has an impact on the clarification and expansion of vocabulary, as well as a charitable effect on the development of speech communication of preschoolers in general. The effectiveness of the complex allows us to recommend its use to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

In the course of the study, the main tasks put forward in accordance with the purpose of the study were solved, the hypothesis was confirmed that the effectiveness of speech therapy training for older preschoolers with OHP (III level) will be significantly increased if the proposed set of corrective and developmental exercises is used in the development of vocabulary .


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Violations in the formation of vocabulary in children with OHP are manifested in limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate 22

the use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias, the unformedness of semantic fields, the difficulties of updating the dictionary.

In the works of many authors (V. K. Vorobieva, B. M. Grin-IIIpun, V. A. Kovshikov, N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva, etc.) it is emphasized that children with OHP of various origins have a limited vocabulary. A characteristic feature for this group of children are significant individual differences, which are largely due to various pathogenesis (motor, sensory alalia, an erased form of dysarthria, dysarthria, delayed speech development, etc.).

One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is a more significant than normal discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. Preschoolers with OHP understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, the actualization of the dictionary cause great difficulties.

The poverty of the vocabulary is manifested, for example, in the fact that preschoolers with OHP, even at the age of 6, do not know many words: the names of berries (cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries), fish, flowers (forget-me-not, violet, iris, aster), wild animals (boar, leopard), birds (stork, eagle owl), tools (planer, chisel), professions (painter, bricklayer, welder, worker, weaver, seamstress), parts of the body and parts of the object (thigh, foot, hand, elbow; cuff , headlight, body), etc.

Many children find it difficult to update words such as sheep, elk, donkey, rook, heron, dragonfly, grasshopper, pepper, lightning, thunder, felt boots, seller, hairdresser.

Particularly large differences between children with normal and impaired speech development are observed when the predicative vocabulary (verbs, adjectives) is updated. Preschoolers with OHP have difficulties in naming many adjectives used in the speech of their normally developing peers (narrow, sour, fluffy, smooth, square, etc.).

In the verbal vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP, words denoting actions that the child performs or observes daily (sleep, wash, wash, bathe, dress, walk, run, eat, drink, clean, etc.) predominate.

It is much more difficult to assimilate words of a generalized abstract meaning, words denoting a state, assessment, qualities, signs, etc.

Violation of the formation of vocabulary in these children is expressed in ignorance of many words, and in the difficulties of finding a well-known word, in violation of the actualization of the passive dictionary.

A characteristic feature of the vocabulary of children with OHP is the inaccuracy of the use of an elephant, which is expressed in verbal paraphrases. Manifestations of inaccuracy or misuse of the layers and speech of children with ONR are diverse.

In some cases, children use the elephant in an overly broad sense, in others, an overly narrow understanding of the meaning of the word is manifested. Sometimes children with OHP use the word only in a certain situation, the word is not put into context when speaking in other situations. Thus, the understanding and use of the word is still situational.

Among the numerous verbal paraphasias in these children, the most common are substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field.

Among the substitutions of nouns, the substitutions of words included in one generic concept prevail (elk - deer, tiger - lion, rook - magpie, magpie - jackdaw, swallow - seagull, wasp - bee, melon - pumpkin, lemon - orange, lily of the valley - tulip, frying pan - a saucepan, spring - autumn, a sugar bowl - a teapot, a birdhouse - a nest, eyelashes - eyebrows, etc.).

Substitutions of adjectives indicate that children do not distinguish essential features, do not differentiate the qualities of objects. For example, such substitutions are common: high - long, low - small, narrow - small, narrow - thin, short - small, fluffy - soft. Adjectives are replaced due to the non-differentiation of signs of size, height, width, thickness.

In the substitutions of verbs, attention is drawn to the inability of children to differentiate some actions, which in some cases leads to the use of verbs of a more general, undifferentiated meaning (crawls - walks, coos - sings, chirps - sings, etc.)

Along with the mixing of words according to generic relations, there are also replacements of words based on other semantic features:

a) mixing of words in children with OHP is carried out on the basis of similarity on the basis of functional purpose:

bowl - plate, broom - brush,

mug - glass, watering can - teapot,

decanter bottle;

b) replacement of words denoting objects that are outwardly similar:

sundress - apron, shower fountain,

T-shirt - shirt, window sill - shelf;

c) replacement of words denoting objects united by a common situation:

skating rink - ice, hanger - coat;

d) mixing words denoting part and whole:

collar - dress, locomotive - train,

body - car, elbow - hand,

window sill;

e) replacement of generalizing concepts with words of a specific meaning:

shoes - shoes, dishes - plates,

flowers - daisies, clothes - sweaters;

f) the use of phrases in the process of searching for a word:

bed - to sleep, brush - brush your teeth,

locomotive - train without windows, stove - gas burns,

flowerbed - they dig the ground, the spinning top toy is spinning;

g) replacement of words denoting actions or objects with nouns:

open - a door, play - a doll, or vice versa, replacing nouns with a verb:

the medicine is to hurt, the bed is to sleep,

plane - fly.

Cases of semantic substitutions are noted in children with OHP and at school age.

Verb substitutions are especially persistent:

forges - threshes,

ironing - ironing,

mows the grass - cuts the grass,

washes clothes - washes clothes,

knits - sews, bathes - washes.

Some verb substitutions reflect the inability of children to single out essential signs of action, on the one hand, and non-essential ones, on the other, and also to highlight shades of meaning.

The process of searching for a word is carried out not only on the basis of semantic features, but also on the basis of the sound image of the word. Having singled out the meaning in layers, the child correlates this meaning with a certain sound image, sorting through the pop-up sound images of words in his mind .. In the process of searching for them, due to insufficient fixation of its meaning and sound, a word is selected that is similar in sound, but with a different meaning

A wardrobe is a scarf, a compass is a circus, a mower is a cashier, a train is a belt, a peach is a pepper, a kennel is a holster, a bun is a ball, a bunch of grapes is a grape bush.

Characteristic for children with ONR is the variability lexical substitutions, which indicates a greater preservation of auditory control than pronunciation, kinesthetic images of words. On the basis of auditory images of words, the child tries to reproduce the correct version of the sound of the word.

In children with normal speech development, the word search process is very fast, automation. In children with OHP, unlike the norm, this process is carried out very slowly, extensively, and not automated enough. During the implementation of this process, associations of a different nature have a distracting effect. (semantic, sound).

Verbal paraphasias are also due to insufficient formation of semantic fields, structuring of one semantic field, and highlighting its core and periphery. Violations of vocabulary actualization in preschoolers with OHP are also manifested in distortions of the sound structure of the word (tractor driver - tractor driver, meows - meows, cackles - cackles).

Violations in the development of vocabulary in children with OHP are also manifested in the later formation of lexical consistency, the organization of semantic fields, and the qualitative originality of these processes.

As in the norm, children 7-8 years old with OHP also undergo qualitative changes in the ratio of syntagmatic and paradigmatic reactions. If at 5-6 years the number of syntagmatic associations significantly exceeds the number of paradigmatic associations, then at 7 years of age paradigmatic associations prevail over syntagmatic ones. However, this predominance in children with OHP is not as significant as in children with normal speech development. At the age of 7, in children with normal speech development, paradigmatic associations occur almost 3 times more often than syntagmatic ones, and in children with speech pathology only 1.5 times more often. It is important that normally by the age of 7 paradigmatic associations become dominant among all other types of associations. In children with OHP, by the age of 7–8, paradigmatic associations do not become dominant and account for only 25% of all associations. This indicates that the process of isolating the core (center) and periphery of the semantic field in children with speech pathology is significantly delayed.

The quantitative dynamics of random associations also speaks about the immaturity of the semantic field in children with speech disorders. Even by the age of 7-8 in children with speech pathology, random associations are very common, dominant, although their number decreases with age. In children with normal speech development, by the age of 7-8, random associations turn out to be single.

Children with OHP also have some peculiarities in the dynamics of syntagmatic associations. In children with normal speech development, a sharp increase in syntagmatic reactions occurs by the age of 6. By the age of 7, the same sharp decrease in their number is observed. In children with speech disorders, a sharp increase in syntagmatic reactions is observed by the age of 7, which is probably due to a delay in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Thus, in children 5-8 years old with OHP, there is a parallel increase in syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations, while in children with normal speech development, the opposite pattern is noted after 6 years: a sharp increase in paradigmatic associations and a significant decrease in syntagmatic associations.

In children 5-6 years old, all paradigmatic associations are in the nature of analogy, similarity (cat-dog, table-chair). . By the age of 7, paradigmatic associations in all groups of children become more diverse, they also arise on the basis of the values ​​of opposition (high-low, good-bad, speaks-is silent) and generic relations (tree-birch, dishes-cups). In children with OHP, however, associations and analogies remain predominant (75%), while in children with normal speech development, by the age of 7, opposition relations begin to predominate. Consequently, the differentiation of relationships within the semantic field in a child with speech pathology has certain features.

Thus, in children with OHP, there is a delay in the formation of semantic fields in comparison with the norm. The organization of semantic fields in children with ONR has specific features, the main of which are the following.

1. Associations in children with speech pathology, to a greater extent than in children with normal speech development, are unmotivated, random.

2. The most difficult link in the formation of semantic fields in children with speech disorders is the selection of the center (core) of the semantic field and its structural organization.

3. Children with OHP have a small volume of the semantic field, which is manifested in a limited number of semantic connections. So, in paradigmatic associations in children with speech pathology, analogy relations predominate. Relations of opposition, generic relations are rare. At the same time, in children with normal speech development, attitudes of opposition to 7 years old make up the majority of all paradigmatic associations.

4. The latent period of the reaction to the slot "seim and v of children with speech disorders is much longer than normal: in children with normal speech development up to 10 seconds, in children with speech pathology - up to 40 seconds.

The formation of lexical consistency, semantic fields is manifested not only in the nature of the seal-i.pi h associations, but also in the features of the classification of words based on semantic features.

So, when performing the task “find an extra word in a series of words” (for example, in a series of words apple, beetroot, pear, orange) children with normal speech development do not have difficulties.

As for children with OHP, even performing tasks for grouping words that are semantically distant causes certain difficulties for some of them. So, for example, in the task “name an extra word from the series tiger, plate, cati; a* Sveta M. (6 years old) calls a word superfluous tiger, since he is not in the house, but in the circus. Zhenya S. calls the word superfluous tiger,"because all this is at home, and the tiger is in the forest."

The tasks for grouping semantically close words are accompanied by an even greater number of errors.

So, when grouping nouns, preschoolers with OHP often do not single out a common conceptual feature, but carry out a classification based on the generality of the situation, the functional purpose. At the same time, in a number of cases, children do not accurately imagine the image of a denotative situation. Some examples of children's answers: "Magpie, butterfly, starling - an extra word magpie, since the magpie does not fly, but sits on a bush”; "Plate, table, glass - an extra word plate, they eat from it, but not from the rest ”or“ an extra word cup, he's made of glass.

Even when doing tasks correctly, children with ONR often explain their choices based on situational cues:

"Wolf, dog, fox - an extra word dog, because dogs do not walk in the forest”;

"Birch, cloud, tree - an extra word cloud, it is the sky, and the other is not the sky.”

The answers of children with speech pathology reflect their fuzzy ideas about generic relations, difficulties in differentiating concepts vegetables, fruits, birds, insects(lemon, beetroot, apple - an extra word Apple, This is a fruit and the rest are vegetables).

Even more difficulties arise in preschoolers with OHP when grouping semantically close adjectives. So, children with OHP often make mistakes when choosing an extra word from a series: short, long, small (short); high, small, low (low); big, low, ma-

lazy (small); round, large, oval (oval), heavy, long, easy(heavy IMLI light)

These examples indicate inaccurate meanings of words short, long, high, low, about the difficulties of grouping based on an essential feature. This confirms the lack of formation of semantic fields, insufficient development of the ability to compare words by their meaning.

Tasks for grouping adjectives also reveal the strategy. which prevails in grouping (analogy or opposition).

Studies show that in a six-year-old child with normal speech development, the strategy of opposition prevails over the strategy of analogy (10:1). In children with speech disorders, there is no obvious predominance of the opposing strategy (the ratio is approximately 1:1). It can be assumed that opposition as a significant semantic operation causes significant difficulties in children with speech pathology and is assimilated by them later than normal.

The grouping of verbs causes the greatest difficulties in children with OHP. Children with OHP often choose the wrong extra word in such, for example, a series of words: ran up, went out, came up (came up); stands, grows, sits (sits); walks, blooms, runs (walks or runs).

These data indicate a more significant lack of formation of the structure of the meaning of verbs, the impossibility of distinguishing common features when grouping verbs. In tasks for grouping verbs, it is also revealed which morphemes children rely on when performing these tasks. Studies show that when grouping verbs, preschoolers with normal and impaired development are based on the lexical (root) meaning of the word. Cases of combining verbs based on common features are few and observed in children with normal development.

Features of antonymy and synonymy in preschoolers with OHP

The relationship of antonymy and synonymy characterizes relationships within the semantic field. In this regard, the study of antonymy and synonymy makes it possible to identify special

features of the organization of the core of the semantic field, the accuracy of the meaning of the word.

The fulfillment of tasks for the selection of antonyms and synonyms requires a sufficient volume of the dictionary, the formation of the semantic field in which the given word is included, the ability to single out the main differential semantic feature in the structure of the meaning of the word, to compare words according to the essential semantic feature. These tasks are successfully completed only if the process of searching for a word of the opposite or the same meaning is active. The correct search for a word is carried out only when the child has formed and systematized a certain synonymic or antonymic series.

According to the definition of O. S. Akhmanova, “antonyms are words that have a qualitative feature in their meaning and therefore are able to be opposed to each other as opposite in meaning” (Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M., 1969. S. 50).

Antonymically opposed can be nouns, the meaning of which includes any quality or relationship (friend - enemy, grief - joy), quality adjectives that characterize the spatial, temporal, evaluative, and other signs of objects and phenomena, as well as verbs and adverbs.

If children with normal speech development experience difficulties in selecting antonyms and synonyms only for individual words, then preschoolers with OHP have errors in selecting antonyms and synonyms for the vast majority of words.

At the same time, in children with OHP, a diverse nature of errors in the selection of antonyms is observed. Instead of antonyms, children with OHP pick up:

a) words that are semantically close to the alleged antonym of the same part of speech (day - evening, fast - quiet);

b) words that are semantically close, including antonymous, to the intended antonym, but of a different part of speech (fast - slower, slow; grief - fun; high - low; far - closer);

c) stimulus words with a particle not(take - do not take, talk - do not talk, far - not far, noise - not noise, no noise);

d) words that are situationally close to the original writing (speak - sing, laugh, high - far);

e) the form of the stimulus word (speak - speaks);

f) words connected by syntagmatic links with words-stimuli (raise - higher);

g) synonyms (take - take away).

Thus, in preschoolers with OHP, the systemic relationships between the lexical units of the language are not sufficiently formed. It is possible to single out a whole range of difficulties that lead to incorrect performance of tasks:

    difficulties in identifying significant differential semantic features, on the basis of which the meaning of words is contrasted;

    underdevelopment of mental operations of comparison and generalization;

    insufficient activity of the elephant search process;

    unformed semantic fields within the lexical system of the language;

    instability of paradigmatic connections within the lexical system of the language;

    the limited volume of the dictionary, which makes it difficult to choose the right word.

In the process of searching for a word, children with OHP often lose the purpose of the task, oppose words to but insignificant, situational features. As a result, children often reproduce words that are not opposite in meaning, but others that are semantically close to the antonymous word, which indicates the inability to highlight the essential feature of the original word. A characteristic mistake of children with speech pathology is the reproduction of words of a different grammatical category. In a number of cases, children reproduce an adjective on the word-stimulus noun, and an adverb on the word stimulus adjective, which indicates about insufficient differentiation of categorical meaning layers.

One of the complex problems of speech ontogenesis is the problem of the formation of synonymy.

Synonyms (equivalent to an elephant), as defined by O. S. Akhmanova, are those members thematic group, which belong to the same part of speech and match in meaning and usage. 32

Preschoolers of 6 years of age, in most cases, correctly select synonyms for words they are familiar with, make only single mistakes.

At the same time, all children with speech pathology of the same age make mistakes in the selection of synonyms. In a large number of cases, children refuse to answer.

Preschoolers with normal speech development often update several synonyms for 1 stimulus word (fighter - soldier, warrior, knight; faithful - correct, good; street - avenue, lane), which indicates the beginning of mastering the polysemy of the word.

Children with OHP, as a rule, reproduce only one synonym per stimulus word (fighter - soldier, festive - beautiful, street - avenue).

In this case, a variety of errors are observed. Instead of synonyms, children with ONR reproduce:

a) semantically close words, often situationally similar (park - zoo, festive - spring, street - road, hurry - run, go fast);

b) words that are opposite in meaning, sometimes a repetition of the original word with a particle not(huge - small, faithful - not faithful, doctor - not a doctor, walk - do not walk, walk - stand);

c) words similar in sound (building - creation, park - desk);

d) words connected with the stimulus word by syntagmatic connections (the street is beautiful);

e) forms of the original word or related words (fighter - battle, festive - holiday, joyful - joyfully).

In tasks for the selection of synonyms in children with speech pathology, the same difficulties are revealed as in the selection of antonyms: limited vocabulary, difficulties in updating the dictionary, inability to identify significant semantic features in the structure of the meaning of a word, to compare the meanings of words on the basis of a single semantic feature.

One of the most essential methods of studying the structure of the meaning of a word is to explain the meaning of the word. The nature of the explanation of the meaning of the word reveals the ratio of the conceptual and denotative components in the structure of the meaning of the word, reflects the level of the child's intellectual development, since "the stock of concepts, the nature of these concepts, the way

their use is indisputably connected with the height of the intellectual development of the child and are, to a certain extent, its indicators. (Sakharov L. S. On the methods of studying concepts //Psychology. M., 1930. T III. Issue. I.C.4).

A. A. Leontiev suggested different psycholinguistic nature of learning nouns, adjectives and verbs. The trends in understanding the meaning of nouns, adjectives and verbs are fundamentally different.

When explaining the meaning of a noun, the dominant way is synonymization, i.e. selection of synonyms. In the future, as the meaning of the word develops, the exact explanation of the meaning (definition) becomes predominant, i.e., the definition of the meaning of the word through its concretization by highlighting the main semantic features. Such ways of explaining the meaning of a word, such as inclusion in the context, explanation with the help of single-root words, are rarely used.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, synonymization is also the dominant method. This strategy is used more than when defining nouns. Often used by children and the strategy of putting the adjective into context. One way to explain is to determine the meaning of the elephant using the same root words.

When explaining the meaning of verbs, children use a different strategy. The predominant way is to include the verb in the context. In the future, the children move on to the true definition, i.e., the definition of the meaning of the elephant through concretization based on the main semantic features.

Studies of the explanation of the meanings of nouns show that the ways of explaining nouns of a general nature and specific nouns are different for preschoolers.

The explanation of the meaning of generalizing nouns by preschoolers is carried out using the following methods:

    enumeration of words included in the semantic field. For example: "Vegetables are tomatoes, cucumbers." This way of defining a value is called instantiation;

    determination of the meaning of the word through the description of the location of the denotation. For example: "Vegetables - grow in the garden";

    a description of the external signs of the denotation, for example: length, size, aroma, taste, an indication of what it is made of (furniture - made of wood);

    definition of meaning through the naming of denotation functions. For example: “Dishes - you can eat from it; dishes - designed to cook and eat";

    explanation of meaning through subsuming under a generalized, more global representation (without indicating differential features). For example: "Flowers are plants";

    a true explanation of the meaning of the word, indicating the semantic field and the differential features of the word that distinguish it from other words of this semantic field. For example: "A tree is a large plant with a trunk";

7) description of the parts of the denotation. For example: "A tree is a trunk with leaves."

An analysis of the ways in which a word is defined makes it possible to single out those semantic features that are included by children in the structure of the word's meaning and to which children primarily orient themselves when explaining the meaning of a word. These are the differential features on the basis of which the search for a word is carried out in the process of its use.

Two groups of such signs can be distinguished.

Group 1 - denotative signs. This group can include situational signs of the denotation (its location), external signs that are directly characteristic of the denotation, and functional signs of the denotation.

2nd group - lexico-semantic features, determined by word connections, the place of the word in the lexical system, the semantic field. This group may include the correlation of a word with a more general concept without indicating differential features, as well as the allocation of a semantic field with an indication of differential features, i.e. a true definition.

When comparing the ways of explaining the meaning of a word by children with normal and impaired speech development, various ways of defining a word are revealed, which indicates a different structure of the meaning of a word in these children. Children without speech impairments when explaining the meaning

words use denotative signs. mini, in a small number of cases. At the same time, in a child with OFII, the use of denotative features in defining a word is the dominant method of explanation.

Significant differences are observed in the strategy based on the allocation of situational signs of denotation: in children without speech disorders, this method is used only in isolated cases, in children with ONR it makes up almost a fourth of all answers. The strategy of explaining the meaning of pilaf through the description of external, insignificant signs of denotation in children with ONR is observed 9 times more often than in children with normal speech development.

Thus, when explaining the meaning of a word, children with OHP mainly use denotative features, which indicates their predominance in the structure of the meaning of even generalizing words.

Lexico-semantic features are used to explain the meaning of a word only by a small number of children with OHP. Children with normal speech development use these signs in the vast majority of cases.

When determining specific nouns, preschoolers of 6 years old use the following methods of explanation:

    explanation of the meaning of the word through a generalizing concept, but without indicating differential sign. For example: "An apple is a fruit";

    the definition of a word through a generalizing concept, but with an indication of some differential features. For example: "Beetroot is a red vegetable";

    explanation of the meaning of the word with the help of a description of the functional attribute of the denotation. For example: "Plates - they eat on it";

    definition of the word cherva description of the external signs of the denotation. For example: “Apple - grows on trees”, “Apple is round”.

However, the ratio of these methods of explanation in children with normal and impaired speech development is different.

Thus, for all preschool children of 6 years of age, when explaining the meanings of specific nouns, the method of description with the help of a generic concept prevails,

i.e., there is a correlation of the given bishop with. a certain semantic field, but the differential features are not indicated. The use of differential features that characterize the exact meaning of the word is not noted at all in children with ONR. In children with normal speech development, this way of explaining the meaning of a word already takes place.

Children with OHP more often than children with normal speech development explain the meaning of a word through a functional sign of denotation. At the same time, children with OHP often use the description of external, non-essential features of the object.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers of the age of six use the following ways of explaining the meaning.

1. The inclusion of an adjective in the context, i.e., the reproduction of a syntagmatic connection (adjective - noun). For example: "small - chicken, round - ball."

At the same time, the children gave the name of various objects to the stimulus word (adjective): a) they named an object that always has a given feature (round - a ball), b) reproduced the name of an object for which this feature is not mandatory (high - a bush).

2. Definition using another adjective:

a) semantically close (high - long),

b) significantly different in semantics (low - wide).

    Using an antonym with a particle not(short - short).

    Explanation of the meaning of the word with the help of single-root words (round circle, semicircle), word form (long - long).

    Definition of the word through the description of the situation (easy - can be worn).

6. "True definition" with the allocation of the main differential feature (heavy - weighs a lot, light - weighs little).

7. Random associations and refusals to complete the task.

In most cases, 6-year-old preschoolers, when explaining the meaning of an adjective, reproduce syntagmatic connections, i.e., include an adjective

into context. As a definition of the meaning of the adjective, children give the name of the object with which they use the adjective in the process of verbal communication, the phrase of the adjective with the noun.

At the same time, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the ways in which adjectives are explained by children with normal and impaired speech development are not the same. In children without speech disorders, there is a higher level of formation of the structure of the meaning of the adjective. So, only in children with normal speech development, a “true definition” is observed, that is, an accurate explanation of the meaning of a word based on the isolation of a significant differential feature (heavy - weighs a lot, light - weighs little). At the same time, not a single case of using this method of explanation by children with OHP has been identified.

When determining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers actualize not only syntagmatic (round - ball), but also paradigmatic connections (high - low). However, children without speech disorders use this method much more often. At the same time, children without speech disorders most often use adjectives that are similar in semantics. Preschoolers with speech impairment also use adjectives that are semantically distant (low - different).

Using syntagmatic connections, children with speech disorders mainly name an object that always has a given feature (round - a ball, small - a chicken). Preschoolers with OHP most often name an object for which this sign is not constant (small - closet).

When explaining the meaning of an adjective, children with OHP sometimes reproduce random associations, which is not observed in children without speech disorders.

When explaining the meaning of adjectives, preschoolers of 6 years old also use antonyms. However, if children with normal speech development use antonyms with negation (light - non-severe), then children with OIIP in some cases reproduce the antonym without negation (heavy light), i.e. they lose the purpose of the task and switch to associations.

When explaining the meaning of verbs, preschoolers of 6 years of age use the following methods:

1) explanation of the meaning through inclusion in the context (to go - by car);

2) synonymization, i.e., the reproduction of verbs that are similar in semantics (go - walk, swim - swim).

3) interpretation of the word by concretizing the action (run - walk quickly);

4) the use of other grammatical forms (climb - climb);

    random answers (run - fight);

The predominant way of explaining the meaning of a verb is by context. Children with ONR very rarely use other strategies. So, these children rarely use other forms of the verb. At the same time, children without speech disorders use this method quite often. This fact can be explained by the underdevelopment of verb inflection in children with speech disorders. Significant differences are also observed in the use of the "true definition", i.e., the interpretation of the word through the concretization of the action, its description. Children without speech disorders use this method many times more often than children with ONR. In children without speech pathology, random answers and refusals do not occur, while not in children with ONR, they make up a large percentage.

When contextually explaining the meaning of a verb, it is interesting to trace the context in which the original verb is included. Predominant in all children is the reproduction of the object (carry - a bag, vegetables, products). In second place in terms of prevalence is the addition of a locative (to go - to the dacha, to go - to the attic). Children without speech disorders often reproduce the mode of action (walk - on foot). At the same time, such explanations are not found in children with OHP, which indicates the insufficient formation of syntagmatic connections, as well as the valency of the verb.

Analysis of the explanation of the meaning of the word by children with normal and impaired speech development allows us to draw the following conclusions.

    In preschool children of 6 years of age, differences are revealed in explaining the meaning of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

    In children with OHP, there are deviations in the ratio of denotative and lexico-semantic components of meaning, in particular, a more significant predominance of denotative

notative features over lexical-semantic, and at the same time, a more limited use of syntagmatic links.

3. In children of 6 years of age, semantic fields begin to organize, but differentiation within the semantic field has not yet been formed. Children without speech disorders show signs of such differentiation. In children with OHP, there is no clear differentiation of the element of the semantic field.


The development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis is described in the works of many authors: A. N. Gvozdev, "G. 11. Ushakova, A. M. Shakhnarovich, D. B. Elkonin, etc.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech (inflection, syntactic structure of a sentence) is carried out only on the basis of a certain level of cognitive drinking of the child. So, when forming an inflection, a child must first of all be able to differentiate grammatical meanings (meanings of gender, number, case, etc.), since before starting to use a linguistic form, the child must understand what it means. When forming the grammatical structure of speech, the child must learn a complex system of grammatical patterns based on the analysis of the speech of others, the allocation of general grammar rules at a practical level, generalization of these rules and fixing them in their own speech.

The development of the morphological and syntactic systems of language in a child occurs in close interaction. The appearance of new word forms contributes to the complication of the sentence structure, and vice versa, the use of a certain sentence structure in oral speech simultaneously reinforces the grammatical forms of words.

In the works of A. N. Gvozdev, taking into account the close interaction of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language, the following periods of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech are distinguished.

I period - the period of sentences consisting of amorphous words-roots (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months). This period includes 2 stages:

    stage of a one-word sentence,

    stage of sentences from several words-roots,

1st stage of the 1st period (Yy. 3 months - 1 year 8 months). At this short-term stage, the child uses the pouring of individual words as a sentence (single-word sentences). In the speech of the child, there are only a small number of words that he uses to express his desires, needs, impressions. At the same time, to clarify the meaning of his statement, the child often uses gestures and intonation. The first words that a child uses do not have a specific grammatical form, they are amorphous root words. In different sentences, they are used in the same sound design, without change.

The main part of the words are nouns denoting the names of persons, objects, onomatopoeia (boom, bi-bi, mu, meow), babble words (di, moko).

2nd stage of the 1st period. (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months) - the stage of sentences from several words-roots.

At this stage, the child combines in one statement, first 2, then 3 words, i.e., a phrase appears in the child’s speech. There is no grammatical connection between the words. The child combines words in a statement, linking them only. intonation, the generality of the situation. In this case, words are used in sentences in the same amorphous, unchanging form. Nouns are used either in the nominative singular, or in a truncated, distorted, invariable form. Verbs are presented either in the indefinite form or in the form of the 2nd person singular imperative (dai, nisi, pat). An analysis of children's utterances at this stage shows that children catch from the speech of those around them only the general content, the general meaning of the word, expressed in its lexical basis. The formal-sign means of the language are not differentiated, they remain outside the sphere of its perception. So, when perceiving various forms of words (home, home, home, home, etc.), the child perceives pouring general part these words (house).

When combining amorphous root words, the child does not yet set and cannot solve the problem of choosing the desired grammatical form and uses the same form of the word in various phrases.

II period - the period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence (1 year 10 months - 3 years). This period consists of three stages:

    the stage of formation of the first forms of layers (I year 10 months -2 years 1 month);

    the stage of using the inflectional system of the language to express the syntactic relations of the elephant (2 d 1 month 2 years 6 months);

    the stage of assimilation of function words to express syntactic relations (2 years 6 months - 3 years).

The 1st stage of the II period is characterized by the appearance of the first forms of words. At this stage of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, children begin to notice a different relationship between words in a sentence.

In contrast to the previous stage, at which the words of the elephant were used in the same, unchanging form, at this stage the child begins to use various forms of the same word in speech.

The first grammatical forms of nouns are the following: the nominative singular and plural forms with the endings ы-, -и- (phonetically always -and- due to the softening of consonants), forms of the accusative case with the ending -u-(kisu, doll), sometimes genitive forms appear with the ending ы (no kitty), the ending -е- to indicate the place (tole instead of on the table), but the preposition is not used.

The first grammatical forms of verbs are: the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular (go, carry, give), formulas of the 3rd person singular of the present tense (without alternation in the stem) (sit, sleep g), reflexive and irrevocable verbs .

By the age of 2, adjectives appear, more often than not, and in the form of the nominative case of the masculine or female, but without agreement with nouns.

Thus, in the child's speech, the first grammatical relations between words begin to be indicated: the agreement of nouns in the nominative case of the singular with the verb of the indicative mood (matik plays), some forms of verb control (dai kisu). However, in the speech of the child there are a large number of agrammatisms.

At this stage, there is an expansion of the sentence structure to 3-4 words (Tanya plays the cookie).

2nd stage of the II period - the stage of using the system of inflections to express the connections of words (from 2 years 1 month to 2 years 6 months).

Inflection in the Russian language is characterized by a wide variety of inflections, which are systematized during formation into various types of declensions of names and conjugations of verbs. Due to the complexity of the flexion system, the child cannot simultaneously learn all forms of inflection.

The sequence of mastering the grammatical forms of words by the child is determined by the semantic function and frequency of use in the speech of others.

The general tendency of children's speech is the initial assimilation of the most frequent inflections. For a certain time, children use only one, the most productive ending, which A. N. Gvozdev calls "dominant." Other variants of endings expressing the same grammatical meaning are absent in speech, are forced out, they are replaced by productive inflections. So, the forms of nouns of the genitive case plural have several endings: -oe-, zero ending, -her-, among which the ending -oe- is a productive inflection. In this regard, for a long time in the speech of children, there are replacements of unproductive inflections with the ending -oh-(many spoons, knives). The more inflections are used in the language to express the same grammatical meaning, the more difficult it is to learn these forms.

A characteristic feature of children's speech at this stage is the desire to unify the basis of various forms of the word. Initially, there is an unambiguous connection of the root and inflection, which is expressed in the absence of alternation, fluency of vowels, suppletivism (hammer, left, people).

Thus, at the initial stage, the child learns the most general, most productive rules of form formation (the system, according to E. Koseriu, S. N. Zeitlin), later masters particular rules, exceptions to the general rule (the norm of the language), differentiation occurs within the language system.

At this stage, there are still many grammatical inaccuracies in children's speech. Some inflections are replaced by others, but within the same grammatical meaning.

Among the grammatical forms of nouns, non-prepositional forms of indirect cases are intensified: accusative, genitive, instrumental.

In the speech of children, differentiation of the singular and plural forms of verbs of the indicative mood is observed, the change in persons (except for the 2nd person plural) is assimilated, the forms of the present and past tense are distinguished, but in the past tense the forms of masculine, feminine and neuter are still mixed.

The inflection of adjectives has not yet been mastered; in the speech of children, both correct and incorrect agreement of the adjective with the noun is observed. In the plural, adjectives are used correctly only in the nominative case. In some cases, adjectives are used after nouns. Personal pronouns are already learned. In the oral speech of children at this stage, some semantically simple prepositions appear: in, on, at, with, but their use does not always correspond to the language norm, there are replacements of prepositions, a mixture of endings.

There is an expansion and complication of the sentence structure up to 5-8 words, complex sentences appear, first non-union, then compound sentences with conjunctions.

3rd stage of the II period - the stage of assimilation of functional words for expressing syntactic relations (from 2 years 6 months to 3 years). A characteristic feature of normal speech development is that the assimilation of prepositions occurs only after the assimilation of the main most functional grammatical elements of the language - inflections.

At the initial stages of speech development, there are no prepositions in children's speech (on the table - roofing felt). But this period is not long. Having learned to isolate and use inflection, the child then introduces into this construction the missing third element - a preposition, expressing the lexico-grammatical meaning with the help of a preposition and inflection.

At this stage, the child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions, but when using more

More complex prepositions (because of, from under) agrammatisms are observed.

The assimilation of more particular rules of inflection continues, including the differentiation of the morphological system of declension of nouns (the assimilation of plural endings: -ov, -ami, -ah, case endings of the nominative plural: -a, -ia(horns,

At this stage, the agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed.

In the speech of children at this stage, there is a further development of complex and complex sentences, many functional words are assimilated.

Thus, many grammatical forms are basically assimilated. However, the morphological system of the language has not yet been fully assimilated.

III period - the period of further assimilation of the morphological system (from 3 to 7 years).

During this period, the child systematizes grammatical forms according to the types of declension and conjugation, learns many single forms, exceptions. During this period, the free use of morphological elements (word creation) is significantly reduced, since the child masters not only the general rules of grammar, but also more specific rules, a system of "filters" imposed on the use of general rules.

In the speech of children under 4 years old, sometimes there are still cases of a fixed stress during inflection (on to on), a tendency to unify the stem (peni, leva). After 4 years, this kind of occasionalisms disappear from children's speech, only violations of alternation in the stems of the verb (I'll pay) remain. The agreement of an adjective with a noun in indirect cases, verb control is assimilated.

Thus, by school age, the child has basically mastered the entire complex system of practical grammar. This level of practical knowledge of the language is very high, which allows the child at school age to move on to understanding grammatical patterns when learning the Russian language.