Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Modern lesson: analysis, trends, opportunities. Teaching aid Text

"Updating the city through education" [Text]: 3rd International Conf. May 26 - June 1, 2001, St. Petersburg: theses of reports / S. V. Alekseev [and others]; Dutch-Russian Center. Project "Children New Millennium". - St. Petersburg: [b. and.], 2002. - 184 p.
300 years of St. Petersburg
Origin Notes:
Ex. br.44240: From the Library of L. G. Tatarnikova.
Alekseev, S. V. Some issues of institution development additional education university type/ S. V. Alekseev. - With .5-6
Balova, I. N. On the "meta-language" of the teacher-practitioner and the problem of modern lesson design technology/ I. N. Balova. - With .7-8
Baranov, P. A. On the question of the methodological culture of a history teacher in the system of postgraduate education/ P. A. Baranov. - With .9-10
Bogatenkova, N. V. Let's Get Acquainted: Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking/ N. V. Bogatenkova. - With .30-33
Vanyushkina, L. M. Extracurricular education as an imperative of modern educational model / L. M. Vanyushkina. - With .38-40
Vladimirskaya, O.D. Problem: Education of children with special needs. individually oriented learning: external study opportunities / O. D. Vladimirskaya. - With .50-52
Vinogradov, V. N. Interaction between the media and the education system in the strategic perspective of community development / V. N. Vinogradov. - With .52-55
Golovanova, I. F. City as an educational environment/ I. F. Golovanova. - With .59-62
Ermolaeva, M. G. Factors influencing the transformation of the modern lesson/ M. G. Ermolaeva. - With .69-71
Zakharchenko, M. V. On the question of the categorical content of the opposition "tradition-innovation" in education/ M. V. Zakharchenko. - With .71-75
Zorina, T. E. The concept of global education - the philosophy of education of the future/ T. E. Zorina, E. B. Spasskaya. - With .75-77
Kuznetsova, T. S. Using information about current events in geography lessons in high school / T. S. Kuznetsova. - With .99-101
Kulakova, G. A. Museum and pedagogical programs in the educational space of St. Petersburg/ G. A. Kulakova. - With .101-104
Markovskaya, E. A. Trends in the educational environment in the modern world/ E. A. Markovskaya, L. I. Gushchina. - With .112-114
Matyushkina, M. D. Some problems of using the Internet at school/ M. D. Matyushkina. - With .114-117
Mukhina, I. A. Petersburg pedagogical workshops as an innovative educational technology (thesis) / I. A. Mukhina. - With .121-123
Polyakova, T. I. Children's reading as a way of forming the information culture of adolescents in the library of an educational institution / T. I. Polyakova. - With .129-130
Polyakova, T. I. Features of the formation of information culture of students in educational institutions / T. I. Polyakova. - With .131-135
Prikot, O. G. The Ten Commandments of the Modern Lesson (A Free Interpretation of the Known)/ O. G. Prikot. - With .135-136
Tarasov, S. V. On some directions of integration of domestic and foreign experience in the field of education/ S. V. Tarasov. - With .142-143
Tatarnikova, L. G. Problems of Education modern teacher: ecological and valeological aspect/ L. G. Tatarnikova. - With .143-145
Tatarchenkova, S. S. Lesson for the teacher/ S. S. Tatarchenkova. - With .145-147
Tryapitsyn, A. V. Educational technologies training of specialists at the university (educational management)/ A. V. Tryapitsyn. - With .147-149
Tumalev, A. V. Formation of information culture in modern school / A. V. Tumalev, V. V. Tumalev. - With .149-152
Turkova, I. M. Didactic creativity of the teacher in the mirror of education integration/ I. M. Turkova. - With .152-153
Uvarova, L. I. On the ethical and aesthetic foundations of the formation of pedagogical culture/ L. I. Uvarova. - With .154-158
Shevelev, A. N. Petersburg School as a Historical and Pedagogical Phenomenon and the Educational Environment of Pre-Revolutionary Petersburg: Approaches to Study / A. N. Shevelev. - With .162-165
Erlikh, O. V. Mass media and education system: problems and promising directions cooperation/ O. V. Erlikh. - With .168-171
BBC 74.2(2-2SPb)
Additional access points:
Alekseev, S. V.
Baranov, P. A.
Bogatenkova, N. V.
Vanyushkina, L. M.
Korobkova, E. N.
Dutch-Russian Center. Project "Children of the New Millennium"

Instances of everything: 2
XP (1), Gift. fund (1)
Available: XP (1), Gift. fund (1)

Children XXI From the system of relations to the system of knowledge Semantic sphere: Why? Immediate effect Limited energy tone Fast fatiguability, high excitability Increased aggressiveness, anxiety Perseverance and exactingness The main word: I want!

Differentiation of the class according to the level of activity Of the people in the class: 2-3 - "active" 8-10 - "neutral" - "passive" 3-4 - "aggressive" 2-3 - "nowhere"

Two types of individualization Differentiation The main variant is group work. Individualization (IEM, IOT): - determine the individual meaning of the study of academic disciplines; - put own goals in the study of a topic or section; - choose the forms and pace of learning; methods of teaching corresponding to individual characteristics; - carry out self-assessment of their activities.

Atmosphere Space-time Information Psychological and pedagogical conditions Benevolence Agreement on compliance with the rules of interaction Mutual respect Trust Attention to everyone Openness Opportunity for everyone to speak out and be heard Comfort Psychological compatibility within small groups Democratic seating Lack of allocated positions, blocks Placement “Eye to eye”, “face to face” Sufficient time, no “temporary ceiling” (especially for dialogue) Availability of sufficient knowledge in the minds of participants Availability of necessary sources Availability of the opportunity to ask questions List questions, topics Availability and comprehensibility of information Readiness to listen and hear Readiness to speak, voice one’s own position (presence of a position and its arguments) Readiness for joint discussion Ability to collectively solve problems Readiness to understand Mastery of the presenter
The content of reflection 1. General condition: emotional sensations, psychological attitude. 2. Subject products of activity - ideas, assumptions, patterns, answers to questions, etc. 3. Methods that were used or created in the course of the activity. 4. Assumptions in relation to future activities. 5. Personal dynamics - what has changed in the participant himself.

LITERATURE Gin A.A. Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. Openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality. A guide for the teacher. – M.: Vita-Press, 1999. Ermolaeva M.G. Modern lesson: analysis, trends, opportunities. - St. Petersburg: KARO, Kulnevich S.V. Quite an unusual lesson: A practical guide for teachers, class teachers... Rostov-n / D: TC "Teacher", Potashnik M.M., Levit M.V. How to prepare and conduct public lesson. Modern technology. - M .: Pedagogical society of Russia, Culture of the modern lesson. / Under the editorship of N.E. Shchurkova. - M .: Publishing house "Russian Pedagogical Agency", Yanovitskaya E.V. How to teach and learn in the classroom. – M.: School technologies, 2009.

Thank you for attention!

Chief Editor

D. I. Feldshtein

^ " 4

Deputy Chief Editor

C.K. Bonds roar

Members of the editorial board:

A. G. Asmolov

I. V. Dubrovina

N.D. Nikandrov

B. A. Bolotov

L. P. Kezina

V. A. Polyakov

G. A. Bordovsky

M. I. Kondakov

V. V. Rubtsov

V. P. Borisenkov

V. G. Kostomarov

E. V. Saiko

A. A. Derkach

O. E. Kutafin

V. A. Slastenin

A.I. Dontsov

N. N. Malofeev

I. I. Khaleeva

Ermolaeva M.V.

E74 Developmental Psychology: Methodological guide for students of correspondence and remote forms education. - 2nd ed. - M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NPO MODEK Publishing House, 2003.- 376 p. (Series "Psychologist's Library").

ISBN 5-89502-400-9 (IPSI)

ISBN 5-89395-451-3 (NPO "MODEK")

The concept of this manual is focused on the goals that stand before the course "Age Psychology". This course should not only contribute to the improvement of the private scientific erudition of students studying in the specialty "Psychology", but rather solve a number of interrelated methodological tasks: the creation of a clear modern picture of development in ontogenesis (with clarification of its specific features, placement of accents in the study of developmental mechanisms, identification of key moments in the system of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge), the formation of a special way of thinking (determined by the leading principles domestic psychology, a modern type of scientific rationality, modern understanding categories "development", "socialization", "growing up").

This manual is designed as a guide to the sections of the course from the standpoint of domestic developmental psychology and illustrates the main provisions of the program of the course "Age Psychology" with excerpts from the works of the classics of Russian psychology, as well as authoritative modern researchers in this field.

At present, in our country there is no textbook on developmental psychology that summarizes domestic and foreign concepts and specific empirical studies mental development and personality formation throughout ontogeny from birth to old age. This book is also not such a textbook; rather, it can be considered as a guide to the main sections of the course "Psychology of Development" for students of correspondence and distance forms of study in universities in the specialty "Psychology". When compiling the manual, the author was guided by the program of the course "Psychology of development" and the program of the interdisciplinary qualification exam, developed at the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute.

No one modern textbook, a monograph or a manual cannot provide complete and exhaustive knowledge in the field of developmental psychology - this requires the assimilation of extensive experience in theoretical and scientific-practical research in this area. To this end, the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute provides students with ample opportunities by publishing a multi-volume series of books "Psychologists of the Fatherland", which presents the leading and little-known works of the classics of Russian psychology, as well as a series of books by modern researchers in the field of developmental psychology and pedagogical psychology. . This manual is designed in such a way as to help students of correspondence and distance learning, for whom the problem of direct transfer of knowledge from teacher to student is more acute, to master the experience, theoretical position and methodology, primarily of domestic developmental psychology. Of course, this is impossible without

analysis of the most influential concepts of Western psychologists: their review is also provided by the manual.

The very concept of this handbook is focused on the goals that face the course "Psychology of Development". In our opinion, this course should not so much help to increase the private scientific erudition of students studying in the specialty "Psychology", but rather solve a number of interrelated methodological tasks: creating a clear modern picture of development in ontogenesis (with clarification of its specific features, placement of accents in the study of mechanisms development, identification of key points in the system of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge), the formation of a special way of thinking (determined by the leading principles of Russian psychology, the modern type of scientific rationality, the modern understanding of the categories "development", "socialization", "growing up"). Thus, the course "Psychology of development" should contribute to the formation of a holistic approach to the problem of mental development, organizing and transforming the relationship between the most influential concepts, as well as branches of psychological knowledge and related branches of humanitarian knowledge. In connection with the indicated goals of the course "Psychology of Development", the form of teaching and its possibilities for orienting students in the widest possible areas are extremely important. modern knowledge and diverse concepts of mental ontogenetic development. In this regard, this manual is designed as a guide to the sections of the course from the standpoint of Russian developmental psychology. Domestic psychology is characterized by the unity of views on the process of development of the psyche and the formation of personality in ontogenesis, based on the recognition of the epistemological, worldview and integration (general cultural) significance of the cultural-historical concept of L. S. Vygotsky and his teachings on the structure and dynamics of

rasta. Thus, this methodological manual is structured as a reader, illustrating the main provisions of the program of the course "Psychology of Development" with excerpts from the works of the classics of Russian psychology, as well as authoritative modern researchers in this region.

To master the course "Psychology of Development", students of exact and distance forms of education cannot limit themselves to studying this manual: each topic contains a number of control questions requiring a detailed study of the books in the series "Psychologists of the Fatherland" and other series of books published by the MPSI. After each control question, the numbers of books from the list of references on the topic are indicated in brackets. Performance control works and determining the content of the main psychological concepts on the topic require a thorough and systematic study of the literature, the development of the ability to choose, compare knowledge, as well as the culture of presentation and citation. Answers to questions and definitions scientific concepts should be detailed and meaningful. Carrying out independent work on mastering the course and analyzing the entire volume of necessary literature (this primarily applies to the analysis of literature published by the MPSI publishing houses, since sometimes this literature is mainly available to students of correspondence and distance learning who live far from metropolitan centers) , students have the right to count on an attentive, detailed and meaningful analysis of the results of their independent work by teachers.

Theoretical problems of developmental psychology

Topic 1. Subject, tasks and methods of psychology


Developmental psychology- this is a branch of psychology that studies the development of the psyche in ontogenesis, the patterns of transition from one period of mental development to another based on a change in the types of leading activity. The content of developmental psychology is due to the fact that it deals with a special unit of analysis - age, or period of development. Age is characterized by those specific tasks of mastering the forms of culture that are solved by a person, as well as qualitatively new types of activity and the corresponding psychological neoplasms that arise at a given stage of development and determine the consciousness of a person, his attitude towards himself and to the world around him as a whole. [ ten]. Thus, developmental psychology seeks to uncover psychological content ages throughout human ontogenesis from birth to old age.

Developmental psychology took shape as an independent field of knowledge by the end of the 19th century. Having emerged as child psychology, developmental psychology has long been limited to studying the patterns of child mental development, but the demands of modern society, new achievements psychological science which made it possible to consider each age from the standpoint of development, made obvious the need for a holistic analysis of the ontogenetic process and interdisciplinary research. R currently, the sections of developmental psychology are

There are: child psychology (studying the regularities of the stages of mental development from infancy to adolescence inclusive), the psychology of youth, the psychology of adulthood and gerontopsychology (the psychology of old age).

The most important principle of developmental psychology is the principle of historicism, which makes it necessary to study the connection between the history of childhood and other stages of development and the history of society in revealing the psychological content of the stages of ontogeny. historical principle developmental psychology also manifests itself in the fact that the chronological framework and characteristics of each age are not static - they are determined by the action of socio-historical factors, social order society.

The historical analysis of the concept of "childhood" is given in the works of P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin [12], where the reasons why, under similar natural prerequisites, the level of mental development that a child reaches at everyone historical stage society is not the same. Childhood is a period that lasts from a newborn ™ to a complete social and, consequently, psychological maturity; this is the period of the child becoming a full-fledged member human society. Moreover, the duration of childhood in primitive society is not equal to the duration of childhood in the Middle Ages or today. The stages of human childhood are a product of history, and they are just as subject to change as they were thousands of years ago. Therefore, it is impossible to study the child's childhood and the laws of its development outside the development of human society and the laws that determine its development. The duration of childhood is directly dependent on the level of material and spiritual culture of society. The course of a child's mental development, according to L. S. Vygotsky, does not obey the eternal laws of nature, the laws of maturation of the organism. move child development in a class society, he believed, “has absolutely

certain class meaning. That is why, he emphasized that there is no eternally childish, but only historically childish.

The question of the historical origin of the periods of childhood, the connection between the history of childhood and the history of society, the history of childhood as a whole, without the solution of which it is impossible to form a meaningful concept of childhood, was raised in child psychology in the late 1920s and continues to be developed. still. According to the views of Soviet psychologists, to study child development historically means to study the child's transition from one age level to another, to study the change in his personality within each age period that occurs.

in specific historical conditions.

AT modern developmental psychologyhistorical analysis of the concept of "childhood" most fully given in the concept

D. I. Feldstein, who considers childhood as a socio-psychological phenomenon of society and a special state of development.

AT concept of D. I. Feldstein, a meaningful psychological analysis of the system of interaction of functional connections that determine the social state of Childhood in its generalized understanding in a particular society is given, and ways are found to resolve the issue of what connects different periods of Childhood, which provides a common the state of Childhood, which brings him into another state - into Adulthood.

Defining childhood as a phenomenon of the social world, D. I. Feldstein singles out the following characteristics.

Functionally - Childhood appears as an objectively necessary state in dynamic system society, the state of the process of maturation of the rising generation and therefore preparation for the reproduction of the future society.

new formations, the development of social space, reflection on all relations in this space, the definition of oneself in it, one's own self-organization, which occurs in the constantly expanding and more complex contacts of the child with adults and other children (younger ones, peers, older ones), the adult community in in general.

Essentially - Childhood is a form of manifestation, a special state of social development, when the biological patterns associated with age-related changes in the child, to a large extent, show their effect, "obeying", however, in all more the regulating and determining action of the social.

And the meaning of all meaningful changes lies not only in the acquisition, appropriation by the child of social norms (to which, as a rule, the main attention is drawn), but in the very development of social, social properties, qualities that are inherent in human nature. In practice, this is carried out in achieving a certain level of socialization, which is typical for a specific historical society, more broadly for a specific historical time, but at the same time it is also a state of development of that social level that characterizes a person of a certain era, in this case a modern person. * Tsri this social origin as they grow older, they more and more actively determine the features of the functioning of the child and the content of the development of his individuality.

Being a complex, independent organism, Childhood is an integral part of society, acting as a special generalized subject of multifaceted, diverse relations in which it objectively sets the tasks and goals of interaction with adults, determining the directions of their activities with it, develops its own socially significant world .

According to D. I. Feldstein, the main, internally laid down goal of Childhood in general and of each child, in particular, is growing up - the development, appropriation, implementation of adulthood. But the same goal - the growing up of children, subjectively having a different direction - to ensure this growing up - is the main one for the Adult World.

The attitude of the Adult community to Childhood, regardless of the definition of its upper limit, is primarily distinguished by stability - it is an attitude as to a special state, as to a phenomenon that is outside the adult sphere of life. The author of the concept considers the problem of the relationship of the Adult community to Childhood in a broad socio-cultural context and socio-historical plan and highlights the position of the World of Adults to Childhood not as a collection of children different ages- outside the Adult World (who need to be raised, educated, trained), but as a subject of interaction, as a special state of its own, which society goes through in its constant reproduction. This is not a “social nursery”, but a social state deployed in time, ranked according to density, structures, forms of activity, etc., in which children and adults interact.

D. I. Feldshtein emphasizes the importance of the position that adults take in relation to children in general. This is a position of responsibility that includes a wide range of components - from caring for offspring to striving to ensure a normal future for humanity. But in all cases, this is the position of a mediator in the child's assimilation of the social world, a mediator, without which the transition of children to the World of Adults is inconceivable.

treats the child as an object of influence, and not as a subject of relations. D. I. Feldshtein emphasizes the importance and psychological perspective of the study of the problem of interaction between Adults and children and the disclosure of the functional load of Adults in relation to Childhood at the socio-psychological level.

A progressively directed change in the capabilities, needs of children in a stable sequence (objectively set by biological capabilities and the level of social development) of periods, stages, phases of development, fulfilling the single goal of growing up until the transition to new environment relations and connections, appears as a special, developing system of Childhood, which is a subsystem of the Society, an active, moving part of a single society. And the main meaning, the idea of ​​this development is the fulfillment of the goal of growing up, in which both Childhood and Adulthood converge, and awareness, and development, and realization by a growing individual. Social Peace in its concrete historical representation through the system of interaction with the World of Adults.

In modern developmental psychology historical analysis let's extend not only to Childhood as a socio-psychological phenomenon of society, but also to Youth, Maturity, Old Age. However, until recently, these ages were outside the sphere of actual interests of developmental psychology (developmental psychology), since Maturity was considered as the age of "psychological petrification", and Old Age - as the age of total extinction. Thus, while developing physically, socially, an adult person was, as it were, excluded from the process of development in its socio-psychological meaning and from the history of the development of the specific person as a really acting subject, the development of his consciousness, self-awareness, and other personal qualities.

The actualization of the interest of developmental psychology in the study of the periods of Maturity and Old Age is associated with humanization

society and the beginning of the revival and active development of acmeology (declared in the works of B. G. Ananiev) as a science about the period of maximum flowering of personal growth, the highest moment of manifestation of spiritual forces. These trends and scientific approaches have significantly changed the current situation of understanding the Adult, opening up a new space for a person, emphasizing the importance of studying the main points of his creative self-development. As D. I. Feldshtein points out, these important and promising areas should in the future reveal the problem of the Adult in development and the problem of its development, which is possible only if all stages of ontogenesis are considered in unity, and old age, including and deep, will be studied as a moment of the individual path. In cognition of an adult, understanding of his personal characteristics, it is important to take into account the historical situation. Modern man has not only acquired new possibilities of choice, new level self-consciousness (the available studies of individuals of antiquity - A. F. Losev, the Middle Ages - Ya. A. Gurevich and others testify to difficult path acquisition of personality by a person), but the tasks that have now arisen at the turn of the millennium require him to further development in terms of developing relationships, deepening self-determination, “general maturation”. And constantly growing opportunities (determined by the achievements of science, technology, medicine, informatization, etc.) determine a new situation in the development of an adult, expanding the boundaries of his life. And in this regard, the problem of old age, the problem of an elderly person, is of particular importance.

Among the individual sections of developmental psychology, gerontology is the "youngest" area of ​​research. It is now that old ideas about old age are breaking down. Its two aspects - physical and psychological - are becoming more and more differentiated. Old age is a regular stage in human development, and it is becoming more and more obvious

become possible to elongate human life, including through internal self-development the individual himself, the development of his psychological resistance against aging.

The definition of developmental psychology as the doctrine of the periods of psychological development and personality formation in ontogenesis, their change and transitions from one age to another, as well as the historical analysis of the successive stages of ontogenesis, indicate that the subject of developmental psychology has changed historically. Currently subject of developmental psychology- disclosure of the general patterns of mental development in ontogenesis, the establishment age periods formation and development of activity, consciousness and personality and the reasons for the transition from one period to another, which is impossible without taking into account the impact on individual development human cultural-historical, ethnic and socio-economic conditions.

Tasks of developmental psychology broad and versatile. At present, this branch of psychology has acquired the status scientific and practical discipline, in connection with which among its tasks it is necessary to single out theoretical and practical tasks. To the number theoretical tasks Developmental psychology can be attributed to the study of the main psychological criteria and characteristics of Childhood, Youth, Adulthood (Maturity), Old Age as social phenomena and successive states of society, the study of age dynamics mental processes and personal development depending on the cultural and historical, ethnic and socio-economic* conditions, various kinds education and training, research differentially psychological differences(sexually mature and typological properties of a person), studies of the process of growing up in its entirety and diverse manifestations.

Among the scientific and practical tasks facing developmental psychology include the creation of a methodological

bases for monitoring the course, the usefulness of the content and the conditions of mental development at different stages of ontogenesis, the organization of optimal forms of activity and communication in childhood and adolescence, as well as the organization of psychological assistance during periods of age crises, in adulthood and old age.

Methods of developmental psychology

As D. B. Elkonin noted, in the development of developmental psychology (for him it was presented as child psychology), there was a struggle between two main trends:

1. Phenomenological description of the processes of mental development, their symptoms.

2. Research into the internal patterns that lie behind these symptoms.

As D. B. Elkonin pointed out, initially child psychology was a descriptive science. Its main strategy was to closely monitor development processes.

At first, psychologists' observations of their own children appeared, drawn up in the form of notes and diaries (W. Preyer, 1912, etc.). Then scientific institutions began to be created, where this method was the main one. For example, in 1920 N. M. Shchelovanov organized in Leningrad a clinic for the normal development of children, in which mainly foundlings and orphans lived. The development of children in the clinic was monitored around the clock, thanks to which many classic works on child psychology were obtained. For the first time, a complex of revival in infants, interesting features of the development of children's walking and grasping, etc., were identified and described. At this time, M. Ya. Basov (1925) developed a special method of psychological observation of children, directed against subjectivism in describing their behavior.

The peculiarity of these studies was that they were associated with special organization pedagogical work with children. In the clinic of N. M. Shchelovanov, the observation of child development involved the use of certain pedagogical means. So, for the mental development of children, their communication with adults is important. The lack of communication among children was seen as one of the central problems. NL Figurin suggested a way to overcome this difficulty by organizing "collective lessons". A playpen appeared in the clinic, where children were placed, and the teacher could now communicate with all the kids at the same time. This proved to be a powerful tool for the mental development of children.

The observation strategy has many negative features, but the main thing is that it is extremely time-consuming. Its implementation requires a high psychological education of the researcher and a huge investment of time, which guarantees a relatively small addition to the already existing psychological knowledge. But this strategy also has undeniable merits. Thanks to it, the concrete life of a particular child unfolds before us, which can be compared with other concrete observations and draw appropriate conclusions. Knowledge about the critical periods of a child's life and about the transition from one period to another is obtained mainly by the method of observation.

After A. Binet, who first developed a system of tests, the method of studying mental development by means of special tests began to penetrate into child psychology. These were not always tests, because tests are tasks that are standardized with respect to a certain age, and tests are not necessarily standardized. In general, this strategy can be called slicing strategy. The method of special samples proved to be effective and economical and found wide application. Its essence was that a certain mental process was measured in various

its states (in relation to certain ages) a large number test subjects. The measurement data were processed, average indicators were derived, and individual points appeared, correlated with ages. The obtained points were connected into a curve, supposedly representing a picture of the development of the process under study.

This strategy allowed the use of experimental techniques in child psychology. But it was impossible to establish what happens between the selected points, according to which the mental process was studied. A similar strategy, which was widely used by A. Gesell, was most likely associated with the establishment of experimental phenomenology in child psychology. Some psychologists have proposed to reduce the gaps between the selected points. However, the essence of the matter did not fundamentally change: after all, it is important not how the curve goes in the gap,

a what happens after her.

AT Subsequently, the slicing strategy was combined with longitudinal research methods. Initially, a cut was made for a certain number of subjects. After some time, they also made another cut, etc. This method of research, which is now widely used, saves common shortcomings slicing strategies [12].

D. B. Elkonin noted another strategy for the study of mental development - a combination of observation and experiment. For the first time in Russia, this strategy was used by his staff, who spent four years conducting research in the same class (starting from the fifth). The experimenters organized a pioneer club so that the schoolchildren would be under control for as long as possible. The process of observation was combined with the entry of the observers themselves into the lives of adolescents. The peculiarity of the study was that it was carried out comparative method: traced individual stories

development of adolescents, which were compared with each other

hom. This made it possible to find certain general laws governing the mental development of children.

L. S. Vygotsky owes child psychology the emergence of a new, experimental genetic research strategy. It consists in the following: under laboratory conditions, it is necessary to recreate some model of the development of a certain function or ability of the child, which he did not previously possess. This strategy can be called a strategy experimental genesis psychic abilities. Its implementation involves the use by researchers of various ways and means active formation ability, the genesis of which is being studied. The experimental nature of such a genesis is associated with the possibilities of organizing the process of formation of a specific ability. The use of experimental genesis as a research method is possible only on the basis of a well-defined theory of mental development - the cultural-historical concept of L. S. Vygotsky.

Today there are several ideas for implementing this strategy:

1. The theory of activity by A. N. Leontiev: any activity acts as a conscious action, then as an operation, and as it forms, it becomes a function. The movement is carried out here from top to bottom - from activity to function. This theory formed the basis own research A. N. Leontiev and his collaborators on the formation of pitch (or tonal) hearing in humans as a kind of sensory ability.

2. The theory of the formation of mental actions by P. Ya. Galperin: the formation of mental functions occurs on the basis of an objective action and proceeds from the material performance of the action, and then through its speech form it passes into the mental plane. This is the most twisted concept of shaping, however, everything that SEMI-

cheno with its help, acts as a laboratory experiment. How do the data compare laboratory experiment with real ontogeny? The problem of the relationship between experimental genesis and real genesis is one of the most serious and still unresolved. Its importance for child psychology was pointed out by A. V. Zaporozhets and D. B. Elkonin. A certain weakness of the formation strategy lies in the fact that it has so far been applied only to the formation of the cognitive sphere of the personality, and the emotional-volitional processes and needs have remained outside experimental research.

3. Concept learning activities- studies by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov, in which a strategy for the formation of personality was developed not in laboratory conditions, but in real life - by creating experimental schools.

4. The theory of "initial humanization" by I. A. Sokolyansky and A. I. Meshcheryakov, which outlines the initial stages of the formation of the psyche in deaf-blind, mute children.

The strategy for the formation of mental processes is one of the achievements of Soviet child psychology. This is the most adequate strategy for modern understanding of the subject of child psychology.

Literature on the topic

1. Ananiev BG Psychology and problems of human knowledge. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996.

2. Blonsky P. P. Psychology of a younger schoolchild. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1997.

3. Bozhovich L. I. Problems of personality formation. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1995.

4. Vygotsky L. S. The problem of age / / Reader in child psychology. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996. -

5. Vygotsky L. S. Developmental psychology as a phenomenon of culture. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996.

6. Galperin P. Ya. Psychology as an objective science. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1998.

7. Galperin P. Ya. The method of "slices" and the method of phased formation in the study of children's thinking // Reader in child psychology. - M.: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1996. -

pp. 124-133.

8. Obukhova L. F. Developmental psychology. - M .: "Rospedagency",

9. FeldsteinD. I. "Growing up" and the development of an adult / / World of Psychology. - 1999. - No. 2. - S. 3-5.

10. Feldstein D. I. Psychology of growing up. - M.: MPSI: "Flint", 1999.

11. FeldsteinD. I. Social development in the space-time of childhood. - M.: MPSI: "Flint", 1997.

12. ElkoninD. B. Mental development in childhood. - M.: IPP; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1995.

Test questions

1. How did D. B. Elkonin and P. Ya. Galperin define the subject and tasks of child psychology? .

2. Describe the essence and significance of a phased social analysis of childhood for the development of ideas about the subject of developmental psychology and the methodology of this discipline.

3. How did B. G. Ananiev substantiate the need to include the study of mature ages in the subject of developmental psychology? .

4. How did L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin and L. I. Bozhovich consider the connection between child and genetic psychology, child and educational psychology, child psychology and pedagogy? .

5. What is the essence of Vygotsky's experimental genetic strategy? What are the current ideas for its implementation? .

6. What is the essence of the instrumental method in developmental psychology? .


At the end of the 19th century, John Dewey, an American philosopher, sociologist, psychologist, teacher, argued that the lesson as the main organizational form of learning would become obsolete in the near future. Today we are convinced of the unfulfillment of his predictions. The lesson lives and wins in the 21st century, although it has been in existence for the fourth century. A huge number of teachers - theorists and practitioners - thought, reasoned, wrote about the lesson: they doubted it, refused, but again and again returned to it. The literature on the lesson is unusually extensive. But books and manuals that would discuss the problems of the modern lesson, its new characteristics, which it acquires under the influence of social, cultural, pedagogical upheavals, today, according to teachers, are not enough.

Over four centuries, many pedagogical values ​​have changed. There were not only new goals, but also new means of education. Today, the lesson is considered not only as the activity of the teacher, i.e., as a form of learning, but also as the activity of the student, i.e., as a form of teaching. How should the lesson be understood in this connection? If such components as joint design, interaction, dialogue, teacher-student partnership are introduced into its composition, then there is something to think about.

This manual is a systematization and generalization of the course of lectures given for several years at the Academy of Postgraduate Education, in various educational institutions of St. Petersburg, other regions of Russia and in Russian schools in Estonia. Course listeners, participants in seminars, where various problems of designing a modern lesson were discussed, at the end of them usually expressed a desire to continue working in an individual mode. We hope that this manual will largely satisfy the need of the listeners to go back to the details. theoretical provisions, will give an additional impetus to understanding methodological grounds activities of the teacher as the AUTHOR of a MODERN LESSON.

The purpose of the manual is to help teachers in mastering modern approaches to designing the educational process aimed at developing the personality of students, creative self-realization all participants educational process.

Its pages offer material for serious reflection, ideas that you need to think about today in order to independently find your own answers and solutions. Of course, in order for ideas to be translated into practice, we need the OST - the Basic Meanings Requiring Special Attention, those starting points that should become the basis for modern approaches to lesson design. This is dedicated first chapter manual, revealing the essence of modern educational trends, in accordance with which the transformation of the lesson takes place.

In second chapter a systematic view of the lesson is presented, key positions are proposed for the three main components of the lesson: content-target, organizational-practical, control and evaluation. It is hoped that the material in this section will provide guidance for the selection of goals, productive work with the teaching material of the lesson, the definition of effective pedagogical tools, some ways of implementing the ideas of personal-humane pedagogy in a mass school.

main idea third chapter is that the analysis of the modern lesson should proceed differently than we are accustomed to. A modern lesson is not a monotonous and unified structural and content scheme. Therefore, each teacher, administrator should now be able to determine for himself those options for analysis that are most suitable for him, correspond to the paradigm in which he carries out his activities. Currently, many scientists and practitioners agree that teachers should be familiar with various lesson schemes and analyze it in relation to different purposes. Therefore, in the manual, we proposed several options for lesson analysis schemes.

The manual has been building up for almost ten years. It also included answers to questions that arose in me as I immersed myself in the topic, during lectures by methodologists and scientists of the then UPM and RGPI im. A. I. Herzen, and then the results of the search for options for resolving problems that were identified by course participants and seminar participants already in my classes.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who in one way or another contributed to the publication of this manual.

The first words of gratitude go to my teachers:

- to my mentor, scientific consultant - Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Semyon Grigoryevich Vershlovsky. To his lectures, conversations with us, joint scientific research, we owe our interest in the problems modern education and a sense of responsibility for how it will develop in our country;

- to my supervisor, a brilliant lecturer, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Irina Apollonovna Kolesnikova for an example of a systematic and sometimes paradoxical view of any object of pedagogical reality, for those lagoons of meanings that she identified, in particular, in the topic "Modern Lesson", and gave impetus to further reflection and development;

- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Perminova for solid foundations and a clear structure for understanding the didactic cycle of the modern lesson;

- Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Marina Vladimirovna Zakharchenko for giving philosophical solidity to the dialogues about the lesson;

- Professor Svetlana Stepanovna Tatarchenkova, whose fundamental manual on the lesson as a pedagogical phenomenon became a serious incentive for formulating and presenting her position.

I am grateful to my colleagues at Pedagogical College No. 2 Natalia Vladimirovna Spakhova, Natalya Vladimirovna Rumyantseva, Natalya Vladimirovna Yasnova for their personal and professional participation in shaping the environment that made it possible to create this manual, for initiating the development and testing of approaches to the organization and analysis of the modern lesson.

An important role for the generalization of experience was played by many years of teaching in College of Education courses "Modern educational systems" and "Game technology", meaningful communication with recent students, future teachers.

Of particular importance for determining the search vector was the experience of communicating with French colleagues and teachers from St. Petersburg, members of the association "New Education" Inna Alekseevna Mukhina, Lidia Dmitrievna Furaeva, Anatoly Arsenievich Okunev and many others.

Thanks to a large group of teachers with whom we have been discussing various aspects of the modern lesson in a slightly new way for several years within the framework of various seminars and advanced training courses at APPO. After these meetings, the material about the lesson received new strokes, new illustrations, new ideas.

My special gratitude and gratitude to Zhanna Olegovna Andreeva, a permanent co-author of the projects, for her attentive, interested and critical attitude to my texts, for all possible support in word and deed.

At the end of the 19th century, John Dewey, an American philosopher, sociologist, psychologist, teacher, argued that the lesson as the main organizational form of learning would become obsolete in the near future. Today we are convinced of the unfulfillment of his predictions. The lesson lives and wins in the 21st century, although it has been in existence for the fourth century. A huge number of teachers - theorists and practitioners - thought, reasoned, wrote about the lesson: they doubted it, refused, but again and again returned to it. The literature on the lesson is unusually extensive. But books and manuals that would discuss the problems of the modern lesson, its new characteristics, which it acquires under the influence of social, cultural, pedagogical upheavals, today, according to teachers, are not enough.

Over four centuries, many pedagogical values ​​have changed. There were not only new goals, but also new means of education. Today, the lesson is considered not only as the activity of the teacher, i.e., as a form of learning, but also as the activity of the student, i.e., as a form of teaching. How should the lesson be understood in this connection? If such components as joint design, interaction, dialogue, teacher-student partnership are introduced into its composition, then there is something to think about.

This manual is a systematization and generalization of the course of lectures given for several years at the Academy of Postgraduate Education, in various educational institutions of St. Petersburg, other regions of Russia and in Russian schools in Estonia. Course listeners, participants in seminars, where various problems of designing a modern lesson were discussed, at the end of them usually expressed a desire to continue working in an individual mode. We hope that this manual will largely satisfy the need of students to return to the details of theoretical provisions, give an additional impetus to comprehend the methodological foundations of the teacher's activity as the AUTHOR of a MODERN LESSON.

The purpose of the manual is to help teachers master modern approaches to designing the educational process aimed at developing the personality of students, creative self-realization of all participants in the educational process.

Its pages offer material for serious reflection, ideas that you need to think about today in order to independently find your own answers and solutions. Of course, in order for the ideas to be translated into practice, we need the skeleton - the Basic Meanings Requiring Special Attention, those starting points that should become the basis for modern approaches to lesson design. This is dedicated first chapter manual, revealing the essence of modern educational trends, in accordance with which the transformation of the lesson takes place.

In second chapter a systematic view of the lesson is presented, key positions are proposed for the three main components of the lesson: content-target, organizational-practical, control and evaluation. I would like to hope that the material in this section will provide guidelines for choosing goals, productive work with the educational material of the lesson, determining effective pedagogical tools, and some ways to implement the ideas of personal-humane pedagogy in a mass school.

main idea third chapter is that the analysis of the modern lesson should proceed differently than we are accustomed to. A modern lesson is not a monotonous and unified structural and content scheme. Therefore, each teacher, administrator should now be able to determine for himself those options for analysis that are most suitable for him, correspond to the paradigm in which he carries out his activities. At present, many scientists and practitioners agree that teachers should have different lesson plans and analyze it in relation to different goals. Therefore, in the manual, we proposed several options for lesson analysis schemes.

The manual has been building up for almost ten years. It also included answers to questions that arose in me as I immersed myself in the topic, during lectures by methodologists and scientists of the then UPM and RGPI im. A. I. Herzen, and then the results of the search for options for resolving problems that were identified by course participants and seminar participants already in my classes.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who in one way or another contributed to the publication of this manual.

The first words of gratitude go to my teachers:

- to my mentor, scientific consultant - Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Semyon Grigoryevich Vershlovsky. We owe our interest in the problems of modern education and a sense of responsibility for how it will develop in our country to his lectures, conversations with us, joint scientific research;

- to my supervisor, a brilliant lecturer, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Irina Apollonovna Kolesnikova for an example of a systematic and sometimes paradoxical view of any object of pedagogical reality, for those lagoons of meanings that she identified, in particular, in the topic "Modern Lesson", and gave impetus to further reflection and development;

- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Perminova for solid foundations and a clear structure for understanding the didactic cycle of the modern lesson;

- Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Marina Vladimirovna Zakharchenko for giving philosophical solidity to the dialogues about the lesson;

- Professor Svetlana Stepanovna Tatarchenkova, whose fundamental manual on the lesson as a pedagogical phenomenon became a serious incentive for formulating and presenting her position.

I am grateful to my colleagues at Pedagogical College No. 2 Natalia Vladimirovna Spakhova, Natalya Vladimirovna Rumyantseva, Natalya Vladimirovna Yasnova for their personal and professional participation in shaping the environment that made it possible to create this manual, for initiating the development and testing of approaches to the organization and analysis of the modern lesson.

An important role for the generalization of experience was played by many years of teaching at the Pedagogical College of the courses "Modern Educational Systems" and "Game Technology", meaningful communication with recent schoolchildren, future teachers.

Of particular importance for determining the search vector was the experience of communicating with French colleagues and teachers from St. Petersburg, members of the association "New Education" Inna Alekseevna Mukhina, Lidia Dmitrievna Furaeva, Anatoly Arsenievich Okunev and many others.

Thanks to a large group of teachers with whom we have been discussing various aspects of the modern lesson in a slightly new way for several years within the framework of various seminars and advanced training courses at APPO. After these meetings, the material about the lesson received new strokes, new illustrations, new ideas.

My special gratitude and gratitude to Zhanna Olegovna Andreeva, a permanent co-author of the projects, for her attentive, interested and critical attitude to my texts, for all possible support in word and deed.

1. Modern educational ideas and lesson

What is a lesson, everyone knows. School years- these are thousands of lessons - boring, funny, entertaining, intense, informative ... Each of us can supplement this series with our own epithets. For a teacher, a lesson is a unit of time, the main form of the educational process, the “moment of truth” and many more definitions, strict and figurative, playful and scientific, depending on individual features those who answer this question. Yu. A. Konarzhevsky has a statement that an attempt to evaluate such complex system, as a lesson, in all its versatility and multidimensionality through any one definition, through the perspective of any one position is doomed to failure (10).

In addition, in our language there are many phrases using the word lesson, but not assuming a school (learn a lesson, give a lesson, life lesson). A lesson without a teacher as a person; a lesson where the source of independent knowledge is the situation that has arisen, something suddenly seen or heard, the space of the city, theater, museum; surrounding nature.…

Starting a conversation about the lesson, we note that we will talk about it in a narrow sense, as one of the main forms of organizing the educational process at school.

So. Lessons are prepared, they are given and “filled up”, they study and teach.

The lesson originated about four hundred years ago. Of course, during this time he has undergone many transformations. Staying in the context of modern culture, he acquires the features of this culture, thus being himself a product of culture and at the same time a bearer of culture.

In our manual, we will talk about the modern lesson. In this regard, I would like to recall two main meanings of the word modern- pertaining to the present, current time. In this sense, any lesson that takes place today is modern, simply on the basis of the time. The second meaning of the word, and for us it is more important - standing at the level of its age, meeting the spirit and requirements (challenges) of its time, needs.

On the one hand, the school is one of the most inertial social institutions, therefore, speaking about the modern lesson, it can be argued that it still takes at least 90% of the study time. His authority is strong and high. But the lesson takes on new features. The changes he undergoes are caused by certain social processes.

The situation of a modern lesson is a situation of parting with a strict lesson, characterized by order, proven regulation, diligence of students, precise outlines educational material, rituals and rules, and a meeting with a little-studied free lesson, the characteristics of which are born not by themselves, but at the behest of time, various social circumstances, thanks to the efforts of the teacher who builds a free lesson (17).

AT last years new pedagogical trends have been identified in the school - a change in goal-setting in the direction of cultural conformity and natural conformity of education; gain personal orientation content and technologies of education; individualization educational trajectories students; creative and developmental orientation of basic education; technologization and computerization of the educational process (27). All this is reflected in one of the main documents regulating the improvement of the educational process - in the Modernization Concept. general education until 2010. Accordingly, the transformation of the lesson takes place in the context of modern educational ideas. Let's outline the main ones.

1.1. The idea of ​​subjectivity

The modern social situation is characterized by a high degree of instability, uncertainty and variability. Today, a school graduate is expected not only to be able to adapt to reality, but also to create new goals, new means, new opportunities for realizing their own ideas, that is, to be the author of their own life and activities. You can talk about a new movement under the motto "Do it yourself", which does not end with self-repair of your home or self-care of your garden. It is about taking control of your entire life.

To ensure such an educational result in the educational process as the formation of students' independence, it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of the subjective activity of students already in elementary school, their formation as subjects, authors of educational activities.

As practice shows, the very concept of “subject”, which came into pedagogy from philosophy and psychology, is difficult to take root. This is partly due to the fact that in everyday practice we are used to pronouncing the word “subject” with a certain negative associative train: “Well, you are still that subject!”. Therefore, more and more often one can come across a slightly different variant of designating the idea of ​​subjectivity as the idea of ​​implementing the student's author's position: the student as the author of his life activity in general and educational activity in particular.

Some teachers are already quite successfully building their own educational process, creating conditions for the implementation of the subjective (author's) position of the student. Sometimes, solving these problems, they act rather intuitively. Professional pedagogical competence presupposes quite conscious building your activities. Let us designate the main features of the implementation of this educational idea in the lesson process. First of all, in our opinion, we need to talk about such signs as: the personality of the position of students; meaningfulness and awareness of their actions in the lesson; the presence of value-semantic equality of the teacher and students.


The author's position of a person begins with his personality. The subject, the author is always a person who has his own name and does not hide it. Already in this regard, one can identify a problem - a certain unpreparedness of both teachers and students for personalized communication. This is expressed, for example, in the fact that teachers are not always ready to address students by name (especially in secondary and high school); students are not always ready to openly carry their business cards. On the one hand, teachers elementary school, as a rule, know all children by name. However, this knowledge is not always used during the lesson. We could verify this more than once, when in the course of teaching practice observations with students performed such a task. The students had to school day find out the name of each child in the class, relying only on the teacher (or teachers) addressing the children. In the process of observation, students filled out their class plan, recording all options for addressing a particular student. At the end of the day (and sometimes even a week), students experienced considerable surprise when they realized how large the number of “blank spots” in the audience was, that is, the number of those children who never heard a single word addressed to them. personal appeals. According to our observations (especially in middle and high school), impersonal appeals with the help of a pointing gesture or a look (please, you ...), as well as calling a student by his last name, significantly exceeded calling children by their first names. The trouble is that this can already cause some discomfort for some children, especially when there are those in the class who are addressed even using diminutive suffixes. But the variants of names that teachers use can also sometimes cause negativity among children. There are well-known cases of Dim's painful reaction when they are called Mityas, or Mils, whom the teacher or children call Lyudami ...

Clarity on this point is easy to achieve with the help of business cards used during the lesson. On them, the guys are invited to write an option own name, which they like, and they would like to hear it. The business card is placed on the desk in front of the child, so that it is clearly visible to the teacher. This is especially convenient in high school, where several classes flash before the eyes of the subject teacher during the day. Remembering everyone is not an easy task, especially at first. The use of business cards opens up another possibility. At the beginning of the lesson, the child can set the so-called "white card" in front of him. This is a sign that today he would like to remain “in the shadows”, he is not ready for communication, for presenting himself, his results. It's his choice. During the year, this right can be used by everyone, but a certain number of times (the quota is set by general agreement at the beginning of the year). It is important that everyone has the right to be inactive, and in this case it is a personal choice of the student himself.

This is about appeals. But unpreparedness for a personal, responsible action is also found in cases where the children during the lesson are much more willing to remain in an anonymous, non-personalized position, which is called “not sticking out”. And when it comes to handing over any written work not in notebooks, but on leaflets (this often happens in creative writing workshops, for example), they are more willing to hand them over without a signature, without attribution. It is curious that this effect also takes place in the teacher's audience at advanced training courses. Teachers also prefer anonymous written work, and this, alas, is a departure from authorship, a departure from personal responsibility.

Meaningfulness and awareness of the actions of students

Let's not forget that a lesson is a form of organizing the learning process in which one of the results of the pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students within the chosen space and time becomes assimilation students of certain educational information. This distinguishes a lesson from a lecture, where the main task is to present, present the material, and from a workshop, where the essential result is the generation of a knowledge structure, the formulation, awareness of positions ... But only the content that the student masters as the subject of educational activity can really be learned in the lesson. , that is, acting meaningfully and consciously. You can understand the level of awareness and meaningfulness of the actions of the participants at each step different ways, the main of which, in our opinion, is still the dialogue between the teacher and the student.

The subject - in other words, the figure, the author, who has his own plan, idea; there is a plan to implement this idea. It is great if the author has not only an idea, a plan, but can also implement it, and then analyze to what extent the result obtained coincides with the intended one. It is clear that within the framework of the lesson we create conditions for ensuring a subjective position either in complete volume - from an idea to an analysis of the implemented, or partially. More often, the subjectivity of students manifests itself only at the stage of implementation, i.e., the implementation of what was proposed and planned by the teacher. In this case, in relation to students, it is more correct to use the concept of "actor".

With the help of the term "actor" (actor) sociologists designate, on the one hand, an active performer of social activity. On the other hand, they indicate that this performance carries a certain shade of convention, since it is associated with the adoption social role. In our case, the role of the student. (WITH in English actor is also translated as an actor.) An actor is sometimes a very inventive, skillful, "flexible" performer of someone's plan. “He is a discoverer within the boundaries of what is already discovered and a transducer within the boundaries of what is already transformed. It is aimed at achieving a goal set from the outside, but does not set it itself” (30).

On the contrary, the author produces new goals, discovers and re-builds new problem fields, independently seeks ways to achieve these goals. It is no coincidence that the word "author" comes from the Latin "au(c)tor", which denoted the commander - the conqueror of new territories (as indicated by J. Ortega y Gasset).

Therefore, the initiative activity of students, as the basis of their author's position, is necessary both at the stage of formulating goals, and at the stage of drawing up an action plan, and at the stage of analyzing what has been done. And the initiative is only where there is a choice. Consequently, situations of choice for students are needed both at the stage of goal-setting and at the stage of planning activities in terms of content, forms, and methods for performing educational tasks.

Therefore, among the many manifestations of the subjective position of the child, today they are especially distinguished self-determination in a situation of choice. (Even a new direction has emerged - pedagogy of conscious choice.) The task of the teacher is to help the student make this choice on his own. This is possible only when the teacher helps the student to realize or formulate, clarify their goals, desires, needs, problems, difficulties. In this case, the position of an adult who owns the truth is excluded. The teacher organizes the interaction of students with the world, with people, offering a variety of personally significant activities for them based on choice, communication, and understanding of what is happening.

So, from the subject we expect meaningful actions (he sees for himself the value, personal meaning of their implementation) and conscious (he knows what and how he should do in order to achieve the intended goal). Therefore, consideration and respect for the author's position of students can only be ensured when such an important component as the experience of students' value attitude is realized through the lesson. Unfortunately, now the values ​​in the content of education are receding into the background and very often find themselves divorced from the system. life values and student settings. He is simply obliged to assimilate and consider important what he does not consider important, and because of this he cannot perceive and assimilate. In this case, the position of the student is far from the subjective one. Therefore, the logic of movement in the assimilation of educational material is as follows: first, work with attitude students to what is to be done or studied, the awakening of emotions, interest, personal interest in the information offered, the search for personal meaning in its development. Then, when they understand and accept the meaning of what is happening, work begins consciousness : building an action plan, searching necessary knowledge, means and tools for implementation. And only then does it really begin activity , the implementation in practice of the intended and deliberate.