Biographies Specifications Analysis

Memories of light friendship. Tkachenko Pavel Grigorievich Andrey Tkachenko Master of Sports of the USSR in football, football observer, poet, general secretary of the Russian pen club playing football is playing with God

Website of a teacher of history and social studies, a teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines

Omnia autem probate quod bonum est tenete

Profession: historian, lawyer, manager (state and municipal administration)

Professional interests: history of Russia, history of the Church, religious studies, history of philosophy

Hobbies: literature, foreign languages

Region: Krasnodar region

Locality: Novorossiysk

Title, academic degree: PhD in Theology


1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. It was in the beginning with God. 3. All things came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being. 4. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (Holy Gospel of John 1:1-5)

St. Evangelist John

Education is the cornerstone of our human existence. A modern person must be educated, this is required of him by life itself and its everyday realities. Being educated means not only understanding the trends of the world economic market of consumption and accumulation, not only counting, multiplication and division, but also broad erudition in the fields of humanitarian knowledge. I chose the path of teaching precisely in order to be involved in the creation of the intellectual potential of the younger generation, their relevance and instilling in them a sense of responsibility and non-egoistic individuality. Knowledge of history, the origins of our culture, morality and ethics makes a person not only erudite, but also gives a strong stimulating charge for further search for oneself in this world, one’s destiny, opens up a wide horizon for revealing one’s own potential in various areas of public life.

About myself


Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management. K.V. Rossinsky, 2003

Specialty: "jurisprudence"

Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, 2008

Specialty: "state and municipal management"

Theological Seminary of the ELC, 2010

Specialty: "theology"

Interchurch postgraduate and doctoral studies. Sts. Cyril and Methodius, 2012

Specialty: "theology"

Labor activity.

1989 - 2009 - serving in the armed forces and law enforcement agencies;

Teaching activity

1996 - 2000 - teacher of the course "Business Law" and "History of State and Law" at the Kuban College of Culture, Economics and Law

2001 - 2006 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law, course "Roman Law" and "Latin Language" at the Russian State University of Trade and Economics

2006 - 2009 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of History of State and Law, course "History of State and Law of Foreign Countries" at the Russian Customs Academy

2009 - present - professor at visiting St. Luis Theological Seminary of ELCMS & Jerusalem University.

Books that shaped my inner world

Bible (Holy Books of the Old and New Testaments). The book-textbook, the Book-wisdom, the source of "Living Water" of knowledge and the basis of the foundations of human existence.

blzh. Augustine Aurelius "Confession". The strength of the author's spirit acts like a medicine on the "maturing" mind, has a saving effect on mental anguish and experiences.

Thomas Aquinas "The Sum of Theology". Encyclopedia of the Spirit, the basis of a "new" understanding of one's own destiny, an excellent pedagogical guide of a wise and meek teacher.

Hippolytus of Rome "Philosofumena". The source of early Christian knowledge and the synthesis of Greek thought and new paradigms of existence in the world.

John Chrysostom "Creations". An example of eloquence and unique methods of persuasion, symbolizes a "good" warrior in the cause of Truth.

John of Damascus "Source of Knowledge". Deep spiritual work brings one closer to contact with the numenous and makes it possible to feel the need to acquire knowledge.

Martin Luther "On the Bondage of the Will", "On the Freedom of a Christian". The revelation of the "New Age", giving a new impetus to the improvement and understanding of worldly duties and everyday things.

about. Alexander Men "Son of Man". A simple and accessible presentation of the nature of Mind and its reflection in eternity.

R. Bach "The Seagull". The enchanting aroma of agape love and the power of compassion are demonstrated in a simple, unpretentious language that makes you think about the meaning of created existence.

D. Bonhoeffer "Following Christ", "Walking on the trail". These works demonstrate a philosophical-ontological approach to the global morality of "matured" humanity.

K. Jaspers "The Meaning and Purpose of History". A very interesting concept of the development of mankind and its history in a different paradigm from the works of pre-Yasperian philosophers, I would call this work - "An example of optimistic existential philosophy"

A. Toynbee "Comprehension of history". The classical non-Marxist approach to historical science is easy to assimilate, opens up the possibility to "understand" the author's vision of mega-events in the context of the historical development of mankind.

L. Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth". An explosion of work, a revolutionary upheaval of the point of view on global events, an unusual orientation of the vectors of human development, which is confirmed today.

My view of the world

Sometimes it is very difficult to believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities. We are so accustomed to being criticized and criticized (since childhood) that our confidence, and sometimes our self-esteem, is undermined.

But fortunately, at the moment when a person takes responsibility for his life and decides to believe in himself, he gains confidence in his abilities and then life begins to change.

This is magic? No, just by changing our view of ourselves and the world, we change our vibrations.

Confidence in yourself, in your abilities, knowing that they are limitless - this is a positive outlook on the world. Uncertainty, blaming others for your failures is a negative view of the world...what do you think you will attract into your life?

Our happiness depends only on us, and sometimes we are forced to compromise in order to be happy, the main thing is to be sure that this is only a temporary situation, but it can serve as a means to achieve our goals.

For example, you are doing a job that you do not like, but allows you to live, save money and even invest in education (for yourself or your children). With horror in the morning, thinking that you have to go to work again, hating it with all your heart, counting the hours waiting for the end of the working day, you are poisoning your life, you are in a negative vibration and the dream of finding another job will remain a dream. The positive attitude of someone who believes in himself that he uses the fruits of this work, investing in training to improve himself, or saving for a new business, thanks to his work, he is charged with positive energy, believing in himself, in his abilities, he begins notice them. Which of these characters do you see yourself as? Fortunately, there are those among us who love what he does. I gave an example of attitude to work, but this applies to absolutely everything in your life, to all aspects. The attitude that you have today in your life is very important for your tomorrow.

Be happy HERE and NOW, believe in yourself, in your abilities, in your strengths, abilities, otherwise you will fall into an endless spiral of failures.

My achievements

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He was born on November 27, 1908 in the village of Sokyrintsy, now the Srebnyansky district of the Chernihiv region, into a peasant family. Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a mechanic at the Romny railway station. Since 1928 in the Red Army. In 1929 he graduated from the Leningrad military-theoretical school of pilots, in 1931 - the 2nd military school of pilots of the Red Air Fleet in the city of Borisoglebsk.

In the winter of 1939-1940 he participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. He was a squadron commander of the 49th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Air Force of the 8th Army). He made 103 sorties for reconnaissance and attack of enemy troops. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command, courage, courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 19, 1940, Captain Tkachenko Andrey Grigoryevich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal ".

From June 1941 he participated in the Great Patriotic War. He commanded the 19th Fighter Aviation Regiment. [ Subsequently, the 176th Guards Fighter Aviation Proskurov Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, the regiment completed 8422 sorties, conducted 711 air battles, during which 398 enemy aircraft were shot down and 56 destroyed on the ground. 470 people were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Over the years, 29 Heroes of the Soviet Union served in the regiment, including three times Hero of the Soviet Union Air Marshal Kozhedub Ivan Nikitich, as well as cosmonauts twice Hero of the Soviet Union Aviation Major General Pavel Romanovich Popovich and Hero of Russia Colonel Korzun Valery Grigoryevich. ]

Defending Leningrad, the regiment completed 3145 sorties, conducted 415 air battles and destroyed 116 enemy aircraft. In battles with a numerically superior enemy, 17 brave pilots perished and 13 pilots went missing. The combat losses of the materiel amounted to 57 aircraft (the regiment had no non-combat losses).

In 1942, the regiment fought as part of the Volkhov, Voronezh and Southwestern fronts.

At the beginning of May 1942, the regiment was relocated to the Volgino airfield, Borovichi district of the Leningrad region, where it served as a training center for the Volkhov Front in order to retrain the flight crew for new aviation equipment.

On September 10, 1942, the regiment moved to the Lyubertsy airfield and became part of the 269th Fighter Aviation Division.

In 1942, the regiment completed 1312 sorties, 46 enemy aircraft were shot down in air battles, and a large number of enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed.

On January 20, 1943, the 19th IAP moved from the Chkalovskaya airfield to the Zhurbitsy airfield and entered the operational subordination of the commander of the 2nd Air Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front. At this time, the regiment had 39 crews armed with La-5 aircraft.

As part of the 2nd Air Army, the regiment's pilots shot down 47 enemy aircraft in 39 air battles and destroyed 6 more on the ground.

Major A. G. Tkachenko commanded the 19th IAP until August 1943. And then he served as a senior inspector of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Red Army Air Force. Recalls Major General of Aviation A. V. Vorozheikin:

“An order came to my appointment in Moscow as a senior inspector for fighter aviation. The head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Air Force was twice Hero of the Soviet Union Aviation Lieutenant General Yevgeny Yakovlevich Savitsky.

After talking about the past, Savitsky spoke about his subordinates, Lieutenant Colonels Nikolai Khramov and Andrey Tkachenko:

You learn from them the inspector's business. And flying skills. Why am I telling you about them! You know them as well as I do. They also recommended you for work in management.

Tkachenko was the head of the political studies group. He suggested that I replace it:

You graduated from a Komsomol school, courses for commissars, and served as a commissar for several years. This is something you've been doing for a long time.

Andrei Grigoryevich Tkachenko received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his participation in the Soviet-Finnish War. He was the oldest of us in age. The deputy head of the fighter aviation department was not supposed to be in the states, but due to his work experience, flight skills and initiative, he was actually the deputy and chief adviser to the head of the department. Therefore, he did not miss the moment to give me a Party assignment ...

Together with Tkachenko, we participated in the Berlin operation. Pavel Peskov, Ivan Laveikin, Kostya Treshchev and Pyotr Poloz flew in our six at that time.

After the end of the war, Andrei Grigoryevich continued to serve in the Air Force. Since 1958, Colonel A. G. Tkachenko has been in reserve. Lived in Moscow. He worked as an economist - planner in the Central Committee of DOSAAF.

Awarded with orders: Lenin (three times), Red Banner (five), Patriotic War 1st degree (twice), Red Star; medals.

Nikolai Grigorievich Tkachenko was born on January 1, 1951 in the village of Bagachka Pervaya, Velyko-Bagachansky district, Poltava region, Ukraine.His father, Grigory Dmitrievich, worked as a carpenter, his mother, Maria Ivanovna, worked as an accountant on a collective farm. In 1966, N. Tkachenko graduated with honors from an eight-year rural school, and in 1966-1970 he studied at the Kharkov Radio Engineering College with a degree in radio equipment building. In 1970-1972 he served in the army. In 1973 he worked in Kharkov in technical specialties.
In 1973 he entered the preparatory department of the Institute of Asian and African countries at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, after which he studied at the Institute in 1974-1979, specializing in historian-orientalist, translator of the Japanese language. In 1979-1989, he worked in the Moscow branch of the Main Directorate for Foreign Tourism (Intourist) as a guide-interpreter of the Japanese language. In 1989-1990, he worked in the art departments of the Liko-Raduga joint venture and the SUN corporation. In 1993 he created the gallery "CITY", the UNESCO club in 1994. He is its founder and director.
Since 1994, a member of the International Art Fund, since 1995 - a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, the International Federation of Artists. Works as a medalist: participates in the First Exhibition of the Moscow Medal, produces a double-sided medal "100th anniversary of the memory of P. I. Tchaikovsky", a sketch and a form of the Golden Star of the Eagle award. From the beginning of the 1990s until the end of his life, he was actively involved in domestic and international cultural activities.

The main project was a program to study and popularize the work of the Krasnoyarsk artist Andrey Pozdeev (exhibitions in the State Russian Museum and State Tretyakov Gallery; publication of a three-volume monograph "The World of Andrey Pozdeev", film production "Under the Sign of Pozdeev" and "Bowl").
Also, N. Tkachenko was involved in projects for the development of children's art (international program "Colors of the Earth"), the presentation of Japanese art in Russia and the CIS countries (presentation of karaoke), the presentation of domestic art in Japan (tours of ballet soloists and ballet groups, folk dance groups).

(11/27/1908 -?) - fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1940), colonel. In aviation since 1931. Member of the Soviet-Finnish war. He fought in the 49th IAP, was a squadron commander. He made 103 sorties for reconnaissance and attack. Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first day. He commanded 19 IAP PVO. After the war, until 1958 he served in the Air Force. Then he worked in the Central Committee of DOSAAF.

"Tkachenko, Andrey Grigorievich" in books

MATVIENKO Andrey Grigorievich

From the author's book

Andrey Grigorievich MATVIENKO Andrey Grigorievich Matvienko was born in 1925 in the village of Bochashikha, Kupinsky District, Novosibirsk Region, into a peasant family. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1946. After graduating from elementary school, he worked on the collective farm named after Stepan

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Grigory Grigorievich Chernetsov 1801–1865 Nikanor Grigorievich Chernetsov 1804–1879 The Chernetsov brothers were born in the town of Lukh, Kostroma province. Their ancestor Vasily Chernetsov was a priest, confessor of the famous boyar Artamon Matveev, in whose family the pupil lived

Andrei Grigorievich Shkuro (1886–1947)

From the book The Most Terrible Russian Tragedy. The truth about the Civil War author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Andrei Grigoryevich Shkuro (1886-1947) Born into a family of hereditary Cossack officers of the village of Batalpashinsky (according to other sources - Pashkovskaya), in the Kuban. He graduated from the gymnasium in Mineralnye Vody and the 3rd Moscow Cadet Corps, the Nikolaev Cavalry School (1907). Released

Andrey Grigorievich Shkuro Notes of a White Partisan

From the book Notes of a White Partisan author Shkuro Andrei Grigorievich

Andrey Grigorievich Shkuro Notes of a White Partisan


From the book Historical Insanity of the Kremlin and the Bolot. Russia is ruled by doubles! author Nersesov Yury Arkadievich


Andrey Grigorievich Kochetkov (USSR)

From the book Great Pilots of the World author Bodrikhin Nikolay Georgievich

Andrey Grigoryevich Kochetkov (USSR) Born on May 15, 1908 in St. Petersburg in a working-class family. Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a laborer. In the Red Army since 1927. Graduated from the Leningrad Military Theoretical School of the Air Force, the Kachinskaya Military Aviation School, the Air Force Academy of the Red Army

Voitsekhovsky A. A., Tkachenko G. S. Andrey Sheptytsky

From the book Without the Right to Rehabilitation [Book I, Maxima-Library] author Voitsekhovsky Alexander Alexandrovich

Voitsekhovsky A. A., Tkachenko G. S. Sheptytsky Andrey A. Sheptytsky (1865–1944) - Metropolitan of the Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church, protege of the Vatican, ideological and political mentor of Ukrainian nationalists. The secular name is Roman-Mariy Alexander. Born in Lviv region in

Andrey Grigorievich Shkuro (Skin) (1886–1947)

From the book of 100 great Cossacks author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

Andrei Grigorievich Shkuro (Skin) (1886–1947) Lieutenant General. Commander of the White Kuban Army Born in the village of Pashkovskaya near the city of Ekaterinodar (now Krasnodar), the capital of the Kuban region. Descended from the nobility of the Kuban Cossack army. Graduated from the 3rd Moscow

Gagarin Andrey Grigorievich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GA) of the author TSB

Savinykh Andrey Grigorievich


Samoilov Andrey Grigorievich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SA) of the author TSB

Kravchenko Andrey Grigorievich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KR) of the author TSB

Shkuro Andrei Grigorievich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SHK) of the author TSB

Kravchenko Andrey Grigorievich (11/18/1899-10/18/1963)

From the book "Boilers" of the 45th author Runov Valentin Alexandrovich

Kravchenko Andrey Grigoryevich (11/18/1899-10/18/1963) was born on the Sulimin farm in the Kyiv region. In the Red Army since 1918, a participant in the Civil War. Commander of a rifle platoon, head of a machine gun team. In 1923 he graduated from the Poltava Infantry School, in 1928 - from the Military Academy

Andrey Tkachenko Master of Sports of the USSR in football, football commentator, poet, general secretary of the Russian PEN club Playing football is playing with God

From the book Hope and torment of Russian football author Milstein Oleg Alexandrovich

Andrey Tkachenko USSR Master of Sports in football, football commentator, poet, general secretary of the Russian PEN club Playing football is playing with God Bobby Charlton is a great footballer. Unfortunately, the players don't have the word to convey what they feel.

27.11.1908 - 20.01.1989
The hero of the USSR

T Kachenko Andrei Grigoryevich - squadron commander of the 49th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 8th Army, captain.

He was born on November 27, 1908 in the village of Sokyrintsy, now in the Srebnyansky district of the Chernihiv region of Ukraine, in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a mechanic at the Romny station.

In the Red Army since 1928. In 1929 he graduated from the Leningrad military-theoretical school of pilots, and in 1931 - Borisoglebsk military school of pilots.

Member of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-40. The squadron commander of the 49th Fighter Aviation Regiment (8th Army), Captain Andrei Tkachenko, by March 1940, made 103 sorties to reconnaissance and attack the enemy.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 19, 1940 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Finnish White Guard and the courage and heroism shown to the captain Tkachenko Andrey Grigorievich He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. He commanded the 19th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Since July 7, 1941, the 19th Fighter Aviation Regiment was part of the 7th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Corps.

Defending Leningrad, the regiment under the command of A.G. Tkachenko completed 3145 sorties, conducted 415 air battles and destroyed 116 enemy aircraft. In battles with a numerically superior enemy, 17 brave pilots died, and 13 pilots did not return from combat missions. The combat losses of the materiel amounted to 57 aircraft (the regiment had no non-combat losses).

In 1942, the regiment fought as part of the Volkhov, Voronezh and Southwestern fronts.

In early May 1942, the regiment was relocated to the Volgino airfield of the Borovichi district of the Leningrad region, where it served as a training center for the Volkhov Front in order to retrain the flight crew for new aviation equipment. On September 10, 1942, the regiment moved to the Lyubertsy airfield and became part of the 269th Fighter Aviation Division.

For 1942, the regiment under the command of A.G. Tkachenko completed 1312 sorties, 46 enemy aircraft were shot down in air battles, a large number of enemy manpower and equipment were destroyed.

On January 20, 1943, the 19th Fighter Aviation Regiment moved from the Chkalovskaya airfield to the Zhurbitsy airfield and became subordinate to the commander of the 2nd Air Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front. At this time, the regiment had 39 crews armed with La-5 aircraft. As part of the 2nd Air Army, the pilots of the regiment in 39 air battles shot down 47 enemy aircraft and destroyed 6 more on the ground.

19th Fighter Aviation Regiment Major A.G. Tkachenko commanded until August 1943.

Then for many years he served as a senior inspector of the Directorate of Fighter Aviation of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Air Force of the Red Army.

After the war he continued to serve in the Soviet Army. Since 1958, Colonel A.G. Tkachenko - in reserve. Lived in the hero city of Moscow. He worked as an economist-planner in the Central Committee of DOSAAF.

He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, five Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.