Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Methodological recommendations for writing. Free download Shapkova L.V.

Purpose: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, skills of counting and pronunciation of words, the ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instruction. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The facilitator calls the color (for example, red). At the signal, the players must collect as many pieces of the specified color as possible. Whoever has the most wins.


1. Collect only circles (color does not matter).

2. Collect red triangles.

3. Collect as much as possible more of any figures, except for green ones. Other options are also possible.


· The winner of any version of the game demonstrates his result by counting the collected figures aloud, and then aloud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called aloud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).

· The playground should be large enough to ensure the safety of the players and prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting figures.

3. "Rope"

Purpose: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

Inventory: rope or rope at least 1.5 meters in length.

Instruction. The host distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a little man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team with the most accurate representation wins.

Methodical instructions. The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.


    Outdoor games for the deaf and hard of hearing



-Shapkova L.V. Corrective outdoor games and exercises for children with developmental disabilities

Babenkova R.D., Trofimova G.V. Classes on the development of movements in children with hearing impairment in preschool institutions

- "Country of the Deaf"

Website of the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Hearing Impairment: www.

Tambov State University im. G.R. Derzhavina

Institute physical education and tourism industry


"Mobile games for the deaf and hard of hearing"

Completed by: 1st year student of the group: AFC

Institute of Physical Culture and Tourism Industry

Avdeev Alexey

State Committee of the Russian Federation
in physical culture and sports
as a teaching aid for students
higher and secondary professional educational institutions,
carrying out educational activities
by specialties 022500 - Physical culture
for persons with disabilities
(adaptive physical culture)
and 0323-Adaptive Physical Education

scanned [email protected]
[email protected]

"Soviet sport"

UDC 796.011.3 (075)
BBC 75.09

Federal target program "Culture of Russia"
(subprogram "Support for printing and book publishing")

S.P. Evseev, doctor pedagogical sciences, professor of SPbGAPC
them. P.F. Lesgaft;
L.M. Shipitsyna, doctor biological sciences, professor, rector
Institute special pedagogy and Psychology International
University of family and child Raoul Wallenberg

: Textbook / Ed. L. V. Shapkova. - M.: Soviet
sport, 2003. - 464 p., ill.
ISBN 5-85009-743-0
The manual reveals the patterns, basic principles and features of the methodology of adaptive physical culture in working with children with visual impairments, intellect, the consequences of cerebral palsy, lesions spinal cord, limb amputation. Every chapter
contains information about the influence of the main defect on the state of the motor
and the mental sphere of children, means and methods for correcting disorders, about
features of the forms of organization of physical exercises.
The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions, graduate students, teachers, practitioners - specialists in adaptive physical culture.
UDC 796.011.3 (075)
BBC 75.09

Chapter 1. Basic concepts of private methods
adaptive physical
culture (L.V. Shapkova)
1.1. Medico-physiological and psychological
prerequisites for constructing private methods
adaptive physical culture
1.2. Motor sphere of children with disabilities
in development
1.3. Correctional and developmental orientation
pedagogical influences - the basis of private
methods of adaptive physical culture
1.4. Main pedagogical principles work
with children with developmental disabilities
1.5. Forms of organization of adaptive physical
culture with children


Chapter 2
culture of children with disabilities
vision (L.N. Rostomashvili)
2.1. Characteristics of children with a violation
2.1.1. Characteristics of visual function
2.1.2. Visual dysfunctions in children
school age
2.1.3. Peculiarities mental development
children with visual impairment
2.1.4. Features of physical development and
movement disorders
2.2. Methodology of adaptive physical
education of children with visual impairment
2.2.1. Tasks and means of adaptive
physical education




2.2.2. Corrective focus
adaptive physical education

Private methods of adaptive physical culture
2.2.3. Methods and methodological techniques
training, correction and development
2.2.4. The use and development of preserved
2.2.5. Features of the regulation of psychophysical
loads. Indications and contraindications
to physical activity
2.2.6. Features of communication and regulation
psycho-emotional state
2.3. Methodology and organization of outdoor games
with visually impaired children
2.4. Swimming teaching methodology junior schoolchildren
visually impaired
2.5. Correction and prevention of visual impairment
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 3
culture of children with hearing impairment
3.1. Anatomical and physiological characteristics
hearing impairment (N.G. Baikina, Ya.V. Kret)
3.1.1. Causes of persistent hearing loss
3.1.2. Hearing pathology
3.1.3. The relationship between auditory and vestibular
analyzers (L.D. Hoda)
3.2. Characteristics of children with hearing impairment
3.2.1. Peculiarities psychophysical development

preschool age (L.D. Hoda)
3.2.2. Features of psychophysical development
and motor abilities of deaf children
school age (N.G. Baikina,
I'M IN. Crete)
3.3. Methods of physical training
exercises with children who have
hearing impairment
3.3.1. The method of correction of motor
disorders of deaf children of preschool
age (L.D. Hoda)
3.3.2. Methodology primary education swimming
hearing-impaired primary school children

Age (Ya.A.





Chapter 4 Method of adaptive physical culture
children with concurrent retardation (L.V. Shapkova)
4.1. Medical-physiological and psychological-pedagogical characteristics of children with mental
4.1.1. The concept, causes and forms of mental
4.1.2. Features of the mental development of children
4.1.3. Features of physical development
and motor abilities of children
4.2. Features of the method of adaptive physical
culture with children with disabilities
in intellectual development
4.2.1. Main and specific tasks
4.2.2. Means of adaptive physical
4.2.3. Methods and methodological techniques,
used in the course of studies
4.3. Correction of major disorders in children
with mental retardation
4.4. Correction-developing outdoor games
for children with mental retardation
4.5. Additional physical culture and sports
education of children and young people
with mild degree mental retardation
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 5
cultures in pediatric cerebral
paralysis (A.A. Potapchuk)

Private methods of adaptive physical culture
5.1. The concept of children's cerebral
paralysis (cerebral palsy): epidemiology, classification,
5.1.1. Accompanying illnesses
and secondary violations. Speech
and mental disorders
5.1.2. Movement disorders
5.2. Motor rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
5.3. adaptive physical education children
with LIP
5.3.1. Adaptive physical education
in preschool age
5.3.2. Adaptive physical education
at school age
5.3.3. Non-traditional forms classes
5.4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptive
physical culture with cerebral palsy
test questions




Chapter 6

Brain (E.Yu. Shapkova)

6.1. Characteristics of the pathology
6.1.1. The concept of vertebrogenic
6.1.2. Associated spinal injury
and spinal cord
6.1.3. Traumatic disease of the spinal cord
6.1.4. The main manifestations of myelopathy
6.1.5. Secondary violations in
6.1.6. Assessment of neurological and adaptive
6.2. Movement rehabilitation methods
6.2.1. Development of methods of motor
6.2.2. Traditional Methods
6.2.3. Additional technical


Chapter 7
and after amputation of extremities (S.F. Kurdybailo,
A.I. Malyshev)
7.1. Anatomical and functional features
limb stumps in children
7.2. Congenital malformations
7.3. Methodology of adaptive physical culture
children of different ages
7.3.1. Methodological features applications
exercise early (up to 2 years old)
and younger preschool age (from 2
up to 4 years)
7.3.2. Methodological features of the application
physical exercise in senior
preschool age (4-7 years)
7.3.3. Methodological features of the application
physical exercise in junior
and middle school age (7-12 years old)
7.3.4. Methodological features of the application
exercise in high school
7.4. Methodological features of the
mobile and sports games with children of various
7.5. Methodological features of classes on
simulators with children of middle and older
school age
7.6. Methodological features of swimming lessons
with school children


Private methods of adaptive physical culture
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 8
8.1. Features of family education of children

8.2. The role of a mother in a family raising a child
with developmental disabilities
8.3. Methods and forms of work with parents of children
with restricted abilities
8.4. Family involvement in motor development
activities of children with developmental disabilities
Control questions and tasks


Private methods of adaptive physical culture - independent discipline state educational standard, represents the most important section of professional and pedagogical
training of students in the specialty 022500 "Physical culture
for people with health problems (adaptive physical
culture). The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the organization, structure, content, modern technologies and best practice of educational, physical culture and health-improving work of disabled people
different nosological groups, to form necessary knowledge, skills, interest in the teaching profession as a humanistic mission,
psychological readiness to work with this category of the population.
The complexity of teaching particular methods of adaptive physical culture lies in the fact that this discipline is multidisciplinary.
She studies nosological groups of disabled people with visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellect, musculoskeletal disorders:
with the consequences of cerebral palsy, amputation of limbs, damage to the functions of the spinal cord.
Due to the diversity of nosological groups, their wide
age range (preschool, school, youth, mature,
elderly), insufficiency scientific information about all categories
disabled people in terms of age, initial stage study of private methods of adaptive physical culture selected preschool
and school age - as the most plastic for education and
development and the most organized period of life associated with education, the formation of personality, the formation conscious attitude to your health and to healthy lifestyle life.
Motor, mental, sensory disorders have different
causes, time, degree of damage, concomitant diseases, secondary deviations, different level health and safety functions,
which limits the motor activity of disabled children and requires a differentiated and individually oriented approach in the choice of means, methods, organizational forms adaptive
physical culture, setting and solving corrective, compensatory, preventive tasks associated with the process of education, upbringing, physical, mental, personal development this category of children.
This diversity of information required for professional activity, requires versatile theoretical training of students: knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, theory
physical culture, pedagogy, psychology and other general professional

Private methods of adaptive physical culture

Physical disciplines, as well as special disciplines of the medical and biological cycle (general pathology and teratology, private pathology,
medical supervision, complex and physical rehabilitation of patients and disabled people) and disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle (psychology of illness and disability, age-related psychopathology and psychoconsultation, special psychology and pedagogy, psychology
development). In addition, students should be familiar with modern technologies of physical culture and sports activities for disabled people, hygienic requirements and logistical support for adaptive physical education classes.
The indicated natural-science and humanitarian knowledge about a person, primarily the theory and organization of adaptive physical culture as an integrative discipline, are associated with private
methods, determine its methodology and form the professional outlook of future specialists. However, the teaching of general professional and special disciplines of the State Standard
is carried out during all years of study, and pedagogical practice in the profile of the future specialty is carried out in the seventh
semester. Therefore, the six previous semesters are
the time allotted for the study of particular methods of adaptive
physical culture. If the course is started from the first semester, then there is a contradiction between the level of theoretical preparedness of students and the broad requirements of particular methods, which may affect the quality of mastering the discipline.
However, practice educational activities at the department of adaptive physical culture of the Academy. P.F. Lesgaft
showed that the planning of private methods from the first to the sixth
semesters with one nosology each - the most effective
way of mastering this discipline. Students focused on
work with people with disabilities and people with disabilities, not only seek to get to know the object faster pedagogical activity but also master the basic medical-biological, psychological, theoretical and methodological knowledge associated with it,
choose a place teaching practice define interests and
opportunities for scientific research already at the first
second year of study. It was found that the preliminary, although
brief information about private methods, ahead of the teaching of basic disciplines, not only does not interfere, but, on the contrary, helps
conscious and deep development this knowledge in the future.
Taking into account these circumstances, a structure for teaching particular methods of adaptive physical culture, which is unified for all nosological groups, has been developed, which includes three sections:


1) medical-physiological and psychological characteristics
nosological group;
2) theoretical aspects methods of adaptive physical culture;
3) practical aspects of the methodology of adaptive physical culture.
An essential difference between the teaching of private methods is the connection with practice. If the first section in the form of a short lecture course is read by a doctor or defectologist, then the second and third - in
the form of seminars and practical exercises, business games, view
lessons of physical culture, rhythm, exercise therapy, recreational and sports activities are conducted by leading specialists on the basis of educational practice: in educational (correctional) schools
and boarding schools medical institutions, habilitation and rehabilitation centers, sports and health clubs, etc.
By purchasing initial experience, students in practice see how
functions, principles, interdisciplinary connections are implemented, how the condition of those involved is diagnosed and monitored, adequate means, forms, methods and methodological techniques are selected
training, education, physical and mental development of children.
Practical classes do not include the passive presence of students in the classroom, but thematic, visual observations (as assigned
teacher): features of the somatotype of the observed child, verbal and non-verbal methods of teaching, means and methods of solving
correctional tasks, ways to activate cognitive activity, communicative activity of the teacher, assessment methods and
encouragement of students, the dynamics of the load in the lesson, the appointment
outdoor games, etc., followed by analysis and discussion.
In the process of studying private methods of adaptive physical
culture, students during extracurricular time are involved in sports events, sports days, festivals, competitions and
other activities for disabled children as
volunteers, assistants, organizers, judges.
Such an approach to the study of particular methods of adaptive physical culture, based on the integration of theoretical knowledge and educational practice, the use active forms training and inclusion of students in specific types of pedagogical
activities, forms the necessary level of readiness for practice
by profile future profession in any nosological group.
Accumulated theoretical knowledge and initial practical experience fully implemented later - directly in professional activities.

Name: Private methods of adaptive physical culture.
Shapkova L.V.
The year of publishing: 2003
The size: 4.74 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

The textbook "Private methods of adaptive physical culture" gives the main concepts of the covered methods of adaptive physical education, presents the method of adaptive physical education in pediatrics in patients with visual pathology, with hearing pathology, with mental retardation, with cerebral palsy, after amputations of limbs, with congenital developmental anomalies, highlighted rehabilitation for spinal cord injuries in pediatrics and presents the features of working with parents of disabled people.

Name: Introduction to pediatric sports medicine.
Avdeeva T.G., Vinogradova L.V.
The year of publishing: 2009
The size: 1.33 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented guide "Introduction to children's sports medicine" considers topical issues, which include psychophysiological and social features adolescents, quality of life and characteristics ... Download the book for free

Name: Cardiorehabilitation
Niebauer J., Pozdnyakov Yu.M.
The year of publishing: 2012
The size: 41.35 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide "Cardiorehabilitation" under the editorship of J. Niebauer, considers methods of rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathology. The manual contains the principles of rehabilitation in cont... Download the book for free

Name: History of massage
Eremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2007
The size: 11.17 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "History of massage" under the editorship of M.A. Eremushkin, considers the historical milestones in the development of medical massage and its varieties. The main historical periods development of massage. Represent ... Download the book for free

Name: Fundamentals of manual massage techniques
Yoremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2004
The size: 2.31 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Fundamentals of manual massage techniques" edited by Eremushkin M.A., considers the principles and manual techniques of massage, its use in medical programs treatment and rehabilitation. The me... Download the book for free

Name: Medical massage. Basic course: classical massage technique
Eremushkin M.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
The size: 10.59 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Medical Massage. Basic Course: Classical Massage Technique" edited by Eremushkin M.A., considers the principles of classical massage techniques, its use in medical treatment programs ... Download the book for free

Name: Massotherapy. 4th edition.
Kunichev L.A.
The year of publishing: 1990
The size: 13.48 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: This book"Therapeutic massage" L.A. Kunicheva considers such issues as the history of the development of this procedure, describes the essence and mechanism physiological influence on the body of massage, characterized ... Download the book for free

Name: Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Volume 2
Belova A.N., Shchepetova O.N.
The year of publishing: 1998
The size: 3.67 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with motor disorders" edited by Belova A.N., et al., consists of 2 volumes. The second volume contains a set of rehabilitation techniques for ... Download the book for free

Name: Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Volume 1
Belova A.N., Shchepetova O.N.
The year of publishing: 1998
The size: 47.11 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with motor disorders" edited by Belova A.N., et al., consists of 2 volumes. The first contains organizational issues of the organization of medical rehabilitation ...

Year of issue: 2003

Genre: Physiotherapy

Format: PDF

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: The very name of the discipline "Particular methods of adaptive physical culture" from the first year orients students not as a general theoretical subject, but as related to the field of activity they are interested in. However, in teaching it is important to keep structural unity theory and practical orientation training course. This circumstance explains why many theoretical questions related to the characterization of medical and physiological and psychological characteristics children in each nosological group, are summarized quite briefly (they are considered in more detail in special disciplines: private pathology, special psychology etc.), but the theoretical and methodological aspects have been significantly expanded different types adaptive physical culture.
Based on the main idea of ​​the course, its presentation begins with general characteristics different nosological groups: children with impaired vision, hearing, intelligence, consequences of cerebral palsy, amputations of limbs, damage to the functions of the spinal cord. This information is the basis for building private methods of adaptive physical culture, as they reveal typical and specific disorders in the motor, mental, emotional-volitional, cognitive sphere, which determines conceptual approaches education, upbringing and development of these children.
Given that tutorial"Private methods of adaptive physical culture" is published for the first time, it undoubtedly has errors of inaccuracy, different style presentation and amount of information.

Chapter 1. Basic concepts of private methods of adaptive physical culture (L.V. Shapkova)
1.1. Medico-physiological and psychological background building private methods of adaptive physical culture
1.2. Motor sphere of children with developmental disorders
1.3. Correction-developing orientation of pedagogical influences - the basis of particular methods of adaptive physical culture
1.4. Basic pedagogical principles of working with children with developmental disabilities
1.5. Forms of organization of adaptive physical culture with children
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 2 Methods of adaptive physical culture of children with visual impairment (L.N. Rostomashvili)
2.1. Characteristics of children with visual impairment
2.1.1. Characteristics of visual function
2.1.2. Visual dysfunctions in school-age children
2.1.3. Features of the mental development of children with visual impairment
2.1.4. Features of physical development and motor disorders
2.2. Methods of adaptive physical education of children with visual impairment
2.2.1. Tasks and means of adaptive physical education
2.2.2. Correctional orientation of adaptive physical education
2.2.3. Methods and methodological techniques of training, correction and development
2.2.4. The Use and Development of Preserved Analyzers
2.2.5. Features of regulation of psychophysical load. Indications and contraindications for physical activity
2.2.6. Features of communication and regulation of the psycho-emotional state
2.3. Methods and organization of outdoor games with visually impaired children
2.4. Methods of teaching swimming to junior schoolchildren with visual impairment
2.5. Correction and prevention of visual impairment
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 3 Methods of adaptive physical culture of children with hearing impairment
3.1. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of hearing impairment (N.G. Baikina, Ya.V. Kret)
3.1.1. Causes of persistent hearing loss
3.1.2. Hearing pathology
3.1.3. The relationship of auditory and vestibular analyzers (L.D. Hoda)
3.2. Characteristics of children with hearing impairment
3.2.1. Features of psychophysical development and motor abilities of deaf children of preschool age (L.D. Hoda)
3.2.2. Features of psychophysical development and motor abilities of deaf children of school age (N.G. Baikina, Ya.V. Kret)
3.3. Methods of physical exercises with children with hearing impairments
3.3.1. Methodology for correcting movement disorders in deaf children of preschool age (L.D. Hoda)
3.3.2. Methods of primary swimming training for hearing-impaired children of primary school age (Ya.A. Smekalov)
3.3.3. Methods of activation of cognitive activity of deaf children (N.G. Baikina, Ya.V. Kret)
3.3.4. The role of compensatory mechanisms in the development of deaf children (N.G. Baikina, Ya.V. Kret)
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 4 Methods of adaptive physical culture of children with mental retardation (L.V. Shapkova)
4.1. Medical-physiological and psychological-pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation
4.1.1. The concept, causes and forms of mental retardation
4.1.2. Features of the mental development of children
4.1.3. Features of physical development and motor abilities of children
4.2. Features of the methodology of adaptive physical culture with children with deviations in intellectual development
4.2.1. Main and specific tasks
4.2.2. Means of adaptive physical culture
4.2.3. Methods and methodological techniques used in the process of physical exercises
4.3. Correction of major disorders in children with mental retardation
4.4. Correction-developing outdoor games for children with mental retardation
4.5. Additional physical culture and sports education for children and students with a mild degree of mental retardation
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 5 Methods of adaptive physical culture in children with cerebral palsy (A.A. Potapchuk)
5.1. The concept of cerebral palsy (ICP): epidemiology, classification, etiology
5.1.1. Associated diseases and secondary disorders. Speech and mental abnormalities
5.1.2. Movement disorders
5.2. Motor rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
5.3. Adaptive physical education of children with LIP
5.3.1. Adaptive physical education at preschool age
5.3.2. Adaptive physical education at school age
5.3.3. Non-traditional forms of employment
5.4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptive physical education classes in cerebral palsy
test questions

Chapter 6 Rehabilitation of children with spinal cord injury (E.Yu. Shapkova)
6.1. Characteristics of the pathology
6.1.1. The concept of vertebrogenic myelopathy
6.1.2. Combined trauma of the spine and spinal cord
6.1.3. Traumatic disease of the spinal cord
6.1.4. The main manifestations of myelopathy
6.1.5. Secondary disorders in myelopathy
6.1.6. Assessment of neurological and adaptive status
6.2. Movement rehabilitation methods
6.2.1. Development of methods of motor rehabilitation
6.2.2. Traditional Methods
6.2.3. Additional technical methods
6.3. Methods for training spinal locomotor activity
6.3.1. Spinal locomotor activity as a basis for restoring locomotor capabilities in spastic plegia
6.3.2. Stages of motor rehabilitation
6.3.3. Maintaining an upright posture
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 7 Methods of adaptive physical culture in congenital developmental anomalies and after limb amputation (S.F. Kurdybaylo, A.I. Malyshev)
7.1. Anatomical and functional features of limb stumps in children
7.2. Congenital malformations of limbs
7.3. Methods of adaptive physical culture of children of different ages
7.3.1. Methodological features of the use of physical exercises in early (up to 2 years) and younger preschool age (from 2 to 4 years)
7.3.2. Methodological features of the use of physical exercises in senior preschool age (4-7 years)
7.3.3. Methodological features of the use of physical exercises in primary and secondary school age (7-12 years)
7.3.4. Methodological features of the use of physical exercises in senior school age
7.4. Methodological features of outdoor and sports games with children of different ages
7.5. Methodological features of training on simulators with children of middle and senior school age
7.6. Methodological features of swimming lessons with school-age children
Control questions and tasks

Chapter 8 Features of working with parents of disabled children (N.G. Korelskaya)
8.1. Features of family education of children with disabilities
8.2. The role of a mother in a family raising a child with developmental disabilities
8.3. Methods and forms of work with parents of children with disabilities
8.4. Family involvement in development motor activity children with developmental disabilities
Control questions and tasks

The manual introduces the features of the organization gaming activity. It describes more than 200 outdoor games and exercises for weakened children and disabled children with visual, hearing, intellect, speech, and musculoskeletal disorders. For each game, in addition to detailed description, offered possible options and guidelines for its implementation.

The book was written by a team of teachers, graduate students, students - graduates of the faculty of adaptive physical culture of St. P.F. Lesgaft and is intended for counselors, parents, educators, volunteers and other persons working with children with disabilities.


Much has been written about play, play behavior, and players, both fair and true, and contradictory and inaccurate. The breadth of interpretation has infinite set interpretations - from mystical to scientifically advanced. The game is not a product of a fleeting fashion, it is a phenomenon that is distinguished by a special constancy, uniting time, eras, generations. The game cannot be defined with the help of an unambiguous definition, but the very concept of "game" is inextricably linked with freedom, good will, pleasure, joy. The game is an integral element of life, human culture, linking generations. This phenomenon is studied by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, biologists. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

This manual reveals some psychological, biological and pedagogical aspects of the game, formulates the requirements for gaming activities, defines the functions of the organizer of games, and also offers specific outdoor games to increase physical activity during summer holiday children with mental and physical development. Toolkit compiled by the joint efforts of teachers, graduate students and students of the Department of Adaptive Physical Education of the St. P.F. Lesgaft, who study this problem. It is intended for counselors, teachers, parents and other people involved in educational work with children with disabilities and children with limited functionality.