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Parallel worlds are facts of existence. Opinion of official science

Do you think that parallel Universes are just an invention of science fiction writers? Not at all. Scientists around the world have long been approaching the solution to parallel worlds and are finding more and more evidencethat they really exist. Until now, scientists have limited themselves only to theoreticalmodels of parallel Universes, but over the past 10 years several scientificconfirmation of these theories.

The first confirmation was found during the study of the map cosmic microwave background radiation spacespace. Let us remember that cosmic microwave background radiation is electromagnetic radiation in Space,which was discovered in the 20th century. Its existence was predicted by astrophysicist GeorgiyGamow, who is one of the creators of the theory big bang. According to this theory, inprimordial electromagnetic radiation must exist in outer space,appeared with the formation of the Universe.

In 1983, experiments were carried out to measure the cosmic microwave background radiation, as a result of whichIt turned out that the temperature of this radiation is not uniform throughout space. This is how maps of cosmic microwave background radiation appeared, on which colder and hotter areas are marked. ExceptIn addition, accurate measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation were made using satellites, andit turned out that it fully corresponds to the radiation spectrum of a completely black body with a temperature 2.725 Kelvin.

Let's go back to the present day. In 2010, scientists from University College London, studying mapscosmic microwave background radiation, discovered several round zones with anomalously high temperature radiation. According to scientists, these “potholes” appeared as a result of the collision of our Universe with parallel universes due to their gravitational influence. Scientists suggest that our worldis just a small “bubble” floating in space and colliding with othersworlds-Universes similar to it. There have been no fewer such collisions since the Big Bang.four, say the researchers.

Another confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds was discovered by mathematicians from Oxford. Byin their opinion, only the theory of the splitting of the Universe into infinite set parallel worldscan explain some phenomena of quantum mechanics. As is known, one of the fundamentallaws of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that forit is impossible to simultaneously determine the same particle exact speed and exact location (coordinates in space and trajectory). And this is not a theory, this isa fact that scientists have encountered in advanced research. Trying to measure the particle's speed, they could not determine itlocation, and while trying to identify the position, they could not measure the speed. Thus,both began to be determined by probabilistic characteristics.

In general, all quantum mechanics is built on probabilities, since precise measurements in it are practicallyimpossible. Many scientists who undertook the study of quantum phenomena came to the conclusion thatour Universe is not completely deterministic, that is, it is only a collection

Probabilities. For example, the famous photon experiment, where a beam of light is directed atplate with slits, showed that in principle it is impossible to determine which photon passed throughwhat kind of gap, but you can create a so-called “probability distribution” picture.

Thus, scientists from Oxford concluded that it was Hugh Everett's theory of fissionuniverse into many copies of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantummeasurements. Hugh Everett is one of the founders of the theory of the existence parallel realities. In the mid-20th century, he presented a dissertation on the topic of the splitting of worlds. According tohis theory, every moment our Universe creates an infinite number of copies of itself, and theneach copy continues to split in the same way. Splitting is caused by our decisions and actions,each of which has countless options for completion. Everett's theory is longremained unnoticed and, of course, was not taken seriously. However, they remembered her afterfruitless attempts to explain the absolute uncertainty of quantum phenomena and states.

Of course, science fiction writers were the first to write about parallel worlds, but gradually their ideas migrated toscientific direction. Since then, the idea that the theory of parallel Universes has become stronger in the minds of scientistsmay become a new scientific paradigm in the future. Hugh Everett's ideas were developed and supportedsuch scientists as Andrei Linde - professor of physics at Stanford University, Martin Rees -Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics Cambridge University, Max Tegmark – professor of physics andastronomy University of Pennsylvania etc. Perhaps very interesting discoveries await us in the future.

If you are a lover of scientific mysteries and the latest discoveries, then pay attention to the sensational books by Anastasia Novykh called “Sensei” (below is one of the quotes from these books). From them you can learn even more about the mysteries of the universe, as well as scientific discoveries, on the threshold of which modern Scientists are just standing. It's surprising, but many recent discoveries by scientists were described in detail in books several years before they were announced. You have a rare opportunity to find out what really awaits us. You can download all books from our website completely free of charge.

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And there really are a lot of forms of life! If people have time, they will be able to study the parallel paradox. There is nothing complicated there. All you need is... However, we won’t go into details. In short, there is nothing complicated when developing modern technologies it’s quite possible to go to a parallel world and find there completely intelligent life with the appropriate intelligence. Why look for it somewhere on Mars with its dangerous microbes for people, if it is nearby? Life is full. By and large, the Universe is life itself, life in its most extensive manifestation and diversity.

- Anastasia NOVIKH "Ezoosmos"

The belief in the existence of invisible neighbors borders on fantasy. Or with a sick imagination. That's what the skeptics say. And supporters stand their ground and give as many as 10 arguments in favor of an alternative reality.

1. Many-Worlds Interpretation

The question of the uniqueness of all things worried great minds long before the authors of science fiction novels. The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios thought about it. Alternate universes are also discussed in sacred texts Hindus.

For official science this idea was born only in 1957. American physicist Hugh Everett created the theory of many worlds, designed to fill gaps in quantum mechanics. In particular, find out why light quanta behave either like particles or like waves.

According to Everett, each event leads to a split and copying of the Universe. In this case, the number of “clones” is always equal to the number of possible outcomes. And the sum of the central and new universes can be depicted in the form of a branched tree.

2. Artifacts of unknown civilizations

Some finds baffle even the most experienced archaeologists.

For example, a hammer discovered in London, dated to 500 million BC, that is, a period when there was not even a hint of Homosapiens on Earth!

Or a computing mechanism that allows you to determine the trajectory of stars and planets. A bronze analogue of the computer was caught in 1901 near the Greek island of Antikythera. Research on the device began in 1959 and continues to this day. In the 2000s, it was possible to calculate the approximate age of the artifact - 1st century BC.

So far nothing indicates a fake. Three versions remain: the computer was invented by representatives of an unknown ancient civilization, lost by time travelers or... planted by people from other worlds.

3. Teleportation Victim

Misterious story Spanish Lerin Garcia started off as usual July morning, when she woke up in someone else's reality. But I didn’t immediately understand what had happened. It was still 2008, Lerin was 41 years old, she was in the same city and house where she went to bed.

Only the pajamas and bedding changed colors dramatically overnight, and the closet ran into another room. The office where Lerin worked for 20 years was not there. Soon the ex-fiancé, who had been dismissed six months ago, materialized “at home.” Even a private detective could not find out where the current friend of his heart had gone...

Alcohol and drug tests were given negative result. As well as consultation with a psychiatrist. The doctor attributed the incident to stress. The diagnosis did not satisfy Lerin and prompted her to search for information about parallel worlds. She was never able to return to her native dimension.

4. Deja vu in reverse

The essence of deja vu does not boil down to the familiar vague feeling of “repetition” and everyday foresight. This phenomenon has an antipode - jamevu. People who have experienced it suddenly stop recognizing familiar places, old friends and scenes from films they have watched. Regular jamevu indicates mental disorders. And isolated and rare memory failures also occur in healthy people.
A striking illustration is the experiment of English neuropsychologist Chris Moulin. 92 volunteers had to write the word “doors” 30 times in a minute. As a result, 68% of subjects seriously doubted the existence of the word. A glitch in thinking or instantaneous leaps from reality to reality?

5. The Roots of Dreams

Despite the abundance research methods, the reason for the appearance of dreams remains a mystery to this day. According to the generally accepted view of sleep, the brain merely processes information accumulated in reality. And it translates it into pictures - the most convenient format for the sleeping mind. Solution number two - nervous system sends chaotic signals to the sleeping person. They are transformed into colorful visions.

According to Freud, in dreams we gain access to the subconscious. Freed from the censorship of consciousness, it hastens to tell us about repressed sexual desires. The fourth point of view was first expressed by Carl Jung. What you see in a dream is not a fantasy, but a specific continuation of a full life. Jung also saw a code in the dream images. But not from suppressed libido, but from the collective unconscious.
In the middle of the last century, psychologists started talking about the possibility of controlling sleep. Appropriate manuals have appeared. The most famous was the three-volume instruction manual by American psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge.

6. Lost between two Europes

In 1952, a strange passenger appeared at Tokyo airport. Judging by the visas and customs stamps in his passport, he has flown to Japan many times over the past 5 years. But in the “Country” column there was a certain Taured. The owner of the document assured that his homeland was European state With thousand years of history. "The Alien" presented driver license and bank statements received in the same mysterious country.

Citizen Taured, no less surprised than the customs officers, was left overnight at a nearby hotel. The immigration officers who arrived the next morning did not find him. According to the receptionist, the guest did not even leave the room.

Tokyo police have found no trace of the missing Taured. Either he escaped through a window on the 15th floor, or he managed to transport himself back.

7. Paranormal activity

“Alive” furniture, noises of unknown origin, ghostly silhouettes hovering in the air in photographs... Meetings with the dead occur not only in the movies. For example, many mystical incidents in the London underground.

At Aldwych station, which closed in 1994, intrepid Brits hold parties, make films and periodically see a female figure walking along the tracks. The subway section near the British Museum is occupied by the mummy of an ancient Egyptian princess. Since the 1950s, a dandy has been frequenting Covent Garden, dressed in the fashion of the late 19th century and literally melting before our eyes when anyone pays attention to him...

Materialists brush aside dubious facts, believing

contacts with spirits, hallucinations, mirages and outright lies of storytellers. Then why has humanity clung to ghost stories for centuries? Perhaps the mythical kingdom of the dead is one of alternate realities?

8. Fourth and fifth dimensions

Visible to the eye length, height and width have already been studied up and down. The same cannot be said about the other two dimensions, which are absent in Euclidean (traditional) geometry.

Science community has not yet delved into the intricacies of the space-time continuum discovered by Lobachevsky and Einstein. But there has already been talk about a higher – fifth – dimension, accessible only to those with psychic talents. It is also open to those who expand consciousness through spiritual practices.

If we put aside the guesswork of science fiction writers, almost nothing is known about the non-obvious coordinates of the Universe. Presumably it was from there to ours three dimensional space supernatural beings are coming.

9. Rethinking the double-slit experiment

Howard Weissman is convinced that the duality of the nature of light is the result of the contact of parallel worlds. The Australian researcher's hypothesis connects Everett's many-worlds interpretation with the experience of Thomas Young.

Father wave theory Light in 1803 published a report on the famous double-slit experiment. Jung installed a projection screen in the laboratory, and in front of it was a dense screen-screen with two parallel slits. Then light was directed onto the cracks made.

Some of the radiation behaved like electromagnetic wave– reflected on the rear screen light stripes, passing straight through the slots. Another half of the light flux appeared as a cluster elementary particles and scattered across the screen.
"Each of the worlds is limited by laws classical physics. This means that without their intersection, quantum phenomena would simply be impossible,” explains Weissman.

10. Large Hadron Collider

The multiverse is not just theoretical model. French astrophysicist Aurélien Barrot came to this conclusion while observing the operation of the Large Hadron Collider. More precisely, the interaction of protons and ions placed in it. The collision of heavy particles produced results incompatible with conventional physics.

Barro, like Weissman, interpreted this contradiction as a consequence of the collision of parallel worlds.

If we are alone in the Universe, then perhaps our brothers in mind “live” in others - parallel worlds? Why not admit that our world has its own “double”? It may contain habitable planets, and their inhabitants may well be similar to us. You ask: where scientific evidence? Although indirect, there is evidence. (website)

Parallel worlds exist!

Everyone probably knows the hypothesis about the existence of parallel worlds. The version that as a result of random quantum processes the Universe “multiplies” and forms big number her copies, is very attractive.

You can also cross out the laws of physics and consider them a pure abstraction. More recently, researchers from the European Space Agency made a truly sensational discovery. Using super-powerful telescopes, scientists have discovered anomalous areas in the Universe that glow so brightly that this phenomenon simply does not correspond to physical laws. This fact is a confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds capable of penetrating each other, as if leaking. And the “luminous spots” represent a trace of long-standing contact with another space. Different measurements may have different physical constants.

Ranga-Ram Chari, Californian astrophysicist Egyptian origin, analyzed a series of data and discovered “noise”, which can only be left by the contact of two spheres. It is in these spheres, or bubbles, that the birth of universes occurs.

Mythology and modern physics about parallel worlds

At the Max Planck Ranga-Ram Chari Observatory, it was possible to obtain photographs from space depicting flashes, which, apparently, are the places of contact of the two universes.

In this regard, we recall the ancient Indian myth about the god Vishnu, who supports the entire universe and gives creation impetus. Every second, the pores of his body give birth to spherical “bubbles”, that is, universes. As we see, the discoveries of modern scientists confirm ancient myths.

According to the multiverse hypothesis that is popular today, the birth of universes occurs at a short distance from one to another. At the place of their contact, bright rings appear - exactly the same as those found in the photographs by Chari.

We are simply not allowed into parallel worlds

Ancient sources speak repeatedly about the existence of another Universe. It is noteworthy that Tsiolkovsky, the father of cosmonautics, believed in its existence, but at the same time said that we would never be allowed there. What did the brilliant scientist mean? If we assume that in a world parallel to ours, the ones known to us do not work physical laws, then how do we get there? After all, all the technologies that a person can create will be built in accordance with the standards of this, but not the neighboring world. We know nothing at all about him...

It turns out that the latest discovery by scientists has no practical benefit for humanity? Not certainly in that way. It will at least once again make us think: how does the universe really work? And what place does man and his still imperfect consciousness occupy in it?.. In the end, this explains such a phenomenon as anomalous zones, which may well be either the gateway to Parallel Worlds.

As is known, quantum particles are capable of being in a wide variety of states, as well as different terrain at the same time, which is called “superposition”. The definition of the above concept arose back in 1957, and was already recognized by scientists at that time. Thanks to him, H. Everett's theory appeared, telling us about the multiworld. This specialist assumed that the ability of a quantum particle to reside in several places is direct evidence of the presence of at least one parallel reality.

At the end of the previous year 2014, American scientists projected a supernova theory regarding the above:

In reality, there is a huge number of parallel worlds that can somehow influence each other with forces of rejection. These forces serve as the driving mechanism of all processes, thanks to which parallel realities gradually begin to differ from one another. Data distinctive characteristics increase with constant frequency.

The existence of parallel worlds contradicts the opinion of most scientists, who believe that the “world” exists in a single copy. Thus, everything in it must obey Newton's laws of mechanics. But how then can we identify unusual paranormal phenomena that occur at regular intervals? Their explanation is possible only by the presence of several (it is impossible to reliably say the number) parallel universes.


There are two incredible theories about parallel worlds that look as believable and complete as possible:

1 Each of our steps or actions serves as a determination in which of the parallel worlds we will reside before making the next decision. Simply put, there is a certain world in which a person follows one road. At the same time, in another world, he will walk along a different road, as a result of which he will slip and injure his leg.

2 There are several similar parallel worlds in which history progresses and develops in different ways. For example, in one of them, America was discovered by Europeans, and in the second, by Russians. In one reality we are a super-developed civilization, and in the second we live at the level of development of savages. In one of the parallel realities or worlds, we are in full communication with extraterrestrial beings who pass on their experience to us, and in the second we are constantly at war, destroying our civilization. There are a lot of examples that can be given in this theory, but they will all have the same meaning.

I am not against parallel worlds and esotericism. According to her, anyone can visit a parallel world, accelerating their perception of reality by molecular level. The above is the principle of time travel.