Biographies Specifications Analysis

Praskovya Ivanovna Savelieva. Pasha Savelyeva is a true patriot of the motherland! Project "Winners": Praskovya Savelyeva

In the history of the Great Patriotic War, there are names that have entered our memory forever. One of them is Pasha Savelyeva, a graduate of the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute (now Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Credit and Economics).

Praskovya Ivanovna Savelyeva was born in the village of Zarubino, Rzhevsky district. She graduated from elementary school in the village of Greshnikovo. In 1936 - secondary school No. 3 in Rzhev. In 1937-1940 she studied at the Moscow Institute of Credit and Economics. Since 1940, she worked in a bank in Lutsk, Volyn region (now the Republic of Ukraine).

During Great Patriotic War she refused to evacuate and remained in the temporarily occupied territory. Already in the autumn of 1941, together with V.V. Izmailov organized an underground group in Lutsk. Underground workers distributed leaflets, organized the escape of Soviet prisoners of war from concentration camps, took out forms of German documents, medicines. After the death of Izmailov, the leadership of the group completely passed to Praskovya.

In the spring of 1943, the underground workers established contact with a partisan formation under the command of Dmitry Medvedev. At the same time, the activities of the group have changed significantly. Interacting with the partisans and having a detailed plan of Lutsk with the designation of all military facilities, the underground began to organize sabotage. Pasha Savelyeva organized sabotage on railway.

From the positions of the Nazis, the small Lutsk was one of the most suitable places for temporary storage of chemical munitions.

The Lutsk underground, which by this time was headed by Pasha Savelyeva, was tasked with finding a warehouse with chemical munitions, steal a sample of a chemical projectile and send it to D.N. Medvedev to a partisan detachment for subsequent dispatch to Moscow.

It was possible to find out with full probability that chemical munitions stored in a military warehouse near the station. A decision is made that several people dressed in German uniforms will enter the warehouse, remove the sentries, break the door of the room where the shells are stored, and take at least one out. The arrived person from the detachment, the same night, until the roads were blocked, had to take the chemical projectile to the appointed place.

The main battle group consisted of: Tkachenko, Neizvestny, Savelyeva. Pasha Savelyeva managed to get into the warehouse and seize a cylinder with a deadly poisonous filling.

Only two days later, full of anxiety and excitement, came the joyful news that the operation had ended successfully. Pasha was happy. She understood that the Soviet government now had not only documentary evidence of Hitler's preparations for chemical warfare, not only evidence of the use of gases by the Nazis that had already begun in some places, but also indisputable material evidence.

P.I. was arrested. Savelyev on the denunciation of a traitor on December 22, 1943. After terrible tortures and tortures, on January 12, 1944 (according to other sources, on January 13 or 14), she was burned in the courtyard of the Roman Catholic monastery in Lutsk. Before her death, on the wall of cell No. 14, turned into a cell, Pasha scrawled a note with a nail:

« A black, terrible minute is approaching. The whole body is crippled - no arms, no legs ... But I die in silence. It's scary to die at 26. How I wanted to live! In the name of the people who will come after us, in the name of you, Motherland, we are leaving ... Bloom, be beautiful, dear, and goodbye. Your Pasha". The note was published in Literaturnaya Gazeta on June 2, 1960.

Praskovya Ivanovna Savelyeva was posthumously awarded Order of Lenin.

So, thanks to a modest girl - a scout, the use of German chemical weapons against our country was prevented.

In memory of the dead, we must do everything so that the feat of the victors is never forgotten, and the memory of them is always passed on from generation to generation. This memory must be eternal! This is the civic duty of each of us.

The upbringing of traditions is laid in the family. Sometimes the younger generation does not know what heroic deeds their relatives performed. Nina Gostintseva, a primary school teacher at secondary school No. 15 in Tver, addressed the children at the lesson with an unusual question: why was the main street of the Yunost microdistrict in Tver named after Pasha Savelieva? Conducted a survey. Result: only two children wrote that Pasha Savelyeva was a Russian underground worker. Children from the Yunost microdistrict go to school along this street every day. But many of them did not even think about why she got this name.

The life and struggle against fascism of a 26-year-old girl turned out to be akin to a feat. Nina Gostintseva remarked: “When the first child brought the information, we began to read with the children about the last minute of her life. Both the children and I were amazed.”

In 1965, one of the central streets of the new Yunost microdistrict was named after the underground worker. The street named after her is located on the places of especially bloody battles. The 256th Rifle Division, formed in Sofrino, fought here.

The heroic and tragic events of the Great Patriotic War are fading into the past, but grateful humanity must always remember that it owes its life to the military generation of the Soviet country that defeated fascism.

In Soviet times, a museum dedicated to P. Savelyeva was created in Rzhev. In 1965, one of the streets in Rzhev was named after her. Later in Tver, Polyarnaya Street was renamed Pasha Savelyeva Street.

In 1972, a bronze monument was erected at the site of Savelyeva's death with the funds earned from subbotniks and personal contributions from the residents of Lutsk. In 1977, an artistic stamped envelope was issued in the USSR, which depicts a fragment of the monument to Pasha Savelyeva in Lutsk.

At the exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Foreign Intelligence Service, in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill, among the exhibits telling about the activities of female intelligence officers, there is an exposition about the intelligence officer Pasha Savelyeva.

But time passes, the Soviet Union no longer exists, in some countries there is a reassessment of the events of the recent and distant past, very often unfair. In May 2006, the first attempt was made to steal the monument to P. Savelyeva in Lutsk. He was thrown off the pedestal and hidden in the bushes. When falling, the sculpture was damaged. In July, after the restoration, the bust was installed again, but not on the pedestal, but next to it. In August of the same year, it was stolen again and has not yet been found.

In 2007, Pasha Savelyeva Street in Lutsk was renamed Halshki Gulevichivny Street. And so it happens too.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, retired colonel, reserve colonel, lieutenant colonel. Especially for website

The Tver land cherishes the memory of its fellow countrymen who stood shoulder to shoulder for their city during the war years. This is a series of stories about the legendary exploits of Tver residents, war veterans, partisans, home front workers who contributed to the victory over fascism.

Praskovya Savelyeva. Burned alive

She died when she was only 26 years old. So by name and patronymic - Praskovya Ivanovna - few people called her. More and more Pasha. And when in Rzhev and Tver they decided to name a street after her, Pasha Savelyeva Street appeared on the city map.

Pasha Savelyeva was born in the village of Zarubino, Rzhevsky district, Tver province. She graduated from school in Rzhev, and then the Moscow Institute of Credit and Economics. A year before the start of the war, she was assigned to the city of Lutsk. When the Nazis captured this city, Pasha Savelyeva organized an underground group. The underground workers established contact with the partisans. Pasha Savelyeva was involved in the organization of sabotage on the railway. The Lutsk underground managed to steal a sample of a secret chemical weapon from the Germans, which was transported to Moscow.

Pasha Savelyeva was arrested at the end of 1943. After severe torture, she was burned alive in the courtyard of the former Catholic monastery, where at that time there was a prison. In 1972, at the site of the death of Pasha Savelyeva, a monument appeared that the city of Lutsk could be proud of. Funds for it were earned on subbotniks, the townspeople handed over their personal money.

Alas, recently Ukraine does not want to keep the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In 2005, the bronze bust of Pasha Savelyeva was thrown off the pedestal, and then it was completely stolen. And yet, it is unlikely that the new creators of Ukrainian history will be able to erase the memory of the Great Patriotic War from the history of the country for a long time, which lives in every Ukrainian city, in every village, in every family. And I want to believe that the inhabitants of Lutsk will decide for themselves that the monument to Pasha Savelyeva should be in their city.

68 years have passed since the heroic death of a simple Russian girl, Pasha Savelyeva, who gave her life for her Motherland. Thus, bringing the Great Day of Victory over fascism closer.

In 1936 she graduated from a school in Rzhev, then the Moscow Institute of Credit and Economics. In 1940 it was distributed in the city of Lutsk.

During the Great Patriotic War, she refused to evacuate and already in the fall of 1941, together with V.V. Izmailov, organized an underground group in Lutsk. Underground workers distributed leaflets, organized the escape of Soviet prisoners of war from concentration camps, took out forms of German documents, medicines. After the death of Izmailov, the leadership of the group completely passed to Pasha.

In the spring of 1943, the underground workers established contact with a partisan formation under the command of Dmitry Medvedev. At the same time, the activities of the group have changed significantly. Interacting with the partisans and having a detailed plan of Lutsk with the designation of all military facilities, the underground began to organize sabotage. Pasha Savelyeva organized sabotage on the railway. Together with other underground workers, she stole a sample of a secret chemical weapon from the Germans, which was then transported to Moscow, thereby saving millions of Soviet soldiers from death.

On December 22, 1943, on the denunciation of the traitor P. I. Savelyeva, she was arrested by the Gestapo. January 12, 1944, after severe torture and torture, she was burned alive in the courtyard of the former Catholic monastery in Lutsk. Before her death, on the wall of cell No. 14, turned into a cell, Pasha scrawled a note with a nail: “A black, terrible minute is approaching. The whole body is crippled - no arms, no legs ... But I die in silence. It's scary to die at 26. How I wanted to live! In the name of the people who will come after us, in the name of you, Motherland, we are leaving ... Bloom, be beautiful, dear, and goodbye. Your Pasha.

These were the last words of the brave Komsomol member, scrawled on the wall of the prison cell. With these words, Pasha stepped into immortality.

In 1972, a bronze monument was erected at the site of the death of P.I.

But then the "new conquerors" came, after the coup d'etat in 1991, they, like the Nazis, again tried to destroy the memory, the resilience of the Komsomol members, their unshakable spirit. In a barbaric way, the "Ukrainian" nationalists, without embarrassment and not hiding, like Hitler in 1933 at the zenith of his agony, destroyed the monument to the fighter against fascism Pasha Savelyeva, because they fought on the same side of the trenches with the Nazis!

But do not break the barbarians of the memory of real Heroes! This place, as before, is sacred for true patriots of the motherland. It is today that Komsomol members begin collecting signatures and funds so that the monument to Pasha Savelyeva once again adorns the city.

Not a single conqueror has managed to break us, and you will not succeed, gentlemen, neo-Nazis ...

Exactly 68 years have passed since the heroic death of a simple Russian girl, Pasha Savelyeva, who gave her life for her Motherland. Thus, bringing the Great Day of Victory over fascism closer.

In 1936 she graduated from a school in Rzhev, then the Moscow Institute of Credit and Economics. In 1940 it was distributed in the city of Lutsk. During the Great Patriotic War, she refused evacuate and in the fall of 1941, together with V.V. Izmailov, organized an underground group in Lutsk. Underground workers distributed leaflets, organized the escape of Soviet prisoners of war from concentration camps, took out forms of German documents, medicines. After the death of Izmailov, the leadership of the group completely passed to Pasha.

In the spring of 1943, the underground workers established contact with a partisan formation under the command of Dmitry Medvedev. At the same time, the activities of the group have changed significantly. Interacting with the partisans and having a detailed plan of Lutsk with the designation of all military facilities, the underground began to organize sabotage. Pasha Savelyeva organized sabotage on the railway. Together with other underground workers, she stole a sample of a secret chemical weapon from the Germans, which was then transported to Moscow, thereby saving millions of Soviet soldiers from death.

On December 22, 1943, on the denunciation of the traitor P. I. Savelyeva, she was arrested by the Gestapo. January 12, 1944, after severe torture and torture, she was burned alive in the courtyard of the former Catholic monastery in Lutsk. Before her death, on the wall of cell No. 14, turned into a cell, Pasha scrawled a note with a nail: “A black, terrible minute is approaching. The whole body is crippled - no arms, no legs ... But I die in silence. It's scary to die at 26. How I wanted to live! In the name of the people who will come after us, in the name of you, Motherland, we are leaving ... Blossom, be beautiful, dear, and goodbye. Your Pasha.

These were the last words of the brave Komsomol member, scrawled on the wall of the prison cell. With these words, Pasha stepped into immortality.

Komsomol members of Lutsk and members of the Anti-Fascist Committee laid flowers at the place where Pasha was burned, and where in 1972 a bronze monument was erected at the site of the death of P.I.

But then the "new conquerors" came, after the coup d'etat in 1991, they, like the Nazis, again tried to destroy the memory, the resilience of the Komsomol members, their unshakable spirit. In a barbaric way, the "Ukrainian" nationalists, without embarrassment and not hiding, like Hitler in 1933 at the zenith of his agony, destroyed the monument to the fighter against fascism Pasha Savelyeva, because they fought on the same side of the trenches with the Nazis!

But do not break the barbarians of the memory of real Heroes! This place, as before, is sacred for true patriots of the motherland. It is today that Komsomol members begin collecting signatures and funds so that the monument to Pasha Savelyeva once again adorns the city.

Not a single conqueror has managed to break us, and you will not succeed, gentlemen, neo-Nazis ...

Hello dear readers!

We continue the topic started in the previous article. Successful military operations brought panic into the ranks of the Nazis, causing them attacks of furious rage.

In 1943, the Nazis began to prepare for chemical warfare. The partisan detachment received a radiogram from the Center about the arrival in one of the Ukrainian cities of ammunition stuffed with chemicals. It was instructed to monitor the arrival of chemical projectiles and deliver a sample of chemical weapons to the Center.

There were long weeks of hard work of the underground and partisans. Finally a message from scout Pasha Savelieva about the arrival of a train with shells at the Lutsk station. The Germans intended to test these shells and bombs on partisans and local residents. The fascists carry out all unloading work in an atmosphere of deep secrecy without involving either local loaders or prisoners in the work.

The operation was worked out in detail. The underground workers studied the location and approaches to the warehouses, the security system and the change of posts. For the success of the operation, it was necessary to obtain a German form, a password and a recall. Pasha Savelyeva herself led the group.

The hardest part was getting the password. At a certain hour, a sergeant major and two German soldiers appeared near the warehouse. They stopped a German who was hurrying from the changing of the guard. The barrel of a submachine gun rested on the chest of the non-commissioned officer. The question followed: "Password", "Rhine" - the soldier answered.

After passing several dozen steps, the scouts approached the sentry. The question again followed: “Password?”, “Rhine”, “Review?”, “Rex” - the sentry slowly lowered the machine gun. In a few seconds, he was dead... The three scouts successfully passed the barbed wire fence.

A little time passed and the heavy door of the warehouse slowly opened. Massive shells flashed on the racks, small cylinders with a deadly filling hung nearby. A boy-like soldier quickly hides the balloon in the bosom of his jacket and all three quietly disappear into the darkness of the night.

Now an important copy of the chemical filling must be quickly carried away from the city. On the same night, a messenger delivered a gas cylinder to the partisan "lighthouse", and then to Medvedev.

It was not possible to deliver the chemical filling to Moscow by plane, due to non-flying weather. The image of chemical weapons ordered to deliver on their own. It took the scouts four days to pass through the occupied territory. After several skirmishes with enemies, they still get through to their own. A day later, the deadly cargo was delivered to Moscow.

The death of a scout

It is still unknown whether someone betrayed Pasha Savelyeva and her true friends, or whether the Gestapo tracked down the underground. At the end of December 1943, she was arrested. She was politely interrogated and released, but the girl understood that she would be followed and she would not be able to leave the city.

She did not go out anywhere, tried not to meet with anyone, but a day later she was arrested again. there were others, several underground workers. It is known that under the most brutal torture, Pasha did not betray anyone. Until the last breath scout Pasha Savelyeva behaved with dignity, even hatched an escape plan. Pasha's executioners heard nothing but words of contempt for the Nazis.

The Red Army developed a swift offensive. Good news from the front caused an extraordinary uplift in the spirits of Dmitry Medvedev and the entire population of Ukraine. Under the blows of the Red Army, the siege of Leningrad was broken, and the offensive of our troops began in the North Caucasus.

The hour of the complete liberation of Ukraine was approaching. Artillery cannonade was already heard in the city. The brutalized, feeling their death, began to shoot the prisoners. Fearless Soviet scout Pasha Savelyeva was burned alive at the stake in the courtyard of the Lutsk prison. Dozens of prisoners saw with their own eyes a terrible execution. It was Pasha, at that time, only 26 years old.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Praskovya Ivanovna Savelyeva was awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously). The immortal memory of the fallen heroes, Ukraine and Lutsk, Russia, Rzhev and Tver remember it.

Pasha Savelyeva Street

In Tver, from the youngest Constitution Square, Pasha Savelyeva Street (formerly Polyarnaya Street) begins, then it passes through the residential area. On the street there is a secondary school No. 40, a driving school, a shopping center "Dune", car service enterprises, a network of sports stores, a pet store, dry cleaning and other various enterprises of the city.

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