Biographies Specifications Analysis

Gunboat Korean. Gunboat "Korean" under the French flag and Varyag flooded in a puddle of Port Arthur

Gunboat "Korean"

  • Years of operation: 1885 - 1904
  • Laid down on the Stockholm ferry, in Sweden, December 1885.
  • The launch was made in August 1886.
  • Commissioned in 1887.

Gunboat Korean

"The feat of the cruiser Varyag" has become a symbol of the inflexibility of the Russian navy. A lesser known participant in the heroic feat, gunboat "Korean" together with gave battle to the Japanese squadron, albeit short and hopeless. She was the same full-fledged participant in the battle. And she deserved the same honors as the Varangian. It was on the gunboat, and not on the cruiser, that the most powerful 208 mm or eight-inch guns were. The Varyag had guns on board with a maximum caliber of 152 mm.
January 27, 1904, after the battle with the Japanese squadron in Chemulpo, unlike the flooded "" was blown up by the crew.
The following year, it was raised by the Japanese and handed over for metal.

February 1904, Chemulpo, blown up gunboat Korean

  • Displacement "Korean"-1224 tons. Length 66.7, width 12.2, height 3.8 meters.
  • Armament: 2 eight-inch guns - 203 mm, 1 gun - 152 mm, 4 guns - 107 mm, 2 - 47 mm, 4 - 37 mm, 1 NTA (torpedo tube) 381 mm
  • Boat armor - armored deck 10 mm
  • Mechanisms 2 horizontal double expansion machines 1724 hp, 6 fire tube boilers, 2 propellers.
  • Maximum speed - 13.5 knots.
  • Cruising range 2850 miles.
  • Crew gunboat "Korean" : 12 officers and 162 sailors.

All sailors - participants in the battle received ZOVO as a reward ( Insignia of the Military Order). It is this abbreviation that is found in the literature, according to the simple "St. George's Cross". The awarded "George" was paid a lifetime monetary reward, amounting to 2 rubles 70 kopecks (!) per year.
After the October Revolution of 17, cash payments were discontinued.

After 50 years, the Soviet government remembered the heroes. In 1954, 45 veterans, participants in the naval battle in Chemulpo, were awarded the medal "For Courage" by government decree.

All officers of both ships were awarded the Order of St. George IV degree. Also, all participants in the battle were awarded a special medal for the battle between the cruisers "Varyag" and "Koreets".

Established medal for the battle between the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Koreyets

Below is the surname composition gunboat "Korean" , with interesting facts from the life of the participants in the battle. For example, one of the sailors, after the award, after a little time lost the award medal.

If anyone knows anything about the fate of the participants in the battle, please unsubscribe in the comments.

  1. Adrianov Nikolay bugler
  2. Adrianov Petr Commander
  3. Akrosimov Alexander sub-skipper
  4. Akrutsky Fedosy Commander
  5. Anisimov Inokenty sailor
  6. Ariskin Vasily quartermaster
  7. Artenshin Polikarp quartermaster
  8. Bazaikin Semyon machinist
  9. Balaev Arseniy Commander
  10. Drummers Vasily sailor
  11. Bashmakov Mikhail Commander
  12. Belousov Alexey Marsovy
  13. Belykh Dmitry Commander
  14. Belyaev Grigory Pavlovich captain of the 2nd rank, commander of the gunboat "Koreets", awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree for the battle. In 1905, the commander of the battleship Sinop, a member of the court over the rebel sailors.
  15. Belyaev Fedor sailor
  16. Berseniev Vasily sailboat
  17. Bershatsky Illarion sailor
  18. Besedin Konstantin Kok
  19. Bliznyuk Vladimir sailor
  20. Bliznyuk Pavel sailor
  21. Birilev Pavel Andreevich, year of birth 1881, midshipman. He was one of the organizers of the explosion of the gunboat "Koreets" on 9.02. 1904; awarded for the battle with the Order of St. Stanislav 3 tbsp. with swords and a bow and St. George 4 tbsp.
  22. Bogdanov Vasily miner
  23. Bogomolov Yakov sailor
  24. Bozhenov Semyon stoker
  25. Boysman Vladimir Vasilievich midshipman, St. Anna with the inscription "for courage". Son V.A. Boysman (commander of Peresvet) joined the army. He died in exile in the city of Terioki (Finland) with the rank of major general.
  26. Bolsheshapov Stepan sailor
  27. Bordelyuk Methodius stoker
  28. Bordukhovsky Ivan helmsman
  29. Boreyko Alexander sailor
  30. Borinov Alexander machinist
  31. Borisov Vasily Borisovich sailor, was born in the village of Yuryevo, Starorussky district, Novgorod region, was awarded the 4th degree, the St. George medal, and a nominal watch with the inscription "Hero of Chemulpo" was also presented. His medal of a participant in the Russian-Japanese war was kept in the school museum, on one side of the medal: "1904-1905", on the other - "May the Lord lift us up in due time."
  32. Boskov Tikhon is the owner of the compartments
  33. Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich midshipman, officer of the watch, participated in the explosion of the boat, the Order of St. Anna with the inscription "for courage"; On September 30, 1913, he was killed in a duel with Lieutenant Durnovo in Sevastopol.
  34. Bocharov Leonty sailor
  35. Buravlev Peter sailor
  36. Burkov Seraphim sailor
  37. Vaganov Nikolay artillery quartermaster of the 1st article, was appointed from among the volunteers to blow up the boat "Korean".
  38. Vandokourov Zakhar signal quartermaster.
  39. Vasiliev Alexey sailor.
  40. Vedernikov Alexander diver
  41. Velikanov Stepan machinist
  42. Vertokhovskiy Stanislav machine quartermaster. He took part in the hostilities of 1901 near Taku and for this he received Insignia of the Military Order 4 tbsp., 3 tbsp. received for Chemulpo.
  43. Volkone (Vologonya) Adam a sailor, deprived of awards and sentenced to 1 year and 6 months for squandering public money and attempted robbery with violence.
  44. Voloshin (Voloshen) Miron Porfilovich quartermaster, 1954 medal "For Courage"
  45. Voronin Procopius house painter
  46. Voronovsky Ivan carpenter
  47. Second Zakhar miner
  48. Vychugzhanin Mikhail Commander
  49. Glazunov Pavel Dmitrievich, a clerk, was among the volunteers to blow up the Koreets cable line, was refused.
  50. Golyshev Egor sailor
  51. Goncharov Porfiry diver
  52. Gribov Dmitry sailor
  53. Gryshin Mikhail sailor
  54. Grin Daniil sailor
  55. Gurov Timofey helmsman
  56. Wild Plato Art. commander. Even before the battle in Chemulpo, he took part in the hostilities of 1901. under Taku, for which he was awarded Insignia of the Military Order 4 tbsp., under Chemulpo he was awarded ZOVO 3 tbsp.
  57. Dolganov Mikhail Quartermaster
  58. Dorofeev Ivan sailor
  59. Dryzhd Anisim sailor
  60. Drobenko Anisim sailor.
  61. Dronikh Yakov machinist
  62. Dyachkov Ivan, a sailor of the 1st class, was appointed from the volunteers to blow up the "Korean", ordered to sit in a whaleboat.
  63. Durnov Sergey Nikolaevich midshipman
  64. Emelyanov Parfiry mine quartermaster, participant in the preparation of the boat for the explosion.
  65. Eremenko Korney sailor
  66. Ermolaev Terenty of Mars
  67. Efimov Pavel sailor
  68. Zheleznov Pavel Vasilievich
  69. Zhernakov Grigory, a native of the Cheremkhovo district, Irkutsk region.
  70. Afanasy Zhukov diver.
  71. Egor Zavodovsky Quartermaster
  72. Zasukhin Anatoly Nikolaevich b.1861 Captain 2nd rank; Art. officer of the Siberian naval crew: Order of St. Vladimir 4 tbsp. with swords and a bow and St. George 4 tbsp.
  73. Zakharov Andrey Quartermaster
  74. Zinovich Roman stoker
  75. Zyryanov Denis Kirillovich stoker; 1954 medal "For Courage".
  76. Hare Matvey sailor
  77. Zolotukhin Ivan Commander
  78. Ivanov Feoktist marsovy
  79. Kadannikov Peter nurse
  80. Kazachishin Anton sailor
  81. Katunin Alexey sailor
  82. Knukov Dmitry Marsovy
  83. Kozlov Ilya Quartermaster
  84. Kolesnikov Ivan machinist
  85. Komashev Ustim sailor
  86. Komoshev Yakov sailor
  87. Konstantinov Alexey the owner of compartments
  88. Kopylov Joseph stoker
  89. Kotkov Alexey battalion
  90. Koshcheev Ivan stoker
  91. Kruglenko Pavel orderly
  92. Krishtofenko Akim (cook), who refused to go ashore before the battle, Akim was a civilian. He asked the commanders to give him a rifle; during the battle was at the stern supply.
  93. Kuznetsov Konstantin signalman
  94. Kulagin Nikita spoon-bearer
  95. Kulagin Terenty miner
  96. Kulinichev Porfiry sailor
  97. Kutsubinsky Yefim sailor
  98. Levitsky Alexander Ivanov lieutenant, born in 1886. The mine officer was selected from the volunteers for the explosion, the Order of St. Stanislav 2 tbsp. with swords and St. George 4 tbsp.
  99. Lokhtin (Loktev) Ivan Kapitonovich helmsman, 1954 medal "For Courage".
  100. Lyschetny Kuzma sailor
  101. Lukin Stepan stoker
  102. Mazunov Pavel clerk
  103. Makarov Terenty sailor
  104. Maksimov Nikolai machinist
  105. Malinnikov Petr machinist
  106. Marinichev Nikolai sailor
  107. Menshikov Daniil boatswain.
  108. Merkushev Valery Apollonovich b.1876, junior doctor, doctor of the Siberian naval crew, awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd class for the battle. with swords (April 16, 1904). St. George 4 tbsp.
  109. Mikhailov Prokofy Kuzmich, 1954 medal "For Courage" .
  110. Moidaos Petr machinist
  111. Mokrushin Fedor machinist
  112. Morozov Gerasim stoker
  113. Nazarenko Grigory sailor
  114. Nikiforov sailor 2 tbsp.
  115. Nikolsky Vasily paramedic
  116. Ogorodnikov Nikolai sailor.
  117. Ostashev Kuzma Kok
  118. Okhlopkov Aleksey signalman, buried 50 kilometers from Irkutsk, the village of Biliktui (there is a museum "Koreyets" in the village of Beliktui), in 1954 he was awarded the medal "For Courage".
  119. Plesovsky Grigory of Mars
  120. Pakhorukov Timofey sailor
  121. Poderugin Egor stoker
  122. Podymakhin Mikhail machinist
  123. Pokidaev Vasily sailor
  124. Potemkin Vasily sailor
  125. Prakhov Ivan Alexandrovich, 1954 medal "For Courage".
  126. Pushkar Alexei sailor
  127. Rerlev Vasily sailor
  128. Rodin Kuzma stoker
  129. Romashkin Valpurgis Porfirye (nickname Roller) sailor. At the time of the battle 18 years. He received a head injury. After landing (Giblartar area) from the evacuating Pascal, waiting for the Malaya steamer, which was late for a week (it was supposed to pick up the wounded). He asked the commander for leave "for injury" to Seville. On dismissal, he falls in love with Carmensita, his future wife (the wedding took place in April).
  130. Rudakov Fedor Quartermaster
  131. Rudykh Dmitry stoker
  132. Rumyantsev Fedor Quartermaster
  133. Runtsev (Runuev) Andrey machinist 2 tbsp. In 1904, he turned 21, a daredevil and joker, during the battle he was wounded in the leg. On the cruiser "Talbot" delivered to England. After returning and receiving awards, he moved with his family to Baku. As a machinist, he traveled around the Caspian Sea. For unproven complicity in the murder of an officer, he was sentenced to death. Taking into account the awarding of "George", the execution was replaced by exile. He was a train driver, died tragically in 1952.
  134. Ryshkov Ivan sailor
  135. Sunderman Elias stoker
  136. Safonov Alexey machinist
  137. Sadovnikov Alexander sailor.
  138. Sergeev Gavrila sailor
  139. Simbirtsev Sergei (Prokofy) was buried in the village of Biliktuy. quartermaster; 1954 medal "For Courage".
  140. Sinitsyn Innokenty stoker
  141. Skibin Feoktist the owner of compartments
  142. Sokolov Dmitry sailor
  143. Solotkov Mikhail stoker
  144. Soplenko Mitrofan signalman
  145. Sofronov Yegor steering quartermaster.
  146. Sofronov Yakov boatswain, participant in the preparations for the explosion of the "Koreets".
  147. Spiryakov Lavrenty Evdokimovich miner
  148. Subbotin Mikhail (Maxim) machinist
  149. Stepanov Pavel Gavrilovich, born in 1863, artillery officer, lieutenant, awarded the Order of St. Stanislav, 2nd degree. with swords and St. George 4th class.
  150. Syrelshchikov Ilya owner
  151. Timokhin Vasily stoker
  152. Tirsky Dmitry machinist
  153. Tikhonov Yakov Commander
  154. Toropin Andrey stoker 2 tbsp. He was dispossessed, owned a farm and a 2-storey log house. He died in 1946, having received a second funeral for his youngest son Frol, his grandson is the architect A.N. Shepelev.
  155. Toropov Yakov sailor
  156. Trunin Peter sailor
  157. Trufanov Nikita sailor
  158. Tuev Ivan Yekimovich, lived from 1877 - 1949. Feldwebel, participant in the battles of 1901, medal "For Courage" 1954. Some of the personal belongings are in the city museum of Sovetsk.
  159. Tyushnyakov Stepan commander.
  160. Utrobin Vyacheslav miner, managed to lose "George", after the award ceremony Moscow April 14, 1904.
  161. Fedorov Ivan machinist
  162. Frank Valery Al. (Ivan Leontyevich) was born in 1880. corps of naval mechanical engineers, assigned to blow up the "Koreets", awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 3 tbsp. with swords and bow.
  163. Khokhlov Efim stoker
  164. Khutorkov F. sailor, later took part in the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  165. Tsyganov Nikolai Commander
  166. Cherdyntsev Semyon stoker
  167. Churkin Sergey stoker
  168. Shazukov Emelyan sailor
  169. Shamanaev Fedor stoker
  170. Shirokikh Ivan sailor
  171. Yaroshenko Semyon sailor
  172. Yachmenev Georgy Ivanovich landlord; in 1954 he was awarded the medal "For Courage".

A.S. Pushkin, 1830

If you shoot your past with a gun, the future will answer you with a gun...


In Philadelphia on October 19, 1899, a light cruiser was launched, laid down by order of the Russian government. Its displacement was 6500 tons, the power of the steam engine was about 16,000 liters. with. allowed to develop a speed of 23 knots. The armament of the ship consisted of twelve 152-mm, twelve 75-mm, two 64-mm, eight 47-mm, two 37-mm guns and six single-tube torpedo tubes. But it was not the beautiful appearance and powerful weapons that made this ship famous. The cruiser immortalized its proud name "Varyag" thanks to the high skill, courage, fearlessness and heroism of Russian sailors, shown five years after the birth of the ship in a battle with numerically superior enemy forces.

The first test for the cruiser was the passage from Philadelphia to the Baltic Sea, but the sailors passed it with honor. Having successfully passed five thousand miles, on May 3, 1901, the Varyag anchored in the Great Kronstadt roadstead. The ship's stay in native waters was not long. a new order was received - to proceed to the Far East to strengthen the combat strength of the Pacific squadron. Having crossed the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific oceans, several seas, on February 25, 1902, the Varyag approached Port Arthur.

At this time, the situation in the Far East became extremely aggravated. Japan, incited by England and the United States, was actively preparing for war with Russia. An attack could be expected from day to day, so the appearance of each new ship raised the mood and morale of the sailors, instilled confidence in victory.

The command of the cruiser was taken in March 1903 by the captain of the 1st rank V. F. Rudnev. The appointment of Rudnev to the new ship cannot be considered accidental. Vsevolod Fedorovich, the son of a career naval officer, spent a significant part of his life at sea and gained rich sailing experience. He was lucky enough to participate in a round-the-world voyage in 1880-1883. on the cruiser Africa. He honed his commanding qualities by commanding the ships Kotlina, Vyborg, Skat, Thundering, Admiral Greig and Enchantress. Few could compare with Rudnev in the art of mooring a ship, performing maneuvers, in the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, to make an independent decision, often not coinciding with the decision of higher authorities. Rudnev loved order and his ship, considered service to be his life's work, and enjoyed authority with the ship's crew.

The new commander faced a difficult task - to ensure the repair of the Varyag, to eliminate a number of malfunctions, mainly in its boilers - these shortcomings were laid down in the ship's design. The second equally important task was also solved - ensuring the high combat readiness of the ship.

"Varyag" went to sea on December 16. The navigator set a course for the port of Chemulpo. The cruiser commander Rudnev was instructed to ensure reliable communication between Port Arthur and Seoul, as well as to find out the intentions of Japan, which was preparing to occupy Korea.

In the Korean port of Chemulpo, it was "crowded" from the warships and merchant ships of various states stationed there. In the roadstead and in the port itself, the Russian cruiser Boyarin, the gunboat Gilyak, cruisers: the Italian Elba, the English Cressy and Talbot, the Japanese Chiyoda, the German Hansa, the French Admiral de Gaydon”, the French stationer “Pascal”, etc. There was a tense silence over the port of the city, broken only by shots of saluting fireworks. Soon the gunboat "Gilyak" took off and went to Port Arthur. Instead, on January 5, the gunboat "Korean" arrived in Chemulpo.

VF Rudnev felt the approach of the war, the situation was heating up every day. Japanese warehouses were built everywhere, food, coal, explosives were openly purchased, Japanese soldiers and officers arrived in civilian clothes in the city, auxiliary ships were preparing for a possible landing operation in the port. Rudnev, worried, as he believed, by the unsafe parking of Russian warships in Chemulpo, sent disturbing reports to Port Arthur one after another. However, all these reports were not properly evaluated.

Finally, there was a break in diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan. It became known about him on January 24, 1904. And two days later, the Russo-Japanese war began, which was officially declared on January 28.

"Korean" on January 26 was supposed to leave for Port Arthur. However, at sea, six Japanese cruisers and three transports blocked his path, which finally attacked the Russian boat. The commander of the "Koreyets", captain of the 2nd rank G.P. Belyaev, who was unaware of the severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries, did not enter the battle, considering that this was a provocation. Seeing that he could not break through, he decided to return to the port. Much later, it became clear that the Japanese did not want to let a witness of their invasion into the waters of Korea leave the port. Belyaev reported in detail to the commander of the Varyag about everything that had happened. Rudnev gave the order to prepare for battle.

The voltage has reached its highest limit. The torpedo tubes of the Japanese destroyers were turned towards the Russian ships. A volley could follow at any moment. But the Russian sailors did not close their eyes all night, standing at the loaded guns.

The next day, January 27, the commanders of foreign ships stationed in the port received a notification from the commander of the Japanese squadron, Admiral Uriu, that he intended to attack and destroy Russian ships if they did not leave Chemulpo before noon. Foreigners were urged to leave the place of the impending battle and to avoid trouble, stay as far away as possible. The audacity and blatant violation of international law, shown by the Japanese admiral, did not receive a proper rebuff from the commanders of foreign ships. And although they sent Uriu an "energetic protest", in which they pointed out to the commander of the Japanese squadron the inadmissibility of such actions, they did nothing to besiege the presumptuous admiral. Under the pretext of the impossibility of violating neutrality, the foreigners refused Rudnev's request to escort the "Varyag" and "Koreets" at the exit from the port of Chemulpo. In addition, in their “protest”, the commanders of foreign ships pledged, in case the Russians refused to leave Chemulpo, to take places in the port that were safe for them.

The Japanese, having a significant superiority in strength, expected that the Russians would not dare to engage in battle with them and would surrender to the mercy of the winner. Uriu has already seen Japanese flags on Russian ships. But in his calculations, he did not take into account one thing - the high morale of Russian sailors, brought up on the wonderful traditions of the Russian navy. From generation to generation, the holy commandment, written down by Peter 1 in the first Naval Charter, is transmitted:

“All Russian military ships should not lower flags in front of anyone ...”

The commander of the "Varyag" V. F. Rudnev decided to join the battle and try to break through the armored formation of the Japanese squadron, in case of failure - to blow up the cruiser. The explosion was entrusted to the auditor of the cruiser, midshipman N. I. Chernilovsky-Sokol.

Having informed the commander of the English cruiser Talbot, the commander of the British cruiser Talbot, about his decision, Rudnev ordered the personnel of the Varyag to be built. The sailors, feeling the importance and solemnity of the moment, put on clean clothes. The commander slowly walked along the line, carefully peering into the serious faces of his subordinates. Not a shadow of fear - only determination and firmness he read on them. Stopping in the middle of the formation, the commander informed the sailors about the Japanese ultimatum:

“Of course, we are going to break through and join the battle with squadron, no matter how strong it may be. no questions about surrender cannot be- we will not surrender the cruiser and ourselves and will fight to the last opportunity and to the last drop of blood. Perform each one of his duties accurately, calmly, without haste, especially gunners, remembering that each shot must harm the enemy. In the event of a fire, extinguish it without publicity, letting me know."

The team's response to the decision of the commander was a loud "cheers" heard over the port. Even the sick did not want to go ashore and part with the ship and friends.

At 11:10 a.m., Rudnev ordered the signal to be raised: "Everything upstairs, to anchor." Slightly shuddering, the cruiser slowly began to pick up speed. On foreign ships, the personnel, led by officers, lined up on the upper deck, the guards saluted. With admiring glances, foreign sailors followed the ships going towards the almost ten times superior enemy. Even at such a dramatic moment, Russian sailors observed the established naval etiquette. On the Varyag, the orchestra played the national anthem of the country whose ship passed the cruiser. The Russian anthem was played on foreign ships. It was a parade of valor and outstanding courage. “We saluted these heroes who marched so proudly to certain death,” the commander of the French station “Pascal” wrote to his superiors.

"Varyag" and "Korean" went to sea. Ahead - fourteen Japanese ships: one armored cruiser, five light cruisers and eight destroyers - were ready to attack two Russian ships. 182 guns of various calibers, capable of throwing 6960 kilograms of deadly cargo from their barrels from only one side within a minute, and 43 torpedo tubes against 60 Russian guns and 7 torpedo tubes made it possible for the Japanese to hope for the surrender of the Varyag and Koreets without a fight. Only the Asama cruiser, armored to the waterline, was three times superior to the Varyag in terms of the power of the side salvo, the thickness of its side belt, reaching 178 mm in places, made it practically invulnerable to the Varyag shells. Among other things, Russian ships could not maneuver and turn off course, since any deviation from the narrow fairway was fraught with grounding or stones. The Japanese hoped that the Russians would change their minds and surrender. But soon the commander of the squadron and the Japanese officers realized that there would be no easy battle. Limited in maneuvering, capable of responding at the first stage of the battle to the blows of the entire squadron with only three or four bow guns, the Varyag went towards glory.

The first shot from the Asama cruiser struck at 11:45. Following him, the entire Japanese squadron opened fire. The guns of the Varyag were silent. And only after the distance to the enemy was reduced to 45 kb, a return volley was heard.

Later V. F. Rudnev wrote: “One of the first shells hit the cruiser, destroyed the upper bridge, starting a fire in the navigational cabin, interrupted the forkants ... After this shot, the shells began to hit the cruiser more often, and those that fell nearby, bursting when they hit the water, were showered with fragments and superstructures and boats were destroyed ... A large-caliber shell pierced the port side under water, water gushed into a huge hole, and the third boiler room began to quickly fill with water ... they performed with admirable dedication and composure. Senior officer captain 2 rank Stepanov with the senior boatswain Kharkovsky, under a hail of fragments of shells, brought a patch ... "

In this unequal duel, everyone was a hero. But the gunners acted especially clearly and harmoniously. In the midst of the raging flames of fire, under a hail of fragments, unprotected, carrying their dead comrades aside, they did not stop firing for a minute.

From the well-aimed shots of the gunners, the aft artillery tower on the Asam caught fire, and the commander's bridge was shot down. One destroyer, trying to hit the Varyag with a torpedo, went to the bottom. Two Japanese cruisers were seriously damaged. But even on the Varyag, enemy shells began to burst more and more often. Broken steering gear. Some of the guns and a rangefinder post were put out of action. Fires broke out. There was a leak in the coal pit. But the flags are proudly fluttering. Suddenly, in front of the signalmen I. Medvedev and I. Kazartsev, the stern flag falls. Files broken. The signalmen immediately get a new one. The sentry at the flag, standing under the fragments at attention, boatswain P. Olenin raised the flag of the ship. The cruiser commander was wounded by a shell fragment. The news of this immediately spread around the ship. Overcoming the pain, pale from loss of blood, without a cap, bloodied, Rudnev found the strength to go to the bridge of the ship. Seeing the commander alive, the sailors continued to fight with renewed vigor.

Here's what was recorded 27 January 1904 in the logbook of the cruiser: with these fragments of another shell that exploded at the foremast and flew into the armored wheelhouse through the passage were: the cruiser commander was shell-shocked in the head, the staff bugler and drummer standing near him on both sides were killed on the spot, the steering foreman Snegirev, who was at the helm, was seriously wounded in the back and the orderly of the commander of Chibisov was slightly wounded in the arm.

In this situation, Rudnev decided to return to the port of Chemulpo, fix the malfunctions and try to break through again. The entire wounded, but undefeated "Varyag" made a turn. The "Korean", who fought no less bravely, took the blow on himself, giving the cruiser the opportunity to complete the maneuver. After some time, the Varyag dropped anchor in the place where it left.

For 2 hours of battle, the cruiser fired 1105 shells at the enemy, many of which reached the target. As the inspection showed, the ship could no longer withstand the second such battle. Shocked by what they saw, sympathizing with the Russian sailors, foreign sailors on boats under the flag of the Red Cross hurried to the cruiser to help the wounded. A terrible picture was revealed to the eyes of doctors. Burnt, shrapnel-scarred, blood-stained bodies lay on the warped deck...

The military council, which gathered on the upper deck, decided to sink the cruiser due to the irreparable damage, large losses of personnel, and the failure of a large number of guns. The same was to be done with the "Korean". After the sailors switched to foreign ships, a powerful explosion was heard over the port on the Korean. The gunboat, torn into several pieces, went under water. At the request of foreigners, who were afraid of damage to their nearby ships, not to blow up the Varyag, Rudnev ordered all valves and kingstones to be opened, and, making sure that his order had been carried out, he was the last to leave the cruiser. Soon the icy water closed over the ship. So "Varyag" remained undefeated.

Medal for the battle "Varangian" and "Korean" at Chemulpo
Monument to the Varangians in Vladivostok

In 1905, the Japanese raised the cruiser, repaired it and gave it the name Soya. For more than ten years, the ship was listed as part of the Japanese Navy. The Russian government bought the cruiser on March 22, 1916. With excitement, its new crew boarded the famous ship. She was to increase the glory of her predecessors. Seven months later, on November 17, 1916, the Varyag arrived from Vladivostok to the city and port of Aleksandrovsk (now the city of Polyarny) - the far northern outskirts of Russia and was included in the Arctic Ocean Flotilla. But the cruiser did not have to swim much. He needed a major overhaul.

To this end, the ship went to sea on February 25, 1917 and headed for England. The Varyag was in Liverpool when the news reached the crew that the Great October Socialist Revolution had taken place in Russia. The cruiser's crew raised the red flag. The British took over the ship. For a long time, a wide variety of legends circulated about the further fate of the Varyag. It was claimed that the ship exploded on a mine, then a version arose that it was torpedoed.

In fact, sold for scrapping by one of the firms, the cruiser, during the transition to the company's plant in the Irish Sea near Lendalfoot in 1918, ran into rocks and sank 500 m from the Scottish coast (about 55 north latitude and 50 west d.),

The ship was lost, but its glory, courage and steadfastness of the cruiser's crew continue to live in the memory of the people. And the waters of the seas and oceans are cut with its powerful bow by the modern missile cruiser "Varyag", which inherited the name of the hero of the Russian-Japanese war.

Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" 1970s
Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" 2000s

Research conducted by R. M. Melnikov and N. A. Zalessky, the authors of numerous works on the history of the Russian Navy and domestic military shipbuilding, made it possible to find out many interesting details of the fate of the legendary ship.

According to the German magazine "Schiffbau" ("Schiffbau") dated September 23, 1925, No. 18, active attempts were made to remove the ship from the stones, but they were not successful. For several years, the cruiser was given over to the elements. The waves crashing against the steel hull of the ship turned the once formidable and beautiful ship into a heap of metal. In the summer of 1923, the British company that bought the ship, and two German companies that entered into a share with it, decided to dismantle the ship at the place of its death. Only in 1925 the work at sea was completed.

The purpose of this publication is to instill in young people pride in their people and country - world history does not know such a feat! More detailed information about this historical event is a magnificent film by Alexei Denisov "Cruiser" Varyag ". VGTRK Russia 2005.

The text of the description of the feat of the cruiser "Varyag" - the book "On the points of naval glory", Razdolgin A.A., Fateev M.A. Publishing house "Sudostroenie" 1987, Leningrad.

Vsevolod Gladilin.

In 1646, for the first time in France, combat maneuverable ships with powerful weapons were used. These are gunboats that had several powerful guns on their bows, usually from one to three. The ship was a rather large boat of a sailing and rowing type. In most cases, boats were used to guard harbors, battles in lakes and rivers, as well as the coastal zone.

Appearance in the Russian fleet

Since in Rus' at that time there were a huge number of long rivers and water areas, as well as lakes, the construction of gunboats can be called traditional. This is due to the fact that no other ship could fight in such conditions. The first boats of this type appeared during the war with Sweden (1788-1790). Not only was it the basis of the rowing fleet, but the gunboats were a great success and became the most effective tool for firing on rivers and skerries.

In fact, this is an artillery ship that was used both for defense and for attack and support of allied forces. The presence of falconets and large-caliber guns on board provided excellent fire support. Later, the so-called shestakovkas appeared, which were already equipped steam engine. were used during Crimean War.

Main Models

After the battle boats showed their best side, it was decided to mass production. In particular, gunboats were delivered to the Far East, where they were most needed. The first and most famous models were called "Brave", as well as "Khivinets". Over time, engineers began to make improvements and produce boats of the Gilyak type, but this did not bring success. The design had many flaws and did not allow for effective combat. Due to the lack of normal armament, such gunboats did not receive further distribution.

But there were new models "Ardagan", "Kare" and others. A distinctive feature was that they were equipped with powerful diesel engines. Although this significantly increased the weight and complexity of the design, it made it possible to achieve high power, and, consequently, speed, which often became the determining factor during a naval battle. But soon the cost-effective "Ardagan" and "Kare" decided to improve. And it happened already during their launch. For this reason, almost half of the fleet went for modernization. A new type of gunboats appeared - "Buryat".

Gunboat "Korean"

This warship immediately after construction was sent to the Far East, where he, in fact, served. "Korean" took an active part in the hostilities of 1900-1905. So, it was used against the Yihetuan uprising, better known as the Boxer uprising, in addition, it took part in the shelling of Fort Taku. During the Russo-Japanese War, "Varyag" and "Koreets" were in the port of Chemulpo and defended Russian interests there.

So, in February 1904, "Varyag" and "Koreets" opposed the whole Japanese squadron of ships. As a result of the battle, there were no losses, since it was fought at a great distance. The gunboat "Koreets" did not reach the enemy, while the Japanese shells for the most part flew over. Since the boat was combat, it was impossible to prevent it from being captured by the enemy. When the crew transferred to the French "Pascal", "Korean" was blown up and, consequently, flooded.

Battle path traveled

During the battle, the Korean was hit by a single Japanese shell. A fire started in the bow, which was extinguished within 15 minutes. There were no casualties among the personnel. When the crew arrived in St. Petersburg, the officers and command were awarded Order of Saint George 4th degree, and sailors - with the corresponding insignia.

In 1905, the Koreans raised the gunboat from the bottom and scrapped it. But we can say that the combat path did not end there, since in 1906 the Korean-2 was launched. The upgraded version was equipped with more powerful weapons and had at least some protection. In 1915, this boat was also blown up to exclude the possibility of capture by enemies. It happened during the battles for the Gulf of Riga.

"Hininets" and "Sivuch"

The composition of the Baltic Fleet in tsarist times included the youngest gunboat - "Khivinets". She passed the preliminary tests successfully. In the process of operation, it withstood various adverse conditions. "Khivinets" was built in 1904-1914, during the fortification Russian fleet. But the design was developed back in 1898. Since no modification was provided, such gunboats, the drawings of which you can see in this article, had a very narrow functionality and were not used everywhere. But for quite a long time it served as a base for the construction of other warships. This is due to the fact that she survived in such battles in which other boats went to the bottom.

"Sivuch" is known for its battle in the Gulf of Riga, where in an unequal battle she was destroyed by German battleships. It happened in 1915 near the island of Kihnu. Although the German ships destroyed the Sivuch, they were forced to abandon further hostilities in the bay and retreated. The heroism of the personnel saved Riga from the German invaders. The gunboat was called the Baltic "Varangian" for its feat.

The history of the ship "Borb"

If the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets" were intended more for attack, then the "Borb" was created exclusively for defensive purposes. This ship had a Gilyak base and left the shipyard in 1907, and the development project began in 1906. For the most part, it was used to protect the Amur River almost to Khabarovsk itself. The designers put emphasis on autonomy and cruising range. But during the operation, seaworthiness turned out to be at a rather low level.

"Varyag" and the gunboat "Korean" were of great value to the country. These ships possessed high firepower, which cannot be said about the Bobr boat. There were no special weapons on board, so it was often used as a swimming base. After 21 years of service, she was scrapped. Prototypes for this project were not created.

"Varyag" and gunboat "Korean": functionality and features

These warships were among the most versatile during the fighting. The design was quite competent, which provided a high degree of buoyancy even if the hull was damaged. The functionality of the cruiser and gunboat was very extensive, but most often they were used:

  • for the defense of coasts and ports;
  • support ground forces ;
  • landings;
  • fight against enemy infantry and navy;
  • performance of transport functions.

We can safely say that these were unique vessels.

Ships of such a plan could be reconstructed depending on the purpose of use. So, there are unarmored options, boats with armored decks and battleships. It is quite logical that they were used for various purposes. Armored deck gunboats were the most widely used. With a small mass, they had sufficient protection. "Varyag" (cruiser) and the gunboat "Korean" differed significantly from each other. The second was more maneuverable and mobile, and ensured the operational transfer of troops if necessary. The second was equipped with serious weapons and protection, which made it possible to enter into battle even with several opponents.

About the main characteristics

The designers paid the greatest attention to such an indicator as speed and firepower. The larger the caliber of the gun and the number of guns, the more efficient the use of the vessel was considered. As for speed, it has always been an important characteristic. Usually ranged from 8 to 15 knots. Depending on the purpose of use, the gunboat could be unarmored, which ensured maximum mobility. Protecting the most vulnerable places with armor plates is the most acceptable option. It was possible to achieve optimal speed and survivability. The battleship was protected from all sides, but swam rather slowly. On the one hand, he could survive many direct hits, and on the other hand, he became an easy target for more mobile warships.

Most often, gunboats were equipped with main caliber guns from 200 to 350 mm and auxiliary guns. As the latter, 76-150 mm were often used, but this was more typical of river gunboats. Automatic guns were installed, such as the Zenith. They tried to use machine guns as rarely as possible due to the low firing range.

Unique design solutions

At a time when artillery ships, that is, gunboats, dominated the sea, it was extremely important to constantly develop their technical characteristics. That is why there are a huge number of models. The designers tried to constantly make any changes in terms of weapons or protection. The improvement of power units significantly influenced the cruising range and autonomy of the vessel.

For example, river gunboats tried to make it as light as possible. This significantly reduced the displacement and allowed the vessel to be in shallow water areas. At the same time, naval warships were more massive and powerful. Special attention was not paid to displacement here, where it was more important to ensure a high cruising range and impressive firepower.


Russian-made gunboats were famous for engaging in unequal battles with the enemy and often emerged victorious from battle. This is a merit not only of the ship's designers, but also of the crew, who bravely fought for their homeland. In such cases, the Americans or Germans immediately retreated, not wanting to lose equipment and manpower. The Russians stood to the end. It was thanks to this that more than one naval battle was won. Plus, ours often used outdated weapons, which sometimes did not even allow them to penetrate the enemy’s armor. But all this did not stop him from fighting to the last. Vivid examples of this are "Korean" and "Varyag".