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About the dangers of the systemic arrangement. Family constellations according to Hellinger

Psychology is a very complex science that has many different approaches to the perception of a person, to his psyche, to what is happening in his head. There are those methods that are considered to be scientific, as their effectiveness has been confirmed by practice for many years. But new and new approaches are constantly appearing, and some of them complement the scientific component of psychology (naturally, over time, when they also undergo a kind of test_. However, many methods remain unofficial - they are not recognized by the scientific community, but at the same time they remain relevant in narrow circles.One of the most striking examples is systemic constellations - a psychological approach that, despite the fact that no one recognized it for many decades, still remains relevant and is used by an impressive number of its supporters. method? How do system constellations occur? This is what will be discussed in this article.

What is the essence of the method?

System constellations are an unconventional approach in psychology, which is based on the fact that all human problems come from the family, or rather from the family system. Therefore, the essence of this method is the reproduction of this system in a session in order to understand it and find the true cause of the problem. This reproduction takes place in reality and is called constellation.

Systemic constellations have been practiced for quite a long time, but still have not received recognition from the scientific community. But people do not always turn to professionals - sometimes they are closer to what they want to believe in, and a lot of people believe in this method. Perhaps the reason is that its creator is not only a psychologist, but also a theologian, a spiritual teacher.

Founder of the movement

Since we are talking about who exactly founded this method, it is worth dwelling on this person. Systemic Family Constellations are the work of Bert Hellinger, a famous psychologist who was born in 1925 in Germany. He was engaged in psychology for a long time, worked as a psychotherapist, however, as mentioned earlier, he was also a theologian. And in the eighties of the last century, Hellinger discovered and introduced the method discussed in this article. That is why it is often called "Hellinger Systemic Family Constellations". This variation is primary and most in demand.

Method roots

The method of systemic constellations is an original offshoot of psychology, but it also has its own roots. Hellinger created this method based on several psychological movements that were relevant at the time. However, if we single out the most important method that most influenced the system constellations, this is Eric Bern's script analysis. The essence of this method is to analyze the life situations of each person (this psychologist also believed that all problems come from the family). He believed that each person has his own life scenario, according to which he moves. The script is formed in childhood under the influence of parents and the environment and in the future can only be slightly corrected.

Hellinger acted precisely in accordance with this method, but at a certain moment he realized that he had his drawbacks - as a result, he developed his own approach. Later it was already called systemic constellations and is known to this day under this name. Bert Hellinger's system constellations are quite popular in narrow circles. It's time to figure out what exactly this approach is.

Problem situation

So, what did Systemic constellations imply - this is not just a psychological term, constellations actually work, and this is how it happens. To begin with, there must be some problematic situation of one of the participants in the psychological session. Strictly speaking, this situation is an element of a certain system, most often a family one. It is with him that the group that participates in the session will have to deal. Bert Hellinger's method of systemic constellations involves the participation of all people, even those who do not know either the person whose problem is being considered, or anyone from his family system.

How is the alignment going?

The focus of the session is the history of the client, his problem situation. All participants in the session form a large circle, and the problem is presented in a plane in the space between all people. Each element of the system is first represented in the imagination, and then its place in the real world is taken by a person who is called a deputy. During the session, he represents a specific member of the system - thus, the entire system is replenished, and everyone gets his role. This is exactly how splitting happens. All this is done quietly, slowly and with concentration. Each participant concentrates on his feelings, trying to feel the essence of the person whom he replaces in the session.

Substitutive Perception

As mentioned earlier, deputies may not know either the client or his relatives, including the person they are replacing in the system. And the client does not tell the group anything about them, so people have to concentrate and try to independently realize what kind of belonging they have. This is called vicarious perception - people have to become, without outside help, the person they replace. Thus, the lack of information is compensated by this phenomenon of substitute perception, without which the process would be simply impossible. It is quite likely that this is what repels professional psychologists and psychiatrists from this method - there is a lot of uncertainty in it, which cannot be scientifically compensated in any way, in order to allow calling the systemic constellation method professional.

A source of information

The main source from which participants receive information about the problem, about the client and about the system as a whole is the so-called "field". That is why people have to concentrate and work in silence - this is how they try to establish a connection with the field in order to get the necessary information about who they replace in the system, as well as about what kind of “dynamics” their character has with the rest of the system participants. This is exactly how the systemic arrangement occurs - each participant turns into a substitute, gets used to his own image, drawing information from the field, and then all participants try to reproduce the problem and solve it. The therapist, called the constellator, leads the whole process, giving people the most appropriate roles for them, and also trying to help them solve the problem in the process of constellation.

The main goal of this whole process is to accurately reproduce the situation so that the client can see it live, understand it and accept his problem. Only when he succeeds in doing so is the session considered successful. Then it is believed that he no longer needs to reproduce a specific problem in the conditions of constellation, since he was able to realize it and can now deal with its solution.


According to people who practice this method, it really helps - participants can look at their situation from a different perspective, try to assess what is happening impartially, without associating all actions with their relatives and friends, which does not allow them to think rationally. And when a person sees a situation performed in real life by strangers, he can understand that this is really his problem - and then he can start looking for a solution to it. Often the client is not able to not only solve his problem on his own, but even see it - this is what the constellation is used for. The client looks at the situation with an outsider's eye and gets a chance to see it as a problem in general, and then recognize his own in it.

In search of information about psychologists for analyzing thoughts, I came across an interesting method about constellations according to Bert Hellinger. I would really like to understand myself and am already looking for a suitable constellator. I would very much like "live" reviews - there are opinions that it is scary, mystic, harmful, and even call the participants zombies.

Recently, the method of psychotherapy, which is called the Bert Hellinger Systemic Phenomenological Approach, has been gaining more and more popularity. A simpler name is "method of system constellations" or simply "constellations". Many therapists use constellations or their individual elements in their work, and as practice shows, this method is very effective and allows in many cases to solve rather complex problems, or problems in the field of relationships, health, career, etc. Our specialists also use this method in their work, in connection with which, I considered it necessary to briefly tell the most important things about this method, which will allow us to get a fairly complete picture of it. In doing so, I will try to describe the method in as simple a language as possible, avoiding tricky scientific terms.

The foundation

Bert Hellinger (b. 1925) began to identify patterns that lead to conflicts between family members and to dire consequences since the 1980s. On this basis, he developed his approach and method of systemic family constellation. His students, colleagues and followers also joined his research. Each of them contributed something of his own to this method, discovering the operation of laws and patterns outside of family relationships, in the most diverse spheres of life and human activity.

What problems and tasks can constellations solve?

The constellation method is currently used to resolve emerging conflict situations in family relationships, interpersonal relationships, in organizations and enterprises, the roots of many serious mental and physical illnesses, injuries, suicidal tendencies, and accidents are determined. A request for alignment can also be financial problems, uncertainty in life and lack of interest in it, determining one's life purpose, the absence of children in families, hereditary diseases, etc. In general, the placement request should be something important, looking for a solution, an answer. The request must contain energy, the desire to achieve a result, and the clearer the goal and the greater this desire, the more successful and effective the achievement will be. Any life situation, any problem necessarily has its roots, and if you solve the problem superficially, then it will sprout again sooner or later. You can really change the situation only where it arose, and this method helps to find both a place and a solution.

Does spacing always help?

As practice shows, the arrangement helps at least twice as effectively as some other methods of therapy. However, one should not think that a remedy has been found for 100% solution of all problems. Firstly, the work of the client is necessary during the placement and after it, because. success depends 50% on the therapist, 50% on the client. The latter will see where the problem came from, how and what needs to be done now, but the action itself and all responsibility rest entirely with him. By the way, this is the main principle of successful therapy: it will be successful only if the client takes 100% responsibility for everything that happens in his life. If he continues to blame someone for his problems and failures, does not rush to therapy, he will simply give his money away, having received a temporary visible effect, and his life will return to the lesson that he went through while suffering.

Secondly, the causes of suffering may be too severe, i.e. a person has committed an act, the consequences of which he must feel for himself, to atone for him. And fate has its own plans for a person, which she will not change yet. For example, serious illnesses such as cancer or AIDS, especially in advanced form, are rarely cured, and here it may be necessary to accept one's fate, which also sometimes leads to healing. I want to clarify here that accepting this does not mean giving up, it means taking responsibility, and this is what often gives the necessary strength.

What is alignment and how it is carried out

One of the advantages of this method is that it allows you to work with a large number of people at once, having an impact not only on the client whose request is being considered, but also on all those present and watching the arrangement. Therefore, therapy is carried out in groups of 8-10 people, the upper limit of the group is not limited. The optimal number of participants is 30-50 people.

The group sits down in a circle. The therapist also sits on one of the chairs, the chair to the right of him remains free - this is the client's place. Before starting work, as a rule, those present in a circle introduce themselves and voice the feeling with which they came to therapy and also their request or problem that they want to solve. If the work is not carried out with a specific client, agreed in advance, then the client is among those present. The therapist determines in which of the voiced requests there is energy and a desire to solve the problem. The client sits down next to the therapist and a short conversation is held with him, aimed at clarifying the request, while the therapist looks at where the client's request is directed, where the problem situation could arise. Also, if necessary, some details from the life of the client, his parents and ancestors are specified.

Next, the client is invited to choose from among those present, a substitute for himself and for those persons related to the client who will be determined by the therapist (for example, deputies for the client's mother and father). After that, the client is invited to arrange these people inside the circle as he sees it in his mind. The client takes each of the deputies from behind by the shoulders and places them somehow inside the circle (according to his internal image), after which he sits down. And here the most interesting begins, because of which the constellations are called a mystical process. The substitutes that the client has placed in the field begin to experience the same feelings and emotions as the real people they are now replacing. They begin to feel towards each other what these people feel. They can see people or events related to this situation, and then the therapist, clarifying any details with the client, adds these people or events to the arrangement of deputies, who in turn begin to experience their feelings, emotions and even thoughts. In this case, it does not matter whether this person, whom the substitute represents, is alive or dead, since the field manifests in the person of the substitute the qualities of this person, his needs and desires, etc.

During the constellation, such hidden things as the number of abortions a woman has, the presence of love affairs outside of marriage and illegitimate children, family secrets, and the like can appear. In cases where it was possible to find out and clarify, the reliability of the events being manifested is confirmed. The therapist, using substitutes, directs the constellation to where the cause of the problem came from and the cause becomes obvious. As a rule, this happens due to violation of certain laws, wrong actions, rejection of love. Once the cause is revealed, the therapist tries various options to find a solution. At the same time, he changes the location of the figures in the circle, asks them about their feelings and how they change at the same time. The final image is a solution for the client, when he and all the figures feel real relief, getting rid of the heavy and oppressive. An internal healing image is fixed inside the client - a solution. And after a while, he starts to act in life. The principle of changes in life is this: you change yourself, the world around you changes. And the arrangements very clearly demonstrate how this principle works.

Some time after the arrangement (or immediately), the client feels how his life is changing, people and events are changing, and something completely new is coming. And now he decides how to live in a new way. At present, a huge practical experience has been gained, when as a result of the arrangement, amazing, sometimes incredible changes occurred in the lives of the participants.

At the same time, it is important to note that the result of the arrangement affects not only the client, but also the other participants. Similar situations resonate and give their results to both the deputies and those who observe the arrangement. Often, the positive result of those present can be even greater than that of the client.

I would also like to add that it is better to see the constellation at least once than to hear or read about it a hundred times, because this is really an amazing process of cleansing and getting rid of negativity. And best of all, your own feelings will tell about this process.

Everything new is long forgotten old...

The history of constellations goes back more than 6,000 years ago, when spiritual teachers in some religious directions, accepting their students, put them in the place of the one with whom the student had a conflict, so that he could feel the person with whom he was in conflict, his pain or resentment. Also in ancient Greece, before the performance, actors invited special people who got used to the role of characters and played their feelings, emotions, actions, and the actors watched their heroes as if they were present and learned to imitate them, adopt their feelings, after which they these roles were great. Also, the history of psychology and psychotherapy can tell a lot about how a similar phenomenon of adopting other people's feelings was used in various techniques. Some therapists used this phenomenon in their practice, carried out similar constellations, but before B. Hellinger they did not try to systematize their achievements and separate them into a separate method.

Mystic or science?

Systemic constellations are recognized as the official method of therapy. The phenomenon that manifests itself during the constellation, associated with the adoption of other people's feelings, is now recognized as one of the scientific phenomena, like the law of attraction. It is simply accepted as something that is still inexplicable, but at the same time scientific. Modern science no longer strives to blindly reject phenomena that it does not understand (for example, UFOs, ghosts, etc.), but tries to find an explanation for them. A number of intelligent scientists turn to ancient treatises, which describe all the secrets and their causes, as well as all phenomena discovered by science and not yet discovered.

Who can do placements?

Theoretically, in order to learn how to conduct constellations, you can, having a psychological education, take advanced training courses in certified institutions, after which you can gain practice as much as possible (because all constellations are very individual and write a single textbook applicable to all cases impossible). At the same time, outwardly, you can even become quite successful in this area. ... But not everything is as simple as everywhere else, there are also hidden, but very important laws, non-observance of which can harm both the client and the group and ultimately lead to serious consequences for the client himself. constellator.

The personality of the therapist conducting the constellations is very important. It must be a holistic person who knows the price that will have to be paid for his mistakes and is ready for this. The therapist must be environmentally friendly, i.e. understand and respect the boundaries of what is permitted, without trying to manipulate people or use constellations as a method of profit. Its primary goal should be aimed at helping those who are waiting and asking for it. It is impossible to intervene “out of good intentions” where he is not asked, in those areas where he is not invited yet.

Constellations entail serious changes in the fate of people, and sooner or later one will have to bear responsibility for each such intervention. For example, if a person does not have wealth, and the constellator increases his wealth, while he must give knowledge about what his poverty was connected with, otherwise he himself will become a beggar in order to pass this lesson with his client (who will also return to his condition). The same goes for health issues, relationships, and so on. As soon as the therapist assumes the role of a magician or Lord God, he automatically assumes the fate of the one he helps. Moreover, as a rule, the therapist does not notice this, if he does not have certain qualities, he does not develop them in himself. Then pride, greed and other enemies will imperceptibly appear in the heart, after which destruction will come at all levels of life. The therapist himself, if he does not give deep knowledge of the causes of suffering to his client, or if he thinks that he is not a tool, but solves problems himself, then he will share the suffering, taking on a part of the client's fate. And the client, having received temporary relief and a respite, will return to his lessons again. That is why, the choice of a therapist must be approached very carefully, finding out not only how many years he has been in therapy, but most importantly, what kind of person he is, what are his motives and goals, as well as personal qualities.

But in any case, everyone chooses how much he will use this advice. After all, in the end, this is also the right to choose and the personal responsibility of a person.

The psychological method of the German doctor Bert Hellinger has earned the recognition of specialists in various fields: pedagogy, psychotherapy, sociology, and marketing. The uniqueness lies in the simplicity of the method, the ability to find the root of problems in various areas of human life, as well as to determine ways to solve the identified negative conditions and situations. Hellinger constellations have been used successfully for several decades. However, this method has not only admirers, but also opponents who believe that the system harms program participants.

What are system arrangements

The teaching is an effective practice that was introduced in 1925 by the German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. System constellations are the ability to feel, “scan” the energy and information field of a problem situation. Hellinger's method is based on the innate ability of people to feel. Its proof is our feelings after random encounters with people. Some awaken only positive emotions in us, after communicating with others, we want to take a shower and wash away negativity and irritation.

Hellinger constellations involve working with a group of people. Each participant must use the natural ability to "feel" people and the problem situation that was set by the leader. As a rule, people easily read information about the difficulties in different areas of life from the main participant (the person whose problem is being worked out).

Each of us is a complementary part of a single system. People are connected by tribal programs, family relations, religion, national traditions, friendships, business partnerships. We influence and depend on each other, we seek mutual understanding and love, but among a huge number of people we often feel lonely. This sense of self is dictated by the state of isolation: a person extols suffering and pain, his own exclusivity.

The Hellinger mindset is a simple method for helping people recognize the commonality of their problems. With the help of constellations, program participants can get rid of many far-fetched problems, mental beliefs, revealing their root causes. As a rule, they are destructive family programs and unfinished problem situations in the family that have a negative impact on the fate of a person. With the help of Hellinger constellations, it is possible to uncover the root causes:

  • diseases (drug addiction, alcoholism, genetic diseases);
  • difficulties in family relationships, in relationships with the opposite sex;
  • various phobias, depression, panic attacks;
  • childlessness (if there is no infertility);
  • business problems;
  • unfulfillment in life.

What are the constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger

Psychological consultation, based on any approach (classical or systemic), begins with identifying the client's problem. At this stage, the specialist determines which placement method is best to apply. Hellinger's system implies several main types: family, structural, organizational, client and spiritual constellations. What are their features and differences?


The type of constellation involves working with family problems. Family constellations according to B. Hellinger include the study of intrapersonal conflicts, generic messages that negatively affect a person's life. Experts are convinced that the difficulties of many clients are due to traumas that have been transferred within the boundaries of the family system in the past. Problems are often associated with a failure of the order of the hierarchy or the principle of "take-give" (the desire of parents to take from children, children's awareness of their superiority over their parents, and the like).

Bert Hellinger believed that family trauma is the main cause of any health problems, in personal life or in the material sphere. The psychotherapist is convinced that the root of any problem is the desire to erase (forget) the participants in the family trauma - both the perpetrators and the victims. This desire to exclude what happened from memory becomes the “causative agent” of various problematic situations and incorrect mental programs in subsequent generations of the family. The Hellinger constellation method helps to find the hidden causes of the client's unhealthy state and get rid of them.


This type of Hellinger constellation helps to establish such areas of life as work, finances, illness, and get rid of fears. The method is extremely effective if it is impossible to logically substantiate the reason for the repetition of the same problem. Structural constellations help to extract the underlying causes of problem situations to the level of consciousness. The program implies the transformation of a person - this allows him to independently change at a deep level.


Designed to solve problems among the members of labor collectives. Special areas of application of the program are working with business consultants, script writers, and researchers. Organizational constellations by the Hellinger method imply "playing" roles, main character traits, specific stories. The purpose of the method is to unite the team to increase the productivity of the team or to resolve internal conflicts. The priority of organizational constellations is the employees themselves, their community.


Constellations according to the Hellinger method are aimed at people whose professions involve helping others (doctors, social workers, psychologists, teachers). This type of program helps to consider the relationship between helpers and help recipients. Through client constellations, it is possible to see how effective this support is, what motives drive those who help, and, if desired, correct them.


The doctrine positions the spirit as something that stimulates development. This Hellinger constellation identifies the therapist and participants as instruments for the manifestation of the spirit. The technique is somewhat contrary to therapeutic constellations, where the main role is assigned to the therapist, who is looking for a solution to the client's problem. The system does not use the concepts of "problem" and "solution". Spiritual constellations consider the situation through the free movement of consciousness.

Laws of the order of love

The family constellation method is based on two main concepts - conscience and order. The psychotherapist in personal philosophy relies on the aspect of conscience, which acts as an analyzer and "organ of balance" of a person. The system will work well only if the conscience is calm - then there is an inner confidence that family life has developed. Anxiety means that a person can no longer belong to the system. This concept is a detector of the degree of internal balance.

Hellinger divides conscience into unconscious and conscious. If the individual acts in accordance with the latter, he violates the rules of the unconscious. So, the conscious conscience gives us excuses, and the unconscious makes us feel guilty. The therapist says that the conflict between them often causes problems in the family. The relationship of husband and wife in such a conflict will be destroyed even in the presence of strong love.

Many people believe that established family orders can change under their influence or that they can be easily overcome with some effort. However, love is not able to give order, since the latter is a fundamental principle, and love is only a component of order. Thus, love is formed exclusively within an order, and it is impossible to change it through one's own efforts.

How is the system placement

Group therapy involves working with each participant, which can last from 30 to 90 minutes. The duration of the system placement is determined depending on the number of requests. The person whose problem is being worked out determines for himself who from the group will play the roles of members of his family. For example, a woman who has a problematic situation with her husband chooses participants to be herself and her husband. The client, under the guidance of her own ideas and feelings, according to the instructions of the psychotherapist, arranges the participants around the room.

Amazing things happen during the program: “deputies” (they are also participants) experience the feelings and emotions of the family members whose roles they perform. Thus, strangers immerse themselves in the situation so deeply that they can clearly express the situations that are happening to someone. Thanks to this effect, there is no need to talk much about the events that took place in the client's family.

What is the danger of the method

Every profession is associated with risks to some extent. For example, an unprofessional driver can knock down a pedestrian, an inexperienced lawyer will deprive a person of freedom, an unqualified doctor will let the disease kill the patient. Due to the lack of experience or low qualifications of the psychologist, the client may lose personal integrity or mental health. In the hands of a non-professional, even psychological work will be dangerous.

The benefits of the constellation method are directly related to the professionalism of the presenter. Only an experienced specialist will determine which version of the system is best suited for use for a particular person, and which one can cause harm or turn out to be useless. Through Hellinger constellations, participants come into contact with other people's personalities as they play roles. The psychotherapist's guidance makes the process safer for the "actor" who will exit the assigned role without negative consequences.

Features of teaching the methodology

The constellation school will be of interest to beginner or practicing psychologists, family doctors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers and everyone who works with people. The main teaching methods that are used in the program include a theoretical and practical part. The first one involves studying the basics of constellation, reading philosophical notes, considering the methodological and morphogenetic prerequisites of the system. The practical part contains an analysis of specific situations and work through the method of family constellation.

During the course of study, students are introduced to the psychological and philosophical teachings of the constellation method. Students learn about the basic prerequisites of the system, such as positive conditions for developing healthy family or work relationships. During the training, it is considered how love relationships are formed or destroyed. Course participants can study their own problem situations through the prism of Hellinger's constellations and see how to solve them.

Video about system constellations according to Hellinger

Modern psychotherapists are convinced that the method is most valuable in practice, not theory. However, in order to achieve the best results of group work on constellations, you need to understand what the basic concepts and principles of the system are. With the help of the video below, you will gain basic knowledge and understanding of the Hellinger psychological method.

Psychologists of various schools today offer a variety of ways to get rid of difficulties in relationships and to overcome bodily ailments. However, most methods require a very long period of communication between patient and therapist, which is, of course, unacceptable in many cases. An interesting and effective solution to the problem, as many have already seen, was proposed by Bert Hellinger, a famous German psychotherapist. In this article, we'll go into more detail about alignments.

What is a Hellinger arrangement?

Constellation is a psychological practice based on the idea of ​​a person as part of a system and on substitute perception.

How is the work

Hellinger's method got the name "arrangement" not by chance. This method is one of the forms of group psychotherapeutic work, in which the client (who came with a request to the therapist) arranges the people present, replacing real people (representatives of his family, colleagues or other objects). After the client takes a seat on a chair.

The resulting constellation helps the therapist determine the position of people in relation to the client himself, as well as to each other.

Further, the static model on the "stage" begins to come to life (move), and this allows the therapist (and the client) to visually consider the dynamics, interactions, and also see: who initiates the problem (with which the client came) and who does not.

Some processes are simply allowed to happen by the therapist when needed, while others are corrected (for example, with enabling phrases). Here the experience of the constellator is important, as well as the patience of the deputies.

Deputies can experience new sensations for them, taking a role; will also benefit for themselves in the process of placement. Our center is free.

Topics to work with:

I) Work with symptoms of diseases, hereditary diseases.

  • diagnosing and resolving difficulties in the family and at work: relationships with children, parents, family conflicts, adopted children;
  • unborn and early deceased children, their influence;
  • restoration of the female flow, harmonization of relations with the opposite sex;
  • marital relations; what is necessary for Love to take place;
  • hard fates in the family, unfinished relationships with the dead;
  • identification of hereditary negative patterns of behavior, exemption from such patterns;
  • depression, anxiety, fears, heaviness, resentment, guilt, anger, depression;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism, other addictions;
  • placement of internal parts.
II) Cash flow, finding solutions to work problems.

III) Finding your calling.

About the founder of the method

Bert Hellinger, a German philosopher and psychotherapist, is the founder of one of the most informative and effective methods, called "Hellinger constellation."

Family Constellations According to Hellinger

We all live within certain systems (groups of people united by something) in which we interact with other participants.

The systems are:

  • working team;
  • the company as a whole;
  • parental family;

For a long time, sociologists, psychologists and other scientists have noted certain laws, the relationship between individual members of the group and the system as a whole, but it is too early to talk about a specific doctrine. The Hellinger constellation method is the use of system patterns to identify and solve the problem of a particular individual within the system.

Human nature is such that he draws conclusions based on his picture of the world. A problem or a specific task sometimes goes beyond the framework of the model that our picture of the world "wraps around". We (our behavior) can be influenced by factors that we are not aware of. Systemic constellations aim to uncover hidden "unknown factors".

Classes are held in a group. A clear statement of the problem is essential. For example, if there are difficulties in your family relationships, then you need to specify the task. For example, reduce it to the question: “Should I get married?”

How long does it take for the placement to take effect?

Creating solutions-images in the constellation gives the release of sufficiently large forces that will make themselves felt, manifesting themselves within 2 weeks (plus, minus) after the constellation. It must be taken into account that mental processes "flow", therefore the result is manifested for everyone at different times. But, of all known methods, constellation is the kind of work that solves many problems in a short time and lays the foundation brick for a better future client.


During the session, a “substitute” system is formed from the group members, for example, the family of the patient whose problem is currently being investigated. Then each of the "family members" begins to answer questions from the facilitator. The phenomenon of constellations is that third-party people begin to feel those feelings that were formed in real relationships, in the real system of the patient. This allows the host to reveal all the "unknown" systems, that is, to make the problem solvable.

Experiencing the emotions of another person

In general, the very existence of phenomenology suggests that there are a number of facts in the world that so far cannot be accommodated in the framework and laws familiar to us. One of these phenomena is the perception of the emotions of another person under certain conditions. It is this phenomenon that Hellinger constellations use.

More about this method

The system-phenomenological approach in psychological and therapeutic practice makes it possible to visually identify the causes of problems typical for representatives of a particular genus.

Constellation is a unique method in which the client's problem is viewed through the prism of the family history. Understanding the essence of the family and tribal problem, repeated from generation to generation, as well as finding an effective way to solve it, comes within a short time, often already directly in the process of constellation. Having found the causes in the past, a person has the opportunity to qualitatively change his present in all areas: to establish interpersonal relationships, find inner harmony, get rid of health problems, find the right solution in difficult life situations.

The effectiveness of the method has been confirmed by a large number of constellations and their growing popularity in Moscow and other large cities over the past few years. Practicing psychologists recognize that this method is by far one of the easiest to use and shows high efficiency in solving a wide variety of human problems.

Family constellations according to Bert Hellinger, which appeared more than 30 years ago, are becoming increasingly popular all over the world. Those who have experienced the effect of constellations are amazed at their effectiveness and healing power. Many call them a miracle that turned and changed their whole life for the better. They helped the sick to get health, the lonely to find love, businessmen to get more money. Constellations help to determine the true causes of any illnesses and problems, establish peace and joy in families, and harmony in life, restore relationships with others, help find happiness and good luck, eliminate negative programs and the negative influence of other people, help get rid of the evil eye and damage, improve well-being.

The Hellinger constellation method is very popular all over the world, and every year more and more people show a keen interest in it. This popularity is not accidental. Constellations allow you to correct the karma of the clan and family, relieve family curses, help restore ties with ancestors, contribute to the expansion of consciousness and the growth of spirituality. In practice, this is a ritual work with subtle energies using ancient shamanic, Sufi, yogic and Taoist techniques.

System constellations are a powerful and effective method for solving various problems that we constantly face in life. With their help, you can solve problems in marriage and parenting, at work and in relationships with parents, improve health and cure depression. They help to find love, live a more fulfilling and happy life. This method is subject to a huge range of problems due to the fact that all of them are solved not at the individual level, but at the level of the family and clan.

With the help of constellations, you can improve relationships in the family, avoid divorces, difficulties and betrayals, find a way out of a difficult life situation, understand the causes of illnesses, accept the death of a loved one, say goodbye to him, get rid of phobias, fears, anxiety. Establish relationships with loved ones, improve ties with relatives, with children, including foster children, and especially with the so-called "difficult" teenagers. Constellations help with infertility, alcoholism, drug addiction. They solve financial problems and issues of professional implementation, conflicts in business. They help to make the right choice, to get rid of the repetition of someone else's fate, to understand oneself, to get out of the black streak in life, to change it for the better.

As a result of many years of research, the German psychiatrist and theologian Bert Hellinger discovered that ancestors pass on their information to us, pass on fate by inheritance, “encode” us in a certain way, so their fates are often played out in our own lives. At the time of birth, we connect to the collective field of the genus, we find ourselves in a predetermined chain of connections and dependencies that has already developed in the genus. Much that has been accumulated by ancestors, parents, grandparents can also be lost in our destiny.

Moreover, together with the birth, we receive both a good and a bad inheritance at the same time. On the one hand, the ancestors who lived a righteous life are our guardian spirits, who are called upon to protect us from dangers and help us cope with difficulties. But if among our ancestors there are “anxious”, restless and offended, they pass on to us the burden of their problems, which we carry with us all our lives.

The fate of those whose clan hides some terrible secret or family secret is especially difficult. For example, the grandmother hides how and where the grandfather died, or everyone is unanimously silent about the fact that the uncle is in prison. The more secrets, the stronger the negative impact on the family. Any deeply hidden family secret continues to oppress the family through the centuries and decades and has a negative impact on the new, newly born generation.

Almost every newborn is born with a certain "program" and a set of expectations that are associated with his birth. It doesn’t matter if this program is said explicitly or remains unspoken, will be implied “by default” or kept in strict secrecy - gender, family, parents, family context initially determine both the life of the child and death, marriage or celibacy, profession or vocation, his present and future. It is no coincidence that the Romans said: "The dead grab the living."

We are used to thinking that many of our fears, personal experiences, illnesses and misfortunes are our personal problem, but in fact we are never alone, our whole family is always with us, our whole family - mom and dad, grandparents, distant and close relatives. This is a whole hierarchical ladder of relatives, a large family tree or a huge energy field that affects our individuality.

This field is systemic, that is, it consists of several parts that are in resonance with each other. Its parts are connected and connected to each other. What happens to one part of the system necessarily affects another part of the system, whether it be a strong influence or a weak one. If there is movement in one part of the energy field, after some time changes follow in another. What concerns one member of the system affects everyone in one way or another.

Thus, we can conclude that every living organism - from a person to a family and even a clan - can be considered as systems that make up the energy-information field. Although the discovery of the concepts of Field and System was made at the beginning of the 20th century, this theory was not applied to a person or a race. The situation began to change in 1956, when all living organisms, starting with the organic cell, began to be considered as systems. Then the theory of systems included the man himself, his family, and later even the economy of the country and the ecology of the planet.

Hellinger combined all the knowledge about the field, systems and gender and found new practical methods that heal a person, which are gaining more and more popularity in the world every year. This amazing man at the age of 10 leaves his parental family and goes to college with a Catholic order, and in 1952 he takes the priesthood, and he is sent to Africa for missionary work among the Zulus. In 1971, he left the Order, resigned from the priesthood and returned to Germany, where he immediately entered the Munich Psychoanalytic Institute.

Later, he studies and practices modern methods of psychotherapy, such as Artur Janov's primary therapy, Eric Berne's transactional analysis, Milton Erickson's non-directive hypnotherapy, Frank Farelli's provocative therapy, Perls' Gestalt therapy, Irena Prekop's holding therapy, and Gundl Kucera's NLP. and family therapy in Americans Leslie Cadiz and Ruth McLendon. It was the latter who had the prototypes of the first family constellations, which later became the hallmark of Bert Hellinger and are now firmly associated with his name. Hellinger studied all modern methods of psychotherapy, but settled on the method of family constellations because he considered it the most effective.

Family constellations are the process of influencing the energy-informational family field, which contains all the knowledge about the development of this family and its ancestors. As a result of this process, the physical state of a person, and his emotions, character and events, that is, his fate, change. If you influence the field, you can have an impact on a person and all members of his family. As a result of the arrangement, the client has a new idea of ​​his family and a new, more harmonious image of family relations, which will “work” independently of him. In the same way that the old image of the family influenced and subconsciously affected the client, the new one will now operate in the same way.

Hellinger discovered that family and family sometimes influence us so much that we cannot live our own lives. Instead of being a free person within the family, we repeat the fate of our ancestors and are so strongly connected with our parents that we cannot live normally. It is like a heavy load that presses us to the ground and does not allow us to go further in life. But the right relationship with the family gives strength and energy. To free a person from this heavy burden, it is necessary to conduct a family constellation.

In our center, Arta, spiritual healer, family system therapist and parapsychologist Alexander Malkhasyants conducts constellations. It helps people in the most difficult life situations, cures depression, neuroses, restores vitality and self-confidence. He has been involved in esotericism and bioenergy for over 30 years. He began his practical studies back in the former USSR, when these sciences were banned. He is the founder and director of the Canadian Astropsychological and Esoteric Arta Center where he teaches spiritual psychology. He teaches techniques for getting rid of pain and ailments and solving problems, working with the subconscious, the ability to manage energy and the body as a whole, helps protect against stress, strengthen memory, create excellent relationships with other people, achieve stability, peace, success, youth, harmony and happiness.

It was Alexander, who received initiation as a result of personal communication with a Sufi Teacher and contacts with the Roerich Society in Moscow, who began to combine his knowledge in various fields and developed a special spiritual integral system that combines astrology, psychology and spiritual, esoteric, occult teachings into one whole. It is based on modern psychological teachings, among which are the systemic family constellations of the German psychologist and theologian Bert Hellinger, the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, the spiritual insights of the founder of the French School of Psychoanthropology Idris Laor, the holodinamics of Vernon Wolfe, the NLP of Richard Bandler, the provocative therapy of Frank Farelli, Gestalt therapy by Franz Perls, psychodrama by Jacob Moreno, humanistic psychology by Carl Rogers, family therapy by Virginia Satir, various Eastern teachings - Hinduism, yoga, Sufism, theosophy of E. Blavatsky, anthroposophy by R. Steiner, Agni Yoga, the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, as well as astrology and tarot cards.

Alexander developed his theory together with the leading Avestan astrologer of North America, a student of Pavel Glob, a member of the International Society for Geocosmic Research, parapsychologist and writer Anna Falileeva. Anna has been practicing astrology and psychological counseling for about 20 years and has extensive experience working with numerous clients from all over the world. For her, helping people, giving joy and confidence in the future, healing the soul and body is a common everyday work. Thanks to the participation of an astrologer only in the center of Art, family constellations are carried out based on the study of an individual horoscope, which greatly helps to make them even more effective and efficient.

Family consultants of the Arta Center have been studying systemic constellations for about three years from the world's leading constellations - and from those who stood at the origins - the creator of the method Bert Hellinger and his followers - Günhard Weber, Stefan Hausner, Ursula Franke, the famous French spiritual Teacher and constellation specialist Idris Laora, with the largest constellators in America and Canada - Mark Volin, Susie Tucker and Claire Degenez.

Here are the reviews of people who have visited the constellations at the Arta Center. Writes Sarah M., who could not understand why men were leaving her: “Probably there has not been a day when I do not remember with gratitude what happened to me at the constellation. She made me think about a lot, turn to my family, talk with my parents, find out and understand a lot. I try to do everything the way I was advised at the constellation, and I see that a lot is changing, especially in my personal life. I have a boyfriend, we have been dating for more than six months and are going to get married. Everything happened exactly as you predicted. Thanks again!"

Tatyana B. suffered all her life because she had no contact with her parents. They rejected her, she rejected them. She came to the Art Center in a state of deep depression and the conviction that her life had not worked out and would never work out again. However, the arrangement completely changed her idea of ​​herself and the world and contributed to Tatyana's reconciliation with her parents: “Dear Anna and Alexander! Thank you very much for your participation, for your knowledge and willingness to help. I didn’t even imagine that you can see how your parents feel, see yourself and your whole family from the outside. This picture is still in front of my eyes! Thanks to the arrangement, I understood everything and am ready to do everything to change my destiny, my karma.