Biographies Characteristics Analysis

English lesson “Various shops and purchases.

Outline of the open
English lesson

School: No. 12
Class: 6b
Date: 03/16/2009
Topic: "Shopping"

Teacher: Zverkova Daria Alekseevna
Head of the PCC: Ruleva Galina Anatolyevna

Date: 03/16/2009

Topic: “Shopping”.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: choral, individual and group work.

Lesson objectives:
Educational:1) control of grammatical skills, consolidation lexical material on the topic, the formation of logical skills.

Developmental: development of students’ communication abilities, activity.

Educational: instilling interest in the topic being studied, fostering respect for each other, initiative and creativity in students.

Lesson objectives: 1) control of grammatical skills (quantitative pronouns); 2) practicing vocabulary on the topic; 3) activation speech activity students; 4) development of students’ logical skills.

Lesson equipment: pictures of products, ready-made projects, cards for checking grammatical skills, didactic material.

Technologies: gaming, collaboration technologies.

During the classes

Stage I. Organizing time. (Time 4 min)
Purpose: Introduction to the language environment.

Teacher: Hello, children.
Children: Hello, teacher.
T: I’m glad to see you.
Ch: We are glad to see you too.
T: Sit down please. How are you?
P: I’m fine, thanks.
T: And how are you?
P1: I'm O.K.
T: How are you?
P2: I'm O.K. Thank you.
T: And how are you?
P3: I’m fine, and you?
Teacher: I’m fine, thanks.
Phonetic exercise.
Goal: actualization of articulatory activity.

Teacher: Now we must train out tongues. Repeat after me: [µ] – shop, shopping, shopkeeper; [i] – little, milk, fish, chips; [
·] – money, customer;

– jar, carton, supermarket.
Look at the blackboard it is a poem:
A poem
I like ice-cream,
She likes sweets.
I like cookies
He doesn't like cheese.
I like coffee
She likes tea.
I love you

Do you love me?

II. The stage of updating knowledge and preparing students for conscious mastery of the material. (Time: 3 min.)

Introduction to the learning situation:

T: Today boys and girls we are going to repeat the theme Shopping’ and we will create our own supermarket.

T: Now tell me please, what you associate with the word shopping.

[Download the file to see the picture] III. Skills and abilities training stage writing

T: Every supermarket sells food. Here I have many products in my bag that we will have in the supermarket. What are they? Take, read and translate.

P1: a bar of chocolate - chocolate bar
P2: a packet of tea – box of tea
P3: a jar of coffee - a jar of coffee
P4: a carton of juice
P5: a packet of nuts - packaging of nuts
P6: a loaf of bread - a loaf of bread
P7: a box of sweets - box of chocolates
P8: milk - milk

T: Every supermarket has many shops or departments. What are they?

P1: the grocer's
P2: the baker's
P3: the greengrocer's
P4: the dairy
P5; the butcher's
e fishmonger's

T: Now children, let’s play a game “Shops and products.”
Game objectives:

3) training and development of students’ communication skills.

We need 2 teams. You are the 1st team and you are the 2d team. The task is put products according to the shop where you can buy them. The 1st team has scores and the 2d team has scores. Good.

T: When you buy food, you know how much of them you want to buy. In the shop you say: a lot, a little, little. Tell me please, what the English variants are. When do we use them? Now make up one sentence with your card and quantifiers. Thank you.

T: Now children, take these cards. Look and write the right word. Take your pens and start working. I'll give you 4 min.

T: Give me your cards. Time is up!

IV. Stage of improving speech skills. (Time 10 - 15min.)

T: Now you will listen to my riddles and try to guess the answer. Work in your teams, please. What is it?

Waiter, waiter, help me sooner, what is made of sugar?
Waiter, waiter, help me please, what is made of meat?
Waiter, waiter, come back, what is made of eggs?
Waiter, waiter, take this flower, what is made of flour?
Waiter, waiter, take this piece of silk, what is made of milk?
Waiter, waiter, tell me please, where can I eat?

T: Every supermarket has a café and its menu. Here we have our café and our menu. Look, please. Now we will have a game “What is missing? » Work in teams.
Game objectives:
2) repetition of lexical material;

What do we need for?

Cabbage soup: potatoes, carrots, onion, salt, meat, pepper, water, ?
Russian salad: beetroot, carrot, cucumber, onions, pees, salt, oil, ?
Pelmeny: flour, salt, eggs, water, pepper, ?
Pancakes: flower, eggs, salt, milk, sour cream, ?

T: And then we have drinks. What are they? Now we will play another game “At the café”
Game objectives:
1) development of students’ logical skills;
2) repetition of lexical material;
3) training and development of students’ speech skills.

T: We have 4 guests in our café: Jenny, Tim, Kate and Dan. Read the sentences and tell me what each person has to drink. What team will be the first?

Jenny and Tim have the same drink.
Only Kate has a hot drink.
Dan has the least expensive drink.
Jenny's drink cost 25p more than Kate's drink.

V. Summing up the lesson. (3 min)
T: Do you like this interesting lesson?
P: Yes!
T: All of you worked well. Team 1 has scores and tem 2 has scores. I’ll put your marks for cards at the next lesson. See you tomorrow, good bye.

Attached files

Lesson 15. Various shops and shopping.

Goals of the teacher: improving reading skills and question-answering work on the text; activation of lexical and auditing skills;development of spelling skills; memory and thinking;fostering a conscious attitude towards learning activities.

Lesson type: combined

Planned results (subject): A: listen and understand text based on familiar language material;G: make assumptions using a sample;H: read aloud, using basic reading rules, understand the meaning of words;P: make questions with linking verbstobe

Universal educational activities (meta-subject):

Personal: orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships; social motivation of educational activities.

Regulatory: highlight and formulate what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; adequately perceive the teacher’s suggestions for correcting mistakes; compare the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; apply established rules in planning a solution;

foresee opportunities to obtain a specific result when solving problems.

Cognitive: use models to solve problems;consciously and voluntarily construct statements in written and oral form;search and selection of necessary information from the text; semantic reading;transmission of information orally;recognize, name and identify objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of the educational process.

Communicative: be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems;ask questions necessary to organize cooperation with a partner;listen to your interlocutor; construct statements that are understandable to your partner.

Educational Resources: MM;audio recording for lesson 15;MM; pictures on the topics “Products” and “Shop”; spelling tasknacards according to the number of children.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

- Goodmorning, children! I'm glad to see you today.

How are you?( We are fine, thanks. Andhowareyou?)

Let's greet each other and sing them a song about friendship. GroupJob. Song“The more we are together”

Who is absent today?(All pupils are present.)

Today we shall go to the shop.

The teacher welcomes the children and tells them the purpose of the lesson.

2. Phonetic exercise. Activation of listening skills.

Children, let's remember some English sounds.

The teacher shows the children transcription icons. Students name the sounds. The teacher asks the children to remember words with these sounds. If the task causes difficulties, the teacher himself names the words in Russian and asks the children to translate them into English,[ fjcoffee, fish, fly [ n] orange, sandwich, corn [ p] soup, potato, porridge[z:] -girl, bird, her [ i] fish, porridge, milk [ m] some, ham, dance - alotof, apple, girl

Thank youyou, children.

3.Speech warm-up

It's time to play and find out what you like to eat and to drink.What products do you know? (repeat the products on the board).

A game "Whatismissing

Let's play an interesting game. It is called "What is missing?". You can see some pictures on the blackboard. How many pictures can you see?What can you see on the pictures?(Bread, oranges, butter, ice cream, sweets, milk, juice.)Try to remember the food. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. Whatismissing? Youareright. Itismilk. NaSeven pictures are hung on the board, and students name the products depicted on them. Then students close their eyes and the teacher removes one of the pictures. Children open their eyes and name the missing food product. The teacher can modify the game and ask students to remember not only the products, but also their sequence. In this case, the teacher does not remove the picture, but swaps the images.

4 . Consolidation lexical skills .

Iwillcallanimals and food, which these animals like.I will name the animals and the food that these animals love. Will you agree or not?. ( Studentsshowsignalingcards).

A bear likes honey.

A rabbit likes carrot.

- A cat likes fish.

A dog likes some milk.

- Acocklikescorn.

5.Individual work using cards. (find the mistake).

1.A bear likes corn.

2. Rabbit likesbutter.

3. A cat likessweets.

4. A dog likesjuice.

5. A cock likes porridge.

5. Physical education minute .

T- Are you tired? It is time to have a rest and do exercise. Standup, please. (Children do physical exercises onvideo song Ifyouarehappy”.

6. Presentation of new material. Activation of monologue speech skills.

Look at the board, please. Here you can see different shops.Name them. (Children cannot name stores)

- The Green Shop

The White Shop

The Sweet Shop

The School Shop (control.1 page.27)( video)

- Tell me, please, what can you buy in these shops?Tell me what you can buy in these stores? To answer my question you can use the phrase:IthinkIcanbuy...(I think I can buy...)Whobegins? (Students will raise their hands and say that they can buy in these stores)

IthinkIcanbuybananas in the Green Shop.

IthinkIcanbuy ice-cream in the White Shop.

IthinkIcanbuy a cake in the Sweet Shop.

7 . Improving reading skills.

It’s time to read the story about Mr Greenwood’s pet. Readthetextandsayifthebirdcanread.(Studentsreadtextfromexercise 6 page 28)..(Then answer the questions asked by the teacher).

- JobVgroups.

The bird’s name is….

Rocky eats corn...

Mr. Greenwood teaches his bird to…

8 . Reflection

Teacher. Thanks for the work.Thank you for your work!Let's remember together what the purpose of the lesson was today. How did we achieve this goal? By what steps did we achieve it? Why will we need the new knowledge you acquired today?

The lesson is over. Good-bye, boys! Good- bye, girls!

Homework : RT 15; prepare for control work.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 33"


English lesson on this topic " Shopping"

in 6th grade


foreign language teacher

Lepekhina Tatyana Mikhailovna



Communication goal lesson: Improving speech skills, updating the studied material on the topic. Lesson objectives: Practical: 1) semantization of vocabulary; 2) improving phonetic skills; 3) development of dialogical speech skills; 4) training listening skills. Cognitive: Expanding your lexical horizons.

Developmental: Development phonemic hearing, voluntary attention, visual perception.

Educational: nurturing culture and politeness, interest in the subject being studied. Lesson type: combined, lesson to consolidate knowledge. Lesson format: standard Equipment: signs with store names, pictures, tape recorder

During the classes

I) Organizing time. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine. How are you, children?T-P1, P2, P3

What is the date today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent from a lesson? Why is he (she) absent? What's the weather like today? What's the temperature today? Are you ready for a lesson?

II) Speech exercises. Introduction to the language environment. Setting lesson objectivesOur theme is “Do you like to go shopping?”What are we going to speak about? ( Children answer). Yes, quite right. We are going to speak shops and shopping.Do you often go to the shop?What kind of shops do you know? ( Children answer questions). We’ll repeat our words, we’ll make up the dialogues and we’ll go shopping.III) Phonetic exercise. Let's begin with our song.The song “Hipp” is playing e ty Hop” (students listen without visual support and sing): IV) Semantization of vocabulary. A)Well, and now tell me please, what kind of shops do you know. Children name the types of stores, I post pictures and names (with transcription possible) on the board. Great!B) Look please! I have some words, but I don’t understand the spelling of these words. Help me please! Read! Letters are given on the cards, children make words and phrases from the letters and pronounce them. Cards can be like this:A s g e r c o r

WITH ) Listening. Listen to the dialogues about Mrs Brown and say what shops did she go? They listen to dialogues recorded on tape and name the stores.( P. 127) D) Answer my questions! Do you often go to the shop? What shops do you visit more often? As for me, I go to the green grocery’s more often. And you?( I interview several students). Do you often go to the baker’s? Howoften do you go to the butcher’s? What can we buy here? How often do you go to the greengrocery’s? What can we buy at the greengrocery’s? Etc. E) Open please your books at p. 129, ex. 5. ( recite the words from the textbook) F) And now take a picture and say where and what can you bay. Attached to the board are pictures depicting various types stores and their names. Children take pictures of products and attach them to the corresponding store.


Sample suggestions:I can bay a carton of juice at the greengrocery’s.Great ! Quite right. V) Development of dialogical speech skills. Let’s go shopping. Make up the dialogues. I give you 2 Minutes. Children in pairs make up dialogues and present them at the board using visual material.VI) The final stage. Summarizing. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Have a nice day. Goodbye!

List of used literature

1. Kuzovlev V. P., Lapa N. M. et al. English language. Textbook for 6th grade. M.: Education, 2007

2. Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M. English language. Teacher's book for the textbook for 6th grade.M.: Education, 2007

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
The theme:“Disaster” The motto of the lesson:We love the earth as a new born baby coves his mother’s heartbeat (old Indian quotation) What is “Disaster” ? NEW WORDS A volcano is a mountain with a hole called a crater on the top. Sometimes lava and gases are released from the crater. An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground. A flood is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land. A hurricane is a very violent wind or storm. 1. In what year was flooding in West Kazakhstan region? 2. What areas were flooded? 3. What were the consequences of flooding? They printed all the books on time. _____________________________________ 5. They closed the main railway station yesterday. _____________________________________ 6. Someone stole all my money. _______________________________________ THE LESSON IS OVER!GOOD BYE!

Attached files

    III.Main Part.

    1) Description of the picture

    (Ex. 1a p. 106.)

    Exercise for the eyes.

    T: Our eyes want some rest.

    Now let's do exercises.

    Look left, right

    Look up, look down

    Look at your nose

    Open, wink and smile.

    Your eyes are happy again.

    3) Reading.

    T: Close your books, please. We will listen to the text (Ex. 2 p. 107).

    T: Let's do Ex. 2(a) p. 106.

    4) Grammar.

    a) use of articles a/an/the.

    to be

    c) exercise 3v p.107.


    A: Can I help you at all?

    B: Thank you very much.

    A: You're welcome.

    V.Bottom line lesson.

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"Lesson summary on the topic "shopping, shopping""

English lesson for 5th grade

Lesson topic: “SHOPPING”.

(“Shops, shopping”)

Teacher: Mukhametzyanova G.I.


Development of lexical skills on the topic “Shopping, shopping”;

Student practice in oral speech;

Development of grammatical skills (use of articles a/an and the, verb to be in the past tense);

Expanding the general horizons of students (familiarity with dialogue in a store);

Extension vocabulary;

Generating interest in further study of the topic;

Lesson equipment: presentation, audio application.

During the classes

I. Greetings.

T: Hello, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you today. How are you? How is your mood? What date is it today, I wonder? What day of the week is it? And do you remember what season it is now? What do you usually wear in this season? What's the weather like today? What are you wearing?

Today we’ll have a really interesting lesson “Going shopping”. We’ll listen, read and talk about shops and products, learn to offer help and ask for information, play some games in groups and alone.

II. Preparing students to perceive foreign language speech.

1. Phonetic warm-up. Repetition of learned words on the topic “Shopping, shopping.”

T: I have some flashcards. The task is to read the words correctly.

T: Now look at the screen. You can see some products. So the task is to say where people can buy them

2. Speech warm-up.

T: Now answer my questions, please.

    Do you often go shopping? Do you like it?

    What shops do you prefer to go to?

    What do you usually buy there?

    Are you tired after the shopping?


1) Description of the picture

T: Let us describe the picture on page 10.

T. What type of shop is Diana’s?

S. It’s a jeweller’s. Where's the shoe shop? It’s next to the florist’s.

Suggested answer: Benny's is a shoe shop. The shoe shop is between Laura’s and Karen’s on the first floor.

Karen's is a clothes shop. The clothes shop is next to Benny’s on the first floor.

Brown's is a bookshop. The bookshop is next to Karen’s on the first floor.

Top Hits is a record shop. The record shop is next to Lloyd's on the ground floor.

Lloyd's is a chemist's. The chemist’s is between Top Hits and Diana’s on the ground floor.

Diana's is a jeweller's. The jeweler’s is between Lloyd’s and Burger land on the ground floor.

Burgerland is a fast food restaurant. The fast food restaurant is between Diana’s and Toy land on the ground floor.

Toyland is a toy shop. The toy shop is between Burgerland and Ann’s on the ground floor.

Ann's is a newsagent's. The newsagent’s is next to Toyland on the ground floor.

2) Consolidation active vocabulary in speech (Ex. 1a p. 106.)

T: Children imagine that you are in the mall. Act out short dialogues. Use the model in your textbooks.

Physical education minute For eye.

T: Our eyes want some rest.

Now let's do exercises.

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look at your nose

Open, wink and smile.

Your eyes are happy again.

3) Reading .

T: Close your books, please. We will listen to the text (Ex. 2 p.107).

T: Now open your books and let’s read the text. Ex. 2 p.m. 107. Let's read it one by one. If there are any words you don’t know, please ask.

T: Let's do Ex. 2(a) p. 106.

4) Grammar .

a) use of articles a/an/the.

T: Read the grammar reference, p. 106. Say when we use a/an and the.

b) exercise 3a page 107 use of the verb tobe in the past tense (slides 16-18).

c) exercise 3v p.107.

d) consolidation of grammatical material exercise 4. page 107.

IV. Development of skills to conduct etiquette dialogue in the store.

T: Now we’ll learn to offer help and ask for information. Imagine you're at the mall. Now look at the screen. Use the model and act out short dialogues. Work in pairs (slide 19).

A: Can I help you at all?

B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a toy train.

A: They are on the fourth floor.

B: Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome.

V.Bottom linelesson.

T: Our lesson is ending. Let's make a conclusion. We have learned new worlds on new topic. We have acted out dialogues. Now we know how to use the verb to be in Past Simple and we can use it in our speech.

T: Thanks a lot. I'm proud of you. A perfect job! Now write down your homework: SB ex 6 p.m. 107. You can put your things away and go. Goodbye! Have a good day!