Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The goal is to go and everything will work out. Take it slowly but regularly

Why is there always a lot of obstacles on the way to the goal? What stops us from achieving our goals? Does visualization help in the fulfillment of desires? How to become successful and learn how to achieve your goals? We discussed these issues with Anna Khnykina, Head of the Psychological Center "Assistance".

Our main problem is the lack of interest in the very process of achieving: Concentrating on the goal, people often forget about the process. The evaluation system of school education, which is familiar to us, orients the student towards evaluation, that is, towards the result, and not towards the process. When we want to achieve something and think about the final goal, we can drive ourselves into a frenzy, due to the fact that the goal is there, and I am here. You need to focus on the process of achievement.

A long target needs to be broken down into shorter targets.. This simplifies the task, because when a big goal is made up of small ones, it means that "I know how." When only the ultimate goal is in the head, it means "I want." And when I know how to get there, it's completely different. When you put the question in this way, a different mood automatically awakens in you. When you see how to reach the goal, you decide: "I will do this, this and this - and I will get there!". And then there is energy.

When the goal is very difficult and a person worked on it most of his life, then it was a goal for the sake of a goal, and not for the sake of a process. In this case, disappointment sets in. For example, a visiting person set a goal: to get housing in the capital. He has been working hard for someone somewhere for 20 years in the name of a great goal, and when he finally reaches it, feels how she exhausted him, and understands that he has neither strength nor ideas for the next one - there comes a moment of devastation . Therefore, you need to find pleasure in what you do. It's like in sports. There is a training process and there is a competitive process. Both are work. The training process is the development of skills.

The competitive process is a test work: whether we worked out, and whether enough. We go to the duel and see how we have worked out the performance, what now we need to hone further. If an athlete's task is only to win, then losing will greatly destroy him, it will be difficult for him to continue training again and find motivation. Or the gain in such a case can be blinding, and it may seem to a person that there is nothing more needed, nothing to strive for. The real result will be only when a person enjoys the process. It is very important.

A person should pay attention to his feelings, you need to listen to yourself to what's going on inside. Is your inner part satisfied with what is happening, is it alive? Or maybe she's sleeping? Here you need to somehow turn the process around, you need to work for your inner personality, and not for the outer one, then you will be satisfied, you will better understand what you want for yourself. Roughly speaking, external goals work for the perception of you by other people, they create your image, but at the same time you do not live, you plow to be perceived well.

The desire to present something outwardly and thus impress people- this is personal immaturity, it should be a signal that something is wrong. It is very painful to understand at the age of 35-40 that you are, in general, still a teenager, that you lived as a teenager, and your life is filled with nothing but vanity, except for rags. You have no relatives, you do not like yourself, you are not interested in anything. You need to develop your inner personality, it is she who gives interest in life, and not in things.

Visualization is a great technique to achieve your goals., it is associated with imaginative thinking, with which it works wonderfully. Here the main task is to get emotion when you visualize, that is, visualize until you really, really like it. And twist-twist this image in front of you, i.e. like you've already experienced it. Then the brain receives information as if it already exists, then the effect of attraction begins to work, you kind of attract the necessary events and people into your life.

If you can't buy a car for five years, don't let this visualization hurt you., because if it's "a thing I can't seem to get" then it's better not to render. Visualization should give you the feeling that you have it and that you are very pleased with it. You should feel that you already have it and how good it is for you. What is important here is the feeling with which all this happens. It must be achieved - the feeling of owning this thing and the joy of this possession.

The author of this simple but effective twelve-step system is Brian Tracy. He has been a recognized leader in the study of success and personal achievement for over 25 years. His track record includes 26 published books and more than 300 curricula translated into different languages ​​of the world. One of the leading speakers and business professionals, Brian Tracy has spoken more than two thousand times to numerous audiences.

How to achieve your goal in just 12 steps- this is what Brian Tracy offers us in his twelve-step system - simple and effective, and amazes even the biggest skeptics with its simplicity. By consistently following these 12 steps, you can become and achieve what you think about, and much faster than in any other way.

This system will take you from abstract vagueness to absolute clarity. You get a ready-made treadmill that will help you get from where you are right now to exactly where you want to be.

I have repeatedly read and studied the books of Brian Tracy. Once I happened to be at his seminar in Moscow with my daughter and husband. I was lucky, such people infect with their energy for a long time. My desire and desire to improve my personal effectiveness arose largely thanks to Brian Tracy. To be honest, I have not used the 12-step system in my work yet. But I really want to try to do it here, on the pages of my blog, together with my readers. I have one goal, I will experiment on it, I will inform you about the results later.

How to get things done

So, Step One: Create Desire - Burning, Strong Desire

Desire will be our motivational force that overcomes our fears. We make any of our decisions on the basis of either fears or desires. The more we talk about our desires, the faster they become strong and push our fears aside. As a result, our burning desire allows us to rise above our fears and move us forward, overcoming any obstacles.

Are you all aware of your strong and burning desire? What is it? It must be personal, even selfish. All the greatest achievements began with the definition of true desire.

Step Two: Develop Persuasion

We need to be sure that we can achieve our goal. If this confidence does not yet exist, it must be developed and strengthened. If your goals are big and require a lot of effort to achieve, don't try to do too much too fast. Otherwise, you can lose the presence of mind and faith in achieving the goal. You need a firm and strong belief that by continuing to do the right things, you will be able to attract the resources necessary to achieve the goal.

Step Three: Write It Down

This is the simplest action that not all of us do. It has already been said a million times that goals that are not written down on paper are just desires and our fantasies. If you write down the goal on paper, then you can then pick it up, touch it, examine it. Just imagine, we take desire from our consciousness and transform it into a form in which something can be done with it. Write down the goal on paper and turn on the mechanism of success at full power!

Fourth step: Make a list of all the benefits

Benefits will strengthen our desires and move us forward. You need to make a list of all the benefits that you will receive as a result of achieving the goal. The larger the list, the stronger our determination and motivation. It is very easy to lose your presence of mind if something suddenly goes wrong. If you have 30 benefits written down, it is safe to say that you will overcome all obstacles.

Step Five: Determine Your Starting Position

Before taking action, weigh yourself. There should be a benchmark against which to measure progress. The more clearly you visualize your starting position, the more likely you will be able to get where you want to go.

Step Six: Set a Deadline

By setting a deadline for ours, we program its achievement in our minds. It happens that people are afraid to set a deadline, afraid of not achieving their goal on time. Something like, "I love it when targets whistle past me." I assure you, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that you weren't ready yet and you just need to set another deadline.

If the timeframe for achieving your goal is long, for example, 3-5 years, you need to break it down into subgoals, which in turn are also divided into time periods. Make sure that the deadline for completing the sub-goal is within 30 days. This will allow you to see results in a shorter time frame.

I once watched one interesting film about a girl who was advised to create her own blog, as she cooked very tasty. This girl had a book by a culinary master who lived many years ago. And she decided that she would cook all the dishes, something like 500 dishes that are written in this book in 1 year. If she had not set such a deadline for herself at the very beginning, she would never have reached her goal. Life always makes its own adjustments to our plans. And only by clearly following her plan, in spite of everything, the girl managed to achieve her goal. The film is called Julie and Julia. I recommend to look.

Step Seven: Make a List of All the Obstacles Standing Between You and Your Goal

Obstacles are the other side of success and achievement. It's strange if they don't. So then this is not a goal, but just some kind of occupation.

Write down any obstacles that might get in your way. Group them in order of importance. Find the biggest obstacle. It needs to be focused on.

Do you know that obstacles can be external and internal? They may be within us or within the situation. If the obstacle is definitely among us, then we need to strengthen some of our skills, or change something in ourselves.

An external obstacle may tell you that you are working in the wrong job, communicating with the wrong people, and so on. Find your target blocker!

Step Eight: Determine What Additional Information You May Need

It is necessary to make a list of information and knowledge that are necessary to achieve the goal. You should immediately think about where you can get it. The advice of a specialist or consultant in the field may be needed.

Have a plan for buying services or learning so you can calculate how much time and money it will take.

Step Nine: Make a List of People Whose Help or Mentorship is Needed

If other people must be involved in achieving your goal, make a list and rank the names in order of priority.

Step Ten: Make a Plan

Finally. So when do you need to write a plan?)) A plan is a list of actions. It's better to have a detailed plan. This is your road, this is your compass, on which you can start moving. This is the basis of your planning and. To draw up a plan, all you need is a notebook, a pen, and your goal.

Step Eleven: Use Visualization

Pictures can activate your consciousness, so you need to present a clear and clear picture of your goal as if it had already been achieved. If you don't succeed the first time, practice. In the process of training, clear images will increase the power of your thinking and like a magnet, the right people, ideas and events will be attracted to the process of achieving the goal.

Twelfth step. Decide in advance that you will never back down

Do you have perseverance and determination? In any case, develop your determination and never think about failure. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching your goal. Be decisive in your decision. Often, thanks only to the strength of perseverance, we learn how to achieve our goal.

So, we have dismantled a system consisting of twelve steps, the implementation of which, according to Brian Tracy, will help us to know how to achieve the goal. In the course of writing the article, I worked on my goal - the creation of another site. How much I will succeed and how long will my desire come true, those of you who receive articles from my blog in your mail will find out. Subscribe and follow the news.

I, in turn, am interested to know what methods and methods you, dear readers, use to achieve your goals. Are there similar steps you follow in the achievement process? Is there something else that you are using? If not difficult, please share in the comments below.

A person is so arranged that he constantly sets himself goals: to learn a foreign language, buy a car, move up the career ladder, fly to Cyprus, gain fame and recognition. The goal becomes for him a pinnacle to be climbed, a desired oasis in the desert of failure and hard work, a destination, the achievement of which is a kind of honor. A person who has a goal looks especially: his eyes are burning, his movements are fast and swift, he seems to breathe with enthusiasm and energy. Hope blossoms and blooms in his soul, and for this he is great.

However, for some reason, many people who cause admiration at the first stages of their progress towards the goal, suddenly drop their hands and abandon everything halfway. Interest in the goal disappears, and it becomes another unfulfilled dream, carelessly thrown along with the rest into the distant suitcase of your soul. What is the reason for this and how to achieve your goals? Consider what psychologists and those who succeeded in such cases advise in such cases.

Clear wording

The first thing that starts moving towards the goal is its clear formulation. In the psychology of success, lengthy expressions are unacceptable: “I want to be rich,” “I want to succeed in my career,” “I want to be happy, but I don’t know how.” In order to succeed in any endeavor, you must have a clear vision of the end result and know what you want.

The expressions of a person who clearly understands his goal are of the following form: “I will become a famous writer”, “I will become a department head”, “I will become an actress”, “I will make a million in 1 year”.

It follows from this that a person knows how to achieve his goals, and, based on the wording, he will build a strategy. Suppose, in order to become a famous writer, he throws all his strength into writing a book with an original plot. The future head of the department will develop a project that will result in a promotion for him. A girl who dreams of becoming an actress will go to enter the theater school. Feel the difference? In the first case, a person says: “I want, but I don’t know how,” and in the second: “I want, I know how, and I will achieve it!” A clear vision of your goal will bring you closer to the result much faster than you will wander in the darkness of your mind, trying to find the line between a dream and doubt.

Do not spray, or how to quickly achieve a goal

You must have one goal. Until you finish what you started, do not invent a second and third goal for yourself. You cannot build a career and have a baby at the same time, become both a writer and an actor. Know how to prioritize. In addition, there is a high probability that, torn between two birds with one stone, you will end up with nothing. But what to do if all the goals seem desirable to you? Well helps in such cases, their detailed analysis. Take a piece of paper, write down all your goals on it and under each of them write down the pros and cons. The dream that scored the most "yes" will be the first in your diary of achievements. For the rest, you can take on only after the implementation of the first.


If you have been cherishing a dream in your soul for a long time, but still do not know how to achieve your goal, write it down on paper. And then the vague inner representation will acquire clear and tangible forms. Fantasy, walking in the imagination, you clothe in a specific goal. Recording will no longer allow you to give up, with this action you will get rid of doubts and start the mechanism of success at full speed. Record also the benefits arising from the achievement of the goal. They will only spur your desire to move forward, inspire you and lead you. Having thrown out on paper all the positive aspects of achieving the goal, you will convince yourself that you will be able to overcome all obstacles, tell yourself at the most critical moments: “Once you set a goal, achieve it! And point. After all, in the end you will be able to fulfill so many of your desires!

Turn-based strategy, "war plan"

In order not to go astray and not give in to your weaknesses and laziness, make a clear, step-by-step plan. Indicate in it the time frame, ways to achieve it, divide it into several stages, identify possible obstacles and difficulties. Consistently implementing each stage, do not forget to mark it as completed. Your plan should work, not lie forgotten in a desk drawer. Make regular amendments and additions to it, maneuver and look for other moves and exits. The plan should be made in such a way that you know exactly how to achieve your goal and how to act in the next moment.

Work on yourself

The achievement of the goal is often hindered by such internal factors as laziness, self-doubt, fear of failure, painful perception of criticism, the desire to get everything at once and now. Stock up on patience, sort out those qualities in yourself that hinder progress, deal with laziness and turn a blind eye to criticism and people who condemn you. And most importantly, do not quit what you started halfway. It can become a habit.

Pay no attention to the trolls!

In any case, you will have to face criticism. It is important to remember here that there is no useful criticism. This is the standard opinion of people who consider themselves the most intelligent and knowledgeable. To know the answer to the question of how to achieve your goal, you need to be able to ignore the trolls. You will always be judged, and only recognized when you achieve something. In no case do not try to justify yourself to them, and even more so do not enter into disputes.

All this will not bring success, but will only plant the seeds of doubt in your soul. No one but you can truly appreciate what you do. And if you feel like you're on the right track, don't listen to anyone but Steve Jobs, who said a very useful thing: "Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice."

The quieter you go, the further you'll get!

How to achieve your goal quickly and immediately? This question is sure to be on the minds of many. However, the path to the goal is not a competitive system for speed and efficiency. This is not a decisive battle, but a long-term war, where every step is carefully thought out and verified. It is impossible to get everything at once with one jerk. Any success is built on a series of failures, difficulties and obstacles. We admire famous people without even imagining what they had to endure on the way to victory. “The essence of human nature is movement. Complete rest means death,” said Pascal Blaise, and he was a thousand times right. No matter how fast you move forward, it is important that each day is marked by a deed, no matter how small. Don't rush, just take action.

Smile at failure

No one on Earth is immune from failures and mistakes. However, this is not a reason to drop everything, fall into despair, and then abruptly change direction. Any path is fraught with uncertainty that, perhaps, this is not yours, with the questions “Do I need this? Am I doing the right thing? ”, With bouts of apathy, when you don’t want to do anything. Stalemate situations, doubts, obstacle courses are also coming. At such moments, it is important to stand firm and tell yourself: “Always achieve your goals and don’t give up!” Severely stop your attempts to escape and surrender to laziness. Do not rush from one goal to another - you will not achieve anything. Proven by live examples.

Don't waste your life looking for an original idea

A successful galaxy of businessmen, actors, writers, designers does not mean that it is already impossible to achieve anything in these areas. Yes, you may be a modern-day Einstein, but spending your whole life trying to come up with something revolutionary is absurd. Start small, study the biographies of famous people, follow their example, learn and improve - and then Fortune will gladly smile at you.

sources of inspiration

A great way to figure out how to achieve a goal in life is to constantly increase your level of motivation. Read books, watch films about your field, attend seminars and conferences, fuel your will with inspirational sources of information. By studying such materials, you will imperceptibly recharge your aspiration.

Common Mistakes

Setting a goal is not enough if your mind is filled with negative thoughts. What are these thoughts?

  • "I'll do it tomorrow." This idea is familiar to everyone, and it is she who often prevents people from achieving success. Postponing things for tomorrow, for the next week, month, year, you seem to sign your own incapacity. As a result, days, months, years pass, and you are still where you were, not daring and not knowing how to achieve your goal.
  • "I can not". All people have doubts, but this does not mean that you really cannot. And you try! At the very least, if you fail, you will continue to live with a clear conscience of a person who tried to do at least something.
  • "It's not time yet." Fate graciously gave you a chance, and instead of grabbing it, you sit and think that you are not ready yet - there is not enough knowledge, experience, no time. Absolutely wrong approach. Start today, now, this minute, and the experience will come in the process, just do not hesitate, because, as mentioned above: complete peace is death.

  • "I've tried so many times, probably won't work again." This is the most destructive opinion, leading nowhere. The psychology of how to achieve a goal is built on the ability to learn from mistakes, fall and get up again, try until the path is completed. Being satisfied with what you have is good, but you need to constantly strive for better conditions, a better life, and not drown out your inner voice with alcohol and food.

It's not important to go fast, the main thing is to go. It is important not just to cherish a dream in your soul, but to throw all your strength into its realization. The person with the plan will know how to get things done and will be ready for the challenge, unlike the critic who questions everyone and everything. Do not listen to anyone, move forward at a slow pace - and soon you will find yourself at the desired peak!

Success depends on many factors, such as good luck, environment, knowledge and skills in certain areas of activity. However, one of the most important components is the ability to set goals correctly and make every effort to achieve them.

goal setting

A clear understanding of one's own desires is the first step towards turning aspirations into reality. To understand the direction of action and determine what specific steps to take next, the first thing to do is to clearly articulate the goal and develop a plan. For clarity, it is better to write down, formulating the desired result in the first person in the present tense. That is, as if at the moment it has already been achieved. Another important point is to describe in detail the progress of the plan, break it down into stages, approximately marking the deadlines for completing each step on the path to success. You can then make changes as needed. Regardless of which methods of achieving the goals are chosen, the beginning of the path is identical in all cases: the correct formulation and understanding of what exactly you want.

In addition, there are various techniques for self-regulation and increasing self-confidence:

  • Visualization. Psychologists recommend visualizing the desired result. This helps to tune in to the wave of success and increase motivation.
  • Meditation. It helps to balance the psychological state, reduce nervous tension, get rid of fatigue, increase creativity and unlock potential.
  • Affirmations are frequently repeated positive statements.

Of course, the above techniques cannot completely replace the main actions on the path to success. They only help tune the subconscious to the desired frequency.

There are also various techniques that teach how to correctly formulate and write down desires, make a plan and achieve goals.


Proper motivation is the most important engine on the way to. Moreover, it is an indicator that indicates the degree of importance of a particular desire. If the intention is not strong enough, it is worth considering whether what is planned is really so important? Will the quality of life change after achieving the desired? Or perhaps this goal arose under the influence of others. Almost any dream requires certain costs: effort, time, money. If the degree of importance of desire and the amount of effort required are unequal, the likelihood of success will be in question.

This issue is easier to understand with a specific example. Suppose a person sets himself the goal of learning English, but cannot begin to regularly devote time to a foreign language. First you need to figure out what was the motive. Is it really vital? Perhaps the desire is dictated by the widespread belief that it would be nice to know a foreign language. For someone who, for example, ended up in another country, the question of the expediency of obtaining such knowledge will not arise at all, and all doubts related to language abilities will disappear. The study will become a priority, the hidden possibilities of the brain are mobilized, and a new system of thinking and information transmission will be mastered in a short time.

If there are no such external motivating factors, then you will have to show willpower and artificially create conditions for promotion.

Strength of will

Poorly developed willpower can significantly worsen the quality of life. A person who is not able to overcome negative habits becomes a slave to his weak will. This is precisely the reason why people sacrifice long-term prospects for the sake of short-term pleasures, and natural personal aspirations are defeated by instincts and momentary impulses.

Willpower can be developed by regularly performing actions aimed at self-development. It can be anything: learning a foreign language, playing sports, reading educational literature, playing musical instruments, chess, acquiring new skills in any field.

One of the most important conditions regarding how to achieve your goals is the ability to concentrate on the primary task, discarding everything superfluous. These actions will be easier to perform if you find the right incentive and focus on what you want. It is recommended to set no more than two goals at the same time. Otherwise, dispersal and the desire to succeed in several areas at once can turn into a collapse.

Procrastination is the enemy of success

The reason for constantly postponing important things for the future lies in the contradiction between the unconscious area responsible for short-term pleasures (the limbic system) and the prefrontal cortex of the brain that controls planning and long-term prospects. There are two ways to overcome this negative habit: increase motivation or reduce resistance.

Common causes of laziness and procrastination:

  • self-doubt;
  • lack of knowledge;
  • fear of failure;
  • fear of work hours;
  • wrong habits.

How to deal with self-doubt?

Self-doubt, in turn, can cause a constant delay in action. The only way out is to overcome uncertainty and proceed with the implementation of the plan. For an objective assessment of any issue, you can use the method known as "Descartes' square":

Usually, most people consider this or that problem only from one side: what will happen if the plan is implemented. Looking at it from different angles, one can foresee possible gains and threatening losses. Awareness will add confidence and help to get rid of most doubts.


Another reason for uncertainty in one's own abilities often lies in the lack of information.

In this case, there are several solutions:

  • Find a teacher. It could be someone you know or a famous person. often help to achieve the goal, following the same path.
  • Start self-study and learn about the issue of interest as much as possible.
  • Find assistants and delegate part of the work. Surrounded by like-minded people who are always ready to help, achieving goals is much easier.

How to overcome the fear of failure?

This is the most common enemy of success. Fear is closely related to insecurity and is often the cause of it. The mechanisms for dealing with such fears are almost identical to working with a lack of faith in one's own. To protect yourself from possible failure, you need to consider all ways and solutions. In addition, it is necessary to understand by what criteria the level of success will be assessed. Sometimes the cause of seeming failure is excessive demands on oneself.

For those who have managed to overcome fears, doubts and insecurities, it will be much easier to achieve the following goals.

Fear of work hours

To solve this problem, you need to divide a large amount of work into stages. Each time, proceeding to the next segment, direct attention only to what is important at the moment. It is best to think about the next problem after the previous ones have been achieved. This method will help you do more, save energy, do any work efficiently.

Another good way to overcome fears and doubts is to remember those moments in your life when you were able to easily achieve your goal (or goals). Pleasant memories can inspire confidence and help you look at the situation from a positive side.

Wrong Habits

All life is built from the small things we do every day, most of which have already become a habit. If for years you have not been able to build a life according to your own desires, perhaps you should think about the appropriateness of the actions performed.

A habit is formed by repeating the same action over and over again over time. This is due to the fact that neurons used simultaneously form a network. Therefore, many actions are performed automatically, and trying to do something new is difficult at first. Thanks to this, not only habits are formed throughout life, but also a certain attitude, as well as ways of responding to various kinds of environmental stimuli. That is, depending on the set of repeated actions, a person creates a certain perception of the world around him.

If a person has a program of negative attitude to everything that happens, it is most likely that any desire to succeed will end in failure. You can change this program by getting rid of destructive attitudes and developing. In addition, it is important to introduce habits that will later help you get closer to what you want. Certain regular actions aimed at self-development and changes in the quality of life in general will change the worldview for the better in the future. You can start small. For example, to replace the daily two-hour viewing of a TV show by reading educational books, both general and narrowly focused, allowing you to deepen your knowledge in your professional field. Or learn something new that will help unleash your creativity.

There are completely non-standard methods of changing the habitual way of life. For example, look for new ways to do the same job, change the sequence of everyday activities, develop ambidexterity - become a person who can perform certain actions equally well with both hands (for example, write).