Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Belgorod State Agrarian University named after I. Belgorod State Agrarian University

Belgorod State agricultural university named after V.Ya. Gorin for many years has been a forge of personnel for the agro-industrial complex not only in the Belgorod region, but also in other regions of the country.

Innovative education system

Modern requirements for a graduate are high, and in agriculture, advanced technologies are being introduced by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the Agrarian University adheres to main task: a young specialist must not only meet the requirements of high-tech industries, but also be capable of self-development, be able to think for the future.

The entire powerful complex of the university works for this. In particular, there is a unique system of laboratories, scientific, educational and production sites. With the support of the Government of the region, the Center for Agrarian Problems was created. His activities made it possible to unite the scientific forces of Belgorod and neighboring regions, increase funding for science, and strengthen the material and technical base. By the way, the developments of the university brought more than 500 million rubles to the farms of the region.

The Agrotechnopark is successfully operating, which includes an exhibition center, a business incubator, an information and consulting center and a production sector: a plant growing workshop, a workshop, storage and processing areas, a rabbit farm, a poultry farm, a mushroom farm, a greenhouse, a vivarium, a veterinary clinic, an apiary.

Employment is not a problem!

The university has one of the highest employment rates among Russian universities similar profile: more than 78% of graduates immediately begin to build a career. This is the result of well-planned work.

In particular, the organization of practical training of students - the system of classrooms in the workplace. The university has concluded agreements with 47 basic farms of the Belgorod region and other regions of all spheres of agricultural production and activity.

One of the main customers of the university for training is the Ministry Agriculture RF. There is also a system of targeted training at the request of enterprises. There are about 50% of such students at the university, which means that several thousand young people know for sure what specific position awaits them after receiving a diploma.

It is important that the university has created a department to promote the employment of graduates. The labor market is monitored here, direct contacts with enterprises are established.

The Agrarian University is confident that the level of knowledge gained allows young people to get a decent job and look to the future with optimism. The teaching staff makes every effort to ensure that highly professional and creative specialists emerge from the walls of the university.

Ekaterina Papakina

Belgorod Agricultural University named after V.Ya. Gorin

Educational directions:

"Agriculture and fisheries" (agronomy; agrochemistry and soil science; agroengineering; landscape architecture, technology of production and processing of agricultural products);

"Veterinary and Animal Science" (veterinary medicine; animal science);

"Economics and Management" (economics; management; personnel management);

"Education and pedagogical sciences» (professional training);

"Industrial ecology and biotechnology" (food of animal origin);

« Applied Geology, mining and geodesy” (land management and cadastres);

"Informatics and Computer Engineering" (applied informatics).

Levels of education:

Primary: agroclasses, lyceum groups, intellectual clubs, research laboratories on the basis of pivotal schools;

Secondary vocational education;

Higher: bachelor's and specialist's degree, master's degree, postgraduate studies;

Postgraduate: international course"MBA-agribusiness", international master's course "Agricultural management", advanced training and retraining of personnel, doctoral studies.

The agricultural industry has not developed for a long period of time. Now the situation has changed. Investments were made in the agro-industrial complex. As a result, production increased in a number of areas. However, there was also a shortage of qualified personnel, because many school graduates did not even consider agricultural universities before as options for continuing their education.

In connection with the revival of the industry, applicants have an interest in the relevant education. Various agricultural universities in Russia are invited to receive it, one of which is located in Belgorod. Its name is Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin. Residents of the city habitually call it an academy, because it used to have such a status.

About the educational institution

Belgorod Agricultural Institute appeared in 1978. It was founded on the basis of a branch of the Agricultural Institute, functioning in Voronezh, and the Design and Technological Institute of Animal Husbandry. In the 1990s, the university received the status of an academy. This was the development of the institution, as well as the contribution to the agricultural industry and higher education in a city like Belgorod.

Agricultural an academy that has become a university is educational and scientific center, consisting of 5 main faculties: agricultural, technological, engineering, economic and veterinary medicine. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Faculty of Agriculture

This structural unit has existed since its inception. educational organization. It is considered the leading faculty of the university. Here students are trained under the bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs in areas related to the profile structural unit(agronomy, agrochemistry and agrosoil science, landscape architecture, ecology and nature management, land management and cadastres).

Highly qualified and new-minded specialists grow up from students studying at the Faculty of Agriculture. They are in demand among employers. Graduates work for various enterprises cities and regions - in insurance companies, environmental authorities, research institutes, educational institutions. Some people leave Belgorod. Agricultural academy gives good knowledge, with which it is not a shame to declare oneself in the labor market of other Russian cities.

Faculty of Technology

The Belgorod Agricultural Institute, which is now called a university, created a technological faculty in 1979. This structural unit operates to this day. Its history has been going on for almost 40 years. At first, the faculty trained only livestock specialists. Later, new specialties were opened. The structural subdivision began to produce agricultural production technologists and engineers for meat and milk processing enterprises.

The modern technological faculty continues to train the above specialists. Applicants from different settlements for admission come to Belgorod. Agricultural the academy offers several directions - "Zootechny", "Technology of processing and production of agricultural products", "Food products of animal origin", " Professional education».

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering was formed later than the previous ones. He appeared in 1989. During the period of its existence, the structural unit issued huge amount engineers. Today, the Belgorod State Agrarian University trains bachelors in several areas: "Agroengineering" and "Professional training".

People studying at the faculty are immersed in scientific life. Employees of the structural unit are working on improving agricultural machinery, developing energy-saving technologies, and improving reliability technical means. The necessary research is carried out in a special laboratory. Students here learn information about new research, gain experience in conducting test work.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics of the Belgorod Agrarian University was formed in connection with the increased needs of organizations agro-industrial complex in economists, managers. This structural unit is now considered the most prestigious in the university. It is an educational and scientific center. The developed material and technical base provides high level training of bachelors, specialists and masters economic profile that Belgorod needs.

Agricultural The academy, which has become a university, at the Faculty of Economics conducts training in such areas as "Economics", "Management", "Personnel Management", "Professional Training", "Applied Informatics". After completing the training, graduates get jobs in enterprises of all industries National economy, to banking structures, tax authorities, authorities government controlled etc.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Let's continue to consider organizational structure, which has an agricultural academy (Belgorod). The faculties include a division of veterinary medicine. Its history began with the preparation of students in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" in 1982. A specialized faculty did not yet exist at that time, so the zooengineering faculty was engaged in training. The structural unit associated with veterinary medicine appeared in 1985.

Today, the faculty continues to work and train future veterinarians. Students here learn to recognize and treat animal diseases, engage in preventive activities, carry out autopsies of corpses and draw conclusions about the causes of death of living beings.

The educational process allows students to receive useful practical information, because the faculty has created a pathoanatomical museum. There are aquariums and terrariums in which fish, turtles, crocodile and python live.

Additional faculties

Belgorod State Agrarian University has 2 additional structural subdivisions. One of them is the Faculty of Secondary vocational education. It accepts graduates of the 9th and 11th grades for training in programs designed for the training of middle managers. The faculty graduates the following specialists:

  • livestock specialists;
  • agronomists;
  • mechanical technicians;
  • electrical technicians;
  • fish farming technicians;
  • programmer technicians;
  • technical technicians. service road transport;
  • veterinary paramedics;
  • technologists for the production and processing of agricultural. products;
  • specialists in land and property relations;
  • accountants.

There is also a faculty correspondence education. This structural unit has been operating since 2004. She organizes educational process in those areas of training in which the university is allowed to carry out its educational activities. Training for correspondence department characterized by a smaller amount of classroom workload. main part educational information students study on their own.

Agrarian universities are available in Russia in sufficient numbers. One of them is the Belgorod Agricultural University. This educational institution with a wide choice of areas of training, specialties. All of them, which are relevant and in demand in modern world are implemented in the existing faculties discussed above. If you are interested in this university, then go to the village of Maisky. Agricultural which is already a university, is located here on Vavilov Street, 1.