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Are there any synonyms? Has a place to be

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotsky, linguist-morphologist, expert of the Institute of Philology, mass media and psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Has a place to be- a common expression loved by many. Often it is used to give the text weight, significance, seriousness, business or academic orientation. This does not mean at all that, by its nature, it is really intended to bring all these components into the text, but native speakers use it unconsciously for this very purpose.

Anyway, has a place to be is a component of the often intentional, "beautiful" complication of the text. Instead of he said he had a reason not to be herehe said that there is a reason why he shouldn't be here.

The expression is so actively used that it has become a tradition of use, despite the fact that it is a violation of a strict literary norm.

The point is that there are two different expressions: occurs And has to be.

Take place- to be in fact, to be present, to be present. Translated from french expressionavoir lieu. Example: occurs fact of the statement.

Has to be- an expression that scientific language, It has futuristic perspective, that is, turned to the future, which everyone has long forgotten about.

Has to be- Means happen. Example: drive has to be . Today, this expression is no longer found in its correct use and is perceived only as part of the "hybrid" has a place to be in present time.

Both expressions are not intended for use in a colloquial everyday style - they are traditionally bookish and official-business in their stylistic orientation. That is why they bring an alien clerical tone to another context, which is perceived by native speakers as a “decoration” of the text.

It would be an exaggeration to say that contamination (mixing two different occurs And has to be) has a place to beblunder which must be eradicated. The fact that two expressions turned out to be one and so in demand is not an accident for language system. It is important to understand that a truly literate person will not correct everyone by pointing out the correctness take place And have to be separately, but will simply know how this “hybrid” arose. Understanding the dynamics and transformation of language is true literacy.

As for the clerical shade of the expression has a place to be, we can assume that this is a matter of time. For example, bureaucracy in the absence of, to avoid, given, detection And at the expense ceased to be perceived as bureaucratic. And the splitting of the predicate ( to decide - to make a decision, to wish - to manifest a desire) and one of the favorite tricks of native Russian speakers. Now it seems even indecent help- absolutely necessary help.

Has a place to be

Prost. Jottle-iron. Something happens, happens. Mokienko 2003, 57.

Big Dictionary Russian proverbs. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

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    Up to now places. Arch. Until now, up to this point. SRNG 18, 128. To be near the place and near the body. Arch. Have a permanent job. AOC 10, 453. To places not so distant. Razg. Iron. In exile, in prison. BMS 1998, 374. Jump out of place. Kar. Turn out to be... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

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    place- PLACE1, a, cf The space occupied by some l. body; free space that can be filled by whom, than l. Beautiful place. PLACE2, a, many places, places, am, cf The space occupied by someone, than l., on which something l. going on or something... Dictionary Russian nouns

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Take place

Take place

to happen, to happen, to ask, to comprehend, to comprehend, to turn out, to happen, to happen, to create, to happen, to go out, to do, to be, to become, to happen, to be, to go out, to happen

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what "take place" in other dictionaries:

    take place- Book. Only carry. More often past. temp. To be, to be, to take place. From noun. with meaning distraction subject: case, event, fact ... takes place; take place where? at a meeting, at school, at the institute ... The strange adventure that I intend to tell ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    Take place- Book. 1. Be; to be available. In a decent society and in a decent book, explicit abuse cannot take place (Lermontov. A hero of our time). 2. To happen, to happen. The strange adventure which I am about to relate took place several... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    - (inosk.) occur, happen, take place; to be (of an adventure) Cf. The strange adventure which I am about to relate took place some years ago. Leskov. Spirit of Madame Genlis. 1. Wed. statt finden. Wed Avoir lieu … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    To have a place (inosk.) to happen, to happen, to take place to be (about an adventure). Wed The strange adventure which I am about to relate took place some years ago. Leskov. Spirit of Madame Janlis. 1. Wed. statt finden. Wed Avoir lieu … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

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That's how I learned that "brothel" in Turkish means "glass". Moreover, then I saw this word: it was written in Latin on a small cardboard stand for glasses and beer mugs. So they write - bardak.

This word has made an interesting way into the Russian language. It is unlikely that I will be able to trace it all, so I will only outline some points.

So, first of all, the word "mess" in Russian they meant a clay pot with a wide opening (this word was in use in the Don dialects). In this sense, the word is not far from its Turkish prototype, because in Turkish bardak is not only a "glass", but also a "pot".

But a modern Russian resident, pronouncing "mess" means something completely different. "What the mess did you make it here?" - someone shouts to someone. This can either mean a mess, and not just a mess, but quite a serious one, or - and this is the second slang meaning "mess"- booze, booze.

In any case, the Big Dictionary of Russian Jargon distinguishes precisely these two meanings (the word "mess", of course, sounds extremely disapproving here).

I don’t presume to explain how exactly the Turkish glass and jug (“mess”) became ours "mess". And there is also a "glove compartment" in cars - a compartment for all sorts of little things on the front panel. This very "glove box" is much closer to the meaning of "jug" than "mess", meaning a mess.

I would venture to guess that "mess" in the sense of disorder, “barda” could also be somehow involved - according to Dahl, this word meant muddy, bad drink, burda. The infusion was called "burgundy" if it was dirty, thick and cloudy.

However, all this is just speculation. But the fact that "mess" in Turkish is "glass" is for sure!

Has a place and has to be

The company walks around the store, chooses what to buy for the table. And suddenly someone remembers: what about champagne? Everyone stops, a messenger is sent for champagne. He comes back five minutes later, out of breath.

Found it, he says. So now we have champagne has a place to be.

Oh, so you say that too: has a place to be"? In vain, in vain. This is wrong, and I will now explain why. The whole point is that " has a place to be" is the result of mixing two revolutions: "occurs" And "has to be".

In the dictionaries of the modern Russian language, you can easily find a stable turnover "take place"(literal translation of the French expression avoir lieu). "Take place"- means "to be, to occur, to be accomplished, to be present, to be present." It is worth saying that this is a bookish, official business, even somewhat clerical turnover.

On the other hand, there is also a turnover "has to be". He is certainly a clerical one, in everyday speech few people say "has to be". What's happened "has to be"? There is nothing easier. The celebration has to be in the evening - it means "it will happen in the evening", that's all.

And this is what happened: as suggested by the Internet portal "Culture writing" (, someone once used a hybrid expression " has a place to be"in an ironic context. Someone said that others liked it, so it went for a walk around the cities and towns.

As a result, the irony, the parody of this turnover has ceased to be felt, and many people use this turnover quite seriously, considering it very beautiful and noble.

Here for them I will remind you again: or "occurs", or "has to be". There is no third. If you're not kidding, of course...