Biographies Characteristics Analysis

January 4 moon phase. Influence of the day of the week

A feature of the fourth phase of the waning Moon is the slowdown of all processes in the surrounding world and the fading of energy. The human body becomes passive and easily succumbs to apathy and fatigue. It is not recommended to plan active actions and carry out serious projects at this time.

At work, you should refrain from doing important and complex things; time is conducive to completing projects and analyzing the work done. It is not recommended to start new projects, enter into contracts or make changes during the fourth phase.

For household chores, this is a period of easy and unburdensome work - cleaning, putting things in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary will be the most optimal activities for the last days before the New Moon.

Do not plan purchases or expenses for the current time. Nowadays it’s easy to make a mistake and lose money. For the same reason, it is not recommended to invest in any projects, even the most reliable ones.

It is recommended to reduce communication in the last days before the New Moon, as there is a possibility of conflicts and quarrels. It is not advisable to hold negotiations and business events now. Family celebrations and meetings should also be postponed to a later time.

During the fourth quarter of the waning Moon, it is worth taking care of yourself - cosmetic and skin care procedures will give it a healthy and attractive appearance. You can now continue playing sports and exercising in moderation.

The time is also favorable for medical effects - wounds will heal quickly, operations will not bring unwanted complications. Now it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, since due to overwork, infectious diseases are possible.

Positive influence of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • a good period for completing serious matters and summing up their results;
  • During the current period, it is favorable to clean up the house and remove unnecessary things;
  • the right time for self-care - cosmetic and cleansing procedures, moderate physical exercise will give blooming species and lift your spirits;
  • The time is ideal for carrying out planned medical operations and interventions.

Negative influence of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • Not favorable time to start new things, implement grandiose projects, changing jobs because there is too little strength in the body;
  • It is not recommended to make purchases and invest money in the fourth phase;
  • communication in this period It is best to reduce it to a minimum with both business and personal surroundings;
  • In the last days before the New Moon, it is recommended to take care of increasing immunity - there is a possibility of illness.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius encourages us to take action. This is the hour when you can decide on something new: change your image, find another job, move to a new place of residence. The Moon in combination with Sagittarius will help improve relationships with people around you. Feel free to visit holiday events, throw parties. Your friendliness and sociability will help strengthen old connections and make new acquaintances. Do not be shy about contacting the opposite sex; this communication risks developing into something more. The period is favorable for interaction with public and government agencies. Don’t be afraid of going to the tax office or litigation. Things will go well in terms of work as well. This is the right time for investing, all kinds of business trips, and negotiations. The boss will probably please you with a promotion. Colleagues will create a pleasant working atmosphere. In terms of health, you should strengthen nervous system and respiratory organs. Exercise will be beneficial breathing exercises or yoga classes.

The Moon, inspiring us with dreams of the future, can distract us from everyday affairs. Therefore, you should not forget about everyday issues and get carried away with planning goals. On such days, visiting stores is not recommended. There are risks of losing control over your expenses and purchasing a lot of unnecessary things. It is better to postpone work related to construction and land during this period. Builders and quarry workers should be on alert. Of the human organs at this time, the most vulnerable are the tailbone, buttocks, thighs, and blood. It is not recommended to consume heavy food and alcohol, as it will be difficult for the liver to cope with the load. It is not necessary to treat the above-described organs during such a period.

The influence of the lunar day

29 lunar day

The 29th day of the lunar calendar is not suitable for conducting any business or completing complex projects. Don’t take on the task of doing the work, because you still won’t have enough strength. The time is not right for changing jobs, types of activities, or starting new projects. Spend time doing light chores like cleaning the house and putting things in order.

The day is catastrophic for any transactions with money. Today you should not make even small expenses at all - this will lead to financial failures.

Do not make new acquaintances on this day and refrain from communicating with colleagues and close circle. Today any communication and event will end conflict situation. Refrain from dating and communicating with your significant other.

During the 29th lunar day, engage in sports and in a healthy way life. Take a body cleansing course.

Positive influence of the day:

  • The day is perfect for cleansing yourself, your home, your thoughts.

Negative influence of the day:

  • a bad day for work and starting something new;
  • it is strictly prohibited to carry out any financial transactions;
  • not a good day for communication, events and meetings.

Influence of the day of the week

A beautiful day of the week ruled by Venus. It is advisable to put aside all complex matters, hard work, solving complicated problems and unpleasant communication. This is a day of beauty, creativity, romance, emotions and love. It is worth spending time with pleasure in all its forms. Pamper yourself. On Friday you can afford it.

What not to do on Friday

This is an unfavorable day for the following things:

  • hard and focused work;
  • making important decisions;
  • complex household chores;
  • serious financial transactions.

What to do on Friday

  • Beauty. Friday is the most favorable for everything related to beauty. Any manipulations with appearance will be successful. Visiting a hairdresser, beauty salon, solarium, manicure or pedicure salon. Experiment with hairstyle, makeup, bright clothes and jewelry.
  • Any purchase of beautiful things will be successful: decorative and interior items, flowers, clothes, shoes and jewelry.
  • Love and relationships. Venus is the goddess of love. This romantic day is simply meant for sensual emotions. Meetings with loved ones, dates, dating, romantic evenings, intimate relationships - this is what you should do on Friday.
  • Creativity and art. This is a good day for anything related to creativity: music, handicrafts, drawing, floristry, etc.
  • Fun, entertainment and delicious food. Venus is feminine and terrestrial planet. She loves fun, pleasure and sweets. Therefore, any event related to entertainment and delicious food will be successful on Friday.

8 lunar day

8 lunar day - good time to continue the work started and complete new ones. It is advisable not to work alone during this period - there may not be enough energy for effective work. It’s better to solve all matters collectively or at least ask others for advice. Serious conversation It is recommended to postpone it with your boss. You can do small things around the house. It is allowed to make minor purchases and small cash investments. The day is suitable for communication, building relationships, and forgiving old grievances. This is the perfect time to travel.

Waxing Moon (1st phase)

The first phase of the Moon is the ideal time to make plans for the coming month and launch new projects. There is enough energy for active work, but periods of loss of strength and unmotivated depression are possible. This is a good time to invest money. A suitable period for starting business, friendships and love relationship, communicating with relatives, starting renovations in the apartment. It is useful to devote time to what you love.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is the time to enjoy beauty and express feelings. This is a favorable period for creative work. Not the best days for any rational activity. It's a good time to talk to your boss. It is not advisable to move to a new place of work. Good days for washing, wet or general cleaning. Not the best time for large monetary transactions. It's a good time to go on dates and communicate with family and friends. During this period, it is recommended to attend cultural events and feel the beauty of life. This is a favorable time for any travel.


Wednesday is a good time to resolve work issues, teamwork, and search for business partners. This is a suitable period for any communication, dating, receiving guests. Favorable time for travel. On this day you need to be careful and attentive when conducting financial transactions.

Lunar energy can influence us in the most unpredictable ways. To be prepared for any situation, use the recommendations lunar calendar.

Our life directly depends on the choices we make. This is why it is so important to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. To be confident in your premonitions and respond to what is happening in a timely manner, develop your perception at a subtle level with simple exercises.

Moon phase: The Moon continues to grow and falls under the influence of the constellation Pisces. This is the 7th lunar day, which will plunge you headlong into the world of dreams and illusions. In this regard, you should be careful when performing important tasks and concentrate on details.

Magnetic storms: On January 4, a weak magnetic storm is expected, which can also negatively affect your concentration and composure. The stars recommend abandoning important negotiations on this day and, if possible, not making responsible decisions.

What will bring success today:

  • trips;
  • creation;
  • search for fresh ideas;
  • communication with loved ones;
  • resolving issues related to government agencies.
    • give in bad mood;
    • criticize colleagues;
    • raise the topic of promotion in a conversation with your superiors;
    • gamble.

    Household chores according to the lunar calendar

    On January 4, devote yourself to creativity. Moreover, you can use your imagination in various fields. This could be either preparing a new dish or rearranging furniture according to Feng Shui. This Eastern teaching in last years has gained popularity in Western countries. Using certain Feng Shui techniques, you can attract happiness and abundance into your home.

    Wardrobe on this lunar day

    Try to have it in your wardrobe Blue colour. Any shades of it in clothes or accessories will balance your energy and show right paths for further growth. Moreover, this will happen easily, and many issues will be resolved by themselves.

    Affairs, money and career

    This day is not suitable for concluding major deals and starting cooperation with new partners. IN similar situations there is too great a risk of financial losses and dishonesty of colleagues.

    Today is the best time to start designing and developing new ideas. If you make a competent presentation of your product and voice all the advantages, then your bosses will be pleased with the work you have done. And this will serve as an excellent reason for a salary increase.

    Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

    The fourth of January is perfect for the manifestation of intense emotions and sensuality, as well as for intimate conversations and intellectual debates. You can also plan a joint vacation and attend interesting events.

    For those who are in search of their soulmate, astrologers recommend using some tricks inherent in each of the Zodiac Signs that will make your first date unforgettable. Take note of these techniques, because on this day the likelihood of meeting someone will increase several times.

    Health on these lunar days

    Increased activity of the magnetosphere will make adjustments to the usual daily routine. In this regard, try not to burden yourself with numerous tasks and reduce to a minimum physical exercise. Here's a short walk to fresh air or a visit to the pool will come in handy.

    January 4th activates Creative skills and inspire you with new ideas. This approach will help you achieve your goals. You can also support your luck with ordinary jewelry that has unique properties. The lunar calendar wishes you good mood, have a fruitful day and don't forget to press the buttons and

    04.01.2017 00:00

    Choosing the perfect wedding day is the dream of all lovers. Use the lunar calendar tips to make your planned celebration...

The day of the week is Friday, which means that power passes to Venus, the patroness of everything sensual and beautiful. And although we are used to hastily completing the issues that have accumulated during the week on Fridays, this day is more suitable for an aesthetic perception of life and receiving all sorts of pleasures. Friday is the time to communicate with your chosen one, romantic dates, and lovemaking. This is the time for weddings and cultural events. On Friday it is useful to take care of yourself and surround yourself with beautiful things. What you definitely shouldn’t do on such a day is start studying exact sciences or deal with important papers.

Moon zodiac sign

Sagittarius → Capricorn

The Moon in Sagittarius is a day when the emphasis shifts from the present to the future. The main goals for today: stability, peace of mind, decency and achieving a high social status. There is a growing need to do the right thing, always and everywhere. In any business, there is a desire to seek expert opinions, advice and strictly follow them. I want to share a lot at the same time own experience with others, give recommendations, influence others. The Moon in the sign of Sagittarius makes thinking abstract: we see the big picture, but all the specifics elude our gaze.

The Moon in Capricorn requires us to show restraint, responsibility, and prudence. We forget about feelings and romance, we become serious, straightforward, and thoughtful. Interests are shifting towards specific results. On this day comes to the fore material side life. Moon in Capricorn - time of advancement career ladder, establishing business contacts, solving household and financial problems. Not everyone will be able to achieve everything right away, so today many will remain dissatisfied with their achievements.

Lunar day

27th lunar day: On the 27th day of the lunar calendar, space makes us look at life even more down to earth. It is advised to renounce the outside world as much as possible and concentrate on the inner world. There is a chance to discover something completely new in yourself.

28th lunar day: We continue to accumulate strength for the new month. Today it is useful to devote yourself to household chores, but any heavy or intensive work should be avoided. Internal harmony appears, previously confusing issues become clearer. With a good attitude, any business is completed successfully.

Moon phase

The waning Moon (aging, flawed) is associated with the element of Fire and symbolizes winter. It's time for withering, oppression, inactivity. The energy given by the Moon for the current month has almost dried up, and the body begins to accumulate strength for the new lunar month. This period is good for rest, sluggish completion of started tasks, introspection, reflection on the spiritual and gaining knowledge. It’s too late to change something or start, but making plans for the next lunar month is not prohibited. Last days lunar calendar are the most difficult. Solving even small problems requires complete dedication and drains the last of our strength. Emotional breakdowns are observed, actions become impulsive.