Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Anyone worthy of being a citizen. Essay on the topic: “what does it mean to be a citizen of Russia

Today in the lesson we were asked to write on the topic: What does a citizen mean, an essay. And so I thought, what does it mean to be a citizen?

What does it mean to be a citizen?

Already from birth, each of us receives citizenship, and becoming automatically citizens of the country, we receive from it the protection of our rights and our freedoms. But what do we, as citizens, do for our country and what, in my understanding, is to be a truly citizen of our own, and not someone else's, country?

As for me, it is not enough to be born in one's own country in order to obtain the status and be a real citizen. In my opinion, a citizen is one who truly loves the country, his homeland and is ready to give his life for it without hesitation, as our ancestors did, defending the borders of their country during the war years.

A citizen is someone who honors the memory of their ancestors, someone who appreciates the heritage of their ancestors, someone who does not desecrate monuments of architecture and culture. A citizen is one who defends his history and the history of his country. That's just the trouble! People began to forget what it means to be a real citizen, and everything around collapses from this, history is forgotten, and people cannot answer even the easiest questions. They desecrate monuments, destroy architectural structures and do nothing to save everything for posterity. But, it is enough just to join forces, and you can always defend your rights to historical and cultural values countries and true citizens do just that. They never close their eyes, but act to protect cultural heritage.

In addition, - this is someone who is not indifferent to fellow citizens. A real citizen will not pass by those who need help, he will always help the weak. And of course, a citizen of his country is the person who lives within the law, without violating written rules, and at the same time lives adhering to an unspoken code, the so-called code of honor and dignity.

This is how I imagine what it means to be a real citizen and I try to be one, I try to be worthy person, respected compatriot and devoted friend for fellow citizens.

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  • what does it mean to be a citizen
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Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "The Poet and the Citizen" Composition on the topic: NOT TO LOVE, MEANS NOT TO LIVE Composition on the topic: Is Tom Sawyer a bully or a mischievous? (M. Twain. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer") An essay based on Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush” on the topic “Is Vera Almazova Happy?” Essay on the topic: how I understand patriotism (essay-reflection on a current topic)

MBOU Tubyanskaya OOSh
leader: Fateeva E.I.
prepared by: 6th grade student
Agafonov Denis
X. Tubyansky 2015
on the topic of:
“What does it mean to be a citizen of Russia?”
My homeland, what will be and what was -
I'll share everything with you
Not at all because you love me,
Just because I love you.
M. Tanich Fatherland, Motherland, Russia are the main and important words for every person who considers himself a true citizen of Russia. And who is he a citizen of Russia? If we turn to textbooks, then a citizen is a person who has legal relations with the state, its rights and obligations are enshrined in laws and protected by the state. Citizenship is the mutual responsibility of the individual and the state. The state protects the person, and he fulfills his duties and defends the interests of the state.
But I think that these definitions are not enough to understand the full depth of the word "citizen". After all, it says a lot. In my opinion, a citizen is, first of all, a caring person who knows, loves and appreciates the cultural heritage of his ancestors and worries about the future of his country. This is the one who is ready to share responsibility for his country, his state, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of common interests. A citizen is one who passionately loves his great and small Motherland, knows its history, traditions, customs, supports and develops them, preserves the unique monuments of antiquity, the memory of important events and prominent personalities of his state. The word "citizen" is inextricably linked with patriotism, love for the Fatherland. And if you are a true citizen of your Fatherland, then you will do everything to make it flourish, so that everyone lives in peace and harmony, there are no wars, and your children become full citizens of the Russian Federation.
How to educate real citizens of your country? It is necessary not to call for patriotism, but to instill it from childhood, starting from the smallest: love for the family, place of birth, home. The key to respect, understanding of true values, in my opinion, is the knowledge native history. Love for the Motherland cannot suddenly appear in a person, because someone ordered it. This feeling grows and strengthens throughout life.
Its origins are in respect, reverent attitude towards the place where he was born, grew up, to father's house, to the people who raised you, in memory of your ancestors. Even in childhood, each of us should begin to study the history of the Fatherland in order to be filled with pride in our ancestors. Then we will not have abandoned old people, decaying ancient monuments, dilapidated buildings of the great architects of the past, forgotten books and dying folk crafts. Without knowing the past, it is impossible to love the present, to think about the future. “A tree is strong with roots,” says the proverb. Our roots are our past, history and national culture. Without them, the tree cannot live, they keep it in the soil and nourish it. Not knowing or forgetting great story, primordial culture, we can lose national dignity, national identity.
A citizen is a person who not only lives in Russia, but lives for her. The younger generation is obliged to strengthen and develop their state, and I, as a citizen of Russia, must take a direct part in this. Each of us, including myself, must first get an education, a profession, and then try to do something for others, for our country.
But our Motherland is not only blooming gardens and gentle sea. A lot of people in our country live in need and poverty. There are many homeless people, orphans living in basements and dying of hunger and terrible diseases. Well ... all this is the Motherland? And a citizen should love and understand all this? Of course, it is impossible to immediately decide any global problems. But you can try to do at least something to benefit your country. Some people are indifferent to the troubles of others, indifferent to what is happening in the country. But a true citizen of the Fatherland is experiencing the pain and difficulties of his homeland. Worries like his own troubles. He follows all the changes in the country on television, the Internet and newspapers. He wants change for the better. He understands that without his actions nothing will change. But knowing and wanting is not enough. The citizen is acting. This is called "civic behavior". You can watch with indifference how nature is dying at the hands of man, or you can plant trees, never throw papers on the ground, clean the forest and river banks from debris. You can do good deeds - help old people, veterans.
I, as a citizen of my country, believe that the greatness and strength of the country depends on the life position of its population. And even at my age, you can be a real citizen of your country.

Conversation with students

Theme : What does it mean to be a citizen?

Age group: 12-13 years old

Purpose of the lesson : to help clarify what the main features represent the content of the concept of "citizenship";

the formation of civic qualities in schoolchildren, a sense of responsibility and civic duty to society;

development of cooperation, when working in groups;

identifying the individual abilities and capabilities of children;

upbringing right attitude to law, labor, discipline;

creating motivation for their cultural improvement;

expanding the horizons of students.

Lesson type: lesson-conversation

Equipment : visual and Handout, music

The course of the conversation:

N.A. Nekrasov said: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen!” (on the word board)

What does it mean to be a citizen? “A citizen is…” - starting to talk about the concept, we realize that the word means something big and significant, something majestic and expensive.

Citizens and non-citizens existed, for example, both in ancient Greek democracy and in Roman antiquity. Citizenship is usually associated with such political rights asto elect and be elected, to hold certain posts, to be under the protection of the state, and the duty of a citizen almost everywhere is military service.

Each of us must be a Citizen. We must not only know the laws that spell out our rights and obligations, not only passively comply with the requirements, but also actively defend our rights.

What do you think, what are “rights”, what are “human rights”?

(students speak)

Let's turn to the dictionary. Rights are a system legal regulations, fixing the position of the individual, the rules of relationships between people, the relationship of the individual and the state. Tell me please


1. Rights - is that something that belongs to everyone from birth?

2. Should human rights be respected always and everywhere?

3. Rights must be respected only by adults?

4. Rights are life itself

5. Each person chooses to respect the rights or not.

6. We must respect the rights of others and fight for our rights.

The most important law is the Constitution. What does our Constitution say?

Every citizen of any country should know and respect national symbols.

Familiarity with:

State symbols of the Russian Federation.

When was the coat of arms law passed?

What is the flag of the Russian Federation?

What does each color mean?

Name the day of the Russian flag.

What concepts does the word "citizen" include?


Pain for native nature

high morality

Love to native nature, land, close, to their homeland

But what is homeland?

A real citizen must:

- Know and follow the laws of the state.

- self-observance moral standards behavior in society.

– Be conscientious in all matters.

- Willingly carry out public assignments.

- Show readiness to defend the Motherland.

- Show a sense of responsibility and duty to parents.

- show an example careful attitude to nature and the public domain.

- Study well, work hard, willingly help comrades.

– To show intolerance to evil and immorality.

- To be able to stand up for the weak.

– be interested political events in the country, history and culture of the Motherland.

From all that has been said, we can define a true citizen as a highly moral and law-abiding person.

If from childhood you are accustomed not to violate the moral norms accepted in society, then in the future adulthood you are unlikely to break the law.

What is a law?

Law is a document adopted by the state (definition according to the table). It is written down on paper and all people must abide by it.

All actions must be held accountable.

Lesson summary

In today's lesson, we tried to determine what qualities a true citizen should have. And now let's remember once again who such a citizen is.

From"Thoughts of a Citizen" :

Cherneikina Elena 7 "B" MOU No. 27:

What does it mean to be a citizen of your country? I think that being a citizen of your homeland means being the owner of your country, not a guest.

Pavlov Artem 8 "G" MOU No. 33:

Not a Citizen lives in Russia, but Russia lives in a Citizen. Only in this case will a person have a strong feeling for the Motherland, and the Motherland will be enriched with the feeling of the people.

A citizen does not complain, does not look for the guilty, does not wait for handouts, does not swear and does not cry ... A citizen believes in himself, sees a Man in a person, feels his guilt for the whole people. The citizen goes forward, falls, rises and goes again ... through the taiga, through the sands, through water barriers, knocked down by the steppe wind, stopped by mountain barriers, killed by the ignorance of his fellow tribesmen and rudeness, and cowardice, corruption ... But the Citizen still goes ... Because before him Lomonosov and Tsialkovsky, Pushkin and Matrosov, Peter 1 and Glinka walked, Russia went before him ... A citizen cannot stop - the Motherland will stop. A citizen cannot stop loving the Fatherland, because this love is eternal.

The citizen is responsible for the state. He will not shout at all crossroads about his rights and freedom, and he will never consider duties a burden.

Mikhalev Anton 8 "A" gymnasium. N.M. Przhevalsky:

Being a citizen of Russia is not just about having the rights and fulfilling the duties that are enshrined in the Constitution of the state. It means being a citizen great country and mighty state. After all, the prosperity of the country is achieved by the efforts of all citizens, including mine. Being a citizen means having an active life position, do not sit back, do not remain silent, do not shift your duties onto the shoulders of another. To be a citizen of Russia means to be its patriot. But you need to love Russia not in words, uttering loud phrases. Only by his deeds can a person prove his love for the Motherland.

Obtaining a passport puts me on a par with the great citizens of our state: the President of Russia, outstanding scientists, athletes who have achieved Olympic gold, and increases my responsibility for my actions.

Burchenkova Victoria, grade 8, aesthetic gymnasium:

In my view, a true citizen is one who treats the place where he was born and raised with love and respect. This man will never harm nature. A citizen must know the history and culture of his state. And most importantly - to stand up for the freedom and independence of the country. Each of us needs to develop a sense of citizenship, a sense of unity with the whole people.

Kotova Daria 8 "B", Gymnasium. N.M. Przhevalsky:

The degree of citizenship is determined by the desire or unwillingness of a person to participate in social life country. After all, you can be a citizen only formally.