Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Psychological compatibility of temperaments. Between phlegmatic and sanguine

The relationship between a man and a woman is a rather shaky topic. After all, how life in marriage will develop depends, unfortunately, not only on the presence of love and sexual attraction, but also on many other factors. So, many people are sure that relationship problems can arise due to differences in temperaments. Perhaps such disagreements will not be decisive, but, nevertheless, they can have their detrimental effect. So, the topic of our conversation today will be the love compatibility of a woman and a man in marriage by temperament.

As you know, there are four main types of temperaments:

- choleric;
- melancholy;
- phlegmatic.

In order to understand their compatibility with each other, let's first try to explain to the readers of "Popular about Health" how they differ.


Sanguine people can be compared to peacocks. These people like to feel in the center of large and noisy companies, it gives them real pleasure. Sanguine people are very sociable, they always have many friends and various acquaintances. Such people are able to cheer up even the most dull people. They can move quite vigorously towards their intended life goals, but the failures that have happened stop them. If a sanguine person encounters difficulties, he most often changes his occupation.


Cholerics are fast-winged birds. They seem to fly through life, radiating aspiration, will and a lot of energy. Such people tend to live in constant tension and even at the limit of their capabilities. Cholerics are able to step over all the obstacles that block their path to their chosen goals. When such a person wants to achieve love, he becomes very assertive and confident. But having received what he wants, he simply cannot rest and continues to move on - to new goals, to a new love or a new position.


Such people are distinguished by the ability to feel subtly, are emotional and easily vulnerable. Most often, the melancholic is self-absorbed and usually plunges into deep experiences. Such people are unable to endure strong psychological or physical stress, they are disinterested and always ready to help. Melancholic people cannot boast of a light, as well as cheerful disposition. But at the same time they become faithful and caring spouses.


Such people are distinguished by degree and slowness. They tend to act slowly and with special discretion, thoroughly approaching any occupation. Phlegmatic people usually always think what they say, and never speak in vain. They can become real defenders from everyday difficulties.

Now let's talk about compatibility in marriage

Choleric and sanguine

A rather interesting couple can turn out from a choleric person with a sanguine person, but the relationship cannot be called easy. After all, both partners have a rather explosive and emotional temperament. The choleric will not be able to make concessions to the sanguine, and the struggle for the palm can be constant. But if there are no clashes on the issue of leadership, the relationship will be very bright, emotional and fruitful.

Choleric and melancholic

This is a couple that will be very difficult. The constant irascibility of the choleric will injure the partner and cause him discomfort. But it will not be easy for a choleric person to stop. And the melancholic is too vulnerable and touchy to endure all sorts of outbursts of partner's irritability.

Choleric and phlegmatic

This couple could be perfect. Partners will complement each other wonderfully in all areas of life. The calmness and regularity of the phlegmatic will help the choleric person to cool down and calm down. And the relationship will be warm, trusting and calm. But a phlegmatic person can get tired of constantly playing the role of a deterrent barrier for his partner.

Two choleric

Such a pair is almost impossible. It will be almost impossible for two choleric people to live together.

Sanguine and melancholic

In such a pair, it is possible to establish good and lasting relationships. A sanguine person can become a wonderful leader, directing a partner in the right direction. And the melancholic will get a chance to shift all the hardships of life and the need to make decisions onto the shoulders of a partner.

Sanguine and phlegmatic

This is a rather difficult combination in terms of temperament and the compatibility of such people is in question. It will not be easy for them to coexist in any areas of life. Sanguine in such a pair will lack personal freedom, and phlegmatic - a quiet family haven.

Two sanguines

Such a couple has a chance to exist. But quite often their relationship is hindered by constant jealousy and the struggle for leadership.

melancholic and phlegmatic

This combination of temperaments will help create a family with smooth and calm relationships. But there is a risk that feelings will be too boring, and life will be too passive and inert. This can lead to complete destruction as a result. But, in principle, partners can become peaceful and kind homebodies who will remain faithful to each other throughout their lives.

Two melancholic

This couple could be perfect. Of course, from the outside they may look rather strange, but they will understand each other literally from a half-look.

Two phlegmatic

A pair of phlegmatic people can be perfect for each other. If desired, they will be able to build wonderful family relationships, full of trust and comfort for both.

In fact, it is worth remembering that the difference between a man in temperament and a woman does not always play a decisive role in building strong family relationships.

Compatibility of people of different temperaments

Legend:+ compatibility; - incompatibility;

± relative compatibility.

Temperaments make a difference in the behavioral reactions of people and leave their mark on their relationships. Different combinations of temperaments create different types of their interaction. Here we will consider only the main trends in the interaction of the main temperaments.

So, choleric, for example, best of all calms and complements its opposite in work - phlegmatic person, a melancholic well supports and tones sanguine. These two pairs of temperaments complement each other in many ways and even partially smooth out the misunderstandings that may arise when their personality types are incompatible.

Other combinations ( choleric - sanguine and phlegmatic - melancholic) require adjustment, since the first pair is too emotional and proactive, as a result of which leadership problems may arise, and the second is rather inert and passive.

More problematic interaction between yourself couples" choleric - melancholic and "sanguine - phlegmatic", even if they are duals. True, quarrels among duals can be light, temporary. It is much worse if poorly compatible personality sociotypes also have incompatible temperaments.

It is curious that often prosperous, loving couples with stable and maximally compatible relationships differ in opposite temperaments: an excitable choleric and a calm phlegmatic, as well as a sad melancholic and a cheerful sanguine, seem to complement and need each other. Friendships often involve people of the same temperament, except for choleric people (they often quarrel because of mutual incontinence). The most universal partners are phlegmatic, as they are satisfied with any temperament, except for their own (for example, pairs of phlegmatic people turned out to be very unsuccessful).

The opposite of the considered is the concept of psychological incompatibility. Psychological incompatibility is manifested in the inability to understand each other in a critical situation, the asynchrony of psychomotor reactions, differences in other innate and acquired personality traits that impede joint activity. So, the joint actions of two pilots were observed, one of which - the commander - was slower, with a somewhat slow reaction, while his assistant - the co-pilot - was a faster and more determined person. In an emergency situation, a conflict situation arose in connection with the intervention of a junior in position (due to his increased reactivity) in the control of the aircraft and an attempt to impose his own line of conduct. As a result, the emergency situation was liquidated far from the best way.

In cases bad compatible temperaments, we can advise the following: in a pair of choleric - melancholic, choleric people need to restrain themselves more, and melancholic people should not take everything so close to their hearts, although for both it will not be easy. It is difficult for a choleric person not to hurt a melancholic, whose touchiness is reflected in both; in a pair of phlegmatic - sanguine phlegmatic people should try to more openly and directly express their feelings and not be so stubborn and conservative in their behavior, and sanguine people should try to be more consistent in business and more reliable in their promises. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to cope with the growing irritability of their partner.

If people have a similar type of nervous system, then the interaction of two phlegmatic or melancholic people is most favorable, two sanguine people are somewhat worse, and two choleric people are very bad. This can be explained as follows: phlegmatic people are the most balanced people, it is difficult to piss them off. Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromises in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but quick-witted. Noticing that the brewing conflict can take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in the relationship.

The most difficult thing to keep a balance in relationships is straightforward, excitable and unrestrained choleric people, who often cannot stop in time in their statements and actions and therefore can offend others without wanting to.

When observing a person, we often perceive as signs of his temperament various movements, reactions, forms of behavior, etc. This is often a reflection not so much of temperament as of an individual style of activity, the features of which may or may not coincide with temperament. Therefore, the individual style of human activity is not reduced only to temperament, it can be considered as a result of the adaptation of the innate properties of the nervous system and the characteristics of the human body to the conditions of the activity performed. This device is designed to provide the best performance at the lowest cost to humans.

The individual style of activity, along with temperament, is also determined by other reasons and includes skills and abilities formed under the influence of life experience. The core of the individual style of activity determines the complex of properties of the nervous system that a person has. Among the features related to the very individual style of activity, one can single out those that are acquired with experience and are of a compensatory nature in relation to the shortcomings of the individual properties of the human nervous system. They contribute to the maximum use of human inclinations and abilities, including the beneficial properties of the nervous system.

In the labor activity of a person, a manifestation of such a phenomenon as "disguise of temperament" is possible. These are manifestations that, in a certain situation, replace the individual characteristics of a person's temperament. They are caused by motives, character traits, habits and skills of human behavior. So, thanks to the awareness of responsibility and discipline, the choleric person, instead of his temper and incontinence, can show restraint and self-control. It can also be of great importance in education, since it helps to overcome the negative manifestation of a person's temperament in a particular situation.

When the requirements of an activity contradict any property of temperament, then a person chooses such techniques and methods of its implementation that are most consistent with his temperament and help overcome the influence of manifestations of temperament that are negative in the given conditions. The totality of such successful individual techniques and methods developed by a person in the process of activity characterizes his individual style of activity. The acquisition of a certain individual style does not change the temperament itself, since an individual style is a set of activities that are most convenient for a person with his temperament.

However, there are professions that make very high demands on certain properties of temperament (for example, the requirements for endurance and self-control or speed of reactions, which is typical, for example, in the work of a driver or driver). Then a necessary condition for success is the professional selection of people with temperament, suitable for this profession.

Temperament compatibility. Who can't you get along with?

The character is called the structure of certain mental and emotional properties that determine the behavior of a man or woman in various life situations. It is on the character of a person that his performance depends, the ability to solve problems as quickly as possible and find a common language with strangers.

Compatibility of temperaments of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic: work, friendship, love

Temperament Compatibility

As you probably already understood, absolutely all character traits in one way or another influence human behavior. That is why sometimes close and dear people cease to understand each other and begin to quarrel regularly. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that there are character traits that, even with a strong desire, cannot be changed.

In view of this, if you want to avoid petty omissions, then try to determine what type of character a person close to you belongs to and, if possible, try not to commit those acts that will obviously upset him.

Temperament Compatibility:

  • Choleric. At work, people with this temperament are better off making friends with sanguine people. Since they are also quite energetic, together they will be able to quickly achieve all the tasks set. As for friendship and love, it is best for such people to let only phlegmatic people close to themselves. The latter have a rather calm and balanced character, due to which, at the right time, they can gently cool the ardor of the choleric.
  • Sanguine. In principle, a sanguine person, if desired, can get along with any person. His ability to adapt to new circumstances gives him the opportunity to fruitfully cooperate and be friends with both choleric and melancholic people. The only area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in which he is not ready to give in is romantic relationships. That is why men and women with such a temperament do not get along with stubborn and conservative phlegmatic people.
  • melancholic. The best ally of a melancholic at home and at work can be a sociable and energetic sanguine person who, at the right time, will listen and lend his shoulder. Also, quite calmly, a melancholic can communicate with a phlegmatic. The slowness and calmness of the latter will have a positive effect on the hypochondriac, thereby helping him not to commit rash acts.
  • Phlegmatic person. The best ally at home and at work for people with a similar temperament are melancholics. With their softness and sensitivity, they turn a cold-blooded phlegmatic person into a person who is ready to move mountains for the sake of a loved one.

Compatibility of choleric with sanguine

The union of choleric and sanguine almost always brings very good results. A choleric person, who has a penetrating character, quite often lacks the strength to complete what he has begun, and if during this period a sanguine person is near him, he will bring all his ideas to life in the very minimum time. In addition, people with this character can come together on the basis of common interests or hobbies.

Doing what they love together, they will be able to forget for a while that they both have a fairly purposeful character, which periodically leads to the fact that they begin to fight for the palm. The most unpleasant thing is that if the choleric does not learn to give in to the sanguine, then their friendship will end quickly enough and as a result they will become sworn enemies who will always look for a reason to annoy each other as much as possible.

Compatibility of choleric with melancholic

Choleric people tend to be very quick-tempered, impatient and straightforward. And it is precisely these character traits that frighten timid and suspicious melancholics most of all. For this reason, the union of people with similar temperaments in real life is almost impossible. Yes, they can try to be friends or live together, but because of the completely polar characters, they will constantly have rather violent showdowns, from which the persistent and quick-tempered choleric will always come out the winner.

The melancholic in such an alliance is assigned the role of a victim, who will always have to agree with the opinion of his opponent. True, if the melancholic is lucky, and he meets an unforgiving choleric, then it is likely that they will be able to coexist quite tolerably together. Also, such an alliance is possible if the choleric tries to curb his excessive straightforwardness and exactingness a little, and simply protects the melancholic from all sorts of troubles. In this case, being able to feel strong and needed can make a person more gentle and patient.

Compatibility choleric with phlegmatic

The union of people with similar types of temperament can only be called ideal if the phlegmatic person is responsible for the more routine and responsible part of the relationship. In this case, the choleric will be the generator of ideas, and the phlegmatic will be the person responsible for their implementation.

But, in general, it is better that in such an alliance it is the phlegmatic who has the reins of government, his equanimity, prudence and consistency will slightly restrain the impatience and incontinence of the choleric and as a result he will begin to react less sharply to external stimuli.

If such an alliance lasts for a long time, then it is likely that people with similar characters will be able to build very warm and trusting relationships that no major quarrel can destroy.

Compatibility sanguine with melancholic

You have probably heard the folk wisdom more than once that two cardinal opposites attract. The same can be said about the union of the sanguine and the melancholic. As practice shows, two people with completely different temperaments feel quite good together. Due to the fact that the melancholic knows how to shut up and step aside in time, the sanguine person feels right in all life situations and this gives him confidence that a loved one understands him very well.

But this state of affairs does not mean at all that the sanguine is the main thing in such an alliance. Since, due to his temperament, he does not know how to correctly express his feelings, it is most often the melancholic that helps him develop this character trait. And precisely due to the fact that two such people are able to complement each other quite unobtrusively, their union always turns out to be very strong, and all of the above applies to both friends and married couples.

Compatibility sanguine with phlegmatic

At first glance, it may seem that the decisiveness and sometimes excessive initiative of sanguine people can not be combined with the calm and balanced nature of phlegmatic people. But in practice, this combination gives a very good result. If these two people meet, then, as a rule, they remain faithful to each other for the rest of their lives. If they have any quarrels or misunderstandings, they always find the strength to discuss the situation.

The only stumbling block in such a relationship is the intolerance of criticism by phlegmatic people, so if a sanguine person tries to directly point out mistakes to a loved one, then most likely he will be offended by him. In view of this, if you want to avoid any complications in the relationship, then try to submit criticism in minimal portions. As for dominance, in such pairs the sanguine almost always dominates, and the phlegmatic tries to remain on the sidelines.

Melancholic Compatibility with Phlegmatic

Melancholics are by nature very timid, shy and suspicious, therefore, with reliable and calm phlegmatic people, they feel completely free. If a couple is formed from people with such temperaments, then their union looks perfect from the outside, especially if the woman has a melancholy character. A man next to her feels like a real ruler of the world, because every day she admires how quickly he solves all problems.

True, even in such an alliance, minor quarrels can periodically arise. Most often, they appear due to the fact that the melancholic simply cannot understand what mood his loved one is currently in and, for example, when he, tired, comes home from work, offers him a walk or a trip to visit. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the phlegmatic, angry, does not even understand that the reason for this behavior of the melancholic is his inability to show his emotions to others.

Two choleric - compatibility: description

Two choleric - compatibility

For some people, choleric is associated with such a time bomb that explodes at the most inopportune moment. Such people are very quick-tempered, impatient, overly persistent and demanding, so if two choleric people settle under the same roof, then minor quarrels occur with them every day. But still, one should not think that men and women with such a character cannot have anything in common.

If they have common interests, then they can quite easily communicate normally. As practice shows, two choleric people can make wonderful friends who value their relationship. But married couples from them are obtained very rarely and their explosive and unpredictable nature is to blame. Due to the fact that choleric people do not know how to restrain negative emotions, scandals in such a family occur with enviable regularity, and in the end everyone remains with their own opinion.

Two sanguine - compatibility: description

Two sanguine - compatibility

Sanguine people are by nature very pleasant people. They easily make contact even with those people whom they see for the first time in their lives. Their sociability, optimism and energy help them find pluses in everything and move towards their goals as quickly as possible. Such people will never criticize or talk nasty things behind their backs.

If they see that a person has made a mistake, they will try to point it out as tactfully as possible and even help correct all the consequences of a rash step. In view of all this, we can say that the union of a sanguine person and a sanguine person is simply doomed to a long existence. By virtue of their nature, they will support each other in any situation, and they will do this even realizing that their loved one is a little wrong.

Two melancholic - compatibility: description

Two melancholic - compatibility

A melancholic is a deep pessimist who almost always exaggerates his grievances and problems. Now imagine that two such people will be friends or live together. As a rule, if two melancholics get together, they simply complain to each other about their problems. At first, they may even like it, but over time they begin to notice that their opponent, instead of supporting, is trying to prove that his life is much worse.

Usually, it is on this basis that melancholics have omissions, as a result of which their friendship breaks up. Indirectly, this course of events is also facilitated by the fact that melancholics, at the slightest stress, become depressed and simply begin to go with the flow.

Two phlegmatic - compatibility: description

Two phlegmatic - compatibility

Phlegmatic people are considered the most stress-resistant people because they remain calm in any difficult situations and almost never panic. Some consider such people too cold and unemotional. But in fact, phlegmatic people know how to love and be friends, they just show their real feelings only to the closest and dearest people. For all their slowness, they almost always get their goals, although sometimes it takes a very long time.

Phlegmatic people first think through all their subsequent actions well and only after that they begin to take some measures. This character trait allows them not to make mistakes that lead to minor quarrels and major scandals. It is thanks to this trait that two phlegmatic people can quite easily coexist together sometimes, helping each other with advice or actions.

With whom is it better to be a choleric person?

Choleric Compatibility

Immediately I want to say that it will be very difficult for a person with any temperament to get used to a choleric person. Since these people are very unpredictable and often unnecessarily aggressive, even very patient and calm people will not be able to stay close to such an individual for a long time.

In everyday life, sanguine people are considered the most acceptable allies for choleric people. Since they know how to adapt to the prevailing circumstances, they manage to smooth out all the sharp corners of such an alliance. Moreover, it is sanguine people who are able to find the right words and calm choleric people. As for compatibility with the remaining two types of temperament, then everything is much more complicated.

Cholerics approach phlegmatic people, but, as a rule, they do not get a strong union. The main reason in this case is the excessive calmness of phlegmatic people. The fact that they are unable to give them a decent emotional response irritates the choleric people very much and in the end they simply break off the relationship. But an alliance with melancholics is impossible, in general. No matter how hard the choleric tries, he cannot endure the inertia of a loved one for a long time.

With whom is it better to be sanguine?

Sanguine Compatibility

As mentioned above, a sanguine person, thanks to his natural ability to adapt, will be able to get along with any person. Such people in any life situations radiate optimism, so they easily manage to ignore the minuses of the character of the person next to them. But if you think that they do not see them, then you are deeply mistaken. Sanguine people are well aware of what negative qualities their loved one has, just because of their peacefulness, they try not to run around the one to whom they treat with the warmest feelings.

But still, such people have their own red line. He does not accept excessive anger, envy and imbalance, therefore, for example, it is unlikely to get along with a choleric person. Melancholic and phlegmatic people suit them more because, with all their minuses, they still know how to cherish those who are close to them.

With whom is it better to be a melancholic?

Melancholic Compatibility

Melancholic people are very vulnerable people who love peace and quiet. Emotional stability is important for them, so noisy, always scandalous people just scare them. It is for this reason that it will be very difficult for a melancholic to coexist next to a choleric. People with such an impulsive character, as a rule, always try to prove their case with the help of a scandal, and this contributes to the fact that the melancholic closes in himself and becomes depressed. The best option for a melancholic are sanguine.

They, unlike choleric people, are able to listen patiently and lend a shoulder at the right time. Also, a melancholic can get along with a phlegmatic. True, such a union will also not be cloudless in the way that the latter does not know how to openly express his feelings, then from time to time this character trait will annoy a melancholy-minded person and petty quarrels will arise on this basis.

With whom is it better to be phlegmatic?

Phlegmatic compatibility

The hallmarks of phlegmatic people are calmness, seriousness and concentration. They try to build their lives in such a way that, in general, there is no negativity in it. Therefore, if a person who is next to them starts to scandal loudly, then they try to do everything so that the conflict ends as quickly as possible. In view of this, the most unacceptable union for such people are choleric.

Their impulsiveness and harshness will annoy phlegmatic people very much, and they will try to distance themselves as far as possible from an unpredictable person. Most of all, phlegmatic people are suitable for cheerful and open sanguine people. They will all the time push phlegmatic people to take action, thereby further disposing them to themselves.

Video: Types of human temperament

Relations between people are determined not only by the level of their upbringing and common interests. Temperament plays an important role here, on which many human behavioral reactions depend. Therefore, when building relationships with other people at work, in a family or a friendly circle, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of temperaments so as not to run into alienation and misunderstanding.

Choleric: compatibility with other types

It is more difficult for an unrestrained and quick-tempered choleric to establish relations with others.

1. Choleric - sanguine

Relationships are interesting, but quite difficult. Both temperaments are explosive and emotional, which will constantly manifest itself in this pair. The choleric is unlikely to be able to give way to the sanguine palm - and this will be a constant stumbling block both at work and in personal life between these two temperaments.

2. Choleric - melancholic

It will always be very, very difficult for a choleric person to get along with a melancholic. With his temper, he will constantly offend and hurt the latter painfully, although in his heart he will not desire this at all. But you can’t explain this to a choleric.

3. Choleric - phlegmatic

A wonderful couple that complements each other in everything: both in family life and at work. The choleric calms down a little and cools down under the influence of a calm and measured phlegmatic, which makes him quite tolerable, sometimes even a great person.

It is almost impossible for choleric people to get along with each other.

Sanguine compatibility with other temperaments

An energetic and active sanguine person is easy in a relationship, but an unreliable type, which can hardly be relied upon in a difficult situation.

1. Sanguine - choleric

Sanguine is a pronounced leader who is used to leading crowds of people behind him. He is interested and likes a choleric person, who has a lot in common with him: an idea, emotionality, enthusiasm. Relationships will be fruitful and vibrant, but only as long as they do not collide in the matter of leadership. The eternal struggle for power is the main problem in this pair.

2. Sanguine - melancholic

A good, lasting relationship where the sanguine will be the lead leader and will be able to guide the melancholic in the right direction. The melancholic will also be quite comfortable in the shadow of the sanguine, because he will shift the burden of the main decisions in life to him.

3. Sanguine - phlegmatic

A difficult couple who will find it difficult to get along together at work, at home, and with friends. A sanguine person needs an open relationship without obligations and promises, and a phlegmatic person does not accept this type of relationship. Constant quarrels on this basis will both unbalance.

Two sanguine people can get along, but constant disagreements on the basis of jealousy are guaranteed to them.

The relationship of the melancholic with other types of temperament

A touchy and vulnerable melancholic is difficult to get along with people, but he is always sincere and gentle.

1. Melancholic - choleric

It is better for a melancholic not to approach a choleric and not to mess with him. Pain, resentment, disappointment, quarrels and scandals - that's what awaits them in a joint relationship. The melancholic is too vulnerable and touchy to endure all the outbursts of irritation and temper of the choleric.

2. Melancholic - sanguine

The melancholic will be comfortable with the sanguine, and the latter will not be averse to directing the melancholic in the right direction. Quite a harmonious couple without bursts and excessive emotionality.

3. Melancholic - phlegmatic

Relations in a couple will develop smoothly and calmly. Even too calmly: inertia and passivity will eventually lead these relationships to complete indifference. This is the classic example when a phlegmatic wife will walk around the house in curlers and a greasy dressing gown, and a melancholic husband will constantly cry into her vest that they have not achieved anything in this life. The most interesting thing is that the melancholic will be quite satisfied with this state of affairs.

Two melancholics are an ideal couple, as they will understand each other perfectly.

Phlegmatic and other types: compatibility

An imperturbable and impenetrable phlegmatic person can rarely let anyone into his inner world.

1. Phlegmatic - choleric

The phlegmatic is the only temperament that can somehow curb the restless temper and irascibility of the choleric. The relationship is warm, trusting, calm, but still the choleric person wins more here. A phlegmatic person will sometimes just get bored with constantly holding back his unbridled friend.

2. Phlegmatic - sanguine

A very difficult relationship. Phlegmatic will constantly irritate the inconstancy of a sanguine partner, his laxity and inconsistency. The phlegmatic himself, stubborn and often irritable, will irritate the sanguine person with his stubbornness and conservatism.

3. Phlegmatic - melancholic

As mentioned above, the phlegmatic puts up with the inertia of the eternally unhappy and sad melancholic. They are cozy and warm together. The phlegmatic will work calmly with a melancholic colleague who will not make him jump above his head. In love, this couple will be happy: most likely, they will be peaceful, kind homebodies who will be faithful to each other all their lives and die in one hour.

Balanced phlegmatic people will be able to build good, trusting relationships among themselves.

Temperament Compatibility Table

To make the compatibility of temperaments more understandable, there is a special table by which you can easily find out whether you will find a common language with this or that person or not.


Difficult relationship

Neutral relations

Excellent relationship


melancholic, choleric


phlegmatic person


phlegmatic person

choleric, sanguine




phlegmatic person

sanguine, melancholic

phlegmatic person



choleric, phlegmatic

Given these features of the compatibility of different temperaments, you can build a harmonious, good relationship with almost any person. The main thing is to understand that many human actions are dictated precisely by the characteristics of temperament, which are very difficult to resist.

One of my colleagues was married and divorced five times. When I asked him why, he answered me: "I did not find the woman I was looking for." Although he was aware that the compatibility of a man and a woman was the key to a successful marriage, he did not know how to calculate the compatibility and find the exact woman he needed.

What is the secret of compatibility between a man and a woman

The notion that the compatibility of a man and a woman is the key to a successful relationship is a rather old, well-established principle in marriage planning. What's new is how the 16 Basic Needs system can help assess and calculate compatibility.

In the past, the compatibility of a man and a woman was calculated according to the education, character traits, abilities and origin of partners. In contrast, the 16 basic needs system allows us to calculate compatibility according to the needs profile of the partners.

Can a good relationship develop if one of the partners is much smarter? According to the 16 Basic Needs theory, the success of a relationship depends more on how inquisitive the partners are than how smart they are.

If both partners are inquisitive, they may enjoy intellectual conversations and joint activities, even if one of them is noticeably smarter. If they are not inquisitive, neither partner will want to spend a lot of time on intellectual activities - thus, the difference in education does not matter much.

If one of the partners is inquisitive and the other is not, then they are incompatible, even if both are very smart. An inquisitive partner will want to have intellectual conversations much more often than a non-inquisitive partner, and the latter will find them boring.

According to the general rule of compatibility of needs profiles, like-minded people attract each other, and differently-minded people repel each other. The following two principles of compatibility between men and women express this rule.

Principles of compatibility between men and women

Connection Principle: Couples converge if they have similar needs profiles.

Separation Principle: Couples separate if they have dissimilar needs profiles.

Using these principles as long-term indicators can help identify the compatibility of a man and woman who are likely to live together and couples who are likely to break up.

However, these principles are unlikely to help us say anything definite about short-term relationships. Two people with incompatible profiles can be physically attractive to each other, so the underlying incompatibility will only separate them when the sexual interest has lost its novelty.

Sometimes it happens that opposites attract each other, for example, a shy guy can be attracted to a liberated girl. In books and films, we often see an animated heroine and a enslaved hero.

Compatibility of a shy man and a liberated woman. A closed character falls in love with a sociable heroine and eventually becomes liberated. Is it real or is it a Hollywood fantasy? As a rule, it all depends on how comfortable a man is with his shyness.

Many shy people don't like their shyness and would like to be more outgoing. A shy man who feels this way will be more likely to be of the same opinion as an outgoing woman, rather than the opposite, since both of them highly value communication.

Although the man is shy and the woman is outgoing, he admires her ability to have fun with people and would like to be like her. On the other hand, if a shy man has nothing against being shy, then he and an outgoing woman will be incompatible in their basic need for companionship.

They will constantly quarrel with each other - he will complain about the fact that she spends a lot of time with her friends, and she - about the fact that he spends a lot of time alone with himself.

Since there are 16 basic needs, it is likely that partners will match on some of them and not on others. How similar must the profiles of desires and needs be in order to consider high compatibility between a man and a woman?

In reality, there is no objective way to determine this, because each couple must decide for themselves whether the positive factors of their relationship outweigh the negative ones, or vice versa.

One way to analyze your relationship is to focus on the five or six basic needs that are most important to you. You may have significant compatibility issues with any partner who is fundamentally different from you in two or more basic needs.

Let's look at how male-female compatibility and incompatibility determines whether a couple can use their relationship to meet their basic needs or not.

Compatibility of temperaments of a man and a woman

Consider what is the compatibility of a man and a woman in terms of temperaments. It's no secret that in addition to the similarity of characters and moral principles, in order to live happily ever after in a couple, a harmonious combination of partners' temperaments is a necessary component of the union.

Sexologists are sure that passion between spouses exists for no more than three years, if during this time the partners did not manage to get used to each other, they did not have common interests, and apart from passionate feelings, nothing else connects them - it will be very difficult for such a couple to live together for a long time.

The creator of the theory of temperaments was Hippocrates, he believed that people differ in the ratio of the 4 main “juices” of life - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.

Later, the physician of antiquity Claudius Galen developed the first typology of temperaments. Sanguine, phlegamitic, choleric and melancholic, which mean sanguis - "blood", phlegma - "phlegm", chole - "bile" and melas chole - "black bile". This concept is safely popular to this day.

So, if your chosen one is melancholic, then we can say that you are lucky, because melancholic spouses turn out to be faithful and caring. True, they are quite vulnerable and they just need solitude and immersion in their inner world from time to time. These people are selfless, always ready to help.

Compatibility of man and woman. If your partner is phlegmatic, you will need to be patient. These are leisurely sensible individuals who will think ten times before doing something. You can always rely on such a person, he is a true friend and partner.

If your partner is a choleric, get ready for constant change. Such a partner will seek your love persistently and beautifully, but .. he never stops there.

There must be new peaks in his life, which he will conquer one after another. If you are ready to remain constantly a bit of a mystery, a little bit impregnable, inaccessible - then this is your partner.

If your partner is sanguine, then get used to his superiority. He should always be the center of attention both at home and in a noisy company, everything he does should not only be noticed, but cause great delight.

Despite the fact that he, like the choleric, loves dynamics and tries to conquer as many peaks as possible - unlike the first, the sanguine gives in to difficulties. But if you support and praise him from time to time, he will move mountains.

If we talk about combinations of temperaments, then the principle of opposites works here. The compatibility of a man and a woman is such that it is interesting for partners to be together when they can learn something from each other. For example, a choleric person will be better off with a phlegmatic person who can sometimes restrain him.

The melancholic is very well supported by the sanguine with his ability to sympathize and compromise. These pairs of temperaments complement each other in many ways, and even if there are any misunderstandings, they cope with them perfectly.

Worse, choleric is combined with a sanguine person, relationships are too emotional and sometimes the actions of lovers are devoid of common sense. Such a pair does not cost anything to break firewood. At the same time, both do not want to remain on the sidelines, i.e. in such an alliance, the issue of leadership is very acute.

Compatibility of men and women of different temperaments

The combination of phlegmatic - melancholic, on the contrary, is too passive, over time, partners are seized by the life and regularity of relations and they are not averse to looking for something more interesting on the side.

Problematic unions include a combination of temperaments "choleric - melancholic" and "sanguine - phlegmatic", despite the fact that these partners may be drawn to each other at first, they are still too different, different rhythm of life, views on many things, etc. .d.

A choleric person can hurt a melancholic person with his harshness, uncompromisingness. In a pair of phlegmatic sanguine, the second will lack attention to his person, since the phlegmatic is not too generous in terms of showing feelings.

Couples with similar temperaments also get along differently, despite the fact that people seem to have a lot in common. Two phlegmatic and two melancholic can get along well with each other until they get completely bored with each other.

In such pairs, it is necessary to part for a while. At the same time, melancholic people are also touchy, but compliant and prone to compromise, this quality will save their union more than once.

Compatibility of men and women of choleric. Two choleric people have little chance of living happily ever after, for the simple reason that both are straightforward and excitable, it is difficult for them to stop in time in their statements and actions. Mutual reproaches and insults, in the end, will upset this union.

The same can be said about the compatibility of a man and a woman - sanguine. Excessive emotionality and the desire for independence can destroy even the most romantic relationship.

In all successful unions, the principle of addition successfully operates. If partners complement each other, such an alliance will be fruitful. If the partners are too different, they cannot avoid misunderstanding, but if they are too similar, over time they become bored with each other.

© Oksana Chvanova
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