Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What a wonderful woman you are. Very beautiful poems about a woman

Beautiful and tender, timid, not hasty,
Dear angel in the flesh, you drive me crazy!
You took my peace with one glance
Charmed me!
Touch my chest

And feel the beat of your heart
How it beats in the chest.
You look into my eyes.
In them you will read everything about my love!

'Cause I love you so passionately
But love is not dangerous.
Give yourself to her, come into my arms.
My dream is you alone!

Purity in the soul
like a bottomless well
which can not be scooped out to the bottom.
Tasty and cool water.

So I want to snuggle my lips
drink and never get drunk!
But how to save the well
so that he doesn't get upset

didn't grind
and not clogged with silt?

I can wait for you
Long, long and true, true
And I can't sleep at night
A year, and two, and all my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like the leaves of a garden,

What do you really need!

I can follow you
Through thickets and stiles,
On the sands, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, on any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I'll go through everything, not reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any anxiety
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What then do not betray on the road.

I can give for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.

A woman must be a mystery:
Small, cute, sweet.
Flirt, make eyes,
Believe in all sorts of fairy tales.

Stay holy and sinful
Be beautiful inside and out.
Charming, cunning imp,
Gentle. soft fluffy kitten.

Minx cheerful, playful,
To love and always be loved.
In love madly and passionately,
Affectionate, timid and domineering,

Through tears to be able to laugh
And never give up........

Sweet, funny crazy,
The Woman Called Soul
Soaked both coat and boots,
And again her clock is in a hurry!

In the clouds, as if in a white shawl,
Jumped into the air jets,
“How did they hold you in heaven
Are your wings transparent?

So what, did you find the keys to heaven?”
Crouched in a chair by the door,
Fingering feathers with hand,
Smiling sadly, he says:

“That's right, I'm easy on the rise,
Even in rain and snow.
Sorry for being so stupid
I can't stay on earth.

Do not call me to the rich tower,
Where there is always peace and quiet -
Sleepy and well-fed grouse,
Will I need you?

Do not read morals and notations,
Do not ask to be wiser before the deadline,
Let me finally fly
Give - while there is still enough strength ...

The golden cage is no good
Me for permanent housing,
I am the Soul, which means a bird,
Your winged hypostasis ..

Life was given such a short time
And they do not judge those who do not sin...”
Sweet, funny crazy
The Woman Called Soul

To all the women who read these lines -
Words filled with tenderness
I ask you - do not sum up,
After all, every morning this life is new.

You, waking up early in the morning, trust meetings
They bring conviction
That only faith and love will heal
That happiness is close, on the way to the house!

Just don't be sad and don't give in to passion
Unbelief, despair and evil.
All these fleeting misfortunes
As from a fire impotent ashes.

Prayer for a woman.
Protect her from pain
From resentment, tears and grief,
From misfortune and pain

From loss and separation.
Protect from gossip, lies,
Indifference and flattery
From fall and revenge

Protect everyone from adversity.
Protect from evil rumors
From suffering and sorrow
Let troubles to her pier

Ships won't come.
Give her the tenderness of meetings,
Warmth, love and happiness,
Friendship, purity of participation,

The ray of undying dawn.
Give it to her, hurry up
The purity of all relationships
Let deprivation not touch
Her quivering soul

There is a power in a woman that amazes a man.
She can cope with adversity and endure the hardships of life.
It brings happiness, love and understanding.
She smiles when she wants to scream, sings when she wants to cry.

She cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.
She fights for what she believes in.
Rise up against injustice.
Doesn't accept rejection when he sees a better solution.

She gives her all for the good of the family.
Takes a friend to the doctor if she is afraid.
Her love is unconditional.
She cries with joy for her children.

Rejoices in the success of friends.
Touched by the birth of a child and a wedding.
Her heart breaks with grief when relatives or friends die.
But she finds the strength to continue to live.

She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a broken heart.
She has only one drawback:
She forgets about her virtues ...
Pass this on to your girlfriends to remind them how wonderful they are.

Oh woman! - the creation of the gods!
You best creation Universe!
You own the power of the Magi,
Always being extraordinary!

Your eyes are the radiance of the lakes,
They attract with their bottomless depth!
And the heart is a warming fire,
Frost diverting side!

Meeting with you is a miracle of miracles!
You are a fairy from a beautiful good fairy tale,
I wish you happiness to heaven
Great love, tenderness and affection!

Love a woman for the sin you brought out of paradise.
And not for the fact that she cooks and washes best of all.
Love a woman for the sadness that she hides from you.
For the fact that next to her the load of problems decreases faster.

Love a woman for a mind that is both great and modest.
For children's fun, the noise, dawn in the morning in your house.
Love a woman for the night she gives you
And for the desire to help when you are deadly tired.

And for the priceless gift of heaven, patiently listen to sarcasm.
Love in a woman a dream and an intriguing secret.
Do not humiliate beauty with a reproach thrown by chance.
Love a woman for flattery caressing your ears.

Love protest in a woman, as a winner loves the weak.

A woman stood silently at the window,
She crossed her arms over her chest, hunched her shoulders,
It seemed to her that she was alone on earth,
And an eerie silence frightened a rainy evening.

He did not come again ... not the first time,
And drops on the glass flow like tears,
Slightly tinted but strained eyes
More noticeable than ever, longing wrinkles lay down ...

A gentle train hovers in the perfume room,
The dinner laid for two with love has cooled down,
Already lost count of those sleepless nights
In which there is no one who is sweet and necessary to the heart.

And the rain kept pounding sadness on the glass,
And there was no end to sadness and bad weather ...
Don't leave a woman all alone
She was born and created for happiness!

A woman stood silently by the window...

A woman is like a drop of dew
Like a ray of golden light
All the features of her unprecedented beauty
sung by many poets.

Until the end, the portrait cannot be described,
Because she doesn't know herself
How can you show yourself
With those who surround you in life.

For a woman to be beautiful
With a kind and sympathetic soul,
To raise a man to a power
You have to be worthy of her love.

And attention must be cherished
To strive for you with heart and soul.
Surround with gentle care,
So that they could warm themselves in the fire of her love.

You need to recognize and firmly believe
To be able to understand you, forgive
You must entrust your soul to her
And be a real man

You are an ocean of tenderness and affection,
You - the whole world of light and flowers
You are a rainbow of emotions, where all the colors are
Suddenly the sorceress Love mixed up.

You are the queen of taste, fashion, style,
You will overshadow any gloss with yourself.
And no matter how much they flatter you around,
You are always sincere with yourself.

Heart conquered by the beauty of heaven,
Laughter-overflow, grace, mind,
Doing simple theme interesting
You are highly desirable in any society.

Your humor is appropriate and does not sting with poison,
Flattery is not false - it is always sincere.
I am immensely happy to be with you,
You are a gift from heaven, you are my star!

Fatal woman - how is it?
What if you fall in love like a fool?
Or if you fall in love - forever?
The femme fatale cries: "Yes!"

hugs, tortures, waiting for calls
and keep trying without fetters.
If I were with a rum woman, I would drink rum,
I would be with a snow woman - I would drink bromine,

well, and with this, mad, you drink cognac,
just don't get drunk - you already
you walk confused, a little alive ...
And why did you meet - fatal?

Take a close look at your palm.
What is palmistry to us? Everything is inside.
There, on the main line there is a break:
femme fatale around the corner!!!

Okay, maybe we'll fit into the turn.
The fatal woman wrinkles her mouth,
believes in all your deeds, all your words ...
What can she do, pseudo-vamp?

Rokovaya listens to Russian rock
and knows how to bake an apple pie.
But the oven is broken (many years).
That's why there is no cake either.

Fatal woman, Femme Fatale,
Valerian pours bitter into crystal,
And throwing ice into a glass with a straw,
Drink, calm down and sleep.

This suffix is ​​quite familiar:
There is a goose, a countess, a princess -
And to the hearth of the guarding wife
Adapted label: "Bereginya".

So, the Russian language has not withered away!
Let's say your husband is an alcoholic and a rake.
But - sit, guarding the hearth,
And keep the heat up, beregessa.

And when your man
You wait, you wait in the darkness of the new moon,
Many words from your tongue
So it asks out, take care!

And a man to take a walk is not a fool -
To hum, to have a bite, to frolic.
It makes me want to spit in the hearth!
But the shore sits by the fire,

Thinking about different things
Without losing your presence of mind...
Maybe you'll plop butter into the hearth
Or fill it with water, shore?

All! Stop living with string bags, with knapsacks
Drag luggage from the market to the house with food
And feathers fragile and brittle,
Scolding and indignant, shake!

I'm changing my style. Spirals twisted
My hair has tight curls
And in them, as if new, a bend
Already not the first freshness of the cheek.

And the silhouette of the coat, slightly fitted,
Covered the flaws of the body and - sins.
Ready - look cold and thawed patches,
Walk "tremble, men!"

Under the cream, the years are rays, not furrows.
My "stallions" mow down on the entourage,
I am a stranger, a woman without age.
I'll kill the one who gives me fifty!

From various evils, to me, choosing the lesser,
To protect yourself from the main thing.
Under the merciless time the Woman beats,
A stretched thread rings like a string.

Clothes, makeup ... But the years nevertheless
It's getting worse and worse to hide.
Ruthlessly public opinion
The crowd is no longer a “girl”, but a “mother”.

But is it worth striving for trendy
Become again? Only early - and a saint.
After all, how much behind the smile of the Mona Lisa
Desires with high purity.

And softness in the eyes, in smooth lines,
And in the tread unhurried in the hustle and bustle.
The Woman has no age, no name,
There is an eternal desire for beauty,

To the fact that the stars fell and fell -
Let the mirror not lie too much now -
To "Oh, what a woman, isn't it?"
And if so, with a smile - go ahead!

Ah, what a woman! I look out the window.
Ah, what a woman! Why am I sitting?
Go out to this woman, look into her eyes...
The sun tangled in red hair.

It was after all, once the same courage with a vengeance,
I then came home in the morning.
I drove a motorcycle on Ganja River,
So have I lost my courage now?

Ah, what a woman! Like from a dream.
Give her a sweet heart and flowers,
Yeseninskoye is spinning, something about bushes ...
It is a pity that the bridges in St. Petersburg are being bred again.

It's a pity that in this life I've been married for a long time,
There is no way-path to me, alas, back.
Ah, what a woman! Life is flying like an arrow
And another man is looking at her.

You are a worthy woman of happiness and love.
Look around, beauty, call happiness!
From love unexpected, obviously beside himself,
A man is waiting for you there, pulling his hat

Give a woman quiet joy
You understand, she likes it:
To house, family, beloved husband,
May she be happy with you.

Give a woman stormy emotions.
You understand, she wants this:
To blaze with passion
And not a point that would not doze in it.

Let a woman be beautiful
Not free - your favorite.
After all, freedom she hides behind
Because one can't do it.

Let the woman be rich
And gait to walk is not clamped.
So that her eyes would shine with happiness
And the poems fell on paper.

Give the woman your tenderness
And then there will be no inevitability.
After all, then, no matter how many years,
There will be a woman's light in a woman!

Give a woman every difference:
A little vice, as well as holiness,
And confessions... The list will not end.
Give the woman what she wants

You are beautiful, my great princess.
Spring in your soul has blossomed like a mimosa.
To know the whole truth of the fairy forest
I dreamed as a child, you were waiting for a prince.

You wanted to fall in love without memory.
Become for him the desired one,
And passionate, as only a lioness can,
Drive crazy, enchant yourself.

And here came the desired-unsightly,
But this is a prince, he is the prince of your soul.
And his gaze is fierce and pure.
Hurry to embrace him.

You will live a great life together,
Walk a thousand roads together.
And linking destinies into a single chain,
While death is silent, another call.

Gentle and modest dawn,
For me, there is no cuter in the world!
I will not speak in vain!

If you smile at me
The sun drives away the darkness of the night
And here from heavenly heights
Pulls its warm rays!

And how excitingly slender doe!
For me, you are the only one!

Oh, women, earthly miracle!
God created you all for happiness.
Eyes - more beautiful than emeralds,
The soul is a mysterious flower.

Life is perpetual motion.
Mother is always worried about the world
And for the fate of the children. From birth
She should cherish them, protect them.

It's easy to live next to you.
You are all trying to be on time.
All done with good hands
Sing songs over the cradle...

Who compares to your beauty?
You from attention, gentle words,
With a man next to you, like queens,
Flower of love among flowers.

Oh, our lovely queens!
Kudos to you for all your efforts!
May happiness be with you
And life will become like a wonderful dream.

Strive for perfection in everything
Appreciate life every hour.
Let him experience bliss
Who loves you with all his heart.

You are my clear, morning dawn,
Gentle and modest dawn,
For me, there is no cuter in the world!
I will not speak in vain!

If you smile at me
The sun drives away the darkness of the night
And here from heavenly heights
Pulls its warm rays!

Like moonlight is elusive
And how excitingly slender doe!
You beckon to yourself inexorably ...
For me, you are the only one!

I like being a woman in her twenties:
Laugh, get carried away, make mistakes,
Fall in love forever
And see the friend in every person.

About the sounds of the Mendelssohn March
Dream. And if the man is older...
Hoping to be the light of the universe
So that the world freezes before me humbly!

I like being a woman in her thirties:
Shine with a cut and be proud of yourself,
To love with passion and soul and body,
Desired to be, relaxed, skillful.

Keep the family, like a candle, in the palms,
Reputed to be smart, but a little eccentric.
And feel: I am a light in the universe,
The world freezes before me humbly!

I like being a woman over forty:
Be wise and beautiful, like a goddess,
Knowing no malice and pride,
At the same time to know: I am a light in the universe
And the world froze in front of me humbly!

On my knees curled up like a cat
You read books to me
You are dear, my good!
You had a lover, you had a friend!

Came, strangling in the arms
Warmed up a quick simple lunch.
I swear on my crucifix
There is no one more dear to me.

Oh woman! - the creation of the gods!
You are the best creation in the universe!
You own the power of the Magi,
Always being extraordinary!

Your eyes are the radiance of the lakes,
They attract with their bottomless depth!
And the heart is a warming fire,
Frost diverting side!

Meeting with you is a miracle of miracles!
You are a fairy from a beautiful good fairy tale,
I wish you happiness to heaven
Great love, tenderness and affection!

You are an ocean of tenderness and affection,
You are a whole world of light and flowers,
You are a rainbow of emotions, where all the colors are
Suddenly the sorceress Love mixed up.

You are the queen of taste, fashion, style,
You will overshadow any gloss with yourself.
And no matter how much they flatter you around,
You are always sincere with yourself.

Heart conquered by the beauty of heaven,
Laughter-overflow, grace, mind,
Making a simple topic interesting
You are highly desirable in any society.

Your humor is appropriate and does not sting with poison,
Flattery is not false - it is always sincere.
I am immensely happy to be with you,
You are a gift from heaven, you are my star!

All my life I dream eye to eye
To be, my love, alone with you -
Otherwise, their secret cannot be understood,
This riddle is not available to me!

They are beautiful in pubescent eyelashes,
Their color is changeable, like the sky,
Not even a few pages are enough
To give praise to your eyes!