Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What does yellow mean? The meaning of yellow in symbolism, psychology and the language of flowers.

Natalya Luchina

Yellow color: symbolic meaning

The first association that arises at the mention of yellow is associated with the sun - the sun and the sun's rays draw yellow. And the sun is the source of life on earth, energy, joy, fun, celebration, warmth and freedom. In many primitive sun-worshipping cultures, yellow was a divine color. In the Chinese Book of Changes, yellow is associated with the element of earth and is in the center in relation to the cardinal points. Also, traditionally in many cultures, yellow refers to the "female" colors, symbolizes the feminine, maternal principle, intuition and vitality.

The next area of ​​symbolic meanings of yellow is related to the fact that it is the color of gold. And in this sense, yellow (golden, precious) is used to mark the special importance of the individual, her high status, privileged position, importance, wealth. For example, for a long time in China, only emperors could wear yellow clothes, the headdresses of priests and rulers also use yellow or gold. And in the 20th century, a new expression “yellow jersey of the leader” appeared - meaning a leader, a person who goes ahead, ahead of others (the expression appeared for the first time in cycling, thanks to the sponsoring newspaper of the competition, which was printed on yellow paper).

Yellow is one of the brightest colors of the spectrum, it does not diffuse well in the atmosphere, therefore it is often used as a warning signal (indicative and warning road signs, yellow traffic light, yellow card in sports). In the animal kingdom, combinations of yellow and black colors are found in the coloration of poisonous reptiles. By analogy with nature, black and yellow are used in places that require our attention and caution (on the road, in construction equipment, when using life-threatening chemicals).

Bright, eye-catching, defiant and outrageous yellow carries not only a positive charge, but also a number of negative symbolic meanings. Yellow symbolizes parting, separation, autumn sadness (yellow tulips, yellowing foliage), eccentricity, lies, betrayal, a challenge to society, up to insanity. For example, the yellow house (the colloquial name of a psychiatric hospital), the yellow ticket is a document that was issued to prostitutes in tsarist Russia, the yellow press is a press that publishes rumors and gossip. It was customary to portray the traitor Judas dressed in a yellow cloak. Those condemned to death by the Inquisition were dressed in special sanbenito clothes - a yellow shirt with a red cross, and the Nazis forced the Jews to sew yellow stars of David on their clothes.

Psychophysiology yellow color

Yellow color, like red, has a general activating, exciting effect on the entire body. Especially energetic yellow color stimulates the digestive system. In addition, the yellow color activates mental activity, sharpens attention and memory, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Yellow color stimulates the activity of the brain, contributing to sharper and clearer vision, thus, yellow color helps to maintain cheerfulness, increased efficiency, and reduces the feeling of fatigue. And, of course, along with red, it is the "leader" among the colors that have a powerful antidepressant effect. Along with a positive effect, the perception of yellow can also have an undesirable effect - for example, it is believed that yellow can provoke dizziness.

Therapeutic effect of yellow

Yellow color has long been used for the magical healing of diseases, somehow related to this color - jaundice, for example. The ritual was built in such a way that the yellow color associated with the disease would pass from the patient to an animal, object or creature of yellow color (the sun, the golden eyes of a subspecies of jackdaws, a yellow stone). Oddly enough, this use of yellow turned out to be scientifically justified. Yellow color contributes to the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In addition, yellow color is used to treat other diseases associated with digestion - gastritis, colitis, constipation, and even diabetes. Also, the yellow color is healing for skin diseases (eczema, allergies, etc.), since it contributes to the natural processes of cleansing the body, and in general has a beneficial effect on the processes of self-regulation of the body. Creating a sense of security, and nourishing the "feminine" of patients, yellow helps in the treatment of female neuroses.

The psychological meaning of yellow

The psychological meaning of yellow is openness, readiness for change, self-disclosure, trust in the outside world, security, freedom and fun.

Yellow color is more preferred by women in a normal, non-crisis state, and can be chosen by men in a state of stress. Yellow and lime colors improve the mood of babies, and after a period of 3 to 5 years, when red becomes a favorite, by 7-8 years, yellow again becomes a favorite color in children. Those who love yellow are people who are characterized by a desire for change, in particular in relationships with other people, who believe that they can resolve conflict and be happy, who have hope and optimism. According to research by Soviet psychologists, yellow is most associated with the emotions of surprise and joy, and is practically not associated with sadness and fatigue.

If a person actively rejects the color yellow, this indicates disappointment, feeling isolated, cut off from other people, inability to see a perspective and a positive future for himself, such a person may intentionally avoid disappointment and related contacts, is suspicious of others.

Yellow color in the interior

Yellow creates the effect of the presence of the sun in the room, so the use of yellow is definitely useful in dimly lit, cold rooms. Just like white, yellow visually expands the space. Thanks to yellow, you can unobtrusively highlight, enlarge a separate element of the interior, which will look larger, but at the same time it will look light and airy. Most often used not on large solid surfaces, but in combination with other colors. In interior design, a diverse array of light shades of yellow is very popular. Yellow color is great for creating 80s or retro Chinese style interiors as well as classic interiors. Since yellow promotes the functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to use it for decorating the kitchen and dining room. According to research results, pregnant women who are tuned in for natural childbirth and motherhood choose yellow, and this color is also preferred for babies, so using yellow for decorating a nursery, especially in combination with green, will be justified. Also, yellow color is used in offices - because it promotes concentration of attention, intellectual activity. The combination of yellow and white creates an atmosphere of airiness, celebration, lightness in the interior, and is great for the kitchen, bathroom, nursery.

yellow in clothes

Using yellow color in clothes, you will definitely attract attention to yourself. Since yellow visually enlarges, expands, you may seem “a lot” if you are completely dressed in yellow. More freely, yellow can be used in combination with other colors, as an element of a costume (bag, shoes, scarf, etc.). An item of clothing in yellow can effectively highlight and emphasize the dignity of your figure. You need to be very careful about the combination of the shade of yellow and the color of your skin. A bright shade of yellow that doesn't match your color type can make your skin look unhealthy, pale, and accentuate any minor imperfections in your skin or hair color.

yellow in advertising

Yellow is very actively used in advertising - bright, eye-catching, but not aggressive, like red, for example, yellow has become the main color for many well-known brands and successful advertising companies.

For example, it was yellow that led to the success of John Hertz's Yellow Cab taxi company, when in 1915, on the advice of consultants, he repainted all his taxis yellow. Thus, the association of yellow with a taxi car, which is familiar to us all, was born.

Brightness and a sense of freedom, lightness, accessibility makes yellow a popular color for billboards during sales and promotions.

Such a characteristic as energy, vivacity, speed is emphasized by the yellow color in the advertising of the Western Union money transfer system, and the well-known company Lipton, which sells its Lipton Yellow Label tea in yellow packaging with a red logo in 150 countries around the world.

Friendliness, joy and openness to communication became the basis of the advertising campaign of the "open" modern Italian banks CheBanca !, and the Beeline mobile communication company. While another well-known company in the field of communications, Euroset used yellow to emphasize its outrageous and defiant image.

Yellow, as already mentioned, promotes digestion and, along with red, is a favorite with children, so it is not surprising that the McDonalds logo is yellow, and the company's mascot character, the clown Ronald McDonald, is dressed in a combination of yellow with red and white.

Yellow color is good for advertising children's goods, services of travel agencies, entertainment events. At the same time, due to the positive influence of yellow on intellectual activity, this color can also be effectively used for high-tech goods, communications and high technologies.

Natalia Luchina for https: // site

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Only humans are able to distinguish colors. We unconsciously use in clothes, makeup, wallpaper and curtains different shades, combinations that we like. Any color has its own characteristics and acts on people in a certain way, for example, yellow. Let's see what he is hiding in himself?

Since school years, we know that white can be decomposed into 7 colors and get white in the opposite way. However, it is believed that there are only three main ones - these are red and blue. If you want to check this, you can easily experiment, take paints and mix them to achieve a certain tone. You will not get three, while it is easy to get, say, green with the help of two: blue and yellow.

The question arises: "What does it mean in psychology, and how to use it?"

It is usually associated with the sun. It is with this color that we draw the sun, sometimes orange, less often red. That is, yellow is associated with us with the image of heat, light, radiance, lightness. As the great Goethe wrote, it produces the effect of joy, cheerfulness, excitement. Does the role yellow plays in psychology depend on the fact that it can be formed by mixing red and green color waves? Undoubtedly, because red means excitement, and green means orientation. That is, the first in combination with the second leads to a state of psychological explosion, to emotional relaxation. Therefore, yellow should be “in moderation”, a glut of it leads to fatigue and, as a result, excited tension.

Interestingly, the yellow color in psychology means the need for development, self-disclosure. Those people who are looking for a change, a certain liberation, choose it. For example, these are pregnant women attending classes that focus on childbirth without fear.

It is believed that the yellow color in psychology is a symbol of relaxation, liberation from irritation and tension. The one who strives for the new and hopes prefers it, while the disappointed person, on the contrary, rejects it. By the way, an interesting fact is noted that drug addicts and alcoholics do not like yellow tones.

This color means a dangerous mental state of a person, when he is desperately trying to get out of the situation and grabs everything that comes to hand. This is a kind of symbol of insight and hope, as opposed to strong excitement, bordering on audacity and hostility.

How does yellow affect people?

His admirers are people with good intuition, adequate and active by nature. They can make the right decision in a matter of seconds and at the same time understand other people's views, but they do not tolerate mediocrity. Such people strive for harmony within themselves and do not like troubles, skillfully bypassing them.

Yellow things and objects look, even with their large size, weightless and light, dry and warm. If you want to keep warm, you should sit in a chair of this color or throw on a yellow blanket. He can become an assistant to those who are on a diet, and insecure people.

We found out that the psychological is very important in our life. Good luck making the right choice!

Associated with science, observation and analysis. Stimulates mental activity. According to its qualities, yellow means wealth, dreams, fantasies, courage, joy, intimacy, youth, as well as envy and jealousy. Turbid yellow color is sadness, melancholy, separation.

The symbolism of yellow

Yellow is the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of mature ears and fading leaves.

In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often, yellow also served as a hallmark of noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothing with a red sash.

Golden yellow color is a symbol of spirit, wisdom, the color of holiness. Sunny yellow, as the color of divine illumination, is commonly associated with both the first Ark of the Covenant and the despised golden calf. And with the halo of Apollo. And with the aura of Buddha. And with the halo of Christ.

Dark yellow is usually associated with treason, stinginess and incredulity. In Christianity, the color of Judas Iscariot is assigned to this shade.

Hinduism sees in yellow the immortal-life truth, endowing it with the human seed. Spiritual beauty is characterized by the golden yellow color of Kabbalah and Freemasons.

In the energy center of the yellow color, Tantrism sees an increase in vitality and the acquisition of good health. There is also the ability to clearly express their thoughts.

Usually yellow is considered the color of jealousy, betrayal, and in Tibet, jealousy was literally called the “yellow eye”.

The perception of yellow causes a more gentle, compared to orange, effect on the pulse and respiration. That is cheerful, cheerful excitement. This is probably why the bright yellow color is often rejected by alcoholics. Although here one should take into account the fact that yellow is involved in the development of dizziness.

Yellow color stimulates mental activity. The heads of intellectuals are surrounded by a golden glow. By stimulating the activity of the brain, it arouses in a person an intellectual interest in the objective world.

The meanings of yellow usually include both sensual liveliness in the self-disclosure of the intellect, and joyful cheerfulness in gentle excitements.

This also includes eccentric aspirations to relieve tension in the knowledge of the mysteries of being. And also - the expectation of contacts in search of happiness and the meaning of life.

The impact of yellow on a person

Algerian researcher Benoi conducted a curious experiment. He first blindfolded a control group of drakes with a black bandage. The sexual activity of birds has weakened. He then placed the drakes under an orange light. The size of the seminal testicles of the test individuals almost doubled. Sexual activity increased sharply.

It is interesting to compare the love for the yellow color of pregnant women who have been trained for "fearless" childbirth, and infants. On the one hand, yellow cures childhood anemia, on the other hand, it calms certain types of female psychoneuroses and prevents fluctuations in the state of health.

It is curious that unmarried pregnant women, for whom the child will be completely “unwanted”, categorically reject the color yellow.

Obviously, first of all, in life's disappointments, the action of yellow can be useful as a pronounced aspiration to intuitively overcome interpersonal tension, to ease in communication.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs, excites the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. If you stay in a bright yellow room for a long time, a severe headache may begin. Yellow color reduces the patient's fear of a medical examination. People who are being treated for depression perfectly perceive the yellow scale. And here there is a pattern: the yellow color raises the tone. Patients with alcoholism reject yellow as the color of unfulfilled "hopes".

If this color is rejected, it means that the person is disappointed in his hopes, feels empty around him, feels isolated and cut off from others.

Sensually yellow is perceived as piquancy, emotionality - hopeful variability.

Yellow controls the digestive processes, has a cleansing effect on the liver and intestines, that is, it is cleansing for the entire system, but especially for the skin. Brings harmony in attitude to life, providing balance and optimism.

It is used in cases of nervous exhaustion, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, indigestion, constipation, liver disorders, diabetes.


Red-yellow: in it the influence of yellow becomes more significant. Expresses spontaneity and impulsiveness, destruction. Yellow directs the power of red.

Lemon yellow: cruelty and unrestraint; has antimicrobial activity. People who prefer this color have non-standard thinking, insight, criticality, always control themselves, avoid criticism and compromising situations. This color is chosen by frigid women and impotent women (but not 100%).

Light yellow: a tendency to avoid responsibility, a tendency to simulate.

Pale yellow: freedom from frames.

Brown Yellow (Honey): Combines the lightness of yellow with the heaviness of brown. Need for a happy and enjoying position.

Gold is the color of glory, inevitable victory. Does not sacrifice himself and does not accept sacrifices, remains himself (he does not need anything). The positive aspect is maturity, experience, wisdom, vitality, inexhaustible resources; the negative aspect is pessimism, narrow-mindedness, dishonor. A golden halo above your head is a symbol of forgiveness and a way to overcome all obstacles. Gold combines the modesty of a child and the wisdom of a true ruler. But! - it can provoke conflicts.

Yellow associated with science, observation and analysis. Stimulates mental activity. According to its qualities, yellow means wealth, dreams, fantasies, courage, joy, intimacy, youth, as well as envy and jealousy. Cloudy yellow color is sadness, longing, separation.

Yellow- the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withering leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.

In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often, yellow also served as a hallmark of noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothing with a red sash.

In astrology, yellow corresponds to the sign of Mercury.

golden yellow color- a symbol of the spirit, wisdom, the color of holiness. Sunny yellow, as the color of divine illumination, is commonly associated with both the first Ark of the Covenant and the despised Golden Calf. And with the halo of Apollo. And with the aura of Buddha. And with the halo of Christ.
Dark yellow color usually associated with treason, stinginess and distrust. In Christianity, the color of Judas Iscariot is assigned to this shade.

Hinduism sees in yellow the immortal-life truth, endowing it with the human seed. Spiritual beauty is characterized by the golden yellow color of Kabbalah and Freemasons.

In the energy center of the yellow color, Tantrism sees an increase in vitality and the acquisition of good health. There is also the ability to clearly express their thoughts.

On the other hand, among some peoples of Asia, yellow is the color of mourning, sorrow, sadness. According to the texts of Serbian incantations, diseases are carried away by a yellow man, a yellow dog, or a yellow rooster. And in Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Usually yellow color symbolizes jealousy, treason. And in Tibet, jealousy was literally called “yellow eye”.

The perception of yellow causes a more gentle, compared to orange, effect on the pulse and respiration. That is, cheerful, cheerful excitement. This is probably why the bright yellow color is often rejected by alcoholics. Although here one should take into account the fact that yellow is involved in the development of dizziness.

Yellow color stimulates mental activity. The English sorceress Dorit Valiente says that the heads of intellectuals are surrounded by a golden glow. By stimulating the activity of the brain, it arouses in a person an intellectual interest in the objective world.

The psychology of yellow usually include both sensual liveliness in the self-disclosure of the intellect, and joyful cheerfulness with gentle excitations. This also includes eccentric aspirations to relieve tension in the knowledge of the mysteries of being. And also - the expectation of contacts in search of happiness and the meaning of life.

It is interesting to compare the love for the yellow color of pregnant women who have been trained for "fearless" childbirth, and infants. On the one hand, yellow cures childhood anemia, and on the other hand, it calms certain types of female psychoneuroses and prevents fluctuations in health.

It is curious that unmarried pregnant women, for whom the child will be completely “unwanted”, categorically reject the color yellow.

Obviously, first of all, in life's disappointments, the action of yellow can be useful as a pronounced aspiration to intuitively overcome interpersonal tension, to ease in communication.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs, excites the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. If you stay in a bright yellow room for a long time, a severe headache may begin. Yellow color reduces the patient's fear of a medical examination. People who are being treated for depression perfectly perceive the yellow scale. And here there is a pattern: the yellow color raises the tone. Patients with alcoholism reject yellow as the color of unfulfilled "hopes".

Yellow controls the digestive processes, has a cleansing effect on the liver and intestines, i.e. is cleansing for the entire system, but especially for the skin. Brings harmony in the relationship to life, providing balance and optimism. It is used in cases of nervous exhaustion, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, indigestion, constipation, liver disorders, diabetes.

Painting - paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are great and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

rainbow psychology

All of us in childhood rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the last rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of the colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • To every O hotnik F does W nat, G de With goes F azan
  • To ak O once F ak- W vonar G tin With broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • To each - red;
  • O hotnik - orange;
  • F elaet - yellow;
  • W nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • With goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we did not think at that time that each color affects us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And, now, having already become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are annoyed by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency to solitude, stability in relationships. Red color symbolizes excitement, energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust, ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live in life-threatening conditions for years, rejected him especially often.

Red color is most preferred by teenagers.

YellowIt symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence.

When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a person who is concentrated, pessimistic, with whom it is difficult to make acquaintance. Yellow is obtained by mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

Green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not with purposeful volitional activity, but through emotions, reject the green color as unsympathetic.

Along with them, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he quickly gets tired, it is extremely important for him to have a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others.

In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed who wants to give the impression that he can do everything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a well-known frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtesy.

In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need of a person for peace, and the rejection of it means that a person avoids relaxation.

With illness or overwork, the need for blue increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

Those who prefer to dress in black often perceive life in dark colors, are unsure of themselves, unhappy, prone to depression, because they have no doubt that their ideals in life are unattainable.

The frequent change of a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchy one, indicates that pessimistic moods are often dispelled. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes an aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (recall the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing the lack of care and love often use black shading in the drawing. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures, who think for a long time before making any decision.

It is also a neutral color that is preferred by those who are afraid to make themselves known too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often the gray color is also preferred in case of severe overwork as a barrier that separates from the stimuli of the outside world. In situations of psychological testing, this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into the inner world of the test subject.

A study of about 2,000 young men in a situation of competitive examinations for vacancies showed that 27% of the subjects put gray in the first place instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Color Festival in India


Which of the flowers do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, select 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then, carefully read in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
author unknown