Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Learn English with pictures. English in pictures for children: learning vocabulary of primary importance

Surely every person studying a foreign language has more than once wondered: how to correctly describe a picture in English?

Perhaps there are some rules or certain requirements? Today we propose to consider the basic techniques of this fascinating process, which will be very useful to you in the future. So, let's get started?

1. To start, focus on the main part of the drawing. Look carefully at this picture.

What do you see?
In this picture I see a young woman lying on the grass, smiling and listening to music with headphones. In this picture I see a girl lying on the grass, smiling and listening to music on headphones.

  • This picture shows… On this picture…
  • There is/there are… Here there…
  • In this picture I can see… In this picture I see...

2. Try to describe as much as possible.
She seems to be in her early twenties. She's got long blonde hair and a charming smile. She’s wearing a white T-shirt… She looks to be in her early twenties. She has long blonde hair and a charming smile. She is wearing a white T-shirt...

Use the following phrases:

  • In the foreground/in the background… In the foreground/background...
  • On the right/on the left… Right left…

3. Try to use your imagination when making assumptions.
She could be listening to some energetic rock music, because she looks happy and engaged. Maybe she is listening to the best album of her favorite singer and is singing along. By the way, it can be even not music at all. She could be listening to a humorous audiobook that makes her smile. She may be listening to an audiocourse, learning a foreign language and trying to repeat the phrase after the speaker. Perhaps the girl listens to energetic rock music because she seems happy and engrossed in the music. Maybe she's listening to her favorite artist's best album and singing along. By the way, she may not be listening to music at all. Maybe she's listening to a humorous audiobook and that's why she's smiling. She may be listening to an audio course to study. foreign language and tries to repeat the phrase after the announcer.

Use the following phrases:

  • I think... Maybe/Perhaps... I think... maybe/possibly...
  • She must/can’t/might be… She should/can't/maybe...
  • She looks (happy)/She looks like…(my little sister)… She looks...(joyful)/She looks like...(my little sister).

4. You can also use stories from your life. Use own stories and examples from life - this will give you the opportunity to speak more. People are much more comfortable talking about their own experiences, so talk about yourself! For example, when describing a girl with headphones, you could say:
I can see an engagement ring on her finger. Perhaps she has just got engaged and is trying to choose the song for the first dance with her fiancé during the wedding ceremony. I know how hard it can be because I’m getting married in August and I’ve been listening to various songs, trying to choose those to be played on my wedding day. I fall asleep with my headphones on and spend my working hours in a similar pair of headphones, not to irritate my fellow-workers with my music. She wears a ring on her finger, given in honor of her engagement. Perhaps she recently got engaged and is choosing a song for the newlyweds' first dance during the wedding ceremony. I know from myself how difficult it is, because I’m getting married in August and I listen to different songs, trying to choose the ones that will be played at my wedding. I fall asleep with headphones on and sit in headphones at work so as not to bother my colleagues with my music.

Now do you understand what we mean? Using examples based on my own life experience, in the process of describing a picture, for example, of a young girl with headphones, you will feel more calm and comfortable.

It's best to think about Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? shown in each picture.

Think about the objects shown in the picture, environment, time of day, weather, location, culture... All this will give you ideas for a more colorful description of the picture.

5. Practice describing pictures every day. If you learn to train your mental activity Thus, you will soon find that during the exam it will be completely easy for you to select ideas for describing any images. will come to your mind most interesting ideas, quickly and effortlessly.

Now you are familiar with the basic principles of describing any image. By applying new knowledge in practice, you will get excellent results. We wish you success in learning foreign languages!

Any image made by hand using graphic means of a contour line, stroke, spot. Various combinations of these means (combinations of strokes, combination of spot and line, etc.) in the drawing are achieved plastic... ... Art encyclopedia

drawing- Image, arabesque, vignette, engraving, splash screen, illustration, caricature, polytype, drawing, figure. Wed... Synonym dictionary

DRAWING- DRAWING, drawing, husband. 1. A drawn image, a reproduction of an object made in pencil, pen, watercolor or charcoal. Tree drawing. Pencil drawing. Drawing with pencil, charcoal, etc. || trans. Outline, contour. Drawing of mountains on... ... Dictionary Ushakova

DRAWING- DRAWING. The study and analysis of R. as an auxiliary method for understanding the content of psyche. spheres used by psychiatry and psychology ch. arr. in two directions. Firstly, with regard to the study of drawings of mentally ill people as a product of patent. creativity in general... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Drawing- Drawing. A. Matisse. Female portrait. Ink, pen. 1944. Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin. FIGURE, image, drawing on a plane; main type of graphics. Done with pencil, chalk, pen, charcoal, etc. using contour... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

DRAWING- image, drawing on a plane, the main type of graphics. Done (pencil, pen, brush, charcoal, etc.) using contour lines, strokes, light and shadow spots in one or more colors, mainly on paper. Main types... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DRAWING- DRAWING, nka, husband. 1. A drawn image, reproduction of something. Pencil r. R. coal. 2. The set of graphic elements in the picture, in contrast. coloring, paints (special). The artist is a master of drawing. 3. The art of drawing. Drawing lesson... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DRAWING- DRAWING, see draw. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

drawing- DRAWING, sketch... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

Figure 13- Figure 13 Traces of rodents237 traces of a small field mouse in the snow (237a, 237b different variants traces); 255a gray hamster paw prints; 255b location of gray hamster tracks; 264 muskrat tracks; 265 water rat tracks; 306 traces of ordinary... ... Animals of Russia. Directory

drawing - Graphic image on a plane, created using lines, strokes, spots, dots. [GOST R 7.0.3 2006] Subjects of the publication, main types and elements Generalizing terms parts and elements of the text of the publication EN designfigure DE Zeichnung FR... ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Drawing, S. V. Tikhonov, V. G. Demyanov, V. B. Podrezkov. The method of constructive-structural drawing, which occupies important place in the training and education of an architect. The structural design is considered as the main part... Buy for 1100 rubles
  • Drawing, Tikhonov, Sergey Vasilievich, Demyanov, Viktor Gavrilovich, Podrezkov, Vitaly Borisovich. The methodology of constructive-structural drawing, which occupies an important place in the training and education of an architect, is presented. The structural design is considered as the main part...

What English classes do you think will be more effective for children - serious or entertaining? 100% the second option will be correct. It is important to remember that it is difficult to get children to study. They need to want it themselves. That is why, in order for English lessons to give results and not be wasted, it is necessary to develop special technique, according to which the child will learn. English in pictures for children is a win-win solution when you are looking for The right way. Psychologists and methodologists have proven that the use of visual materials in the learning process increases the effectiveness of the result significantly. And if such materials also have colorful pictures, then you can be completely sure that the children will remember the lesson. And for a long time.

Let's start with simple question: what is he like - English language for children? First of all, you need to remember that English for children is different from English for adults. If the baby goes to first grade, then the load should be minimal. It will be difficult for a child to learn everything at once. Moreover, we recommend starting classes with the most simple themes, such as, for example, stationery, household items, vegetables, fruits, etc. Start with words that are used in everyday life and attach an image to each of them. So. Here are the English words with pictures and Russian translation:


A pen Pen

Vegetables and greens

A beetroot (a beet) Beet
A garlic Garlic

Fruits and berries

A grapefruit (pomelo) Grapefruit

Note! There are fruits and vegetables that have several names, or rather, one name has several synonyms, for example:

  • Grapefruit –> A grapefruit or a pomelo
  • Beetroot –> A beetroot or simply a beet
  • Sugar beet -> A sugar beet or a white beet.

Please also note that you can select several synonyms with pictures for one word, for example, take the word grapes =>

  • A grape -> directly one grape berry
  • A bunch of grapes (a cluster of grapes) -> bunch of grapes
  • A grapevine -> grapevine
  • A sour grape -> sour grapes (can be used as an adjective or as a grape variety).

Using one-word phrases, you can significantly improve your knowledge and expand your children’s attention span. When one comes out of the other, classes become easier and more effective, and most importantly – so much fun!

On a note! We recommend teaching children in groups of several people. 3-5 children in a group will be enough. When passion overcomes one, it automatically spreads to others. The guys will want to keep up with their friends, to show that they know as well as others.

But! No need to join the group too a large number of children. This is especially a bad approach for beginners, because attention will be paid to two or three, and everyone else will be free listeners. Remember: attention should be paid to each baby!

Cutlery and dishes (KITCHEN section)

A pan Pot
A tea-set (a tea service) Tea-set

Note! There are words from the KITCHEN section that have several synonyms. Let's look at some of them:

  • A pan -> a saucepan, but also a frying pan, a tray, a tray and even a baking sheet
  • A cooker -> pan (any type of metal utensil suitable for cooking) (not a person who cooks, a cook in English cook (as a verb to cook) or chef (chef)).
  • A casserole -> saucepan
  • A pot -> a saucepan, but also a kettle, a pot and even a kettle
  • A stewpot -> pan (saucepan)
  • A stewpan -> saucepan (saucepan)
  • A saucepan -> pan.

Bonus lesson: Why is the name of the pan what it is? Draw children's attention to the fact that one word can be derived from several others that are interconnected with it. For example, stewpot = to stew + a pot. This means => stew (cook, cook) + pan.

Another interesting name pans – casserole. The word means ‘casserole’, but at the same time it also means ‘pan’. In English there is such interesting fact that sometimes one concept replaces another, that is, the name of a dish in in this case the dishes are named. It's the same with the word to stew. By itself stew(as a verb) means cook, simmer, but the word can also be used as a subject – stew, stew. In this case stew+pot = a stewpot. And there are many such examples.

To show the diversity of the English language and its wealth of synonyms, let’s give another example - the word kettle => a teapot, a teakettle or even just a pot, which can also mean ‘saucepan’, ‘cooking pot’.

Important! This or that name is used depending on the specific region, situation or customs. It is also important to take into account dialectical features. One language - many dialects. But we won’t talk about that now. You just need to remember that when translating one word can have several meanings. There is no need to be tied to one option. It is advisable to know a few. This way, children will be able to learn to think on a larger scale and prepare themselves for a new, more complex stage of learning English.

English verbs in pictures

To go Go
Be happy
Make faces (grimace)

Verb pictures are very interesting because theoretical lessons can be reinforced physical exercise. For example, to interest the children, you can ask one to show something, and the other to guess, that is, to name the verb. For example, one child laughs, and the other says - tolaugh, etc. This will make it really interesting and exciting for children. At the same time, the result will be remembered for a long time. You'll see, like this interesting activities Children will have fun learning English!

English grammar can be fun! Moreover, you can vary the tasks: today we look at the verb in the picture, tomorrow - some subject to use the article. Don't let activities be the same. So they get bored quickly. Every new lesson must be more interesting than the previous one, then the result is guaranteed!

Animal cards

A pig Piglet
A dog Dog
A cat Cat
A mouse Mouse
A hare Hare
A duck Duck
A camel Camel
A frog Frog

To better learn the names of animals, you can make sentences or at least phrases with them, for example, a fluffy hare - a fluffy hare, a small chicken - a small chicken, a white duck - a white duck, a green crocodile - green crocodile, a funny camel - a funny camel, etc.

  1. Pictures should not be faded

Dull colors are uninteresting and hard to see. It is important that the pictures are colorful, bright, filled with rich colors.

  1. Images must be funny

Do you think a child will like to look at a scary and toothy crocodile? 100% no. Images should be funny, cartoonish, interesting and engaging. It is advisable that the child smiles when he looks at the photo.

  1. Make pictures glossy

Pictures can be laminated. Firstly, it attracts attention, and secondly, such photos are more durable. In addition, the child can look at the shining surface as much as he wants while playing with the photo: the picture will not be erased.

And now some tips on how to increase the effectiveness of your classes:

  1. Post pictures around the house

Not with superglue, of course, but with tape. Attach the photo to the refrigerator, desktop, in front of the front door, near the mirror, near the bathroom, etc. Photos should be constantly in front of your eyes.

  1. Carry small cards in your pockets

When leaving home, knowledge should stay with the kids! You can repeat the lesson on the way to school, walking in the park or standing in line at the store.

  1. Divide large pictures into several small ones

There is no need to force your child to learn everything at once. There will be no effect. Knowledge needs to be presented in small portions, and preferably accompanied by something sweet J This means that the child needs to be encouraged: for every card studied in English - a piece of candy. The result will not be long in coming!

On a note! You may ask: what about pronunciation? It is too important factor. Correct pronunciation can be studied using transcription. If children do not yet know how to read it, you can use audio files. After listening, the child must repeat, preferably several times.

Let's sum it up

Learning a foreign language is easy if you use visual materials, or rather pictures. You can use pictures to represent any word. Even English grammar for children it can be in pictures! In this case, studying it is easy, simple and very interesting! Needed for activities with children special approach, and cards are a great solution for this! Let's learn English in a fun way!

When learning a foreign language, we all need to develop a minimum lexicon. In order to start communicating at least somehow, you need to know about 3,000 people well. English words. How to quickly and effectively learn new English words? The best way to study foreign words, there will be no cramming, but a technique based on associations and context.

The simplest and most exciting learning technique, which is built on the principle of an associative series, is the use of pictures. Most of information (80%) is absorbed by a person through visual images. You write down a word, its transcription and translation onto a certain picture-story, or download ready-made pictures from the Internet, divided by topic: plants, fruits, numbers, colors, animals, etc.

However, you will make the process of memorizing words much easier for yourself if you make pictures yourself. Buy colored cardboard and special thick paper. Use scissors to cut out bright, interesting images from your favorite magazines and newspapers. Make small cards out of cardboard, glue pictures on them, write the word in English, its pronunciation, and translation in this case is not needed, since it is clear what is shown in the picture.

It is advisable to learn not just words, but phrases, that is, take into account the context and situation. Thus, the association with which it is used will be firmly fixed in your head along with the word. For example, make a picture not just with a picture of a pear and its name, try to find a picture where a girl is eating this fruit, write a phrase in English, and back side transcription: The girl eats a pear - The girl eats a pear By learning English with the help of pictures, you can learn 15-20 expressions a day, which is 400-600 words a month. That is, without much stress, in six months you will be armed with an active base for communicating in English. However, remember to constantly repeat the words and use them in all sorts of appropriate situations. Practice communicating regularly.

First priority

First of all, try to learn those words and phrases that are interesting to you, and not those that are useful but boring. But if you urgently need “difficult” expressions, then put the pictures with them in a separate pile and go through them more often than “favorite” phrases in order to remember them faster.

Always carry pictures with you and review them every free minute, repeat them, say how to pronounce them. It is better, of course, to use other types of memory, that is, listen to a professional speaker, write down texts, etc. See also other best techniques for memorizing English words. cards with words in English

Do not forget that The best way Learning English quickly means learning with pleasure. Spend more time on your studies, and then you will succeed!

Have a good start!

English alphabet with pictures