Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Vasilyev's condescension volume 2 full version. in which everyone screams, but for different reasons

Life is like a river. Either it flows slowly and smoothly, then suddenly it turns into a stormy stream, which, just behold, will overwhelm you. This is approximately how events unfold in the life of journalist Khariton Nikiforov, known in the game “Fireroll” under the name of Hagen from Tronier. Everything seemed to be calm - and for you. A big battle, the repose of the spirit of a great sorcerer of the past, a visit to the valley of the trolls - you can’t list everything. And if you also take into account the fact that in real life he is tossed around like a chip in a whirlpool, then a very sad picture emerges. But that's life. Whoever gives up loses. He who fights will survive.

The work was published in 2017 by the publishing house AUTHOR. The book is part of the Fireroll series. On our website you can download the book "Fireroll. Condescension. Volume 2" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 2 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Vasiliev Andrey A.

Feather shark in the world of Fireroll-11 Condescension. Volume 2

Feather shark in the world of Fireroll-11


Volume two

Fatigue stretched its hands to my throat,

A saber is thrown into the corner of the room;

There, at the bottom, there is patience left

Too little is the penultimate straw,

Chancellor Guy (M. Kotovskaya)

Chapter first

in which everyone screams, but for different reasons

Why are everyone's faces so sour? - came from the heavens, hanging like gray clouds over the castle of Lossornach - Are you going to the funeral? It will be fun!

It would be good if it was the voice of God, or some heavenly exalted entity gave us a sign that could be sewn to the section “Blessed Signs” and turned in our favor.

Go away, annoying creature - the gnome Maniyax advised the fairy circling above the yard - People are going to do a serious business, to maim their neighbors for a just cause.

But what kind of McPratts are our neighbors? - red-haired Lennox, who was sitting on the steps of the stairs, almost choked on the smoked brisket, which he ate with excellent appetite - You've gone crazy, dwarf!

Maniyax did not have time to answer the gluttonous Gelt, because at that moment our contender for the throne came out of the castle, and we all had no time for discussions. It's time to head to the Karbi Valley.

I won’t hide it - I personally was excited. There are a lot of things hanging on this battle: both quests and plans. And how much work I put into it, how much I ran around, negotiating with different people, not only here, in the game, but also there, in real life.

Kostya assured me at the skating rink yesterday that everything was valid, that my request had been satisfied, implemented and even tested, but still some doubts remained. How are we doing? They wrote it on paper, but forgot about the ravines, and, by the way, walked along them.

In general, yesterday was good. Azov and Erema stepped aside, talked about something, and disappeared into the light shroud of snow surrounding the skating rink. None of them even said “yet” to me. But, to be honest, I’m not mad at them for this, it’s not a big sadness.

But Vatutin stayed and vigilantly watched as we cut the ice with horse-drawn horses, riding like a train and a snake.

What a "snake"! Shelestova managed to find the place where music was played at the skating rink and somehow persuade the person who was doing it to stage “Letka-enka,” and that’s where the real fun began.

The majority of the younger generation of skate lovers had not heard this composition before, but they quickly figured out what was what. Those visitors to the skating rink, who were older, were incredibly happy, and therefore the chain of people cheerfully waving their legs and arms turned out to be much larger.

Then I ignored Azov’s request not to linger, ignored Vatutin’s gloomy glances, and the whole group of us climbed into the “Annushka” - a tram that runs along a textbook route, known to any Muscovite. The thing is that it has long been no longer a regular tram, but a restaurant on rails, so we had a lot of fun there. Moreover, Tasha, who was undoubtedly excited by the sight of Yerema appearing at the skating rink, killed half of the pig that we ordered as the main course.

It turned out to be a great day, even Vika was pleased with it.

Still, it’s a great thing to have a good day in the right company; after such a day, a bright aftertaste remains on your soul for a long time.

And now - there is a battle ahead, there is a mess in the castle courtyard, it is completely unclear what will happen to all my work over a very long period - but I am in a good mood.

She’s right,” I said loudly, climbing a couple of steps up to Lossarnach. “Why are you all so tense?” We are not going to a funeral, but to a battle! And when we win, our friend will become the king of this land. And at the same time he will remain our friend!

My fellow clans, those of the players, looked at each other, smiled and began to wink at each other meaningfully, as if saying: “Yes, yes, yes,” approximately the way we pronounce it, assuring the saleswoman in the tent that tomorrow she will certainly get a ruble we'll bring it in.

The best people of the Borderland are with us! - I yelled, pushing my throat - Well, yes, they are in kilts, but what fighters! With us are the "Wild Hearts", a clan that managed to rise after its fortress was destroyed! Do you know many such clans? Here I am just them! These are men of steel! Glen and the “Sons of Taranis” are with us, our faithful allies!

We'll tear everyone apart! - Tren-Tren squealed and somersaulted in the air.

You should at least wear trousers for such somersaults, you such an asshole - Krolina told her indignantly - What kind of striptease is this for the poor?

Open the portals - I commanded, blocking the friendly laughter - Time!

Well, you went crazy - Lossarnach told me a little reproachfully - I understand - emotions, this, that - but still. And why didn’t you like our kilts?

Well, yes, I went too far here. The thing is that in honor of the battle, my crowned friend, who usually preferred the clothes he was used to while serving in the Free Detachments, dressed up in a national costume. He was wearing a kilt, a linen shirt, a plaid thrown over his shoulder, and on his chest dangled a huge gold plaque with the symbols of the MacMagnus family - a running doe with some kind of wild animal on the back of the neck, which was undoubtedly about to break her neck. Apparently, it was meant that the McMagnuses would catch up with anyone and break his neck if they wanted.

By the way, I also had such a badge; it was found in my bag after I became the owner of my own clan and, apparently, came with it. She represented a reddish sun in dots. I don’t know why this happened - whether it meant that the sun was covered in freckles, or that there were spots on it too - I have no idea. Or maybe the master just cheated. A funny symbol, strange but cute, a kind of Gaelic underground. This badge did not give any bonuses, being a thing in itself, and therefore it went to my chest in the hotel and was forgotten there forever.

You should at least put on chain mail - I advised the king - I understand everything, but like this, in just a shirt... A stray arrow, a vile spy. Do you need it?

This is the final battle - Lossarnach said without pathos, looking at my and his warriors, walking together into the bluish circles of the portals - Either we are them, or they are us. If they us, then I will still stay there.

It’s illogical, but okay - I admitted - Only in chain mail you’ll take more enemies with you.

What kind of people are you, Linds-Lochens? - Lossarnach sighed - At first your sister hammered this into my head for an hour, now you’re talking about the same thing! My ancestors went into battle this way, and I respect family values.

Vasiliev Andrey A.

Feather shark in the world of Fireroll-11 Condescension. Volume 2

Feather shark in the world of Fireroll-11


Volume two

Fatigue stretched its hands to my throat,

A saber is thrown into the corner of the room;

There, at the bottom, there is patience left

Too little is the penultimate straw,

Chancellor Guy (M. Kotovskaya)

Chapter first

in which everyone screams, but for different reasons

Why are everyone's faces so sour? - came from the heavens, hanging like gray clouds over the castle of Lossornach - Are you going to the funeral? It will be fun!

It would be good if it was the voice of God, or some heavenly exalted entity gave us a sign that could be sewn to the section “Blessed Signs” and turned in our favor.

Go away, annoying creature - the gnome Maniyax advised the fairy circling above the yard - People are going to do a serious business, to maim their neighbors for a just cause.

But what kind of McPratts are our neighbors? - red-haired Lennox, who was sitting on the steps of the stairs, almost choked on the smoked brisket, which he ate with excellent appetite - You've gone crazy, dwarf!

Maniyax did not have time to answer the gluttonous Gelt, because at that moment our contender for the throne came out of the castle, and we all had no time for discussions. It's time to head to the Karbi Valley.

I won’t hide it - I personally was excited. There are a lot of things hanging on this battle: both quests and plans. And how much work I put into it, how much I ran around, negotiating with different people, not only here, in the game, but also there, in real life.

Kostya assured me at the skating rink yesterday that everything was valid, that my request had been satisfied, implemented and even tested, but still some doubts remained. How are we doing? They wrote it on paper, but forgot about the ravines, and, by the way, walked along them.

In general, yesterday was good. Azov and Erema stepped aside, talked about something, and disappeared into the light shroud of snow surrounding the skating rink. None of them even said “yet” to me. But, to be honest, I’m not mad at them for this, it’s not a big sadness.

But Vatutin stayed and vigilantly watched as we cut the ice with horse-drawn horses, riding like a train and a snake.

What a "snake"! Shelestova managed to find the place where music was played at the skating rink and somehow persuade the person who was doing it to stage “Letka-enka,” and that’s where the real fun began.

The majority of the younger generation of skate lovers had not heard this composition before, but they quickly figured out what was what. Those visitors to the skating rink, who were older, were incredibly happy, and therefore the chain of people cheerfully waving their legs and arms turned out to be much larger.

Then I ignored Azov’s request not to linger, ignored Vatutin’s gloomy glances, and the whole group of us climbed into the “Annushka” - a tram that runs along a textbook route, known to any Muscovite. The thing is that it has long been no longer a regular tram, but a restaurant on rails, so we had a lot of fun there. Moreover, Tasha, who was undoubtedly excited by the sight of Yerema appearing at the skating rink, killed half of the pig that we ordered as the main course.

It turned out to be a great day, even Vika was pleased with it.

Still, it’s a great thing to have a good day in the right company; after such a day, a bright aftertaste remains on your soul for a long time.

And now - there is a battle ahead, there is a mess in the castle courtyard, it is completely unclear what will happen to all my work over a very long period - but I am in a good mood.

She’s right,” I said loudly, climbing a couple of steps up to Lossarnach. “Why are you all so tense?” We are not going to a funeral, but to a battle! And when we win, our friend will become the king of this land. And at the same time he will remain our friend!

My fellow clans, those of the players, looked at each other, smiled and began to wink at each other meaningfully, as if saying: “Yes, yes, yes,” approximately the way we pronounce it, assuring the saleswoman in the tent that tomorrow she will certainly get a ruble we'll bring it in.

The best people of the Borderland are with us! - I yelled, pushing my throat - Well, yes, they are in kilts, but what fighters! With us are the "Wild Hearts", a clan that managed to rise after its fortress was destroyed! Do you know many such clans? Here I am just them! These are men of steel! Glen and the “Sons of Taranis” are with us, our faithful allies!

We'll tear everyone apart! - Tren-Tren squealed and somersaulted in the air.

You should at least wear trousers for such somersaults, you such an asshole - Krolina told her indignantly - What kind of striptease is this for the poor?

Open the portals - I commanded, blocking the friendly laughter - Time!

Well, you went crazy - Lossarnach told me a little reproachfully - I understand - emotions, this, that - but still. And why didn’t you like our kilts?

Well, yes, I went too far here. The thing is that in honor of the battle, my crowned friend, who usually preferred the clothes he was used to while serving in the Free Detachments, dressed up in a national costume. He was wearing a kilt, a linen shirt, a plaid thrown over his shoulder, and on his chest dangled a huge gold plaque with the symbols of the MacMagnus family - a running doe with some kind of wild animal on the back of the neck, which was undoubtedly about to break her neck. Apparently, it was meant that the McMagnuses would catch up with anyone and break his neck if they wanted.

By the way, I also had such a badge; it was found in my bag after I became the owner of my own clan and, apparently, came with it. She represented a reddish sun in dots. I don’t know why this happened - whether it meant that the sun was covered in freckles, or that there were spots on it too - I have no idea. Or maybe the master just cheated. A funny symbol, strange but cute, a kind of Gaelic underground. This badge did not give any bonuses, being a thing in itself, and therefore it went to my chest in the hotel and was forgotten there forever.

You should at least put on chain mail - I advised the king - I understand everything, but like this, in just a shirt... A stray arrow, a vile spy. Do you need it?

This is the final battle - Lossarnach said without pathos, looking at my and his warriors, walking together into the bluish circles of the portals - Either we are them, or they are us. If they us, then I will still stay there.

It’s illogical, but okay - I admitted - Only in chain mail you’ll take more enemies with you.

What kind of people are you, Linds-Lochens? - Lossarnach sighed - At first your sister hammered this into my head for an hour, now you’re talking about the same thing! My ancestors went into battle this way, and I respect family values.

Whatever you say - I didn’t even argue, realizing that you couldn’t convince my friend - You’re a grown-up boy. If they kill you because of your stupidity, it will be your own fault.

“You’re a brute, Hagen,” Lossarnach said wearily, “You’re telling me that I’m a king, by the way.”

And what? - I didn’t understand.

Who talks to monarchs like that? - he explained - Eh? Even with future ones?

“Fuck off,” I advised him, “The Monarch of the damn thing.” If you don’t like it, then after the coronation you can execute me.

Abigail won’t let you,” the king laughed. “She scolds you to your face, and then convinces me that although you are a rare bastard, I can’t find a more devoted person than you.”

He cares about the honor of the clan - I suggested - And about its further existence. By the way, where is she, why didn’t she come out to see us off?

Tradition - Lossarnach straightened the belt of the sword hanging behind his back - The Queen does not accompany her husband to the battle, she sits in her chambers and waits for news from the battlefield. If there is a victory, then she goes with the women to prepare a festive feast; if there is a defeat and her husband is killed, then she commits suicide.

What a horror. Wild people.

I forbade her to do this in the event that they killed me - Lossarnach told me in an even voice - I even asked Ranien to assign people to her so that she would not do anything to herself. Well, for safety too.

Ranien, therefore. But I didn’t know anything about it.

I remembered the leader of a special detachment of inquisitors, an intelligent, strong and cunning man. I must admit that Lossarnach made the right choice, but the very fact that he became so close to him did not please me.

He wanted to go with us to the battlefield - the king continued - But I asked him to stay here so that in case of defeat he would take the queen out of the castle. She, you see... Eeeee... We are waiting for an heir. Or an heiress.

Oh, how - I held my hanging jaw with my hand.

The child will not be a bastard, don’t worry - the king hastily told me - Yesterday we were legally married. Secretly, so don't be offended that you weren't invited. There was no one there at all except us for a year. Once we win, we’ll arrange such a celebration. I will pay you the ransom - everything, as tradition dictates.