Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Clever speeches about life. Beautiful sayings and phrases about life

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life. 99

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself. 123

Most Right way to the heart of a person is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all. 118

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself its cause - and your soul will feel better. 61

The world is boring for boring people. 109

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 125

If our life paths diverge from someone, then this person has completed his task in our life, and we - in his. In their place come new people to teach us something else. 160

The most difficult thing for a person is given that which is not given to him. 61 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and you can't even be sure of that. Marcel Achard 60

If once you regret that you did not say, then you will regret a hundred times that you did not keep silent. 60

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich 27

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 3

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 68

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected 61

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life. 44

Life only has a value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 14

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t be able to do it, so you need to spend time on something else. 54

You can’t forbid to live merrily, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 27

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 21

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. v. well-known phrase) 13

Nowadays, people are not tortured with red-hot irons. There are noble metals. 29

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 33

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how the brain begins to stir. 40

To understand is to feel. 83

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 17

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 33

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 42

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, mortuaries is the height of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing something important to be done, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. web of lies 39

We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. (p.s. oh so true!) A. France 23

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. 57

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of men, any of them can be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Window Opposite 31 (1)

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses registered in their name, cars with the right of ownership, their own companies and spouses chained with a stamp in their passport. Oleg Roy. web of lies 29

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness ... 46

A letter plus a letter is a word, a word plus a word is a phrase, then expressions, texts, speeches, stories, novels ... But let's look at a small fragment of this long chain, such as an expression. So what is an expression?

The word "expression". Meaning of the word

This word can be used in different semantic meanings. First, it can be applied to verb form e.g. express, express. Express yourself more clearly, express your thoughts. Secondly, it can be used to describe manifestations internal state a person that can be seen on the face, in the eyes. Thirdly, it is often used in mathematics to denote a mathematical relation, which can be represented as a set of signs or formulas. Fourthly, it can be a turn of speech, consisting of words or phrases.


Since ancient times, the existence of mankind, words, expressions, speeches, instructions have controlled people. And the higher a man rose in his spiritual development the more he could put into words. There are an incredible number of examples, here is one of them. There is a parable that can serve as an example when words and expressions can have different depths of meaning.

In the distant, distant past, masons built the city. A sage passing by asked the first: "What are you doing?" "I'm laying stones," he replied. "What are you doing?" - the sage asked the second bricklayer. "I feed my family, earn my bread." "Well, what are you doing?" "I'm building a temple!" - such was the answer of the third bricklayer. “I am making the world better. I serve God." - so answered the fourth bricklayer.

On the example of a parable, I wanted to reveal the concept of "an expression with meaning." The answer of each of the workers was understandable, and in their own way each spoke correctly, but the meaning attached to the answer was so different that it makes it clear to the reader what kind of person is in front of him. The first answer is absolutely meaningless, defining the primitivism of a person, the second and third cases - the personal development of each of them is at different levels. The answer of the fourth is the answer spiritual man, creator and creator. In this case it is different levels human understanding of meaning.

Such statements can help a person understand and solve a problem, they can make you laugh or make you think about life, death, love. Here, for example, is a statement that belongs to Remarque: “In dark times bright people are clearly visible. Or such a wonderful expression that belongs to our contemporaries: "Life is like a photograph, when you smile, it turns out better."

To have or to be

First of all, it's meaning. Perhaps not the first, but the only one. There is such a wonderful expression - "To have or to be." It has only two keywords, but they make any sane person think about a lot. The German psychoanalyst, philosopher Erich Fromm wrote a book on this subject, which he called “To have or to be?” In his work, he writes that modern society became materialistic, the verb "to have" comes first, material base occupies the main position in society, and the verb "to be" recedes into a distant secondary plane, that is, to be happy, healthy, free means less than to be rich. But everyone chooses for himself what he likes best, and everyone understands that one does not exclude the other, and sometimes is inextricably linked with each other. There is an expression with meaning that confirms the words said above: “When we get older, the wish list on New Year is getting shorter because over time we realize that what we really want cannot be bought with money.”


There is a special kind of expressions which are called idioms. Their meaning is not equal to the meaning of the words of which they are composed. In Russian, such an expression can serve as an example - "To work carelessly." In other words, we can say that a person works poorly, unfairly fulfills his duties. IN English language very often idioms are used, but if you translate them literally, you get complete nonsense. There is one such statement, when translated it sounds like this: “You are pulling my leg!” But the meaning of this statement must be reduced to the following: “You are fooling me!” These are the features. Or here is such a wonderful wise thought, which can also be attributed to idioms: "If life makes ropes out of you, do not rush to lather them." In other words: “If it’s difficult for you, don’t give up, try to overcome difficulties, fight them, don’t give up.”

Conclusion. Outcome

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note once again what an expression is, why and for what it is needed.

What power lies within them! How much wisdom they can give! How they teach to understand the difference between price and value, between doubt and truth, between love and compassion! Learn to rely on yourself. I would like to end the story with such a wonderful expression: “Life is not a zebra, which consists of white and black stripes, but a chessboard. Everything will depend only on your move.

When you let go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart starts to slow down...

We feel only grief. And happiness can only be realized when it has been taken away from you.

Weep when it rains. Then it will not be clear which of you sheds tears

And it can be difficult. But this is life. And endure steadfastly... And not break down... And smile. Just smile.

Sometimes a black streak in life is a take-off.

True pain is quiet and imperceptible to others. And tears and tantrums are just a cheap theater of ostentatious feelings.

Every week gonna start new life from Monday... When will Mondays end and a new life will begin?!

Life has changed so much, and the world has deteriorated so much that when you have a clean sincere person who wants to be around, you are looking for a catch in this.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths, it is calculated by the number of moments when happiness takes your breath away ...

Life reciprocates those who sincerely love it and do not change it in anything.

Life is too short to do everything right…better do what you want…

If you want to lead happy life, you must be attached to the goal, not to people or things.

If you react to everything that is said about you, then all your life you will rush between the pedestal and the gallows.

If you get a chance - take it! If this chance changes your whole life, let it happen.

The entire journey of your life ultimately consists of the step you are taking now.

Instead of wiping tears from your face, wipe from your life the people who made you cry.

Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you to pieces.

I would like to meet the one who writes the script of my life and ask: do you have a conscience?!

But it's really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

And for those who do not see that Life is Beautiful, you just need to jump higher!

Pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are most missed.

Alcohol is the anesthesia with which we endure such the most complicated operation What's up.

Who will survive will confirm - what a wonderful life we ​​had

Many people never make a breakthrough in their lives because they refused to step out of their comfort zone and take a step into the unknown.

Today I woke up. I am well. I'm alive. Thank you.

Sometimes, dreams do not come true the way we wanted, but even better.

If life loses its meaning, take risks.

We say the most important words in life silently!

One day such happiness will come into your life that you will understand - it is worth all your past losses.

I very often make up a scenario of my life in my head ... and I get pleasure ... pleasure from the fact that in this scenario everything is sincere and mutual ...

The life of great people begins from the moment of their death.

If you do not change your beliefs, life will forever remain as it is.

Go somewhere where you can start all over again.

It is impossible to make up for anything in life - everyone should learn this truth as early as possible.

The biggest mystery is life, the greatest wealth is children, and the greatest happiness is when you are loved!

If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If they do not believe you, do not make excuses; if they do not appreciate you, do not prove it.

When you completely and unconditionally trust a person, then as a result you get one of two things: either a person for life, or a lesson for life.

There are so many things you can live without.

Even after 100 failed attempts do not despair, because 101 can change lives.

Life is a turbulent stream of water. It is impossible to predict exactly how the course of the future river will turn out.

Let them tell me that all the trains have left, and it's too late to expect something from life, and I will answer - this is nonsense! There are also ships and planes!

There must be pauses in life. Such pauses when nothing happens to you, when you just sit and look at the world, and the world looks at you.

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans.

Many people run very fast, but in life they do not catch up with a lot of things.

That evening, I invented a new cocktail: "Everything from scratch." One third of vodka, two thirds of tears.

The hardest thing is to forget those people with whom you forgot about everything.

Everything happens in life, but not forever.

This world craves sex, money and drive. But still, love still exists. People tend to love, and that's good.

"Tommy Joe Ratliff"

The only thing you can regret in life is that you never took a risk.

Life is like a turn, you never know who hid behind this turn.

An optimist is a person who, having broken his leg, is glad that he did not break his neck.

Life is looking into different mirrors in search of your own face.

I even like to be silent with you. Because I know that even being far from each other, we think about one thing, and in our thoughts we are together, side by side, always.

Don't take everything from life. Be picky.

Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide. It is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change something. The impossible is not a fact. This is just an opinion. The impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. The impossible is a chance to prove yourself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is possible.

"Muhammad Ali"

How fate will turn out, no one knows. Live freely and don't be afraid of change. When the Lord takes something away, do not miss what He gives in return.

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, as in the text, there will be no meaning.

Life is good if at least four people came to your funeral.

Love is ... when, after reading this phrase, you have already managed to think about some person!

It is so important that you have a person in your life in front of whom you do not need to pretend to be “someone” ... It is enough for him that you are just yourself ...
Author Romantic

You can't lose what you don't have!

Whoever asks nothing will learn nothing.
Written by Thomas Fuller

Love gives us strength where the mind is not ready to help, and more often opposes the simple laws of two hearts!
Written by Carey

Where to get white paint to repaint life?!
Author mimozka

We, in life, are still schoolchildren: we look with hope at the clock and wait for changes! But, the strict head teacher does not give a call!
Deja vu author

I have not met people who do not die. But I've seen people who don't live.
Author Xenia Kolt

You need to live in such a way that you are not ashamed to name your weight! =)

"He who saves one life saves the whole world" beautiful sayings and phrases about life

If you do not have the strength to endure, let the pride be enough not to submit!

If people were given 10 lives, they would end even earlier than now one.
Author Nissa

Get together, think carefully about what you need from life, do not look around and open eyes forward! Look and you're on target!
Author babochka 38

We have been preparing the dish “happiness” all our life, but we still do not dare to eat it.
Author x-Gerda-x

To live like a human, you need to pay like a god.

As we go through life, we suddenly find that the ice under our feet is getting thinner and thinner, and we see how our peers fall under it around us and behind us.
Written by Robert Louis Stevenson

You need to live in such a way ... to turn around to see loved ones and loved ones around you ... And for this you need to do good, forgive quickly, appreciate friends, forget enemies.
Author Abikh Irinka

To achieve something in life, you need to do a little more than you need, and a little less than you want.

Living happily means being that, doing that and having that which makes your soul dance, your heart sing, and your mind rejoice.
Written by Neil Donald Walsh

If we are destined to crap ourselves in this life, then let it be not from herring with milk, but from trout with cream.

If you are not needed at a distance, then you are unlikely to be liked up close.
Author Yaroslav Rossa

When you cannot change something around you, you need to change something within yourself... Beautiful sayings and phrases about life.

One of the hardest things in life is to keep words in your heart that you can't say...

Great tribulations have always produced great abundance. They make people want to live.
Written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

People are not born evil. In the life of every person there is such a moment, because of which he can turn into an evil creature.

The contact of bodies, the contact of souls - the dance of life.
Posted by Gerda

Why does life bring two people together for the second time. After all, it's not destiny anyway.

The only way to make the morning good is to oversleep it))

You are not responsible for what other people expect of you. If too much is expected of you, then it is their fault, not your fault.

From the beginning, people try to make each other as happy as possible, then they try to make each other hurt as much as possible.
Author Asechka

To love is the life of the soul. But not every soul can love. Because love is always extremely painful.
Author Simeon Afonsky


I have been given everything to live an exalted life. And I'm dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming.

We must live every day as if it were the last moment. We do not have a rehearsal - we have a life! We don't start it from Monday - we live today!
Author Evelina Khromtchenko

Do not quarrel over trifles, do not be offended by stupidity, we all have the right to make mistakes, just appreciate the one who gives a reason to smile and live.

Life experience is when you ALREADY see the handle of a rake, but you do not have time to estimate its length.

Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their life. Everyone decides for himself. And he pays too.
Because this is his life...
Author AG

People always think that they will always have plenty of time for everything… They are wrong.
Author inomarka

I try to live by the rules that are inside of me. Perhaps this is all wrong. but this life is only mine...

Sometimes people break into our lives like a hurricane... And they leave it like something petty... Then you look at all this and don't understand what happened at all...

Life flows like a leisurely river... and mirrors change my image... And maybe I've been happy a hundred times already... Or maybe I haven't been happy yet?
Author Anastasia Laretskaya

If you have nothing to lose, try to find something.

Most good teacher in life experience. It takes really expensive, but explains intelligibly ... Beautiful sayings and phrases about life

Fate once told us: I found you, I tied you up! Do not expect my other gifts! What is holy save yourself !!!

We all live under the same sky, but everyone has a different horizon ...

cool and wise aphorisms about life with meaning. Short sayings of great people who have found their place in society.

Meaning of life

Aphorisms about life with meaning short sentences famous people who left their mark on history:

  • It is a work to be finished with dignity (Tocqueville).
  • It is easy to achieve success, to know the meaning is the problem (Einstein).
  • Our journey is only a moment. Live now, then there will simply be no time (Chekhov).
  • Meaning can be found, but it cannot be created (Frankl).
  • A happy existence is harmony and unity (Seneca).
  • If at least once you really helped someone, then you did not live in vain (Shcherblyuk).
  • Meaning is the path to happiness (Dovgan).
  • We are all just people. But for parents we are the meaning of life, for friends - soul mates, for loved ones - the whole world (Roy).


Aphorisms about life with meaning, short and fidelity.

  • The need to love is the main need (France).
  • Only love can destroy death (Tolstoy).
  • Thank the thorns for having roses (Carr)
  • The birth of a person only makes sense when he helps others (De Beauvoir).
  • You need to love a person the way God created him (Tsvetaeva).
  • A road without love is an angel with one wing. He cannot rise high (Dumas).
  • All problems come from a lack of love (Carey).
  • Destroy love in your world, and everything will go to dust (Browning).
  • When you truly love, you reconcile with the whole world (Lazhechnikov).


Aphorisms about the meaning of life, expressed by the Holy Fathers.

  • The life you are living now is preparation for the next birth (St. Ambrose).
  • The earthly path leads to the Eternal (St. Barsanuphius).
  • The earthly path has been given to us so that by useful deeds and redemption we may be closer to Him (St. Ignatius).
  • Love is strong only in humility (St. Macarius).
  • Poor is he who desires much (St. John).
  • Only faith in the happiness of your neighbor will make you happy (Prot. Sergei).
  • Do good deeds, then the Devil will not be able to approach you, because you will always be busy (Blessed Jerome).

about life and the search for its meaning

  • If you just sit and think about the meaning without doing anything, you will not find the meaning (Murakami).
  • In the morning the meaning of my life is to sleep.
  • For the sake of a fun life, you should not lose its meaning (Juvenal).
  • Live in such a way that not only a monument is erected to you, but also pigeons fly around it.
  • Life has only one drawback - it ends.
  • This terrible disease. It is transmitted through love and always ends in death.
  • You should not look at the world more pessimistic than it looks at you.
  • You can not live one life twice, unfortunately, many cannot live one.
  • Our existence is like a queue for death, and yet some always try to get through without a queue.
  • Anything that is the best leads to obesity.
  • I planted everything, built and gave birth. Now I water, repair and feed.
  • The real meaning of life is hidden in a pregnant woman (Nemov).

Great deeds

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short clear thoughts about your favorite pastime, which determines the eternal search for many.

  • The one who really decided to change cannot be stopped (Hippocrates).
  • This is not the time that you lived, but what you did (Marquez).
  • The great road requires great sacrifices (Kogan).
  • If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence (Murakami).
  • There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it (Gregory).
  • The meaning is not in usefulness, but in being yourself (Coelho).
  • After us, only our deeds will remain, so do them so that these deeds are great (France).
  • You need to grow your own garden, and not steal from someone else's (Voltaire).
  • A great deed is not created without mistakes (Rozanov).
  • Think less, do more (Hunt).

Process or result?

Aphorisms about life with meaning are reflections on the topic: how to live in general?

  • The appearance often closes the soul of a person to those around him.
  • Our road is so short. She has only 4 stops: a child, a loser, a gray head and a dead man (Moran).
  • Take your time, because in the finale everyone is waiting for the grave (Martin).
  • Fear is in everyone, it makes us human. So the meaning is fear (Roy).
  • It’s not a pity that my path may end, it’s a pity if it never began (Newman).
  • A person notices the loss of money, but does not notice the loss of his days.
  • Only a mediocre person is able to submit to fate.
  • To live correctly is available to everyone, but to live forever - to no one (Seneca).
  • Everyone screams - we want to live, but why, no one says (Miller).


Aphorisms about life with meaning and family.

  • The mother is not looking for meaning, she has already given birth to it.
  • All joy lives in the laughter of a child.
  • The family is the ship. Before you go to the open sea, you will survive a small storm.
  • Life gives joy only when we give life to others (Maurois).
  • Children tend to be happy and joyful (Hugo).
  • It is the family that teaches the child to do good for life (Sukhomlinsky).
  • One hour of a child can be longer than a whole day for an old man (Schopenhauer).
  • Every child is a genius, every genius is a child. They both know no boundaries and make discoveries (Schopenhauer).
  • Without children, we have no reason to love this world (Dostoevsky).

Short aphorisms about life and its meaning open philosophical laws being. Spiritual problems exist in every person, we all solve them in our own way. For some, the meaning is to have fun and enjoy every moment, for others - to leave your mark on history. What are we living for? For children, for the accumulation of wealth or for bringing a bit of goodness and light into the existence of the world? Everyone decides for himself.

People have been thinking about the meaning of existence since the creation of the world. The best philosophers, great authors, fathers of all religions are trying to find an answer to eternal question. and paradise? You can definitely answer, only at the end of your path. But then it will be too late to live life again.

There are many hypotheses. Let everyone choose the one that is closer to his soul and lifestyle.