Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Analysis of the lesson attended in elementary school. Why do it? General focus of analysis


On the subject: Theoretical foundations of the organization of education in primary grades

Analysis and introspection of the lesson in elementary school

Completed: PNK student 1.2(Z)

Zhuravel Anna

Teacher: Ovchinnikova

pedagogical creativity lesson self-assessment


Lesson Analysis

Lesson Analysis Scheme

About the lesson analysis procedure and typical shortcomings

Introspection of the lesson

Lesson Introspection Levels

Self-analysis of the lesson



Today, in the conditions of the country's innovative development, the school needs a new teacher - not only professional and competent, but above all, with new thinking, new technologies and ready for further development of innovative methods in the educational process. In the course of the implementation of the 2nd generation GEF, one of the tasks of a modern teacher is to develop students' universal learning activities, which include the ability to analyze and conduct introspection. Unfortunately, not every teacher actually owns this skill, since this is not taught in institutes, but the quality of education depends on this. We all know well that a lesson is a logically complete, integral segment of the educational process limited by certain limits. In it, in a complex interaction are the main elements of the educational process: goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms, interconnected activities of the teacher and students. The lesson is the creativity of the teacher, based on the one hand on the psychological and pedagogical patterns of learning, and on the other hand on the requirements of educational standards.

Analysis and self-assessment of the lesson is a necessary element of pedagogical creativity. This topic is very relevant in our time. In the course of the analysis, the teacher gets the opportunity to look at his lesson as if from the outside, to realize it as a phenomenon as a whole, to comprehend the totality of his own theoretical knowledge, methods, methods of work in their practical refraction in interaction with the class and specific students. This is a reflection that allows you to assess your strengths and weaknesses, determine unrealizable reserves, clarify individual points of an individual style of activity. Evaluation of the teacher's professional skills - allows you to constantly identify professional difficulties, provide timely assistance to the teacher, see his growth, and contribute to successful certification.

1. Lesson analysis

We often face the problem: what criteria should be used to evaluate a modern lesson, how best to analyze its effectiveness and quality? The lesson, as a focus, concentrates all the activities of the teacher, his scientific training, pedagogical skills, methodological skills, the ability to organize independent work of all students. The real value of a lesson is its result; the degree of assimilation of the material by students.

Lesson Analysis- this is a mental decomposition of the lesson into its components with deep penetration into their essence, tasks in order to evaluate the final result of their activities by comparing the planned with the implemented, taking into account the success and advancement of students.

Among the main criteria for evaluating a lesson is, first of all, the observance of the principles of teaching, as well as the criteria for evaluating the activities of the school, approved by the Ministry of Education.

Based on these requirements, we can analyze

1.the very construction of the educational process in the classroom, determine the optimality of tasks,

.the rationality of the content of the lesson chosen by the teacher, the forms and methods of teaching.

But the effectiveness of teaching is ultimately determined not by what the teacher wanted to give, but by what the students received during the lesson. Therefore, when evaluating a lesson, it is necessary to identify the level of solution of all its main tasks - educational, upbringing, as well as the tasks of the development of schoolchildren.

Analysis and introspectionlesson should be directedto compare the put forward general educational, educational and developmental goals with the results achieved. Purpose of analysisis to identify methods and techniques for organizing the activities of the teacher and students in the classroom, which lead or do not lead to positive results. The main taskat the same time, it is a search for reserves to increase the efficiency of the work of teachers and students.

Types of analysis and introspection of the lesson

1 - short(evaluative) analysis is a general assessment of the educational function of the lesson, the achievement of the main goals and objectives;

2 - structural(step-by-step) analysis is the identification and evaluation of the dominant structures (elements) of the lesson, their expediency, which ensures the development of students' cognitive abilities;

3 - system analysis- this is the consideration of the lesson as a single system in terms of solving the main didactic task and simultaneously solving the developing tasks of the lesson, ensuring the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, their assimilation of teaching methods;

4 - complete analysis- this is a system of aspect analyzes, including an assessment of the implementation of the tasks of the lesson, carried out in order to study and analyze all aspects of the lesson;

5 - structural-temporal analysis- this is an assessment of the use of lesson time for each of its stages;

6 - combined analysis -it is an assessment (simultaneous) of the main didactic purpose of the lesson and structural elements;

7 - psychological analysis- this is the study of the fulfillment of psychological requirements for the lesson (ensuring the cognitive activity of students of a developing type);

8 - didactic analysis- this is an analysis of the main didactic categories (implementation of the principles of didactics, selection of methods, techniques and means of teaching and teaching schoolchildren, didactic processing of the educational material of the lesson, pedagogical guidance of independent cognitive activity of students, etc.);

9 - aspect analysis- this is the consideration of individual elements of the lesson from the point of view of any side or a separate goal of the lesson in conjunction with the results of students' activities;

10 - complex analysis- in the unity and interconnection of the goals, content, forms and methods of organizing a lesson.

The most common types of analysis are full, complex, brief and aspect.

Such a variety of approaches is also due to the presence of numerous schemes for analyzing the lesson, in which various basic provisions can be introduced.

To this end, the following lesson analysis scheme can be proposed.

2. Outline of lesson analysis

1. General information: date, class, school, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher. The theme of the curriculum, the theme of the lesson.

Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards for working with a computer.

Lesson structure. The main stages of the lesson, purpose and duration. A combination of self-management and teacher management. Individual, pair, group and joint class work. Stages of repetition and consolidation of the material, methods.

The goals that the teacher planned for the lesson, their achievement.

Comparison of the content of the lesson with the material of the school textbook.

scientific character - taking into account the latest achievements in computer science in the lesson (the concept of an executor, syntax diagrams, proof of the correctness of algorithms, etc.);

visibility - the use of graphic information, tables of algorithm execution, text recording with indents, etc.;

sequence - the logical harmony of the material presented, the absence of gaps in the presentation, the cyclical nature of the study of complex concepts;

connection with practice - applied tasks, orientation of the content to the requirements of life in a computer society.

Methods of activity of the teacher at the lesson. Engaging students to prepare resources for the lesson. Preparation of computer technology at the beginning of the lesson (or before it). The freedom of the teacher in the possession of the material. The moment of answering current questions (during the lesson or at the end). Individualization of learning - different levels of tasks, attracting strong students to help the weak, etc. Teacher's techniques for holding attention, actions in case of an error on the board, in the program, in the report.

Methods of formation and consolidation of interest in the material. Stimulation of mental activity of students. Source of assignments (from a textbook, other literature, an invention by the teacher during the lesson). Other well-known and non-standard teaching methods used in the lesson.

Student work in the classroom. The degree of interest in the material being studied. Activity and independence of trainees. Consciousness of assimilation - assimilation of the meaning of actions for a computer. Accessibility standard terminology, taking into account the level of preparedness of the class, the allocation of levels of assimilation.

The effectiveness of training is the saturation of study time, the absence of extraneous material, the optimal choice of PS. The relationship between teacher and students: authoritarian, liberal, cooperation. Organization and discipline of students in the lesson - attitude to computers, compliance with safety regulations when working with a computer. The ability to independently acquire knowledge with the help of reference material, a computer, a textbook.

Feedback. The knowledge control system of this teacher. Using a computer to test knowledge of control programs, self-control by launching a program, mutual control with a friend. Objectivity of knowledge assessment. Evaluation criteria for this teacher (are they known to students?). The possibility of automating such a control system. Evaluation of the complexity of a typical homework task (do it yourself and "measure" the time).

educational effect of the lesson. Character traits and personality traits of the teacher, which can serve as a guide for students. Educational methods and techniques that you noticed.

implementation of the lesson plan;

achievement of the objectives of the lesson;

especially interesting and instructive in the lesson;

What made the biggest impression on the lesson?

what changes should be made when re-conducting a lesson on the same topic;

lesson evaluation.

Parsing can take many different forms.

4. About the lesson analysis procedure and typical shortcomings

It is recommended to analyze the lesson on the same day or the next, so as not to complicate the analysis of the lesson and make it more objective. To discuss the lesson, you need to choose a convenient time and place for the teacher: a free class or office.

The direct analysis of the lesson should be preceded by self-analysis, during which the teacher will express his own opinion about the lesson, briefly characterize the class, indicate the degree of difficulty of the topic being studied, outline the main idea of ​​the lesson, its compliance with the planned plan, the structure of the lesson, note the most successful moments of the lesson, the characteristic shortcomings of the lesson , as well as the causes that caused them, will suggest possible ways to eliminate the shortcomings.

Self-analysis should be systemic, its significance lies in the fact that it encourages the teacher to be attentive to his own actions in the lesson, develops his ability to control himself and, on this basis, build the learning process more consciously.

The procedure for reviewing the lesson should be objective and benevolent. The analysis must identify options for improving the lesson, it must have a positive and scientific and methodological character. All observations and analysis of the lesson should be aimed at comparing the set goals and objectives with the results achieved. At the end of the interview, you should ask the teacher if he agrees with the analysis.

If recommendations are given to eliminate the shortcomings of the lesson, the inspector must organize control over their implementation. After the time allotted for correction, he must analyze the subsequent lessons and in the course of the analysis show which shortcomings have already been taken into account, and which still need to be worked on.

pedagogical analysis evaluation lesson

5. Introspection of the lesson

This is a mental decomposition of the lesson into its components with a deep penetration into their essence, tasks in order to evaluate the final result of their activities by comparing the planned with the implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students. Without self-analysis it is impossible:

to build an integral system of education;

improve skills, develop creative abilities;

generalize advanced pedagogical experience;

reduce time spent on technical work;

provide psychological comfort and self-defense of the teacher.

Self-analysis of the lesson, as one of the tools for self-improvement of the teacher, the formation and development of his professional qualities, makes it possible to:

to form and develop creative consciousness, manifested in the ability to formulate and set the goals of their activities and the activities of students;

develop the ability to establish links between the conditions of their pedagogical activity and the means of achieving pedagogical goals;

to form the ability to clearly plan and anticipate the results of their pedagogical work;

to form the pedagogical self-awareness of the teacher, when he gradually begins to see, understand the necessary and essential connection between the way of his actions and the final result of the lesson.

The ability to analyze one's own lesson, the specific pedagogical situations that arise on it, the results of pedagogical influences on the student, the results of one's work largely depends on the teacher's ability to plan organize, control, regulate their pedagogical activities. The pedagogical skill of the teacher, the productivity of his pedagogical work largely depend on the introspection of the lesson.

The main requirements for the analysis of the lesson by the teacher:

purpose and task of the topic analysis;

knowledge of the basics of didactics, psychology, methodology, programs, regulatory requirements and methodological recommendations;

the ability to identify positions and indicators by which it is necessary to analyze your lesson;

characteristics of the characteristics of students and their consideration in the work at the lesson;

substantiation of educational, upbringing and developing tasks of the lesson;

the validity of the planned lesson plan, its type, structure, content, methods and means;

psychological and pedagogical assessment of the system of educational tasks, assignments and exercises performed by students in the classroom;

assessment of the development of independent thinking of students at various stages of the lesson;

fulfillment of the planned tasks of the lesson;

assessment of the pedagogical expediency of actions and facts in the lesson;

the ability to show the relationship between the stages of the lesson and evaluate them;

satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with the lesson (or its individual stages);

proposed corrective action.

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the lesson by the teacher.

When self-analyzing the lesson, the teacher gives:

a brief description of the goals that he set and analyzes their achievement;

information about the amount of material and the quality of its assimilation by students;

characteristics of the applied methods of work with students and evaluates them;

assessment of the activity of students and substantiates the methods used for organizing their work;

self-assessment of certain aspects of their activities (speech, logic, the nature of relations with students).

In conclusion, the teacher expresses his suggestions for improving the quality of the lesson and outlines measures to improve his teaching skills.

6. Levels of introspection of the lesson

1. Emotional - an involuntary level, when the teacher feels satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his teaching activities.

Evaluative, when the conformity of the result of the lesson with the intended goals and plan is assessed.

Methodical, when the lesson is analyzed from the standpoint of the existing requirements for the lesson.

Reflexive, when the causes and the consequences arising from them are determined. This is the highest level of analysis, for the implementation of which it is necessary to involve psychological and pedagogical theory.

Among the main shortcomings of the analysis of lessons by teachers are: the unsystematic nature of the analysis, too general comments on the lesson, the desire to retell the lesson, highlighting insignificant advantages and disadvantages, the indecisive nature of the analysis, etc.

In self-analysis, many teachers find it difficult to explain (prove) the expediency of choosing certain teaching methods and the structure of the lesson, their conditionality due to the content of the educational material, the target settings of the lesson, the level of preparation of students in a particular class.

Introspection of the lesson

Evaluation of the overall structure of the lesson.

What type of lesson can this lesson be classified as? What is the place of the lesson in the topic, section, course? Are the elements of a lesson of this type clearly identified and is the dosage of time allocated to each part of the lesson correctly determined?

Implementation of the main didactic goal of the lesson.

Are all the requirements of the program on this topic (question) reflected in the lesson? How active were the students when they got acquainted with the new material (perception, understanding, awakening of cognitive interest)? Is the method of solving individual blocks new material?

How and what should be changed in the study of new material and why?

Was there an organization of primary, concomitant consolidation (in the process of getting acquainted with the new, at a specially allocated stage of the lesson)? How was the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students tested (what was the coverage of students, the principle of calling, etc.)?

Implementation of the development of students in the learning process

Did students get involved in basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, systematization)? Were there intra-subject and inter-subject communications? Were the means of developing creative thinking used? Was there any information given in the lesson for general development? Has there been an aesthetic development of the students?

Education during the lesson

Were the educational possibilities of the content of the educational material fully used? What work was done to form a worldview? How was the connection between learning and life ensured in the lesson? Were educational opportunities for assessing knowledge used? What was the educational impact of the personality of the teacher himself?

Compliance with the basic principles of didactics

Were the activities of the teacher and the activities of students properly organized from the position of implementing the principles of education?

Choice of teaching methods

Were the general requirements for the choice of teaching methods observed (depending on the general target orientation, didactic goal, specifics of the educational material, subject, age and individual characteristics of students, etc.)?

The work of the teacher in the classroom

What types of teacher activities took place in the lesson and in what proportion (speech activity, listening, recording, helping students, etc.)? Whether contact was made with the class.

Student work in class

What was the activity of students at different stages of the lesson? What were the activities of the students in the lesson? Was there a focus on work culture? What discipline was in the lesson and why?

Hygienic conditions of the lesson

Adequate classroom lighting: Do students sit appropriately for their health, height, academic performance? Is the schedule set up well?

Some social tasks

Tasks related to the decision of the teachers' council, the method of association or are dictated by the study of the school.

Depending on the moment, the analysis may not be carried out for all parameters, but for two or three of the listed ones.

Self-analysis is already the beginning of the teacher's preparation for the next lesson. At present, many scientists and practitioners agree that teachers should be familiar with various lesson plans and analyze the lesson in relation to different goals.

. Self-analysis of the lesson

№Questions for the final analysis Evaluation of the optimality of the teacher's actions 1 How were the tasks of the lesson planned and set for the students? It is optimal, not optimal, to improve the planning of such and such tasks 2 How can you evaluate the structure of the main elements of the lesson chosen by the teacher and the time allocated to each of them? 3 How can you evaluate the selected content lesson?4 Is it possible to consider the chosen combination of teaching methods, stimulation and control as optimal (for a given topic, class preparedness and teacher capabilities) · when questioned · when learning new material · when fixing · when summarizing what was learned5 How successful was the combination of class-wide, group and individual forms of organizing the educational process in the classroom. Did it provide a differentiated approach to the weakest and most prepared students? 6 Were visual aids, TCO, etc., rationally used in the lesson? 7 Creative use of existing pedagogical innovations, pedagogical achievements in the lesson: · preparation of basic schemes, summaries · use of training programs; · drawing up assignments and tasks with developing content; 8 How can one assess the style of communication between a teacher and students in a lesson, compliance with pedagogical tact? ?11 Is the volume and complexity of the homework correctly determined, was the briefing skillfully carried out?

It would be naïve to think that the bulk of the teachers themselves will master the method of systemic self-analysis of the lesson. This must be taught, persistently and systematically. And the first teachers should be school leaders who have mastered the method of systemic analysis of the lesson.

The method of systematic self-analysis of a lesson basically differs little from the method of a systematic approach to the analysis of a lesson by the head of the school, but, nevertheless, has its own specifics associated with the subject of analysis - the teacher. Therefore, the ability to conduct introspection will bear fruit to those who will regularly use it in their work.

No wonder the French playwright, pamphleteer and poet Pierre Gringore (Gringoire) wrote

Who looks at himself, sees his face,

Who sees his face, knows his own worth,

Who knows the price, is strict with himself,

He who is strict with himself is truly great!


1. M - 52 May, N.A. Organization of teaching practice: a manual for students of the fourth year of pedagogical universities. Specialty "Teacher" / N.A. May, L.A. Kosolapova; Perm. state ped. un-t. - Perm, 2005. - 60 p.

V. Ilyukhin. How to analyze a lesson Newspaper "Elementary School", No. 5, 2007.

Pedagogy. UMP. AND I. Varlamov, P.V. Kirillov. - Volgograd, 2004.

Bordovskaya., N.V. Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for universities in St. Petersburg: Publishing House Peter, 2000. 304 p.

Culture of the modern lesson / Ed. NOT. Shchurkova. - M., 1997.

Selevko G.K. test aspect analysis of the lesson. - M., 1996.

Directory of school administration on the organization of the educational process / Comp. EAT. Muravyov, A.E. Epiphany. - M., 1999.

Kanarzhevsky Yu.A. Analysis of the lesson M., 2008.

Attendance and analysis of the lesson as a type of managerial activity of the school administration // Rural school. - 1999 - No. 4.5.


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1. The structure of the lesson of mastering new knowledge:

1) Organizational stage.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

6) Primary fastening.

7) Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

8) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

3. The structure of the lesson for updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for the creative solution of the tasks.

4) Actualization of knowledge.

§ in order to prepare for the control lesson

§ in order to prepare for the study of a new topic

6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

2 The structure of the lesson for the integrated application of knowledge and skills (consolidation lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge. Knowledge update.

3) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

4) Primary fastening

§ in a familiar situation (typical)

§ in a changed situation (constructive)

5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

6) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

4. The structure of the lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for generalized activities

Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions).

5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

7) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material

5. The structure of the lesson for the control of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of formation of students' general educational skills. (Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Lessons of control can be lessons of written control, lessons of a combination of oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed.

4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

6. The structure of the lesson for the correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Results of diagnostics (control) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual ways of teaching.

4) Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

5) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

7. The structure of the combined lesson.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3) Actualization of knowledge.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary fastening

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

9) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

Formation of UUD


Improving the skill of the teacher and the educational process largely depends on well-organized introspection of the lesson. The teacher experiences difficulties in modeling and designing a modern lesson, it is self-analysis that will allow him to identify the reasons for the insufficient effectiveness of solving certain educational tasks in the classroom, take them into account in the further design of the educational process. For the teacher, introspection of the lesson, reflective activity in general, is of particular importance, because a teacher who has not learned to comprehend his own actions, who is not able to look back and restore the course of the lesson, is unlikely to ever truly deeply master the second generation of GEF.

Self-analysis of the lesson allows you to:

- correctly formulate and set the goals of their activities and the activities of students in the lesson;

- develop the ability to establish links between the conditions of their pedagogical activity and the means to achieve goals;

- to form the ability to clearly plan and anticipate the results of their pedagogical work;

- to form the student's self-awareness when he begins to see the connection between the methods of action and the end result of the lesson.

Introspection of the lesson - a means of self-improvement of the teacher


1. Class characteristic:

- interpersonal relationships;

- deficiencies in biological and mental development;

- class deficiencies.

2. Place of the lesson in the topic under study:

- the nature of the connection of the lesson with the previous and subsequent lessons.

3. Characteristics of the general goal of the lesson, specified for didactic purposes: educational, developing and educating.

4. Lesson plan features:

- content of educational material;

- teaching methods;

- teaching methods;

- forms of organization of cognitive activity.

5. How the lesson was built in accordance with the plan:

- analysis of the stages of the lesson, i.e. how the teaching and educational elements used influenced the course of the lesson (positively, negatively), to obtain the final result.

6. Structural aspect of lesson introspection:

- analysis of each element of the lesson;

- his contribution to the achievement of the result;

- proof of the optimal choice of each element of the lesson.

7. Functional aspect:

- how the structure of the lesson corresponded to the overall goal;

- compliance with the capabilities of the class;

- analysis of the style of relations between teacher and students;

- impact on the outcome of the lesson.

8. Aspect of evaluating the final result of the lesson:

- the formation of universal educational activities in the lesson;

- determining the gap between the overall goal of the lesson and the results of the lesson;

- reasons for the break;

- conclusions and self-assessment.


I . Brief general characteristics of the class

1. General preparedness of the class:

- the ability of children to work in pairs;

- the ability of children to work in small groups;

- the ability to listen to each other and interact frontally;

- the ability to self-evaluate themselves and mutually evaluate each other.

2. General characteristics of communication.

3. What prevails: rivalry or cooperation? The problem of leaders and outsiders.

4. The involvement of children in educational activities and the general level of its formation in the classroom.

5. General characteristics of the development of the program by this time.


1. The reality of the purpose of the lesson.

2. How to organize the work in the classroom?

3. What was planned to study? What for? The role of this material in the subject. Does the teacher know the material well enough?

4. What (th) concepts were planned for assimilation by students? What other concepts do they (it) rely on? What concepts are the basis for?

5. What do students know about the concept being studied?

6. The essence of the characteristics of the concept being studied, which should be the focus of students' attention.

7. What educational actions should students perform in order to master this concept and the general mode of action?

8. How was the student's water projected into the learning task?

9. How was the implementation of the remaining stages of solving the educational problem planned?

10. Did the lesson design provide for real difficulties that the children might encounter in the course of solving the learning task? Were possible student errors predicted?

11. What criteria for mastering this material were outlined in the lesson project?

12. General conclusion about the reality and effectiveness of the lesson project.


1. Does the purpose of the lesson match its end result? What is the gap? Has the program been successfully implemented? If yes, why? If not, why not?

2. Does the form of organization correspond to the goal of the lesson? Did the teacher succeed in taking the role of an equal member of the discussion?

3. How did the teacher create a situation of success at the beginning of the lesson?

4. What methods were used to create the situation for students to accept the learning task? How did she influence the further course of her decision?

5. Was the learning task accepted by the students?

6. How effective was the stage of transforming the conditions of the problem?

7. How did the teacher create a situation in which the children took on such learning activities as modeling and transforming the model?

8. What forms did the teacher use to organize the solution of particular problems? The level of tasks, their “interestingness” from the point of view of linguistic or mathematical material?

9. How was control organized? Was the control carried out as an independent action or was it included in other actions? What did the student control: the process of performing the action or only the result? When was the control carried out: at the beginning of the action, during the action or after its completion? What arsenal of means and forms did the teacher use to master the action of control by children?

10. Did the children work on their own assessment or did they use the teacher's assessment?


1. To what extent did the content of the lesson meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard?

2. At what level was the student-student, student-teacher, student-group interaction organized in the lesson?

3. To characterize the interaction of the stages of the learning task in the course of self-decision. Highlight the strongest and weakest stages (in terms of the quality of their implementation) and their impact on the final result of the lesson.

4. Reflective activity of students as a result of solving a learning problem.

Types of modern lesson.

The typology of lessons is an important didactic problem. It should contribute to bringing data about the lesson in order, a system for a wide range of purposes, as it provides the basis for a comparative analysis of lessons, for judging about similar and different lessons. The lack of an accurate and substantiated typology of lessons hinders the effectiveness of practical activities.

The type of the lesson reflects the features of the construction of the leading methodological task.

Lesson types

Lesson type

Special purpose

Learning effectiveness

Lesson of primary presentation of new knowledge

Primary assimilation of new subject and meta-subject knowledge

Reproduction in your own words of rules, concepts, algorithms, performing actions according to a model, algorithm

Lesson in the formation of initial subject skills, mastery of subject skills

Application of acquired subject knowledge or methods of educational actions in the conditions of solving educational problems (tasks)

Correct reproduction of task performance samples, error-free application of algorithms and rules in solving educational problems

Lesson in the application of meta-subject and subject knowledge

Application of universal educational actions in the conditions of solving educational problems of increased complexity

Independent solution of problems (performing exercises) of increased complexity by individual students or a class team

Lesson of generalization and systematization of subject knowledge

Systematization of subject knowledge, universal educational activities (solving subject problems)

The ability to formulate a generalized conclusion, the level of formation of UUD

Lesson of repetition of subject knowledge

Consolidation of subject knowledge, formation of UUD

Error-free execution of exercises, problem solving by individual students, the class team; unmistakable verbal responses; the ability to find and correct errors, to provide mutual assistance

Control lesson

Testing subject knowledge, ability to solve practical problems

Results of control or independent work

Corrective lesson

Individual work on the mistakes made

Finding and fixing errors on your own

Integrated lesson

Integration of knowledge about a particular object of study obtained by means of different

Deepening the knowledge of the lesson material through the implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge

Combined lesson

Solving problems that cannot be completed in one lesson

Planned result

Non-traditional lessons (training e

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Adolf Diesterweg

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The system-activity approach is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation. (Kusova L.A.)

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orientation of the education system towards new educational results related to the understanding of personality development as the goal and meaning of education.

1. Set the main results of education - general and by level

2. Characterize and regulate the planned results reflected in:

curricula (subject, meta-subject, personal)

programs of extracurricular activities (personal, meta-subject).

Personal Outcomes - the motives of activity formed in the educational process, the system of value relations of students - in particular, to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself, objects of knowledge, the results of educational activities, etc.
Metasubject Results- generalized methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of several or all subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in real life situations
Subject Results- are expressed in the assimilation by trainees of specific elements of social experience studied within the framework of individual academic subjects.

Systemically - activity approach - the methodological basis of the standards of primary general education of the new generation. The essence is the formation of activity abilities that a graduate must master. The lessons of an activity orientation in terms of goal setting can be divided into four groups:

1. lessons of "discovery" of new knowledge;

2. reflection lessons;

3. lessons of a general methodological orientation;

4. Lessons in developmental control.


1. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities (“must” - “want” - “can”) 1-2 min.

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action - 5-6 minutes.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty - 2-3 minutes.

4. Building a project for getting out of a difficulty - 5-6 minutes.

5. Implementation of the constructed project - 5-6 min.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech - 4-5 minutes.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard - 4-5 minutes.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition - 4-5 minutes.

9. Reflection of educational activity - 2-3 min.

Students' ability to learn:

1-4 min. – 60% of information

5 - 23 min. – 80% of information

24 -34 min. – 50% information

35 -45 min. – 6% information



To build a lesson within the framework of the GEF IEO, it is important to understand what should be the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson.

1. The objectives of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer the function from the teacher to the student.

2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out a reflexive action (to assess their readiness, to detect ignorance, to find the causes of difficulties, etc.)

3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process.

4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to put and address questions.

5. The teacher effectively (appropriate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem-based forms of education, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.

6. At the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set (there is a special formation of control and evaluation activities among students).

7. The teacher achieves understanding of the educational material by all students, using special techniques for this.

8. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and supports minimal progress.

9. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson.

10. The teacher accepts and encourages, expressed by the student, his own position, a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.

11. Style, tone of relationships, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort.

12. At the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher - student" is carried out (through relationships, joint activities, etc.)


1. Motivation for learning activities. This stage of the learning process involves the conscious entry of the student into the space of learning activities in the classroom.

For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely: 1) the requirements for him from the side of educational activities are updated (“must”);
2) conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want”);

3) a thematic framework is established (“I can”). In the developed version, there are processes of adequate self-determination in educational activity and self-assertion in it, involving a comparison by the student of his real “I” with the image “I am an ideal student”, conscious subordination of himself to the system of normative requirements educational activities and the development of internal readiness for their implementation.

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial learning activity. At this stage, preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized. Accordingly, this stage involves:

1) actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, their generalization and sign fixation;
2) actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes;
3) motivation for a trial educational action (“must” - “can” - “want”) and its independent implementation;
4) fixation of individual difficulties in the implementation of a trial educational action or its justification. 3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty. At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty. To do this, students must:

1) restore the performed operations and fix (verbally and symbolically) the place - step, operation where the difficulty arose;

2) correlate their actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify and fix in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are not enough to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type in general

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal and theme, method, plan, means). At this stage, students in a communicative form consider a project for future learning activities: set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. This process is led by the teacher: at first with the help of an introductory dialogue, then a prompt one, and then with the help of research methods.

5. Implementation of the constructed project. At this stage, the project is being implemented: the various options proposed by the students are discussed, and the best option is selected, which is fixed in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of action is used to solve the original problem that caused difficulty. In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the difficulty that arose earlier is fixed.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. At this stage, students in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs) solve typical tasks for a new method of action with pronouncing the solution algorithm aloud.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard. At the end, a performing reflection of the implementation of the constructed project of educational activities and control procedures is organized. The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing, if possible, for each student a situation of success that motivates him to be included in further cognitive activity.

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition. At this stage, the limits of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new way of acting is provided as an intermediate step. Organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks in which the use of previously studied material is trained, which has methodological value for the introduction of new methods of action in the future. Thus, on the one hand, there is an automation of mental actions according to the studied norms, and on the other hand, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future.

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (total). At this stage, the new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own learning activities are organized. In conclusion, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is fixed, and further goals of the activity are outlined.




Lesson topic:

Lesson Objectives:

Abstract of a mathematics lesson for the first grade, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, with the display of UUD.



Numbers 0-10.


(Educational system "School 2100")

Lesson prepared:

primary school teacher

MOU - secondary school No. 1

Khlopova Marina Viktorovna

Red Kut, Saratov region

December, 2011


Topic: Numbers 0 - 10. (Generalization and consolidation of the studied material).

Main subject goals:

Summarize and consolidate:

Composition of numbers 0 - 10;

Cases of addition and subtraction based on knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 and the connection of the part and the whole;

Ability to compose expressions and compare them;

Ability to compose a mathematical story for drawings;

Ability to work in a group and independently.

Lesson stages

Lesson material

Student activities

UUD at the stages of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

3. Formulation of the topic, the purpose of the lesson.

4. Consolidation and generalization of the studied material.

5. Research work. The development of observation.

6. Independent work.

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

Well - ka, check my friend,

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place?

Everything is good?

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everyone seated correctly?

Is everyone watching closely?

1) Working with the natural series of numbers.

Name the neighbors of numbers: 6, 8, 9 .;

Name the previous number 5, 3, 10;

Name the next number 4, 7, 8;

How much more is 5 than 3?

How much is 10 less than 7?

2) Composition of numbers 3, 5, 4, 10.

Look at the textbook spread on pages 34-35.

What new did you notice?

What will we learn in class today?

(Let's repeat the technique of finding the part and the whole, solve examples, compose expressions from pictures, compare literal expressions, compose a mathematical story).

Drawing up an oral mathematical story for drawings, the choice of expressions, schemes.

How to find the whole?

How to find a part?

Expression comparison.

What expressions are written?

What other expressions do you know?

Compare expressions if possible.

Explain your choice.

Why is it impossible to put a sign in some expressions?

Making expressions for drawings.

Evaluation of work. Summing up the lesson.

What are the key words of the lesson?

Can you name the topic of the lesson?

Was it easy for you or were there difficulties?

What did you do best and without mistakes?

Which task was the most interesting and why?

How would you rate your work?

Your self-esteem matched mine.

Choral pronunciation of the poem, emotional mood for the lesson.

oral work.

Work in pairs, self-examination, work at the blackboard (4 students).

Consideration of the spread of the textbook (pp. 34-35).

Making a mathematical story.

Writing an expression in a notebook, finding the value of the expression.

Page 34 No. 2

Page 35 No. 5

Work with the textbook, at the blackboard.

Page 35 No. 6.

Work in the textbook (with a check at the blackboard or orally).

Communicative UUD

We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

We form the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks.

We form and practice the ability to work in groups and in a team.

Cognitive UUD

We form the ability to extract information from text and illustrations.

We form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the drawing - the scheme.

Regulatory UUD

We form the ability to express our assumption based on the work of the textbook material.

We form the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task.

We form the ability to draw up an activity plan in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

Personal UUD

We form an emotional attitude to school and learning activities.

We form a general idea of ​​the moral norms of behavior.


Textbook "Mathematics", Grade 1, S.A. Kozlova, Moscow, 2011

A complete synopsis of a mathematics lesson in grade 1 on the topic "Reducing the number by several units" (a developmental learning system ...

Mathematics lesson in grade 1 according to the textbook by L.G. Peterson "Mathematics"

The lesson of mathematics in grade 1 was developed within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. The technique of formation of UUD is shown....

Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Application of the project method in the lesson of mathematics.

Development of a lesson on the topic "Multiplication Table" using the project method and the problem-dialogic method. Organizational...

math lesson introspection

This lesson takes place as part of the mathematics curriculum in the second grade of secondary schools (EMC "School of Russia", at ...

Abstract of an open lesson in mathematics in grade 1 "Number 3. Number 3"

Mathematics lesson in grade 1, textbook "Mathematics", author B. Geydman....

Abstract of a mathematics lesson according to the textbook by T.E. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova "My Mathematics", 1st grade (program "School-2100"). Topic: "Equation".

Topic: "Equation"....

Math lesson Mathematics lesson "Angular degree".

I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson of mathematics

Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

1. Goal setting.

a). The goals and objectives of the lesson are not clearly formulated and do not fully meet the requirements of the standard and the program.

b). Goals and objectives are formulated clearly, specifically, in accordance with the requirements of the standard and the program. Reflect the formation of UUD.

in). Goals and objectives are formulated diagnostically in joint (or independent) activities, taking into account the subjective experience of students. Reflect the formation of UUD.

3. The logic of the organization of UD (educational and cognitive activity).

a). The stages of the lesson are traced poorly. There are no logical transitions.

b). The stages of the lesson are highlighted reasonably, have logical transitions, but some stages are delayed in time.

in). The steps are clear, logical, complete. The transition to new stages is carried out with the help of problem ligaments. The organization of educational activities is optimal.

4. Methods of organizing UD.

a). The methods of organizing UD are not adequate enough for the tasks of the lesson. The structure of the methods is poorly thought out. Individual characteristics of students are practically not taken into account. The predominance of reproductive methods is not justified.

b). The methods are adequate to the tasks. Along with reproductive methods, productive methods are reasonably used. The structure of the methods is mostly thought out and logical.

in). The methods are adequate to the tasks. The combination of methods is optimal

stimulates the cognitive activity of students, their individual characteristics are taken into account. It reflects the originality of the methodological concept of the UMK.

5. Forms of organization of UD.

a). The frontal organization of educational and cognitive activity of students prevails. Organizational forms do not fully correspond to the tasks set, do not contribute to the formation of educational activities.

b). Forms are adequate to the goals and objectives. Organizes the inclusion of students in other forms of organization of learning (either individual, or group, or collective)

in). Creative refraction of known forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity. Independence of students in the choice of forms. The manifestation of business and creative activity.

6. Organization of control and evaluation activities.

a) Control provides little feedback. The evaluation activity of the teacher prevails. Evaluation criteria are not named or are of a general nature.

b) The control organization provides feedback. Assessment is carried out on a criteria basis, but students are not included in situations of self-control and self-assessment.

c) The organization of control is rational. Criteria approach to performance evaluation. Students are involved in situations of self-control, mutual control and self-evaluation.

7. The results of the lesson.

a) The corresponding goal has not been achieved. The progress of students in the formation of UUD and knowledge can be traced very weakly.

b) Corresponds to the set goals in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities. UUD are traced worse.

c) Corresponds to the set goals and is diagnostic in terms of ZUN and UUD.

High teaching, educating and developing effect.

Quantitative indicators of lesson evaluation:

a) - 1 point; b) - 2 points; c) - 3 points;

Analysis of the lesson of the primary school teacher

Lesson of the surrounding world in the 2nd grade (EMC "Primary School of the 21st Century") within the framework of the Pedagogical Council: Ensuring the quality of education in the context of the transition to new educational standards"
“If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself,
then in life he will only imitate, copy "
(L.N. Tolstoy)
Subject:"Kingdoms of Nature. Mushrooms".
Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.
The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the kingdom of fungi
- introduce students to the structure of the fungus,
- learn to distinguish groups of edible and inedible mushrooms;
- expanding the horizons of students;
- education of respect for the nature of the native land.
The lesson is planned, the type of lesson is the discovery of new knowledge. Developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, aimed at the formation of key competencies of students. All stages of the lesson are sustained, a smooth transition from stage to stage can be traced.
The teacher began the lesson with the emotional mood of the children, for success and confidence in their knowledge.
Motivation for obtaining new knowledge and for successful individual and collective work was carried out, the teacher set up the children for a virtual journey into the natural world. She offered to go to some kingdom. Not in the distant realm, but in the realm of nature.
Based on previously acquired knowledge about the signs of wildlife and the external structure of a plant, students "go out" on the topic "Mushrooms".
This was facilitated by one of the forms of gaming technology - a riddle.
Under the pine along the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boots, There is a hat, there is no head. (Mushroom).
The teacher asks the question:
- What do you think, do we know everything about the kingdoms of wildlife?
With the help of leading questions, the teacher ensures that the children formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.
The training material was not given in finished form. Throughout the lesson, the children "extracted" knowledge themselves, thanks to the skillful use of modern pedagogical technologies by the teacher. The teacher offers a short-term project, suggests sources of information.
She offered 3 answers. She set the task of proving the truth or falsity of the statement, based on the knowledge already available to the children.
Working in pairs, the children concluded that mushrooms are a special kingdom of wildlife.
The teacher used ICT to increase the motivation of students, to identify the features of the lesson material.
At the lesson, the principle of visibility was implemented (using a presentation, a model of a mushroom,)
The principle of scientificity (the teacher gave additional material, the children operated on scientific concepts, worked with the Atlas - determinant) (to obtain new knowledge),
The principle of accessibility was traced in the selection of material. After examining the dummy mushroom, the teacher suggests finding information in the textbook. Asks a question:
What new did you learn? The teacher, again, does not give the material in finished form, but encourages them to acquire new knowledge: to find answers to questions using the textbook, their life experience and the information received in the lesson. As a result of the work, the children learned the structure of the fungus, what is the mycelium.
The teacher skillfully uses game technologies. At the stage of generalization, she held thematic games: "Mycelium or fruiting body", Dramatization "Fairy tale Noble Mushroom", the game "Collecting mushrooms" was accompanied by riddles that developed mental activity. Here is another good moment - interdisciplinary communication (the world around us is Russian).
Pick up the same-root words for the word mushroom. _
The physical minute was well chosen, it corresponded to the topic of the lesson.
During the lesson, additional scientific material was presented that aroused interest.
Working in pairs from the proposed options, the children managed to draw up the rules for picking mushrooms.
As a result of practical work, students understood what mold has to do with the lesson? After observing the mold under a microscope, they learned that there are still fungi - molds.
They conclude: mushrooms are cap and mold.
The final stage of knowledge testing was a written express survey.
An important point also in the lesson was the observance of a health-saving regimen: changing postures, activities,
The general organization of work in the lesson made it possible to create a working environment in the classroom and rationally allocate time at each stage. A situation of success was created for each student, which maintained a high level of motivation of the child and allowed him to complete the lesson on a positive emotional level.
At the stage of reflection Each child is self-assessed. (Smilies)
The teacher gave homework in a differentiated way - by groups.
At the end of the analysis, I would like to note once again that the children did not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtained it jointly under the strict guidance of the teacher.
The lesson complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
The teacher was able to implement the planned lesson plan, solve the tasks and draw conclusions. I believe that the lesson has reached its goal.

Analysis of the lesson on GEF.

1. The main objectives of the lesson: educational, developmental, educational. Are the objectives set by the teacher being implemented?

2. Organization of the lesson: the type of lesson, the structure of the lesson, the stages and their logical sequence and dosage in time, the conformity of the construction of the lesson with its content and the goal.

3 Compliance of the lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

3.1. Orientation to a new educational result.

3.2. The focus of activities on the formation of UUD

3.3. Use of modern technologies (design, research, ICT, etc.)

4.1. Appropriateness of the material for the age of the students.

4.2. Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of the program.

4.3. The connection of theory with practice, the use of the life experience of students in order to develop their cognitive activity and independence.

4.4. The connection of the studied material with the previously covered, interdisciplinary connections.

5. The methodology of the lesson.

5.1. Actualization of knowledge and methods of activity of students. The teacher's formulation of problematic questions, the creation of problematic situations.

5.2. What methods were used by the teacher? What is the share of reproductive and search (research) activities? Compare their ratio ("read", "retell", "repeat", "remember" - reproductive character; "prove", "explain", "evaluate", "compare", "find a mistake" - search character)

5.3. Correlation between the activities of the teacher and the activities of students. Volume and nature of independent work.

5.4. Which of the following methods of cognition does the teacher use (observation, experience, search for information, comparison, reading).

5.5. Application of dialogue forms of communication.

5.6. Creation of non-standard situations when using the knowledge of students.

5.7. Implementation of feedback.

5.8. A combination of frontal, group, pair and individual work.

5.9. Implementation of differentiated learning. The presence of tasks for children of different levels of learning.

5.10. Means of education. The expediency of their use in accordance with the topic, the stage of training.

5.11. Use of visual material: as illustrations, for emotional support, for solving a learning problem. (visual material: redundant, sufficient, appropriate, insufficient)

6. Psychological foundations of the lesson.

6.1. Consideration by the teacher of the levels of actual development of students and the zone of their proximal development.

6.2. Implementation of the developing function of learning. Development of qualities: perception, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

6.3. Formation of skills of self-control and self-assessment.

6.4. The rhythm of the lesson: the alternation of material of varying degrees of difficulty, a variety of types of educational activities.

6.5. The presence of psychological pauses and discharge. emotional atmosphere of the lesson.

7. Homework: the optimal amount, the availability of instruction, differentiation, the provision of the right to choose.

8. The presence of elements of the new in the pedagogical activity of the teacher (lack of a template)

In the teacher's methodical piggy bank

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the lesson by the teacher.

When self-analyzing the lesson, the teacher gives:

A brief description of the goals that he set and analyzes their achievement;

Information about the amount of material and the quality of its assimilation by students;

Characteristics of the applied methods of work with students and evaluates them;

Assessing the activity of students and substantiates the methods used to organize their work;

Self-assessment of individual aspects of their activities (speech, logic, nature of relations with students).

In conclusion, the teacher expresses his suggestions for improving the quality of the lesson and outlines measures to improve his teaching skills.

Introspection of the lesson

Group ______________ number of people present _______ number on the list _______

Theme of the lesson _______________________________________________________________

Type of lesson and its structure __________________________________________________

1. What is the place of this lesson in the topic? How does this lesson relate to the previous one?

2. Brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group (the number of students present, the number of "weak" and "strong" students, the activity of students in the lesson, organization and preparedness for the lesson)

3. What is the triune didactic goal of the lesson (teaching, developing, educating). To evaluate the success in achieving the objectives of the lesson, to substantiate the indicators of the reality of the lesson.

5. Was the time allotted for all stages of the lesson rationally distributed? Are the "links" between the stages logical? Show how other stages worked for the main stage.

6. Selection of didactic materials, TCO, visual aids, handouts in accordance with the objectives of the lesson.

7. How is the control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students organized?

At what stage of the course? In what forms and by what methods was it carried out? How is the regulation and correction of students' knowledge organized?

8. Psychological atmosphere in the classroom

9. How do you evaluate the results of the lesson? Were you able to complete all the objectives of the lesson? If it didn't work, why not?

10. Outline the prospects for your activities.

Comprehensive lesson analysis

1. Analysis of the tasks performed by the teacher:

How are the principles of teaching taken into account and reflected in the content and methodology of the teacher's work;

How fully didactic and educational tasks of the lesson are achieved;

To what extent did the cognitive activity of students intensify at different stages of the lesson;

What stimulated the responsible attitude of students to educational work;

How objectively knowledge, skills, abilities were assessed;

How was the connection between theory and practice carried out;

How successfully the content and teaching methods were combined;

Were technical aids used in the lesson?

What was done by the teacher to take into account the age and individual characteristics, capabilities and abilities of students.

2. Analysis of the educational impact of the lesson:

How knowledge helped to comprehend and evaluate the phenomena of social reality, events in the life of a country, city, group;

What in the lesson contributed to the education of students (aesthetic, mental, labor, physical) and the preservation of interest in the profession;

What was the relationship between students, between teacher and students.

3. Analysis of pedagogical possibilities and features of the teacher's activity. How did the abilities, personality traits and activities of the teacher manifest themselves:

pedagogical ethics;


The ability to "see" the class, to activate and motivate the work of students;

Identify typical mistakes in the work of students and eliminate them;

Evaluate the results of their work and the results of the work of students;

Ability to quickly make adjustments.

4. Analysis of the activities of students in the classroom:

Accounting for the teacher's upbringing and learning ability of students, the results of previous classes;

The efficiency of students in the lesson (the ability to think, work independently, help a friend, inquisitiveness, stability of interests);

Development of students' speech;

The ability of students to apply theory in practice.

Requirements for different types of lessons

Combined lesson

This type of lesson has the most complex structure, which includes the following elements: organizational part; checking knowledge of previously studied material and doing homework; presentation of new material; primary consolidation of new knowledge, their application in practice and instruction on homework.

The organizational part consists in checking the presence of students in the lesson, the readiness of the classroom for the lesson. At the first lessons of the teacher, the organizational part includes getting to know the students.

Knowledge testing consists in identifying and evaluating, by questioning, the level of knowledge of previously studied material, the skills and abilities of students; doing their homework; preparing students for the perception of new material.

When testing and assessing knowledge, the following is used:

Individual oral survey;

Poll on cards;

Written survey;

Poll at the board;

Problem solving and other methods of questioning.

To involve more students in the survey, a written survey is often combined with an individual oral one. When interviewing, it is advisable for the teacher to activate the attention of the class by reviewing, correcting and supplementing answers, continuing them, giving examples, and also allowing students to ask questions to the teacher and the respondents. This will involve more students in testing knowledge and contributes to the active repetition of the material.

If the lesson aims to prepare students for the perception of new material, the teacher conducts a frontal (fluent) survey, asking students questions on the material of the previous lesson. Based on such a check, adjustments are made to the planned plan for studying new material.

The presentation of new material begins with an explanation of the content of the new topic, linking it with the previously covered. When presenting new material in a combined lesson, methods such as storytelling, conversation, explanation, and much less often a lecture are used. Usually one method is leading, while others are involved to enhance the learning process. It is possible to use various didactic techniques: informing about the plan for communicating new material; interesting, non-standard presentation; creating problem situations; appeal to the life experience of students; demonstration of fragments of filmstrips; writing material on the board or using visual aids.

The primary consolidation of knowledge is, as a rule, an obligatory part of most combined lessons. The forms and methods of consolidating the material can be varied, but they should stimulate the mental activity of students. Consolidation of the material is possible in the form of a conversation (the teacher asks questions of a practical nature, formulates them interestingly, gives the task to notice and correct the answerer’s mistake, continue the answer, give an example, ask the answerer a question, comment on the answer), as well as in the form of independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher (problem solving, reading tables, diagrams, drawing up technological maps, working with task cards, reference and normative literature, studying and commenting on illustrations in textbooks and other teaching aids). When consolidating the material, the teacher finds out how correctly the students understood the new material, identifies errors in his understanding and corrects them. When consolidating knowledge of new material, fragments of filmstrips can be used.

As a rule, consolidation of new material is carried out at the end of the lesson, but it can also be carried out in parallel with the communication of new knowledge (after each fragment of new material), depending on the content of the complexity and importance of the educational material.

Homework is given orally or written on the board. Its purpose is to consolidate the knowledge of students through independent work during extracurricular time. The teacher should explain to students how to do homework and determine the material for taking notes from the textbook or additional literature (if necessary).

Lesson of communication and assimilation of new knowledge

The main purpose of this type of lesson is to give students knowledge of a new section of the subject. It consists of an organizational part, a presentation of new material, fixing it and instructions for doing homework.

The presentation of new material - the main part of this type of lesson - is carried out by the method of explanation, story or lecture. They begin the presentation of the material with the formulation of the issues under study, i.e. with the disclosure of a plan for studying new material and linking it with previous topics. To enhance the cognitive activity of students, it is advisable to combine an explanation or lecture with a conversation based on the knowledge gained in studying the material of previous lessons and on their life experience. To increase the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to use the creation of problem situations, the widespread use of filmstrips, slides and posters.

Consolidation of new material is carried out most often through a conversation in the form of a survey. Questions for conversation should not repeat the questions of the plan for presenting new material. It is advisable that they be simpler and require fairly short answers.

Lesson of repetition and generalization of acquired knowledge

This type of lesson is held after studying a topic or section of a subject. Its elements are: posing problems and issuing assignments, students completing assignments and solving problems; analysis of responses and evaluation of work results; error correction; summarizing; homework instruction.

A lesson in consolidating knowledge, developing skills and abilities

This type of lesson includes the organizational part, the definition and explanation of the purpose of the lesson, the reproduction by students of knowledge related to the content of the upcoming work; communication of the content of the task and briefing on its implementation; independent work of students on the task under the guidance of a teacher; summarizing and evaluating the work performed; homework instruction.

The main method of teaching in such a lesson is the independent work of students, work. Students solve problems, perform calculations, independently work with a book and other materials.

Lesson in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities

This type of lesson differs from the previous ones in its structure and teaching methods. A lesson of this type includes an organizational part, defining and explaining the objectives of the lesson, establishing a connection with previously studied material, instructing on the performance of work, independent work of students, evaluating its results, and instructing on homework.

The main method of teaching in the classroom is the independent work of students. A lesson in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities is held at the end of the study of the topic or sections of the subject. It, as a rule, does not test knowledge of theoretical material and skills of practical work, as was already done in previous classes.

Short list of teaching methods

By type of sources from which students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, teaching methods are divided into:

Verbal (story, conversation, explanation, lecture, work with a textbook, reference book, book), in which the source of knowledge is the oral presentation of the teacher or textbook material;

Visual (observation by students of natural objects, phenomena, processes or their images - tables, models, filmstrips demonstrated by the teacher), in which visual aids serve as a source of knowledge;

Practical (observations of objects and phenomena in the process of labor or experiments, exercises, problem solving, performance of labor tasks), in which the source of knowledge is the practical work of students.

By type of activity teacher and students teaching methods are divided into:

The method of presenting the educational material by the teacher and guiding the work of students, as well as testing their knowledge, skills and abilities (storytelling, conversation, instruction, control oral, written and practical tasks, informing with the help of technical teaching aids);

The method of independent work of students (observation, laboratory and practical experiments, problem solving, work with educational, reference and popular science literature).


Memo for self-analysis of the lesson.

BUT. What was the intention, plan of the lesson and why?

1. What are the main reasons for choosing this particular lesson plan?

1.1. What is the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course, in the system of lessons?

1.2. How is it related to previous lessons, what does it rely on?

1.3. How does the lesson work on subsequent lesson topics, sections (including other subjects)?

1.4. How were the program requirements, educational standards, development strategies of this school taken into account when preparing for the lesson?

1.5. What is the specificity of this lesson, its special purpose?

1.6. How and why was the proposed form of the lesson (and type of lesson) chosen?

2. What features of the students of the class were taken into account when preparing for the lesson (and why these particular features)?

3. What were the main tasks solved in the lesson and why?

4. What justifies the choice of the structure and pace of the lesson?

5. What justifies the specific course of the lesson? the nature of the interaction between teacher and students? Why were such content, such methods, means, forms of education chosen?

6. What conditions (social-psychological, hygienic, educational and material, aesthetic) were created for the lesson and why?

B. Were there any changes (deviations, improvements) compared to the original plan during the lesson? which? why? What did they lead to?

AT. Did it succeed:

    solve the tasks of the lesson at the required (or even optimal) level and obtain the corresponding learning outcomes;

    avoid overload and overwork of students;

G. What are the reasons for the successes and shortcomings of the lesson? What are the untapped reserve opportunities? What should be done differently in this lesson?

D. What conclusions should be drawn from the lesson for the future?