Biographies Characteristics Analysis

It affects the emotional state of a person. The influence of the emotional state on diseases


What we think and feel directly affects how we live. Our health is linked to our lifestyle, genetics and disease susceptibility. But beyond that, there is a strong relationship between your emotional state and your health.

The ability to deal with emotions, especially negative ones, is an important part of our vitality. The emotions we keep inside can one day explode and become a real disaster. for ourselves. That's why it's important to release them.

Strong emotional health is quite rare these days. Negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, doubt and irritability can significantly affect our health.

Layoffs, marital turmoil, financial hardship, and the death of loved ones can be detrimental to our mental health and affect our health.

Here's how emotions can destroy our health.

The impact of emotions on health

1. Anger: heart and liver

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Anger is a strong emotion that arises in response to despair, pain, disappointment and threat. If you take action right away and express it properly, anger can be good for your health. But in most cases, anger destroys our health.

In particular, anger affects our logical abilities and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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Anger leads to constriction of blood vessels, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing. If this happens frequently, it leads to wear and tear of the walls of the arteries.

A 2015 study found that the risk of a heart attack increases 8.5 times two hours after an outburst of intense anger.

Anger also raises levels of cytokines (molecules that cause inflammation), which increases the risk of developing arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

To better manage your anger, get regular physical activity, learn relaxation techniques, or see a therapist.

2. Anxiety: stomach and spleen

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Chronic anxiety can lead to a range of health problems. It affects spleen and weakens the stomach. When we worry a lot, our body is attacked by chemicals that make us react with a sick or weak stomach.

Anxiety or fixation on something can lead to problems such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic disorders.

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Excessive anxiety is associated with chest pain, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, and premature aging.

Severe anxiety also harms our personal relationships, disrupts sleep, and can make us distracted and inattentive to our health.

3. Sadness or grief: lungs

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Of the many emotions we experience in life, sadness is the longest lasting emotion.

Sadness or longing weakens the lungs, causing fatigue and difficulty in breathing.

It disrupts the natural flow of breathing by constricting the lungs and bronchi. When you are overwhelmed with grief or sadness, air can no longer flow easily in and out of your lungs, which can lead to asthma attacks and bronchial diseases.

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Depression and melancholy also spoil the skin, cause constipation and low oxygen levels in the blood. People suffering from depression tend to gain or lose weight and are easily addicted to drugs and other harmful substances.

If you are sad, you don't need to hold back your tears, because that way you will be able to release those emotions.

4. Stress: heart and brain

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Each person experiences and reacts to stress differently. A little stress is good for your health and can help you get through your daily tasks.

However, if the stress becomes too much, it can lead to high blood pressure, asthma, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

As you know, stress is one of the main culprits in the occurrence of heart disease. It raises blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and also serves as an impetus for bad habits such as smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. All these factors can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to heart disease.

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Stress can also lead to a number of diseases such as:

Asthmatic disorders

· Hair loss

Mouth ulcers and excessive dryness

Mental problems: insomnia, headaches, irritability

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension

Neck and shoulder pain, musculoskeletal pain, lower back pain, nervous tics

Skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema

· Disorders of the reproductive system: menstrual disorders, recurrence of genital infections in women and impotence and premature ejaculation in men.

Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel

Connection between emotions and organs

5. Loneliness: heart

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Loneliness is a condition that makes a person cry and fall into deep melancholy.

Loneliness is a serious health hazard. When we're lonely, our brains release more stress hormones like cortisol, which cause depression. This in turn affects blood pressure and sleep quality.

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Studies have shown that loneliness increases the chances of developing mental illness, and is also a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition, loneliness has a negative effect on the immune system. Lonely people are more likely to develop inflammation in response to stress, which can weaken the immune system.

6. Fear: adrenal glands and kidneys

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Fear leads to anxiety, which wears us down. kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

The situation when fear arises leads to a decrease in the flow of energy in the body and makes it defend itself. This leads to a slowing of the respiratory rate and blood circulation, which causes a state of stagnation, due to which our limbs practically freeze with fear.

Most of all, fear affects the kidneys, and this leads to frequent urination and other kidney problems.

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Fear also causes the adrenal glands to produce more stress hormones, which have a devastating effect on the body.

Strong fear can cause pain and disease of the adrenal glands, kidneys and lower back and urinary tract diseases. In children, this emotion can be expressed through urinary incontinence which is closely related to anxiety and self-doubt.

7. Shock: kidneys and heart

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Shock is a manifestation of trauma caused by an unexpected situation that knocks you down.

A sudden shock can upset the balance in the body, causing overexcitation and fear.

A strong shock can undermine our health, especially the kidneys and heart. A traumatic reaction leads to the production of a large amount of adrenaline, which is deposited in the kidneys. This leads to heart palpitations, insomnia, stress and anxiety. The shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting areas of emotion and survival.

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The physical consequences of emotional trauma or shock are often low energy, pale skin, difficulty breathing, palpitations, sleep and digestive disturbances, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain.

8. Irritability and hatred: liver and heart

© Dean Drobot

Emotions of hate and irritability can affect gut and heart health, leading to chest pain, hypertension and heart palpitations.

Both of these emotions increase the risk of high blood pressure. Irritable people are also more prone to cellular aging than good-natured people.

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Irritability is also bad for the liver. When verbally expressing hatred, a person exhales condensed molecules containing toxins that damage the liver and gallbladder.

9. Jealousy and envy: the brain, gallbladder and liver

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Jealousy, despair and envy directly affect our brain, gallbladder and liver.

As you know, jealousy leads to slow thinking and impairs the ability to see clearly.

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In addition, jealousy causes symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which leads to excessive production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood.

Jealousy has a negative effect on the gallbladder and leads to stagnation of blood in the liver. This causes a weakened immune system, insomnia, increased blood pressure, palpitations, high cholesterol and poor digestion.

10. Anxiety: stomach, spleen, pancreas

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Anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxiety can increase breathing and heart rate, increase concentration and blood flow to the brain, which can be beneficial to health.

However, when anxiety becomes a part of life, it has a devastating effects on physical and mental health.

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Gastrointestinal diseases are often closely associated with anxiety. It affects the stomach, spleen, and pancreas, which can lead to problems such as indigestion, constipation, ulcerative colitis.

Anxiety disorders are often a risk factor for a range of chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

More than one generation of people has grown up under the slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. However, modern science has proven that the health of the body and the spirit are interdependent.

The famous English neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, Nobel Prize winner, established a pattern:

The first is an emotional experience, followed by vegetative and somatic changes in the body.

That is, a person's emotions form the image of his thoughts, on which the physical condition and health depend.

Mankind has long known that emotions have a direct impact on health, as evidenced by the sayings: “All diseases are from nerves”, “You can’t buy health - your mind gives you”, “Joy makes you young, grief makes you old”, “Rust eats iron, and sadness - heart".


The word "emotions" in Latin means "I shake the wave."

Emotions are the subjective reactions of man and higher animals to any external and internal stimuli, they

  • Accompany all life processes of the body.
  • Can be caused by situations or events that exist only in our imagination.
  • Transmitted between humans or animals.
  • They can be either negative (safety) or positive. Moreover, safety emotions are several times more positive.
  • Necessarily accompanied by a specific physiological reaction.
  • The stronger the emotion, the more active the physiological reaction of the body.
  • Prolonged exposure to the body of strong emotions, both positive and negative, causes and is fraught with health problems.

Affordable and safe methods help relieve nervous tension, anxiety, improve sleep and improve health.

Emotions and spiritual interaction between people

Have you noticed that we feel and behave differently around other people? “The mood has changed,” we say. In fact not only the mental attitude changes, but also the physiology of our body, which reacts instantly.

People unconsciously perceive the "language" of the body, facial expressions, voices of each other with all senses.

Empathy, imitation, copying is inherent in us at the genetic level.

We are not able to control these abilities selectively: to empathize or imitate only when we want it and to the extent that we need it.

We all, like communicating and overflowing vessels, transmit our moods, experiences, and nervous interconnections.

Agree that feelings such as anger, fear, indignation are very. Just like laughing and smiling.

Imitation is especially pronounced in children. They, like sponges, absorb the mood of the people around them.


Gymnastics of emotions

physical gymnastics we do knowing that it trains our body. Someone performs physical exercise consciously and regularly, and someone in the process of work: lifts weights, bends over, moves a lot, etc.

spiritual gymnastics we do involuntarily and chaotically every day: we scroll through habitual thoughts in our heads, we empathize with everything around us - the sounds from the TV, tape recorder, radio, beautiful views of nature, etc.

If everything is simple with physical gymnastics, we know what movements certain muscle groups train, then with spiritual training everything is much more complicated.

Spiritual gymnastics causes corresponding physiological changes. Remembering this or that event from our life, we cause and fix in the body the physiology and nervous interconnections corresponding to that event.

If the remembered event was joyful and accompanied by pleasant sensations, then this is beneficial.

And if we turn to unpleasant memories and re-experience negative emotions, then in the body there is a fixation of the stress reaction on the physical and spiritual plane. This kind of training is undesirable.

By the way, negative emotions are one of the causes of the night eating syndrome, in which people wake up at night from hunger and are not able to fall asleep without a snack.

Human Behavioral Programs

Two basic behavioral programs are genetically incorporated in a person: protective and creative.

CREATIVE states: kindness, joy, trust, revelation, love, etc.

Aimed at the development and ensuring the proper functioning of all organs and systems, as well as recovery from stressful situations.

PROTECTIVE states: anger, fear, greed, hostility, envy, arrogance, dissatisfaction, contempt, anger, irritation, hatred, indignation, indignation, cunning, aggressiveness.

Necessary for a person to survive in a critical situation, they should be activated only for a short time, and must be replaced by creative states.

If protective processes go beyond necessity, then they can be very harmful to a person.

Emotions and health of modern man

In modern society, there is an accumulation and nourishment of protective states, an exaggerated desire to protect and assert itself violates human nature and the correct flow of priority life processes.

Tibetan doctors claim that

protective emotions (greed, anger, fear, hostility, etc.) are the source of any, even infectious, diseases.

The role of the media in the accumulation of negative emotions by a person is colossal! A wave of violence, cruelty, information about catastrophes, about the imminent end of the world, etc. falls upon us from TV screens. etc.

In addition to information, on a subconscious level, we empathize with the announcer, journalist, artist or singer, tune in to his "wave", absorb his mood and attitude.

In this way, The media arouse strong emotions in a person, which cannot but affect the health of each of us and society as a whole.

Science has proven that strong emotions tire the body and introduce it into a stressful state:

if the centers of the hypothalamus responsible for negative emotions are acted upon daily for one hour, then this leads to sharp disturbances in the work of the heart and other serious physiological disorders.

The same thing happens when the centers responsible for positive reactions are affected, though to a lesser extent.

Famous pathologist Davydovsky I.V. I thought that individual measure of human health largely depends on emotional and physical balance.

Heart is a sensitive barometer of this equilibrium.

The words of Heinrich Heine, "The crack of the world passes through the heart of the poet", a vivid reflection of our reality. Even in the last century, the defeat of the heart vessels was considered as a medical curiosity.

Today, in highly developed countries, heart disease is the cause of death in more than half of cases. And there is a rejuvenation of this disease.

According to medical statistics, people at risk are living with a heightened sense of lack of time, experiencing constant mental stress, expansive, obsessed.

Negative emotions can provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors:

observations of scientists and physicians have shown that often a cancer patient, before getting sick, suffers a strong mental shock.

Anyone can get cancer, but the process of active division of malignant cells occurs in those who have had protective emotions for a long time.

English scientists K. Benson and Pierce proved that Cancer is a psychosomatic illness.


Psychosomatic illness is a disease state that appears as a result of the interaction of physiological and mental factors.

It is a mental disorder that manifests itself at the physiological level, or a physiological disorder that manifests itself at the mental level, or a physiological pathology that develops under the influence of psychogenic factors. (Wikipedia).

And to put it simply: the cause of the disease of the body is the soul. And vice versa.

This is confirmed by numerous examples of self-healing from cancer without chemotherapy, but with the help of a sharp shift in the positive direction of the emotional background: an optimistic attitude, fundamental changes in lifestyle and thoughts, new vivid love experiences, etc.


As you can see, emotions play a crucial role in our health.

The main condition of health from Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences Sudakov K.V.:

any strong emotions should be short-lived and episodic so that the body has the opportunity to restore the mechanisms of self-regulation to a normal level. In this case, even the strongest stresses will not harm us.

Psychologists advise watching less TV and not taking bad news to heart.

I really like the words of Sigmund Freud:

“Each time we wake up in the morning, it’s as if we are reborn.”

Start a new day with a smile to yourself and a new day, expect only good events and emotions from this day.

Instead of the usual alarm clock, put a beautiful melody and do not rush to jump up, but devote a few minutes to a pleasant awakening ritual: sipping, stroking and massaging the ears.

You can hang a poster with a positive picture by the bed. This will set you up for a good day and help maintain spiritual harmony.

Sources: A.Yu. Katkov and N.A. Agadzhanyan “Reserves of our body”,, Dmitruk M. “Know how to be happy. Nature and Man.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

You need to know:

  • can be a consequence of both psycho-emotional stress and a syndrome of a life-threatening disease.

Ecology of knowledge: Man has a right and left side of the body. The right one is associated with the will, the masculine principle, the left one is associated with emotions, the feminine principle. Any emotional overload gives violations, respectively, on the left side. Volitional problems - inability to relax

A person has a right side and a left side of the body.

Right associated with will, masculinity, left associated with emotions, feminine. Any emotional overload gives violations, respectively, on the left side. Volitional problems - the inability to relax, internal tension - give problems on the right side. This applies to everyone, regardless of gender.

Each organ has its own character, i.e. it has a certain emotional state. And since it is the mind that controls human health, each organ has its own connection with character. If any character traits are lame in a person, the corresponding organs will also suffer.

Spine associated with such fundamental traits as cheerfulness and passivity, desire and unwillingness to live. If a person takes an active life position, wants to work on himself, fight difficulties and is not lazy, then his spine will be healthy one way or another. There is a category of people who concentrate very strongly on the negative, constantly trying to overcome the bad with their psyche, they are strongly immersed in relationships with the negative - they get spinal injuries. Spine is the tree of life, its trunk. If a person has a positive attitude towards life, knows how to forgive, loves work, then the spine will be healthy. Therefore, any negative situation must be overcome with a positive, not a negative one.

Heart- the maximum concentration of close relationships, something that is very closely connected with us. Relatives, favorite work. And when a person is very strongly attached to this, wants to receive constant happiness from this closeness, and not to give and help, then the heart suffers. When we want something from loved ones, but they do not give it to us, this is expressed in the form of resentment, some kind of internal trauma, which affects the corresponding part of the heart.

The rhythm of the heart suffers when a person is very much focused on what is important to him, and cannot relax. A person is very much immersed in the problem in a negative way, takes it to heart - the heart will suffer. If a person is very much immersed in some kind of activity, which also has a very strong meaning for him, the heart will suffer. For example, hypertrophy of the heart muscle occurs in athletes who torture themselves. Go in for sports not for health, but for results.

Liver associated with human will. An angry person is one who wants everything to be according to his will. Forces people to live as he wants. Often this is a function of bosses who torture subordinates, forcing them to live their own way. As a result, they can get hepatitis - the liver overheats and inflammatory processes begin. On the contrary, with a weak-willed character, when a person thinks that everything is hard, difficult, the liver loses its strength - the normal production of bile stops. Slowly current inflammatory processes begin.

Understand mind is what we always have. Character traits are present from birth in young children. Character traits is an innate thing. Even trees have character, not to mention animals.

All organs that are in front- connected with human consciousness, our active life.

All organs that are behind- are connected with our subconscious, with what sits deep in us.

So, for example, a person's bronchi are connected with his desire to achieve something in this life in a straightforward manner. People with bronchitis, for example, go to the door and if it is closed, they will break into it. The tendency to be as I want, even if this is not the case, gives a tendency to bronchitis.

Asthma- this is already a neglected case, people of unidirectional categorical thinking.

Hypertension- increased vascular tone, inability to rest. Most often it is associated with emotions. If a person is kept in one emotion, his vascular tone increases. In most cases, these are negative emotions. If the boss keeps the team in suspense with the same emotion, it does not relax in any way - hence the strokes and heart attacks. Extreme responsibility often means a negative impact on the team, which keeps it in constant negative.

Pancreas reacts very strongly to disgust and hostility. The offended state of strong hostility can lead to pancreatitis.

People with diabetes very sensitive to the environment. They are very selective, sensitive and it is very difficult for them to live because of this.

Intestines associated with human activities and activity. If a person by nature works very hard, the intestines are also tense. Accordingly, there may be problems of an inflammatory nature and constipation. If a person works lazily, he may have constipation due to intestinal hypotension. If a person works with hostility, not in the environment where he is comfortable, pain in the intestines may appear without any signs of any disease.

If people experience negative emotions during labor, quarrel with others, or simply work with malice, such people get stomach diseases. Also, stomach diseases can also arise from a simple reason that we all know well - gluttony.

Cravings for spicy food arises from an irrepressible nature.

If a person is very emotional, behaves aggressively, he is drawn to spicy food, as a result of which he gets gastritis.

Each taste is associated with certain character traits.

Excessive addiction to any taste is due to the corresponding character traits. Excessive inclination to sweets is associated with laziness and the desire to live at the expense of others. Students love to eat sweets and for this reason, they just want to be happy.

Tart taste- love those people who tend to plow at work, that is, work a lot and constantly.

Sour taste love those who are emotionally unstable, touchy, depressed. Therefore, in winter you often want to eat sauerkraut. Sauerkraut mood - sauerkraut. Thus, the sour taste increases with emotional instability, when a person does not have everything as he would like. Even just the lack of sun for several days can provoke a desire to eat sour. Metabolic disorders are the result of the influence of sour taste.

spicy taste inherent in passionate people. Their emotions fly in all directions, they behave very expressively. We know many such nations, for example the Georgians. That's why they like spicy food so much. Red pepper is the main dish. Hindus are also expressive people, just watch their films. The Indian roots of the gypsies are also clearly visible in their behavior. Phlegmatic nations use less spicy. Mostly it has to do with the sun. But there are not temperamental and southern peoples.

salty taste associated with mental stress and inability to rest. If a person needs mental concentration, he needs more salt. Therefore, if you cannot relax, you may have overindulged in salt. Hypertension is also possible due to an excess of salt. You can read more about the properties of salt and its role in our lives here.

Understand tastes are the emotions of the mind . Therefore, if a Georgian is deprived of spicy, he will turn into a Chukchi. But there are transcendental tastes, as well as emotions, which destroy health. Therefore, if a person is healthy and eats spicy food, let him eat it. But if he has a stomach ulcer, it's time to think about the amount of spicy food.

bitter taste is the result of a bitter life. Taste, which is associated with depression in a person and in general, when the body gets sick, it enters a state of depression. Therefore, most medicines are bitter. Bitter taste excites, activates the body, gives the will to win. Therefore, sour and bitter tastes are often very necessary in life.

A person can have several emotional states - these are different temperaments of the mind, this is the activity of emotions.

Choleric- excessive unrestrained activity of the senses.

Sandvinic- Excessive and positive activity of the senses.

Phlegmatic person- positive inhibition of the activity of the senses.

melancholic- negative inhibition of the activity of the senses.

Introverts and extroverts - this is the direction of the human psyche inward or outward. Introvert- this is not the inner life of a person, it's just sucking on oneself, digging into oneself. BUT extrovert is digging into others.

Lungs associated with fear of the future, hopelessness. For example, when World War II began, outbreaks of tuberculosis began. People did not know what would happen next, they lived in fear of their fate. The state of the lungs is a reflection of the desire to live. Breathe means you live. Bronchial disease- excessive adherence to principles, straightforwardness.

kidneys associated with the ability of a person to accept the conditions of life. If a person easily adapts to the conditions of life that life provides him, the kidneys will be strong and strong. In general, it is difficult for a person with weak kidneys to experience comfort in life.

Colon suffers from stubbornness. If a person is very stubborn, always stands his ground, overload of the large intestine begins.

sense organs associated with the congenital or acquired life position of a person.

If it is difficult for a person to concentrate, to accept this world, then he will have poor eyesight and weak eyes in general. People with strong eyes easily adapt to this world. They notice everything and live in very close interaction with this environment. Visually impaired people don't care about what's going on around them, for the most part it's not interesting to them. They are more interested in what is inside. In general - not the desire to know this world. Vision is connected with light, and light is the knowledge of this world.

In people with hearing impaired egoism is very strongly immersed in sounds. They can't handle noise very well. For example, a person may not react to the noise of cars while on the street, but at home, the noise of cars can simply piss him off. This all means that the ears will suffer.

There are people who constantly think about their skin, about their face. This will cause the skin to become more and more sensitive. Fewer and fewer creams and masks will be suitable for such skin. The number of irritations will increase. No wonder there is a saying: what you fought for, you ran into. Often skin diseases arise due to intolerance to the climate or habitat. Skin allergies are the result of intolerance to pollen from flowers and plants.

Migraine- a reflection of intolerance to a certain mental tone of the environment. A person enters a tone that does not correspond to a comfortable state. Tension accumulates in the head, which leads to wild pains. Sometimes people react simply to a closed space, being in a room for a long time. Women get migraines more often simply because they are six times more sensitive to the environment than men. There is also a reaction to the moon. There are many options, catch the essence - not the ability to adapt to the environment.

Pituitary associated with life goals. This is already connected with the human mind.

If a person rests on negative goals, he gets diseases of the pituitary gland. Wrong life goals lead to hormonal diseases of the brain organs. If a person accepts a problem with the heart, the heart suffers; if with the head, the head suffers.

joints suffer when a person works in despair, with negative emotions. That is, there is a mental zone, at home or at work, where he labors with desperation.

Vascular disease associated with emotional stress. And vice versa - complete emotional indifference leads to vascular weakness.

Smell associated with concentration. An excess of concentration of attention leads to an excessive tension of smell, which can be reflected in its complete or partial loss.

Inability to relax after concentration on one goal leads to nasal congestion, to sinusitis. And if the problem is taken to heart, it will hit the heart.

If a woman resists her feminine nature, you can get hormonal diseases of the appendages.

Thyroid associated with increased sensitivity, emotional reaction to external environmental influences.

Generally, nervous system suffers from one-pointedness of life purpose, doom. Not stress, namely doom. If a person does not know how to switch from one goal to another, this leads to diseases of the nervous system. The Stakhanovite movement: we hammer the mine, if we don’t hammer it, then we sleep, then we hammer it again.

It is often very difficult to explain the causes of the disease in words, it is necessary to understand the emotion itself. If there is any share of doom, the nervous system suffers. And exactly where it will hit depends on the specific causes of doom.

If a person takes on a lot of responsibility, they begin to suffer hair. Women take responsibility more easily, as can be seen from their hair. Outwardly, she can worry, but inwardly she can say - yes, you are all vulgar.

Different types of aggression in relation to this world give different types infectious and viral diseases. If a person believes that everyone got him, he will suffer from colds.

Oncology arises from anger, depression, when these feelings become prohibitive. Different types of resentment will affect different organs on the left side. The genitals suffer from boorish and irresponsible behavior.

At first glance, it may seem that all of the above has nothing to do with health. But Eastern medicine is just that.

It deals with more subtle things than modern medicine, so it's not as obvious at first glance. You try to read Tibetan medicine - everything is allegorical compared to Ayurveda. Solid winds, lights, etc.

It is possible to treat all of the listed diseases with the help of appropriate fasts, which will inevitably lead to correction and character.

Although you can try to correct the character, which will inevitably lead to recovery.

What is easier for you is up to you, because the basis of the universe is the law of free will.

The God who created us without us cannot save us without us... published

Annotation: Every day a person receives an unlimited amount of information about the world around him. To ensure normal functioning, it needs to respond to external and internal stimuli. According to the reaction, they are provided with emotions and feelings that reflect the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with respect to a particular stimulus. Given the fact that a person is a social being who spends almost all his time surrounded by a wide variety of people, the question arises: Does the emotional state of others affect the emergence of thoughts?

The conclusions will give us the opportunity to clearly understand whether to inspire others with those emotions that they would not actually experience at the moment, if not for us, and that the results obtained cannot be used, for example, to maintain the emotional state of people who are in depressive, apathetic and depressed states.

Correspondent: Can we say with certainty that emotions are the cementing factor in the mutual attachment of mother and child?

Expert: The proof can be a simple experiment. Leave a one-year-old baby without a mother for a few minutes in an unfamiliar room. Most children will react to the separation with intense emotion. It is the emotional connection between mother and child that ensures survival in the first days of each person's life.

Correspondent: Who was the first to speak about the importance of the role of emotions in human behavior?

Expert: One of the first to speak on this topic was Leeper, a leading personality theorist, and Maurer, an eminent specialist in the psychology of learning. Maurer argued that "emotions are one of the key, virtually indispensable factors in those changes in behavior or its results that we call" learning ". Maurer had to recognize the viciousness of the distrustful and contemptuous attitude towards emotions generally accepted for Western civilization and their humiliation before the intellect (mind, logic). “If the arguments presented are correct, then emotions are extremely important for the very existence of a living organism and do not at all deserve such an opposition to “mind”.”

Correspondent: Characterizing emotions in a purely phenomenological, descriptive way, what can be distinguished, what signs?

Expert: 1) the representation of emotions in consciousness in the form of direct experiences; 2) the dual, psychophysiological nature of these phenomena; on the one hand, affective unrest, on the other, its organic manifestations; 3) a pronounced subjective coloring of emotions, their inherent quality of special “intimacy”.

Correspondent: Can you talk about "emotion" in the narrow and broad sense?

Expert: In a broad sense, emotions refer to any possible emotional experience. In a narrow sense, emotions (from Latin Emoveo - excite, excite) are relatively simple and short-term emotional experiences that characterize a person’s situational attitude to the world around him and to himself. An example of emotions is satisfaction and dissatisfaction, joy and sadness, fear, anger, etc.

Correspondent: Describe six properties of emotions and give examples for each of them?

Expert: First, emotions and feelings are characterized by subjective coloring. This means that they bear the imprint of a person's individuality and characteristics, reflecting the originality of his life experience, interests, attitudes, etc. This distorts reality to a certain extent. The subjective factor in emotions and feelings plays a major role.

Secondly, emotions and feelings are polar. If some experience has a positive pole, then you can always find the opposite. For example, pleasure - displeasure, joy - sadness.

Thirdly, in complex human experiences, there is a fusion of these polar emotions, resulting in ambivalence, or duality, of emotions and feelings.

Fourth, a person's emotions and feelings can be of varying intensity. For example, suffering or ambivalence can be strong, and fifthly, emotions and feelings are characterized by a certain duration, which is associated with the depth of experiences: the deeper the feelings, the longer they are.

Sixth, emotions are characterized by objectivity - the degree of awareness and connection with a specific object. For example, if a person experiences fear, then this fear is caused by a specific object or phenomenon.

The emotional state of a person- these are, in fact, mental changes that occur in the course of his life, the influence of various external and internal factors on the body and psyche of the individual. To judge, emotions control us every day, our inspired state can depend both on weather conditions and on homing, self-flagellation or just bad thoughts.

But still, what can please us, what can upset us, why are we sad or vice versa happy?! Having received some kind of gift or compliment, we are presented, we become brighter, but why? What does it depend on? Maybe it's just the materialization of thoughts? Or do you need to dig deeper? It is worth considering this issue from the point of view of the biochemistry and neurobiology of human emotions.

Biochemists have systematized certain substances responsible for the feeling of joy, peace, and even happiness in the human psychological system. In total, three groups of such substances are distinguished.

To the first group includes enkephalins and endorphins. The well-known endorphins are considered the strongest hormones of joy, the release of this substance gives a feeling of euphoria, it is a “natural drug” that the body releases with positive emotions and experiences. Endorphin carries out its activity in the brain, touching nerve cells, can stop discomfort and even pain, and affect the emotional state of a person. Enkephalin also focuses its activity in nerve cells. The substance is able to program emotions, having similar properties as morphine, it can relieve pain and calm.

Second group concentrated AEA and 2-glyceride, these substances are derived from arachidonic acid and are a fatty acid that is found in parts such as the brain, liver, adrenal glands. Anandamide (AEA) is the “high” molecule responsible for pain, appetite, memory transfer, and melancholy. Neuroscientists have conducted a study and found out that there is a certain type of people who are least prone to stress and anxiety, easily forget unpleasant things. All this is due to some mutation in the brain, due to the fact that there is an increase in the amount of anandamide. The second substance from this group, 2-glyceride, promotes rapid recovery from stress, relaxing the body, making you calm down and adjust your appetite.

Third group- a group of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The lack of these substances in the body contributes to an increase in anxiety, a tendency to depression, a constant feeling of discontent and weakness. Serotonin takes on a guiding function in the body, due to its insufficiency, the pain threshold of the body increases, even minimal irritation will cause great anxiety. The main task is to transmit impulses, and the activity is aimed at improving the emotional state, sociability and activity. Serotonin works in the pineal gland of the brain, it is also the “happiness hormone”. Domafin is a hormone of pleasure, which is aimed at regulating motivation and the quality of learning. The substance is produced in the brain in response to pleasurable activities. For example, this is eating your favorite food, playing sports, having sex, walking in the fresh air, in general, these are all activities that bring positive feelings. Norepinephrine, in turn, is the "wakefulness hormone" that is produced in the adrenal cortex.

To maintain all these substances in the norm and maintain a good mood, the use of certain foods that will ensure a good mood will help. By eating foods rich in tryptophan, since this amino acid is not secreted by the body on its own, it will contribute to the self-release of serotonin by the body. Such foods can be considered: chocolate, chicken or beef liver, cheese, mushrooms, bananas, oily fish, turkey and nuts. Also, a sufficient amount of tryptophan is found in legumes, in almost all protein products, dairy species (yogurt, cottage cheese, milk), in all kinds of dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, prunes).

For the natural release of serotonin, the body must be filled with the necessary amount of carbohydrates consumed with food. Carbohydrates are rich in glucose, which stimulates the release of the hormone insulin, which subsequently breaks down protein in the body, thereby increasing blood tryptophan. That is, those with a sweet tooth are less likely to be in a bad mood than those people who do not get enough carbohydrates during the day.

Another interesting observation was that individuals who work for the result, that is, those who are confident in receiving encouragement at the end of the work, do it efficiently and are less prone to stress and depression. Also, playing sports improves not only appearance, health, but also accelerates the synthesis of substances that activate the "happiness hormone". Constant loads accelerate the metabolism of the whole organism, norepinephrine is reproduced systematically.

The constant acquisition of positive and joyful emotions, for example, going to the cinema, shopping, communicating with a pleasant person, sex, contributes to a long-term arrangement in a good spirit. There is some connection between serotonin and mood, they are quite tightly connected and dependent on each other. After all, with an increase in serotonin in the body, mood improves, and with an improvement in mood, serotonin is produced. A certain cycle of serotonin-mood in the body.

A counterbalance to a good mood is a bad mood or depression. They can be caused by a substance opposite in its properties to serotonin - this is melatonin. It is responsible for the periods of work of the body from sleep to wakefulness. It is reproduced from tryptophan, just like serotonin, but at night. Due to the release of melatonin, the work of serotonin slows down, which brings the body into a state of depression.

This process can be observed for your body yourself. During periods of disgusting, overcast weather, when the days are shorter and the unpleasant gray evenings are longer, our body seems to fall into a seasonal malaise. Autumn and winter depressions are common among the people, when the body is deprived of many vitamins, it is in a state of complete relaxation and detachment from the outside world. During this very period, the ill-fated melatonin is released, exposing us to irritation and unproductive work.

Prevent such an effect on the body you can do it yourself getting more and more positive emotions. The important points are:

    Proper, organized nutrition, filled with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In no case should you overeat or starve, everything should be in moderation.

    Systematic physical activity (hiking and cycling, outdoor activities, yoga, Pilates, swimming, aerobics, dancing).

    Communication with the so-called "energy vampires" or people who make you feel heaviness and pain in your head after talking is contraindicated.

Raise your self-esteem! We are what we are. We feel the way we want.

Compliance with the basic principles will not make you wait for the result, already in the first weeks you will be able to feel lightness and good mood. You need to start small, you just have to start!