Biographies Characteristics Analysis

In what form is the fairy tale the sleeping princess written. V. A. Zhukovsky: childhood and the beginning of creativity. The story of the sleeping princess. Heroes of a literary fairy tale. general description of work

For 14 years (1831-1845) Zhukovsky wrote 6 fairy tales. They are inspired different sources- fairy tales by Charles Perrault ("The Sleeping Princess", "Puss in Boots"), the Grimm brothers ("The Tulip Tree"), ancient Greek epic ("The War of Mice and Frogs"), Russian folklore ("The Tale of Tsar Berendey", "Ivan prince and the gray wolf).

The epic cycle of works by V. Zhukovsky begins with fairy tales. In the summer of 1831, he, Pushkin and Gogol lived in Tsarskoye Selo - Pushkin worked on his Tales, Gogol wrote Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. As if competing with Pushkin, Zhukovsky writes his fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess". Using a French source, he remakes the tale in a Russian way. Both the “hospitable” Tsar Matvey and the description of the palace way of life are very reminiscent of Russian folk tales:

If not for the hatred that blinds her, Malevola would have defeated everyone. But since this is a classic for children, it would be unfair to cut off the wings of the imagination to show that in real life almost always, it's the villain who wins. Besides, we are talking not about evil witches, dragons, or whatever we blame for our suffering and suffering. The real villain walks side by side with us, even if we do not immediately feel his presence.

Yet it exists and meets the simple name of ignorance! You may have heard this introduction several times in the stories you loved as a child. But my life is not at all romantic, like fairy tales. For me, all this existed only in books. She lived with my uncles, was a good student, had great friends. Until suddenly everything changed. Imagine that you wake up one day and find that the world you think is real is nothing but a dream.

The king, having issued such a law,

Started drinking and eating and sleeping

Started to live and live

As far as without worries.

The portrait of the princess also goes back to Russian folk tales:

Black stripe curls

Wrapped around the forehead ...

On an airy, thin camp

A light sarafan is thrown;

Scarlet lips are burning ...

And if all the people you met in life were just an invention and when you wake up you realize you don't know where you live, that you never saw who's on your side, much less that you don't know where is the love of your life If you ever go through this, know that you are not the only one. That Paula Pimenta has an enviable resume is undeniable, but what is unusual about her writing? Does she captivate her readers with stories, full of romance and humor? Or is it because she maintains a direct connection with her readers, always responding to everyone with such love?

Compressed in light boots

Legs are a miracle of beauty.

Throughout the story, a slight irony, a sly mockery persists:

And, to take away trouble,

He gives this command:

"Forbidden from us

Sow flax in our kingdom,

Spin, twist, so that the spindles

The spirit was not in the houses;

So as soon as possible straight

Or perhaps Paula Pimenta is actually hiding the magic, the secret that can make stories so simple in such surreal, grandiose and well thought out things? And it's not just that she never read any of her works.

I have a certain fear of reading very popular books. In The Sleeping Princess, we will remember the story of Aurea, who is already known to us as the Sleeping Beauty. However, in this re-reading, we recognize a completely different and unusual version created by Paula Pimenta. Our real "princess" becomes part of royalty from the moment her parents fall in love and decide to get married. Auria's father meets his future wife through his French friend Marie Malleville, Aura's mother-in-law. Name royal family can make an impact, although Aura's father doesn't have much affinity with the royal family.

Send everyone out of the kingdom."

Zhukovsky departs from the French fairy tale. They forgot to invite the last 8 fairy (Zhukovsky has 12 sorceresses), but here they couldn’t or didn’t want to:

The king has twelve dishes

Precious, golden

It was in the royal storerooms;

Prepared dinner;

And there is no twelfth

(Who stole it,

However, he may enjoy many benefits, but with them come the regrets of being part of such a traditional and powerful family. Marie was unhappy with the marriage, as she had feelings for Auria's father, but her love was not reciprocated. And guess who will play the bad witch? This was agreed by Marie Malleville.

The lunatic starts stalking the family threatening Death Gold and stating that she will leave her alone after Aura is 18 years old. Join 2 2 and you can imagine what will suffer from Gold in next chapters. Desperate, Aurea's parents take a drastic approach: they decide to fake the princess's death and let her gain new life even if she is away from her family. From Aurea Rosanna Bellora, her name is Anna Rosa Lopez. New identity for a new life on the lands of the Tupinins.

Not aware of this).

“What is there to do? - the king said. -

So be it!” and did not send

He invites the old woman to the feast.

A truly simple, but "wise" decision was made - no dish, no guest. Yes, and the magic dream of the princess Zhukovsky extended up to 300 years (instead of a hundred). 300 years have passed - but nothing has changed in the way of life of Tsar Matvey, so humorously described by the poet:

Exiled in Brazil and forced to live away from her parents, Aurea's life is far from the glamor of a princess. Over the years, it becomes even more difficult for her, as her uncles do not allow Aurea to lead normal life like any teenager. All this to protect her from the neurotic and psychopathic Marie.

But enough yelling, because the Sleeping Princess doesn't even come close to a dramatic story. He mounts a horse to free the princess? This is a modern prince because history is being reread. Aurea's discovery of love is one of the sweetest moments in the story.

The king goes to the stairs;

Walking, leading

He is the queen in their rest;

Behind the retinue is the whole crowd;

Guards with guns knock;

Flies fly in flocks;

Lovely dog ​​barks;

The stable has its own oats

The good horse is eating...

Everything that has happened…

In his fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess" (as in other fairy tales), Zhukovsky deliberately renounces romantic daydreaming. In his fairy tale, written in four-foot trochee with only male rhymes (there is also an internal rhyme: “moths dance, sparkle”; “curl, foam, murmur”) Zhukovsky introduces folklore motifs(“began to live and live”, “honest old woman”, “a long time ago”, “child daring royal son”); colloquial speech(“and they didn’t let her swear without a way”, “so that the spindles of the spirit were not in the houses”, “not behind the princess’s foot”); folk fairy-tale formulas (“what can neither be told in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen”, “wine ran down the lips, not a drop fell into the mouth”), but the general color of the fairy tale cannot be called “common folk”, Russian.

The funny thing is that as much as you want to contain little smiles, you can't help but sigh while reading. The Sleeping Princess is a fluffy book with an easy and enjoyable read and has simple, fluid language that is easy to grab your attention. Because the story is relatively short, you should be able to finish reading in a few hours.

Since every fairy tale that tells the story of Paula Pimenta is still a cliché, but the question remains that does not want to shut up: So what? What's the problem with cliches? What else we learn, there are cliché stories, and this is not the prerogative of fairy tales. But what we really need to emphasize is that the author will make sure that his story is not one of many. Follow the cake recipe ready? Not all questions are answered.

As a rule, we know the portrait of Pushkin made by Kiprensky, but the portrait of Zhukovsky is no less successful. He is depicted as it should be depicted by a romantic poet: in a natural pose, with eyes dreamily turned to heaven, against the backdrop of a free landscape (cloudy sky, carelessly drawn trees, ruins - a romantic landscape with the stamp of antiquity). Zhukovsky's hairstyle in this portrait is also romantic, thoughtfully shaggy. This is not by chance. The image of a romantic is just that - standing against the backdrop of ruins, looking at the sky, is somewhat disheveled.

Paula Pimenta creates a delightful story with charming characters bringing all the magic of fairy tales to date. Big difference in that we can idealize these characters, there is no such separation between dream and reality. That's why Paula Pimenta is her. Perhaps we will meet so many interesting stories, like this. The publication of the book is another positive development.

The cover is beautiful as well as the other illustrations contained within. Walt Disney World is truly a world. Through their parks, films, drawings and characters, they tell stories that captivate and make anyone dream. Disney also takes us to the world of fairy tales with their princesses, so beautiful and even so great friend from friend. And it's not just a look or life story of every Disney - their names have also been selected. And what does each of them mean?

Such an image of the world and the poet was introduced into Russian poetry by Zhukovsky himself, largely with the help of his Western colleagues - the Germans, the British, whom he willingly translated.

In order to be engaged in translations, it was necessary to get a good education, but Zhukovsky was not born either. an educated person, nor a poet. His childhood was not quite normal. Zhukovsky's father is the Russian landowner Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin (Fig. 2), and his mother is a captive Turkish woman Salha, whom the serf Bunina brought from the war.

Her name means "full grace" and "blessed". Its origin is Hebrew and, widely used by the English, is an alternative to An, which is the most common variant in Brazil. Ariel, in addition to being one of the Disney princesses, is also a beautiful mermaid - and for some time her human life. With her true friends at the bottom of the sea, by Linguado and Sebastian, the mermaid is always trying to solve the problems she gets into. However, after she got married, she had to take care of her daughter, who from childhood had the same adventurous and lively style as her mother.

Rice. 2. Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin ()

The story of Zhukovsky's birth is quite romantic. Zhukovsky was an illegitimate child, and his last name, by which we know this person, is not real. He was adopted by a friend of his father, a man dependent on him, a poor landowner Zhukovsky. Despite the fact that at that time Vasily was considered illegitimate, he was treated very well in the family, they took care to give him good upbringing and education.

Ariel means "mischievous spirit" which fits perfectly with the character's personality. From Latin origin this name has more than one meaning - "dawn", "that which is like the rising of the sun", "that which is born in the east", or "that which shines like gold". Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty is a naive and passionate young woman for her life, until at the age of 15 she spits her finger into a stinger and falls into a deep sleep until he is awakened by your true love's kiss.

As mentioned in the title, Bela means "beautiful", "charming", or simply "beautiful". In addition to these meanings, this name means "caste", "pure", "oath of God and dedicated to Him." Bela may also be a diminutive of Isabela, a name of Italian origin. In the movie Bela - the protagonist in great story. Very smart and diligent, the young woman is beautiful inside and out, but she doesn't care about appearance people, so much so that she falls in love with the Beast.

Zhukovsky studied at the Moscow Noble Boarding School at Moscow University (Fig. 3). Subsequently, Lermontov, for example, studied there.

Rice. 3. Moscow University Noble Boarding School ()

Zhukovsky learned languages ​​there, learned drawing and some other disciplines that were obligatory for a noble youth.

Snow White

Snow White is a beautiful princess, skin as white as snow, with cheeks and red lips like the color of blood and hair, and black eyes. Snow White makes seven very special friends, each with their own unique characteristics. On a terrible night of a storm, after White bites into a poisoned apple, his seven friends do everything to reach the evil witch. Branca is a Portuguese name meaning "alva", "frank" and "pura".

Cinderella is one of the most famous Disney princesses! She was very happy child until the death of his father. When this happens, she begins to live only with her stepmother and her two angry and envious daughters. From this point on, Cinderella's life becomes very difficult, as she is the "bitch" of the house. He is always littered with ashes and does housework, so his name makes sense because Cinderella means "little ashes". Despite this, the character has always faced the days with great optimism and happiness, always close to his friends Tata, mice, Bruno, his dog and many other animals who love it!

After graduating from the boarding school Zhukovsky on a very a short time was in service. He was an office worker, as they would say now. This work was completely contraindicated for such a poetic and independent person what was Zhukovsky. All this ended rather quickly: the boss was rude to him - Zhukovsky answered sharply. So abruptly that he was put under arrest. After that, he immediately resigned, went to the village and since then has been engaged in literature. To be precise, in later life he was not only engaged in literature. There was also teaching work, and his students were members royal family, which he has become close to for some time.

Elsa is the older sister of Princess Anna from the Frozen Snow Adventure. Elsa, whose name means "noble", has the power to create ice and then becomes Snow Queen. You can tell the name wasn't chosen at random, right?! With Arabic origin, Jasmine means the same as Jasmine - a very beautiful and fragrant flower. Jasmine, Princess of Avraah, is a very brave and adventurous young woman who wants to be free to enjoy the normal things of life and find her true love.

After all, she really likes her bow and arrow. Merida was a character created to refer to the power of women - even though the title "damsel in distress" doesn't fit with her at all. Therefore, nothing less than it should be, Merida means "a woman who has reached a place of honor." Mulan means "prosperous magnolia" in Chinese, and this meaning has a lot to do with the protagonist, if we consider that flowering is the same as maturing and taking responsibility.

The work of Zhukovsky's life, his main work is a literary work. Zhukovsky's mentor in literature was Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, a poet, historian, prose writer, the head of Russian sentimentalists (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin ()

Young Mulan, seeing that her father, weakened in old age, is summoned imperial army, decides to cut his hair, wear armor, and pretend to be a man throughout the war, as if he were the old man's "son". Strong and fearless, Mulan was not born into royalty, but won the admiration of the Emperor of China and the entire Empire through what he did for his father.

Pocahontas is an indigenous name, an Algonquian language and means "playful". This Disney character was inspired by a legend telling a story indian woman named Matoaka, who falls in love and marries English man. In addition, she has the ability to talk with spirits! Rapunzel is known to be the name of a beautiful young woman with white skin, green eyes and long blond hair. When Rapunzel was born, Gothel discovered that her hair had magical powers and therefore kidnapped the child.

He became an older friend of Zhukovsky.

Mine literary path Zhukovsky began with translations and alterations. In his creative heritage quite a lot of translations. He was made literary famous by the "Elegy", which is an arrangement of the "Elegy written in the rural cemetery" English poet Gray. A few years after the release of "Elegy", Vasily Andreevich became a serious literary figure - the editor of an authoritative literary magazine. The first translations of his ballads are published there. German language, and later his own original ballads.

In 1812, Zhukovsky became very famous thanks to the poem “A Singer in the Camp of Russian Soldiers” written during the war with Napoleon (Fig. 5). Zhukovsky himself was also in the army at that time, in the ranks of the militia.

Rice. 5. F.A. Roubaud. Fragment of the panorama "Battle of Borodino" ()

This poem made him famous throughout the country, because it was patriotic and presented everything that happened in sublime, poetic, attractive colors. Thanks to this poem, Zhukovsky became a poet, beloved by the authorities, close to the royal family.

Vasily Zhukovsky was gentle man and in every way he tried with his poems and other deeds to soften morals, to make the life of Russia less cruel. He succeeded. For example, he was the tutor of the heir to the throne - the future Tsar Alexander II (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Alexander II in his youth ()

He followed him curriculum. He taught him, tried to ensure that Alexander had fewer military subjects and more humanitarian ones (history, literature, etc.).

Zhukovsky traveled with the heir in Russia and beyond. They spent quite a lot of time together. Zhukovsky, of course, influenced the boy. Becoming sovereign, Alexander II canceled serfdom spent a few more liberal reforms which sufficiently thoroughly softened the cruelties of Russian life and improved the situation of the country.

It would be an exaggeration to say that all this happened thanks to Zhukovsky, that if the tsar had not had communication with him and such an upbringing, none of this would have happened. History went on as usual, and Alexander II (Fig. 7) had to abolish serfdom. But still, it is often said that much of the details could have been different, that Zhukovsky, with his upbringing, inspired the tsar to do what he did.

Rice. 7. Tsar Alexander II ()

Nevertheless, our idea of ​​Zhukovsky is not so much an idea of ​​a patriotic poet, although he certainly was such, but of a poet who brought extraordinary colloquial ease to Russian poetry. In this he followed Karamzin. But they had opponents. There was a struggle for what Russian literature should be like. Opponents, who are called archaists, that is, supporters of antiquity, walked in the wake of Lomonosov (Fig. 8) and Derzhavin.

Rice. 8. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov ()

They wanted the Russian verse to be slow, strict, majestic, so that there was no colloquial words and borrowings from foreign languages. Karamzin, Zhukovsky, and later Batyushkov and Pushkin thought differently. They believed that poetry has the right to be outwardly light, that the verse should be flexible, mobile, similar to speech. ordinary people. Of course, not for conversations somewhere in a tavern or in the market, but for how educated nobles talked in their natural environment. They did not see anything wrong with borrowing words from French or some other language, as long as the verse was meaningful, even, harmonious, harmonious.

That is, one can speak of Zhukovsky as an innovator. And not as a theoretician, but as a very successful practice. Karamzin also wrote good poetry, but not bad. Zhukovsky was like a poet a class above. He showed in practice what others were talking about: a verse can be light, uninhibited.

Rice. 9. V.A. Zhukovsky. Portrait of Bryullov ()

We are accustomed to thinking that Pushkin or Konstantin Batyushkov began to write this way, but this is not so. Zhukovsky's poems are already light, already very readable. Reading 18th-century poetry usually requires a certain amount of effort, a certain amount of reading effort. Zhukovsky's poems are read easily and naturally, like Pushkin's poems.

Zhukovsky was 16 years older than Pushkin. When people are young, it makes a huge difference. Zhukovsky influenced Pushkin (Fig. 10) both as a senior writer and as a friend.

Rice. 10. A.S. Pushkin ()

Zhukovsky had to outlive Pushkin and bury him. Relations between them developed quite harmoniously. Zhukovsky tried to nurture and cultivate the talent of the young Pushkin, to pass on to him worldly and other useful advice.

Poets often compete: ambition, wounded pride. But Zhukovsky was indeed a very harmonious person. He did not envy Pushkin's growing powerful talent at all. Moreover, Zhukovsky calmly recognized Pushkin's primacy at some point and told him: "Now you are the first poet of Russia". Once Zhukovsky wrote to Pushkin: "To the winner-student from the defeated teacher". When Pushkin was dying from a mortal wound, Zhukovsky was near him, passing the notes from Pushkin to the tsar and vice versa (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Death of Pushkin ()

Zhukovsky's life after Pushkin showed that it is not necessary for a poet to be necessarily young, to die young, that even if you are surpassed in some way, this is not a reason for despondency or for stopping your activity.

The last years of Zhukovsky were also harmonious. He got married, had two children and wrote many more beautiful poems, including a translation of Homer's Odyssey.

Read the beginning of the fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess":

“Once upon a time there was a good king Matvey;
Lived with his queen

He has been in agreement for many years;
And there are still no children.
Once the queen is in the meadow,
On the green coast
There was only one stream;
She wept bitterly."

It may seem to us that the first two lines are the lines of a Russian folk tale. But this is a translation from French. This fairy tale was composed by Charles Perrault, everyone is well famous writer(Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Charles Perrault ()

Zhukovsky took only the first part of this tale and translated it into Russian verses in a Russian, partly folk style, using funny elements. One of these funny elements is that, for example, at first Tsar Matvey and his wife suffer from the fact that they do not have children. And the news comes to them that they will have a child (girl) cancer, which, as you know, whistles on the mountain. That is, in this case, indeed, something wonderful happens - a girl is suddenly born, and on the other hand, a comical situation arises - cancer comes and tells something. In this vein - a combination of wonderful and funny - the plot of the tale develops further.

A girl is born, and the king invites eleven fairies who live nearby, but does not call the twelfth (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Fairy says wish ()

The motivation is the same as that of Charles Perrault - only eleven golden utensils from which you can eat at the feast turned out to be with the king and queen. There is no twelfth instrument. The twelfth enchantress - an evil, bad woman who was not called, nevertheless comes and says a terrible thing: she predicts that the girl will prick herself with a spindle and die. Here's what she says:

""I was not at the feast,
But she brought a gift:
In the sixteenth year
You will meet trouble;
At this age
Your hand is a spindle
Scratch my light
And you will die in your prime!"
(Fig. 14)

Rice. 14. The prediction of the evil sorceress ()

Pay attention to the affectionate home turnover "my light". Zhukovsky introduces such phrases and phrases in abundance into his ballads and fairy tales, making lively home speech a part of literary speech. And since the time of Zhukovsky, for us, both of them - family, home, ordinary speech and fairy tales, ballads that can be read to children - are inseparable, this is a kind of single speech stream.

Tsar Matvey does not find anything better than to make a wise decision - to ban spindles.

Since there are no spindles, the princess will not prick and everything will be fine. Indeed, the first fifteen years of her life pass smoothly. But that is what the prediction is. It says that she will inject when she is 15-16 years old. The point is that this will happen when the girl turns into adult girl, that is, the time of marriage will come at that time. The meaning of the prediction is that she will live happy childhood, but adult life she won't have.

The girl turns 16, she is bored, she goes for a walk around the palace (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. The princess climbs the stairs in the palace ()

And this is what she sees:

“She went through the palace:
Lush rooms are innumerable;
She admires everything;
Here it looks, it's open
door to peace; at rest
Winding staircase screw
around the pillar; by steps
Ascends up and sees - there
The old woman is sitting;
The comb under the nose sticks out;
The old woman is spinning
And sings behind the yarn:
"Spindle, don't be lazy;
The yarn is thin, do not tear;
Coming soon at a good hour
A guest awaited by us"
(Fig. 16) .

Rice. 16. The princess pricked herself with a spindle ()

At first there was a description of how she walks and what she sees. This is typical. In this work of Zhukovsky there are very few events and many lines about events. The point here is not the development of the action. We already know how everything will happen, because we read Perrault. For Zhukovsky, the description of the action itself is more important. The author wants to show us how beautiful the world is, how many curiosities there are in it, rooms, gardens, forests, and how all this can be described in a flexible, understandable, beautiful verse.

The girl enters the door, behind which an old woman is waiting for her. It is clear that this is the same witch who took the form of a spinner. Immediately she gives the girl a spindle, she pricks herself and falls dead (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. The prediction of the evil sorceress came true ()

At this point, you need to return to the beginning of the work and remember that there was another fairy who did not have time to utter her prophecy before this evil old woman. And therefore the last word left for the good fairy. She said that it would be so: she would prick herself, she would fall, but she would not die - it would be a dream:

“A dream comes upon her;
Together with her he embraces
All huge royal house;
Everything calmed down all around;
Returning to the palace
On the porch her father
Staggered and yawned
And fell asleep with the queen;
The whole retinue sleeps behind them;
The royal guard stands
Under the gun in deep sleep
And on a sleeping horse
In front of her is the cornet himself;
Motionless on the walls
Sleepy flies sit;
At the gate the dogs sleep;
In the stalls, heads bowed,
Lush manes lowered,
Horses do not eat feed
Horses sleep deep sleep;
The cook sleeps in front of the fire;
And the fire, enveloped in sleep,
Doesn't burn, doesn't burn
It stands like a sleepy flame;
And will not touch him,
Having curled up in a club, sleepy smoke ... "

We again see a long description. And all this asks for a canvas, or a film, or a cartoon (Fig. 18).

There is a feeling that Zhukovsky chose this plot for poetry precisely because of sleep, because it is possible to depict sleeping objects, sleeping people and at the same time create fantastic, fascinating pictures: a frozen sleeping fire, a puff of smoke sleeping above it, sleepy flies on the walls, cornet. Please note that the introduction of cornet into the work is the moment of Russification, because there are no cornets in France.

cornet- first officer rank Cossack troops, which corresponded to a cornet in the cavalry or a second lieutenant in the infantry.

Zhukovsky, on the one hand, transfers everything to Russian soil, and, on the other hand, gives us a fairy tale to admire the oddities of a sleeping, frozen world.

At the next stage of the plot, we again see long pictures of a sleeping colorful world.

At some point, naturally, a prince appears who must cast a spell on the girl. In Zhukovsky, he does this through a kiss. He kisses her, delighted with her beauty, she comes to life, and everyone wakes up (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. The kiss of the prince saves the princess ()

Perrault does not have a kiss in the fairy tale. He meets deadlines, and everything comes to life at the right time.

The prince finds himself in an enchanted palace. The most interesting thing in the fairy tale is not the prince and not his exploits (because in fact there is no feat - he just arrives), but a long colorful description:

"What appeared to the eyes
The king's son? Fence,
Enclosing the dark forest,
Not a thick blackthorn,
But the bush is young;
Roses are shining in the bushes;
Before the knight he himself
Parted as if alive;
My knight enters the forest:
Everything is fresh, red before him;
For young flowers
Moths dance, sparkle;
Bright snake streams
Curl, foam, murmur;
The birds are jumping and making noise
In the density of living branches;
The forest is fragrant, cool, quiet,
And nothing is terrible in it.
He rides the smooth way
An hour, another; finally
Before him stands a palace,
The building is a miracle of antiquity;
The gates are open;
He enters the gate;
He meets in the yard
The darkness of people, and everyone sleeps:
He sits as if rooted to the spot;
He walks without moving;
He stands with his mouth open
Sleep cut off the conversation
And silent in the mouth since then
Unfinished speech…”

Zhukovsky murmurs like a stream: very natural, organic. The pictures that he paints for us are very good for those people who are prone to contemplation and observation, and not just to action. Apparently, for the sake of this, Zhukovsky came to Russian poetry - in order to develop Russian speech, poetry and give us the beauty and magic of the structure of speech.

AT early XIX century, the famous German philologists, the Grimm brothers (Fig. 20), collected German folk tales and published them, having processed them literary.

Rice. 20. Brothers Grimm ()

One of the most famous is Snow White. This is a story quite similar to the fairy tale of Charles Perrault, only in it the girl is pursued by an evil stepmother. She goes to dark forest from this persecution, meets with seven dwarfs, who give her shelter. These stories are similar but different features. Perrault has no history of life in the forest and no gnomes.

A couple of years after Zhukovsky wrote The Sleeping Princess, for desk Pushkin sits down with the same plot. More precisely, it connects two plots - "Snow White" by the Brothers Grimm and a fairy tale by Charles Perrault. There is no doubt that Pushkin knew Perrault's tale even without Zhukovsky, but it was the work of Vasily Zhukovsky that influenced him. As a result, under the clear influence of Zhukovsky and previously read fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, Pushkin creates “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes. Most likely, without the lesser-known fairy tale by Zhukovsky, there would be no well-known fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin for all of us.


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  1. What is the innovation of V.A. Zhukovsky?
  2. What characteristic features does the tale of V.A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess” possess?
  3. Spend comparative analysis fairy tales of Zhukovsky and Perrault.