Biographies Specifications Analysis

Why do living organisms need oxygen? Why does a person need oxygen and what breathing is considered correct

The importance of air for plant and human life.

Air is a mixture of various gases. Oxygen contains a lot of nitrogen and oxygen. The most interesting thing is that life on the planet is impossible without these components. This is due to the fact that these chemicals contribute to the flow of various reactions in the body. Without them, metabolism is impossible.

What is the importance of air, oxygen for human life, plants and all living organisms?

This gas is involved in metabolic processes. Thanks to this gas, all living organisms breathe. This applies to both people and plants. Besides. when air is inhaled, the process of glucose oxidation occurs in the body of animals and humans. During this chemical reaction, energy is released.

Without energy, in turn, it is not possible to carry out movement.

How long can a healthy person, a human brain live without air, oxygen?

The values ​​are ambiguous. It depends on physical health and training. In general, an average person can stay without air for 4-9 minutes on average. If you take into account being under water, then the average visitor to the beach can be under water for 30-80 seconds. And the girls who extract pearls from the water can live without air for 5 minutes. The fact is that without oxygen, energy production stops and the heart stops. Without oxygen, brain cells die.

Now developed many ways to extend the breathless period. These techniques are practiced by yogis and famous divers.

Why does carbon dioxide accumulate in the blood when holding the breath?

This occurs as a result of metabolic processes, and more precisely during the oxidation of glucose. The interaction of glucose and oxygen produces water and carbon dioxide, which accumulates in the body.

How much air, oxygen does a person need per hour, per day?

For each person, these are different numbers. The amount also depends on the load.

Approximate air consumption data per minute:

  • Sitting and resting position 6 l
  • Light exercise 20 l
  • Fitness, cardio training 60 l

That is, for the day the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be:

  • 864 liters at rest
  • 28800 liters at light load
  • 86400 liters during heavy loads

Required volume of air, oxygen per person in the room: value

These numbers are guided by the design of ventilation.

The average value is in the range of 30-60 cubic meters of air per hour in the room.

What is the record for holding a person's breath underwater?

Listed in the Guinness Book of Records Tom Sitas. This is a freediver whose lung capacity is 20% larger than that of a normal person. His record was 22 minutes and 22 seconds. Breath-holding took place underwater. Before the record, the diver breathed oxygen from a cylinder and did not eat for 5 hours.

Breath holding training: exercises

There are several ways to practice holding your breath.


  • Walking count. In fact, at the very beginning of the workout, there is no need to hold your breath. It is necessary to inhale after 10 steps and exhale after 10 steps. Over time, you can insert breath holding intervals with inhalation and exhalation.
  • Yoga. Almost all yoga exercises are aimed at increasing lung capacity. You need to practice yoga more often.
  • Rinsing. As paradoxical as it sounds, this exercise is often used in belly dancing. You need to take a deep breath and then exhale. After that, breath holding and jerky movements of the abdomen are carried out.
  • Dog breath. It is necessary to breathe like dogs from time to time during the day. That is, to carry out frequent and short breaths and exhalations.

Air is the basis of life. Without it, the existence of people and other living organisms is impossible.

VIDEO: Holding your breath

Why do living organisms need oxygen?
and got the best answer

Answer from MARGOT[guru]
Animals can go without food for several weeks, without water for several days. But without oxygen, they die after a few minutes.
Oxygen is a chemical element, and one of the most common on earth. It is all around us, making up about one-fifth of the air (and almost everything else is nitrogen).
Oxygen combines with almost all other elements. In living organisms, it combines with hydrogen, carbon and other substances, making up about two-thirds of the total weight in the human body.
At normal temperatures, oxygen reacts with other elements very slowly, forming new substances called oxides. This process is called an oxidation reaction.
Oxidation occurs all the time in living organisms. Food is the fuel of living cells. When food is oxidized, energy is released that the body uses for movement and for its own growth. The slow oxidation that occurs in the organisms of living beings is often called internal respiration.
A person breathes in oxygen through the lungs. From the lungs, it enters the circulatory system and is carried by it throughout the body. By breathing air, we supply the cells of our body with oxygen for their internal respiration. Thus, we need oxygen to obtain energy, thanks to which the body can function.
People with respiratory problems are often placed in oxygen chambers, where the patient breathes air that is forty to sixty percent oxygen, and does not have to expend much energy to obtain the amount of oxygen he needs.
Although oxygen from the air is constantly taken by living beings for respiration, its reserves, nevertheless, never run out. Plants release it in the course of their nutrition, thereby replenishing our oxygen reserves.

Answer from L.e.o.n.i.D[expert]
I join the user margarita and from myself I will add:
Oxygen is essential for life on Earth. They breathe people, animals and plants. Together with nitrogen, it is part of the air, and when combined with hydrogen, it forms water.
Oxygen is a constituent of many substances. Especially a lot of it in the air mixed with nitrogen and other gases. Oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water. Oxygen oxidizes many substances: in the presence of oxygen, iron rusts, and coal burns. Without oxygen, there would be no life or fire.
Fish also breathe oxygen dissolved in water. Hydrogen peroxide is used in medicine: it is an antiseptic that kills germs through oxidation.

Answer from Liza Ant[active]
You have already chosen the best answer

Answer from Leonid Gromov[newbie]
a lot of verbiage O2 is needed to generate energy, which activates ion pumps in the body

1. In unicellular organisms, the cell performs all the functions inherent in any living organism. Name these functions. 2. Life in a multicellular organism The world of living organisms is diverse. However, representatives of various kingdoms of the organic world have common properties. Choose signs,

characteristic: A - for plants; B - animals; B - all living
1 - have a cellular structure;
2 - feed on ready-made organic substances;
3 - create organic substances in the process of photosynthesis;
4 - when breathing, they absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide;
5 - consist of inorganic and organic substances;
6 - cells contain plastids and vacuoles with cell sap;
7 - capable of metabolism and energy;
8 - most are practically motionless;
9 - capable of active movement;
10 - adapted to environmental conditions:
11 - the end product of metabolism is urea;
12 - the plasma membrane is covered with a cellulose cell wall;
13 - characteristically limited growth;
14 - cells contain a cell center and small vacuoles without cell sap.

What part do living organisms take in the formation of sedimentary rocks. Fill in the table. Chalk __________ (what living organisms took part in it

education). Coal _______________ (what living organisms took part in its formation) \u003d)))

The cause of the death of living organisms can be: other living organisms, diseases, lack of food, unfavorable living conditions. Is it possible to attribute

You probably know that breathing is necessary so that the oxygen necessary for life enters the body with inhaled air, and when exhaling, the body releases carbon dioxide to the outside.

All living things breathe - and animals,

both birds and plants.

And why do living organisms need oxygen so much that life is impossible without it? And where does carbon dioxide come from in the cells, from which the body needs to constantly be released?

The fact is that each cell of a living organism is a small but very active biochemical production. And you know that no production is possible without energy. All processes that take place in cells and tissues proceed with the consumption of a large amount of energy.

Where does it come from?

With the food we eat - from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In cells, these substances are oxidized. Most often, the chain of transformations of complex substances leads to the formation of a universal energy source - glucose. As a result of the oxidation of glucose, energy is released. This is where oxygen is needed for oxidation. The energy that is released as a result of these reactions, the cell stores in the form of special high-energy molecules - they, like batteries, or accumulators, give energy as needed. And the end product of the oxidation of nutrients is water and carbon dioxide, which are removed from the body: from the cells it enters the blood, which carries carbon dioxide to the lungs, and there it is excreted during exhalation. In one hour, a person releases from 5 to 18 liters of carbon dioxide and up to 50 grams of water through the lungs.

By the way...

High-energy molecules that are "fuel" for biochemical processes are called ATP - adenosine triphosphoric acid. In humans, the lifespan of one ATP molecule is less than 1 minute. The human body synthesizes about 40 kg of ATP per day, but at the same time all of it is spent almost immediately, and there is practically no ATP reserve in the body. For normal life, it is necessary to constantly synthesize new ATP molecules. That is why, without oxygen, a living organism can live for a maximum of a few minutes.

Are there living organisms that do not need oxygen?

Each of us is familiar with the processes of anaerobic respiration! So, the fermentation of dough or kvass is an example of an anaerobic process carried out by yeast: they oxidize glucose to ethanol (alcohol); the process of souring milk is the result of the work of lactic acid bacteria that carry out lactic acid fermentation - they convert the milk sugar lactose into lactic acid.

Why do we need oxygen breathing, if there is oxygen-free?

Then, that aerobic oxidation is many times more efficient than anaerobic. Compare: in the process of anaerobic breakdown of one glucose molecule, only 2 ATP molecules are formed, and as a result of the aerobic breakdown of a glucose molecule, 38 ATP molecules are formed! For complex organisms with a high rate and intensity of metabolic processes, anaerobic respiration is simply not enough to sustain life - so an electronic toy that requires 3-4 batteries to work simply will not turn on if only one battery is inserted into it.

Is oxygen-free respiration possible in the cells of the human body?

Of course! The first step in the breakdown of the glucose molecule, called glycolysis, takes place without the presence of oxygen. Glycolysis is a process common to almost all living organisms. Glycolysis produces pyruvic acid (pyruvate). It is she who sets off on the path of further transformations, leading to the synthesis of ATP both with oxygen and oxygen-free respiration.

So, in muscles, ATP reserves are very small - they are only enough for 1-2 seconds of muscle work. If a muscle needs short-term, but vigorous activity, anaerobic respiration is the first to be mobilized in it - it is activated faster and provides energy for about 90 seconds of active muscle work. If the muscle is actively working for more than two minutes, then aerobic respiration is connected: with it, ATP production occurs slowly, but it gives enough energy to maintain physical activity for a long time (up to several hours).

Oxygen is actively used for respiration. And this is its main function. It is also necessary for other processes that normalize the activity of the whole organism as a whole.

What is oxygen for?

Oxygen is the key to the successful performance of a number of functions, including:
- increase mental performance;
- increasing the body's resistance to stress and reducing nervous stress;
- maintaining a normal level of oxygen in the blood, thereby improving the nutrition of skin cells and organs;
- the work of internal organs is normalized, the metabolism is accelerated;
- increased immunity;
- weight loss - oxygen contributes to the active breakdown of fats;
- normalization of sleep - due to the saturation of cells with oxygen, the body relaxes, sleep becomes deeper and lasts longer;
- Solving the problem of hypoxia (ie lack of oxygen).

Natural oxygen, according to scientists and physicians, is quite capable of coping with these tasks, but, unfortunately, in a city with enough oxygen, problems arise.

Scientists say that the amount of oxygen necessary to ensure normal life can be found only in forest park areas, where its level is about 21%, suburban forests - about 22%. Other areas include seas and oceans. Plus, exhaust gases also play a role in the city. Due to the lack of the proper amount of oxygen, people experience a permanent state of hypoxia, i.e. lack of oxygen. As a result, many note a significant deterioration in health.

Scientists have determined that 200 years ago a person received up to 40% of natural oxygen from the air, and today this figure has decreased by 2 times - up to 21%.

How to replace natural oxygen

Since natural oxygen is clearly not enough for a person, doctors recommend adding special oxygen therapy. There are no contraindications for such a procedure, but there will be benefits for sure. Among the sources of obtaining additional oxygen include oxygen cylinders and pillows, concentrators, cocktails, oxygen-forming cocktails.

In addition, in order to receive the maximum possible amount of natural oxygen, you need to breathe properly. Usually people breastfeed, but this method is wrong and unnatural for a person. This is due to the fact that when inhaled by the chest, the air cannot completely fill the lungs to clear them. Doctors say that chest breathing provokes incorrect functioning of the nervous system. Hence stress, depression and other types of disorders. To feel good and get as much oxygen from the air as possible, you need to breathe with your stomach.