Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Lessons about water in the middle group. Lesson summary on the topic: “Water” in the middle group

GCD topic “Properties of water. Experiments with water." Ecology lesson in middle group(another environmental pursuit by this author).

  1. Develop observation skills and search techniques.
  2. Expand knowledge about states of aggregation water;
  3. Foster a humane, environmentally sound attitude towards nature (water).
  4. Develop friendly relationships among children through observations and experiments.

Material and equipment:

  1. Recording on audio cassette: the murmur of a river, rain, waterfall;
  2. pictures depicting objects where there is water;
  3. a glass of water and a glass of milk;
  4. 2 multi-colored stripes, a bowl of water, 5-6 toys, a cube, a ball, a sheet of white paper, transparent containers different shapes and glasses of water according to the number of children, forms with frozen water;
  5. saucers, mirror, teapot.

Progress of the lesson.

Children greet guests who come to the group. (Class open)

I invite them to listen to the recording and say if these sounds are familiar to them? What do they remind you of? (Children's answers).

You see, water is everywhere, in different places: both on the street and at home.

There are many different pictures in the hoop. I suggest everyone choose a picture where there is water. Children choose, discuss, attach to the easel. Game “Where does water live?”

Pictures remain in the hoop where there is no water (phone, book, TV). We discuss why these pictures were not chosen. (Children's answers)

Where does water live in our group? (Children's answers).

Properties of water

Let's go on a train journey. We have already visited some stations.

I invite the children to remember the names of the stations they visited (air, magnetic). I suggest continuing the journey and going to new station. Simulation of train movement and stop.

Experience with water: color of water

We move to the table where there are glasses of water and milk.

Look what color the water is? (Children's answers).

Let's compare a piece of white paper and a white liquid in another glass.

What is this? (Children's answers). How did you guess it was milk? (White color).

Is the water in a glass the same color as milk, like a piece of paper? (Children's answers).

So what color is the water? Does it have a color? No.

Experiment with water: transparency.

Let's play. Now I’ll put a strip in a glass of milk, and you can guess what color it is. Close your eyes and don’t peek honestly.

I invite the children to look into a glass of milk. Is the color of the lowered strip visible? Why doesn't anyone see? (Children's answers). I show the orange strip that was dipped into the milk.

And now we will do the same with water.

Children are asked to close their eyes again, and then guess what color the strip is lowered into the water. (Blue).

How did you guess? (Saw).

Why is the color of the strip visible through the water? (children's answers).

What can we say about water? What kind of water?

Conclusion: If we can clearly see the objects that we lower into the water, then the water is transparent.

Playing with water for transparency.

I only suggest the girls close their eyes. And at this time the boys will put toys into the basin (5-6). The girls open their eyes and make sure that there are toys in the water. Why are toys so clearly visible in the water?

Thus, the children once again draw the conclusion: the water is transparent.

Experiment with water: the shape of water.

I suggest you look at the cube and name its shape. In front of the children, I turn the cube in different sides. Does the shape of the cube change? It remains as square as it was.

I show the children the ball. What is its shape? (Round). I roll the ball on the table. Does this change the shape of the ball? Has he become something different? (Children's answers).

Containers of different shapes according to the number of children are placed on the table.

I give everyone the opportunity to choose the container they like and go to the table, where a glass of water is prepared for everyone.

I invite the children to pour water from a glass into the object they took. What happens to the water? (Children's answers).

Look where the water is now? (In a plate, bowl, bottle, decanter).

The water took the shape of the object into which we poured it. She has no form.

Experience with water: the smell of water.

(We learn how to remove odors correctly)

Smell what the water smells like? (Children's answers).

Conclusion: pure water has no odor.

Experiments with water: states of aggregation.

Turning water into ice.

Yesterday we poured water into small candy houses and took them outside.

Who remembers why? (Freeze). Is it cold outside? I wonder if the water is frozen? Want to see what happened to her? Is this water? No. Where is the water now? (Became ice)

I suggest taking a piece of ice and touching it. What is this piece of ice like? (Children's answers).

What kind of ice is this? (Big). Which one will melt faster - the small one or the big one? And we will find out this later.

Vapor state.

There is a kettle with freshly boiled water on the table.

I suggest you guess whether the water in the kettle is hot or cold? How did you guess? (Steam is coming.) Where is he going? Let's check it out. I put a mirror on the nose of the teapot and suggest that you look at what is visible on the surface of the mirror? (Water droplets). It turns out that the water has evaporated (the children touch the drops of water on the mirror).

When boiled, water evaporated and turned into steam, and when cold it froze and became ice.

Observation: melting ice.

I suggest returning to the table, where the pieces of ice remained melting on the saucer. Children are convinced that a large piece of ice takes longer to melt. Why? (Children's answers).

On the saucers where there were little pieces of ice, there is now water instead of ice.

Summary of the lesson.

Now it's time to return to kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things did you learn? What should we call this station? (Children's answers).

The topic of the lesson is “Save water!”(middle group)

Educational area: child and nature; integration: child and society, EMF, musical activity, speech development.

Software tasks:

clarify children’s knowledge about the need for water in the life of humans, animals, and plants;

consolidate knowledge about the conditions of water;

introduce the globe, the concept of “fresh water” and its reserves;

consider environmental problems and ways to protect water;

develop speech, memory, coordination of movements;

bring up careful attitude to the water.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems; guessing riddles; learning dance movements; observing different water conditions and plants before and after rain while walking; observations in a corner of nature: fish in the aquarium (water replacement), flowers (watering); supervising the work of the assistant teacher: washing dishes, floors, dusting; labor in the toy corner (washing toys, washing doll clothes).


drops of water (large and small);

riddles, globe, map of Belarus;

cups of water and water container;

drawings “Sources of water pollution”;

fairy tale “Once upon a time there was a river”;

A. Eroshin’s poem “About Fishing” with attributes for playing out;

poems “Globe”, “Take care of the water, people!”;

musical recording of the nursery rhyme “Water-Water”, the song “From the Blue Stream”, the song “Live, Spring, Live!”;

"Droplet" coloring pages.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet guests:

All of us friendly guys,

We are preschool kids.

We invited you to visit,

So that you can praise us.

Let everyone be interested

Fascinating and useful!

Get more comfortable
Don't spin, don't spin.
Children, oh, what happened this morning,
I forgot to tell you -
I just went to kindergarten,
Droplet came to me (shows sad Droplet),
The poor thing is crying, sad,
And then he tells me:
“The children forgot to turn off the tap,
And all the droplets floated away!”
And I said in response:
“No, there are no such children here!
We don’t waste water,
We are saving water!”
The droplet began to smile (the teacher shows the cheerful droplet),
And it remains in our garden.

Guys, let's show our droplet guest where her sisters live in our group, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. And we will celebrate our drop sisters with beautiful paper drops.

Stand behind each other, turning into a trickle, and let’s flow.

Travel - search for droplets in a group

(Children walk through the group and make stops)

    At the table on which there is a decanter of water:

We need water so that we can drink it (stick a drop).

2. Near the washing area:

The teacher's assistant needs a lot of water to wash dishes, wipe dust, and clean up the group (glue a drop).

3. In the toilet room:

Water is needed so that children can wash their hands and face and fulfill the necessary hygiene requirements (glue a drop).

IN: What happens if we don't wash? (we will become dirty, we will smell bad, we may get sick).

Musical break"Water-water"

4. In the play corner:

Water is needed to wash dirty toys and wash dolls’ clothes (a drop is glued on).

5. In a corner of nature:

near plants.

Flowers need to be watered, they are alive, without water they will dry out and wither, they need water (glue a drop).

at the aquarium:

Fish live in water, without it they will die, they need a lot of water to swim (glue a drop).

IN: Guys, now let's count the droplets that live in our group (everyone counts the droplets together).

Here, Droplet, how many of your sisters live in our group, who bring us great benefit. And we promise with the guys to take care of them, and not waste water in vain, use it for its intended purpose.

IN: Children, do you like to play hide and seek? Our water in nature also likes to hide. Let's try to find her.

Riddle game “Where is the water hidden?”

Now let's dance and find where the water is hidden in the song.

Physical education minute “From the blue stream...”

IN: Look what I brought you today. This is a globe. This is what our planet Earth looks like from space. Blue it shows oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Do you see how many there are? Maybe you shouldn't save water? (children's answers). The fact is that not all water can be used by animals and humans. After all, in the oceans and seas, the water tastes salty; only marine animals and plants can live in it. And people and sushi animals need fresh water, which is said to have no taste, but in fact, when you are thirsty, it will seem like the most delicious drink on Earth. Fresh water is found in rivers, lakes, and glaciers.

Let's imagine that we poured all the water from our planet into cups. See how many there are. And now you and I will take it and return it all salt water back to our planet, let's leave only fresh. There is very little of it left.

But we were lucky. Our Belarus is rich fresh water, look at the map: how many rivers and lakes we have, that’s why our republic is sometimes called blue-eyed.

Have a lot fresh water- this is, of course, good. But we must not pollute it yet. Otherwise we may get into trouble.( children sit on chairs)

This is what happened one day:

Playing off a poem by A. Eroshin

« About fishing »

We went fishing
Fish were caught in the pond.
Vitya caught a washcloth,
And Egor - a frying pan.

Kolya - tangerine peel,
Sasha - old shoes
And Sabina and Soso -
A wheel from a car.

I came across two candles,
Bore - a jar of herring,
And the earring is on a hook
Pakli fished out a scrap.

Stubbornly in the pond all day
We caught fish in vain.
They fished out a lot of rubbish
And never a minnow.

Everyone should know and remember:
If you throw garbage into a pond,
Then in such a pond one day
The fish will simply die.

IN: But that's not all the trouble that can happen. Listen to the tale that the droplet told me.

Reading the fairy tale “Once upon a time there was a river”

Once upon a time there was a river. At first it was a small, cheerful stream that hid among tall, slender spruce trees and white-trunked birches. And everyone said: how tasty, how clean the water is in this stream. Then the stream turned into a real river. The water in it no longer flowed so fast, but it was tasty and clear. One day the river found itself in the city. People were delighted with her and asked her to stay in the city. The river agreed.

She was chained in stone banks. Steamships and boats began to travel along it. People got used to the river and no longer asked it for anything, but did whatever they wanted. One day, on its banks, they built a factory, from whose pipes dirty streams flowed into the river. Years passed.

The river darkened with sadness, became dirty and muddy. No one said: “What a clean, what a beautiful river!” No one walked on its banks. Cars were washed there and clothes were washed. Once I walked along the river big tanker, from which a lot of oil spilled into the water. The river became covered with a black film, and its inhabitants - plants and animals - began to suffocate without air.

The river is completely sick.

“No,” he thinks, “I can’t stay with people anymore. I have to get away from them, otherwise I’ll become a dead river.”

She called her residents for help.

“I have always been a home for you, and now trouble has come, people destroyed your house, and I got sick. Help me recover, and we will go to other lands, away from ungrateful people.”

The river residents gathered, cleaned their house of dirt, and healed the river.

And she ran to the land of her childhood, to where spruce and birch trees grew, where people are a rare guest.

And the next day the residents of the city discovered that they were left alone, without a river. There was no light in the houses, factories stopped, water disappeared from the taps. Life in the city stopped.

Then the oldest and wisest townsman said:

“I know why the river left us. When I was little, I bathed in its clear water. She was always our friend and helper, but we did not appreciate it. We have offended the river and must ask for its forgiveness.”

And the people went and bowed to the river, asking it to return to the city as soon as possible; They told how bad they felt without her, and promised to take care of her. The river was kind and did not remember evil. She returned to the city and began to help its residents. And people removed all the garbage, cleaned up the wastewater from factories, and even called in special scientists to monitor the health and well-being of the river.

IN: Did you like the fairy tale? Our little one is also glad that she visited us. Let's promise her that we will take care of each of her sisters and will not pollute the water.

Children reading poems “Take care of water, people!”» , "Globe".

Take care of the water, people!
After all, everyone needs water so much!
What if all of nature perishes?
Water brings life!

Don't throw trash into the river
Fish live in the river there!
Don't drain oil factories,
Seagulls won't sing songs!

Do not pour water from the tap in vain,
Think about all living things
Without drinking a little water
We will live in the world!


I hugged the globe.

One over land and water.

Continents are in my hands

They quietly whisper to me: “Take care.”

The forest and valley are painted green.

They tell me: “Be kind to us.”

Don't trample us, don't burn us,

Take care in winter and summer."

A deep river gurgles,

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

I hear all the birds and fish:

“We ask you, man.

Promise us and don't lie.

Take care of us like an older brother.”

I hugged the globe,

And something happened to me.

And suddenly I whispered:

“I won’t lie. I will save you, my dear."

As a keepsake of our meeting, the droplet gives you a coloring book of her sisters. Hang them at home and save water!

The song “Live, spring, live!”

Natalia Koskina
Summary of GCD on the topic “Water Sorceress” in the middle group

Abstract directly- educational activities on topic« Sorceress water» region "Cognition" V middle group

Target: introduce children to some properties of water, draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water, conceals a lot of unknowns.

Program tasks: give children ideas about the properties of water (taste, color, smell, fluidity); clarify the meanings for all living things;

Develop children's curiosity, thinking and speech; enter into active dictionary children words: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent;

Foster respect for water.

Methods and techniques: - gaming (surprise moments);

Visual (schemes, symbols);

Practical (experiments);

Verbal (conversations, teacher’s story, search questions);

Preliminary work: - reading stories, educational fairy tales character: M. D. Prishvina "Live water» , asking riddles;

- conversations on topics: "Where you can find water", "Who lives in the water";

Experiments (color change, ice turning into water);

Drawing diagrams.

Materials and equipment: computer, glasses, water, milk, spoons, cups, refined sugar, symbols.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.

An audio recording is playing (raindrops).

Q: Guys, listen to what it sounds like?

D.: These are the sounds of water, it is raining.

V.: Yes guys, it’s coming, it’s raining.

Surprise moment.

Today a drop of rain came to visit us; she has traveled a lot around the world, seen a lot, and knows a lot of interesting things about water. The droplet wants to invite us to visit the Kingdom of Water.

2. Main part.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap...

Is this true? How do you think?

(children's answers)

Q: Where did the droplet come from, where could it be?

Let's look at the pictures where our droplet traveled. Name them.

D.: Sea, river, pond, stream, puddle.

Q: So, a droplet is a particle of what?

IN.: Water necessary for all living things; without water there would be no life on our Earth. Water is the basis of life.

What do you guys think, what can it do? water?

D.: Murmur, flow, pour, run.

V.: Let’s check it out.

Experience 1. « Water is a liquid»

V.: Guys, look, I’m tilting the glass, water pours out and pours into another glass. What does water?

D.: It pours, flows, shimmers.

V.: Why?

D.: Because it is liquid.

CONCLUSION: water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured.

V.: Guys, what color do you think? water? (children's answers)

We'll check this now.

Experience 2. « The water is colorless»

On the table in front of children 2 glasses: one - with water, the second - with milk. Place teaspoons in both glasses. In which of the glasses is the spoon visible, and in which is not? Why?

D.: Where is it poured? water there you can see a spoon, because the water is clear, but you can’t see it in a glass of milk because it’s opaque and white.

CONCLUSION: water has no color, it is colorless.

Physical education minute "Rain"

Drop one, drop two,

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then (running in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

The drops began to keep pace (clap hands on each word)

Drop drop catch up.

Drip-drip, drip-drip. (free movement hands)

We'll open the umbrellas soon (join hands above head)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

Experience 3. « Water has no odor»

V.: Guys, you have mugs of water on the table, I suggest you smell the water.

Does it smell water with something? (children's answers)

CONCLUSION: water has no odor, she doesn't smell of anything.

Experience 4. « Water has no taste»

V.: Guys, now taste the water. What is she like? Sweet, salty, sour, bitter (children's answers).

V.: Guys, now you can conduct a little experiment on your own.

Place the substance that is on your plate in a mug of water. Stir with a spoon and then taste the water. What has she become? (children's answers).

V.: Today you learned a lot about water. Let's remember what water?

Water is a liquid.

Water is colorless.

Water - odorless.

Water has no taste.

V.: The water that we have and that we use in everyday life needs to be protected, saved, and not left the water tap open unnecessarily.

V.: Guys, the droplet has prepared a surprise for us - juice.

MDOU " Kindergarten No. 26 "Firefly"

Middle group project
"Sorceress Water"

Completed by: teacher I.A. Govtova
teacher Lemesheva S.B.

Kotlas 2017

"Sorceress Water"
Project participants:
children, parents of pupils, teachers.
Project type:
group, short-term (from May 10-19), research, creative.
Relevance of the project:
These days when the world is on the brink environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the most pressing problems modernity. To preserve nature on the planet, we need educated people. Nowadays, many people have lost touch with nature. As a result, behavior also changed. People began to take everything from nature without giving anything in return. A person does not feel nature, does not contact it. Therefore in lately increased interest in ecology and environmental education in preschool educational institutions.
The project is aimed at consolidating and deepening children's knowledge that water is very necessary for all living beings; Plants, animals, and humans cannot live without it.
Project problem:
Children have no idea about the importance of water in human life, about the main sources of water pollution, its consequences, and measures to prevent water pollution.
Project goal:
Formation of children's ideas about water as a necessary part for all life on earth. Studying the properties of water in different states(liquid, gaseous, solid).
Project objectives:
1. To give knowledge that water is needed by all living things on earth.
2. To develop in children knowledge about the properties of water (transparent, odorless, tasteless, has no shape.)
3. To form in children the knowledge that water must be conserved.
4. Continue to cultivate children's interest in living nature.
5.. Fostering an environmental culture in children and adults.

Planned results:

1. Children will form initial ideas about water as a source of life for living organisms.
2. Children develop age-appropriate research skills (they will ask questions of a natural history nature, establish cause-and-effect relationships, there will be a need to obtain experimentally, learn to record observations using model diagrams).
3.Children will develop knowledge about caring for water and reservoirs.

4. Children will gain environmentally valuable experience in behavior and activities in nature.
5.The educational competence of parents will increase in environmental education preschoolers.

1.Preparatory stage:

    Determining the direction of the project, goals and objectives;

    Creation of a pilot laboratory in the group;

    Preparation and compilation of a card index of experiments and experiments with water.

2.Main stage:

Area of ​​activity

Conversations, stories

    What do we know about water

    The importance of water for all living organisms

    What is precipitation

  • Let's save water together

    Interesting facts about water

Experimental activities


    Water is a liquid

    Water purification

    Water changes color

    Water is a solvent

    Soap bubbles

    Floats and sinks

Cognitive activity

    View presentation for children “Water Sorceress”

Artistic creativity

Application “Living Clouds”
Modeling “Our Aquarium”

Reading fiction

Queen-water (ecological fairy tale) N.A. Ryzhova
Riddles, proverbs and sayings about water
“Spring Waters” F.I. Tyutchev

“Rain” by Z. N. Alexandrov

Play activity

Outdoor games:

"Paints and Pike"
"The sea is agitated once"

Didactic games:
"Collect a picture"
"Say the word"
“Who needs water, and who needs clearing”

Working with parents

    Visual consultation for parents “Water is important for the body” (about compliance with the drinking regime, hardening).

3.Final stage:

    Reveal children's knowledge about water as the source of all living things.

    Reflect knowledge in fairy tales of your own composition.

    Fostering environmental culture in children and adults.

Final result:

1.Children have formed initial ideas about water as a source of life for living organisms.
2. Children have developed age-appropriate research skills (they will ask questions of a natural history nature, establish cause-and-effect relationships, there will be a need to obtain experimentally, learn to record observations using model diagrams).
3. Children have developed knowledge about caring for water and reservoirs.
4.Children acquired environmentally valuable experience in behavior and activities in nature.
5. The educational competence of parents in environmental education of preschool children has increased.

Project product:
1. Card index of experiments “Water”.
2. Presentation “Water Sorceress”.
3.Exhibitions organized creative works children: based on the application “Living Clouds”, sculpture 6 “Our Aquarium”
4.Schemes-models of experiments and experiments “Water”.

List of used literature:

    O.A. Voronkevich “Welcome to ecology”

    S.N.Nikolaeva “Environmental education”

    T.G. Kobzeeva “Organization of activities during a walk”

    “Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years”

    T.S. Komarova " Visual activities in kindergarten: middle group-MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.


Abstract open class in the middle group “Sorceress - Water”

1. Help children understand the importance of water in the life of wildlife. 2. Strengthen children’s knowledge about water and how people use it.
 familiarize children with the properties of water: lack of its own form; transparency; water is a liquid, tasteless and odorless;  clarify children's knowledge about the purpose of water in our lives;  develop children's cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;  consolidate the ability to work with transparent glassware;  consolidate the ability to work with solutions;  develop mental operations: comparison, generalization, ability to analyze;  develop coherent speech, the ability to reason, draw conclusions;  stimulate independent formulation of conclusions;  cultivate a careful attitude towards water;
transparent plastic glasses, spoons, water containers, a glass of milk, sugar, salt, paints, brushes; Teddy Bear, ice cubes, picture of Stars.
Progress of the lesson

Sit down comfortably, don't fidget, don't fidget. Children, oh, what happened this morning, I forgot to tell you - I just went to the kindergarten, An asterisk came to me (shows a picture of an asterisk), He says, I have a miracle guest, I admire it from above, I like your Earth, blue and big, Colors always plays, Tell me why, because I myself don’t understand!
Let's tell Star why our planet Earth is so beautiful?

Children, our planet earth is so beautiful because most of its surface is covered with water. That's why she's so blue. (Show the children the globe and explain that the blue color on it is water. Please note that water, blue color, there's more than sushi on it. Pay attention to the fact that on the globe there is also white– find them together. Explain that white also denotes water, but only special water - this is ice and snow that never melt). There's a knock on the door. Dunno appears.
Hello guys. (Children say hello.) I am very sad. I found out today that it turns out I don’t know anything about water. Can I stay with you and learn something about water?
Well, guys, let's help Dunno? (Children's answer.) Have a seat.
Guys, let's tell Dunno what water is needed for?
(To drink, wash hands, bathe, cook, wash. Children one by one talk about what is known. The teacher briefly summarizes what has been said. (Water is the main source of life on Earth: without it there would be no plants - flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people. People, plants, animals, insects, fish, birds need water; without water, life is not possible. People drink it, cook food, wash it, wash it, water it, etc. .d.)
Bear, water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet. The guys already know a little about water, and today we will conduct several experiments. To do this, I propose to you and me
turn into laboratory assistants. Now let's go to our laboratory.
Experiment No. 1 “Water is a liquid”

Let's try, guys, to pour water from one glass to another. (Children pour water from one glass to another). Is water flowing? Why?

Water is a liquid; it can be poured or poured. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, nor would it flow from a tap.
Experiment No. 2: “The water is transparent, colorless”

You have two glasses on the table, one with water, the other with milk. I suggest putting a spoon in a glass of water. What did you notice? And now - into a glass of milk. – What did you notice? Children express their opinion: in a glass of milk the spoon is not visible, but in a glass of water it is visible. Together with the teacher, they formulate another property of water: clean water is transparent.
water has no color, it is colorless (a symbol of this property is displayed).
Do you know that water can be colored in different colors? Want to know how? Then I'll show you a trick now! I have prepared magic jars for you, and if you say the magic words, the water in the jars will color. Shall we try?
Repeat after me: You are water, you are my cold friend. Become water-water, Not light, but multi-colored!
Now blow on the jars. (Children say words and blow.)
Now we’ll shake the jar thoroughly. What do we see?

What color did it turn into? Children name colors (red, green, yellow).
Right. This means that water can also be colored different colors. This is water - the Sorceress! Who wants to try this trick? Children perform a magic trick at will.
Guys, do you think the water will change its color if you add jam to it? Try it at home and then tell us.
Experiment No. 3: “Water has no taste”

And now, guys, I suggest you taste the water. (Children are offered boiled water). What is she like? Sweet? Salty? Bitter? (Children's answers).
: water has no taste, it is tasteless (a symbol of this property of water is posted).
let's do the following experiment with you. Pour the substance that is on your table into a glass of water (the teacher demonstrates - salt, sugar). Stir and now taste the water. What did it taste like? What do you think you added to the water? (Children's answers).
It turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.
Experiment No. 4: “Water has no smell”

You and I learned, children, that water can change color and taste. Can she change her smell? How do you think? (Answers). Guys, I suggest you smell the water. Does the water smell anything?
The water does not smell, it has no odor.
Well done guys, we worked well with you, and now I suggest you Zvezdochka and Mishka get some rest. Children perform physical education: The first drop falls - drop! And the second one ran - drop! We looked at the sky - the droplets sang drip-drip,
Our faces got wet, we wiped them. Well, look at the shoes - they are all wet. Let's move our shoulders together, And shake off all the droplets, We'll run away from the rain, and sit under a bush.
Experience No. 5:

Well done guys! Now let's show Zvezdochka where some water might be hiding. The teacher shows the children pieces of ice and invites those who wish to take them into their hands.
What happens to the ice? Why is he melting? (Children's answers.) That's right, our hands are warm, and therefore the pieces of ice melted and turned into water. So what is ice? (Children's answers.) That's right, ice is also water, only hard and cold. We conclude: water can be liquid, solid and in the form of steam.
We told Zvezdochka and Mishka a lot about water. Guys, Zvezdochka, Mishka, do you know that you need to save water, and when you wash your hands, you need to immediately turn off the tap?
Why save water, there’s so much of it?!
There is a lot of water, but for washing and cooking you only need purified water, and to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort, we will talk about this next time. And so that we don’t forget to turn off the tap, I prepared a reminder “Save water!” Guys, let's hang this reminder in our washroom. And we’ll give it to Mishka so that he also remembers to save water. Do you agree? (Answers).
Today I learned a lot of interesting things about the sorceress water. Water is a liquid, tasteless and odorless. The water is clear. But the time has come for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye guys.
Before we say goodbye to Zvezdochka and Mishka, let's remember everything we told her about? View the presentation: “What is water for?”
Well, the guys Zvezdochka and Dunno now know what water is, thanks to you they say Thanks a lot! Let's say goodbye to them and say - See you again! RESULT: So what did we talk about? What did Mishka and Zvezdochka teach? What did (child’s name) like? What is ice? What colors did the water come in?