Biographies Characteristics Analysis

An interesting name for a circle in geography. The results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities

The work program of the circle "Young geographer-researcher" for students of the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Basic general education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897) and guidelines MKOU secondary school No. 1 s.p. Kahun. The program is designed for 2 hours. in Week. 68 hours

In connection with the growing role of patriotic education, the requirements for the tasks of school geography in the field are changing. According to the concept of geographical education of the Russian Academy of Education, it is recommended to introduce separate courses into the practice of the main school.

A child tends to discover the world from the threshold of his house and from the picture in the primer. That is why an important moment of patriotic education is the study of one's Motherland in the context of its place, role, features and significance in the world community. It is the multifaceted knowledge of Russia that will, on the one hand, arouse interest in the student as a naturalist, and on the other hand, will bring up a patriot, a citizen of the Russian Federation. The upbringing of patriotism and love for one's country should be based on the child's study of the past of the peoples of Russia and the modern power of the Russian state. The patriotic approach to teaching involves the use of knowledge that students directly receive when studying geography and their region, and Russia, and the world as a whole.



Explanatory note

The work program of the circle "Young geographer-researcher" for students of the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897) and the methodological recommendations of the MKOU SOSH No. 1 with .P. Kahun. The program is designed for 2 hours. in Week. 68 hours

In connection with the growing role of patriotic education, the requirements for the tasks of school geography in the field are changing. According to the concept of geographical education of the Russian Academy of Education, it is recommended to introduce separate courses into the practice of the main school.

A child tends to discover the world from the threshold of his house and from the picture in the primer. That is why an important moment of patriotic education is the study of one's Motherland in the context of its place, role, features and significance in the world community. It is the multifaceted knowledge of Russia that will, on the one hand, arouse interest in the student as a naturalist, and on the other hand, will bring up a patriot, a citizen of the Russian Federation. The upbringing of patriotism and love for one's country should be based on the child's study of the past of the peoples of Russia and the modern power of the Russian state. The patriotic approach to teaching involves the use of knowledge that students directly receive when studying geography and their region, and Russia, and the world as a whole.

Despite the fact that this knowledge is interdisciplinary in nature, its basis is academic subject geography. It, like no other subject, concentrates knowledge not only of the physical and geographical features of the territory, but also historical, ethnic, demographic, economic and political knowledge.

The program takes into account the knowledge of students in natural history, geography, history, literature and corresponds age characteristics students. Sections of the program include the study of both objects and phenomena during excursions, and the implementation creative tasks using modern means and research methods ( internet, etc. ). The study of the ecological state of the environment should instill in students a sense of love and thrift for the nature of their city, region, country. Acquaintance with the history of Russia, the region and the city should make the children feel proud of their homeland.

When mastering this course, students get acquainted with such basic geographical concepts as "geographical location", " natural conditions”, “climate”, “resources”, “industrial complex”, “world economy”, which will help students, on the one hand, to better understand them using the example of geographical objects familiar to them, and on the other hand, will create a platform for a smooth transition to the study of geography in the next classes. It is assumed that students, upon completion of the study of the theoretical part, will conduct research activities using knowledge and skills, as well as applying universal learning activities (UUD) obtained by studying various materials in the circle.

In the process of attending classes at the circle and independent work, conditions are created for schoolchildren to ensure the formation and development of:

  • interest in geography and related sciences;
  • the ability to independently acquire and apply the acquired knowledge;
  • creative approach to the implementation of independent and research work.

Classes are grouped into thematic blocks and consist of theoretical and practical parts.

The focus of the circle "Entertaining geography" -Natural science. Program level -introductory.

Target: to develop interest in geography and related sciences, to intensify cognitive activity, to form a platform for patriotic, moral and aesthetic education.



  1. Formation of a holistic scientific outlook, ecological thinking and humanistic orientation of the personality of schoolchildren.
  2. Theoretical and practical training schoolchildren the basics of research activities in the field and laboratory conditions.
  3. Basics training environmental knowledge and understanding their relationship with the main natural sciences and humanities.
  4. Formation of students' skills information culture using Internet resources in the study of the native land, Russia and the world.


1. Personal development of the child, development cognitive interests and motivation for creativity, based on the abilities and talents of children, the formation of universal educational activities.


  1. Improving the moral foundations of the culture of students: worldview, political, economic, environmental, artistic.
  2. Formation of an active life position and culture of behavior, determination of ways of socialization.
  3. Education in children respect for nature and historical heritage native land and peoples of Russia.
  4. Responsibility for words, deeds and deeds.
  5. Inclusion of students in meaningful socially useful activities.

Working methods

  1. Search and research method (independent work of circle members with the performance of various tasks, the choice independent theme for designing a project, abstract, report on the work done in a presentation, project)
  2. Method of self-realization, self-management through various creative activities, participation in competitions, olympiads
  3. Method of control: self-control, control of progress and quality of assimilation of a comprehensive program
  4. Method integrated approach to education and upbringing, assuming the unity of moral, aesthetic and other forms of education.

Forms of work

  • theoretical classes, excursions,
  • workshops on the ground and in cameral conditions,
  • various environmental campaigns,
  • preparation for celebrations and other events, geography week.

The main directions and content of activities.

Mastering a number of general concepts provided for by the course program physical geography presents some difficulties for students.

For these reasons, the topics of the geographic circle are drawn up with the expectation of increasing interest in the study difficult questions programs. The forms of work are varied - conversations, competitions, excursions, games, theoretical classes. They involve collective, group, customized molds work with children.

Topic 1. Introduction (3 hours)

Acquaintance with the activities of the circle, planning. Introductory lesson. Definition of goals and objectives of the circle. Circle plan for the year.

Topic 2. Orientation on the ground (11 hours)

History of the invention of the compass

Exercises and movement on the ground with and without a compass

Determination of directions, distances according to the plan of the area and the map. The times we live by. The sun is like a beacon. We determine the time by the sun. Orientation by the stars and the moon. Who invented the compass. Mysterious Arrow. Compasses without a magnetic needle. Movement in azimuths. Geographical coordinates. Definition given points on geographic coordinates. Geographical coordinates. Determination of given points by geographical coordinates. Location and map.

Do continents float? How mountains grow What will the stones say? How to search for minerals. Are there any useless minerals? The game "We are the rescuers." Competition "Connoisseurs of the geographical map." Game-workshop on thematic maps. - modern hypotheses about the origin of mountains on earth.

Volcanoes, geysers, hot springs.


variety of landforms on earth.

The terrain of your area.

Great rivers of the Earth. Amazing lakes of the world. Solid ocean. " White death» - avalanches. Bermuda Triangle. Water heating of the continents. Dangerous ocean: tornadoes, tsunamis. Geographic mysteries. Participation in distance competitions and olympiads from "Erudite" is a modern way of studying the seas and oceans.

Waterspouts, storms and hurricanes in the sea.

Parts of the oceans.

vegetable and animal world oceans and seas.

Ecological problems of the World Ocean.

Earth clothing. Myth or truth: artificial rain. Learning to predict the weather. Live barometers. Terrible phenomena in the atmosphere.

Unique plants and animals. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the KBR. The green wealth of the oceans. Natural laboratories-reserves. Human and nature. Extreme living conditions.

Noise. Measures to prevent noise exposure. Opportunities for the emergence of new types of environmental pollution.

Topic 8. Local history (18 hours)

Features of the geographical location and nature of their village. Settlement history. Famous people- our countrymen.

My house. Family pedigree. Protection of the project "My family tree"

native school. Its history and traditions.

Group training research project“I am proud of my village” Defense of a group research project

"I'm proud of my village"

Means of education

  • Video recordings
  • Presentations
  • e-tutorials

Didactic support

  • Herbarium collection
  • Collection rocks and minerals
  • Maps (wall, atlases)
  • Charts and tables
  • Traveler portraits
  • encyclopedias
  • Animal world photo sets

Ways to check the results of work


Teaching and research conferences


Science Week

Expected results and their verification

  • get acquainted with the basic geographical concepts, geographical features of the nature of Russia and the native land;
  • apply geographical knowledge to explain and evaluate a variety of phenomena and processes;
  • apply geographical knowledge and skills in Everyday life to preserve the environment and socially responsible behavior in it;
  • increase your horizons;
  • apply computer technologies in teaching;
  • know the natural and anthropogenic causes of geoecological problems in their area; specially protected natural territories of their republic;
  • use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.
  • creation of a school fund of collections of minerals and rocks of the native land, soil types, creation of a bank of research and design work of students.
  • increase in the number of students involved in research work.

Basic knowledge

Basic terms and concepts of mineralogy, petrography;

The main types of tourism;

Basic methods of orientation on the ground;

The main types of plants and animals;

Rules for conducting observations, field research;

Specially protected territories and natural monuments of the native land;

The history of the formation and development of Russia, the city of the hero of Moscow


Identify environmental factors that have an effect on plant organisms;

Conduct a micro-survey to study natural and artificial plant communities;

Assess the impact of nature on a person (his emotional, moral state and physical health);

Distinguish monuments of nature;

Navigate the terrain using a compass and local signs;

Distinguish between protected plants and animals of the Moscow region

Work with literature;

Apply existing knowledge in practical activities for the improvement and protection of the natural environment of a small homeland.


1. Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. - Novosibirsk: NIPKi PRO, 1997.

2. Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.

3. Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.

4. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world. Geography "- M: LLC" AST Publishing House "2002

5. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world of Animals." - M: LLC "Publishing House AST" 2002

6. Maksimov N.A. "Behind the pages of a geography textbook" -M. "Enlightenment" 1988

7. Kuprin A.M. Interestingly about orientation "-M. "Enlightenment" 1990

8. Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical constructor: teacher's guide. - M .: Education, 2011. (Standards of the second generation).

9. Rocks and minerals. Entertaining geography in the classroom and extracurricular activities grades 6-8. Compiled by: S.G. Zubanova.- Moscow, Globus, 2009.

10. Games in the campaign, on the ground. Entertaining geography in the classroom and extracurricular activities grades 6-8. Compiled by: S.G. Zubanov. Moscow, Globus, 2009

Educational literature for students

Calendar planning of the circle "Entertaining geography"

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

the date of the

according to plan

In fact

Topic 1. Introduction (3 hours)

Introductory lesson. Definition of goals and objectives of the circle. Circle plan for the year.


Forms and methods of organizing research activities. Induction training. Instruction number 1.


Features of reading popular scientific and methodical literature. Note-taking techniques.


Topic 2. Orientation (11 hours)

The times we live by.


The sun is like a beacon. Determine the time by the sun


Orientation by the stars and the moon.


Who invented the compass.


Mysterious Arrow.


Compasses without a magnetic needle.


Movement in azimuths.



Geographical coordinates. Determination of given points by geographical coordinates.


Location and map.


Local landmarks, signs and signs.


Topic 3. Life earth's crust(7h)

Do continents float?


How mountains grow


What will the stones say?


How to search for minerals.


Are there any useless minerals?


The game "We are the rescuers."


Competition "Connoisseurs of the geographical map." Game-workshop on thematic maps.


Topic 4. Blue planet (9 hours)

Great rivers of the Earth.


Amazing lakes of the world.


Solid ocean.


"White Death" - avalanches.


Bermuda Triangle.


Water heating of the continents.


Dangerous ocean: tornadoes, tsunamis.


Geographic mysteries.


Participation in distance competitions and olympiads from "Erudite"


Topic 5. Air blanket (5 hours)

Earth clothes


Myth or truth: artificial rain.


Learning to predict the weather


Live barometers


Terrible phenomena in the atmosphere.


Topic 6. Green Planet(5 hours)


Unique plants and animals.


Plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the KBR.


The green wealth of the oceans.


Natural laboratories-reserves.


Human and nature. Extreme living conditions.


Participation in the distance competition in geography "Across the continents and oceans"


Topic 7. Biosphere. Environmental pollution (8 hours)

Biosphere, the boundaries of the biosphere. Biosphere as the environment of human life.


The impact of human economic activity on the biosphere. Noosphere.


Sources of air pollution.


New types of pollution. Garbage as a factor of environmental pollution.


Noise. Measures to prevent noise exposure. Opportunities for the emergence of new types of environmental pollution.


Global problems of mankind.


Global problems of mankind.


Global problems of mankind.


Topic 8. Local history (18 hours)

Features of the geographical location and nature of their village. Settlement history.


Famous people are our countrymen.


Natural and anthropogenic objects on the territory of the settlement.


My house. Family pedigree.


My house. Family pedigree.


My house. Family pedigree.


Protection of the project "My family tree"



native school. Its history and traditions


The village of Kakhun: past, present and development prospects. Cultural heritage.


The village of Kakhun: past, present and development prospects. Cultural heritage.


The village of Kakhun: past, present and development prospects. Cultural heritage.



Preparation of a group research project “I am proud of my village”


Preparation of a group research project “I am proud of my village”


Defense of a group research project

"I'm proud of my village"


Preparation for the contest of posters "Entertaining geography"


Protection of posters "Entertaining geography"


Problems and prospects of modern geography.


MBOU "Kirillovskaya high school»

Geographic circle



geography teacher:
Bukhanova M.A.

Explanatory note

The program of the geographical circle "Journey to the sights of the world" has a novelty for students.

It lies in the fact that this course is not studied in school curriculum. Modern economy leading countries of the world largely depends on the development international tourism and services - one of the types of which is sightseeing. Borders are open for visiting countries by tourists and vacationers, in front of them wonderful world beautiful creations of human hands and created by nature. Therefore, it is clear that this course modern school is relevant and necessary for study.

The modern world is very interesting and attractive because meeting with it is an acquaintance with the beautiful and the unknown. Each student discovers something for himself and his friends. Traveling around the countries through the imaginative stories of a teacher or student and colorful presentations, already familiar images will interest you - the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Champs Elysees, and completely new, but beautiful creations of human hands - the Taj Mahal Mausoleum in Agra in India, Stonehenge in the UK, the Cathedral Saint Peter in the Vatican. Opera House in Sydney, mosques in Morocco and others.

The network of educational institutions is expanding, in which faculties are being opened to train tourism and service specialists, guides. The main subject is geography.

The program is built on the basis of interdisciplinary integration with history, biology, art, psychology, architecture.

The peculiarity of this course is that some areas of this course are studied using the latest telecommunication technology. Living in the information society, children should have an idea about various information processes, master the basic elements of information culture. Usage computer technology makes it possible to take into account individual characteristics students: set the pace of learning the material, adapt learning knowledge to the abilities of the student. Also, students receive satisfaction of cognitive interest, there is a desire to explore the world using the information system.


Expand geographical outlook.


    arouse interest in the countries of the world, cultural heritage through acquaintance with cultural and natural attractions;

    show the role of sights in the education of tolerance;

    to cultivate respect for people of another nation, for the peculiarities of their life;

    expand knowledge about the capitals and largest cities of the world.

Capitals and big cities world play huge role in the life of the country. Most of the country's population is concentrated in them.

Cities are economic, cultural and tourist centers of the country. They perform various functions. One of them is meeting tourists and presenting the values ​​of their country - natural and man-made sights.

In working with this content, such activities as a press conference, work with statistical material, correspondence excursions, a round table meeting are possible. Classes on the main issues of the topic are held in a computer class.

The result of successful completion of the program can be participation in an illustrated quiz, sightseeing tour as a guide.


    countries and capitals;

    famous and most interesting sights.


    be able to work on a computer;

    work with various sources of information;

    navigate the map;

    freely talk about the sights of the world.


Students who complete this course will receive necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for understanding and knowing the world. Constant work with sources of information, work and communication in groups will allow you to form responsibility and independence. Interest in the subject and desire to explore the world will increase.


    about different types of attractions;

    about the profession of guides, tour guides and other specialties in this area;

    about the standard of living in various states;

    about the traditions and customs of the population of the countries of the world;

    about the values ​​of the culture of this country.


In the process of studying this course, 4 credits are performed practical work and 1 final - at the last lesson:

4 credits - the role of a guide to the sights of the world;

The final test work is participation in an illustrated quiz on the sights of the world.



Number of hours

Landmarks of France.

The Eiffel Tower.

Triumphal Arch.

Notre Dame de Paris.

Versailles park.

Landmarks of Great Britain.

Tower "Big Ben".

Buckingham Palace.

Madame Tussauds museum.

Sightseeings of Germany.

Treptow Park.

Brandenburg Gate.

Sights of Italy.

Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Rain Palace.

Landmarks of Australia.

Ayers Rock

Landmarks of China.

The great Wall of China.

Landmarks of India.

Taj Mahal.

Lotus Temple.

Landmarks of Thailand.

Golden Palaces of the Emperor.

Elephant sanctuary.

Crocodile farm.

Landmarks of Japan.

Stone Park.

Sights of Canada.

Niagara Falls.

CN Tower.

Sightseeings of USA.

The Statue of Liberty.

"Golden Gate".

Sights of Brazil.

Mount Sugarloaf.

Statue of the Savior.

Iguazu Falls.

Landmarks of Egypt.

Pyramids of the Giza Valley.

Sights of Russia.

Lake Baikal.

Students try themselves as a guide.

Presentation competition.

Explanatory note

This circle program was developed in the context of the implementation of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The following documents are the basis for the development of the program:

The concept of intellectual and cognitive education of Russian schoolchildren

The concept of federal state educational standards of the new generation

Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education

The program was developed in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation of basic general education.An important direction in the content of the program is the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren. At the level of subject education, conditions are created for education:

patriotism: through active knowledge of the geography of one's country and other countries and peoples;

industriousness, creative attitude to teaching, work, life;

value attitude to the beautiful, the formation of ideas about ecological culture;

value attitude towards environment and socially responsible behavior in it;

Relevance of the programdetermined not only by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. As a result of the implementation of the program, it is envisaged to increase geographical knowledge, acquire practical skills and abilities to work with a map, with reference, scientific and popular literature, Internet resources. The program involves increasing students' interest in the subject. Participation in school-wide events, olympiads and competitions at various levels, conferences. The program allows to implement currently relevant competency-based, personality-oriented, activity-based approaches.

Novelty of this program is that the program is comprehensive and variable, gives each child the opportunity to try their hand at different types of activities, choose a priority direction and realize themselves as much as possible in the implementation of creative project activities during off-hours.

The main principles for the implementation of the program are accessibility, voluntariness, subjectivity, activity and personal approaches, succession, effectiveness, partnership, creativity and success.

Pedagogical principles

1. Love and respect for the child as an active subject of upbringing and development is the main principle of work.

When organizing the educational process, the following are taken into account:

A comprehensive solution to the problems of training and education (learning activities and personal communication in the classroom liberated, respectful; mutual assistance is encouraged; free movement in the office is allowed), the need of children for communication is realized in extracurricular activities, when performing team work and attending various events;

Needs, interests of students;

The level of development of the team;

The level of development and self-esteem of the child, his social status.

Applies to each child individual approach:

Awareness and recognition of the right of an individual to be different from others;

Granting the right to freedom of choice (to be or not to be in a creative association);

Evaluation of not the personality of the child, but his activities, actions;

Accounting for the individual psychological characteristics of the child (type nervous system, temperament, features of perception and memory, thinking, motives, status in the team, activity).

An individual approach requires differentiated training. In the classroom, work of varying degrees of complexity is offered. The culmination of the activity is the development of creative projects aimed at developing and supporting children's initiatives, gaining experience in interacting with adults and children.

The personal approach requires the teacher to create conditions in the classroom under which the student feels like a person, feels the attention of the mentor personally to him.

2. Creating a situation of success for each child is one of the significant principles that provide conditions conducive to self-determination, self-development, self-realization, adequate self-esteem of the individual.

Within the framework of this program, the following pedagogical ideas are implemented:

Formation of individual educational requests of the circle participants;

Development of interest in the study of geography, the ability to work with various sources of information;

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of geography;

Raising a sense of collectivism and responsibility through play and competition;

Preparing students for self-education in the field of geography and related sciences;

The formation of students' ideas about the "wonderful" objects of their country and the world.

The purpose of the program is Upbringing creative personality capable of successful self-realization in the modern world through purposeful familiarization with geographical culture.



Expand students' knowledge of countries;

Enrich students' understanding of life in different countries;

Include students in search and research activities;

Formation of the ability of schoolchildren to work with sources of geographical information.


To promote the development of students' skills in organizing independent travel;

To develop the cognitive abilities of students;

To develop cognitive skills of working with information (collection, storage and use), skills of systematizing information;

Develop logical and imaginative thinking.


Cultivate initiative, independence and activity;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility towards the team;

To educate the ethics of relationships, the culture of communication.


Creating conditions for students to master the skills of independent creative activity when performing tasks advanced level difficulties.


To form socio-cultural competence, the ability to communicate and jointly solve creative problems.

Distinctive featuresThe program of the circle is that it will end with a very real, tangible practical result - a project to develop a travel route to the world of geography. The evaluation criteria will be the economic attractiveness of the route. In the course of the circle classes, students, working independently, gain experience in cognitive and learning activities. Extracurricular activities allow for an individual approach, allowing students to reveal their creative abilities and interests.

Students have the opportunity to use their knowledge of geography outside of school, to express their own ideas in a creatively thought-out form that is convenient for them.

Children's age: The program is designed for children aged 12-15, students in grades 6-9.

Terms of the program implementation: 1 year.

Forms and methods of classes:traditional, combined and practical classes; lectures, games,conversations, competitions, quizzes, games, practical and theoretical classes.

Methods based on the level of activity of children:
explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
partial search - participation of children in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
- research - independent creative work of students.

Methods based on the form of organization of students' activities in the classroom:
frontal - simultaneous work with all students
individual-frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
group - organization of work in groups.
individual - individual execution.

Quantity teaching hours in Week:Classes are held 2 times a week for 45 minutes, which is 68 hours a year.

Number of students in a group: occupancy of the group of 8 people, taking into account the individual approach.

Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness. During the process, students should:


  1. The contribution of Great scientists to the development of science;
  2. The main features of the shape, size, nature of the rotations of the Earth and their geographical consequences;
  3. Natural records on continents and oceans;
  4. Features of the countries of the world and population;
  5. Techniques for working with sources of geographic information;
  6. geographical terminology.

Be able to:

  1. Take measurements using various methods and instruments;
  2. Conduct research based on accumulated facts;
  3. Read and analyze various sources of geographical information, including a geographical map - as the greatest creation of mankind;
  4. Solve geographic problems.

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  1. Orientation in the flow of geographic information;
  2. Ability to solve geographic problems
  3. Increasing your own geographical culture.

Forms of summing up the results of the implementation of the additional educational program:

- protection of presentations, projects;participation in school-wide events, olympiads and competitions at various levels, conferences.

Educational - thematic plan

No. p / p

Name of topics

Number of hours





The uniqueness of the planet Earth.

Travel around the world.


Calendar-thematic work plan for the program "Entertaining Geography" for the 2016-2017 academic year, 68 hours


Name of sections and topics



Planned dates

Actual dates

Introductory lesson.

Section 1. The uniqueness of the planet Earth. (42 hours)

Earth is a planet in the solar system

Earth's crust. Mineralogy

properties of minerals.


"My own game"


In the world of falling water.

Angel Falls and



The widest waterfalls in the world. Niagara Falls.


Iguazu and Guaguira Falls.

Victoria Falls.

other waterfalls in the world


Waterfalls of Russia.

Waterfall Kivach.


Fairy-tale padunas of Siberia and the Far East.

The cult of the holidays of waterfalls.


These amazing

lakes. The largest lakes in the world.


Lakes with unique salinity.

The most outlandish lakes


In the world of falling water.


menacing breath

Earth. Volcanoes.


Harbingers of underground storms.


Warmly groundwater and natural fountains Hot springs of Pamukkale. Geysers of Iceland.


Geysers of North America.

New Zealand miracle.

Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka.


canyons of the world. Grand Canyon.


In the world of sand and stone. Famous deserts of the world. Sahara. Namib. Gobi.


This amazing ice world. Glaciers of Greenland, Antarctica. Icebergs.

Section 2 Curiosities of flora and fauna. (4 hours)


Curiosities of the plant world


Curiosities of the animal world

Section 3 Travel around the world. (21h)


Names on the world map


Travels in the countries of Eurasia.


Traveling around Africa.


Traveling in North America.


Travels in South America.


Travels around Australia and Oceania.


Unusual monuments of the world

Final lesson


Introductory lesson. Circle work plan.

The uniqueness of the planet Earth.

The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth. The uniqueness of the objects of the solar system.

The nature of the most amazing waterfalls in the world: Angel, Niagara Falls, Kivach, Iguazu.

These amazing lakes: Baikal, Balkhash, Titicaca, Chad. Volcanoes of the Earth: Hekla, Fujiyama, Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

Curiosities of flora and fauna.

Plants that grow in certain areas of the world. Unusual fauna of the southern and northern continents.

Travel around the world.

Entertaining material on the continents (Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia). Records of each continent under the heading "most, most, most". Compilation of business cards of the continents. Diversity of the countries of the world. Differences in territory geographic location, population, nature and economic activity. The history of the formation of the political map of the world. Changes on the world map.

Methodological support of the program

No. p / p

Program section

Form of organization and form of conducting classes

Methods and techniques for organizing the educational process

Didactic material, technical equipment of the lesson

Type and form of control, form of presentation of the result

Accounting column

The uniqueness of the planet Earth.


presentations, messages,

game using ICT.

customized; group.

Explanatory and illustrative; reproductive

geographic atlases,

contour maps,

wall maps,


a computer,

internet guides.



Project protection.

Curiosities of flora and fauna.


presentations, messages,

video clips; work with additional literature, with a map; Development of the ability to use knowledge in practical activities;

customized; group

Explanatory and illustrative; reproductive;

partially search.

Reference books, projector, Internet resources.



Exhibition of handicraft photographs of unusual plants and animals.


around the world


presentations, messages,

video clips; work with additional literature, with a map; Developing the ability to use knowledge in practical activities

customized; group; collective

Explanatory and illustrative;

Partial search

geographic atlases,

contour maps,

wall maps,


a computer,

internet guides.



Project protection. Presentation development.


For students:

1. Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. - Novosibirsk: NIPKi PRO, 1997.

2. Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.

3. Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.

4. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world. Geography "- M: LLC" AST Publishing House "2002

5. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world of Animals." - M: AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

6. A. Muranov "Blue eyes of the planet" Publishing house "Children's literature" 1977

7. Bezrukov A.M., Pivovarova G.P. Entertaining geography for students, teachers and parents. - M.: AST - Press, 2013.

8. Wagner B.B. One hundred great wonders of nature. – M.: Veche, 2002.

9. Earth: Universal encyclopedia for youth. - M .: Pedagogy - Press, 2001.

10. Most beautiful cities Europe: Discoveries. Trips. Rest. Story. Modernity.- M.: BMM AO, 2012

11. Pospelov E.M. School Dictionary of Geographical Names.- M.: Profizdat, 2000.

For the teacher:

1. N. M. Klyushnikova " Extracurricular work in geography, - "Coripheus", Volgograd, 2000

2. Handbook of a geography teacher. / Compiled by N.N. Petrova, V.I. Sirotin. M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC. 2002-302 p.

3. Subject Week of Geography at School Series: Teacher's Library

4. Geography:\"Early Child Development\" - Geography for children

6. Geography: Encyclopedic Library.

Educational discs

1. (Cyril and Methodius Library).

2. (Catalog of countries of the world - information on sections: history, geography, population, capital, religion, culture).

3 . (Virtual travel. Stories about sights, history and modern development countries, cities, regions.

4. . (Valley of Geysers. General information).


World Foundation wildlife in Russia

Nature of Russia

Children's Internet project "Let's save the nature" www.

-- "Small Islands of Russia". Guide to the sights of Russia


All about geology.

Catalog of minerals www.

Digital educational resources:

library of electronic visual aids;

school geoinformation system;

digital maps and satellite images.




on the pedagogical council

MBOU secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk

Protocol No. ___

dated "__" __________2016_

"I approve"


MBOU secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk _____________ / Oshkina E.V. /

Full name

Order No. ___

dated "__" __________2016_


__________ Medny Andrey Vladimirovich ____

on ______« Entertaining geography »___

Subject, class, etc.

2016 - 2017 academic year

Explanatory note

This program is designed to organize teaching the basics of geographical knowledge of students.

How to increase the interest of students in studying the school course of geography? This question worries many teachers. One of the ways to solve this problem is extracurricular work, which is an integral part of the educational process.

Well-organized and interestingly conducted classes of the “Entertaining Geography” circle help to enrich the knowledge of children, contribute to the development of individual qualities, and the disclosure of talents.

The participation of schoolchildren in the classes of the circle opens up wide opportunities for the formation of practical skills in working with a map, a book and other sources of information, and collective work on creative projects and research is an important point in this activity, it helps to more easily master and remember scientific information well, forms a team of like-minded people, teaches children to communicate with peers, to defend their point of view.

The circle is based on the method of project activity of students. The method of projects is: personality-oriented education, individual approach, creativity, the formation of competencies, i.e. application of knowledge and skills in practical activities, the ability to navigate in information space, development of cognitive interest of students.

Activity students may be:
- individual;
- steam room;
- group.

One of important points the mug is the participation of children in school exhibitions and the annual school conference of natural sciences, which is a qualifying round for city competitions and conferences.

The program is designed for children in grades 5-6. The volume of the program is 35 hours, 1 hour per week and is designed for 1 year.

Goals and objectives of the program:

1. Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge of geography.

2. The development of students' interest in the subject, curiosity, creativity.

3. Development of practical skills for working with various geographical maps.

4. Formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge using various geographical sources.

Main didactic goals course:

Satisfaction of individual educational requests of the circle members;

Development of interest in the study of geography;

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of geography;

Raising a sense of collectivism and responsibility through play and competition;

Preparing students for self-education in the field of geography and related sciences.

OBJECTIVES OF THE CIRCLE "Entertaining geography"

Additional education at school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

learning about the basic geographical concepts, geographical features of nature, population and economy of different territories; about their homeland - Russia in all its diversity and integrity; about the environment, ways of its conservation and rational use;

mastery of skills navigate the terrain; use one of the "languages" international communication- a geographical map, statistical materials, modern geoinformation technologies for searching, interpreting and demonstrating various geographical data; apply geographical knowledge to explain and evaluate a variety of phenomena and processes;

When organizing a subject circle in geography in a basic school, it is necessary to Special attention on the general educational value of the subject. The study of geography forms not only certain system subject knowledge and whole line special geographical skills, but also a set of general educational skills necessary for:

- knowledge and study of the environment; identification of causal relationships;

- comparison of objects, processes and phenomena; modeling and design;

- orientation on the ground, plan, map; in the resources of the INTERNET, statistical materials;

- compliance with the norms of behavior in the environment; evaluating their activities in terms of moral, legal regulations, aesthetic values.

Objectives and main ideas of the course:

Tasks are aimed at the implementation of activity, practice-oriented and personality-oriented approaches; development by students of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing you to navigate in the world around you, significant for preserving the environment and your own healthincreased interest in the subjects of the natural cycle and geography in particular;

development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of observing the state of the environment, solving geographical problems, independently acquiring new knowledge; develop the ability to work in a group;

upbringing curiosity, love for one's locality, one's region, one's country, broadening the general outlook of students, mutual understanding with other peoples; ecological culture, positive attitude to the environment;

capacity building and readiness to the use of geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life, the preservation of the environment and socially responsible behavior in it; adaptation to living conditions in a certain territory; self-assessment of the level of environmental safety as a sphere of life.

    to form in students an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "wonderful" objects of their country and the world;

Predicted learning outcome:

as a result of learning in the classroom, students will acquireknowledge about natural and man-made sights of the world and Russia:

Their history,

their architecture,

Their geography;

acquire practicalskills and abilities :

Map work,

Work with reference, popular science literature, Internet resources,

Group organization skills.

The main directions and content of activities.

Mastering a number of general concepts provided by the program initial course physical geography presents some difficulties for students. The existing difficulties in some cases adversely affect the assimilation of program material and hinder the development of interest in geography.

For these reasons, the topics of the geographic circle are designed to increase interest in the study of difficult issues of the program. The goals and objectives of the activity of the circle are achieved by concretizing general concepts, which is carried out through the study of certain geographical objects and phenomena.

The forms of work are varied - conversations, competitions, excursions, games, theoretical classes. They involve collective, group, individual forms of work with children.

Educational - thematic plan.

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Earth is a planet in the solar system

Orientation on the ground

Excursions, practical classes

Map - the language of geography

Practical and project classes, watching movies

Life of the earth's crust

Theoretical classes, watching movies, working with a map, projects

World Ocean

Conversations, film classes, design

Land waters

Excursions, work with a map, workshop, quizzes, projects

Earth's atmosphere.

Practical and design classes, solving geographic problems

The nature of your region with elements of meteorology


Topic 1. Introduction

Acquaintance with the activities of the circle, planning.

Safety talk

Topic 2 Earth is a planet in the solar system

- Universe

- solar system

Neighbors of the Earth

Hypotheses of the origin of our planet

Topic 3. Orientation on the ground.

History of the invention of the compass

Exercises and movement on the ground with and without a compass

Determining directions, distances according to the terrain plan and map

Local orientation

Topic 4. Map - the language of geography

Terrain plan



Latitude and longitude - address object

Topic 5 . The life of the earth's crust.

Modern hypotheses about the origin of mountains on earth.

Volcanoes, geysers, hot springs.


variety of landforms on earth.

The terrain of your area.

Topic 6. World Ocean.

Modern ways study of the seas and oceans.

Waterspouts, storms and hurricanes in the sea.

Parts of the oceans.

Flora and fauna of the oceans and seas.

Ecological problems of the World Ocean.

Topic 7. Land waters.

Major rivers Earth.

Largest lakes lands, curiosity lakes.

Mineral springs, their origin

Karst phenomena, caves, underground rivers and lakes.


The waters of the land of their land.

Topic 8. Earth's atmosphere.

Modern methods the study of the atmosphere.

Processing and registration of the results of observation of the weather.

Terrible phenomena in the atmosphere.

Local signs and signs for predicting the weather


The climate of your area.

Topic 9. The nature of your region with elements of meteorology.

Studying the features of the nature of your region

PC of your area.

Meteorological Workshop

Anthropogenic impact on PC.

Predicted results.

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is envisaged to increase geographical knowledge, skills and abilities. The program involves increasing students' interest in the subject.

Testing knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out through school-wide events, school olympiads, participation in competitions, exhibitions and conferences.


For students:

1. Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. - Novosibirsk: NIPKi PRO, 1997.

2. Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.

3. Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.

4. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world. Geography "- M: LLC" AST Publishing House "2002

5. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world of Animals." - M: LLC "Publishing House AST" 2002

For the teacher:

1. N. M. Klyushnikova "Extracurricular work in geography, -" Luminary ", Volgograd, 2000

2. Handbook of a geography teacher. / Compiled by N.N. Petrova, V.I. Sirotin. M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC. 2002-302 p.

4. Geography: \"Early development of children\" - Geography for children

6. Geography: Encyclopedic Library.

Geography circle program

"Around the world"

The program was

geography teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 34 VII type


Chelyabinsk region

Goryainova Ya.O

2. List normative documents

    Constitution Russian Federation(adopted by popular vote on 12/12/1993)

    the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on 11/20/1989)

    Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 dated 07.02.1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” Federal Law No. 124-FZ dated 07.24.1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”

    Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 24, 1999 “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2003 No. 28-02-484 / 16 “Requirements for educational programs for institutions additional education children"

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 "On approximate requirements for programs of additional education for children"

    Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in general education institutions”

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general educational programs "

    Law of the Chelyabinsk Region dated August 29, 2013 No. 515-ZO "On Education in the Chelyabinsk Region"

    Decree of the administration of the Ozersky city district dated May 29, 2014 No. 1554 Quality standard for the provision of municipal services “Providing additional education for children in municipal educational organizations subordinated to the Department of Education of the Administration of the Ozersk City District.

    Explanatory note

3.1. The course is designed for a more in-depth study of the school course of geography. It takes into account the wishes and interests of students as much as possible, which were identified by the teacher in the process of conversations and questionnaires among school students studying geography. The content of the course is intended to expand and deepen students' knowledge of the physical geography of the continents and oceans, provide additional knowledge of a country-specific nature, which enhances its humanistic and cultural role in the education and upbringing of students.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that quite complex and deep questions about the nature of the Earth are studied in an entertaining and accessible way for students. Role-playing games, film tours, presentations allow you to maintain and develop the cognitive interest of students. The construction of classes in this form also allows you to maintain interest in learning and learning new, unknown, encourage students to active independent learning activities.

The relevance of the program being implemented lies in the fact that at this age, schoolchildren have many questions, and the topics considered as part of the implementation of the circle program will allow the children not only to get answers, but also to learn about the world around us through observations and experiments. great attention The program focuses on environmental issues.

Pedagogical expediency The implementation of the program of the circle "Around the World" is not only that it will make it possible to usefully occupy the students' free time, but also to arouse interest in active knowledge of the world around them. In the implementation of the program, a special place is occupied by the work of students on creative research work.

3.2. Goals program implementations are:

Formation of a sustainable interest of schoolchildren in the study of geography

Obtaining by students of super-program theoretical and practical geographical knowledge and skills;

Familiarization of students with the unique natural areas of the globe, which are the property of all mankind;

A deeper study of individual issues of the physical geography of their homeland, showing its uniqueness and significance in the world community;

Studying your region, unique objects, cities, peoples, compiling tourist routes;

Ability to work with various sources of information, apply geographical knowledge to explain and evaluate various phenomena and processes.

The educational and upbringing tasks of the geographic circle are determined common goals and learning objectives for the subject.

The most important tasks are:

To promote the formation of communicative personality traits in students: mutual assistance, friendship, the ability to work in groups and in a team;

Encourage and support the desire of schoolchildren to enrich themselves with new knowledge, interesting facts, concepts that reflect various aspects of the life of nature and society;

To ensure through the use in the work of the circle of means and methods of entertainment, game moments the development of cognitive interest in geographical science;

Create conditions for the development of creative abilities of students, the implementation of their individual opportunities and learning needs.

Forms of conducting circle classes

Throughout the year, classes are held in various forms: conversations for round table, video trips, presentations, business games, workshops.

The circle is designed for 68 lessons, 2 lessons per week.

      The age of students is 13-14 years old (Grade 7).

The program was developed taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children with mental retardation. Students have a stable reduced performance due to the phenomena of psychomotor disinhibition and increased excitability associated with a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere. Cognitive activity is characterized by a low level of activity, slow processing of information. The attention of students is unstable, memory is limited in volume, fragile. To a greater extent, visual-effective thinking is developed and, to a lesser extent, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. Functional speech disorders are noted.

Among corrective tasks the following are highlighted:

To develop the cognitive activity of students;

Develop general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, grouping and classification skills;

To carry out the normalization of educational activities, to form the ability to navigate the task, to develop the skills of planning activities, self-control, self-esteem;

Develop vocabulary, oral monologue speech students in unity with enriching the child with knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality.

Each lesson provides for the correction and development of the functions of students in the following areas:

Formation mental activity(stimulation of mental activity, the formation of mental operations, the development of visual forms of thinking, the development of concrete conceptual thinking);

Development of memory, attention;

Development mental capacity through mastering the actions of substitution and (or) visual modeling in various activities;

Formation of motivational, orienting-motivational, orienting-operational and regulatory components of activity;

Development of subject-practical activity;

Formation of space-time representations;

Development of speech;

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere (behavior correction, development of communication skills);

Enrichment of sensory experience;

Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

      Terms of the program implementation – 2015-16 academic year year

4. general characteristics(a brief justification of the value orientations of the course content, organization educational process, educational work)

This program provides for the following educational results during the course:

Improving the quality of geographical knowledge and skills of schoolchildren;

Increasing interest in the subject;

Increasing interest in classroom and extra-curricular activities, reading additional literature, Active participation in social work;

Activation of independence and creative abilities of students in the implementation of practical individual and group tasks and projects;

Growth of independence of schoolchildren;

Acquisition of skills to work with various sources of information;

Increasing interest and acquiring practical skills in working with Internet resources;

Raising the general level of culture of schoolchildren;

During the school year, students perform individual creative work.

Topics for individual and group creative works

    Russian travelers who glorified Russia.

    My journey through great river world (at the student's choice).

    Compilation and review of the geographical map "Natural uniqueness of my Motherland".

    I am a tourist guide in my native Ural.

    The country I want to visit.

    This continent surprised me.

    Africa (any other continent of the student's choice) on the pages of the Vokrug Sveta magazine.

    My crosswords and quizzes in geography.

    My presentation (the topic is determined by the student).

5. Approximate educational and thematic plan

Section names

Number of hours





Great Travelers

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Seven New Wonders of the World

Wonders of the natural world

Wonders of Russia

Journey through natural areas

Journey through the Urals

Section 1 Introduction

Excursion to the shore of Lake Irtyash. Organizational matters. Acquaintance with the work plan of the circle

Acquaintance with great travelers from a variety of sources, watching videos, presentations, designating travel routes around contour maps.

Acquaintance with the wonders of the world of the ancient world. The Pyramid of Cheops. hanging gardens Semiramis. Zeus statue in Olympia. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The Colossus of Rhodes. Alexandrian lighthouse. View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages.

Acquaintance with the new wonders of the world: Colosseum (Italy), Great Chinese Wall(China), Taj Mahal (India), Petra (Jordan), Machu Picchu (Peru), Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico). View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages.

Acquaintance with the wonders of the natural world: Amazon and the Amazonian jungle (South America), Iguazu (waterfall) (South America), Halong Bay (Vietnam), Jeju Island (Republic of Korea), Komodo National Park (Indonesia)), Puerto Underground River -Princesa (karst caves) (Philippines), Table Mountain National Park (South Africa). View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages. Making collages.

Acquaintance with the wonders of Russia: Lake Baikal, Elbrus (Caucasus), Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka), weathering pillars (Komi), Peterhof (St. Petersburg), St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow), Mamaev Kurgan and the monument "Motherland" (Volgograd) ). View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages. Making collages.

(2 pm)

Arctic desert zone (“From the Arctic to Antarctica), tundra zone (“ harsh life in the tundra"), taiga zone ("Endless sea of ​​taiga..."), steppe zone ("Wide steppe, deserted steppe..."), desert zone ("Walking through the desert is not a trifle..."), savannah zone ("Where- then there, in the expanse of green savannas ... "), the rainforest zone ("The rainforest is full of wonders ..."). View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages. Making collages.

All wonders of the Urals. Lakes of the Chelyabinsk region Relief of the Chelyabinsk region. Reserves of the Chelyabinsk region. Tourist routes. Cities of the Chelyabinsk region. Peoples of the Urals. City of Ozersk. View photos, illustrations, videos. Student messages.

7. Calendar-thematic planning

the date

Topic of the lesson

Section 1. Introduction (2 hours)

Excursion to the shore of Lake Irtyash

Section 2. Great travelers (12 hours)

Afanasy Nikitin. "Journey Beyond Three Seas"

Christopher Columbus. Discovery of America

Ferdinand Magellan. Trip around the world.

Polar explorers

Thor Heyerdahl. Journey to Kon-tiki

Underwater Odyssey J. I. Cousteau

Section 3. Seven Wonders of the World of the Ancient World (4 hours)

Pyramids of Cheops (Gizeh, 2550 BC)

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Babylon, 600 BC)

Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Olympia, 435 BC)

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus (Ephesus, 550 BC);

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (Halicarnassus, 351 BC);

Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes, 3rd century BC)

Lighthouse of Alexandria (Alexandria, 3rd century BC)

Section 4. Seven new wonders of the world (4 hours)

Colosseum (Italy)

Great Wall of China (China)

Taj Mahal (India)

Petra (Jordan)

Machu Picchu (Peru)

Statue of Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)

Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)

Section 5. Wonders of the natural world (6 hours)

Amazon and Amazonian jungle (South America)

Iguazu (waterfall) (South America)

Halong Bay (Vietnam)

Jeju Island (Republic of Korea)

Komodo (National Park) (Indonesia)

Puerto Princesa underground river (karst caves) Philippines

national park Table Mountain (South Africa)

Section 6. Wonders of Russia (6 hours)

Lake Baikal

Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka)

Weathering pillars (Komi)

Elbrus (Caucasus)

Peterhof (St. Petersburg)

Basil's Cathedral (Moscow)

Mamaev Kurgan and the monument "Motherland" (Volgograd)

Section 7. Traveling in natural areas(2 pm)

From the Arctic to the Antarctic

Harsh life in the tundra

"Endless sea of ​​taiga..."

"The steppe is wide, the steppe is deserted..."

“To pass the desert is not a trifle…”

“Somewhere out there, in the expanse of green savannas…”

"The rainforest is full of wonders..."

Section 8. Journey through the Urals (20 hours)

Rocks "Seven Brothers"

Devil's settlement

Deer Streams Park

Revun threshold and Smolenskaya cave

Rock "Stone Gate"

Lake District. Toponymy

Mountains, mountains, mountains... Toponymy

Reserves of the Urals

Tourist routes of the Urals

Ural cities

Peoples of the Urals

Favorite city

Game "Around the World"

Protection of creative works

8. Planned results of the development of the program

personal result teaching geography in basic school is:

Formation of a comprehensively educated, proactive and successful personality,

Possessing a system of modern worldviews, value orientations, ideological, moral, cultural and ethical principles and norms of behavior.

The most important personal results learning geography:

value orientations graduates of the basic school, reflecting their individual-personal positions:

Humanistic and democratic value orientations, willingness to follow ethical standards of behavior in everyday life and production activities;

Awareness of oneself as a member of society at the global, regional and local levels (resident of the planet Earth, citizen of the Russian Federation, resident of a particular region);

Awareness of the integrity of nature, population and economy of the Earth, continents, their large areas and countries; idea of ​​Russia as a subject of the world geographic space, its place and role in the modern world;

Awareness of the unity of the geographical space of Russia as a single habitat for all the peoples inhabiting it, which determines their commonality historical destinies;

Awareness of significance and commonality global problems humanity.

Metasubject Results

Emotional and valuable attitude to the environment, the need for its conservation and rational use;

Patriotism, love for one's locality, one's region, one's country;

Respect for the history, culture, national characteristics, traditions and way of life of other peoples, tolerance;

Readiness for a conscious choice of a further professional trajectory in accordance with one's own interests and capabilities;

Educational results - mastering at the level of general education a complete system of geographical knowledge and skills, the skills of their application in various life situations;

Ability to formulate one's attitude to actual problem situations;

The ability to tolerantly determine one's attitude towards different peoples;

Ability to use geographical knowledge for adaptation and creative activity.

Regulatory UUD:

The ability to independently acquire new knowledge and practical skills, the ability to manage their own cognitive activity;

Ability to organize their activities, determine e? goals and objectives, choose the means of achieving the goal and apply them in practice, evaluate the results achieved. 5th-6th grades;

Independently discover and formulate educational problem, determine the purpose of educational activities, choose the topic of the project;

Put forward versions of the solution to the problem, be aware of the final result, choose from the proposed ones and look for the means to achieve the goal on your own;

Make (individually or in a group) a plan for solving the problem (project implementation);

Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself;

In dialogue with the teacher, improve independently developed assessment criteria.

7th grade

Self-identify and formulate the problem.

Put forward versions of the solution to the problem, be aware of the final result, choose from the proposed ones and look for the means to achieve the goal on your own.

Make (individually or in a group) a plan for solving the problem (project implementation).

To select for each problem (task) an adequate theoretical model.

Working according to the proposed and independently drawn up plan, use along with the main and additional tools (reference literature, sophisticated instruments, computer).

Work according to a self-made plan, referring to it and the purpose of the activity, correcting mistakes, using independently selected means (including the Internet).

Freely use the developed criteria for assessment and self-assessment, based on the goal and existing criteria, distinguishing the result and methods of action.

Independently realize the reasons for your success or failure and find ways out of the situation of failure.

Be able to assess the degree of success of their individual educational activities;

Organization of one's life in accordance with socially significant ideas about healthy way life, the rights and duties of a citizen, the values ​​of life and culture, social interaction;

The ability to navigate the world around, choose the target and semantic settings in their actions and deeds, make decisions.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation and development through geographical knowledge cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

Ability to conduct independent search, analysis, selection of information, its transformation, preservation, transmission and presentation using technical means and information technologies:

9.Expected educational results

10. Logistics support for classes

11. List of literature for the teacher and for students, other sources of information

12. Educational and methodological support