Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The most efficient army The best army in history

Since ancient times, the armed forces have been the main and main guarantor of the independence of any country and the security of its citizens. Diplomacy, interstate treaties are also important factors of international stability, but as practice shows, when it comes to a military conflict, they often do not work. The events in Ukraine are clear proof of this. Indeed, who wants to shed the blood of their soldiers for the interests of others? Today we will try to answer the question - whose army is the strongest in the world, whose military power is unrivaled?

As the Russian emperor Alexander III once said: "Russia has only two reliable allies - these are its army and navy." And he is one hundred percent right. Naturally, this statement is true not only for Russia, but also for any other state.

Today, there are more than 160 armies in the world of various sizes, weapons and military doctrines.

One of the greatest commanders in history, the French emperor Napoleon I believed that "big battalions are always right", but in our time the situation has changed somewhat.

It should be understood that the strength of a modern army is determined not only by its strength, but in many respects it also depends on the effectiveness of its weapons, the training of fighters, and their motivation. The time of mass recruiting armies is gradually fading into the past. Modern armed forces are a very expensive pleasure. The cost of the latest tank or fighter aircraft is estimated at tens of millions of dollars, and only very rich countries can afford a large and strong army.

There is another factor that emerged after the end of World War II - nuclear weapons. Its power is so terrifying that it still keeps the world from starting another global conflict. Today, two states have the largest nuclear arsenals - Russia and the United States. A conflict between them is guaranteed to lead to the end of our civilization.

On the Internet, disputes often flare up about which is the most powerful army in the world. This question is somewhat incorrect, since only a full-scale war can compare armies. There are too many factors that determine the strength or weakness of certain armed forces. When compiling our rating, we took into account the size of the armed forces, their technical equipment, the development of the military-industrial complex, army traditions, as well as the level of funding.

When compiling the top 10 most powerful armies in the world, the factor of the existence of nuclear weapons was not taken into account.

So, meet the strongest armies in the world.

10. Germany. The Bundeswehr opens our ranking of the top 10 most powerful armies on the planet - the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. It consists of the ground forces, the navy, the air force, the medical and sanitary service and the logistics service.

The number of armed forces of the Bundeswehr is 186 thousand people, the German army is completely professional. The country's military budget is $45 billion. Despite the rather modest size (compared to other participants in our rating), the German army is very highly trained, equipped with the latest types of weapons, but the military traditions of Germany can only be envied. It should be noted the highest level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - German tanks, aircraft, small arms are deservedly considered one of the best in the world.

Germany could count on a higher place in the top 10, but the foreign policy of this country is peaceful. Apparently, the Germans fought enough in the last century, so they are no longer drawn to military adventures. In addition, Germany has been a member of NATO for many years, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

9. France. In ninth place in our ranking is France - a country with the richest military traditions, a very advanced military-industrial complex and significant armed forces. Their number is 222 thousand people. The country's military budget is $43 billion. The military-industrial complex of France makes it possible to provide its army with almost all the necessary weapons - from small arms to tanks, aircraft and reconnaissance satellites.

However, it should be noted that the French, like the Germans, do not seek to resolve foreign policy issues by military means. France has no disputed territories with its neighbors, as well as frozen conflicts.

8. UK. In eighth place in our ranking is Great Britain - a country that managed to create a world empire in which the sun did not set. But that's in the past. Today, the strength of the British armed forces is 188 thousand people. The country's military budget is $53 billion. The British have a very worthy military-industrial complex, which is able to manufacture tanks, aircraft, warships, small arms and other types of weapons.

England has the second (after the USA) navy in terms of tonnage. It includes nuclear submarines, two light aircraft carriers are being built for the country's Navy.

The British Special Operations Forces are considered among the best in the world.

Great Britain is involved in almost all military conflicts where the United States is present (the first and second conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan). So the experience of the English army does not hold.

7. Turkey. The army of this country is considered the strongest among the Muslim armies of the Middle East. The descendants of the warlike Janissaries managed to create a very combat-ready armed forces, which in the region are second only to the army of Israel in their power. That is why Turkey is in seventh place in our ranking.

6. Japan. In sixth place in our top 10 ranking is Japan, which formally does not have an army at all, its functions are performed by the so-called “self-defense forces”. However, do not let this name mislead you: the country's armed forces number 247 thousand people and are in fourth place in terms of numbers in the Pacific region.

The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese have not yet concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

Japan has a strong air force, ground forces and an impressive navy, which is considered one of the strongest in the world. Japan has more than 1600 combat aircraft, 678 tanks, 16 submarines, 4 helicopter carriers.

This country has the third most powerful economy in the world, so it is not difficult for Japan to allocate serious money for the maintenance and development of its army. Japan's military budget is $47 billion, which is pretty good for a military of this size.

Separately, it should be noted the high level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - in terms of their technical equipment, the Japanese armed forces are considered one of the best in the world. Today in Japan they are developing a fifth-generation fighter, and it will probably be ready in the coming years.

In addition, Japan is one of the closest US allies in the region. There are American bases on the territory of the country, the United States supplies Japan with the latest types of weapons. However, despite this, Japan plans to further increase defense spending. Well, the descendants of the samurai do not hold experience and fighting spirit.

5. South Korea. Fifth place in our top 10 ranking is occupied by another state in Southeast Asia - South Korea. This country has an impressive armed forces with a total strength of 630 thousand people. It is in third place in the region, behind only China and North Korea. South Korea has been living in a state of war for more than sixty years - peace between Pyongyang and Seoul has never been concluded. The armed forces of the DPRK number almost 1.2 million people, the North Koreans consider their southern neighbors the main enemy and constantly threaten them with war.

It is clear that in such a situation, South Korea has to pay a lot of attention to the development of its own army. Every year, $33.7 billion is allocated for defense needs. The South Korean army is considered one of the most equipped not only in its region, but also in the world. South Korea is one of the closest and most devoted allies of the United States in the region, so the Americans supply Seoul with the latest weapons, and there are US bases in the country. Therefore, if the conflict between the DPRK and South Korea does start, it is not a fact that the northerners (despite their numerical superiority) will emerge victorious from it.

4. India. In fourth place in our top 10 ranking is the armed forces of India. This vast, populous, booming economy has a military force of 1.325 million and spends approximately $50 billion on defense.

In addition to the fact that India is the owner of nuclear weapons, its armed forces are the third largest in the world. And there is a simple explanation for this: the country is in a state of permanent conflict with its neighbors: China and Pakistan. In the recent history of India, there have been three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are also unresolved territorial disputes with a strong China.

India has a strong navy, which includes three aircraft carriers and two nuclear submarines.

Every year, the Indian government spends serious sums on the purchase of new weapons. And if before the Indians mainly bought weapons made in the USSR or Russia, now they increasingly prefer higher-quality Western models.

In addition, recently the country's leadership has been paying much attention to the development of its own military-industrial complex. A few years ago, a new strategy for the development of the defense industry was adopted, which is carried out under the motto "Make in India". Now, when buying weapons, Indians give preference to those suppliers who are ready to open production facilities in the country and share the latest technologies.

3. China. In third place in our ranking of the top 10 strongest armies is the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). These are the largest armed forces on the planet - their number is 2.333 million people. China's military budget is the second largest in the world, second only to the United States. It is 126 billion dollars.

China is striving to become the second superpower after the United States, and it is impossible to do this without a powerful armed forces, it definitely cannot do without the largest army in the world.

Today, the Chinese are armed with 9150 tanks, 2860 aircraft, 67 submarines, a large number of combat aircraft and multiple launch rocket systems. There has been some debate about how many warheads the PRC has in stock for quite some time: the official figure is several hundred pieces, but some experts believe that the Chinese have an order of magnitude more.

The Chinese army is constantly improving its technical level. If ten or fifteen years ago most of the types of military equipment in service with the PLA were outdated copies of Soviet models, today the situation has changed dramatically.

At present, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth-generation fighter, its latest developments in the field of tank building and missile weapons are not much inferior to samples made in Russia or in the West. Much attention is paid to the development of the naval forces: recently, the first aircraft carrier (the former Varyag, bought from Ukraine) appeared in the PRC Navy.

Given the vast resources (financial, human, technological) that China has, the armed forces of this country in the coming years will become a formidable rival for the countries that occupy the first positions in our ranking.

2. Russia. In second place in our top 10 ranking are the Russian armed forces, which in many respects remain the strongest on the planet.

In terms of the number of personnel, the Russian army ranks only fifth, behind the United States, China, India and North Korea. Its number is 798 thousand people. The budget of the Russian defense department is $76 billion. However, at the same time, it has one of the most powerful ground forces in the world: more than fifteen thousand tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and combat helicopters.

1. USA. The United States of America is in first place in the top 10. In terms of the number of personnel, the US Army is second only to China (albeit significantly), its number is 1.381 million people. At the same time, the US military department has a budget that the generals of other armies can only dream of - $ 612 billion, which allows it to be the most powerful country in the world.

The strength of modern military forces depends largely on their funding. Therefore, the huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows Americans to develop and purchase the most advanced (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army at the highest level, and simultaneously conduct several military campaigns in different parts of the world.

Today, the US Army is armed with 8,848 tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and other military equipment, and 3,892 military aircraft. If during the years of the Cold War, Soviet strategists focused on tanks, the Americans were actively developing combat aircraft. Currently, the US Air Force is rightfully considered the strongest in the world.

The United States has the most powerful navy, which includes ten aircraft carrier groups, more than seventy submarines, a large number of aircraft and support ships.

The Americans are leaders in the development of the latest military technologies, and their range is very wide: from the creation of lasers and robotic combat systems to prosthetics.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

There have been many great men in different fields of human activity throughout history: from science to art, from philosophy to politics, from business to technology, but none of these great men shed more blood than the greatest warriors in history. So take a deep breath and get ready to discover 25 of the deadliest, most brutal and bloodthirsty warriors that have ever lived.

25. Alaric I Visigoth

Alaric was the king of the Visigoths, who distinguished himself by the fact that he destroyed Rome. This made him an honorary Roman citizen and magister militum, "master of soldiers", a valued member of the Roman Empire. After taking Rome, Alaric led his troops south into Campania, taking Nola and Capua along the way. Alaric headed for the Roman province of Africa, where he was about to supply his army with provisions from Rome's granary, but a storm destroyed his ships, temporarily blocking his passage. Only Mother Nature could defeat Alaric the Barbarian.

24. Roland

Roland was a great French warrior and medieval hero of folklore who was immortalized in the Chanson de Roland poem which was written in the eleventh or twelfth century. Historically, Count Roland was Charlemagne's commander on the Breton frontier and his finest warrior. According to legend, he was killed in a pass in the Pyrenees when the Basques cut off the rear of the Frankish army as they were returning from their invasion of Spain in 778.

23. Horace Cockle

Horace Cockle was a legendary Roman hero who defended the bridge over the Tiber when the city was attacked by the Etruscans. Just keep in mind that Horace lost an eye in battle due to an arrow that went into his eye, which he removed (with his eye still on it), and continued fighting like a beast, hence the name "Cockle", which means "one eyed". I don't think this man's heroism can be called into question, do you?

22. Prince Rupert of the Rhine

Despite the fact that Prince Rupert looked like a soft boy and from an insanely wealthy family, the man was really ambitious. By the age of fourteen, the German prince had already joined the army and began his very varied, colorful career, although he
best known for commanding the royal cavalry during the English Civil War.

Although Prince Rupert was an inventor, artist, entrepreneur, it was his fighting skills and ruthless warrior spirit that made him special. For reference, he was such a skilled warrior that his enemies at some point began to believe that he had supernatural powers and could not be killed.

21. Vercingetorig

In France, this is the first national hero, Vercingetorix managed to unite several independent Celtic tribes in order to defeat the warlike Romans. He fought valiantly and ferociously to save Gaul from the Roman army. His troops were eventually defeated at Alesia and Vercingetorix was forced to surrender after fighting the mighty Roman army with everything he had.

20. William Wallace

William Wallace became world famous thanks to Mel Gibson's Braveheart, but those who know European history already knew what a great warrior this legendary Scot was. Wallace is considered one of the most significant Scottish national heroes for his fight to the death to free Scotland from English rule.

19. Vasily II

Basil the "Bulgarian" was one of the most brutal, ruthless emperors in history. He was a Byzantine emperor of Greek origin from the Macedonian dynasty and ruled over the vast Byzantine Empire for almost fifty years from January 976 to 1025. After his death, the empire stretched from southern Italy to the Caucasus and from the Danube to the borders of Palestine, this was the time of its greatest dawn, when the empire's borders were the most extended in the last four centuries, its conquest included many bloody battles in which Basil II always fought more fiercely than any other warrior in the army.

18. Attila

Attila the Hun was born on the territory of modern Hungary and became one of the most cruel and merciless rulers. He was known for his piercing gaze, and according to historian Edward Gibbon, he often rolled his eyes as if enjoying the terror he inspired. He also frightened his opponents with the fact that his sword belonged to Ares, the Greek god of war, and judging by his brutal attacks and battles against the Roman Empire, his intimidation tactics worked.

17. Yue Fei

During his 25-year military career, Yue Fei fought 126 battles, mostly in central China, and never lost a single battle. In addition, he rose through the ranks from private to Commander of the Imperial Forces, he invented many styles of martial arts and wrote a bunch of epic poetry about how he defeats his enemies. Currently, he is considered a national hero in China and a symbol of unity, patriotism and loyalty.

16. Eirik I Bloodaxe

Eric the Bloody was a Norwegian prince and the last independent king of York. He became king of the Northumbrians twice, in 947 and 952. He is considered one of the most legendary names in Viking history due to his incredible skill and bravery on the battlefield and his warrior spirit.

15. Arminius

Arminius was a German military leader in the early first century AD. He is remembered as the great warrior who repulsed the Romans at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where he literally destroyed three Roman legions and their supporters. Although Arminius was defeated and killed, his victory in that battle was so impressive and bloody that it had a lasting effect on both the ancient Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire. The Roman legions will never again try to permanently conquer and hold Germany across the Rhine River.

14. Miltiades

According to the historian Herodotus, the sacrifice of King Leonidas and three hundred brave Spartans would have meant nothing if not for Miltiades. An excellent Athenian strategist and ruler led the Athenians and their allies to defeat the Persians at the Battle of Marathon, where he literally destroyed the Persian fleet and forced the most powerful empire in the world at that time to retreat in disgrace, failing to subjugate Greece.

13. Vlad Tepes

Very few people can boast about how scary Vlad the Impaler was, or how much he is better known as Dracula. The man who turned into a legend and titled the Lord of Darkness was a real man and a great warrior. He was born in 1431 in Transylvania, the central region of present-day Romania, and ruled for many years.

Vlad's victories over the invading Ottoman Empire were viewed and celebrated not only in Romania but also in the rest of Europe, and it was noted that even Pope Pius II was impressed by his skill and fighting spirit.

12. Sun Tzu

Skilled and experienced in the conduct of war during a time of unprecedented political and military upheaval, Sun Tzu was a military specialist active during the tumultuous decline of the Zhou Dynasty. However, he became a legend by writing a book about Chinese military strategy and martial arts, The Art of War, which continues to have a huge impact on both Asian and Western culture.

11. African Scipio

Scipio Africanus was one of the most talented and successful generals in history and he is the one who defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama during the second Punic Wars. Despite the fact that Scipio was one hundred percent Roman, after his victory in Africa, he was called the African.

10. Spartacus

Undoubtedly the most famous and accomplished gladiator who ever lived, Spartacus, along with Crixus, Oenomaus, Castus and Gannicus, was one of the leaders of the slaves during the Spartacus revolt, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. No one else scared a powerful republic like he did.

9. Xiahou Dun

Xiahou Dun offered his services as a military general to the warlord Cao Cao during the decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty and became a legend when he was hit by a random arrow during a battle and lost his left eye. In front of his stricken soldiers and enemies, he drew an arrow and swallowed his own eyeball. After this incident, the enemy armies in China trembled in fear of "Blind Xiahou, the One-Eyed Warrior".

8. Hannibal Barca

Hannibal was born in 247 BC. e. in Carthage, immediately after his country lost a long and very important war with Rome. But Hannibal was destined to return multiple territories to his realm after he matured. It is believed that Hannibal was one of the greatest strategists who developed tactics in bypassing and surrounding the enemy using infantry and cavalry. His wars with the Roman Empire were among the most intense in all of antiquity.

7. Pyrrhus of Epirus

Pyrrhus Epirus was the king of the Greek Molossians, and the one who gave battle to the Romans. He was the first and only threat to Rome during its heyday at the beginning of the empire. In fact, he was the only person who continued to beat the Roman legions. Some historians believe that history would have been different if Pyrrhus had not been killed in Argos. Hannibal Barca considered him the best general and the greatest warrior-king. Some of his battles, although they were victories, were so bloody and resulted in a terrible death to his own people that they gave rise to the term "Pyrrhic victory", an expression that is still used today, especially in sports and politics.

6. Richard the Lionheart

Richard was the King of England, later known as the "Lionheart", and is known for his exploits in the Third Crusade, although he only spent six months in England during his ten-year reign. He is described as an extremely skilled warrior who showed no mercy to his enemies, and his most famous attribute was his bravery and daring. They wouldn't call him "Lionheart" just like that.

5. Miyamoto Musashi

Musashi was a skilled Japanese swordsman and an invincible ronin (a samurai without a lord or master). He became a legend mainly because of his remarkable swordsmanship in numerous duels from the age of thirteen. He was the founder of the Niten Ichi-ryu or Niten-ryu style of swordsmanship. Late in his life, after he perfected his "Two Swords" fighting style, he climbed a mountain and wrote the definitive treatise "The Zen of Decapitation", which he called "The Book of Five Rings". Many historians and experts consider him to be the greatest swordsman who ever lived.

4. Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is perhaps the most famous and successful Roman statesman and general in history and was the one who led Rome's army in numerous victorious battles that expanded its territory. After that, he wrote about his military adventures, from which we learn about his genius and courage on the battlefield.

3. Leonid

Leonidas was one of the two kings of Sparta during the Greco-Persian Wars and the leader of one of the most ferocious military units in history: three hundred Spartan hoplites. He has survived for centuries for his unsurpassed courage and fearlessness, and at the end of the Battle of Thermopylae, he is said to have been left alone, fighting hundreds of thousands of Persian soldiers before being killed.

2. Genghis Khan

He stood at the origins of the conquest of a quarter of the world's population and is considered one of the greatest conquerors of all time. His people believed that he was the greatest man of all time and that he was sent by the gods, which is why he is also known as the "Holy Warrior".

1. Alexander the Great

Although he died at the age of thirty-three, the famous Greek king managed to conquer most of the then world, which is why most historians consider him the greatest general who ever lived. He also fought on the front lines of every battle (unlike many other kings who simply watched their troops fight). He remained undefeated and took over all the major kingdoms of his time such as Persia, India and Egypt, among others, he was the first king to spread Greek and therefore Western civilization to other parts of the world.

In a fairly anarchic system of international relations, military power is still the most reliable currency today. The state can have a high level of culture, art, philosophy, but all this can easily turn into dust if the country does not have a combat-ready army that can protect the state. At one time, the Chinese leader Mao Zedong stated very specifically: "power comes from the barrels of guns." Armies are still being created to carry out state policy, and at the heart of peace and security, as before, are combat-ready armed forces and hard currency.

“The army is the most outstanding organization in every country, since only it makes possible the existence of all civilian institutions,” Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke once said. The famous American political scientist John J. Mearsheimer emphasizes: "Armies (ground forces), along with the air and naval forces supporting them, are the most important form of military power in the modern world." However, many experts are ready to argue with this statement. In particular, the war in the Pacific, which the United States waged against Japan in 1941-1945, is regarded by many experts as basically a confrontation between two fleets, and ground units and formations played in this duel, in their opinion, only a supporting role.

But only ground forces (armies, in the terminology of many Western countries) have the ability to decisively and consistently win battles. It was they who allowed these countries to dominate other states. And only ground forces can achieve the required level of control over the occupied territory.

Thus, armies (ground forces) are the most important factor in assessing the relative military power of a country. Which armies were the most powerful of their time, asks The National Interest. According to the publication, the six most powerful armies in the history of mankind are as follows.

Global Look Press Roman Army

The Roman army conquered the Western world for several hundred years. The advantages of the Romans were firm military discipline, organization, tenacity in battle, the ability to retreat, return and fight again and again even in the face of catastrophic defeats.

The Romans proved this during the Punic Wars, when, despite initial shortcomings in tactics and strategy of warfare and limited resources, they were able to inflict sensitive defeats on the Carthaginians, and then finally finish off this state by landing their army in Carthage itself.

The Roman army provided its fighters and commanders with the opportunity to act proactively and decisively in battle. For poor soldiers, winning the war meant getting plots of arable land. For tenants, fighting meant protecting the property they cherished and gaining additional wealth as a result of the next conquests. For the Roman state as a whole, victory in the war meant strengthening the security of Rome and possessing the resources of the conquered countries and peoples.

All this encouraged the Roman soldiers to fight bravely and courageously, and morale is a very important component of the overall success in battle.

Being a warrior in ancient Rome was very prestigious.

Equally important in the Roman army was the use of very convenient and echeloned formations of troops for battle, which, among many other advantages, helped the Roman army during the battle to replenish the troops of the first lines. Fresh subunits and units entered into confrontation in the decisive moments of the battle with the enemy already weary of battle and achieved a quick and decisive victory.

The Roman army (often led by skilled and talented generals) also made use of its outstanding mobility and was able to quickly regroup troops, especially in battles with opponents who often resorted to purely defensive strategy and tactics.

As a result, within about three hundred years, Rome expanded from a small republic in the center of Italy to the owner of the entire Mediterranean Sea and the lands surrounding it. The Roman legions were staffed with regular soldiers who served for 25 years. They were well trained and well armed with edged weapons. The legions were stationed on the territory of the state at strategically important points, holding the empire together and keeping potential enemies from attack. The Roman army, despite some setbacks, really did not have competitors equal to it in power and combat capabilities at that time.

Global Look Press Mongolian Army

The Mongols began their conquests in 1206. The number of men of this people then did not exceed one million people. However, in just 100 years, they managed to conquer and enslave most of Eurasia, defeating armies and countries that outnumbered the Mongol troops by tens or even hundreds of times. This army was unstoppable. It actually appeared out of nowhere and quickly began to dominate the Middle East, Central Asia, China and Russia.

The Mongol success was largely the result of many strategies and tactics skillfully used by the founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan. The most important among them was the exceptional mobility of the Mongol formations and the endurance of their fighters. The nomadic Mongol lifestyle contributed to the ability of Genghis Khan's commanders to move their numerous armies over simply amazing distances in a very short time. The warriors carried everything they needed with them and were content with very little on the campaign.

The high mobility of the Mongols was largely based on the quality and quantity of the horse stock. Each of the Mongol cavalry kept three or four horses to keep them fresh during the next transition and change as needed. The cavalrymen were armed with powerful bows, from which they shot accurately while galloping. In battle, this gave significant advantages over the enemy infantry. Mobility and strict military discipline, as well as

the use of innovative tactics for those times allowed the Mongols to make quick attacks, thereby putting into practice a primitive form of blitzkrieg.

The Mongols also largely practiced terror in the occupied territories, deliberately inflicting heavy human and material losses on their opponents, thereby contributing to the crushing of the enemy's morale and strengthening their dominance over the occupied lands.

Global Look Press Ottoman Army

The Ottomans, in their heyday, conquered much of the Middle East, the Balkans, and North Africa. Their army almost always crushed their Christian and Muslim neighbors. The Ottomans in 1453 stormed one of the most impregnable cities of their time - Constantinople. For five hundred years, the Ottoman army was essentially the only player in this very vast region, which previously consisted of dozens of states. These successes were achieved in the following way.

The Ottoman army was one of the first in the world to skillfully use firearms - artillery pieces and muskets, while most of its opponents fought with medieval weapons. When the Ottoman Empire was young, this gave its armies a decisive advantage over their opponents. In fact, it was the Turkish guns that took Constantinople, defeated the Persians and the Mamluks of Egypt. In addition, one of the main advantages of the Ottomans was the use of special elite infantry units called Janissaries. Janissaries began military training from childhood and were thus very disciplined and efficient soldiers on the battlefield.

Global Look Press German Wehrmacht

After a heavy and humiliating defeat in the First World War, the army of Nazi Germany, the Wehrmacht, which rose like a phoenix from the ashes, shook Europe and the world, conquering most of the countries of Central, Eastern and Western Europe during short-term military campaigns. After that, the Wehrmacht prepared to crush the Soviet Union, where it subsequently suffered a crushing defeat.

The German army in the early stages of World War II was able to achieve such amazing military successes with the help of the blitzkrieg strategy - the theory of fleet warfare, according to which victory is achieved in days, weeks or months before the enemy can mobilize and deploy its main military strength.

The essence of the blitzkrieg strategy lies in the autonomous actions of large tank formations (tank groups) with the active support of aviation. Tank subunits break through to the rear of the enemy to a great depth without engaging in battle for heavily fortified positions. The purpose of the breakthrough is to capture control centers and disrupt enemy supply lines. Fortified areas, defense centers and the main enemy forces, which find themselves without control and supply, quickly lose their combat capability.

The excellently organized and easily controlled armored and motorized units of the Wehrmacht, with the effective support of the Luftwaffe, easily punched holes in the enemy's defenses, quickly surrounded the enemy, cut through the encircled troops and easily destroyed them piece by piece. By and large, it was in the Wehrmacht that even at that time the theory of reconnaissance-strike complexes was put into practice.

The implementation of such operations required from the Wehrmacht high field training, organization and discipline, which was what German units and formations were famous for throughout the Second World War. According to historian Andrew Roberts, it was these qualities of the German armed forces that allowed them to defeat the British, American and Soviet troops in many battles.

The military skill of the Wehrmacht, according to most experts, was undeniable, but the German armed forces entered into confrontation with almost the whole world during the Second World War and were eventually crushed by all the might of the united nations.

Global Look Press Soviet Army

The Soviet army (until 1946 - the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army) more than any other army influenced the radical turn in the course of World War II. Such a turning point was the Battle of Stalingrad, during which the Red Army completely destroyed one of the best German armies - the 6th.

According to The National Interest, the victory of the Soviet Union in World War II and its ability to threaten the rest of Europe over the next four decades had little to do with high technology (with the exception of nuclear missiles).

The publication's experts believe that

The Soviet army was a powerful military force solely due to its huge combat and numerical strength, behind which stood vast territories, a large population and powerful industrial resources.

As historian Richard Evans writes, referring to the Soviet Union’s own estimates, “the losses of the Red Army during World War II amounted to about 11 million soldiers and officers, more than 100 thousand aircraft, 300 thousand artillery pieces and almost 100 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns. . Taking into account the civilian population, the total losses of the USSR during the war exceeded 26 million people.

The formations of the Red Army were often led by talented military leaders, and there were promising technologies, in particular the T-34 tank. However, according to Evans, they were not decisive factors in the final success of the Soviet Union, while huge sacrifices were laid at the basis of the success of even the Berlin operation.

According to The National Interest, with the exception of the presence of nuclear weapons, the Soviet army of the Cold War period did not differ in any significant technological advantages in comparison with its opponents in the NATO bloc. It was the North Atlantic Alliance that was the undisputed leader in the field of high military technologies during all four decades of this confrontation. However, the Soviet Union had a huge advantage in combat and strength.

In order to reduce this factor to zero in the event of an armed conflict in Europe, the US and NATO planned to switch to the use of nuclear weapons already at the first stages of armed confrontation.

Clarence Hamm/AP United States

For most of its history, the US has never maintained a large standing army. It was a kind of Washington know-how. The efforts of the American authorities and budgetary funds were mainly directed to the creation and maintenance of powerful naval forces in a combat-ready state. The army (ground forces) was supposed to be formed and trained only as needed. In particular, neither before the First nor before the Second World War there was practically no army in the United States.

America was faithful to this model almost until the end of World War II. The US was quick to raise numerous ground forces during wartime, but quickly disbanded and dismantled them at the end of the military confrontation. And only during the "cold war" the US ground forces were brought to the necessary, according to American strategists, numbers. During this period of its history, the US military has had both failures (Vietnam) and quite striking successes (Desert Storm, 1991, Iraq, 2003).

Today, the United States is the only nation in the world capable of quickly and effectively deploying significant force groups in any region of the world.

and conduct armed struggle in several theaters of war at once, the newspaper notes. In this case, the number of units and formations is not given decisive importance. It is believed that the victory of the US armed forces will be ensured by the high training of personnel and technological superiority over any potential adversary. The actions of the ground forces, according to The National Interest, will be supported by the largest naval and air forces that the world has ever known.


It's no secret that ever since the time the strength of the country was determined by the power of its army. Maintaining control within the state and protecting from external enemies is the main task. It is not for nothing that countries are so anxious about the issue of financing this area. Below are the ten most powerful world armies. This rating is compiled taking into account the number of the army, its modernity and the power of the equipment used and the budget. And of course, the most powerful armies are armed with,. So top 10

The most powerful armies in the world.

No. 10. Israel

240,000 soldiers and 600,000 people are in reserve, with a total population of 7.9 million people - a good indicator. The military equipment consists of 13,000 units, including 1964 air units and 64 naval ships. There are a large number of girls among the soldiers. The amount that is used for the military forces is 15 billion dollars.

No. 9. Japan

Another small country with a population of 127.8 million, including 247,000 military personnel, as well as 60,000 people who are now in reserve. Official data indicate the following figures: 5320 units of ground equipment, 1965 - all kinds of aircraft, 110 units of naval weapons. Unofficially, there are suspicions about the latest developments in the field of military science. Army financing - is 58 billion dollars.

No. 8. France

In France, there are 230,000 military personnel and 70,000 reserves, plus 105,000 police officers. 10,621 objects of ground defense equipment, 1,757 - air, as well as 289 ships. Financing is more than 44 billion euros. These are good indicators for a state with a population of 65.4 people. And she is in eighth place among the strongest and most powerful armies in the world.

No. 7. South Korea

There are 640,000 active military personnel, 2.9 million people in reserve, 13,361 ground military facilities, 1,568 airborne, and 170 naval facilities. It is not surprising, given the peculiarities of the neighbors. Financing 27 billion. dollars.

No. 6. Turkey

There are 660 thousand people in the active servicemen, 579 thousand are in reserve, and this is with a total population of 74.7 million people. 69,744 units of ground equipment, 1940 - air, 265 - sea. Funding over $25 billion.

No. 5. England

Among the 62.2 million people living in the UK, 220 thousand are serving in the army, 181 thousand are in reserve. The armed forces have 11,630 ground equipment, 1,663 aircraft and 99 defense ships. Funding equates to $74 billion.

No. 4. India

It is strange to see India in fourth place with a population of 1.2 billion people. 1.325 million people in the asset, 2,142,821 people in the reserve. In addition, the country has 2,452 aircraft and 175 ships, with a total military funding of $48.9 billion. Fourth place in the Top 10 strongest armies in the world.

No. 3. China

China is famous for the most numerous army, which has 2.2 million people engaged in military activities and 800 thousand people who are on the reservation. Military equipment includes 57,575 ground vehicles, 5,176 aircraft and 972 ships. The total funding is more than 106 billion dollars.

No. 2. Russia

Russia is in the honorable second position. The population is 143.1 million people, of which more than 1 million are those who serve in the army and 20 million are reservists. In addition to 91,715 ground defense equipment, the defense forces have 2,747 air defense equipment, as well as 233 ships. The total funding is 74 billion dollars. Although she occupies second place in this ranking, she holds the first position among.


No. 1. United States of America

The leading first place is the most powerful and strong world army, consisting of 560 thousand active employees in the army and 567 thousand reserve with a total population of 311 million people. Ground defense equipment is represented by 56,269 objects, air equipment - 18,234 units, of which 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as 32 satellites, marine equipment includes 2,384 ships. The total budget is 692 billion dollars.

10. France

Active Army: 362,485

Military reserve: 419,000

France is one of the few countries whose armed forces have an almost complete range of modern weapons and military equipment of their own production - from small arms to attack nuclear aircraft carriers (which, apart from France, only the United States has).

In 2003, the second part of the reform of the armed forces, which began in 1996, was completed in the country. As part of this reform, conscription was abolished and a transition to a professional, less numerous, but more effective army took place. This reform will continue until 2015.

9. Iran

Active Army: 545,000

Military reserve: 650,000

In 1979, the Islamic Revolution took place in Iran, led by Ayatollah Khomeini, during which the monarchy was overthrown and an Islamic republic was proclaimed. Since then, this country has been a serious hotbed of tension in the region.

The Iranian Armed Forces consist of two main parts: troops under the Ministry of Defense and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps under the direct subordination of the Supreme Leader, where a total of 545,000 people serve.

Iran's combat capabilities are a closely guarded secret. It is known that since 1992 Iran has been producing its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, guided missiles, submarines and even fighter jets.

8. Turkey

Active Army: 612,900

Military reserve: 429,000

The Turkish army has existed for more than 2 thousand years. During the Second World War, she remained neutral. However, the Turks were involved in the Korean War, and the biggest conflict of the 20th century for Turkey was the war of independence, where Russia, Great Britain, Greece and Italy participated.

Military service in Turkey is compulsory. In terms of ground forces, Turkey ranks second in NATO.

7. Pakistan

Active Army: 617,000

Military reserve: 515,500

The Pakistan Army was founded in 1947. It has more than 600 thousand military personnel who are volunteers.

Pakistan's military history includes conflicts with border states such as Afghanistan and India, the Gulf War, Magadishu and Somalia. Pakistan is also a US ally in the global war on terrorism, helping to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and on the Pakistani border.

6. South Korea

Active Army: 653,000

Military reserve: 3,200,000

There are three types of armed forces in Korea: army, air force and navy. As in the US, they are independent of each other.

At the head of the army is a committee of chiefs of staff, which plays the role of the general staff and exercises operational control over the armed forces.

The Korean Ministry of Defense is a civilian organization responsible for the budget of the armed forces, their supply and personnel matters.

5. North Korea

Active Army: 1,106,000

Military reserve: 8,200,000

The Korean People's Army was founded in 1939 and has over a million soldiers. No less impressive is the number of reserve soldiers that can be raised in the event of hostilities - 8 million people.

The main conflicts in the history of North Korea are the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Contradictions and tensions between North and South Korea still exist, and, technically, this conflict is not yet officially over.

4. Russia

Active Army: 1,200,000

Military reserve: 754,000

Russia has undergone numerous changes in its military history since 863. Today the army is called the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. May 7, 1992 is considered the day of its foundation.

Previous Russian military organizations, including the Red Army, have been involved in numerous regional conflicts, world wars and the Cold War. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was known as the most powerful army in the world, which surpassed the US in every way, including the number of soldiers and the volume of nuclear weapons.

Conscription for military service begins at the age of 18.

3. India

Active Army: 1,325,000

Military reserve: 1,747,000

The Indian army has its roots in the Stone Age. Today it is famous for the largest number of volunteers in the army and has over 1 million people.

The Indian army was involved in both world wars and several wars for its own independence. India also has a conflicting relationship with Pakistan.

2. United States of America

Active Army: 1,477,896

Military reserve: 1,458,500

The Army of the United States of America traces its history back to 1775, when the Continental Army was created to participate in the revolutionary war.

The states have been involved in every world war, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and now the war against global terrorism.

The active fighting force of the United States is over 500,000 men and over a million reservists and National Guard soldiers. America's military bases are located all over the world. Service in the army is on a voluntary basis.

1. China

Active Army: 2,285,000

Military reserve: 800,000

The People's Liberation Army of China is the largest army in the world, with more than 2.2 million people. And this is after a significant reduction in recent years.

It was founded in 1927. Participated in the Sino-Japanese conflict, the Second World War, the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Technically, military service is compulsory from the age of 18. At the same time, China has never experienced problems with personnel, since there have always been even more than enough men who went into the army voluntarily.