Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Favorable aspects of transiting Uranus with Neptune

    transit connection- Direct connection (usually used for control purposes) of the output of the transmitter to the input of the corresponding receiver. With such a connection, the influence of the transmission medium (for example, repeaters in cable line). [L.M. Nevdyaev... ...

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    transit connection through several points- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general EN multiswitch connection... Technical Translator's Guide

    Transit telegraph connection- 36. Transit telegraph connection Transit telegraph connection A connection installed or being installed at a telegraph station for other telegraph stations connected to this Source: GOST 23150 78: ... ...

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    GOST 23150-78: Channel switching and message switching in telegraph communications. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 23150 78: Channel switching and message switching in telegraph communications. Terms and definitions original document: Types of connections and communication services 33. Local telegraph connection Local connection Local telegraph connection... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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People seriously interested in astrology often encounter this scientific term, like transits. We’ll look at what this is in our next publication. You will also learn about the basic principles of predictions, retrograde movement and the impact of transits on our lives.

An important part of scientific astrology

Any astrological forecasts (for a year, a month or a day) are made based on transits. What does transit mean? In astrology, this term is usually used to refer to the aspects that form the relationship between the position of stars and planets at the birth of a person with the current state of the cosmogram. In order to find out this, it is necessary to draw up a picture that reflects the position of the planets and stars at the moment of a person’s birth. For information other than exact date birth (down to minutes), you need to know the region (latitude and longitude). As a person grows older, the position of the planets in the zodiac circle changes. Thus, planetary transits influence our destinies.

How are transits taken into account in predictions?

Further we will call the natal planet (the one that influenced at birth) natal house. The event itself, which is about to happen, consists of three stages. It originates from the natal position of the planets involved in the transit. Then the main event occurs, and only then the person experiences the consequences of the influence of the transit (result). Astrologers connect planets not only through the house, but also through the sign itself. Moreover, a transit planet may have greater or lesser strength depending on its influence in natal horoscope.

What types of transits are there?

We have already found out what transits are. Now let's talk about their differences. Fast-moving celestial bodies that influence our lives are usually called personal planets. These include Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon. They are responsible for a person's character. Slowly moving planets (Saturn, Jupiter) are responsible for the sociality of a particular individual.

Another group, consisting of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, directs its power to profound changes in consciousness. All celestial bodies in the zodiac circle pass through hemispheres, divided into sectors depending on the cardinal directions. Also, each planet has a direct or retrograde period of motion. Moreover, transits of planets in astrology are deeply influenced by retrograde (trying to go backwards) movement. An exception to this list may be Venus, which itself has a reverse rotation.

How an event is formed

Now let's find out in more detail what it is predictive astrology. Transits during the first contact form the situation and are a prerequisite for its occurrence. As we said earlier, retrograde movement planets is important for the formation of a particular event. That is why the second aspect, which gives rise to the development of an event, is most often associated with retrograde. This gives the situation strength, momentum, acceleration. As you understand, the third contact ends the event, and the person has to make one decision or another.

Aspect Connections

The heroes of our today's publication are transits. What are trines, squares, conjunctions and other predictive methods? Let's talk about this briefly right now. While slow-moving planets can warn us of an event, an "invasion" by Mercury, the Moon or Mars can narrow the timing of an event down to the day. The type of aspects formed may include a combination of two celestial bodies, three (trines), four (quadratures) and more.

Doesn't have of great importance, how many celestial bodies influence your situation (the strongest are considered to be conjunction and opposition). Focus your mind on possible consequences. If the proposed event has a pronounced positive imprint, accumulate energy to move forward. If the stars promise negative consequences, be extremely careful in your actions, statements and even thoughts. Paradoxically, sometimes the most difficult aspects seem to be the most effective. A person is programmed to be positive and does not see anything out of the ordinary in it. It is customary to struggle with difficulties, and as a rule, this bears fruit.

Predictive methods

Now let's talk about what progressions and transits are in astrology. We have already learned that transit is the main aspect involved in the predictive method. In addition, there are additional methods that are no less important, but more subjective. These include solar and lunar returns (progressions), intensified by transits. Astrologers are very fond of using detailed charts based on the symbolic location and movement of the planets. This card is called progressive. The progressions themselves (secondary directions) are built on the principle of similarity. The main pair of the cycle is day and year ( solar cycle) or day and month (lunar cycle).

Versatility of aspects

At a given period of time, the transiting planet has a certain position in the sky. This means that it will influence the situation equally for everyone. When the zodiac sign changes, all earthlings experience the energy of a transit planet. The same can be said about the influence of directness or retrograde. All of the above aspects are universal, if they do not appear in natal chart.

Fate teaches a lesson

Transits of planets in astrology are in an orb (interval) from the moment of first contact to the last. In this case, a specific degree, minute is taken into account natal planet and even period. A transit can interact with the natal point several times. Fate allocates this number (or length of time) for a person to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, the better the information is assimilated, the higher the personal development of the individual.

As we have already said, the influence of transits occurs in three contacts or phases. The first encounter with an event (observation) can be a huge shock, because the person has never experienced it before. The second phase, when awareness of what happened occurs, is usually compared to learning. At this stage, a person develops an understanding of the situation and thoughts about managing his actions. Astrologers say that the second phase of transit is the most difficult, because it is during this period that a person needs to look for solutions or ways out. The third contact of transit (not always the last) forms the assimilation of the material. Once foreign energy merges with daily memories and transforms into internal resources or experiences.

In our today's publication, we get acquainted with such an astrological concept as transits. We have already learned what this is. Now let's delve a little deeper into the theory and look at some interesting facts. Sometimes the transit can be long in time, which means it can consist of five contacts. In this case, at the learning stage, a person will have to “consolidate” the material. Sometimes short-term aspects are observed, especially under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. In this case, one contact is formed, and the information has already been learned by the person earlier. You can consider such a transit as a reminder.

There are so-called planets of karma - Saturn and Pluto. But if events are clearly predetermined, then transits dwarf planet act in an almost incomprehensible, mystical way. During periods of influence of these planets, a person reaps previously activated karma. This means that we are dealing with previously formed thoughts and actions. In addition, you can form karma yourself, or, as astrologers say, “sow seeds.” All created developments can be successfully used in the future. Thus, the transits of Jupiter and Uranus coincide with the so-called sowing time. “What goes around comes around” is absolutely true folk wisdom. During this period, a person discovers his potential for future development.

Our publication has already mentioned transits and quadrants (quarters of the zodiac circle). The quadrants are divided into astronomical spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each period has three zodiac signs, starting with Aries. The spring quadrant symbolizes childhood with the dominant Ceres. People with a highlighted first quadrant in the natal horoscope definitely need a mentor. The second period with dominant Mercury represents youth, the third with dominant Chiron represents maturity, and the fourth (Neptune) represents old age. So, if a person has an autumn quadrant highlighted in his natal chart, he can become a pessimist in life, but only reveal his maximum potential in old age.


In our today's publication on astrology, we looked at concepts such as transits, what aspects are and how they form predictions. We hope our article was useful to you.

At the receiving station, the RF-8 does not allow the 8 kHz frequency to pass into the reception path of transmitted information; PF-8 selects this frequency, which is then supplied to the generating equipment. The main corrector (MC) is used for counting correction of the AFI of the linear path, the linear corrector (LC) corrects the AFI of the line. Automatic gain control is carried out by changing the gain of the auxiliary amplifier (AUS). Filter-D552 selects a useful frequency band after demodulation. The group amplifier (GAS) provides the required signal level for normal operation of the receiver; the diagram is shown in Fig. 5.28b.

The demodulator receives the signal from all 30 channels. The D-4 filter at the DM output separates the original signal and the control signal from the converted signals of the remaining channels. After amplification of these signals, the speech signal is separated from the control signal of the D-3.4 filter and is fed through the DS to the telephone exchange devices. The signal frequency of the release is PF-3.8 and enters the control unit, where it is amplified, rectified and supplied to the corresponding control devices.


Transit connections of channels. The sequential connection of two or more channels to ensure the exchange of information between points that do not have direct communication is called transit. According to its purpose transit connections(transits) are divided into permanent ones, which are carried out in the linear hardware shop (LAS) and temporary, implemented in the automation or semi-automatic shops for the transmission of one or more messages.

When organizing transits at the points where channels connect, it is necessary to have the same input impedances and measuring levels.

Backhaul connections can be made by connecting either individual channels (HF re-reception) or groups of channels (HF re-reception). Transit connections of individual channels are made in the frequency spectrum of 0.3...3.4 kHz using a two- or four-wire circuit. This type of transit is called individual or low frequency.

Two-wire low frequency backhaul connections are carried out at points with a relative level of -3.5 dBm. They are easy to implement and allow you to organize transit without the use of any additional devices. However, in in this case the number of sequentially connected closed-loop systems increases, which reduces the stability of the composite channel. This type of transit is not currently used.

Four-wire individual backhaul connections ( rice. 5.29) do not have the disadvantage noted above. As can be seen from the figure, for transit to occur, points with relative levels of +4 and -13 dBm must be connected. To ensure normal operation of the composite channel, extenders are turned on and the connection is made between points with measuring levels of -3.5 dBm. At the transit point, the DS are turned off. This type of transit is widely used on the network, since it practically does not limit the number of possible channel connections, which is especially important for automatic channel switching. However, it worsens the frequency response and phase response of the composite channel, which is explained by an increase in the number of sequentially connected channel PFs. Therefore, on each type of primary network their number is normalized.

Transit connection of groups of channels, or high frequency transit, carried out in the frequency spectra of the main groups. The peculiarity of transit is that there is no need to use individual equipment at the transit point. The number of conversion stages is reduced, noise and AFI are reduced compared to an individual transit connection.

To perform HF transit from one transmission system to another, appropriate equipment is required. It is designed to coordinate levels at transit implementation points, suppress currents of adjacent groups of channels, HF currents located inside the transmitted band, correct the frequency response and, if necessary, the phase response.

Group transit connections are carried out by primary, secondary and tertiary groups. Functional diagrams of the transit equipment of these groups of channels are shown in Fig. 1, respectively. 5.30 a.m. , b and in . Bandpass filters with passbands of 60.6...107.7 kHz (PG transit), 312.3...551.7 kHz and (VG) 812.6...2043.7 kHz (TG) suppress the currents of neighboring channel groups. At extreme frequencies, the filter has an attenuation of about 75 dB. Extenders coordinate transmission levels at transit points. Notch filters introduce significant attenuation at frequencies that coincide with the frequency frequency of the system into which the transit is introduced. Thus, they prevent false operation of the AGC system. Correctors correct the frequency response of a composite channel.

Transit connections of 12-, 60- and 300-channel groups are implemented respectively at the transit racks of PG, VG and TG.

Transits can be either permanent or temporary.

Rice. 5.29. Four-wire individual transistor connection

Rice. 5.30. Group transit connections: a-via PG - 12 channels; b-by VG -60 channels; v-po TG -300 channels

During high-frequency transit, the calling systems of the connected sections must be identical.

Channel allocation. The transmission system allows communication between points where the terminal equipment is installed. If it is necessary to organize communication between an end point and one of the intermediate points, the latter must have two sets of terminal equipment. However, this greatly increases the cost of highway construction and degrades the characteristics of channels not allocated in at this point. Channel allocation equipment (CAE) allows you to avoid the noted disadvantages. Channels are selected directly from the linear spectrum. The frequencies of the allocated channels in the linear spectrum are suppressed, and in their place new channels are introduced for communication either with subsequent allocation points or with the end station. Thus, AVC allows communication with both end stations via dedicated channels of the intermediate point.

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

During such a disharmonious transit, the native tries to withdraw into himself. He voluntarily isolates himself from society and plunges into pessimism and depression. He refuses the joys of life, is constantly dissatisfied with everything, loses all energy and initiative. People close to him are influenced by his negative mood, they constantly feel the effect negative emotions, upon meeting, the native demonstrates to them the coldness of his feelings and overt sarcasm. The next negative manifestations of this transit are hatred, grumpiness, intention to separate and poor health.

L.A. Filippova. Predictive astrology

Critical period in love relationships: cooling towards a partner or a partner towards him. Restraint and constraint in expressing feelings, dryness and secrecy in communication, concern about the financial situation, and a desire for privacy appear. Jealousy. Divorce. Lack of warmth, separation from loved ones, feelings of loneliness can become moral problem for a long time. It is possible to restore old connections - friendships and love.
In the negative aspects - depression, a heightened sense of loneliness, the feeling that he is abandoned by everyone and no one loves him.

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

IN best case scenario: transit does not affect the everyday level; rather, it is a period of contemplation of one’s feelings, deepening into oneself, and exploring one’s scale of values. good time for scientific studies. Collectors indulge in the contemplation of their treasures, and this brings a feeling of inner satisfaction and relief.
In the worst case: transit brings coldness, dislike, disharmony, emotional heaviness, cooling of relationships, lack of money. Everything is perceived in a gloomy light. There is a desire to retire, to isolate yourself from others.

Transit - Business

Closedness, secrecy, formal communication style. Contacts with the elderly proceed more favorably, influential people. If other aspects do not contradict this, visits to higher authorities, superiors, and official bodies are successful. The desire to protect yourself both emotionally and financially. This transit also indicates that obstacles and losses today will have a positive effect in the future. The burden of responsibility, debts and obligations will seem oppressive to you. Tendency to take part in solving other people's problems. Feeling of loneliness, lack of prospects. But the day is favorable for serious work, structuring production, improving discipline and quality of work. It may be necessary active participation V social activities.

Transit - Health

Feelings of loneliness, emotional depression, reserve and withdrawal. However, it is possible to improve the course of some diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Their treatment and various procedures are favorable, but not operations. A good day to visit the dentist, especially for dentures.

Transit - Love and family

The feeling of loneliness and lack of demand is aggravated by your distrust of the feelings of loved ones, restraint and isolation. Depending on the action of other aspects, both disappointments and separations (especially forced ones) are possible, as well as the strengthening of relationships, their development into strong and long-lasting ones.

Occurs once in a lifetime, since the second conjunction will be in 84 years.

Transit Uranus across the radix Sun.
A flash of creative insight. A person is capable of extreme decisions and actions and begins to realize his uniqueness. This explosive period can cause brain overstrain and lead to a stroke or heart attack.
In the negative aspect - eccentric behavior. All plans collapse. Danger from electricity, fire, explosions, lightning. On the physical level - insomnia.

Transit Uranus on the radix Moon.
Sudden changes in mood, a person does not know what he wants. Especially difficult period for women - unfulfilled desire can cause hysterics. Are escalating family relationships, especially among young people with parents. In the negative aspect - depression, uncontrollable emotions, the desire to do everything in defiance.

Transit Uranus on radix Mercury.
Climb mental activity and original thinking, creative insights, good luck and discoveries. In the negative aspect - unpredictable impulsive manifestations of all the qualities of Mercury with negative consequences (trials, notoriety).

Transit Uranus on radix Venus.
A man is looking for an unusual love, maybe unexpected love. Originally manifested in art. Strange relationships with others, a partner - old forms of relationships can be destroyed and new ones created. Unexpected financial success. The events of this period are marked by extraordinaryness and are remembered for a lifetime.
In the negative aspect, a strong need for renewal in love and friendship leads to the severance of family ties, scandals and quarrels. If Uranus and Venus were initially in tense aspects, there is a danger of rape.

Transit Uranus over radix Mars.
Tendency to impulsive, thoughtless actions, crisis situations. A person becomes brave, but reckless, and strives to overcome all obstacles on the fly. In the negative aspect - in order to achieve a goal, he is capable of cruelty, violence, fighting, and risk. Hazards from fire, electricity, lightning, explosions and sharp objects.

Transit Uranus over radix Jupiter.
An unexpected opportunity appears to travel and expand your education. The sphere of interests is expanding. A person actively struggles with routine, becomes more noticeable in society: he is celebrated, awarded, nominated. May give promotion for a random reason. A good time to move to a new job.
In the negative aspect, there is an uncontrollable desire to develop and expand at any cost. They can deceive you, drag you into lawsuits, and become notorious.

Transit Uranus over radix Saturn.
The sense of time changes, and a disruption in biorhythms may occur. There is a need for spiritual restructuring, physiological and material restructuring is underway. In the negative aspect, what seemed stable collapses, a person becomes undisciplined, he is threatened with loneliness, the danger of robbery, loss of money, disaster, hospital. This transit is especially dangerous in old age.

Transit Uranus according to radix Uranus.
Occurs around age 84. Gives alienation from the material world and liberation from worldly duties. Interest in the occult and mystical phenomena(especially problems of life after death, reincarnation).

Transit Uranus over radix Neptune.
Strengthens intuitive abilities, a penchant for imagination, unique ideas arise that are ahead of their time. A person can explore his previous lives, successfully engage in parapsychological research, or be involved in secret groups or organizations.
In the negative aspect - pipe dreams, disappointments from confronting the truth of life, slander and deception around, the danger of disaster, mental illness. This period is especially important for people with big amount planets in Aquarius.

Transit Uranus on radix Pluto.
There is an increasing desire to change existing conditions. In heavy extreme situations, associated with collective energy, where you need to take risks, self-control saves a person. Unexpected manifestations of unusual talents. In the negative aspect - danger from fire, explosions, electricity, underground disasters. Increased impulsiveness leads to nervous breakdowns and forces you to go to extremes. It is dangerous to be in an excited crowd.

Transit Uranus across radix Proserpine.
Irreversible changes in life: a person under the influence of an impulse can take unique solution, rebuild your whole life. Risk of disasters.

Transit Uranus according to radix Chiron.
A person skillfully adapts to any circumstances, changes tactics, makes new acquaintances, changes old relationships. He succeeds in everything he could not do before. There is a danger of getting confused in dual situations and getting too carried away by freedom. On the negative side - double life, deception of loved ones, lawsuits.

Transit Uranus according to radix Rahu.
Makes a person brighter, more independent. He clearly knows what he needs. Involved in new experiments and actively participates in them.

Transit Uranus according to radix Ketu.
A person becomes invisible, indecisive, his freedom is constrained by circumstances, any initiative fails. Loses faith in his own strength. Small troubles are perceived as major ones. Breaking contacts.

Transit Uranus according to radix Lilith.
Gives the seduction of freedom, freedom at any cost. Unbridled desires go against moral laws and lead to difficult changes in life. A person is drawn to risk, danger, and loses control over himself. The danger of accidents (especially road accidents) is also from electricity.

Transit Uranus according to radix Selena.
New ones may appear unique abilities, the gift of foresight. Man listens to inner voice, receiving help and warnings about danger. New ones appear faithful friends. Period high inspiration and creative inspiration.

Transit Uranus according to radix Asc.
A person strives for personal freedom, neglecting dangers. Heightened perception gives a new idea of ​​oneself, and interest in unusual activities arises. A push to a new stage in development. In the negative aspect, a person cannot adapt to new level, he simply becomes eccentric, unreliable in contacts and cooperation with unpredictable behavior.

Transit Uranus according to radix Dsc.
Active social activities, changes in personal relationships, success in cooperation. Unexpected marriage, new business partners. Dislike of manifestations of possessiveness and jealousy. In the negative aspect - disagreements with society, partners, breaks, conflicts, lawsuits. divorce or unsuccessful unexpected marriage.

Transit Uranus according to radix MC.
Changes the purpose of life. The unexpected rise of a person - recognition of his public or professional activity. Finding new methods in the profession or new job, there may be a change of profession. In the negative aspect - adventurism in professional or social activities.

Transit Uranus according to radix IC.
The desire for freedom in your own home, a change in relationships. Separation from family members or relocation is possible. In a positive aspect, karmic memory awakens, a person realizes past mistakes. In the negative aspect, he chops the branch on which he sits: he breaks the connection with home and roots. Home robbery.