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Tongue massage at home. How to do speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria? What are the methods, techniques and tools for speech therapy massage

What is speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage is an active method of influence, which is used to correct speech disorders. It changes the state of blood vessels, muscles and nerves of the peripheral speech apparatus. Massage is used for speech therapy work with people with voice disorders, dysarthria, stuttering. In general, the procedure has a beneficial effect, improves blood microcirculation, additional skin nutrition occurs and metabolic processes are accelerated. Thanks to rhythmic movements, massage causes positive changes in the muscular and nervous systems, which occupy an important place in the speech-motor process.

What is massage for?

The main tasks that the procedure solves are:
  • increased proprioceptive sensations;
  • strengthening the pharyngeal reflex;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • increased sensitivity in speech areas;
  • stimulation of those muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus, where a small contractility was found.

Who conducts speech therapy massage

If you need a speech therapy massage in Moscow, you can contact various medical centers, where an experienced speech therapist should take. When practicing with children, various game forms are used that allow the child to relax as much as possible and bring positive results after the first course. The price of speech therapy massage varies depending on the experience of the doctor and the location.

How is the procedure

The procedure usually begins with a general facial massage, the main movements are rubbing, stroking, vibration, patting. One of the important points is speech therapy massage of the tongue with the help of special probes, which are completely safe. In some cases, elements of relaxation or breathing exercises may be used. The massage time is about 20 minutes, while between courses there are breaks of two to three months to consolidate the results. With severe violations, it may be recommended to carry out the procedure even for more than one year. The specialist always focuses on the behavior of the child, if he is frightened, the massage causes severe discomfort, then the time of the sessions increases gradually until addiction occurs. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least two hours after eating.
  • Herpes;
  • Various infectious diseases;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • With caution, massage is performed for people with episyndrome.

Speech therapy facial massage is a procedure that allows you to correct pronunciation, improve the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus, and allow the patient to relax. It is necessary for children who have complex problems with the speech apparatus: dysarthria, alalia and others.

Types of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage has several different types:

  • traditional;
  • hardware;
  • point;
  • probe massage;
  • massage Dyakova;
  • self-massage.

main ways traditional massage are stroking, rubbing, movement of damaged areas or near it. To relax the muscles involved in articulation, light stroking movements are used. To acquire active muscle tone and strengthen it, you need to use fast and energetic movements.

Hardware massage performed using devices designed for this (vibrating, vacuum and not only).

Acupressure It has a stimulating and relaxing effect on the child, separately affecting the biologically active points that have the largest number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

Probe massage- This is a type of massage, the principle of which was developed by Novikova E.V. It is recommended for use in children with impaired speech motor skills. With the help of probes, such areas of the oral cavity are massaged as: the soft palate, tongue and lips.

Dyakova's massage is one of the most popular techniques used to correct speech disorders in children.

Self massage. The name of this species speaks for itself. These are activities that the child does on their own. It is an exercise in which it is necessary to perform hand movements and massage the tongue with the help of teeth.

It must be taken into account that with the isolated use of any one type of massage, its course will be longer than with a complex one. In addition, it is advisable to use speech therapy massage together with other types of treatment: fairy tale therapy, sound production, aromatherapy.

Technique for performing speech therapy massage of the tongue

When performing speech therapy massage, key attention is paid to the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. His technique includes several stages.

  1. Initially, the masseur makes gentle strokes on the face in different directions.
  2. The longitudinal muscles of the tongue are massaged vertically (from the root of the tongue to its tip).
  3. Then pressure is applied to the tongue (its transverse muscles: it is necessary to move from the center of the tongue to its edges).
  4. A variety of strokes are made throughout the organ of speech (in a circle and in a spiral).
  5. Slaps are made over the entire surface of the tongue.
  6. The specialist gently presses on the longitudinal muscles.
  7. The frenulum of the tongue is massaged vertically.
  8. Grinding massage movements (you need to use a gauze napkin).

The massage cycle consists of 10-20 sessions. They need to be done 2-3 times a week. It will be useful to repeat all actions after 4-8 weeks.

Technique for performing speech therapy facial massage

forehead massage

Speech therapy facial massage begins with stroking movements that are made from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving towards the temporal region. Then the specialist moves from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. In the same direction, kneading and vibrating movements are made (alternately). Vibration massage is performed with a special vibration massager.

Cheek massage

After the forehead massage, the specialist proceeds to massaging the cheeks. Massages with gentle kneading and stretching movements, which should start from the corners of the mouth and continue to the temples along the muscles of the cheeks. The massage of the cheeks ends with light strokes (from the cheekbones to the lower jaw).

Nose massage

It is necessary to perform stroking, stretching and vibration movements along the wings of the nasal muscle. After that, a light stroking massage of the nasolabial fold is done from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Chin massage

The chin is massaged from the middle of the mouth to its corners, stroking it and kneading it.

Neck massage

It is performed by stroking and kneading movements along the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Logomassage can be a real find for those who want to cope with underdevelopment of speech. Among its advantages it is worth noting the following:

  • improves vascular function;
  • increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, contractile function;
  • has a positive effect on the muscular and nervous system;
  • simple and painless elimination of deviations in the formation of sounds;
  • accessibility of the methodology;
  • the ability to perform at home;
  • a small patient is not introduced from outside any drugs;
  • reducing the time for corrective work.

But this method of treatment also has disadvantages:

  • during the massage, only the muscles are affected;
  • children are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

First of all, in the room in which the session is held, it should not be cold. Special requirements are put forward to the hands of a massage therapist. They should not have jewelry, nails must be cut, the presence of any inflammatory diseases is excluded.

Secondly, massage should not be done less than two hours after eating. The oral cavity is cleaned of possible food debris and crumbs.

Thirdly, massage is done daily, a course of up to 20 sessions. If the child has a pronounced speech impairment, its duration should be longer. The timing of the massage is determined only by the doctor. The duration of the session depends entirely on the psycho-emotional state of the child: nervous tension, fear, mood, and more. The first session should not exceed no longer than 5-6 minutes. Gradually, its duration increases.

Do not immediately put the child in a horizontal position on the massage table. The best option is if for the first time all actions will be carried out while sitting. After two or three sessions, the child will get used to the actions of the massage therapist. If he is set up to carry out procedures sharply negatively, movements should be carried out only on the face.

For severe and complex disorders, massage sessions can be applied for a year or more.

Fourth, the child should feel as comfortable as possible, without fear and pain. It's best if mom is around. For each small patient, the doctor must select an individual approach, everything must be right. Massage will be beneficial only when the child has full confidence in the specialist.

The child must consciously approach massage procedures, understand its necessity for normal development and increase the ability to use sounds. The goal of the speech therapist is to set the child up for a positive result after the sessions. To get rid of the fear of massage, the child needs to show all the actions on another small patient who is no longer afraid of procedures.

Massage should never cause any pain. The areas that are most affected are not processed immediately, but closer to the end of the masseur's actions. With the course of the procedures, the fear will decrease, and the child will positively and with confidence accept all the movements of the specialist.

For massage, specialists most often use the following items:

  1. Medical gloves (sterile).
  2. Protective mask.
  3. Special massage oil.
  4. Ammonia (if you need medical attention).

What indications does a child need logomassage for?

In no case can speech therapy massage be prescribed independently. It is carried out only after a thorough examination of the muscles of the speech apparatus. During this procedure, the speech therapist makes a preliminary assessment of the work of all the muscles necessary for the proper functioning of articulation. The results of such a study help to establish the nature of the violation of pronunciation.

Children with speech disorders cannot do without speech therapy massage, especially those in whom its correction by pedagogical methods does not bring significant results. There are the following indications for such a procedure:

  • indistinct pronunciation of speech sounds;
  • stuttering, which has a neurotic nature of appearance;
  • violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;
  • unclear origin of speech development delay up to 3 years;
  • dysgraphia (difficulties in mastering writing without delaying intellectual development);
  • alalia (complete absence or insufficient development of speech without deviations in mental development);
  • voice disorder;
  • acceleration of the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist;
  • involuntary salivation;
  • tension in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • rhinolalia (defect of sound pronunciation, which is characterized by excessive or insufficient resonance in the nasal cavity);
  • dyslalia (impaired pronunciation in the absence of hearing impairment), resulting from a short hyoid frenulum.

It is easy to see significant improvements in children who attend sessions of speech therapy massage:

  1. The muscle tone of the muscles involved in speech returns to normal.
  2. The amplitude of articulatory movements increases.
  3. The manifestation of abnormalities in the muscles is reduced.
  4. Formed movements carried out by the organs of speech for the pronunciation of sounds.
  5. Improvement of those muscles of the speech apparatus in which insufficient contraction activity was observed.

Massage contraindications

Like any procedure, speech therapy massage has its own factors in which it cannot be done:

  • inflammation and rashes on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • stomatitis (damage to the oral mucosa) or gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, occurring in combination with swelling, redness and bleeding);
  • fungus on the skin
  • bruises on the massaged area;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • diseases of capillaries and blood;
  • acute stage of urticaria;
  • the presence of oncological diseases;
  • cuts or abrasions in which there is an infection;
  • furunculosis (a disease of the hair follicle or connective tissue that is located near the follicle);
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive sensitivity of the child.

Video instruction

With the features of the use of speech therapy massage and the principles of its implementation, see the following video. From it you will learn what speech therapy massage is intended for. Visually familiarize yourself with the principles of its implementation.

The second video will allow you to get acquainted with the technique of performing a light massage to stimulate the articulatory muscles. You will learn about the methods of performing exercises, thanks to which the child's muscles are stimulated in a playful way.

The use of speech therapy massage will achieve high results in ridding the child of disorders associated with the speech apparatus. It is important to choose an experienced specialist for the sessions, who will not only perform all the procedures professionally, but will also be able to establish emotional contact with the child. The main thing is to adhere to all the recommendations of the massage therapist and take into account the existing contraindications.

Speech development is a complex and lengthy process in which failures are possible. Some of them arise due to a genetic predisposition or unsuccessful birth, while others are the result of psychological trauma or pathologies of the speech apparatus.

If problems arise, you do not need to panic, it is much more productive to seek help from a speech therapist. After the examination, the doctor will understand the nature of the deviations and take measures to correct them.

Why do you need gymnastics for the tongue?

Articulation exercises are useful for all children. The purpose of a kind of physical education is to improve the mobility of the speech apparatus, the development of the correct posture of the lips and tongue for a clear pronunciation of sounds. She will teach some children to speak correctly, others she will prepare for a meeting with a speech therapist and more complex exercises. Charging complexes include three types of exercises: for the tongue, lips and cheeks.

Proper pronunciation plays a big role in mental and emotional development. Communication with peers is extremely important and can be complicated due to problems in speech development. It is better to start training with a child at the age of 4 years. Of course, you can do the exercises later, but it will be more difficult to achieve the result.

If kids 2-3 years old with the help of gymnastics train and develop the speech apparatus, then older children correct existing defects. Physical education of the language contributes to the rapid detection and correction of problems with pronunciation.

Speech exercises take place in a playful way and kids like it. Simple exercises are easy to remember and perform at home. They do not require a lot of free time and special efforts from parents.

Indications for performing exercises for children 3-4 years old

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Speech therapy exercises train the child's articulatory muscles and make them work actively and correctly. Articulatory physical education and massage for the tongue are shown to children if they have congenital or acquired speech defects that occur for the following reasons:

In all of these situations, speech gymnastics is combined with classes with a speech therapist. Constant monitoring and regular exercise and logo massage helps to achieve positive results in a short time. The listed deviations are basic, but it is useful for absolutely all children to train articulatory muscles.

Symptoms of hypertonicity of the articulatory muscles

Hypertonicity is called excessive muscle tension. Toddlers with this diagnosis are often irritable and stiff. They are unable to relax even when they fall asleep.

Outwardly, children with increased tone are given out by pursed lips, sometimes wrinkles can form because of this. The tongue is drawn back and tense. At the same time, his back bends and presses against the sky, so sometimes it seems that the child speaks through the nose. Muscle hyperonus does not allow you to fully turn your head, open your mouth wide or hold it in this position. The upper lip is stretched and pressed against the gums or simply lifted.

Such a pathology is an indication for the appointment of a relaxing massage. The session begins with soft sliding movements in the neck and shoulders. This helps to reduce tissue excitability and relieve hypertonicity of the root of the tongue.

The facial muscles are massaged with longitudinal and transverse strokes of the forehead, the area around the eyes, cheeks, the line from the earlobes to the nose. The lips are worked out separately, first with soft movements from the corners to the center, then in a circular motion with light pressure.

Signs of decreased tone

Sometimes muscle tone is not increased, but rather below normal. Muscular hypotonia occurs due to underdevelopment of the nervous system and is often found in premature babies. Patients with reduced tone are too calm, they sleep well and practically do not cause problems for their parents, only such babies develop more slowly than their peers.

Hypotonicity is characterized by the following symptoms: sagging cheeks and facial contours, the lower lip turns out and practically lies on the chin, the tongue becomes flaccid and falls out of the mouth. The child is simply not able to keep his mouth closed.

The purpose of the massage in this case is to activate the articulatory muscles. They begin to carry it out in the same way from the neck and shoulders with soft wrapping movements. The procedure should touch and stimulate the muscles associated with the muscles of the tongue.

  • Stroking movements of the forehead, the area above the eyes, the chin are complemented by kneading the zygomatic and buccal muscles.
  • Cheeks are massaged on both sides: from the inside and outside at the same time.
  • The lips are stroked and pinched from the middle to the corners. Pressing movements should increase gradually, without causing discomfort and pain to the child.

Often there are patients with mixed tone, when the cheeks are relaxed, and the tongue tenses and presses against the palate, or vice versa - a flaccid tongue, when its tip cannot be distinguished, with a good tone of the lips and cheeks. Such children undergo a differentiated massage that combines both tactics.

What is needed to complete the complex?

Before prescribing speech therapy massage and articulatory gymnastics to a child, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis of a small patient. During the examination, the structure of the cervical and facial muscles, the upper body is checked. An experienced specialist is able to detect even minor deviations in speech function.

There is no need to massage the tongue in the clinic, the mother can do it to the child on her own at home. You will first need to thoroughly check the room in which the procedure is planned, wash and warm your hands.

The duration of the first sessions usually does not exceed 5 minutes and gradually, over 4 sessions, increases to 20. It must be remembered that the time of the procedure also depends on the age and emotional state of the child.

You can learn massage techniques at the reception of a speech therapist or by carefully studying the following video. Logomassage touches all the muscles of the speech apparatus, and special attention is paid to the language. It is not necessary to develop it with the help of specialized devices. To strengthen the tip of the tongue, improvised objects, such as a spoon or a soft-bristle toothbrush, are suitable (we recommend reading:).

To massage the tip of the tongue is not difficult. In addition to the brush, you will need gauze swabs that are placed under the tongue. This is necessary to collect excess saliva, during massage it is produced more strongly. When making longitudinal, circular or transverse movements along the tongue, you do not need to press hard on the brush. Actions should not cause pain or inconvenience. In most cases, children like this process, even those who were wary at first.

Tongue Charging Technique

Articulation exercises strengthen and develop the speech apparatus. Not all sounds are amenable to three-year-old babies, but with regular exercise, their speech becomes clear.

The effect of speech therapy exercises will be noticeable only if:

  • classes are held daily;
  • exercises are performed in front of a mirror so that the child has the opportunity to check the correctness of the actions;
  • more attention is paid not to the number of exercises learned, but to the quality of their implementation;
  • charging begins with simple complexes and gradually becomes more complicated;
  • exercises are presented in a playful comic form, sometimes the child does not need to be told that he is doing the exercise at all, it is better to present everything in the form of a new game.

The baby must be prepared in advance for gymnastics by talking about the procedure, for clarity, you can use the pictures. After that, a demonstration of exercises takes place, the first attempts to perform them together with the child and adjustment.

At the initial stage, the difference in muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus is visible to the naked eye. Gradually, the differences are smoothed out, and the tone returns to normal.

Children may start to try too hard or get nervous. It is necessary to remove the emotional burden: stretch your shoulders, shake your hands with them. To improve perception, many sets of exercises are supplemented with funny poems. This also helps to relieve tension and better remember charging.

There are two types of exercises. The difference is that with static actions, the lips and tongue are fixed for a few seconds in a certain position, while dynamic ones make them move.

The purpose of the massage

Logomassage has proven itself in the restoration of speech functions, and in some diseases, such as cerebral palsy, such procedures are mandatory. In young patients with this diagnosis, muscle tone is impaired, which inevitably leads to speech defects. Massage helps to achieve:

It should be borne in mind that massage is strictly prohibited when:

  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis and gingivitis;
  • herpes lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

For children with severe deviations in sound pronunciation, the addition of speech exercises with speech therapy massage is simply necessary. Massage improves the general condition of the body, stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism. After completing the full course, lymphatic exchange is restored, the contractile function of the muscles returns to normal.

Expert opinions

Experts unanimously declare the benefits of speech development, even in the absence of obvious deviations, it is important to start working with a child as early as possible. Speech therapy massage improves blood circulation, increases muscle elasticity and is an excellent prevention of speech deviations.

In order for the baby to speak, it is necessary to stimulate him, talk more with him, and it is better to ask about something, forcing him to speak on his own. Speech develops better in children with a broad outlook and those who are used to sculpting, drawing, constructing, i.e. develop fine motor skills. You should not worry if at 1.5-2.5 years the child does not want to talk, it goes away in kindergarten, but it is necessary to consult a specialist with a three-year-old silent person to determine the cause of the problem.

Speech communication is the main means for communication between humanity. With the help of speech, from an early age we learn to know the world in communication. Children are not the same and learn speech in the correct form at different stages of their lives. This development can be hindered by many factors.

Causes of speech impairment in a child include:

  • hereditary genetics;
  • pathological consequences during pregnancy and during labor;
  • the course of psychological development in a child with a delay;
  • violation of the speech apparatus itself.

If there is a problem in the development of the baby, do not panic. When identifying the first indicators of it, you should immediately seek help from a specialist - a speech therapist. Having determined the specifics of the violation, the child will be provided with the necessary assistance to eliminate the existing problem.

The method of influence in case of violations of the speech apparatus

As a rule, classes with a speech therapist include children performing breathing and articulation exercises. If a specialist detects more serious violations, speech therapy massage is connected to the complex of procedures. It belongs to an unconventional method of treatment, but it is very effective as it increases the tone of the tongue and normalizes the functioning of the speech apparatus.

Speech therapy massage for children contributes to:

  • improve pronunciation;
  • voice correction;
  • reduces symptoms associated with neurological disorders;
  • activates and tones the muscular system of the speech apparatus;
  • helps to reduce the time in the formation of pronunciation.

Massage also contributes to the renewal of the body, since all tissues, cells and the whole system are involved in the process. Its influence has significant changes in the state of the muscle system. After an active load, muscle fibers increase their activity, recover and improve their performance..

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for children will help if such speech disorders as dysarthria, dyslalia, alalia, rhinolalia are identified. Also its use significantly reduces stuttering in a child.

As a rule, a speech therapist does a tongue massage. This is due to the implementation of complex rules when cleaning and preparing for the procedure of the tongue and oral cavity. In medical institutions, a special probe is used for cleaning. If the problem is not so great, you can get the advice of a specialist to do speech therapy massage at home. In this case cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out with a spatula or with a toothbrush.

Having identified the nature of the deviation, the speech therapist prescribes a massage course, taking into account the number of sessions and their duration. The appointment of a certain course of massage is influenced by muscle tone (its condition), the possibility during movement, the presence of pathologies.

Reduced tone

A child needs to do speech therapy massage initially from the cervical region, affecting the shoulders. The body is stroked with soft and light movements. Having an effect on this area, the muscles connected with the muscles of the tongue are activated.
When massaging, it is imperative to touch the bottom of the oral cavity, since these muscles have a direct connection with the root region of the tongue.

It is also necessary to carry out active actions on the articulatory muscles. These include chewing, zygomatic, buccal. All actions start from the central area and bring to the extreme point.

Used in classical massage techniques with a gradual increase in pressure. At the same time, pain should not be felt in the affected area.


  1. stroke the forehead along and across;
  2. stroke the top of the eye;
  3. movement from nasal wings to ear;
  4. stroke the chin to the ear, touching his lower jaw;
  5. knead the zygomatic muscles with spiral movements;
  6. we do pinching and in the form of a spiral action on the cheeks;
  7. knead both sides of the muscles of the cheeks, massaging inside with one finger, the rest are involved from the outside;
  8. massage each lip separately. We move stroking and pinching from the midpoint to the corners;
  9. treatment of the fold in the lip area.

Increased tone

How to do speech therapy massage correctly with increased tone? They begin the procedure by choosing a convenient location for the child, which will reduce the degree of manifestation of the tonic reflex. With light touches, stroke from the extreme points to the center of the massage area. At the same time, sliding and slightly pressing actions are made by increasing the pressure, which gives a relaxing effect in the area of ​​influence. All cycles occur with a repetition of eight times. Thus, slow movements reduce tissue excitability.


Begin with relaxing movements in the cervical and shoulder regions. They also fix the technique with a passive massage by making head rotations. Holding the child's head, it is necessary to perform circular rotations alternately in both directions. Thus, when relaxing the muscles of the cervical region, there is a decrease in tone at the very base of the tongue.

Relaxation of facial muscles

  • stroking the forehead up and down;
  • eye stroking;
  • stroking actions from the bridge of the nose through the region of the upper eyelid of the eye to the temple;
  • stroke from the forehead to the cheeks, then the chin through the cervical region to the collarbones;
  • movements from the ear (lobe) to the nasal wings;
  • tingling in the lower jaw;
  • pressure movements from the hairline, affecting the entire front surface.

Muscle relaxation during lip massage

  • stroking the lips from each corner to the central point (each lip in turn);
  • stroke the upper lip (starting from its upper point
  • stroking movements of the lower lip (from bottom to top point);
  • we process the nasal folds (from the nasal wings to the corners of the mouth);
  • we press on the lips, while making light and rotating touches;
  • slap your lips using the pads of your fingers.

Tongue massage

A relaxing tongue massage is carried out beforehand, having cleaned the remnants of food from the child's mouth. The procedure is done after an hour and a half after eating or two hours before feeding. Massage is done by stroking the tongue in all directions. This encourages more muscle activity.

The following sequence is used:

  • stimulation of the longitudinal muscle from the base of the tongue to the very end;
  • stimulation of the transverse muscle from the central part to the edge;
  • movements in the form of a circle and a spiral, it is necessary to process the entire surface;
  • by patting movements go around the entire plane of the tongue;
  • we press the longitudinal muscles;
  • with movements from top to bottom, massage the frenulum of the tongue;
  • using a tissue napkin, we do a massage imitating rubbing.

Using this technique, experts are recommended to independently massage the child's tongue at home. This is a set of simple exercises that, if necessary, will help to cope with speech deviation if it is not possible to regularly visit a speech therapist.

Spoon massage

At home, you can also apply speech therapy massage with spoons. This is an effective method that will significantly improve the process of speech development in a child. For its implementation, you will need two pairs of teaspoons.


  • Using the convex surface of the spoon, it is necessary to stroke the temporal region.
  • The convexity of the spoon is stroking the eye sockets. It is necessary to draw along the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye. Reverse movements to carry out under the eye.
  • The child's cheeks are stroked in a circular motion with the convex side of the spoon.
  • Rubbing the temporal region in a spiral with a slide of a spoon. Finish by gently pressing on the affected area.
  • To carry out rubbing the space between the eyebrows with spiral trajectories with a slide of a spoon.
  • Massaging the cheeks from the chin line to the eye with the edge of a spoon.
  • Using the end of a spoon, rub the nasolabial region.
  • Using the tip of a spoon, lightly press the lower and upper lip separately.
  • The area of ​​​​the cheekbones and chin should be kneaded with the roundness of the device, making movements in a circle.

Location during the massage

Before you start massaging the child's tongue, you need to place it in a comfortable position.

The best are:

  • position on the back. Under the neck you need to put a small pillow or a soft cloth in the form of a roller;
  • holding in a chair with a headrest in it;
  • for small children, choose a half-sitting position in the stroller;
  • sitting in the arms of the parents if the child has fear before undergoing the procedure.

Fulfillment of conditions during the implementation of the methodology

Speech therapy language massage makes adjustments to severe speech disorders only if certain rules are observed.

Duration and frequency

The time of passing one session depends on the age of the child and the level of speech impairment and should not exceed 25 minutes (5-25 minutes) regardless of the venue (home conditions, child care facility).

The duration of the first session is up to 5 minutes, since adaptation of the child to this procedure is necessary. Over time, depending on age, the time of holding is gradually increased to the maximum.

The massage course contains 10-20 complexes. The effect of the procedure is affected by its regularity.. Daily passage or with a break every other day will give significant progress in solving problems with speech.

Doing a relaxing speech therapy massage for the tongue is not recommended for children who have a variety of colds, the presence of skin diseases and inflammation of the oral cavity. Well, the absence of contraindications with regular attendance at classes and the active parental participation and caring attitude of a speech therapist will be the key to the successful development of correct speech in a child.

Children are a great joy for parents who are waiting for their appearance. With their arrival in this world, moms and dads try to provide the kids with everything they can: food, clothes, shoes, full development. Of course, there are many problems on the way of personality formation, one of which is speech development.

Speech is formed in the first three years of a child's life. For each, this process occurs individually - some do not experience difficulties, and some children cannot learn to speak correctly. Speech problems are becoming more and more common in children. It depends on how the pregnancy proceeds, childbirth and whether the parents are engaged with the baby.

What is speech therapy massage for?

Not everyone associates the development of speech and massage. Some are skeptical about this method of forming sounds and words. But do not underestimate its importance for the child. Recently, babies are often born with increased muscle tone. This affects their development in general and the mobility of tissues. The lips also suffer from this, the tongue becomes inactive, it does not have the necessary flexibility. Speech therapy massage helps to relax the cheeks, lips, tongue, face, so that it is possible to correctly form the pronunciation of sounds. In addition, it contributes to the softening of tissues, their flexibility and proper articulation.

The objectives of such a massage

If performed correctly, this manipulation can achieve great success. Of course, exercises with a speech therapist should also be carried out with problems of speech formation. The advantage of this manipulation is also that it can be carried out at home. Massage is done to solve the following problems:

  • correction of the pronunciation of sounds when they do not correspond to the correct sound, for example, if the child cannot learn to speak hissing or the sound "p";
  • when it is necessary to improve the condition of the voice - this requires medical indications;
  • normalization of speech breathing - sometimes a child cannot pronounce a word correctly due to confused breathing;
  • reduction of emotional stress;
  • correction of problems with stuttering, dysarthria, rhinolalia, voice disorders;
  • an increase in muscle tone and the oral cavity, when there is no necessary tension for the pronunciation of sounds;
  • reduction of hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • strengthening the pharyngeal reflex when speaking;
  • improved articulation.

Speech therapy massage at home can also carry out these tasks. With proper training in basic movements, thanks to hard work, mothers and children achieve maximum results.

Indications for manipulation

Speech therapy massage is not carried out just like that. Feedback from parents testifies to its effectiveness in overcoming certain difficulties in the development of the child. For its use, there are specific indications that are due to certain conditions.

  1. A voice disorder is a disorder of its function, which can have different causes: physiological and psychological. It manifests itself in insufficient voice power, constant perspiration, fatigue when speaking, pain, the appearance of a "coma" in the throat.
  2. Dysarthria is a speech therapy and neurological problem in which the child's pronunciation and articulation apparatus are impaired.
  3. Stuttering is a speech disorder that manifests itself in the frequent repetition or prolonged pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words. It can also be indecision in speech, stops.
  4. The need to speed up the results This usually happens before school, when parents turned to a specialist late with serious problems.
  5. Constant salivation.
  6. Weak or increased muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus.

In these cases, massage of the face and oral cavity is necessary. In other speech therapy problems, it can be done if there are no contraindications.

Are there any contraindications to it?

The main contraindications include:

  1. Infectious diseases in acute form. Speech therapy massage is not done in this case, as the child feels unwell and may be in pain.
  2. Skin diseases. Manipulation can also cause pain and worsen the condition of the child.
  3. Conjunctivitis.
  4. Gingivitis.
  5. Herpes, stomatitis. Speech therapy facial massage may be allowed provided that its lightweight form is used and there is no penetration into the oral cavity with instruments.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes, as well as a strong pulsation of the carotid artery.

Conditions for speech therapy massage

Any manipulation with a child, educational or therapeutic, must be carried out in conditions acceptable to him. For massage, you first need to consult a doctor and determine by a speech therapist. Then specific methods of relaxing or toning the muscles of the neck, torso, facial expressions and articulatory apparatus are prescribed.

It is more expedient to carry out speech therapy massage at home, since children perceive a familiar environment better. The room must be ventilated, the duration of the entire massage in the first few days is no more than 10 minutes. Then the time increases gradually up to 25 minutes. Massage is carried out 2-3 times a week, and at least 10-15 procedures should be applied. Parents note positive dynamics already after the 4-5th procedure. It all depends on the severity of the damage to the nervous system and the development of facial muscles.

To carry out speech therapy massage for children at home, you need to prepare some means:

  • massage oil;
  • sterile gloves (if it is done to babies);
  • a protective mask (if a massage therapist is suspected of having a viral infection).

Gloves and a mask are also necessary when massaging the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Logopedic massage for hands

The nerve endings on the fingers are very closely related to the state of the internal organs. Therefore, some speech therapists advise starting speech therapy massage for children from the hands, especially since it has no contraindications. Parents' reviews indicate that children are happy to accept massaging their fingers. But this must be done according to certain rules:

  • massage should begin with the little finger, it is necessary to massage, starting from the nail to the base of the finger, do this with each joint several times;
  • several times you need to press on each fingertip, first weakly, then stronger;
  • massaging the palms according to the type of "magpie-white-sided";
  • make a spiral several times from the edge of the palm, ending it in the center;
  • if you have at home, you need to take a rubber ball with spikes, then gently move it from your wrists to your fingers;

How to massage the tongue?

Speech therapy massage of the tongue already requires some training of the massage therapist. First you need to relax the muscles of the cervical, mandibular, shoulder girdle. This is necessary so that the muscles of the root of the tongue also become relaxed. All of them are closely related. All movements should be directed from the tip of the tongue to its root.

Sometimes you can encounter when massaging. In this case, speech therapy massage of the tongue for children begins with massaging only the tip so that it is inside the oral cavity. Then you can gradually bring the tongue out of the lips, increasing the massaging area.

Basic movements:

  • take the tip of the tongue and shake it in different directions, forward, backward;
  • stroke the tongue with the thumb, while supporting it from below with the index finger of the other hand, all movements go from the center to the periphery and from the tip to the root;
  • from above, grab the tongue with your thumb, strengthen it from below with your index and middle fingers, in this position rub the surface on both sides of the center;
  • then they move on to vibration: the tip is captured, shaken up and down a little, the surface of the tongue is patted a little.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue is done subject to the elimination of the problem with salivation. There are also several ways to do this.

  1. Chewing with head thrown back.
  2. The child must learn to swallow saliva the first time without accumulating it in the mouth.
  3. Rotate the tongue around the lips with an open and closed mouth, then swallow the saliva the first time.

Lip massage

How to do speech therapy lip massage? There is nothing complicated in it. The same movements are repeated here many times - up to 50. They need to be changed in direction. Basic actions:

  • at the right wing of the nose and lips, you need to put the index and middle fingers, make several circular movements, repeat the same on the left side;
  • set two index fingers in the middle under the lower lip, then above the upper one, in this position of the fingers make circular movements in different directions;
  • the same setting of fingers, making pinching in this area;
  • then pinch with three fingers around the child's lips.

The complex of such actions must be repeated 2-3 times in one massage session.

Speech therapy massage with spoons

This method is also effective in the process of forming a child's speech. The child is interested in conducting such a massage. Basic exercises include:

  • lip warm-up - stroking with slides of spoons of the lower and upper lips;
  • circular movements with the back of the kitchen utensils on the sponges;
  • shallow pressing with the tips of a spoon throughout all nasolabial folds;
  • scraping movements with the tips of this object along the lower and upper lip;
  • frequent pressing with the ends of a spoon on the lips;
  • warm-up of a spoon of chewing and chin muscles.

Massage for dysarthria

With this speech disorder, massage is necessary, since there is a need to influence not only the muscles, but also the nerve endings. That is why it covers a large area for manipulation. When it is necessary to carry out speech therapy massage for dysarthria, the child undresses to half, lies down on the table, and the massage therapist does a warm-up of the entire back, abdomen and above. In case of such a serious deviation, the procedure should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. He knows what movements are made, their sequence, what they are aimed at, and can cope with unpredictable situations (for example, cramps or spasms).

The ritual of the end of speech therapy massage

Specialists pay special attention to how speech therapy massage ends. Parents' feedback confirms that in order to set the child to continue such manipulation, it is important to be able to finish it.

After doing massaging movements, you need to caress and praise the baby for patience and obedience. You can play with it a little. After such an interaction, the baby will no longer be afraid of the next procedure, and he himself will substitute the tongue.