Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Night duty of doctors: an obligation under the labor code. Job description of the doctor on duty in a medical institution

Office "Doctor on duty" - daily work schedule, admission on the day of treatment on a first-come, first-served basis, if you have an appointment ticket issued using EMIAS by the reception staff or through the information kiosk. The doctor on duty accepts: - if it is necessary to provide urgent or emergency care; - in the absence of free intervals for a preliminary appointment with a local pediatrician within the recording horizon; -when the patient contacts in the direction of the administrator on duty; - when contacting a patient who has the right to an extraordinary service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow; - when contacting a patient discharged from a medical organization providing inpatient medical care; - when applying for patients with a sick leave issued by another medical organization.

Job description of the doctor on duty in a medical institution

Prohibit the actions of personnel, patients, visitors aimed at violating the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regimes, rules of conduct in healthcare facilities, safety and fire regulations. 4.2. Suspend the on-duty personnel of the health facility from duty in cases of gross violations of the internal labor regulations, failure to comply with the orders of the doctor on duty, as well as for other gross violations, with mandatory notification of the decision taken by the head of the relevant structural unit and the head physician of the health facility.


Call the appropriate repair services to eliminate malfunctions in the operation of heating, lighting, plumbing and other systems. 4.4. Dispose of the linen, dressings, devices, apparatus, medicines, etc. available in the medical facility.


What are the functions of a doctor on duty in a children's clinic?

In emergency conditions, directs the actions of the hospital staff for the evacuation of patients, equipment and other material assets, notifying the chief physician of the hospital and the higher health authority about this; organizes the work of personnel in case of suspected presence of a particularly dangerous infection. 13. Takes a sample of cooked food and gives permission to distribute it to patients.

14. Takes measures to timely eliminate the malfunctions that have arisen in the operation of the plumbing, lighting, heating and other systems of the hospital. 15. In accordance with the established procedure, calls, if necessary, representatives of the police, fire brigade, informs the head doctor of the hospital or his deputy about all incidents during the period of duty and the measures taken.
16. Timely informs the employees of the admission department about his place of stay in the hospital. 17.

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Algorithmization of medical and preventive activities is the basis for improving the efficiency of primary health care. Abstracts of the International Conference. In book. Health systems management.

M., 1982, VNIIMI. Pages 32-33. 2. Vagner V.D. Staff job descriptions. — M.: Med. book; N. Novgorod: Publishing house of NGMA, 2001. - 628 p. 3. Golubev D.N., Vinogradov A.Z., Yankin Yu.M.

and etc. Algorithmization of medical and preventive activities as the basis for managing healthcare institutions. Mat. All-Union Conference. In book. Comprehensive hygienic research in areas of intensive industrial development.
Novokuznetsk, 1982. Pages 91-92. 4. Denisov V.N., Babenko A.I. Methodology of strategic planning in health care.
- Novosibirsk: CERIS. 2001. - 353 p. 5. Erbaktanov A.B.

Job description of the responsible doctor on duty in the hospital

The duty is carried out by doctors on duty in accordance with the schedule formed by the head of the department. Preliminary appointment with a doctor for a period of time during his duty is not carried out. The doctor on duty receives patients who applied in the following cases: if it is necessary to provide urgent or emergency care; in the absence of free intervals for an appointment with a doctor; when the patient contacts the administrator on duty; when contacting a patient entitled to an extraordinary service; when contacting a patient discharged from a medical organization providing inpatient medical care; when applying with a certificate of incapacity for work issued by another medical organization. Patients are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis without prior appointment using coupons for admission.

Management of the treatment and diagnostic process in the clinic. Kirov - 2000. 18. Tavrovsky V.M. Management of the treatment and diagnostic process in a hospital.

Kirov, 2000. 19. Tavrovsky V.M., Chumakova L.P., Golubev D.N. Algorithmization of the treatment-diagnostic process and advanced training of a doctor.


In book. Economic mat. methods and calculus. technology in healthcare Novokuznetsk, 1982. P. 198-203. 20. Work and health of medical workers / Ed.

VK. Ochvarova. Moscow, Medicine. 1985. 21. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Scientific substantiation of the management system. // Personnel Management.
- 1997. - N 2. - P.111. 22. Epstein S. Psychology in the service of business. - New time, 1966, No. 16, p.20. 23. Maslov E. V. Enterprise personnel management: Textbook, ed.
P. V. Shemetova. - M: INFRA - M .: Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 2000. 24. Shekshnya S. V. Personnel management in a modern organization - M .: Business school.
Doctor on duty - a doctor who is entrusted with the organization and direct provision of medical care to the patient in the order of priority, without prior appointment. 1.3.4. Appointment interval - the period of time set for the reception of one patient. 1.3.5. A patient is an individual who has the right to receive primary health care in the city of Moscow within the framework of the territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens of the city of Moscow (or within the framework of the basic program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens - for citizens from other cities) and applied for receiving primary health care, an individual who applied for emergency or emergency medical care.
ЗулуИвритИгбоИдишИндонезийскийИрландскийИсландскийИспанскийИтальянскийЙорубаКазахскийКаннадаКаталанскийКитайский (Упр)Китайский (Трад)КорейскийКреольский (Гаити)КхмерскийЛаосскийЛатинскийЛатышскийЛитовскийМакедонскийМалагасийскийМалайскийМалайяламМальтийскийМаориМаратхиМонгольскийНемецкийНепалиНидерландскийНорвежскийПанджабиПерсидскийПольскийПортугальскийРумынскийРусскийСебуанскийСербскийСесотоСингальскийСловацкийСловенскийСомалиСуахилиСуданскийТагальскийТаджикскийТайскийТамильскийТелугуТурецкийУзбекскийУкраинскийУрдуФинскийФранцузскийХаусаХиндиХмонгХорватскийЧеваЧешскийШведскийЭсперантоЭстонскийЯванскийЯпонский Звуковая функция ограничена 200 символами Настройки: История: Обратная связь: Donate Закрыть RSMonials Module Хороший сайт YurijSteshinskijFeb 26, 2018 Обратная связь С целью улучшения качества оказания услуг и обеспечения доступности в нашей поликлинике received by the doctor on duty.

How does the doctor on duty in the clinic take duties

Dispose of the linen, dressings, instruments, apparatus, medicines, etc. available in the medical facility 4.5. Cancel the orders of the on-duty personnel of the healthcare facility if they conflict with the law, orders and instructions of the doctor on duty. 4.6.

Apply to the management of the health care facility for the promotion of distinguished employees and the imposition of penalties for violation of labor discipline.4.7. In necessary cases, to rearrange the duty staff of the medical facility.4.8. Send emergency vehicles to deliver consultants, medicines, patients to other departments and medical institutions, etc. 4.9. To make proposals to the head doctor of the health facility, his deputies on the issues of improving the organization of duty. 4.10. In emergency cases, transfer the patient from one department to another or to another hospital with subsequent notification of the heads of these departments. 4.11.
Cancel the orders of the on-duty personnel of the healthcare facility if they conflict with the law, orders and instructions of the doctor on duty. 4.6. To petition the management of the healthcare facility to encourage distinguished employees and to impose penalties for violation of labor discipline. 4.7.

If necessary, reshuffle the duty personnel of the health facility. 4.8. Direct duty vehicles to deliver consultants, medicines, patients to other departments and medical institutions, etc.

e. 4.9. To make proposals to the head doctor of the health facility, his deputies on improving the organization of duty. 4.10. In emergency cases, transfer the patient from one department to another or to another hospital, followed by notification of the heads of these departments. 4.11.

Personnel management at the enterprise: personal management. - St. Petersburg, 1992. 36. Zadorkin V.I., Sklyarova V.R. Personnel management - M., 1995.

37. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management in organizations. - M.: State Institute of Management, 2000. 38. Kochetkova AI Fundamentals of personnel management. - M.: TEIS, 1999. 39. Mikhailov F.B. Personnel management in the theory and practice of classical management. - Kazan, 1998. 40. Stenyukov M.V., Pustozerova V.M. Office work in personnel management. -M: PRIOR, 1999. 41. Silence E.V. Personnel Management. - St. Petersburg: RAS. Institute for Problems of Regional Economics, 1999. 42. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A.

Enterprise personnel management. - M.: Delo, 1999. 43. Tsvetaev V.M. Personnel management / V. M. Tsvetaev. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

44. 70. Shipunov V.G., Kikshel E.N. Fundamentals of management activities. - M.: Higher school, 2000. 45. Shibalkin Yu. A.

Often, medical facilities that provide medical care to hospitalized patients around the clock introduce night shifts to their employees.

In order not to violate the provisions of the law and the rights of employees, it is necessary to know how doctors night duty labor code, and what documents should be drawn up before that.

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Night shifts of doctors: why are they needed

The labor code and local acts of the medical institution regulate the night duty of doctors. In particular, the possibility of establishing such shifts should be provided for by a collective agreement and an employment contract with employees, local acts of patients, etc.

It is necessary to organize night shifts of doctors in those medical institutions that monitor hospitalized patients around the clock and continuously. And this means that at night, on holidays and weekends, there should be a doctor on site who can provide the necessary medical care to patients.

Night shifts of doctors can be assigned to a specific department, throughout the medical institution or its profile of activity. Duty shifts are established for the main position or part-time, when, for example, a doctor replaces an absent employee due to necessity.

Definition of the term "doctor on duty"

The current legislation does not formulate such a concept as a “doctor on duty”, however, it appears in separate regulations. For example, in pp. 1 p. 10 Art. 20 FZ 323 says that the doctor on duty in some situations may prescribe medical interventions without the consent of the patient or his representative.

In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the doctor on duty is entitled in some situations to certify the powers of attorney and wills of patients. Doctors on duty are also mentioned in some staff regulations, in orders. Thus, the staff standards of medical institutions with the provision of round-the-clock inpatient medical care contain recommendations for establishing additional positions for doctors on duty.

Let's take a look at a few more regulations.

  1. In the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 543n dated May 15, 2012, approving the regulation on the provision of medical care to the population on weekends and holidays, it is established that nurses and doctors on duty monitor patients on these days.
  2. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1175n dated December 20, 2012 states that the medications prescribed to the patient are coordinated with the responsible doctor on duty.
  3. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 354n dated 06/06/2013, the doctor on duty organizes the direction of the body of a patient who died in a hospital for a post-mortem examination, in the absence of the head of the department.

Thus, the by-laws do not disclose the definition of the term "doctor on duty", defining only his duties in specific cases.

Night duty of doctors: labor code on working hours

There are three options for organizing the working time of a doctor who is on duty at night:

  • work at the main place of work, when shifts are introduced within the norm of working hours established for a particular month;
  • part-time work. Part-time employment is an additional burden, therefore, it is issued only with the consent of the employee;
  • work in shifts when an additional agreement is concluded with the doctor.

The norms of working hours for medical workers are established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 588n dated August 13, 2009. The mode of work time sets out in detail the features of the distribution of working time during a certain period of work. Thus, the mode of operation provides for a certain number of working days and days off, the beginning and end of the working day, the number and duration of breaks, the number of shifts per day, etc.

All these characteristics by the employer should be reflected in the organization's labor regulations, agreements and collective agreements. If the mode of operation of a particular doctor differs from the generally accepted one, then it is reflected in the employment contract. For medical workers, the working week is reduced compared to other areas and is 39 days.

However, depending on the specifics of the activity, some health workers are also assigned 24, 30, 33, 36 hours a week. Specific specialties and positions of medical workers with reduced hours of work are listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 101 dated February 14, 2003. The labor code prescribes the night duty of doctors to be established taking into account these rules, and to take into account the total duration of the employee's working time based on the monthly norm.

Working hours of doctors during night shifts

Very often, health workers, implying that they remain on night duty, mean the time from 17 pm to 8 am. This is due to the fact that in many medical institutions, after the end of the main working day from 17:00, doctors “take over” for night duty. Doctors understand night duty as working hours from 10 pm to 6 am (the next day).

At night, the duration of the shift is reduced by one hour without the obligation of post-processing. Exceptions exist for:

  • doctors who were hired specifically for night duty with shift work (day after three);
  • doctors who already have reduced working hours.

The hours of work during night duty are usually compared with the hours of work during normal hours, when required by specific working conditions. This happens, for example. When the shifts of health workers are divided into shifts of 12 hours per day, as well as on shift work according to the schedule of a 6-day working week with one day off.

All these features should be reflected in the collective agreement of the organization, in the labor regulations and other local acts.

Can a doctor sleep during night work

At different times, the possibility of sleeping health workers on duty during the night shift was considered differently. AT recent times employees of medical institutions often come to consultations with lawyers and supervisory authorities with a demand to clarify whether they have the right to sleep while on duty in a medical institution.

They motivate this by the fact that the administration of the medical institution is often on night duty, since during inspections the supervisory authorities find doctors sleeping at their workplaces, which entails a fine to the medical institution and disciplinary action against the doctor himself. Let us turn to the existing documents on this issue.

The letter of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 02-19/21 dated 12/11/1954 contained a provision that medical workers could sleep during the night shift.

However, several groups of employees cannot do this during the night duty period:

  • health workers (doctors, middle, junior) who provide emergency, urgent and emergency medical care to the population (therapeutic, surgical, gynecological);
  • junior medical staff in inpatient units;
  • paramedical workers who work in children's hospitals, maternity hospitals and departments, infectious diseases, surgical departments and in psycho-neurological medical institutions).

The document has not yet been canceled and can be applied to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation did not regulate this issue, we believe that the provisions are quite applicable in practice. A medical institution in its local acts can reflect this moment in detail and indicate at what time and in which departments medical workers can sleep on night duty in the absence of work.

Health workers who cannot work night shifts

In addition to the fact that the night duty of doctors was defined by the labor code as a certain time and working conditions, from Art. 96 and 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees who cannot work on night shifts can be distinguished:

  • pregnant employees;
  • underage employees.

For them, the ban is absolute.

Medical workers who can be assigned to night duty, but only if for health reasons they are not prohibited and they have written consent:

  • female employees who have children under the age of three;
  • single mothers and fathers who have children under the age of 5 or their guardians;
  • employees with disabilities, as well as employees who have children with disabilities and health workers who care for a sick relative.

None of us are immune to trouble. This also applies to health. The disease can overtake at any time, both on a weekday and on weekends and holidays.

If a person becomes seriously ill on a day off, the question arises, to whom and where to open a sick leave, an important document confirming temporary disability. After all, as you know, district clinics do not work on weekends and holidays.

So, if you get sick on Sunday or Saturday, what should you do? How to get a sick leave during non-working hours? Let's talk on this "Popular about Health" page today on this important topic:

What to do if you get sick? Who to contact for help?

Doctor on duty at the polyclinic

First of all, call your clinic and check if there is a doctor on duty? Doctors are usually on duty at the weekend, and during the daytime you can contact him. He has the authority to prescribe treatment and issue sick leave.

If there is no doctor on duty at the local polyclinic or the time of his duty is over, or medical care is needed at night, you will have to contact the emergency services:


Ambulance doctors will provide emergency care at home, if necessary, hospitalize. An ambulance leaves in case of life-threatening cases, in particular, if the patient is unconscious, with respiratory problems, with an accident, trauma, childbirth, etc.

With flu, colds, vomiting, and similar manifestations, the ambulance most likely will not arrive, since these conditions do not threaten the life of the patient.


If a chronic disease worsens, an acute condition occurs, accompanied by severe pain, sudden weakness, dizziness, if the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, but there are no obvious signs of a threat to life, call an ambulance. By the way, if the ambulance does not have urgent calls, the brigade can also be sent along the ambulance route.

Paid ambulance

In the event that a team of ordinary ambulance doctors cannot arrive at your call, for example, due to the lack of free cars, a large number of urgent calls, or it is simply impossible to get through to it, call. They will come for sure.

Where is the sick leave?

Option 1: As you know, sick leave is paid by the employer in calendar days. If an employee falls ill on Saturday or Sunday, the sick leave will be issued by the doctor on duty at the clinic.

Option 2: If you called an ambulance, an ambulance or a paid ambulance, the doctor who left the call draws up a signal card (signal sheet), which remains with you. It indicates the reasons for the call, as well as the date and time of the visit to the patient. With this coupon, you need to contact the local therapist of your clinic on Monday.

The sick leave is issued on the day of the visit to the doctor. However, if there is a signal sheet, or another document confirming the fact that the person fell ill on the day when the clinic was not working, a temporary disability certificate will be issued retroactively.

Option 3: If, for any reason, you were not given a signal card and there is no confirmation or emergency care, on Monday, with a passport, contact the head physician of the ambulance facility.

You will be given a certified copy of the card upon your request. You, as a patient, have the right to receive it. With this document, go to the clinic for a sick leave. In any case, this document will be proof that you were absent from work for a good reason.

Option 4: If you fell ill on a day off, but there was no duty officer at the clinic, and you didn’t call an ambulance or an ambulance, go to the hospital’s emergency department. There, the doctor on duty will write you a certificate of treatment, fill out the card and record the appointment. With a certificate from a doctor, on Monday morning, contact your clinic for a sick leave.

Contacting a private clinic

If for some reason all the proposed options do not suit you or something does not work out, but treatment is necessary, the only remaining way out is to contact a paid clinic or a licensed private doctor. They usually work seven days a week. Most of these clinics have a special license to issue a temporary disability certificate, and the employer is obliged to pay for it.

How to return money?

If you have an insurance policy, but for some reason paid for the medical services provided on your own, be sure to collect all the documents confirming this: prescriptions, checks, receipts for payment for doctor's services, for the purchase of medicines, medical devices, payment for transport, etc.

You have the right to submit all the collected documentation to the insurance company, where you write a statement about the insured event, with a request for a refund of the funds you spent.

Take care of yourself, do not get sick on weekdays or on holidays. Take preventive measures, strengthen the immune system. Well, if you feel that you are getting sick, consult a doctor in time.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Evgeny Samarin

Since 2015, doctors on duty have been working in the capital's polyclinics. They accept without an appointment and have the skills of several narrow specialists at once.

Every day, more than nine thousand patients turn to the doctors on duty at Moscow polyclinics. They go to these specialists in case of severe ailment without an appointment. You only need to have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy with you.

General practitioners are on duty in the capital's polyclinics - general practitioners who understand not only therapy, but also otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology and surgery. the site talked to three doctors on duty and asked what attracts them to work, what complaints patients often complain about, and what is the difference between a general practitioner and a general practitioner.

Pavel Makartsev

28 years old, five years experience

General practitioner in the city polyclinic No. 64 (branch No. 1)

- I started as a therapist, and in 2014 I retrained as a general practitioner at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

During our studies, we studied in depth many areas that the average therapist does not touch. These are, for example, ENT diseases, the basics of gynecology, ophthalmology, neurology, and so on.

All “acute” patients who come to the clinic come to me

Often, patients with various pathologies turn to general practitioners. If you understand that the case is complicated, then you refer the patient to a narrow specialist, and in an emergency, you are hospitalized. If it is, for example, laryngitis, pharyngitis - something that does not require additional examinations and specific examinations - you treat it yourself, without involving narrow specialists. Very often patients come with neurological problems, for example, with radicular (pain) syndrome in osteochondrosis, vascular headaches.

In my opinion, it is more interesting to work as a general practitioner, and even more so as a doctor on duty. All “acute” patients who come to the clinic come to me. It doesn’t matter if it’s pneumonia, a common cold, a stroke, or newly diagnosed tuberculosis. There are also heart attacks. A person comes with chest pains, I listen to complaints, examine, take an electrocardiogram, it turns out - a heart attack. I am sent by ambulance to the hospital for emergency admission. The goal is to do everything as quickly as possible.

Thanks to manipulation rooms with the necessary equipment, the patient can often receive assistance on the spot

I became on duty even when such doctors were not in all clinics. And since then, I have never doubted my decision. Moreover, back in my student years, I worked for some time in the admissions department of the hospital, so this is mine. You can't relax here, your brain is constantly working. There is no record, so you do not know who will come to you now. Maybe several patients in a row with banal ARVI, or maybe a patient with a neglected blood pathology who first went to the doctor. And an interesting picture emerges in the analyzes, and we must act urgently: send him for hospitalization or for additional examination to a hematologist.

It is convenient that there are manipulation rooms with the necessary equipment. Often the patient can get help on the spot, without appointments and trips to the ENT, ophthalmologist and other doctors. This is very convenient: the number of trips to the clinic and the time spent in it are reduced. The patient receives the necessary assistance in just 10-15 minutes.

Vadim Panteleev

54 years old, 30 years of experience

General practitioner in the city polyclinic No. 107 (branch No. 3)

— This year is 30 years since I work as a doctor. He was a therapist, for a long time he was in charge of the therapeutic department. Then he was the deputy chief physician for the medical unit. For some time he worked as the chief physician, then as the head of the branch, and then left for the position of a general practitioner. I worked almost all my experience in the 107th polyclinic, the former 144th.

For a long time I was both an administrator and a leader, but the work of a doctor on duty is closer to me

He retrained as a general practitioner in 2016. This specialty is very different from a general practitioner. It covers more areas: therapy, surgery, neurology, ophthalmology and even partially gynecology. The doctor on duty performs a wide range of tasks, up to bladder catheterization. Almost every day there is surgery, albeit small, but surgery: wounds, stitches. We often check our eyesight, hearing, use various instruments: an ophthalmoscope, an otorhinoscope, and others.

For a long time I was both an administrator and a leader, but I came to the conclusion that the work of a doctor on duty is closer to me. Here you have to work both with your hands and with your head, there are urgent and even emergency patients, and this is always interesting. There are a variety of cases: heart attacks, and respiratory failure in bronchial asthma, and pulmonary edema, and severe pain syndromes.

In the 1990s, patients literally took therapists by storm.

The number of patients depends on the season. In winter, the workload is greater due to colds, viruses and epidemics.

In my 30 years of work, I have seen both the 1990s and the 2000s. In the 1990s, patients literally took therapists by storm. And now everything is very clearly and rationally organized, the correct routing works. There are specialists who are open for initial treatment, there are closed ones. At the same time, we appeared, general practitioners on duty, to whom you can get without an appointment. The scheme is very competent: there are specialists of different levels. As a result, it is easier to work, there are no queues in front of the offices.

Patients did not immediately get used to the new system, especially the elderly. At first there was a lot of indignation: why can't you immediately get to a neurologist or a cardiologist? But now, when everything settles down, patients begin to understand that this is the right thing to do. They come, do not sit in line, get help quickly.

Yana Trembovetskaya

32 years old, nine years experience

General practitioner at City Polyclinic No. 8

I have been a doctor since 2009. She started as a therapist, and in 2015 she retrained as a general practitioner. The doctor on duty works without an appointment. That is, those who are ill and need an urgent appointment come to me. The shift lasts 12 hours: from 08:00 to 20:00, the schedule is two in two.

Most often patients with viral infections

They turn to doctors on duty with viral infections, otitis media, runny nose, abdominal pain, fever, and so on. Patients with sick leaves who have just been discharged from the hospital also come. Or those who received stitches at the emergency room the day before, for treatment. There are also patients after operations - they come to us for dressing or suture treatment. Generally speaking, patients with viral infections are most often treated.

The manipulation room has everything you need for simple procedures. For example, an otorhinoscope, a laryngoscope, a tonometer, as well as everything you need to treat wounds and check your eyesight. There is also an electrocardiograph, if patients come with pain in the heart, we immediately take an ECG.

Urgent cases are interesting, you gain more experience

Is it hard to be a doctor on duty? I think it all depends on age and temperament. Personally, I like it more than taking it as planned. There are urgent cases, it's interesting, you gain experience.

What I like most about my work is that the result is quickly visible. For example, a person came with a complaint of cough and fever, you immediately send him for an x-ray, look at the result and see if there is pneumonia or not. Most recently, a man was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, and was immediately sent to the hospital.

Previously, many thought that the clinic did not work at all on the weekend.

The doctor on duty can write out hospital and emergency referrals, for example, if you urgently need to donate blood, urine, or undergo an x-ray. And planned referrals are issued by doctors who work by appointment.

On weekends, fewer people turn up than on weekdays, but there are also. Previously, many people thought that the clinic did not work at all on the weekend, although this is not the case.

How does the work day begin? I arrive 15 minutes before the start of the shift, put the office in order, turn on the computer, put on a bathrobe and badge, put myself in order and start the appointment. People have been walking since early morning.