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What are systemic (family) constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger? Systemic violations. How constellations are made and what effect they give (Video)

Sometimes people face issues that seem to be passed down through the family from generation to generation. And even academic psychology is powerless in their solution. If you are faced with something similar, then turning to grandmothers or fortune tellers is not at all necessary.

A well-known German philosopher, psychotherapist Bert Hellinger (b. 1925) conducted a scientific study of such problems. As a result of his research, he developed a method with which to solve complex problems that go beyond one human life. This method is called system constellations.

The term coined by Bert Hellinger is familien-stellen, translated from German as "family constellation". Sometimes this method is also called systemic or organizational constellations.

Often the Hellinger method is presented as a sprawling family tree because it deals with unfinished tasks that have roots in family history. These processes from the past involve the living members of the family in what was a long time ago. Descendants are intertwined with the fate of all previous generations.

The main position of this method is that a person goes far back into history with his roots. We cannot refuse the experience that our ancestors accumulated and passed on to each other. It is too valuable, it is thanks to this experience that our kind has survived. This experience is passed on from parents to children, and with it unresolved problems, intra-family conflicts and some strange behaviors that are difficult to explain, because they have already lost their context, are often transferred.

The family constellation method is concerned with restoring this context in order to better understand the situation and the problem the person is facing. And most importantly, to find a solution to this problem.

The constellations are based on the method of psychodrama, supplemented by the method of substitutes, people who help restore the lost context. They may play the roles of missing or deceased family members. This method was used in her work by the psychotherapist Virginia Satir.

Hellinger significantly enriched it by adding a phenomenological approach to it. This approach means the value of the subjective perception of reality over reality itself. That is, if a person is worried that his mother left him at home alone in childhood, then work will be carried out on this situation, although in fact she may have left him alone once for 5 minutes, thinking that he was sleeping . But the feelings of the constellation participant are more important than what actually happened. The work is carried out precisely with feelings, although the real context of the situation is restored.

When can the method of system constellations help?

Constellations work with family weaves. But what is family weaving? These are complex, confusing life situations that sometimes cannot be explained from the point of view of reality. If the situation that is happening to a person has no real logical explanation, then this can be considered family interweaving. Here are some examples of such situations:

1) a person works hard and hard, but his work brings little money;

2) an attractive and smart girl cannot get married;

3) despite a healthy diet and a proper lifestyle, for inexplicable reasons, serious illnesses appear;

4) a person feels that he must help children left without parents, unfortunate, homeless, or feels some kind of duty to other people, although in fact he personally did not take anything from them.

Often the feelings we experience are not true, for example:

1) inexplicable fear, fear of attack, although you have never been attacked in your life;

2) constant anxiety, without obvious reasons and reasons;

3) jealousy, which has no basis;

4) causeless sadness.

All these situations are not accidental, but weaves that have roots in the fate of our ancestors. It was they who did not resolve something in their lives, made mistakes, did not like it. And these feelings, sometimes through words and stories, sometimes non-verbally, at the level of sensations, were transmitted to us from parents or other relatives. As a result, we partially live a life that is not our own, we solve problems that are not our own. But each of us can become happy. To do this, you need to understand and unravel your family weaves and start living your life.

Laws at work in family weaves

The reasons for the appearance of family interweaving can be very different, but there are three orders (laws) according to which the family system develops and lives:

1) balance (equilibrium) between "take and give";

2) hierarchy in the system (senior - junior);

3) belonging to the system.

Any violation of these laws leads to problems in life (tasks that need to be solved). For example, if one of the sisters, growing up, takes responsibility for the whole family, relegating parents to the background, then there is every reason for the emergence of family interweaving.

It may have causes in the past. But it is very likely to affect the future, in the lives of this sister's children, as well as other young members of this family. That is why it is highly desirable to find the causes of such a situation and unravel them as quickly as possible.

What happens in systemic constellation training?

Therapy takes place in groups where there is an agreement to work together and a certain level of trust. At the same time, a person working in constellations can be as frank as he is comfortable.

He sets out the essence of the problem and chooses other people to solve it, who play the roles of his close people, employees at work, and so on. Already at this stage, people begin to get involved in a problem situation and experience some feelings that they can share.

The name itself reflects the essence of the work in the Hellinger method: the assembled participants are placed in a room, in accordance with what place in the mind it occupies in the mind of the main constellation participant. These people are called “deputies”, they talk about the feelings and states experienced, which allows the psychotherapist leading the constellation to unravel relationships in emerging conflicts and unresolved situations, to build the correct hierarchy from senior to junior.

Different levels of human perception are being worked out (visual, auditory, spiritual (mental), emotional). Participants - deputies move in the arrangement field, new people are included in the process. The driver uses various psychological techniques, using his experience and intuition.

The exchange of feelings and thoughts in the process of constellations, which occurs under the guidance of the facilitator, very often in itself helps to unravel the knot in relationships from the past or present.

A person lives situations in an arrangement in a new way, in a safe space, as a result, he acquires a new perception and a different positive behavior model. If, based on the results of work for this system, the constellator made the right decision, then this is reflected in the state of the participants - they experience even, calm feelings.

This method uses the concept of "knowing field", which is not found in any other psychological technique. It means that the substitutes are somehow connected to the feelings and knowledge of those people instead of whom they participate in constellations. In practice, this can look quite incredible.

But if you understand that an agreement on mutual participation and mutual assistance has been concluded between the members of the group, then everything that happens will seem not so incredible. In addition, in the mind of the person for whom the arrangement is being carried out, there are all the departed family members and all the feelings that they experience. And the deputies, being included in the arrangement, one way or another, feel this content of his consciousness.

Occasionally, the leader introduces such a character as death into the arrangement. This must be done in situations where the death of someone close seems incomprehensible, unfair or unexpected, or a person is tormented by a sense of guilt towards the deceased. In such situations, the high professionalism of the leading psychotherapist is required in order to pass accurately and carefully. In some of these cases, at the discretion of the leader, in addition to the deputy of the deceased relative, death is introduced into the arrangement as a fact that took place in life. As you can see, the approach to psychological work is unconventional. And yet, it is very effective. Many who are disillusioned with psychotherapy and psychodrama, it was in the constellations that they were able to find a solution to their problems.


Each arrangement is unique and individual, it depends on a particular person and his requests. It is important that this method does not require long and serious work, as, for example, a psychoanalyst. For one constellation, one serious problem can be solved. If you are afraid to participate in constellations, take part in the role of substitute first. You will get a unique experience that will also help you solve your problems.

In our country, the Bert Hellinger method is an effective method officially used by psychologists, recognized by the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. The volume of use of constellations is large - this is pedagogy, and business, and medicine, and psychotherapy.

The method described above is very young (founded in 1992), is in the process of formation and constant development, showing us a wide variety of creative approaches to each person. In its effectiveness, the professionalism and experience of the leading psychotherapist is of great importance.

How often do we hear terms that are not entirely clear. For example, "Hellinger arrangements" - what is it? Let's start with the fact that the author of this method, Bert Hellinger, is a well-known German psychologist, philosopher, teacher and practitioner. His works are relatively young and are aimed at solving human problems.

What did Hellinger study?

The scientist formulated some laws and patterns that lead to undesirable events, conflicts between spouses or colleagues. Hellinger worked for a long time on such questions: “How does the adoption of feelings occur? How does conscience (personal or family) influence the way of life of a person? Is there a system that governs relationships? In fact, these are just a few of the topics in a whole list of Burt's teachings.

Today, his arrangements are becoming more and more in demand. With this method, a large number of people have been able to find the origins of their troubles and eradicate them. Many practicing psychotherapists are increasingly using Hellinger constellations in their work with groups, couples, or individuals with individuals.

"Space" is the place of the individual in space. The method itself resembles a game of chess. That is, each participant is assigned a specific role that reflects his subconscious image in a situation that requires elaboration. This can be not only a family situation, but also problems in the team, failures in business.

Arrangement method according to Bert Hellinger. Session start

So, a man comes to a psychotherapist with an urgent problem. To begin with, the specialist conducts a short conversation with him, during which it is decided whether he needs an arrangement or everything is much simpler. After all, you can direct a person with ordinary everyday advice - and his life will go back to normal. But when the situation is complicated, a more detailed conversation is conducted with the client.

To begin with, the problem itself is highlighted. For example, in this case, a man drinks, his wife “saws” him daily and believes that all family problems are associated with alcoholism. The man, on the other hand, does not think so. After all, before his marriage, he did not drink so much alcohol.

The therapist asks the client to talk about their lifestyle. Hellinger constellations require a systematic consideration of the problem. That is, it is important to understand what each of the spouses is doing all day, what kind of relationship they have in general, which is why conflicts occur. Finally, individuals are themselves in family life or play someone else's role.

The specialist separately considers the parents of the husband and his wife. How did they behave with each other in the family? If it turns out that on the part of the man, the father and mother lived in perfect harmony and there were no problems with alcoholism, then the wife's relatives are given the most attention.

Having previously sorted out the first conversation, the specialist recommends that the man come to the next appointment with his wife. After all, the root of evil is most likely in her, and it is impossible to get rid of it without her participation.

After all, she did not have a family life, and she always asked her daughter the installation: “Look, all men are the same. Your father is just like everyone else. Drinks, brings home a penny. With imposed thoughts, the daughter grows up and involuntarily notices only negative traits in the surrounding men.

Nevertheless, the girl begins to meet with a nice guy. Soon our heroine marries him, but after a while it seems to her that her husband is not “her person” at all. Whatever he does, everything she sees is negative.

It would seem that the chosen one is not so bad, his positive features outweigh the disadvantages. But the woman continues to maintain internal aggressiveness and sends him negativity at the energy level. A man catches this signal, realizes that his partner despises him, and gradually begins to seek solace in alcohol. This helps him forget for a while, but the problem remains.

The following actions

The Hellinger constellation method involves playing roles. The psychotherapist offers a married couple to lose a certain situation. For example, he asks a woman to describe how she behaves in the workplace. The patient comments on her official behavior, communication with colleagues, and it turns out that she is “white and fluffy” at work.

What changes when she crosses the threshold of the house? Why does a man irritate a woman by his appearance alone? The couple play the quarrel scene in front of a psychotherapist. The wife tells her husband her usual phrase: "I would stop drinking, and everything would work out."

From that moment on, the specialist asks the couple to stop. System-family constellations according to Hellinger require you to concentrate on an important point in time. In the case of this couple, that time has come.

The therapist says to a married couple, "Let's try to understand the source of the problem that forces one of you to drink." Further, all the reasons contributing to this are crossed out. For example, the following are excluded: big money problems, workplace conflicts for a man, health problems. What remains?

The patient frankly admits that he is oppressed by the eternal discontent of his wife, who constantly finds fault with something or, on the contrary, is silent and avoids marital intimacy. In this case, the partner suffers from a lack of female energy.

Often, due to a lack of love for a partner or out of a sense of resentment, female representatives punish the chosen one in this way. They actively sublimate their energy into caring for children or load themselves with household chores. While the spouse is trying to get some kind of positive attitude by drinking alcohol. There is a vicious circle.

In the future, Hellinger arrangements imply a deep study of the problem. In this case, the therapist will try to inspire the woman with the idea of ​​the need to eradicate the attitude that her mother unwittingly asked.

By her behavior, the wife provokes a man to drink alcohol, in fact, she makes her play the role of her alcoholic father. If, along with this, the woman still has some resentment towards her husband, then during the session it is proposed to get rid of her. "It's important to free yourself from negativity," says Bert Hellinger. Family constellations offer many techniques for this.

In fact, the whole process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the history of this married couple, the specialist will have to give the characters new “roles”, and in such a way that an even exchange of energies takes place between them.

The impact of egregor on a person

After a constellation session, you may be surprised: “How did it happen that I began to play a role in life that was not my own? Why did I speak with someone else's thoughts? In fact, few people think about whether he really does what he wants, and whether he lives the way he wants it.

In most cases, it turns out that our daily thoughts, feelings and actions are borrowed by us from the people around us: our own family, team and society as a whole. In other words, a certain energy-information space (egregor) has its direct impact on the personality.

Each society (collective) is subject to a certain system of values. The influence of egregor can be both positive and negative. Everyone develops their own value system. For example, a church egregore seeks to influence people through sermons.

And any terrorist organization creates its own egregor, manipulating the consciousness of the participants with a certain theory. Sometimes stronger personalities can create their own egregors and influence others. Such an individual should be the most energy-intensive, since his task is to lead and influence, that is, to manage many energy flows. Egregores are described in detail in one of Bert's works entitled "Hellinger Constellations". The book tells that often the root of the problem can be found in life values ​​that are passed down through the family.

life stories

Family gender is a system that has its own specific tasks. And family members (mother, father, son, daughter) are elements that must fulfill their functions. What happens if someone gets kicked out of the system? For example, the son did not want to become a military man in spite of the family dynasty. And my father really wanted it.

In this case, the function of the son may be redistributed among other members of the family, or it may be overplayed: the daughter marries an officer. The father is extremely happy, tries to establish strong contact with his son-in-law and shares plans for the future to continue the military tradition.

The method of the German psychotherapist deeply affects the problem of the older and younger generations. Can the Hellinger arrangement help everyone? Reviews about this are different. However, most agree that ancestral egregors can have a negative impact on descendants.

For example, a young woman is deeply unhappy in her marriage. It would seem that all methods of resuscitation of relations are ineffective, rudeness and violence reign in the family. There is only one way out - divorce. But the older generation of this woman unanimously repeats: “There were no divorced people in our family. We do not accept this and it is considered a disgrace.”

That is, the generic egregor of this woman dictates her principles to her and requires submission. Only a complete rethinking and rejection of the role of a “victim” will help such a person make an important decision and start a new life.

hereditary aggression

Hellinger's systemic constellations help many couples and individuals to deeply understand the origins of evil. Here is a simple example of a problem with which men often turn to psychotherapists.

So, a conditional young man came to see a psychologist. He could not understand his behavior towards women. After numerous divorces, he faced the fact - the chosen ones leave because of his unmotivated aggression.

In all other areas of life, the man seemed positive. During a conversation with a specialist, it turned out that the man had once “unconsciously” tuned in to a revenge program. How did it come about?

As a rule, in such a situation it turns out that the patient grew up in a family where the father was constantly humiliated and depressed by his wife. The boy could not resist his mother in order to protect his father. Thus, as he grew older, the young man worked out his own plan (revenge program).

This led to the fact that, being in a relationship with the girls, he periodically felt a fierce hatred for them. As soon as the right opportunity came, he took out his anger on them with his fists. Bert Hellinger's arrangement should show the man that these feelings do not belong to him. They are inspired and fixed in the mind from a distant childhood. But the client has a different situation, and the girls have a different character than his mother.

And most importantly, he can become happy only when he realizes this and begins to change. This is a gradual process. Much depends on the natural temperament of the individual. One needs 2 sessions, while the other will need several. The method of arrangement according to Bert Hellinger is unique in that knowing family systems (orders), a person can not only avoid failures in life, but also protect future generations from them.

How does the group method work?

Let's talk about group sessions. The phenomenon of these activities is that a group of people live the roles of actors in the client's problem. Situations can be different: a person cannot find a mate, is constantly ill or has financial difficulties, although there are no good reasons for this.

The Hellinger constellation method is difficult to explain in detail, but it happens according to this scenario: the corresponding roles are distributed among the participants. And they begin to feel similar emotions of those who asked for help. The phenomenon has received the term "substitutive perception".

That is, there is a transfer of internal images from the client to all participants and to the space in which the arrangement takes place. People selected for specific roles are called "deputies". During the session, they aloud assess their condition, trying to restore the problematic situation.

Systemic constellations according to Hellinger help the main person to unravel the tangle of their conflict situations, build the correct hierarchy and restore energy balance. The work is built by moving "deputies" in the field of arrangement due to various rituals.

The session can be considered successful if all participants do not feel discomfort. And - most importantly - there should be physical and psychological relief for the client. The method of placement according to Bert Hellinger makes you fully activate different levels of perception: emotional, mental, auditory, tactile.

What does this method give?

As a result, the individual receives a new look at his problem, acquiring a different model of behavior. Of course, the best way to evaluate the methodology is to take part in a group session yourself. It is real experience that will help you find out how it works in practice.

Nowadays, many have already heard about such a method as Hellinger constellations. There are also negative reviews about it. But despite this, the popularity of this method is growing. After all, the range of sessions is quite expanded - this is psychotherapy, medicine, pedagogy, and even esotericism.

All information obtained during the sessions is confidential. In order to take part in group work, there must be motivation and a conscious desire. To date, it is not difficult to find a Hellinger constellation group. In Moscow, the number of fans of this method is constantly growing, as it is recognized as professional.

Arrangement using tarot cards

Finally, we come to the part that leaves an esoteric imprint on the method of the German psychotherapist. The fact is that not every person can come to a group of people and openly talk about their problem. In this case, a person can participate in a group session, but at his request, a hidden arrangement takes place. That is, the client himself doses the openness of information. A great way out of this situation is the arrangement of Bert Hellinger using Tarot cards.

The deck in this case serves as a tool for diagnosing the ongoing process. The client is asked the question: “What is the essence of your problem?” A person chooses, without looking, a card, and describes what he saw on it. "Deputies" are also selected, following the chosen arcana.

According to their problem, the client, with the help of the facilitator's prompts, shows each participant where to stand and what to do. The next stage is the emotional experience of the situation. "Deputies" exchange impressions: "I just thought that ...", "I got the feeling that ..."

At this point, the client is also included in the process. He listens to the opinions of all participants and takes the place of the one who hurt his emotions the most. And, already on the basis of a new role, he utters the words that he considers important.

The arrangement ends with a survey of each participant. Despite the fact that the client's problem is being played, the "deputies" are also under the close attention of the psychotherapist. It is important for him to know how this or that person felt in someone else's role, what he experienced and what conclusions he made.

Also, a specialist can evaluate the diagnostics on the maps - was it possible to fully provide assistance to the client or did the system not fully reveal the situation? After all, the customer is not immediately able to objectively evaluate the session. For this he will need time.

Individual placement

Is it possible to conduct such a session yourself? Not excluded. After all, not everyone has the opportunity or desire to work in a group. In this case, the arrangement according to Hellinger independently is possible.

True, for this one should get acquainted closely with the theory of the method of Bert Helling. And it is important to understand the interpretation of Tarot cards at a professional level. So, the problem is indicated, and the cards will play the role of "deputies". The work is divided into three stages.

First - you should choose cards: yourself and "deputies". Next, you need to lay out the rest of the cards as your intuition tells you. Then, one by one, open and collect information from each, adding it to the big picture.

The second stage depends on the question posed. If it concerns a family, then cards of ancestors should be laid out from above, descendants - from below. If necessary, you can take additional cards if in doubt. During the process, it is necessary to move "deputies", as it would be with real people. It is recommended to listen to your physical and psychological sensations.

The third stage is completion. This happens when a person feels satisfaction from a lost situation. Based on the result of the interpretation, it is up to the client to decide whether he has worked through his problem.

To an uninitiated person it may seem that it was a fortune-telling session. But this is far from true. The individual placement method using Tarot is shown only to professionals. The rest is recommended to resort to this method under the guidance of a qualified psychotherapist.

Psychology is a very complex science that has many different approaches to the perception of a person, to his psyche, to what is happening in his head. There are those methods that are considered to be scientific, as their effectiveness has been confirmed by practice for many years. But new and new approaches are constantly emerging, and some of them complement the scientific component of psychology (naturally, over time, when they also undergo a kind of test_. However, many methods remain unofficial - they are not recognized by the scientific community, but at the same time they remain relevant in narrow circles.One of the most striking examples is systemic constellations - a psychological approach that, despite the fact that no one recognized it for many decades, still remains relevant and is used by an impressive number of its supporters. method? How do system constellations occur? This is what will be discussed in this article.

What is the essence of the method?

System constellations are an unconventional approach in psychology, which is based on the fact that all human problems come from the family, or rather from the family system. Therefore, the essence of this method is the reproduction of this system in a session in order to understand it and find the true cause of the problem. This reproduction takes place in reality and is called constellation.

Systemic constellations have been practiced for quite a long time, but still have not received recognition from the scientific community. But people do not always turn to professionals - sometimes they are closer to what they want to believe in, and a lot of people believe in this method. Perhaps the reason is that its creator is not only a psychologist, but also a theologian, a spiritual teacher.

Founder of the movement

Since we are talking about who exactly founded this method, it is worth dwelling on this person. Systemic Family Constellations are the work of Bert Hellinger, a famous psychologist who was born in 1925 in Germany. He was engaged in psychology for a long time, worked as a psychotherapist, however, as mentioned earlier, he was also a theologian. And in the eighties of the last century, Hellinger discovered and introduced the method discussed in this article. That is why it is often called "Hellinger Systemic Family Constellations". This variation is primary and most in demand.

Method roots

The method of systemic constellations is an original offshoot of psychology, but it also has its own roots. Hellinger created this method based on several psychological movements that were relevant at the time. However, if we single out the most important method that most influenced the system constellations, this is Eric Bern's script analysis. The essence of this method is to analyze the life situations of each person (this psychologist also believed that all problems come from the family). He believed that each person has his own life scenario, according to which he moves. The script is formed in childhood under the influence of parents and the environment and in the future can only be slightly corrected.

Hellinger acted precisely in accordance with this method, but at a certain moment he realized that he had his drawbacks - as a result, he developed his own approach. Later it was already called systemic constellations and is known to this day under this name. Bert Hellinger's system constellations are quite popular in narrow circles. It's time to figure out what exactly this approach is.

Problem situation

So, what did Systemic constellations imply - this is not just a psychological term, constellations actually work, and this is how it happens. To begin with, there must be some problematic situation of one of the participants in the psychological session. Strictly speaking, this situation is an element of a certain system, most often a family one. It is with him that the group that participates in the session will have to deal. Bert Hellinger's method of systemic constellations involves the participation of all people, even those who do not know either the person whose problem is being considered, or anyone from his family system.

How is the alignment going?

The focus of the session is the history of the client, his problem situation. All participants in the session form a large circle, and the problem is presented in a plane in the space between all people. Each element of the system is first represented in the imagination, and then its place in the real world is taken by a person who is called a deputy. During the session, he represents a specific member of the system - thus, the entire system is replenished, and everyone gets his role. This is exactly how splitting happens. All this is done quietly, slowly and with concentration. Each participant concentrates on his feelings, trying to feel the essence of the person whom he replaces in the session.

Substitutive Perception

As mentioned earlier, deputies may not know either the client or his relatives, including the person they are replacing in the system. And the client does not tell the group anything about them, so people have to concentrate and try to independently realize what kind of belonging they have. This is called vicarious perception - people have to become, without outside help, the person they replace. Thus, the lack of information is compensated by this phenomenon of substitute perception, without which the process would be simply impossible. It is quite likely that this is precisely what repels professional psychologists and psychiatrists from this method - there is a lot of uncertainty in it, which cannot be scientifically compensated in any way in order to allow calling the systemic constellation method professional.

A source of information

The main source from which participants receive information about the problem, about the client and about the system as a whole is the so-called "field". That is why people have to concentrate and work in silence - this is how they try to establish a connection with the field in order to get the necessary information about who they replace in the system, as well as about what kind of “dynamics” their character has with the rest of the system participants. This is how the systemic arrangement happens - each participant turns into a substitute, gets used to his own image, drawing information from the field, and then all participants try to reproduce the problem and solve it. The therapist, called a constellator, leads the whole process, giving people the most appropriate roles for them, and also trying to help them solve the problem in the process of constellation.

The main goal of this whole process is to accurately reproduce the situation so that the client can see it live, understand it and accept his problem. Only when he succeeds in doing so is the session considered successful. Then it is believed that he no longer needs to reproduce a specific problem in the conditions of constellation, since he was able to realize it and can now deal with its solution.


According to people who practice this method, it really helps - participants can look at their situation from the other side, try to assess what is happening impartially, without associating all actions with their relatives and friends, which does not allow them to think rationally. And when a person sees a situation performed in real life by strangers, he can understand that this is really his problem - and then he can start looking for a solution to it. Often the client is not able to not only solve his problem on his own, but even see it - this is what the constellation is used for. The client looks at the situation with an outsider's eye and gets a chance to see it as a problem in general, and then recognize his own in it.

Hellinger family constellations have received many accolades. People who have tried constellations on themselves report bursts of energy, a new look at the problem, which allows them to solve it. Tension subsides, fears, anxiety go away. It becomes calmer and easier. Or there is a deterioration in the state, emotional disorders are growing. How the Hellinger family constellation method works and why it doesn't work, read this article.

Popularity of Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger

In Russia, the demand for psychotherapy is greater than anywhere else. People live in fear, uncertainty about the future.

The struggle to survive in a confused society after the collapse of the Soviet Union led to chronic stress and psychosomatic illness. Many fail to find their place in life, relationships with loved ones do not add up, work is hated. Russian people are waiting for a miracle, magic, hoping for a chance. On this basis, coupled with the general relaxation of the mind, many esoteric teachings easily fall. System constellations according to Hellinger have found their followers in Russia as well.

They do not solve problems for the simple reason that the real mechanism for getting out of negative situations is completely different. Why there is a subjectively positive effect from family constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger and how people fall into the trap of their own fears, read on.

Who attends Hellinger family constellations

Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger attract people with negative life scenarios, tired of their personal problems, dysfunctional relationships, illnesses. There are those among them who seek to comprehend the causes of their failures, conflicts and conflicting thoughts. What unites them is great suffering, constant internal discomfort.

Let's consider the features of the psyche of people who are interested in constellations according to Bert Hellinger with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

  • People with visual vector

Bad things happen to everyone. But there are people who see this as the influence of some forces from outside.

Negative energies, bad thoughts of others, evil eye, corruption and predictions - all this poisons their life. Family constellations according to Bert Hellinger fit perfectly into their perception. How does it happen that some people are greatly influenced by the karma of the family, curses, while the rest live and do not think about it? And what kind of family debt is this?

A tendency to superstition and mysticism occurs in people with a visual vector. In unfavorable conditions, they fall on the hook of system-family constellations according to Hellinger. Scientists, doctors - people with high intelligence in the visual vector. Actors, singers, artists are people with developed sensuality. If the intellect and innate sensibility are not applied in society, then it is easier to believe in the "bond of the genus" than to try to see how things are in real life.

What happens in fact - the responsibility for one's life is shifted to another, to a deceased relative, for example. "Now everything will be fine." Tension subsides, the fear of the future goes away - though not for long. By the same principle, people with a visual vector visit fortune-tellers. Even intellectuals do this during times of stress, when fears are so great that they cannot be dealt with in any other way.

It is vital for a person with a visual vector to create emotional connections with other people, he seeks to experience strong feelings. When the emotional amplitude is realized in love and empathy for other people, in helping them, then the person feels happy. In a state of superstress or when there is not enough skill in showing feelings for others, the unexploited emotional energy goes into winding oneself up. There are fears, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks. Then the psyche at least experiences emotions in this way. Let them be negative.

The method of family constellations according to Hellinger involves extracting the causes of the client's problem from the general information field through deputies - significant people playing the role. The presence of this "field" is not justified, and no reasons are clarified. But during the Hellinger family constellation, all participants experience strong feelings. At first glance, they really arise from interaction with external energies, fields.

In an emotionally charged environment, this is enough to experience a huge range of feelings. Sharing feelings with other participants and their openness to the group gives a person the fulfillment of his visual vector, which does not happen in ordinary life. Tears are flowing.

There is incredible relief. This is the subjective positive effect of family constellations according to Bert Hellinger.

Some time after the systemic arrangement according to Hellinger, internal tension, fear, and anxiety reappear. A person who has not been taught to correctly realize the potential of the visual vector continues to react in the usual way. Problems accumulate until relief comes again at the next session. A person becomes emotionally dependent on the Hellinger family constellation method. He returns to the group to feel united with it again. In solving his problems, he marks time, temporarily getting rid of discomfort during the sessions.

It is no coincidence that Bert Hellinger's family constellation sessions are like theatrical performances. Acting is one of the ways to implement the visual vector. The actor conveys to the audience the states of love, compassion, when they come from within him. Participants in system-family constellations according to Hellinger carry negative emotions inside and broadcast them to each other. It must be remembered that substitutes have sensations in the body due to the suggestibility and self-suggestibility of the visual vector.

All this is connected with high emotionality, suspiciousness and non-realization of sensual potential. With the refusal to change oneself, shifting the responsibility to the great-grandmother who once had an abortion, to the suicidal relative, the unborn child, and so on.

  • People with sound vector

Search for oneself, self-development, spiritual growth - the goal of a person with a sound vector. His area of ​​interest is intangible categories. An attempt to understand the world order with the help of family constellations according to Bert Hellinger by a person with high abstract intelligence in the sound vector often ends with a refusal to deal with them. At first, he gets a sense of the system, cause-and-effect relationships. When he tries to understand this structure, the thought may arise that here is one more constellation - and I will find the meaning.

There are many postulates in the method of constellations according to Bert Hellinger that I would like to reveal. However, everything is presented blurry, there is no clear structure of the universe. Hellinger himself does not explain the origins of his knowledge.

The people described above with a visual vector tend to take everything on faith, but a person with an inquisitive mind in a sound vector does not.

Not finding answers to his questions, a person with a sound vector moves on. An exception happens if it is held by fears in the visual vector and dispersal of the mind, when there is a request, but there is no skill to go further through cognition. With the help of the method of family constellations according to Hellinger, a certain model of the world order with an esoteric bias is obtained, which temporarily calms the itching question about the purpose of existence. This does not relieve depression and a sense of the meaninglessness of life, because a person does not receive true knowledge about himself and the world.

The feeling of inner loneliness and depression arises in the sound vector due to the loss of connection with other people and immersion in one's thoughts. During a family constellation session according to Bert Hellinger, a person with a sound vector temporarily concentrates his mind on other members of the group. Improvement of the state occurs due to a shift in the focus of attention from oneself to another. This skill does not become permanent, so after a while the symptoms return.

System-family constellations according to Hellinger do not change the perception of reality, which is what a person with a sound vector strives for so much. When using this method, obsession with their problems can increase if a person begins to delve into himself. He is looking in the wrong place and gets into a dead end. It is impossible to know oneself from the inside, because knowledge occurs by observing the differences between oneself and other people. The Hellinger family constellation method does not provide a distinction system that would allow this. The question "Why do I live?" remains open.

  • People with anal vector

The arrangement method according to Bert Hellinger also attracts a person with an anal vector. Family, respect, duty, memory of ancestors are the values ​​of the anal vector. Such people gravitate towards the past. A sense of duty and guilt arise due to an internal distortion of the psyche if a person gave less than he received. When it's the other way around, it's a feeling of resentment. Resentment against parents and loved ones does not allow to live in full force. This happens even when a person is not aware of this - somehow life is not very good. The resentment and tears suddenly revealed during the Hellinger family constellation session give the impression of relief. But does it get rid of the most resentment and resentment?

You cannot force yourself to stop feeling hurt if the very perception of the situation remains the same.

It is impossible to show respect for the offender by an effort of will. To repay him a debt when there is an unconscious conviction that it is he who owes me is all the more impossible.

Liberation from resentment occurs through awareness of the causes of the offender's behavior. When the understanding comes that he could not act differently because he was in a certain mental state, then the resentment goes away. Family constellations according to Bert Hellinger can exacerbate resentment towards parents and loved ones due to emotional fixation on her.

Memory is given to a person with an anal vector to study the past and pass on experience and knowledge to younger generations. Fixation on the past negative experience does not give anything. Nature does not go back, development only goes forward. When a person is mentally turned to the past, he renounces life in senses.

Who uses the Hellinger constellation method in their work

The constellation method according to Bert Hellinger, in fact, deprives a person of the opportunity to change his life on his own for his own money. But it gives a feeling of relief from the removal of responsibility for your life. Preserves a person in his own fears and false ideas. Fortunetellers and psychics do the same.

For the vast majority of psychotherapeutic trainings and groups, it is characteristic that the work is carried out only with the participation of a psychotherapist. Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger are no exception. The Hellinger family constellation method is used only with the leader and deputies.

They are necessary as guides, without them the client cannot do anything. Only the leader owns the instrument, which he does not give into the hands of the client. Partly because the postulates of the doctrine are not formulated, not verifiable in life, and people are invited to take their word for it. Partly because this is a condition for the commercial work of the group: a person must need the help of a constellator, preferably for a long time.

The creator of family constellations Bert Hellinger and his followers are people with a sound vector, confident in the ideas of the teaching. They live by them, believe in themselves, have no doubts and are convincing for this reason.

Such a person gathers around him clients, most of whom have a visual vector in emotional disorders. The group rests on sensual unification, on blind faith in the constellator. If a person’s critical mind does not work, if fear is stronger, he is drawn like a magnet to family constellations according to Hellinger.

Hellinger family constellation method - no need

Problem solving occurs through a deep awareness of the cause-and-effect relationships that led to them. The root of which is hidden in the unconscious. Comprehension of the hidden changes the perception of the situation. When a part of the unconscious is realized, it becomes a part of consciousness and ceases to control a person. His behavior changes effortlessly, naturally. This is the psychoanalytic effect of Yuri Burlan's Systemic Vector Psychology training.

Knowledge must be passed from teacher to student and become part of his thinking. The knowledge of the peculiarities of the psyche allows you to understand yourself and other people and change the worldview - to see the world as it is, in all its variety of manifestations. Understanding what is happening becomes independent, it is a skill that is acquired once and for all. A person receives a tool to improve his life.

We live in a society and can be both happy and deeply unhappy in the same conditions. The question is to understand the real causes of the problems, and therefore, to get all the opportunities to actually change your life for the better.

Acquiring the skill of focusing on other people gives a feeling of being part of a whole, getting rid of loneliness, joy and interest in life.

“... All rubbish, all sorts of esoteric troubles, false information, which now I can easily determine right away, all sorts of superstitions, have disappeared from me, I stopped wasting a lot of time in search of something, some kind of knowledge, now I understand why this search took place, why I had this emptiness ... "

“... Now, when I remember what happened to me before the training, I understand that my life was some strange moment, passed me by, and I still didn’t understand what I was doing, what I was going to and what Is there any meaning to my life. For me, the meaning of what I do or think has been and remains my highest value. And, what is most beautiful, it will not return again, remaining just a starting point in my memories, until the beginning of a complete revolution in understanding the human psyche ... "

“... There was not even a doubt that system-vector psychology was what I was looking for. I searched in a variety of philosophies and psychologies - understanding myself and the mysterious Other, comprehension of the soul and Spirit, awareness of the place of man in the world and the world in man ... This is a harmonious system of knowledge based on revealing the deep roots of the mental, which gives a powerful and stable awareness to people who receive these knowledge. And therefore, of course, it is effective. I clearly understood that I had found MY ONE!!”

“... System-vector psychology is a very accessible knowledge. All words, concepts heard at the training, especially at the introductory ones, are simple and understandable. There is no such thing that only those who have been studying for five years at the Faculty of Psychology, and then having worked in practice for ten years as a psychologist, can understand this. Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychoanalysis is knowledge for everyone. But I assure you, you cannot even imagine what is behind this ... "

“... As a general result, in addition to numerous deliverances from unnecessary negative things, I came to a complete understanding of everything that happens in my life and an awareness of all the reasons for one or another of my actions, decisions, motives, desires, reactions to something or someone. In my life there are no more doubts, indecision, difficulty of choice, resentment, jealousy, anxiety ... it looks fantastic, but it is available to anyone who wishes ... "

“... Only systems thinking filled ALL the blank spots regarding human behavior, which did not allow to make numerous directions in psychology and not only in it, which I was interested in at different periods of my life ...”

“... You don’t even notice how all the extra husk of your ideas, imposed by some inexpressible and cunningly confusing way of persuading, flies out. You don’t even have to sit and meditate in the lotus position on the top of some Mount Kailash, you don’t need to fast for weeks, you don’t need to read mantras, you don’t need to go on a raw food diet, you don’t need to eat only watermelon to “remove toxins” or whatever, you don’t need to kill yourself by observing the strict discipline of vipasana silence and isolation.

You can list an infinite number of things that you absolutely do not need to do in order to gain access to yourself. What you need - most likely certain qualities, the volume of emptiness and the consent to turn your ears.

Probably there is still hopelessness to some extent ... like that patient who has nothing left but to substitute a known injection site ... "

Ekaterina Krestnikova, doctor - psychiatrist-narcologist
Editor Ekaterina Korotkikh, psychologist
Proofreader Zif Akhatova

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"