Biographies Characteristics Analysis

3 problems of formation of the status of modern students. Eternal problems of students

Chapter 1. Methodological problems of studying the social status of students

1.1. The social status of students in the paradigm of structural-functional analysis

1.2. Students in the context of social reproduction of society

Chapter 2. Transformation of student positions in modern Russian society

2.1. Objective determinants of the dynamics of the social position of students

2.2. Modern students: social positions and roles

Chapter 3. The social status of modern students: a subjective dimension

3.1. Student Value Orientations: A Dynamic Aspect

3.2. Professional attitudes of students 98 Conclusion 108 Bibliographic list of used literature 110 Appendix 1 124 Appendix

Dissertation Introduction 2001, abstract on sociology, Taranova, Larisa Vasilievna

Relevance of the research topic. The current period of social development in Russia is characterized by social instability, polarization and clash of various socio-political forces, an increase in the level of conflict in public relations, and an increase in the degree of social risk. That is why the problem of finding mechanisms for achieving social harmony and maintaining social order comes to the fore with a particularly urgent need.

The effectiveness of reforms in Russian society largely depends on how adequately the specifics of the social status of various groups of the population, and, above all, the younger generation, are taken into account. This actualizes the study of changes in the social position of those social groups in the social hierarchy that are traditionally considered to be the bearers of advanced ideas.

At present, the interest of sociological knowledge in youth issues is acquiring a special character, since the younger generation turned out to be included in complex multidirectional movements within the social structure of society. These vectors of horizontal and vertical mobility are largely determined by the restructuring of society, depending on changes in the forms of ownership, the nature of power, and market transformations in the economy that have changed the prestige of professions. The integration of young people into the social structure is carried out by various social institutions at different levels (while forming an integral mechanism): a) legal, through inclusion in the system of legal relations accepted in society; b) economic, through inclusion in labor relations and the distribution system; c) educational, preparing for civil roles and production activities; d) spiritual, due to the formation of a socially approved ideal and value orientations.

The transition to market relations in the country led to the deformation of this mechanism as a whole and the reorganization of each of the identified elements. This had a particularly painful effect on the position of the youth group aged 17-22. It is during this period that the professional formation of young people and, at the same time, their release from the care of the family takes place. In the same period, the integration of the young generation into the "adult" society, that is, its inclusion in the socio-professional structure, is also carried out. For many decades in Russian society (the former USSR) this process was strictly controlled and patronized by the system of state institutions (distribution of labor resources, competitive selection to educational institutions of various profiles and levels, planned distribution of young specialists). This kind of control was perceived as an "intermediate" stage between guardianship by the family and complete independence.

At present, there is a rejection of the principles of state patronage of the sphere of integration of young people into the socio-professional structure of society and an emphasis on the active self-determination of a young person, his independent choice of a profession and the investment of material resources in acquiring a profession. In other words, this process has ceased to be strictly controlled by state structures. For the individual, this is of direct importance: the effectiveness of his choice of the future professional application of forces is not guaranteed by anyone. The success of this choice is determined by the individual himself long before entering the labor market: his motivation for choosing a university, abilities, quality of professional training, cognitive activity, etc.

However, the effectiveness of such individual choices has the opposite effect on the state of society itself. In modern conditions, characterized by the transition to complex technologies that require long-term special training, the success of the professionalization of young people is a necessary condition for the dynamic development of society.

The current situation of “scissors” (on the one hand, the importance of the professional development of young people for society, and on the other hand, the spontaneity of this process at the present time) is exacerbated by the transition of the economic system itself, in which the individual choice of professional development is most often determined not by the motivation for the maintenance of specific types of labor or social status, but conjuncture and the possibility of momentary attraction of financial and social resources for professional development.

Therefore, the study of the problems of the professional development of the youth of Russia in the conditions of the spontaneous development of this process is of relevance and practical significance. This is especially true for such a group of young people as students, who are specially prepared for complex intellectual types of labor that determine the dynamics of the economic development of society and its production potential.

Attention to the problems of students on the part of scientists can also be explained by the changing position of this group in society. The very social status of students is marginal, since the period of study at a university is only a preparation for a future profession. Therefore, being within the walls of a university is perceived by students as temporary, transitional and unsatisfactory from the point of view of their position in the social structure. This dissatisfaction with one's social position has always been inherent in students, but it was resolved by entering the status positions of those professions for which they were preparing. The current situation for a large part of the students prolongs the period of marginality for the next postgraduate years.

An urgent practical task of the bodies regulating the dynamics of social processes is to minimize the objective conditions for prolonging the period of marginality for students. Its solution, in turn, involves the study and comparison of various trajectories of social mobility of different groups within the student body.

Traditional approaches to the study of the social position of any group (or subgroup) involve fixing the dynamics of the quantitative parameters of this position in the most important social fields - economic (by the nature of property, income), domineering (by position in the management system, which determines privileges, power), social (prestige professions, education, etc.). With regard to the study of the mobility of various subgroups of students and this group as a whole, this approach has its limitations. They are connected with the fact that this group does not have its own positions either in the economic or in the political fields. And its socially prestigious positions are derived from the accumulated social capital of parental families.

This situation makes it relevant to study the social status of students in theoretical terms, since the indicator of its determination should be other, non-quantitative characteristics. This study is devoted to identifying them and analyzing the social positions of students.

The degree of development of the problem. The social problems of students are a traditional subject of research in Russian sociology. An objective analysis of youth problems and a real basis for the development of the sociology of youth and the sociology of education in the USSR were the studies of Bestuzhev-Lada I.V., Rubina L.Ya., Rutkevich M.N., Fillipov F.R., Shubkin V.N. and others. At present, the works of the leading research centers on youth problems - St. Petersburg, under the leadership of V.T. Lisovsky - are widely known. and Moscow, under the leadership of Chuprov V.I. Along with domestic scientists, an important contribution to the development of the sociology of youth was made by foreign sociologists: Rudolf Mayer (Germany); Anthony Giddens, Neil Smelser (USA) and others.

Titma M.Kh. paid great attention to the scientific development of youth problems. The main emphasis in his research was on the regional specifics of the life path of a generation, arising from the characteristics of culture and the unequal level of socio-economic development of the regions.

The personality of a student and the life of student youth were considered by Dmitriev A.V., Ikonnikova S.N., Kovaleva A.I., Lukov V.A., Efendiev A.G., Yadov V.A.

A significant event in the study of youth problems was the work of the Rostov scientists Kolesnikov Y. and Rubin B. "Student through the eyes of a sociologist" (1968), which examined the sociological problems of the reproduction of the labor force of higher qualification.

In the 90s, in the works of domestic sociologists (Abdulina O.A., Denisova G.S., Dudina O.M., Rakovskaya O.A., Rubina L.Ya., Yupitov A.V. and others), special attention is paid to the social organization of students and their professional avant-garde .

The works of Merenkov A.V., Pavlova V.V., Slutsky E.G. are devoted to the analysis of youth problems in the labor market. A wide range of problems, among them: the dialectics of the continuity of generations, the value orientations of modern students, deviant behavior of young people, the principles of social protection of young people, etc., affect the works of Bagdarsaryan N.G., Bondarenko O.V., Goryainova V.P. , Islamshina T.G., Kansuzyan JI.B., Lapina N.I., Marshak A.L., Nemtsova A.A. The position of young people in society, their well-being, the assignment of the young generation to the marginal layer, the social development of young people are traced in their works by Golenkova Z.T., Igitkhanyan E.D., Kazarinova I.V., Meshcherkina E.Yu., Popova I. .P., Rakovskaya O.A., Tchaikovsky Yu.V. The problem of social status, the social structure of modern society is analyzed in the works of Anurin V.F., Zubok Yu.A., Ionina L.G., Kovaleva T.V., Novichkov N.V., Radaeva V.V., Rutkevich M. N., Savvy M.V., Slepenkova I.M., Chuprova V.I., Shkaratana O.I., Efendieva A.G.

The social image of the students in the 90s in the transition period - regional features of students entering universities, determining the readiness of the current and next sets of students for the perception of new education programs - attracted the attention of Boyko L.I., Brezhnev B.C., Vishnevsky Yu.R., Dobruskin M.E., Ziyatdinova F.G., Kovaleva T.V., Kolesnikova Yu.S., Prokopenko C.V.

In recent years, a number of works have been published based on the coverage of extensive empirical material obtained by the Center for the Sociology of Youth of the ISPI RAS within the framework of the "Social Development of Youth" project. These include a textbook on the sociology of youth, a number of collective monographs on the situation of youth (including

1 See: Sociology of Youth: Textbook / Ed. V.T. Lisovsky. - St. Petersburg, 1996. -460 p. Denchesky) in modern Russia2.

At the same time, with all the variety of works devoted to student issues, the social status of students is rarely considered in a differentiated way. It seems to us that the uniqueness of the social positions of students requires their consideration from the point of view of the intersection of the analysis of the two spheres that form them - the symbolic capital of parents and the symbolic capital of those professions that students learn at the university. The different resource base of students in these two areas differentiates modern students into socio-culturally unequal groups. Therefore, indicators of the social status of students are the position of their parents and the differentiation of the sphere of vocational education according to the degree of prestige.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to analyze the influence of socio-cultural factors on the social positions of students as a social group, its internal differentiation and the determination of the social potential of students to fulfill the given social roles.

The implementation of the goal is achieved in the process of solving the following tasks:

Based on the theory of social stratification, highlight the specifics of the status positions of student youth;

Within the framework of the concept of social reproduction, highlight the functional role of students;

Analyze the factors that determine qualitative changes in the process of the formation of students as a social group and affect the performance of its functions in the system of social reproduction;

Depending on the professionalization and motivation of learning, to identify the vector of change in the value orientations of students;

To study the factors that determine the motivation for choosing educational institutions and the professional preferences of modern students in the world.

2 See, for example: Chuprov V.I., Zubok Yu.A. Youth in social reproduction: problems and prospects. - M., 2000. - 116 p. regional level.

The object of the research is students as a social group of the transforming Russian society.

The subject is the socio-cultural factors that determine the characteristics and social status of modern Russian students.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the principles of structural and functional analysis of the social structure of society, as well as the main provisions of the theory of socio-cultural interaction of P. Sorokin, supplementing the stratification theory of studying social positions with a study of the meanings, norms, values ​​that people interacting in society own.

During the disclosure of the topic, an interdisciplinary complex consideration of the problem was used, as well as a comparative historical approach to studying the place and role of students in Russian society.

The work is based on the works of domestic specialists in the field of youth and juvenile policy, and also contains data from sociological studies of VCIOM, St. Petersburg and Moscow research centers.

The following methods were used to collect and summarize the factual base: a questionnaire survey and a formalized interview, participant observation, analysis of statistical data, secondary processing and interpretation of sociological information.

The empirical basis of the put forward theoretical positions was the data of statistics, sociological research, characterizing the social image of the students of the city, region and Russia (statistical data of Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, St. data of the State Statistics Committee); results of empirical sociological research conducted in the universities of the Rostov region with the participation of the author in 1997-2000.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the proposed approach to studying the status positions of students not so much in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, socio-cultural characteristics. The increment of scientific knowledge consists in the following elements:

The objective prerequisites for the status heterogeneity of the student youth group are revealed, the number of which increases with the professional socialization of students;

The specificity of the social status of students is highlighted, which is associated not with its place in the system of actual social production, but with its role in social reproduction (ie, with its potential role);

The social function of students as a subject of an intensive type of social reproduction is substantiated;

The determining influence of the transformational processes of modern society on the qualitative characteristics of students as a social group, expressed through the concept of "social image";

The differentiation of students on the worldview (value) basis, on which the projective mobility of these groups depends and which makes it difficult to effectively use quantitative characteristics to determine the status positions of students as a whole, is analyzed;

The dynamics of the status positions of student youth is revealed depending on the type of professional socialization.

Provisions for defense:

1. The heterogeneity of modern students is determined by the inequality of the starting opportunities of the social groups from which student youth are recruited, and the inequality of the degree of prestige of the professions mastered in the labor market, and, consequently, the potential for social mobility inherent in certain professions.

2. Students occupy a specific social position, which is determined not by their place in the system of social division of labor or the degree of involvement in the management system, but by their role in the system of social reproduction, which requires different approaches to the analysis of the status of this group.

3. Based on the concept of social reproduction, it is possible to determine the social role of students in transforming societies (namely, modern Russia belongs to this type), which forms student youth as a carrier of innovative technologies that are the basis of an intensive type of social reproduction. The realization of this social role is possible under the condition of the growth of the spiritual potential of students, which is provided by universities in the process of professional training.

4. The transformational processes taking place in modern Russian society and reorganizing the labor market and the hierarchy of professions have significantly affected the social image of modern students. Its characteristic features are: the dynamic growth of the size of this group, its differentiation along economic and socio-cultural characteristics, which determine unequal trajectories and unequal potential for social mobility of various subcultural groups of student youth.

5. Active replication into the public consciousness of the Russian society of an orientation towards individualism, based not on labor, but on hedonistic ethics, led to the differentiation of students on a worldview basis into groups capable of fulfilling a given sociocultural role, and marginals, subsequently replenishing social groups that are not associated with originally chosen professional socialization.

6. The systemic crisis of Russian society, which significantly reduced the potential for territorial and social mobility, as well as the removal of the state from financial and social support for higher education, predetermined the downward social mobility of rural and working youth, for whom higher education has become difficult to access, as well as students who have chosen professionalization in the field of engineering and technical labor.

The practical significance of the study is as follows:

Scientific results will be useful in the development of management decisions aimed at improving the state policy towards youth, as well as in the field of educational process management;

The conclusions of the dissertation research are of interest for improving the methods of career guidance work among school graduates;

The analysis of the dynamics of the value orientations of students, made in the work, can be recommended as a basis for developing a package of measures aimed at optimizing the social and professional socialization of students in universities;

The dissertation materials can be used in the development of lectures on the general course of sociology and special courses on the sociology of youth and education.

Approbation of work. The main content of the dissertation research is presented in 10 publications, with a total volume of 3.07 pp.

The main conceptual ideas of the research were presented at 5 regional and interuniversity scientific-theoretical conferences, including the All-Russian interuniversity conferences “Russian University: Personality in the Spotlight. Problems of education" (Rostov n / a, 1999), "Fundamentalization of higher technical education" (Novocherkassk, 2000)

The ideas of the dissertation, generalized sociological data were reflected in the lectures on the courses "Sociology of Education", "Sociology", read in student audiences and in courses for the retraining of teaching staff of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Separate theoretical sections are included in the substantiation and practical implementation of the experiment of the Russian Ministry of Education at the South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) to improve liberal arts education.

The work was carried out within the framework of the state budget research work of the Department of Sociology and Psychology "Social Meanings of Higher Technical Education XXI

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters (two paragraphs each), conclusion, bibliography and 2 appendices (including 53 statistical tables and 27 histograms). The total volume of the dissertation is 123 typewritten pages.

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In today's article we will talk about the eternal problems of students. Below is the Top 10 eternal problems of the student fraternity.

Problem 1 - scholarship amount

At all times, students who received a scholarship were treated with special respect, because, with the help of their knowledge, they managed to earn a monthly payment from the state. In words, everything seems to be perfect, but in reality this is not at all the case: the payment is so insignificant that it is simply unrealistic to live on this money for a whole month. It even comes to the point that some students stop studying diligently, because they are not afraid to “fly off” the scholarship. They can be understood, because this is not the amount for which you need to give up recreation and entertainment.

The average scholarship in our country ranges from 1,200 to 1,800 rubles. This refers to the standard scholarship, excluding state grants and various incentive bonuses. State-funded students of most Russian universities, as a rule, receive a scholarship of 1,600 rubles. Scholarships were recently increased by 9%, and students now receive approximately 1,800 rubles. But what can you buy with this money?

Even the most unpretentious student will say that absolutely nothing. Yes, enough to go to the cinema several times, or buy some little things (razor, shaving foam). You can also not withdraw the scholarship from the card for several months and, thus, accumulate a substantial amount. For example, the average cost of a laptop is 10,000 rubles. You can collect the necessary amount of money in six months.

Perhaps this is too long. But who said that you need to save money for a laptop only from scholarships? After all, a student can earn money in parallel with his studies. It is enough to report 2-3 scholarships to the money earned over the summer period, and the coveted laptop is already in your hands. It is important to be able to save and spend the money earned wisely.

Those who are not satisfied with the size of the scholarship should forget about its existence for several months. After that, check the balance of the card and enjoy the mass of positive emotions from the 4-digit amount you see.

Problem 2 - sleep

For every student, sleep is sacred. But, in recent years, these words have lost their relevance a little, because many students, instead of sleeping, spend half the night in front of the screens of computers and smartphones. The next day, they come to the university sleepy and literally fall asleep in the classroom. Such students promise themselves to start going to bed earlier, but in the evening everything repeats again.

With the onset of the weekend, students are happy to note that, finally, they will be able to sleep well. But nobody canceled the law of meanness. There will always be a neighbor who urgently needs to make repairs or one of his friends or acquaintances will call all morning on an urgent matter. Permanent lack of sleep makes a person more aggressive, and he may begin to break down on relatives because of trifles. How to solve this problem?

It's no secret that a sleepy person is not able to perceive information normally. That is, a student who slept for 2-3 hours and came to class will not be able to take this school day as an asset. To solve this problem, you need to abandon social networks and pay more attention to live communication.

If you have a strong addiction to social networks, you need to ask a roommate, or one of your relatives, to remove all devices connected to the Internet. This is the only way to start living life to the fullest. In addition, you do not need to sit at home after class. It is better to go for a walk with friends or play sports.

And, most importantly, always try to go to bed on time. A person who has a good night's sleep feels much better than someone who has slept 2-3 hours. Imagine how you wake up in the morning and, feeling a surge of strength, go to college with a smile. Isn't it wonderful?

Problem 3 - session

Every student knows that a session comes on suddenly. But, even realizing this, most students do not begin to prepare in advance for the exams. Students deal with everyday problems and rarely think about what awaits them tomorrow. Such an approach has the right to exist, but in terms of preparation for the session, it is not the most effective.

You must always remember that you are studying at a university for the sake of your future. Therefore, it would be a little illogical, when solving day-to-day affairs, to fill up the session. You can write all scientific papers well and pass tests, but if you fail the exam, it will completely cross out all previous successes. Therefore, never put a session last in the priority hierarchy.

It seems that a student who does well in daily activities should not have any problems in the process of passing exams. He reads textbooks, delves into the words of teachers and does all his homework. But, at the most crucial moment, during the exam, the student can simply burn out. As a result, he does not receive the grade that can suit him.

The reason for the failure is rather banal - the student did not pay the necessary attention to preparing for the session. There is no need to repeat the mistake of students who, due to their self-confidence, mistakenly believe that they know everything, and devote 20-30 minutes daily to repeat the material covered.

Such an approach will allow you to never forget the material covered, and approach the exams fully armed with knowledge.

It is impossible to prepare for exams in the shortest possible time, since the brain simply cannot withstand such loads. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the session throughout the semester.

Problem 4 - Cooking

There is a saying "He who has not lived in a student hostel cannot call himself a real student." We can agree with this, because only after spending some time in a hostel you can understand all the nuances of student life: a faulty toilet, lack of hot water, and, of course, a shared kitchen. The student kitchen "lives" around the clock. Someone prepares their own food, someone waits for their turn, and someone just came to the smell of food.

One of the most common problems of students is cooking, or rather the reluctance to do it, most often because of laziness. Many experienced students advise preparing food in advance so that when they return from school, they do not waste time on this. In the evening, you can cook dumplings and pasta, which will be enough just to warm up the next day.

But what if you are too lazy to cook at all? First you need to understand the cause of laziness. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the student is tired in class and just wants to relax. Therefore, immediately after returning from the university, it is better to sleep for half an hour, and after that, with renewed vigor, start cooking.

But what about students who do not know how to cook at all? The best option is a dining room, where you can eat well and inexpensively. If you don't know where to find such a cafeteria, ask the undergraduates about it.

Problem 5 - Leisure

No matter how strange it may sound, but the leisure of students is also one of the problematic moments. How to spend the weekend? Maybe go to the cinema or go bowling? In big cities, there are many places that you can visit in your spare time. This is precisely the problem, because everyone offers their own option, and you only need to choose one.

To avoid disputes, it is better to resolve this issue in advance. You can do this on weekdays. After the end of the classes, get together with friends and try to decide on a place for recreation and entertainment. It is important to clarify who is counting on what amount, and already taking this into account, draw up a pastime plan. Since students are usually “stretched” with money, it is better to choose inexpensive institutions.

Everyone must report the amount that he is willing to spend over the weekend, and offer his own way of spending time. After that, it is necessary to discuss all the proposed options, and choose a few of the most interesting ones. Next, you need to vote and, thus, determine the most optimal option. Of course, there will be those who are dissatisfied, but they may not immediately, but still support the overall plan.

Problem 6 - Strict Parents

There is a type of students who consider themselves quite independent, but still depend on their parents. They often ask the question: “What will my mom and dad say?”. Most often, those students who are guilty of something are afraid of their parents. What can a young man do that his parents don't like?

In most cases, fears are associated with poor academic performance. And these are not ordinary problems with understanding subjects, but a complete blockage that can lead to expulsion. The curator often calls the parents of such students to influence their offspring. The call itself is not a problem. The problem lies in the severity of parents who are ready to do anything to guide their student children on the true path.

To avoid trouble, you must first talk to the curator and convince him to wait a little with the call. You need to promise him that you will fix the situation in two weeks. The curator is an ordinary person who also studied at the institute, and he, most likely, will meet you halfway. It is important to keep your promise and try to improve your performance. If necessary, you can ask family and friends for help. You need to fully concentrate on your studies, putting aside all other things.

Parties, gatherings in cafes and social networks - all this later. Now you urgently need to improve your academic performance in order to avoid relegation. It is unlikely that parents will like this outcome. As practice shows, two weeks is enough to prepare for two exams. If you manage to complete two exams, then consider that you have won some more time. In extreme cases, you can always approach the curator and ask for a little more time. If he noticed the efforts before that, then he will definitely meet you halfway.

Even if you have a complete blockage, nothing is lost yet. You need to take up your mind and try to close at least one debt, but then everything will go like clockwork.

In no case should you sit back and fall into depression. Any problem can be solved if enough effort is put into it.

Problem 7 - relationships with the opposite sex

If some students enter a university to get a specialty, then others - to make new acquaintances and, possibly, find their soul mate. Although the institute is not the best place for dating, the student spends a lot of time in class, and, most likely, the first meeting with a lover / lover will take place in pairs or in between.

But not everyone manages to immediately find their soul mate. For many, this causes some difficulty. But if you are determined to start a serious relationship, there is nowhere to retreat. It is best to look for your soul mate in your group or on a course. If this did not help you find the right person, do not be discouraged - with every day spent at the university, your social circle expands and, sooner or later, you will definitely meet a person who will make your heart beat faster.

It is important not to get hung up on finding a soul mate, and just enjoy student life. Then your love will find you at the right time.

Problem 8 - cheat sheets

Now we will talk a little about cheat sheets. They, like notes, are faithful companions of the student fraternity in the process of passing exams. They say that a real student is only one who has written a cheat sheet at least once in his life and passed an exam with its help. But are cheat sheets really that helpful, or are they just empty talk?

Looking ahead, we note that cheat sheets are actually good. Most teachers agree with this. The fact is that by writing a cheat sheet, the student learns the material more easily. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but a student who, preparing for the exam, wrote a high-quality cheat sheet, is quite capable of passing this exam without using prepared tips.

As practice shows, students who regularly write cheat sheets can boast of good academic performance. This is due to the fact that in the process of writing a "spur" not only motor, but also visual memory is involved. And this increases the chances that at a critical moment the student will remember the correct answer and, thereby, save the exam for himself.

Problem 9 - clothes

Since this problem mostly concerns girls, let's consider it using the example of the fair sex. Girls are arranged in such a way that when they notice a cool little thing on another girl, they immediately have a desire to get exactly the same.

But the problem of the same clothes for girls has not been canceled. And we don’t even consider the option of persuading your girlfriend to no longer wear her stylish blouse, since you bought yourself exactly the same one. Therefore, it is better to create a purely own, unique image, and, taking into account it, select things. Only original and self-sufficient people attract the attention of others. Copies are of no interest to anyone.

Problem 10 - Unusual Hobbies

Students with unusual and unpopular hobbies are often misunderstood. They are perceived as aliens and shunned. And if the hobby is completely “exotic”, then ridicule and mockery cannot be avoided. What to do in such a situation?

Give up your hobby or, in spite of everything, continue to do what you love? The question is quite complicated, but if you really like what you are fond of and you see the point in it, do not give up and continue to stick to your line. Over time, others will begin to perceive you as you are, and the number of ridicule, as well as mockery, will decrease significantly.

In the event that you manage to succeed in your business, you will understand how changeable the mood of others is. Those who used to mock you will offer you friendship. So why not just ignore the opinions of others right now? What difference does it make who says what? You know for yourself why you are doing this and what you are striving for.

So, the above data do not allow us to express optimism about the financial situation of students in recent years. There are still a significant number of students with incomes below the subsistence level or on the verge of this level. The increase in the proportion of those who study on a commercial basis enhances the differentiation in the student environment on a material basis.

At the same time, the problems of students should not be reduced only to material ones. Below we consider the main problems that arise in today's young people receiving higher education:

  • 1) Problems in the field of attitude to learning, professional realization:
    • discrepancy between the work performed after graduation from the university and the education received;
    • · decrease in the quality of education and, at the same time, the competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market.

In order to remove the negative consequences of the necessary disconnection from studies in order to earn money, one can pay attention to the connection of additional work with the training received at the university. Half of the "working" students have no such connection. Only 11% of the students surveyed unambiguously indicate the possibility of working in a similar specialty, another 12% use their professional knowledge partially. Despite the differences in their social origins and, consequently, material opportunities, students are bound by a common type of activity and in this sense form a certain socio-professional group. General activity in combination with territorial concentration gives rise to a certain community of interests among students, group self-consciousness, a specific subculture and way of life, and this is supplemented and enhanced by age homogeneity, which other socio-professional groups do not have. The socio-psychological community is objectified and consolidated by the activities of a number of political, cultural, educational, sports and everyday student organizations.

Also, it is necessary to prohibit the combination of studies with work throughout the entire period of study, if this is not related to the educational process (practice, internships, etc.). As a result, state scholarships, allowances and grants should cover the bulk of students' expenses.

  • 2) Problems in the field of financial situation of students:
    • · the dependence of the material condition of students on the material condition of their parents, as a result of which the success of a student's studies depends on the financial capabilities of his parents.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to implement the developed measures aimed at:

  • · development of a data bank implemented in the city, scholarship and grant programs to support the research activities of students;
  • · development of recommendations on the choice of topics for term papers and theses, taking into account the needs of the city and sponsors.
  • · introduction of modern methods of crediting students;
  • · involvement of young people in the activities of labor associations, student groups, youth labor exchanges and other forms of youth employment;
  • · on the introduction of effective programs for the development of social competence of young people, necessary for advancement in the labor market.
  • 3) Problems in the field of socio-political activity:
    • lack of necessary access to information;
    • · the absence of a formed transparent (legislative (generally accepted) decision adequately adopted by economic conditions, reflecting all aspects of the real situation) environment for its adequate perception, both by society and students.

To solve this problem, you need:

  • · involve students in the political life of society;
  • · to promote the work of the student council of universities as a model of the social and political life of students;
  • · to form a corporate image of the university, by monitoring the expectations and needs of students (social research, surveys, questionnaires).
  • 4) Problems in the field of psychological support for students:
    • the presence of psychological problems in students at all periods of study at the university, as a result of which academic performance decreases, dropouts from the university occur;
    • Lack of opportunities for students to receive timely assistance from specialists in psychological services.

To solve this problem, it is enough to organize the presence of a psychologist on the territory of the university.

Student years are happy... It is commonly believed that this is the time of youth, the first true love, meeting true friends... the first school of adult independent life. Someone skips this period, immediately after school goes to work, gaining knowledge, when faced with the problem of raising the career ladder, then looking for an opportunity to buy a diploma of higher education; this happens for various reasons: it didn’t work out right away, and then didn’t want to, difficult financial situation, confidence in their self-educational level, etc. Everyone has their own life path, but those who are lucky enough to become a student will have to face a number of problems. Here are the top ten.

1. How can you live on a scholarship?!

When you get it, sometimes you start to envy the “payers”, because they don’t have to worry about the question of what to spend these crumbs on. However, if you set yourself the goal of acquiring something worthwhile (provided that relatives help with money for existence), then it is possible without withdrawing a scholarship for six months or a year and adding the money earned in the summer, then it is quite possible to carry out the plan.

2. Sleep deprivation.

And it's not always the education that's to blame. The student spends nights at the computer, on social networks, in a noisy company with classmates. And in the morning, completely broken, he comes to lectures and swears that today he will go to bed early, in extreme cases, sleep off at the weekend. But, if you live in a student hostel, then this is absolutely impossible.

3. Session.

From session to session, students live happily, and then, SUDDENLY, exams come. The student in recent days is trying to catch up on everything lost, instead of systematically preparing for the exam from day to day. Remember that you went to study not because your parents forced you, but this is your deliberate choice of a future profession, so you should take a responsible approach to your studies throughout the semester.

4. Where can I find food?

Even if you know how to cook, after a hard day at school it’s hard to find the strength to cook, most likely you will get off with fast food, but you won’t last long on such food. You can ask for a visit or starve. The most effective way is to cook food for the future, then the next day it remains only to warm it up. You can arrange kitchen duty with your roommates, then this is a sure way not to stay hungry.

5. Where to go to have fun?

Student life is complete freedom, everyone manages it in their own way. The student's leisure is full of entertainment - these are clubs, bars, cinemas, billiards, etc. Depending on financial capabilities and personal interests.

6. Parents or "everything secret becomes clear."

You messed up and are now worried in anticipation of the reaction of your parents. The worst thing that can upset your parents is failure. However, there are no hopeless situations. You can agree with the curator on a delay and within a couple of weeks to prove that you are able to improve. All in your hands.

7. Search for love.

Learning feelings is not a hindrance, although some are so carried away by a loved one, dissolve in it and forget about the true purpose of entering a university. Do not lose your head, think about your future.

8. Cribs.

They are a must for any student. Absolutely everyone writes them, but not everyone uses them. It is a well-known fact that simply writing cheat sheets can prepare you well for the exam, because you process information, choose the main thing and take notes.

9. I want the same.

More often this problem concerns the female. I want to dress like that classmate over there, but how not to merge into the crowd, to remain an individual. You need to learn how to choose the same style, but with something that stands out, maybe add an accessory to the outfit. The main thing is that it suits you perfectly.

10. White crow.

Not everyone accepts your passion? Do not pay attention, continue to do what you love, when it starts to bring the first successes, you will see how quickly the attitude of classmates towards you will change for the better. Be yourself!

The modern development of Russian society is characterized by fundamental changes in all spheres of life, which have a huge impact on all social strata. The building of a civil society, the formation of democratic institutions, the transition to a market economy - these are the strategic tasks, the solution of which is a necessary condition for ensuring the social stability of the country, its integration into the world civilizational space. All this requires the maximum mobilization of all social resources. A great responsibility lies with the youth, as the bearer of social energy. All this testifies to the high level of scientific developments in the field of youth. At the same time, student youth, which acts both as a subject of socio-economic transformations and as an object of socialization, remains poorly studied. The article presents the results of a study to identify the problems of student youth studying at a medical university.


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CURRENT PROBLEMS OF MODERN STUDENTS Kuznetsova Elena Vladislavovna Deputy Dean of the Pediatric Faculty of FSBEI HE "Kirov State Medical University", Kirov Abstract: this article deals with the main topical problems of modern students. The article presents the results of a study to identify the problems of students studying at a medical university. Key words: student youth, actual problems of student youth, adaptation problems, socialization problems, objective and subjective factors, social activity. The modern development of Russian society is characterized by fundamental changes in all spheres of life, which have a huge impact on all social strata. The building of a civil society, the formation of democratic institutions, the transition to a market economy are those strategic tasks, the solution of which is a necessary condition for ensuring the social stability of the country, its integration into the world civilizational space. All this requires the maximum mobilization of all social resources. A great responsibility lies with the youth, as the bearer of social energy. All this testifies to the high level of scientific developments in the field of youth. At the same time, student youth, which acts both as a subject of socio-economic transformations and as an object of socialization, remains poorly studied. In the course of the study to identify the problems of student youth, 250 people were interviewed - students of the Kirov State Medical University from the first to the fifth year, 50 people from each course. A total of 88 boys (35.2%) and 162 girls (64.8%) were interviewed. In this study, we aimed to identify the features of the actual problems of student youth at the present stage (on the example of students of the Kirov State Medical University). To do this, we have identified the main categories, after analyzing which we can formulate specific questions for respondents: problems of adaptation, problems of socialization, objective and subjective factors that affect the emergence of problems among students, the social activity of the students themselves, what transformations are possible on the part of the university management, as well as reforming at the state level. Problems of adaptation imply, first of all, the appearance of financial problems and problems with housing. For

In order to find out the financial situation of the student, the question was asked whether he works and if he works, then for what reason. As it turned out, 12% of the respondents (30 people) work, and another 24% are aware of the need to work, but do not work, and only 20% answered that they do not need work. Finding out why students work, we got the following results (from the proposed list of options, you could choose no more than three): ); in second place is the option “need to gain experience”, it was marked 21 times (70%); further - "I like the work itself" was chosen by 11 respondents (37%); and the options “I like the team” and “To somehow occupy my free time” were marked 6 and 3 times, respectively (20% and 10%). As can be seen from the data obtained, the main reason why students work is “lack of money”. It is also important to note the rather often chosen answer “need to gain experience”. This suggests that students are aware of the need to already have some work experience in employment after graduation. And this is really important, since one of the main problems of modern student youth is the problem of unemployment. As noted above, the problems of adaptation of students suggest the presence of difficulties with housing. Respondents were asked the question “Where do you live?” The following data were obtained: 45% of the children, that is, slightly less than half, live with their parents; 23% rent housing; only 21% chose the answer “I live in a hostel” and 11% chose another answer, among which there were mainly such answers as “I live in my own apartment” (such answers were found among senior students). Having received such data, we drew attention to the low percentage of respondents who answered that they live in a hostel. The questionnaire asked whether the university provides students with places in the hostel. The results were as follows: "yes" 17%, "yes, but there are not enough places" 56% and "don't know" 27%. From the above data, it can be seen that the problem of lack of housing for students is quite acute. The university cannot provide places in dormitories for all of its non-resident students, which entails the emergence of difficulties for students in providing themselves with housing for the duration of their education. In search of a solution to this problem, students are forced to look for rented accommodation, which requires additional funds. And these funds are not always possible to receive from parents, therefore, it is necessary to look for a source of income, which leads to such a situation as the need to combine work and study (the phenomenon of "secondary employment" of student youth), while devoting less time to study than it should.

The category of the problem of socialization was also singled out. Speaking about the process of socialization, it would be logical to turn to the analysis of student youth leisure. Therefore, in order to find out how students distribute their free time, we asked the question “What do you do in your free time from study and work (if you work)?”. Several answers were offered, it was necessary to choose one of them, or indicate your own option. Respondents answered as follows: the options “study and work all the time”, “go in for sports, or attend other circles” and “meet with friends” were chosen the same number of times (32% each), 10% of respondents answered that they do nothing , and 8% chose the “other” option, where they mainly indicated that in their free time from basic studies they also receive additional education or study foreign languages. Respondents who indicated the “other” option can be attributed to the first group, that is, those who answered that they spend all their time studying (and working), since in their free time they are engaged in self-development, that is, they continue their education. The activity of students in a medical university is quite high, since more than half of them spend all their time studying, working, receiving additional education, sports and other leisure circles and events. Only 8% of respondents answered that they do nothing. Next, the respondents were asked how they assess their health. 41% of students have minor health problems, 39% do not get sick at all, 16% have any chronic illness and 4% abstain. In general, we have a positive picture: the vast majority (80%) are either not sick or have minor health problems. But such a positive assessment of the state of health of students is given by the students themselves, and we cannot rely on it when assessing the state of health of student youth in general. That is, we are dealing with the assessment of health, and not the real state of health of students. As part of the issue of socialization, the level of problematicness of student youth in general was also analyzed. We were interested in the assessment of their life situation by the students themselves, so the respondents were asked to reflect on their level of problematicness. In the questionnaire, it was proposed to indicate their level of problematicness on the proposed five-point scale, where 1 is the minimum level of problematicness, 5 is the maximum. Most of the respondents (44%) rate their level of problematicness as “2 points”, that is, below average. Approximately equally distributed answers at levels 1 (minimum level) and 3 (average level), 23% and 25%, respectively; 6% of respondents rated their level of difficulty at 4 points (above average) and 2% at 5 points, that is, the maximum level of difficulty. In general, we can say that students do not assess their lives as problematic. Assessing their lives, the majority of students were distributed on a scale of up to 3 points, which in general creates

optimistic picture. Without completely abandoning the presence of problems, young people still do not consider their life to be highly problematic. It can be assumed that such answers to a certain extent show the attitude of students to life in general. It is possible that students consider the problems that arise as temporary difficulties, or as certain steps, steps that must be passed at this stage of life, and therefore do not evaluate them in a negative light. The second task in our study, after identifying the actual problems of student youth, was to determine the factors influencing the appearance of problems among students. To do this, all factors were divided into objective and subjective. We attributed the following to objective factors: lack of external resources (finances, housing, friends, necessary acquaintances) and lack of internal resources (age, health, education); to subjective factors, the absence of subjective internal qualities, independence, sociability, optimism. such as decisiveness. In order to identify factors, the question was asked "What factors do you think influence the appearance of most problems in students?". It was necessary to conduct a ranking. An analysis of the results showed that students put objective factors in the first place, such as the “level of material security” (Rank 1; 44.9%) and the “level of housing security” (Rank 2; 30.6%). Along with them, “lack of appropriate education” (Rank 3; 18.4%), “no friends, necessary acquaintances” (Rank 4; 14.3%) were also indicated. The last places were taken by subjective factors: “not enough optimism” (Rank 8; 18.4%), “not enough sociability” (Rank 9; 24.5%). Thus, it can be concluded that students attribute mainly objective factors to the main causes of their problems. The third research task was to study the vision of the students themselves regarding the possible solution to the problems of student youth at the present stage. As theoretical concepts, such as: the social activity of the students themselves, possible transformations by the leadership of the university and reform at the state level as a whole were singled out. To clarify the position of students (active, passive) and their attitude regarding the distribution of responsibility for solving existing problems, a number of questions were asked. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups of questions, each of which reveals: 1) the level of activity of students; 2) assessment by students of the work of the university; 3) students' opinion on the level at which the problems of student youth should be solved. By analyzing the responses to the first group of questions, one can

say that in general the level of activity of students is quite low. Answers to the question "Do you take part in events organized by students?" were distributed as follows: "Never participated" 62%, "I took part once" 26%, "Regularly participate" 12%. The numbers speak for themselves. The level of student activity is average, this is due to the increased workload of students studying at a medical university. Considering the satisfaction of students with the work of the university, we were interested in whether the university provides assistance to students in employment. Only 16% answered that such assistance is provided to students, 10% said that there is no assistance in finding employment for students, and 74% answered that they did not have information on this matter, students did not know that the Employment Center operates at the university. Closing this group of questions, we considered it appropriate to place one open question, which sounded as follows: “What measures could you suggest to improve the work of your university?”. As it turned out, the most acute problem is dissatisfaction with the functioning of such “divisions” of the university as: a canteen, a library, a medical office, a dean’s office, a hostel. Students point out (16%) the hostility and lack of tolerance on the part of employees towards students. Also, along with this, students drew attention to the need for improvement of hostels; the following proposals were made: to make repairs in the rooms, to insulate them, to organize places for recreation. Another important aspect to improve the work of the university is, according to students, the need for technical equipment (more printers (to be able to print or copy the necessary material, not only in building 3), educational literature, new equipment in classrooms), which would provide convenience and greater productivity of the educational process. Along with the above, such measures were proposed as: provision of assistance in finding employment; increasing scholarships and encouraging "gifted" students; providing students with housing; Improvement of the schedule; - ask students about their problems. It can be noted that, in general, the respondents were active in answering this question. Quite a few suggestions were made. Apparently students really do not have enough so-called "feedback" from the leadership of the university, there is a need to speak out (sometimes complain, criticize), make their own proposals. This gives reason to believe that the students still have their own position, their own opinion, but do not always have the opportunity to express them.