Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to use white clay linear from NSO. Linevo (Volgograd region)


There were: a water mill, oil mills, tanning and tanning establishments, basket weaving; medical station, veterinary station; school (since 1773), ministerial school, savings and loan bank. During the Soviet period there was a cooperative shop, agricultural. credit partnership, two primary schools, hut-reading room, mobile library (1926); fruit and vegetable technical school, maternity hospital (1932); collective farms named after Stalin, named after Voroshilov, them. K. Liebknecht. In 1931, the Gussenbach MTS was organized in the village. In 1933, the first vegetable canning plant in the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was built here.

Number of inhabitants in different years:

  • 4661/4657 German (),
  • 7287/7274 German (),

In the village Gussenbach was born the writer R. Leis (born 1940), professor B. G. Reiter (born 1941).

Now the village of Linevo, Zhirnovsky district, Volgograd region. Population 7.2 thousand inhabitants; There are schools, a hospital, shops, a market, a church, a gas and heat supply system. 6 km to the west near the river. Ursa is a place where rare and endangered plants grow, listed in the Red Book.

The current state of the German heritage of the village

On the site of the former church in Soviet time a dance floor was built.

Cemeteries of Gussenbach

Old German cemeteries do not exist. On the site of one of them, the oldest, there is currently a school stadium built in 1973. This cemetery was directly adjacent to the church. Those who died in the hospital during the war were buried in the same cemetery. The hospital was located in the building of the “red” school. Subsequently (in the 1970s), some of the remains of warriors from mass grave were moved to another place, 300 meters away, to the village square. This is where the monument currently stands. The second cemetery was located next to the former MTS. Nowadays there is a residential settlement on this site. It was probably in this cemetery that Jacob Propp was buried. The modern cemetery has existed since approximately 1945-48. The cemetery is mixed, that is, there are Russian and German burials (1970-2000s).

Industry, attractions

It is planned to create a natural monument " Blue Mountain"(0.04 ha). A deposit of stone building materials is exploited 13 km to the northeast, and occurrences of aluminum ores are located 12 km to the east. (Data for 2003)

Museum of "Military Glory"

In Linevo, the “Military Glory” museum has been operating since 1986, one of the initiators of its creation was a former front-line soldier and teacher labor training Boris Semyonovich Pokrovsky. In the museum, which consists of 2 rooms, you can see many different artifacts from pre-revolutionary times, as well as Soviet and modern ones. In addition, you can even see fossil remains here. oldest species representatives of flora and fauna found in the area.



  • Historical, geographical and statistical description of German settlements
  • Article by Gussenbach on

Linevois the largest village urban type in Novosibirskregion, population as of January 1, 2013amounted to 19,648 people.Located 79 km south ofNovosibirsk, 19 kilometers south of Iskitim.

Once upon a time in a cozy placethe village was a bare steppe - no roads, nocommunications, wasteland and lack of water.Construction began here in 1965in the electrode plant. In 1974, Novosibirsk Elekt trodny plant (NovEZ) began to produce its first products. We stood before the management with social and everyday tasks. At a fast pace began to build housing, schools, kindergartens, a community center of the village with enterprises was formed consumer services. The population gradually grew, and soon the village was “legalized” by the decision of the Iskitim District Executive Committee on July 5, 1974.

August 20, 1974 executive committee of the Novosibirsk regional depot council Tatov approved this decision. It said: “Register a settlement on the territoryEvsinsky Village Council; name the village “Linevo” and classify it as a worker village Soon elections to the village Council were held, and Ivan Ivanovich Markin was elected as the first chairman of the village council of people's deputies.

Currently, there are more than 250 enterprises, organizations and institutions operating in the village.deniya. The main enterprises are OJSC Linevsky House-Building Combine nat", "Linevsky metal structures plant", 000 "Si Birsky Metal Profile Plant, LLC TPK Northern Lights, the city-forming enterprise The company is CJSC Energoprom - Novosibirsk Electrode Plant.

The village has three secondary schools, a gymnasium, night school Andcorrection school. Primary vocational education is represented by PU-70,higher education - by representative offices of NSTU and the New Siberian Institute. Established in the systemDenia additional education includes the center for further education "Sput"nick", children's and youth sports school, children's art school, children's schoolarts There are cultural facilities: “House of Culture”, two libraries(for children and adults). Well known and loved not only in the village, but also in the region and aboutregional dance groups, folklore ensemble "Rodnyashenka",renowned folk choir of the Electrode Factory Clubunder the direction ofHonoredemployeeculture M.M. Bondarenko.

There is a "Linevo newspaper" in Linevo and telesta diya "Source". In 2011 Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built Holy Mother of God. Linevo is growing, developing and confidently asserting itself in all spheres of business, cultural and social life.

The head of the administration of the workers' village of Linevo since 2010 is Yakov Yakovle wich Landais.

Linevo website, selling goods via the Internet. Allows users online, in their browser or through mobile app, create a purchase order, select a method of payment and delivery of the order, pay for the order.

Clothing in Linevo

Men's and women's clothing offered by the store in Linevo. Free shipping and permanent discounts, incredible world fashion and style with stunning clothes. High-quality clothes at competitive prices in the store. Big choice.

Children's store

Everything for children with delivery. Visit the best children's goods store in Linevo. Buy strollers, car seats, clothes, toys, furniture, hygiene products. From diapers to cribs and playpens. Baby food to choose from.


The Linevo store's catalog of household appliances presents products from leading brands at low prices. Small household appliances: multicookers, audio equipment, vacuum cleaners. Computers, laptops, tablets. Irons, Kettles, Sewing machines


Complete catalog of food products. In Linevo you can buy coffee, tea, pasta, sweets, seasonings, spices and much more. All grocery stores in one place on the Linevo map. Fast delivery.

IN Russian Federation 319 municipalities have the status of single-industry towns. Two of them are located on the territory Novosibirsk region: working village of Linevo and village of Gorny. Reducing the dependence of settlements on activities city-forming enterprises through the creation of new production facilities is one of the priorities national projects federal level.

The population of Linevo is now about 20 thousand inhabitants. Most of The working population leaves for other cities in search of work: Iskitim, Berdsk, Novosibirsk. Participation in state program single-industry towns will attract investors, create new production facilities in the workers’ settlement, and, therefore, new jobs, improve the territory and make life local residents more comfortable.

The working settlement of Linevo, Iskitimsky district, was included in the single-industry town program in 2013. active work implementation of the program began in 2017.

In the summer, the team that developed “ Complex project development of the single-industry town Linevo", trained at presidential academy, her project received the Grand Prix during its defense. “We have approached the study of the territory in detail,” said Yakov Landais, one of the team members, the head of the workers’ village of Linevo. – We conducted a survey of the population and found out what problems concern them in the first place. These are improvements, ecology and jobs. Based on this, we built our work.”

The settlement has not seen such large-scale construction work taking place this year in the village of Linevo, Iskitimsky district, since the 80s of the last century.

There will be a park in Linevo

Large construction took place in a vacant lot opposite the temple in honor of Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In winter, a hockey rink was installed here, and now they are landscaping the territory of the future amusement park. They are leveling the sites, filling them with sand, laying sidewalks, and putting up fencing.

The area of ​​8.5 thousand square meters is divided into three zones. The first one is for active rest, a stage has already been set up here, the grounds have been paved, and benches will appear soon. All public holiday village events will take place at this site. Including Village Day and New Year's festivities. The second zone includes areas for sports, and the third is designated for quiet relaxation.

This fall, green spaces will appear here and small architectural forms will be installed. “This is the first stage of the park’s development,” explains Deputy Head of the Administration for Housing and Communal Services and Construction Alexander Emelyanenko. - Plans for next year We are building a fountain, replacing the stage, it will have a closed top and warm rooms for the artists. We will also erect a building with locker rooms for hockey players, rooms for a doctor, rental and sharpening of skates.” Until now, there was no place for recreation and entertainment in the village.

Playgrounds and safe pedestrian crossings

This year, the program for improving local areas is being implemented in the 4th microdistrict; new asphalt was laid near nine-story buildings No. 5 and 6, the road was widened, and parking was made. Work is underway to develop a children's playground. The second is planned for next year. On Mira Avenue under the “Safe and quality roads» the pedestrian crossing is equipped in accordance with all safety laws, road signs are installed that limit the speed of cars, and a beacon traffic light, its blinking orange eye visible even in dense autumn fog, warns drivers that they are approaching the pedestrian zone. Here children crossing the roadway on their way to the gymnasium and kindergarten.

Factory workers will no longer walk around the ring

By voting, the residents of the village chose the central street for renovation - the Communist Project. The first stage of work worth 7 million 800 thousand rubles is being carried out. New curbs have been installed along the entire avenue. There will be sidewalks along the road towards the electrode plant and pedestrian crossings on both sides of the factory ring on the avenue along which factory workers still go to work, crossing the roadway in violation of all safety rules.

The village attracts investors

At the level of the regional government, the issue of assigning the status of a territory of advanced socio-economic development (PSED) to the working village of Linevo is being considered. This will make the village attractive to investors due to preferential taxation and many other advantages provided by the TASED. To date, about 10 companies have expressed a desire to develop production on the territory of Linevo, among them Obuv Rossii, an enterprise for the production of automobile spare parts and a logistics center.

At a meeting of the Investment Council of the Novosibirsk Region on October 19, the issue of generating applications was considered. Acting Governor Andrei Travnikov instructed to generate and send applications as soon as possible. A report on the decision to assign the status of a TASED territory to the single-industry towns of Gorny and Linevo should be submitted by the end of this year.

Iskitimsky districtmunicipality, located in the Novosibirsk region, on its eastern part. It has borders with the city of Berdsk, the districts of Suzunsky, Ordynsky, Cherepanovsky, Toguchinsky and Maslyaninsky. The area of ​​the district is 4,400 square kilometers, of which almost 61.5% is agricultural land.

The economic and geographical position of the Iskitim Okrug has a number of features. It is located relatively close to regional center– Novosibirsk is only 25 kilometers away. Its regional center, the city of Iskitima, is located exactly in the center of the Iskitim region. A highway has been laid through the area, which duplicates railway, and connects Novosibirsk with Central Asia, Altai and Kazakhstan.

The unique geological structure of the area consists of deposits of sedimentary minerals such as anthracite and mineral Construction Materials. There are also deposits of expanded clay, cement raw materials, clay, building limestone and sand. Anthracite mining is carried out in six municipalities of the region, and some of them also conduct industrial development of anthracite coal. These are the Evsinsky, Listvyansky and Ust-Chemsky districts. Well developed in some populated areas The region has a coal industry, production of building materials and non-ferrous metallurgy. Other villages are developing Agriculture, and have a fairly extensive network of processing enterprises.

Agricultural lands are cultivated mainly by private farms, as they are private property citizens.
The climatic zone of the Iskitim region is moderate, humidity is average. The average winter temperature is -19 degrees Celsius, summer - +19. Snow falls in early November, in the southwest there is less of it, and in the northeast the snow cover can reach 35 cm. Snow melting accordingly occurs at different time periods, which affects the beginning field work. The western parts of the district begin to hold them 2 weeks earlier than the eastern parts.

The territory of the Iskitim region in the west is flat (Priobskoe plateau). To the east there is a transition to the foothills (the forts of Salair). The area is heavily indented by the riverbeds of the Ob tributaries, gullies and ravines. The further you go east, the more hilly and uneven it becomes.
The urban-type settlement of Linevo is the largest in the entire region. Its population has already exceeded 19,600 people. It is located in the southern part of the region at a distance of 19 km from Iskitima.