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An ancient myth about Greece in the Ukrainian language. Myths and legends of ancient Greece

Religion in Ancient Greece was polytheistic, so people believed in the impersonal gods, giving skins for any kind of their own sphere: for example, the supreme god Zeus - behind the grim and glitter, his brothers Aid and Poseidon - for the kingdom of the dead and for the seas-oceans apparently, the goddess Athena - for wisdom and war.

The skin gods of the Greek gods had their own sphere of infusion, the skin gods had their own history (a kind of biography). The gods, born from the ancient Greeks, lived on Mount Olympus and all were related to one relative. The gods of Olympus are immortal, they can and can create a diva.

About what to vindicate the legends of Ancient Greece
The very vibrations formed the basis of the famous Greek myths and legends. Most of them are dedicated to the very history of the life of the gods and their spirits between one and the same: myths tell about those, like Zeus (together with the brothers Hades and Poseidon) win over his father Kron and reign on Olympus.

Yogo's squad is the goddess Hera, the guardian of the coat and family ties. The rich Olympic gods are the children of Zeus the Thunderer, for example, the goddess of wisdom Athena or the god of war Ares. It’s not easy to see the gods among themselves, it’s shown in myths: the deacons speak of them about how the god Hermes stole Apollo’s cows, or about those like Persephone (daughter of the goddess of nature Demetri) was stolen from her by Adom.

Ancient Greeks retelled one myth to one in the capacity of tsikavih, mayzhe of kazkovyh histories. Many of them were known in ancient literature. So, for example, nayvіdіshe perekladennya legends and myths of Ancient Greece in Russian language, written by N.A. Kun, it is important to rely on the reason of Hesiod's "Theogony" (a treatise about the gods' journey), as well as on the deacons of Homer's poem "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

Myths about Hercules
Okrim gods, Greek myths and legends were also consecrated to Greek Heroes - people who were endowed with supernatural powers. One of these heroes was Hercules, the son of the supreme god Zeus and the mortal queen Alkmeni. Hercules, while serving with King Evrisfeya, de Yomu had a chance to perform twelve great feats at the order of the king. Tse buv their own kind of agreement with the Olympian gods, as if they condemned the sons of Zeus, who take away that divine immortality, as if they punished them.

The first two zavdannyas were clapping in the wreckage of titans - the Nemean lion and the Lernean hydra; Hercules drove a monster away. After whom Eurystheus entrusted Hercules to kill the Stymphalian birds, they all became poor. Potim - evil and bring alive Keriney's deer of the goddess Artemida.

The checks and advances of the zavdanny did not bother themselves: in the presence of Hercules, it was necessary to drive the Yerimantsky boar, cleanse the defenses of King Avgiya, the evil of the Cretan beak, the horses of King Diomedes and the cows of Gerion. After that king Eurystheus, having longed for a belt for the new queen of the Amazons, Hippolyti.

So Hercules had a chance to descend into the underground kingdom of Aida and bring the stars of the three-headed dog Cerberus (having wobbly, Eurystheus snarled and asked to turn the dog back to Aida). The rest of Hercules' task was to get golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides - to take them away, Hercules happened to be remembered for a certain hour by the mysteries behind the Atlas, which trimmed the sky, and to take on their shoulders the heavenly crypt.

After the twelfth feat of Hercules, the sound of service in Evrisfeya and the zmіg turn to Thebes.


Near the center of Kiev on Bankovyi Street, 10 roztasovaniya chudernatsky budinok - a spore in the shape of a cube, with columns, decorated with sculptures of marvelous sea monsters, jellyfish, dolphins toshcho. Tse is the sumptuous garden of the well-known Kiev architect Vladislav Vladislavovich Gorodetsky, called by him to the very beginning of the twentieth century, and imitating the palace of Poseidon, the Volodar of the Seas. Today, outside the house, I will call it "Budinok from chimeras." Who is Poseidon, who is such a chimera, from outlandish creation - work with that head of a lion, a goat's coat and a dragon's tail? And the stench came to us from Ancient Greece.

So, just like the ancient Ukrainians, the Hellenes believed that the homeland of the gods is great to rule the whole world. The Greek gods lingered on Mount Olympus. Zeus the Thunderer loomed his head above the mustache of the gods - like the god Perun among ancient Ukrainians. Among the Greeks, the goddess Geya was chosen by the earth, Uranus by the sky, and Poseidon by the water. The God Helios-Sun sent a storanka to heaven in a golden chariot... The gods became intercessors for people in the most manipulative life situations - for example, the god of sleep Morpheus forced people to dream at night; the goddess Irida after the plank lit up the merry-go-round in the sky; the god Dionis helped the vine-growers to grow riches; the god Ares led the Hellenes to war just then. Surrounded by the gods, usevіt was inhabited by other marvelous characters - nymphs, commandes, centaurs, gorgonians, cyclops toshcho, and among them - chimeras.

Ale not only the earth was inhabited by the gods, the spirits of that monster. The Hellenes raised their eyes to the sky and sang myriad stars, with an unblemished rite of unification at the suzir. And they believed: if the west is dark on the earth, here far in the sky the miserable Orion will come out to water with his faithful dog Sirius, he will follow the simohs of the Pleiades sisters, and you could duck in the catch; the bogatyr Perseus rubs the head of the terrible gorgon Medusa with the vipers, then the beautiful Andromeda looks like a sea monster, and behind them the guards of the mother of Andromeda - Cassiopeia; nothing the hero Hercules (in Greek - Hercules) creates his own name-calls.

It has long been known to people that it is not the Sun that is collapsing around the Earth, but, instead, the Earth is turning around the Sun, that day is wrapping around the axis of the sun; far away are the stars - so are the heavenly luminaries, like our Sun; what a great dawn system creates the galaxy, which the ancient Greeks called the Dairy Way, and the ancient Ukrainians called the Chumatsky Way. Old Greek myths and legends were deeply rooted in European culture, the stench suffocated and suffocated painters, sculptors, poets.

To this day, people are choked with the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer, "Metamorphoses" of Ovid, the tragedies of Sophocles. Nothing has changed the beauty of Apollo Belvedere (antique statue at the Vatican in Rome) and Venus (Aphrodite) Miloskoy (taken to the Louvre in Paris). Famous paintings by Botticelli "Pallas and the Centaur", "Nativity of Venus", Velazquez "Venus with a chandelier", "At the forge of Vulcan" (the god-smith Hephaestus), Rembrandt "Danae", Rubens "Perseus and Andromeda", "The Vicarious Daughters of Leucippus" » have finally reached the golden fund of light culture. And in Ukrainian art, the old Greek myth of the ancient world is famous - we want to guess the "Aeneid" by Ivan Kotlyarevsky, this burlesque "translation" - a retelling of the famous ancient epic - "Aeneid" by Virgil, as the hero of the Trinity was described as useful; otherwise, sing dramatic "Cassandra", "Ifigure in Taurida", "Orgy" by Lesia Ukrainka.

Mіfi Hellady is not a warehouse for a European svetoglyad. The stench has gone unnoticed into our lives, and I can’t imagine that, behind the old orders, the Olympic Games, when the hero Hercules fell asleep in honor of the god Zeus; atlanti and cariatidi and dosi trim balconies and porticos of old stone houses in Ukrainian places; the Parisian Champs-Elysées - that ancient Greek Eliziy, the fields of the blessed, the afterlife world, where the righteous eat; Harry Potter's girlfriend Hermione took off her name in honor of the daughter of the Spartan king Menelaus and the beautiful Gelenya, the stolen day that led to the Trojan War ... Get well and you, young readers, to the treasury of European culture.

Legends of the Golden Age

Cob of light

On the cob of the world all around Panuvav Chaos - empty of the day, as it was forever. Qiu was inhabited by the impenetrable Nich and Ereb-Morok, so it was always dark and cold here. And after an hour, the haze began to thicken and streshtoy typing the shape of an egg, like it split in two - so Uranus-Sky and Geya-Earth stood. Out of Chaos, Tartarus-Pidzemella was born, and from the skyline of Nikti-Noch and Ereba-Morok, bright Ether-Povitrya and Hemera-Day were born.

Geya-Earth became a ship with Uranus-Sky, and the Ocean was born in them, the future mother of Zeus, the goddess Rhea, the goddess of law Themis, the god Kronos-Hour, as well as titans and titanides, one-eyed cyclops and hundred-arms and five-ten-headed veletni-hekatoncheiri.

That evil Uranus-Sky of the blessed children - veletiv-hekatoncheiriv - and having thrown them off from the dark Tartarus, the stink stars could not suffocate the bright day. Like Geya-Earth did not beat the titans to stand against the power of the father, to call the brethren-velets, the stench could not be called, and they far away from the black overhangs of the earth.

Nareshti for our mother, as if it were necessary to call all the children, the only merciful Kronos-Hour attacked his father and lifted yoga. Uranus dripped with blood, and the speckles fell, there stood up Erinia - the goddess of vengeance, for as long as they inhabit the realm of dead shadows. Erinia unobtrusively follow the evildoers, especially those who have killed, indulge their mind and force them to be beaten.

Kronos-Hour of planting the royal throne and starting one-sided panuvati near the world. For the squad of wines, having taken the goddess Rhea.

People of Zeus

The youngest son of Kronos, Zeus, was born at a deep cave on the island of Crete. Navit yogo father Kronos-Hour did not say in a moment that the son of the skin father is on the throne and is in power in the whole world. And Kronos himself stood up against the mighty father of Uranus-Heaven and guarded him for that. If children were born at the yoga squad of Rey, Kronos devoured them. So he cherished his older children: Hestia - the goddess of domestic fire, Demeter - the goddess of fertility and agriculture, Hera - the future squad of Zeus and the queen of the gods, Aida - the leader of the underground world and Poseidon - the leader of the seas.

Rhea prayed to the fathers of Kronos - Uranus-Sky and Geya-Earth - to help her to bury at least one child. Uranus and I pleased her to be buried on the island of Crete near the stove. There, she gave birth to Zeus, and the Kureti, the demons of the earth, beat with swords in their shields and drowned out the cries of speechlessness, so that the bitter father did not feel the crying. The deputy of the child Rhea slipped a stone to Kronos, zagornuty at the pelyushka, and that one, without suspecting anything, laso forged the stone.

Zrostav Zeus in Crete. The nymph-goat Amalthea, whose rіg mav charіvnu zdatnіst give everything that Yogo Volodar did not indulge, blew Yogo's milk with milk. That is why I was called the wine horn of prosperity. Otak, in prosperity, that lull of husband Zeus, and the bjoli wore youma honey zі skhilіv Gori Dikti.

Zeus defeats Kronos and Titans

At the same time, the goddess Geya-Earth at once from the oceanic Metis, Zeus’s possible first squad, with an approach and cunning, impelled Kronos-the Hour to spit out all the dead children. That first wine spitting out a stone, littered with a pelushka. Zeus put this stone at the place of Delphi, and was called the navel of the earth. It was like this: Zeus was given a court to mark the center of the earth, and then at the same time, from the sunset, he released two eagles at the same time. Birds streaked in Delphi, and here Zeus herself installed a sacred stone - omphalos. Obabich omfala caught two golden eagles.

Current page: 1 (total book has 39 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 26 pages]

M. A. Kuhn
Legends and myths of Ancient Greece

Part of perch
Gods and heroes

Pokhodzhennya to the world and gods

Myths about the gods and their struggle with the giants and titans are given mainly for the poem of Hesiod "Theogony" ("The Walking of the Gods"). Acts of utterance are similar to Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey" and the sing of the Roman poet Ovid's "Metamorphosis" ("Re-creation").

On the back of my head, only the eternal, borderless, dark Chaos. The new bulo was looking forward to the life of the world. All viniklo z bezmezhnoy Chaos - the whole world and immortal gods. To resemble Chaos and the goddess Earth - Gaia. It spread wide, mighty, and give life to everything that is alive and growing on it. And far under the Earth, so far - as far as we can see, the sky is clear, the gloomy Tartarus was born in the unearthly depths - a stale day, full of eternal drinks. Out of Chaos, dzherela life, a mighty force was born, all-revitalizing Lyubov - Eros. The beginning of the world is happening. Bezmezhny Chaos gave birth to the eternal Morok - Ereba and the darkness of Nich - Nyukta. And in the midst of the Night and the Moroka, the eternal Light - Efir and the Radiant Bright Day - Hemera. Light spilled over the world, and began to change one night and day.

The mighty, fertile Earth gave birth to the infinitely black Sky - Uranus, and the Sky spread over the Earth. Proudly rose to the new high mountain Gori, people of the Earth, and the ever-noisy Sea spread wide. Mother Earth gave birth to Heaven, Gori and the Sea, and there is no father in them.

Uranus - Sky - zapanuvav have light. Vіn uzyav yourself for the retinue of the fertile Earth. Six blues and six daughters - mighty, terrible titans - small Uranus and Gaia. Їх syn, titan Ocean, scho obtіkaє, nache bezbezhnaya rіka, the whole earth, and the goddess Thetida gave birth in the world to mustache rivers, scho to kitten their winds to the sea, and sea goddesses - Okeanid. And the titan Gipperion and Teia gave light children: the Sun-Helios, the Moon-Selena and the ruddy Zorya - the erysipelas Eos (Aurora). In the air of Astrea and Eos, all the stars are like, like burning in the dark night sky, and all the winds: the boisterous wind of Boreas, the descending Evr, the watery spring of Note and the sunset, the motley wind of Zephyr, which carried bagats on the boards of gloom.

Crimea of ​​titans, the mighty Earth gave birth to three veletniv-cyclops with one eye at the forehead and three majestic, like a blaze, five-headed veletniv - hundred-armed (hekatoncheireiv), so named to the one who has a hundred hands mav leather from them. Nothing can stand against their stingy strength, their elemental strength does not know between.

Hating Uranus of his children-veletniv, at the heart of the goddess Earth, having closed the veins of them at the deep darkness and not allowing them to enter the world. Mother Earth suffered. Її crushing this terrible load, closing in її nadras. She called out to her children, titans, and beat them to the stand against the father of Uranus, but the stinks were afraid to raise their hand to the father. Only the youngest of them, approaching Kron 1
Cron- all-gloomy hour ( chronos- hour).

By cunningly throwing off his father and seeing the new power.

The goddess Nich gave birth to a host of stingy deities at the end of the Crown: Tanata - death; Zhakh, chvari, deceit, struggle and misfortune brought these gods to the world, having reigned on the throne of their father Kron.

Zeus 2
Zeus- Roman Jupiter. A picture of the life of the gods on the Olympus is given behind the works of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey", which glorify the tribal aristocracy and the basileus, which її were enchanted, like the best people, like to stand richly in the face of the masses of the population. The gods of Olympus rise in the form of aristocrats and basileus only, because the stench is immortal, they can and can work miracles. God Zeus is the same basileus who rules, spiraling on the aristocracy of the gods, the earth and the sky. Poseidon is the same idealized basileus, like Zeus. Vіn to rule the sea, the birth of the aristocracy of the sea gods. Otzhe, among the gods, like among the people, mi bachimo basileus, like they ruled the skin of their sphere. Zeus rules the sky and the earth, Poseidon rules the sea, and Hades rules the underworld.
People of Zeus

Kron is not a song, so that power will forever be lost in yogo's hands. Vin was afraid that the children would stand up against him and reckon Yogo for the same share, for the sake of the guilt of his father Uranus. Vin was afraid of his children. And having punished Kron's retinue of his Rhea to bring to you the people's children and ruthlessly forge them. Rhea sighed, succumbing to the share of her children. Having already forged five Kron: Hestia 3
Goddess of sacrificial fire and fire of the native fire, patron of the place and power. In Rome, by the year, Vesta, the goddess of the motherland, was torn off by Hestia.

Demeter 4
Great is the goddess of the fertility of the earth, as she gives growth to us, which grows on the earth, gives fertility to the fields, blesses the farmer's labor. The Romans named the goddess Demeter after their ancient goddess of the birth, Cereri. Myth about Demeter div. lower.

Heru, Hades (Hades) and Poseidon. 5
The Romans gave them Juno, Pluto and Neptune.

Rhea did not want to spend and leave her child. For the joy of her fathers, Uranus-Heaven and Gaia-Earth, she went to the island of Crete and there, by the deep oven, the young son Zeus was born in her. At this oven, Rhea buried her son in the presence of a zhorstogo father, and she gave him a caulk, zamіst sina, a long stone, fires at the pelushki. Kron did not suspect that Yogo was fooled by the squad.

And Zeus at the same time ris in Crete. The nymphs Adrastea that Idea cherished the little Zeus, the stench vied him with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. The Bjolis brought honey to the little Zeus on the scales of the high mountain of Dikty. And at the entrance to the cave of young Kureti 6
Pivbogi, protectors and defenders of Zeus. In Crete, the priests of Zeus and Rhea were called kurets in the past.

They beat the shield with swords, if little Zeus cried, so that Kron did not feel crying, and Zeus did not wake up the share of his brothers and sisters.

Zeus throws off Krona. Fight of gods-olympians with titans

Virus and smart, beautiful and mighty god Zeus. Vіn standing up against his father and priming it, turn the winds into the light of the children who died to him. One by one, having put out from the mouth of the Krons their children-gods, beautiful and clear. The stench began to fight against Kron and the titans for dominion over the world.

Zhakhliva and zazyat bula tsya struggle. The children of Kron were strengthened on the high Olympus. On their side were the deacons and titans, and the first - the titan Ocean and the daughter of Yogo Stiks with the children of Zavzyatty, Mitsyu and Peremogoy. Not safe was the struggle for the gods-olympians. Mighty and ugly boules are opponents of titans. Ale Zeusov came to the aid of the Cyclopes. The stench sang the thunder and flashes, their metav Zeus at the titans. The fight has been three for ten years, but the victory has not shriveled on either one or the other. Nareshti Virishiv Zeus deigns from above the earth with hundred-armed veletniv-hekatoncheiriv; vin calling them for help. Zhahlivy, majestic, like a burn, the stench came from above the earth and rushed to the bey. The stench blew them into the rocks and threw them at the titans. Hundreds of rocks flew to the titans, if the stench came to Olympus. The earth stumbled, gurkіt napovniv povіtrya, everything around was shivering. Navit Tartarus trembled in the face of the struggle. Zeus threw one by one half-moon gleams and deafeningly roaring thunder. Fire choked the whole land, the seas boiled, smoke and smorid covered everything with a thick veil.

Nareshti mighty titans succumbed. Their strength was broken, the stench was overcome. The Olympians snatched them up and threw them off into a gloomy Tartarus, at a century's pіtma. Hundred-armed hekatoncheirs and guarded the stench, so that the mighty titans would not break free again from Tartarus. The power of the titans has passed from the world.

Zeus wrestling with Typhon

She did not give up on whom the struggle. Gaia-Earth was angry at the Olympian Zeus for those who were so savagely born with the overpowered child-titans. Vaughn made friends with the gloomy Tartarus and gave birth to the zhahlivy hundred-headed condom of Typhon. Majestic, with a hundred dragon heads, Typhon rises from above the earth. Having scrambled wild vitiams in a row. The hawk of dogs, the voices of people, the roar of a roaring beak, the roar of a lion hooted in the same vein. The turbulent half-moon swirled around Typhon, and the earth hit under it with important crumbs. The gods shuddered at the shock. Ale boldly rushed at the new Zeus the Thunderer, and began to fight. The sparkles in the hands of Zeus shone anew, the thunder grumbled. The earth and the stars shook to their very foundations. Yaskravim half-witted the earth again, as if it were an hour to fight with the titans. The seas boiled at the very nearest Typhon. Hundreds of fiery arrows-flashes of the Thunderer Zeus were hoarse; it seemed that in their fire the fire itself would burn again, the dark thundercloud would burn. Zeus is quick-tempered by Typhon for all one hundred goals. Calling Typhon upon the earth; in the body of yoga it was such a heat that everything was melting. Zeus lifted the body of Typhon and threw off Tartarus from the frown, which gave rise to yoga. Ale and in Tartary threaten more Typhon to the gods and to all living things. Vin calls storms and eruption; Vіn gave birth to Єkhidnaya, napіvzhіnkoyu-napіzmієyu, scrawny two-headed dog Orfo, hellish dog Kerber, Lernean hydra and Chimera; Typhon often hits the ground.

The Olympian gods overcame their enemies. No one else could rely on their power. The stinks could now rule the world in peace. The most powerful of them, the Thunderer Zeus, having narrowed his sky, Poseidon - the sea, and Hades - the underground kingdom of the souls of the dead, The Earth has lost its sleepy volodinn. Even though the blues of Krona have given themselves dominion over the world, yet Zeus, the lord of the sky, reigns over them; win to rule people and gods, win to see everyone in the world.


High on the bright Olympus is the king of Zeus, who was crowned by a host of gods. Here is Yogo Hera's retinue, and golden-haired Apollo with his sister Artemida, and gold Aphrodite, and the mighty daughter of Zeus Athena 7
The Romans told them: Hera– Juno, Artemida– Diana, Aphrodite- Venus is Athena- Minerva.

, and a lot of other gods. Three beautiful Ori protect the entrance to the high Olympus and pіdіymayut thick haze, scho close the gates, if the gods go down to earth or rise to the bright halls of Zeus. High above Olympus, the black bottomless sky spread wide, flowing from the new gold light. No plan, no snow in the kingdom of Zeus; it’s always clear there, it’s bright summer. And below the gloomy tangles, for an hour the stinks of the distant land scream. There, on earth, spring and summer are changed by autumn and winter, joy and merriment are drawn from adversity and grief. True, even the gods know sorrow, and yet there is a sudden change, and again joy rises on Olympia.

The gods banquet at their golden palaces, inspired by the son of Zeus Hephaestus 8
The Romans have Vulcan.

King Zeus sit on a high golden throne. Greatness and proudly calm svіdomіstyu dominion and might in vіє vіd vіd masculine, divinely beautiful guise of Zeus. The goddess of the world Eyren was on the throne and the constant companion of Zeus, the crying goddess of victory Nike. The axis to enter is beautiful, the majestic goddess Hera, the squad of Zeus. Zeus shakes his retinue: Hera, the patron saint of the sky, all the gods of Olympus, will vanish. If, beaming with her beauty, in a luxurious outfit, the great Hera enters the banquet hall, all the gods rise and bow before the retinue of the thunderer Zeus. And there, proud of her power, she went to the golden throne and sat on the orders of the king of gods and people - Zeus. To the throne of Geri stand the messenger, the goddess of the rainbow, the light-winged Irida, forever ready to rush swiftly on the wings of the wings to win the wind of Geri to the farthest ends of the earth.

The gods are benevolent. Zeus's daughter, young Hebe, son of the king of Troy, Ganimed, Zeus's lover, a kind of immortality, bring ambrosia and nectar to him - I eat and drink the gods. Beautiful Charity 9
The Romans have graces.

and the muses cheer them up with their songs and dances. Hand in hand, drive the stench of tanks, and the gods have mercy on their light hands and miraculous, forever young kind. Have fun at the olympic banquet. On these banquettes the gods do everything right, on them they assign a share of the world and people.

From Olympus, Zeus gave people his gifts and established order and laws on earth. In the hands of Zeus is the share of people; happy and unhappy, good and evil, life and death - everything is in the hands of yoga. Two great vessels stand beside the palace of Zeus. In one vessel give good, in another - evil. Zeus draws good and evil from them and sends to people. Woe to that people, like a thunderer draws only gifts from those judges, into such evil. Woe to you, who destroy the order established by Zeus on earth and do not uphold the law. It’s dangerous to frown with your dark blue thick eyebrows, black gloomy close the same sky. The great Zeus is angry, and his hair is terribly on his head, his eyes are washed off by an unbearable glare; swing with your right hand - strike the thunder to roam all over the sky, a bliss of a fiery blaze and the high Olympus shudder.

It is not Zeus himself who guards the laws. The protector of laws, the goddess Themis, stood on the throne. Vaughn cries out, with the order of the Thunderer, gather the gods on the bright Olympus and the people's assembly on the earth, sawing, so that order and law are not violated. On Olimpi and the daughter of Zeus, the goddess Dike 10
Goddess of justice.

Fight for justice. Suvoro punishes Zeus unfair judgments, if Dike informs you that they do not support the stench of the laws given by Zeus. Goddess Dike is the defender of truth and the enemy of deceit.

Zeus protects the harmony and truth in the world and sends happiness and grief to people. Even if Zeus sends happiness and misfortune to people, nevertheless the share of people is appointed by the unfortunate goddess of fate - Moyri 11
The Romans have parks.

How to live on the bright Olympus. The share of Zeus himself is in their hands. Panuє fate over mortals and over the gods. No one should run into the veil of an unwelcome fate. There is no such power, such dominion, that it could change anything at all from what is recognized by the gods and mortals. You can only humbly humbly bow before fate and bow down to you. Only moiri know the fate of fate. Moira Kloto is spinning the life thread of the people, knitting the lines of life. The thread is broken, and life is cut off. Moira Lachesis viimaє, do not be surprised, colt, such a person falls into life. No one can change the share designated by moira, more than the third moira, Atropos, mustache, which was assigned to the life of people її sisters, to bring in the old suvi, and what is already listed in the suvi share, those are inevitable. Unblessed majestic suvori moyri.

More on Olimpi the goddess of the valley - the goddess Tyukhe 12
The Romans have Fortune.

Goddess of happiness and prosperity. From the horns of prosperity, the horns of the divine goat Amalthea, with the milk of which Zeus himself was blown, give people a hoarseness, and that person is happy, like a snake on her life path, the goddess of happiness Tyukhe; ale, how rare it is, and how unhappy that person is, how the goddess Tyukhe will turn, how well she gave her gifts!

Thus, the great king of people and gods, Zeus, guards the harmony and truth in the earthly world with a host of light gods on Olympus.

Poseidon and the gods of the sea

Deep in the abyss of the sea stand the miraculous palace of the great brother of the thunderer Zeus, the earthquake of Poseidon. Panuє Poseidon over the seas, and the winds of the sea hear the smallest rukh of the yogo hand, pierced by a grim trident. There, by the depths of the sea, live with Poseidon and yogo, the beautiful squad of Amphitrite, the daughter of the sea elder Nereus, like a great volodar of the sea depths Poseidon in his father. Having drunk wine once, she drove a tank with her Nereid sisters on the birches of the island of Naxos. The god of the sea choked up with the beautiful Amphitrite and wanted to carry it on his chariot. Ale Amphitrite hid herself in the titan Atlas, which holds the stars on her mighty shoulders. For a long time Poseidon did not know the beautiful daughter of Nereus. Nareshti v_dkriv yoma її dolphin headstock; for this service, Poseidon commemorated the dolphin in the midst of the heavenly sky. Poseidon won the beautiful daughter of Nereus into Atlas and made friends with her.

From that hour, Amphitrite lives with his man Poseidon at the underwater palace. High above the palace, sea whistles rustle. The host of sea deities otchue Poseidon, Pokіrny yoga will. Among them is the son of Poseidon Triton, with the thunderous sound of his surmi from the shell calling out a terrible storm. Among the deities and beautiful sisters Amphitrite, Nereidi. Poseidon panuє over the sea. If you rush across the sea on your chariot, harnessed by miraculous horses, then the ever noisy winds will part and give way to the Volodar Poseidon. Equal to his own kind to Zeus himself, swiftly rush along the boundless sea, and dolphins sing at the next, ribs screech from the deep sea and hover around the chariot. If you wave Poseidon with your grim trident, then, in case you burn, sea whistles rise, stumps are covered with white combs, and a fierce storm roars on the sea. They fight with the noise of the sea about the coastal rocks and shake the earth. Ale stretches Poseidon with his trident over the wheezes, and the stench will calm down. I feel the storm, the sea is new, calm, equal, like a looking glass, and the white shores are suddenly splashing - blue, without edges.

A wealth of deities otchue the great Zeus brother, Poseidon; among them is the great sea elder Nereus, who sees all deep mysteries of the future. Nereev strangers lie and deceit; only tell the truth to the gods and mortals. Wise for you, like a great old man. Nereus has fifty beautiful daughters. Youthful young people are merrily squishing by the tempests of the sea, gliding among them with their divine nature. Hand in hand, waft the stench from the sea depths and drive the tank on the birch under the caressing splash of the wind of the calm sea, which quietly run up to the shore. The moon of the coastal rocks repeats the same sounds of their lower spivivs, similar to the quiet roar of the sea. Nereid to protect the seafarer and give him a happy swimming.

Among the deities of the sea and the old man Proteus, who changes, somehow the sea, his image and wraps up behind the bajans of various creatures and indulgence. Vіn is also a great god, you only need to remember to cherish it unstoppably, to enchant it and primusit yogo to reveal the mystery of the future. Among the companions of the earthquake of Poseidon and the god Glaucus, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, and the gift of vision. Often, wailing from the depths of the sea, raising the vines of the future and giving wisdom to mortals. The gods of the sea are mighty, their power is great, but the great brother of Zeus Poseidon is panuy over them.

Usі seas and all lands obtіkaє sivy Ocean 13
The Greeks kept repeating that the whole earth was surrounded by sweat, like a kitten of its own water at the eternal vir.

- a god-titan, equal to Zeus himself with shattered and glory. You live far away on the borders of the world, and do not trouble your heart on the earth.

Three thousand blues, river gods, and three thousand daughters of Okeanid, goddesses of strumkiv and dzherel maє Ocean. The blues and daughters of the great god of the Ocean give prosperity and joy to mortals with their ever-deteriorating life-giving water, the stench will make the whole earth drink with it and everything is alive.

Kingdom of gloomy Hades (Pluto) 14
The ancient Greeks manifested their kingdom of Aida, the kingdom of dead souls, gloomy and terrible, and "afterlife" - dashing. No wonder the shadow of Achilles, viklikan Odysseus from the underworld kingdom, to say that it is better to be a farm laborer on earth, lower than the king of the kingdom of Aida.

Deep under the earth panuє unblessed, gloomy brother of Zeus, Hades. Out of the trouble and fear your kingdom. No way does the radiance of a clear sun penetrate there. Abyssal prev lead from the surface of the earth in the bag the kingdom of Hades. Dark rivers flow from the New. There flows the sacred river Stiks, like to freeze everything and by the waters of which the gods themselves swear.

Kitten there their own winds Cocytus and Acheron; the souls of those who have died are reminded of their summed haystone, take care of them. In the underworld, the waters of the dzherel Fly fly 15
Zvіdsi vislav: "has sunk into oblivion", that is forgotten forever.

What to give zabuttya vsogo earthly. Across the gloomy fields of the kingdom of Hades, which were overgrown with blond asphodel flowers 16
Asphodel- wild tulip of pale yellow color.

Soar without a body, light shadows of the dead. The stench denounces their hopelessness of life without light and without bread. Quietly lunaє їх stogіn, ice-cold, similar to the rustle of a wilting leaf driven by the autumn wind. There is no turmoil for anyone in this kingdom. Trigolovy Pekelny dog ​​Kerber 17
Inakshe - Cerberus.

On the shiї some snakes swim with gritty spikes, vartuє at the exit. Suvorius, old Charon, transporter of dead souls, you will not be lucky through the dark waters of Acheron, not a single soul back, there, de brightly shine the sun of life. In eternal hopelessness, the reason for the condemnation of the souls of the dead near the gloomy kingdom of Aida.

In some kingdom, to which no light, no joy, no sorrows of earthly life can reach, Zeus's brother, Hades, rules. Vіn sit on the golden throne with his retinue Persephone. Youma is served by the unfortunate goddesses of mercy Erinia. Griznі, with scourges and snakes, follow the stench of evil; do not give him any peace of mind and torment him with dokor sumlіnnya; nowhere you can hide in them, everywhere you know the stink of your victim. To sit on the throne of Hades, judges of the kingdom of the dead - Minos and Radamanth. Right there, near the throne, the god of death Tanat with a sword in his hands, a black cloak, with majestic black wings. With a grave cold, the wings of the krill are blown, if Tanat flies to the bed of the dying, so that with his sword he can see the streak of hair from his head and virvat the soul. Order of Tanat and frown Keri. On their wings stink, unselfish, rush across the battlefield. Keri rejoice, bachachi, as one by one the killed heroes fall; with your crooked-red lips fall stench to the wounds, greedily drink the hot blood of the dead and vibrate from the body of their souls.

Right there, beating the throne of Hades, and the beautiful young god of sleep Hypnos. Vіn indistinctly rush on their wings above the ground with poppies in their hands and llє z the horns of sleeping pills. With your miraculous wand, you lower yourself to the eyes of people, quietly riveting the poviki and making the mortals fall into a licorice dream. The mighty god Hypnos, neither mortals nor gods can lean on him, neither the thunderer Zeus himself can inspire him: and Hypnos stings the evil eyes of you and zanuryu Yogo into a deep sleep.

Soaring in the gloomy kingdom of Aida and the gods of dreams. Among them are the gods, yakі give things and radiant dreams, but also gods and terrible, ugly dreams that lakayut and torment people. O gods and obludic dreams, stench to introduce people into oman and often lead them to death.

The kingdom of the unblessed Hades is beyond the confusion and fear. There, wandering among the birds, the shrill ghost of Empusa with donkey's feet; Vіn, having lured people into the dark night with cunning in the wild, drank all the blood and devoured their still quivering body. There to roam and indulgent Lamia; at night they make their way to the bedroom of happy mothers and steal children from them to drink their blood. Above us the ghosts and indulgences of panuє the goddess Hekate is great. Three bodies and three heads maє won. A monthless night wanders out at a deep drink along the paths and a white of graves with a mustache of its stingy mail, honed by Stigian dogs 18
Complimentary dogs of the underground kingdom of Aida, from the banks of the underground river Stiksu.

Vaughn sends fear and heavy dreams to the earth and destroy people. The hekata is clicked by the yak of the Pomіchnitsy in the chakluniy, the same, the same, the єine Pomіchnitsya opposed the chalklvannya for the quiet, yaki Shanyat ї I bring on the rosor, de rushed three roads, at the victim of dogs.

Zhakhliva the kingdom of Hades and hateful for people. 19
Underground gods vtіlyuvali, head rank, grіznі forces of nature; stink rich old gods of the Olympians. The stench played a greater role among the people's viruvannyah.

Heracles. Myth about Hercules, 12 labors of Hercules. M. A. Kuhn. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece

Hercules (Romans Hercules)- the greatest hero of Greece. A handful of wines vvazhavsya for the sleepy god, who struck with his arrows, as if without a miss everything was dark and evil, like a god, a kind of healer and force of ailments. Vіn mav richly sleeping with the god Apollo. Ale Hercules - a god and a hero, who is not known only among the Greeks; we know a lot of such god-heroes. Of these, especially the Babylonian Gilgamesh and the Finnic Melkart, the myths about them were added to the myths about Hercules. In the dawn of nothing, we can bachiti Hercules (under the Roman name of Hercules) in the sky, for yogo im'yam ring out one z suzir'їv, and the order of the suzir'yam of Hercules mi bachimo suzir'ya Hydri, tієї indulgent ї rich-headed, yakubri Hercules

Myths about Hercules were written after the tragedies of Sophocles (“The Trachian Woman”) and Euripides (“Hercules”), as well as behind the sayings that are guessed in the “Inventory of Helladi Pausanias”

Nation and birth of Hercules

At Mycenae (one of the most ancient places of Greece, was known in Argolid) was ruled by Tsar Electrion. Teleboys were stolen from him (the Tribe, yak lived at the sunset of the middle Greece, in Arkanania) under the wire of the blues of the king Pterelaus herd. Teleboys drove in the blues of Electrion, if the stench wanted to beat it out. Tsar Electrion told that he would give his fair daughter to Alcmene for the one who would turn his flock and avenge the death of the blue. Heroes Amfіtryon far away without a fight to turn the flocks of Electrion, to the one that the king of telecombatants Pterelaus entrusted to protect the stolen herds to Tsar Elіdi (Land on the pіvnіchny entry of the Peloponnese) Poliksenovі, and that vіddav їх Amfіtrіon. Turning the Amphitrion of the Elektrion of the yogo herd and making friends with Alcmene. Amfіtryon was left unfinished near Mycenae. At the hour of the spring banquet, talking about the herds, Amfіtryon killed Electrіon, and it happened to you and Alkmenoy's retinue to tikati from Mycenae. Alkmena followed her young man to a foreign land only with her mind, to take revenge on the sins of Pterelaus for the killing of her brothers. That is why, having arrived at Thevi before King Creon, in what I know of Amfіtrion's haven, virushiv z vіyskomu against television battles. Under the hour of yogic presence, Zeus, a worshiper like Alcmene, appeared before her, having tidied up the image of Amphitrion. Nezabar turned and Amfіtrion. І from: in view of Zeus and Amphitryon, two twins were born in Alkmena.
On that day, when the great son of Zeus and Alkeni was born, the gods ascended to the high Olympus. For the joy that soon to be born in a new son, his sovereign Zeus, saying to the gods:
- Hear, gods and goddesses, what I will tell you: tell me to tell my heart! Today a great hero will be born; in panuvateme over the mustache of their relatives, as if to conduct their own kind in the sight of my son, the great Perseus.
Ale, Zeus’s squad, the royal Hera, was angry that Zeus, having become friends with the mortal Alcmene, wielded cunning to gain dominion over the usma Perseids of Alkmen’s son - she hated the son of Zeus in front of the people. To that, having buried her cunning in the depths of her heart, Hera said to Zeus:
- You speak a lie, great thunderer! You don't finish your word! Give me a great, unshakable oath of the gods, that the one who is born today the first of the Perseid family, will panuvat over his relatives.
The goddess of deceit, Ata, blinded Zeus with her mind, and, not suspecting the cunning of Geri, the thunderer gave an unshakable oath. Immediately, Hera left the bright Olympus and rushed to Argos on her golden chariot. There, the people of the son of the divine squad of the Perseid Sfenel hastened away, and appeared on the light of the day in the family of Perseus kvol, the sickness of the child, the son of Sthenel Euristheus. Shvidko Hera turned to the bright Olympus and said to the great Khmaron Zeus:
- Oh, Zeus-father, why are you throwing bliskavits, listen to me. Born at once in the glorious Argos by the Perseid Sthenelus syn Evristheus. Vіn the first was born this year and is guilty of panuvati over the mustaches of Perseus.

The great Zeus, embarrassed, only now understands the fault of Gary's accessibility. Vin was angry at the goddess of deceit Ata, who seduced Yogo with her mind; at gnіv_ shopiv її Zeus by the hair and throwing off from the bright Olympus. The lord of the gods and people, having fenced him, comes to Olympus. From that hour, the goddess of deceit Ata is alive among people.
Zeus relieved a share of his son. Vin stole an inviolable agreement with the Hero that not all of his life was changed under the rule of Evrisfeya. There are only twelve great feats to accomplish the guilt of the entrustment of Eurystheus, and then we will not only succumb to the power of yoga, but to bring the distance of immortality. The Thunderer, knowing that a lot of great troubles would happen to heal his son, he punished his beloved daughter Athena Pallady to help the son of Alkmeni. Often it was necessary to sumuvat Zeusov, if he was a bachelor, like a blue yogo, he carried great labors in the service of the fair and timid Evristheus, but he could not destroy the oath given to Heri.
On the same day, the son of Sthenel was born and twins were born in Alkmeni: the eldest - the son of Zeus, the names under the people of Alkidom, and the youngest - the son of Amfіtryon, the names of Iphіkl. Alcides and the greatest hero of Greece. Yogo called the pіznіshe pіfіya Hercules. Under this name, having become famous for the wines, having achieved immortality and being accepted by the host of the holy gods of Olympus. (hercules) (myths about hercules)
Hera began to follow Hercules from the very first day of his life. Recognizing that Hercules was born and lay down, sleeping at a pelyushka, with his brother Iphicles out, to destroy the newly born hero, she sent two snakes. Bula already nothing, if they got up, shining eyes, until the rest of Alkmena the snake. Quietly rose the stench to the coliche, where the twins were lying, and already they wanted, entwined around the body of little Hercules, to strangle Yogo, as if they had thrown over the son of Zeus. Vin stretched out his little hands to snakes, snatching them up by their shoulders and crushing them with such force that he strangled them. Vzhahnuvshis, jumped Alkmena zі svogo bed; pumping the snakes at the colossus, the women who were in the chambers shouted loudly. Everyone rushed to the colossus of Alcides. At the cry of a woman with a vidobutim sword, Amfіtrion came running. Surrounded by all the colossus and swayed a supernatural wonder: the little newborn Hercules, holding two majestic strangled snakes, still weakly rang in his little hands. Efforts by the power of his adopted son, Amfіtrion, having called the lord Teresia, asked him about the share of the new people. Having done some great feats of great feats, Hercules has done it, and proved that in the end of his life he will become immortal.
Recognizing how great is the glory of the check of the elder son of Alkmeni, Amphitrion gave him a resurrection, the day of the hero. Not only about the development of the strength of Hercules, but Amfіtryon, and fussing about his enlightenment. Yogo was taught to read, write, sleep and play on kifari. That is far from the same successes of the sciences and music of Hercules, such as the reach of the wines of the fight, shooting from the bow and the vminn volody zbroєyu. Often, the teacher of music, the brother of Orpheus Lіnovі, was angry at his own teaching and taught yoga. Once an hour for the lesson of Lean, hitting Hercules, irritating them, but they don’t want to read the blame. Enraged, Hercules stole a cithara and hit Lina on the head with it. Not razrahuvav force impact Junius Hercules. The blow of the cithar is so strong that Lin fell dead on the spot. They called to the court of Hercules for killing. Be true when you say the son of Alkmeni:
- Aje, even the most fair of judges, Radamanth, who is skinny, whom to hit, can be hit by blow for blow.
The judges of Heracles were true, but we were the witches of Yogo Amfіtrion, fearing that there would be no more like it, sending Hercules to the leaves of Kіferon to graze the herd. (hercules) (myths about hercules)

Hercules at Thebes

Viruses at the foxes Kіferon Hercules and becoming a mighty young man. Vіn buv on the whole head of the victorious vіd uxіkh to zrіst, and the power of yogo far outweighed the strength of the man. From the first glance, it was possible to recognize Zeus's son in the new one, especially in the eyes, as they shone like an incomparable divine light. There was no equal Herculean streak in the military rights, but with a bow and a list of the Volodya’s wines it was so perfect that it did not give a miss. Even as a young man, Hercules killed the terrible Kiferonian lion, who is alive on the tops of the mountain. Junius Hercules attacked the new one, driving in the skin of the new one. Tsyu skin of robes of wine on himself, throwing it on, like a cloak, on his mighty shoulders. With his paws he tied її on his chest, and the skin from the lion’s coat was sholom on you. Hercules built his own majestic club from the roots he had torn from the Nemean guy, hard, like a cold, clear. The sword of Hercules gave Hermes, the bow and arrows - Apollo, the golden shell of Hephaestus, and Athena herself wove for a new robe.
Married, Heracles succeeded Tsar Orchomenus Yergin, to whom Fivy was paid a large tribute. Vіn having killed the first hour of the battle of Yergin, and on the Minian Orchomenus he laid a danina, as it was twice as large, lower than the one that Fivi paid. For this feat, the king of Thebes Keront gave Hercules his daughter Megara as a squad, and the gods sent him three beautiful blues. (hercules) (myths about hercules)
Happily alive Hercules at the seven-armed Thebes. Ale, the goddess Hera, like before, fell hatred to the son of Zeus. Vaughn sent a stingy twig on Hercules. Having infused the mind of the great hero, the bogeville sank into him. In a fit of obscurity, Hercules killed both his children and the children of his brother Iphicles. If, after passing the attack, Hercules was deeply troubled by grief. Having cleansed himself of the sin of the fleeting infliction committed by him, Hercules, having left Thebes, and violating at the sacred Delphi to feed the god Apollo, to help him. Apollo zvelіv Hercules virushiti on the fatherland of his ancestors at Tirinf and twelve rokіv serve Evrisfeєvі. Through the mouth of the Pifia, the son of Latoni proclaimed Heracles, that he is in the distance of immortality, as if to accomplish twelve great feats by the order of Eurastheus.

Heracles in the service of Evristhea

Hercules settled in Tirinth and became the servant of the sallow, timid Evristheus. Evrisfey was afraid of a mighty hero and did not let yoga into Mykeni. All your punishments by handing over the wines of Zeus' sons to Tirinf with your own messenger Koprey.

1 Labor of Hercules (Nemean Lion)

Hercules had a bad time with the checks of the first entrustment of Tsar Evrisfey. Vіn entrusting Hercules to drive in the Nemean Lev. Tsey is a lion, spawned by Typhon and Echidna, of amazing size. Vіn is alive for the city of Nemeї (Misto in Argolid, at the Pivnіch meeting of the Pelopennes) and deserted the mustache of the outskirts. Heracles mercilessly attacked an unsafe feat. Arriving to Nemea, at the same time pishov vins at the mountain, sob to rozshukat the lair of the left. It’s already a pivden, if the hero is diyshov to skhiliv gir. Nowhere is a living soul to be seen: no shepherds, no farmers. A mustache povtіkalo z tsikh mist zі fear of the stingy left. For a long time, Hercules shuffled along the leafy scales of the mountain and along the gorges of the left lair, nareshti, if the sun began to shylyatitsya on the sunset, Hercules knew at the dark gorge of the lament; it was near the majestic oven, which was only two steps away. Hercules, blocking one of the exits with majestic stones and becoming a check of the lion, hiding behind the stones. Before the evening itself, if the day was already rushing in, a marvelous lion appeared with a long, shaggy mane. Hercules pulled the drawstring of his bow and fired three arrows into the lion one by one, and the arrows jumped out of his skin - it was hard, like steel. The lion roared menacingly, the roar of the yogo roared, dumb grim, in the mountains. (1 feat of Hercules) Looking around on all sides, the lion standing in the gorge and squealing his eyes, that they burned fierceness, the one who dared to let him shoot into the new arrow. That axis of wines slapped Hercules and rushed at the hero with a majestic haircut. Mov bliskavka, the club of Hercules blinked and fell with a thunderous blow on the head of the lion. The lion called to the ground, crushed by a terrible blow; Hercules rushed to the lion, hugging him with his mighty hands and strangling him. Taking a driven lion on his mighty shoulders, Hercules turned to Nemea, sacrificed to Zeus and remembered his first feat of the German games the honor of Zeus in the middle of summer. On the eve of Igor, when they spent three days, they fought in the fight, wrestling, fisticuffs, methane discs and write-offs, as well as at the stages of the chariots. If Hercules brought the lion killed by him to Mycenae, Evrisfey zblid in fear, looking at the marvelous lion. Tsar Mycenae is sensible, Hercules is capable of inhuman strength. Vіn zaboroniv yoma navіt navіdzhatisya to the gates of Mycenae; if Hercules, having brought proof of his exploits, Evristheus marveled at them with awe from the high Mycenaean mountains. (feats of Hercules read) (1 feat of Hercules)

2 feats of Hercules (Lernaean hydra)

After the first feat, Evrisfey sent Hercules to beat the Lernean hydra. Tse bula indulgence with the body of the serpent and nine heads of the dragon. Yak and the Nemean lion, the hydra bula was born by Typhon and Echidna. The hydra lived in the swamp near the town of Lerni (Misto on the birch of the Argolian tributary in Argolid), and vipovuchi zі svojscha, impoverished the number of the herd and devastated all the outskirts. The struggle with the nine-headed hydra was not safe, because one of the heads of її was immortal. Virushiv on the road to Lerni Hercules with the son of Iphikla Iolaem.
Arriving to the swamp of the city of Lerni, Hercules left Iolaus with the chariot in the nearest hay, and he himself pishov shukati the hydra. Vіn nayshov її in otochenіy bog pecherі. Spread your arrows to the red heat, letting Hercules shoot them one by one into the hydra. The arrows of Hercules roared the hydra. Vaughn screamed, ringing with a gleaming, luscious body, from the five ovens, rose wildly on her majestic tail and wanted to throw herself at the hero, but stepping on the son of Zeus with his foot on the tolub and pressing down to the ground. The hydra wrapped its tail around the legs of Hercules and tried to call Yogo. The skele is not handsome, standing as a hero and waving his important club one by one, beating the heads of the hydra. Mov whirlwind, the club whistled in the air; the heads of the hydra were golden, but the hydra was still alive. (2 feats of Hercules) (myths about Hercules)
Here Hercules remembered that two new ones were growing in the hydra on the skin of the beaten head. Hydra came to help. From the swamps, the indulgent cancer screeched and dug its claws into the leg of Hercules. Then the hero called for help to his friend Iolaus. Iolai, having killed the conniving cancer, having set fire to a part of the nearby forest, and with scorching stovburs of trees, having drunk hydra shii, from which Hercules beat his head with his club. The new heads have ceased to grow in the hydra. Daedalī leaned more weakly on the sons of Zeus. Nareshty's immortal head flew into the hydra. The virtuous hydra was overpowered and fell dead to the ground. Heracles, having buried his immortal head deeply, and heaped a majestic skeleton on it, so that she could not come out again into the world. Then the great hero broke the body of the hydra and sank into the її blast jovch his arrows. (2 labors of Hercules)
From that hour early, the arrows of Hercules became innocent. With great triumph, Hercules turned at Tirinf. Ale there was a check of yogo already new handed over to Evrisfeya. (feats of Hercules read)

3 feats of Hercules (Stimfalіyski birds)

Evrisfey entrusted Heracles to kill the Stymphalian birds. The birds around the Arkadian town of Stimfal turned the birds into a wasteland. The stench attacked the creatures, and the people, and ripped them apart with their middling pazuras and dzhobs. But the most terrible thing was those that the feathers of these birds were made of hard bronze, and the birds, flying uphill, could let them go, like arrows, at the one who thought to attack them. (3 labors of Hercules)
It was important for Hercules to viconate the entrustment of Evrisfeya. The warrior Pallas Athena came to help you. Vaughn gave Heracles two timpani, the god Hephaestus sang them, and made Heracles stand on the high hump of that fox, where the Stymphalian birds nested, and strike at the timpany; if the birds start shooting - shoot them with a bow. So I killed Hercules. Zіyshovshi on the hump, striking at the timpani, and making such a terrible ringing, that the birds, with a majestic zgraє, flew over the forest and began to circle over it. The stinks hooted their gostris like arrows, feathers on the ground, but they did not send a feather to Hercules, as if standing on a hump. Having saved his bow, the hero began to strike the birds with deadly arrows. Choking with fear, they took up the mountains for the gloomy Stimfalian birds and appeared from the eyes of Hercules. The birds saw them fly beyond the borders of Greece on the shores of the Euxinian Pontus (That is how the Greeks called the Black Sea) and more than once did not turn around in the outskirts of Stimfal. So after Hercules had entrusted Evrisfeya and turned to Tirinf, but at the same time he had a chance to destroy another important feat. (feats of Hercules read) (3 feats of Hercules)

4 feat of Hercules (Kerineyskaya doe)

Eurystheus, knowing that the wonderful Kerinean doe lives in Arcadia, was sent by the goddess Artemida to punish people. Lan Qia emptied the fields. Himself її pіymati and sending Evrіsfej Hercules і zvelіv yoma alive put її in Mykeni. Qia lan had an overhead garna, her horns were golden, and her legs were copper. Now the wind was rushing over the mountains and valleys of Arcadia, not knowing by any means.
Tsiliy r_k retracing Hercules the Kerinean fallow deer. Vaughn rushed through the mountains, through the rivers, sheared through the rivers, mingled the rivers. All the distance and distance on the pivnich the doe ticked. The hero did not see her, chasing after her, keeping his eyes on her. (4 feats of Hercules) (myths about Hercules)
Nareshti, Hercules reached out in pursuit of the lanya of the extreme pivnoch - the lands of the hyperboreans and the dzherel Istra (The modern Danube. The Greeks, who are filthy aware of the pivnich of Europe, thought that the Danube took its cob on the extreme pivnich of the earth). Here the doe chirped. The hero wanted to go її, but she slithered out and, like an arrow, rushed back to pivden. Znov started the chase. Hercules, only in Arcadia, went to catch up with the doe. Navit after such a long pursuit did not waste her strength. Having spent nadiya in the doe, Hercules managed to reach his arrows, which he did without a miss. Vіn hurting the goldenhorn doe with an arrow in the leg, and only then it was possible for him to drink it. Hercules, calling the wonderful doe on his shoulders and wanting to carry it to Mykeni, as Artemis became angry before him and said:
- You don’t know, Hercules, what is my doe? Navischo having formed you for me, hurting my beloved doe? Hiba don't you know that I don't forgive the image? What are you guessing, what are you able to see as gods-olympians?
Hercules shied away from godliness in front of the beautiful goddess and vіdpovіv: (4 feat of Hercules)
- Oh, the daughter of Latoni is great, do not blame me. I have not depicted the immortal gods who live on the bright Olympus; forever I have shanuw the celestials with rich sacrifices and have not respected myself for my equal, even though I myself am the son of the thunderer Zeus. Not from my own will, I followed your doe, but from the order of Evrisfey. The gods themselves called me to serve him, and I will not dare to disobey Evristheus!
Artemida forgave Heracles's fault. The great son of thunder Zeus brought the Kerinean fallow deer alive in Mycenae and gave Eurystheus. (feats of Hercules read) (4 feats of Hercules)

5 feat of Hercules (Erimanfsky boar and battle with centaurs)

After a shower of water on a mid-footed doe, which thrived the whole river, not long after Heracles. Evrisfey again gave you an assignment. Hercules is guilty of killing the Erymanf boar. This wild boar, with marvelous strength, is alive on Mount Erimanfi and having deserted the outskirts of the city of Psofis (Mountain and the same place in Arcadia in the Peloponnese, there is also the city of Psofis). Vіn not sparing people and driving them with his majestic ikls.
Hercules pishov to Mount Erimanfu. According to the price, seeing the wines of the wise centaur Fol. Having accepted the Foul of the great son of Zeus and having ruled for a new benket. Under the hour of the benquet, the centaur opened the great vessel of wine, so that the hero would be more frequent. The smell of wonderful wine wafted far away. They smelled pahoschi and other centaurs. The stench of Fola was terribly angry for those who had broken the vessel. The wine did not belong to Folova himself, but to the power of all the centaurs. (5 labors of Heracles)
The centaurs rushed to the life of Phol and attacked the new Heracles, if the stench merrily banquetted together, decorating their heads with ivy vines. Hercules did not sneer at centaurs. Vіn quickly jumped from his bed and started throwing at the attackers majestic wild firebrands. The centaurs rushed forward, and Hercules smashed them with his jet arrows. The hero retraced them all the way to Malea. There the centaurs hid with Hercules' friend Chiron, the wisest of the centaurs. Following them into the cave of Chiron, Hercules escaped. At the anger, I poured my bow into wine, an arrow shone in the mirror and stuck into the knee of one of the centaurs. Not hitting the enemy Hercules, but his friend Chiron. Great sorrow overwhelmed the hero, if he beat him, whom he hurt. Hercules hasten to hug and bandage the wound of another, but nothing can help. Knowing Hercules, that the wound looked like an arrow, a torn-off living hydra, is not vigoin. Knowing Chiron, that I threaten you with a heavy death. Sob not to suffer in the wound, in the meantime, voluntarily zayshov in the gloomy kingdom of Aida.
Hercules left Chiron for deep confusion and soon traveled to Erimanfu. There, at the thick fox, he knew the guilt of the dirty boar and voignated it with a cry of haschiv. Having followed the boar Heracles for a long time, he arrived, having driven Yogo from the deep snow on the top of the mountain. The boar loaded from the snow, and Hercules, having rushed at the new one, having called him, and we live at Mykeni. If Evrisfey bobbed the marvelous boar, then in fear he hid at the great bronze vessel. (feats of Hercules read) (5 feats of Hercules)

6 feat of Hercules (Animal door of king Avgiy)

Nezabar Evrisfey gave a new assignment to Hercules. Vіn is guilty of cleansing the entire animal door of Avgіy, king Elіdi (the Land on the pivnіchny entry of the Peloponnese), the son of the bright Helios, with pus. The God of the sun gave his sons innumerable riches. The flocks of Avgiya were especially numerous. In the midst of the herds there were three hundred bikіv with white, like snow, with their feet, two bikіv buli red, my Sidon purple, twelve bikіv, consecrated to the god Helios, boules were white, first swans, and one beak, which was signified by extraordinary beauty, sіyavkam. (myths about Hercules)
Hercules, after proponing Augiev, cleanse in one day the entire yogo majestic cattle door, as if it were good enough for him to give him a tenth part of yogo herds. Aughi waited. Youmu wondered if it was impossible to vikonate such a robot in one day. Ale Hercules knocking down the wall from the two opposite sides, which otochuvala cattle door, and drawing water from two rivers - Alfea and Penea. The water of these rivers in one day brought all the rot out of the barnyard, and Hercules reclaimed the wall. If the hero came to Avgiya vimagati, then the proud king did not see the tenth part of the herds, and Hercules had no chance to turn around at Tirinf. (6 feat of Hercules)
The great hero of Tsar Elidi avenged terribly. Through a sprinkling of rocks, having already risen in the service of Evrisfeev, Hercules invaded Elida with the great military, broke through the bloody battle of Avgiya and drove him in with his deadly arrow. Після перемоги зібрав герой військо і всю багату здобич біля міста Піси, приніс жертви олімпійським богам і започаткував олімпійські ігри (Олімпійські ігри - найважливіше з загально грецьких свят, під час якого оголошувався по всій Греції загальний мир. За кілька місяців до ігор по всій Греції і The Greek colonies were rozsilalis after, as if asked for on the game to Olympia. The Greeks led the litany at the Olympian games, respecting the first ones, which happened in 776 BC They founded the Olympic Games until 393 r.e. Thirty years later, Emperor Theodosius II burned down the temple of Zeus in Olympia and all the rest of the days, like embellished those places, where the Olympic games were played. caused the signing of the river Alpheus. Only excavations that were carried out at the site of Olympia in the 19th century. AD, from the years 1875 to 1881, gave us the opportunity to put together more accurately the information about the Olympia and about the Olympic games), as the Greeks coped from that hour with all the skins of the Greeks on the sacred river, planted by the goddess Aph olives.
Hercules avenged himself on all the allies of Augii. The king of Pilos, Neleus, paid especially. Hercules, who came from Viysk to Pilos, having obtained a place and drove Neleus and eleven blues. Not vryatuvsya and the son of Neleus Periklіmen, to whom Poseidon gave the volodar of the sea the gift of wrapping himself on the left, the snake and the bjola. Hercules killing Yogo, if, turning to bjola, Periklіmen sіv on one of the horses harnessed to the chariot. Only one son of Neleus, Nestor, lost his life. Nestor became famous among the Greeks for his exploits and his great wisdom. (feat of Hercules read) (6 feat of Hercules)

7 feat of Hercules (Cretan bik)

In order to viconate the hand of Evrisfeya, Hercules had a chance to leave Greece and the virus on the island of Crete. Yoma entrusted Evrisfey to bring the Cretan bik to Mykeni. Tsar's bik to Crete Minos, the sons of Europe, sending the earthquake Poseidon; Minos is guilty of sacrificing Bika to Poseidon. Skoda began to sacrifice such a miraculous beak to Ale Minos - having deprived yoga from his herd, and as a sacrifice to Poseidon he brought one of his beaks. Poseidon was angry with Minos and sent for bik, who was out of the sea, swindle. Across the island, rushing around the beak and roaming the mustache on his way. The great hero Hercules is wickedly bika and tidy up yoga. Hercules sіv on a broad back bika і spilled on the sky across the sea to Crete in the Peloponnese. Hercules grafted the beak in Mycenae, but Evrisfey was afraid to deprive the Poseidon beak in his stage and set the yoga free. Having conceived a new will, I felt a madness beck through the Peloponnese, to the pіvnіch, and, on the way, came to Attika on the Marathon field. There yoga drove the great Athenian hero Theseus. (feats of Hercules to read) (7 feats of Hercules) (myths about Hercules)

8 feat of Hercules (Horses of Diomedes)

After arranging the Cretan beak of Hercules, for the instructions of Evrisfey, it happened to destroy Thrace before the king of bistones Diomedes. Whose king had extraordinary beauty and horse strength. The stench was riveted with cold lancets in style, for none of the bonds could hold them. Tsar Diomedes anointed these horses with human meat. Throwing vines on the sweatshirt of all foreigners, as if driven by a storm, they stuck to the same place. Before that Thracian king, Hercules appeared with his companions. Vіn zavolodіv іnmi Diomedі and povіv їх on your ship. On the birch, having overtaken Hercules, Diomedes himself with his warrior bistones. Having entrusted the protection of the horses to his beloved Abder, the sons of Hermes, Hercules became before the battle with Diomedes. Hercules did not have a lot of companions, but Diomed was still able to overcome them and perish in battle. Hercules turned back to the ship. What a great yogo rozpach, if you pumped the vines, that wild horses ripped the yogo love of Abder into shmatki. Hercules ruled over the funeral of his beloved, scribbling a high grave over his body, and falling asleep next to the grave, and naming him in honor of his beloved Abdera. And Hercules grafted the horses of Diomedes to Eurystheus, and he let them go free. Wild horses were killed in the mountains of Lykeion (Burn in the Peloponnese), in dense forest, and were torn to pieces there by wild animals. (Hercules labors) (8 labors of Hercules)

Heracles in Admet

Mainly written for the tragedy of Euripides "Alkestida"

If Hercules sailed on a ship across the sea to the coast of Thrace for the king Diomedes's swords, then he saw his friend Tsar Admet, more than the way, lying on the side of the place of Fer (the most ancient place in Thessaly), de ruling Admet.
A difficult hour for Admetus vibrating Hercules. Great grief was in the house of King Fer. Yogo squad of Alcestis is guilty of bula to die. If the goddess of the lot, the great Moira, at the request of Apollo, they signified that Admet could face death, so that in the last hour of his life, it would be good luck to take the place of the new in the gloom of the kingdom of Aida. If the hour of death had come, Admet, asking for his old fathers, so that someone could wait for them to take the place of death, and then the fathers moved. Without waiting, none of the inhabitants of Fer died voluntarily for Tsar Admet. Todi young and beautiful Alcestis decided to sacrifice her life for the beloved person. On that day, if Admet was guilty of death, the yogo squad was prepared for death. Vaughn hugged the body and pulled in the burial robes and chilled. Pidishovshi to the house fire, Alkestida turned back to the goddess Hestia, who gives happiness in the house, with a prayer stick:
- Oh, great goddess! Rise up, I'm here in front of you knee. I bless you, protect my orphan children, even if I try to enter the kingdom of gloomy Hades today. Oh, don't let you die, like I'm dying, before the hour! May you be happy and rich in your life here, in the Fatherland.
Then Alcestis covered all the gods and adorned them with myrtle.
Nareshti, she went out to her rest and fell into tears, on her bed. Children came to her - a son and a daughter. The stench on the breasts of the mother was hotly heard. The servants of Alcestis wept. In rozpachi Admet embracing his young squad and good її do not leave yoga. Already ready to die Alkestida, already approaching with an indistinct passage to the palace of the king Fer, hated by the gods and people, the god of death Tanat, to look with a sword skein hair from the head of Alkestidi. The golden-haired Apollo himself passed away the hour of death of the squad of his beloved Admet, but the ungrateful Tanat. You feel Alcestis approaching death. With a flicker of viguku out:
- Oh, the two-worded choven of Charon is approaching me, and it’s terrible to shout to me, the carrier of dead souls, like a dead man: “Why are you freaking out? Sleep, sleep! Don't take the time! Don't overwhelm us. All ready! Sleep!”, Oh, let me go! Weaken my legs. Death is approaching. Black nothing turns my eyes! Oh, children, children! Your mother is already dead! Live happily! Admete, your life was dearer to me than my life. High better than you, but not for me to shine the sun. Admete, you love our children no less for me. Oh, don’t take ti in dіm їm machuhi, so that you don’t cheat on them!
Suffering unfortunate Admet.
- You take all the joy of life with you, Alkestido, - vigukuev vin. - I now grieve all life for you. Oh gods, gods, you choose a squad in me!
Ledve sensibly speak Alcestis:
- Goodbye! My eyes have already closed. Farewell children! Now I'm nothing. Farewell, Admete!
- Oh, take another look! Don't leave the kids! Oh, let me die! - with tears wiguknuv Admet.
The eyes of Alkestidi closed, holone її body, she died. Recklessly rejoices over the dead Admet and harshly denounces his lot. We should order the squad to prepare their food funeral. Vіsіm mіsyatsіv punish vіn we must mourn Alkestіda, I will nurture the wife. Every place is filled with sorrow, for everyone loved the good queen.
Already they were going to carry the body of Alkestidi to the її tomb, as Hercules would come to the place of Feri. When you go to the palace of Admetus and stab your friend, he steals the palace. Z poshanoyu zustrіv Admet the great son of the sovereign Zeus. Not trying to embarrass the guest, Admet tries to hide himself in front of his grief. Ale Hercules immediately remembered that Yogo's friend was seriously embarrassed, and asked about the cause of Yogo's bag. Admet gives an unclear confession to Heracles, and I believe that a distant relative died in Admet, that Admet gave a shelter after the death of his father. He orders his servants Admet to lead Hercules to the guest room and rule for the new rich banquette, and the doors are half closed for the night, so that Hercules’ mournful stack is not added to Hercules. Without suspecting that his friend was in misfortune, Hercules merrily banqueted in Admet's palace. Kelikh after kelikh sip wine. It is hard for the servants to serve a merry guest, even if they stink to know that there is no one among the living among the beloved master. Even though the stench is slandered by the order of Admet to bury his grief, yet Hercules remembers the tears in his eyes and the sum in his guise. Win the cry of one of the servants to be benevolent with him, win to say that you will give wine to you and smooth out the embarrassment on the forehead, but the servant is guided. Then Hercules guessed that Admet's demise was heavy with grief. Vіn begin to revitalize the servant, what happened to your friend, and, nareshti, the servant will say to you:
- Oh, a stranger, the squad of Admet zіyshla this day in the kingdom of Hades.
Embarrassed Hercules. It became more painful for Yomu, having sipped wine at the vineyard with ivy and sleeping at the house of a friend, whom such a great grief spit. Hercules sang praises to the noble Admetov for those who, unapologetically on the mountain, spit yoga, but nevertheless accepted yoga in a guest room. Shvidko saw the great hero of the day in the gloomy god of death Tanata yogo zdobich - Alkestida.
Having recognized the appearance of the servant, where the tomb of Alcestis is to be found, we should hurry to the place. Hiding behind the tomb, Hercules checks if Tanat arrives to drink the sacrificial blood of the grave. The axis felt the waves of Tanat's black krills, it wafted with grave cold; Arriving at the tomb, the god of death frowned and greedily dropped his lips to sacrificial blood. Hercules jumped out of the ambush and rushed at Tanat. Having circled the wines of God with their mighty hands, a bitter struggle began between them. Straining all your strength, Hercules fight with the god of death. Having suffocated the breasts of Hercules Tanat with his bristly hands, he breathed on the new one with his icy breath, and the coldness of death blew on the hero. All the same, the mighty son of thunder Zeus wins Tanat. Vіn zv'yazav Tanat and yearning for a ransom for the call, so that he turned the god of death to life Alcestis. Tanat gave the life of Hercules to Admet's squad, and led the great hero back to the man's palace.
Admetus, turning to the palace after the funeral of the squad, bitterly mourned his unforgetable loss. It was hard for you to be left empty at the empty palace. Where should youmu go? Let's die. Youmu hates life. Death is the cry of wine. All yogo happiness won Tanat and ponis at the kingdom of Hades. What could be harder for a new kind of loss of a kokhan's squad! Skodu Admet, who did not allow Alcestis, if he died with her, then death would kill them. Two vіrnі one odnіy dіstav bi Aїd zamіst odnієї. At once they intertwined the souls of Acheron. Rapt before the mournful Admet Hercules appeared. Vіn veda by the hand of a woman, vkritu with a veil. Heracles asks Admetus to deprive him of the woman who fell to him after a hard struggle, in the palace until he turns back from Thrace. Admet is guided; to ask Hercules to wait for someone else. It is hard for Admetov to walk in the palace of his wife, if he has drunk that wine, he loves so much. Hercules is pushing and navit want, so that Admet himself has seen the woman at the palace. Vin does not allow Admet's servants to touch her. Nareshti, Admet, not losing your strength to move your friend, take the woman by the hand, to bring her into your palace. Hercules seems to youmu:
- You took її, Admete! So protect її! Now you can say that the son of Zeus is a true friend. Look at the woman! Chi does not look like your squad Alcestis? Years grieve! Be a new pleasure to life.
- Oh, great gods! - wiguknuv Admet, raising the woman's bow, - my squad, Alcestis! Oh no, only a little tin її! Vaughn cost a movchki, not a word wasted out!
- No, don't titse! - vidpoviv Hercules, - tse Alkestida. I got it in a hard fight with the lord of souls Tanat. Vaughn movchatim, until you roar in the power of the underground gods, who brought sacrifices to them; won't move, until three times change nights day; only to speak out. And now farewell, Admete! Be happy and forever hold on to the great call of hospitality, consecrated by my father himself - Zeus!
- Oh, the great sin of Zeus, giving me a new joy of life! - wiguknuv Admet. - What can I say to you? Make me a guest. I call on all my volodinah to celebrate your victory, I call to bring great sacrifices to the gods. Lose yourself with me!
Hercules did not get drunk in Admet; yogo check the feat: I am guilty of the viconati of the commission of Evristheus and get the horses of Tsar Diomedes to you. (hercules exploits)

9 feat of Hercules (Girdle of Hippolyti)

By the ninth feat of Hercules, he went to the land of the Amazons behind the belt of Queen Hippolyta. This belt was given to Hippolyta by the god of war Ares, and she wore it as a sign of her dominion over all the Amazons. The daughter of Evrisfey Admet, the priestess of the goddess Geri, wanted the mother's belt without exception. Shchob vikonati її bazhannya, Eurystheus sent for the belt of Hercules. Having taken the small death of heroes, the great son of Zeus set off on a long journey on one ship only. Although there was a small bov zagin of Hercules, but a lot of glorious heroes were in the same pen, bov a new one was the great hero of Attika Theseus. (9 labors of Hercules)
The distant path is in front of the heroes. The stench was small to reach the farthest shores of the Euxinian Pontus, for there was the land of the Amazons with the capital Themiscyra. In due course, Hercules arrived with his companions to the island of Paros (One of the Cycladic Islands near the Aegean Sea, which was famous for its ancient marmur), where the blues of Minos ruled. On which island of the blue of Minos they drove two companions of Hercules. Hercules, roiling the cym, at the same time starting a war with the sins of Minos. Having interrupted the rich of the inhabitants of Paros. And the rest, having driven them from the place, trimming them in a haze until that hour, until they sent the taxed afterward to Hercules and began to ask for yoga, taking two of them to replace the dead companions. Todі having taken the oblog of Hercules and zamіst slain by the sons of Minos - Alcaeus and Sthenelus.
From Paros, Hercules arrived at Miziya (Kraina on the western birch of Asia Minor with the head city of Pergamum) to King Lika, who accepted yoga with great hospitality. Unsuccessfully attacked the Lika of the King of Bebriki. Hercules won the King of Bebriki out of his corral and destroyed his capital, and the whole land of Bebriki was conquered by Likov. Tsar Lik named this country in honor of Hercules Heracles. After the feat of breaking Hercules, he fared, arrived at the place of the Amazons Femiskir.
The fame of the exploits of Zeus' son has long since reached the lands of the Amazons. To that, if the ship of Hercules landed before Themiscyra, the Amazons came with the queen of the heroic heroes. The stench wondered with wonder at the great son of Zeus, who was seen, my immortal god, among his companions-heroes. Queen Hippolyta nourished the great hero Hercules;
- Glorious Zeus, sin, tell me, what brought you to our place? Are you bringing peace to us chi war?
So the Queen Hercules: (9 feat of Hercules)
- Tsaritsa, not of my own will, I came here from the Viysk, having made a great path along the turbulent sea; Volodar sent me Mycenae - Evrisfey. Yogo's daughter, Admet, if you want your mother's belt, a gift from the god Ares. Evrisfey trusting me to get your belt!
There is no small force in what Heracles Hippolyta is driven to. Vaughn was already ready to voluntarily give him a belt, but the great Hera, bazhayu to destroy the hated Hercules, took on the image of an Amazon, zmіshalas in the natovpі th and began to reconcile the warriors of misfortune on Hercules' war.
- Hercules is not telling the truth, - Hera said to the Amazons, - he came to you from the people below: the hero wants to steal your queen Hippolyta and bring her slave from his house.
The Amazons believed Heri. The stench gathered for the armor and attacked Hercules' army. In front of the warrior Amazons, a shvydka rushed, mov wind, Aella. The first one attacked Hercules, a mute gurgling whirlwind. The great hero beat the onslaught and zmusiv її to the leak. Aella wondered how she could hide in the sight of the hero with a leak. Not helped їy all її shvidkіst. Hercules overtook him and drove him in with his glittering sword. Died in battle and Protoya. These heroes from among the companions of Hercules drove out with a strong hand, but the arrow of the great son of Zeus did not pass. Todi attacked Hercules against the Amazons; the stinks were companions of Artemida herself: no one was equal to the mind in the mind. Covering themselves with shields, the stench launched their signatures at Hercules, and then the signatures flew as fast as they could. All of them, having killed the hero with his armor. The Amazon Melanippa, as she led the war before the battle, Hercules, having seized the full, and at the same time captivated Antiope with her. Overcoming the boules of the grizzly warriors. The tikati rushed wildly, a lot of them perished in the hands of the heroes, as if they were retried. The Amazons laid the world with Hercules. Hippolyta bought the will of the mighty Melanippi with the price of her belt. The heroes took Antiope with them. Heracles was honored in the city of Teseyve for this great goodness. So Hercules got the belt of Hippolyti. (Hercules labors) (9 labors of Hercules)

Hercules reciting Hesiona, daughter of Laomedont

Turning back at Tiryns from the land of the Amazons, Hercules arrived on ships from his military to Troy. Heroes slapped the heavy sight, if the stench landed on the shore not far from Troy. They beat the beautiful daughter of the king of Troy Laomedont - Hesiona, chained to the rock of the very sea shore. Vaughn was doomed, like before Andromedi, on the sweater, that she came out of the sea. Qiu indulgence sent as a punishment to Laomedon's Poseidon for the duty to pay you and Apollo's payment for the awakening of the murits of Troy. Proud king, to whom, for the award of Zeus, the offending gods were guilty of serving, threatening to instill in them a cut of the ear, so that the stench would make them pay. To the same anger, Apollo sent Laomedon’s greed to all the Volodymyr, and Poseidon - indulgence, as if he was empty, sparing no one, the outskirts of Troy. Only after sacrificing the lives of his daughter, Laomedont instantly hid his country in the face of terrible hardship. Against his will, he happened to shackle his daughter Hesion to the rock of the sea.
After pumping the unfortunate girl, Hercules succumbed to vryatuvati її, and for the vryatuvannya of Hesioni, having drunk wine from Laomedont in the city of quiet horses, which gave the king of Troy the Thunderer Zeus as a ransom for the son of Yogo Hamined. Yogo if he won the eagle of Zeus and zanіs on Olympus. Laomedont waited for the proposition of Hercules. The great hero made the Trojans pile up on the birches of the sea and hove after him. Ledve Hercules, hiding behind the rampart, as if from the sea, yelled her courage, and, having opened the majestic pasture, rushed to Hesion. With a loud cry, Heracles sang from behind the shaft, rushing to the cause and having built his double-edged sword deep into his chest. Heracles having killed Hesion.
If the son of Zeus, having longed for the sight of Laomedont, declared to the city, then the king’s shkoda began to diverge from the miraculous stones, not having seen Heracles’s sins, and navit banishing yoga, threatening, from Troy. Leaving Hercules the Volodinnya of Laomedont, holding deep in his heart his anger. At once, the tsar could not take revenge, having fooled him, for there was not a large number of yogo warriors, and the hero could not spodіvatsya swiftly to seize impregnable Troy. And the great son of Zeus did not lose his long time to Troy - he was guilty of hurrying with the belt of Hippolyti to Mycenae. (hercules exploits)

10 feat of Hercules (Cows of Heryon)

Nezabar soon after turning back from the campaign to the edge of the Amazons, Hercules broke into a new feat. Eurystheus entrusted Yoma to bring to Mykeni the cows of Geryon, the son of Chrysaor and the ocean of Kalliroy. A distant buv way to Geryon. Hercules needed to go to the farthest end of the earth, to quiet places, where the bright god of the sun Helios descends at sunset from the sky. Heracles is alone virushiv have a long way. We passed through Africa, through the empty deserts of Libya, through the edges of the wild barbarians, and, on reaching, reached the border of the earth. Here, having placed wines on the offending side of the narrow sea channel, two Veletensky stone stovs were like an eternal monument about their feat (Heracles' feet, or Hercules' feet. (10 labors of Hercules)
More richly happened to the last mandruvate of Hercules, until the reach of the shores of the gray Ocean. Thinking, sіv hero on the birch blew the ever noisy waters of the Ocean. How can you reach the island of Erifei, de pas your turn Geryon? The day has already faded into evening. The axis appeared and the chariot of Helios descended to the waters of the Ocean. Yaskrave prominnya Helios blinded Hercules, and suffocated Yogo unbearably, burning speck. Hercules jumped in anger and gathered for his dirty bow, but the bright Helios did not get angry, smiled warmly at the heroes, and the supervichy masculinity of the great son of Zeus was honored to him. Helios himself proponing Heracles to cross over to Erifei in a golden chant, in which the god of the sun drank with his own stones from the western end of the earth at his golden palace. The healthy hero jumped boldly at the golden chauvin and quickly reached the shores of Erife.
Only a few times the bailiff reached the island, as if he sensed the terrible two-headed dog Orfo and rushed at the hero with a bark. With one blow of his important club, he drove in the yoga of Hercules. Not Orfo himself, guarding the succession of Geryon. Hercules also had a chance to fight with the shepherd Geryon, the free-wheeling Evrition. Shvidko coped with the son of Zeus and drove the cows of Gerion to the seashore, standing on the golden chauffeur of Helios. Gerion felt the torment of his cows and pishov until their turn. After running after Yogo's dog Orfo and Evrition's command were killed, chasing after the cow-breeder and chasing Yogo on the sea birches. Gerion was a marvelous velvet: vіn mav three tolubi, three heads, six arms and six legs. Three majestic shields were crouched in the hour of battle, three magnificent records were thrown in the window at the enemy. It was in such a time that Heracles had a chance to fight, but the great warrior Pallas Athena helped him. Ledve shook Yogo Hercules, as if he had immediately launched his deadly arrow at the velvet. Received an arrow in the eye of one of the heads of Geryon. A friend flew after the first arrow, a third followed her. Threateningly waving Hercules with his all-roaring mace, moving with a glimmer, hitting the hero Gerion with it, and the trityl veleten fell to the ground like a soulless corpse. Hercules transported the cows of Geryon from Erifei on the golden chapel of Helios across the turbulent Ocean and turned the choven to Helios. Half of the feat was skinned. (10 labors of Hercules)
There was a lot of work ahead. It was necessary to bring thinness to Mykeni. Through all of Spain, through the Pyrenean mountains, through Gaul and the Alps, through Italy, Hercules drove the cows. In the middle of Italy, beating the Regium, one of the cows broke out of the line and through the canal weaved into Sicily. There, її tsar Yeriks, the son of Poseidon, watered, and took the cow to his turn.
Hercules has been slacking the cow for a long time. Nareshti, having asked the god Hephaestus to protect the line, and having crossed over to Sicily, there he knew his cow at the line of King Eriks. The king did not want to turn її Heracles; relying on your strength, viklikav Hercules for single combat. In the city of Peremozhtsev, a cow is small. Not under the power of Eriksov, such an adversary, like Hercules. Zeus son, squeezing the king in his mighty arms and strangling him. Returning Hercules with a cow to his turn and driving її far away. On the shores of the Ionian Sea, the goddess Hera sent a tale for the whole series. It is said that the cows bounced on the sides. To the great Zusillas, Hercules caught the greater part of the cows already in Thrace and brought them, Nareshti, to Evristheus in Mycenae. And Evrisfey brought them a sacrifice to the great goddess Hera. (Hercules labors) (10 labors of Hercules)

11 feat of Hercules (Cerberus)

Only Hercules turned to Tirinth, as if he had already sent Yogo anew to the feat of Evristheus. This is already the eleventh feat, which is the responsibility of Hercules in the service of Evrisfeya. Neimovіrnі difficulties had a chance to overcome Hercules under the hour of the feat. Vіn musiv go down in a gloomy place, to fear the underworld kingdom of Aida and bring to Evristheus the protection of the underworld kingdom, the stingy, hellish dog Kerber. Three heads bulo in Cerberus, snakes were ringing in the new one, the tail of yogo ended with the head of a dragon with a majestic pasture. Hercules, having defeated Laconia, and through the darkness, beat Tenar (Mis on the peaks of the Peloponnese), descended into the darkness of the underworld kingdom. Belya themselves are the gates of the underworld kingdom of Aida, after Hercules has succumbed to the skeleton of the heroes of Theseus and Perifoy, the king of Thessaly. The gods punished them like that for those who wanted to steal Yogo Persephone's squad into Hades. After the grace of Theseus Hercules: (11 labors of Hercules)
- Oh, the great sinu of Zeus, please me. You bachish my torment! One leash ti help vryatuvat me in front of them!
Prostag Hercules Tesey's hand and forge yoga. If you want to deign Perifoy, then the earth trembled, and Hercules understood that the gods do not want this wave. Hercules succumbed to the will of the gods and far away in the darkness of the eternal night. In the underground kingdom of Heracles, the god Hermes, the guide of the souls of the dead, was born, and the daughter of Zeus Athena Pallas herself fell in love with the companion of the great hero. If Hercules took away the kingdom of Hades, the shadows of the dead flew out of the heat. I didn’t stick in only, after pumping Hercules, the shadow of the hero Meleager. With blessings, she turned away to the great son of Zeus:
- Oh, great Hercules, I bless you about one thing in memory of our friendship: look at my orphaned sister, beautiful Deyanira! Bezakhisnoy lost out after my death. Take it for your squad, great hero! Be її zahisnikom!
Heracles declared the visconate the request of a friend and pishov farther for Hermes. Nazustrich of Hercules appeared the shadow of the stingy gorgon Medusa, she stretched out her middling arms and waved her golden wings, snakes swirled on her head. The fearless hero gathered for the sword, but Hermes zupiniv yogo, saying: (11 feat of Hercules)
- Do not grab the sword, Hercules! Azhe tіlki beztіlesna tіn! She won't threaten to kill you!
Bagato to insure bachiv on his way Hercules; Nareshti, standing before the throne of Hades. The Volodar of the kingdom of the dead and the retinue of Yogo Persephone marveled at the great son of the Thunderer Zeus, who fearlessly descended into the kingdom of darkness and confusion. Vin, majestic, calm, standing in front of the throne of Hades, leaning on his majestic club. At the left skin, thrown over the shoulders, and with a bow behind the shoulders. Hades mercifully soaked the son of his great brother Zeus and asked him to leave the light of the sun and descend into the realm of darkness. Smiling in front of Aid, Heracles succumbing:
- Oh, the souls died, great Aide, do not be angry with me for my request, almighty! Aje you know that I did not come to your kingdom of my own will, I ask you not of my own will. Allow me, Vladiko Aida, to bring your three-headed dog Kerberos to Mykeni. Having punished me for the death of Evristheus, whom I serve from the heaven of the holy Olympian gods.
Hades of heroes: (11 labors of Hercules)
- I consecrate, son of Zeus, your request, ale ti musish without Kerber's tidying up. If you tidy up yoga, then I will allow you to bring yoga to Evrisfeya.
For a long time, Hercules Kerberos wandered around the underworld. Nareshti, know the wine of yoga on the banks of the Acheron. Hercules, circling with his hands, mitznimis, mov steel, Kerber's neck. Grizno curled Aїdіv pes; the entire underworld kingdom was filled with spirits. Vіn silkuvavsya to see the hugs of Hercules, those only mіtsnіshe clasped the mighty hands of the hero of Cerberus. Wrapping the tail of his Kerberos around the hero’s neck, the dragon’s head stuck its teeth into youmu’s body, but everything is for nothing. Mighty Hercules squeezed tighter and tighter your shia. Nareshti, breathtaking dog Aida falling to the hero's feet. Hercules tidying up yoga and moving out of the kingdom of darkness in Mykeni. Zlyakavsya day light Kerber; all covered with cold sweat, the brittle piss dripped from three pastures on the ground; Everywhere, even a speck of pine dripped, and a blizzard grew.
Hercules grafted to the Mycenaean murivs of Cerberus. Zlyakavsya fearful Yevrіsfey, like only glancing at the terrible dog. It is not enough on the knees of the blessings of Hercules to bring Kerberus back to the kingdom of Hades. Heracles vikonav yogo request and turning Aїdovі yogo terrible guard Cerberus. (hercules exploits)

12 feat of Hercules (Apple of Hesperid)

The most important feat of Hercules in the service of Evrisfeya was the last, twelfth feat. Vіn is guilty of walking up to the great titan Atlas, who holds the celestial stars on his shoulders, and distances from yogo gardens, which the daughters of Atlas Hesperidi, three golden apples, watch over. Apples grew on a golden tree, grown by the goddess of the earth Gaia, as a gift to the great Hera on the day of the її merriment with Zeus. In order to accomplish this feat, it was necessary for us to find out about the paths to the gardens of the Hesperides, which were guarded by the dragon, which did not rivet his eyes with sleep. (12 labors of Hercules)
No one knew the way to the Hesperides and Atlas. For a long time, Hercules blew across Asia and Europe, passed through the wines and all the lands, as if he had passed earlier along the road along the cow Geryon; Everywhere Hercules raspituvav about the way, but no one knew yoga. At their shukannyah zaishov vines to the extreme pivnich, to the river Yeridan (Mythical river), who always roll their gurgling boundless waters. On the banks of Eridan, the great son of Zeus was shot down by the beautiful nymphs, and they gave him joy, as if to know the path to the gardens of the Hesperides. Hercules is guilty of misfortune against the sea elder Nereus, if he comes to the shore from the sea abyss, and recognizes a clear path to the Hesperides; krіm Nereya no one knew the way. Hercules has long shukav Nereus. Nareshti, it was possible for you to know Nereus on the birches of the sea. Hercules attacking the sea god. Vazka bula struggle with the sea god. In order to get out of Heracles' volleys, Nereus, tidying up various images, but still not letting go of his hero. Nareshti, having called the languid Nereus, and the sea god had a chance to return to freedom, to lead Hercules' secret path to the gardens of the Hesperides. Having found out about this mystery, the son of Zeus let the old man in the sea and break the long way.
It happened to you again to go through Livia. Here is the sound of Antey, the son of Poseidon, the god of the seas, and the goddess of the earth Gaia, who gave birth to yoga, victorious and swayed. Antaeus, having roused the strength of the travellers, fought with him and all those whom he had overcome in the struggle, mercilessly driving him in. Having hankered for the velet, so that Hercules fought with him. No one could overcome Antey in single combat, not knowing the secrets, the bells of the bells arrived at the hour of the fight for all the new new forces. And the mystery was like this: if Antey felt that he was beginning to expend strength, he reached the ground, his mother, and renewed his strength; I scooped them from my mother, the great goddess of the earth. Ale needed only to see Antey out of the earth and lift yoga in the air, as yoga strength was known. Hercules fought for a long time with Antey, a sprig of vines fell yoga on the ground, and only a few more strength was given to Antey. Raptom under the hour of struggle, having lifted the mighty Hercules Antaeus high in the air, the forces were raised in the sin of Gaia, and Hercules strangled Yogo. (12 labors of Hercules)

Hercules and Antaeus (Hans Baldung, 1530)

Dali pishov Hercules and arrived at Egypt. There, languishing on the long road, falling asleep at the shade of a small grove on the Nile birch. After waving the sleeping Heracles to the king of Egypt, the son of Poseidon and the daughters of Epaphus Lisianassi, Busiris, and calling the sleeping hero. Vin wanted to sacrifice Hercules to Zeus. Nine rokіv buv nevrozhay in Egypt; provistiv pribuliy z Cyprus vischun Thrasіy, scho to cling to the neurotic only todі, as if Busirіs shhoroku would sacrifice foreigners to Zeus. Busiris having punished the schopit of the priest Thrasii and the first one sacrificed yoga. From that hour, the zhorstoy tsar, having sacrificed the thunderbolts of all foreigners, yakі came to Egypt. They brought Hercules to the altar, and then ripped the great hero of the motuzka, like a wreath of ties, and drove in the altar of the altar of Busiris himself and the son of Yogo Amphidamant. So the punishment of the zhorstoky king of Egypt.
A lot of people had a chance to see Heracles on his way without safety, until he traveled to the ends of the earth, where the great titan Atlas stood. The hero marveled in wonder at the mighty titan, like a trimau on his broad shoulders weighing the sky.
- Oh, the great titan Atlas! - having turned to the new Hercules, - I am the son of Zeus Hercules. Having sent me to you Evristheus, the king rich in gold Mycenae. Evrisfey zvelіv my distance in you three golden apples from the golden tree in the gardens of the Hesperides.
- I will give you three apples, the blue of Zeus, - Atlas, - and you, as long as I walk on them, are guilty of my place and trim on the shoulders of your celestials.
Hercules was fine. Vіn standing on the plate of the Atlas. Neymovirny tyagar descended on the shoulders of the son of Zeus. Vіn having strained all his strength and holding the heavenly stars. Terribly pressing the tractor on the mighty shoulders of Hercules. Vіn zignuvsya under the drag of the sky, yogo m'yazi puffed up, we burn, nіt hid the mustache of yogo body in the strain, but the inhuman forces and the help of the goddess Athena gave you the power to trim the heavenly stars, until Atlas returned with three golden apples. Turning, Atlas said to the heroes:
-Axis of three apples, Heracles, if you want, I myself will bring them at Mykeni, and you hold the sky to my turn, then I will stand in your place. Hercules understood the cunning of the Atlas, vin zrozumiv, that if the titan wanted to take care of his hard work, and on cunning, he could use cunning.
- Good, Atlas, I'm fit! - exclaiming Hercules, - just let me first fill my own pillow, I will put it on my shoulders, so as not to crush the sky stars so greedily.
Atlas, having become anew in its place, and calling on the shoulders of the burden of the sky. And Hercules raised his bow and sagaidak with arrows, taking his club and golden apple and saying:
Farewell, Atlas! I hold the heavenly stars, for the time being walking on the apple of Hesperid, but I do not want to always carry on my shoulders the burden of the sky.
With these words, Hercules pishov in the form of a titan, and I had a chance to Atlas trim, like earlier, on the mighty shoulders of their celestial stars. And Hercules turned to Eurystheus and gave him a golden apple. Eurystheus gave her Hercules, and gave the wine an apple to his patroness, the great daughter of Zeus Athena Pallady. Athena turned the apple to the Hesperides, so that the stench in their gardens would always be filled with stench.
After his twelfth feat, Hercules was called to serve in Evrisfeya. Now, in a moment, turn to the seven-armed Thebes. Ale did not live long enough there for the son of Zeus. Checked yoga new feats. Vіddav his team Megara for the team of his friend Iolaev, and he himself pіshov new at Tirinf.
Ale did not win themselves, they checked yoga, they checked Hercules and heavy beats, more, like before, the great goddess Hera replayed yoga. (Hercules labors) (12 labors of Hercules)

Hercules and Hebrew

On the island of Evbey, in the town of Oikhaliya, ruled by Tsar Evrit. The fame of Eurytus spread far and wide throughout Greece, as if it were about the smartest archer. The archer Apollo himself became a teacher, giving him a bow and arrows. If, in your youth, vchivsya in Evrita to shoot from a bow and Hercules. The axis of the king and having voted throughout Greece, that I would give my beautiful daughter Iola for that hero, who could overcome yoga in the magic of archery. Hercules, who had just completed his service in Eurystheus, having broken to Oikhaliya, where a lot of heroes of Greece were taken, and taking the fate of the sorcerer. Hercules easily overcame Tsar Evrit and was greedy, so that he would give him his daughter Iola for the squad. Ale Evrіt not vykonav his obіtsyanki. Having forgotten the sacred, call the guests, having begun to know the great hero. Vіn having said that I would not give my daughter to him who was a slave of Evristhe. Nareshti Evrit and yogo pikhati blue drove drunkenly under an hour to Hercules' feast from the palace and navit from Oikhalіy. Pishov Heracles of Oikhalii. Having left the wines of Euboea, having left a deep sum of money, the great hero had died in the beautiful Iola. Having harbored anger at Eurytus in his heart, having formed yoga, he turned to Tirinth. (hercules hercules)
After a deaky hour in Evrita, the flock of the most cunning of the Greeks Autolycus, the son of Hermes, was killed. Hebrew accuses Heracles of stealing Hercules. Tsar Oikhalії thinking that the hero had conquered his flock, and wanted to avenge the image. Tilki Ifit, the elder son of Evrit, did not want to believe that the great Hercules could have won the flock of Yogo Batka. If it was possible to bring up the flock of the flock, to bring the innocence of Hercules, with whom the founding friendship called. Under the hour of rozshukiv come Ifit at Tirinf. Hercules gladly accepted his friend. Once, when the stench stood together on the high mounds of the fort of Tirinfa, awakened on the high rock, uncontrollably suffocating Hercules with unselfish anger, sent upon him by the great goddess Hero. Guessing Hercules in anger that image, which was given to you by Hebrew and yoga blue; do not take more of yourself, having saved the wines of Ifita and thrown off yoga from the fort. The unfortunate Ifit was broken to death. By this murder, committed against will, having angered Hercules Zeus, having broken the sacred, sound the hospitality and holiness of the bonds of friendship. Yak punishment sent on his son the great Thunderer heavy sickness.
Hercules suffered for a long time, nareshti, from ailment, having broken the guilt at Delphi, in order to feed Apollo, as if he had been forgiven by the king of the gods. Ale, the maiden pifia did not give him a hint. Vaughn drove Heracles out of the temple, like such a one, spitting at herself with a beat. Angry cym, Hercules wreathed a tripod from the temple, for which the pithia gave prostration. Tsim vin rotting Apollo. The golden-haired Apollo appeared before Heracles and greedily greeted him, turning the tripod, and moving Heracles to the yoma. A fierce struggle began between the sons of Zeus - the immortal god Apollo and the mortal - the greatest of the heroes - Hercules. Zeus did not want the death of Hercules. Vіn having thrown from Olympus his fiery gleam between his sons and, roz'dnavshi їх, pinning the struggle. The brothers reconciled. Todі pіfіya gave the following statement to Heracles:
- You only want to do it if you sell for three years into slavery of Queen Lydia, daughters of Yardan, Omphali. Hermes himself vіdnіs evrіtovі vtorgovanі for Hercules pennies. Ale did not accept their proud king Oikhalії, wine, like before, having lost Hercules as a foe. (hercules exploits)

Hercules and Deyanira

After that, having driven Hercules out of Oikhaliya, the great hero came to Calidon, the place of Etholiy, like Evrit. Oineus rules there. Hercules came to Oinei to ask for the hand of the yogi daughter Dejaniri, for he had declared Meleagro to make friends with her in the kingdom of shadows. In Calidon, Heracles is wielding a wicked supernik. The hands of the beautiful Dejaniri strove for a lot of heroes, and in the middle of them was the river god Aheloy. Nareshti, having overcome Oiney, that Deyaniri’s hand is removed from that one who will be able to overcome the struggle. All suitors were inspired to fight against the mighty Aheloy. Staying alone Hercules. Youmu had a chance to fight with the god of rivers. Bachuchi the courage of Hercules make peace with him by force, Aheloy saying to you:
- Do you say that people were born by Zeus and Alcmene? Breshesh ty, scho Zeus - your dad!
I started Aheloy to know the great son of Zeus and slander matir Yogo Alcmene. Frowning brows, Hercules glanced sharply at Achelous; Yogo's eyes shone with fire of anger, and said:
- Aheloy, my hands serve better, lower tongue! Be a winner in words, and I will be a winner in action.
With firm rock, Hercules went to Achelous, and having embraced yoga with his mighty hands. Standing firmly majestic Aheloy; not a moment to call Yogo the great Hercules; Daremni buli all yogo zusilla. So standing Aheloy, as if to stand an unbreakable skeleton, and do not hit її sea whistles, fighting about her with a thunderous noise. Heracles and Aheloy fight with their breasts one on one, mute tibes, which clenched with their crooked horns. Hercules attacked Aheloy three times, for the fourth time, escaping from the hands of Aheloy, circling around the back of the hero. Nemov is an important mountain, crushing the wine of the river god to the very earth. Aheloy ice in a moment, picking up your strength, free your hands, open it later; even though he strained the wines with all his strength, more and more strongly squeezing yoga to the ground Hercules. Aheloy scrambled out of the hay, his knees buckled, and his head bumped into the earth itself. Sob not to be overcome, Aheloy went into cunning, turned into a snake. Just turning Achela into a snake and slithering from the hands of Hercules, like, laughing, wiggling Hercules:
- Even in the colony, I learned to fight with snakes! True, your arcing view of other snakes, Aheloy, but you do not look like the Lernean Hydra. Even though the deputy head of the two new heads grew in her, nevertheless I won over.
Having saved Hercules with the hands of the snake and crushing it, dumb with pliers. Silkuvavsya virvatis from the hands of the hero Aheloy, but not a moment. Todi turned back to the bik and attacked Hercules again. Hercules grabbed the bik of Achelous by the horns and knocked him to the ground. With such a terrible force, Hercules knocked down Yogo, that he broke Yoma one rig. Peremіg Hercules Aheloy, and Oinei Dejanir for the retinue of Hercules.
After the wedding, Hercules got stuck in the palace of Oinea, having tasted the wine of the new one for a short time. Once, Hercules hit the son of the Architela Evnom for those that the boy poured water on his hands, prepared for washing him. The blow is so strong that the boy fell dead. Embarrassed, Hercules, and even though he forgave the Architel's yoma mimovilno vbivshie sin, all the same leaving the hero Calidon and leaning with his retinue Deyanira in Tirinf.
Under the hour, Hercules came with his retinue to the river Evenu (Rika in Etalii - the region at the sunset of the middle of Greece). The centaur Ness, transporting the roadfarers on his broad back, through this seething river for a fee. Nessus urged to transfer Deyanira to the other side, and Hercules put її on the back of a centaur. And the hero himself, throwing a club and a bow on that beak, and overflowing the raging river. Tilki vyyshov on the shore of Hercules, like a raptom feeling the voice of Dejaniri's cry. Vaughn called for the help of her man. Centaur, poloneniya її beauty, hotіv її winkrust. Shouting sinister Zeus Nessov:
- Where are you going? Can you think what your feet are lying to you? No, don't lie! Hoch yak bi quickly rushing ty, my arrow is still good for you!
Kicking her bow Hercules, and flew from the tight pull of the arrow. The deadly arrow overtook Nessus, pierced the youma in the back, and the blow went through the chest of the centaur. Falling on a knee mortally wounded Ness. A strum pours from the yogo wound of blood, which zmishalas from the rotted Lernean hydra. Not wanting to die, not taking revenge, Ness, having taken his shelter and giving її Deyanirі, saying:
- Oh, daughter of Oinea, I will leave you to carry through the stormy drive of Evena! Take my blood and take care of it! To make Hercules fall in love with you, turn your blood over your love, and not a single woman will be more dear to you, rub only Hercules' robes with her.
Nessa took the blood of Dejanira and hid її. Ness died. And Hercules and Deyaniroy arrived in Tirinth and lived there until that hour, until they were compelled to leave the glorious place that Hercules killed his friend Ifit. (hercules hercules)

Hercules in Omphali

For the driving in of Ifit, Hercules' bulk was sold into slavery to Queen Lydia Omphali. Hercules never knew such winters, as if in the service of a proud ladylike queen. The greatest of the heroes is patient with her all the time humiliation. It was supposed that Omphale would know when he was alone in knowing about the son of Zeus. Having tucked Hercules into a woman's robe, she stirred up yoga to spin and weave from her servants. The hero, who killed the Lernean hydra with his majestic club to death, the hero, who grafted the stingy Cerberus from the kingdom of Aida, who strangled the Nemean lion with his hands and trimmed the heavens on his shoulders, the hero, with the name of such a three-legged enemy, is guilty of sitting behind the weaving bench, or spin outwards with your hands, which called out to take the sword with the sword, draw the string of a tight bow and smash the enemies with an important club. And Omphala, having dressed Hercules’ left skin on herself, that she twisted all over and dragged after her on the ground, in her golden shell, having cut herself with a sword and forcibly calling her hero’s mace on her shoulder, stood in front of the son of Zeus and knew him - her slave . Omphala nibi set her own method to quench Hercules' entire yoga invincible power. Musiv all the patience of Hercules, even if he was in complete slavery in Omphale, it was not enough to try three long years. (hercules hercules)
Tilki zrіdka let the hero out of his palace Omphala. Once, having left the palace of Omphali, Hercules fell asleep at the shade of the forest in the outskirts of Ephesus (The place on the western birch of Asia Minor). At the hour of sleep, the kerkopi dwarfs crept up to the new one and wanted to steal in the new one, but Hercules threw himself at that hour, if the kerkopi stole his bow and arrows. The hero caught them and tied his hands and feet. Hercules strung kerkopiv by tying his feet on a great pole and carried them to Ephesus. Ale kerkopi so laughed at Hercules with their antics that the great hero let them in. (hercules hercules)
At the beginning of the hour of slavery in Omphali, Hercules came to Avlida (Misto in Bestia), to King Silei, who, having tamed the ears of foreigners, who came to the new one, pratsyuvati, in vain slaves, at the vineyards. Primusiv wine pratsyuvati th Hercules. The angry hero, having twisted his vines in Sileya, and having driven in the king himself, who did not shy away from the sacred call of hospitality. Under the hour of slavery in Omphali, Hercules took the fate of the campaign of the Argonauts. Ale, nareshti, skіnchivsya lines of curry, and new vіlny buv the great son of Zeus.

Heracles wins Troy

Just as Heracles was liberated from slavery in Omphale, at the same time he took the guilt of the great heroes of war and destroyed on eighteen ships to Troy, in order to take revenge on Tsar Laomedont, who had fooled Yogo. Arriving to Troy, he entrusted the protection of Oiklov's ships with a small paddock, and he himself, with a mustache, stormed to Troy's mountains. Only a few sightings of the Viysk ship Hercules, as if he attacked Oikla Laomedont, killed Oikla and killed the entire yoga zagіn. Feeling the noise of the battle of the beating ships, Hercules turned around, zmusiv Laomedont to the flow and drove him to Troy. I didn’t wait for the encroachment of Troy. Vderlis, vlizshi on the high mountains, in the place of the hero. The first to see the city is the hero Telamon. Hercules, the greatest of the heroes, could not endure for a moment if he overturned yoga. Whip up your sword, I rushed at Telamon, having outperformed him. Having swayed, that inevitable death threatens you, Telamon stooped down and began to pick up the stone. Zdivuvavsya Hercules and asking:
- What are you robish, Telamone?
- Oh, the greatest sin of Zeus, I will spore the altar of Hercules the Peremozhtsev! - Vіdpovіv cunning Telamon and his vіdpovіddy humbled the wrath of Zeus's son.
Under the hour of the well-being of the place, Hercules, having killed Laomedont and all his blues with his arrows; only the youngest of them, Gift, sparing the hero. The beautiful daughter of Laomedont, Hesion Heracles, having given Telamon for the squad, who distinguished his goodness, and allowed her to choose one of the lads and let him go free. Hesione chose her brother Podarka.
- Vіn early vіd usіh polonenikh torment become a slave! - wiguknuv Hercules, - just give thee for a new wage, you will be allowed to go free.
Hesiona took a bow from her head and gave him a ransom for her brother. From that hour they began to call the Gift - Prime (tobto we will buy). Giving Hercules dominion over Troy, and he himself destroying new deeds with his military.
If Hercules sailed across the sea from his own, turning back to Troy, the goddess Hera, trying to destroy the hated son of Zeus, sent a great storm. And if Zeus didn’t care, as if he were threatening his sins, Hera begged the god of sleep Hypnos to sleep his sovereign Zeus. The storm brought Hercules to the island of Kos (One of the Sporadic islands on the white coast of Asia Minor).
The inhabitants of Kos took the ship of Hercules for a rozbіynitsky i, throwing it at a new stone, they did not let it land on the shore. At night, Hercules hung on the island, win over the inhabitants of Kos, driving in their king, the son of Poseidon, Euripile, and emptying the entire island.
Zeus was terribly angry, if, having thrown over, recognizing, as a nebezpeka, she threatened the son of Hercules. In anger, zakuvav Heru's wines in golden unbreakable kaidan and hung її between earth and sky, tying up to її nіg two important kovadl. Olympians of the skin, they wanted to help Heri, throwing off the grit from the wrath of Zeus from the high Olympus. For a long time shukav vin and Hypnos, having thrown off bi and yogo from Olympus, the lord of the gods and mortals, yakbi did not zahove yogo, the god of sleep, the goddess Nich. (hercules hercules)

Hercules fight with the gods against the giants

On the island of Kos, Father Yogo Zeus sent his beloved daughter Pallas Athena to Hercules to call the great hero for help in their fight against the giants. The goddess Gaia gave birth to giants from drops of blood of Uranus shed by Cronus. We were wondrous veletins from snakes to replace them, with long hairs on our heads and beards.
Giants small terrible force, stinks were written with their might and wanted to see the light of the Olympian gods rule over the world. Before the battle with the gods, the stinks became gods on the Phlegrean fields, which lay on the Chalkid Pivostrov Pallene. The gods of Olympus were not afraid of them. Mother of the giants, Gaia gave them a life of zilla, as if it made them indifferent to the evil gods. Only a mortal moment kill the giants; for the sake of mortals, Gaia did not ward them off. In the whole world, Gaia whispered the whole world, as it is not enough to protect the giants and the sight of mortals, but Zeus hid the lights of the goddess of the dawn Eos and the goddess of the moon Selena and the bright sun of the god Helios and himself the sight of the wholesome.
Not afraid of death at the hands of the gods, the giants rushed to the bey. It's been a long time. The giants were thrown into the godly majestic rocks and the burning storms of the venerable trees. The thunder of battle spread throughout the whole world.
Nareshti, Hercules appeared with Pallas Athena. The string of Zeus' sinister bow rang, an arrow flashed, filled with the rotten Lernean hydra, and stuck into the chest of the most powerful of the giants Alkioney. A giant fell to the ground. Death on Pallene could not spit it, then the deathless vin, - having fallen to the ground, getting up in a few more often, lower early, Hercules smoothly throwing yogo on his shoulders and ponis іz Pallene; beyond the boundaries of її the giant died. After the death of Alkioney, the giant Porfirion attacked Hercules and Hera, zirvav vin z Geri її shrugged and wanted to go already її, but calling Yogo Zeus to the earth with his sparkle, and Hercules sparing his life with his arrow. Apollo pierced with his golden arrow the lion's eye of the giant Ephialtes, and Hercules killed Yogo, giving him an arrow in the right eye. The giant Euryta struck Dionysus with his thyrsus, the giant Klitia - Hephaestus, throwing a brill of the baked hall on the new target. Athena Pallas piled on the giant Enkelada, who ticked the whole island of Sicily.
And the giant Polybot, rushing by the sea in the wake of the perilous earthquake of Poseidon, vtik on the island of Kos. Vіdkolov part of Poseidon's scythe with his trident and heaped it on Polybot. So the island of Nysiros settled down. Hermes slew the giant Hippolyta, Artemida - Gration, the great moira - the giants Agria and Foon, like they fought with middle clubs. Zeus, the thunderer, killed all the other giants with his fiery glare, and the great Hercules sent death to us with his arrows, which hit without a miss. (hercules hercules)

The death of Hercules and the adoption of yoga to the host of the Olympian gods

Written for the tragedy of Sophocles "The Trachian Women"

If Hercules had to leave Tirinf for the driving of Iphita into the sale of slavery to Omphal, Deyanir and his children had a chance to leave Tirinf. The squad of Hercules gave the tsar of the Thessalian city of Trakhin Keik. Three fates and three months have already passed, as if Hercules had left Deyanira. The squad of Hercules was turbulent about the share of his man. There was no call from Hercules. Deyanira Navit did not know what a living person was. Heavy feelings tormented Dejanira. Gilla called out to her son and said to you:
- Oh, my sinu loves! Shame, why don't you joke your dad. The axis has been fifteen months already, like wine does not give a call about itself.
- It’s only possible to believe a little bit, - mother Gill, it seems, after that, after having tried my father as a slave in Omfaly for three years, vіn, if I had scribbled the lines of yogic slavery, having gone from Viysk to Evbey to the city of Oikhalіy, to reign Evretu for the image.
- Sinu my! - mother Gilla interrupted, - your father Hercules never left me early, going on great feats, in such a trivoz, like the rest of the time. Vіn leaving me to put a sign at parting, we will write it down on our old provincial, we will give it to you in Dodoni (The place in Epіrі - at the entrance of the brewery of Greece from the oracle of Zeus, famous among the old people). It is said there, that if Hercules spent three years and three months in a foreign land, then death spit him, otherwise, turning home, living in a happy and calm life. Leaving me, leaving me Hercules and orders, that from the lands of his father, on the verge of his death, there was little distance from the fall of his child. Trouble me the share of a man. Aje, speaking to me about the oblog of Oykhalіy, that I’ll either die under the mist, otherwise, having recovered yoga, I live happily. No, my son, go, bless you, tell your dad.
Gill, pokirny mother's will, breaking a long way to Evbeya, to Oikhaliya, shukati dad.
In a deyaky hour after that, like Gill, having left Trakhina, he came to Dejaniri. Vіn podomlyaєєєє ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ії ії іѕ іn іd Hercules ambassador Likhas. Bring a radio call to Likhas. Hercules is alive. Vіn peremіg Evrіta, zdobuv і zruynuvav і sto Oykhalіyu і nezabara turn to Trakhin in the glory of victory. Follow the sign to come to Dejaniri and Likhas. Vіn vede polonennyh Іola, the daughter of Evrit. Radiantly sounding Dejanir Lichas. The Ambassador of Hercules rozpovidaє їy, that Hercules, as early as possible, able and healthy. Vin chooses to cope with his victory and prepares to make sacrifices to the batati, first leave Euboea. Deyanira marvel at the captives; remembering a beautiful woman among them, asking Lichas:
- Tell me, Likhase, who is this woman? Who is father and mother? Find more grief over there. Chi is not the daughter of Evrit himself?
Ale Lichas confirms the squad of Hercules:
- I do not know, queen, who is out. In a singsong way, to a noble Eubean family, this woman belongs. She didn't say a word in the long run. The whole hour, she was crying tears of sorrow, as soon as she left her own place.
- Unfortunate! - Deyanira whimpered, - I won’t give you new suffering to such a grief! Lead, Likhase, to the palace of the captives, I will immediately follow you!
Likhas pishov with captives in the palace. Just a little, but pishov vin, as if the servant approached Dejaniri and said to me:
- Check, queen, listen to me. Not telling the whole truth to you Likhas. Vin knows who is the woman, the daughter of Evrita Iola. From love to her, if Hercules and Eurytom at shooting with a bow, rushed. The proud tsar did not see you, helpers, daughters for the squad, as if they had declared, having formed, having driven the great hero out of the place. For the sake of Iola, now Hercules has obtained Oichaliya and driven in the king Evrit. Not like a slave sent here Iola son of Zeus - you want to take її for the squad.
Dejanira was confused. Vaughn dokoryaє Likhasovі for those who have buried the truth in her. Know Lichas, what Hercules is right, admire the beauty of Iola, if you want to make friends with her. I mourn Deyanira. Forgetting її Hercules under the hour of a long separation. Now kohaє vin іnshū. What can you get out, unfortunate? You won't love the great son of Zeus and you can't help it any other way. Deyanira was killed by grief for shelter, as if giving her the centaur Ness, and those who said wine before death. Deyanira is called vicorist blood of a centaur. Adzhe vin said to him: “Scrub my blood on the robe of Hercules, and forever cohat thee, the woman will not be dear to you.” To be afraid of falling into Deyanir to the enchanting way, but of love to Hercules and the fear of spending it overwhelm, nareshti, її fight. Nessa’s blood is gone, for so long she took it in a vessel, so that the sun did not fall on her, so that the half-light of the fire did not grow. Deyanira rubs a rich cloak with her, which she wove into the gift of Hercules' treasure of yoga in the screen, which curls up sharply, cry Lichas and say to you:
- Hurry up, Lichase, to Euboea and see Heracles at the screen. There is a cloak in it. Let Hercules put on this cloak, if you will offer a sacrifice to Zeus. Tell yoma, that the mortal should not wear the cloak, the cream of the new one, to wind the light of the bright Helios without breaking the cloak, the first vine will wear the yogo. Hurry up, Likhase!
Pishov Likhas with a raincoat. If the wine is known, Deyanira is restless. She went out to the palace, suffocated with zhakh, to shake, what she was outside, what she rubbed, there Nessa’s cloak of blood, smoldered. Deyanira threw qiu out for a pidlog. Promin the sun, having fallen on the outside, and on the bed, where it lay outside, a bruise of a pin appeared. Deyanira sighed; she’s afraid that Hercules will die, pulling back the cloak of destruction. Daedalier torment the squad of Hercules before thinking about the wrongful bidi.
Not a lot of time passed, when they came to Euboea with the shattered cloak of Lichas. Before the palace enter Gill, who turned to Trakhina. Vіn blіdіy, yogo's eyes are full of tears. Glancing at the matir, vigukuє vin:
- Oh, how I wanted to beat one of the three: otherwise, if you didn’t have the middle of the living, or if someone else called you a mother, and not me, or if the smaller mind is small, lower now! Know that you have ruined a good man, my dad!
- Oh, grief! - Deyanira whimpered with a sigh. - What are you talking about, my son? Which of the people said to you? How can you call me in such a mischief!
- I myself am a bachelor of my father's suffering, I didn’t recognize people about it!
Rozpovіdaє Gіll motherі, scho trapilos on the mountains Kaneyoni, near the place Oikhalії: Hercules, arguing altars, getting ready to bring sacrifices to the gods and us in front of the father to his Zeus, like Likhas came with a cloak. Sin of Zeus, having dressed the cloak - a gift from the squad - and proceeded to the right of the victims. On the back he brought twelve good beaks to the sacrifice of Zeus, and in total the hero slaughtered a hundred sacrifices to the Olympian gods. Half a day's mind fell brightly on the windows. Hercules standing, devoutly raising his hands to the sky, and calling out to the gods. Fire, scho palakhkotiv on the altars, zigrіv the body of Hercules, and stepping on the tіlі pet. Raptom stuck to the body of the hero's cloak. Wriths ran through the body of Hercules. Vіdchuv vіn terrible bіl. Suffering greedily, having called the hero Likhas and having energized yoga, now he brought wine his cloak. What is the moment of confession to you the innocent Lichas? Vіn vіg vіg tіlki tіlki scho scho shogo cloak sent yogi Dejanіra. Hercules, not tyamlyachi nothing in the terrible pain, grabbing Likhas by the leg and hitting Yogo on the skeleton, making the sea whistle rustle. Lichas was crushed to death. And Hercules fell to the ground. Vіn fought in nevimovnih torments. Yogo's cry roared far along Euboea. Hercules cursing his hat with Deyanira. The great hero, having called the son and with a heavy stogon, said to you:
- Oh, my sin, do not leave me in misfortune - as if to threaten you with death, do not leave me! Lift me! See me! Vіdnesi tudi, de not bachiv bi me mortal. Oh, how do you feel sorry for me, don't let me die here!
They lifted Hercules, put him on a burden, carried him to the ship to transport him to Trakhina. Axis of rozpoviv Gill mothers and ending the rozpovіd with these words:
- At the same time, you all sing here the great son of Zeus, maybe we are still alive, or maybe we are already dead. Oh, don’t let me scare you, mother, suvori Erinii and the month of Dika (Goddess of justice)! You killed the best of people, such as if the earth wore. Don't give a damn about such a hero!
Movchka went to Deyanir's palace without saying a word. There, at the palace, she snatched up a double-edged sword. An old nanny took care of Deyanira. Won cry sooner than Gill. Hurry up Gill to his mother, but she blew her breasts out with a sword. Ridayuchi, rushing to the mother's unfortunate son, vіn hugging її and waving with kisses її cooled the body.
It's time to bring the dying Hercules to the palace. Vіn zabuvsya in the dream at the hour of the road, but if they lowered the burdens on the ground at the entrance to the palace, Hercules slipped. In the face of fierce pain, the great hero didn’t hurt anything.
- Oh, great Zeus! - vigukuє vin, - in what country am I? Oh, de vie, men of Greece? Help me! For your sake, I have cleansed the earth and the sea of ​​indulgence and evil, and now nobody wants to deign me to fire, but with a mighty sword in the face of grave suffering! Oh, Zeus, brother, great Aida, sleep, sleep on me, the unfortunate one, give me a bistrolite death!
- Old man, listen to me, I bless you, - ask Gill tearfully, - the mother involuntarily raised this wickedness. How do you remember now? Recognizing that she herself is the cause of your death, she pierced her heart with a sword!
- Oh gods, she died, and I could not take revenge on her! Not before my hand, Deyanira's footsteps perished!
- Old man, it's not wine! - say Gill. - Having spent time in her house, Iola, daughter of Evrit, my mother wanted to return your love with spells. Vaughn rubbed her cloak with the blood of the centaur Nessus, who was killed by your arrow, not knowing that the blood of the Lernean hydra was wiped off.
- Woe, woe! - vigukuє Hercules. - So. axis, how did the prospering of my father Zeus! Vіn having told me that I will not die in the presence of the living hand, that I was judged to perish in the presence of the one who zіyshov at the gloomy kingdom of Aida. Axis yak ruining me Ness driven in by me. So the axis was a kind of calm oracle at Dodoni - peaceful death! So, the truth - the dead do not worry! Kill my will, Gille! Take me with my faithful friends to a high mountain, on the top of the mountain, put a pit in a sepulchre, put me in a pit and fall down on it. Zrob tse shvidshe, attach my suffering!
- Look, dad, why don't you take me as your killer! - good Gill dad.
- No, you won’t be a whacker, but a healer of my suffering! Є sche in me bajannya, vikonay i yogo! - the good son of Hercules. - Take your daughter Evrita Iola for the squad.
Ale, Gill vikonati the request of the father and say:
- No, dad, I can’t take that squad, as it was the cause of my mother’s death!
- Oh, submit to my will, Gille! Don't cry out to me for the calm of suffering! Let me die in peace! - the son of Hercules is vainly blessed.
Gill reconciled and pokirno vіdpovіdaє batkovі:
- Good, dad. I will be submissive to your dying will.
Kvapit Hercules sina, good shvidshe vikonati yogo stay prohannya.
- Hurry, my son! Hurry up and put me in the pit, before I begin again to repent of unbearable torment. Carry me! Farewell, Gille!
The friends of Hercules and Gill lifted their burdens and carried Hercules to the temple of Oet. There the stench of the majestic pit was angered and laid on the new greatest of the heroes. The suffering of Heracles the Daedals are dreading, more and more to pass in the body of the torn Lernean hydra. Rve z himself Hercules a cloak of destruction, strongly stuck to the veins to the body; Together with the cloak, Hercules weaves the coats of the shkiri, and even more unbearable, terrible torments melt. One only ryatunok from these inhuman torments is death. It is easier to perish in the twilight of the pit, lower tolerance for them, but none of the friends of the hero dare to burn yoga. Nareshti, came to Oetu Filokteta, having washed Hercules to burn the fire and in the city for the same, giving him his bow and arrows, severing the hydri with rot. Having fired the bagattya Filokteta, the half-light of the fire brightly fell off, and even brighter the gleams of Zeus shone brighter. They thundered across the sky. On the golden chariot they rushed to the fire Pallas Athena (For some versions of the myth on the chariot, it was not Athena, but the goddess of victory - Nike) from Hermes, and sent the stench to the bright Olympus of the greatest of the heroes of Hercules. There the great gods wielded yoga. Becoming the immortal god Hercules. Hera herself, having forgotten her hatred, gave Heracles her daughter, the eternally young goddess Hebe, for the squad. Live from that hour on the bright Olympus in the host of the great immortal gods Hercules. I gave you the city for all the great deeds on earth, for all the great suffering. (hercules hercules)

The Stymphalian birds were the last offspring of monsters in the Peloponnese, and since the power of Eurystheus did not extend beyond the Peloponnese, Hercules decided that his service to the king was over.

But the mighty strength of Hercules did not allow him to live in idleness. He longed for exploits and even rejoiced when Koprey appeared to him.

"Eurystheus," said the herald, "orders you to clear the stables of the king of Elis, Avgius, from manure in one day."

King Perseus and Queen Andromeda ruled the golden Mycenae for a long time and gloriously, and the gods sent them many children. The eldest of the sons was named Electrion. Electrion was no longer young when he had to take the throne of his father. The gods did not offend Electrion with their offspring: Electrion had many sons, one better than the other, and only one daughter - the beautiful Alcmene.

It seemed that there was no kingdom in all Hellas more prosperous than the kingdom of Mycenae. But once the country was attacked by the Tafians - ferocious sea robbers who lived on the islands at the very entrance to the Gulf of Corinth, where the Aheloy River flows into the sea.

This new sea, unknown to the Greeks, breathed into their faces with a wide-noisy rumble. It stretched out like a blue desert before them, mysterious and formidable, deserted and stern.

They knew: somewhere out there, on the other side of its seething abyss, lie mysterious lands inhabited by wild peoples; their customs are cruel, their appearance is terrible. There, somewhere along the banks of the full-flowing Istra, terrible people with dog-like muzzles are barking - cynocephals, dog-headed. There, beautiful and ferocious Amazon warriors rush along the free steppes. There, eternal darkness thickens further, and in it, like wild animals, inhabitants of the night and cold - Hyperboreans roam. But where is it all?

Many misadventures awaited brave travelers on the road, but they were destined to come out with glory from all of them.

In Bithynia, the country of the Bebriks, their invincible fist fighter, King Amik, a terrible murderer, detained them; without pity and shame, he threw every foreigner to the ground with a blow of his fist. He also challenged these new aliens to battle, but the young Polideuces, brother of Castor, son of Leda, defeated the mighty one, breaking his temple in a fair fight.

Moving away from the familiar shores, the ship "Argo" for many days cut the waves of the calm Propontis, that sea, which people now call the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The new moon had already come, and the nights turned black, like pitch, with which the ship's sides would be pitched, when the vigilant Linkei was the first to point out to his comrades the mountain towering ahead. Soon a low shore glimmered in the fog, fishing nets appeared on the shore, a town at the entrance to the bay. Deciding to rest on the way, Typhius sent the ship to the city, and a little later the Argonauts stood on solid ground.

A well-deserved rest awaited the Argonauts on this island. The Argo entered the harbor of Theakia. Tall ships stood in countless rows everywhere. Dropping anchor at the pier, the heroes went to the palace to Alcinous.

Looking at the Argonauts, at their heavy helmets, at the strong leg muscles in shiny greaves, and at the tanned brown faces, the peace-loving Phaeacians whispered to each other:

It must be Ares with his militant retinue marching to the house of Alcinous.

The sons of the great hero Pelops were Atreus and Thyestes. Pelops was once cursed by the charioteer of King Oenomaus Myrtilus, who was treacherously killed by Pelops, and doomed the whole family of Pelops with his curse to great atrocities and death. The curse of Myrtilus also weighed on Atreus and Fiesta. They have committed a number of evil deeds. Atreus and Thyestes killed Chrysippus, the son of the nymph Axion and their father Pelops. It was the mother of Atreus and Fiesta Hippodamia who persuaded Chrysippus to kill. Having committed this atrocity, they fled from the kingdom of their father, fearing his wrath, and took refuge with the king of Mycenae Sthenelus, the son of Perseus, who was married to their sister Nikippe. When Sthenelus died and his son Eurystheus, captured by Iolaus, died at the hands of the mother of Hercules Alcmene, he began to rule over the Mycenaean kingdom of Atreus, since Eurystheus left no heirs. Atreus was jealous of his brother Fiesta and decided to take away power from him by any means.

Sisyphus had a son, the hero Glaucus, who ruled in Corinth after his father's death. Glaucus also had a son, Bellerophon, one of the great heroes of Greece. Beautiful as a god was Bellerophon and courage equal to the immortal gods. Bellerophon, when he was still a youth, suffered a misfortune: he accidentally killed a citizen of Corinth and had to flee from his native city. He fled to the king of Tiryns, Proyt. With great honor, the king of Tiryns accepted the hero and cleansed him of the filth of the blood shed by him. Bellerophon did not stay long in Tiryns. Captivated by his beauty, the wife of Proyta, the goddess Anteia. But Bellerophon rejected her love. Then Queen Anteia flared up with hatred for Bellerophon and decided to destroy him. She went to her husband and said to him:

Oh king! Bellerophon heavily offends you. You must kill him. He haunts me, your wife, with his love. That's how he thanked you for your hospitality!

Grozen Borey, god of the indomitable, stormy north wind. He frantically rushes over the lands and seas, causing with his flight all-destroying storms. Once Boreas, flying over Attica, saw the daughter of Erechtheus Orithyia and fell in love with her. Boreas begged Orithyia to become his wife and allow him to take her with him to his kingdom in the far north. Orithia did not agree, she was afraid of a formidable, stern god. Denied Boreas and Orithyia's father, Erechtheus. No requests, no pleas from Boreas helped. The terrible god was angry and exclaimed:

I deserve such humiliation myself! I forgot about my formidable, violent power! Is it proper for me to humbly beg anyone? Only force should I act! I drive thunderclouds across the sky, I raise waves on the sea like mountains, I uproot, like dry blades of grass, centuries-old oaks, I scourge the earth with hail and turn water into ice, hard as a stone - and I pray, as if powerless mortal. When I fly in a furious flight above the earth, the whole earth trembles and trembles even the underworld of Hades. And I pray to Erechtheus as if I were his servant. I must not beg to give me Orithia as a wife, but take her away by force!

Freed from the service of King Eurystheus, Hercules returned to Thebes. Here he gave his wife Megara to his faithful friend Iolaus, explaining his act by saying that his marriage to Megara was accompanied by unfavorable omens. In fact, the reason that prompted Hercules to part with Megara was different: between the spouses were the shadows of their common children, whom Hercules killed many years ago in a fit of insanity.

In the hope of finding family happiness, Hercules began to look for a new wife. He heard that Eurytus, the same one who taught the young Hercules the art of owning a bow, offers his daughter Iola as a wife to someone who will surpass him in accuracy.

Hercules went to Eurytus and easily defeated him in the competition. This outcome annoyed Evrit immensely. Having drunk a fair amount of wine for greater confidence, he said to Hercules: “I won’t trust my daughter to such a villain as you. Or didn’t you kill your children from Megara? In addition, you are a slave of Eurystheus and deserve only beatings from a free man.”

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Ancient myths and legends of Ancient Greece

They were created more than two thousand centuries ago and the famous scientist Nikolai Kuhn adapted them at the beginning of the 20th century, but the attention of young readers from all over the world does not fade away even now. And it doesn’t matter in the 4th, 5th or 6th grade they study the myths of ancient Greece - these works of ancient folklore are considered the cultural heritage of the whole world. The moralizing and vivid stories about the ancient Greek gods have been studied far and wide. And now we read online to our children about who the heroes of the legends and myths of Ancient Greece were and we try to express in brief the meaning of their actions.

This fantastic world is surprising in that, despite the horror of an ordinary mortal in front of the gods of Mount Olympus, sometimes ordinary inhabitants of Greece could enter into an argument or even fight with them. Sometimes short and simple myths express a very deep meaning and can easily explain the rules of life to a child.