Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Saints about China. Funny about the prophecies of the war between China and Russia

Most of the Orthodox (and not only) prophecies about the capture of Russia by China did not actually exist. What is the purpose of the FSB-CIA intelligence stuffing? Is this an attempt to discredit China and antagonize the Russians in advance? Or is public opinion gradually being prepared for the planned real war? Those. the calculation is made on the fact that with all the anti-Americanism and hatred of the United States, the people inhabiting the Russian Federation should be even more hostile to China than to the United States. Such disinformation work to fool the population is being carried out clearly for the pursuit of some serious strategic goals. For the sake of ordinary PR, it is unlikely that the special services would use such vile and arrogant disinformation methods.

There are also known attempts to recruit the Chinese population through the ROC-FSB. That is, structures are being prepared to work with the Chinese population in the occupied territories or in wartime.

Brzezinski's dream. Will there be a Russian-Chinese war?
np1237 - 8 November, 2009 - 23:38

Recently, the urgency of discussing the possibility of a war between Russia and China over the territory of Siberia and the Far East has grown. The lack of political arguments (Russia and China are now allies and good neighbors) is compensated by the adherents of the high probability of such a war in the near future with numerous evidence that claims to be insightful. A very characteristic selection of such materials is given in the publication of Gleb Shcherbatov on the website of the Russian Information Agency:
The selection is part of a large article designed to convince the reader of the inevitability of the Chinese threat. From the text and tone of the article, one can conclude that the author is a pro-Western person who despises Russia and proclaims her only hope for survival - an alliance with the United States. In total, he presented 15 testimonies of people who, in his opinion, have the gift of insight.

1) Gene Dixon: In 2005, China will launch an offensive against Western troops in the Middle East, use bacteriological weapons. The Chinese army will fill all of Asia at the first attempt, including the Asian regions of the /former/ Soviet Union. In Russia, which has given part of Siberia to China, a revolution will break out and a civil war will begin. Millions of yellow soldiers, armed with the most modern weapons, including nuclear weapons, will invade the Middle East. This is where the decisive battle between China and the US and its allies for world domination is to take place. Numerous\"yellow \" troops will inflict a mortal blow to the /former/ USSR, conquer all of its southern regions and, together with other Asian armies that came to the rescue, will advance to the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern and Southern Europe.
The original source of this text cannot be found. It is very strange that even such an omnivorous collection as "Russia before the Second Coming" did not notice the prediction so clearly echoing the pictures of the Apocalypse. Maybe Jean Dixon didn't say anything like that.
Jean Dixon is a well-known psychic and crystal ball fortune teller. The testimonies of mediums cannot be reliable in principle. The medium (in ancient times - "soothsayer") draws information from his visions, usually inspired by the use of drugs. The primary source of the medium's information is the infernal forces. Infernal forces widely use lies to achieve their always anti-Christian goals. If a demon came and said: “You will all perish,” then this is most likely not true. It is extremely difficult to search for a rational grain in the "revelations" of a medium, because particles of truth are brought in by the demon to give the lie credibility. The demon lies even when he tells the truth, because he puts a small truth in the context of a big lie.
Therefore, the testimonies of sorcerers and mediums are not taken into account by Orthodox believers in general, and it is very difficult to single out a grain of truth in them. A secondary source of the lies of mediums is their commercial approach to disseminating their predictions, which is widely used by the secret services when stuffing information to form the required public opinion. There is an error with the date. The prediction has no value and cannot even be regarded as evidence confirming the Chinese invasion of the Middle East predicted by the Apocalypse, but it does not mention the Chinese invasion of Russia at all.

2) Elder Vissarion (Optina Pustyn): Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ...
I never heard anything about Elder Vissarion from Optina Hermitage. He is definitely not among the holy Optina elders and martyrs. Last name not listed. No information other than prophecy can be found. Most likely, a fictitious prophecy of a fictitious old man.

3) Hieroschemamonk Aristoklis Athos (1918): Now we are living through the pre-Tikhrist time. The judgment of God over the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be touched by this. It started with Russia, and then further ...
And Russia will be saved. Lots of pain, lots of pain. It is necessary to suffer much and much and to repent deeply for everyone. Only repentance through suffering will save Russia. All of Russia will become a prison, and one must beg the Lord for forgiveness a lot. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, even the wing of a fly has weight, but God has accurate scales. And when the smallest thing outweighs goodness in the cup, then God will show His mercy over Russia ...
But first, God will take away all the leaders so that the Russian people look only at Him. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to itself. This is so that the Russian people trust in the help of the Lord. Hear that in other countries unrest will begin and similar to that in Russia (during the revolution), and you will hear about wars and there will be wars - but wait until the Germans take up arms, for they are chosen by God as an instrument of punishment for Russia, - but also a weapon of deliverance.
That's when you hear that the Germans take up arms - now the time is near. But don't be afraid of anything. The Lord will show His wonderful mercy.
The end will be through China. There will be some unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on earth, but not for a very long time. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be exalted and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.

The quote is made up of several different ones (more details on the site in the Primary Sources section). The prophecies of St. Aristocles of Athos are completely real, and they were all uttered by St. Aristocles in the year of his death and are known from the words of his cell attendant Varvara Tsvetkova. All these prophecies became known before World War II. Except for one thing... Everything that goes up to the words: “the end will be through China” refers to the 1917 revolution and its role in the fate of Russia. The last three lines became known only in the year of the Sino-Soviet conflict on Damansky and were placed in the official publication of the Church Abroad. After long hesitation, I nevertheless posted this quote on the site out of respect for the brothers abroad who united with us, but my doubts are huge. There are grounds to consider the primary source of this quote to be the American intelligence services, about the close cooperation of the Church Abroad with which Fidel Castro warned Patriarch Alexy.

4) John of Kronstadt: The liberation of Russia will come from the East.
The source of information seems to be this:
I.K. Sursky, "Father John of Kronstadt", Volume 2, Chapter 70. 1924.

“On one of the Sundays in the autumn of 1916 in the St. John's Monastery in St. Petersburg, where Fr. John, the liturgy was performed by the Moscow Metropolitan Macarius. After mass, several clergymen, as well as the military, gathered in the chambers of the abbess of the monastery, abbess Angelina. Metropolitan Macarius read to the audience one passage from Fr. John of Kronstadt, in which his visions and predictions concerning Russia were described... It turns out that Fr. John, many years before the world war, definitely entered in his diary both the participants in the war and its outcome. The military failures of tsarist Russia and the revolution associated with them, Fr. John also predicted. He pointed to the duration of the reign of revolutionary ideas, to the innumerable victims of the revolution, to the torrents of blood, to the grief and misfortunes of the entire population. Liberation of Russia from the red yoke Fr. John prophesied from the "east."
This diary, then kept in the Ioannovsky Monastery, was an original copy, written by the hand of Fr. John. This diary was not shown to outsiders, therefore, about the predictions noted in the diary, in the literature about Fr. John of Kronstadt is not mentioned.
The further fate of this remarkable diary is unknown.

The diaries of St. John of Kronstadt are a legendary thing. The last of these have been published recently. I have not read the diary mentioned by Sursky and cannot find it. It is clear that the Sura China itself does not have in mind as a savior, and even more so, a conqueror of Russia. The "liberation" of Russia from the "red yoke" came from the West. It is not a fact that the diaries of St. John of Kronstadt contain any kind of eschatological information.

5) Pelageya Ryazanskaya: What will happen on Russian soil?! What sorrow is coming upon us ahead?! ... all the evil that will be concentrated in Russia will be swept away by the Chinese ...
Pelagia of Ryazan is not canonized even as a locally venerated saint. Either a monstrous lie is spread on behalf of Pelageya of Ryazan, or, if the sayings attributed to her took place, she was in a heavy charm:
“The perspicacious maiden Pelagia said that all the evil that would be concentrated in Russia would be swept away by the Chinese. She wept bitterly for Russia:
- What will happen to her, what troubles will befall her ?!
What will happen to Moscow?
- In an instant underground!
What about St. Petersburg?
- That's the name of the sea!
And Kazan?
- Sea! - Pelagia said about what she was shown.
“Kazan and other cities will be in the bowels of the earth! - said the righteous Pelagia the perspicacious.
“The teaching of Antichrist will differ from the Orthodox teaching of Christ only in that it will deny the redemptive Cross! - the saint of God Pelagia of Ryazan warned,
“Blessed Pelagia predicted that in the last times there would be an increase in pensions, and explained that this was for the imminent arrival of the Antichrist.”

There is definitely no sufficient reason to talk about the charms of Pelageya Ryazan. In some testimonies of people who personally knew her, she appears to be a completely adequate person. As a source of eschatological information, it is completely discredited by those who "glorified" it. Separating truth from fiction will now be difficult.

6) Lavrentiy Chernigovsky: ... the time will come when they will fight and fight, and then a world war will take place ... There will be a war, and where it takes place, there will be no people ... And the third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination ... such will be the war that no one will remain anywhere, except in the gorge.
But the Monk Lawrence of Chernigov does not say anything about the war with China! And this, in fact, indicates that China will remain neutral with respect to Russia, for St. Lavrenty precisely set himself the goal of conveying eschatological information, warning about the Antichrist. He would simply have to mention the Chinese invasion if it actually took place in the future.

1. Schieeromonk Aristokles Athos in 1917 : « All of Russia will become a prison... The end of Russia's troubles will be through China. There will be some unusual explosion, and the miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long". 2. Elder Vissarion of Optina: « Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. Then the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle…” 3. K.N. Leontiev after communicating with the Optina elders in 1890, he wrote: “ The peoples that blossomed are devoured by the Chinese invasion". 4. From the memoirs of St. about. Barsanuphius of Optina: « Batiushka spoke about the Jews, about China, and that everyone would go against Russia».

5. Memories of Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan: « Pelagia said that all the evil that would be concentrated in Russia would be swept away by the Chinese. She wept bitterly for Russia…».

6.Elder Adrian of Pskov-Pechersk: « The eighth ecumenical council is planned… If this happens, .. then China will attack Russia».

7.Blessed Dunyushka Chudinovsky(1870-1948) from the village of Chudinova (Chelyabinsk region) For 1948: " Soon in Chelyabinsk, the Chinese will drink tea, yes, yes, they will drink tea ... First they will open churches, but there will be no one to go to them, then they will build a lot of magnificent houses with decorations, but soon there will be no one to live in them, the Chinese will come, everyone will be driven out into the street, then we will cry a lot ... One old man told, and at the end of the world there will be two Paschas. Right and wrong. The priesthood will produce wrong, and wars will begin a".

8. Schema-nun Makaria Artemyeva(1926-1993): " The Chinese are more terrible for us ... They will take half of the land, they don’t need anything else... "(06/27/1988).

9. Blessed Nicholas of Ural(1905-1977): " All of us are afraid of the West, but we should be afraid of China... China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will be silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will be eaten. In severe cold, women, old people, children will be driven out into the streets, and Chinese soldiers will settle in warm houses. No one can survive that terrible winter. Everyone will drink one cup of death to the bottom. Europe will be neutral to China... Chinese armies will march to the Caspian Sea. Millions of Chinese settlers will follow the Chinese soldiers, and no one will be able to stop them. All indigenous people will be subdued».

10. Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky: « When the East gains strength, everything will become unsustainable. Numbers are on their side, but not only that: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such drunkenness ... There will come a time when Russia will be torn apart. First, they will divide it up, and then they will start robbing wealth... Its eastern part will be given to China... When China wishes to go further, the West will oppose and will not allow it. Many countries will arm themselves against Russia, but it will stand, having lost most of its lands».

11. Elder Fr. Vladislav (Shumov) Solnechnogorsky from the village of Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region (October 1, 1996): “ In Russia, the communists will still come to power ... There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese! When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert».

12. Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose): « Saint John of Kronstadt predicted that the liberation of Russia would come from the East».

13. Reverend schiier. Theodosius (Kashin) of Jerusalem(1948): " Was it a war? There will be war ahead. It will start from the east... China will rise, the great battle will be with Russia between Biei and Katun. The symbol of China is the Dragon. The dragon is called the Ancient Serpent. When China rises, the world will end. China will go against Russia... They will divide Russia, weaken it, and then start plundering it. Everyone will assume that Russia is finished. And then a miracle of God will appear, some kind of extraordinary explosion will take place, and Russia will rise again, albeit on a small scale ».

14.Schemaarchimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) from the village of Rakitnoe (1977): " The collapse of Russia, despite the strength and rigidity of power, it will happen very quickly ... The biggest tragedy will be the capture of Siberia by China ... Everything will happen so that one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up in the Chinese state. The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally deal with any resistance. The event will help and in every possible way support the power of China out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and can even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East. Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to be reborn... But the Lord will leave behind Russia those lands that have become the cradle... This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality. Russia will not be rich, but still be able to feed itself».

15. Elder Anthony(website of the temple of the Satka district, Chelyabinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church): " China will cover most of Russia. Yellow will be all the lands beyond the mountains and after them. Only the state of the faithful Andrei will be preserved ... But this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox state will be preserved within the limits of the rule of the Antichrist, no. The name may remain, but the way of life will no longer be Great Russian, not Orthodox ... Siberia will be completely “yellow”. The Far East - Japanese, but for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, other - the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans».

16.PenetratingJoseph Terelya: « At the beginning of the 21st century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in a ring of flashes of fire. The outbreaks blazed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Baltic states and throughout the Far East, where China became Russia's adversary.The leader of Russia will unleash a war».

17. Schemamonk John of Uglich(Yaroslavl region, Uglich district): “ China will go to war against us and take all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible…».

18. Schemonakhina Nila (Novikova E.A.): « The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone ... Children, I saw a dream. There will be war. Lord, from the age of fourteen they will put under arms, they will lead youngsters to the front. Children and old people will stay at home. The soldiers will go from house to house and put everyone in a gun and drive them to war. Robberies and excesses of those who have weapons in their hands. The earth will be littered with corpses».

19. Reverend Kuksha (Velichko, 1875-1964): « One grief has passed, and another has passed, and soon there will be a third. God, terrible calamities are coming upon the earth: famine, war, sorrow, and destruction. The time is near, at the very edge. Do not listen to anyone who says there will be peace. There is no peace and never will be. The war will follow a terrible spiritual famine. And all will be sent to the east, both men and women, and none of them will return, all will perish there. A terrible death will be sent from the Lord».

20. Hegumen Gury: « There will be war soon. The service has already been cut. God endures, endures, and then how it will shy away, and the cities will fall (Moscow, St. Petersburg ...). First there will be a civil war... Then China will attack and reach the Urals. 4 million Russian soldiers will die for mat (foul language), because we insult four mothers with slander: the Mother of God, the Earth, the Church and the one that gave birth to you».

21.Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) in 1995 said: “ After Yeltsin there will be a military man... His power will be linear. But his time is short, and he himself. War will destroy»…

The information is taken from the Internet resources and is not the primary source.


(we were born to turn prophecies to dust)

Someone attracted by strong feelings for the Kyiv authorities)) compiled a selection of prophecies about the coming war between Russia and China, as if once again conjuring))

I don’t know how reliable the selection is (but I believe that the person tried)).

fun for the night)

An incredible number of different prophecies speak of an imminent war between Russia and China. The war between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation will begin immediately after Russia attacks Ukraine. Moreover, China will be the first to hit Russia and Russia will subsequently lose most of its territory.
Further directly the texts of various prophecies about China's attack on Russia.

Prophecies and predictions for the capture of Russia by China:
1. Schieeromonk Aristokles Athos in 1917: “The whole of Russia will become a prison... The end of Russia's troubles will be through China. There will be some unusual explosion (the Chelyabinsk meteorite?), and the Miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on earth, but not for very long.”

2. Elder Vissarion of Optinsky: “Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. Then the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... "

3. K.N.Leontiev, after communicating with the Optina elders in 1890, wrote: “The peoples that have flourished have been devoured by the Chinese invasion.”

4. From the memoirs of St. about. Barsanuphius of Optinsky: “Batiushka spoke about the Jews, about China, and that everyone would go against Russia.”

5. Memories of Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan: “Pelagia said that all the evil that would be concentrated in Russia would be swept away by the Chinese. She wept bitterly for Russia…”.

6. Elder Adrian of Pskov-Pechersk (from a conversation with I.M. doctors): “The eighth ecumenical council is planned ... If this happens, .. then China will attack Russia.”

7. Blessed Dunyushka of Chudinovsky (1870-1948) from the village of Chudinova (Chelyabinsk region) For 1948: “Soon the Chinese will drink tea in Chelyabinsk, yes, yes, they will drink tea ... First they will open churches, but they will not go to them who, then build a lot of magnificent houses with decorations, but soon there will be no one to live in them, the Chinese will come, they will all be driven out into the street, then we will cry a lot ... One old man told, and at the end of the world there will be two Easters. Right and wrong. The priesthood will produce the wrong one, and war will begin.”

8. Schema-nun Makaria Artemyeva (1926-1993): “The Chinese are more terrible for us ... They will take half of the land, they don’t need anything else ...” (06/27/1988).

9. Blessed Nicholas of Urals (1905-1977): “We are all afraid of the West, but we must be afraid of China ... China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will be silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will be eaten. In severe cold, women, old people, children will be driven out into the streets, and Chinese soldiers will settle in warm houses. No one can survive that terrible winter. Everyone will drink one cup of death to the bottom. Europe will be neutral to China... Chinese armies will march to the Caspian Sea. Millions of Chinese settlers will follow the Chinese soldiers, and no one will be able to stop them. The entire indigenous population will be subjugated."

10. Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky: “When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. Numbers are on their side, but not only that: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such drunkenness ... There will come a time when Russia will be torn apart. First, they will divide it, and then they will begin to plunder wealth... Its eastern part will be given to China... When China wishes to go further, the West will oppose and will not allow it. Many countries will arm themselves against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands.

11. Elder Fr. Vladislav (Shumov) Solnechnogorsky from the village of Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region (October 1, 1996): “In Russia, the communists will still come to power ... There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese! When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert to Orthodoxy.”

12. Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose): "St. John of Kronstadt predicted that the liberation of Russia would come from the East."

13. Reverend Schiier. Theodosius (Kashin) of Jerusalem (1948): “Was it a war? There will be war ahead. It will start from the east... China will rise, the great battle will be with Russia between Biei and Katun. The symbol of China is the Dragon. The dragon is called the Ancient Serpent. When China rises, the world will end. China will go against Russia... They will divide Russia, weaken it, and then start plundering it. Everyone will assume that Russia is finished. And then a miracle of God will appear, there will be some kind of extraordinary explosion, and Russia will be reborn again, albeit on a small scale.”

14. Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) from the village of Rakitnoye (1977): “The collapse of Russia, despite the strength and rigidity of power, will happen very quickly ... The biggest tragedy will be the seizure of Siberia by China ... Everything will happen so that one morning Russian people living in Siberia, wake up in the Chinese state. The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally deal with any resistance. The event will help and in every possible way support the power of China out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and can even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East. Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to be reborn... But the Lord will leave behind Russia those lands that have become the cradle... This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality. Russia will not be rich, but it will still be able to feed itself.”

15. Elder Anthony (website of the temple of the Satka district, Chelyabinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church): “China will cover most of Russia. Yellow will be all the lands beyond the mountains and after them. Only the state of the faithful Andrei will be preserved ... But this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox state will be preserved within the limits of the rule of the Antichrist, no. The name may remain, but the way of life will no longer be Great Russian, not Orthodox ... Siberia will be completely “yellow”. The Far East - Japanese, but for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, other - the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans.

16. Perspicacious Iosif Terelya: “At the beginning of the 21st century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in a ring of flashes of fire. The outbreaks blazed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Baltic states and throughout the Far East, where China became Russia's adversary. The leader of Russia will unleash a war."

17. Schemamonk John of Uglich (Yaroslavl region, Uglich district): “China will go to war against us and take all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the limits of the times of Tsar Ivan the Terrible…”.

18. Schimonakhina Nila (Novikova E.A.): “The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone ... Children, I saw a dream. There will be war. Lord, from the age of fourteen they will put under arms, they will lead youngsters to the front. Children and old people will stay at home. The soldiers will go from house to house and put everyone in a gun and drive them to war. Robberies and excesses of those who have weapons in their hands. The earth will be littered with corpses.

19. Rev. Kuksha (Velichko, 1875-1964): “One grief has passed, and another has passed, and soon there will be a third. God, terrible calamities are coming upon the earth: famine, war, sorrow, and destruction. The time is near, at the very edge. Do not listen to anyone who says there will be peace. There is no peace and never will be. The war will follow a terrible spiritual famine. And all will be sent to the east, both men and women, and none of them will return, all will perish there. A terrible death will be sent from the Lord.”

20. Hegumen Gury (Chesley): “There will be war soon. The service has already been cut. God endures, endures, and then how it will shy away, and the cities will fall (Moscow, St. Petersburg ...). First there will be a civil war... Then China will attack and reach the Urals. 4 million Russian soldiers will die for swearing (foul language), because we insult four mothers with slander: the Mother of God, the Earth, the Church and the one that gave birth to you.

21. Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) in 1995 said: “After Yeltsin there will be a military man ... His power will be linear. But his time is short, and he himself. War will destroy...

I feel the strength in myself (even after 24 hours), to rivet (like Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim)) similar prophecies about anything, even about the war of Honduras and Papua New Guinea, who are close to us in spirit

And how ordinary Ukrainian network fighters rejoice at the prophecies - they sincerely have fun)

Recently, the topic of all kinds of prophecies and predictions has occupied an important place in the interests of people who think about the fate of mankind. This is not surprising - the world has clearly entered an era of turbulence, when a simple "linear" projection of the current state of affairs into the future no longer provides opportunities for convincing forecasting. From the foundations of synergetics, it is known that complex self-organizing systems are difficult to analyze and meaningfully manage. The modern world is too big and complex system. It is practically impossible to give its development, at least a medium-term reliable forecast. The destruction of scientific schools that has taken place over the past decades, the destruction of education and state structures responsible for compiling noteworthy forecasts, exacerbates the situation.

As usual, in such historical periods, the thoughts of people seeking guidance turn to alternative sources. Mystical.

Thus, in recent years, the need for a close alliance between Russia and China has been actively discussed. Say, the predictions of numerous prophets of different faiths convincingly predict a catastrophic future for Russia if it does not enter into close relations with the Celestial Empire.

In other words, there are two options: an alliance with China, or the dismemberment and destruction of the country.

The prognosis is, no doubt, formidable and impressive. It would seem that the dilemma is tough and inexorable.

Who can argue with the will of Heaven? Who dares to oppose the prophets through whose mouth the Spirit of Truth speaks? Prophecies are phenomena so convincing that there can be no doubt in principle about their fulfillment.

Is it so? Oddly enough, no.

In the Old Testament, a source equally authoritative for both Christians and Muslims, there is a book of the prophet Jonah. The third chapter of this book tells how the holy prophet Jonah preaches in the city of Nineveh a terrible calamity prepared by God for its inhabitants. In forty days, Nineveh is to be destroyed. Having fulfilled his duty, Jonah left the city and began to wait for the fulfillment of God's promise.

And did not wait. The Lord God abolished the execution (which, I must say, greatly upset his devoted saint).

God is free to CANCEL the fulfillment of prophecies altogether.

By the way, the great American seer Edgar Cayce also wrote about this feature of predictions, who repeatedly emphasized that nothing can be completely predetermined, only POSSIBILITY is predetermined.

So the two above-mentioned (not the most rosy) paths for Russia are neither the only possible nor fatally predicted.

But, nevertheless, it is interesting, which, specifically, prophecies contain the prediction of the merger of Russia with China in a close fraternal union in the "Ancient" times?

Out of scientific curiosity, I re-read them in a multitude: from the letter of the Indian mahatmas to Lenin and the prophecies of Edgar Cayce to the book of the prophet Daniel and the works of John the Theologian.

I found a lot of prophecies about the future of Russia, but nowhere, I repeat ANYWHERE, I did not find any mention of the Horde, the “sworn union” and (as an alternative) the catastrophic fall of Russia on the eve of the End Times.

It must be said that there are no indications of the exact date of the End in the prophecies. For the reason that it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict it.

From Matthew. chapter 24 verse 36: “But no one knows about that day and hour, not even the angels in heaven, but only my Father alone.”
From Mark. ch. Verse 13 32: “But of that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

Surprisingly, people forgot these words from the Holy Scriptures many times and also repeatedly tried to predict the End of the World. Particularly striking examples are AD 666 and, especially, 1666, when many Orthodox openly called Patriarch Nikon the Antichrist.

An "anthropological turn" was predicted both in 1918 and after. There is no need to remind that every time the "foretellers" were expected by an offensive fiasco.

What, after all, did the holy ascetics and prophets write about the fate of Russia and China in the “End of End Times”?

On the Internet, anyone can find the following prophecies about Russia:

Monk Abel.

“... Then Russia will be great, throwing off the Yiddish yoke, will return to the origins of its ancient life, by the time of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, the mind will learn the bloody misfortune. Russian hopes will come true: an Orthodox cross will shine on Sophia in Tsaregrad. The smoke of incense and prayers will fill and flourish, like a heavenly screen. A great fate is destined for Russia…”

Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

“... Before the end of time, Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form one sea or that vast universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the lips of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All Russia, all-Slavic - Gog and Magog, before whom all nations will tremble." And all this is the same as twice two makes four, and without fail, as God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his formidable dominion over the earth. By the combined forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be filled. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia ...

... In Russia there will be a flourishing of the Orthodox faith and the former rejoicing, but only for a Little time - for the Terrible Judge Lord Jesus Christ will come - to judge the living and the dead. The Russian Orthodox Tsar will be afraid even of the Antichrist himself. Under Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. ... And all other countries, except for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and a number of small countries and lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist ... "

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt.

“... I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model; strong in your faith in Christ God and in the Holy Trinity! And it will be according to the testament of the holy Prince Vladimir - as a single Church! ... "

Saint Anatoly of Optina.

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be broken .... A great miracle will be revealed to the whole world! And all the chips, all the fragments, by the will of God, will gather and unite and the ship will be recreated - RUSSIA, in its beauty and will go its own way, intended by God! So this will be a clear miracle to everyone ... "

Saint Aristocles of Athos.

“... And Russia will be saved ... And when the smallest thing outweighs the good, then God will show His mercy over Russia ...”

Saint Theophan of Poltava.

“... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised... Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that was before will no longer be. God Himself will put a strong king on the throne ... "

“... Formidable adversities will subside
Russia will defeat its enemies.

Saint Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov.

“... Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will constitute a mighty Kingdom ... In Russia there will be a flourishing of faith and the former rejoicing (only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead). Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures ... "

American clairvoyant Danton Brinki.

“... Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way ...”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixo.

Italian clairvoyant Mavis.

“…Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will initiate the rebirth of the entire World. And no one imagines how deep these changes will be in the whole wide world, caused precisely by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, a lot of new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery ... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that is not now and even by that time not even the most developed state in the world will have ... Then after Russia all other countries will also be drawn ... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon replace a new one, and it is the Russian path ... "

French clairvoyant and astrologer Marie Duval.

“...Against the backdrop of a global depression, an exceptionally bright future awaits Russia and an enviable fate awaits the Russians - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire a strong army, continue its development and even lend money to many European countries ... "

Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

“... Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. It will sweep everything away from its path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world… Russia will once again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit.” “As an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and will overshadow the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America….

... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world ...

... Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states, and those that separated from it will soon return to it in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia ... "

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

“... It is Russia that will lead the resurgent civilization of the Earth. Each person will live for the sake of his neighbor. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. ... He, his descendants, his associates will not lack anything - neither in clean fresh water, nor in food, nor in clothes, nor in energy, nor in weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism. ... God will be with him ... He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create throughout the world the centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization ... The people or group of peoples who will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better during a period of gradual change and the final establishment of the rules governing world order ... Hope for the world will come from Russia ... "

Alchemist Paracelsus.

“... There is one people that Herodotus called Hyperboreans - the progenitors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means "noble." The current name of the original land of this ancient people is Muscovy. Hyperborea in their turbulent future history will know a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of various disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come already at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040…”

There are far fewer prophecies about China:

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

“…China will one day become the cradle of Christianity applicable to people's lives…. By human standards, a lot of time will pass, but it is only one day in the heart of the Lord. For tomorrow China will wake up.”

Saint Aristocles of Athos.

“... The end will be through China. There will be some unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on earth ... "

Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky.

“... when the East gains strength, everything will become unstable... The Far East will be taken over by the Japanese, and Siberia by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians and, in the end, by cunning and treachery will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals... The East will be baptized in Russia…”

As can be seen from public predictions, there are NO doubts about the success of the Russian revival, the acquisition of greatness and power among the seers. And regardless of the union with the Middle Kingdom.

On the contrary, the prophets have fears associated with the perfidy of “blood brothers”.

Where are the texts of the prophecies about the future of Russia, which has not joined the "sworn union"? Which of the holy ascetics and soothsayers wrote divinely inspired lines about the emergence of the “new Horde”?

Such predictions (and predictors), for example, I was not lucky enough to find.

Accordingly, I consider it possible to state that the prophecies available to the general public about the future of Russia and China allow us to draw the following clearly defined conclusions:

1. Russia DOES NOT NEED an alliance with China to reach the outstripping pace of state development.
2. A close alliance with Russia for China is a matter of STRATEGIC importance.
3. Maintaining a safe distance in relations with the yellow-faced "relatives" for Russia is the BASIC guarantee of territorial integrity.

Commentary 83 on “On the Prophecies and the Future of Russia.”

    God is free to predict the future through the prophets, and is free to postpone the timing of its implementation.
    God is free to CANCEL the fulfillment of prophecies altogether.
    It must be said that there are no indications of the exact date of the End in the prophecies. For the reason that it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict it.
    Talmudists impose Russia instead of a yoke
    Jewish - Chinese yoke - they can be understood.
    I just don't understand the strategic instability of the Academy....
    Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky.

    “... Formidable adversities will subside
    Russia will defeat its enemies.
    And the name of the Russian, great people
    Like thunder throughout the universe will rumble!

    What will happen to the academician now?

    Dear Mr. Rozanov, now the Chinese spy Devyatov will turn the above prophecies inside out, distort the Bible, twist the history of China and Russia sucked from the finger and prove the opposite with foam at the mouth.
    The Chinese pieces of silver need to be worked out by modern Judas.

    I look forward to Andrey Petrovich's answer! :)

    >American clairvoyant Jane Dixo.
    >«...Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia…”
    >Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

    Pay attention to MULTIPOLARITY..

    It's dangerous to prophesy...
    Since ancient times, people who have been rewarded with the fact that the Spirit of God descended on them and proclaimed with their lips what they considered useful and essential for people were called prophets. Hence such a reverent attitude towards prophecy. But they have always served as a source of many misunderstandings. The root of these misunderstandings is that the Will of the Spirit (the content of messages) passes twice through the channels of human understanding and perception. The first time they are interpreted by the prophet himself and the second time they reach the ears (or eyes) of those to whom the prophets are speaking. In both cases, there is ground for both conscientious misunderstanding and self-serving crafty distortion. Both that and another not infrequently took place. Therefore, although it is useful to read prophetic revelations and much of it can be gleaned for your understanding, but referring to them as an infallible source means demonstrating your own misunderstanding. Any reference to an external authority is at best only a confirmation of the own thoughts and beliefs of the one who resorts to them, but in this case, why refer to someone else's authority: say what you think is necessary and correct from yourself and in your own words and take it on take responsibility for them. It will be honest and courageous. But most often such references only cover up the emptiness of their thoughts and beliefs, or even worse - a crafty plan.
    To use the authority of the Spirit and the Witness of the Spirit for any of the listed purposes is vainglory in relation to both, unless it is a blasphemy against them.
    It is given to a person to speak in his own name, as having authority, when he feels the presence of the Spirit in himself and when he has confidence that this is not an unclean and deceitful spirit, not a spirit of delusion and dark passion, but a Light and True Spirit. Of course, this conviction is on the conscience and responsibility of this person, but if expressed honestly with an open soul, it will not bring harm, even if it is erroneous, because the author does not present this conviction as the Word of God, so that everyone tries it on himself freely (without pressure from authority) and there is a free exchange and mutual enrichment of wisdom and knowledge.
    It is precisely for this that the thoughts of the author of non-both political discourses are valuable, that the author speaks in them without makeup and without priestly vestments, he does not try to hide behind the authority of the sacred scriptures and is ready to accept response “arguments” with an open chest. Thus, understanding and mutual understanding among people is multiplied.
    In such a work, even erroneous judgments are beneficial, while Pharisaic doctrinaireism, even when it says something right, does harm ...

    As an example:

    Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

    “... Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. It will sweep everything away from its path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world… Russia will once again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit.” “As an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and will overshadow the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America….

    ... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world ...

    ... Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states, and those that separated from it will soon return to it in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia ... "

    I can imagine how some will now tear their hair on different parts of the body, but ... "the empire of the spirit", "socialism in a new form", "large collective and cooperative agriculture" (artels, for example :)), "that Orthodoxy that was before it was, it won’t be”, “... Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow the same way ...”, etc., these predictions are already coming true.
    The key word is COB. :)
    Everything is there.

    Let's pay attention. “Multipolarity in politics implies the presence in the world of several poles of power (military pole, civilizational pole, political pole and economic pole) that do not exceed and do not spread their influence on each other. However, the concept of "multipolarity" is often confused with "multi-centricity" - the presence of several centers of power in the world. In 1989, with the end of the Cold War, the bipolar world (in fact, bicentric) (USA and USSR) is gradually replaced by a multicentric one, where there should not be two opposing centers and periphery in the form of a third world, but theoretically, each independent country will have its own internal and foreign policy.
    In a broader sense, the term multipolarity means going beyond the framework of formal logic built on binary principles (“true” - “false”, see Dialectics).”

    There is also a prophecy by Reno Nero, reference points for our time: “Christ dies on the Tiber and is reborn on the Volga” (the Son from the Volga will defeat the teachings of Satan). See in the article “Revealing the Mystery of the Righteous…”

    Each people, civilization, has a predetermined function in interaction with other peoples (civilizations). This is how the world works... The function (not the mission - it's still different) of Russia is to restrain the West and broadcast the ideas received from the West to the East, transforming these ideas along the way. So it was with Christianity, and with communism, and so on. Russia is going east! There is no longer communism in Russia, but in China there is - its own :). We were the Light for the awakening East. We need to take the idea in the West, transform it and introduce it to China. Which, approximately, partially unconsciously (it seems to me), Devyatov does. Well, the prophecies in his interpretation are still a tool for this process of “implementing an idea”, and not a gift in itself. Those. Devyatov may not turn out quite what he thinks and wants, but he feels the course of things correctly.

    Seraphim of Sarov:
    "... And all other countries, except Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and a number of small countries and lands ..."
    Those. for Prokhor Isidorovich Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - different countries? So what? Or NAKARKAL, damn it, the Sarov elder? Or is it modernized (so to speak Internet versions) of past prophecies? As the Colonel says more carefully especially with originals...

    Dzhemal began to speak the language of the digitologist Noskov)))

    More, more prophecies! Good and different. Give! And everything will work out, and as if by hand ... Don’t go to your grandmother.

    Only the criterion is not indicated: where is the prophecy from God, and where is just nonsense. Whether under substances, from bad abstinence/excesses, or simply inspired by participation in group prayers, standing, walking, etc. sessions of collective psychosis.

    Here, for example, a prophecy?
    Suddenly a magician will arrive
    In a blue helicopter
    And they show movies for free.
    happy birthday wishes
    And of course leave
    I have five hundred popsicles as a gift.

    The circumstances of writing (the method of entering a trance) are unknown, but how it echoes! Come to her, as Pyotr Adolfitch says...

    >Pay attention. “Multipolarity in politics presupposes..

    As far as I know, in addition to political and logical multipolarity, there is also technical, scientific, psychophysiological.

    Therefore, it is rational to supplement, for example, geopolitical multipolarity Dugina A.G. and etc. or complex multipolarity Lensky V.V.

    Lensky V.V., from the standpoint of its multipolarity, briefly predicts the political and economic aspect,

    "New base

    In fact, the United States pushed the governments of countries to strive to establish an agreed balance in the standard of life support (monetary relations). This is the inevitable beginning of multipolarity in politics.
    Poor or rich countries should have an equivalent equivalent corresponding to the level of the country; no one wants to solve the problems of the United States at the expense of the budget of their state.
    The liberation from terror by the dollar entails the alignment of lawful, according to the weight of the economic assets of states, relations. This is the multipolar base. The sovereignty of countries here becomes a position of differing features.
    It must be said that the relations established in the USSR and, subsequently, in the European Union were the germ of multipolarity. However, the principle of multipolarity in the USSR was based not on the economy, but on the human factor. The European Union has come closer to economic multipolarity. However, it carries with it the spirit of violence embedded in the pathology of the previous phase.
    In the current dollar imbalance, it is more profitable for countries to return US notes for the products of this country. Of course, this will lead to the inevitable collapse of the United States.
    On the other hand, it is more profitable to buy products of countries for their own currency. By the way, this guarantees a possible encroachment on the country's economy, as the United States did.
    However, the complexity of recalculations and the cluttering of the world economy with a variety of currencies of countries will begin.


    Independent relations of countries differing in economics are valid until the moment when the period of the "growth limit" comes. In other words, the Earth has scattered life support resources for people.
    This makes it necessary to streamline the system of relations, so as to avoid the chaos of currencies. For such a balance, agreements and a Single Coordination Center are necessary. However, for such a Center, a “common denominator” is needed, that is, some common equivalent of the currencies of different countries, in proportion to the weight of the economy of each country. This attempt was made with the dollar, but the interests of many commodity-producing countries were not taken into account.

    Single equivalent

    With the elimination of the dictate of the dollar, the new currency will not be needed in cash. Why?
    Inside the country, with a multipolar system of relations, the equivalent of the goods will be the country's own currency.
    For relations between countries, there is no need to run a "no one's" machine to print some currency equivalent.
    As a result, this will lead to an equivalent that does not exist in materiality. Something similar is born in electronic money.
    Such a system of conversions and payments will be extremely promising and, most importantly, it will guarantee against another terror with this or that currency.”

    [Source: Inevitability of Multipolarity in Economics and Politics]

    Alexander Kashansky, about "a predetermined function ... to broadcast ideas received from the West to the East, transforming these ideas along the way"- Well, it must be so "bend". Those. you personally never had YOUR ideas ... you BROADCAST everything alien, including about "how the world works":) - did you get it in the west? And if Christianity came to Rus' from the West, then perhaps you should remember (study?) GEOGRAPHY, or something :)

    A.Z.- right - I support it completely!

    Multipolarity is determined by the presence of several independent
    systems. The system is organized in a certain way.
    a group of people involved in management. During the USSR
    the world was bipolar because there were two independent systems.

    “As a result, this will lead to an equivalent that does not exist in materiality. Something similar is born in electronic money.

    An equivalent that does not exist in materiality is only equivalent when currency symbols are exchanged for food symbols, and not for food!

    Alexander Kashansky:

    "Each people, civilization, has a predetermined function in interaction with other peoples (civilizations)."

    Who predetermined this?

    “We need to take the idea from the West, transform it and introduce it to China.”

    Who needs?

    The criterion of the truth of prophecies!?
    How everyone would like to have it, in the form of a sort of tuning fork or interpreter ...
    On this occasion, it was once said: how to salt the salt if it loses its strength?
    Man is the image and likeness of Truth, if he himself loses the Reason of Truth (or does not acquire it), then who and how can make up for such a lack?
    The meaning and purpose of all historical suffering lies in the fact that Man himself grows and matures in Love and Reason of Truth. And only to the extent that he succeeds in this does he bear in himself this Criterion of Truth.
    It is said simply and fairly: he who has ears to hear let him hear, that is, he who has the Mind of Truth understands, and he who does not have neither the need nor the opportunity to do so. So the prophecies prophesy the Truth only for those who hear and understand the Truth.
    And there is no need to worry: not all, but there are many of those who are understanding - and they understand what, why and why is happening on this Earth today.
    And they easily distinguish in the darkness of disinformation, stupidity and false prophecies the rays of pure and unclouded Light of Truth, which shine as much today in the space of the Earth as stars in the sky...
    There is no urgent need even for prophetic books. They will not help the blind to see, but the sighted learn to distinguish with their own Heart and Mind….
    However, spiritual blindness is not a sin, but it is certainly a big problem, much more serious than physical blindness, and it must be solved with the same haste and zeal with which a ship lost at sea restores its directions ...
    Or send an SOS...

    - Get ready guys!
    They will break the horns - if you do not understand the prophecies.
    There is no third ….

    The system is organized in a certain way
    group of people involved in management. - Rare nonsense)))

    So, each is able to "distinguish with his own Heart and Mind", and to improve in this - to the extent of the unspoiled hereditary and way of life.

    Who needs specially chosen professional "prophets", interpreters "with them" (in fact, on the contrary), triune pastoral cults with shepherds and rams, in the implementation of what was said and necessary interpreted?.. Cults, the bearer of which is precisely the community with a hereditarily and educationally deformed worldview: where is everyone’s “Heart and Mind”, these three thousand years from the first days of life have pain, fear and alienation, and all hope for a savior-deliverer , and even that in the role of a scapegoat, "come to her ..."

    As for the mechanism of manipulating consciousness through the institution of prophets with interpreters, it was revealed in the work “Oracle: a social phenomenon and political technology” by the KOB team, it is worth reading until they were covered up “for extremism and incitement”:

    Alexander Kashansky, when he talks about the mission of Russia to restrain the West and convey Western ideas to the East, means a straight-line movement from the West through Russia to the East, which characterizes the dual way of thinking: West-Russia, Russia-China, West-China; this is how geopoliticians think (the symbol of the earth is a square) and this way of thinking belongs to the era of the dominance of Atlantism, Andrey Petrovich Devyatov is a non-politician (the symbol of the sky is a circle), and non-politicians think in three ways and the movement occurs in a combination of three forces in the cycle of overcoming the elements by change. Here the East (Tree) is Russia, and the center (Earth) is China, the Tree (Eastern correct teaching) sprouts (wins) the Earth. Skypolitics refers to the era of Pacific dominance.

    Schieeromonk Aristokliy Athos (1917-18):
    “Now we are living through the pre-Tichrist time. The judgment of God over the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be touched by this. It started with Russia, and then further ...
    And Russia will be saved. Lots of pain, lots of pain.
    It is necessary to suffer much and much and to repent deeply for everyone.
    Only repentance through suffering will save Russia.
    All of Russia will become a prison, and one must beg the Lord for forgiveness a lot.
    Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, even the wing of a fly has weight, but God has accurate scales. And when the smallest thing outweighs the good on the cup, then God will show His mercy over Russia ...
    But first, God will take away all the leaders, so that the Russian people look only at Him. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to itself. This is so that Russian people trust in the help of the Lord. Hear that riots will begin in other countries and similar to what you will hear about wars in Russia and there will be wars - but wait until the Germans take up arms, for they are chosen by God not only as an instrument of punishment for Russia, but also as a weapon of deliverance too. By the command of God, the Germans will enter Russia and save her, but they will not stay in Russia and will go to their own country.
    Then, within 5 years, Russia will achieve prosperity and power more than before. The end of Russia's troubles will be through China.
    There will be some unusual explosion, and the Miracle of God will appear.
    And there will be a completely different life on earth, but not for a very long time. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be exalted and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

    Vanga allegedly said that the black president would be the last and bury America. She said a long time ago when even in a dream it was impossible to imagine a black man as the president of the United States. So, we can say that part of the prediction has already come true. There is not much left before the end of Obama's term. US funeral coming soon.
    She also answered the question about WW3, not soon, they say, there will be more, Syria has not yet fallen ... Some interpreters assumed that she meant Assyria-Iraq. No one thought about Syria then.
    But no, everything is going according to the forecast ...

    The Hindus also forgot about COMRADE DANILOV.
    They don't remember... - the memory is gone.
    They also forgot how to understand the signs.
    Indian Ministry of Defense: the entire crew of the exploded submarine died
    Indian Defense Minister Arakaparambil Kurien Anthony said the crew members of the Sindurakshak submarine that exploded and sank in the port of Mumbai are dead, reports Reuters.

    The Minister called the incident "the greatest tragedy in recent times."
    According to preliminary data, the explosion occurred in the armament compartment, where torpedoes and Club-S missiles were stored, after the fire the ammunition detonated.

    As you know, the Russian working group of the Zvyozdochka ship repair center is located in the port of Mumbai, which was engaged in the maintenance of Sindurakshak, produced in Russia. Representatives of Zvezdochka have already stated that members of this team were not on board the submarine at the time of the explosion.

    In one of the institutes of the city of Khabarovsk, there is a technical assignment for survey work on the construction of a dam on the banks of the Amur from the village of Krasnaya Rechka to the street. Kubiak. Terms of reference for spring dating 2013.
    That is, the Bolsheviks of the Far East Federal District already knew about the coming period of heavy rains. They already knew then that they would have to discharge the overflow of water at the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station. They already knew then that they could not disclose it for the political reasons of China's reactions. They already knew then that the Bureyskaya HPP was entirely working for China. They already knew then that the wave currents would reach the sown areas and farmland with private farmsteads in the Amur Region. They already knew then that some settlements and towns have no chance of remaining intact. They already knew then that there was no money in the budget, since the resource-raw material model of the occupied country burst in 2011.
    Yes! The Bolsheviks in the person of the criminal Ishaev, the criminal Shport, the criminal Sokolov with the higher-ranking criminals of the Kremlin already knew everything about this.
    But they were silent... And they did nothing to forestall the social emergency consequences in the regions.
    Today, the Amur region was left without a harvest. As usual, the “Russian unique people” of the merchants immediately raised the cost of essential goods, i.e. food. Not only that, but most of the coastal settlements have been destroyed and the inhabitants have nowhere to live.
    It would be especially nice to look at the photo of the discharge of water in the Bureyskaya HPP until August 2013. If they do not make a technological discharge there, then the flows after the broken dam are guaranteed to wash Arkhara and reach Khabarovsk, incl. These design and parametric data lie right in the lobby of the first floor of the administrative building of the Bureyskaya HPP. Bureya power producers do everything right, according to the instructions. Local saboteurs and criminals in the person of Ishaev, Shport, Sokolov, etc., are doing it wrong. They held in their hands a forecast of the Amur water level rise marks, taking into account the discharge of water back in the spring. Khabarovsk design institute "Dalaeroproekt" received an order for survey work for the production of a dam from the village of Krasnaya Rechka to the street. Kubyak a little later. What is territory management? And this is the ability to predict, i.e. know, plan and anticipate. Much could have been prevented, even through announcements. It would be possible to pre-empt the autumn monstrous rise in food prices. It would be possible to prevent the panic migration of the inhabitants of the Amur region from the flooded territories. It would be possible to preempt sowing work on probable flooding sites. It would be possible to anticipate the lack of backup storage facilities for agricultural products. There are so many things that could have been foreseen.
    If (knowing this at the beginning of summer) the local scoundrels had done at least something, then now, and even more so in autumn, food prices would not have risen. The feverish problem with housing for Amur residents could have been avoided. The cost of Khabarovsk agricultural products, which are resold by archonthrope intermediaries from Churkistan, has always been held back by the Amur people. They brought potatoes and other crops. And this year, they won't bring it in the fall. On 08/14/2013 at 13:20 a downpour passed in the southern part of the suburbs of Khabarovsk with hail the size of an average stone. The traffic was stopped. Some car owners will have to change the windshields after all. But God help them, and who will save the harvest for the summer residents of the southern suburbs of Khabarovsk now? And this again added an increase in food prices.

    August 16 was on the central city embankment of the Amur. I have never seen anything like this in all my time in Khabarovsk. The water covered the concrete dam and left less than a meter to the pedestrian level of the embankment. And the norm has always been a dry sloping dam and a part of the coast where river passenger ships moored. All landing stages were dragged away in advance. On Flegontova Street, in the area of ​​​​new microdistricts, which were built right on the bulk sand foundation, somehow quickly (?), Some old hidden storm drain broke through and flooded the entire private sector with an area of ​​​​a couple of square kilometers, which still partly remained in the areas of new buildings . It is characteristic that the water did not come from the side of the shore, but, as it were, from within. It was interesting to watch, everything was upside down (like the fountain of Bakhchisaray).

    In general, new buildings were made somehow hastily, as if by special order, and this despite the fact that the panic evacuation of local residents from the Khabarovsk Territory in the past 2012 (data from local closed statistics) reached 200,000 (in general, from the Far Eastern Federal District - 800,000 people). It is somewhat reminiscent of the situation in Altai at the beginning of the 2000s, when, while curtailing infrastructure, they drove out local residents to free up territories for the entry of world elites. So the foundation of all skyscrapers in new buildings was made artificially, in bulk. Further piles. But now in all the house basements of new buildings there is water. But is it winter? Freezing? Will it still squeeze out? And in the spring it will thaw ...

    In the "Coastal" microdistrict, the need for inventions is cunning. In the area of ​​​​the former store "7 Winds" (backwater), those lucky ones whose water rested right on the 5th floor are catching fish right from the windows of the first floors. Satisfied like children...

    On Friday, a representative of the Far Eastern lair, the local minister of health, in front of local lackeys of the same health care, announced classified information. Floating coffins began to appear on the Amur, it is not clear from which cemeteries they were washed and floated away. Possibly from China. Scarecrows about cadaveric poison, about drinking water, and so on. etc. And I think that this is a great sacrifice, given that the matrix manifests itself in signs and numerology.

    Yes, and in China, too, a mess. The city of Haihe (directly opposite Blagoveshchensk) was flooded the same way, now the intestinal consumers along the entire river border between the Far Eastern Federal District and China have nowhere to go for junk. All closed. The Chinese are evil. They pounce like animals.

    There is a video recording of a meeting of certain persons with an Altai shaman, dated early 2013. In one of the episodes, one of the shamans let slip that they had performed a ritual to expel the Bolsheviks from Russia. But he warned that the outcome would be painful. Judging by the ongoing events, the exodus of the Bolsheviks has begun, but so far only force majeure circumstances have arisen. I would like to know if local criminals will receive the deserved punishment? According to the public means of telemanipulation, the criminals are still flying helicopters, bravely spitting out the descendants of empty words, and just do feel cheerful. It seems to me that the shamans screwed something up there again.

    And watching all this bacchanalia for more than two weeks, I remembered some prophecies. They are all the same. What does Nostradamus have, what is in the Vedas, what is in the Bible, what is in Mitra and other Egyptian legends.

    Who is the messiah? It's a punishment in the first place.

    “He will come to rule the nations with a rod of iron” for all the depravity and evil created by the nations...

    “As he left, so he will come,” that is, no one will see him.

    It will come from the east, from the 50th parallel. The 50th parallel across Russia passes only in two places. In the Far East, the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and almost on it the city of Blagoveshchensk stand next to it. Further, the 50th parallel dives into China. Emerges in the Altai Mountains at the crossroads of 4 borders between Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China and Russia. Everything. More in Russia, the 50th parallel does not pass. Well, according to such data and coincidence, we can assume and immediately congratulate everyone.

    Welcome to Harvest Day folks.

    Dear Far East, a “What Nostradamus has, what is in the Vedas, what is in the Bible, what is in Mithras and other Egyptian legends” talks about the shape of the earth and marking it with PARALLELS and MERIDIANS from Greenwich?

    possible scenario for Russia (dates are provisional):
    2015 - the introduction of plastic passports, the intensification and growth of protests of a different kind and other segments of the population against electronic slavery.
    2016-2018 -gradual withdrawal of cash from the turnover of the economy. Activation of the underworld in electronic money flows. The spread of mass protests in all major cities against electronic slavery and theft of electronic money.
    2017 - the beginning of a sluggish civil war - the Russian division into two camps of controlled: for and against electronic slavery, it is possible to form some kind of powerful multi-million-dollar national security movement of Russian-Slavic allied patriotic forces.
    2018- Recession in the economy of electronic financial flows and their massive theft, mega-corruption of electronic money, mass closure of sales markets for pure agricultural products due to the liquidation of cash flows (into the common people of bazaars) and their transfer to hypermarkets of not quite high-quality goods. Mass riots, the introduction of martial law.
    2024- (prophecy of Mon. Abel in YouTube) - civil war, Russian victory, the formation of Russia within the new borders of the Union of Russian-Slavic peoples.
    Renewal of Orthodoxy and restoration of the monarchy.
    The transition to new energy carriers and a super-technological breakthrough in mechanical engineering, the military sphere, and the space sphere.
    The liquidation of nuclear power plants and nuclear waste, the stoppage of oil pumping, a sharp change in the ecology of nature within Russia, the activation of the youth gene - people stop aging quickly, the development of an interplanetary tourism program - the first starting aerospaceport in earth orbit.
    The entry of some energy and oil-dependent countries from Russia into the coalition of the Siberian Russian-Slavic Union.
    There are many options for the development of events - what envy from each person will be.
    However, force majeure circumstances, if they occur, help to draw up an approximate scenario for the development of events.

    Information from the website "International Mutual Aid"

    “In July 1977, Maitreya left his Himalaya Center and flew to London.
    During several years of preparation for his public appearance, Maitreya delivered 140 messages through Benjamin Creme.

    Maitreya will appear for the first time to the general world public (satellite broadcast worldwide) when He speaks in a television interview. This event will be followed by the "Declaration Day", when He will speak to all mankind, and each of us will hear His telepathic message in our own language. Hundreds of thousands of healings will take place during this time. Thus, all peoples everywhere will know that the Teacher of the World is among us.

    By June 8, 2013, Maitreya gave 98 television interviews, of which the last 14 were given to Russian central television. New TV appearances are expected to take place in South and North America, Japan, China, Russia and other countries around the world."

    Letter from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in connection with my examination of the corruption potential of the draft law on the Russian Academy of Sciences


    - HE will be covered, but not hidden ....
    There will be two of them...
    This is the key to understanding the future of Russia.
    Under these "two" - the Kremlin mows down ....
    This is your last chance to make in this life
    something really noteworthy
    your descendants.

    Time is not money.
    Time is your life....
    The devil has no personal power of his own.
    The power of the devil is in your stupidity....

    Nikolai Leonidovich, well done!

    You have received an official response containing an unequivocal
    the answer is who developed and introduced the law. And how is the "system"
    education is arranged is a separate issue.

    Send the received response to the media and the opposition, otherwise Livanov
    claims to see everything for the first time. Since the question
    political, then it is decided exclusively by political
    methods. However, there are several reasons for the collision with the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    economic, although they are weighty, how much ideological.
    That international terrorist group that organized
    hitting the RAS introduces a triangular technology "dead
    head" based on religions and churches, and the Academy of Sciences
    stands in their way, from here legs, tails and hooves grow -
    part of the system is under the complete control of the Israeli
    healer-priestly center ... they are both for their eggs and for
    hold the hypothalamus.

    Yuri (I'm sorry, I don't know your patronymic), who introduced the bill, and so it was known.

    I am not involved in politics and I don’t know what “opposition” is. But it was noticeable that with some coverage in the Russian media of the situation around the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was accompanied by a symptomatic silence of the English newspapers. And American. At least, I did not notice any disturbances there.

    "Terrorism" is a legal term and it must be proved. As for the churches, the dialogue between science and the church would not harm anyone, in my opinion.

    Also, I would not exaggerate the role of the "Israeli
    healer-priestly center”, if it exists. It is quite possible to live with your mind.

    I don't care about the system. See for example:

    On replacing the problem of sources of funds with the problem of their placement as a pedagogical process

    Probably Mr. Dzhemal's smart thought about Mr. Snowden ... and the RAS is somewhere close

    The expression "beauty will save the world" is well perceived from the standpoint of creativity. If art, literature and architecture, changing style, influenced a person, harmonizing with the concepts of the era (renaissance, revival, baroque), aesthetics and time; then by changing the understanding and perception of historically formed dogmas, religious sacraments and traditions, one can change the consciousness and direct the vector of a person’s spiritual search (who am I, where am I going, why I live and where is my place). Analysis and associative-figurative thinking are well shown in the works of N, N, Vashkevich (Lost Wisdom, System Languages ​​of the Brain.). Take for example the word Golgotha ​​(mountain or skull) and the associations associated with it: mountain - peak, ascension; the skull is a symbol of time, transformation. I think that the following analogies should also evoke certain associations and spiritual thinking: HIRAM, CHIRON, CHRON, CHRONOS, HORIBE. But this is not my topic, I'm used to working with dreams. Being engaged in UFOs and anti-gravity, I learned to trust intuition and subconsciousness, this made me weed out scientific postulates and authorities, look for an unconventional approach and non-standard thinking, I had to turn to Blavatsky, contactees and psychics. Having gone beyond the framework of rational thinking (to the method of analogy), he accidentally looked at the Bible from the standpoint of metaphysics and intuitive thinking. For the accuracy of the analysis, I synthesized three sources (one-randomness, two-coincidence, three-system; a similar method of processing information is used by aviation when searching for submarines, where a parabola is built from three values ​​​​of the probable position (geometrically this is expressed by ellipses). As a result, I received a shock and learned that the Bible is a great heritage of Spiritual civilizations (in coded form), which transmitted (through time) knowledge (about the structure of the earth, space, the invisible world and the legends of the white race), which is a hint-indication that sounds like expression: "for where the corpse (analysis), there the eagles will gather (there will be spiritual thinking and clairvoyance)" (Matt. 24:28).

    >> About myself: I was born on 08.09.1957 in Mariupol, in 1979 I graduated from the Luhansk Higher Military Aviation School for Navigators, from 1975 to 1995 I served in the armed forces of aviation and navy in flight, staff and technical positions. Currently I am working in the CIP at the dairy plant in Mariupol, doing research and self-education on the issues of deciphering the Bible and creating a gravitational engine based on the principle of the third derivative (asymmetric magnetic field), capable of creating an anisotropy of space. The Ark of the Covenant was written in 1998, edited for ten years, put his energy into feeling the theme so as not to stimulate a new sect or religion. I have one publication ( No. 7, 2008) in the fund of Academician Petrov and a review by a Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Mariupol Humanitarian University. In April 2010, esotericists singled out a page on the Internet with my work (Oleg Krasnov. / The Ark of the Covenant.). Since December 2009 I have installed the Internet, I am looking for like-minded people. I know that I will have four students and one student. I managed to remove four seals (of the seven with which the Bible was sealed), I see how the fifth and sixth can be removed. To eliminate errors, you need at least two mystical sources, help publish. The publication is needed to access secret societies that store esoteric information, interpretation keys and do not know what to do with them. The work was written at the level of planetary initiation. Dan Brown is resting. The end of the world is cancelled. A quantum transition is a transformation of our THINKING, or an appeal to the inner world of a person.
    >> No prophet in his own country!
    >> The proposed interpretation is different from the traditional one, it is blinding, but there is no other solution on the rational path to the light. According to the Vedas, the word (BE) - (RA) means knowledge, and the believer is the one who knows, (BE) blowing towards the light, knowledge, the sun (RA). He took into account the comments, made an emphasis on HYPOTHESES and the interpretation of the number of Christ 318 as a SYMBOL. No one will be able to object, not scientific people, not the keepers of religious traditions.. Try to explain for yourself in a different way that 2010 years (the mystery of the number 666 in the New Testament) or 3128 years (the creation of the earth from water) is not understood. The proposed study leads to an altered state of consciousness, performs information synthesis, makes one think about the reformation of Christianity, is well written, but falls into the hands of the wrong people, but PEOPLE, and it is impossible to explain to non-Russian speakers what a metaphor is. Well, how can the Anglo-Saxons explain the expression "slept without hind legs." And everything creative is basically intuitive, irrational and largely symbolic.
    >> Perhaps there is also an information blockade and it is not beneficial for someone to wake up the gene memory or the ability to perceive figurative information with their heart or through the solar plexus chakra. But the word solar plexus, like the word hero, does not occur and cannot be translated in any language of the world. Yes, and the word GOD-TYR (although Turkic), but in Russian it is compound and, as Zadornov says, means - to take, to steal from God (as grandchildren do), i.e. to be GOD'S GRANDSON and not GOD'S SERVANT as the church teaches. Yes, and the Slavic Vedas say that we are the grandchildren of God's Dazh ...
    >> About the number of Christ and the role of Russia (Rus), during perestroika, our contemporary stigmatist Giorgio Bongiovani (Italy) speaks, and the famous mystic and clairvoyant E. Casey pointed out that a new religious teaching would come from Russia. Yes, it turned out to be a difficult-to-perceive presentation, but how else can one present what is perceived by the subconscious.
    >> It is better to read my work in several approaches, by the number of chapters... And yet, it is difficult because it simultaneously works with irrational and rational knowledge and concepts, like complex numbers. Yes, while reading two parts, I myself enter an altered state of perception of reality and in order to understand the third part I take a break, but the fourth part is philosophical-esoteric or creative thinking and shows the direction and path of the search for Truth. For orthography and spelling I apologize, there may be errors. When you set out an altered state of consciousness (you describe figurative thinking in a rational language), you are in a blackout and follow the thought, not orthography. Mistakes can always be corrected, thoughts can be improved, and it is not so easy to pay attention to figurative thinking. Dreamers and scientists will be the first to come to the stars, people capable of embracing the celestial, the infinite, and even understanding the physical meaning of time. Not only does the New Testament say that there is a God—not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. Don't YOU know that YOU are GODS and will judge Angels.
    >> Those who seek scientific truth already know that academic physical and chemical knowledge is based on false theories, so the birth of new fundamental knowledge is impossible in the minds of the bearers of such theories. According to Origen, the prophets and apostles describe heavenly treasures, talking about some human deeds, wisely combining historical truth, story with allegorical fiction.
    >> By the way, my thoughts are well perceived by philosophers, inventors and people with physical and mathematical thinking. He made several versions, finalized his presentation in the third part with dark matter (Raja by the Hindu World), in part 4 in footnote 42 he concretized the fourth dimension and the concept of time, added an article about Bolotov. See Appendix No. 3 for an article about Bolotov, and if you understand it, you will understand the rest. I think the RAR archive is enough for the layman, three parts are presented in scientific language, the full information is in the last file. I will send you an E-mail reset.
    >> Health, understanding, pleasant dreams, goodbye.
    >> Oleg.

    Tsytata-Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states ... ". Funny. 1) Slavs - a great group of peoples related in languages ​​and cultures living in Eastern and Central Europe and have three branches: East Slavic (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians), West Slavic (Poles, Kashubians, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhichans), South Slavic (Bulgarians, Croats , Slovenes, Bosnians, Montenegrins). Russia did not yet exist at the time when Kievan Rus was at the height of its glory. The Polish kingdom existed during the time of Kievan Rus, if not earlier. I will not analyze all the other states so deeply, I will say one thing that Russia emerged as a separate independent state later than all the Slavic states. So how can it then be the progenitor of all Slavic states? 2) "Herodotus called the Hyperboreans" - why does Russia believe that the Hyperboreans are Russians ?. The name "Hyperborea" refers to Kievan Rus, when there were no Russians, there was no Russia. Ukraine (first of all, because Rus' was Kievan) and Belarus can and have the right to claim this name. Maybe it is Ukraine or Belarus that has been given the role of rebirth of the whole world from above. 3) Only in these interpretations of the prophecies did I first read that the Slavs lived in the Far East. The Far East is still Asia, and the peoples of Asia lived and live there, which are very different from the Slavs. Conclusion: I believe in the prophecies of the great prophets and read with interest. But these interpretations described above are lies, untruths and juggling of facts.

    Tsytata-Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states ... ". Funny. 1) Slavs - a great group of peoples related in languages ​​and cultures living in Eastern and Central Europe and have three branches: East Slavic (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians), West Slavic (Poles, Kashubians, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhichans), South Slavic (Bulgarians, Croats , Slovenes, Bosnians, Montenegrins).

    Russia did not yet exist at the time when Kievan Rus was at the height of its glory. The Polish kingdom existed during the time of Kievan Rus, if not earlier. I will not analyze all the other states so deeply, I will say one thing that Russia emerged as a separate independent state later than all the Slavic states. So how can it then be the progenitor of all Slavic states? 2) "Herodotus called the Hyperboreans" - why does Russia believe that the Hyperboreans are Russians ?. The name "Hyperborea" refers to Kievan Rus, when there were no Russians, there was no Russia. Ukraine (first of all, because Rus' was Kievan) and Belarus can and have the right to claim this name. Maybe it is Ukraine or Belarus that has been given the role of rebirth of the whole world from above. 3) Only in these interpretations of the prophecies did I first read that the Slavs lived in the Far East. The Far East is still Asia, and the peoples of Asia lived and live there, which are very different from the Slavs. Conclusion: I believe in the prophecies of the great prophets and read with interest. But these interpretations described above are lies, untruths and juggling of facts.


    How scary, everyone lived together, were strong, kind. Well, everyone will scatter: everything is separate, so what? Each for himself will not last long. There is neither just health and strength - the Chinese keep themselves in a vigorous body (wushu and other techniques) nor a spiritual impulse - it ended after the Great Patriotic War. So we will all end - everything ... Both Ukrainians and Russians with Belarusians and the Caucasus (Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia) with Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) will not last long on their own. Only together we are Strength. Only together will there be a POWER. And so, every man for himself, whether against China, whether against the United States, sooner or later will perish. It will perish and there will be nothing left.

    He came a long time ago, screams, but no one hears him, yet they are so smart, they are waiting for tricks, miracles, fairy tales, oh yes, they are still waiting for Jesus from heaven :), oh no, probably an authoritative parasite from the TV screen, no, probably he on foot by sea he will come all dressed in white, and on a white horse, he will distribute a dough to everyone over a new body, he will throw up and jump again to the sky ((Well, wait further, look for you have a little more than a month left, you won’t wake up, wake up in a cave.

    “An ancient teaching will soon come into the world. They ask me: "Will that time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!



    Return to spiritual origins.

    This autumn I visited the state reserve "Kungak".
    It is located near the town of Meleuz.
    On its border flows
    the Belaya River, the Bashkirs call it - Agidel.
    Not far from its steep banks rises Mount Kungak, the "sunny mountain"; This reserve was named after her.
    This land is sacred to all Bashkirs!
    Here, in ancient times, on the day of the summer solstice, the Bashkir clans gathered for Kurultai, a nationwide assembly.
    Here, the batyrs of the Bashkir tribes held competitions among themselves in horse racing, archery, in the ability to handle a spear and a saber, and in the national wrestling of the Bashkirs - kuresh.
    The winners of these tournaments were presented with silver pendants with a chain depicting a wolf.
    The Heavenly Wolf, Kuk Bure, is the ancestor, the heavenly protector of the Bashkorts*.
    The winners could proudly call themselves - the sons of the Heavenly Wolf!
    Although, many centuries have passed since then; I believe that the spiritual revival of the Bashkir people will begin from here, from Kungak!
    Watch and enjoy the beauties of the Bashkir land!
    I wish you to visit these beautiful places next fall and see everything not in photographs, but in reality!
    I wish you a happy journey!
    See you in Kungak!

    Ramil Aznaev

    * The antonym "bashkort" consists of the common Turkic "bash" (head, chief) and the Turkic-Oghuz "kort" (wolf).

    PROJECT: "KUNGAK - 2016"

    1. First of all, it is necessary to organize the organizing committee of "Kungaka - 2016"
    2. The Organizing Committee will disseminate information through the media about the project - "Kungak - 2016".
    3. The organizing committee must have its own website and, preferably, its own printed edition; as well as, your bank account, a charitable foundation, for organizing and holding "Kungaka - 2016".
    4. The organizing committee should hold in the cities and regions of Bashkortostan - small kurultai; as well as in other republics, regions and cities of Russia where Bashkir communities live; where they must choose their representatives to participate in "Kungak - 2016".
    5. The organizing committee must hold a competition on the Internet: coat of arms, flag with the image of a white wolf; and a hymn dedicated to the Sky Wolf.

    Organization and holding - "Kungaka - 2016"

    "Kungak - 2016" will be held on the territory of the state reserve "Kungak", on the banks of the Belaya River, Agidel; near the children's health center - "Mountain Echo"
    It is advisable for all representatives of the Bashkir communities to come with Bashkir national clothes, with yurts and horses; or they will need to apply in advance to the equestrian sports complex "Tulpar" to rent horses.
    "Kungak - 2016" will last for three days: June 24, 25, 26.
    The All-Russian Kurultai of the Bashkirs will last until lunch, and after it, competitions among batyrs will begin:
    1. Horse racing.
    2. Archery at a galloping target.
    3. Hitting targets with a spear while galloping.
    4. Dzhigitovka.
    5. Fight kuresh.
    The winners of the tournaments will be awarded with silver pendants on a chain with the image of a wolf.
    After the competition, in the evening, concerts will begin with the participation of Bashkir folklore ensembles, singers, musicians and dancers.

    Ramil Aznaev

    PROJECT: ALTAI - 2016

    Organization and holding of "Altai - 2016?

    The All-Russian Kurultai of the Turks will be held in the Altai Republic, in the foothills of the sacred mountain Belukha.

    Altai is the ancestral home of all Turkic peoples!

    Plan of organization and conduction of » Altai - 2016? will be the same as in "Kungak - 2016".

    The winners in the Republican Kurultai will take part in the batyr competitions.

    I propose to the winners of tournaments to present the same silver pendant on a chain, with the image of a wolf; because The Heavenly Wolf is considered the ancestor of all Turkic peoples.

    Turkic folklore ensembles, singers, dancers and musicians will take part in the concerts.

    The main goal of the project "Altai - 2016": the spiritual revival of the Turkic peoples!

    May Tengri help us!

    Ramil Aznaev

    The World Kurultai of the Turks will also be held in Altai, but only under a different name: "Tengri - 2016".


    Appeal to the World Kurultai of the Bashkirs

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you!

    Let the Sun of Tengri shine in your Hearts!

    Brothers and sisters!

    You live in stone cells
    You breathe poisonous air
    You are poisoning yourself with poisonous water and food!
    Your Souls have lost touch with Mother Nature and the Universe!
    Through the dark clouds of your thoughts, words and deeds,
    No longer shines - the Sun of Tengri!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Return to the arms of Mother Nature!
    Live the way our ancestors lived
    Loving and protecting your native land!
    Purify your Heart!
    Let the Sun of Tengri shine in Him!

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you!
    In the middle of the night, light the fires!
    Sit around them and look at the starry sky!
    There, in the center of the Universe, the Spiritual Sun shines!
    There, the monastery - Tengri!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Praying Tengri at sunrise and sunset,
    In the midst of sunny day and starry night
    Kindle the sacrificial fire!
    Walk around it in the sun
    Stand next to him on the south side!
    Put a bunch of brushwood or a pinch of salt on the fire,
    And looking at the blue or starry sky,
    Send the Creator of the Universe the light of your Love!

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you!
    Get back to your spiritual roots!
    Let the Sun of Tengri* shine in your Hearts!

    Ak Bure, White Wolf

    * The solar sign of Tengri is an equilateral cross in a circle.


    Appeal to El Kurultai of the Altaians

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you!
    Bring back the Altai princess!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Where have you been,
    When thieves defiled Her grave?!
    Where have you been,
    When did they steal her body?!
    Where have you been,
    When the great battle lies ahead of us,
    Between the forces of Light and Darkness?!
    Who will protect you?!
    Who will meet the Souls of the dead?!
    Who will lead them to the Sun of Tengri,
    Through the Milky Way?!

    Ak Kosh, White Bird*!

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you!
    Bring back the Altai princess!

    Ak Bure, White Wolf

    * Ak Kosh, the White Bird - the white-flaming Soul of the Altai princess.

    Brothers and sisters!

    On the revival of the religion of the Sun in the country of the Hyperboreans,
    On the revival of the Tengrian faith in Russia,
    About the spiritual revival of all Turkic peoples,
    Predicted by a European astrologer - Paracelsus!

    May the prediction of Paracelsus come true!
    May the prophecies of the white faith be fulfilled!
    White Burkhan calls you:
    Take action and win!

    Ak Bure, White Wolf


    Brothers and sisters!

    The Heavenly Wolf was a Man!
    He; just like Jesus Christ; was the Son of the Creator of the Universe!
    His; just like Jesus Christ; Tengri sent to Earth to preach among the Turkic tribes - the white, Tengrian faith!
    That's why. there is so much in common between the Teachings of Christ and the Teachings of the Heavenly Wolf!
    The only difference is how you pray to God!
    The symbols of their Teachings were the same: the symbol of the Teachings of Christ is a white equilateral cross; the symbol of the Teaching of the Heavenly Wolf is a white equilateral cross in a circle!
    That is why spiritual revival awaits not only the Turks, but also all Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples, the entire Russian people!
    When the Heavenly Wolf lived in Altai and its foothills, I don't know!
    I only know that he was able to unite the Turkic tribes into a single people - by a single faith - into a single God!
    So the Heavenly Wolf became a spiritual leader, the first Leader, the ancestor of all Turkic peoples!
    His symbol is a white wolf!

    May the Sun of Tengri shine over Russia!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    Centuria 10, Katren 72
    Year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the seventh month,
    From the sky will come the great King of terror:
    Reviving the great King of the Mongols (Angoulemians), Before and after Mars, happily reign.



    Edited: 11/23/15




    Man is made up of millions of cells
    So the Universe consists of millions of Galaxies!
    Living cells are made up of millions of atoms
    So Galaxies consist of millions of Stars!
    Electrons revolve around atoms.
    So planets revolve around the stars!
    The soul of a man dwells in his heart,
    Thus, the Soul of the Universe dwells in the Cosmic Heart*!
    The Mind of Man governs his body,
    This is how the Cosmic Mind* governs the Universe!
    In the human body, new cells die and appear,
    This is how Galaxies, Stars and Planets appear and disappear!
    How does the human soul leave its body?
    This is how the three-dimensional universe disappears!
    How the Human Soul incarnates again in a physical body**,
    So the Universe materializes again!
    How unique each person is
    So unique are all the Universes ***!


    * The Central Sun of the Universe, the Sun of Tengri, the Abode of our Heavenly Parents.
    ** Reincarnation, reincarnation of Souls.
    *** There are many universes!

    GOD IS LOVE!!!

    Love unites men and women
    This is how She unites our Heavenly Parents!
    The fruit of love are our children,
    So for our Heavenly Parents it is our Universe!
    Saint Love people dedicate ballads and songs,
    Thus sacred hymns are sung to Her throughout the universe!
    Love does wonders on earth
    So She works miracles in Heaven!
    The sun illuminates our planet,
    This is how the Sun of Love* illuminates our Universe!
    The sun gives physical life to all living beings on Earth,
    Thus, the Sun of Love gives spiritual life to all living beings in the Universe!
    Eternal and infinite earthly Love,
    So eternal and infinite She is in Heaven!
    As above, so below**,
    Love above all!

    GOD IS LOVE!!!

    * The Sun of Tengri, the Abode of our Heavenly Parents.
    ** Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.

    Sacred rite of purification of the Earth

    Brothers and sisters!

    Our Earth is alive!
    She, just like all of us - sees, hears, feels, thinks and speaks!
    Today, She is seriously ill, because of what has been done to Her - Humanity!
    What are the heartless Children of Earth guilty of?!
    Thermonuclear explosions and storage of nuclear waste!
    Unlimited pumping of oil and gas from the bowels of the Earth!
    Global deforestation!
    Crazy use of chemistry in tillage!
    Mass dumps of human waste!
    And most importantly, it is - FALSE and HYPOMERCY, HATE and GREED - Human!
    With them - we kill our Planet in the astral and mental plane!
    Our dark thoughts, words and deeds have turned our Earth into a sick planet surrounded by a gray mist!
    Yes, undoubtedly, the Earth will be able to cure itself - itself; but at what cost?
    She will erase and wash away from her Face the destructive for Her - Humanity, as it has happened more than once!
    Do we want such an end?!
    If - no, then hurry to perform - THE SACRED RITE OF CLEANSING THE EARTH!
    Start with yourself!
    Clear your Heart and Mind from dark thoughts!
    Pray, meditate, say the sacred mantra*; play musical instruments, sing songs and dance - with a bright Soul, with bright thoughts and words!
    Cleanse our Planet from the gray mist with your spiritual Light!
    And the more people will participate in this sacred rite, the more likely it is that we will succeed; that we will save our civilization on Earth!

    Brothers and sisters!

    I call you - every day, four times a day: at 6.00, 12.00, 18.00 and 24.00 Moscow time; conduct - a sacred rite of purification of the Earth!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Everyone who hears me now; convey to your relatives, friends and acquaintances - my call:


    * May love be ahead of me,
    And behind me is love,
    And homemade - Love,
    And downstairs - Love!
    May love surround me!


    Summary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Brothers and sisters!

    You must know - the TRUTH - about the life of Jesus Christ on Earth!
    He was born just like all of us - from his father, and not from the so-called - immaculate conception!
    After returning from Egypt, Jesus left and went alone with the caravan to India, at the foot of the Himalayas!
    Here he learned a lot from the Eastern sages!
    After completing his spiritual journey in India, Jesus returned home to Galilee!
    After being baptized in the Jordan, he began to preach his teaching - the Teaching of Christ!
    Jesus had a beloved and faithful disciple, her name was Mary Magdalene!
    They loved each other!
    Jesus did not marry her, because he knew what was ahead of him!
    Jesus, in order to be understood, preached his doctrine with the help of parables and quotations from the Bible; to believe him, he healed people, performed miracles, using - levitation, teleportation and transformation of matter!
    Yes, Jesus called himself the messiah, the Son of God; because he knew about his mission on Earth!
    He rebelled against the lies and hypocrisy of the Pharisees, against the hardened dogmas of the Jewish faith!
    Out of fear of losing their spiritual authority over the Jewish people, the high priests ordered Jesus to be arrested!
    After being tortured, he was sent to execution, to Golgotha!
    When he was crucified, everyone thought he was dead; but, in fact, Jesus fell into a state - samadhi, or scientifically - lethargic sleep or suspended animation!
    On Sunday, Jesus woke up and left the tomb, where he was met by his beloved Mary Magdalene!
    This is a summary of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and if you want to know about his life on Earth - in more detail:


    * The Book of Jesus was written by Jesus Christ with the help of American contactee Ben Cullen.

    The symbol of the spiritual revival of Russia is the solar sign Tengri, a white equilateral cross in a circle.

    Performing the rite of purification of the Earth with the sacred mantra: "May Love be!"

    Stand up straight.

    Imagine how the Universal Energy of Love rushes through your crown to the center of your chest.
    Imagine how the white-flame energy fills your entire chest and turns into a fireball, into the Sun of Love.
    Exhaling, stretch your hands forward and say mentally or aloud:
    “Let love be ahead of me!”
    Imagine how all the light of your sun of Love rushes forward.

    Fold your palms at chest level.
    Take a slow deep breath.
    Re-create your Sun of Love.
    Exhaling, take your hands back; they should be above the shoulders, at head level; palms should be pointing back.
    Imagine how all the energy of your Sun of Love rushes - back, behind your back:
    “And behind me is Love!”

    Fold your palms at chest level.
    Create your own Sun of Love.
    Exhaling, raise your hands up. Look up.
    Throw all your energy of Love into the Sky:
    "Above the house - Love!"

    Fold your palms at chest level.
    Create the Sun of Love.
    Exhaling, lower your hands down. Look down.
    Send all your Love energy to the Earth:
    "Under the house - Love!"

    Fold your palms together again at chest level.
    Take a slow deep breath.
    Create the Sun of Love.
    Exhaling, take your hands to the sides, saying:
    “Let love be around me!”
    Send the light of your Sun of Love in all directions of the Earth.

    And finally, fold your palms at chest level.
    Inhale and exhale worship the Tengri Sun, our Heavenly Parents and Holy Love coming from Them!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    Edited: 11/24/15



    Brothers and sisters!

    In the summary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I didn't tell you how he left the earth!
    Jesus Christ left the Earth not on a white cloud, but on an unidentified flying object - a UFO!
    UFOs can be found throughout the universe!
    Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visited our Planet long before our era; still - millions of years ago, when there was no atmosphere on Earth!
    Thanks to UFOs, Humanity appeared on Earth!
    The first settlers; the so-called Adam and Eve; arrived on Earth aboard a spaceship from another planet!
    And in the future, thanks to UFOs from all Humanity will be saved - every third; And most of all, it's kids!
    When the Earth will face a catastrophe on a planetary scale; and there will be a threat of destruction of all Humanity; extraterrestrial civilizations will send - thousands of their spaceships to save - the chosen ones!
    The chosen ones will fly on UFOs to Planets similar to our Earth, where there are all conditions for physical life and spiritual development of a Human!
    The chosen ones, these are the children; and adults who have chosen - Light!
    Who chose - Darkness and those who could not choose anything; so-called people with a gray soul; - "they will envy the dead" *!
    Watch the feature film - "The Sign", and you will see - what - awaits those who remain on Earth: they will all turn into ashes; and their remains will be blown into outer space - the solar wind!
    In a thousand years, the descendants of the chosen ones will return to their native Planet aboard spaceships; and they will see here - "a new heaven and a new earth" *!
    So, thanks to UFOs, a new, sixth race will arise on Earth; civilization - god-men!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    * Revelation of John the Evangelist, Apocalypse.


    Jesus Christ

    Brothers and sisters!

    In the New Year 2016, the fate of all Humanity will be decided, because the time has come - "separation of the grains from the chaff" *: the choice between - Light and Darkness!
    And when the "End of the World"** comes, only those who have chosen - Light will be saved!

    * Gospel of Matthew.
    * More precisely: "And when the end of Darkness comes."
    When will he come?!
    When will Noah's Ark be built in the country of the Hyperboreans!


    The symbol of the salvation of Mankind, this is a picture from the "Little Prince", drawn by its author - Antoine de Saint-Exepuri, where the Little Prince is lifted up - seven white birds!

    Edited: 12/5/15


    Brothers and sisters!

    Noah's Ark is a territory, most of which is located in Russia: the Urals, the southern part of Western Siberia, the northern and eastern regions of Kazakhstan, the central and southern parts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Altai, the Mongolian Altai, the Sayans and the Baikal region!
    Most Russians; those who chose - Light; will live on the territory of Noah's Ark!
    When planetary catastrophes begin, this territory will be the safest place on Earth!
    And this is where most of the space fleet will be sent when the time comes to save the elect!
    Also, UFOs will land on the "islands of salvation"!
    They are located in Russia; for example, in the Zhiguli mountains; and in other anomalous places of our Planet!
    The construction of Noah's Ark in Russia will begin in 2016!
    Its construction is: the creation on His territory - the union of spiritual communities - the Brotherhood of Noah's Ark; where all its members will live according to the Universal Laws - Freedom, Brotherhood and Love!
    Basically, they will live in agricultural and pastoral communities in communion with Mother Nature and the Universe; where the priority will be not material wealth, but the spiritual development of Man!
    The Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Teachings of the Heavenly Wolf will become - Cornerstones - in the construction of Noah's Ark in Russia!

    Brothers and sisters!

    If possible, leave the cities and live where there is - clean air, clean water and land!
    Start building - Noah's Ark - in the name of the salvation of Mankind!
    Hurry up!
    Time does not wait!
    You must finish building Noah's Ark in 2021!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    Ramil Aznaev, I also feel that Siberia is Noah's Ark, here the Lieutenant has already agitated me to sell my place in this ark.

    Apocalypse Code: 122121EE


    Revelation of John the Evangelist


    Beware the Fire Horse Rider!

    And if you do not stop him, then in the year when the Fire Monkey starts a world war: he will overthrow you!

    And they will put you in an iron cage, like the Beast; where you will sit - until the end of your days!

    And in the year when the Iron Bull plunges his horns into the Earth, the first death awaits you: you will be burned alive!

    And your soul will be thrown into the underworld - for a thousand years!

    And when the gates of hell open again, the second death awaits you: Heavenly Fire will incinerate your soul!

    Black dragon!

    The rider on the Fiery Horse will come under your soul - suddenly: like lightning he will rush from east to west!

    And if you do not stop him: my prophecy will come true!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    * One who was born in the year of the Black Dragon.

    Apocalypse Code: 122121EE

    Black dragon!

    Watch out for the numbers 25 and 10!
    And if you meet on your way - the Scarlet Maiden; and if She does not stop you: the Fire Rooster with a scythe will be waiting in front of you!



    Rider on the Fire Horse



    Based on the Russian folk tale - "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster *"

    There lived a bald devil and Ivan Tsarevich. The devil had a bast hut, and Ivan had royal chambers; suddenly a hurricane swept through all of Rus' - the devil's hut fell apart, and Ivan's is in the old way. The devil asked Ivan to warm himself and Ivan and kicked him out.

    Ivan is coming - sad, hung his little head, and merchants and boyars meet him; even though they are Russian, they think in a foreign way:

    How can I not be sad! I had royal chambers, and the devil was a bast hut, he asked me to come and kicked me out.

    They went to the royal chambers:

    - Get out, damn it!

    And he told them from the royal throne:

    The merchants and boyars got scared and ran away.

    Ivan goes again - sadly, hung his little head. The townspeople with white ribbons meet him:

    - What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sad about?

    How can I not be sad! The bald devil kicked me out of my royal chambers.

    - Do not worry, Ivan, we will kick him out.

    - No, don't run away. Merchants and boyars drove out - they didn’t drive out, and you won’t be able to.

    - We'll drive it.

    They went to the royal chambers:

    - Get out, damn it!

    And he told them from the royal throne:

    - How I jump out, how I jump out, whoever is opposite me will go to be in the cellar or dead!

    The townspeople got scared and left.

    Ivan goes again - sad, hung his little head, and to meet him the Archangel Michael, with him all his Heavenly Host:

    - What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sad about?

    - How can I not be sad! The bald devil kicked me out of my royal chambers.

    "Come on, I'll kick him out."

    - No, you won't. Merchants and boyars were driven out - they were not driven out; the townspeople drove out - they didn’t drive out; and you won't get kicked out.

    - No, I'll take it out.

    Approached the royal chambers:

    - Get out, damn it! There is a sharp sword in my right hand, I want to cut you!

    The devil was frightened, jumped out of the royal chambers, tried to escape, but the archangel caught him and imprisoned him in a deep cellar.

    Ivan Tsarevich returned to his royal chambers and began to live, live, and make good, and the Archangel Michael helped him in everything, taught him reason.

    * In the year of the Fire Rooster, my fairy tale will come true!


    Brothers and sisters!

    The Fire Dragon that has been sleeping for twenty thousand years has awakened!
    He slept in the deep bowels of the Japanese islands!
    Together with the Fire Dragon, volcanoes will wake up!
    The whole earth will shake!
    Giant typhoons and tsunamis will hit the seashores!
    Many cities will be destroyed!
    Many lands will remain under water!
    No one and nothing can stop it - the end of the world!
    Only the chosen ones will be saved!
    Noah's Ark will be built for them!


    Sent from Mail for Windows 10
    In Sochi, a cipher table of the sequence of quatrains by M. Nostradamus was found, encrypted in centuries. It turned out that up to 20 quatrains can be used to describe one event, which achieves the accuracy of geopolitical predictions, prophecies indicating countries, cities, years and often months. For example: the beginning and end of two world wars in the 21st century, the number of armies and victims. A lot of dates of international military conflicts and their consequences. Nuclear strike. Types of land and sea weapons. Earthquakes, droughts, floods. Early re-election of the first persons of the states. The collapse of NATO. Destruction of nuclear weapons on planet earth. Birth and violent death of the future prophet. Periods of peaceful life without wars. And in one quatrain up to 12 dates of world events can be predicted. All deciphered katres are 9 thousand years of world history, of which 1240 years before the ice age, the flood, the past civilization, 7021 years of the present civilization and 800 years of the next one, after the next Great Flood. [Floods on planet earth, there are no earlier and no later , and exactly after 7021 years and last no more and no less, but 721 years. The next flood will begin from 3797. The temperature will be at the beginning from +80 to -100 degrees Celsius] From the knowledge of ancient books, which he burned because of the threat of death from the Inquisition, it is proved astronomically (using astrological terms) the cyclical nature of many events, especially universal floods from the planet earth crossing the axes of the Universes. Ways of survival on the experience and mistakes of past civilizations, if we consider the evolutionary development of mankind from one World Flood to another as a civilization. The beginning of the construction of underground anti-flood structures, arks at a depth of at least 500 meters from the surface of the earth is considered as a PARADIGMA of the 21st century. The revival of a new philosophical religion of the Truth of the Supreme God of Reason is presented - based on the teachings of the prophet Zarathustra, uniting all religions and peoples into a single brotherhood. A single brotherhood on earth was foreseen by the prophet of Islam Mohammed in the last decades of the 14th century of the Hijra. Only this religion will indicate the way of salvation from the flood on the basis of the highest achievements in science and the spiritual development of man. Science and religion were united in the past, separated in the present and will be reunited in the future. The Russian Orthodox Church will play a major role in this. We show step-by-step recovery, application of the table and keys in the prophetic book: 'Life Triangle of the Universe' - author Grozov V. G., site You can get acquainted with the book in the central libraries of large Russian cities. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation 'On the legal deposit of documents' dated 29.12.94. The Russian Book Chamber distributes copies to libraries. This book will become a reference in the future. After deciphering my prophecies, Michel Nostradamus wrote, every reasonable person will become a prophet. Sincerely, Vladimir Bocharov

    REVOLUTION - 2017
    Revelation of John the Evangelist about the revolution in Russia.
    Chapter 19

    "19. And I saw the beast* and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to fight against him that sat on the horse and against his host.”
    Here it is said about the popular uprising, about the scarlet revolution ** in Russia, which should be led by the Archangel Michael ***.
    Together with the Heavenly Host**** he was sent to Earth to overthrow the Beast.
    "twenty. And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet, who worked miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.
    It speaks of the captivity of the Beast and his false prophet*****
    , which directs the information zombification of Russians with the help of state resources and the media, with the help of bread and circuses.
    * The Beast - V. V. Putin.
    ** The symbol of the revolution is a white ship with scarlet sails.
    *** His human name - let it remain a secret for the time being.
    **** 144 thousand - Warriors of Light.
    ***** False prophet - Vladislav Surkov.


    The exorcist's prayer.

    O God, I call on Your holy name, I pray for Your mercy!
    Help me to overcome Your enemy, who has been tormenting the Body and Soul of Russia for seventeen years already!
    Help me!

    O God, creator and protector of the human race, take pity and have mercy on Russia, because She is in the clutches of a demon!
    Save Russia, which believes in You!

    O God, may She find protection in You!
    Deliver Her from Your enemy!

    O God, do not allow the demon to take power over Her, and may the one born of injustice not be able to harm Her!

    Oh God, hear my prayer!
    Let my cry come before you!

    O God, in the name of Your holy name, I cast out the devil!

    Get the devil out of Russia!!! (three times)

    After deciphering quatrain 72 of centuria 10, he pointed to 7 dates when there will be no wars on Earth - "Mars, the god of war, will be calm in his reign." The prince of intimidation or horror is hunger. For those who are interested, a detailed decoding of all quatrains for 9 thousand years in the book: "The Life Triangle of the Universe" - the author Grozov Viktor Georgievich, therefore, here without details and advertising, only briefly about quatrain 72. We did not include another meaning of quatrain in the book, believing that possible misunderstandings. “To give a person more knowledge than he is now able to accept is a dangerous experience,” wrote A.I. Klizovsky, one of the students of Helena Roerich. This quatrain explicitly states that all quatrains will be deciphered at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, and not earlier and not later, but in July 1999. And indeed, the time of deciphering all quatrains from 10.07.99. to 20.05.04 This convinces us of the prophetic, proscopic giftedness of Michel Nostradamus (Proscopia is the individual supernatural ability of some people to identify the past and foresee future events). This was known to the Islamic prophet Magomed, who was born in 570 after the birth of Jesus Christ and 933 before Nostradamus. He wrote that at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries (the last decades of the 14th century Hijra) a new messiah would appear: in his heart ... He will fill the Earth with Peace and unite everyone into a single Brotherhood. This means that if one prophet encrypted information, then the other prophet should and will know its meaning and when it will be decrypted, although the person who encrypted it was not yet born and centuries have passed since he was not alive. Prophet Daniel was born at the end of the 5th century before the birth of Jesus Christ. He encrypted the time from one World Flood to another equal to 7050 years (Daniel, Chapter 9, Art. 21-27), where a week is a cipher equal to 100 years. Sed - that is, gray-haired, centenary. Min- me. The Prophet John the Theologian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, encrypted the same time in 7020 years. The prophet Michel Nostradamus combined the prophecies of all previous prophets and specified this time in quatrains in 7021. If three prophets describe the same phenomenon at different times, then the fulfillment of these events is true. If the World Floods are strictly cyclical, then it is possible and necessary to prepare for them in order to survive on the basis of the knowledge of past civilizations transmitted by the prophets. By the way, almost all of the previous one during the previous Glacial Flood perished, except for Noah and a small, critically small number of people to pass on their achievements to us. Noah was preparing and building an ark for the Water Flood, and the Glacial Flood came. The Ark is a complex of long-term anti-flood underground structures for long-term living. The Ark is not a big city. Russia, France, Italy and Germany will be the first to build arks at a depth of up to three kilometers. Some states will lose time due to increasing natural disasters, epidemics, a decrease in natural and human resources, as well as hidden plans to capture other people's arks. Therefore, the location of the construction of the arks will be hidden. Hundreds of kilometers of false tunnels-roads will be built, often ending in a dead end, and which we today discover with bewilderment in different countries. The Mixed World Flood, the most insidious in comparison with the Water and Glacial Flood, will begin in 3797 from the Nativity of Christ. Mankind has 1780 years left to build arks. You ask: when it is necessary to start building? Ideal since 2000. If people ignore these prophecies, then the prophets will wash their hands of responsibility for humanity, which is culled according to its level of reason, due to unpreparedness - a flood. Sincerely. Vladimir Bocharov. Sochi-Adler.


    Brothers and sisters!

    Judgment Day is coming soon!
    When the last Angel of the Apocalypse sounds, the Earth will turn over!
    At this time, the Earth's magnetic field will lose its strength to such an extent that the solar wind will freely reach the surface of our Planet, turning into ashes all living things in its path!
    Only the chosen ones will be saved, those who leave the Earth before Judgment Day!
    For them, Noah's Ark will be created in Russia, on the territory between the Urals and Baikal!
    During the rescue operation, most of the spacecraft of extraterrestrial civilizations will be sent exactly here, to the territory of Noah's Ark: where people with a Light Soul gather; where spiritually developed communities will be created; where there will be no more worldly and spiritual tyranny; where all people will live in harmony and unity with Nature and the Universe; where all people will be Brothers and Sisters, and live according to the Universal Laws of Love, as our Brother Jesus Christ teaches us**!

    Brothers and sisters!

    Trust me now, because later it will be too late!



    Keeper of the Key of the Apocalypse

    or maybe it will happen that after Putin VV comes to power dishonestly in 2018, it will most likely happen that Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Stavropol Territory will unite into a separate republic, that is, the next state will be the entire Volga region, because in 2016 another person should come good to power, which life will make better, not worse Natalya Ivleva

    I mean in 2018 the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Stavropol Territory will rather unite into a separate state. then the Volga region will be the only way to fight the power of Moscow, another person should come better, smarter, he will make your life better


    Jesus Christ will fly to us on a "white cloud" - a UFO; and land on the territory of Russia - in 2021!

    Keeper of the Key of the Apocalypse


    According to the ancient Turkic and ancient Slavic calendar, in 2012 the era of the Heavenly Wolf, the ancestor of my people, began!
    The Heavenly Wolf came to Earth to destroy Evil and save the chosen ones, people with a bright soul!
    And those who remain on Earth, people with a dark soul, are waiting for the Last Judgment*!
    The Heavenly Wolf will take the chosen ones to their starry Halls; and when the Earth is completely cleansed and reborn; He will return them to his native Planet in order to create a new civilization on It — God-men!

    Glory to the Heavenly Wolf!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf



    According to the ancient Turkic and ancient Slavic calendar, in 2012 the era began - the Heavenly Wolf *, the ancestor of my people!
    The Heavenly Wolf came to Earth to destroy Evil and save - the chosen ones, people with a bright soul!
    And those who remain on Earth, people with a dark soul, are waiting for the Last Judgment **!
    The Heavenly Wolf will take the chosen ones to their starry Halls; and when the Earth is completely cleansed and reborn; He will return them to his native Planet in order to create a new civilization on It - God-men!
    On this, His earthly mission will end and He will return to his native Halls to rest; and when His time comes (the Age of the Heavenly Wolf), He will again come to our aid!
    Glory to the Heavenly Wolf!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    * The symbol of the Heavenly Wolf is a fiery winged wolf.
    ** On December 1, 2021, the Fiery Cleansing of the Earth will begin!



    The wolf is the orderly of the forest, Nibiru is the orderly of the Earth!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    Chenneling.NET > Channelings > About the passage of Nibiru and the change of system
    06/06/2015 | Author admin | 1 716 Views

    I.N. What is happening in the world right now?

    MM Should we talk about the World as a single whole, which includes both the Cosmos and the Universe?

    I.N. For people, matters on Earth are relevant, and it is it that we call the World!

    MM Affairs on Earth are inextricably linked with matters in Space. We cannot afford to separate the surface of the Planet from its depths, and, even more so, it is impossible to create a gap with Heaven.

    I.N. Well, then we will talk about the World as an integral system, no further than the Solar System itself.

    MM Agreed. So, in the solar system now, as has long been known, is the wandering planet Nibiru or Planet X, as many also call it. This Planet is on its course and has already entered the ecliptic of the planets in the solar system. Its passage within the ecliptic has a number of features that exacerbate the instability it has already introduced with its presence. Namely, there is a danger that this Planet, by its passage inside the magnetosphere of the stay of planetary systems, will create irreparable changes in the state of both the planets themselves, and in the position of each of them in relation to each other, and in the location of its rotation relative to the Solar Mirage, which you call yourself Sun.

    I.N. It's kind of hard to understand this. Maybe it's easier to explain what danger Nibiru carries?

    MM The position of Nibiru is changing hourly. It passes through the solar system rapidly. In addition, it rotates, constantly creating a complex vortex bunch, which, in turn, excites the stable, established magnetic reality of the solar system. Each of the planets receives an impulse of the same instability, and a disturbance occurs inside its intelligent-electromagnetic complex, similar to the rise of turbidity in a clean pond when a stone is thrown there.

    I.N. About other planets, we, earthly people, perhaps, are not interested in learning. Can we talk about Earth? Now there are many cataclysms and various weather anomalies: downpours, hail, tornadoes, landslides, heat, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis ... Is the passage of Nibiru the cause of all these phenomena?

    MM Is definitely! It was the passage of Nibiru that shifted the usual magnetic poles, and excites all natural spheres. The contact of the magnetic spheres of Nibiru and the Earth occurs not only on the surface, but also in the depths, and in Heaven. The disturbed magnetosphere dictates similar chaos to the Reasonable-electromagnetic complexes of the entire Planet, starting from the mineral, plant and animal kingdom, and ending with the human community. The celestial spheres, just like human communities, have their own Hierarchy and are built in the usual way in a strict orderly scheme. But the passage of Nibiru also creates turbulence in the Heavens, from which there is a rotation inside the celestial spheres, which is then expressed in the excessive formation of a huge amount of excess water, which means in heavy rains, as well as in the impoverishment of some spheres not only with water, but also with oxygen, and nitrogen. Carbon dioxide, a lot of combustible gases accumulated at the bottom of the seas, create conditions for the burning of the atmosphere with the complete burning out of oxygen, which leads to persistent droughts and the extinction of flora and fauna.
    The Earth is currently undergoing a seething of the magnetosphere, which explodes the existing Reasonable-electromagnetic egregors, which were formed throughout the previous era of the planet Earth's stay on the cosmic Day of the Solar Tor.
    In other words, the passage of Nibiru has activated the cleansing processes on Earth so far by breaking open and stirring up all the existing stagnant deposits of the system of Darkness. This will be followed by a very serious cleaning of the Planet, which, as mentioned earlier, is similar to the work of a sewer - the planet Nibiru sucks out all the dark accumulations of the planet Earth.

    I.N. Now in Europe and in the USA there is a trend of activity of dark forces, which create many conditions for obscuring the consciousness of people and their children. Sexual minorities dictate their views and rules to everyone else. Children are corrupted from infancy. Goods and services - contain deadly dangers and are filled with poisons. Medicine has become bloodthirsty and is more likely to maim and kill people than to help! Children are irradiated and destroyed in the wombs of their mothers! Motherhood is humiliated. A woman mother is called an incubator, and her services are bought for the birth of artificial children. War has become commonplace. The deaths of hundreds and thousands of people have become familiar to everyone. Millions of plastic coffins are prepared in the USA!.. Something is going on that people are trying not to think about what they can expect in the near future! Do people have a FUTURE?

    MM The future is definitely there. But it can only be for those and for those people who will endure all these circumstances, realizing that they will certainly come to an end. If you start to make major repairs in your house, then complete chaos will surely reign in it at first?! So on the Earth, in order for the New Epoch to come, chaos must reign, which is aggravated by the fact that the garbage Planet has come, which intends to take with it everything that is superfluous and unnecessary further on the Earth in the evolutionary sense. This applies to everything that has not developed, has not evolved, has not advanced in its consciousness. And since the entire creation is Reasonable-electromagnetic and contains Primary Matter and Light at its core, then in the event of the fading of the Primordial Light inside Matter, they are separated, in which Matter goes for recycling, and the negative “light” (which is directed into darkness) goes to its original source to merge with it and start its ascent again.
    The planet is freed from a multitude of minerals, plants, animals, people and their communities that have not developed in their consciousness. Protective barriers are broken, kahals are opened, all the abomination of the dungeons bulges out of their nests and locales. Even the Heavens turn their accumulations inside out, mix them up and give the opportunity to act to the Higher Light Cones, which themselves arrange all the necessary conditions for the formation of the Foundations of a new era. Such is the time of Changes and it certainly affects your life on Earth.

    I.N. But why did the forces of darkness become so aggravated that they became visible to everyone and are no longer hidden. On the contrary, they cynically demonstrate their ugly formation to everyone. What are they counting on?

    MM Forces of darkness hope to snatch as many healthy and full-fledged people from human society as possible in order to take advantage of their life potential. Children and young people are a huge potency of vitality for the vampire army. They still hope to wait out cataclysms in dungeons, in huge ships - arks, and even in Space or on other planets. But all these preparations are useless, because unlike the previous passages of Nibiru, when the Earth received only external cataclysms and human casualties, the current passage of Nibiru has the peculiarity that the planet Earth has begun to emerge from the Cosmic Bottom of the Solar System and its new location will be in such an inaccessible for the dark forces in the depths of Space, that they absolutely cannot count on salvation. Consciousness, weighed down by the roughness of vibrations and the negative vector of striving into the Outer Darkness, cannot find salvation in any corner of the Planet, but will be annihilated according to the principle of arrival: “like to like”!

    I.N. Does this mean that now people just need to strictly protect their children and not allow dark forces to corrupt their souls and bodies? But some time will pass, and we will begin to live in the New Era, and every person who has a strong desire to go to the Light will be on THAT side - in the New World?

    MM Orientation towards the Light is already salvation for the Soul. But it is also necessary to have activity and the will to live, which manifests itself precisely not in the simple expectation of a Bright Future, but in real participation in changes. When there is a major overhaul in the House, you need not a passive observer, but an active participant.

    I.N. This is understandable, but there are laws in the state that will have to be observed! And not always LIGHT personalities lead the state. There are many representatives from the Darkness… We call them the “fifth column”. What to do when their actions contradict the current situation in the World and the Country?

    MM The choice of everyone should be within the framework of beliefs. If a person is driven to slaughter for the sake of the interests of an oligarch who robs his country, then the conclusion is simple: any person with a bright orientation betrays himself and his soul, or turns his weapon against a greedy vampire who robs his country and deprives the life and future of his children.

    I.N. But this is a war of all against all!

    MM No, it's a FREE CHOICE between Light and Darkness! And no more. If people knew that they always have a CHOICE between Light and Darkness, between life and death, they would always choose life. But confused souls, having a very narrow range of perception of the World, containing only animal needs, and excluding the needs of higher human nature, turns into a puppet of the forces of darkness and can sell not only their souls, but the souls of their loved ones for a fatter piece, and for a place under better by the sun. In fact, even the super-rich currently cannot afford anything that a middle-class person could not afford: he is not burdened with heavy karma and debts. The planet no longer has places where one could feel safe at any moment, full of prosperity and confidence in the future. All these concepts have been lost for at least two or three decades ahead, given that the passage of Nibiru will end with a giant leap of the Earth in Space and Time, a change of poles, a complete breakdown of all the former infrastructure, and very large losses in the population and in the Natural Complex .

    I.N. So what if the advantages of those who remain alive over the dead?

    MM Benefits are not measured by the presence of body life. The body is clothing for the Soul. The eternal life of the Soul is an advantage, but it still inspires few earthly people. After all, everyone and everyone needs everything “here and now”. This is how many generations of earthlings have been brought up. This is the tragedy of the Earth. No one can yet live with the grasp of the understanding of ETERNITY, since the memory of previous incarnations is carefully erased by the system of darkness. But the coming times are beautiful because everyone and everyone begins to live in the understanding of Infinity and in completely different conditions, within which the skills of the Soul are more relevant than the skills of the body. The body is transformed by the power of thought, and everything around in the new World is built by the power of Thought. Therefore, improving the quality of Soul and Spirit skills will become the main task of the whole society. And this despite the fact that the forces of Darkness will no longer exist. They will "sink into oblivion", disappear in the capacity in which they dominated the Earth during all the times of their stay on the Cosmic Day. The Sun of the Grace of the Holy Spirit will dawn in the World, and then it will flare up, inside which any creative plan of enlightened humanity will grow and the Rose of the World will bloom!
    The Power of Light is the Rose of the World or the Kingdom of God on Earth.


    “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth: for he will not speak of himself, but he will speak what he hears, and he will announce the future to you. He will glorify Me, because He will take from Me and proclaim to you *”: about the “Book of Jesus”**; about the end of the era of Darkness***; about Noah's Ark of Mankind****!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    * Gospel of John.
    ** "The Book of Jesus" was given to Mankind at the end of the 20th century through contactee Ben Cullen.
    *** End of Darkness - December 1, 2021.
    **** Until the end of 2021, in Russia (between the Urals and Baikal), despite all the threats and opposition of the Black Dragon, we will build Noah's Ark!


    "People think they believe in different gods,
    Everyone is ready to argue about it.
    Everyone is ready to fight for their faith,
    I don't want to admit my mistakes...
    Where in the covenants it was written, love -
    Turned people over time into blood.
    We live with this deception for centuries,
    And instead of love, we shed blood for faith...
    This situation has been going on for centuries.
    Because of faith, people become enemies.
    But there is a Prophet, in the days of difficult times -
    Who can say that everyone has one God.
    To hear the words, the noise of battle will subside
    The sounds of shots, explosions, will replace prayers.
    And after the Prophet, in the footprints of his feet -
    He will come to Earth, and into our souls, God.
    May it be so!
    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    ELECTIONS - 2018

    Tamara Globa: “In the “elections” * in the future era, when the forces of darkness will think that they have already corrupted the world and victory is “in their pocket”, the Spirit of Russia ** will win “by a margin of one vote” ... And it will be a vote Conducting…”*


    Tamara Globa: "The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that the new Saoshiant (Savior of the World, Messiah) will rule in Russia*, that the Light from Russia will go all over the world**".

    * Saoshiant will start ruling in Russia in 2018.
    ** Russia will become - the Power of Light

    They will follow Astvat-ereta *
    Victorious followers
    kind-hearted, benevolent,
    virtuous, benevolent,
    telling no lies
    own language.
    bow before them
    Aeshma, bloody spear, ill-tempered.
    Asha** will defeat the evil Lie
    having a bad origin, coming from darkness.

    * Astvat-ereta - Saoshiant
    ** Universal law of righteousness - bright thoughts, bright words and bright deeds


    In the presidential elections in Russia - Ksenia Sobchak will defeat Putin!
    Now no one will believe it, but before March 18, 2018, big changes will take place in Russia and in the world, thanks to which the Russian people will finally wake up and elect - Ksenia Sobchak and Saoshiant!
    Light will conquer darkness!

    I wish you, or rather us, victory in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018!
    Good luck!


    Strike, fight for your rights and freedom!
    Go on strike, don't go to work!
    Strike, show your unity!
    Strike, show your heroic strength!

    * Appeal to the people of Russia

    WE WILL WIN - V!

    HYMN OF HOLY Rus' - "JOY, Rus'!"

    Rejoice, Rus'!
    Bequeathed to the heart by the Fathers.
    Rejoice, Rus'!
    Crowned with Holy Glory.
    Rejoice, Rus'!
    Veche from end to end.
    Invincible, incomprehensible, indestructible,

    - My Holy Rus'!

    Hello People!
    Passed the test cross.
    Hello People!
    He who accepted the cup of the savior.
    Hello People!
    Nations Constellation free.
    Secret reality, imperishable, blessed memory,
    United in spirit, protected by God,
    - My Holy Rus'!

    Holy keeps
    At the heart of the Canon of Eternity,
    In Faith and Love
    Saved humanity.
    Rejoice, Rus'!
    Light Time marches on.
    Rus' revived, Rus' ascended, liberated,
    United in spirit, protected by God,
    - My Holy Rus'!

    The time has come
    Souls to reveal divinity.
    The time has come
    correspond to its essence.
    The time has come
    To give children the universes.
    Rus' winged, aspiring upward, saved by God,
    United in spirit, guarded by heart,
    - My Holy Rus'!



    The new time has come
    Those who were silent are not silent!
    And the one who was in the shadow
    He is talking to you now!
    April comes into play
    It's time for songs!
    Those who sing for money
    We are so tired of you!
    Hey hypocrites of the country,
    Who is behind you?!
    Why are you making lies
    Commanding the herds?!
    When will you leave
    The sky will be dark!
    Then only there will be victory
    Then it will be my spring!
    The sky is crying with rain
    I join my fight!
    The sky puts out the fire
    But he doesn't tell me - wait!
    New day is a test
    Every night without sleep!
    With those who are against, I say goodbye,
    And I tell you - war!

    Viktor Tsoi


    "Freedom sower desert,
    I left early, before the star;
    By a pure and innocent hand
    In enslaved reins
    Threw a life-giving seed -
    But I only lost time
    Good thoughts and works...

    Graze, peaceful peoples!
    The cry of honor will not wake you up.
    Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?
    They must be cut or sheared.
    Their inheritance from generation to generation
    A yoke with rattles and a scourge.

    Brothers and sisters!

    Unfortunately, nothing has changed since Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote this poem!
    What must happen for my People to finally wake up: economic crisis, default; a real war with Ukraine or with the Western coalition in the Middle East; or natural and man-made disasters?!
    Something must happen soon; — that will wake up my People!
    It is not for nothing that they say: until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself!
    So it will be!
    Thunder boom!!!



    I call on all the shamans of Russia to unite in order to save Russia, Noah's Ark (the territory between the Urals and Baikal), from a planetary catastrophe that should happen very soon!

    On September 23, on the day of the autumn equinox, I call with me, striking the sacred tambourines, to dance - the Dance of the Spirits, calling on our Mother Earth and the God of Heaven, Tengri - to save Russia!

    We need to reconnect with Nature and the Universe!

    Let the Turkic peoples, as before, worship our Mother Earth and Sky, Tengri!

    Let, as before, the Turks tie colorful ribbons on the branches of sacred trees, in the sacred forest!

    Let, as before, the Turks carry white stones to the tops of the sacred hills and mountains!

    Let, as before, the Turks sacrifice milk or koumiss to Mother Earth; and Tengri - pieces of animal fat or butter, making a sacrifice to the sacred Fire, the mediator between people and Heaven!

    I am the White Wolf, a Bashkort shaman, I believe in Tengri and the Heavenly Wolf!

    I call on all the shamans of Russia to unite into a brotherhood of shamans, into the Brotherhood of the Heavenly Wolf!

    Tengri Birsa!!!

    Ramil Aznaev, White Wolf

    Wolf totemism among the Türkic Peoples.

    The wolf is, first of all, the highest symbol of freedom in the animal world, a symbol of independence.

    The wolf is also a symbol of fearlessness. In any fight, the wolf fights to victory or to death.

    The wolf does not pick up carrion, which means it is also a symbol of purity.

    The wolf lives in a family, takes care only of his wolf-wife, and the wolf-father himself brings up his cubs. Among wolves there is no such vice as adultery.

    The wolf is a symbol of justice and ambition. Under normal conditions, the wolf will not allow, for its part, to offend the weaker.

    The heavenly wolf is a sacred animal, which, according to one of the legends, laid the foundation for the Oguz family, the forefather of the Turks.

    In one Tatar legend that still exists, it is said about a nomadic tribe that got lost in the forests and was surrounded by enemies. The white wolf, the patron of the tribe, led him out of the encirclement and saved him from death. The size and strength of the wolf were such that they were compared with the legendary common Turkic hero - the giant Alyp.

    Echoes of a respectful attitude towards the patron wolf have survived to this day in the form of signs, sayings, etc. So, the Tatars considered the howling of a wolf to be a good omen - a harbinger of peaceful, calm years.

    The wolf totem has been present on Turkic banners since ancient times.

    The Chinese called the Turks wolves.

    Before the battle, the Turkic warriors imitated the howl of a wolf during the attack, which terrified the enemy, thanks to which the soldiers quickly achieved victory.

    "East ... So mysterious and beautiful"


Orthodox elders, starting from the middle of the twentieth century, prophesied about the imminent war between China and Russia. In their visions, the Chinese were to reach Chelyabinsk, there would be 30-50 million Russians left - but it was these people who would become the basis for the new Russian nation. The Germans will save Russia from the yellow threat.

The redistribution of the Eurasian spaces and the end of the old world naturally aroused the interest of Russians in various kinds of prophecies, especially since the authorities do not explain Russia's new development strategy in any way. And, as it turns out, the holy elders - and these are the most revered people who always have answers to all questions, since the middle of the twentieth century have already described the future of the country. One of the most famous Orthodox seers is Archpriest Vladislav Shumov from the village of Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region (died in 1996). He compiled a whole corpus of prophecies about Russia and the world. Here is his vision of how the Third World War will proceed:

1. Cards will be introduced in Moscow, and then famine.

2. The earthquake in Moscow will be big. Six hills in Moscow will turn into one.

3. No one needs to move from their places: where you live, stay there (to the villagers).

4. Do not go to the monastery in Diveevo now: the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are not there.

5. Yes, there will still be persecution of the Orthodox Faith!

6. In Russia, the communists will still come to power.

7. As soon as you find out that such and such a priest was driven out of the temple, cling to him during the time of persecution.

8. Japan and America will go under water together.

9. All of Australia will also be flooded.

10. The ocean will flood America all the way to Alaska. The same Alaska, which will again be ours.

11. There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

12. The southern half of China will be flooded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.

13. When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.

14. The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.

15. Everything will be on fire! ... Big sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in the fire.

16. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia. But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then more crying!

17. The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.

18. Afghanistan is waiting for an endless war.

19. Know! There will be war here, and war here, and war there! And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. You can't participate in this! After all, this single ruler is the Antichrist.

Schema-Archimandrite Stefan (Athos) (1922-2001):

America will soon collapse. It will be scary, clean! The Americans will flee, trying to save themselves in Russia and Serbia.

Elder Matthew Vresfensky (died in 1950):

It will be a war of the entire New World Order against Russia. The reason for it will be familiar - Serbia. A billion people will die. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Tsardom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.

Elder Vissarion (Optina Pustyn):

Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle.

Priest Nikolay Guryanov:

Nothing good awaits us. Well, if the Germans come to us, but not the Americans.

Elder Anthony:

They are now called aliens, somehow, but they are demons. Time will pass, and they will freely show themselves to people, being in the service of the Antichrist and his minions. How difficult it will be to fight them then! One hundred million Russians will die in the fight against aliens, and another five billion people in the rest of the world. Europe will be empty, and the remaining Russians will move there, the world will be Russian from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

Paisios Athos (1993):

When you hear that the Turks block the waters of the Euphrates in the upper reaches with a dam and use them for irrigation, then know that we have already entered into preparations for that great war, and thus the way is being prepared for the two hundred million Mohammedan army.

(Zionists) want to rule the world. Slowly, after the introduction of cards and identity cards, that is, the compilation of personal dossiers, they will cunningly begin to apply the seal. With the help of various tricks, people will be forced to accept a seal on their forehead or hand. They will give people a hard time and say, "Only use credit cards, money will be abolished." In order to buy something, a person will give a card to the seller in the store, and the store owner will receive money from his bank account. Anyone who does not have a card will not be able to sell or buy.

As we can see, a special place in the predictions of the elders is given to China. China, in their opinion, is the main enemy of Russia and all mankind. The same Paisius of Athos wrote how the war between Russia and China would go:

“The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. Much blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River and reach Jerusalem. A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar, since its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction of the temple of Solomon, which was built on that very spot.

Hegumen Gury:

There will be war soon. The service has already been cut. God endures, endures, and then, as if shy, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg will fall. First there will be a civil war. All believers will be taken away, and then the bloodshed will begin. God will save his own, and remove the unwanted. Then China will attack and reach the Urals. 4 million Russian soldiers will die for mate (foul language).

Elder Adrian:

The eighth ecumenical council is planned. If this happens, then after the cathedral it will no longer be possible to go to temples, grace will disappear. If the council takes place, then China will attack Russia.

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky (1949):

When the East gains strength, everything will become unsustainable. The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob wealth. The West will contribute in every possible way to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China until the time comes. The Far East will be taken over by the Japanese, and Siberia by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians, and in the end, by cunning and deceit, will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals. When China wants to go further, the West will resist and will not allow it. Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands. There will be 40 million Russians in the Russian state - these will be the righteous, and the remaining 120 million will go over to Latinism, Mohammedanism and Chineseism, and will cease to be Russian.

Evdokia Chudinovskaya - "Blessed Dunyushka" (1948) from the village of Chudinovo (Chelyabinsk region):

Soon the Chinese will drink tea in Chelyabinsk. Today you have icons, but you will live to the point that you wall up one icon in the entrance hall, and you will secretly pray for it. Because the Chinese will have large taxes for each icon, but there will be nothing to pay.

And you will also live to the point that the Chinese will send all of you believers to the North, you will pray and feed on fish, and whoever they don’t send, stock up on kerosene and lamps, because there will be no light. Gather three or four families in one house and live together, it is impossible to survive alone. You get a piece of bread, climb into the cellar and eat. And if you don’t climb in, they will take it away, otherwise they will kill you for this piece.

Blessed Nicholas of Ural (1977):

All of us are afraid of the West, but we should be afraid of China. When the last Orthodox Patriarch is overthrown, China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will be silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will be exterminated. In severe cold, women, old people, children will be driven out into the streets, and Chinese soldiers will settle in warm houses. No one can survive that terrible winter. Everyone will drink one cup of death to the bottom. Europe will be neutral towards China. She will see China as a giant deluge, isolated and reliably protected from any enemy by the Siberian and Central Asian expanses. Chinese armies will march to the Caspian Sea. Millions of Chinese settlers will follow the Chinese soldiers, and no one will be able to stop them. The entire Russian population will be subjugated and doomed to extinction.

Father Anthony (Satka district, Chelyabinsk region):

Planes will fall, ships will sink, nuclear power plants and chemical plants will explode. And all this will be against the backdrop of terrible natural phenomena that will occur throughout the earth, but especially strongly - in America. These are hurricanes of unprecedented strength, earthquakes, severe droughts and, conversely, flood-like downpours. Cities will be a terrifying sight. Even those that avoid complete destruction, deprived of water and electricity, heat and food supply, they will resemble huge stone coffins, so many people will die. Gangs of bandits will endlessly commit their atrocities, even during the day it will be dangerous to move in the city, but at night people will gather in large groups in order to try to live together until the morning. The rising of the sun will herald not the joy of a new day, but the grief of the need to live this day.

China will overwhelm most of Russia. Yellow will be all the lands behind the mountains and after them. Only the power of the faithful Andrei, his great descendant Alexander and the closest shoots from their root will be preserved. What stands, will stand. But this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox state will be preserved. The name may remain, but the way of life will no longer be Great Russian, not Orthodox. A completely non-Russian beginning will dominate the life of the Orthodox inhabitants in the past.

The yellow invasion is not the only one. There will be a black invasion - hungry Africans stricken with incurable diseases will fill our cities and villages. And it will be much, much worse than what is happening now because of the dominance of immigrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia. Although these will not leave you with their attention - their number will grow. They will willingly accept everything that is offered to them for lentil soup: they will enter the united “church”, accept the Antichrist, begin to serve the Chinese and blacks.

Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) from the village of Rakitnoye (1977):

“The biggest tragedy will be the capture of Siberia by China. This will not happen by military means: the Chinese, due to the weakening of power and open borders, will begin to move in masses to Siberia, buy up houses and factories. Through bribery, intimidation, agreements with those in power, they will gradually subdue the economy. Everything will happen in such a way that in one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up in the Chinese state. The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally crack down on any attempts at resistance. The West will contribute to this conquest of our land and in every way support the military and economic power of China out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East. Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, she will find the strength to rise in herself. There will be 50 million of us left, we will unite with the Germans so as not to perish under the Chinese.

More on the Interpreter's Blog about doomsday predictions:

How American Protestants Present the Apocalypse

The famous American artist Basil Wolverton - himself a devout believer - in 1955-59, at the request of the famous evangelist preacher Herbert Armstrong, illustrated the Old Testament and the Apocalypse. Most believers in the US are still confident that this is how the end of the world will look like.

Russia is waiting for the end of the world predicted by Rasputin

Before the Russians had time to move away from the expectation of the end of the world predicted by the Maya, a new end of the world was approaching the country, the exact date of which - August 23, 2013 - was determined a hundred years ago by the elder Grigory Rasputin.

Alarming expectations are fixed in Komi. “The elder warned of a “terrible storm”: “the fire will swallow all life on land, and after that life will die and grave silence will come.”

According to Rasputin's predictions, at this time, Jesus Christ should return to earth to warn and console people about the approaching catastrophe, and then ascend to heaven again.

The secretary of the Syktyvkar and Vorkuta diocese, Archimandrite Philip, was summoned to debunk the expected panic. “All the rumors about the imminent death of the world are needed in order to mislead a person,” he commented.