Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to conduct an interesting lesson. How classes are organized in our home school


Set a triune task (goal) of the lesson. To do this, view curriculum, re-read the explanatory note, study the requirements of the standard on this topic. Formulate the goal and write it down in a plan in such a way that it is understandable to students. The educational component of the triune goal should equip students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Educational - to form in students scientific outlook, moral qualities personalities, views and beliefs. Developing - when teaching, develop students' interest, Creative skills, will, emotions, speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.
All elements of the lesson should contribute to achieving this goal.

Break the lesson into its main components. Organizational - organization throughout the lesson, students' readiness for, order and discipline. Target - setting learning goals both for the entire lesson and for its individual stages. Motivational - the significance of the material being studied both in this course and and throughout the course. Communicative - the level of communication between the teacher and the teacher. Content - the selection of material for studying, consolidating, repeating, testing knowledge. Technological - the choice of forms, methods and techniques and teaching methods that are optimal for of this type lesson. Control and evaluation - the use of evaluation of students' activities. Analytical - summing up the lesson, analyzing the results.

Write lesson plan. In doing so, consider its approximate content:
- The topic of the lesson, its goals and objectives, type, structure of the lesson, teaching methods and techniques, visual aids.
- Repetition at the beginning of the lesson of concepts, laws, checking homework, forms of knowledge control.
- Assimilation of new material: laws, concepts, problem solving.
- Formation of specific skills and abilities in students, selection of types of oral and written work.
- Analysis of homework. When compiling a summary, consider the features of the class: level of preparedness, pace of work, attitude to the subject, general discipline, type nervous system, emotionality.

Get ready for lesson just before the call. To do this, mentally reproduce the main stages of the lesson, arrange the necessary material on the board, consider using technical means learning. Decide which students you will be interviewing. This work will allow you to save time in the lesson, make it more intense and clear.

For good lesson fulfill the following important conditions. Learn the lesson material well. If there are difficulties, deal with them before the lesson begins. Think over to the smallest detail, choose the right variety of teaching methods. Try to present the material in an entertaining way. Use non-traditional lessons: travel, investigations. Watch your speech: it should be emotional, rich in intonations. Your facial expressions should be expressive, and your gestures should be figurative. The pace of the lesson should be intense, but feasible for the student. If the students are unable to follow the presentation of the material, change the pace. Assignments are clear, concise, with the obligatory clarification of how the students understood the requirements.

There are conditions that make it difficult to conduct a good lesson and hinder the achievement of results. Uncertainty in one's knowledge and an indifferent attitude to everything that happens in the lesson will lead to a loss of attention and weaken discipline. Monotonous teaching methods and the inability to work with them will affect the result of the lesson. The material is poorly perceived if the teacher presents it dryly and monotonously. Never deviate from the topic of the lesson, do not get carried away by outsiders that are not related to the tasks of the lesson. Do not insult students. Don't interrupt, let them finish while answering. Support their initiative, approve activity.

Do you want students to run to your lessons and be ready to study your subject all day long?

Then it is worth taking into service the wonderful statement of Anatole France: " The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better assimilated.".

Now let's talk about how to put this advice into practice.

Certainly, The best way- conduct non-standard lessons. But this method does not always work. Agree, it is difficult for absolutely every topic to find non-standard ways of explaining and reinforcing. And the methodology does not recommend getting involved in non-standard lessons.

But there are several components that will help you diversify any lesson.

1. A strong start is the key to success. Always start the lesson in an unusual, interesting way. This is the moment when you can use non-standard methods"to the fullest". For example, instead of a boring homework survey, hold a blitz tournament, mini-testing, arrange a competition, competition. If the topic is new, then you can start the lesson with some intriguing messages, interesting facts on the topic.

2. Be sure to plan the lesson based on the individual characteristics of the students. Any task should be planned in such a way as to take into account different variants difficulties. So you involve not only activists, but also lagging students who often just yawn in the classroom. Find something for everyone!

3. Use technique! Believe me, a presentation that tells, for example, the biography of a writer or the properties of iron, will be remembered much better than a monotonous explanation.

4. Include game elements. Always and in any class! Even high school students are happy to join the game.

5. Break stereotypes! Do not drive the lessons into the usual framework: a lecture is a survey. Try building the lesson differently. The lack of interest of students is often due precisely to the fact that they know in advance all the stages of the lesson. Don't follow patterns.

6. Involve students in explaining a new topic. Searching for information on your own reinforces knowledge more than listening to a ready-made explanation. Let them try! This can be done at a preliminary stage by giving the task to find some information on a future new topic. Or during the lesson, referring to life experience the students themselves.

7. Behave outside the box! Are you used to explaining a topic while standing at the blackboard? Try giving a lecture sitting in a chair in front of the class. If you always wear a business suit, try wearing a bright sweater next time.

One can give an example of one of the brightest teachers, a teacher of literature. For example, when there was a lecture on the work of Mayakovsky, the teacher came to the lesson in a yellow jacket. By the end of the lesson, all the students remembered that the futurists loved shocking. And this teacher came to the lesson on the biography of Gogol in a Ukrainian shirt. The effect was amazing. Such lessons are remembered for a lifetime!

8. Keep in reserve a few unusual, even shocking questions, remarks, riddles. If you notice that during the lesson the students begin to get bored and distracted - it's time to change the subject, pause. An unexpected question will always help to activate attention.

And finally - replenish your methodical piggy bank. Interesting tricks and methods can be peeped from colleagues. Yes, and the worldwide network offers a lot of material for each subject, for each year of study. Believe me, the search for non-trivial solutions and methods is a fascinating thing.

How to conduct public lesson

(traditional approach )

___ Abstracts of traditional lessons (and even more so OPEN lessons) are diligently filled with intricate formulations of topics and learning objectives, a coherent list of lesson stages and a careful selection of tasks for students, the most effective fragments of the teacher's speech or the literal text of his explanations. But there is practically nothing about the diverse activities of students in them. Therefore, such materials turn out to be just AUXILIARY for the teacher's "lesson directing", which will still need to breathe life into these, albeit sound, but so far "childless" developments. Although for individual teachers they can sometimes be of some help in writing their own "lesson directing".

___ Therefore, we present one of the very good examples of the TRADITIONAL APPROACH to the preparation of an open lesson. Perhaps even a “diagonal” reading of such material will help some of the teachers to strengthen the shaky faith in themselves, in their already acquired skills and in the already existing responsiveness of their students.

Vyacheslav Bukatov

. Based on materials: "History" No. 5 (2004; publishing house "Pervoe september")

M. ALEKSEEVA,honored teacher of the Russian Federation,
director of school number 128

history teacher.

Historical background: three stages of reform .

End XX - beginning of XXI in. marked by reform Russian education, or, more simply, school reform. We can say that in the second half of the XX century. Our education system has gone through three stages:

I stage. School of Knowledge

Her heyday came late 1950s - early 1960s Advances in Science and Technology: Conclusion spacecraft into near-Earth orbit, "taming" the thermonuclear reaction - created the illusion that the school should provide knowledge (base) for the subsequent rapid growth of science. However, it soon became clear that science is rapidly advancing, especially the development of knowledge at the intersection fundamental sciences(biophysics, biochemistry, cybernetics, etc.). The school turned out to be unable to follow in the wake of this movement, the possibilities of the school remained the same.

II stage. School of Skills

It replaced the school of knowledge in the 1970s and 1980s. Knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN) - this is the banner of innovators of that time. Enriching the school of knowledge with the skills and abilities of students was to adapt the school to the developing technological society and create a base for the training of scientific and engineering personnel. But some time passed, and it turned out that the ZUN school was too narrow. The volume of knowledge continued to grow rapidly, acquired skills quickly became obsolete and remained unclaimed by society. There was a need for change.

III stage. School of Personality Development

Born in the 90s. XX century, during the period of fundamental reforms in our state, which could not but affect the education system. At this time, the idea of ​​an adaptive school (personally oriented) began to be implemented, accumulating and transmitting experience of evaluative, emotional and creative activity. Now the school is not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn. The teacher is no longer just a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches the ways of creative activity aimed at the independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge.

School of Knowledge - School of ZUN - School of Personality Development - this is the vector of development of our school, which is carried out not due to the negation of the previous stage, but through its development and enrichment.

The modern lesson, including the open one, is valuable not only for the information received by students, but also for teaching them how to work to obtain information. The teacher in the lesson should strive to convey a way of creative activity or stimulate children to independent creativity, albeit in an initial, primitive form.

In spite of significant changes in life modern school The lesson is still the main form of education and upbringing. The boundaries of the lesson remained almost unchanged, but the content is enriched with various innovations. In this regard, I would like to consider public lesson as a form of lesson that reflects all the positive experience of the teacher and students in the presentation and assimilation educational material.

An open lesson, in our opinion, should reflect the mastery of the classical structure of the lesson against the background of the active use of one's own, author's developments, both in terms of its construction, and in the selection of educational material, in the technology of its presentation.

The form of organization plays a leading role in this. cognitive activity students, the degree of their readiness to learn the teacher's innovations (both previously tested and already well mastered, and applied experimentally for the first time in this class in this lesson). In any case, it is the level of mutual understanding between the teacher and the student in the classroom that indicates the relevance of the new methods used by the teacher, his creative potential.


1. An open lesson for members of the methodical association.

2. An open lesson for colleagues at school. Here it is possible to demonstrate a classic lesson as part of the study of young teachers or to exchange experience in the field of application of new pedagogical technologies.

3. Open lesson of the teacher-methodologist for teachers of the district in order to demonstrate the possibilities for mastering innovative activities.

4. Open lesson conducted by the teacher in the presence of the school administration and experts for the purpose of certification for a higher qualification category.

5. Open lesson at the competition "Teacher of the Year" at the regional or federal level.

It is the fourth model of an open lesson that is considered by the authors as the most characteristic and meaningful. It seems that this model of an open lesson is the greatest interest, as it includes the entire set of experience gained by the teacher - from the brilliant possession of the classical model of the lesson to the demonstration of the assimilation by students of the author's methods and the developments of the teacher.

Of course, each open lesson should be accompanied by introspection and self-control.


An example of an open lesson for certification for a higher qualification category

Open lesson on the course national history (4 model)

Let's consider the above with an example.

Preparing for an open lesson, the teacher can go in two ways. Or develop and show one of the lessons traditional system(a lesson in studying new material, a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge, etc.), having saturated it with all possible methodological findings; or use complex various types lessons for the purpose the best way show the students' abilities and their skills. All these types of lessons, combined within the framework of an open lesson, will give an idea of ​​the capabilities of the teacher.

Connection in an open lesson of lessons different type is based on the logic of the process of mastering knowledge.

The classical stages of the lesson, proposed by Professor T.I. Shamova and actively used now in teaching practice, the teacher can turn into their own open lesson plan.

For example:

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

2. Checking homework. It is possible to use three verification options or their combinations.

3. Work with new educational material (preparation for the assimilation of the new, learning the new).

4. Homework.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Let's consider this in more detail.

STAGE I . Organization of the beginning of the lesson

The organizational moment of an open (as, indeed, any other) lesson involves greeting students by the teacher, telling the topic of the upcoming lesson or block of lessons (meaning paired lessons), preliminary, concise and clear formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson. By his actions, the teacher must lead the children to realize the purpose of the lesson as a result preprogrammed by the teacher, which should be achieved through their cooperation at the end of the lesson.

II STAGE . Checking homework

1. Monologue: retelling of the text by the student, prepared story module, presentation of educational material by narration from the particular to the general.

2. Testing or drawing up a technological map.

3. Frontal survey, compilation of a dictionary historical terms or chronological table.

Homework should be strictly differentiated, taking into account individual characteristics children. For students different levels academic performance are given group and individual tasks appropriate difficulty levels.

A logical transition from checking homework to studying a new topic can be a student's report or message, prepared in advance on the instructions of the teacher and being a logical bridge when moving from the previous topic to the next one. The specificity of this form of homework is to teach students to independently select material from additional sources of information and the ability to competently and eloquently convey it to their classmates who are summarizing the report.

Thus, students learn to take notes, rational work with his notebook, as well as the ability to compose and pose (which is not the same thing) questions to the speaker on the topic of the speech, thereby training two the most important types general educational skills: informational and communicative. It should be noted that to emphasize the formulation of questions to the speaker on the topic of what was heard is one of the most complex shapes work with educational material, because it develops in students the skills of writing the main ideas of the report in the form of abstracts and teaches them to highlight the main thing. This will prepare them for successful delivery forthcoming in the near future of the United state exam. The best abstracts and questions are evaluated immediately upon completion of this work.

In addition, the preparation of such a report can provide the student with an additional chance to improve learning outcomes in the subject, correct bad grades, which, of course, is a positive motive for learning in general.

STAGE III . Gaining new knowledge

It is possible to use three well-known teaching methods here:

The most interesting embodiment of the composition of methods is the joint development of the topic by the teacher and students. On the example of the topic "Economic development of Russia in the 17th century." Consider student activities in class.

1 . Create a plan. During the analysis and discussion subject material The groups formulate their own plan for studying this topic. It looks something like this:

  • development Agriculture,
  • craft development,
  • trade development.

Agricultural (agricultural) production:

  • agriculture, cattle breeding, poultry farming, gardening;
  • agricultural practices, etc.;
  • tools and their development.

Handicraft (industrial) production:

  • handicraft production to order, to the market;
  • manufacturing production.

Trade and money business:

Working with the textbook, students fill in the diagram specific content. The following theses can be the result of this stage of the collective work of students:



The expansion of arable land, the spread of agriculture to the North, the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. Increasing grain yield.

animal husbandry

Breeding dairy breeds of cattle: Kholmogory, Yaroslavl. Horse breeding in the Nogai steppes and in Kalmykia, breeding of the Romanov breed of sheep in the Volga region.


Breeding "cabbage gardens".

Agricultural technology

Three-field crop rotation with the use of manure fertilizers while maintaining the shifting system on the outskirts.


The use of plows of various modifications: three-pronged plow, roe deer plow. Use of iron coulters, harrows with iron teeth.


Growth of handicraft production to order and to the market.

Formation of commodity handicraft production.

Allocation of areas of handicraft specialization: in Tula, Serpukhov - mining and processing iron ore; in Yaroslavl, Kazan - leather production; in Kostroma - soap making; in Ivanovo - fabric production.

There are more than 250 craft professions in Moscow.

Manufactory production

The construction of the metallurgical manufactory of A. Vinius near Tula in the 30s of the XVII century.

Printing and Mint in Moscow.

Nitsynsky plant in the Urals.

Shipyards in Voronezh.


Domestic trade

The beginning of the formation of a single all-Russian market. The appearance of fairs: Makarievskaya, Irbitskaya, Nezhinskaya, etc.

International trade

Trade with Western Europe through Arkhangelsk and with the East through Astrakhan.

Construction of the German settlement in Moscow.

1667 - introduction of duties for foreign merchants.

3. Drawing up a story-monologue on the studied material on the basis of the formulated theses.

4. Generalization and systematization of new knowledge. Based on the facts identified in the text, children give a generalized description of development trends Russian economy in early XVII in.

STAGE IV . Homework

Homework is given based on differentiated approach. For children with a projected reproductive level of learning, a retelling of the material, a monologue, and answers to questions are offered. The constructive level involves the preparation of a monologue according to a well-established plan.

And finally homework creative level:

  • analysis of historical phenomena based on the study of historical facts or historical documents;
  • report, abstract, essay.

It should be remembered that each child, through the characteristics of personal perception, using own system learning, acquired or created by him, masters the educational material in the following ways:

1. In chronological order.

2. By comparison and generalization (compilation of comparative tables).

3. Creating your own plan and theses.

4. In the form of an abstract or essay - as a scientific or emotional-figurative form of perception of the material.

Such an organization of the work of children in the classroom and at home allows you to decide whole line creative didactic tasks:

the formation of the ability to find the main and necessary in the material at this particular moment;

  • formation of the ability to create educational plans and work on their basis;
  • formation of response skills according to the scheme from particular to general;
  • skills building research activities;
  • skills building independent work;
  • formation of abstract writing skills.

STAGE V . Summing up the lesson

In the course of summing up the lesson, you should pay special attention to evaluating the answers of students. The mark given to the child should also apply to his further creative activity in this subject, and therefore she (the mark) must be worn emotionally positive character and be strictly differentiated. So, for example, an excellent student should be rated "5" for expressing innovative ideas, a new look at historical fact and these ideas should be framed accordingly.

Students with intermediate and good abilities can be rated "5" for interesting ideas and unexpected interpretation of the facts, demanding from them and helping to shape the thought.

When evaluating weaker answers, one should nevertheless speak well of the abilities of this group of students, carefully pointing out the unsatisfactory aspects of the answers, providing an opportunity for a more successful performance in the next lesson.

We are convinced that only by creating an emotionally positive educational environment in the classroom can we stimulate the motivation of each child to learn.

Having finished an open lesson, the teacher is obliged to give a holistic systematic analysis of it and show the prospect of his further work on this course.

honored teacher of the Russian Federation,
director of school No. 128;
history teacher

Based on materials: "History" No. 5 (2004; Publishing house "Pervoe september")


BEFORE and AFTER the open lesson

Is it possible to be the perfect teacher? The one who has nothing else to add to his technique to make it even better? Our answer is unequivocal: no, it is impossible. Because the best teacher will always strive to learn and develop indefinitely, without neglecting the experience of colleagues, because, as you know, non est terminus - "There is no limit to perfection." Here we will talk about such a tool. professional development teacher as open lessons.

In the minds of teachers, the concept of "open lesson" was turned into a test of knowledge, some element of control. Therefore, it is perceived this species activity is negative, "the auditor is coming to us." After such lessons, either punishment or (very rarely) reward is expected; they prepare for these lessons, trying to show something special on them.

But an open lesson should be a regular lesson that teachers spend every day with their students, just any other teacher can come to such a lesson to see how a colleague works.

No separate preparation is required: you need to conduct the lesson in the same way as usual, and the guest (or guests) will then neither punish nor encourage - he will simply share his impression and give the teacher the opportunity to look at himself from the outside, get valuable advice. After each lesson, the guests have a conversation where they talk about their impressions, about what could be added to make the lesson even better, and what should be abandoned.

What is needed for a high-quality and effective open lesson

It is desirable that two guests attend the open lesson. A larger number of people will have a negative effect on the students, they will begin to behave differently than usual: close up, be afraid to answer questions, which can interfere with the natural course of the lesson. But why not just one person? Because the opinion of two is more objective and balanced. After all, after an open lesson, its analysis should take place, at which the guests will indicate to the teacher they visited, reference points for further self-improvement.

It is extremely important to record an open lesson(on a webcam, tablet, laptop or phone - the main thing is that the teacher can be clearly seen and heard on the recording). The video is needed in order to show it to the teacher who conducted the lesson before the analysis. This will give him the opportunity to look at himself (we have already talked about the benefits of such an analysis), and the discussion of the guests of the open lesson should begin with questions about what the teacher himself thinks about his lesson: what did he see the pros and cons? What would he like to change?

After each open lesson, it is analyzed. This should happen within a week while all impressions are still fresh. First, both guests should discuss the lesson among themselves, making the following summary:

  • two pluses of the lesson that you need to save,
  • two minuses that should be corrected before the next open lesson,
  • assessment (optional). You can rate a lesson, guided, for example, by a 5-point scale, where 5 is an unattainable ideal, and 1 is an absolutely unprepared and boring lesson. Grades help you track your own progress more closely.

At the debriefing, not only the guests should express their opinion: it is very important that the teacher subject himself to introspection. So most parsing, he himself should speak, and the guests should only direct him in the right direction with their questions. It is much better if the moments for improvement are taken out as if on their own: it is psychologically easier to follow your own recommendations, backed up by someone else's opinion, than just listen to what is bad and what is good.

What should I pay attention to during an open lesson?

Timing. Does the teacher meet the allotted time? Does it delay the supply of material? Perhaps, on the contrary, it gives it faster. Why is this happening? Because of an unfinished program or because the teacher himself is slow or in a hurry?

Atmosphere. What is the classroom environment like? Do the students want to talk with the teacher, answer his questions, or are they withdrawing into themselves, afraid to speak out? Does the teacher keep the students on their toes, or is the atmosphere too relaxed and the children allow themselves to be distracted and talk? Is it fun to be in this class?

Knowledge of the material and preparation for the lesson. Is the teacher able to answer every question from the class? Does it tell only what is written in the textbook, or does it give the material wider and more interesting?

Rationality. How logically and thoughtfully does the teacher give the material? To what extent is this particular lesson integrated into the entire curriculum (it is worth talking about this in more detail during the debriefing), what place does this lesson take, what should students learn from it?

Separately, I would like to note the following nuances: any colleagues of the teacher can be guests at the lesson. Why don't a historian and a chemist come to a mathematics lesson? They may not be able to notice if the teacher did not prepare the material so well, but they will definitely be able to assess the atmosphere, relations with students, timing, etc. Guests can change from lesson to lesson, one of the goals of this activity is for teachers to share their experience, look at each other.

By observing, analyzing and discussing a short time greatly raise the level of teaching.

The teacher should introduce the guests to the students (unless, of course, the students are already familiar with these teachers), explain that this is just such a good tradition- go on a visit, so at school we will now do this, try to make sure that the students do not become isolated in the presence of other people.

In the MAXIMUM company, each teacher must conduct five open lessons per year. Teachers like to visit each other and admit that such classes help to “keep fit”. This is also confirmed by the grades that students give to their teachers during regular surveys. Surveys of students, by the way, are also a very useful element of motivation in working on oneself. But this is a topic for a separate article.

The user's photo was used in the design of the article

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

How to awaken the “appetite” of students for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to correctly use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques to deliver memorable lessons?

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. The history lesson should be interesting and in English, open lesson and traditional. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material digested easily. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

    Plan your lesson with age features students, their emotional mood, tendencies to individual work or group activities. Everyone's concept interesting lesson must be creative.

    Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of fantasy - and non-standard solutions are sure to be found. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.

    Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.

    An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part of the lesson should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).

    For an exciting lesson use different techniques. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. For example, a presentation on the big screen of a significant event or watching a military newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.

    Be flexible! Breakdown of equipment, fatigue of students or unexpected questions - these are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (better - in a playful way).

    How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.

    Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.

    Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.

    To teach interesting lessons, constantly look for and find unusual and amazing facts on each topic that is not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!

    Create and constantly replenish your own methodical piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks, and forms of work, use entertaining material at every lesson.

    Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. BUT role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting lesson in English.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

    Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.

    Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell new theme, sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.

    bring more interesting examples from personal experience because the teacher, first of all, is creative person and extraordinary personality. Bright life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of a successful and effective pedagogical activity, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.