Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to stop being an introvert and become an extrovert. Introversion is associated at best with modesty and at worst with self-centeredness and misanthropy.

Question from Daniel, Moscow:

What vectors predominate in introverts? Is it possible to go from an introvert to an extrovert?

Tatyana Sosnovskaya, teacher, psychologist answers:

Hello Daniel!

To answer your question, it is necessary to clarify that in Yuri Burlan's Systemic Vector Psychology, the concepts of "extraversion" and "introversion" are somewhat different from the traditional understanding.

AT traditional understanding The typical extrovert is an outward-facing person who is outgoing, emotional, talkative, and easy to form relationships. A person who needs communication, and loneliness bothers him. Rest for such a person must certainly be associated with communication: a party, guests, discos, friends, buddies ...

A typical introvert is a person "turned inward", closed, laconic, immersed in his thoughts. Such a person outwardly produces a feeling of unemotional. In situations of forced communication, he quickly gets tired. But he prefers to relax alone, immersed in his thoughts ...

From point of view systems-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, each of the eight congenital vectors has its own focus.

Muscular, anal, olfactory and sound vectors have an introverted orientation.

The skin, urethral, ​​oral and visual vectors have an extraverted orientation.

The manifestations of these tendencies in different vectors will be very different.


Man with muscle vector unconsciously divides the world into “us” and “them”, and also unconsciously feels an inner connection with “us”. He is capable of prolonged and severe physical labor and he doesn't need to talk much. But when all "their own" gather for a common holiday, then muscle man knows how to have fun!

Man with anal vector turned to the past, created by nature in order to accumulate and pass on knowledge to the next generation, to protect the house and everyone in it. For a person with an anal vector, his family and old trusted friends are of great importance. He can be a teacher at a school or university, a scientist absorbed in collecting information and searching for historical truth, or be a jack of all trades. He may seem unsociable, rude to others if he feels offended or underestimated. If everything is in order with the implementation, then he does not experience a lack of communication.

about a person with olfactory vector it is difficult to write, since it is, in principle, hardly noticeable. Therefore, outwardly, of course, he will not look sociable.

Here comes the introversion sound engineer, his detachment, immersion in his thoughts, his dislike for a noisy society will, on the contrary, be clearly noticeable. When Carl Gustav Jung described the signs of introversion, he, seeing them through himself, described the features that SVP defines as properties of the sound vector. A classic introvert is a person with a sound vector.


extraversion skin vector has a purely utilitarian character, it is aimed at the outside world on the principle of "benefit-benefit". A kozhnik, unlike an anal one, easily makes useful acquaintances, connections, easily adapts to new people and circumstances. For a word, it will not climb into your pocket.

urethral nature is intended to bestow, he gives himself to his "flock" in order to lead it into the future. Like a magnet, he attracts people who feel safe and protected under his leadership. His courage, generosity, prowess and recklessness, as well as his anger, always go beyond the usual limits accepted by society.

But the extraversion of a person with visual vector has completely different roots than the urethral. For a sociable and hyper-emotional viewer, loneliness is a small death. When there's no one to protect you from it dangerous world. Through emotional connections with other people, the viewer feels more secure. And depending on the degree of development, it either attracts attention to itself by all possible ways or gives his attention, love and care to other people.

To all extroverts, an extrovert is a person with oral vector. He just needs free ears to realize his species role, so he will always be where they are. And even he can only think aloud, provided that they listen to him.

Thus, from the point of view of system-vector psychology, extroverts and introverts are different. Their properties and internal motives of behavior, needs and relationships with people differ. And if we take into account that each of us is a carrier of several vectors, then the picture becomes much more complicated.

Is it possible to go from an introvert to an extrovert?

This question worries many. Perhaps behind this question is a desire to improve the quality of your communication.

Depending on the state of the vector, the implementation and feeling of being in society will differ significantly. For example, a person with anal vector in chronic state of resentment will experience tremendous difficulties in relationships. What can not be said about a person with a realized anal vector who will have a wonderful family, a favorite job, strong and reliable friends, despite the relative introversion.

A person with a developed and realized sound vector also will not experience difficulties in communicating with his surroundings. But if the sound vector is not implemented, they do not understand a person, they try to remake him, when he himself does not understand his nature and goes after false goals, then dissatisfaction accumulates, which will manifest itself in detachment and closeness. Up to complete isolation from other people and loss of ties with the outside world.

Another aspect is the following. The fact is that in one person vectors of different directions can be combined. For example, a common combination: anal-skin-sound-visual Human. AT different states can manifest itself in completely different ways. When active skin-visual a bunch of vectors is an emotional, sociable, easy-going extrovert. When is active anal-sound a bunch, he turns into a detached and thoughtful “introvert squared” immersed in himself.

No less striking differences will be observed in the combination of oral and sound vectors.

In the most paradoxical way, it manifests itself urethral-sonic bundle. The Greatest Geniuses of humanity, such as Mozart, Pushkin, Yesenin, Vysotsky, had this bundle in themselves, combining the incongruous: incredible love of life and passion of the urethral vector and complete isolation from the material world in the sound vector.

Since the sound vector is dominant, its shortages interfere with the realization of needs in other vectors. When the needs in our vectors are filled and fulfilled, a person feels happy, and your question, Daniel, is removed by itself.

Without understanding the peculiarities of the manifestation of vectors, a person, when passing the usual test for extraversion-introversion, usually receives an average result, which does not tell him anything, does not reveal the mechanisms, does not help to find ways out of the problem.

Training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan gives a clear understanding of the characteristics of one's psyche, its structure, needs and methods of implementation. A person who is aware of his mental features, knows how to manage his states, he easily switches from one bundle of vectors to another, from an introvert to an extrovert - as the situation requires, he is always adequate to the request of society. Thousands of people who have been trained write about such results.

The article is written based on the materials of the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Throughout life, a person changes in one way or another. Can an introverted introvert become a sociable extrovert and like companies? After all, they are often very accused of unwillingness to communicate.

What is the difference between extrovert and introvert

The standard traits that an extrovert is given are sociability and a desire for company. An introvert, on the contrary, tends to relax alone and communicate a little less with people. Extroverts are more emotional, and more often than not, they have exactly what is on their mind on their tongue. Some introverts don't know how to show their feelings at all, but for the most part, they just show them less often. This does not mean that introverts are not emotional. They are just a little more relaxed about extroverts.

Movable and active people, in which an inexhaustible supply of energy is felt, in most cases extroverts. Introverts, in contrast, accumulate energy, are less mobile and tend to conserve their strength. Often they tend to plan their actions, and some of them really do not like sudden changes.

Myths about introverts

Lack of emotion

Sure enough a large number of logical and rational people- introverts. But they are not dry chumps. Sometimes among them come across very sensual nature. Their principle is to experience feelings within oneself, analyze them and experience them without splashing out. Yes, they are a little secretive. But try to piss them off. You will be surprised how terrible they are in anger.

misanthropic feelings

Misanthrope and introvert - it's completely different concepts. Misanthropy is a misanthropic worldview. Introverts most often have a positive attitude towards people as such, but it is difficult for them to be under their influence for a long time. close attention, which is why they avoid companies, especially big ones. An introvert prefers to hang out with one or two friends alone.


Introverts are not like that because of their shyness. Shyness does not define their character, they know how to express themselves and are not afraid to be frank. They simply take decisive steps only after a long moral preparation. They are uncomfortable in a large society, not because they are afraid of themselves, but because they need energy for reflection and inner life. They cannot waste it in large quantities on noisy parties, clubs or other energy-intensive activities.

Can an introvert become an extrovert?

You can determine whether a person will be extroverted or introverted by medical research even a small child, because these qualities are determined by the brain. An extrovert has a positive attitude towards external stimuli and is resistant to them, while an introvert does not tolerate such interference, at least when it lasts for a long time.

Introversion is completely normal trait, it is no worse and no better than extraversion. In both cases, there are pros and cons. Since both of these traits are determined not so much by society as at the level of brain function, an introvert cannot become an extrovert, and vice versa. But people, in general, combine the features of both types of perception of the world. Some of them are just a little more dominant. A pronounced introvert, however, is quite capable of learning a little more and interacting better with people. Therefore, everything is in your hands.

It makes sense to remake yourself only when you either really want it, or you consider it necessary to acquire some of the traits of extroverts in order to build successful career.

Learn to listen to the interlocutor. Way to successful communication lies through the understanding of others. Therefore, it is important to be careful when speaking. Try to understand the essence of the person's story, take a closer look at his gestures and facial expressions. All this information will help you better understand the interlocutor.

Argument your own point of view. It is not enough to listen and understand a person. He needs to know about your position. It can be difficult for an introvert to master the art of holding a conversation. Some of them doubt the value of their words for others, hesitate to start a conversation or, if necessary, interrupt a person. However, practice will help you overcome possible communication barriers.

Be in community more often. If you want to become, you need to communicate more with other people. Adjust your schedule to free time. If you used to spend your weekends in, now is the time to go out, attend cultural events and devote part of your leisure time to communicating with friends or acquaintances.

Remember your value to others. Surely you have important knowledge or useful skills that can help other people. Think about the fact that your expert opinion will definitely be useful to your colleague, and therefore do not express it. Once you realize your important place in a team, it will be much easier to communicate with people.

Apply the following trick: sometimes it is enough just to appear to be someone, but not to be one. You can be an introvert at heart. Let depth, thoughtfulness, the ability for impartial analysis and indifference to the values ​​imposed by society be with you. But be a good actor. Since people prefer outgoing, more open members of society, and some decent professions require good communication skills, you just need to learn how to right time readjust and demonstrate the skills of an extrovert. This is how you maintain your own individuality and achieve your goals.

Try to find something interesting in those around you. Shift your gaze from your own inner world to the people and life outside. Perhaps you will enjoy studying the personalities of your loved ones, friends and colleagues, as well as pondering the secrets and laws of society. This is a big step towards becoming an extrovert.

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Extrovert and introvert are the main concepts of Carl Jung's theory. Today they are familiar to almost everyone. Simply put, they characterize people as sociable and withdrawn. Who is more needed for energy balance?

People have been racking their brains over how people actually work from time immemorial. Hippocrates, Galen, Freud, Jung... You must have noticed that some people are brave from birth, others are cowardly. There are quick-tempered, shy, there are leaders from the cradle and those who are only able to obey. People are individual, but there are qualities that are manifested in the same way for everyone, they are called typical in psychology.

Particularly interesting is the classification of types according to Jung. He divided people into extroverts and introverts. Today, these concepts are already widely known, extroverts include sociable people, introverts - closed.

Extroverts easily take root in society, become its inseparable part. They are easily influenced, follow the accepted principles and are quite happy. All the energy of an extrovert is directed at people, objects, events. An introvert, on the contrary, absorbs energy, is guided by purely personal feelings and emotions. He lives in the inner world, which is much more important to him than the outer. Knowledge received from the outside has no value in itself, they are important only if they matter for subjective reality.

Carl Jung leads very rich example. When it gets cold, the extrovert, using information from outside (thermometer readings, news from the hydrometeorological center), dresses warmer. The introvert, having delved into his subjective concepts, decided that it is good for health to temper and dress lightly.

What's better?

Energy balance requires both extroverts and introverts. It should be noted that a person cannot be alternately one or the other. But this does not mean that introverts sit in a dark room and extroverts are always in public. Everyone needs both communication and moments of solitude.

Interestingly, Jung argued that this character trait is innate, but not inherited. For example, an introverted child may be born in a family of extroverts, or vice versa. Certainly it won't be easy. But retraining is not recommended. Since natural data is important for a person. Severe consequences can cause discord with oneself already in adulthood. Such people suffer from neuroses, they are constantly in search of themselves, they are unsuccessful. Therefore, it is not worth fighting with nature.

Only harmony is better

In the world, of course, extroverts are luckier and more successful. After all, this is sociability, openness, the ability to tie and support useful links are indispensable qualities for a successful career.

What to say about introverts? Jung on this occasion good example. When they say about a great discovery that it was made a hundred years ago, and they learned only now, we can safely say that the scientist was a “complete” introvert.

But if an extrovert happens to be next to an introverted scientist, then society will know about the discovery in a timely manner. So it turns out that each of them has its own purpose, a balance, so to speak.


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The term "introvert" is latin origin. It was formed from the words intro - "inside" and vertere - "turn". That is, an introvert is a person focused on his inner world. It is often difficult for him to communicate, he does not like to be in sight, in the center of attention. It is unrealistic for an introvert to be frank with other people, to open his soul. Therefore, an introvert may seem from the outside an arrogant person, although this is far from the case.

What are the characteristics of an introverted person?

Such a person as is characterized by the habit of carefully considering his every word, analyzing his every act, as well as the words and deeds of other people with whom he contacts in life. Therefore, an introvert is usually the responsible person, not prone to adventures, unnecessary risk. On the other hand, at the same time, he often comes to real self-discipline, being afraid to make a mistake, or elevating any trouble to the category of a universal disaster. And all this an introvert experiences inside, without giving vent to emotions. It is not surprising that they are often subject to nervous strain, stress, and depression.

Thanks to the prudence of introverts, the habits of carefully calculating everything, they make good performers.

And because of the fear of making a mistake and avoiding publicity, it is almost impossible for an introvert to become a good organizer.

When meeting new people, an introvert feels uncomfortable, prefers to remain silent or is limited to mean neutral phrases. Time must pass before he takes a closer look at new acquaintances and decides how he should behave with them.

An attempt to talk an introvert, bring him to frankness will almost certainly end in failure. After all, he opens his soul only to the closest people, and even then not completely, reluctantly. That is why the reputation of unsociable, even arrogant subjects not of this world is often assigned to introverts.

The introvert feels most comfortable in his native walls, where he can completely immerse himself in the concentration of his inner world.

How to communicate with introverted children

Often, introvert children have misunderstandings, conflicts in their own family, especially if their parents are pronounced (that is, sociable, energetic people who easily make external contacts). Worried that their child is an unsociable, silent, homebody, parents force him to talk to them as often as possible, communicate with other children, attend circles, various sections, thereby causing him severe mental trauma. It is clear that parents act out of good intentions, but we must not forget the saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Introvert children especially need a sensitive, careful approach, taking into account their characteristics.

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Introverts have many advantages that they need to take advantage of in order to be successful in social life.

It is known that introverts are often shy, sensitive, tend to think, analyze, process information. Communication is not the best forte in the personality of an introvert, therefore, he loses to an extrovert in the ability to establish contacts, negotiate, organize, etc. On top of that, many introverts report insecurities. Agree that in our tense, competitive society with such qualities it is more difficult to take your place under the sun.

However, introverts have several advantages to take advantage of:

1. Use your intuition.

The personality of an introvert is arranged in such a way that, whether he understands it or not, he processes great amount information from the environment. Therefore, he is always more aware of everything that is happening around him, from emotional manifestations other people, and ending with understanding what moment is best for this or that action. It perfectly captures the hidden influence of any process and many other details, including minor ones, which escape attention due to its straightforwardness.

An introvert always has an advantage in all activities where it is important to rely on one's feelings, intuition, information that needs to be passed through oneself, systematized, etc. Therefore, introverts can become high-class designers, psychologists, masseurs, consultants in many areas and directions. Also, the whole world of creative professions is available to them, since intuitive knowledge and self-expression are appropriate and necessary in them.

2. Use a deep understanding of the situation.

An introvert always understands better when and how to influence a situation so as not to spend a lot of energy on it, better understands the motivation of another person and possible approaches to it, etc. The extrovert lacks this understanding and in best case will work through trial and error.

The understanding of the introvert is always deeper and larger than the understanding of the extrovert, he more understands the essence of phenomena and events, as well as their true causes. This information and its proper use can provide numerous benefits in many areas.

Where the extrovert will break spears long and hard, the introvert will be able to right moment point effort to achieve the desired result.

Even great kings always had advisers who gave wise advice in difficult situations. Very much depended sometimes on such advisers. And this is just the function of an introvert.

3. Find an extrovert partner and work together.

In fact, an extrovert needs an introvert as much as an introvert needs an extrovert. They complement each other perfectly. What is easy for one person is difficult for another and vice versa. The work of an extrovert and an introvert in a pair is an order of magnitude more effective than the same activity alone by the same two people. Where, one sees the big picture, and the other is ready to act in the right direction, there is a very balanced action leading to the chosen goal.

In psychology, there are two types of personality - extroverted and introverted. The first is outward-oriented, on interaction with people. The second is fundamentally different: its activity is inward and focused on reflection and imagination. What is this mysterious creature - an introvert?

An introvert feels most comfortable when alone. He is prone to inner experiences, dreams. Outwardly, he may seem insecure and passive. In fact, he is characterized by deep reflection, and his activity is manifested in intellectual research, and not in actions. Most often, prolonged communication with others turns into real stress for an introvert, so it is better for him to work alone. Such people make excellent writers, researchers, scientists, travelers.

As a rule, an introvert is punctual and even pedantic. He is characterized by restraint, prudence and laconicism. If an introvert thinks that he has nothing to say, he will remain silent and will not carry on the conversation. An introvert does not like to waste time exchanging pleasantries and scraping, so it can come across as rude. In communication, he appreciates naturalness and honesty. Often this is impossible, and adapting to other people is extremely tiring for an introvert.

Introvert avoids demonstrative behavior, which is why it is often considered . But he is not afraid of people. He needs a reason to contact. He does not seek fellowship for the sake of fellowship. An introvert does not make friends easily, but if he considers someone a close person, then he becomes his most faithful ally. Introvert grasps new information on the fly. He loves to puzzle over challenging tasks and willingly shares his discoveries with a good friend.

An introvert is an individualist to the core. He does not seek to think and act like everyone else and makes decisions based on his own vision of the situation, and not generally accepted opinion. Because of this, others sometimes consider him strange. An introvert's idea of ​​entertainment often does not coincide with the opinion of other people. What seems boring to them brings pleasure and joy to an introvert. He does not need an adrenaline rush and thrills. Being in the thick of things, an introvert most often withdraws into himself.

Behavior strategy with an introvert

A person who does not understand an introvert willingly writes off his behavior as a disgusting character, eccentricity and dislike for people. But you can not blame him for. The most important thing is not to forget that introverts are not made, they are born. You can’t change an introvert, and there’s no need to. When communicating with an introvert, you should not be intrusive with him and call for a sincere conversation. You should show him interest and sympathy, ask questions, but without fanaticism. Often an introvert needs some time to formulate a response, and silence on his part does not mean that he is moving away from the conversation.

An introvert is a vulnerable person. He acutely feels the misunderstanding and condemnation of others and can long time worry about this. He may not show it, but inside he experiences a real emotional storm that will leave an imprint in his soul for a long time. An introvert is easily pushed away by violating his personal space and daily routine. You should not burst into it without warning or demand to break away from the place without prior preparation.

To find mutual language with an introvert is not easy, but it's worth it, because it inner world incredibly rich, thoughts are interesting, and feelings are deep.

Today in the blog another post from the series "question-answer". Very important for anyone who considers themselves to be introverts. You remember that you can also ask your own question, right? How to do this, read below, but for now, let's talk about the difficulties in communication and how not to exhaust all your energy reserves, while remaining open. I think that extroverts will also learn something useful for themselves here, in particular, a few more instructions for using us, introverts :)

Marina, I want to ask you about how an introvert (and you wrote more than once that you are an introvert) communicate so much and generally be “outside”, answer the same questions, talk about life. You look like a very harmonious person, it seems to me that you succeed in all this (but I don’t, it’s hard to be “on the air” all the time: both on the Internet and in life), so please tell us.

Yes, we introverts are complex creatures! And it can be very difficult for extroverts to understand why we don’t want to go somewhere, “try new things” or, for example, answer some questions. Many consider us boors, because we (and this is a great achievement for us, which cost a lot of work !!!) honestly voice our emotions and have learned to refuse, protecting our borders.

An introvert is often a “giver”: energy, strength, time. It seems to me that despite O More closeness, introverts take everything in their life more seriously, it is difficult for them to “not take it into their heads”.

Therefore, an introvert is often someone who cannot “just like that” listen about the problems of another, not get emotionally involved, getting off with just a couple of easy phrases and forgetting about it in a minute. If he has already decided to get out of the cocoon, then he takes to heart everything that happens around, with which he came into contact, that fell into the field of his attention. That is why communication is sometimes so difficult for us.

It's even worse when "strangers" want to get into our personal space. Because we need not to give at least something, to leave at least some island of security for ourselves. We need a secluded corner to catch our breath, to recover, to be in peace and quiet. Most often, this corner is our family, our home, and, of course, our own thoughts and experiences, in which we get used to hiding from the world from childhood.

And this is normal! Just allow yourself this, do not make excuses to anyone. As they say, if you need to explain, you don't need to explain. Those people who are not ready to accept your boundaries are simply not your people, you do not go along with them. Don't take it as a loss.

After all, experience cannot be salted, like cucumbers in jars, when the time comes, it must be released in order to make room inside oneself, so that this whole process of accumulation is not in vain, so that everything that happened can work not only for you, but also for others.

It was not easy for me to open up, but step by step, through experience, I determined within what limits it was comfortable for me and, most importantly, why I needed it.

I accepted my peculiarity that in interaction with people, energy flows more from me than towards me. I learned to give and accept the fact that later I would need to recover in other ways. It is important to know these ways, it is important to understand yourself and your energy flows. Where does it go, where does it come from, how quickly and how to help it. It is important to treat this with respect, listen to yourself and always take into account energy needs of your body when you plan your time and some serious energy-intensive activities.

But why all these difficulties? Why not stop giving back then? Don't shut yourself up? I have often observed how many people go through similar experiences to mine, how many did not see a way out in situations that I slowly learned to cope with. I am most often driven by a desire to help, which is stronger than "energy greed."

When you see how your words or your knowledge germinate in others, it gives the feeling that you are not living in vain.

You feel this return with some delay, but sometimes very on time. On bad days, I almost always get some kind of warm letter or feedback on the course in the mail, sometimes unexpected parcels or postcards arrive, and the fact that someone was not too lazy to do all this for me is important! I have already ceased to be surprised at such synchronicity - the Universe is wiser than you and me.

And I also learned to monetize my desire and (to be modest) the ability to give, to help. The monetary equivalent is important, it symbolizes the value of what you do. Well, and, of course, it can be used for something that fills - development, recreation, travel, healthy and wholesome food, and much more.

And then, drop by drop, I began to learn to accept myself in my imperfection. After all, I do not stay in what I myself would like to change, I try to develop, and this is the most important thing!

And this path of change is as priceless a part of me as the point I'm going to.

It soon became clear that, . What exactly is the experience of searching and failing (if there are failures in life at all, which, by the way, I do not believe in) - this is what is often so important for people to hear. I learned not to consider it something bad or shameful, I stopped evaluating it in any way, simply accepting it as part of myself, and talking about my real life and real thoughts became easier. I think this should be a separate post :)

It is easy to offend and deeply hurt an introvert, mirroring his own doubts and inner dissatisfaction to him. But a person prone to reflection has many such moments. But, having agreed with myself, I became more indifferent to the blows "on the sick", and I am no longer so afraid to open up - after all, I did not promise anyone to be perfect and, first of all, I did not promise this to myself!

So the path to harmony, as usual, lies through understanding yourself, accepting how everything is arranged inside you, and the ability to build your life around your features - with all respect and awe for them.

And if your choice is not to be on the air, this is also normal, they live with it :) But for some reason you want this, so try to find a communication format that gives more than it takes! Here is such an entertaining introverted mathematics.

And, of course, I remind you about, one of the most popular posts on this blog.

Friends, share your experience, supplement what I have said, there are many of us, introverts, and it is important for all of us to see what is different ways existence in this world that fills us, not devastates us!

And if you want to ask your question, send it to the address [email protected] with the subject "Question and Answer" and an indication whether it is possible to publish your letter in the blog.

Why post a letter? In this case, I will be able to answer it in more detail and comprehensively, and readers will be able to supplement and enrich my answer, and I think this is priceless! But if you would like to receive an answer in private, I will also be glad to receive your letter and hope that I can be of service to you.

Imagine that you work in a team that is commonly called friendly and united. Joint corporate parties and collective field trips, discussion of something interesting that is not directly related to the work process, just cute chatter about nothing during a break - all this is in the order of things.

And suddenly a person appears in your team who does not want to participate in all this mess, i.e. " public life". He simply comes to work, conscientiously fulfills his duties, communicates with colleagues only because of operational necessity, and tries to skip joint informal events under any pretext. Moreover, he has such a look that he doesn’t want to come up again: either gloomy, or offended. At the same time, he can work really well and a lot, come up with initiatives and practical proposals, but will he be accepted in the team? Will it arouse suspicion?

At best, such a person will be considered "weird" and left alone, but will be kept in a certain isolation and is unlikely to be offered a leadership position or promotion. At worst, they will try to get rid of it, because it is not clear how to build with it teamwork and interact in general.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this man. He is not a psycho, not a sociopath, and in general, he can treat others very well. He's just an introvert.

To begin with, introversion is not “good” or “bad.” It's just a feature of the body, like the color of the hair or the shape of the nose. Only this feature concerns not appearance, but the method nervous system respond to stimuli, i.e. environment and adapt to it.

You will be surprised, but there will definitely be people who will be captivated by your idea. More than one example is already known when, thanks to this service, people found not just like-minded people, but acquired business partners and even investors. And all this without personal meetings, offline presentations and other PR.

Thus, you will be able to acquire an extrovert partner for the development of your business, who will take over the public presentation part of the work. After all, you understand that for further “promotion” you cannot do without it, so why not delegate this part of the work to someone who really knows how and loves to do it?

It seems that an introvert inherently cannot become a leader, manager, public person Because it goes against his nature. In fact, to say so is the same as saying that a person with a non-model appearance cannot become an actor.

Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Harrison Ford, Mark Zuckenberg, Mahatma Gandhi, Steven Spielberg, Marilyn Monroe, Elon Musk - all these people are introverts. Has this prevented them from becoming prominent, famous, even cult figures? Not at all. An introverted leader is not nonsense. Often, such individuals manage to play this role better than recognized extroverts.

How do they do it?

In fact, introverts have a lot of advantages over extroverts:

  • They are accustomed to think carefully and formulate their thoughts before they say or do something.
  • They are more attentive to the surrounding people and the environment, which means they are able to more objectively assess the situation in which they are.
  • They can easily build trusting relationship one on one, gathering around him not a crowd of fans, but a reliable circle of like-minded people.
  • They are able to process large amounts of information and work "for the result", not paying attention to personal ambitions.
  • Occupying a leading position, they strengthen it not by superiority over others, but by increasing their own prestige through the exchange of information, strengthening ties, caring for their employees and subordinates.
  • And finally, introverts understand that in order to achieve a certain position, they need more time to practice the necessary skills, study, therefore, as a rule, they are rarely amateurs in their field.

Image is nothing?

Although, of course, introverts still have to, if not learn to be extroverts, then at least pretend to be them. Unfortunately, society is organized in such a way that often the first impression of a person plays a decisive role in further communication and cooperation with him.

Thus, in different situations, the purpose of which can largely be defined as "make a favorable impression", the introvert will have to play by the general rules for some time.

At an interview or business negotiations, at the first personal meeting with partners and in other similar situations will have to pay attention

  • On your image, and this applies not only appearance, but also the things that you surround yourself with during such a conversation - from accessories and car brands to the place where this meeting will be held.
  • On the manner of conducting the dialogue and its content.

However, if an introvert needs to play the role of an extrovert, he can do it brilliantly. True, he will need to comprehensively study the question of "how it happens with them" and carefully prepare accordingly.

Claim that an introvert striving for success has less problems than an extrovert would be unfair. Yes, there are problems, and they will have to be solved. This needs to be recognized and accepted.

This does not mean that you need to set a goal to become an extrovert - such a metamorphosis is hardly possible even for physiological reasons. However, there is still a solution. Its essence is to understand your strengths and weak sides and learn to compensate for the latter at the expense of the former.

One more thing that any introvert needs to take for granted: without interacting with people in modern world it is almost impossible to achieve anything, so you still have to look for the best ways and means of interaction.

Here are just a few solutions that will help an introvert find the right strategy for interacting with people:

  • Bet not on PR, but on the quality of the final result of your activity. By impressing or surprising other people, you will get them to want to talk about you and what you do. Give them that opportunity by sharing your successes with people.
  • Provide for yourself the opportunity to restore resources after you feel that they are running out.
  • Think not about how difficult it will be to perform this or that action, but about the result. Focus on results helps to focus on the task and distract from annoying factors arising in the process of its solution.
  • Avoid teamwork. Remember that meetings, negotiations, presentations and communication are only a small part of collective activity. The main thing is the final “product” created as a result of common work. The advantages of a team game for an introvert is that in a team he has the opportunity to leave the external, “presentative” part of the activity to someone else, and he himself can do what he really knows how to do.
  • Get out of your comfort zone: meet new people, learn how to talk on the phone, master other skills that extroverts possess - this will not only help your business, but will also contribute to the development of your personality. Come up with tricks that help you, even though they look unusual - the main thing is that they work.

By the way, in mastering new skills, acquiring the necessary skills and overcoming different kind difficulties, the goal setting service can serve as an excellent working tool to help you approach existing problem solve it comprehensively and effectively.