Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Briefly amphibian man. Amphibian Man

menopause symptoms

Climax is divided into stages according to the processes occurring in the body:

1. Premenopause - the period from the beginning of the extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries to the complete cessation of menstruation. A woman's ability to conceive drops sharply, menstruation becomes irregular and scarce. Premenopause begins at an average of 40-45 years and lasts from 2 to 6 years. In the normal course of premenopause, the interval between menstruation gradually increases to 40-90 days or more until menopause. Less often, scanty menstruation is observed with less and less discharge of blood up to the complete cessation of bloody discharge.

Fluctuations in the content of estrogens in the blood are possible, which is manifested by breast engorgement, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, hot flashes, and other symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

Pathological premenopause is different in that a woman has signs of hyperestrogenism, which can be detected during a gynecological examination, mucus is constantly released from the cervical canal. In some patients, the mammary glands are enlarged. This condition is due to a decrease in the production of progesterone by the ovaries. As a rule, there are uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids and other tumors of the genital organs. In the pathological course of menopause, treatment is necessary, be sure to consult a doctor - a gynecologist!

2. Menopause - the last spontaneous menstruation. If menstruation stops and does not make itself felt for at least a year, then menopause has already begun. After the last menstruation, a woman cannot become pregnant naturally.

3. Postmenopause - the period from the last menstruation to the last day of a woman's life. During this period, the production of hormones by the ovaries completely stops, the level of estrogen is consistently low. Pubic hair thins out, the skin of the labia becomes flabby, and other changes occur that are noticeable on a gynecological examination. The amount of mucus from the cervix decreases and gradually it disappears altogether. The shape of the mammary glands changes, they become flabby, the nipples flatten.

With the normal course of menopause, the activity of the reproductive system stops gradually and the body has time to adapt to these changes, the state of health remains normal for a long time.

The late reproductive period, the period of perimenopause, is the time of manifestation of the first menopausal symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency. Menopausal disorders resulting from estrogen deficiency exacerbate changes in a woman's body that appear even in premenopause, and are characterized mainly by a complex of vegetovascular (hot flashes, excessive sweating, headaches, chills, palpitations, etc.), metabolic endocrine (increase in body weight, fluctuations in blood pressure - blood pressure, dryness and aging of the skin, brittle nails, hair loss, etc.) and psycho-emotional (irritability, drowsiness or insomnia, weakness, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased libido, etc.) manifestations . Later, with a deeper estrogen deficiency, urogenital symptoms appear (dryness in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, itching and burning, frequent urination) and late metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, etc.).

Estrogens regulate biochemical processes in the walls of blood vessels, and also increase the synthesis of the endothelium-producing relaxing factor, and therefore there is a high incidence of cardiovascular pathology in conditions of their deficiency. Estrogens are also involved in the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and lipids, accelerate the breakdown of fats, increase the formation of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and suppress the synthesis of all lipid fractions that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, lead to the development of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It is the decrease in basal metabolism, including changes in lipid (dyslipidemia) and carbohydrate metabolism, that leads to the formation of the menopausal metabolic syndrome and a deterioration in the quality of life of women.

One of the significant changes that occur during this period is a violation of bone metabolism with the subsequent development of postmenopausal osteoporosis and fractures of bones of different localization.

In addition, with age, the secretion of inhibins (A and B) by the ovaries decreases, and therefore the negative feedback with the pituitary gland is disturbed, which ultimately leads to an increase in the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone. At the same time, the level of estradiol and luteinizing hormone remains within the normal range and decreases 1 year before the onset of menopause. In connection with the foregoing, there is no ovulatory release of gonadotropins, which is clinically expressed in menstrual disorders in the form of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.

climacteric syndrome

Climacteric syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs against the background of menopause and is characterized by neuropsychic, vegetative-vascular, endocrine, and other disorders.

Early symptoms of menopausal syndrome:

Hot flashes, chills, excessive sweating, headaches, high or low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat;
irritability, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased sexual desire.
After 1-3 years, other unpleasant symptoms of menopause may appear:

pain in the bladder, burning and itching in the genital area. Dry skin, brittle nails, wrinkles, dryness and hair loss. In addition, the mucous membranes (especially the vaginal mucosa) become drier, which greatly interferes with sexual activity. Approximately half of all women gain a lot of weight during this period.

The late symptoms of menopause include metabolic manifestations:

Five or more years after menopause, metabolic disorders may occur:

metabolic syndrome: atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, obesity, insulin resistance;
neurological: decreased cognitive function, memory, vision, hearing,
musculoskeletal: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, which threatens with frequent and complex fractures, even involuntary fractures (as they say, she fell out of the blue and broke her femoral neck)
In some women, the climacteric syndrome is more pronounced, in others it is weaker. On average, menopause (complete cessation of menstruation) occurs at age 50. Cessation of menstruation up to 45 years - early menopause, up to 40 years - premature menopause, while the climacteric syndrome (climax symptoms) is more pronounced.

What are the symptoms of menopause to see a doctor

With the onset of menopause, a woman should make it a habit to go for a gynecological examination 1-2 times a year. This is necessary in order to identify violations developing during menopause in time and to correct them.

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience menopause symptoms such as:

vaginal bleeding,
pain of any localization,
increase in pressure
urinary disorders,
detection of seals in the chest or on the genitals,
nervous disorders.

If necessary, it is possible (but not necessary) to treat symptoms such as hot flashes, mood disorders, and similar signs of menopause to normalize well-being and quality of life.

Note that there is a special dietary supplement for people who are concerned about: premenstrual syndrome, menopause, mastodynia, fibrocystic breast disease, cyclic mastalgia, irritability, frequent mood swings, emotional attacks, PMS symptom, chest pain, fatigue, sleep problems , headache, change in appetite, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, etc. - Agnes. Agnes contains an extract of a standardized extract of Prutnyak ordinary. Numerous clinical trials conducted on patients taking preparations containing Prutnyak extract confirm a significant improvement in PMS symptoms.

Climax. Menopause
menopause symptoms
Diagnostics of the climacteric syndrome
Menopause treatment: HRT, folk remedies
Contraception in perimenopause (beginning of menopause)

The fantastic novel by Alexander Belyaev "Amphibian Man" consists of three parts. The story is told from the perspective of the author. Characters of the novel: Ichthyander - man - amphibian, scientist - surgeon Salvator, Indians Balthazar and Cristo, businessman Pedro Zurita, Balthazar's daughter - Gutierre and her friend Olsen. The events of the novel take place in Argentina. ... For some time now, a rumor began to spread around the town that the "Sea Devil" was wound up in the sea. He caused a lot of trouble - cut the nets, threw the fish out of the boats. But he saved someone from a shark, there were such rumors. Newspapers wrote about the "Sea Devil", a scientific expedition was organized, which proved that the Sea Devil does not exist. But the assurances of the expedition did not dissuade the superstitious Spaniards and Indians, they still rarely went to sea. As a result, fish catches, and especially pearls, have decreased. The current situation undermined all the plans of Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa". But soon he came up with a plan: to catch the sea monster and force him to get pearls from the seabed for himself. After all, the "Sea Devil" was reasonable - Zurita was convinced of this himself when he heard the monster screaming something in a human voice when riding a dolphin. By order of Zurita, a wire net was built and placed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel, where, as divers found out, the “Sea Devil” often hides. But it was not possible to catch him - when the net was pulled out, he cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell into the water through a hole. But Pedro Zurita was too single-minded to give in immediately. Reflecting on the riddle of the "Sea Devil", Pedro came to the conclusion that the underwater tunnel has another way out - on the shore. Not far from the shore stood a huge house, surrounded by a high fence. Dr. Salvator, a well-known healer throughout the district, lived in the house. Zurita realized that the secret of the "Sea Devil" can be revealed only by being in the doctor's house. But Zurita, no matter how he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. But the Spaniard again did not back down from his plan. A few days later, at the gate of Dr. Salvator's house, an elderly Indian stood with a big girl in his arms. It was Cristo, the sly one who fulfilled the request of Zurita. Cristo was let in, the servant took the child from him and asked him to come back in a month. When Cristo arrived at the appointed time, the servant brought him an absolutely healthy child. And, although the girl was not Christo's granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her. Then the cunning Indian threw himself on his knees before the doctor, said that he was very much indebted to him, and asked to take him as a servant. Salvator rarely took on new servants, but there was a lot of work, so he agreed. Much surprised and even frightened the Indian in the doctor's garden. There were rats and sheep fused side by side; spotted jaguars barking like dogs; sparrows with heads of parrots. Fish-headed snakes and frog-legged fish swam in the pond. But the most important "Sea Devil" Christo did not see. More than a month have passed. Cristo noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And one day he introduced the Indian to the "Sea Devil". It turned out to be the most ordinary young man, who, however, could spend a lot of time under water. "Devil", apparently, he was called due to his strange outfit: huge glasses, gloves with membranes, fins, body-hugging suit. The world in which Ichthyander lived - namely, that was the name of the man - an amphibian, was much more interesting than the terrestrial world. Under water, the young man had friends - dolphins. He became particularly attached to one dolphin, giving him the nickname "Leading". And once Ichthyander saw a girl - she was tied to a board and was almost dying. The young man pulled her ashore, and he disappeared. A mustachioed gentleman immediately ran up to the girl and began to convince her that he was a savior. And Ichthyander fell in love with a stranger. He told Christo about her. The cunning Indian suggested that the young man go to the city - there are many girls there, and among them, perhaps, there is that beautiful stranger. On the appointed day, Ichthyander and Christo went to the city. Cristo's goal is to bring the young man to his brother Balthazar, where Pedro Zurita will be waiting for them. But at Balthazar's house they meet only Gutierre, his adopted daughter. And, seeing the girl, Ichthyander runs out of the house and hides. Cristo guesses that Gutierre was the stranger that Ichthyander once saved. Two weeks passed. One day, Ichthyander, swimming in the bay, again saw Gutierre. She was talking to a young man, then took off and handed him a pearl necklace. Suddenly, the necklace slipped from her hands and fell into the water. The bay was very deep, and they both knew that the necklace could not be reached from the bottom. Ichthyander, who had already managed to get out of the water and change into a suit, ran up to the girl. With the words "I'm trying to help you," Ichthyander rushed into the bay. Gutierre and her companion were madly frightened for Ichthyander - they decided that he had already drowned, but soon he appeared from the water and gave Gutierre the pearls. It was a kind of small revenge - Ichthyander wanted the young man to receive pearls from Gutierre, but from his hands. After this event, Ichthyander sailed to the shore every evening. He changed into a stashed suit and waited for Gutierrez. They walked every day. More and more, the young man realized that he loved this girl. One day they met Olsen, the young man to whom Gutierre wanted to give pearls. A feeling of jealousy made Ichthyander confess his love for Gutierre. But at that time a rider appeared - Pedro Zurita, and scolded the girl for "walking with a young man, being the bride of another." Hearing these words, Ichthyander took off, ran to the shore and threw himself into the water. Pedro Zurita laughed, and Gutierre turned pale. Now she really decided that Ichthyander was dead. And Ichthyander, who, of course, did not drown, continued to think of Gutierre, albeit with bitterness. Once he saw Olsen among the pearl seekers under water. Ichthyander swam up to him, which frightened both Olsen and other swimmers. But a few minutes later Olsen and Ichthyander were already sitting in the boat and talking. Olsen realized that the famous "Sea Devil" and Ichthyander are the same person. Olsen told Ichthyander about the events that had taken place. Now Gutierre was married to the owner of the schooner, Zurita. Her husband was unsympathetic, and she got married only because she was sure that Ichthyander was not alive. Now she lived at Zurita's hacienda. Olsen explained to Ichthyander how to get to the hacienda. A strange young man in a crumpled suit caused bewilderment of people. In addition, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. The policeman who saw him became alert, and, without thinking twice, put handcuffs on him. However, Ichthyander managed to escape from him, albeit in handcuffs. At night, the young man came to Gutierre's house. He began to call her when he felt pain and fell. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not like the "convict" who came to his wife. The body was then thrown into the pond. At night, the girl could not sleep, she went out into the yard, saw a bloody path that led to the pond. When she approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from under the water. The girl was frightened, there was a drowned man in front of her, but Ichthyander explained to her who he was. But their conversation was overheard by Zurita. He promised to hand over Ichthyander to the police or let him go, but only when the young man gets a lot of pearls from the seabed for Zurita. So Ichthyander ended up on Meduza. Ichthyander was put on a long chain and released into the sea. The first catch has already brought Zurita a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning, Zurita released the young man into the sea without a chain. By agreement, Ichthyander was to investigate the recently sunk ship, and bring what was found to Zurita. When the young man was under water, the crew of the schooner attacked Zurita, his wealth caused too much envy. Zurita was in a stalemate when he saw a boat approaching the schooner. In it sat ... Dr. Salvator. At the same moment, Zurita jumped into one of the boats and swam to the shore. Salvator examined the schooner, but did not find Ichthyander. And soon, with the help of Zurita, Cristo and Balthazar, a trial was organized against Dr. Salvator. Numerous commissions examined animals from the doctor's garden. But the main proof of the doctor's terrible experiments was Ichthyander. Now he was kept in one of the cells, in a barrel of stagnant water. The young man was almost dying - the water was rarely changed. But the trial did not break Dr. Salvator - even in the cell, he continued to write, but somehow operated on the wife of the head of the prison, which saved her life. Finally, the trial took place. Dr. Salvatore has faced numerous charges. The night after the trial, Salvator saw Ichthyander. The head of the prison presented Salvatore with the opportunity to escape, but the doctor asked him to let Ichthyander leave the prison. A water carrier participated in the conspiracy, it was he who took Ichthyander out of prison in a barrel of water. Now the young man had to make a long journey to the shores of South America, where a friend of Dr. Salvator lived. A few years later, no one remembered the "Sea Devil", Dr. Salvatore was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband and married Olsen. This is how A. Belyaev's novel "Amphibian Man" ends.

Belyaev's science fiction novel The Amphibian Man, written in 1927, immediately gained great popularity. The love drama of the main characters, extraordinary characters, betrayal and nobility, incredible adventures - all this allowed the book to rightfully become one of the most beloved and read in the twentieth century.

main characters

Ichthyander- a handsome twenty-year-old boy, kind and naive, a man-fish.

Dr. Salvator- a great scientist, surgeon, who became Ichthyander's father and mentor.

Gutierre- a beautiful girl with whom Ichthyander fell in love.

Pedro Zurita- the owner of the schooner "Medusa", a treacherous and materialistic middle-aged man.

Other characters

Balthazar- an old Indian, the right hand of Pedro Zurita.

Cristo Balthazar's older brother.

Olsen- a worker in a factory, a friend of Gutierre.

Part one

"Sea Devil"

On a hot Argentine night, the schooner Medusa, owned by Pedro Zurita, was at anchor. On the deck lay "tired from work and the hot sun" pearl divers. They were awakened by the "musical sound of the trumpet", foreshadowing the arrival of the sea devil. This strange creature "harmed some people, unexpectedly helped others." Scientists have tried to solve the riddle of the sea devil, but no one has yet managed to see it with their own eyes.

Failure of Zurita

Zurita realized that he could "get rich in one year, if only he managed to catch the" sea devil "". He shared his plans with his faithful assistant Balthazar, and three weeks later they managed to discover a cave in which an unusual creature hid. Strong nets with bells were placed around the cave, but the trapped sea devil easily cut the ropes and disappeared.

Dr. Salvator

Stubborn Zurita did not give up. He bought two diving suits, and, along with Balthazar, dived to the seabed to explore the cave of the sea devil. What was their surprise when they stumbled upon "a thick iron grate blocking the way." After examining the area on land, Zurita discovered the house of Dr. Salvator, surrounded by a high wall.

Sick granddaughter

Zurita learned that the doctor was famous for his daring operations. One day, Salvator saved the life of a girl who was brought to his house by an old Indian, Cristo. On the neck of the child "a huge tumor was visible", from which not a trace remained after the treatment by the doctor. In gratitude, Cristo wanted to devote "the rest of his life" to this kind magician, and Saltor agreed.

wonderful garden

Christo began to work in the outer garden, enclosed by two high walls. Amazing creatures lived here: sheep and rats fused side by side, parrot-headed sparrows, six-legged lizards and many other unusual creatures. Silent Negroes looked after them.

third wall

Having earned the trust of the doctor, Christo found himself behind the third wall, where he saw Saltor's little patients - children of "different Indian tribes". Completely hairless talking monkeys also frolicked here.

Salvatore warned the Indian that he would take him to the mountains to replenish the supply of animals. Cristo asked him to take time off to see his granddaughter before the road.


It turned out that Cristo was the brother of Balthazar, whom he specially sent to the doctor to find out about the sea devil. Upon learning that a trip to the mountains was ahead, the accomplices made a plan - Salvator would be in the hands of disguised robbers, and the Indian would save him, and "then there would be no secret for Cristo in the Salvator's house."

Amphibian Man

The plan succeeded, and Christo became the confidant of the doctor, who revealed to him the secret of the fourth wall. Behind it was "a huge square pool, densely lined with trees." Salvator drained the pool and offered to go down into the hatch. In the dungeon, Christo saw a "glass house at the bottom of the sea". The sea devil came out of the water, who, taking off his gloves, glasses and a special suit, turned out to be a handsome young man named Ichthyander.

Ichthyander Day

Half-man, half-fish, Ichthyander was the creation of Salvator, who implanted the gills of a young shark into the body of a sick boy. Growing up, Ichthyander began to master the sea: he met with marine life, learned to use the currents and cope with the waves.

Girl and swarthy

Once, after a storm, Ichthyander noticed a girl tied to a board on the surface of the sea. He saved the beauty, but was forced to hide so as not to frighten her. Soon, "a swarthy man with a mustache and a goatee, in a wide-brimmed hat on his head" appeared on the shore, who assured the girl that he was her savior.

Servant of Ichthyander

Ichthyander began to serve Christo, whose duties included making sure that the young man spent time not only under water, but also on land. From the ingenuous Ichthyander, the Indian learned that there was a side underwater tunnel through which the young man swam into the sea. Cristo also found out that his new owner was completely unaware of life and was naive, like a child.

In the town

Having learned the story of the girl whom Ichthyander could not forget, Christo persuaded him to go to the city in search of her. “The movement of the big city, dust, stuffiness, hustle completely stunned” the young man. Christo brought Ichthyander to Balthazar's shop. While he was conferring with his brother, Balthazar's adopted daughter, the beautiful Gutierre, entered the shop. Seeing her, Ichthyander rushed into the street - he recognized the girl he had saved.

Back at sea

Ichthyander threw himself into the sea, and, calling his faithful friend the dolphin Liding, set off "to meet the wind and the waves." He returned home only three days later.

Little revenge

The meeting with the stranger deeply impressed Ichthyander, who dreamed of seeing her again. He found her on a rocky shore where Gutierre had a date scheduled with a tall, broad-shouldered man named Olsen. The girl wanted to give him her pearl necklace, but accidentally dropped it into the sea. Ichthyander could not "remain indifferent to her grief" - he immediately rushed into the sea and took out a necklace. So he met Gutierre, whom he began to meet almost every evening.

Zurita's impatience

One day, Ichthyander witnessed a dolphin hunt, during which his friend Liding was injured. Saving the dolphin, the young man himself was injured - "Ichthyander hit the neck with a knife, not covered with scales." Bandaging the wound, Christo noticed a birthmark of an unusual shape on the young man's shoulder.

The old Indian went to tell his brother important news, but at that moment Zurita appeared, who decided to take possession of Ichthyander as soon as possible.

Unpleasant meeting

Despite the wound and feeling unwell, Ichthyander went on a date with Gutierre. Soon Zurita drove up to them and called the girl his bride. In desperation, Ichthyander threw himself into the sea. Balthazar confessed to his daughter that the only salvation from ruin would be her marriage to Zurita, to which Gutierre said resolutely “no”.

Fight with octopuses

Ichthyander needed to distract himself from sad thoughts, and he decided to "put the grotto in order." But first of all, “numerous families of octopuses” had to be evicted from there. Having got rid of them, Ichthyander furnished "his underwater dwelling with furniture".

New friend

A few days later, Ichthyander found Olsen's boat at sea in order to find out about the fate of Gutierre. Having found out that the girl had recently been forcibly married to Zurita and taken to his Dolores hacienda, Ichthyander immediately went after her.

Part two

On my way

Part of the way to the Hacienda, Ichthyander sailed along the river, and the rest he did on land. The young man's crumpled suit aroused the suspicion of the policeman, and he handcuffed him. Ichthyander did not know that "a murder and a robbery had been committed on a neighboring farm last night", and the police were looking for the perpetrators. Once next to the pond, the young man threw himself into the water and pretended to be drowned. While they were looking for his "body", he safely reached the hacienda, where Zurita caught him and transported him to his schooner.

Full stroke

Cristo confessed to his brother that twenty years ago, when his wife died in childbirth in the mountains, the boy survived, and Cristo took his nephew to Salvatore, but the doctor failed to save him. By the birthmark, Christo recognized Ichthyander as the son of Balthazar.

The brothers went to Salvatore to claim their rights to Ichthyander. Upon learning that the young man had become a prisoner of Zurita, they set off to rescue him.

Extraordinary prisoner

Zurita locked Gutierre in the captain's cabin, and Ichthyander was placed in a corned beef barrel. After that, he chained the young man in a metal hoop on a long chain - Zurita "wanted to test Ichthyander as a pearl diver as soon as possible." Promising freedom in exchange for pearls, he released the chained Ichthyander into the sea. Seeing a rich catch, he decided to keep the young man with the help of Gutierre, but she refused to be an accomplice in this vile business.

Meanwhile, Dr. Salvator's submarine sailed up to the Medusa. The frightened crew left the schooner, but Ichthyander was nowhere to be found.

sunken ship

Before the appearance of Dr. Saltor, the ship's crew, having learned about the sea devil, decided to start a riot and kill Zurita. They were prevented by the appearance of a submarine, and they preferred to hide. Meanwhile, Ichthyander, on the orders of Zurita, searched the sunken ship in search of treasure.

Part three

newfound father

Upon learning that Ichthyander managed to get home, Balthazar decided to immediately go to the doctor and pick up his son. When this idea failed, the Indian turned to a familiar lawyer, and he promised to arrange his case - to sue Salvator, and raise as much noise as possible around the process.

legal incident

Pedro Zurita also filed a lawsuit against the doctor, who dreamed of becoming Ichthyander's guardian. The case turned out to be very loud. A search was made of Salvator's house, where a "genuine freak animal factory" was discovered.

genius madman

“Doctor Salvator was not broken by the lawsuit” - he was only worried about the fate of Ichthyander, who was kept in prison in a cramped barrel of dirty water. After reviewing the work of the doctor, the judge considered him a brilliant madman.

Defendant's word

At the trial, the doctor explained how and for what purpose he transplanted shark gills to Ichthyander. He stated that he dreamed of creating a new human race capable of mastering the inexhaustible resources of the ocean.

In prison

The warden of the prison, indebted to Salvatore for saving his wife and child, warned the doctor that "they decided to kill Ichthyander." He offered to help organize the escape, and Salvtor explained to the pupil that he must get to a safe place "in the Great Ocean, on one of the Tuamotu Islands." The doctor himself hoped to be free in a few years and join Ichthyander.

The escape

Olsen informed Gutierre, who had run away from her husband, of Ichthyander's impending escape. The girl learned that her friend was doomed to live in the water, and between them "an insurmountable barrier lay - the ocean." Gutierre did not dare to appear in front of Ichthyander, so as not to cause him severe mental pain. She watched from afar as he dived into the sea to leave this land forever.

After the conclusion, Salvtor returned home and began to prepare "for some kind of distant journey." Gutierre divorced Pedro and married Olsen, after which the couple moved to America. Pedro Zurita was still a pearl fisherman. The sea devil was quickly forgotten, with the exception of old Balthazar, who everyone thought was crazy ...


After reading the brief retelling of "The Amphibian Man", we recommend that you read Belyaev's novel in its full version.

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Relatives of A. Belyaev recalled that once he came across a newspaper article about a trial in Buenos Aires over a doctor who performed "sacrilegious" experiments on animals and people. The doctor, allegedly with the consent of the parents, performed operations on the children of the Indians - for example, he made the joints of their arms and legs more mobile. This fact was supplemented by the book by the French writer Jean de la Hire, Iktaner and Moisette, read by Belyaev. The book told the story of a shark man who became a tool in the hands of people who dream of enslaving the world. From these real facts, the idea for the novel "The Amphibian Man" was born.

About freedom and those who encroach on it

It all started with the fact that the pearl divers heard a strange voice in the sea that frightened them. This secret, which made everyone wary, opens the line of Ichthyander in the novel. Parallel to it is the line of Zurita - the owner of the schooner and the owner of pearl divers. When Ichthyander revealed himself to people, their lines crossed and a conflict was determined. He will become the main character in the novel.

Ichthyander and Zurita are presented by the author as two antipodes. Ichthyander initially evokes a sense of location in readers. And this feeling intensifies as the story progresses. Another thing is Zurita. He aroused antipathy from the first moment of his appearance. Subsequently, it turned out that it was quite justified.

What is the essence of their conflict? The fact that two concepts collided: “freedom” (Ihtiandr) and “prison” (Zurita). In the novel, the image of the prison will become not symbolic, but real.

Why did the conflict arise? Because Zurita, as soon as he saw Ichthyander, set himself the goal of catching him and forcing him to get pearls from the seabed. The conflict is quite real, but one of its participants is not real - Ichthyander - the only fantastic image in the novel. His presence allowed the author to show important issues.

Chief among them is the problem of freedom. Zurita encroached on the freedom of Ichthyander, but he was not the first here. The first to allow himself this, but more subtly and skillfully, was the named "father" of Ichthyander - the surgeon Salvator. He did this under the pretext of perfecting human nature. “Man is not perfect,” he said. Then, when Salvator transplanted shark gills to Ichthyander, he will take care of him, protect him, and maybe even love him. But before, he just took his freedom from him. Salvator does not cause such unequivocal rejection as Zurita. But if you think about it, he is no less dangerous than the straightforward Zurita.

Having become a man-fish at the will of the surgeon - not like everyone else, Ichthyander finds himself in a maelstrom of dramatic events. A hunt began for him, culminating in the loss of freedom.

Pearls as the meaning of life

The difference between Ichtnandra and Zurita is not only that one of them chose the other as his victim, but also that they live in a world of different values. This is especially evident in their attitude to pearls. For Ichthyander, pearls are of no value, but for Zurita, they are the whole meaning of life. And not just for him alone.

Let us recall the scene in the prison, when the jailers were ready to open any doors for pearls. But Salvatore did not even think of using Ichthyander as a pearl miner. He was, after all, a scientist first and foremost.

The truth of science and the truth of morality

Ichthyander is the child of the scientific experiments of the surgeon Salvator. It turned out to be a shark man. But was this operation a boon for Ichthyander? At first, we see him, if not absolutely happy, then satisfied with his life. Salvator gave Ichthyander the sea. True, he immediately limited his stay on earth.

In the end, the habitat of Ichthyander was limited to a barrel of water. Perhaps the author deliberately resorts to exaggerating the situation in order to show the possible consequences of experiments on humans. And after escaping from prison, Ichthyander for a long time, and possibly forever, moves to the sea. In fact, there was a migration of a person from land to the sea, moreover, without his consent. How is it to be assessed from a moral point of view? Are all the benefactions of Salvator, about which everyone speaks with admiration, capable of compensating for the violence that was carried out against Ichthyander? He was sacrificed to science. Is she justified? The question remained open.

Salvator and his experiments were also condemned by the church (ordinary people were only surprised and horrified).

Thus, the fantastic element allowed the author to define the problem and make the truth about two truths obvious. Science has its own truth and morality has its own. Until they got together.

Does a fish man need love?

Before meeting Gutierre, Ichthyander was quite content with life. He was friends with dolphins, had fun with an albatross. Everything changed after he met Gutierre, or rather, when he saved her. To see her, he was ready to endure people and their stuffy city. It was love that showed that Ichthyander is primarily a man.

Thanks to love, it was revealed, in general, the obvious: all the new possibilities of an amphibian man mean very little in comparison with the lost right to love. And again the question: “Are all the achievements of science worth it for the sake of them to deny a person what is the main meaning of his life?”

What about in the final?

Almost all of the characters stayed the same. Salvator, after serving his sentence, again engaged in scientific work. Zurita still fishes for pearls, now on a new schooner. Gutierre married a good man - Olsen.

And only Balthazar, feeling himself the real father of Ichthyander, yearns for him. His pain is so strong that from a more or less prosperous person he turned into a "half-crazy Indian", the father of the "sea devil".

Well, what about Ichthyander? He managed to escape from captivity in the sea. But is he happy? And will he be happy in the future? Unlikely. Salvator sent him across the seas-oceans to a friend - also a scientist. There he will find protection. But what will the life of Ichthyander be reduced to? To the service of science - already in the person of another scientist. “You will be his indispensable assistant in his scientific work on oceanography”, “You will serve science and thus all of humanity,” Salvator says in parting. His pathetic speech excludes the personal in the life of Ichthyander. All that remains for him is friendship with a dolphin and loneliness.

It turns out that science, having pulled a person out of his native element and endowed him with great opportunities, did not make him happier.

Unexpected plot twists, a series of mysteries, adventures and fantasy in the novel "Amphibian Man", which we analyzed, reveal not only the problems of science, but also the problems of man. Belyaev is convincing when he says that science is not only a huge opportunity, but also a huge responsibility for a person.

The main features of the novel "Amphibian Man":

  • genre: sci-fi novel;
  • sharp plot with unexpected twists;
  • mystery as one of the main components of the plot;
  • the reverse image of the situation from the legend of the fisherman who fell in love with a mermaid;
  • division into positive and negative characters;
  • the main positive character is a fantastic image;
  • stereotypical characterization of a negative hero;
  • scientist Salvator as a hero-symbol;
  • a variant of the answer to the question about the right of science to decide human destinies;
  • the availability of educational material about the life of the sea.

The story takes place in a small Argentine city. A rumor spread among its inhabitants that an unknown monster, called the sea devil, had appeared in the sea. But the devil did evil selectively: he tore fishing tackle from rich and unkind people, prevented them from getting pearls, and helped the poor, saving them during a storm.

Cruel world of people

The owner of the schooner "Medusa", the rich man Pedro Zurita, wants to make big money on the myth of the sea devil, and therefore decides to catch him. Further, the events of the novel develop very dynamically, which also reflects the summary. The amphibious man, as Zurita found out, lives in an underwater hole. By order of Pedro, the exit from it is blocked by a metal net, but the devil manages to cut it and leave. Then Zurita decides to break into the house of a great scientist - Dr. Salvator. He sends an Indian with a sick girl to him. The doctor helps the child, and the grateful grandfather asks to serve the professor. After serving for several months, the new servant, Cristo, finally meets the "sea devil". It turned out to be an ordinary young man Ichthyander, to whom Salvator transplanted shark gills instead of diseased lungs. Ichthyander spends most of his life at sea, where he is surrounded by a beautiful and kind world of underwater inhabitants. The amphibian man (a summary of the novel takes us either under water or into the world of ordinary people) once saves a drowning girl, and then falls in love with her. But on the shore, some mustachioed stranger tells her that it was he who saved her. Ichthyander shared his new impressions with the "kind" servant Christo, and he advised him to go to the city and find a girl. Together with Christo, they go in search. Cristo has a completely different goal: he needs to bring Ichthyander to his brother Balthazar, where they will be met by Pedro Zurita. But when they come to Balthazar's house, they find a beautiful girl there, in whom Ichthyander recognizes his beloved. The young man runs out of the house in excitement and hides. The adventure novel is increasingly acquiring a social connotation, which the author A. R. Belyaev gives it. The amphibious man (a brief summary emphasizes the main storyline) gets acquainted with the world of people and involuntarily compares it with the harmonious world of nature, which he sees in the sea. He is struck and disarmed by lies, hypocrisy, greed of people, and he is increasingly striving to go under water. But love keeps him in the cruel world of people.

Fight for love

Ichthyander swims ashore every day, changes into an ordinary costume and meets with Gutierre. But one day the girl, walking along the shore with her friend Olsen, passes it to him which slips out of her hands and falls into the sea. Gutierre is in despair. But then Ichthyander jumps from a cliff into the waves and takes out an ornament from the bottom. Some time later, Ichthyander confesses his love to Gutierre, but then Pedro Zurita appears and reproaches her for walking with Ichthyander, having another suitor. The young man jumps into the bay and disappears for a long time. Gutierre is convinced that he drowned. Time has passed, Ichthyander continues to seek meetings with Gutierre, and we follow the plot by reading the novel or its summary. The amphibious man meets Olsen one day, they get to know each other, and he tells a sad story. Convinced of the death of Ichthyander, Gutierre marries the rich, but hated by her, Pedro Zurita. Ichthyander decides to go to the city, to the house of Zurita. On the way, he is stopped by a policeman, but the young man runs away and comes to the house where Gutierre now lives. He calls her, but Zurita, mistaking Ichthyander for a runaway convict, hits him on the head with a shovel and throws him into a pond. At night, Gutierre goes out into the garden and finds a "drowned man" in the pond, who suddenly emerges from the water and reveals his secret to the girl. But here the amphibious man is seized by Zurita's people and sent to the schooner. Now he must serve the greedy master, pulling out pearls. What does the novel or its summary tell about further? Amphibian Man escapes Zurita at Salvator's house. But Pedro organizes a criminal case against the doctor, accusing him of inhuman experiments. Salvatore is offered to escape from prison, but he passes this opportunity on to Ichthyander. The young man sails to South America to a friend of Salvatore, and the doctor after some time is released. Gutierre divorces Pedro Zurita and marries Olsen.


This is the summary. "Amphibian Man" is a work where, behind the outward showiness of an adventurous novel, a deep thought about the real and imaginary values ​​of human life is revealed.