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The most incredible conspiracy theories (16 photos).

Past Thursdayism

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An excerpt characterizing the Hypothesis of Omphalos

“As you can see,” he said.
- That's how, yes, yes! - Boris said smiling, - and we also made a glorious campaign. After all, you know, his highness constantly rode with our regiment, so that we had all the conveniences and all the benefits. In Poland, what kind of receptions there were, what kind of dinners, balls - I can’t tell you. And the Tsarevich was very merciful to all our officers.
And both friends told each other - one about their hussar revels and military life, the other about the pleasantness and benefits of serving under the command of high-ranking officials, etc.
- O Guard! Rostov said. “Well, let’s go get some wine.”
Boris winced.
“If you really want to,” he said.
And, going up to the bed, he took out a purse from under the clean pillows and ordered to bring wine.
“Yes, and give you the money and the letter,” he added.
Rostov took the letter and, throwing money on the sofa, leaned his elbows on the table with both hands and began to read. He read a few lines and looked angrily at Berg. Meeting his gaze, Rostov covered his face with a letter.
“However, they sent you a decent amount of money,” Berg said, looking at the heavy purse pressed into the sofa. - Here we are with a salary, count, making our way. I'll tell you about myself...
“That’s what, my dear Berg,” said Rostov, “when you receive a letter from home and meet your man, whom you want to ask about everything, and I’ll be here, I’ll leave now so as not to disturb you. Listen, go away, please, somewhere, somewhere ... to hell! he shouted, and at once, grabbing him by the shoulder and looking affectionately into his face, apparently trying to soften the rudeness of his words, he added: “you know, don’t be angry; dear, my dear, I speak from the bottom of my heart, as to our old acquaintance.
“Ah, pardon me, Count, I understand very well,” said Berg, getting up and speaking to himself in a throaty voice.
- You go to the owners: they called you, - Boris added.
Berg put on a clean frock coat, without a spot or a speck, fluffed up the temples in front of the mirror, as Alexander Pavlovich wore, and, convinced by Rostov's look that his frock coat had been noticed, with a pleasant smile he left the room.
- Oh, what a beast I am, however! - said Rostov, reading the letter.
- And what?
- Oh, what a pig I am, however, that I never wrote and so scared them. Oh, what a pig I am,” he repeated, suddenly blushing. - Well, send Gavrila for wine! Okay, enough! - he said…
In the letters of relatives it was invested more letter of recommendation to Prince Bagration, which, on the advice of Anna Mikhailovna, through acquaintances, the old countess got and sent to her son, asking him to demolish it for its intended purpose and use it.
- That's nonsense! I really need it, - said Rostov, throwing the letter under the table.
- Why did you leave it? Boris asked.
- What a letter of recommendation, the devil is in my letter!

In the summer of 2013, at the end educational program Strelka Institute, the famous physicist Brian Green spoke about how the Universe works, why string theory is needed and why we are not alone in this world.

Brian Green, theoretical physicist Professor at Columbia University, one of the most famous experts in the field of string theory. In 1999 he published the book Elegant Universe. Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory. He is a bright popularizer of science and organizer annual festival World Science Festival. He played himself in the series "Theory big bang».

Main theses
Forget about the universe and imagine a rubber mat. Let's throw a light little ball at him: he will go in a straight line. But if the ball is heavy, made of stone, for example, it will deviate from a straight line and go sideways. Also, stars and planets bend the space around them, miss it and move along the gutters. This is Einstein's idea - space is not empty, it lives and transmits power to other bodies. The Sun could not transmit gravity to the Earth in a passive void.

After the Big Bang, there should have been relict heat. In the second half of the 20th century, Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson discovered noise while working with an antenna, and realized that it perceives it. background radiation. They received the Nobel Prize in 1978 for this.

What was the fuel of the Big Bang? What force made it happen? Maybe it was gravity? But it attracts objects, not pushes them away. And yet, if we try to see how the Universe shrinks, becomes dense, then all mathematical calculations will give zero. This startled the physicists. This meant that there were exotic factors environment, due to which gravity pushed the bodies to the side. All this happened in the smallest fraction of a second 14 billion years ago.

Some of the cosmic fuel that powers the expansion of the universe was not involved in the Big Bang. The presence of this energy could lead to the emergence of other universes. Their number is unknown. Ours will be only a small bubble among them.

String theory is designed to answer the question of what matter is made of. A molecule is made up of atoms, atoms are made up of electrons, neutrons, and protons, and protons are made up of quarks. Like Russian nesting dolls. However, all this means that somewhere there must be indivisible particle, the final point, which no longer has structure. String theory says that maybe it's not a particle. Inside the smallest point there may be an energy structure that vibrates like a string, but produces not a sound, but a particle. Depending on the frequency, the particles are different.

The string is so small that if an atom were the size of the universe, it would be the size of a tree. This is why string theory cannot yet be empirically verified. For three-dimensional space string theory doesn't work. But if there are more than 10 dimensions, it becomes consistent. Perhaps these measurements are very small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

There are numbers that completely describe our universe. These are the fundamental physical constants: the masses elementary particles, coefficients of electromagnetic interaction and others. If you change any of these numbers, the world will simply cease to exist. Perhaps these constants depend on the shape of the extra dimensions. The interaction of dimensions determines the interaction of the planets.

Observations have shown that the universe, expanding, is accelerating, not slowing down. What scatters galaxies? The fact is that the whole space is filled with fuel, dark energy, which pushes them apart. And it's been proven. How many dark energy need to overcome gravity? Its volume in in numerical terms looks like this: 128 zeros after the decimal point, and at the end the number 138. Today this is the main question of physics. Where did such a number come from? If a big bangs there was a lot, and each universe has its own amount of dark energy, it just means that in our universe its volume is as follows.

Our universe will become increasingly rarefied and uninhabitable. Life is generally a very passing phenomenon. It can disappear into the void of time and space. But if there are other universes, then they have life. Life may die here, but it will reappear in other Universes.

Universes can collide, and this provokes oscillations. If we find them, it will be the most significant moment in history, which will prove that we are not alone. But you can't go from one universe to another. We are in the time of the Big Bang.

In Newton's time, there was physics that you held in your hand. Today we have gone a long way from that. One day we may face the fact that we cannot understand something in principle. Maybe we're just not smart enough. A dog can be taught a lot, but you can never explain the theory of relativity to him. Although, maybe now some dog is sitting and laughing at me.

Hello! I am Masha Osetrova, and today I will tell you a little about what is hidden behind perhaps the most popular equation in history: E = m*c2.

Work, or, more correctly, - reflections - on the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein began at the age of sixteen. Then his imagination suggested to him a living picture, which ultimately led to the emergence special theory relativity.

At that time, it was known that light is a wave, and young Albert asked himself: “What will happen if you accelerate to the speed of light and fly next to the beam. Is it possible to see a "frozen wave" in this case? Common sense and experience, and most importantly, - fundamental equations Maxwell pointed out the impossibility of such a situation.

In order to more clearly imagine what happens when moving at near-light speed, Michio Kaku, the author of the book "Einstein's Cosmos", suggests considering such an example. Imagine that a policeman, calmly on duty at his post, having noticed a malicious speed violator, set off in pursuit of him. Let us assume that both the violator and the servant of the law are able to move at the speed of light.
Watching the spectacular chase from the side, we will see that the policeman, having properly accelerated, is moving on a par with the offender and is about to overtake him. But, strangely, from the position of a policeman, this story will sound completely different: in his opinion, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get any closer to the offender, leaving the policeman far behind.

For Einstein, it was this dispute that at one time represented the main, painful riddle: how can it be that two people see the same event in such a different way? If the speed of light is indeed a natural constant, then how can an observer claim that the policeman was walking almost on a level with the intruder, and the policeman himself swear that he could not even get close to him?
As usually happens in such cases, the genius managed to solve the problem at a completely unexpected moment. One day, returning home from his friend on the bus, Einstein looked at the famous clock tower overlooking the city of Bern, in which the scientist then lived. He imagined what would happen if suddenly the bus accelerated to the speed of light and began to fly away from the tower.

It was then that he realized that in such a situation the clock on the tower would have seemed to him to have stopped, since the light from them could not catch up with the bus, but that he own watch the bus would be perfectly fine. The answer to the question that tormented him turned out to be simple and elegant: time in different points The universe can go at different speeds depending on how fast you are moving.

At the end of 1905, Einstein wrote a short article that was destined to change world history. In it, he was able to show that the mass of an object increases the more the faster it moves. This means that the energy of movement is somehow transformed into an increase in the mass of the object. Mathematically, this fact is written simple expression: E = mc2.

It is worth noting, however, that in modern terminology, scientists try to avoid a wording that indicates that the mass of an object can depend on speed.

The scientific community was not immediately imbued with Einstein's ideas, at first meeting new theory deafening silence. Only with time outstanding the scholars of that time gradually turned their attention to the theory of relativity. For example, the idea of ​​the fundamental nature of the speed of light as a world constant interested one of the fathers quantum theory Max Planck.

He was attracted by some symmetry of the idea: according to the scientist, two constants - Planck's constant and the speed of light - marked the boundaries of the territory on which they acted " common sense and Newtonian physics. The extremely small Planck constant and tremendous speed light shields us from quantum world and space world with its wonderful laws.

Of course, the formulation of the special theory of relativity, dedicated to movement at velocities close to the speed of light, raised many questions. Many paradoxes have been devised to illustrate strange nature HUNDRED. In addition to the well-known paradox of twins, one of which flies away from the Earth on a rocket, there arose, for example, the paradox of placing a longer object inside a shorter one. It is illustrated by the capture of a three-meter tiger in a one-meter cage. Usually this is not possible, but if the tiger is moving fast enough, you can guess when he will shrink enough to fit in the cage.
In fact, these paradoxes are, of course, imaginary, and almost all of them are easily resolved using two tricks: first, one must always take into account the distortion of time that accompanies the distortion of space; and secondly, the comparison of objects should always be carried out in unified system reference (no matter how different objects may seem in their frames, reduction to one frame of reference, as a rule, helps to resolve the paradox).

That's all, read smart books, do not exceed the speed of light, read the Attic portal and watch the next issue in which I will tell you about quantum randomness.

Inquisitive minds are not accustomed to live without work. They struggle to analyze reality, trying to unravel it. creepy secrets. And they solve it, sometimes finding them in the most unexpected places. Let's find out what other sinister secrets of our lives have been unraveled by conspiracy theorists!

And in general, it was not the Titanic, but its twin brother, the Olympic. The Olympic was damaged in a collision with another ship, and in order to get insurance, its owners secretly switched the ship and drowned it along with the passengers. Well, if they had explained to us where the real Titanic was lost, the theory would have looked more convincing.

Denver Airport - headquarters of a mysterious secret society

It's all about the picturesque murals that adorn the Denver airport. People who are poorly familiar with the principles of contemporary art believe that in this way only some secret sect could designate the place of its presence - either the ancient sect of the Illuminati, or the underground society of the Nazis. Supporters latest version give one more proof: if you look closely, the building of the Denver airport from the air resembles a swastika.

Willy Wonka - serial killer

Hero famous movie"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", the eccentric Willy Wonka is not at all an eccentric wizard, but a real serial killer. And the main positive hero, the boy Charlie, at the end of the story does not fall into a fairy tale at all, but goes crazy, because the child's psyche is unable to digest the brutal murders that took place literally in front of the boy.

The phantom time hypothesis reads: Holy Roman Emperor Otto III wanted so much that the era of his reign included the 1000th year from the birth of Christ, that he forged all contemporary historical chronicles, eventually shifting time almost three centuries forward. How did he do it? And was it early Middle Ages fiction from start to finish? The proponents' explanations are wordy but contradictory.

And this, mind you, is not a professional flaw of the TV people, but a purposeful public policy, aimed at controlling the information pouring on citizens from blue screens. In the United States, supporters of this theory have already compiled an impressive photo database of such "fake witnesses" and replenish it daily.

Proponents of the "last Thursday theory" argue that all our memories and ideas about the world, including personal biography, the history of mankind, and indeed the entire universe, could have been created quite recently - well, say, last Thursday - and, therefore, are fiction from beginning to end. True, the main proof for the supporters of the theory is the fact that the opposite - that is, the truth of reality - is impossible to prove in principle.

Supporters of this theory argue that the contrails of aircraft in the sky are not exhaust steam at all, but traces of chemicals that the government sprays over cities and villages and which oppress the will and mind of citizens. As a result, we become less critical and more submissive. Chemists, however, know nothing about the existence of substances with a similar effect, working at such vast distances. So what? It is enough that conspiracy theorists know about them.

It's simple: there are many Universes, in each of which events occur slightly in their own way, and when we find ourselves at the point of their intersection, small everyday embarrassments occur. Proponents of this theory call it the "Mandela effect". According to them, when Nelson Mandela was in prison, many people were sure that he had died, and they remembered his death very vividly. I wonder if there are those among them who now believe that Mandela is in prison? ..

Supporters of the theory claim that after the death of the real McCartney in an accident, a look-alike contest was held, and the unfortunate Paul was secretly replaced with some kind of police officer from Birmingham. They also say that the rest of the Beatles at first agreed to participate in the deception, but then, repentant, they began to leave the audience with numerous clues in their songs and on the covers of discs. Look on the Internet - there the adherents of this version explain in detail how exactly the information about McCartney's death is encrypted on the original cover of the Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club album.

This conspiracy theory is perhaps the most controversial of all. On the one hand, the existence of mind control programs like MK-Ultra is a reality discussed even in the US Congress. On the other hand, criminals, even when they fall into the hands of justice, criminals and terrorists, for some reason, are in no hurry to expose themselves. The question involuntarily arises: are the CIA chemists mediocre, or are the corresponding programs not as scary and global as the conspiracy theorists are trying to claim?

Such figures appear on the fields regularly. Sometimes the interested public quickly finds wits who decide to play a trick on their neighbors in such a laborious way. But at times there is no instant solution to the riddle, and fans of flying saucers immediately explain what is happening by the actions of aliens who are trying in such a strange way to find mutual language with earthlings. Of course, no one explanation can be discounted, and yet, it seems, highly developed civilization could have tried to speak to us in a more understandable and logical language.

This theory seems to be over a thousand years old. And yet it still has its supporters. Some especially stubborn conspiracy theorists still continue to look for an entrance to inner world in Antarctic ice, but so far, alas, without success.

This theory is very popular. Exist whole organization, who for many years opposed water fluoridation as a means of brainwashing the masses. True, there is no logical evidence for this theory yet, with the exception of the main thing: why add something to the water supply, if not for sinister purposes?

This theory is just confirmed by numerous facts - from a waving flag stuck in lunar soil(where does the wind in the vacuum of the moon come from?) to the instructions for frames from Stanley Kubrick's film "2001: space odyssey”, almost one to one repeating the famous lunar footage. With such an abundant evidence base, it seems that supporters of this theory can no longer be persuaded.

The Kennedy assassination was the work of the American government

Not so long ago, historians, literally analyzing everything related to the assassination of President Kennedy literally in seconds, stated: shortly before the assassination attempt, the killer Lee Harvey Oswald met with representatives of the American political establishment, and this means something! True, supporters of a different version argue that Oswald also met with representatives Soviet intelligence, and some consider his contacts with representatives of underground extremist groups proven. In general, it seems that Lee Hari Oswald, like Figaro, was required literally by all of America. And with whom and about what he agreed - everyone decides in his own way.