Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Volga river in Chuvashia description. Holidays in Chuvashia

Chuvashia occupies the north-eastern part of the Volga Upland with the Chuvash plateau, strongly dissected by ravines and gullies, which abruptly ends towards the Volga. In the west and southwest, the plateau passes into the Sursky trough; on the left bank of the Volga, on the territory of the republic, there is a part of the marshy Mari Lowland.

The Chuvash Republic is part of the Volga Federal District. The administrative center is Cheboksary.

The territory of the republic is 18,343 km2, the population (as of January 1, 2017) is 1,235,863 people.

Surface water resources

The water bodies of Chuvashia belong to the Caspian Sea basin - the Volga basin.

The river network of the republic is represented by 2,356 rivers with a total length of 8,650 km (the density of the river network is 0.47 km/km 2), most of which are small rivers and streams. The rivers of Chuvashia are characterized by mixed feeding with a predominance of snow. The rivers belong to the Eastern European type of water regime, which is characterized by spring floods with a sharp increase in water level, summer-autumn low water, interrupted by rain floods, and winter low water. The rivers freeze in November and open in April. The largest rivers

The republics are the Volga and its tributaries of the first and second order - the Sura and Alatyr (a tributary of the Sura). About a quarter of the republic's territory is located within the basin of the Tsivil River, a right tributary of the Volga.

According to data as of January 1, 2015, 39.4 thousand m 3 /day was produced and extracted from underground water bodies of Chuvashia during the year, including 17.1 thousand m 3 /day in the fields.

is 7.95%. Provision of population with water resources (according to 2015 data) The provision of the population of Chuvashia with river flow resources is 64.369 thousand m 3 /year per person, which is higher than both the Russian average (31.717 thousand m 3 /year per person) and the Volga region indicator

federal district (8.533 thousand m 3 /year per person). Availability of forecast resources

Below is the dynamics of the provision of river flow resources to the population of Chuvashia in 2010–2015.

Water use (as of 2015)

The withdrawal of water resources from all types of natural sources in Chuvashia is 99.07 million m3, most of which is taken from surface water bodies - 85.34 million m3 or 86.14%, which is 0.11% of the annual river flow. Below is the dynamics of fresh water intake in Chuvashia in 2010–2015.

The total water losses during transportation in the republic are 2.27 million m3 or 2.29% of withdrawn water, which is lower than both the federal district figure (5.42%) and the Russian average (11.02%).

Below is the dynamics of water losses during transportation in the region in 2010–2015.

– 96.78 million m3. A significant part of the water was used for drinking and domestic needs, as well as industrial needs (47.94% and 34%, respectively), agricultural water supply and irrigation accounted for 1.73% and 0.28%, respectively.

Below is the dynamics of water consumption in the region in 2010–2015.

Domestic water consumption per capita in Chuvashia is 37.521 m 3 /year per person, which is lower than both the Russian average and the federal district indicator (56.205 and 53.841 m 3 /year per person, respectively). According to this indicator, the Chuvash Republic ranks last among the regions of the federal district. Below is the dynamics of domestic water consumption per capita in the region in 2010–2015.

in Chuvashia – 475.92 million m3 or 83.1% of the total water consumption in the region.

Below is the dynamics of direct-flow and recycling and re-sequential water consumption in the republic in 2010–2015. Discharge of wastewater into water bodies of the region is 101.83 million m3, of which 63.18% is conditionally pure and standardly treated wastewater and 36.82% is polluted and insufficiently treated. The republic generates 1.49% of the total volume of polluted and insufficiently treated wastewater in the Volga Federal District and 0.26% in Russia. Below is the dynamics of water disposal in the region in 2010–2015. In the water supply of Chuvashia, non-compliance with standards for sanitary and chemical indicators was recorded in 20% of samples taken, and for microbiological indicators - in 0.7% of samples. In non-centralized water supply systems, the quality of 29.3% of samples for sanitary-chemical indicators and 7.7% of samples for microbiological indicators did not meet the standard. Below is the dynamics of the corresponding indicators in the region in 2010–2014.

Water management

The Chuvash Republic is in the area of ​​responsibility of the Upper Volga Basin Water Administration of the Federal Agency for Water Resources of Russia.

Functions for providing public services and the management of federal property in the field of water resources on the territory of the republic is carried out by the Department of Water Resources of the Upper Volga Water Resources Institution for the Chuvash Republic.

The powers in the field of water relations transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the functions of providing public services and managing regional property in the field of water resources in the region are carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Chuvash Republic.

On the territory of the republic, the State program “Development of the potential of natural raw materials and increasing environmental safety" for 2014–2020, the structure of which includes the subprogram "Development of the water management complex of the Chuvash Republic." Among the objectives of the program are the protection of water bodies and increasing their carrying capacity, preventing the negative impact of water, protecting settlements, economic facilities and social infrastructure from flooding and inundation, ensuring trouble-free operation of hydraulic structures and others.

When preparing the material, data from State reports “On the condition and protection of environment Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of water resources of the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of land in the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the environmental situation in the Chuvash Republic in 2015”, collection “Regions Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2016" In regional rankings for surface and underground water resources indicators of federal cities are not taken into account –

The Chuvash Republic has significant natural water reserves. 2,356 rivers and streams flow entirely or partially within the republic total length 8650 km. All of them belong to the Volga basin.

The largest part of them (93.1%) has a length of less than 10 km, that is, they are classified as the smallest. There are 119 (5%) rivers with a length of 10-25 km, 5 (0.2%) from 101 to 500 km, and 2 (0.1%) over 500 km (Table 1).

Table 1

Number and length of rivers on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

Gradation of rivers, watercourses Length of rivers, km Number of units % Total length of rivers, km %
1 Smallest <10 2193 93,1 5030 55,5
2 The smallest 10-25 119 5,0 1676 18,5
3 Small 26-100 37 1,6 1418 15,6
4 Average 101-500 5 0,2 526 5,8
5 Large >500 2 0,1 420 4,6
6 Total 2356 100 9070 100

The density of the republic's river network is 0.48 km/km 2 . The highest values ​​of river network density (up to 1.2 km/km 2) are confined to the elevated northern part of Chuvashia, which is distinguished by a complex geological and tectonic structure with developed microfolding and numerous aquifers. South part republic is characterized by more poor development river network.

The water regime of small rivers is characterized by stable, but low water content during low water periods and high water content during high water periods. Their stable low-water period is formed mainly by underground recharge waters. Low intensity of underground recharge is characterized for the central and south-eastern parts of the republic. The area of ​​medium intensity underground recharge occupies the southwestern part of the republic along the right bank of the Sura River, as well as the Trans-Volga region. Average long-term water flows according to data from passports of small rivers are: Bolshoy Tsivil river - 21.2 m 3 /sec, Maly Tsivil river - 5.77 m 3 /sec, Anish river - 3.3 m 3 /sec, river Kubnya - 7.6 m 3 /sec, Bula River - 4.56 m 3 /sec. Water flow rates during low-water periods, as a rule, do not exceed 1.0 m 3 /sec. Only in the middle reaches of the Bolshoy Tsivil and Kubnya, as well as in the lower reaches of the Abyss and Kiri, 1-3 m 3 /sec flows. In domestic mode, more than 80% of the volume annual flow on small rivers it occurs during spring floods.

The main rivers flowing through the territory of the republic are the Volga and Sura. The most significant of the small rivers are the Bolshoy Tsivil, Maly Tsivil, Anish, Kubnya and Bula (Table 2).

table 2

Main rivers on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

River name Catchment area, thousand km 2 Average annual flow rate, m 3 /s Annual flow volume, km 3
average largest least
1 Volga 629,0 3510 111,0
2 Sura 65,5 251,1 11,7 16,02 3,91
3 Alatyr 11,2 41,2 1,93 2,47 0,53
4 Civil 4,69 18,3 0,92 1,20 0,39
5 Anish 0,89 3,3 0,16 0,22 0,05
6 Kubnya 2,0 7,6 0,34 0,44 0,14
7 Bula 1,22 4,5 0,20 0,27 0,08


Located in the northeastern part of the Volga Upland, characterized by a pronounced erosional relief, the Chuvash Republic is characterized by a weak saturation of lake forms. There are no large lakes in the republic. There are 754 lakes in total. Over 85% of total number lakes do not exceed an area of ​​5 hectares. The largest lakes in terms of water surface area are: Chernoye - 40 hectares, Bolshoye Lebedinoye - 30 hectares, Beloe - 18 hectares, Kulhiri - 14 hectares, Svetloye - 13 hectares. The vast majority of lakes have shallow depths of up to - 2.5 m. Only 7 lakes have maximum depth more than 10 m (Table 3).

Table 3

Lakes on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

Name Mirror area, km 2 Water volume,
km 3
1 Al 0,10 0,0004
2 Bolshoye Lebedinoye 0,30 0,0005
3 White 0,18 0,0005
4 Külhiri 0,14 0,0007
5 Light 0,13 0,0004
6 Shadows 0,09 0,0004
7 Black 0,40 0,0005

The distribution of lakes in Chuvashia is uneven. Most of the lakes are located in the floodplains of the Sura and Tsivil rivers. There are 113 of them in the watershed areas. According to the origin, the lakes are karst, suffosion, karst-suffosion, interdune or floodplain.

Despite their small size, the lakes are of great importance for the densely populated republic. Their waters are widely used by the population and in the national economy. In a number of rural settlements they are the only source of domestic water supply. Sapropel is extracted from Lake Kogoyar and is used in medicine.

There has been no systematic study of the chemical composition of lake water. According to sporadic studies, they are fresh or slightly mineralized, predominantly hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium.


The good drainage of the main part of the territory of Chuvashia due to its deep and strong dissection excludes conditions for the formation of swamps. In the republic, swamps are common on floodplains and above-floodplain river terraces.

Relatively large swamps are confined to the Trans-Volga part of the republic on the second and third above-floodplain terraces of the Volga River - “White Lipsha” (6.5 thousand hectares), “Dryannoye” (14.2 thousand hectares), as well as to the floodplain of the Sura River and its above-floodplain terraces - “Bolshoye Lesnoye” (11.3 thousand hectares), “Zasypino-Suslovskoye” (4.2 thousand hectares), “Kovyrlovo” (5.2 thousand hectares) and “Novo-Goreloye” ( 6.1 thousand hectares).

By origin, the swamps are predominantly lowland, some are transitional, and only a few small upland swamps. The thickness of peat deposits reaches 5-8 m. The average ash content of peat is about 20-25%. It is rich in minerals, as a result of which the extracted peat is mainly used as fertilizer (Table 4).

The resources and quality of bog waters have not been studied.

Table 4

Swamps on the territory of the Chuvash Republic

Name Mirror area, km 2 Water volume,
km 3
1 White Lipsha 6,5 -
2 Bolshoye Lesnoye 11,3 -
3 Trashy 14,2 -
4 Zasypino-Suslovskoe 4,2 -
5 Kovirlovo 5,2 -
6 Newly burnt 6,1 -

Civil River. The right tributary of the Volga is the river. Tsivil (Big Tsivil before its confluence with the Small Tsivil River) the largest of the small rivers of the republic originates 5 km west of the village. Tarkhany of the Shumerlinsky district and flows 1939 km from the mouth. Its length is 172 km, the drainage area is 4658 km2. The river basin is located within the Shumerlinsky, Vurnarsky, Alikovsky, Kanashsky, Ibresinsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Morgaushsky, Tsivilsky, Marposadsky and Cheboksary districts. The basin is dominated by tributaries less than 10 km long. Their number reaches 638, and their total length is 1270 km. There are 42 tributaries longer than 10 km, their total length is 904 km. The density of the river network reaches 0.8 km/km2, there are tributaries of the sixth and seventh order. The main tributaries of the river. The Tsivils are Maly Tsivil (134 km), Unga (65 km), Sorma (52 km), Ryksha (42 km), Kukshum (36 km), Bolshaya Shatma (34 km) and Khirlep (30 km). The water quality in the Tsivil River was most significantly affected by the discharge of untreated and insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial and agricultural enterprises of the Vurnarsky, Kanashsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Tsivilsky, Cheboksary districts and OJSC "Khimprom" of Novocheboksarsk. Small Civil River. The main tributary of the Tsivil River is the Little Tsivil. The sources of the river are located in the Vurnarsky district in the state forest fund. The length of the river is 134 km, the drainage area is 1442 km2, it flows into the river. Tsivil north of the city of Tsivilsk. The river, like all small rivers, is fed primarily by snow. The average long-term water flow at the mouth is 5.77 m3/sec. Up to 90% of the annual runoff occurs during spring floods. The water flow at the Shigali village post in 2004 was 5.41 m3/sec, with the maximum flow being on March 28 - 96.6 m3/sec. The river is polluted due to discharges from enterprises in the Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky, Kanashsky, and Tsivilsky districts. Middle Civil River. A small tributary, 20 km long, begins its flow in the state forest fund on the territory of the Shumerlinsky district and flows into the river. Tsivil near the village of Chalym-Kukshum, Vurnar district. The drainage area is 212 km2. The river is polluted due to discharges from agricultural enterprises in the Vurnar region.

Geography of Chuvashia

Chuvashia is located on the East European Plain, in the middle reaches of the Volga.

Most of the territory (54%) is represented by agricultural land, of which 80% are under arable land, others under meadows and pastures. Forests in the republic cover 33%, of which 94% are owned government agencies forestry management, and the rest (6%) are owned by agricultural enterprises and organizations. Forests serve mainly water protection, sanitary, hygienic and protective functions, but are also quite important as a source of wood.

The main river flowing through the republic is the Volga (length in Chuvashia is 127 km), into which many large and small rivers flow (2356). There are 754 lakes in Chuvashia, of which about 600 are floodplain, the rest are karst, and in the Volga region they are interdune.

The role of the Volga River in economic development CR

The Volga crosses our republic on a 140-kilometer stretch in its northern part. Its waters are used for domestic and industrial needs by cities and towns adjacent to its banks.

Behind last years The sanitary condition of water bodies in Chuvashia has stabilized. In terms of pollution levels, large and small rivers belong to classes 3-6. The main pollutants were petroleum products, compounds of iron, copper and zinc. According to experts, the water of the Cheboksary Reservoir is moderately polluted: swimming is possible, but drinking is not recommended.

To put an end to the poisoning of rivers, lakes and reservoirs in the republic, a “Program state monitoring surface water bodies of state monitoring of water management systems and structures on the territory of the Chuvash Republic." Rains are not so harmless, powerful storm flows of which fall into rivers and reservoirs. On their way, they wash away fuels, lubricants and other pollutants from roads, sidewalks, asphalt areas environment. Storm drains have become the main poisoners of water bodies. In Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, it is necessary to build citywide ones. wastewater treatment plants storm sewer. The series of structural “reforms” of housing and communal services that took place in Cheboksary temporarily postponed the “certification” of storm drains from capital enterprises of all forms of ownership. This is not to say that the city authorities are still doing nothing. Storm drainage along Afanasyev Street and Egersky Boulevard, the mine sewer of the Universitetsky 1-2 microdistrict, the wastewater treatment facilities of the Vozhsky-2 microdistrict - this is an incomplete list of projects that are moving from the approval stage to implementation. OJSC Promtractor built an oil trap at the fuel and lubricants warehouse. It is a pity that the construction of a settling tank for the city-wide wastewater treatment plant, where storm water from all districts of the capital will be directed, has been temporarily frozen. In Novocheboksarsk, a rainwater drainage project for the city embankment is ready for implementation. In the city of chemists, where the RGUP Biological Treatment Plants is located, the republican authorities spent about 10 million rubles on the reconstruction of the mechanical dewatering workshop and aeration systems. At JSC Khimprom, all new equipment is installed taking into account the environmental safety of the environment.

All of the above factors seriously affect the ecological condition of fishery water bodies and the replenishment of fish stocks. The point is not at all in the “assortment” of prey that local amateur fishermen catch. As Valentin Karimov, senior inspector of the Cheboksary Fishery Protection Agency, told MK in Cheboksary, his colleagues are observing positive progress in the implementation of the state policy “For Clean Water”. The list of fish that breed in the reservoirs and rivers of our republic has noticeably expanded. Many of the valuable species are very finicky and survive only where man has provided clean air and water to God’s creatures.

Fishing has not yet been established in the economy of Chuvashia, but thanks to the project “For Clean Water”, the list of fish has noticeably expanded and with the established work of the fishery it can become one of the main sources of income in the Chuvash Republic.

The Volga River plays a significant role in the economy of Chuvashia thanks to the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, which provides electricity to all regions of the Chuvash Republic.

But the presence of hydroelectric power stations is associated with poor navigation conditions in the strategically important waterway, connecting the north and south of our country.

Director of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant V. Lagutin believes that solving this enormous task should be approached in a comprehensive manner. Suppose the ships pass through the Nizhny Novgorod section, loaded to capacity, and should they be unloaded near our locks? After all, the Cheboksary hydroelectric complex allows ships that are 30 percent lighter. In the current dry and low-water year, they could only pass along the upper Volga when water was being released from the Rybinsk Reservoir. They were lined up in a caravan, water was dumped and they were escorted on a wave to the Gorky Sea. They also sent to Cheboksary. This caused the level in the Rybinsk Reservoir to drop so much that the hydroelectric power station had to be shut down. This became possible due to the fact that three neighbors - Nizhny Novgorod, Chuvash and Mari - for 24 years could not agree on raising the level in the upper pool of the Cheboksary hydroelectric station to 65 meters.

The transport complex of the Chuvash Republic includes automobile, urban electric, air, river and railway transport. The main highways run through the republic, which provide transport access to the northern, eastern, southern and central regions of the country and beyond. More than 20% of cargo is transported by river transport.

During the 2007 navigation period, 2236.5 thousand tons of cargo were sent by inland water transport of the republic, which is 3.4% more than the volume sent by river vessels during the 2006 navigation period.

Since ancient times, the Chuvash region has been rich in healing natural resources. A striking example This is the balneoclimatic sanatorium "Chuvashia", located on the banks of the Volga River, opposite the capital of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, in a picturesque pine forest.

The natural complex of the Chuvashia sanatorium has all the features of a resort area. According to the medical and climatic conclusion, the territory of the sanatorium is an environmentally friendly facility. Temperate climate middle zone Russia creates favorable conditions for good rest and treatment.

There are numerous beaches and recreation centers on the banks of the Volga River. One of the priority sectors of the economy is the development of tourism in the Czech Republic. A special program for the development of tourism in the Czech Republic has been created.

Chapter II. Public policy And government regulation in the field of tourism

Article 3. State policy in the field of tourism

The Chuvash Republic, recognizing tourism as one of the priority sectors of the economy:

promotes tourism activities and creates favorable conditions for its development;

forms an idea of ​​the Chuvash Republic as a region favorable for tourism;

develops an effective economic mechanism that promotes the development of the tourism industry, stimulates an increase in tourist flows and attracts investment in the tourism sector;

provides equal conditions for the implementation of tourism activities by individuals and legal entities and public associations, promotes the development of competition;

ensures increased potential of the national tourism complex;

creates a regulatory framework in the field of tourism in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

promotes development international cooperation in the field of tourism.

The coordination of tourism activities in the Chuvash Republic is carried out by the authorized executive body of the Chuvash Republic in the field of tourism in accordance with its competence established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic.