Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Criminology of Avanes. Criminology (Avanesov G.A.)

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Chapter first. Criminology as a science. Its subject and method. Place of criminology
in the system of sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
§ 1. General characteristics of criminology as a science, its subject and method. . . . . 9
1. General issues of criminology
2. Independence of the science of criminology
3. Criminology as a special science
4. The content and independence of the science of criminology
5. The concept of the subject of criminology
6. Studying the subject of criminology
7. The subject of criminology
8. The object of criminology and criminological research
§ 2. Goals and objectives of criminology, its main functions and their implementation. . . . .23
1. Aims of criminology
2. Linking goals with tasks
3. Tasks of criminology
4. Functions of criminology
5. Theory of criminology (theoretical function)
6. Applied criminology (practical function)
7. The structure of the theory of criminology in connection with its functions
§ 3. Place of criminology in the system of sciences. Interdisciplinary nature
criminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
1. Determining the place of criminology in the system of sciences
2. Interdisciplinary nature of criminology
3. Relationship of criminology with sociology and law
4. Relationship and unity of criminal law sciences
5. Relationship of criminology with criminal law
6. Criminology and other sciences of the criminal law cycle
7. Criminology - general theoretical criminal law science
Chapter two. formation and current state of criminology. Main steps
its development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
§ 1. The history of criminology and the main directions of its development as a science. . . .55
1. History of criminology and the significance of the history of criminology
2. The emergence of criminology and the history of criminological thought
3. Origins of criminological ideas
4. Early history of criminology
5. Criminological ideas of revolutionary democrats
6. Anthropological and sociological trends in the history of criminology
7. Statistical research in the history of criminology
8. Study of the problems of crime in tsarist Russia
9. The influence of Marxism-Leninism on criminological thought
§ 2. The main stages in the development of Soviet criminology and its modern
condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1. The emergence of Soviet criminology
2. Stages of development of Soviet criminology
3. First stage
4. Second stage
5. Third stage
6. Formation of criminology as an academic discipline
7. General assessment of the stages of development of criminology
8. Characteristics of the current state of Soviet criminology
9. Results of the development of Soviet criminology
10. Main directions of criminological research
11. Socialist criminology
§ 3. Analysis of bourgeois criminological concepts and their reactionary essence.94
1. Capitalist society and crime
2. Crime of the bourgeois states
3. Evaluation of bourgeois criminological research
4. Bourgeois criminological theories
5. Plurality of theories
6. Theory of scientific and technological progress
7. Theory of differential association
8. Social disorientation theory
9. Theory of anomie
10. Theory of multiple factors
11. Other theories of bourgeois criminology
12. General conclusion
Chapter three. The relationship and unity of the science of criminology and the practice of struggle

§ 1. Basics of the relationship between the science of criminology and the practice of struggle
with crime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
1. The concept and essence of the relationship between science and practice
2. The principle of the unity of science and practice
3. The complexity of the tasks of science and practice
4. The value of the science of criminology for practice
5. The importance of practice for the science of criminology
6. The influence of criminology on the practice of combating crime
7. Applied (or practical) criminology
8. Fundamental (or theoretical) criminology
§ 2. The introduction of the achievements of the science of criminology into the practice of combating
crime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
1. Statement of the problem of implementation
2. Comprehensiveness of practice recommendations and specialization
3. Introduction of scientific achievements into the practice of combating crime
4. Management of implementation processes
5. Problems of initial information
6. Legal problems of implementation
7. Planning issues
8. Ensuring control over implementation
9. Interpretation of implementation results
10. Forms and methods of implementation
11. Best practices and implementation challenges
Chapter Four. Party membership and political orientation of the Soviet
criminology. Its ideological function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
§ 1. Party membership and class character of Soviet criminology,
its ideological function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
1. The principle of partisanship in criminology
2. Class approach
3. Implementation of the principle of party membership in criminology
4. Partisanship of criminology and the objectivity of its scientific positions
5. Objectivity and concreteness as an expression of partisanship
6. The truth of criminological knowledge
7. Party spirit, politics and criminology
8. Politics, law, criminology and ideology
9. Politics and criminal law sciences
10. Politics and criminology
11. Criminological policy
§ 2. Party leadership and basic principles of the policy of struggle
with crime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
1. Fighting crime as a form of political activity
2. Basic principles of anti-crime policy
3. The role of the party in the implementation of the anti-crime policy
4. Directions of the party leadership
5. Organizing and guiding leadership
6. Coordinating and controlling leadership
Chapter five. Criminological study of crime, its concept
and social and legal essence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
§ 1. Criminological study of crime and crime and their general
characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
1. Initial concepts of crime and crime
2. Characteristics of the relationship between crime and crime
3. Crime as a kind of offense
4. Criminal law and criminological assessment of the crime
5. Criminological study of offense and crime
6. Crime and personal behavior
7. From crime to crime
8. Crime
§ 2. The concept of crime as a phenomenon and its social and legal essence. . . 166
1. The concept of crime
2. Types and elements of crime
3. Crime as a social and legal phenomenon
4. Essence of crime
5. Crime as a system
6. Relationships of crime
7. Geography of crime
8. Latent crime
9. Consequences of crime
Chapter six. Criminological analysis of the causes of crime and social
contradictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
§ 1. The concept of the causes of crime, their levels and general criminological
characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
1. Analysis of terms and concepts
2. The problem of the causes of crime
3. General definition of the causes of crime
4. Causes and conditions of crime
5. Criminogenic and anti-criminogenic factors
6. Circumstances, situation
7. Levels of causes
8. Necessary and accidental
9. Crime and crime - the ratio of their causes
§ 2. Research into the causes of crime in connection with contradictions
social development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
1. Public relations and their criminological study
2. Public relations and antipodes of the socialist way of life
3. Social contradictions and crime
4. Causes of crime and social contradictions
5. Analysis of the causes and conditions of crime in connection with social
6. Classification of the causes of crime
7. Characteristics of the causes of crime. Sources of crime
9. Causes of crime
10. Evaluation of the causes of crime based on empirical material
§ 3. Classification of the causes of crime and analysis of criminogenic factors
1. General approach to the problem
2. Causes of first class crime
3. Causes of second-class crime
4. Causes of third-class crime
5. Relationship between causes and sources of crime
6. The lag of consciousness from being
7. Remnants of the past in the minds of people. The problem of social inheritance
9. The negative impact of capitalism
10. Causes and factors of crime
11. Consequences of the factor and causes of crime
12. Aggregate assessment of factors and their classification
13. Negative social phenomena and causes of crime
14. Drunkenness and crime
§ 4. Criminological analysis of the relationship and biological in causes
crime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
1. Correlation between social and biological
2. Causes of crime and biological problems
3. Criminological study of the relationship between social and biological
4. Studying the causes of crime from the standpoint of genetic problems
5. Genetic problems of criminal behavior
6. Human nervous system, psyche and criminal behavior
7. Influence of hereditary diseases on criminal behavior
8. Psychophysiological stress and their impact on crime
Chapter seven. The identity of the offender and features of formation
antisocial behaviour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248
§ 1. The identity of the offender in the system of social relations and features
its properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
1. Starting position of the study of the identity of the offender
2. The personality of the criminal as an active being
3. The relationship between the personality of the criminal and society
4. The identity of the offender in the system of public relations
5. Social contradictions and the personality of the offender
6. The identity of the offender as a criminological problem
7. Features of the criminal's personality traits
8. The structure of the personality of the offender
9. Typology of the offender's personality
10. The value of studying the identity of the offender
11. Antisocial (criminal) behavior and personality
§ 2. The concept, content and features of the process of personality formation
offender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271
1. General characteristics of the process of formation of the identity of the offender
2. The concept of the formation of the identity of the offender
3. The content and features of the process of formation of the identity of the offender
4. Criminal legal aspect of the problem
5. Social aspect of the study
6. General scheme of personality formation
7. Preventive function of education
Chapter eight. Fundamentals of criminological research, their organization and
practical significance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286
§ 1. The concept, limits and levels of criminological research,
their practical significance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
1. Initial concepts
2. Levels and limits of criminological research
3. Specific criminological studies
4. Complexity of criminological research
5. The problem of the effectiveness of criminological research
6. Practical significance of criminological research
§ 2. Methodological principles, basic techniques and methods of criminological
research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
1. Methodological culture is a prerequisite for the success of scientific research
2. The concept of methodology
3. General methodological principles of the study
4. Scientific and practical methodology
5. Methodology and research methodology
6. Methodological and organizational aspects of the study
7. Program and plan of the study
8. Goals and objectives of the study
9. Object and subject of research
10. Results of the study and their presentation
11. Systematization of research methods and their concept
12. Classification of methods
§ 3. The concept and essence of criminological forecasting, its types, terms
and methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
1. Introduction
2. The concept of forecasting and forecasting
3. Branch of criminological forecasting
4. Forecasting and scientific knowledge
5. Scientific criminological forecasting
6. Continuity of the forecasting process
7. Forecasting and problems of uncertainty
8. Leading Information and Forecasts
9. Goals of forecasting
10. Forecasting tasks
11. Practical significance of forecasting
12. Types of forecasting and groups of forecasts
13. Cumulative Forecast
14. Timing of forecasting
15. Methods of forecasting
§ 4. Individual forecasting and organizational problems of prevention
criminal behaviour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318
1. The concept of individual forecasting
2. Analysis of the state of the problem of individual forecasting
3. Individual prediction in criminology
4. Individual forecasting as a process of personality cognition
5. Difference between individual forecasting and the theory of "dangerous state"
6. Management based on individual forecasting
7. Model of individual behavior
8. The system of personality behavior factors
9. The study of personality in individual forecasting
10. Past, present and future of personality
11. Purpose of individual forecasting
12. Tasks of individual forecasting
13. Practical tasks
14. Preventive role of individual forecasting
15. Forecasting and social control
Chapter nine. General theory of crime prevention and its practical
orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
§ 1. Definition of a theoretical concept, concept and features
crime prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331
1. The concept of crime prevention
2. Crime prevention and related concepts
3. The concept of fighting crime
4. Crime prevention and control
5. Warning, prevention and prevention
6. The concept of crime prevention
7. Prevention of offenses (crimes)
8. Prevention and suppression of crimes
§ 2. Prevention of crimes as one of the directions of the process
crime prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .342
1. The current state of prevention and its general concept
2. Prevention as a kind of theory
3. Applied and theoretical aspects of prevention
4. Prevention as a practice
5. Dialectical unity of the theory and practice of prevention
6. Varieties of prevention
7. Moral prevention
8. Legal prevention
9. Criminal and legal prevention
10. Criminological prevention
11. Special prophylaxis
§ 3. Social conditioning of crime prevention, its goals, objectives
and operating limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
1. Approach to defining the scope and limits of the functioning of prevention
2. Sphere of prevention of offenses (crimes)
3. Place of prevention in the system of social development
4. Prevention and overcoming of negative contradictions of social development
5. Prevention as a form of resolving contradictions between the individual and society
6. Prevention functions
7. The issue of social contracting for prevention
8. Social orientation of prevention
9. General goals of prevention
10. The concept of prevention goals
11. Specification of prevention goals
12. Tasks and importance of prevention
Chapter ten. Modern problems of practical activities for the implementation
crime prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
§ 1. Crime prevention system, its practical orientation,
content and essence
1. Crime prevention system
2. Activity and offensive character of preventive activity
3. Preventive activity: the concept of its subjects and objects
4. The system of subjects of crime prevention
5. Specialized and non-specialized subjects of prevention
6. Non-specialized subjects of prevention
7. Specialized subjects of prevention
8. The preventive function of the legislator
9. Dynamism of the system of subjects of prevention
10. The system of subjects of prevention and party leadership
11. Councils of people's deputies and their role in the implementation of prevention
12. Organs of people's control
13. Law enforcement agencies as specialized subjects of prevention
14. Internal affairs bodies
15. Prosecutor's office
16. Judiciary
17. Organs of justice
18. Public organizations
19. Tips for prevention in labor collectives
20. Public policing points
§ 2. Separate types, categories and groups of crimes as objects
preventive impact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385
1. The process of preventive action, its concept and features
2. Object of preventive protection
3. Objects of preventive action
4. General object
5. Specification of objects
6. Offenses and offenders as objects of influence
7. Object of general prevention
8. Social Environment as an object of influence
9. The object of individual prevention
10. Classification of crimes in order to specify the objects of prevention
11. Recidivism
12. Juvenile delinquency
13. Group crimes
14. Careless crimes
Chapter Eleven. Basic forms, content, levels and types
crime prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402
§ 1. Levels, forms and types of crime prevention, their relationship
and unity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
1. The concept of levels of crime prevention
2. Characterization of prevention levels
3. Forms of crime prevention
4. Immediate prevention
5. Early prevention
6. Types of crime prevention
7. General prevention
8. From general prevention to individual
9. Individual prevention
10. Purpose and objectives of individual prevention
11. Social control in the process of crime prevention
12. Victimological aspect of prevention
13. Self prevention
14. The learning process in relation to self-prevention
15. Unity of levels, forms and types of prevention
§ 2. Features of the content and organizational support of prevention
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
1. The concept of the content of crime prevention
2. Content of prevention activities
3. Problems of organizational support for crime prevention
4. Classification of preventive measures
5. Coercive measures in crime prevention
6. Significance of the inevitability of punishment
7. Measures of persuasion in crime prevention
8. Unity of measures of persuasion and coercion
9. The principle of justice and the humanism of crime prevention
Chapter twelve. Legal regulation of crime prevention
and observance of socialist legality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
§ 1. The main characteristics of law, its place and role in prevention
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
1. The Constitution of the USSR and legal problems of crime prevention
2. Principles of law and crime prevention
3. Law and prevention
4. Ensuring the rule of law in preventive activities
5. Legal regulation in the field of prevention
6. Mechanism of legal regulation
7. Place and role of law in crime prevention
8. Directions of legal regulation of prevention
9. Legal sources and legislative regulation
10. Law, legislation and law
11. Problems of legislative regulation
12. Rationale for the need for a law on prevention
§ 2. Study of the legal status of subjects and objects of prevention
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
1. General approach to problem solving
2. Rights and obligations of subjects of prevention
3. Actions of subjects of prevention within the law
4. The problem of responsibility and prevention
5. Responsibility of subjects and objects of preventive impact
6. Responsibility for preventive activities
7. Responsibility of subjects of prevention
8. Responsibility of objects of preventive impact
9. Law and leadership in prevention
Chapter thirteen. Scientific foundations and practice of organization and management
in the field of crime prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452
§ 1. The concept and features of organization and management in the field of prevention
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
1. Organization and management in the field of prevention: their relationship and concept
2. What is management and why is it needed
3. Management and problems of combating crime
4. Management in the field of prevention
5. Subjects and objects of management in the field of prevention
6. Control objects
7. Subjects of management
8. Process management
9. Basic requirements for the operation of the control apparatus
10. Principles and functions of management
11. The role of law in governance
§ 2. Information support and interaction in the organization of prevention
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
1. The concept of information and information support
2. Analysis and information
3. Information support for management and organization
4. Information support for the management (organization) of preventive
5. Need for preventive information
6. The function of information in the field of prevention management
7. Interaction, coordination and control
8. Coordination of preventive activities
9. Organizational principles of coordination
10. Interaction in the implementation of preventive activities
11. Control in preventive activities
12. Interaction, unity of actions of law enforcement agencies and the problem
13. Interaction of departments of internal affairs bodies in the implementation
14. Organization of interaction
15. Interaction and the problem of leadership in prevention activities
§ 3. The concept of planning, its place and role in the prevention system
crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
1. The concept of planning in the field of crime prevention
2. Prevention planning
3. Comprehensive planning
4. The concept of integrated prevention planning
5. Comprehensive targeted program for the organization of preventive activities
6. Systemic and integrated approaches
7. Importance of an integrated approach
8. Object of integrated planning
Instead of a conclusion (the problem of efficiency). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487

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One of the manifestations and at the same time one of the reasons for the crisis state of modern Russian criminal policy can be considered the disunity and disintegration of criminal law and criminological knowledge about crime and measures to combat it. Accordingly, the way out of this situation is seen in the activation and expansion of the existing prerequisites for the unity of criminal law and criminology. At the same time, the "road map" of the new integration of knowledge should include the joint development of such problems as understanding the social danger of an act; criteria for criminalization and non-criminalization of acts; positive and negative functions of criminal punishment; study of the problems of punishability of an act in the context of its criminalization; the identity of the perpetrator. The effectiveness of research in these areas depends, among other things, on overcoming the rigid industry boundaries of the criminal law and criminology sciences.

. No. 4 40 QUESTIONS OF CRIMINOLOGY M. M.<...> <...> <...> <...>


The article provides a detailed analysis of the terms "mechanism of criminal behavior", "mechanism of crime", "mechanism of criminal activity", "crime", "criminological situation", "criminological situation", their common features and differences, on the basis of which, when considering issues of Criminological characterization of crimes of certain types (groups) is proposed to use the concept of "criminal behavior determination mechanism". The mechanism of determination of criminal behavior is the process of the action of objective and subjective factors that naturally lead to crime, determining the sequence of development and the content of pre-criminal, criminal and post-criminal actions or inaction. The structure of the mechanism of determination of criminal behavior is proposed. According to the author, the description of the mechanism of determination of criminal behavior in accordance with the structure makes it possible to fully reveal all the negative properties of the studied criminogenic object, including identifying the stages of the genesis of the type (group) of crimes under study, the personality of the offender, taking into account not only the effect of temporary factors, but and stages of development of the crime

Avanesov defined the criminogenic situation as a set (complex) of processes14 Goryainov K.K.<...>personality is connected not so much and not only with the objective content, but also with its subjective meaning24. 20 Avanes<...>. - S. 183; Criminology.<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. - M.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. - 526 p. 2.<...>Criminology.


No. 1 [Legal Sciences, 2011]

The journal publishes scientific articles by Russian and foreign scientists, applicants, graduate students, researchers in the following specialties of the HAC nomenclature: Theory and history of law and state; history of doctrines about law and state; constitutional law; municipal law; civil law; business law; family law; international private law; labor law; social security law; natural resource law; agricultural law; environmental law; criminal law and criminology; penal law; criminal procedure, criminalistics and forensic examination; operational-search activity; international law, European law; judiciary, prosecutorial supervision, organization of law enforcement, advocacy; administrative law, financial law, information law; civil process; arbitration process. The magazine has not been published since 2013

Criminology. - M .: Publishing house Acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1984. - S. 333; Avanesov G.A. and others.<...>I., Avanesov G.A.<...>Criminology. Lecture course. - M .: Shield, 1998. - P. 120. 4 Criminology: Textbook / ed. N.F.<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology. - M .: Publishing house Acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1984. - 500 p. 4. Avanesov G.A. et al.<...>Alekseev A.I., Avanesov G.A.

Preview: Jurisprudence №1 2011.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Criminology studies. allowance

The concept and subject of criminology, criminological characteristics of the personality of the offender, the main directions of crime prevention, issues of juvenile delinquency, recidivism and penitentiary crime are disclosed. The manual contains diagrams, tables and graphs that help to master the main provisions of criminology.

<...>The subject and methods of criminology.<...>Avanesov and R. Sh.<...>positive and negative elements give the most complete picture of those who commit 1 See: Avanesov<...>Avanesov G. A., Shegabudinov R. Sh.

Preview: Criminology.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Problems of criminological prevention of illicit arms trafficking monograph

M.: Prospect

The work is a study of criminological problems in the prevention of illegal arms trafficking. It reveals the concept, principles and object of preventive activity, gives a description of the prevention of illegal arms trafficking at three levels: international, general social and special. Legislation is current as of September 2016.

A synonym for the word "prevention" is "warning"8. 1 For details on this, see: Avanesov G.A.<...>P. 17. 2 Avanesov G. A. Criminology and social prevention. M., 1980. S. 405–408.<...>P. 125. 5 See: Avanesov GA Criminology and social prevention.<...>Avanesov believes that factors are “one or another specific phenomenon or process, but not<...>P. 15. 6 Avanesov GA Criminology and sociology of prevention. M., 1980. S. 174.

Preview: Problems of criminological prevention of illegal arms trafficking. Monograph.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The article substantiates that crime factors function in a state of constant interaction. Therefore, the practice of transferring the blame for the growth of crime to law enforcement agencies requires a significant adjustment. The main social factors that determine the concept of the implementation of criminological forecasting, the researcher refers to the socio-political state of society; proclaimed by him and actually implemented social and moral values ​​and legal ideas; state and dynamics of crime in the country; economic condition; public legal awareness, including legal ideology and legal psychology; mentality and mentality

<...> <...> <...> <...>


The problems of methods of investigation of crimes committed by minors are considered. This problem is related to the age of juvenile offenders and their procedural protection.

Criminal law, criminology and criminal procedure ___________________________________________________<...>CRIMINAL LAW, CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS<...> <...>"Agency Kniga-Service"Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Criminal law, criminology<...>"Agency Kniga-Service"Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Criminal law, criminology


The article, based on a survey of convicts conducted by the author, examines the criminological features of women who have committed crimes against life. Their socio-demographic, moral and psychological and other properties and qualities are analyzed, the knowledge of which is necessary for the organization of preventive work on these crimes.

In criminology, there are many definitions of the identity of the offender.<...>Criminology about the criminal. - L., 1978. - S. 9; Vakhitov Sh., Kanevsky L. Criminology / otv. ed.<...>Course of world and Russian criminology.<...>. – S. 614. 9 Criminology: textbook / ed. V.N. Kuznetsova, V.E.<...>.: Avanesov G.A. Criminology: textbook. - M., 1984.


Recurrent crime: problems of prevention studies. allowance

VolSU publishing house

Building a democratic state in Russia with developed market relations is impossible without effective crime prevention, and recurrent crime in particular. Recurrent crime, like crime in general, is the result of many years of development of complex social processes, due to the influence of objective and subjective conditions of the economic, political, legal and moral order. The complex nature of the mechanism for determining recidivism determines the need for a comprehensive program-targeted development of problems related to recidivism, since the prevention of recidivism is one of the most important tasks of society and the state.

In this sense, we can talk about managing the processes of combating crime 11. 11 See for more details: Avanesov<...>Criminology, prognostics, management. Gorky, 1975, p. 79; His own. Criminology. M., 1984.<...>sharply limits the possibility of choosing a cross-cutting goal (such as the elimination of recurrent<...>Avanesov, G. A. Criminology and social prevention. - M., 1980. 4. Aslanyan, M. M.<...>Criminology: textbook / ed. V. D. Malkova. - M., 2007. 33. Criminology: textbook / ed.

Preview: Recurrent crime prevention problems [Text] studies. manual.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 1-2 [Criminal proceedings: problems of theory and practice, 2017]

<...>Avanesov and others]; Ed. G.A. Avanesov. 5th ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITI-DANA, 2010. 5.<...>Avanesov , S.M. Inshakov, S.Ya. Lebedev, N.D. Eriashvili / Ed. G.A.<...>Avanesov and others]; Ed. G.A. Avanesov. 5th ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010.<...>Avanesov and others]; Ed. G.A. Avanesov. 6th ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA, 2015.

Preview: Criminal Justice Problems of Theory and Practice No. 1-2 2017.pdf (0.6 Mb)


Youth crime and the main directions of countering it monograph

M.: Prospect

Currently, half of all crimes in Russia are committed by young people. The paper considers a set of social relations that determine the essential, dynamic and structural characteristics of youth crime, and also analyzes activities aimed at preventing criminal manifestations among young people. The solutions proposed in this paper may be in demand in determining ways to improve activities in the field of youth crime prevention.

And activity - 1 Avanesov G.A.<...>to mobilize material, organizational, managerial resources in order to solve this problem. 1 Avanesov<...>Avanesov, V. N. Kobets. Some researchers, for example V.N.<...>Criminology. M., 1994. S. 37. 2 Ueda K. Crime and criminology in modern Japan.<...>Avanesov G. A.

Preview: Youth crime and the main directions of counteraction to it. Monograph.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The article discusses the identity of criminals in the field of drug trafficking in general, and those who organize and maintain drug dens in particular. The authors analyzed different points of view on the typology of these persons, highlighted the main typical personality traits of the organizers and keepers of drug dens.

Considering the process of formation of the personality of drug criminals, criminologists rely on knowledge in the field<...>American criminologists D. Steffensmeyer and E.<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. 526 p. 2.<...>In search of models: gender, age and crime // Criminology / ed. J. F. Sheley.<...>Introduction to Criminology. Moscow: Progress, 1985. 312 p. 15. Khlebnikov D.A.


The article discusses the causes and conditions that affect the consciousness of a person when committing an environmental crime. For the first time, all the determinants of the deviant behavior of a person who has committed a socially dangerous act are revealed in detail, based on the findings of legal scholars with experience in this field. Socially dangerous behavior creates a threat not only to environmental safety, but also to the human factor. The relevance of the issue under consideration is due to the fact that many scientists define the relevant criteria in different ways when analyzing the behavior of a criminal, for which it is necessary to synthesize these concepts and form the general reasons for committing an environmental offense.

Avanesov introduced such concepts as the factor of crime, the sources of crime, the circumstances of the commission<...>Criminology: textbook; Ed. V.N. Kudryavtseva, V.E. Eminova. M., 2012. S. 254. 4.


№4 [Social and human sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 4: State and Law. Abstract journal, 2011]

Abstracts of books and articles on Russian and foreign jurisprudence are presented in the State Journal of Journalism "State and Law". They reflect the latest research on the theory of law and state, constitutional, administrative, informational, civil, criminal law and process, criminology, as well as on environmental, labor, migration, medical, European and international and other branches of legal science. The focus is on the points of view and discussion of scientists on topical legal issues, concepts, their scientific interpretations and proposals, legislative and law enforcement practice, including judicial practice.

CRIMINOLOGY 2011.04.034. Avanesov G.A.<...>CRIMINOLOGY 2011.04.034. G. A. AVANESOV<...>Avanesov - Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor, author of numerous<...>Here are a few quotes: “In criminology, everything is scattered ..., between Russian criminologists there are no proper<...>It looks like we are on the verge of “marginal criminology” (p. 8); “Many criminologists from among the “younger

Preview: Social and human sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 4 State and Law. Abstract journal №4 2011.pdf (1.1 Mb)


This article is devoted to the determinants of criminal violence against minors. It examines the analysis of the causes and conditions for the commission of violent crimes against minors, related to the failure to fulfill the duties of education, from the point of view of a gender approach. The views of individual scientists on the influence of the predisposition of a certain person on the commission of certain actions are also presented.

Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. M. : Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. S. 454. 2.


No. 2 [Criminal proceedings: problems of theory and practice, 2019]

Avanesov), with the sphere of social regulation of people's behavior (A.S.<...>Avanesov wrote that the general social prevention of crime acquired its own theoretical foundation<...>Avanesov had in mind the signs of social science, not criminology.<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. M.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. 2.<...>Avanesov and others]; ed. G.A. Avanesov. 6th ed., revised. and additional M.: UNITI-DANA, 2015. 8.

Preview: Criminal Justice Problems of Theory and Practice No. 2 2019.pdf (0.6 Mb)


Victimological aspects of combating criminal corrupt behavior in the Republic of Tatarstan [monograph]


For the first time in domestic criminology, the monograph gives the author's definition of a victim of corruption, reveals its content, and presents a classification of victims of corruption. The author gives a victimological characteristic of criminal corrupt behavior in the Republic of Tatarstan, describes the main victimological factors and victimological situations leading to criminal corrupt behavior. The book proposes measures of victimological impact on criminal corrupt behavior in the Republic of Tatarstan, a special place is given to the mechanism for the implementation of victimological prevention of corruption.

Avanesov 1, G.N. Gorshenkov2, M.P. Kleymenov3, S.V. Mamichev4, V.S. Ustinov5, N.N. Nevsky6, L.V.<...>Tsarakova13 and some others14 This approach to understanding the essence1 Avanesov G.A.<...>Criminology.<...>criminal (criminological) victimology and propose their own definition of this area 1 Avanesov<...>Avanesov G.A. Crime and social classes.

Preview: Victimological aspects of combating criminal corrupt behavior in the Republic of Tatarstan.pdf (0.4 Mb)


No. 4 [Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11 , 2016]

The results of the most significant scientific research in the field of law are published.

RIGHT. 2016. No. 4 40 QUESTIONS OF CRIMINOLOGY M. M.<...>Avanesov wrote: “It’s time to go beyond the “boundaries” of this science (criminology. - M.B., Yu.P.), to search<...>and other "criminology". Another concern.<...>, did not become a source of harmful decentralization. 10 Avanesov G.<...>Avanesov G. A. Society. Personality. Motivation. Criminologist's Research. M., 2015. 2. Afanaseva O.

Preview: Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11 №4 2016.pdf (0.1 Mb)



Key words: future criminology, positive criminology, personal-humane approach in criminology<...> <...>Criminology of the future - positive criminology?<...>pp. 75-127. 8 See: Avanesov G. A. Criminology and social prevention. M., 1980.<...>Avanesov G. A. Criminology and social prevention. - M., 1980. - 528 p. 2. Andreev Yu.

Preview: LEX RUSSICA (RUSSIAN ZAKON) No. 9 2018.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Criminology studies. allowance

Criminology is the study of crime, its causes, the fight against it and protection from it. The study of this academic discipline is an important element in the professional training of a lawyer, teacher, psychologist, entrepreneur, economist, ecologist, physician, and even architect (the clinical and architectural branches of criminology are highly developed abroad, they are gradually developing in our country as well). The curriculum is an important, but not the only argument in favor of getting to know the science of crime. Anyone who wants to understand the political and socio-cultural intricacies of public life will find many reasons to open a book called Criminology.

Significance of criminology Criminology is a multi-addressed science.<...>Avanesov (by what sayings a person considers correct, his character and beliefs are revealed).<...>Criminology. M., 1994.<...>Avanesov G.A. Theory and methodology of criminological forecasting. M.1972. 3. Avanesov G.A.<...>Criminology. Prognostics. Control. Gorky, 1975. 4. Avanesov G.A.

Preview: Criminology.pdf (0.4 Mb)


The purpose of the proposed methodological development is to provide a scientific and methodological base for seminars and practical classes. Control questions and practical tasks on the main topics of the general and special parts of the criminology training course with a list of basic and additional literature are presented.

Demidova Department of Criminal Law and Criminology CRIMINOLOGY Guidelines Recommended<...>The concept and nature of criminology as a science. 2. The subject of criminology as a science. 3.<...>Avanesov, G. A. Crime and social estates. Criminological reasoning / G. A.<...>Avanesov. - M., 2010. 2. Agapov, P. V.<...>Avanesov. – M., 2011. 91. Shestakov, D. A. Family criminology / D. A. Shestakov. - St. Petersburg, 2003. 92.

Preview: Criminology guidelines.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Criminology workshop

The workshop was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty "Jurisprudence". The material is presented on the basis of the working program of the training course "Criminology". When compiling the workshop, new educational and methodological developments of such authors as A.I. Alekseev, prof. V.N. Burlakov, prof. S.E. Vitsin, prof. N.M. Kropachev, prof. N.F. Kuznetsov, prof. V.E. Eminov and others. This workshop presents control questions and practical tasks on the main topics of the General and Special parts of this discipline with a list of basic and additional literature: the most important sources of codified legislation, reference, educational, methodological and scientific literature.

<...> <...> <...> <...>

Preview: Criminology Practicum.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Criminology workshop

The workshop was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty "Jurisprudence". The material is presented on the basis of the working program of the training course "Criminology". When compiling the workshop, new educational and methodological developments of such authors as A.I. Alekseev, prof. V.N. Burlakov, prof. SE. Vitsin, prof. N.M. Kropachev, prof. N.F. Kuznetsov, prof. V.E. Eminov and others. This workshop presents control questions and practical tasks on the main topics of the General and Special parts of this discipline with a list of basic and additional literature: the most important sources of codified legislation, reference, educational, methodological and scientific literature.

Criminology - the science of crime Control questions 1. What is the nature of criminology as a science?<...>What is the structure of criminology, based on the subject of study of the science of criminology and the level of generalization<...>directions of development of foreign criminology . № 8 Give a generalized assessment of the science of Soviet criminology<...>Avanesov, G.A. Theory and methodology of criminological forecasting / G.A.<...>Avanesov. - M., 1972. 3. Antonyan, Yu.M. Psychology of a criminal and investigation of crimes / Yu.M.

Preview: Criminology.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Sociology of law studies. allowance

The book contains the foundations of theory and practice in the sociology of law. Recommended for students studying in the specialty 040201 Sociology (disciplines "Sociology of Law", "Human Rights", "Jurisprudence" (GSE block, FTD)), full-time education, as well as for all those interested in legal psychology, criminology, sociology of law.

Sociology of law and criminology First of all, we note that criminology is a subject that closely interacts<...>It, unlike criminology, has other research goals.<...>How is criminology different from the science of criminal law? 6.<...>In the test, the person under study will be given some task, by the solution of which his qualities are judged: 64 See: Avanesov<...>Theory of criminology and social practice. M., 1985. S. 189.

Preview: Sociology of Law Study Guide.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Criminal psychology textbook. allowance

Publishing house of LGTU

The manual considers the psychological characteristics of various types of crimes, the victimological aspect of committing crimes, the socio-psychological problems of preventing juvenile delinquency. The manual reveals the main patterns of formation and manifestation of the criminal behavior of the subject who deliberately committed crimes and the psychology of the offender's personality.

Avanesov, G.A. Criminology [Text]: textbook / G.A.<...>Avanesov. - Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2013. - 576 p. 3. Avanesov, G.A.<...>Criminology and social prevention [Text]: textbook / G.A.<...>Avanesov. - Moscow: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1984. - 526 p. 4. Alaukhanov, E.O.<...>Criminology [Text]: questions and answers / S.M.

Preview: Criminal psychology.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Human rights. Crime. Globalization. Experience of complex criminological research monograph

The monograph contains a number of conceptual novels of a debatable nature. It examines the theoretical foundations of the criminological and criminal law analysis of human rights, crime and globalization and their criminological relationships, sets out arguments in favor of recognizing crime as a form of human rights violation. The features of the criminogenic complex and the prevention of human rights violations are analyzed, as well as the mechanism, methods and main directions of the universalization of criminal law in the context of globalization, as well as recommendations for taking into account humanitarian standards in the implementation of the protective function of criminal law.

The subject of criminology should not be allowed to be blurred.<...>Avanesov, one of the founders of the domestic doctrine of criminological forecasting, defines<...>St. Petersburg, 2008. 2 Avanesov G.A. Theory and methodology of criminological forecasting. M., 1972.<...>Criminology and biotechnology. M., 2005. S. 53–54.<...>.: Avanesov G.A. Criminology. Textbook. M., 1984. S. 87–88; Pleshakov V.A.

Preview: Human rights. Crime. Globalization. Experience of complex criminological research.pdf (0.8 Mb)


Recurrent crime: criminal law and criminological problems studies. allowance

VolSU publishing house

Building a democratic state in Russia with developed market relations is impossible without effective crime prevention, and recidivism in particular. Recurrent crime, like crime in general, is the result of many years of development of complex social processes, due to the influence of objective and subjective conditions of the economic, political, legal and moral order. The complex nature of the mechanism for determining recidivism determines the need for a comprehensive program-target development of issues related to recidivism, since the prevention of recidivism is one of the most important tasks of society and the state.

.: Criminology / ed. V. E. Eminova. M., 1995. S. 220; Kleymenov MP Criminology: textbook.<...>P. 26. 38 See: Criminology and crime prevention. M., 1989. S. 309; Criminologists: textbook.<...>pp. 43–47; Criminology: textbook. 2009, pp. 234–237.<...>Avanesov, G. A. Criminology and social prevention. - M., 1980. 4. Agaev, I. B.<...>Criminology: textbook / ed. V. D. Malkova. - M., 2007. 30. Criminology: textbook / ed.

Preview: Recurrent crime, criminal law and criminological problems [Text] textbook. manual.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 7 [World of Legal Science, 2010]

The journal "World of Legal Science" is included in the new List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results for the degree of Candidate of Science for the degree of Doctor of Science dated December 1, 2015 No. 13-6518 (number in the List 1614) should be published

Key words: crime, causes, conditions, criminology. M.<...>Avanesov identifies three classes of causes: those associated with the contradictions of social development; distorted worldview<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention.<...>Introduction to Soviet Criminology. M.: Legal literature, 1965. 221 p. 5.<...>Causality in criminology (on the structure of individual criminal behavior).

Preview: World of Legal Science No. 7 2010.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 1 (1) [Modern Society and Law, 2010]

Criminal law, criminology and criminal procedure Novichkov V.E.<...>Avanesov, the question of the most rational inclusion of criminological forecasts becomes central<...>reorganization, therefore, in forecasting this aspect cannot be ignored, and, consequently, belittled 2 Avanesov<...>Criminology. Prognostics. Control. Gorky, 1975.<...>Avanesov, G.A. Criminology. Prognostics. Management: textbook / G.A. Avanesov.

Preview: Modern Society and Law Modern Society and Law 2010.pdf (0.3 Mb)


In this paper, the economic nature of modern deviations and the mutual influence of economic instability and deviant behavior were analyzed, the main socio-economic factors contributing to the development of anomie in modern Russian society were described. The conditions of economic stability that affect the psychological ability of the population to maintain legal behavior, regardless of external and internal unfavorable conditions, are determined. The motivational complex, the structure and forms of modern deviant behavior, the specifics of the manifestation of anomie in the current economic conditions of Russia are studied, possible options for minimizing deviations and prospects for economic development that favorably affect the level of deviations are presented.

Avanesov.<...>Systemic changes in heterogeneity lead to a decrease 7 Avanesov, G.A.<...>Criminology and social prevention: textbook / G. A. Avanesov. - M., 1980. - S. 257.<...>Avanesov, G. A. Criminology and social prevention: textbook / G. A.<...>Avanesov. - M., 1980. - 526 p. 2. Dahrendorf, R. Elements of the theory of social conflict / R.


Criminology studies. allowance

Publishing house of LGTU

Criminology.<...>Avanesov , Yu.D. Bluvshtein, S.E. Vitsin, V.B. Volzhenkin, Ya.I. Gilinsky, A.I. Dolgova, D.A. Lee, I.S.<...>Avanesov , Yu.D. Bluvshtein, S.E. Vitsin, D.A. Lee, G.I. Zabryansky, A.V. Dobrynin and others.<...>Avanesov , A.I. Alekseev, S.V. Borodin, A.I. Dolgova, A.E. Zhalinsky, V.K. Zvirbul, K.E.<...>; regional criminology; operational-investigative criminology; criminology of criminal law; family

Preview: Criminology. .pdf (0.4 Mb)


Criminology and crime prevention studies.-method. allowance

This teaching aid is designed to promote better organization of students' independent work. To this end, it contains a list of the main topics of the training course "Criminology and Crime Prevention", a summary of each question on the topic, control questions for each topic, test tasks, a list of educational literature.

Family criminology, media criminology, military criminology.<...>Law Dictionary: Subject of Criminology; concept of criminology; system of criminology.<...>Criminology / L.I.<...>Criminology / M.<...>Recommended sources 1 Avanesov , G.A. Criminology: textbook / ed. G.A.

Preview: Criminology and Crime Prevention.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Actual problems of criminal law and criminology Vol. 4 scientific works of the department criminal law

Moscow: Russian Academy of Justice

The collection contains scientific works of the teaching staff, graduate students and applicants for the Department of Criminal Law of the Russian Academy of Justice. The materials cover topical issues of criminal law, penitentiary law and criminology.

On the development of classical, non-classical and global criminology // Union of criminologists and criminologists<...>An Introduction to the Course of Criminology. Minsk, 1983. S. 15, 16; Tokarev A. F. Basic concepts of criminology.<...>P. 175. 2 Avanesov G. A. Criminology and social prevention. M., 1980; Vitsin S. E.<...>The situation in criminology is aggravated by the fact that criminologists have perceived the provisions of dialectics dogmatically.<...>On the development of classical, non-classical and global criminology // Union of criminologists and criminologists

Preview: Actual problems of criminal law and criminology Vol. 4.pdf (0.1 Mb)



A scientific legal journal dedicated to the fundamental problems of the theory of law, the effectiveness of law enforcement and the improvement of the legislative process. Contains articles by leading legal scholars. Included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Included in the RSCI and the largest international database of periodicals Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Criminalization and criminology 80 Perminov O.G.<...>EMINOV** CRIMINALIZATION AND CRIMINOLOGY The subject of criminology is considered to be crime, its causes<...>This part of the subject of science is proposed to be called the criminology of law5.<...>Avanesov interprets this issue as follows: “Under deviant behavior should be understood as actions<...>P. 23. 3 Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. M., 1980. P. 257. 4 See: Plakhov V.D.

Preview: LEX RUSSICA (RUSSIAN ZAKON) №1 2005.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 2 [ Actual problems of economics and law, 2012]

The federal peer-reviewed journal "Actual Problems of Economics and Law" is a scientific and information-analytical publication in the field of economic and legal sciences. The journal publishes scientific, information and analytical articles and materials on topical issues of economic and legal sciences.

"Actual problems of economics and law". 2012. № 2 Criminal law and criminology CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY<...>Avanesov among crime prevention measures depending on the nature of the factors that generate crime<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. - M.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1980. - 528 p. 2.<...>famous criminologist P.A.<...>The concept, subject, system and perspectives of criminology // Criminology: General part: textbook / ed.

Preview: Actual problems of economics and law No. 2 2012.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 3 [Bulletin of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2012]

The scientific and methodological journal includes headings: Modern problems of state and law, constitutional and administrative law, private law, criminal law and criminology, criminal procedure, forensic science and operational-search work, as well as articles on other topics of law and jurisprudence.

Avanesov [and others]; ed. G. A. Avanesova. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M., 2005. 4. Alekseev A.I.<...>Criminology: a course of lectures. M., 2005. 5. Inshakov S. M. Criminology: practical work.<...>Criminology: a course of lectures. M., 2005. 11.<...>ID=7291&PHPSESSID� CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY 57 A. A.<...>Criminal Law and Criminology.

Preview: Bulletin of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 3 2012.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 3 [Modern society and law, 2015]

The journal is devoted to theoretical issues and practical aspects of state and law. Articles are presented on various branches of law: constitutional, labor, civil, criminal, administrative, etc.

Criminal law, criminology and criminal procedure Sumnikov V.V.<...>Avanesov identified three classifications of causes: those associated with the contradictions of social development; distortedly<...> <...>Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Criminal law, criminology and criminal<...>Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Criminal law, criminology and criminal

And there is no guarantee that the scrapping process will not continue. 4 Avanesov V.S.<...>M.: Moscow Center for the Quality of Education, 2009. 64 p. 11 Ibid. 12 Avanesov VS.<...>ID=638429&soch=1 14 Avanesov V.S. 15 Avanesov V.S.<...>Avanesov V.S. Scientific problems of test control of knowledge. Monograph.<...>Avanesov V.S. Supertest. php?


The test form of tasks is a specific way of linking the content of the task with the most appropriate form for this content. The specificity of the method is determined by the features of the main forms: tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers, tasks of an open form and tasks to establish the correct sequence. Matching tasks are now little used because of their cumbersomeness and the possibility of replacing tasks with the choice of several correct answers.

Avanesov and S. E.<...>Avanesov, G. A. Forecasting and organizing the fight against crime / G. A. Avanesov, S. E.<...>Causality in criminology / VN Kudryavtsev. - M., 1968. - 176 p.


No. 4 [Economics and Law. XXI century, 2011]

The journal is devoted to theoretical and applied problems of the development of economic and legal science. The journal "Economics and Law. XXI Century" publishes materials on topical issues of the development of the Russian economy, law and legislation, as well as the views of leading economists and jurists on the problems of economics and law. The journal contains several topical headings, including "Economic Theory", "Politics and Economics", "State and Law", "Power and Business", "Entrepreneurship", "Financial Law", "Banking".

The article discusses a number of issues regarding the optimization of the interaction between the legal activities of the prosecutor's office and the investigation in order to combat crime. A historical review of such interaction was carried out, which made it possible to show the positive nature of the relationship between prosecutors and investigators over a long period. An analysis is given of the situation that has developed today, which has become the result of legislative reform of the investigation, including the relationship between procedural guidance and prosecutorial supervision in the course of the investigation of criminal cases. The opinion is argued about the unreasonable expansion of the procedural powers of the heads of investigative bodies to the detriment of the supervisory powers of prosecutors. A personal assessment of the problems that have arisen in the legal activities of investigators and prosecutors is expressed, as well as some ways and forms (model) of optimizing their interaction in order to increase the effectiveness of combating crime in modern Russia. In particular, the necessity of adopting at the legislative level the concept of organizing bodies of preliminary investigation, including the creation of a single federal investigative body, the restoration of full-fledged prosecutorial supervision over the investigation, a clear delimitation of the procedural powers of prosecutors and heads of investigative bodies, etc.

.: Avanesov G.A. Criminology: a textbook for universities. Moscow: Acad.<...>Avanesov G.A. Criminology: a textbook for universities. Moscow: Acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1984. 500 p. 2.


Each science strives to have its own language that allows one to correctly characterize and investigate the objects of interest. Pedagogical measurements in this process are no exception. This is a relatively young science that arose at the very beginning of the 20th century at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, mathematics, statistics, logic and philosophy.

AVANESOV.<...>AVANESOV.<...>PI, No. 2–3, 2006. 14 Avanesov V.S.<...>AVANESOV.<...>pp. 15–21. 40 Avanesov V.S. Form of test tasks. M.: Center for Testing, 2006. 41 Avanesov V.S.


Without an effective system for correcting the knowledge of schoolchildren and students, high-quality mass education is impossible. As a basis for creating such a system, E.K. Artishcheva considers pedagogical diagnostics. All authors agree that diagnostics is an important, integral part of knowledge correction.

AVANESOV.<...>To this must be added 4 2 Avanesov V.S.<...>AVANESOV.<...>In Russia, 8 13 Avanesov V.S.<...>AVANESOV.


Russian education is going through a crisis, the essence of which is that the quality of education lags behind the needs of the individual and society, as well as the changes taking place in the world. In Russia, this lag is greater than in the most developed countries abroad. The two main reasons are erroneous educational and personnel policies and scarce funding. The general direction of the ongoing educational reforms in Russia is characterized by the defundamentalization of education

Avanesov THE PROBLEM OF MODERNIZATION OF EDUCATION Avanesov Vadim Sergeevich – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor<...>Avanesov V.S.<...>Avanesov V.S. USE as a form of violence.<...>Avanesov V.S.<...>Avanesov V.S. Mythology of the Unified State Examination. ( 14–15. Avanesov V.S.


For pedagogical testing, the 21st century in Russia turned out to be difficult. It was difficult even before that, in the 20th century, in the USSR this scientific method was not recognized for a long time, often condemned. There is only one reason: when used correctly, the tests showed real results, and not those that they wanted to see. In 1936, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, tests were banned under the pretext of being bourgeois.

G. A. Avanesov.<...>AVANESOV.

Preview: Pedagogical Diagnostics No. 3 2016.pdf (0.1 Mb)

Chapter VII
crime prevention

1. The concept of crime prevention

Even in the early stages of its existence, mankind realized that it was difficult and almost impossible to deter crime only through punishment. There was an understanding that it is more rational to prevent crimes.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the outstanding thinker of antiquity Aristotle believed that laws should act in society that avert people from crimes. The eighteenth-century educator Montesquieu formulated the demand that “a good legislator cares not so much about punishing crime as about preventing crime. He will try not so much to punish as to improve morals. This idea received a detailed legal argument in the work of C. Beccaria "On Crimes and Punishments". Commenting on it, Voltaire formulated a fundamentally important proposition that the prevention of crimes is true jurisprudence in a civilized society.

The global problem of crime prevention finds intensive development in the works of well-known legal scholars and social scientists of the 19th-20th centuries. Now preventive activity is considered as one of the means of social regulation of social relations in order to eliminate the causes of crime; as the interaction of measures of economic and social, educational and pedagogical, organizational and legal nature; as a combination of different levels of crime prevention.

That is why among the most important tasks facing our state, striving for every possible stimulation of the most progressive tendencies in its development, is the problem of crime prevention. Going to the market, to a diversified economy, to differentiation of incomes, one should not indulge in the illusion that on this difficult path the causes of offenses will disappear, and our law enforcement system will be able to objectively stop the inevitable growth of crime. Nevertheless, the efforts of our society to build the rule of law should be constantly focused not only on the detection of crimes, exposing the perpetrators, their correction and re-education as one of the areas of crime prevention, ensuring the principle of the inevitability of punishment for a crime committed.

In a broad sense, criminal liability is one of the forms of prevention, since, by punishing a criminal, society seeks to prevent him from committing new crimes and, following his example, to keep other morally unstable persons from such acts. However, the leading role in the fight against crime is played by its prevention, prevention, that is, the elimination or neutralization of the causes and conditions of crimes before they lead to the commission of a socially dangerous act. In the literature and regulations, you can find the terms "prevention", "prevention", "prevention" of crime or specific crimes. They are close in meaning and are often used interchangeably, but they have certain nuances and carry the corresponding semantic load.

Crime prevention is a coherent multi-level system of state and social measures aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions of crime or neutralizing them (easing, limiting) and thereby contributing to the reduction of crime. Crime prevention involves: the implementation of deeply thought-out and interrelated activities; interaction of state and public measures; implementation of measures of an economic, educational and cultural nature, combined, where necessary, with coercive measures that play an auxiliary role; elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of offenses or crimes; timely response of the public to certain misdeeds of people, their immoral behavior in order to prevent deeper conflicts with society, leading to violations of law and order.

Issues of crime prevention should be in the center of attention of society and the state. Crime prevention can and should be planned. However, plans should not be declarative, but specific, taking into account the material, technical and staffing of the law enforcement system.

The fight against crime, its planning, coordination between the regions, within them and the bodies waging this fight, is necessary, because crime does not recognize borders. That is why crime prevention requires coordinated work, first of all, by law enforcement and other state bodies, local self-government, combined with the purposeful activities of public formations throughout the country.

In the criminological literature there are many judgments about the concept of crime prevention, but there is no well-established generally accepted definition of this concept (see: Filimonov O. V. Individual crime prevention. Tomsk, 1985, p. 5–7; Avanesov G. A. Criminology. M., 1984, p. 334).

The question is really not idle, since the inaccuracy of the original concept can lead to serious consequences for the normal practical activities of law enforcement agencies and the state itself. In view of the lack of a methodically uniform approach to the terms themselves, the question posed is given not only contradictory, but even diametrically opposed answers.

What is the evolution of scientific judgments?

One of the first scientific works published on the problems of crime prevention was a collective monograph by Kievites I. A. Gelfand and P. P. Mikhailenko “Crime prevention is the basis of the struggle to eradicate crime” for 1964, published by the publishing house “Legal Literature”.

In it, the authors, discussing the terminology used in the field of crime prevention, argued that one should not look for differences in the content of the terms "warning", "prevention", "prevention", "suppression", and the content of these terms is the same - in this sense they are synonyms, expressing the idea of ​​the need to take such measures that would prevent, and then completely exclude the occurrence of any misconduct by individuals that harm society (p. 12-13).

Other authors, whose works appeared in the 1970s, on the contrary, emphasize the difference in the meaning of these terms. In particular, A. G. Lekar and A. F. Zelinsky, distinguishing between the terms "prevention" and "prevention", under "prevention" impede the commission of a specific crime, under "prevention"- elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of a crime.

In their opinion, “prevention” should include the process of identifying, eliminating the causes and conditions of crime, and “prevention” should include the prevention of planned and prepared crimes. (Doctor A. G. Crime prevention. M.: Legal literature, 1972, p. 45; Zelinsky A. F. The value of the norm of criminal law for the prevention of crimes: Abstract of the thesis. dis... cand. legal Sciences. M., 1966, p. four).

T. A. Avanesov, noting that all these terms do not exclude each other and there are more similarities between them than differences, that in essence they are related concepts, at the same time, the definition of crime prevention gives a double meaning. In a broad sense, prevention is the prevention of specific crimes, protection of individual members of society from committing offenses, guilty unlawful acts that constitute crimes. In other words, this is an activity to prevent violations of the rule of law, in particular criminal law (criminal legislation). In this sense, the content of prevention includes law enforcement. In the narrow sense of the word, prevention should be understood as the activityfirstly,to identify the causes of crimes, conditions and circumstances conducive to their commission; Secondly,to identify persons who may commit a crime(because of their antisocial orientation), and taking the necessary preventive measures with them. Together, these two concepts, according to G. A. Avanesov, form a single concept of “offense prevention” (see: Avanesov G. A. Criminology. M., 1984, p. 339).

However, the consideration of these concepts at the level of individual crime prevention has, according to the GA. Avanesov, their own characteristics. In particular, individual prevention of crimes, he believes, includes both prevention, and prevention, and suppression. At the same time, prevention is the elimination of the possibility of a person committing a crime, prevention, reaction to an impending crime, and suppression is the prevention of an attempt from developing into a final crime (p. 340).

Other authors adhere to a similar point of view. It seems to us that it is impossible to put different meanings into the terms "prevention", "prevention" and "prevention", since in the general political, legal and philological literature they have the same meaning.

In the legislation, we also do not find a difference between these terms.

Finally, the philological meaning of the terms "prevention", "prevention", "prevention" is the same. For example, the "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" gives such an interpretation of the term "warning":"With timely measures to get ahead of someone's actions, to prevent something." In the Encyclopedic Dictionary, the term "warning" is synonymous with "prevention"(from the Greek - protective), as a measure to prevent diseases in medicine, breakage and damage to mechanisms and components in technology. Thus, not only the terms "warning", "prevention", "prophylaxis", but also "prevention".

But of these three terms, "warning" remains the most common. Many authors talk about this Antonyan Yu. M. On the concept of crime prevention - in the book: Issues of combating crime. M., 1977, no. 26, p. 27–29; Filimonov O. V. Individual crime prevention. Tomsk, 1985, p. eight).

However, in our opinion, it is advisable to distinguish between the term "suppression" from the terms "prevention", "prevention" and "prevention". The need for such a distinction follows from the provisions of the current legislation. In accordance with the requirement of substantive criminal law and in criminal procedure legislation, the term "suppression" is used in cases where it is a question of suspending or interrupting an already begun criminal activity. Therefore, for example, not initiating a criminal case on interrupted criminal activity, even at the stages of preparation or attempted crime, is a violation of the requirements of legality.

Yes, and the philological meaning of the word “suppression” convinces us of this: “Stop - stop, interrupt at any place, stop the progress, development, flow of something” (Dictionary of the modern literary Russian language. M., 1959, v. 2 , p. 277).

N. G. Kobets, considering the issues of crime prevention in general, rightly noted: “The concepts of “prevention”, “suppression” of offenses are close, but not unambiguous, since to prevent an offense means to prevent its occurrence, and to stop an offense means to interrupt it, to take measures to the fact that an offense that is being prepared or has begun is not brought to an end, so that it cannot be carried out completely” (Kobets N. G. Prevention of offenses in the production team: Issues of theory and practice. M.: Legal literature, 1982, p. 38).

Regarding the relationship between the concepts of “prevention of crimes” and “preventive activity” of the internal affairs bodies, A.V. Kryuchkov correctly notes: “The first type of activity is carried out at that stage of the genesis of antisocial behavior when there are objective grounds to believe that a person can embark on a criminal path. This type of activity is the content of the concept, which corresponds to the term "prevention of crimes". Activities at the stages of an attempted crime and a completed crime are usually referred to by the term "suppression of crimes" (Kryuchkov A.V. Preventive service of city districts of internal affairs. M., 1982, p. 12).

Having previously determined our attitude to the meaning and content of the terms, we can now proceed to the definition of the very concept of “prevention”, or, which is the same thing, “prevention” of crimes.

In special studies, a lot of judgments have been made about the concept of prevention or prevention. But the most common is to define it as "measures or sets of measures" state and public bodies and organizations aimed at eliminating or neutralizing the causes and conditions of crimes.

The authors of the first criminology textbook in the Soviet Union (1966) noted that in the legal literature one can find a number of definitions of the concept of crime prevention: the correction and re-education of a given offender and the simultaneous impact on other citizens; a set of special measures that can prevent specific crimes, a set of measures taken by state bodies and the public in order to eradicate crime and eliminate the generating causes, but its definition as a “set of measures” has become firmly established in criminology (Soviet criminology. M .: Legal Literature, 1966 , p. 111).

Indeed, giving the concept of crime prevention, the authors of the 1976 textbook wrote: “Crime prevention is a set of state and public measures aimed at eliminating or neutralizing the causes and conditions of crimes” (Kriminologiya. M .: Legal Literature, 1976, p. 203 ).

In the textbook of criminology of 1979, we find the definition of crime prevention already as “a system of state and social measures that eliminate the causes and conditions of crime, or weaken (block) their effect and thereby ensure the reduction, and in the future, the final eradication of crime” (Criminology. M. : Legal Literature, 1979, p. 124). Finally, the authors of the course of Soviet criminology (1986) write: “Crime prevention ... is a broad collective concept. It includes:

a) nationwide measures of an economic, social, ideological, cultural and educational nature, legislative and legal plan, combining persuasion and coercion in the process of combating crime;

b) the activities of state bodies and public organizations, and in particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, justice, the court, to identify the causes and conditions for the commission of crimes and take measures to eliminate them, disclose, investigate and judicial review of cases of crimes, punish criminals, correct and their re-education, supervision of the legality of the behavior of persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, as well as the education of persons sentenced by the courts to penalties not related to deprivation of liberty, or unstable people who have not yet committed a crime, but behave antisocially or immorally;

c) the implementation of other measures caused by a specific situation ”(Course of Soviet Criminology. Crime Prevention. M .: Legal Literature, 1986, pp. 22–23).

It seems to us that one cannot deny the close connection between the concepts of "prevention of crimes" and "prevention measures".

The first means a more general concept, while the second definition emphasizes the role of specific measures in crime prevention.

However, it is hardly necessary to put a sign of absolute equality between them. To verify this, it is advisable to consider in more detail the "internal" structure of the very concept of warning. (Kairzhanov E.I. Criminology. Almaty: Orkeniet, 2000, p. 169-175).

2. Crime prevention system

The ideas of general sociological crime prevention and criminological prevention of crime, which became widespread in all the republics of the former Soviet Union, especially in the 1960s, were quite rightly regarded as the main direction in the fight against it. However, even here there were some kinks. The program of the CPSU put forward the absurd and unrealistic task of the "complete elimination" of crime. This led to the replacement of specific crime prevention programs with political slogans and useless hype about the "liquidation" of crime, which in fact was a utopia not based on a deep analysis of social phenomena.

We must not forget that crime is a phenomenon, the fight against which requires the efforts of the whole society, and that crime prevention is one of the most important forms of this fight. That is why crime prevention is associated in theory, first of all, with the improvement of economic and social relations in the direction of overcoming conflicts between a person and society and people with each other.

The state and society, taking all measures to eliminate various negative phenomena, offenses, crime, form a certain system of state institutions and public institutions that carry out preventive activities. The principles of its construction and functioning have a very specific practical orientation. This is a complex system of bodies, organizations and institutions that carry out the prevention of crimes (offences) in the interests of the state and society.

It (if we talk about it in the most general terms) can be represented as a kind of theoretical, methodological and practical orientation of prevention, based on the consideration of subjects and objects of preventive action in the form of subsystems, i.e., the totality and elements connected by interaction and, therefore, acting as a whole - just as a system. At the same time, the system of prevention of offenses (crimes) is evaluated from the standpoint of system analysis, which assumes that each element of the specified system is described taking into account its place and role in it, the hierarchy of the structure, the presence of subsystems (primarily, the subsystem of subjects and objects). This allows you to conduct a substantive conversation about the organizational structure of the prevention system. It is the organizational structure that reflects this system as a whole and its individual elements. It also embodies a certain stability of connections between the subjects of prevention (within the system of these subjects) and "closes" them to the corresponding objects (the system of objects).

This inevitably raises the question of the content of prevention (methods, measures, activities, types, forms) and the provision of preventive activities (organizational means - material, so-called human, legal and many others). All this makes it possible to provide the "mechanism of action" of the crime prevention system as a whole. Prevention itself (in the form of a system) becomes a controlled process. In this sense, we are talking about the management of preventive activities. And such activity is practical activity.

Crime prevention (the functioning of the prevention system) literally at every step confirms the correctness of the provisions that it has a practical orientation and leads to certain results. And the effectiveness of the management system in the field of crime prevention can be defined as the result of the impact of the management system (subjects) on the managed system (objects) in order to achieve the desired result.

In Kazakhstan, where the implementation of reforms is not of a landslide nature, but takes place purposefully under the control of the state, the subjects of prevention, acting at the level of state structures, have been further developed in the field of public institutions (meaning such public formations as councils of aksakals, voluntary law enforcement units etc.). Together, these state institutions, public institutions and the preventive measures they implement now constitute the crime prevention system.

With all the instability of current social relations, it is quite obvious that the main elements of the system should be: the subjects of crime prevention, their interaction with each other and with the subjects of more general systems; general, specialized and individual crime prevention measures implemented by them; introduction of comprehensive and targeted preventive programs; socio-economic, legal and resource support for preventive activities. Without understanding this, it is impossible to fight crime.

The crime prevention system, like any social system, manifests itself through specific forms of activity. Prevention of crimes corrects the relationship of people, affects their behavior in society. The purpose of the system, its individual subjects, preventive measures is to prevent the escalation of emerging criminogenic situations into conflicts that lead to violations of criminal law prohibitions. In those cases when a crime is committed, the task is to neutralize their causes, to implement preventive and educational measures to prevent the recurrence of the crime. Thus, the crime prevention system performs regulatory, protective and educational functions.

The regulatory function of prevention is to create conditions that would allow people to resolve their contradictions and conflicts within the framework of the requirements of the law. Preventive activity in this case is one of the guarantees for ensuring the principles of the rule of law.

Performing a protective function, prevention protects the freedoms and rights of citizens from offenses, protects socially significant values. This is the humanistic focus of crime prevention. This should be the goal of the rule of law.

The educational function of prevention is that it widely uses methods of persuasion, correction of people's behavior, bringing their actions in line with the requirements of law and humanistic morality. The effectiveness of prevention is an essential attribute of the standard of living of people in society. The more effective this form of social activity, the better people are protected from criminal encroachments on basic human values. Consequently, the prevention of crime is a necessary part of any true humanistic and legal state. Hence, the warning system must not only operate effectively, but also be constantly improved. This improvement should become an organic part of the overall process of formation of a democratic constitutional state.

A necessary element of the system is the subjects of crime prevention. These, in the broad sense of the word, include all state and public institutions, formations of citizens, whose activities affect the prevention of crime. Among these entities there are those that are specially created for these purposes or their competence, along with other powers, includes the obligation to carry out criminological prevention within a certain framework. Therefore, in the future we will consider the characteristics of only the subjects of criminological prevention.

The classification of these subjects can be carried out on various grounds. It seems possible to divide them into the following three groups. The first is those subjects who directly conduct individual prevention. The second group includes entities that carry out prevention in the course of performing their control law enforcement functions. The third group is made up of entities primarily engaged in the management or coordination of crime prevention activities. Such a division is to a certain extent conditional, since certain aspects of direct prevention, control and law enforcement activities, and its coordination are manifested during the functioning of subjects in each of the three named groups. In addition, the subjects of prevention do not act in isolation, but in interaction with each other. The system itself has both horizontal and hierarchical vertical relationships (depending on the level of tasks being solved).

Crime prevention is a dynamic system. In order to achieve its goal, it must be flexible and constantly improve depending on the level of structure, dynamics and other characteristics of crime. It is actively influenced by the processes taking place in society, especially the state of economic and political relations, the growth or decrease in conflict, the degree of social tension, the expansion or curtailment of democratization, etc. In general, the subjects of crime prevention are obliged to act within their competence established by law. The nature of the competence (the presence of power or recommendatory powers, their specialization) can also serve as the basis for the classification and structures of the subjects of crime prevention. They can also be distinguished by departmental affiliation, professional specialization, territorial boundaries of activity.

Doctor A.G. Prevention of crimes. - M., 1972; Avanesov G. A. Criminology. - M., 1984; Criminology: Textbook / Ed. V. N. Kudryavtseva, V. E. Eminova. - M., 1995.

Teaching materials:

Criminology (Avanesov G.A.)

Authors: Avanesova G.A., red.
Publisher: "UNITI"
Cover: hard, publication year: 2005, pages: 480
ISBN: 5-238-00827-9
The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty "Jurisprudence". The foundations of the forensic doctrine of crime are given, the causes of crime are revealed, the mechanisms of influence on crime, and in particular violent, mercenary, organized, political, professional, etc., are considered. Particular attention is paid to foreign criminological theories and practice of influencing crime.
For students, graduate students, teachers of law schools, as well as judges, practitioners of law enforcement agencies and lawyers.
a common part
Chapter 1. Criminology as a science. Concept, theory, methodology, subject, system of criminological science
1.1. General characteristics of criminology
1.2. Goals, objectives, functions of criminology and their implementation
1.3. The place of criminology in the system of sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of criminology
Chapter 2. History of criminological science
2.1. The origins of criminological ideas and the emergence of criminology as a science
2.2. Anthropological and sociological lines of research in the history of criminology
2.3. Formation and development of criminology in Russia
2.4. The role of scientific tradition in the development of criminological
science at the present stage of history
Chapter 3. Criminological research
3.1. The concept, limits and levels of criminological research, their practical significance
3.2. Methodology and methodology of criminological research
3.3. Methods of criminological research
3.4. Criminological analysis of crime
3.5. Criminological forecasting as a method of knowing the future of crime and criminological science
Chapter 4. Criminological science and practice of crime prevention
4.1. Fundamentals of the relationship between the science of criminology and the practice of crime prevention
4.2. On mutual assistance and mutual influence of the science of criminology and the practice of crime prevention
4.3. Applied (practical) and fundamental (theoretical) criminology. The problem of implementing criminological recommendations into practice
Chapter 5
5.1. Crime and crime as objects of criminological analysis
5.2. Crime as a social and legal phenomenon. Criminological indicators and relationships of crime
Chapter 6. The theory of the causes of crime
6.1. The concept of the causes of crime, their levels and general criminological characteristics
6.2. Causes of crime and contradictions of social development
6.3. Classification of the causes of crime and analysis of criminogenic factors
6.4. The problem of self-determination of crime
6.5. The relationship of social and biological in the causes of crime
6.6. Negative social phenomena in the causal complex of crime
Chapter 7
7.1. The identity of the offender in the system of public relations
7.2. The identity of the offender as an object of criminological knowledge
7.3. The concept, content and features of the formation of the personality of a criminal
Chapter 8
8.1. The concept, levels and types of crime prevention
8.2. Crime prevention as the main means of crime prevention
8.3. Social conditioning of crime prevention, its goals, objectives and limits of functioning
8.4. Levels, forms and types of crime prevention
8.5. Victimological prevention in the system of crime prevention
8.6. Classification of crime prevention measures
8.7. The main directions of crime prevention in the activities of internal affairs bodies
Special part
Chapter 9. Criminological characteristics and prevention of certain types of crime
9.1. Criminological characterization and prevention of violent crime
9.2. Criminological characteristics and prevention of acquisitive crime
9.3. Criminological characteristics and prevention of juvenile delinquency
9.4. Criminological characteristics and prevention of female crime
9.5. Criminological characteristics and prevention of recidivism and professional crime
9.6. Criminological characteristics and prevention of organized crime
9.7. Criminological characteristics and prevention of political crime
9.8. Criminological characteristics and prevention of environmental crime
9.9. Criminological characteristics and prevention of reckless crime
Special part
Chapter 10. Criminological support of Russia's national security
10.1. The concept and essence of criminological security
10.2. The development of criminological principles in the concept of national security of Russia
Bibliographic list

There were many textbooks on criminology in our country. At different times, their authors were such prominent scientists as G.A. Avanesov, A.I. Alekseev, A.A. Gertsenzon, A.I. Dolgova, I.I. Karpets, B.V. Korobeinikov, V.N. Kudryavtsev, G.M. Minkovsky, A.B. Sakharov, V.E. Eminov, A.M. Yakovlev and others. In 1985, a two-volume monograph "Course of Soviet Criminology" was published, in which an attempt was made to summarize the development of the entire domestic criminological science. This book is still of great interest.

This course is somewhat different from the previous ones, primarily in form: it contains many examples, the material is presented in the first person, in places I did not shy away from the journalistic style, not to the detriment, of course, of the content. An educational publication should provide, first of all, in-depth knowledge, but should not be boring - it is simply obliged to “kindle” the student’s curiosity, make him think, take a fresh approach to the problems that arise in social life, and look at them through the prism of criminological knowledge . I hope that the proposed course of lectures will at least partially help in this.

Part I. General

Chapter I. The Science of Criminology

1. The subject of criminology

The term "criminology" comes from two words: lat. crimen - crime and Greek logos - science, teaching. It first appeared in 1885 thanks to the work of the Italian scientist R. Garofalo, who called his book that way. Since then, this name has hardly been disputed by anyone.

Naturally, it is first necessary to define the subject of criminology. The question of the subject of criminology, like any other science, is important primarily because the sciences differ precisely in subjects. We can say that the subject of any science is the range of problems and issues that only this science deals with. If a science does not have its own subject, it is not a science, but if this subject is studied by a number of sciences, i.e., the range of questions and problems of a corresponding nature is studied by a number of disciplines, then their subjects have not yet been established. Another thing is that the subject of this science can cause quite understandable disputes of a theoretical, methodological nature among scientists. At the same time, in the science of science, the view of the subject as something established, underlying, the main thing for this branch of scientific knowledge remains unchanged.

So, about the subject of criminology. Briefly, it can be defined as follows: criminology is the science of crime. But I think this is too general a definition. Probably, it can be specified by describing what basic elements criminology as a science includes. I propose the following more detailed definition, which most domestic and foreign criminologists agree with: criminology is the science of crime, its causes, the personality of the offender, criminal behavior, ways and means of combating crime. Therefore, we can distinguish five main elements that make up the subject of criminology: crime, its causes, the personality of the offender, criminal behavior, as well as ways and means of combating crime.

There are other definitions of the subject of criminology, but they all boil down to the listed five elements.

Of course, it is possible to give an even more detailed and detailed definition than the one given. But all other components that can be mentioned fit within the framework of the definition I have proposed. Therefore, in my opinion, both definitions should be kept in mind: both the first short one and the more detailed one. Let's look briefly at each of these definitions.

The focus of the science of criminology, of course, is crime. What are the main characteristics of this phenomenon? When did crime appear in society? Is this phenomenon eternal or transitory? What are the quantitative and qualitative features of crime? These issues will be discussed in detail in later sections. Now I would like to dwell on the most important characteristics of crime. There are different points of view on whether crime is eternal or transient, that is, whether it is inherent in a certain stage of human history or is an integral feature of human development. Marxist criminology, from the depths of which we all came out (meaning scientists, researchers of the older generation), believed that crime is a transient phenomenon, that it appeared at that period in the development of society, when there was a material inequality of people, their division into classes, into the poor and the rich, the exploiters and the exploited; accordingly, when such a society of unequal opportunities and unequal prosperity is liquidated, that is, with the building of communism, crime will disappear. At the same time, it was stipulated that it would disappear gradually, for a very long time and painfully. But everyone knows that the communist doctrine turned out to be an illusion, and the idea of ​​the transient nature of crime turned out to be the same illusion.